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10 Sentences With "tombolas"

How to use tombolas in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "tombolas" and check conjugation/comparative form for "tombolas". Mastering all the usages of "tombolas" from sentence examples published by news publications.

A very important source of financing for the festival is a lottery administered by the commission, although there are other sources such as tombolas, raffles, or sales.
The annual village fair has musical entertainment, refreshments and games. A host of charity and voluntary organisations have stalls with tombolas, raffles and displays including the Rotary Club of South Tyneside and South Shields Local History Group.
Vendor booths sell crafts and other items with demonstrations. The show also has side shows such as a coconut shy, plate smashing and tombolas. A barbecue, hog roast and bar provide refreshments.t. A traditional barn dance is held on the last Saturday.
Radio Cavell is also a registered charity, and the station is completely funded by donations and fundraising. As well as presenting shows, volunteers also take part in sponsored bag packing sessions at supermarkets and also live events including an annual Folk and Acoustic Music concert. They also regularly hold raffles and tombolas.
Since there was no standing army, this was a way to find out how many men could fight in a war. The men would then march through the streets and retire at a "Bower House" for roast beef and spirits. This ensured a good turn-out. Today the Bower has many competitions such as tombolas.
In Australia, fêtes are often held yearly by schools and sometimes churches to raise funds. An award-winning Victoria sponge cake from Ruskin Park fête in London Attractions seen at village fêtes include tombolas, raffles, coconut shies, bat a rat stalls, white elephant stalls, cakes, and home produce such as jams and pickles. Competitive baking, such as making Victoria sponge cake, is part of the classic British fête."The great Victoria sandwich".
The contracts for the taxpayer-funded school trips never underwent a formal tender process, and instead a travel firm was used with close links to a current teacher and former director of the school. For three years running non-Muslim pupils and staff were excluded from these trips. Christmas events were cancelled and raffles and tombolas were banned at a recent school fete because they were considered un-Islamic. The summer play was criticised by staff for its "use of musical instruments" and a teacher was observed covering his ears during his music lesson.
Also prominent in the park is the new Little Eaton village hall, opened in 2010 and heavily used by a wide range of clubs/groups of people in the village. In late June/early July, the village carnival is held. Following a week of events, the carnival concludes with a fancy dress parade from the top of the village at Westley Crescent through the village to the park. On the park a small fair sets up, along with book, white elephant and jewellery stalls, tombolas and refreshments and a barbecue serving meat from the local butchers.
Other popular events of the day are the family fun run and the tug-o-war where the local pubs battle it out for a barrel of beer. In 2007 and 2008 it was won by the White Horse of Albourne Road. The fair is home to Harris fun fair and usually has a chair-o-plane amongst its rides as well as different stalls such as a coconut shy. Charities and businesses from around the area place stalls, tombolas and raffles around the centre, and on the other side is the beer tent and pig roast.
For the most part it was left to the initiatives of town halls and ex-soldiers associations to raise funds, mostly by public subscription although there was provision in the law passed on 25 October 1919 for a contribution to be made by the State. This law, which encouraged the " remembrance and glorification of those who died for France" included the principle of financial support but this was minimal and linked to the actual number of dead lost by the town or village and the commune’s financial means. Many different ways of raising funds were tried; galas, tombolas, fetes, etc. In some cases communes in the fighting zones were "adopted" by communes elsewhere and given funds to cover the costs of the monuments.

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