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125 Sentences With "torn to shreds"

How to use torn to shreds in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "torn to shreds" and check conjugation/comparative form for "torn to shreds". Mastering all the usages of "torn to shreds" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Not even if it's torn to shreds and thrown out.
Syria's army has been torn to shreds by civil war.
The kid is literally torn to shreds by the greedy crowd.
Safe to say, dude's getting torn to shreds online for this.
Well, that happy family got torn to shreds by the media.
They reveal islands torn to shreds, whole homes washed out to sea.
Shiny and new, sent from Earth, torn to shreds by the Martian storms.
It didn't matter if my brawlers were getting torn to shreds every mission.
Cramer's bearish thesis on the stock was torn to shreds after this latest quarter.
Old cars were torn to shreds, and the shreds were compacted into big blocks.
By that point, the bouquet had been torn to shreds by the couple's dog, Sophie.
But I feel like in another way, I got completely torn to shreds on that one.
Don't wear anything that requires dry cleaning, or that you don't mind being torn to shreds.
It may only be a matter of time before this poor baby planet gets torn to shreds.
So then people feel like they can't come forward anymore because they'll just be torn to shreds.
After miserably watching your bracket get torn to shreds, it just feels so good to laugh again.
Kornack: Think about nature programs where you see antelopes torn to shreds by lions while they're still alive.
The show begins in Creed, Colorado, a town that's been torn to shreds by Frank and his men.
Even though the Dow Jones industrial average was torn to shreds on Monday, Jim Cramer still loves it.
Madison is clearly torn to shreds by the death of Travis and she has every right to be.
Thanks to the tanks distributed weight and track pads, the streets of Washington will not be torn to shreds.
The meal honestly fared better than I thought it would, after getting absolutely torn to shreds by the nutritionists.
Every cyclist who reached the finish was covered in dust — many with their jerseys torn to shreds from crashes.
The evening ended with the introduction of a giant, party-enveloping pink dress, which ended up torn to shreds.
But a clear sense of cataclysm, of everything that was once taken for granted being torn to shreds, pervades throughout.
The odds of outright killing them were smaller, and I wouldn't get a second shot before my soldier was torn to shreds.
The remaining 18 percent were rescued by humans who couldn't stand to see a bird being torn to shreds by the ravenous insect.
Upon closer investigation, astronomers discovered that the light was the result of a star getting torn to shreds by a supermassive black hole.
Rebuilding a city torn to shreds CNN journalists in Mosul's historic Old City saw a place almost entirely reduced to rubble on Monday.
Sharp teeth are no match for flimsy dog toys, but even the toughest toys can be torn to shreds by an aggressive chewer.
As for the fate of WASP-121b, Sing said it's doomed; eventually, this hot Jupiter will be torn to shreds by its host star.
Instead, he was torn to shreds by the elbows, knees and punches of his rangy opponent, and ultimately succumbed to a second-round TKO.
Seeing one play out in the Twitter era would be amazing, as every pick was analyzed, debated and torn to shreds in real time.
The democratic revolution that has swept Myanmar with such enthusiasm since 2010 may give the impression that the road map has been torn to shreds.
This is the region surrounding the black hole where matter is torn to shreds by the intense gravity but has not fallen inside the black hole.
But the Bolt's upper body also flexed a bit with every turn, and the smaller tires were torn to shreds after an hour of constant punishment.
The same thing happened in New York last year — two out of 40 performers were of Asian descent — and it was torn to shreds on the internet.
The Falcon 9 will get torn to shreds over the Atlantic Ocean during its descent, but the Crew Dragon will gently land in the ocean under parachute.
Read More Cramer: Stocks that rally in a Chinese sell-off Even though the Dow Jones industrial average was torn to shreds on Monday, Cramer still loves it.
Unlike human beings, robots can be fully repaired even when they've been torn to shreds by an industrial power saw, and the process is almost entirely guilt-free.
When you think of the daily abuse that airplane seats have to endure, it's a minor miracle they aren't torn to shreds after just a week of air travel.
As Michelle Alexander argued in The Nation, African Americans confronted what was effectively a 42 percent unemployment rate and a social safety net that had been torn to shreds.
Problem was, if those hypothetical moderate Republican congresspeople signed on to anything the Democrats proposed they risked being torn to shreds by conservative media outlets and challenged in primaries.
Skyworks is frequently viewed as a play on cellphone components, particularly for Apple, and the stock has been torn to shreds lately down more than 24 percent year-to-date.
Varble entered the event wearing a magnificent pink dress that would literally be torn to shreds by the end of the night, perhaps foreshadowing his subsequent disappearance from public view.
Kendall Jenner's new Pepsi commercial -- in which she joins a protest or rally of some sort and then hands a cop a can of soda -- is being torn to shreds online.
" Ms. Thompson added, "She would probably be torn to shreds by the new feminists were it not for the fact that her calm style helps to conceal her transgressions against orthodoxy.
"As someone who served in Iraq in 2008, I witnessed firsthand the brutal death of countless soldiers who were torn to shreds by this vicious terrorist," Collins said in his apology.
A hairy chest and gruff voice is certainly attractive to many, and when the full moon hits, those jeans are getting torn to shreds and the beastie is going on a rampage.
For everyone else, the packaging would have been just another obstacle on the path to an abundance of dopamine, an inconvenience to be torn to shreds before the hungry hoovering might begin.
Megyn Kelly is getting torn to shreds, deservedly so, by her coworkers at NBC -- especially Al Roker -- who demanded she apologize to the country for her asinine blackface comments ... and she did.
But within a few days, the masterworks were decimated—ripped down, spray-painted, and otherwise torn to shreds by folks who just couldn't stand the sight of our future president's rotund, naked bod.
But Hodor's end combined the visceral spectacle of him being torn to shreds by ice skeletons with a series of dizzying metaphysical questions about whether he had chosen to sacrifice himself at all.
Weeks after Hurricane Maria left the island's infrastructure torn to shreds, he visited and threw paper towels at a crowd in a city where most residents did not have power or water for months.
Out of the factory, the Vulcan is completely configured for track use, including an asphalt-hugging ride height that would almost immediately be torn to shreds by unforgiving, pothole-ridden streets and steep driveways.
One of the great ironies of all of this is that writers know — probably better than anyone — what it feels like to have their life's creative work torn to shreds by strangers on the internet.
PASSENGER FURIOUS AFTER LUGGAGE IS TORN TO SHREDS ON AN EASYJET FLIGHT The 214 passengers and crew members disembarked the plane and were taken into the terminal along with their luggage to undergo a security screening.
The young woman torn to shreds by her cold and unfeeling sister for not visiting her while she was sick in the hospital could vow to never ignore those in her life who need her support.
His books about the exploits of the Third Marine Division showed dead and disfigured Marines and Japanese soldiers; jungles torn to shreds by gunfire; Marines using flamethrowers to incinerate or flush out Japanese troops in caves.
Desmond's hands are torn to shreds by the rope he uses to lower his wounded comrades (and a few enemies!) off the ridge, and there's even a scene of a man committing Seppuku, the Japanese suicide ritual.
All of these behaviours might be "odious" and out of whack with the ideal of an impartial jury, the justices noted, but jury privacy would be torn to shreds if all of them are cause to nullify verdicts after the fact.
But for fans of his work in Black Flag and Rollins Band, it's always a fun surprise to see Hank pop up in random movies in which he stands an extremely high chance of being torn to shreds by the film's end.
In many regards, Star Trek Beyond is a pretty familiar Trek tale, but this early battle sequence is one of the franchise's most inspired, our heroes' vessel being torn to shreds by a swarm of enemy ships too tiny for its weapons to hit.
Couple this with being thrust into adult environments and sometimes bearing the responsibility as a primary earner for your household and it's no surprise that the likes of Corey Feldman, Amanda Bynes, Corey Haim, and then later Britney Spears were torn to shreds by fame.
"Clinton's credibility has been torn to shreds, and as her team struggles to spin her obvious breach of the law, her persistent dishonesty has only created a new set of hurdles," Sean Spicer, the RNC's communications director and chief strategist, wrote in the memo.
When it strayed too close to its galaxy's central black hole, which possessed a gravitational bulk equal to three million of our Suns, the wayward star was ensnared by immense tidal forces, torn to shreds, and devoured in a spectacular display of cosmic fireworks.
" In his apology the next day, Mr. Collins cited his own service in Iraq in 2008, as a chaplain in the Air Force Reserve, saying that he had "witnessed firsthand the brutal death of countless soldiers who were torn to shreds by this vicious terrorist.
Here's how it goes down, according to lead author Eden Girma, a Harvard University undergraduate student and Banneker/Aztlán Institute member: Every 10,000 years or so, an unlucky star ventures too close to Sagittarius A*, falls into its deadly tidal embrace, and gets torn to shreds.
We talked to the gaming guru -- who founded the FaZe Esports collective -- at the Logan Paul/KSI fight this weekend and he cleared the air with us on what exactly happened last month at the Encore at Wynn Hotel in Sin City, where his room was torn to shreds.
A man who's been torn between two different identities — Stark and Greyjoy — realizes he can reconcile them by trying to simply be a good, honorable man, and a man who's been torn to shreds by trauma nonetheless throws himself back into the heart of battle for a loved one.
I admit that it came as a shock of relief and an immense emotional pleasure when, in the much-discussed ending of "Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood," Tarantino's version of the story unexpectedly veered away into some other, dreamlike, better world, where the monsters inadvertently passed through the wrong door and met the end they deserved — torn to shreds, bludgeoned to a pulp, burned to a cinder.
I admit that it came as a shock of relief and an immense emotional pleasure when, in the much-discussed ending of "Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood," Tarantino's version of the story unexpectedly veered away into some other, dreamlike, better world, where the monsters inadvertently passed through the wrong door and met the end they deserved — torn to shreds, bludgeoned to a pulp, burned to a cinder.
In the film's novelization, he was renamed Nicholai Sokolov. Nicholai is ultimately torn to shreds by zombie dogs while holding them off so Alice and Jill can escape.
Mars One Torn To Shreds In MIT Debate. August 21, 2015 by Jonathan O'Callaghan. The company went bankrupt in January 2019.Mars One's ill-fated dream unsurprisingly ends in bankruptcy.
The king pardons, and sends for all the master tailors to come to his court and make lavish clothes to replace those torn to shreds. Eventually, they all retire to bed.
The mirrors are particularly > attractive, unless you have drunk too much gin!..The four-piece band led by > Alec Alexander, suits the style of the club. It delivers lively, cheerful > music that you can dance to without having your nerves torn to shreds.
But what starts as cruel teasing makes the once poor-quality play better and better as Tsubaki returns day after day to have it torn to shreds and criticized over and over again. Finally the play is perfected and Sakisaka's dislike of Tsubaki turns into respect for his talent.
Maclay, pg. 211-212 A duel then commenced at extreme close range, during which both ships were heavily damaged. Sailors on both sides were also burned by the flashes of their enemy's cannon. Congresss rigging was torn to shreds during the exchange, which compelled the Americans to stand off for quick repairs.
' Mills's father reconciled with her, after meeting her and McCartney when they introduced him to his granddaughter, Beatrice. After their separation, he said that it 'took guts to represent yourself at the High Court', and that he was proud of his daughter, even though he thought she would be 'torn to shreds' by McCartney's lawyers.
Dillman told Sarah Ellis of Inside Soap that her character is "absolutely heartbroken, and in disbelief. Their marriage is completely torn to shreds." Ziggy goes home and packs her belongings, while Brody begs her give him a chance to explain. Ziggy initially thinks they can fix their marriage, but she then overhears Brody saying he loves Simone.
Eventually Robertson arrives and bayonet charges the position with the Texas Brigade in the thick of it. Robertson is killed and his division is torn to shreds. After hours of fighting, Ord surrenders, but not without inflicting over 10,000 casualties. Lee is furious with Beauregard and thinks of relieving him, for now Grant has bled Lee dry.
McLaws is killed but his division along with Robertson's old division and Johnson seize the guns. The victory was nearly theirs until Banks and Sheridan counterattacked and made short work of the assault. Stuart is wounded and Hood was hit near the breakthrough in Sheridan's line earlier. The attack in Frederick was torn apart, divisions torn to shreds.
From 1976 Wolf Vostell travelled regularly between Berlin and Malpartida de Cáceres. During this time he created a series of paintings and drawings in his Spanish studio, which show the theme Tauromaquia. Large-format canvases show bulls, mostly bleeding and torn to shreds. He made assemblages in which he combined painted bull heads with light bulbs, car parts or other objects.
Hunt forms a massive battery along two roads in Frederick, with McPherson's old command behind him. After the hornet's nest, Lee directs personally McLaws and two of Beauregard's divisions along with Robertson's old command to assault the town. Going up the two roads, Stuart leads the advance against 160 guns. The assault is torn to shreds as scores fall on the road.
Their clothes are stolen while they take a swim. The astronauts pursue the thieves, finding their clothes torn to shreds and their supplies pillaged as the perpetrators, a group of mute primitive humans, raid a cornfield. Taylor is shot in the throat and captured by armed gorillas, along with the primitive humans. Dodge is killed and Landon rendered unconscious in the chaos.
Nash Point, Southerndown and Ogmore-by-Sea have some of the highest shipwreck victims on the coast of Wales; as recently as 1962 an oil tanker, the BP Driver, crashed into Nash Point during a violent westerly storm, was torn to shreds by the reefs and eventually sank, although the crew were saved by various Bristol Channel lifeboats and helicopters.
Liverpool secured a league double over Bolton, and again scored late against them, with Joe Cole getting on the score sheet for the first time in his Liverpool career in the Premier League. This would be Hodgson's last game at Anfield. In what would prove to be Hodgson's last ever game as Liverpool manager, his team were torn to shreds by a stunning performance from Blackburn.
For instance, a person cannot travel to the same time twice. Attempting to do results in one being thrown back to the present, "torn to shreds in the process." The same would presumably result from attempting to interact with early humans. Therefore, the time machine is restricted from visiting the period of protohuman development, and refrains from visiting any time within one thousand years of a previous visit.
A tribute to the Skyway was added to the Matterhorn Bobsleds after an extensive refurbishment in 2015. Several wrecked Skyway buckets and Matterhorn Bobsled vehicles from the park's history appear just past the top of the lift hill, torn to shreds and abandoned by the attraction's Abominable Snowman. These replaced the original flashing crystals. In 2017, Disney announced the construction of the Disney Skyliner in Walt Disney World's Epcot Resort Area.
Wooden houses were knocked off their foundations in Keaīwa, Punaluu Beach and Nīnole, while thatched houses supported by posts in the same areas were torn to shreds. The earthquake demolished nearly every stone wall and house within the Kaū district in an instant. At Waiōhinu, a large stone church built by Reverend John D. Paris collapsed, and in Hilo the shaking destroyed the few stone buildings and most walls.
It ends up being a trap and he is attacked with sonic blasts by Montana, now wearing the suit and calling himself "Shocker". When he is close to moving in for the kill, one of the thugs used as bait, Alex O'Hirn, accidentally gives Spider-Man time to recover. Shocker then knocks him into a machine and, satisfied, leaves via helicopter. Spider-Man, however, survives but his paycheck was torn to shreds.
The group boards the ship, leaving Leila and Billy behind to repair the boat, where they are both killed by the same creature. The group reaches the ballroom only to find blood and no sign of the passengers. Finnegan and Joey go to the ship's workshop to scavenge parts to repair the boat, under the guard of T-Ray and Mamooli. T-Ray goes off to investigate strange noises and is torn to shreds by the creature.
On 28 June 1914, at Sarajevo, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated. This came as a shock to Marie and her family, who were vacationing at Sinaia when the news reached them. On 28 July, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia and, as Marie saw it, "the world's peace was torn to shreds". Then, on 3 August, King Carol held a Crown Council at Sinaia, in order to decide whether Romania should enter the war.
The Abana was sailing from Liverpool to Savannah, Georgia when she was caught in a storm in the Irish Sea. She was spotted at 3 pm drifting in a northwesterly direction with her sails torn to shreds. The crew mistook Blackpool Tower for a lighthouse and the ship was first spotted foundering at North Pier, and ended up drifting north and was wrecked off Little Bispham at 5 pm. Flares were fired and the lifeboat was called out.
The hated charters and debtors' accounts were seized and triumphantly torn to shreds. A reprieve came on 29 September 1326 when Queen Isabella arrived at the Abbey with an army from Hainaut. She had returned from the continent with the intention of deposing her husband, King Edward II. She stayed at the Abbey a number of days with her son the future Edward III. On 18 October 1327, a group of monks entered the local parish church.
142–143 It appears that Bellini had his first meeting with Malibran when attending a performance where, as he states: : my music was tortured, torn to shreds. ... Only when Malibran was singing did I recognise my [opera] ... but in the allegro of the final scene, and precisely at the words 'Ah! m'abbraccia' ... I was the first to shout at the top of my voice: 'Viva, viva, brava, brava,' and to clap my hands as much as I could.
Searching for help for their baby, the tiger parents visit Nog the Magic-Maker for a second eye for their child. Nog "carelessly" lets slip the fact that the only way he can supply a living eye to the cub is to transform himself into it. The Tiger parents quickly insist that Nog do just that, or be torn to shreds. Nog is forced to comply; but his resentment and anger make the resulting eye an organ of malevolence.
The film revolves around a man named Subash Chandrabose (Sathyaraj), whose life has been torn to shreds by corrupt men of the system. He faced the brunt of their anger when he dared to stand up against them. Now, his sole aim is to purge the system and the country of all corrupt evils. For that, he begins forging a small army of young people who are at a similar angst against the system or at least some people in it.
In this match he had his jersey torn to shreds by the Galway backs, and many spectators said his performance was one of the all-time great Gaelic football forward displays. He played on his first Connacht Railway Cup team at the age of 20 in 1954. He won his first Railway Cup with Connacht in 1957. He won a Connacht Junior Football Championship in 1962, and was on the team which lost to Meath in the All- Ireland Junior Football Championship final.
That evening, when Alice decides to use the basement swimming pool of her apartment building, she is stalked by an animal. When Alice screams for help, Irena appears, turning on the lights, and says she is looking for Oliver. Alice later finds her bathrobe torn to shreds. After an appointment with Dr. Judd, Irena tells Oliver that she is no longer afraid, but Oliver tells her it is too late: he has realized that he loves Alice and intends to divorce Irena.
The song features heavy use of Auto-Tune, creating a sound that Vulture described as a "mindfuck". Petras' verse was described by Paper as "possibly the most bombastic 60 seconds in her discography to date." Her verse builds up to "one of the most exciting climaxes of the entire record, cushioned by a question of silence and torn to shreds by a mind-bending drum sample." The final 30 seconds of the song contains "distorted blaring noise taking listeners by surprise" and earned commentary from multiple critics.
The police chief casts doubt on Jean's story, while Olderberry's son warns the Carters that if they pursue the matter through the legal system, he will ensure that Jean's evidence and trustworthiness will be torn to shreds in court. When the case come to trial, it is with an obviously stacked jury and in an atmosphere of extreme hostility towards the Carters. As threatened, the Defense Counsel proceeds to question Jean in a harrying, bullying manner which leaves her confused, frightened and giving the impression of an unreliable witness. Inevitably Olderberry is acquitted.
He joined the Four Aces, and helped capture Nazi war criminals and topple tyrants; he even saved Gandhi from a fanatic's bullet, but back at home the political climate of America was changing. The Four Aces found themselves called before the dreaded HUAC (the House Un-American Activities Committee) where the former Communist Sanderson was torn to shreds on the stand by racist Congressmen. After the trial he escaped prison and fled the country. He remained out of America for the rest of his life, despite receiving a pardon from President John F. Kennedy.
Knowing that the story will hit the news, Gary phones his wife, Lee Hart, and apologizes. After the story appears on page A1 of the Herald, Lee and daughter Andrea are besieged by reporters outside their home in Troublesome Gulch, Colorado. Meanwhile in D.C., campaign staffer Irene befriends Rice over alcoholic beverages for the purpose of getting information from her, and then sends Rice back to Miami, where her privacy is torn to shreds by the press. Gary argues with his campaign manager, Bill Dixon, about whether to respond to the Herald story.
Cuban utility officials say Paloma's effect on the power grid was not as bad as the destruction caused by Gustav and Ike earlier in the season. Paloma did, however knock down power and telephone lines, as well as a major communications tower. The hurricane brought with it a 14-foot (4 meter) storm surge which moved the coastline inland by almost a mile (about 1.5 km) in Santa Cruz del Sur, doing extensive damage. In Santa Cruz del Sur where Paloma came ashore, 435 homes were torn to shreds.
His easy style, attractive and brilliant, open only just enough to innovation, rendered him a sort of protector of the galant Parisian style, and many of his pieces were favorably accepted in London as well as in America (some actively participated in defining the so-called forma sonata), but his theatrical works, operas, were almost always torn to shreds. Moreover, from 1785 it was affirmed in France of the more complex Viennese style, to which he tried to awkwardly join, undermining his fame, and damaging his reputation in the press of the German area.
After the match, the two victors were attacked by Héctor Garza, who made his first AAA appearance in seven years, having recently left rival promotion Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre (CMLL). On November 26, Evans pinned Aguayo in another tag team match, this time teaming with Fénix, while Aguayo teamed with Halloween. Afterwards, both Evans and Fénix were bloodied by Los Perros del Mal with Fénix also having his mask torn to shreds. The attack led to Fénix challenging Los Perros del Mal to a match at Guerra de Titanes.
After the off-screen explosion, Giovanni steps out to the stage with a singed face and evening wear torn to shreds. He takes a couple of bows and then collapses. During the concert's final act, Bugs poses as the highly respected Leopold Stokowski, prompting the musicians, Giovanni, the conductor, and the audience to immediately snap to attention, show reverence, and acknowledge him with repeated astonished cries of "Leopold!", as Bugs takes over the conducting duties and the original conductor respectfully hands the reigns of the performance over to him.
Bob Dylan and the Grateful Dead recorded a portion of their collaborative live album, entitled Dylan & the Dead, there on July 4, 1987. Pink Floyd played a two-night stand in May 1988 (on one of the nights their inflatable pig was torn to shreds). They also played a three-night sold- out stand in May 1994 on their The Division Bell Tour which was recorded and readily available on bootleg. (The second night was filmed by MTV for promotional purposes.) The Dave Matthews Band played seven shows at the stadium from 1998 to 2001.
Mars One's original concept includes launching a robotic Mars lander and Mars orbiter as early as 2020, to be followed by a human crew of four in 2024, and one in 2026 which would not be returning to Earth. Although the announcement garnered much international publicity, the concept has been criticized by scientists, engineers, and those in the aerospace industry. Mars One is noted as being very short on funding, lacking critical concepts about hardware, life support, electrical power supply, and has been criticized as glossing over logistics, medical concerns, and protection against space radiation.Mars One Torn To Shreds In MIT Debate.
One False Note, second book in the series, was written by Gordon Korman and published on December 2, 2008. En route to Vienna, the Holts try to steal the clue from Amy, Dan, and Nellie, only to find it torn to shreds by Saladin. Luckily, Dan had already stored it in his photographic memory, and he copies it down on a tissue after they leave. They go to Mozart's house and then sneak down to the library to find the diary of Mozart's sister, Maria Anna "Nannerl" Mozart, only to discover that Jonah Wizard has stolen it.
Pirata Morgan Jr. has his father, Pirata Morgan, in his corner for the main event. The recently unmasked Pirata Morgan Jr. put his hair on the line against Golden Magic, who was putting his mask on the line in the Lucha de Apuestas match. During the match Pirata Morgan interfered on several occasions, helping his son gain an unfair advantage. In the end, Golden Magic, despite being covered in his own blood and having his mask torn to shreds, managed to pin Pirata Morgan Jr. after Pirata Morgan mistakenly hit his son with a steel chair instead of Golden Magic.
Outraged, Gorman attacks her, but she is able to escape into his office where she finds a mechanical mamba head seeping with real mamba poison in his desk. She now knows for a fact that he killed Hewitt and takes the snake head with the intention to find Dr. Woodford. However, Gorman finds his wife, swears he did everything because he loves her, and prevents her from revealing his crime by throwing her to the alligators, where she is torn to shreds. The following day the zoo is still trying to find the snake and closes the facility.
A thousand > soldiers were destroyed in a second of time; many of them being torn to > shreds, beyond even the semblance of humanity. Richebourg disappeared, and > was not found until several days later, when his body was discovered; > doubled around an iron chain, which hung from one of the bridge-boats in the > centre of the river. The veteran Robles, Seigneur de Billy, a Portuguese > officer of eminent service and high military rank, was also destroyed. > Months afterwards, his body was discovered adhering to the timber-work of > the bridge, upon the ultimate removal of that structure, and was only > recognized by a peculiar gold chain which he habitually wore.
It was listed in an article in Time Magazine on light houses that have been restored to bed and breakfast facilities. In November 2012, Hurricane Sandy went within a few dozen miles of the Frying Pan Tower but due to its being a low-category storm at the time, the only issue was a few disturbed ceiling tiles due to a window being left open. In September 2018, the Shoals were in the path of Hurricane Florence. Media coverage in the hours before the storms landfall noted the American flag on Frying Pan Tower being torn to shreds by the extreme conditions as the hurricane approached.
By the Treaty of Limerick the Catholic soldiers of King James were pardoned, protected against forfeiture of their estates, and were free to go abroad if they chose. All Catholics might substitute an oath of allegiance for the oath of supremacy, and were to have such privileges "as were consistent with the laws of Ireland, or as they did enjoy in the reign of Charles II". King William also promised to have the Irish Parliament grant a further relaxation of the penal laws in force. This treaty, however, was soon torn to shreds, and in spite of William's appeals the Irish Parliament refused to ratify it, and embarked on fresh penal legislation.
In 46 BC Julius Caesar had celebrated his triumphs in Egypt by returning to Rome with a vast menagerie, the star attraction of which was a giraffe, the first ever seen in Europe. The Romans did not know what to make of such an animal and named it the cameleopard, for it seemed to them to embody characteristics of both the camel and leopard. Caesar had the animal torn to shreds by lions in the arena, probably to emphasize his power by the disposal of such a rare creature in a casual manner. Lorenzo had read of the success of the spectacle of Caesar's giraffe and saw a way to cement his reputation in Florence by emulating it.
In her home, housewife Claire (Cartwright) has been dealing with a recent rat problem as she can hear the rats in the walls and attic, but her husband Steven (Masur) ignores it. Even though Steven assures Claire that he will take care of the problem with a couple of rat traps in the attic, the disturbances progressively get worse, as objects start falling off shelves and the family cat is eaten from being torn to shreds. Soon enough, Claire calls an exterminator (Albert Hague) who discovers that the creature has gnawed huge holes behind various cabinets and has also chewed on the power cables. Steven comes home, criticizes his wife, and tells the exterminator to leave.
As the two struggle for the map, the map is torn to shreds. Cortex sends his loyal Lab Assistants to find the pieces of the map scattered throughout the big City and bring them to him. Now that the contestants know about the map, the Viscount decides to reveal his true intentions: the Super Big Power Crystal can grant a single wish who whoever obtains it, and the Viscount is willing to give a large sum of money to those who help him find it. Finding the Power Crystal is impossible without the Final Key, so the Viscount boards his plane to travel to the North Atlantic Ocean in search for the Final Key.
Although the tour was apparently a financial disaster, it was a promotional success for the band. The Brisbane Festival Hall concert was a highpoint of the tour and they drew a record crowd there, breaking The Beatles' 1964 attendance record. Wheatley was dragged offstage by the audience and had his pants and coat literally torn to shreds, with the result that one of the police on hand threatened to arrest him for indecent exposure if they did not finish playing immediately. After the Brisbane show, Wheatley calculated that the crowd had paid $5 per ticket—so box office gross must have been at least $30,000–$35,000—yet his band, like all other acts, were on a fixed fee.
In this version of the legend, it is said that Orpheus was torn to shreds by the women of Thrace for his inattention. Ovid recounts that Orpheus ... Feeling spurned by Orpheus for taking only male lovers (eromenoi), the Ciconian women, followers of Dionysus, "by the Ciconian women." first threw sticks and stones at him as he played, but his music was so beautiful even the rocks and branches refused to hit him. Enraged, the women tore him to pieces during the frenzy of their Bacchic orgies. Book XI. In Albrecht Dürer's drawing of Orpheus' death, based on an original, now lost, by Andrea Mantegna, a ribbon high in the tree above him is lettered Orfeus der erst puseran ("Orpheus, the first pederast").
Such an offer was eagerly grasped, and before long the great sailing canoes of Atua were heading eastward to claim the prize, while Malietoa and his crest-fallen followers returned to their villages. This famous incident is still remembered in the proverb—“Ua tosi fa'alauti le eleele o Tutuila” (The land of Tutuila has been torn to shreds even as the strands of a native skirt), and to this day many of the village names and chiefly titles of Tutuila still bear witness to the nature of their origin, derived directly as they were from the district of Atua. For his efforts in ending the conflict, 'Iuli Potini was elevated from tulafale to tulafale-alii and given the rank of Matua by Moe'ono and Leutele. Furthermore, his kava cup was named “Lau ipu lenei; lua po, lua ao” (This is your kava cup: ‘The two nights and the two days’).
Sima Shi, in his anxiety, aggravated the condition of his eye, which had recently been operated on, and caused his eye to pop out. However, he did not want his troops to find out about his condition and become even more panicky, so he bore the pain and bit his pillow and blanket to relieve the pain until they were torn to shreds. Wen Yang saw that the enemy was still superior in numbers and that his reinforcements did not show up, so he retreated before dawn.(... 謂欽曰:「及其未定,擊之可破也。」於是分為二隊,夜夾攻軍。俶率壯士先至,大呼大將軍,軍中震擾。欽後期不應。會明,俶退,欽亦引還。) Wei Shi Chunqiu annotation in Sanguozhi vol. 28.
She begins her book with an extensive quote from The Origins of Totalitarianism: > The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the > convinced communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and > fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and the distinction between true > and false (i.e., the standards of thought) no longer exist Kakutani and others believed that Arendt's words speak not just events of a previous century but apply equally to the contemporary cultural landscape populated with fake news and lies. She also draws on Arendt's essay "Lying in Politics" from Crises in the Republic pointing to the lines: > The historian knows how vulnerable is the whole texture of facts in which we > spend our daily life; it is always in danger of being perforated by single > lies or torn to shreds by the organized lying of groups, nations, or > classes, or denied and distorted, often carefully covered up by reams of > falsehoods or simply allowed to fall into oblivion.
Their 1966 single "I Can Hear the Grass Grow" has been credited, alongside near-simultaneous releases by The Beatles and Pink Floyd, with establishing the childlike pastoral vision that would characterise English psychedelia, though Wood's songs were in not in fact LSD-influenced but based on a set of "fairy stories for adults" he had written while still at school, and were intended as "songs about going mad, or just being a bit bonkers". The Move were notorious for their highly confrontational live act, smashing up televisions and setting off fireworks on stage, and for a period featuring a life-sized effigy of Prime Minister Harold Wilson which was torn to shreds over the course of the show. Carl Palmer performing as part of Emerson, Lake & Palmer In 1966 The Craig released "I Must be Mad", a furiously energetic freakbeat-influenced single that showcased the sophistication of Handsworth-born Carl Palmer's unpredictable and angular drumming. This record has since come to be recognised as one of the earliest examples of British psychedelia, being voted by The Observer second only to Pink Floyd's "Arnold Layne" as the best psychedelic single of the 1960s.

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