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7 Sentences With "tobies"

How to use tobies in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "tobies" and check conjugation/comparative form for "tobies". Mastering all the usages of "tobies" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Renate Tobies Renate A. Tobies (born January 25, 1947) is a German mathematician and historian of mathematics known for her biographies of Felix Klein and Iris Runge.
Tobies became a corresponding member of the International Academy of the History of Science in 2007.
Cf. Renate Tobies: Biographisches Lexikon in Mathematik promovierter Personen. Dr. Erwin Rauner Verlag, Augsburg 2006. (Algorismus, Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik und der Naturwissenschaften, ed. by Menso Folkerts, Issue 58).
Tobies grew up in East Germany, and studied mathematics and chemistry at Leipzig University. She completed a doctoral dissertation (Dr. paed.) on the history of chemistry education, Die Entwicklung des allgemeinbildenden Chemieunterrichts auf dem Gebiet der DDR unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der ideologischen Erziehung (1945 bis zum VIII. Parteitag der SED), there in 1975.
Rose Peltesohn was the daughter of the physician Ludwig Peltesohn (1882–1937) and of Cilly Caro.Peltesohn (1936), p.20; in contrast, Renate Tobies' short biography uses "Zili" After graduation (Abitur) in March 1931 she studied mathematics and physics at the University of Berlin and got her Ph.D. in Mathematics at 1936 with Issai Schur Rose Peltesohn, Das Turnierproblem für Spiele zu je dreien, 1936, p. 2, 20 as supervisor (Das Turnierproblem für Spiele zu je dreien, The tournament problem for three person games).
After briefly teaching pharmacy, she took a position in Leipzig's Institute for the History of Medicine and Natural Sciences, specializing in the history of mathematics. She completed her habilitation there, and earned a second doctorate ( in 1986 with a dissertation Die gesellschaftliche Stellung deutscher mathematischer Organisationen und ihre Funktion bei der Veränderung der gesellschaftlichen Wirksamkeit der Mathematik (1871 - 1933). The German reunification led to a drastic reduction in the size of the Leipzig institute, and in 1993 Tobies took a Sofja Kowalewskaja Visiting Professorship at the University of Kaiserslautern.
Meanwhile, Vicente Bacallar dedicated to a strong intellectual activity: in 1713 he founded – with other intellectuals – the Real Academia Española, where he hold the seat N and cooperated to its first dictionary, that would be published in 1726. He wrote the short poem Las Tobias (The Tobies, 1709), the poem El Palacio de Momo (Momo's Palace, 1714), the treaty Monarchia Hebrea (The Hebrew Monarchy, 1719) and historical works, such as Description geographique, historique et politique du royaume de Sardaigne (Geographical, historical and political description of the Kingdom of Sardinia). About the war of the Spanish succession he wrote Commentarios de la guerra de España y historia de su Rey Phelipe V el Animoso desde el principio de su regnado hasta la paz general del año 1725 (Commentaries of the war of Spain and history of its king Philip V the Brave since the beginning of his kingdom to the general peace of the year 1725, 1726).Comentarios de la guerra de España e historia de su rey Felipe V, El Animoso In this work, asked by his monarch, the Marquis intended to inform about the facts happened in and outside Spain during the war objectively.

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