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"theologically" Definitions
  1. in a way that is connected with the study of religion and beliefs
"theologically" Antonyms

114 Sentences With "theologically"

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"Theologically, it poses more problems than it resolves," he said.
The church is seen as more moderate theologically and politically.
That's where, theologically speaking, the idea of "grace" comes in.
Theologically, then, "Judeo-Christianity" doesn't make much sense, and never really did.
For Wright, the Easter story is not only theologically but historically true.
As a theologically conservative believer, I take no pleasure in saying that.
And, theologically speaking, Francis's attributed views are not totally out of left field.
Its Christian bias, in theologically freighted words like "soul," can be a distraction.
Today, people give the title of heretic to anyone with whom they disagree, theologically.
Abu Khadeejah, a Birmingham-based Salafist, posts theologically justified critiques of IS on his blog.
Theologically too, the idea of a superior race is anathema to our Judeo-Christian heritage.
We range theologically from everyone will be saved to you must be baptized by immersion.
There's definitely a sizable community of people who are really intellectually, theologically opposed to ad tracking.
Easter though—and I'm speaking theologically here—is the more important holiday for a Christian society.
"I never felt so alive theologically," he told me when I interviewed him about his activism.
The ISIS "caliphate" may have been destroyed, but the group's ideas also need to be opposed theologically.
The benefits of breaking up Conservatives have been leaving, too, founding or joining more theologically traditional denominations.
Theologically speaking, Robertson is associated with a particularly American evangelical reading of the Bible known as premillennial dispensationalism.
While the religious significance of these figures varies between the faiths, they are still theologically important to both.
The thriving churches of American Christianity are multigenerational, theologically robust, ethnically diverse and connected to the global church.
" Likewise, Flanagan questions the overall benefit of Paprocki's actions: "Legally, Paprocki can do this, but theologically should he?
This thinking is both naïve and theologically irresponsible: Christians, of all people, acknowledge the depths of human depravity.
For Handel, as for Bach, that theologically indispensable miracle rather than the birth of Jesus represented Christianity's essence.
Typically, Jeffress would be expected to break out another torturous, theologically loaded justification for Trump's actions and statements.
About one in five belongs to a mainline (theologically moderate) Protestant church, and the same share is formally Catholic.
Salazar is a Reform Jew (as am I), the most theologically liberal of the three major American Jewish denominations.
Which is, there's a business reason for that that I think actually, theologically, they think this is the right way.
He used a language of moral striving and struggle that I rarely hear in more theologically and politically liberal churches.
The Federation of Islamic Organisations in Switzerland (FIOS) said that a handshake between a man and woman "is permissible theologically".
Worship music is generally thought to be too theologically specific for the mainstream market, but perhaps those rules are changing.
These are, Reynolds shows, theologically rich distinctions: the Muslim God doesn't delegate a vital task even to his best creation.
So how did this phrase — this awkward, sweet, theologically laden phrase — make its way from the church to The Bachelor?
Mainline Christianity is about 14 percent first- or second-generation immigrant — only slightly less than their more theologically conservative cousins.
It also is loath to do so for bishops, because theologically speaking, defrocked bishops can still validly ordain priests and bishops.
Even among evangelical Protestants, assumed to be the most theologically conservative segment of society, the line of questioning matters a lot.
As a practising Catholic and an Orthodox Jew, the two men are at the theologically conservative end of their respective faiths.
The widely publicized, theologically dense letter was delivered to the Pope with 40 signatures on August 11, according to its organizers.
Several years ago, with some friends who were also readers of Dreher's, she had tried to start a theologically conservative church.
As Mr Mahi argues, the Egyptian imam has never preached hatred or violence and, while theologically conservative, he is not a Salafi.
But Mr Brown convincingly shows that theology matters, if only because any argument that can be constructed theologically can also be deconstructed.
We're talking about how to prove that the Earth was actually created in six days based on all of these theologically arcane methods.
Shadow's belief is vocal but unbelievable — especially after watching the recent season-two finale of the much more theologically cynical AMC show Preacher.
Indeed, even among theologically-minded fans of Francis, some still profess admiration for Benedict "at his best" as a clear thinker and teacher.
When it says (in the Bible), give somebody a coat when they're cold, or embrace a stranger, it's not as controversially theologically debated.
Just as Trumpism is forging tomorrow's political left, in other words, Francis is forging tomorrow's Catholic right — theologically and perhaps politically as well.
As he presents it, the groundwork for the gathering has not been theologically sloppy, as critics allege, nor is it based on sentimentalism.
"Most of the congregation was in a similar place theologically," said Debbie Ellis, a member at West Hill for more than two decades.
At once theologically orthodox and deeply outspoken on issues of human rights (most notably against segregation), Graham defied the now-ubiquitous "left-right" paradigm.
Theologically, it's tricky; the Germans want further reformation from Henry, who may enjoy breaking up England's monasteries but seems comfortable enough, doctrinally, with Rome.
To put it bluntly, jihadis may indeed be theologically ignorant, but that does not prove that a sound theological education would make them more peaceful.
My synagogue belongs to the Reform Jewish movement, the most popular of the three major denominations in the United States and the most theologically liberal.
"I might not use the phrase 'given up,' theologically or otherwise, [but] I believe the leadership knows where I stand on this issue,'" Lance told reporters.
That is mainly because it includes branches in Africa and Asia that are growing rapidly and are theologically conservative while the American branch has had declines.
After the controversy first erupted, the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Switzerland said that the shaking of a woman's hand by a man was theologically permissible.
Speaker Ryan is a conservative Catholic whereas Father Conroy is Jesuit, a priestly order that often is viewed as erudite and politically, theologically and ideologically liberal.
Nonetheless, Black Lives Matter spirituality is not just a slightly more left-wing version of Dr. Barber's faith (he calls himself a "theologically conservative evangelical biblicist").
Despite their name, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is distinct from the larger evangelical Christian movement, which tends to be more politically and theologically conservative.
"Most of the congregation was in a similar place theologically," said Debbie Ellis, a member at West Hill, where Ms. Vosper was first hired in 1997.
The new S.B.C. is probably less culturally distinctive than its precursor, and certainly more theologically unified; it is a church designed for people who truly believe.
This is especially offensive when one considers that Hawkins' sentiments were theologically correct and her actions, in standing up for the persecuted, exemplified the teachings of Jesus.
Everything you need to know about Passover I grew up in Cincinnati, the home of Reform Judaism — the most relaxed of the three main branches, theologically speaking.
And it allows the wide mix of American denominations, including non-Christians and the theologically heterodox, to freely participate in public life without silencing or diminishing their faith.
Nevertheless, she spent much of her life publishing "academic" tomes on Islam and Europe, arguing that the history of Islam is an unbroken history of theologically driven conquest.
And — perhaps even more importantly — the conversation turned broader still, as both participants asked if change should be seen as a theologically necessary part of the Catholic tradition.
Her well-wishers ranged from conservative evangelical leaders who openly disagreed with her stances as well as ones so theologically liberal that they disagreed with the notion of prayer.
This is the belief theologically held by many motorists that they can read email, text friends, call the office and all the while stay fully focused on the road.
Many have evolved over the past half-century to become more theologically and culturally inclusive, and more open to mainstream academic inquiry, even if they still police its boundaries.
For readers not familiar with Christian denominational classifications, "mainline" is the term that students of American religious life use to refer to more theologically or politically liberal white-majority churches.
IN THE world of conservative Catholics, bent on proving that the current pontiff is a theologically dubious innovator, it feels as though Pope Francis has just given them fresh ammunition.
As Ryken pointed out to me, black and Latino Christians are arguably more theologically conservative as a group than white American Christians, and evangelicalism is booming in the global South.
But one of the most striking elements of the royal wedding was also among the most unexpected: the fiery, impassioned, and theologically-charged sermon of American Episcopalian bishop Michael Curry.
At one time, sociologists and religion scholars argued that theologically conservative churches, which demanded more of their members, were successful because they ultimately provided more rewarding religious and spiritual experiences.
Do we want those in public office to have the courage of their convictions — but only when their convictions aren't too theologically uncomfortable — on whatever side of the political spectrum?
It's true that his personal convictions seemed to evolve, and grow more theologically robust, in the course of his career; and that political expediency may have played a part in that.
He has made an elaborate case for the possibility of Muslims, including theologically conservative ones, finding a comfortable place in a diverse, noisy liberal democracy where many value systems co-exist.
But critics, including Muslims who are theologically conservative but insist they are not violent, say this amounts to a demand that schools and universities take on the role of thought police.
Art imitates life: The theologically fraught relationship between the two living popes has been fictionalized in "The Two Popes," a film starring Anthony Hopkins as Benedict and Jonathan Pryce as Francis.
The temptation, already evident, will be to shy away from conflict, to self-segregate theologically (liberal speakers to liberal campuses and parishes, vice versa for conservatives) and avoid even acknowledging the conflict.
The pope has risked a great deal in his pontificate, but he has consistently avoided pushing conservatives into a theologically-untenable position, choosing ambiguity over a clarity that might cleave his church.
Their ancestral churches, the theologically-liberal mainline denominations, are aging and emptying, with the oldest churchgoing population and one of the lowest retention rates of any Christian tradition in the United States.
Other Quakers produced pamphlets citing examples from more than 30 dead and living languages to argue that their use of "thee" and "thou" was grammatically — as well as theologically and politically — correct.
He is an enthusiastic and confessing member of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, a theologically conservative Lutheran denomination; he was raised as, and in his beverage choices remains, a pietistic Methodist teetotaler.
I have a hard time putting the immigration debate up with the death penalty, or abortion, or even LGBT issues, because those can be debated theologically and with great respect on both sides.
As the movement grew more organized, and more church-oriented, pastors figured out that they could attract young people with services that were theologically strict but culturally contemporary: anti sexual revolution, pro denim.
But, more importantly, the Church of England has, in recent decades, often been accused of being religiously disengaged: a church that is more of a cultural shibboleth than a theologically dynamic religious institution.
It was theologically rich: highlighting not just the centrality of Christ's death as the ultimate example of love, but the way in which love can counter oppression: love as a form of resistance.
ROME — The theologically fraught relationship between two living popes — fictionalized in a current movie — is beginning to have very real consequences for the obligation of celibacy for priests in the Roman Catholic Church.
In 2014 what became known as the Trojan Horse plot centred around a group of alleged extremists who were accused of trying to infiltrate Muslim-majority schools and run them along theologically conservative lines.
In Britain, for example, there are Salafi mosques whose preachers are theologically conservative but are far from terrorists; and there have been terrorists who have had nothing to do with the mainstream of Salafism.
These writers aren't just craning their necks to get a better look at their own souls; they're looking around at how, in our theologically strange days, other souls are formed and find their way.
Overruling the dean of the cathedral at the time, the suffragan bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New York called the statue "theologically and historically indefensible" and ordered Ms. Sandys to take it away.
"What we need is nothing less than for church leaders to enact actions and promote policies more consistent with a healthier, psychologically well-informed, and theologically sound approach to human sexuality," he told Vox.
Theologically conservative, he spectacularly wrong-footed Francis on his visit to America in 2015 by getting him to meet Kim Davis, a clerk in Kentucky jailed for refusing to issue marriage licences to gay couples.
But if it is going to, then the people who are engaged in the conversation and process must be "theologically reflective" in order to have meaningful, robust transformative public policy results for the common good.
He captured the Republican nomination in part by carrying a plurality of evangelical voters but has alienated a large portion of theologically conservative Roman Catholics and Mormons who are normally reliable elements in the Republican base.
In December, Hawkins wrote a theologically complex Facebook post announcing her intention to wear a hijab during Advent, in solidarity with Muslims; the college placed her on leave within days and soon moved to fire her.
Bach was contractually answerable for choosing the liturgical poetry he set to music, and modern-day critics, in a bit of wishful thinking, often proclaim that his theologically conservative choices were designed simply to please his employers.
" In an editorial published Sunday, Christianity Today president Timothy Dalrymple said the magazine is "theologically conservative," but still felt compelled to say "the alliance of American evangelism with this presidency has wrought enormous damage to Christian witness.
The church is headed by a woman, Archbishop Antje Jackelén, who told Sweden's TT news agency that the church raised this question because "theologically we know that God is beyond our gender determinations, God is not human," according to the Guardian.
I don't think I diverge theologically from my parents in major ways, but while my family is quicker to blame "the liberals," I'm able to see that they aren't evil, just people trying to do things in a different way.
According to Fea, this narrative works because it allows evangelicals to capitalize on Trump's "strongman" persona — in practical terms, his ability to get votes — while allowing them to justify their support theologically and preserve their sense of Trump as a God-backed candidate.
Moore's priority is ultimately a vision of Christianity that, while theologically conservative, focuses on culture and interpersonal engagement, rather than what he calls a "siege mentality": a vision that requires him to walk an often-fine line between disparate communities and ideologies.
The country's Minister of Religious Endowments, Mohamed Mokhtar Gomaa, has been very outspoken theologically on the need to protect Christian churches, and the country's senior Islamic jurist -- theGrand Mufti -- ordered a rare death sentence for a terrorist convicted of killing a Coptic priest.
Trump's legendary ego, history of sexual misconduct, and theologically dubious behavior (from the infamous "pussy grabbing" video to his ex-wife's now-retracted rape allegations to his cheating scandals to joking about encouraging Marla Maples to get an abortion) are well known.
But documents recovered in northern Mali revealed that the militants in Mali had acted without the permission of their leaders, who wrote to express their dismay, arguing that the destruction — while theologically justified — was unwise because it caused the population to turn against them.
But in The Name of God is Mercy, Tornielli turns from the world's fixation on Francis and his famed displeasure with the ravages of capitalism, and renders a far more contemplative, theologically sensitive picture of the Argentinian priest who now leads the world's 1.2 billion Catholics.
Now Linker might respond (depending on where he sits theologically these days) that this is still a false choice even if our fears are understandable, and that conservative Catholics shouldn't let the radicalism of some our interlocutors justify a perfect intransigence against any change at all.
In effect he is experimenting with a much more Anglican model for how the Catholic Church might operate — in which the church's traditional teachings are available for use but not required, and different dioceses and different countries may gradually develop away from each other theologically and otherwise.
"Theologically, this assumes that there's something intrinsically unredeemable about the women that are being pictured, and that's what I think is so concerning in the commentary by Bill Donahue: the idea that these women don't deserve to be figured like the religious icons of the past," Rosen said.
Read an excerpt below: However one stands, or kneels, theologically, it's not difficult to agree that Christmas is one of the great human fictions — in that all of us who celebrate it know exactly what role we've been assigned in this year's picture-book enactment of the holiday.
Moreover, Archbishop Viganò's intervention has allowed the pope's theologically conservative critics to make common cause with those, including many who applaud Francis's liberal reforms, who are dismayed by the pope's tone-deafness when it comes to dealing with clerical sex abuse, and especially the failure of bishops to protect victims.
Even at its strongest, Iran is of no threat to the U.S. Washington's fixation on the Islamic Republic mostly reflects the concerns of allied states, particularly Saudi Arabia, a wealthy and well-armed monarchy, which is more repressive politically and radical theologically than Iran, and Israel, a nuclear power and regional superpower, which is well able to defend itself.
Policymakers refer to members of al-Qaeda and ISIS as "hijackers" of their faith in order to signal their support for mainstream Islamic leaders in an alliance against minor radical offshoots, not because they are unaware that some members of al-Qaeda and ISIS are theologically "sophisticated" (or "very Islamic," as the Atlantic provocatively put it).
While modern man has brought the world tales of Jesus as bizarre and violent as 2001's Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter (watch at your peril), not even this irreverent and experimental age has come up with stories quite as theologically dense, narratively amusing, and morally disconcerting as the early Christians' views of the young Jesus, asleep in his crib, but ready to unleash his blessings and wrath on the world as soon as he wakes up.

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