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17 Sentences With "thinko"

How to use thinko in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "thinko" and check conjugation/comparative form for "thinko". Mastering all the usages of "thinko" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Did Thinko, LLC, the computer entertainment company that created the website take this into consideration when creating
Although Thinko noted that Amazon Dating was a joke, some viewers didn't like that they monetized humans at different prices.
A group of content creators, with an animation company Thinko, created Amazon Dating, a satirical dating platform where people can fake-purchase their dream date.
With that in mind, content creators Suzy Shinn, Ani Acopian, and Morgan Gruer collaborated with animation company Thinko and created the satirical service Amazon Dating.
The free-ink tier is still suspended right now, but Pasquale D'Silva, a partner at Thinko, told The Verge over DM they're planning to bring back the free ink.
Recently, investment firm Tiny Capital and animation studio Thinko created an animated, abridged version of this speech: Here are three tendencies Munger highlights that he tries to avoid while making decisions.
If someone says the capital of Italy is Florence, that's probably a true thinko, unless the person is an expert in Italy who just happened to be thinking about a forthcoming holiday in Florence.
In the early 1990s, Munger gave a speech at Harvard University about the importance of exploring the intersection of psychology and economics (an animated version by investment firm Tiny Capital and animation studio Thinko can be found below).
But when people are caught in a thinko, they are often tempted by the "misspoke" explanation—it's hard to prove them wrong, after all, if they say they knew the right thing but just accidentally said the wrong one.
Draw on This Website, which seems to have launched yesterday, is still active right now, although its free-to-use black ink was suspended as of last night because people were getting "too wild," according to Brooklyn developer Thinko on Twitter.
Instead of offering different sizes for the humans featured, the Thinko team added "love language" options for each person, so you can choose whether your digitally-designed dream date enjoys words of affirmation, acts of service, physical touch, or another love language from Gary Chapman's best-selling book.
Acopian and Shinn partnered with animation studio Thinko and designer Morgan Gruer to flesh out the concept, the goal being to create a new kind of parody model for online dating — something as reliable, quick, and full of crowd-sourced reviews as Amazon without the swiping fatigue inherent to the current state of dating apps.
A recent video by investment firm Tiny Capital and animation studio Thinko illustrates an abridged version of this speech: In the speech, Munger paired the following psychological phenomena with business examples to demonstrate how psychology and economic decision-making go hand in hand: Munger says he has never taken a course in psychology or economics, but he did learn about Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov in his high school biology class.
A hoodlum, Legs Rafertino, comes looking for Thinko, thinking he's a bookie, while foreign exchange student Suzanne tries to interview Legs for her thesis. Barton exposes the fact that Dr. West was once the Tallahassee Tassle Tosser, a stripper. The school's primary benefactor, Admiral Wildcat MacPherson, is concerned. Dr. West defends her former occupation and even gives a tassle demonstration that hypnotizes several of the men.
Later developments included ThinkO, a brain-training game released in 2012 that reached the top1 downloaded apps in Brazil, and Kiwaka (2014), an educational game to teach children about astronomy developed in collaboration with ESA and ESO. In 2015, Landka released Overpaint, an educational game about colors and Art Legacy, an education book app about the most relevant paintings in the history of art, that won the company another nomination for the World Summit Awards.
Collins College's administrators are expecting new professor Dr. Mathilda West, who holds 13 degrees and speaks 18 languages. What they aren't expecting is the buxom blonde beauty who gets off the train. Dr. West has an effect on everybody, from public relations director George Barton, who is the boyfriend of jealous dean Myrtle Carter, to football star Woo Woo Grabowski, who gets very nervous around beautiful women, including student Jody, who loves him. A campus computer, affectionately known as Thinko, has a knack for knowing the future, including winning lottery numbers and race horses.
Elektro toured North America in 1950 in promotional appearances for Westinghouse, and was displayed at Pacific Ocean Park in Venice, California in the late 1950s and early 1960s. He also appeared as "Thinko", in Sex Kittens Go to College (1960). In the 1960s, his head was given to Harold Gorsuch, a retiring Westinghouse engineer. In 1992, the dance band Meat Beat Manifesto produced the song "Original Control (Version 2)" which prominently featured snippets of Elektro's monologues, quoting lines such as "I am Elektro" and "My brain is bigger than yours".

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