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223 Sentences With "town squares"

How to use town squares in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "town squares" and check conjugation/comparative form for "town squares". Mastering all the usages of "town squares" from sentence examples published by news publications.

But gallows in town squares hardly keep our children safe.
Ahrendts: We call them town squares because they&aposre gathering places.
No, Budnitz sees Wuu creating a space beyond those global town squares.
They replace the vibrant small town, town squares, and downtowns across America.
More than 500 demonstrations at statehouses and town squares took place yesterday.
Platia, a Greek word for town squares or centers, looks the part.
Maybe the Greeks just went all out and shagged on tiles in town squares.
EVERY winter, town squares all over Europe are filled by the hum of Christmas choirs.
Taking to town squares to yell past your political opponents is a rich American custom.
As president, Bukele has said he will do the same for town squares across El Salvador.
Notably, these expansions won't annihilate Facebook's digital "town squares," like its dominant money maker News Feed.
Ahrendts told Business Insider in 2016 that she wanted to create "incredible places" that simulated town squares.
Where people once gathered in the streets and town squares, there are now highways and multi-lane roads.
We call them 'town squares' because they're gathering places for 500 million people who visit us every year.
Because many retain their historical roots and have their original buildings, charming town squares and picturesque small parks.
Places like WhatsApp's private groups are becoming the new digital town squares, just smaller and with less oversight.
The town squares have been chaotic for a long time; at least now the mayors are paying attention.
Local authorities were setting up tents in town squares and soup kitchens to help families left homeless, Indeci said.
The Army Corps is planning to put generators there to light at least the town squares of those cities.
It shows you the people screaming in Italian town squares, when Knox was ultimately acquitted, that she was a murderer.
In the past year, the group's members have held rallies outside synagogues and in town squares in Norway and Sweden.
But it's also true that The Mall isn't equipped to deal with the dissent and conflict that real town squares attract.
Every night, crowds of distinctly Islamic flavour gather in town squares to hold vigils and deter any other would-be putschists.
American town squares are often ghostly, but Bentonville's centre is cheerful, with a Walmart museum in Walton's original five-and-dime shop.
NEW YORK (Reuters Breakingviews) - Facebook and Twitter want to be like vibrant town squares, bustling with conversation and opinions of all stripes.
"Social media platforms are increasingly serving as today's town squares," Mr. McCarthy said in a statement after Mr. Dorsey agreed to testify.
Schools are shut, public spaces like cinemas are closed, and typically bustling places like town squares are instead empty as people stay home.
Unlike most faith gatherings, Civic Saturdays take place in a wide range of venues — public libraries, universities, town squares and even small businesses.
These violent acts occurred in rural areas and town squares, in secret and as public spectacles, in the Delta, Appalachia, and busy cities.
Over the past 217 years, farms have evaporated, town squares have emptied, even fencing has disappeared as livestock has been separated from the land.
Mr. Trincale also self-published, moving from the traditional lyric sheets of the ballads that cantastorie sold in town squares, to music cassettes and CDs.
But though they were no longer gathered together in town squares and on the streets, Mr. Mirallès and many fellow protesters were far from dispersed.
The majority of the Confederate monuments created by companies in the North are local monuments that stand in cemeteries and town squares throughout the South.
Johnny's student Miguel (Xolo Maridueña), a bullied new kid in town, squares off with Daniel's protégé, Robby (Tanner Buchanan), who happens to be Johnny's estranged son.
Italy's 51 UNESCO World Heritage sites include whole city centers and town squares which have been increasingly worn out by the footfall of visitors over the centuries.
Popularly observed with heavy revelry in outside fields or town squares, the Swedish midsummer weekend is one of the most important holidays of the country's calendar year.
But that came only after hundreds of thousands of people filled the streets and town squares across the country, the largest protests since the 1989 Velvet Revolution.
As news spread of the war's end, people gathered in parks, streets and town squares, overwhelmed with jubilation on what is now officially celebrated as Armistice Day.
But the presence of an electric chair onstage (which is described as being set up in town squares for local entertainment) and a hangman's rope tell otherwise.
Mr. Lenard responded with guerrilla marketing, dispatching vans with "Real Csiki Sor" logos on their sides into villages and town squares, and running a social media campaign.
WASHINGTON — For generations, Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion posts have been as integral to American political culture as pancake breakfasts, town squares and state fairs.
The events ranged from tiny gatherings in small town squares to throngs of more than 200,24.2 people clogging streets in cities like Washington, DC, and Los Angeles.
Apple stores would raise the profile of the company's products and offer repairs and community events in line with its strategy to brand its stores as "town squares".
More than 500 #StopTheBans demonstrations were set to take place at statehouses, town squares, and courthouses across multiple states, as well as in Puerto Rico and Ottawa, Canada.
But it has yet to produce a profit, just like the string of public gardens, town squares and office buildings that the county has built in recent years.
One key to Germany's success is that the color-coded collection bins are everywhere — train cars and station platforms, town squares and public parks, schools, even soccer stadiums.
In retrospect, I wish I had made fewer plans and allowed myself to stop at the fruit stands and charming town squares that I passed along the way.
After Tim Cook had finished his opening tribute, Apple SVP Angela Ahrendts got onstage and announced that the company would be calling its stores "town squares" from now on.
Early Thursday morning, residents of Cincinnati, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cleveland and Seattle woke up to enormous naked Donald Trump statues in their town squares and parks.
Angela Ahrendts, Apple's senior vice president for retail, said new Apple stores would be rebranded Town Squares, places for community gathering, education — and buying the occasional thousand-dollar phone.
Even the strongest retailers are scrambling: Apple recently unveiled a new approach at its biggest stores, which are being remarketed as "town squares" that offer classes and meeting space.
Even the strongest retailers are scrambling: Apple recently unveiled a new approach at its biggest stores, which are being remarketed as "town squares " that offer classes and meeting space.
And while that action will be local, people won't even necessarily be publicly gathering in state capitols or town squares like they were at local Women's Marches in January.
Local officials have offered lodging in town squares and empty warehouses or arranged transport for the migrants, participants in a journey organized by the immigrant advocacy group Pueblo Sin Fronteras.
Mr Salvini has said the League had booked a thousand town squares to explain the aborted government's programme, and will now use the bookings for protest rallies of its own.
Hundreds of pro-secession Catalans gathered in town squares across the region Sunday to put up posters in support of independence and to demand the release of the jailed separatists.
Thus they would become "artefacts, not monuments"; instruments of education rather than objects of veneration, and more striking in town squares than they would be "in safe places" like museums.
But Apple retail chief Angela Ahrendts has a new vision for these stores: They should be "town squares," places where people meet up with friends, attend concerts and take classes.
Kobe also says that more recent changes to the Apple Store, like redesigns meant to make stores feel more like town squares, are an extension of the company's original vision.
While Apple is trying to turn its stores into "modern-day town squares" where people hang out and learn creative skills, this very much feels like a straightforward, nice-enough bookstore.
The suggestions include increased funding for the city's public plaza program so that more town squares would be created in isolated neighborhoods, where immigrants might feel distanced from the political discourse.
In fact, in The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, Geralt of Rivia does it everywhere — in taverns, in town squares, in sunflower fields, as long as he's not engaged in combat.
Ataturk's presence has gradually been felt less, having for decades loomed large, his piercing blue eyes staring from posters, his statue in pride of place in schools, public buildings and town squares.
The MoMA show presents 33 of Kingelez's creations, including single buildings, town squares and mad little urban centers, some drawing on Kinshasa's grand boulevards and buildings in a Belgian Art Deco style.
Town squares, mountain highways, recently completed dams, main streets and county seats, lakes and rivers, forests and farmsteads: intimations of a prodigiously gifted country positively breasting its way into a confident future.
For a huge chunk of American history, whites gathered in town squares and other public spaces to murder black people under the auspices of punishing them for crimes they often had not committed.
It's what marks the difference between graffiti artists and other artists: their familiarity and proximity to the hustle that unfolds daily on the sidewalks, the TransMilenio bus stations, and the plazas or town squares.
In story after story — more than 1,000 have been reported so far — the journalists reveal laws that were never passed, insults that were never uttered and riots that never happened on quiet town squares.
Thunberg recently led 4 million people in a strike, filling town squares and main thoroughfares all over the world to demand that more be done to curb emissions in the face of climate catastrophe.
At the same time, it does no harm to be reminded that we live in a country full of such pro-Confederate legacies — a country full of small town squares that harbor those statues.
"We call them town squares because they're gathering places for 500 million people who visit us every year," Apple retail chief Angela Ahrendts said on stage at Apple's biggest event of the year on Tuesday.
Kantuta said that when he leaves his house, he sees Morales' face or name emblazoned in public spaces such as town squares and along transport routes, as many as 20 to 30 times per day.
Nunn was one of the many abortion rights supporters who gathered at statehouses, town squares and courthouses across the United States in a show of opposition to a wave of laws attempting to sharply restrict abortion.
They said they are still grappling with questions like how to fill town squares after the exodus of retailers, and how to replace parking meters with apps if large parts of the local population doesn't use smartphones.
Almost 154 years after the end of the Civil War, the country is still quarreling — in state capitols and courtrooms, on college campuses and around town squares — over how, or whether, to commemorate the side that lost.
Last Tuesday, thousands of pro-choice advocates came together at statehouses, town squares, and courthouses throughout the country to combat these bans and to show those who want to take away reproductive rights that we are the majority.
At its most recent iPhone event, Apple SVP (and retail design demigod) Angela Ahrendts revealed a new retail concept called "Town Squares" that positions Apple locations as gathering places for local communities to attend concerts, workshops and more.
Apple said Tuesday that it will now refer to its stores as "town squares," the culmination of a recent campaign to turn the company's sleek, meticulously arranged retail spaces into social venues for creative classes, performances, and more.
ROME (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Sunday defended the display of nativity scenes in town squares and other public places, which has become an annual contentious issue at Christmas time in countries such as the United States and France.
And due to the work of the Equal Justice Initiative, as well as historians, authors, faith groups, and activists, more and more communities are slowly becoming aware of lynchings that took place in their town squares and backyards.
Though the Iron Curtain lifted in 24, the skeletons of a Soviet regime linger throughout the landscape: town squares with life-size Stalin and Lenin statues, Russian signage dominating the capital, Bishkek, and, high on the hills, ski bases.
For centuries, we women in this country have resigned ourselves to being invisible in the public sphere, to never seeing statues that looked like us in town squares or our faces on currency or our existence acknowledged in the national anthem.
During Tuesday's Apple Event at the Steve Jobs Theater, Senior Vice President of Retail Angela Ahrendts revealed that the company will now refer to its stores as "town squares" because they view their retail spaces as places for community gatherings.
As America expanded the right to vote during the 1800s, most states adopted mass-distributed paper ballots, but left it to the parties to print those ballots and get them into the wooden ballot boxes sitting in town squares or saloons.
There were viewing events in hockey arenas, town squares, clubs and restaurants from the Yukon to Nova Scotia, and in United States towns near the border, like Plattsburgh, N.Y. "Dear World," the Toronto police wrote on Twitter on Saturday morning.
Apple's former retail chief Angela Ahrendts famously called Apple stores "town squares" in 2017, for instance, and she predicted people would hang out in stores designed around this idea just as much as they would come in to buy something specific.
"I am especially excited to see Macerich's centers becoming America's new town squares and downtowns and Macerich emerge as a leader in developing digitally native vertically integrated brands, the fastest growing digital commerce channel that exists today," Coppola said Thursday in a statement.
They murder American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, they blow up Jewish community centers in Latin America, in war they send children to clear minefields, and they oversee a country that hangs gays from cranes in town squares and stones women to death.
"With this Letter, I wish to encourage the beautiful family tradition of preparing the nativity scene in the days before Christmas, but also the custom of setting it up in the workplace, in schools, hospitals, prisons and town squares," the document says.
In town squares and deep in the woods, in secret and on public display, white men, women, and children of all social classes participated in the kidnapping, mutilation, and killing of African Americans said to have committed serious crimes—or minor affronts on white honor.
And at its most recent keynote, the company announced a number of initiatives to better connect with customers, including branding its new retail stores as "Town Squares" featuring workshops and gatherings for the public, and meeting rooms for the company to connect with local businesses and investors.
And the sound of this bell will be echoed by others in houses of worship and town squares all across this country — an echo of the ringing bells that signaled Emancipation more than a century and a half ago; the sound, and the anthem, of American freedom.
The Wolf Pack case has raised awareness about sexual assault throughout Spain where chants of "I believe you, sister" and "Drunk and alone, I want to get home" ringing out across town squares have taken on a similar weight to the #MeToo hashtag that originated in the United States.
And, for all the genuine focus on heritage by many Southerners, the histories behind many of these memorials — the obelisks, soldiers at ease and generals on horseback staring out over town squares — suggest that they were erected to honor a South very much as Mr. Griffin described it.
In cities and villages, along rural byways and in town squares, the migration has been propelled by an outpouring of support — from the local authorities, community groups and individuals who have handed out free food and water, secondhand clothes, diapers, blankets and loose change to help the procession move northward.
At airports and town squares, in the shadow of the White House and on the lawns of state capitals, tens of thousands of Americans chanted and shouted their opposition to the Trump administration's travel ban — and their solidarity with refugees and Muslims — at more than 53 protests across the country.
" When pressed for comment about the backlash, Apple representatives pointed to a statement from April 2017 ("We view our stores as a modern-day town square, where visitors come to shop, be inspired, learn or connect with others in their community") and said no, stores aren't literally being renamed as "town squares.
In a fit of tragic irony, Ms. Vetrano was killed on National Night Out, an annual event occurring in most states on the first Tuesday in August, in which civilians gather with police officers in parks, on sidewalks and in town squares for the purpose of building stronger partnerships that lead — or so is the hope — to more effective crime prevention.
Leonardo is always walking around town, famously in Florence and later in Milan, dressed to the nines, quite a dandy, with an entourage of really interesting people around him, having debates and discussions in town squares, riding off to Pavia for when they're in Milan to try to figure out how do the proportions of a human relate to the proportions of a church, and he kept Vitruvian Man, that guy in the circle and the square.
Grandiose instances of garden- use town squares are a part of many French cities, others opt for solid material town squares.
On October 24, Austin wrote the Committee of Public Safety in San Felipe that he had "'commenced the investment of San Antonio", and that with additional reinforcements he believed the town could be taken in a matter of days.Winders (1994), p. 58. Meanwhile, Cos worked to fortify the town squares in San Antonio and the walls of the Alamo, a mission-turned-fort near the town. By October 26, Cos's men had mounted 11 cannon--5 in the town squares and 6 on the walls of the Alamo.
Examples of these codes are +234 802.., +234808.., +234805…, and +234807….+234803..., +234806. Internet access is possible either through personal links with major internet service providers using modems or through commercial browsing centres located in the town squares.
Cooley, Emily B. The Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, Vol. 4, No. 1 (Jul., 1900), pp. 54-56. The Alameda was the city's most important thoroughfare, as it connected the two town squares: Alamo Plaza and Main Plaza.
From 15 to 22 June 2008 Malè was the venue of the mountain bike trials competitions of the UCI Mountain Bike & Trials World Championships "Val di Sole 2008". The sections were set up (for the first time in history) in the town squares.
Plateia or Platia (πλατεία) is the Greek word for town square. Most Greek and Cypriot cities have several town squares which are a point of reference in travelling and guiding. In traditional societies like villages and provincial communities, plateies are the central places for feasts, celebrations, events and meetings.
Republic Square or Square of the Republic () is one of the central town squares and an urban neighborhood of Belgrade, located in the Stari Grad municipality. It is the site of some of Belgrade's most recognizable public buildings, including the National Museum, the National Theatre and the statue of Prince Michael.
Studentski Trg (), or Students Square, is one of the central town squares and an urban neighborhood of Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. It is located in Belgrade's municipality of Stari Grad. In the Classical Antiquity, area of the modern square was the center of Singidunum, Roman precursor of modern Belgrade.
The festival is hosted by the Light-up Hiroshima Project Executive Committee and supported by all public and private broadcasters in Hiroshima as a winter night attraction in for residents and visitors. Every street in downtown Hiroshima, together with the town squares are illuminated with a million and a half LED lights.
It has a mixture of post-World War I neoclassical mansions with vernacular Cycladic houses. The town squares are paved with marble. At the end of the headland are two islands. The first, linked to the mainland by a brick bridge, with a ruined Venetian castle and the second with a lighthouse.
Christmas lights and banners may be hung along streets, music played from speakers, and Christmas trees placed in prominent places.Murray, Brian. "Christmas lights and community building in America," History Matters, Spring 2006. It is common in many parts of the world for town squares and consumer shopping areas to sponsor and display decorations.
Like other notable old-town squares, Main Market Square in Kraków is also known for its large population of rock pigeons, florist stalls, gift-shops, beer-gardens and horse-drawn carriages. Fiacres first appeared in the 1830s as rented carriages. Now, they offer tours around the Old Town and to the Wawel Royal Castle.
To commemorate this occasion bullets were built in the church walls. The period between the First World War and the Second World War was a period of prosperity. Ostrów was rebuilt and developed (concrete pavements along town squares, a bridge over the Tyśmienica, a school, community house, fourteen new streets). At that time Ostrów was much overpopulated.
10 The conversion of many during the 20th century into public parks renders those garden squares a subset of town squares, that is those with a garden square heritage. Some remain private – they may open intermittently or regularly – but many today are open to the public at least during part of every day, serving as small parks.
Decorations (e.g., streamers, balloons, and clothing) are generally colored red, and white, the colors of the Turkish flag. Anıtkabir is visited by more than a hundred thousand people every year. Parades are often held in the morning, while concerts, and fireworks displays occur in the evening after dark at such places as parks, fairgrounds, or town squares.
Die Bibel in Bildern. A gathering place is any place where people are able to congregate. Gathering places may be public; for example, city streets, town squares, and parks; or private; for example, churches, coffee shops, stadiums, and theaters. Examples of gathering places include Stonehenge, the agora of ancient Greece, New York City's Central Park, and London's Trafalgar Square.
Erfurt: Deutsche Stiftung DenkmalschutzKrämerbrücke on Retrieved 3 June 2018 The stone, pedestrian bridge, which dates from 1325, is one of the oldest secular structures in Erfurt.Ranglack, Klaus; Hans-Peter Brachmanski (1999) Die Erfurter Krämerbrücke und ihre Feste. Erfurt: Verlagshaus Thüringen It spans the Breitstrom, a branch of Gera River, and connects two town squares - Benediktsplatz and Wenigemarkt.
51, 71, 75-76. In 1886 the French traveler Hugues Krafft wrote of the Schuhplattler: ::On Sundays and holidays one sees couples dancing to music on larger town squares everywhere — preferably the Ländler, a leisurely waltz popular among girls and boys. The biggest attraction, however, even for the local farmers, is always the Schuhplatter. It ... begins with forming a circle.
"Christmas lights and community building in America," History Matters, Spring 2006. It is common in many parts of the world for town squares and consumer shopping areas to sponsor and display decorations. Rolls of brightly colored paper with secular or religious Christmas motifs are manufactured for the purpose of wrapping gifts. In some countries, Christmas decorations are traditionally taken down on Twelfth Night.
Liberal President Benito Juárez saw the need to create military bands.Velázquez and Vaughan, "Mestizaje and Musical Nationalism in Mexico", p. 95. Village brass bands proliferated in the late nineteenth century, with concerts in town squares, often on a central kiosk.Guy P.C. Thomson, "The Ceremonial and Political Roles of Village Bands, 1846–1974" in Rituals of Rule, Rituals of Resistance, eds.
Adams married Thomas Wilson in Milford on October 6, 1851. An escaped slave, Wilson had been traveling around New England giving lectures based on his life. Although he continued to lecture periodically in churches and town squares, he told Hattie that he had never been a slave and that he had created the story to gain support from abolitionists. Wilson abandoned Harriet soon after they married.
St. Mary's Church Castle Square Princess Way () links Kingsway Circle to the north with Oystermouth Road to the south. The northern section of the street is fully pedestrianised and is fronted with shops. The southern section is fronted with pubs, restaurants and offices and has a Travelodge hotel, a Vue cinema and Aspers casino. The central portion of Princess Way opens onto two town squares.
The Green Christ (in French: Le Christ vert) is a painting executed by Paul Gauguin in autumn 1889 in Pont-Aven, Brittany, France. Together with The Yellow Christ, it is considered to be one of the key-works of Symbolism in painting. It depicts a Breton woman at the foot of a calvary, or sculpture of Christ's crucifixion. Calvaries are common in town squares in Brittany.
Portuguese workers are also hired for their skill in creating these pavements in places such as Gibraltar. Being usually used in sidewalks, it is in town squares and atriums that this art finds its deepest expression. One of the most distinctive uses of this paving technique is the image of Saint-Queen Elizabeth of Portugal, (Santa Rainha Isabel) in Coimbra, designed with black and white stones of basalt and limestone.
A square top set over the house. It also should be of note that, in the majority of Europe, fixed stages were more common than wagons, and the sites of the fixed stages varied from place to place. In Rome the ancient amphitheatres were used, and in places like Mons, France and Frankfurt-am-Main in Germany, town squares were the primary auditorium.Brockett, Oscar G., and Franklin J. Hildy.
The characteristic feature of Friedenau is the Carstenn figure, named after urban developer Johann Anton Wilhelm von Carsten. This symmetrical figure consists of an avenue dividing a circular road, which is delimited by four town squares. Some streets in Friedenau were renamed after rivers in Alsace- Lorraine to commemorate the annexation of this region into the German Empire. The majority of buildings in Friedenau date to the early 20th century.
The horsemen are dressed in vividly colored costumes, with period weapons, and are accompanied by a drum corps and musicians. Modern Durbar festivals include prayers at the start of the day, followed by parades in town squares or in front of the local emir's palace. Horsemanship is still the main focus. Each group must gallop at full tilt past the Emir, then halt and salute him with raised swords.
As the 1960s began, Burnette continued to make personal appearances at drive-ins, fairs, hospitals, town squares, and rodeos. Among other venues, he once appeared with Dewey Brown and the Oklahoma Playboys at a Friday-night dance at Jump's Roller Rink in Fairfax, Oklahoma. In the mid 1960s, he portrayed railway engineer Charley Pratt on the CBS-TV programs Petticoat Junction (106 episodes) and Green Acres (seven episodes).
Alberti wrote on the need for town squares for markets and specific implementations to make most use of the space. In North Europe this developed into the idea that residential squares should planned around green spaces. The first space of this type was the Place des Vosges. Residential squares were also made in Britain and their planning developed into the idea of incorporating public open space (public parks within towns).
Banda Sinaloense at the start of 1900. Banda music was made with the imitation of military bands that were imported during the Second Mexican Empire, headed by emperor Maximilian I of Mexico in the 1860s. Polish and German immigrants established themselves in the state of Sinaloa. It was further popularized during the Mexican Revolution when local authorities and states formed their own bands to play in the town squares.
Piazza della Signoria, in Florence, Italy, a historic example of a traditional public square President George W. Bush and Slovakia's Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda are greeted by a crowd of thousands gathered in Bratislava's Hviezdoslavovo Square Raekoja plats ("Town Hall Square") at Christmas in Tartu, Estonia A town square (or city square, urban square, public square or piazza) is an open public spacePages 8-3 and 78 in Watch this Space: Designing, Defending, and Sharing Public Space, by Hadley Dyer and Marc Ngui, Kids Can Press (2010), hardcover, 80 pages, commonly found in the heart of a traditional town used for community gatherings. Related concepts are the civic center, the market square and the village green. Most town squares are hardscapes suitable for open markets, concerts, political rallies, and other events that require firm ground. Being centrally located, town squares are usually surrounded by small shops such as bakeries, meat markets, cheese stores, and clothing stores.
Street Artist at Dusk in Swanston St, Melbourne, Australia. Vera Bugatti, "The Storytellers", 35th international street painting competition in Geldern A street painter working in New York City Painter Manuel Bastante, Pantomime Pablo Zibes, Festival Mantova, ItalyStreet painting, also known as screeving, pavement art, street art, and sidewalk art, is the performance art of rendering artistic designs on pavement such as streets, sidewalks, and town squares with impermanent and semi-permanent materials such as chalk.
Morales’ work has been described as dream-like, fertile and heavily based in folklore. It often depicts indigenous people, especially women set amongst rural buildings, churches, town squares and arcaded shops. His style is influenced by María Izquierdo (1902-1955) and French painter Marc Chagall (1887-1985). Women and memories appear to be at the heart of his work. Morales once explained, “Mexico would be lost without the steadfast work of women.
Moreover, other towns received their present-day Albania- unique appearance through various cultural or economic influences. Socialist classicism arrived during the communist era in Albania after the Second World War. At this period many socialist-styled complexes, wide roads and factories were constructed, while town squares were redesigned and numerous of historic and important buildings demolished. Notable examples of that style include the Mother Teresa Square, Pyramid of Tirana, Palace of Congresses and so on.
If the spy is a friend of the enemy officer, then he may visit said officer. Sometimes, the officer will be convinced to defect. If the spy is placed into a city with a civilian, and that civilian is friends with the spy, at the end of the turn, the civilian will request to join the player's army. Cities may now be explored, and players can access barracks, mystics, and town squares.
Naqsh-e Jahan Square, in Isfahan, an example of Iranian Squares known as maydan. Azadi Square, Tehran In traditional Persian architecture, town squares are known as maydan or meydan. A maydan is considered as one of the essential features in urban planning and they are often adjacent to bazaars, large mosques and other public buildings. Naqsh-e Jahan Square in Isfahan and Azadi Square in Tehran are examples of classic and modern squares.
The cemeteries were filled so rapidly that mass burials were arranged, and eventually, the sick started to dig their own graves in the middle of the town squares. Between March and September 1348, in Bologna, several famous academics of the University of Bologna died, among them Giovanni di Andrea. The Black Death of Trento (June 1348) has been described in the chronicle of Giovanni of Parma. In July 1348, two of the rules of Padua died in succession.
Communist party on Prague-Anděl The Communist Party, led by Vojtěch Filip, ran a campaign focused on young voters, and held meetings with potential voters in town squares around the country, culminating in a huge rally on Náměstí Republiky, Prague. Younger party activists also attended meetings to attract young voters. The party's campaign used the slogan "With the people, for the People" and also featured celebrities who supported the party such as Martin Maxa and Jana Kociánová.
The Mexican government put all their efforts in this celebration but the citizens just felt that it was because the government wanted them to forget the current situation of the country. Time magazine published that after 200 years of the Mexican independence, Mexico had many reasons for celebration. The country had experienced development in economic, cultural, and political issues. In spite of this, Mexican citizens preferred to celebrate it in their homes and not on the local town squares.
At 16 he sang tenor in Lucia di Lammermoor, put on by a small company that traveled the countryside and performed in town squares. On October 5, 1905, Granforte married eighteen-year-old Amabile Frison. They had a daughter, Maria, in the same year and emigrated to Buenos Aires in Argentina to be with Granforte's brother Erminio Brigo. He continued to work as a shoemaker, and on Sundays sang for the Italian immigrants in local taverns.
The architecture of Albania reflects the legacy of various civilisations tracing back to the classical antiquity. Major cities in Albania have evolved from within the castle to include dwellings, religious and commercial structures, with constant redesigning of town squares and evolution of building techniques. Nowadays, the cities and towns reflect a whole spectrum of various architectural styles. In the 20th century, many historical as well as sacred buildings bearing the ancient influence were demolished during the communist era.
It was located on a homestead northeast of Red Oak and guided to its new site on one of the town squares. Several efforts to replace the old courthouse failed. After the decision to replace it passed, an Omaha contractor failed to satisfy the contract and left the building uncompleted with numerous unpaid bills. The courts ruled that the county was not liable for the contractor's debts, and the county acquired much of the construction materials without charge.
Easton Town Center was one of the first outdoor shopping centers to incorporate indoor parking, town squares, various fountains, and varying types of tenants. A real estate project of Les Wexner, the founder, chairman and CEO of nearby Limited Brands, Easton comprises of retail space built upon approximately within a larger development. The retail development was designed by M+A Architects serving as the Architect of Record. Phase I (the South District) opened in the summer of 1999.
In the evening, prizes are awarded based on points given on Sunday. In addition, a yearly Broom Dance by the Gilles of Aalst takes place, followed by the "onion throw". Prince Carnival and party committee members throw onion-sized candies from the balcony of the city hall; some of them include numbers matching prizes and one special prize: a golden onion, uniquely designed for that year's Carnival. In the evening, just as on Monday, many town squares are the centre of celebration.
Starting with 1997, Auseklis Limbazi Theatre has been participating in international festivals. Production of Friedrich Dürrenmatt's Play Strindberg went to Belgium, Estonia and Lithuania, Sławomir Mrożek's At Sea travelled to Denmark, Iceland and Lithuania, Inga Abele's Dzelzzāle (Iron Weed) had its premiere in Copenhagen, Denmark. Theatre takes part in all the major events of Limbaži town and biannually holds the International Contemporary Drama Festival Spēlesprieks where churches, abandoned factories, cellars, town squares, castle ruins and other extraordinary locations are used as stages.
Lines of bare peg holes were used to count the 'empty days' between what were taken as the significant celestial events. Often set up in town squares (agoras), the tablets put the progression of the year on public display. This system would have been fundamental to an individual's sense of the advancing year, but it barely intersected with the festival or state calendars. They were more civic in character and required managing to maintain their coherence with the year of the seasons.
The Old Town represents a cultural and historical monument of invaluable significance due to its Illyrian walls, its citadel, the network of streets, the markets and town squares. It was built 2,500 years ago under economic, military, and cultural conditions quite different from those of today. The town’s walls were often destroyed in wars, and just as quickly rebuilt by residents to keep their fortresses and residences safe. In doing so, they also preserved the beauty of this ancient town.
Families often celebrate Independence Day by hosting or attending a picnic or barbecue; many take advantage of the day off and, in some years, a long weekend to gather with relatives or friends. Decorations (e.g., streamers, balloons, and clothing) are generally colored red, white, and blue, the colors of the American flag. Parades are often held in the morning, before family get-togethers, while fireworks displays occur in the evening after dark at such places as parks, fairgrounds, or town squares.
From 1944 to 1991, cities experienced an ordered development with a decline in architectural quality. Massive socialist-styled apartment complexes, wide roads, and factories were constructed, while town squares were redesigned and a number of historic buildings demolished. The period after the fall of communism is often described negatively in terms of urban development. Kiosks and apartment buildings started to occupy former public areas without planning, while informal districts formed around cities from internal migrants leaving remote rural areas for the western lowland.
Silius, Florus, Pliny and Isidore of Seville wrote of Cantabrians committing suicide by taking the poison of the yew leaf.The leaves of the yews and its seed, present in its red berries, contain a very toxic alkaloid, taxine, that provokes hypotension and cardiac arrests when consumed. Death was preferred over slavery.Silius III, 328Florus II, 33, 50Pliny XVI, 50Isidore Book XVII, 9, 25 Yew trees were planted in town squares, cemeteries, churches, chapels, palaces and big houses as they were considered a "witness tree".
Farris spoke about the track in an interview with Spin in 1990, explaining that the song "deals with people in highly urbanized environments not communicating. We should have town squares like they used to have where people go to these little socially instituted environments where it's fashionable. Personally, I don't think fashion and trends are really going to solve the world's problems." The song was used by CBS-TV over the closing credits at the end of their broadcast coverage of the 1994 Winter Olympics.
This article discusses universities in Nazi Germany. In May 1933 books from university libraries which were deemed culturally destructive, mainly due to anti-National Socialist or Jewish themes or authors, were burned by the Deutsche Studentenschaft (German Students' Association) in town squares, e.g. in Berlin, and the curricula were subsequently modified. Martin Heidegger became the rector (and later head) of Freiburg University, where he delivered a number of National Socialist speeches and for example promulgated the Führerprinzip at the University on August 21, 1933.
Since that time, Lai Ning has been commemorated with posters in school classrooms and statues in town squares. In the 1990s, Lai's story was taught in Chinese textbooks to teach students about the importance of protecting Chinese society. The propaganda surrounding Lai Ning was sometimes poorly received within China, and some teachers believed that the calls for emulation were outdated tactics from the Cultural Revolution era. A miniseries depicting Lai Ning's life was aired in the years following his death and a film was released in 1993.
Beyond the golf courses and recreation centers, The Villages also operates numerous softball fields, a polo stadium (The Villages Polo Stadium), and a woodworking shop, plus the Lifelong Learning College. The newest softball complex, Soaring Eagle, opened in 2015. The Villages offers two seventeen lane outdoor target archery ranges, one in Paradise Park and the other named Dudley Archery Range in the Village of DeSoto, near Fenney. Nightly activities are held in The Villages three town squares, Lake Sumter Landing's Market Square and Spanish Springs Town Square.
Inside Ikuno-ku run JR Loop Line, Kintetsu Nara and Osaka Lines, as well as Subway Sennichimae Line, but none of them go through central Ikuno. The extension of Subway No.8 Line is strongly desired to provide the district citizens with railway transportation for everyday life. Many projects are currently underway to develop the district into a comfortable residential area well balanced with its commercial and industrial functions. In southern Ikuno new apartment houses are being built for original residents, as well as many town squares.
At the time, Taliban militants led by Maulana Fazlullah were taking over the Swat Valley, banning television, music, girls' education, and women from going shopping. Bodies of beheaded policemen were being displayed in town squares. At first, a girl named Aisha from her father's school agreed to write a diary, but then the girl's parents stopped her from doing it because they feared Pakistani Taliban reprisals. The only alternative was Yousafzai, four years younger than the original volunteer, and in seventh grade at the time.
It is traditionally a rural farmer's dish, though it has become more popular in urban Egypt since 2011 because it is healthier than its urban counterpart, ful medames. In Morocco, bissara is typically served in shallow bowls or soup plates, and topped with olive oil, paprika, and cumin. Bread is sometimes eaten dipped into the dish, and lemon juice is sometimes added as a topping. In Marrakesh, Morocco, bissara is popular during the colder months of the year, and can be found in town squares and various alleyways.
They should think of the elements of a townsquares, buildings, trees, sculptures and so on – in elevation as well as in plan. He cited the perspective designs of Sebastiano Serlio. Vera disliked the specialization of professions such as engineer and architect, preferring the Renaissance concept of an architect as the master of both gardens and cities. In his 1941 Manifeste pour le renouveau de l'art français Vera recommended choosing trees and shrubs that were native to the region to show affection to the province, rather than exotics such as Cedar of Lebanon or catalpa.
The original caption of this German propaganda photograph, published 7 July 1941 reads: "When the German troops took the city Riga, the population there was elated. People who had suffered for months from the blood terror and had hidden themselves in the last weeks in the cellars of their houses, hurried now on the roads and town squares and thronged around the German soldiers to welcome them." The German army crossed the border in the early morning of Sunday, June 22, 1941. All along the front, the Soviet armed forces suffered a crushing defeat.
Map of the City. Ciudad Jardín Lomas del Palomar is an unusual, colorful, socially mixed and lively neighbourhood of about 6,650 families in an area of . Inspired by the Garden city movement, its layout is designed on a pedestrian scale with compact residential areas made up of tile roofed row style and free standing chalets in tree-lined streets and boulevards. There are three arcaded three-storey residential-commercial plazas (town squares) with central greenery, children playgrounds, fountains and surrounded by shops, pubs and al fresco dining restaurants.
The Annual Summer Fair and other seasonal fairs such as May Day were often bawdy affairs. Watching plays became very popular during the Tudor period. Most towns sponsored plays enacted in town squares followed by the actors using the courtyards of taverns or inns (referred to as inn-yards) followed by the first theatres (great open-air amphitheatres and then the introduction of indoor theatres called playhouses). This popularity was helped by the rise of great playwrights such as William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe using London theatres such as the Globe Theatre.
Ayerbe has a public library, casino, bars, municipal swimming pool and, around the town, a network of footpaths, fields and highways for walkers and cyclists. There are several restaurants, a hotel and bed and breakfast accommodation, as well as tourist information center in the summer months in one of the town squares. Other attractions include Fontaneta park (at ) and the "La Fuente de los Tres Caños" fountain. The hill directly behind the town is the location of a now renovated chapel at one end and a Moorish castle (in ruins) at the other.
The place possesses uncommon, rare or endangered aspects of the cultural or natural history of New South Wales. Wilberforce Park has State rarity significance because it is the best preserved of the three Macquarie town squares which survive and fulfil their original function in the Hawkesbury towns founded and planned by Governor Macquarie in 1810–1811. The degree of integrity displayed by Wilberforce Park is unique among all Macquarie towns. The place is important in demonstrating the principal characteristics of a class of cultural or natural places/environments in New South Wales.
Asmara has been regarded as "New Rome" or "Italy's African City" due to its Italian influence, not only in the architecture, but also for the wide streets, piazzas (town squares) and coffee bars. In the boulevards, lined with palms and trees, there are many Italian style bars, restaurants and cafes, serving cappuccinos and lattes, as well as gelato parlours. Many Eritreans drink the espresso coffee, made using original Italian machinery. Pizza -the worldwide famous Italian food created in Napoli- is one of the favorite foods of the young people in Asmara.
Asmara has wide streets, restaurants, piazzas (town squares), bars and cafes while many of the boulevards are lined with palms trees. The Italian inspired food and culture is very present and was introduced during Italian Eritrea. Countless restaurants and cafes, serve high quality espresso, cappuccinos and lattes, as well as gelato parlours and restaurants with Italian Eritrean cuisine. Common dishes served from the Italian Eritrean cuisine are 'Pasta al Sugo e Berbere', which means "pasta with tomato sauce and berbere" (spice), "lasagna" and "cotoletta alla milanese" (milano cutlet).
The flag can only be flown horizontally from public buildings, private homes, businesses, ships, town squares, or during official ceremonies. While the flag should be flown from sunrise to sunset, government offices in Spain and abroad must fly the flag on a 24-hour basis (during the night, it must be properly lit). The flags must conform to the legal standards, and cannot be soiled or damaged in any way. Flags in front of the Spanish Senate in Madrid For mourning activities, the flag can be flown in either of the following ways.
It had a strong practical importance, but it is also known for its temperament, which was disruptive and uneasy to the point where its domestication was considered untrustworthy. Originally La Guita Xica was considered a threatening force but it is now considered a protective dragon that defends the people of Catalonia and the Eucharist's festivals of Patum de Berga. During the festivals, large representations of the dragon are built in the town squares, spitting fireworks. It has a green body similar to that of an equine, and a very long neck and fangs.
Florida Street, Buenos Aires, Argentina Argentina's big cities; Córdoba, Mendoza and Rosario have lively pedestrianised street centers () combined with town squares and parks which are crowded with people walking at every hour of the day and night. Most (if not all) of Argentina's cities are human-scale and pedestrian-friendly, although vehicle traffic may be hectic in some areas. In Buenos Aires, some stretches of Calle Florida have been pedestrianised since 1913, Calle Florida History: which makes it one of the oldest car-free thoroughfares in the world today.
She has also hosted many programmes, including the 2001 edition of Festivalbar, which is an annual series of televised summer concerts performed by both Italian and international pop groups in town squares throughout Italy; and Italia's Next Top Model in 2009. In the same year 2009, she had a role in Mediaset Canale 5's police drama series, Distretto di Polizia 9 (Police District 9). Since 2007, she is also a host of Russia's TV show "Snimite eto nemedlenno" which is based on the British programme What Not to Wear (UK).
Water clocks are reported as early as 4000 B.C. and were used in the ancient world, but these were domestic clocks. Beginning in the Middle Ages around 1000 A.D. striking water clocks were invented, which rang bells on the canonical hours for the purpose of calling the community to prayer. Installed in clock towers in cathedrals, monasteries and town squares so they could be heard at long distances, these were the first turret clocks. By the 13th century towns in Europe competed with each other to build the most elaborate, beautiful clocks.
Gestures were also used to signify oath- taking. The practise of placing one hand on an object of spiritual significance was common in Ancient Greece and Rome, as well as medieval England. Witnesses in medieval Germany swore oaths by raising one hand to chest height with two fingers held straight out, signifying touching the religious artefact. Raising one’s right hand can act as a communal signal of a legal change, and is highly useful in busy environments, such as town squares, where legal proceedings were often carried out in medieval times.
Partisan memorials are frequently recognizable by five-pointed stars; on some gravestones there are both – a star and a cross together. Commemorative plaques are fastened on the native houses of first partisan fighters from 1941, on the houses from where they left into the woods to join the armed resistance, at the places where they were shot, on the graveyards, at town squares or in memorial parks. A number of them are fastened on the façades of factories, fire brigades or municipal buildings. At the ruins of burned homes, in front of illegal partisan hospitals and printing facilities, information boards replace memorial plaques.
A larger commercial zone can be found in many cities, more formally called a central business district, but more commonly called "downtown" in the United States, or the "high street" in Britain, and souks in Arabic speaking areas. Window shopping in Ottawa, 1938 Shopping hubs, or shopping centers, are collections of stores; that is a grouping of several businesses in a compact geographic area. It consists of a collection of retail, entertainment and service stores designed to serve products and services to the surrounding region. Typical examples include shopping malls, town squares, flea markets and bazaars.
Traditionally the right to freedom of assembly covered peaceful gatherings such as protests in physical public spaces such as town squares but as technology progresses we are seeing a revolution in the way people meet and interact. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has stated, "cyber space, after all, is the public square of the 21st century". Today we are seeing an increase in the relevance of internet and the right to freedom of assembly. Even signing an online petition has been known to cause arrests and the internet has become a useful tool in the organization of protest movements and demonstrations.
The Square and Tower: Networks, Hierarchies and the Struggle for Global Power is a book by Niall Ferguson, published in 2018 by Penguin Books, where he explains how those at the top of the towers of power have been overstated and the influence of "the social networks down below, in the town squares" has been underestimated. His aim is to highlight and correct this historical oversight. In The Daily Telegraph, historian Peter Frankopan described the book as "provocative". In Prospect, David Goodhart called the book "immensely stimulating, absorbing, illuminating ... sends ideas blazing all over the place".
The verge escapement dates from 13th-century Europe, where its invention led to the development of the first all-mechanical clocks. Starting in the 13th century, large tower clocks were built in European town squares, cathedrals, and monasteries. They kept time by using the verge escapement to drive the foliot, a primitive type of balance wheel, causing it to oscillate back and forth. The foliot was a horizontal bar attached to the vertical verge rod with weights near the ends and the rate of the clock could be adjusted by moving the weights in or out on the bar.
Perhaps the first account of CSD was the German neurologist Karl Westphal's portrayal in the late 1800s of people who suffered dizziness, anxiety and spatial disorientation when shopping in town squares. This phenomenon was called "agoraphobia", meaning a fear of the marketplace. The term is now used to describe a psychological fear, but Westphal's original description included many symptoms of dizziness and imbalance not included in the modern psychiatric definition. Unlike people who feel anxious in crowds because they feel something bad will happen, people with CSD may dislike crowds because all the movement leads to a sensation of dizziness.
His repertoire is inspired by music by Cantigas de Santa Maria, songs from German lyric poet Walther von der Vogelweide, German mystical works of Hildegard of Bingen and from French composer Guillaume de Machaut amongst others. Starting in 1996, he worked as a busker choosing locations near cathedrals and town squares and took part in various festival dedicated to traditional medieval music all over France. Beginning in 2003, he started releasing limited edition independent albums like Fjall d'yr Vinur (2003), Domus (2004), Hortus Dei (2007) and Aux Portes de Sananda (2009). He took up a professional musical career in 2011.
Meyer's Konversationslexikon defines Wiles or Wilis as female vampires, the spirits of betrothed girls who die before their wedding night. According to Heine, wilis are unable to rest in their graves because they could not satisfy their passion for dancing naked, especially in town squares. They also gather on the highway at midnight to lure young men and dance them to their death. In Serbia, they were maidens cursed by God; in Bulgaria, they were known as samodiva, girls who died before they were baptized; and in Poland, they are beautiful young girls floating in the air atoning for frivolous past lives.
An even larger statue of Philip II is also constructed at the other end of the square. A triumphal arch named Porta Macedonia, constructed in the same square, featuring images of historical figures including Alexander the Great, caused the Greek Foreign Ministry to lodge an official complaint to authorities in the Republic of Macedonia. Statues of Alexander are also on display in the town squares of Prilep and Štip, while a statue to Philip II of Macedon was recently built in Bitola. Additionally, many pieces of public infrastructure, such as airports, highways, and stadiums have been named after ancient historical figures or entities.
St. James's Square, c. 1722 Fitzroy Square Squares have long been a feature of London and come in numerous identifiable forms. The landscaping spectrum of squares stretches from those with more hardscape, constituting town squares (also known as city squares)—to those with communal gardens, for which London is a major international exponent, known as garden squares. A few in the capital of the United Kingdom, such as Trafalgar Square, began as public open spaces in the same way as other city squares worldwide, typically a plaza, piazza and a platz in Spain, Italy and Germany.
Trams on Heumarkt, circa 1930 At-grade platforms, circa 1980 The station is named after one of Cologne's busiest old-town squares, on which it is also located and − to a less favorable extent − whose build environment it has shaped for the last 40 years. Public transport at Heumarkt began in 1879, with several horsecar lines encircling the square. Connections were provided to Dome and Central Station to the North, Neumarkt and Ring to the West, and Rodenkirchen in the South. By 1902 lines throughout the city were upgraded to electric tram lines, with tram stops on Heumarkt's eastern and western sides.
Retrieved 2010-06-10. In the United States under constitutional law and most European common law, the protection of artistic free speech extends to busking. In the U.S. and many countries, the designated places for free speech behavior are the public parks, streets, sidewalks, thoroughfares and town squares or plazas. Under certain circumstances even private property may be open to buskers, particularly if it is open to the general public and busking does not interfere with its function and management allows it or other forms of free speech behaviors or has a history of doing so.
One surprising example is Egbert Sjuck Gerrold Juckema van Burmania Rengers, the Orangist burgomaster of Leeuwarden before 1795, a notorious reactionary. Schama writes about him: "His activities both in 1787 and 1794 had earned Burmania Rengers an unsavoury reputation as one of the more enthusiastic bloodhounds of the old regime in Friesland, ..."; Schama, p. 420. The coup represented a counter-revolution. This became clear in the way the iconography of the 1795 revolution disappeared: the epigraph Vrijheid, Gelijkheid, Broederschap (Liberty, Equality, Fraternity) which had adorned all official publications, was henceforth removed, and the last Liberty Trees were removed from the town squares.
Ruins of a house in Selwyn The same house, viewed from the opposite side Albert Beetham was an engineer and surveyor from Christchurch. Aware of the plans for the Main South railway, Beetham bought a piece of land on either side of the gazetted corridor approximately in size. He subdivided it into 470 sections for a target population of 2,000 and provided two town squares, Victoria Square and Market Square. The railway reached Rolleston in October 1866, the north bank of the Selwyn River on 7 October 1867, and Selwyn Station via a bridge over the Selwyn River on 16 December 1867.
Since their first international performance at world exposition 1970 in Osaka, Japan, they have performed their musical variety show throughout the United States and over 68 other nations. Their audiences have included the prime minister of India, the queen of Thailand, and the king and queen of Jordan. Live and televised appearances in major concert halls and impromptu performances in hospitals, orphanages, town squares and government palaces reach millions of people each year. The Young Ambassadors company consists of 20 performers (10 men and 10 women), a 10 piece show band (keyboard, drums, guitar and bass guitar, etc.) and technical personnel.
Urban beach at HTO Park in Toronto An urban beach (also city beach and sometimes beach club) is an artificially-created environment in an urban setting which simulates a public beachfront, through the use of sand, beach umbrellas, and seating elements. Urban beaches are designed to surprise and delight city residents, workers, and visitors by inserting a beach atmosphere into an urban area that would otherwise be typical cityscape. There are many variations of urban beaches. Urban beaches are often found along waterways, though some are inserted into town squares or other spaces far from water.
The plan proposes a significant change in form and function of the suburb compared to its current state. As a suburb with a significant presence in automotive retail showrooms, the plan encourages these showrooms to consolidate around Compton Road and the Logan Mega Centre. The plan proposes new low-rise office spaces, residential apartments, recreational spaces, retail and commercial spaces to be developed within close distance to Springwood Bus Station. Moreover, the plan outlines two new town squares, a new road intersecting Dennis Road and Carol Avenue, a theatre, an art gallery, rehabilitation of Slacks Creek and an upgrade to public transport facilities.
The historic American Colonial-Georgian shopping center, which was largely influenced by European town squares, was built between 1927 and 1929 by the Van Sweringen brothers. Several pieces were added to the four quadrants - likely in the 1950s. Nearby, along Van Aken Boulevard but essentially an appendage to the Square, a commercial strip was built in 1939. The two brothers, who also developed much of the land to the east the neighborhood as the planned community of Shaker Heights, envisioned Shaker Square as its gateway between the urban and suburban living spaces represented in the early 20th century.
Agarossi and Zaslavsky rely not only on Togliatti's papers but those of the Kremlin, especially the highly detailed reports sent in by the Soviet ambassador in Rome. Stalin forced the PCI to reject and work against the Marshall Plan, despite the loss of much support from Italian voters who wanted the American aid.Elena Agarossi and Victor Zaslavsky, Stalin and Togliatti: Italy and the Origins of the Cold War (2011) ch 3, 6 One of the main town squares in the Croatian city of Rijeka (Italian: Fiume) was named after Togliatti while Croatia was part of SFR Yugoslavia, until it was finally renamed to Jadranski trg (Adriatic Plaza) in 1994.
José San Martin Park The city of Santa Tecla, formerly known as “Nueva San Salvador”, was the temporary capital of El Salvador in the mid nineteenth century. This left behind many historic buildings and landmarks, including two historic town squares within its historical center: José María San Martín and Daniel Hernandez. The first one is located on street Daniel Hernandez, better known as the Pan-American Highway. This plaza is the scene of a monument in honor of former president José María San Martín, who issued a decree authorizing the establishment of the city under the name of Nueva San Salvador on August 8, 1854.
Truest garden squares meet the recognisable criteria of a shared internal zone, faced chiefly by buildings' fronts having open approach way(s), so are not beholden to legal name nor precise shape. Garden courtyards are commonly omitted from this list, for having been intuitively named 'Gardens' or 'Garden Apartments' and/or for a communal garden which is not large enough to meet traditional definitions of garden squares and so is unlikely to open for open- day visits. Several items at List of Squares in London, all named ...Square, have lost a shared internal zone with approach way(s), so square status, and a large minority are town squares.
The place possesses uncommon, rare or endangered aspects of the cultural or natural history of New South Wales. McQuade Park has rarity value at State level because it is an exceptional example of the small number of town squares which survive and fulfil their original function in the eight country towns founded and planned by Governor Macquarie. The Boer War was commemorated by only a few public monuments throughout New South Wales and the fine example in McQuade Park is of state significance. The place is important in demonstrating the principal characteristics of a class of cultural or natural places/environments in New South Wales.
An even larger statue of Philip II was under construction at the other end of the square. Statues of Alexander also adorn the town squares of Prilep and Štip, while a statue to Philip II of Macedon was recently built in Bitola. A triumphal arch named Porta Macedonia, constructed in the same square, features images of historical figures including Alexander the Great, causing the Greek Foreign Ministry to lodge an official complaint to authorities in the Republic of Macedonia.Athens complains about Skopje arch, Kathimerini, Thursday Jan 19, 2012 Additionally, many pieces of public infrastructure, such as airports, highways, and stadiums, have been named after them.
Of the original aqueduct system, there still are some 13 springs providing potable water, regularly maintained by the municipal water supply division. This branch conducts periodic analysis of the water's quality, maintains a two-person staff to maintain and clean the system. The Sete Fontes continues to be used as a water resource, integrated within the city of Braga's strategic plan and providing water to fountains of the town squares Largo do Paço and Largo Carlos Amarante. There is one public faucet, the Bica Pública das Sete Fontes (near Mina do Dr. Amorim) that is regularly maintained and monitored (almost monthly) by the local authority of São Vítor.
In early 2010, Washburn began recording her second solo album with producer Tucker Martine and collaborator Kai Welch. Washburn embarked upon "The Silk Road Tour" with her band "The Village" from Hohhot to Ürümqi, stopping to perform and collaborate all along the way with only the goal of building bridges and dissolving difference by communing in good music. Supported by the US Embassy and the Chinese International Center for Exchange, they performed extensively at schools, universities & theaters, and spontaneously on city walls and in town squares all across China's "Wild West". They also collaborated with local musicians all along the route including Han Chinese, Mongolian, Tibetan, Hui and Uyghur musicians.
Flags hoisted on the House of the Signatories on 16 February 2007. Lithuanian flag guard in Vilnius, watching the flag on Gediminas tower as a signal to lower his flag, 1939 The flag can be flown vertically or horizontally from public buildings, private homes, businesses, ships, town squares, or during official ceremonies. If the flag is flown horizontally, the yellow stripe must be at top; when flown vertically, the yellow stripe must be facing Left with the red stripe facing Right. While the flag should be flown from sunrise to sunset, government offices in Lithuania and abroad must fly the flag on a 24-hour basis.
During classical antiquity, cities and towns in Albania have evolved from within the castle to include dwellings, religious and commercial structures, with constant redesigning of town squares and evolution of building techniques. Although there are prehistoric and classical structures in the country, which effectively begins with constructions from the Illyrians and Ancient Greeks such as in Byllis, Amantia, Phoenice, Apollonia, Butrint and Shkodër. With the extension of the Roman Empire in the Balkans, impressive Roman architecture was built throughout the country whereas it is best exemplified in Durrës, Tirana and Butrint. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, Albania became an integral part of the Byzantine Empire.
The success of the tour resulted in the plans for another tour which was canceled due to the problems with the management in Slovenia. After the tour, the band had reduced their live activities, performing mainly free concerts at town squares, including the concert in Kragujevac on which all the former members, with the exception of Miki Petkovski, appeared as guests. In May of the same year, in the Kragujevac Šumadija cinema hall, the band made an experiment with performing an entire concert without audience and the recording of the concert was released on the double live album Live Without Audience, featuring live versions of twenty two tracks from the band's entire career.
A social space is physical or virtual space such as a social center, online social media, or other gathering place where people gather and interact. Some social spaces such as town squares or parks are public places; others such as pubs, websites, or shopping malls are privately owned and regulated.Pages 12, 23, 24, 34, and 78 in Watch this Space: Designing, Defending, and Sharing Public Space, by Hadley Dyer and Marc Ngui, Kids Can Press (2010), hardcover, 80 pages, Henri Lefebvre emphasised that in human society all 'space is social: it involves assigning more or less appropriated places to social space has thus always been a social product'.Henri Lefebvre, State, Space, World (London 2009) p.
"The Forum" features a large video screen and offers game nights, sessions with experts in creative arts, and community events. "The Plaza", while limited to select locations, offers a "park-like" space outside the store featuring free 24/7 Wi-Fi access and will host live concerts on some weekends. Designed by Jony Ive and Angela Ahrendts, the idea was to make Apple Stores into "town squares", in which people come naturally to the store as a gathering place, and to "help foster human experiences that draw people out of their digital bubbles". The new design will be adopted to every store Apple has, and while renovation is undergoing, stores are either relocated or temporarily closed.
In town squares, similarly green but publicly accessible from the outset, is the Square René Viviani. Gardens substantially cover a few of the famous Places in the capital; instead the majority are paved and replete with profoundly hard materials such as Place de la Concorde. Inspired by ecological interests and a 21st-century focus on pollution mitigation, an increasing number of the Places in Paris today many have a focal tree, or surrounding raised flower beds/and or rows of trees such as the Place de la République. The enclosed garden terraces (French: jardins en terrain) and courtyards (French: cours) of some French former palaces have resulted in redevelopments into spaces equivalent to garden squares.
The festival is the largest in the Nordic countries in its genre and has a large number of activities in music, dance, literature, visual arts, folklore, etc. The festival is held over fourteen days from the end of May to the start of June and is located in numerous places like the Grieg Hall, Haakon's Hall, Troldhaugen, Lysøen, Siljustøl as well as streets and town squares of Bergen. In the same time span the International Jazz Festival, Nattjazz, takes place in Bergen. The first festival that started on 1 June 1953, exactly 55 years after its predecessor and source of inspiration, the first music festival in Norway Edvard Grieg's Bergen Music Festival starting on the 26 June 1898.
Adelac Buildings (built 1906) on High Street in 2013 Hotel Fremantle (built 1899) on High Street in 2012 High Street is the main street running through the City of Fremantle, Western Australia. The street passes by historic landmarks, including the Round House, the Fremantle Town Hall, and the Fremantle War Memorial, through the Fremantle West End Heritage area and through two town squares. Trams operated along High Street for 47 years, between 1905 and 1952. Running east–west, High Street continues as Leach Highway, a major arterial road, at Stirling Highway, linking Fremantle with Perth Airport although the stretch of road between Stirling Highway and Carrington Street is known locally--and signed--as High Street.
As a founder of first de facto independent Bosnian state, Kulin was and still is highly regarded among Bosnians. Even today Kulin's era is regarded as one of the most prosperous historical eras, not just for Bosnian medieval state and its feudal lords, but for the common people as well, whose lasting memory of those times is kept in Bosnian folklore, like an old folk proverb with significant meaning: "Od kulina Bana i dobrijeh dana" (""). Accordingly, in today's Bosnia and Herzegovina, many streets and town squares, as well as cultural institutions, and non-governmental organizations, bear Kulin's name, while numerous culturally significant events, manifestation, festivals and anniversaries are held in celebration of his life and deeds.
The guttural sounds produced in this form make a remarkable sound, similar to Tuvan throat singing. Another polyphonic style of singing, more like the Corsican paghjella and liturgic in nature, is found in Sardinia and is known as cantu a cuncordu. Another unique instrument is the launeddas. Three reed-canes (two of them glued together with beeswax) produce distinctive harmonies, which have their roots many thousands of years ago, as demonstrated by the bronze statuettes from Ittiri, of a man playing the three reed canes, dated to 2000 BC. Beyond this, the tradition of cantu a chiterra (guitar songs) has its origins in town squares, when artists would compete against one another.
Florence gave people new opportunities to be a citizen of their city, or participate in a guild, or serve on a town council. An emerging phenomenon dubbed the public sphere emerged in Europe, a space between government authority and private life, in which citizens could have rational-critical discussions in town squares like this one about government decisions, and form public opinion as a counterweight to authority. During the Renaissance and growth of Europe, medieval political scholar Walter Ullmann suggested that the essence of the transition was from people being subjects of a monarch or lord to being citizens of a city and later to a nation. A distinguishing characteristic of a city was having its own law, courts, and independent administration.
The concept of a New Comedy that Copeau had developed much earlier during the war years came to fruition here with Bing, Maiène, St-Denis and Jean Dasté, who would soon become Copeau's son-in-law (he married Maiène). The masked characters, reminiscent of the commedia dell'arte, became part of their repertoire as they played in pieces written expressly for them by Copeau or that resulted from their improvisations. As they traveled from village to village putting on their plays in town squares, led by actors in costume and carrying banners, accompanied by drums and music, Burgundians began calling them the "Copiaus". The name soon marked them as progeny of Copeau's concept of the theater--a theater reduced to its essence.
Boules () is a collective name for a wide range of games similar to bowls and bocce (In French: jeu or jeux, in Italian: gioco or giochi) in which the objective is to throw or roll heavy balls (called in France, and in Italy) as close as possible to a small target ball, called the jack in English. Boules- type games are traditional and popular in many European countries and are also popular in some former French colonies in Africa and Asia. Boules games are often played in open spaces (town squares and parks) in villages and towns. Dedicated playing areas for boules-type games are typically large, level, rectangular courts made of flattened earth, gravel, or crushed stone, enclosed in wooden rails or back boards.
The white and black checkers were so distributed on the points that the only way to use all of the three results, as required by the game rules, was to break the three stacks of two checkers into blots, thus exposing them to capture and ruining the game for Zeno.. Tabula was most likely a later refinement of ludus duodecim scriptorum, with the board's middle row of points removed, and only the two outer rows remaining. Today, the word "τάβλι" is still used to refer to backgammon in Greece,. as well as in Syria and Turkey (as tavla), Bulgaria(as tabla) and in Romania (as table); in these countries, backgammon remains a popular game played in town squares and in cafes.
Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta, Indonesia, during Eid ul-Fitr There are two holidays (Eids) in the Islamic calendar: ʿĪd al-Fiṭr and ʿĪd al-Aḍḥā, during which there are special prayers held at mosques in the morning. These Eid prayers are supposed to be offered in large groups, and so, in the absence of an outdoor Eidgah, a large mosque will normally host them for their congregants as well as the congregants of smaller local mosques. Some mosques will even rent convention centers or other large public buildings to hold the large number of Muslims who attend. Mosques, especially those in countries where Muslims are the majority, will also host Eid prayers outside in courtyards, town squares or on the outskirts of town in an Eidgah.
Looking south-west from Currie Street A photograph of Light Square in 1911 showing the Colonel Light Hotel uploaded by the State Library of South Australia. Light Square was included by Colonel Light on his 1836 survey "Plan of Adelaide". The square was named after Colonel Light by the street naming committee on 23 May 1837. Unlike the other town squares, which were left as they were for the early part of the 19th century, a grave and monument were added to the square in a nearly central position after the death of Colonel Light on 6 October 1839. The burial took place on 10 October 1839, attended by hundreds, and a gun salute was fired and the flag at Government House lowered to half-mast.
Coley Jones (circa 1880s - 1930s) was an American country blues mandolin player popular in Dallas, Texas, in the 1920s. Much of Jones's background, such as his residency, date of birth, and death are obscure, but he is best remembered for leading and recording with The Dallas String Band, with their most known song being the traditional Irish folk tune, "Drunkard's Special." Jones was born sometime in the late-1880s, in Texas, and was associated with music at an early age, first with his family ensemble, which was led by his father, guitarist Coley Jones Senior. With Coley Jones split between duties as the mandolin player and an additional guitarist, the group ventured to performances in various dances, outside theaters, and town squares throughout the state.
Reporters present at the protests described the scenes that followed as "a war zone" and as unprecedented in the history of Slovenia, since its independence in 1991. The violence started at around 18:15 CET and escalated after the use of force and tear gas by the police, which scattered the crowd into a number of smaller groups and fighting continued for several hours on different locations within the city centre. Clashes occurred on most of Maribor's town squares, with particularly heavy fighting on Rudolf Maister square ('), Castle square (') and the Main square ('), the site of the protests on 21 November. The police used all means available to them using tear gas, police dogs and even mounted police, which was indiscriminately charging into the protesters and even the journalists.
14th/15th-century performance of the Chester mystery plays, on a pageant cart English mystery or "miracle" plays were dramatised Bible stories, by ancient tradition performed on Church feast days in town squares and market places by members of the town's craft guilds. They covered the full range of the narrative and metaphor in the Christian Bible, from the fall of Lucifer to the Last Judgement. From the many play cycles that originated in the late Middle Ages, the Chester cycle is one of four that has survived into the 21st century. The texts, by an unidentified writer, were revised during the late 15th century into a format similar to that of contemporary French passion plays, and were published in 1890, in Alfred W. Pollard's English Miracle Plays, Moralities, and Interludes.
As a folk poet and employee of the courts, Balagtas' prowess in writing was mainly seen in the yearly fiestas held in nearby towns, a great majority of his plays may have been staged in outdoor theaters set up in town squares and as a poet, a number of his works and writings have been recorded in collections of poetry such as the "Coleccion de refranes, frases y modismos tagalos" (Guadalupe, 1890) as well as in the accounts of Spanish officials such as Martinez de Zuniga who recorded traditional plays and religious events in Philippine fiestas. Balagtas also wrote in the Ladino style of poems that were popular among his contemporaries. He is said to have written two (2) loas recorded in Cruz's book as well as numerous Ladinos and didactic works.
In May 2016, Angela Ahrendts, Apple's then-Senior Vice President of Retail, unveiled a significantly redesigned Apple Store in Union Square, San Francisco, featuring large glass doors for the entry, open spaces, and rebranded rooms. In addition to purchasing products, consumers can get advice and help from "Creative Pros" – individuals with specialized knowledge of creative arts; get product support in a tree-lined Genius Grove; and attend sessions, conferences, and community events, with Ahrendts commenting that the goal is to make Apple Stores into "town squares", a place where people naturally meet up and spend time. The new design will be applied to all Apple Stores worldwide, a process that has seen stores temporarily relocate or close. Many Apple Stores are located inside shopping malls, but Apple has built several stand-alone flagship stores in high-profile locations.
Platov and the engineer François Sainte de Wollant developed Novocherkassk as a planned city, deciding to build it on a location at the top of a hill known as the "Wolf's Lair" to the north of Cherkassk, near the confluence of the Tuzlov River and Aksay River. On November 7, 1804, De Wollant and Platov presented to Tsar Alexander a plan for the future of the city and an extensive report, in which the clearly embellished merits of the area chosen for construction were described. The city was designed in the popular traditions of European models of urban development, with spacious areas, wide avenues and boulevards full of greenery. De Wollant, calling the future Novocherkassk "little Paris" on the basis of numerous town squares, each of which was supposed to feature a church, and to have streets beginning radially around each square.
Viquesney's actual brochures quoted a figure of over 300 by the late 1930s, claiming at least one in every state of the Union, but this is believed to be an inflated figure. Two of the statues, both in Arkansas, are individually listed on the National Register of Historic Places; one in Helena and one in Fort Smith. Installed in cemeteries, town squares, and parks, outside museums, on courthouse lawns, and countless other places, the design is said to be the most-viewed example of outdoor statuary in the U.S. (after the Statue of Liberty) although many people do not even realize they have seen it. In 1998, longtime Sarasota- resident sculptor Frank Colson was commissioned to create a copy for the city of Sarasota, Florida, and again in 2002, for the city of Columbia, South Carolina.
Over the years, Apple has expanded the number of retail locations and its geographical coverage, with 499 stores across 22 countries worldwide . Strong product sales have placed Apple among the top-tier retail stores, with sales over $16 billion globally in 2011. In May 2016, Angela Ahrendts, Apple's then Senior Vice President of Retail, unveiled a significantly redesigned Apple Store in Union Square, San Francisco, featuring large glass doors for the entry, open spaces, and re- branded rooms. In addition to purchasing products, consumers can get advice and help from "Creative Pros" – individuals with specialized knowledge of creative arts; get product support in a tree-lined Genius Grove; and attend sessions, conferences and community events, with Ahrendts commenting that the goal is to make Apple Stores into "town squares", a place where people naturally meet up and spend time.
Later, the purchase of the lands of Light's Adelaide Park, and repeated correspondence and discussions about the Adelaide Park land/lands eventually corrupted his original name to "Adelaide Park Lands". Light placed the city to the north and south of the river, avoiding areas prone to flooding and making best use of the local topography. His survey plan divided the land into 1042 square one-acre lots; north of the Torrens (North Adelaide) and to the south (South Adelaide, now known as the city centre). Light's Plan reserved for town squares (38 acres) and government buildings (4 Town Sections of Public Reserves with Victoria Square frontages: now the Old Treasury Building/Lands Offices; GPO; Supreme Court, and Magistrates Court sites). In March 1837, after 116 preliminary buyers had selected their portions, the rest of the Town Sections were auctioned.
A century later he would be described as a "romantic painter: who painted with candid touches, and ingenious expressiveness, little figures in Gothic churches; or in solitude, hermits and monks; or scoundrels assembled in town squares; soldiers in barracks".Dizionario geografico-storico-statistico-commerciale degli stati del Re di Sardegna, Volume 7, by Goffredo Casalis, Turin (1840), page 726: "potrebbe chiamarsi pittore romantico: dipingeva a tocchi franchi, e con isprezzatura ingegnosa, figure piccole in chiese d'architettura gotica, o in solitudini, romiti, cappuccini; ovvero mariuoli sulle piazze, soldati ne’quartieri". The art historian and critic Luigi Lanzi described him as the Cerquozzi of his school; thereby signaling him into the circle of followers of the Bamboccianti. He indicates that Magnasco had "figures scarcely more than a span large ... painted with humor and delight", but not as if this effect had been the intention of the painter.
The city of Argos is delimited to the north by dry river Xerias, to the east by Inachos river and Panitsa stream (which emanates from the latter), to the west by the Larissa hill (site of homonymous castle and of a monastery called Panagia Katakekrymeni- Portokalousa) and the Aspida Hill (unofficially Prophetes Elias hill), and to the south by the Notios Periferiakos road. The Agios Petros (Saint Peter) square, along with the eponymous cathedral (dedicated to saint Peter the Wonderworker), make up the town centre, whereas some other characteristic town squares are the Laiki Agora (Open Market) square, officially Dimokratias (Republic) square, where, as implied by its name, an open market takes place twice a week, Staragora (Wheat Market), officially Dervenakia square, and Dikastirion (Court) square. Bonis Park is an essential green space of the city. Currently, the most commercially active streets of the city are those surrounding the Agios Petros square (Kapodistriou, Danaou, Vassileos Konstantinou streets) as well as Korinthou street.
A typical friterie in Brussels A typical assortment of meats offered at a Belgian friterie. French fries wrapped in a traditional cone, served with mayonnaise and curry ketchup, with a small plastic fork on top and a frikandel on the side Sound of a Friterie in Brussels A friture, baraque à frites or friterie () in French-speaking Belgium and Northern France, or frituur or frietkot in Flanders and the Netherlands, also fritkot in French-speaking Belgium and friture or frietkraam in the Netherlands, is a traditional restaurant, kiosk or van serving quick-service fast food, particularly fries from which they derive their name. Friteries are often found on main highways and town squares and may be in the form of restaurants offering table service or a caravan, trailer or even converted van only offering take away food at roadsides. Friteries offer several fried and grilled dishes served with frites, such as hamburgers, brochette, meatballs, merguez and fried chicken.

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