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207 Sentences With "time bombs"

How to use time bombs in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "time bombs" and check conjugation/comparative form for "time bombs". Mastering all the usages of "time bombs" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Monuments and historical museums are always mirrors, advertisements, time bombs.
The venomous words of the radical clerics are ticking time bombs.
The feds told people to stop using these incendiary time bombs.
Investors start to fear that other time bombs may be ticking.
Then there's the execrable headline about young Muslims being ''time bombs.
No ticking time bombs were disarmed, no terrorist plots were foiled.
At that point, she said, her breasts felt like ticking time bombs.
Friends of the Earth described these as potential time bombs under the deal.
The Democratic Party can only ignore these demographic time bombs for so long.
However, there are actually two huge time bombs dropped into the season-ender.
"We have to consider that these children could be living time bombs," he said.
How many other stadium leases have ticking time bombs, just waiting to go off?
" A pressing question in her mind is, "are there other time bombs lurking around?
This bill is full of more ticking time bombs than a Road Runner cartoon.
Some are hiding in Turkey and Europe, where they may be ticking time bombs.
There are other examples where NDAs and bad behavior proved to be ticking time bombs.
The genitals of Britain are all festering time bombs, at least according to the tabloids.
But those older glues were acidic time bombs that ate books alive, Mr. Vass said.
"We have ticking time bombs that our current systems are struggling to address," he said.
I felt like I had two ticking time bombs on my chest waiting to go off.
Bitecofer described the cases in the pipeline as "ticking time bombs," primed to disrupt the election.
That's when the concept of "juvenile super-predators" and "teenage time bombs" dominated the daily news cycles.
In 83 land, all romantic relationships are time bombs counting down to, or away from, massive betrayal.
"Congregations of such high density are walking time-bombs and public disorder incidents waiting to happen," she added.
It is not just Kansas where people are ticking time bombs walking around with such anger and angst.
Doctors describe them as ticking time bombs: If a capsule cracks open, their chances of survival are very low.
The perception also remains that many of these terror-convicts are just ticking time bombs, waiting to go off.
Now China's economy is slowing, and economists warn that the borrowing has set ticking time bombs that threaten the economy.
And if you see all black bodies as future criminals and time bombs waiting to explode, then please do quit.
"The cholesterol 'pimples' that build up in the wall of blood vessels are like little ticking time bombs," he said.
The "deeply disappointing" charge, as Mr. Flannery called it on Tuesday, raises the question of whether time bombs lurk elsewhere.
Manafort may have left the campaign, but time bombs he planted while he was there continue to explode around Team Trump.
It bounced between junk science that portrayed vaccines as dangerous time-bombs pushed by the government and horrifying anecdotes from parents.
They are like little time bombs affixed to legislation designed to explode in the news a few weeks before an election.
She almost lost her life covering war, and she's been covering war from the very first time bombs fell on Afghanistan.
It's worth it to check in now and again to make sure your cell phone, laptop, or hoverboard aren't ticking time bombs.
Compared to Trashman, the menacing tone and controlled grids of 1969's short-lived EVO-published strip, Manning, feel like time bombs.
Today's lithium-ion batteries, as anyone who has followed Samsung's recent problems with flammable smartphones may know, can be ticking time bombs.
Her portrayal of her son's condition seems aligned with enduring renditions of veterans as ticking time bombs, as damaged beings primed to harm.
Back during Alice and Betty's stay at The Farm, Edgar decided to plant metaphorical anti-Betty ticking time bombs in the women's heads.
As firms like Goldman realized other such "time bombs" might be in their email files, "everyone wanted a better bomb detector," Mr. Estes said.
In the post, Phua retracted her statement referring to foreign workers as "walking time-bombs", saying it wasn't her intention to undermine any specific group.
But experts worry that untrammeled shadow lending could lead to ticking time bombs that could threaten the financial system of the world's second-largest economy.
All too often, they fail to detonate right away and thus become time bombs that imperil unwary civilians who pick them up, including curious children.
This population of diabetes "ticking time bombs" is particularly alarming, because in many cases type 2 diabetes can be avoided, simply by leading a healthy lifestyle.
"I'll request the bishops to get their act clear because this is one of the time bombs happening in the church of Asia," the victim said.
"So, I'm supposed to somehow tell my kids that they are safe with 114 ticking time bombs essentially up on the hill above their homes," Donah says.
But the real all-star is fullerene, a Nobel prize-winning ingredient that acts like a powerful free-radical sponge, mopping up these skin-damaging time bombs.
These are ticking time bombs, and they're still going to be there when we're done cleaning up the mess we've gotten ourselves in with this current virus.
Influential investors such as and George Soros have warned of a credit crisis in China, with Bass noting the presence of "ticking time bombs" in China's banking system.
The many redacted paragraphs in Mueller's latest filings are like buried time bombs waiting to go off in a similar fashion, under the right circumstances, legal experts said.
I don't want to make it sound as if trauma survivors are forever ticking time bombs, or that we have to tiptoe around our emotions and each other.
I think that we need to, first of all, because just generationally, I think that I may be here when some of these fiscal time bombs go off.
"Criminally and unethically, Takata chose profits over people--avoiding remedial action and repeatedly lying to safety officials as these airbags remained in cars like ticking time bombs," said Sens.
Among Germany's active and well-established leftists, who have described the big banks as "ticking time bombs", groups like "Blockupy" and the Interventionist Left are plotting strategies for disruption.
These ticking time bombs are becoming a global health emergency, and the International Solid Waste Association and the Solid Waste Association of North America urge that they be closed.
Photo: GettyOnce lauded as tools to enhance police accountability, body cameras have been facing increasing scrutiny from privacy advocates, and now one researcher has identified them as cybersecurity time bombs.
Influential investors such as Kyle Bass and George Soros have warned of a credit crisis in China, with Bass noting the presence of "ticking time bombs" in China's banking system.
TV's "Rising," explained comments made in his new book, "The Black and the Blue," that describes various police officers as "time bombs waiting to explode," citing treatment from police departments.
Even though the risk from the vaccine is low, families fear it has turned their children into time bombs, in whom the virus could set off a life-threatening illness.
"We have ticking time bombs of people who are inspired but not necessarily directed by this nefarious terrorist group," said Brian Levin, criminal justice professor at California State University, San Bernardino.
"If the agencies do not give sufficient care to their stars, including education and stress management, they will end up raising walking time bombs," said another industry commentator, Kim Sung-soo.
Many military veterans thought they were making strides in recent years to overcome "the Rambo narrative" — the idea that all veterans come home as mentally scarred ticking time bombs, waiting to explode.
Read more: 7 countries at risk of becoming 'demographic time bombs'"Younger patients don't want to think about it and older maybe think about it when it's too late," Dr. Feinberg said.
"There are a lot of people out there who want to paint pedophiles as ticking time bombs and when you think that way it can become a self-fulfilling prophecy," said Nickerson.
In a statement, Markey and Blumenthal described the additional air bags as "potentially lethal" and "ticking time bombs" and said the company showed a "pernicious disregard" for the safety of U.S. drivers.
Mutual funds and banks are reluctant to lend to other shadow banks—most report solid capital ratios, but can anyone be sure they do not have time-bombs buried in their balance-sheets?
In one direction, "flames [lick] the roadside," as they did for Eli; the other direction is lined with healthy, well-managed forests, rather than ticking time bombs waiting to go up in smoke.
"It is a powerful state, and we are concerned that any extreme policy toward Muslims will help extreme movements by polarizing thousands of the youths and turning them into time bombs by recruiting them."
While setting a time bomb may seem irresponsible, remember that the millions of SSNs already in the hands of hackers constitute millions of individual time bombs, waiting to throw off their shrapnel of identity theft.
Germany is a big target of spying and cyber attacks by foreign governments such as Turkey, Russia and China, a government report said on Tuesday, warning of "ticking time bombs" that could sabotage critical infrastructure.
Cyber attacks could not only lead to losses of information, but also, through delayed-action malware, trigger "silent, ticking digital time bombs" that could manipulate data and sabotage equipment, especially critical infrastructure, the report said.
Activists have been ringing alarm bells for weeks, warning that the overcrowded and unsanitary conditions in most American prisons make them ticking time bombs for the virus to spread very quickly among the inmate population.
But the presidency is still a big job with enormous consequences, and the various contradictions and lurking time bombs in what we see of Trump's governing agenda suggest that it won't be done very well.
So we have to face the trickier, more difficult challenge of painstakingly building systems that allow us to detect, deter and defuse the ticking time bombs in our midst before they explode into tragedy once again.
But with the bad news piling up from Washington, the retail sector, various "ticking time bombs" like student debt and municipal worker pensions, and in the area of auto sales, the "Mad Money" host stressed caution.
It would be like loading up a spacecraft with a bunch of tiny ticking time bombs, which is why the spaceflight community has issued strict regulations about onboard propulsion systems, rendering most CubeSats rudderless and immobile.
Experts worry this could eventually result in a "demographic time bomb," where Demographic time bombs are particularly bad for a country's economy because it decreases the workforce as well as the number of people able to stimulate the economy.
Bove was one of the earliest to warn that the problematic mortgage-backed securities - which were at the heart of the 2008 financial crisis that led to the collapse of some well-known names on Wall Street - were ticking time bombs.
Austria's far-right interior minister, Herbert Kickl, called for "tribunals in the region" to be set up to deal with those who had left Austria and other European countries to join Islamic State, whom he referred to as "ticking time bombs".
"These trains can carry crude oil through some of our most densely populated areas without any limit on explosiveness or flammability — creating ticking time bombs that jeopardize the safety of countless New Yorkers and Americans," Schneiderman said in a statement.
Yet because nuclear power plants in the West had already corrected for this opposite-of-safety measure, the Soviets don't want the world to know that their plants were faulty from the moment they were designed, time bombs just waiting to go off.
Schumer, who has called e-cigarettes "ticking time bombs," planned a Sunday news conference on the topic, according to the AP.  The news service reported that there have been reports of the devices exploding and catching on fire, resulting in serious injuries.
The misconception that 1.7 billion people are walking time bombs, potentially capable of developing and communicating full-blown TB, comes from the fact that skin and blood tests for the bacterium confirm only that the body once mounted an immune reaction to exposure.
The cumulative effect has been to transform the experience and the reputation of a safe, legal medical procedure into something shady and disgraceful that women pursue only because they don't know enough about it or because they are easily manipulated emotional time bombs.
People with the disorder face an undue amount of social stigma—mostly due to an unfair popular perception that they're violent ticking time bombs—but it's still a severe condition that without treatment can lead to negative outcomes like substance abuse or victimization by others.
In plain English, that means these older versions of Internet Explorer are now ticking time bombs, susceptible to malicious attacks from ne'er-do-wells who'd love nothing more than to, say, hold PCs hostage in exchange for a digital money sack filled with bitcoin.
The backdrop: Through the Cold War and beyond, "the presumption was that the power of information — people with ideas — were ticking time bombs inside authoritarian regimes": That's why the Iron Curtain fell and the Soviet Union collapsed, why Tiananmen Square and the Arab Spring happened.
A demographic time bomb could lead the U.S. down the same path as some other countries Nations like Japan and Russia are dealing with their own demographic time bombs, with too few young people entering the workforce to support each country&aposs aging population.
"These trains can carry crude oil through some of our most densely populated areas without any limit on explosiveness or flammability -- creating ticking time bombs that jeopardize the safety of countless New Yorkers and Americans," New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (D) said in a Monday statement.
The "time bombs" they cautioned about included friction with parents upset at family shifts, the complexities of handing down a single faith to a child by people of different backgrounds, and the lingering pull of a discarded religion for the spouse who was not born Jewish.
Your Phone Is a Ticking Time BombThis is probably going to terrify you, but you've got a ticking time bomb in your lap, or your…Read more ReadIndeed, as Gizmodo's own Alex Cranz has explained in the past, the lithium-ion batteries that most modern electronics use are basically ticking time bombs.
Perpetuated by film, television and well-meaning help-groups seeking funds who show or talk about the validly neediest examples of our teammates, civilians who don't know veterans assume they are all somehow ticking time bombs, suicidal, need to be handled with special care or wallowing in a self-medicated pity party.
There are few TV shows that build stories across an entire season as effectively as One Day at a Time, a seemingly simple family sitcom that spends the back half of its seasons casually detonating carefully planted emotional time bombs that leave both the characters and the audience wondering why they've been so blindsided.
The uneven response to the women's accusations capped a four-month stretch in which Mr. Biden has labored to expand his core group of older, mostly white advisers; failed to defuse the political equivalent of ticking time bombs relating to race and gender that await his entry in the race; and delayed a campaign that will have considerable ground to make up organizationally, financially and technologically.
To understand the potential political and legal time bombs that might be out there, consider the following: Every time we read a public name of a Russian individual who had some contact with anyone associated with Trump, from Russian government officials or shady characters with ties to Russian intelligence, there is an above-average probability that their conversations were recorded and emails were monitored.
New data from the National Vital Statistics System found that, as of 212, the birth rate in the United States has reached an all-time low, with 216 births for every 212,000 womenIn 2017, the rate was Experts fear this decline could make the United States a demographic time bomb, a phenomenon where At its most extreme, demographic time bombs could lead to the eventual extinction of a country's population, researchers say.
Thus, having helped flailing industries before, in the 2008 financial crisis, we bailed out the banks to deal with the problem of their "toxic assets" – packages of loans they sold off knowing would fail because the loans were ticking time bombs with escalator clauses that would lead to foreclosures – rather than protecting six million people from having their homes foreclosed by giving them an interest holiday of two or three years and a fair, low, fixed interest rate, so their loans were no longer toxic assets, and let the banks pay the difference.
Germans may be worrying too much, though, because Mr. Trump will have his hands full fighting his dissenters in Washington who want to rule the world with an economy growing at a dismal rate of 1.5 percent (in the first nine months of last year), and sitting on the ticking time-bombs of $500 billion in annual trade deficits that are boosting America's foreign debt ($7.8 trillion at the end of the third quarter of last year), and on budget deficits of 4.4 percent of GDP that are driving public sector liabilities to $20 trillion – and counting.
Time Bombs in Malaysia, p. 218 (2nd ed.). Democratic Action Party. No ISBN available.
Tabitha Smith is a mutant who originally had the unusually strong ability to create variably-sized yellow orbs and spheres of pure plasma, fiery-like energy, which she calls her "time bombs". These "time bombs" explode with concussive force. She can produce marble-sized energized "bombs" which have little concussive impact and which she uses for playing pranks. She has produced "time bombs" ranging up to the size of beach balls, which are able to destroy durable objects including a Predator X,Uncanny X-Men #517 and a futuristic Nimrod.
Time Bombs is a 2008 Canadian film directed by Guylaine Maroist and Éric Ruel. It was produced by "Productions de la ruelle".
If a player can't play a card, they must turn over one of their three time bombs, losing a life. If a player clears all cards in their hand, all other players flip one of their time bombs rendering them the winner. Whoever has all three of their time bomb cards flipped over is out of the game. The survivor wins.
In this level, the Turtles must navigate a number of traps, with a time limit of two minutes and twenty seconds to find and disarm eight time bombs.
The main differences between logic bombs and time bombs is that a logic bomb may have a timing function implemented into it as a failsafe if the conditions are not met in a certain time period (it may delete itself or activate its payload using the timing system), while time bombs only use timing functions to (de)activate themselves. Time bombs, once activated, will unload their payload (which may be malicious) in a similar way logic bombs deliver their payloads to the target. The main difference between both time and logic bombs and fork bombs, is that a fork bomb has no payload per se, and instead does its damage by continually replicating itself to deplete available system resources.
A terrorist attack on an event of Bangladesh Udichi Shilpigoshthi in Jessore, Bangladesh occurred on 6 March 1999. Two time bombs were used to kill 10 people and injure another 150.
The Rajah Sulaiman Movement was an organization in the Philippines, founded by Ahmed Santos in 1991.Philippines arrests key militants Its membership consisted of Filipino Christians who had converted to Islam. - BBC.comTicking Time Bombs - msnbc.
The attacks happened after midnight at a cultural event of Udichi Shilpi goshthi in Jessore, Bangladesh. Five people were killed at the scene. Two time bombs exploded. The attacks took place on 6 March 1999.
In June 2004, prior to the 7/7 attacks on the London Underground, the Commission on British Muslims and Islamophobia, warned that increased attacks against individuals and mosques, was resulting in bitterness that created violent "time-bombs".
Retrieved 2016-07-02. US News and World Report,"Don’t Ignore These 7 Financial Time Bombs" US News and World Report. Retrieved 2016-07-02. and Huffington Post."30 Items to Avoid at WalMart" Huffington Post. Retrieved 2016-07-02.
After setting up the time bombs, players only have twenty seconds to exit before the bombs detonate but if the players characters are hit by an enemy, the area collapses but players are forced to clear the stage once again.
In September 2009, following an escalation to the use of crude time bombs, four suspected members of the group were arrested. In November 2010 two more suspects were arrested while attempting to mail parcel bombs to embassies and EU leaders and organizations.
Deep within the Citadel, three runaway chemical reactors are rapidly approaching meltdown. These time bombs threaten to devastate the surrounding electronic jungle. The only remaining SpiderDroid has been sent into the territory of the Citadel to find and diffuse[sic] the reactors.
Later that same year, the group bombed the office of Texaco in Athens. The group was most active in 2000, with five attacks occurring. The most notable aspect of these attacks was the use of time bombs. 12 November saw three attacks across the city of Athens.
The attack against the German commanding officer was unsuccessful as he and a few others managed to flee unscathed. The building housing the radio installation was blown up with time bombs. The commandos escaped using their two schooners, taking with them some of the locals who had helped them.
Collecting time bombs is now an optional task that the player can conduct while on their way to the goal. When the player gathers all five time bombs in each mission, they will gain an attack power-up for the next boss battle. This version also features bonus stage minigames after completing each mission. While the minigame played after the first and third missions is the same as in the arcade version, the one after the second mission is new: it requires the player to throw shurikens at enemies while both them and the protagonist are in free fall between skyscrapers, and, unlike the other minigame, is played in a third-person perspective.
Harleen, realizing that her intuitions about him are correct, deduces that Rajveer has survived and is coming to kill Zafar. In the meantime, it is shown that Rajveer has survived, and he then silently kills every guard posted outside and places time bombs in every corner and enters the room. Zafar then orders his men to beat Rajveer, but before Zafar is able to kill him, Rajveer informs that the Koh-i-Noor was not stolen at all and it was a joint operation between the MI6 and the Indian Secret Service to get Zafar. The time bombs go off and destroy the castle, but Zafar manages to escape and captures Harleen again.
The effects were devastating. Many of the men fell gravely ill, and some of their children were born with deformities or handicaps. The controversial operation has never received official recognition from the Canadian government. 50 years after the tests, Time Bombs follows the Atomic Veterans in their quest for recognition from the government.
On 31 March, both armies met at Debre Zebit on the plains of Anchem. At 9:00 am, the biplanes once again appeared. But this time bombs and not leaflets were dropped upon Gugsa Welle's army. At this point in Ethiopian history, aerial warfare was still quite novel, unprecedented, and totally unexpected.
The player begins the game with pistols, progressing through increasingly destructive weaponry that includes Uzis, miniguns, flamethrowers, sniper rifles, time bombs, lasers and the destructive Gauss gun. In addition, the player can use items such as medikits to heal their agents, scanners to locate pedestrians/vehicles and the "Persuadertron" to brainwash the player's targets into blind obedience.
Grant must also rescue Lex and Tim, the grandchildren of the park's owner, John Hammond. After locating Hammond's grandchildren, Grant must reactivate the park's computers and destroy Velociraptor nests using time bombs. Grant then reaches the park's dock and uses a radio to contact help. Grant then reaches a helipad and is rescued from the island.
Americas flight deck came alive. In a matter of minutes, F-4B Phantom interceptors were in the air to ward off any possible attack against task force units. At the same time, bombs and rockets moved from the magazines deep within the ship to the flight deck. Two A-4 Skyhawks were loaded and launched together with fighter cover.
An award of 2 points is given for a right answer. If one side is wrong, the question goes to the other side for 1 point. 2) Time Bomb: The panel are presented with three different situations (The "Time Bombs"), each of which takes a different length of time. One side chooses which situation they think is the quickest.
Ted's Sinclair electric truck has broken down and needs new batteries. Ted must climb up the scaffolding and collect the batteries for his electric car. However, there are bovver bears around the site and if they get near, they will capture him. To get rid of them, Ted must use time bombs that are scattered around the site.
Location of Şehitkamil in Gaziantep The bomb blast occurred at 19:45 in local time. Bombs were planted in a truck and remotely detonated near Karşıyaka police station in Şehitkamil district, one of the most crowded areas of the city. The police station was the target of the attack. As a result of the explosion, two public buses caught fire, increasing the casualties.
There have been a number of fires lately and arson is suspected. This thought is echoed at the Arson Bureau where Lieutenant King, chased up by the mayor, tells Henderson and Roberts he wants results. They know it is an arsonist who uses time bombs and gasoline. The arsonist turns out to be the keeper of an antiques shop, which Joan visits.
PAP then panned the party's manifesto citing "time-bombs", in which the party quipped that its manifesto contained only time bombs which threatened the PAP's power. At the 2006 general election, Low was elected as Hougang MP for the fourth time by an increased margin of 62.7%. The party also polled strongly in the Aljunied GRC, losing to the PAP's team with 43.9% of the vote to 56.1%, allowing the party to elect an NCMP seat by-virtue for their team being best-performing opposition losers, and the party's Chairman Lim was selected to become its first female NCMP. Another team of young first-time candidates, led by Yaw Shin Leong in Ang Mo Kio GRC helmed by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, garnered a respectable 33.4% or one-third of the votes, slightly higher than the opposition's national average.
Cubana de Aviación Flight 455 was a Cuban flight from Barbados to Jamaica that was brought down on October 6, 1976 by a terrorist bomb attack. All 73 people on board the Douglas DC-8 aircraft were killed. Two time bombs were used, whose explosives have been variously described as dynamite or C-4. The crash killed every member of the Cuban National Fencing team.
According to Dan Berger a relatively sophisticated program of armed propaganda was adopted. This consisted of a series of bombings of government and corporate targets in retaliation for specific imperialist and oppressive acts. Small, well-constructed time bombs were used, generally in vents in restrooms, which exploded at times the spaces were empty. Timely warnings were made and communiqués issued explaining the reason for the actions.
Denzil comes bursting in and tells them about the dolls and how he has to get in touch with Del. Boycie and Mike cackle nastily on hearing that Del has fifty time bombs on his hands. Outside Nelson Mandela House, Rodney and Del come out with the two dolls dressed in their late mother Joan's clothes. An old man mistakes them for real women and Del imitates a female voice.
The screen is broken up into 14 x 13 tiles or checks. When the player passes over the tiles, they disappear so each tile can only be walked over once per level. Some tiles are taken up by skull and crossbones which kill the player if walked into. The skulls turn to time bombs one at a time and the player must walk over them to defuse them before they explode.
He then discovers that the militia has rigged time bombs to destroy the village in less than five minutes. With the help of the Special Forces, Deaw gets the athletes and surviving villagers to evacuate before the entire village goes up in flames but then as the deadline approaches he goes back to try and rescue Tup. Behind-the-scenes shots of some of the many dangerous stunts play during the credits.
Some viruses attack their host systems on specific dates, such as Friday the 13th or April Fools' Day. Trojans and other computer viruses that activate on certain dates are often called "time bombs". To be considered a logic bomb, the payload should be unwanted and unknown to the user of the software. As an example, trial programs with code that disables certain functionality after a set time are not normally regarded as logic bombs.
Keating perceived the gallery system to be rotten – dominated, he said, by American "avant-garde fashion, with critics and dealers often conniving to line their own pockets at the expense both of naïve collectors and [of] impoverished artists". Keating retaliated by creating forgeries to fool the experts, hoping to destabilize the system. Keating considered himself a socialist and used that mentality to rationalize his actions. He planted "time-bombs" in his products.
Back in Russia, terrorists were hunting down Alexander II, and the British press rumored that the Livadia "was about to be blown by the Nihilists' infernal machines"."The Livadia" The New York Times, October 23, 1880, p. 4. According to The Herald of Glasgow, Russian authorities notified Glasgow police of a plot to place nitroglycerin time bombs into the ship's coal bunkers.Current Foreign Topics. The New York Times, September 28, 1880, front page.
Bases are captured by remaining within them for a period of time, and become spawn points for the capturing team. Contested bases can not be used as spawn points. Bomb mission asks of the attacking team to plant a time bomb on a designated area and ensure it detonates within a time limit. A limited cache of time bombs are scattered across the map, and only one can be held at a time.
On 17 December 1974, the Provisional IRA's Balcombe Street active service unit planted three time bombs at telephone exchanges around London. The bombs exploded in quick succession of each other killing one civilian and injuring five others and one London police officer. The first bomb went off at a GPO telephone exchange at New Compton Street in Soho. The bomb exploded shortly after an unknown woman with an Irish accent telephoned a warning to a local newspaper.
But they manage to free themselves amidst the fires and escape. The goons take the girls to an abandons village and bind them with time bombs ticking away. But Amit arrives on the scene and kills all of them one by one, lastly killing Jaya. Finally the climax reaches a point where Masterji is giving a speech to a crowd to win their support for elections, and Vicky appears and plays the tape with the former's wicked schemes.
A few minutes later, other members of the unit carried out a gun attack on the Cavalry Club, nobody was injured in either attack. On 14 December, the unit carried out a gun attack on the Churchill Hotel in Portman Square, London, three people were injured. On 17 December, three time bombs exploded at telephone exchanges in London. In one of the explosions, George Arthur, a post office telephonist, was killed and one other person was injured.
Subsequently, there were strikes in various factories and mills across the region over the following 3 to 30 days. He also formed associations with A.G. Ramachandra Rao and Sardar Venkataramaiah who were underground at the time. In 1943, one of his bomb suppliers, namely Ramachandra got caught by the police with time bombs in his possession who named Doreswamy as a contact. Following which, he was arrested and put under indefinite detention in Bangalore Central Jail.
Back in the sewers the X-Men soon realize that killing Sinister was a mistake as the Boom Boom clone demons screech and manifest time bombs ready to kill Madelyne, who is herself ready to die, however, Havok throws himself in front of her as the timebomb goes off. Madelyne then used the dragon Nightcrawler to kill all the clones. Darkchylde soon arrives and massacres most of the heroes and goblins. Of the X-Men, only Colossus, Boom Boom and Domino survive.
She asks Renchard to help her, but Renchard, who has placed time bombs at strategic points around the city, refuses. Two men (the film's screenwriter Geoff Meed and Ryan Lloyd) claiming to be from Antioch arrive at his home seeking his aid. Although initially unpersuaded by their argument that Brianna carries the cure to the virus in her blood, Renchard is forced to cooperate under gunpoint. With 24 hours before the bombs are set to detonate, he leads the men into the city.
Kota Tjandi, a former Dutch ship called Karin by her Kriegsmarine crew, was brought to a halt by shots fired across her bow by the two American warships. Just as a boarding party from Eberle arrived alongside, powerful time bombs, planted just before Karins lifeboats got underway, exploded. Eleven sailors of the boarding party were killed, but one of Savannahs boat rescued three men from the water. Savannah took 72 German sailors on board, and quartered them below decks as prisoners-of-war.
Julie Heffernan (born 1956 in Peoria, Illinois) is an American painter whose work has been described by the writer Rebecca Solnit as "a new kind of history painting""Dandelion Clocks and Time Bombs," catalogue essay for the exhibition Sky is Falling, 2013 and by The New Yorker as "ironic rococo surrealism with a social-satirical twist". Heffernan has been a Professor of Fine Arts at Montclair State University in Upper Montclair, New Jersey since 1997. She lives in New York, New York.
In January 1932 they named their revolutionary organization "Ustaša". The Ustaše carried out terrorist acts, to cause as much damage as possible to Yugoslavia. From their training camps in fascist Italy and Hungary, they planted time bombs on international trains bound for Yugoslavia, causing deaths and material damage. In November 1932 ten Ustaše, led by Andrija Artuković and supported by four local sympathizers, attacked a gendarme outpost at Brušani in the Lika/Velebit area, in an apparent attempt to intimidate the Yugoslav authorities.
However, Genthru does not keep his promise and detonates all the Nen time bombs killing all the members of the allied group except Abengane. He then rejoins Sub and Bara to continue collecting the rest of the specified slot cards in order to win the game. But is defeated by Gon in a one-on-one match (while Killua and Biscuit draw away his teammates and defeat them separately). Genthru is also able to create detonations in his hands when he grabs something using .
The young ninja battles together with his faithful pet dog. In the center of the city, a group of terrorists are committing every imaginable atrocity known to man, including the planting of time bombs throughout the metropolis. Our youthful hero and his canine companion courageously set out to gather all the explosives placed by the evil gang and annihilate the syndicate that manipulates them. The protagonist is never actually named in the original arcade version, although the various home versions gives him differing identities.
First Agatha Femm, Casper's mother, is discovered with her knitting needles stuck in her neck. Casper's twin brother, Jasper, is the next victim, followed by Roderick, the head of the family. Tom stumbles upon the fact that the killer is a woman, and he suspects Morgana, but discovers that Cecily is guilty just before she confesses, explaining that she wanted the entire family estate. Cecily runs from the house, and Tom discovers that she has placed time bombs in all of the clocks in the house.
Grand Hotel bombing in Brighton (1984) which was targeted at British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the result of a time bomb which had been placed in the hotel nearly a month before it detonated. Thatcher escaped harm, though 5 others perished and 31 were injured. A time bomb (or a time bomb, time-bomb) is a bomb whose detonation is triggered by a timer. The use (or attempted use) of time bombs has been for various purposes including insurance fraud, terrorism, assassination, sabotage and warfare.
During his time in the SBS, Lassen rose in rank to become a Major by October 1944. During his service he fought in North-West Europe, North Africa, Crete, the Aegean islands, mainland Greece, Yugoslavia and Italy. He was awarded two further bars to his Military Cross on 27 September 1943 and 15 February 1944. On 24 April 1944 he led a successful SBS raid on Santorini, taking out the garrison on the island and blowing up the building housing the radio installation with time bombs.
Tournament was generally lauded for its simple, approachable gameplay. In order to score (in multiplayer mode), players must lay time bombs in order to trap and obliterate their opponents, with the last player alive becoming the winner. As the player defeats enemies and clears away obstacles, a variety of power-up tiles appear. Randomly selected from a pool of 10 different items, these tiles have a number of effects, such as increasing bombs' blast radius, increasing the player's bomb capacity, or even reversing a player's controls.
This new attitude is displayed by Meltdown when she fights the Blob, threatening to kill him, and eventually having two time-bombs explode near his eardrums. With Cannonball spending his time with the X-Men, Tabitha grows closer to Sunspot and they begin a short-lived fling.X-Force #75 Cannonball finds out and is initially angry but reconciles with both his friends, rejoining X-Force in the process.X-Force #76 After an incident in which the High Evolutionary shut off all mutant powers, Tabitha and Cannonball come close to rekindling their relationship.
However, she reveals to have learned a new trick with her mutant powers when she channeled one of her time bombs through Shatterstar's blade straight into the chest of a seemingly unbeatable opponent. After the Skornn was also defeated, some of X-Force remains together, assisting Cable on Providence, an island nation he created. Afterwards, she helps them attack the headquarters of the Black Box, though the occupant turns out to be a robot. Tabitha is one of the few mutants who retain her powers after the events of M-Day.
"Frankfurt International Airport profilet",January 4, 2020. At around 8.00 pm Tuesday 11 March 1969, where Eqaab group successfully executed an operation where Ethiopian Boeing 707 passenger plane crashed at Frankfurt Airport, in West Germany following the explosion of time bombs placed by fedayeen. West Germany at the time condemned the operation by describing it as criminal act against civil aviation while a statement issued by Eritrean Liberation Front said the operation was in response to the Ethiopian Military using civilian planes to bomb Eritrean villages killing innocent civilians.
As the cartoon opens, a hooded figure appears at the doorway of a building and leaves behind an alarm clock that suddenly starts smoking. At the next second, the clock explodes, blowing the building to smithereens. Afterwards, newspaper headlines explain that the figure, known as the Mad Bomber, has been terrorizing the entire city by placing time bombs at different buildings to blow them up. As a result, the police are making every effort to search the city and offer a cash reward of $2,000 to anybody who can capture the fiend.
He can make Alec immortal like Mendoza, who thinks he is already immortal like her. He can create devices using nanotechnology that the Company, slow and bureaucratic, had never thought to build. Alec and Mendoza proceed to drop small time-bombs in the form of collections of nanobots throughout history. Meanwhile, a search for Alec's original genetic template, which the Captain needs for the immortality treatment, turns up the mortal remains of both Edward and Nicholas, hidden in Company repositories; this is a shock for each of Alec's mental passengers.
This association was highlighted in the Denbeaux study, and may have been used in some cases at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. An article published in The Washington Post in 1996 reported that Abdul Hakim Murad, Wali Khan Amin Shah, and Ramzi Ahmed Yousef had developed techniques to use commonly available Casio digital watches to detonate time bombs. Casio watches were mentioned almost 150 times in prisoner assessments from Guantanamo. On July 12, 2006, the magazine Mother Jones provided excerpts from the transcripts of a selection of the Guantanamo detainees.
After stealing the printing plates, Don is betrayed by Vardhaan and Jabbar but escapes. Another team member, Sameer, calls the police on Don and he is arrested. Don blackmails Diwan into giving him German immunity in exchange for erasing the evidence of him being involved in the murder of James Warden. Don negotiates with German police over surrendering the plates and a disc containing details of the European underworld in exchange for the safety of the hostages and defusing the time bombs in the bank as well as German immunity.
The women in Afghanistan were freed and part of the new government and rebuilding of their country. The President felt the war in Afghanistan was just the beginning of the war against terror. He said, "Thousands of dangerous killers, schooled in the methods of murder, often supported by outlaw regimes, are now spread throughout the world like ticking time bombs, set to go off without warning." The two main goals of the war were to shut down training camps and capture terrorists and prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons of mass destruction.
Marvel Comics. Later, he attempted to steal Justin Hammer's will, before being soundly defeated by the Thunderbolts again.Thunderbolts #63. Marvel Comics. After it was revealed that Justin Hammer had planted time bombs in his former agents, Cyclone was given the option to work with the Thunderbolts to rid themselves of the threat. At first, Fresson attempted to flee, but quickly surrendered and joined the Thunderbolts. Running into Silver Sable like his predecessor, Fresson would assist the Thunderbolts in freeing Justin Hammer's former agents of their biological time bomb.
The ninja and his dog must disarm various time bombs spread across an unnamed metropolis that were planted by a terrorist group. The game was remade for the Mega Drive/Genesis under the title Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi, with the protagonist's identity differing between regions. The Japanese version identifies him as Joe Musashi's estranged son , while the English language manual identifies him as Joe Musashi himself coming out of retirement. In the Master System game The Cyber Shinobi, Zeed has resurfaced once more, this time under the name of Cyber Zeed.
While on a vacation/road trip, the two discover the Cobra-owned town of Broca Beach. It used to be Clutch's hometown, until it was bought out and sanitized and renamed They are captured by the Dreadnoks, specifically, the multi-personality thug, Road Pig.G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #89 (1989) Brainwashed as ticking time bombs, they later meet up with Joe forces, unaware that they ever have been captured.G.I. Joe #90 (September 1989) Later, two lost young girls end up being escorted to Joe base and the pair are assigned to supervise them.
Markt der Täuschungen: Ein Besuch im Fälschermuseum in Wien Anja Witzke, Donaukurier, 10 January 2008. Retrieved 18 August 2010. The exhibits include works by the renowned Vermeer-forger Han van Meegeren and the British art restorer Tom Keating, who claimed to have faked over 2,000 works by more than 100 different artists and deliberately inserted "time bombs" and anachronisms into his paintings. Also on display are items produced by Konrad Kujau, creator of the fake Hitler Diaries, as well as works by David Stein, Elmyr de Hory, Eric Hebborn and Lothar Malskat.
It premiered at the SXSW festival in March 2018. He testified before the United States Congress on April 28, 2010, on the safety of Federal Emergency Management Agency trailers in a hearing entitled “Public Sales of Hurricane Katrina/Rita FEMA Trailers: Are they Safe or Environmental Time Bombs?” Hebert was recently tapped by Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards to serve as an Executive Committee appointee for the Louisiana Health Equity Task Force. This board was formed in response to the increasing mortality of African Americans due to COVID-19 and the health inequities that exist for minorities in the state.
Called upon to stop "evil white ones" (Kablunets) from using time bombs to destroy fish and other food stocks in the North, Nelvana and her brother Tanero are assisted by Koliak and use the Northern Lights as a gigantic magnet to magnetise the enemy bombs towards the sky by destroying them harmlessly. Commander Toroff, attacks Nelvana and her brother from his Devil Ship with killer boats. Nelvana and Tanero land on Toroff’s ship, and Nelvana instructs Tanero to destroy Toroff's fleet and killer boats. Meanwhile, Nelvana searches Toroff's quarters looking for his plans. Nelvana comes across Toroff’s plans but is soon captures.
However, if the player takes too long to attack the bitten enemy or the enemy has a strong defense, then the dog will be hurt and turn into a harmless pup. The dog will then remain in pup form until the player acquires the next time bomb or finishes the stage. The player's weapons consists of an unlimited supply of shuriken and a sword which is used when adjacent to an enemy. When the player collects half of the time bombs in each stage, stronger weapons are granted until the player finishes the stage or loses a life.
Guylaine Maroist is a Canadian journalist, filmmaker, musician, scriptwriter and film director. She is well known for her documentary productions such as Gentilly or Not To Be, Time Bombs, The Disunited States of Canada, and God Save Justin Trudeau. In 2011 she received the Governor General's History Award for Popular History (The Pierre Berton Award) for her TV documentary series J’ai la mémoire qui tourne (My Memories On a Roll). She is President of Productions de la Ruelle, a documentary film production company in Montreal, and President of Les Artistes pour la Paix, a Quebec NGO advocating peace and nuclear disarmament.
Mortars were useful to the IRA as they could hit targets at short range, which could lead to effective attacks in built-up urban areas. The mortars used by the IRA were often self-made and developed by GHQ's engineering department. The IRA also used a variety of bombs during its armed campaign, such as car and truck bombs, time bombs, and booby traps, using explosives including ANFO, gelignite, and the plastic explosive Semtex. The IRA was mainly active in Northern Ireland, although it took its campaign to England and mainland Europe, and limited activity also took place in the Republic of Ireland.
Time bombs planted throughout the city continued to explode into November. The symbol of the rebirth of Naples was the rebuilding of the church of Santa Chiara, which had been destroyed in a United States Army Air Corps bombing raid. Special funding from the Italian government's Fund for the South was provided from 1950 to 1984, helping the Neapolitan economy to improve somewhat, with city landmarks such as the Piazza del Plebiscito being renovated. However, high unemployment continues to affect Naples; Italian media attributed the past city's waste disposal issues to the activity of the Camorra organised crime network.
At the site of the destroyed dam, Carrasco finds that the Government forces have already built a pontoon bridge and are recovering the sunken supply convoy. Using scuba diving equipment, Carrasco and Smithy plant time bombs on some of the still submerged trucks that carried explosives. But the two rebels can exit the river the bombs explode, the pressure wave knocks Smithy unconscious and he surfaces and is captured. Carrasco is more fortunate and escapes with the help of an elderly friend (Pigozzi) and his men, who turn up in a truck in the nick of time.
However, the moon rover can only negotiate smooth terrain, and Jetman may need to use bridging kits obtained from the rover to fill in craters on the moon's surface. The moon rover doubles as a refuelling point for Jetman's jetpack. Aside from the rover and its bridging kits, Jetman has access to three other pieces of equipment, all of which can be carried on the bonnet of the rover, albeit one at a time. Bombs must be used to destroy alien bases when they are encountered, which can only be accomplished when Jetman is flying above them.
Jdey moved to Canada, using a false passport and seeking asylum,Hickerson, Colin. Boston Globe, "US wary of 'time bombs' waiting to strike from north", February 4, 2003Leiken, Robert S. and Steven Brooke, Matrix of terror suspects from Tunisia in 1991 and became a Canadian citizen in 1995. He rented a C$217 monthly apartment in Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie (a borough of Montreal), and studied biology at the Université de Montréal. In 1999, he wrote a pair of letters to unknown Muslims overseas, explaining how he found religion and speaking with contempt of the United States and United Nations.
The first use of a time bomb in software may have been with the Scribe markup language and word processing system, developed by Brian Reid. Reid sold Scribe to a software company called Unilogic (later renamed Scribe SystemsPostScript Printer Driver Optimization Case Study, Adobe Systems, Technical Note #5042, 31 March 1992. Page 5.), and agreed to insert a set of time-dependent functions (called "time bombs") that would deactivate freely copied versions of the program after a 90-day expiration date. To avoid deactivation, users paid the software company, which then issued a code that defused the internal time bomb feature.
However, the Crughons managed to visit Earth in different periods of the past and plant three time bombs in the location of the future three generators of S.D.I. Once activated, the bombs can't be defused and the only option is to prevent the Crughons from planting them. For now, Lo'Ann managed to defuse one of them with the hero's help in the Middle Ages, however the one from the hero's era detonated, allowing the Crughons to attack. Thanks to the documents the hero was carrying, they determined that the third bomb was planted in the Cretaceous period. He and Lo'Ann then travel there to foil the Crughon's attempt.
The main objective of the game is to locate and place time bombs on boxes containing Stinger missiles, in which the player is required to escape before the time runs out. The enemies featured in the game are Arab terrorists; the player must neutralise them by shooting them with their selected weapon, which is a handgun by default. Other weapons available in the game include machine guns, rocket launchers, and a flamethrower, which are only accessible through finding hidden crates. The second level of the game is in Beirut, and focuses on the player, along with a group of Navy Seals, rescuing hostages in a 3D presentation of the city.
From his base in Bahia, Brazil, he planted time bombs disguised as cases of mineral samples on British ships and he was credited with sinking 22 ships; among them were the Salvador and the Pembrokeshire. Additionally, one of his bombs killed three British sailors and nearly sank the S.S. Tennyson in February 1916, and another started a fire on the Vauban. After bombing the Tennyson, MI5 (British intelligence) operating in Brazil arrested an accomplice named Bauer who identified Duquesne as both the perpetrator of the crime and the ring leader. Bauer further revealed that Duquesne was operating under his own name and two aliases, George Fordam and Piet Niacud.
" Journalist Christopher Hooton also praised her, saying, "Christopher Walken, Glenn Close, Al Pacino, and many others have a surprising danger in them. They're a little scary to be around, because you feel they might jump you or blow up at you at any time. They are ticking time bombs." Film historian Cari Beauchamp has stated, "When you look at the top 10 actresses of the past 80 years, since sound came in, first you have Bette Davis, Katharine Hepburn and Meryl Streep – but I think Glenn Close is definitely in that list, it's a combination of her guts, in the roles she chooses, and her perseverance.
Abdul Al-Rahim Ghulam Rabbani, a Guantanamo captive transferred to Guantanamo in 2004, after two years in CIA custody, faced over two dozen allegations associated with his management of six safe houses in Karachi between 2000 and his capture on September 11, 2002. Intelligence analysts alleged the safe houses he managed were used as underground hospitals for fighters injured in Afghanistan. They alleged the safe houses had been used as an underground factory for the manufacture of the timers for time-bombs, and that five of the USS Cole bombers and seventeen of the nineteen hijackers in the September 11 attacks had stayed there.
This language study will allow agents to communicate if they can reach Gruinmarkt via captured couriers outfitted with Battle Royale-esque time bombs on their heads. The government is also alarmed to learn that the Clan possesses nuclear weapons, while Mike is concerned by the quasi-legality and loose morality of the operation. The plan goes awry as their defector source begins to grow restless and realizes that he is being held by the military now, not by law enforcement, and witness protection is not forthcoming. In a desperate bid to take a hostage and escape, both the defector and Mike's co-worker Pete are killed.
When Brian Reid in 1979 placed time bombs in the Scribe markup language and word processing system to restrict unlicensed access to the software, Stallman proclaimed it "a crime against humanity". During an interview in 2008, he clarified that it is blocking the user's freedom that he believes is a crime, not the issue of charging for software. Stallman's texinfo is a GPL replacement, loosely based on Scribe; the original version was finished in 1986. In 1980, Stallman and some other hackers at the AI Lab were refused access to the source code for the software of a newly installed laser printer, the Xerox 9700.
In the period when the GE Mark 1 commercial nuclear reactor designs were being installed and started up by Tokyo Electric Power Company at Fukushima, Japan, Hendrie addressed the design. "In 1972, Atomic Energy Commission safety official Stephen Hanauer recommended that the Mark I design be discontinued, arguing that the small containment design left it vulnerable to explosions from hydrogen buildup. At the time, soon-to-be-chairman of the [NRC ...] Hendrie said acceptance of the Mark I technology was so widespread that 'reversal of this hallowed policy, particularly at this time, could well be the end of nuclear power'."Corbett, James, "Marks to Market: America’s Nuclear Time Bombs", BoilingFrogsPost.
Activists affiliated with such groups have used Molotov cocktails and time bombs to intimidate moderate politicians and public figures, including former Deputy Foreign Minister Hitoshi Tanaka and Fuji Xerox Chairman Yotaro Kobayashi. An ex-member of a right-wing group set fire to LDP politician Koichi Kato's house. Koichi Kato and Yotaro Kobayashi had spoken out against Koizumi's visits to Yasukuni Shrine. Openly revisionist, Nippon Kaigi is considered "the biggest right-wing organization in Japan".Muneo Narusawa, "Abe Shinzo: Japan’s New Prime Minister a Far-Right Denier of History", The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol 11, Issue 1, No. 1, January 14, 2013The Economist of Britain on Jan.
Activists affiliated with such groups have used Molotov cocktails and time bombs to intimidate moderate politicians and public figures, including former Deputy Foreign Minister Hitoshi Tanaka and Fuji Xerox Chairman Yotaro Kobayashi. An ex-member of a right-wing group set fire to Liberal Democratic Party politician Koichi Kato's house. Koichi Kato and Yotaro Kobayashi had spoken out against Koizumi's visits to Yasukuni Shrine. Openly revisionist, Nippon Kaigi is considered "the biggest right-wing organization in Japan".Muneo Narusawa, "Abe Shinzo: Japan’s New Prime Minister a Far-Right Denier of History", The Asia-Pacific Journal, Vol 11, Issue 1, No. 1, 14 January 2013The Economist of Britain on 5 January 2013.
In computer software, a time bomb is part of a computer program that has been written so that it will start or stop functioning after a predetermined date or time is reached. The term "time bomb" does not refer to a program that stops functioning a specific number of days after it is installed; instead, the term "trialware" applies. Time bombs are commonly used in beta (pre- release) software when the manufacturer of the software does not want the beta version being used after the final release date. One example of time bomb software would be Microsoft's Windows Vista Beta 2, which was programmed to expire on May 31, 2007.
The Balcombe Street Gang was a Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) active service unit (ASU) (also known as the Balcombe Street Four or the Balcombe Street Unit) who carried out a bombing campaign in southern England in the mid-1970s. The majority of their attacks and attempted attacks took place in London and the rest in Surrey, Hampshire and Wiltshire. Between October 1974 and December 1975 they carried out approximately 40 bomb and gun attacks in and around London, sometimes attacking the same targets twice. The unit would sometimes carry out two or more attacks in one day; on 27 January 1975 they placed seven time bombs in London.
In the first few stages of each mission, the player must collect a certain amount of time bombs scattered throughout the stage in order to proceed to the goal. The final stage in each mission is a confrontation between him and one of four bosses: an armoured giant throwing energy balls, a weaponized tank engine, a woman armed with a shield/weapon device, and a female ninja using magic and a naginata (the dog does not appear during boss battles). Between each mission, there is a bonus stage minigame seen from the character's perspective as he tosses shuriken at enemy ninjas dropping down from a building. The player is awarded an extra life after successfully completing the minigame.
As Liz Allan is tasked by Harry to protect Stanley, Spider-Man leads the Red Goblin away from his inner circle. Norman reveals to Spider-Man he infected some of Peter's friends and family with slivers of the Carnage symbiote which he could send to their brain to kill them. However, it turns out that Flash Thompson has figured out Spider-Man's secret identity too and went to May and Mary Jane in order to remove those ticking time bombs. Flash then takes the fight to Norman and while it appears as if he's gaining the upper hand, it turns out that Norman still has some Green Goblin tech beneath his symbiote and he uses that to electrocute Flash.
After finishing his education in June 1942, he began teaching mathematics and physics at a high school in Bangalore. In August, when the Quit India Movement had begun, he became involved in setting up small scale time bombs in postboxes and record rooms to burn official documents as a method adopted to disrupt the functioning of the British Raj. He along with some associates also became involved in organising protests and general strikes in Mysore State. He collaborated with N.D. Shankar, a freedom fighter and communist union leader in organising a 14 day general strike at three textile mills, namely Raja, Minerva and Binny Mills, which saw the participation of 8,000 workers.
Normie goes after May but she gets some unexpected help in the form of Superior Octopus and J. Jonah Jameson who uses an old Spider-Slayer, however both are defeated by Norman. Soon afterwards, Normie watches as his grandfather throws Liz through a window only to be rescued by Spider-Man which causes Normie to turn on Norman. Norman reveals to Spider-Man he infected some of Peter's friends and family with slivers of the Carnage symbiote which he could send to their brain to kill them. However, it turns out that Flash has figured out Spider-Man's secret identity too and went to May and Mary Jane in order to remove those ticking time bombs.
On 2 October 1993 the Provisional IRA (IRA) detonated three time bombs on the Finchley Road in Hampstead, north London, another device was found and defused. The bombs exploded six minutes after the IRA had sent a telephoned warning at 00:20 am on the 2 October have been placed there sometime the previous day on the 1 October. The blast injured six people including a woman and caused damage to a number of shops, flats and business in the area, two of the bombs were planted outside a Domino's Pizza restaurant, one at Finchley Road railway station and the defused bomb was found at Golders Green.Terrorism, 1992-1995: A Chronology of Events and a Selectively Annotated Biography By Edward F. Mickolus, Susan L. Simmons pp.
This improvised timer for a time bomb was captured in the early 2000s. According to secret documents issued to interrogators at Guantanamo Bay, obtained and released by The Guardian, "the Casio F-91W digital watch was declared to be 'the sign of al-Qaeda' and a contributing factor to continued detention of prisoners by the analysts stationed at Guantanamo Bay. Briefing documents used to train staff in assessing the threat level of new detainees advise that possession of the F-91W and the A159W – available online for as little as £4 – suggests the wearer has been trained in bomb making by al-Qaeda in Afghanistan." United States Military intelligence officials have identified the F-91W as a watch that terrorists use in constructing time bombs.
An updated version of the Commodore 64 game was included with Commodore's 'Night Moves/Mindbenders' C64 bundle in 1990, with Reagan, Sinclair and Sugar replaced with Helmut Kohl, Nelson Mandela and Mikhail Gorbachev respectively. In addition to the puzzle pieces, there are also special tiles which yield bonus points if combined correctly, which include tiles based on the personality of the puzzle, often with political or satirical themes. For example, on the Thatcher level, combining 'Dennis' and gin and tonic will yield bonus points. Other tiles included time bombs which need to either be ejected from the playing field by sliding them towards one of the holes in the sides of the playing area or combined with a water tap tile.
His racing uniform is made entirely of snake skin (complete with a yellow snake on his helmet) and his car is completely orange. Despite the change in appearance, Snake's car number and attitude are still intact in the film. He is portrayed by Christian Oliver. :In the next-to-last episode of the original series, the Car Acrobatic Team and Speed are tricked into racing against each other in a grudge race by a terrorist organization hoping to use the race as a means to kill Speed and Racer X. After the two sides learn of the deception (which involved planting time bombs in the Car Acrobatic Team's cars), they agree to a truce in order to foil the plan.
Pipi & Bibi's is a 1991 eroge action-platform arcade video game developed and published by Toaplan in Japan and in Europe by Nova Apparate GMBH & Co. It is notable for being one of the few titles by Toaplan that has not received any official port to home consoles as of date. In the game, players assume the role of Pipi and Bibi attempting to place time bombs in buildings filled with enemies who appear from behind closed doors and escape before the location collapses. As of 2019, the rights to Pipi & Bibi's is owned by Tatsujin, a company founded in 2017 by former Toaplan member Masahiro Yuge and now- affiliate of Japanese arcade manufacturer exA-Arcadia alongside many other IPs from the defunct studio.
The Joker announces that people will die each day until Batman reveals his true identity, and makes good on his threat by assassinating Gotham Police Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb (Colin McFarlane) and mob trial Judge Janet Surillo (Nydia Rodriguez Terracina). When Gotham's district attorney, Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart), attempts to draw him out by identifying himself as Batman, the Joker tries to kidnap him, only to be arrested and interrogated by Batman after Dent goes missing. The Joker reveals that Dent's girlfriend (and Bruce Wayne's childhood sweetheart) Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal) has also gone missing and divulges their separate locations, both rigged with time bombs, but lies about which location each hostage is held at. Batman saves Dent, who is disfigured in the explosion, but Rachel is killed.
The year 2002 marked a turning point in Maroist's career when she founded, with Éric Ruel, Les Productions de la Ruelle, a company specializing in the production of TV series and documentary films. In 2005, they produced a documentary titled Time Bombs, which won the Gold Ribbon Award from the Canadian Association of Broadcasters for the best documentary of the year, and the Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary at the Independent Film Festival of New York. The film revealed the truth about Canadian soldiers sent in 1957 to the US to participate in military exercises involving the use of nuclear weapons. The soldiers were exposed to prohibitive doses of radiation without being told about the effect, and for decades afterwards, the Canadian government continued to cover up the circumstances of the incident.
The Workers' Party (WP) was the first party to launch an update to its manifesto on 14 January 2006. – by Farah Abdul Rahim Among its policy proposals, WP called for the Presidency to revert to its former ceremonial role and the abolishment of the GRCs, the Ethnic Integration Policy for Housing and Development Board flats, the Resident Committees and the Citizen Consultative Committees. It also revealed its intentions to establish a central agency in the provision of public transport, set up of a national unemployment insurance scheme and a more comprehensive national health insurance scheme among a host of other things. On 21 January, PAP made various criticisms on the WP's proposals, describing four of their proposals as "four time bombs...[which] will weaken and tear Singapore apart".
Like all Search/Destroy agents, Alpha is armed with highly advanced technology including a variable-cartridge blaster, electrified brass knuckles, a short- range teleporter, a "time drogue" that can briefly "rewind" the last few minutes of time, and "time bombs" which can transport somebody minutes or hours forwards or backwards in time (by which time the planet has moved along in its orbit, so that the victim reappears in empty space). Over the years, Johnny Alpha's white, incandescent eyes have provided him with several mutant abilities. Most frequently, the high-level alpha radiation emitted from his eyes allows Johnny to see through walls and other solid objects, or to read people's minds. He has also used his piercing stare to inflict severe headaches on his opponents, or to "suggest" illusions or hallucinations (e.g.
Workers' Party (WP) was the first party to launch an update to its manifesto on 14 January 2006. – by Farah Abdul Rahim Among its policy proposals, it called for the Presidency to revert to its former ceremonial role and the abolishment of the GRCs, the Ethnic Integration Policy for Housing and Development Board flats, the Resident Committees and the Citizen Consultative Committees. It also revealed its intentions to establish a central agency in the provision of public transport, setting up of a national unemployment insurance scheme and a more comprehensive national health insurance scheme among a host of other things. On 21 January, PAP launched a coordinated attack on the WP's proposals, with Ng Eng Hen highlighting four of their proposals as "four time bombs...[which] will weaken and tear Singapore apart".
Royal Ordnance Factory, ROF, Blackburn was part of the Ministry of Defence organisations producing components for the manufacture of armaments and arms related equipment from the late 1930 until after WWII. Commonly known locally as the "Fuse" or "Fuze", because the majority of components in production related to the fuse mechanisms used on most explosive devices at the time, bombs. Providing local employment, the factory was known as a good employer and provided one of the best and respected apprenticeship schemes in the region. Along with mass production of fuse mechanisms, it also developed Safety and Arming Mechanisms, S&A; Units for many more of the sophisticated weapons in development during and after World War II. These S&A; units provided safe handling for missiles whilst under transit conditions and safety for operator personnel up to the time of having to be armed.
Gameplay screenshot. Pipi & Bibi's is an eroge action-platform game reminiscent of Elevator Action, where the players assume the role of Pipi (P1) and Bibi (P2) entering a series of six increasingly difficult buildings composed of four stages filled with enemies in order to set up time bombs on computer rooms and exit from the area before it collapses from the explosion as the main objective to reveal the picture of a woman.Whoopee!! arcade flyer (Toaplan, JP) For each stage completed, 1/4 of a woman's picture is shown and the full picture is revealed once all four stages of a building are cleared. Getting hit by an enemy will result in losing a live and once all lives are lost, the game is over unless the players insert more credits into the arcade machine to continue playing.
A new Flag-Smasher and iteration of ULTIMATUM announce their presence to the world by crashing a gala being held in honor of Tom Herald, a conservative senator from Texas. Attaching time bombs to Herald and six others, Flag-Smasher attempts to coerce the two Captain Americas, Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson, into joining him, before arming both the explosives and "data bombs" that will leak the NSA's surveillance data, decrypt America's nuclear launch codes, and erase the country's electronic banking sanctions and its No Fly List. The digital bombs and three of the physical ones are disarmed by Rick Jones, but Flag-Smasher and his minions escape after Wilson fails to stop them from shooting Herald. The attack is afterward revealed to have been secretly orchestrated by Rogers, who had come to believe that he was a Hydra agent due his personal history being rewritten by Kobik.
The court's decision, especially Ginsburg's discussion of "status" and "conduct", was promptly cited by plaintiffs in Perry v. Schwarzenegger as Supreme Court precedent that sexual orientation is "an identifiable class", opposing the defense's argument that sexual orientation is "behavioral".Mauro, Tony (July 1, 2010), "High court's Christian Legal Society ruling already making waves" , First Amendment Center, retrieved July 1, 2010Liptak, Adam (July 19, 2010) "Looking for Time Bombs and Tea Leaves on Gay Marriage", The New York Times, retrieved July 20, 2010 On June 30, 2010, Peter Schmidt wrote in the Chronicle of Higher Education that it was unlikely that the ruling would end litigation over policies on student groups and that colleges should not think that their policies on student groups are immune to legal challenges as a result of the decision.Schmidt, Peter, "Ruling Is Unlikely to End Litigation Over Policies on Student Groups", The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 30, 2010 Others warned that the decision threatened the rights of on-campus student media organizations.
Based on the original film, the first RoboCop animated series features cyborg cop Alex Murphy (Robocop), who fights to save the city of Old Detroit from assorted rogue elements, and on occasion, fighting to reclaim aspects of his humanity and maintain his usefulness in the eyes of the "Old Man", Chairman of OCP. Many episodes see RoboCop's reputation put to the test or soured by interventions from Dr. McNamara, the creator of ED-260, the upgradable version of the Enforcement Droid Series 209 and the top competitor for the financial backing of OCP. He continually develops other mechanical menaces that threaten RoboCop. In the police force, RoboCop is befriended as always by Officer Anne Lewis, but is also picked on and lambasted by the prejudiced Lieutenant Roger Hedgecock (who appeared as a minor character in the original film and his first name revealed in Night of the Archer), ever determined to be rid of him and his kind, whom he sees as ticking time bombs.
Relying on the unique footage obtained from US Army archives, as well as on testimonies of the surviving Canadian veterans, Time Bombs had a great effect on public opinion, enabling the veterans to make their case public and compelling the Canadian government to admit the facts and compensate the victims for the damage to their health. Having discovered the genre of documentary film-making as "a place of great freedom", as she put it, Maroist devoted herself to this new creative pursuit. 2012 saw the production of the documentary Gentilly or Not To Be, focused on the problems with the refurbishment of the Gentilly-2 nuclear power plant in Quebec. The documentary raised questions about the safety of the plant, its nuclear waste and, in particular, the potential negative impact on the health of citizens of the region, asking whether it was better to go ahead with the refurbishment of Gentilly-2, or to take the opportunity to turn to alternative energy sources.
Based on the original movie, the series features cyborg cop Alex Murphy (RoboCop), who fights to save the city of Old Detroit from assorted rogue elements, and on occasion, fighting to reclaim aspects of his humanity and maintain his usefulness in the eyes of the "Old Man", Chairman of Omni Consumer Products. Many episodes see RoboCop's reputation put to the test or soured by interventions from Dr. McNamara, the creator of ED-260, the upgradable version of the Enforcement Droid Series 209 and the top competitor for the financial backing of OCP. He continually develops other mechanical menaces that threaten RoboCop. In the police force, RoboCop is befriended by Officer Anne Lewis, who is depicted to have romantic inclinations towards him, but is also picked on and lambasted by the prejudiced Lieutenant Roger Hedgecock (who appeared as a minor character in the original film), who is determined to be rid of him and his kind, who he sees as ticking time bombs.
According to a CIA memorandum, Bosch offered to refrain from planning attacks in the US during Andrés Pérez's forthcoming visit to the United Nations in November, if the Venezuelan government made "a substantial cash contribution to [Bosch's] organization" in return. Bosch was also reported to have stated, "Now that our organization has come out of the Letelier job looking good, we are going to try something else." After Letelier's assassination, a map of the route Letelier took to work was discovered in Bosch's office. A memorial in Barbados erected in recognition of the 73 people killed in the crash of Cubana Flight 455 Several days later, Posada was reported to have stated that "we are going to hit a Cuban airplane" and "Orlando has the details." Flight 455 was a Cubana de Aviación flight departing from Trinidad to Cuba, via Barbados. On 6 October 1976, two time bombs variously described as dynamite or C-4 planted on the Douglas DC-8 aircraft exploded, killing all 73 people on board, including all 25 members of the 1975 Cuban national fencing team.

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