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73 Sentences With "tried to cultivate"

How to use tried to cultivate in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "tried to cultivate" and check conjugation/comparative form for "tried to cultivate". Mastering all the usages of "tried to cultivate" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I tried to cultivate myself, and cultivate this beautiful self.
With Blodhemn we tried to cultivate the pure, aggressive side.
Amazon has also long tried to cultivate a more trendy image.
In 2016, the Rays tried to cultivate knuckleballers, without much luck.
Kasich has tried to cultivate a brand as a centrist fiscal conservative.
Humans apparently never tried to cultivate them (their abilities as ratters are overhyped).
But the economic optimism that Trump has tried to cultivate melted away last week.
" He tried to cultivate that atmosphere, too: "I didn't want to be too pushy about it.
Mr Trump and Mr Xi have tried to cultivate reputations as staunch defenders of their national interests.
But as trite as it may sound, within this boredom, I tried to cultivate kindness and patience.
While SoftBank has tried to cultivate an image of supporting entrepreneurs, defending Mr. Neumann has become harder.
Russia, with which Mr. Obama had tried to cultivate a friendly relationship, continues to be an implacable adversary.
Despite the familial environment that Adlon has tried to cultivate on set, "Better Things" has experienced major setbacks.
He has for years tried to cultivate an image of an embattled Russia to strengthen his own position.
"We've always tried to cultivate an audience that would appreciate our weird brand of drag," Mr. Dan said.
Since the residents of De Hogeweyk can't go outside, the staff tried to cultivate a more normal atmosphere by bringing the outside in.
Since the 1970s, millions of dollars have been invested, and lost, by people who have tried to cultivate high-end truffles in America.
So this is something that I haven't tried to cultivate consciously, but it's something that really works for the court, for everybody involved.
First the history: in the early years of the state of Israel, the Jewish state tried to cultivate good ties with the USSR.
Forgiveness is a resource every human being has and indeed every religion, every major moral philosophy, and every society has tried to cultivate.
I wondered what would happen if I picked a few untranslatable words and tried to cultivate the types of well-being they embody.
The BJP has also tried to cultivate Dalits, greatly expanding its membership to give them a place, and honouring Dalit heroes of the past.
Morrisey received endorsements from two GOP senators who have also tried to cultivate that brand: Rand Paul of Kentucky and Ted Cruz of Texas.
Implementing the law robustly would risk harming the relationship Trump has tried to cultivate with Putin — and any delay would mean snubbing Congress' authority.
Palin — who like Trump tried to cultivate a conservative outsider brand — endorsed the president-elect earlier this year before voting started in the Republican primary.
Target has always tried to cultivate a more upscale image than its discount big-box retailer competitors like Walmart and Kmart, and it's mostly succeeded.
The land was barren and denuded, because many local farmers had tried to cultivate coffee because of its higher prices, but failed due to Kodagu's high rainfall.
That has been the mission of astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) for nearly two years, where they have tried to cultivate edible plants in microgravity.
Sinclair executives quickly tried to cultivate a relationship with Pai; shortly after the election, he addressed a gathering of Sinclair managers at the Four Seasons in Baltimore.
Mr. Xi, who has been president since 2013, has tried to cultivate an image as a benevolent father figure who is working to promote China's peaceful rise.
"I think Biden has a really strong appeal to some of the very same voters that Trump has tried to cultivate among the labor movement," he said.
Mr. Trump is unpopular with much of the British public, so Mr. Johnson has tried to cultivate the president personally while not being seen as bending to his wishes.
The company's chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg, has tried to cultivate a relationship with China's president, Xi Jinping, and put in an appearance at one of the country's top universities.
American officials also sought to end Afghanistan's opium trade — a major source of income for poor farmers — and, at points, tried to cultivate pomegranate crops as a replacement for poppies.
Trump signaled that he was in no mood to compromise as he met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who has tried to cultivate a friendly relationship with the American president.
It has tried to cultivate a reputation for doing serious journalism in its work overseas, something the image of one of its reporters heckling participants during a political conference could undermine.
And some others who have tried to cultivate a secondary source for vanilla have not been successful - Unilever's Ben & Jerry's, for instance, "invested heavily" in a similar project that backfired in Uganda.
Though there has been "forcefulness" on both sides, Newsom has tried to cultivate what one aide referred to as a relationship defined by "mutual aid, respect, understanding" in the midst of disaster.
To start, you should watch this adorable new send-off movie just released by the ESA, which gives you a sense of tone the mission team has tried to cultivate throughout Rosetta's journey.
" The former vice president aimed to contrast his economic vision from Trump's in a key electoral state that is also essential to the brand he has long tried to cultivate as "Middle Class Joe.
Over the past year, Juul, the vaping sensation that dominates 70 percent of the US e-cigarette market, has tried to cultivate the image of decent corporate citizen that wants to play by the rules.
Congo has tried to cultivate closer diplomatic ties to Russia amid growing strains in its relationship with the European Union and United States over its failure to organize elections on time and alleged human rights abuses.
On Sunday, Preet Bharara, who was the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York until Trump fired him earlier this year, said that Trump also tried to "cultivate some kind of relationship" with him.
Working all angles, Mr. Erdogan has tried to cultivate a close relationship with Vladimir Putin, including a purchase of Russian missile defense systems that angered the United States, while threatening military action against Russian-backed Syrian forces.
And over the last few years the Koch brothers, two of the world's wealthiest men, have tried to cultivate a worldly, civic-oriented image to counter the Democratic Party's attacks on them as self-interested corporatist puppet masters.
Yet Russian President Vladimir Putin — who has tried to cultivate a personal rapport with Trump in phone conversations and face-to-face meetings at a summit in Germany — has not uttered a word in public about the sanctions since Trump approved them.
Sasse has tried to cultivate an unconventional image for a senator: A young faith-and-family-first prairie Republican, Sasse distinguished himself in his first term, after being elected in 2014, by refusing to endorse or vote for his party's 2016 presidential nominee.
The Cariocas' interest, and enthusiasm, heralded a celebratory mood for an opening ceremony and a competition nearly overshadowed by the financial troubles, doping scandal and poor ticket sales that threatened to tarnish the profile that Paralympic athletes and officials have tried to cultivate.
In my own freshman dorm room I tried to cultivate a deliberate contrast between what I thought of as the fashion-y side of my personality (represented via collages of arty images from Vogue and Interview) with what I hoped might be perceived as a bohemian, rock and roll sensibility (I actually purchased and displayed a poster that said "Hippies Always Welcome," and I am very ashamed to admit it).
436 nominated Elizalde to Junta Política of FET.Heraldo de Zamora 10.03.38, available here In the new role he tried to cultivate Carlist identity by focusing on requeté effort at public ralliesEl Adelanto 19.08.38, available here, Diario de Burgos 02.09.
A vineyard in Canada, 1905. The first commercial winery was opened in Canada in the mid-19th century. Canadian wine has been produced for over 200 years. Early settlers tried to cultivate Vitis vinifera grapes from Europe with limited success.
Many had tried to cultivate the land and began businesses with little to no success in the social disruption of the period.Charles F. Kovacik, and Robert E. Mason. "Changes in the South Carolina Sea Island Cotton Industry," Southeastern Geographer (1985) 25#2 pp: 77–104.
Both governments tried to cultivate a separate identity and culture from the Estonian people, which included banning traditional ceremonial pieces such as Pidulik marss. The march was reinstated in 1991, after Estonia's declaration of independence became legal, and has been used by the state ever since.
AKS also organized aid to Finnic minorities in Soviet Russia and refugees from there and promoted cultural efforts to help the Finnish-speaking minorities of northern Sweden and Norway. They also tried to cultivate friendship between the newly independent states of Finland and Estonia (and, to a lesser degree, Hungary).
Under the leadership of David Pietersz. de Vries, a group of about thirty colonists restored an abandoned French fort on Mecoria island on the Cayenne River and tried to cultivate the land. The colonization attempt seems to have ended with De Vries' departure. In the late 1650s, a more serious attempt at colonization followed.
After the coup d'état which removed Lumumba from power, Kalonji tried to cultivate good relations with the Congolese government. General Joseph-Désiré Mobutu, in particular, was able to use South Kasai for the execution of his political opponents and dissident Lumumbists including Jean-Pierre Finant. Such activity led the secessionist state to be nicknamed "the national butcher's yard".
Also, in the late 1770s the owner of Charleston Tea Plantation brought the China tea plants to his farm and tried to cultivate various varieties of tea, for example, green tea, black tea and oolong tea. As the British loved drinking tea, the new type of tea led the company to a success at that time while most of the sales were from the British.
Feldmeijer belonged to the volkisch group in the NSB, just like Meinoud Rost van Tonningen. This group tried to cultivate the Germanic part of Dutch history, and promoted a racist and anti-semitic view. Feldmeijer had many secret contacts in German SS circles, of which his NSB superiors were not aware. The Volkisch group in the NSB caused a radicalisation of the party's viewpoints.
Mende stressed that the move was directed only against Mobutu and not his party. Reportedly Kabila had tried to cultivate a good relationship with Mobutu, but the latter allegedly neglected his work and seemed uninterested in it. Following his dismissal, he again ran for office in the 2011 presidential elections against the incumbent president.Rich Ngapi, "Présidentielle 2011 - Mobutu Nzanga dépose sa candidature à la CENI", Le Potentiel, 7 September 2011.
Together with the game they hunted, residents sold the meat animals to markets in Mobile, Alabama, the nearest commercial center. While some farmers tried to cultivate cotton because of the high prices when the market was strong, most in this area had small farms and the owners held few enslaved African Americans. The soil did not support very successful cotton crops; in 1860 only 16 of the 213 farmers in this county raised cotton.
Candour is a British far-right political magazine founded by A. K. Chesterton, appearing weekly from 1953 to 1960, and in to eight to ten issues per year by 1999. The magazine displayed a "stolidly conservative" stance under the leadership of Chesterton, who feared that open racial hatred would tarnish the magazine's reputation and tried to cultivate a more respectable, conservative image.LeCras, Luke (2017). A.K. Chesterton and the Problem of British Fascism, 1915-1973. p.
For Mr. Heathcote of Tiverton, Parkes carried out a plan for draining a part of Chat Moss, Lancashire, which he tried to cultivate by using steam power. The steam cultivation was a failure. Parkes, however, observed the deep cuttings on the bog, and found that deep drains began to run after wet weather, not from the water above, but from rising water. Draining the stagnant moisture from about a metre below the surface had a marked effect on the soil.
As part of Richard's programme of asserting his authority, he also tried to cultivate the royal image. Unlike any other English king before him, he had himself portrayed in panel paintings of elevated majesty,Saul (1997), p. 238. of which two survive: an over life-size Westminster Abbey portrait (c. 1390), and the Wilton Diptych (1394–99), a portable work probably intended to accompany Richard on his Irish campaign.Alexander and Binski, pp. 134–135. See also Levey, pp. 20–24.
In his previous campaigns, Ghalibaf has long tried to cultivate an image as a “man of action”, “can-do manager”, and according to a leaked US cable, as a “pragmatic moderniser”. According to BBC, he is known as a "modern and snappy dresser with an eye for style. In past appearances on the campaign trail he has dressed in a leather jacket and a white pilot's uniform - designed to appeal to younger voters". He has tried to showcase himself as symbol of the so-called “Jihadi management”.
Turkey became increasingly hostile to the Assad government's policies and came to encourage reconciliation among dissident factions. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has tried to "cultivate a favorable relationship with whatever government would take the place of Assad." In May 2012, Syrian opposition forces started to receive arms and training from Turkey and the United States. Turkey's subsequent arrangements with Russia and Iran (from early 2017) caused a rift in its relationship with the Syrian opposition, as the opposition leaders criticized Russia's plan to create safe zones in Syria as threatening the country's territorial integrity.
Even as it grew smaller, the community also became more settled, with several new generations born locally. From the 1960s to 1980s, the People's Action Party government tried to cultivate a shared national identity and to end the historical tendency of Singaporeans to identify with the national – and often nationalistic – politics of their ancestral homelands. While different ethnic groups were allowed, and sometimes encouraged to retain their cultural identities, they were also pushed to integrate socially, politically and economically across ethnic lines. The government pursued policies to integrate the races in public housing estates and national schools.
Even as it grew proportionally smaller, the community also became more settled, with several new generations born locally. A historical novel titled 'Sembawang: A Novel' explores this notion as well traces the lives of Indian migrants who lived in an Indian enclave outside the HM Naval Base in the 1960s. From the 1960s to 1980s, the People's Action Party government tried to cultivate a shared national identity and to end the historical tendency of Singaporeans to identify with the national – and often nationalistic – politics of their ancestral homelands. While different ethnic groups were allowed and sometimes encouraged to retain their cultural identities, they were also pushed to integrate socially, politically and economically across ethnic lines.
When she returned to the U.S., Wah finished her performing arts degree at Oberlin and moved to New York City, where she danced and choreographed (most notably for the Angela Caponigro Dance Company), composed and performed music, and tried to cultivate the sense of community she had found in Africa. Wah joined an ashram and lived with ten other Kundalini yoga enthusiasts in Brooklyn. She spent 15 years there and then moved to New Mexico to serve the mission of its charismatic leader, Yogi Bhajan. After three years, the leader's involvement in corruption and scandal caused her to separate from the group and she joined Amma (also known as Mātā Amṛtānandamayī Devī) shortly thereafter.
In the late 1120s, Conrad supported Genoa in its war with Pisa, and he tried to cultivate an alliance with Florence in order to draw them away from their support for Pisa. It is in this context that, in 1127, he granted Bishop Goffredo the right to be provided lodging (albergaria) in the parish (plebatus) comprising Campoli, Decimo and Bossolo. Conrad also took the side of Lucca in the city's economic war with Pisa, and in 1128 he sided with the Siena against Pisa, and assisted the Sienese to capture the castle of Bolgheri from the Pisan noble family of the Gherardeschi. The last record of Conrad's rule dates to 1129, but there is no record of his death nor of a successor in Tuscany prior to 1131.
The neo-Nazi terrorist group Combat 18 promoted Icke's public speaking events in its internal journal Putsch; of one such event, the journal wrote approvingly: Michael Barkun has described Icke's position as New Age conspiracism, writing that Icke is the most fluent of the genre, describing his work as "improvisational millennialism", with an end-of-history scenario involving a final battle between good and evil. Barkun defines improvisational millennialism as an "act of bricolage": because everything is connected in the conspiracist world view, every source can be mined for links. Barkun argues that Icke has actively tried to cultivate the radical right: "There is no fuller explication of [their] beliefs about ruling elites than Icke's." He also notes that Icke regards Christian patriots as the only Americans who understand the "New World Order".
He promoted racial reconciliation between South Africa's communities, believing that most blacks fundamentally wanted to live in harmony with whites, although he stressed that reconciliation would only be possible among equals, after blacks had been given full civil rights. He tried to cultivate goodwill from the country's white community, making a point of showing white individuals gratitude when they made concessions to black demands. He also spoke to many white audiences, urging them to support his cause, referring to it as the "winning side", and reminding them that when apartheid had been overthrown, black South Africans would remember who their friends had been. When he held public prayers, he always included mention of those who upheld apartheid, such as politicians and police, alongside the system's victims, emphasising his view that all humans were the children of God.
Serving food in Pie Town, New Mexico, 1940 In the 20th century immigrants and migrants brought new skills, outlooks and values, modernizing the highly traditional culture of the state. They included Midwestern farmers who tried to cultivate humid-area crops to the desert climate, Texas oilmen, tuberculosis patients who sought healing in the dry air (before an appropriate antibiotic was discovered),Nancy Owen Lewis, "High and Dry in New Mexico: Tuberculosis and the Politics of Health," New Mexico Historical Review, 87 (Spring 2012), 129–66. artists who made Taos a national cultural center, New Dealers who sought to modernize the state as fast as possible and improve infrastructure, soldiers and airmen from all over who came for training at the many military bases, noted scientists who came to Los Alamos to build a super weapon, and stayed on, and retirees from colder climes. They brought money and new ideas.
August 22, 2017, Fusion GPS testimony transcript of Glenn R. Simpson On October 31, 2016, a week before the election, David Corn of Mother Jones magazine reported that an unnamed former intelligence officer had produced a report (later referred to as a dossier) based on Russian sources and had turned it over to the FBI. The officer, who was familiar to the FBI and was known for the quality of his past work, was later identified as Christopher Steele. The FBI found Steele and his information credible enough that it considered paying Steele to continue collecting information, but the release of the document to the public stopped discussions between Steele and the FBI. Corn said the main points in the unverified report were that Moscow had tried to cultivate Donald Trump for years, that it possessed compromising or potentially embarrassing material about him that could possibly be used to blackmail him, and that there had been a flow of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin which involved multiple in-person meetings between Russian government officials and individuals working for Trump.

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