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220 Sentences With "tooth decay"

How to use tooth decay in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "tooth decay" and check conjugation/comparative form for "tooth decay". Mastering all the usages of "tooth decay" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The acids can cause tooth decay and harm gum tissue.
It's a concern given problems with obesity and tooth decay.
Sugar companies couldn't deny that their product caused tooth decay.
They have been linked to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
So when we brush, we're essentially slowing down tooth decay.
Similarly, the answer to 24A's "Dental problem" is TOOTH DECAY.
Tooth decay can contribute to obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
The key ingredient is fluoride, which evidence shows prevents tooth decay.
Fluoride in water can prevent tooth decay and protect against cavities.
Decay in baby teeth has been linked to adult tooth decay.
Good news: Tooth decay and other dental problems are on the decline.
Fluoridated water has been touted for its ability to prevent tooth decay.
In very rare cases, tooth decay has the potential to be deadly.
In the US, millions of people struggle with tooth decay and cavities.
The ability of tooth decay to impact overall health couldn't be clearer.
Some of the symptoms of baby tooth decay include pain, infection and swelling.
This suggests that genetics does not play an important role in tooth decay.
The higher your blood sugar level, the higher your risk of tooth decay (cavities).
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends weaning by 18 months to avoid tooth decay.
Chronic dehydration too often leads to tooth decay, bladder stones, and urinary tract infections.
Too much juice can contribute to problems like poor nutrition, obesity and tooth decay.
The truth is, there's a little more to preventing tooth decay than these guidelines suggest.
In the 203s, most hygienists worked in schools, teaching children how to prevent tooth decay.
"Tooth decay is the most common disease in childhood," Deputy Health Commissioner George Askew said.
Read her story about how online misinformation fuels the spread of tooth decay, Ebola, and measles.
Juices are high in sugar, lack fiber, and can contribute to tooth decay and later obesity.
"We talk for hours and hours about brushing teeth, gum disease, and tooth decay," he sings.
Fluoridated water systems in communities across the country have also shown progress in reducing tooth decay.
Misaligned teeth can put you at risk for tooth decay, gum disease, and even tooth loss.
Tooth decay usually suggests a diet rich in sugar (or at least soft, high-carbohydrate foods).
This can be a difficult habit to break, but can reduce tooth decay by up to 25%.
In the early 244s a researcher called Benjamin Kamrin was looking into the causes of tooth decay.
The warning would state that drinking beverages with added sugar contributes to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in every three adults has untreated tooth decay.
It actually stimulates the growth of stem cells in the pulp, which could repair damage from tooth decay.
Health experts link excessive sugar intake to health problems such as obesity, tooth decay and type 2 diabetes.
Regular use can lead to tooth decay, and acetaminophen is a leading cause of liver disease in children.
Now there's an alternative: an antimicrobial liquid that can be brushed on cavities to stop tooth decay — painlessly.
The athletes underwent an oral health screening that assessed levels of tooth decay, tooth erosion and gum disease.
"I see a lot of patients who think they're genetically programmed to get tooth decay," Dr. Silva said.
Snacks devoid of nutrition and loaded with sugars can lead to fatigue, cravings, weight gain and tooth decay.
"There&aposs something called &aposBaby bottle tooth decay&apos and their teeth can just rot out," says Posner.
For example, they've found that a trade group knew as early as the 1950s that sugar causes tooth decay.
"That's why it's so common for older dogs to have gum disease, tooth decay, and foul breath," Reynolds says.
We are told that there are significant regional inequalities in tooth decay today without learning what those inequalities are.
More From Tonic: To understand those perks, it helps to know how tooth decay works in the first place.
Proponents posit that it improves oral health by treating gingivitis, preventing tooth decay, killing bad breath, and whitening teeth.
We are seeing tooth decay at much earlier ages, so it's important to educate early and be on the lookout.
Indian preschool-aged children had four times the rate of untreated tooth decay as white children in a recent study.
Brushing your teeth removes biofilm, a layer of bacteria that can produce acids that cause tooth decay and gum disease.
"Charles had thought that in his career as a dentist he was going to fight tooth decay," the authors added.
You see, misaligned teeth are tricky to clean, increasing your risk of tooth decay, gum disease, or even tooth loss.
For maximum benefit, use toothpaste with 1350-1500 ppmF -- that's concentration of fluoride in parts per million -- to prevent tooth decay.
Your dentist may prescribe higher strength fluoride toothpaste based on their assessment of your or your child's risk of tooth decay.
Why some kids are more prone to tooth decay Plaque is difficult to see because it is whitish, like your teeth.
Increased risks of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, tooth decay, and heart disease are just some of the most well-established examples.
Increased risks of obesity, Type 22 diabetes, tooth decay, and heart disease are just some of the most well-established examples.
Fluoridated city water has been available in the United States since 1945, when ess pain and suffering because of tooth decay.
The wood of the arak tree (Salvadora persica) has a high concentration of fluoride and other antimicrobial components that prevent tooth decay.
Had drinking non-fluoridated water stymied the government's nefarious plan to prevent tooth decay with the added benefit of stoking his chi?
Reluctant flossers rejoiced: If the government had no data to prove flossing prevents gum disease and tooth decay, then why do it?
Maybe the evidence that flossing reduces tooth decay or gum disease does not hold up because we are all such poor flossers.
Applying dental sealants in schools is a proven, cost-effective, and efficient way to reach millions of children to prevent tooth decay.
Why it matters: The groups say sugary drinks pose preventable risks to childrens' health, including tooth decay, diabetes, obesity and heart disease.
Too much added sugar in the diet is associated with increased risk of tooth decay, weight gain, heart disease, and poor nutrition.
However, he often runs into animals with severe issues such as tooth decay or illnesses that need treatment at a veterinary hospital.
Halloween is all about irreverently confronting our greatest fears, from the inevitability of death to the slow march of candy-induced tooth decay.
The Mess It'll Make: Cavities and gum disease, for starters, which could lead to tooth decay and eventual tooth loss if left untreated.
To prevent tooth decay, he explains, people should brush their teeth well with a fluoride-containing toothpaste and cut back on sugary foods.
Nestled into the crevices between your gums and teeth, these microbes can sometimes cause serious health problems like tooth decay and gum disease.
In fact, tooth decay is the #1 chronic childhood disease, 5 times more common than asthma and 4 times more prevalent than obesity.
About 70 dentists will learn over the next three years how to coax infants into cooperating and help parents guard against tooth decay.
An October report from the World Health Organization recommended taxing sugary drinks to lower consumption and to reduce obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
Sugary beverages — including carbonated drinks, fruit drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks and iced teas — have been linked to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
ACT Anticavity Fluoride Rinse Mouthwash is clinically proven to both prevent tooth decay and to restore teeth already afflicted with mild decalcification issues.
Fizzy sugary drinks contain mainly empty calories and promote tooth decay, so it makes sense to make them less attractive by increasing their price.
It can whiten healthy teeth about eight shades lighter in under an hour, but it will not work on veneers, crowns, or tooth decay.
Like ankle sprains, tooth decay, or heart attacks, reproductive health should be a banal medical thing that a lot of people know something about.
Last year, Kearns published findings about the industry's role in downplaying the link between all that pick 'n' mix and tooth decay (yep, really).
The practice is thought to pull bacteria and toxins out of your mouth tissues, allegedly preventing tooth decay, gum inflammation, and even heart disease.
Chompers even has a few fun and educational responses about tooth decay and bacteria that will make brushing a joy instead of a chore.
Those higher prices are intended to discourage shoppers from consuming so many sugary drinks, which have been linked to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
Public health reformers think such a function of the tax is desirable, since soda consumption has been linked to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
As for whether or not seltzer water causes tooth decay, the concerns aren't without merit: Flavored seltzers are also more acidic than people think.
The evidence is unequivocal: Sugar-filled beverages have been linked to Type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, tooth decay, obesity, and, ultimately, premature death.
People with incomes low enough to qualify for Medicaid are twice as likely to have untreated tooth decay, relative to their higher-income counterparts.
Soda taxes were cooked up as policies meant to discourage consumption of sugary drinks, which have been linked to diabetes, obesity and tooth decay.
Dental caries (that's tooth decay) in young people age 2 to 19 had a prevalence rate of nearly 50 percent in 2015 to 2016.
Frequently sipping sugary beverages is associated with a higher risk of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and tooth decay, among other health concerns.
Barbourville, Kentucky (CNN)When Dr. Edwin Smith was a young dentist beginning his career in eastern Kentucky, he encountered many patients with rampant tooth decay.
With the introduction of sweet treats came a rise in tooth decay and people losing their teeth earlier, which affects your overall health and mortality.
Almost all of the kids who came to her for their first dental visit at age 6 had mouths riddled with tooth decay, Alston said.
Sugary drinks have been linked to health problems, including obesity, diabetes and tooth decay, but the public health effects of the taxes are still unclear.
Coca-Cola and PepsiCo remain major purveyors of obesity, tooth decay, diabetes, heart disease and other scourges that damage people's health and raise medical costs.
Mosso prescribes antibiotics for cases of parasitosis and kidney infection, and diagnoses tooth decay in almost everyone; there is little education here about oral hygiene.
Scientists link habitual mouth breathing to a host of medical issues, including sleep problems, learning disorders, tooth decay, bad breath and jaw deformities in children.
"One hundred percent fruit juice should be offered only on special occasions, especially for kids who are at high-risk for tooth decay," she said.
A similar effort to add fluoride to the water supply to prevent tooth decay generated considerable outcry in the 28s, but was eventually implemented widely.
We now have a big pile of evidence that sugary drink consumption is linked to health problems, including obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and tooth decay.
"Particularly in the elderly, the bacteria associated with tooth decay can cause pneumonia, which is a common cause of avoidable hospital admissions and death," Willink said.
Although it has come under criticism of late, instances of tooth decay are much higher in cities and countries that don't have fluoride in their water.
The trouble starts with tooth decay, which permits the usually harmless bacteria in our mouths to enter the spongy, supportive core of the tooth (the "pulp").
As you probably know, putting fluoride in our drinking water dramatically reduced tooth decay, by around 25 percent per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
But we now have a big pile of evidence that sugary drink consumption is linked to health problems, including obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and tooth decay.
It's infused with ingredients that help prevent tooth decay, strengthen teeth, and freshen your breath all day long, without the burning sensation that comes with most formulas.
We use this first visit to educate families, establish a comprehensive ongoing relationship between dentist and patient and examine a child's mouth for any early tooth decay.
A sugar-only diet would also lead to rapid tooth decay, and cause your blood glucose levels to spike and fall repeatedly, exacerbating your scurvy-induced fatigue.
This Anatolian community had adopted a Neolithic diet rich in plant carbohydrates and foods like bread and porridge—but this introduced a rather familiar problem: tooth decay.
" Another label tweaked this wording to focus on prevention: "SAFETY WARNING: Drinking beverages with added sugar(s) contributes to preventable diseases like obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
Soda taxes have usually been proposed as public health measures to discourage people from drinking sugary beverages, which have been linked to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
In the same review, the WHO found higher rates of tooth decay in people who got more than 21950 percent of their daily calories from added sugars.
Children who breathe secondhand smoke have an elevated risk of developing ear infections, coughs and colds, bronchitis and pneumonia, and tooth decay, the pediatric association has reported.
The judges determined that requiring labels and advertisements to include an unqualified statement that sugar causes "obesity, diabetes and tooth decay" was "misleading" and "controversial" (meaning contestable).
With more awareness about the strong correlation between drinking sweet, fizzy drinks and obesity and tooth decay, sales of beverages like Coca-Cola and Pepsi have slumped.
"There's a host of studies indicating that people with diabetes are at greater risk of [cavities and tooth decay], periodontal disease, cardiovascular disease, you name it," says Niederman.
For each scenario, the researchers mapped a realistic better and worse case scenario for health by estimating the likely impact on rates of obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
There's so much research now that shows people who drink soda have more obesity, Type 2 diabetes, tooth decay, and other health problems compared with people who don't.
Medical evidence shows that high sugar consumption is linked to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay — though not all of that work distinguishes between added sugar and total sugar.
Fluoride strengthens the teeth of babies in a mother's womb, hardens the teeth of children and reduces the risk of tooth decay as gums recede in aging adults.
There's also the fact that ingredients known to help prevent tooth decay, such as fluoride, are often taken out of charcoal toothpastes, since the charcoal can absorb them.
With more awareness about the very strong correlation between guzzling sweet, fizzy drinks, and obesity and tooth decay, sales of beverages like Coca-Cola and Pepsi have slumped.
These drinks are the top source of added sugar in the US diet, and have been a leading contributor to the obesity crisis and cause of tooth decay.
Around the time of the rat study, the industry was seeking to influence a new tooth-decay prevention program run by a federal agency, Kearns' team reported in 2015.
A study in Sweden showed that the poorest three- to six-year-olds are four times more likely to be at risk of tooth decay than their wealthy counterparts.
The American Academy of Pediatrics is updating its guidelines for how much fruit juice children should consume based on evidence tying juice to tooth decay and excessive weight gain.
San Francisco passed an ordinance in June 2015 requiring advertisers within the city to include a warning that drinking high-sugar beverages contributes to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
Kearns points out that the most recent World Health Organization sugar guidelines focus on reducing consumption because of sugar's role in obesity and tooth decay — not the heart risk.
Several of the people buried in the pit had much more tooth decay than the rest of the Yaroslavl dead, which actually suggests that they were pretty well-off.
The measures have been advanced by economists and public health experts looking for methods that might combat obesity, diabetes and tooth decay — maladies all linked to soft drink consumption.
The CDC also found an association between frequent soda consumption and obesity, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, nonalcoholic liver disease, tooth decay and cavities, CBS News reported.
The stuff occurs naturally in some water systems, but when added to municipal water, it inexpensively prevented tooth decay in kids and tooth loss in adults, the CDC wrote.
If the idea of death from tooth decay is shocking, it might be because we so rarely talk about the condition of our teeth as a serious health issue.
Modern methods Tooth decay (caries) and gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) are among the most common diseases, with most of the world population affected, according to the World Health Organization.
No more than four 'sugar hits' Intrinsic sugars are found naturally in foods like fruit and they are far less likely to cause tooth decay than added or free sugars.
Because sugar is so omnipresent now — not just during our holidays but throughout the year — health experts consider it a public health hazard, linked to obesity, tooth decay, and diabetes.
The guidelines also mentioned to avoid consuming too much sugar -- but not for the heart, rather because "the major health hazard from eating too much sugar is tooth decay" (PDF).
Prevention techniques such as dental sealant programs have proven to be extremely successful in preventing and reducing cavities in populations of children who are at high-risk for tooth decay.
"The less time we allow food or drink to stay in our mouths without a water rinse or brushing, the less likely we are to develop tooth decay," Chalmers said.
Raw water acolytes argue that drinking water directly from nature, without the chemicals found in tap water—chlorine for disinfecting, and fluoride to prevent tooth decay—contributes to superior health.
The data set also offered potential heritability data for about 400 items that had not previously been examined this way, including sinus infections, tooth decay, irregular menstruation and thyroid disorders.
The California-based dental-care brand Weldental, meanwhile, offers a gentle toothpaste tab containing Xylitol, a natural sweetener that helps prevent tooth decay, that activates into a paste upon chewing.
The American Dental Association said it was "committed to fluoridation of public water supplies as the single most effective public health measure to help prevent tooth decay," in a statement.
Regardless, it was Fahlberg who realized the commercial viability of saccharin as an inexpensive sugar substitute that isn't metabolized by the body, has no calories and doesn't cause tooth decay.
Not only can the bad bacteria cause tooth decay, pain and bad breath, but it has been linked to Alzheimer's and increases the risk of heart attack by nearly 50%.
To give you an idea of how widespread tooth decay is, consider that one out of five children aged five to 220006 years have at least one untreated decayed tooth.
Since every dollar spent on fluoridation saves $38 in dental costs, expansion of federal programs is needed to help more than one-third of America's children to avoid tooth decay.
British dentists are calling for an end to "cake culture" in the workplace as they claim the sugary treats are contributing to health problems such as obesity, tooth decay and diabetes.
The tax is supported by public health officials and the World Health Organization as a way to stem consumption of sugary drinks, which are linked to obesity, diabetes, and tooth decay.
In a new paper, they argue that the claims behind these products, like better whitening, are completely unproven, and that they might even speed along tooth decay and other dental problems.
There's plenty of scientific evidence that sugary drinks contribute to obesity, tooth decay, and diabetes, but Obama chose to promote water instead of warning parents and kids against the sweet stuff.
Of course, preventing tooth decay is about much more than cosmetics—poor oral health is linked to a range of problems throughout the body, including heart disease, arthritis, and even dementia.
ROME — A storm in a wineglass has erupted between Italy and Britain after some British dentists claimed this past week that prosecco, the bubbly North Italian wine, causes chronic tooth decay.
"I don&apost think it&aposs ever too soon to start brushing those teeth," Posner says because babies are susceptible to tooth decay and cavities, just like the rest of us.
San Francisco passed an ordinance in June 2015 requiring advertisers within the city to include a warning statement that said drinking high-sugar beverages contributed to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
When I see kids at schools we've been providing treatment to for 10 years and how much the incidence of tooth decay in the kids there has been reduced, that's motivation enough.
She lectured on the pernicious effects of soda and juices — lost days of school, lost days of work and tooth decay in a nation where white teeth are a sign of affluence.
Dr. Hegsted used his research to influence the government's dietary recommendations, which emphasized saturated fat as a driver of heart disease while largely characterizing sugar as empty calories linked to tooth decay.
The move comes amid San Francisco's legal battle with the soda industry to introduce warnings on advertisements for beverages with added sugar, noting that they contribute to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
The battle is the biggest so far by health advocates in their efforts to reduce the consumption of sugary carbonated soft drinks that they say leads to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
The move comes amid the city's legal battle with the soda industry to introduce warnings on advertisements for beverages with added sugar noting that they contribute to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
San Francisco passed an ordinance in June 2015 requiring advertisers within the city to include a black-box warning that said drinking high-sugar beverages contributed to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
Francine H. Donnorummo, an assistant state attorney, had said that they were malnourished as well and that one of them had to have teeth removed because of severe tooth decay and malnutrition.
Far-right members are "hollowing out the whole structure from within, and it's like tooth decay," said Esther de Lange, a lawmaker with the Christian Democratic Appeal, a center-right Dutch party.
I can report that all of these items caused the following symptoms: tooth decay, parental horror, occasional nausea if devoured in bulk while riding a Ferris wheel, and complete and utter happiness.
The frequency of children and adolescents aged 28500 to 6900 years with untreated tooth decay is twice as high in low-income households (2628  percent) as in higher-income families (28503 percent).
Fluoride, though having plenty of other benefits for teeth, such as helping prevent cavities and tooth decay, didn't have any big influence on enamel erosion, contrary to what some earlier research has suggested.
How could there be real technical improvements like bionic eyes and robotic arms that send email, but no cure for tooth decay, gum rot, or a better smile (without wearing years of hardware)?
Breastfeeding can also reduce the risk of a condition called baby bottle tooth decay, which is most often associated with babies' teeth being exposed to sugary drinks for an extended period of time.
Editor's note: A study conducted by the British Dental Journal in 2019 found that charcoal toothpaste doesn't actually whiten your teeth as well as previously though, and may even lead to tooth decay.
This health journalist's history of dentistry illuminates the class line between those who spend thousands of dollars to perfect their smiles and others who suffer from, and even die of, preventable tooth decay.
PHE are hoping parents will use the app to steer their kids away from high sugar products, opting for healthier alternatives instead and helping to reduce tooth decay, obesity and type two diabetes.
The ordinance passed by San Francisco in June 2015 required advertisements on billboards and posters within city limits to include a warning that drinking high-sugar beverages contributes to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
And in 1977, the Dietary Goals for the United States, which was edited mainly by Hegsted, also recommended lowering sugar intake by 40 percent because of its link with tooth decay and possibly diabetes.
Besides freshening your breath and warding off tooth decay, giving your pearly whites a good scrubbin' on the regular may help to decrease your risk of stroke, heart attack, and other serious health problems.
For nearly twenty years, CHIP has allowed millions of children to access critical dental services, driving down the number of young children with tooth decay and cavities to its lowest point in 25 years.
" The American Dental Association said the study's findings "are not applicable to the U.S. The ADA continues to endorse fluoridation of public water as the most effective public health measure to prevent tooth decay.
According to studies cited for years in the venerable science and opinion sections, chewing sugarless gum helps prevent tooth decay by stimulating the production of saliva, which washes away or neutralizes corrosive food particles.
The research team provided several reasons why fast and junk foods might contribute to halitosis, ranging from an increased rate of cavities or tooth decay to the gastric reflux associated with eating garbage foods.
Floss, according to the ADA, is really the only way to efficiently remove food and debris from between your teeth that can ultimately lead to the plaque buildup that causes tooth decay and gum disease.
In 2015, city officials issued an ordinance requiring that billboards and other advertisements for sugary drinks carry a warning like that required for tobacco stating that the beverages contribute to obesity, tooth decay and diabetes.
In the 1950s and 1960s, states and cities in the U.S. began adding fluoride to drinking water supplies, following decades of research and anecdotal reports showing that fluoride could prevent tooth decay, especially in children.
As soon as teeth start popping up, it&aposs time to get started on oral hygiene because if you don&apost take good care of your baby&aposs teeth, they can get severe tooth decay.
"That makes no sense," she wrote for the three-judge panel, likening the rationale to doing "a study on tooth decay that only recorded participants' sugar consumption" but did not look at brushing and flossing.
Chewing sugarless gum is also beneficial for teeth: It increases the flow of saliva, thereby washing away acids produced by bacteria in plaque, which decreases risk for tooth decay, according to the American Dental Association. 2.
In New South Wales, Australia, where the spread of conspiracy theories about water fluoridation run rampant, children suffering from tooth decay are hospitalized for mass extractions at higher rates than in regions where water fluoridation exists.
By understanding the spatial structure of microbial communities, we can start to learn what their ecological roles are—including which ones are benign and which ones our arsenal of anti-tooth decay products should be targeting.
Data from the American Dental Association (ADA) show Americans make more than two million visits to the emergency room every year for preventable dental issues, such as tooth decay, which cost taxpayers nearly $22019 million annually.
"We now have the data to show that sugar is different from starch, unrelated to its calories, and is causative for four diseases: type 2 diabetes, heart disease, fatty liver disease and tooth decay," he said.
Today, the public health community understands that consuming sugar — particularly in liquid form — increases risks of serious health conditions, such as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, not to mention tooth decay.
LONDON (Reuters) - A planned levy on sugary drinks due to be introduced in Britain in April 214 could significantly reduce the number of people who become obese and develop diabetes and tooth decay, scientists said on Thursday.
And the absurd cost of oral health care for those without dental insurance explains why 40 percent of low-income adults in US are likely to have untreated tooth decay, compared with 16 percent in higher incomes.
"Every sport examined revealed significant levels of oral ill-health with the overall risk of tooth decay being higher for an elite athlete than the general population," Needleman said, and this was despite athletes reporting frequent brushing.
Finally, regarding activated charcoal's ability to whiten teeth, a 2017 review in the Journal of the American Dental Association found no evidence that these toothpastes work, and that using them could lead to cavities and tooth decay.
The normal dosage contains about two grams of sugar (well below the American Heart Association's recommended daily intake of 36 grams for men and 25 for women), but the lollipop has been known to cause tooth decay.
"Over time, all participants described general decrease in function, characterized by loss of appetite, breathlessness, cardiac conditions requiring medication, skin ablations, tooth decay, tremors, and insomnia, which were all exacerbated when attempting to reduce use," said the study.
Just over 49 percent were found to have untreated tooth decay, 77 percent had gingivitis, an early indicator of gum disease, and 39 percent self-reported having bleeding gums while cleaning their teeth, a sign of gum inflammation.
There's a mountain of research on all the ways a sugar-heavy diet can harm our health: Increased risks of obesity, Type 2 diabetes, tooth decay, and heart disease are just some of the most well-established examples.
WHO guidelines issued in March 2015 said that adults and children from the Americas to Western Europe and the Middle East need to roughly halve the amount of sugar they consume to lower risk of obesity and tooth decay.
"However, ill-fitting grills can cause tooth decay, infection and even movement of the teeth, which could lead to needing braces to realign the teeth," said dentist Dr. Lance Knight in an interview about grills to The Daily Mail.
The move follows the city's legal victory last month against the soda industry, which tried to halt its effort to introduce warnings on advertisements for beverages with added sugar noting that they contribute to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.
The warnings—reading, "WARNING: Drinking beverages with added sugar(s) contributes to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay"—will appear on soda and sugary drink ads that are posted on billboards, buses, transit shelters, posters, and stadiums within city limits.
Add 5, 10, or 15 teaspoons of sugar to that water, and suddenly plastic becomes a park favorite, offering visitors not only a sugar high, but a path to obesity, tooth decay, fatty liver disease, and Type 2 diabetes.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 91% of adults (PDF) have tooth decay, and nearly half of adults have periodontal disease, an advanced form of gum disease caused by overgrowth of bacteria-filled plaque on teeth.
Oral health is actually a significant public health challenge, not just here in America but across the world — if for no other reason than the simple fact that tooth decay and subsequent tooth loss negatively impacts overall quality of life.
Flossing has since been removed from the dietary guidelines, which are issued every five years, according to the AP. The American Dental Association and the American Academy of Periodontology both recommend flossing for removing plaque and preventing gingivitis and tooth decay.
The study, in Pediatrics, controlled for various health, behavioral and socioeconomic factors and found that low levels of water fluoridation, maternal obesity and a type of enamel defect in the secondary molars were associated with the risk for tooth decay.
The Cochrane Collaboration — a group of researchers who do systematic reviews of the evidence for major health questions — did a 2011 analysis of 12 studies on flossing to reduce gum disease and tooth decay, which included a total of 1,000 participants.
And that sauce-induced acid reflux and heartburn that we discussed—they can cause stomach pain, tooth decay, and sore throat, so hitting the bottle may not be the best habit but it's not going to end in a full gastric meltdown.
We are in the midst of a tooth decay epidemic across the U.S. The implications of that epidemic to children's health throughout their lives are bad enough that the federal government needs to get involved to secure the future health of America's children.
" As the Times notes, the CDC website also points out: "Frequently drinking sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with weight gain/obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney diseases, non-alcoholic liver disease, tooth decay and cavities, and gout, a type of arthritis.
Both options would cover the full cost of one preventive care visit a year and 50 percent of allowable costs for necessary care up to a $1,500 limit per year to cover additional preventive care and treatment of acute gum disease or tooth decay.
Their neighbors and family members listen when young activists remind them that soda and other sugary drinks are the No. 1 source of added sugar in the American diet and are driving an epidemic of type-II diabetes, heart and liver disease, and tooth decay.
The two leading professional groups — the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Periodontology, for specialists in gum disease and implants — cited other studies as proof of their claims that flossing prevents buildup of gunk known as plaque, early gum inflammation called gingivitis, and tooth decay.
The new rule "is based on findings from evolving research on optimal concentrations of fluoride that balances fluoride's benefits in preventing tooth decay with its risk of causing dental fluorosis, a condition most often characterized by white patches on teeth," the FDA said in its statement.
To stave off a lifetime of dental problems and make sure parents learn how to prevent children's tooth decay, babies should have their first exam when they get their first tooth, or no later than their 1st birthday, according to guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.
People buy less of a good when its price goes up, and so higher after-tax soda prices should lead individuals to consume less sugary soft drinks, thereby avoiding the scourges of obesity, Type II diabetes and tooth decay, or at least that is what the supporters claim.
We know that maintaining good dental hygiene is paramount in preventing tooth decay and other yucky oral conditions, but convincing a child to commit to a twice-a-day brushing habit can be even harder than forcing yourself to cleanse and floss before you fall facedown into bed at night.
The country is still eagerly awaiting for David Cameron to announce his long over due childhood obesity strategy and he now has a unique opportunity to produce a coherent, structured evidence-based plan based on our six key recommendations, which includes food and drink reformulation, to prevent obesity, type 2 diabetes and tooth decay.
"We knew that older adults in the U.S. have substantial oral health problems in the way of tooth loss or untreated tooth decay, but this article really brings to light the substantial differences in access to dental services by income groups and how dental insurance mitigates much of these access issues across incomes," said lead study author Amber Willink, a public health researcher at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore.
Updated on 3/12/2020 by Rick Stella: Included a link to the British Dental Journal report on the effects of charcoal toothpastes and how they don't whiten teeth as effectively as previously thought and might even lead to tooth decay, updated the introduction copy to reflect 2020 and to reference the ADA's list of recommended toothpaste, checked the availability of each pick, and update the prices, links, and formatting. 

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