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938 Sentences With "tend to"

How to use tend to in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "tend to" and check conjugation/comparative form for "tend to". Mastering all the usages of "tend to" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They tend to be older, they tend to be white, and they tend to be wealthier.
Whites tend to vote Republican, while nonwhites tend to vote Democrat.
They don't tend to get super deep and they tend to reverse.
So when they tend to do that I tend to stop them.
They tend to dominate social media, they tend to come to local events.
We tend to not be thematic driven, we tend to be entrepreneur driven.
"Chocolatiers tend to be French, and they tend to be men, and they don't tend to share their techniques," Ms. Espinoza said, holding a dog-eared notebook.
Advocates, meanwhile, tend to suggest that reports of that nature tend to be overstated.
Immigrant rights activists don't tend to forgive; pro-enforcement activists don't tend to forget.
In professional sports, good teams tend to slip and bad teams tend to improve.
Look, standard politicians tend to be very wealthy, they tend to be millionaires, they tend to be close to special interests, and I'm not any of those things.
Her own experience taught her that "people tend to be nervous, tend to worry, tend to over project that something is wrong with them" before they visit a doctor.
These private colleges tend to have smaller classes, they tend to do a better job of graduating their students and they tend to spend heavily to subsidize poorer students.
While those gains tend to be modest, there are some sectors that tend to outperform.
It finds that Americans tend to be optimistic, while Europeans tend to be too pessimistic.
Generally, more conservative states tend to embalm while the more liberal ones tend to cremate.
They tend to limit choice, reduce competition and prices tend to bunch around the cap.
These measures tend to disproportionately burden nonwhite voters, who tend to vote for Democratic candidates.
Since Fed rate hikes tend to help the dollar, they should tend to hurt gold.
"They tend to be financially healthy, and they tend to be less volatile than their peers."
DAVID RUBENSTEIN: Well, the markets tend to be forward indicators, and they tend to anticipate things.
We know that wars tend to be popular so long as they tend to be successful.
Women tend to develop depression alongside their PTSD, while men tend to tack on substance abuse.
They also tend to keep their tyranny domestic, whereas terrorists tend to export their evil tactics.
Native North Carolinians tend to support Republican nominees and non-natives tend to support Democratic nominees.
This is something we see all the time in oppressive regimes — the people who fight them tend to die horribly, and they tend to die young, and they tend to just die.
He also indicates that the specs tend to be wrong when the commercials tend to be right.
On the other side, minorities and young people tend to vote late and tend to favor Democrats.
These individuals tend to have great international mobility and tend to move their assets across borders frequently.
Children tend to live up to our expectations -- and they also tend to live down to them.
Parties in forward motion tend to keep going forward; parties in reverse tend to stay in reverse.
I tend to judge based on my personal observations and tend to shun the magic of statistics.
They tend to be more expensive and they also tend to have fairly low numbers of users.
Deals that leak tend to generate higher premiums than their counterparts, and leaks tend to encourage more bids.
" They "tend to be less about ethnic slurs, less about Nazi slurs, tend to speak more academic language.
MEN BACKED TRUMP In U.S. presidential politics, men tend to vote Republican and women tend to vote Democratic.
Just as ample stocks tend to dampen price volatility, skimpy stocks tend to amplify it, making speculation riskier.
These tend to be young men who can't get a girlfriend who tend to gravitate toward these forums.
Because they tend to be skimpier and insure only healthy customers, the plans' prices tend to be lower.
High-opportunity areas tend to have less concentrated poverty and tend to be more mixed-income integrated areas.
When parties are strong, pragmatists tend to be nominated; when parties are weak, purists tend to be nominated.
Juries tend to believe police, tend to look at them and see that they have a difficult job.
Volatility spikes don't tend to signal finales to expansions; but they do tend to signal late-cycle conditions.
We know, for example, that women tend to be smaller, we tend to be quieter, we tend to have higher-pitched voices, and these are all things that are less threatening to a cat.
"Birth mothers tend to be in their 20s, which means they tend to favor younger adoptive parents," Witt said.
Supporters of legalizing all drugs tend to believe the latter, while opponents of legalization tend to believe the former.
They tend to be women (22 percent are), and tend to tweet about politics (2791 percent say they do).
"Conversion rates tend to be higher during the shopping season, and bounce rates tend to be lower," Everts said.
That's because urban areas — and, increasingly, suburban areas — tend to vote Democratic while exurban places tend to vote Republican.
Men tend to take jobs in corporations or organisations that confer status, whereas women tend to be more enterprising.
Sure, yeah, young people tend to have more free time than financial capital, adults tend to have the reverse.
Big foreign mining firms tend to retrench quickly when markets turn down; small local miners tend to keep digging.
People, no matter how crazy the circumstance they are put in, tend to behave as humans tend to do.
"While men tend to have more of the home runs, they tend to go bankrupt more often," she said.
"Republican votes tend to be more spread out and Democratic votes tend to be more concentrated," Ms. Wortz said.
While young people and poor minorities tend to skew Democratic, rural people and poor whites tend to vote Republican.
Things tend to be cut very late, and new designs tend to come online much later into the project.
Mail-in absentee voters traditionally tend to be Republicans, while voters who file provisional ballots tend to be Democrats.
Women tend to be young while the men, who need strength to hoist their partners, tend to be older.
Women tend to be young while the men, who need strength to hoist their partners, tend to be older.
"Very hot showers tend to take the oil off your skin, and tend to irritate your skin," he said.
Also, people tend to be low frequency, high intensity interactors whereas cats tend to be high frequency, low intensity interactors.
"People who tend to eat the most red meat tend to be more overweight and are less active," says Cross.
"When we have a weakened polar vortex, the winds tend to meander and then tend to dip southward," says Vavrus.
Nonetheless, the models tend to work fairly well, because in most cases such subtleties tend to cancel each other out.
Counties with the highest rates of uninsurance tend to be in the south, and the uninsured tend to be poor.
On the other hand, recurring false awakenings, which Lundquist says tend to be pretty rare, tend to reflect something else.
They tend to be more skeptical of taxes, tend to be more skeptical of economic regulation generally — which makes sense.
"Folks that go to counseling tend to be more informed, and they also tend to be better borrowers," George said.
For the most part, conservatives tend to reject environmentalism, while liberals tend to see climate change as a serious concern.
People tend to watch through the whole scene a lot more, and there tend to be multiple orgasms—usually faked.
Bar regulars tend to be alcoholics and they tend to have an aura of tragedy around them all the time.
Black people tend to live near each other, and thus tend to commit crimes where it's convenient to do so.
Studies show that female doctors tend to listen more, and their patients — both male and female — tend to fare better.
"Political ads tend to not care about the viewer, they tend to care about pushing the message out," he said.
Long-term companies tend to outperform short-term companies, and long-term investors tend to outperform their short-term peers.
The thing is, people tend to ... If someone says something really awful about someone you don't like, you tend to believe it whereas if it said something wonderful about somebody you like, you tend to believe it.
We still have to talk about this, because when people tend to forget history, they tend to repeat the same mistakes.
Facebook's algorithms also tend to magnify the visibility of sensationalist posts because they tend to draw more clicks, reactions and comments.
Tortillas are typically concentrated in the poorer barrios which also tend to be where criminal groups tend to have their bastions.
We can tell you that people love you tend to be male, and people that hate you tend to be female.
Sports fans tend to use sport teams, parents tend to use their kids' names, while pet owners choose their pet's name.
"The saying goes that optimists tend to be successful and pessimists tend to be right" Zuckerberg explained at the November forum.
For example, Democrats tend to win more urban areas, which tend to have higher levels of concentrated poverty to begin with.
Caucuses tend to be dominated by the most motivated, engaged and informed voters, who also tend to be more ideologically consistent.
Though many differences between boys and girls tend to be overstated, boys do tend to be more physically aggressive, she said.
I have observed that men tend to prioritize party, while women tend to reach across the aisle and get things done.
Many of these members tend to favor nongovernmental forms of currency like digital currencies and tend to be early bitcoin adopters.
In the 2016 fiscal year, the average individual refund was $3,050, according to CNBC, "The individuals that tend to file early tend to be lower-income individuals and they tend to be people who are getting refunds," Kaeding says.
Dark frames tend to lighten [pale] skin by contrast, and mid-toned frames tend to bring out the warmth in your face.
Buybacks tend to be viewed favorably by investors because they tend to reduce the overall share count and boost earnings per share.
Interestingly, kids tend to have higher emotion differentiation than teens because they tend to report experiencing only one emotion at a time.
I think you're gonna be OK. The men who tend to go bald-bald tend to do so by age 30, usually.
"When you look throughout history, these pandemics tend to be short-term pullbacks and they tend to be buyable pullbacks," Tepper said.
When that happens, men tend to stay in the workforce, women tend to leave, and the pay gap between them gets wider.
Ultra-Orthodox Jews tend to have large families, and Grotto said those who don't vaccinate tend to have practical, not ideological, reasons.
Given that people high in conscientious tend to be conformists, it makes sense that they tend to report more conservative sexual attitudes.
Around the world, urban areas tend to be left-leaning and cosmopolitan; rural and suburban areas tend to be conservative and populist.
"We tend to overestimate the likelihood of something happening, and we tend to underestimate our capacity to deal with it," Bufka says.
Izzo's teams tend to advance far because they tend to be good at playing basketball, not because of what the calendar says.
They tend to do more investment research, are more long-term focused and tend to respond less to short-term market events.
It&aposs the nature of social media, the people that tend to be the most vocal tend to be the most negative.
While entry-level positions tend to be roughly split between men and women, more senior positions tend to be dominated by men.
People high in conscientiousness — a personality trait largely set by genetics — tend to be more vigilant students and tend to be healthier.
In most places, Republicans tend to vote by mail, while Democrats tend to prefer showing up in person at early vote centers.
People with postgraduate qualifications tend to buy houses next to others like them, just as those with less schooling tend to cluster together.
This is a good trend because online sales tend to be higher and customers who use the app tend to be more loyal.
Sellers tend to start out really high and buyers tend to start out really low, and negotiations can take years instead of months.
" In his view, when you have a heavy prize pool "the rich tend to get richer and the poor tend to stay poor.
"Different people tend to have different susceptibilities; some tend to develop more symptoms in sinuses, lungs, or ears," Timothy Laird, MD, tells Insider.
For instance, it usually breaks down that the men tend to be the producers and the women tend to be the hook writers.
Voters in these districts tend to be white, and they tend to be more college-educated, compared to the US as a whole.
Clinicians tend to focus on addressing the symptoms; therapists and chaplains — myself included — tend to focus on veterans' regret and desire for forgiveness.
Teams that lose a lot tend to improve, at least a little, while teams with the best records tend to slip a bit.
Myths tend to celebrate grandeur and heroic superiority; parables tend to puncture the pretensions of superiority and celebrate humility and service to others.
Anderson's research found... In good times, voters tend to reward the incumbent party; in hard times, they tend to toss out the incumbents.
They tend to be relatively small, nimble and collegial, and tend to tinker with the business model, looking for new sources of oxygen.
Why else am I willing to overlook the real problem — that even liberal Americans tend to approve of Muslims on a case-by-case basis, tend to like their Muslims as non-Muslim as possible, tend to think themselves entitled to this choosiness?
Outside of Israel, Orthodox Jewish communities tend to be concentrated in cities like New York City, and Los Angeles, and split between modern Orthodox who tend to be more integrated into secular society, and more traditional communities, who tend to be more separate.
While issues such as reducing college debt and climate change tend to align with the interests of young voters, polling data has also shown that young voters tend to identify as independents and that they tend to be skeptical of both parties.
Research has found that woman-dominated industries (like child care work or domestic work) tend to pay less, male-dominated industries tend to start paying less once women enter them, and woman-dominated industries tend to start paying more once men enter them.
In patent cases, statistically, summary judgements tend to favor the defendant, while trials tend to favor the plaintiff, according to the Law Review study.
Digital and mobile orders tend to bring in a higher check for restaurants, and delivery orders tend to be placed predominantly through these channels.
Billionaires tend to poll very well among other billionaires, but among the less fortunate (which is everybody else), they tend to be less popular.
Those who attend more selective schools tend to be farther from home, and those who attended private schools tend to be farther from home.
They tend to be – consumers tend to use a lot of our product and therefore, they spend a lot of money in our categories.
She noted that people tend to go first to people who look like them—and that men in particular tend to turn to men.
Colleges that have high graduation rates tend to be more selective and tend to have students who are more affluent and more academically prepared.
" I tend to take that view, but I also tend to give it my own twist: "Behind every good woman is a devoted cuck.
The supplies have been fought over by cities, which tend to be mostly populated by Democrats, and agricultural interests, which tend to lean Republican.
Women tend to dispatch their victims with poison, and people tend to think of poisoning somehow as this quaint, Victorian way of killing somebody.
In those studies, men tend to over-perceive the amount that a woman is sexually interested in them than the women tend to report.
"Traditional designs tend to be a lot more biomimetic — they tend to be more similar to the features of natural environments," Dr. Ellard said.
Put differently, the funds tend to trade less than average, but their returns tend to roller-coaster more than the indexes they're benchmarked against.
GOP strongholds in places like Chesterfield County tend to report their results early, while Democratic bastions like Fairfax tend to count ballots more slowly.
They also tend to be grown by companies — even the smaller-scale onion farmers tend to incorporate their farms — so they owe corporate tax.
That's predictable enough — some judges (often conservative) tend to favor law and order, while others (often liberal) tend to be skeptical of law enforcement.
Generally, I tend to stay away from the more abstract of these experiences because I think they tend to fail to stick the landing.
And those tend to be big things, they tend to be sometimes protective things, and you have to work on things they're not thinking about.
Blue states, after all, tend to have higher state and local taxes and also tend to have more expensive houses and thus property tax bills.
Kelly Fisher CollamoreCutchogue, N.Y. To the Editor: Note to Jennifer Weiner: Most jerks tend to be men, but most men don't tend to be jerks.
"Men tend to be more driven to action while women tend to be a lot more conservative in the action that they take," he says.
Even though anti-competitive mergers tend to be bad for customers, they tend to stack the odds in Wall Street's favor, CNBC's Jim Cramer said Wednesday.
Those with Pluto in this sign tend to resist authority figures and confines of any sort since these forces tend to hinder their ability to change.
Doctors, for instance, tend to earn high salaries, but this is at least in part because they tend to be bright and come from rich households.
Companies that tend to have massive user growth and growing revenue streams (Facebook) don't tend to focus as much on how many "snaps" users look at.
"I think the fact our environments tend to have a lot of stability to them contributes to the consistency that we tend to display," says Johnson.
Nonetheless, policy-controlled interest rates tend to follow a well-defined cycle as policymakers confronted with similar economic data tend to make similar choices (
" Asked to explain what that meant, Cruz said New Yorkers tend to hold "socially liberal" views, and its residents tend to revolve around "money and media.
Older people do tend to be more conservative (possibly partly because poor people tend to die earlier), and less worried about climate change, according to Gallup.
Comparing initial estimates versus final figures over the past 10 years, lower initial estimates tend to become lower, while higher initial estimates tend to become higher.
Morgan Stanley further pointed out that health care and consumer staples tend to outperform the broader market, while autos and tech hardware tend to weaken. 2.
Some research has shown that in adolescence, girls tend to become more dissatisfied with their bodies, whereas boys tend to become more satisfied with their bodies.
I learned that wines from the New World tend to be higher-alcohol and fruitier, whereas wines from Europe tend to be more subtle and refined.
But Americans don't tend to think of it as Social Security, and its 11 million beneficiaries are not the senior citizens who tend to support Trump.
Namely, men tend to view negotiations as competitions with winners and losers, while women tend to view them as relationships, with opportunities for everyone to win.
Older rural voters tend to become more conservative, while younger voters tend to become increasingly liberal as they move to the cities for work and school.
But over all, these scores tend to hang together — people who score low on one measure tend to score low on the others, and vice versa.
We're still playing it pretty cautiously, so we are underweight small caps, they tend to be lower quality and tend to have fewer levers to pull.
Americans tend to view the region through the monochromatic lens of "terrorism" and therefore tend to wonder too simplistically about how to fight and defeat that.
Time and time again, both parties tend to sign off on massive mergers, often applying only meaningless conditions that companies tend to ignore with limited repercussions.
"When markets are going up, we tend to overestimate our tolerance for volatility, and when markets are going down, we tend to be overly fearful," Gatien said.
They tend to be both working family and they tend to want to live near where they work and they typically are looking for a good school.
"Those people tend to care more about that, just because of their training, and I think that companies tend to respond by offering great plans," he said.
Women of child-rearing age tend to be more expensive to insure due to pregnancy, and older people tend to require more expensive care than younger people.
University administrators point out that legacy applicants' SAT scores tend to be higher than average—not surprising, since they tend to be richer and therefore better-prepared.
These strategies tend to be less correlated with U.S. stocks, he said, and some — such as option writing — tend to be ideal in a volatile flat market.
Officials tend to come from the inner circle of the ruling Socialist Party, and as such do not tend to be the leaders of broad policy changes.
I'm just over 5-foot-1, so shorter boots tend to make my legs look stubby, and taller boots tend to be totally overwhelming on my frame.
I think a lot of people, we tend to go along too much and we tend to agree, and I think there's real power in saying no.
Because health problems tend to pile up as people age, the older voters who tend to turn out most reliably in midterm elections experience such worry disproportionately.
While its customers tend to skew toward office workers ordering during the week, third-party apps' customers tend to order food during the evening to residential areas.
They tend to also live close to large bodies of water, which tend to be warmer than the air temperatures, which help them survive short cold snaps.
A growing body of evidence in political science indicates that politicians' complete dependence on donors really does matter: Better funded candidates tend to win primary elections, candidates tend to prioritize the issues high-income voters care about, and political outcomes tend to reflect the preferences of the very wealthy.
Though they reach larger body sizes, they tend to have less babies, but they also tend to be better at competing with their neighbors and regenerating from disturbance.
At the agencies where women tend to work, they are paid on average $10,000 less than men are paid at the agencies where they most tend to work.
Some of these processes are stabilising and tend to dampen the original disturbance ("negative feedback"), but others are destabilising and tend to amplify the initial shock ("positive feedback").
After Justice Antonin Scalia died in February, the court was left with eight members -- four who tend to be more liberal and four who tend to be conservative.
Contrast this with the way male action heroes tend to be cast: Whether they're heroic or aggressive or suave, they almost always tend to play up masculine virtues.
Keep in mind that while cash-back rewards tend to be the simplest to redeem, travel rewards tend "to give the best bang for your buck," Rossman said.
"We have indicators that tend to be these market-internal measures — breadth, leadership, sentiment and volume — that tend to reach these oversold extremes at tradeable lows," Stockton said.
It could mean that police tend to be stationed nearby, or that police specifically target that area, or that people there tend to call-in crimes more frequently.
White and Asian American individuals tend to make more than any other race, and men tend to make more than women, regardless of their education, backgrounds, or achievements.
Certified preowned cars tend to be pricier than other used cars, but they also tend to be in better shape thanks to a rigorous inspection process, DeLorenzo said.
But the new study has a simple explanation for that apparent link: People who tend to vape may just be more similar to those who tend to smoke.
We tend to focus on the people that have jobs, and we tend to focus on our country where jobs drive the quality of your life in general.
Ex-convicts tend to have very low educational attainment, and they tend to be young and nonwhite, with low incomes — all factors that correlate with a low turnout.
Not just romantic relationships, but also that men tend to become more isolated as they go through life, and don't have support networks the way women tend to.
But the primary beneficiaries of buybacks tend to be major investors and corporate executives who get shares as part of their compensation packages, who tend to already be rich.
For the latter two, the theory is that companies that grow dividends consistently tend to have returns that outpace the market while companies that cut dividends tend to lag.
In many cases, scientists already know—thanks to Friston's neuroimaging methods—which regions of the brain tend to malfunction in different disorders and which signals tend to be disrupted.
Forecasting errors in polls tend to decrease as elections draw closer—conventional wisdom holds that polls tend to be unreliable until Labour Day, around two months before the election.
The same study identified that people on the two coasts tend to benefit less from lower gasoline prices whereas Midwestern and Southern states tend to reap the greatest savings.
While Star Wars and Marvel tend to skew toward a more male-dominant audience, Disney's animated features and Disney Channel shows tend to appeal more to a female audience.
However, millennial consumers in the U.S., who tend to be in their early 20s to late 30s, also tend to be more focused on environmental issues than prior generations.
This may be because men tend to view negotiations as competitions with winners and losers, while women tend to view them as relationships, with opportunities for everyone to win.
The lowest home prices in Antioch tend to be along the border of Pittsburg; newer homes along the border of Brentwood, to the southeast, tend to be the priciest.
Throughout the month, vacationing children tend to be 5 years old or younger, neither ready for school nor structured programming at these retreats, which tend to scale back activities.
Tweets that get the most likes on Twitter tend to be more poorly received by the American public, while those with lower engagement tend to be viewed more positively.
Their bodies tend to release melatonin — a hormone that regulates sleep — earlier in the evening than non-depressed people, and they tend to wake up earlier in the morning.
Masculine spaces tend to have a lot of hardware and a lot of hard 90 degree angles, whereas feminine spaces tend to have softer angles and fuller bodied turns.
Clean your AirPodsAn unfortunate fact of life is that human ears are waxy, and anything you tend to frequently put in your ears, like earbuds, tend to accumulate earwax.
Violent deaths tend to be common in Western counties, and deaths from mental and substance abuse disorders tend to be more common in Kentucky and West Virginia counties than others.
Instead, prices tend to skyrocket a week or two before a flight's departure because airlines know that's when business travelers who don't have the same budget constraints tend to book.
Yields tend to rise during bond sales as investors sell their existing stock of debt to make room for new issues, which tend to be sold at a slight premium.
Recency carries a lot of weight, we know with consumers, and so the newest reviews tend to float to the top, and older reviews tend to float to the bottom.
Other studies show that women tend to marry men who share their attitude to financial risk, and that people with similar levels of parental wealth tend to end up together.
Moderators tend to focus much more on immigration, health care, and the economy, and for obvious reason: Conventional wisdom holds that Americans don't tend to vote on foreign policy issues.
In economics the "first law of demand" teaches that as the price of something increases, people tend to buy less, and when the price falls, people tend to buy more.
Unlike consumers in the US or other European countries, the French tend to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner around the same time every day, and they tend to dine together.
A mobile version would likely bring in more Asian players, who tend to prefer mobile-based games while Western gamers tend to prefer desktops or consoles for more sophisticated gameplay.
In many households, men tend to manage family investments and taxes, and women, if they get involved in money issues, tend to focus only on everyday expenses and charitable donations.
Evidence from multiple studies supports the idea that, among heterosexual people, men tend to over perceive sexual interest from women, while women tend to under perceive sexual interest from men.
In moments of crisis, people tend to focus on the daily emergencies of surviving that crisis, whatever it is, and tend to put too much trust in those in power.
Cutbacks by the conservative government have led to questions about what to prioritize: benefits for older voters, who tend to vote Liberal, or younger voters, who tend to support Labor.
Blue lines indicate countries that tend to award large numbers of points to each other; red lines indicate those that tend to award a disproportionately low number to another country.
That is partly a function of demographics: Catholics, who tend to be nationalist, are growing more rapidly as a percentage of the population than Protestants, who tend to be unionist.
Women also tend to put a great deal of time and research into the investments they make, and they tend to associate money with personal independence and quality of life.
"People who tend to be sensitive to the experiences of others have a more open and broad perspective and tend to be more progressive as a result," Mr. Cogan said.
Taxpayers in blue states like New York, New Jersey, and California tend to benefit the most from this deduction, because they tend to have both higher taxes and richer residents.
They tend to not brook too much dissent; they tend to expect the same level of intensity from the people around them; [and] they tend to value talents very much like themselves, so they're hiring 'mini-mes,' when in fact they need to be hiring a broader, more diverse set of folks.
They tend to not brook too much dissent, they tend to expect the same level of intensity from the people around them, they tend to value talents very much like themselves, so they are hiring mini-mes when in fact they need to be hiring a broader, more diverse set of folks.
"We tend to focus on the people who have jobs and we tend to focus on our country, where the jobs drive the quality of your life in general," Mahoney said.
As such, the results tend to suggest the the bank doesn't have as many women in positions of responsibility or the corporate suite that tend to offer higher levels of compensation.
More directly accountable to the public they serve, these networks not only tend to offer better service at lower prices, these ISPs tend to actually respect net neutrality and consumer privacy.
But I'm not going to let it get above a certain share because the history is filled, when people get big, they tend to get greedy, they tend to get powerful.
Analysts tend to put more store on surveys of actual business conditions rather than consumer sentiment which tend to swings around a lot and often say little about actual spending habits.
Our 5-foot-3 and under frames tend to have a tougher time than most accommodating trousers, and, sometimes, our pants tend to wear us, instead of the other way around.
Mainstream anti-abortion advocates tend to avoid demonizing the women who have abortions, but they do tend to demonize abortion providers and push abortion restrictions that threaten doctors with criminal penalties.
"Looking at the rental market and how much people tend to be making in these Phoenix suburbs, incomes tend to be a little higher and rentals are more affordable," she said.
Hotels tend to be more popular among business travelers — and business travelers tend to be more lucrative than leisure ones — so including them would definitely move the data in hotels' favor.
By the same token, in most countries those with children tend to be happier, with the exception of Britain, Denmark, Ireland and Switzerland, where people tend to be happier when childless.
Younger buyers tend to favor smaller motorcycles, and often tend to be interested in motorcycles for practical benefits such as ease of ownership and fuel costs, rather than as lifestyle purchases.
She explained the process by which Japanese wine is made, and the palate that makers tend to go for, and that the results tend to be quite light by Western standards.
As my colleague Nate Cohn and others have pointed out, Americans tend to sort themselves geographically by party or ideology so that like-minded people tend to live near one another.
Neil Stern, a retail consultant for McMillan Doolittle, said Nordstrom may have felt insulated given its stores tend to be located in cities and affluent suburbs, which tend to tack Democratic.
We tend to be OK. But if we get caught up in getting ruminating and thinking about all the reasons why we're sad, that's when we tend to go into depression.
Series finales tend to smack you in the face and, frankly, the results tend to deliver a staggering blow that contradicts why we ostensibly care so much in the first place.
Actresses tend to experience no increase at all, perhaps because their wins tend to come in their mid-30s and the ageist industry offers women fewer roles as they grow older.
And the groups that tend to support anti-party politics — the parties that are against things, like the Swedish Democrats — tend to be the people that are most vulnerable to change.
He pointed to a surprising trend he noticed when reviewing how much markets tend to fall during election years: They don't tend to decline more than in the average nonelection year.
Additionally, real fur pieces tend to live a longer life before being tossed away by their owners, as faux products today tend to be much more trend focused rather than timeless.
Unlike iPhones, which tend to get support from Apple for four or more years, even the most expensive Android phones tend to have support fall off after two or three years.
Hedge funds, which tend to be more exclusive and higher risk, tend to use algorithms and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to make their calls on when to buy and sell securities.
"We tend to be overly optimistic and suffer from confirmation bias," a term from behavioral economics that means we tend to believe what happens more if it matches a previous belief.
"Third parties tend to lose, their poll numbers tend to decrease over time, and they perform worse on Election Day," John Sides, a political scientist with George Washington University, tells me.
"People tend to stay, and their children tend to stay," said Mr. Wehrheim, 70, the supervisor for the Suffolk County town of Smithtown, where Kings Park is one of several hamlets.
And burdens — they tend to move up very slowly.
Groups of friends also tend to dress in themes ...
" Gardner added that, "Also, they tend to obey orders.
Except if you look at it from a racial standpoint, this doesn't, as a self-interested argument for opposition to gun control, make much sense, because white Americans tend to live in more secure neighborhoods and tend to be more affluent and tend to be less likely by far to be victims of crime.
Studies have found, for example, that men tend to overstate their height and lie about their occupation, while women understate their weight and tend to have less accurate photos than their counterparts.
Research has shown that Northeasterners and Southeasterners tend to be more neurotic than Westerners, for example, while people in the Southeast, Midwest, and Utah tend to be more agreeable than other Americans.
Previous studies have shown that people with higher incomes tend to have healthier diets, and those who spend more money on food tend to eat healthier and consume more fruits and vegetables.
Those investors tend to gravitate to utilities, real estate investment trusts and consumer packaged goods stocks, which have larger yields and tend to thrive in a slowing economy with low interest rates.
They tend to be mobilized more by groups and public officials and they participate more, and they tend to be less cognizant of the ways in which they benefit from social services.
Government offices and similar state-backed entrepreneurship initiatives tend to invest close to the constituents they ostensibly serve, and most individual angel investors tend to invest within their own states, as well.
Unlike phones, which tend to get upgraded every year or two (and have been propped up by trade-in programs), iPad owners tend to keep their iPads for a really long time.
"Developers and real estate agents tend to favor the newcomers, and the newcomers tend to be white and affluent," said Derek Hyra, the director of the Metropolitan Policy Center at American University.
They score high in creativity and openness, although they tend to display lower conscientious and agreeable behavior than other performers (PDF) and writers, and they tend to be more critical and suspicious.
Police departments tend to have good data about communities where they are present but little data about communities where they do not patrol as vigorously — which tend to be affluent and white.
Experience suggests prices do tend to bounce slightly in the days after a sharp sell-off, so there is an exploitable trading strategy, but gains tend to be small and highly uncertain.
Far from the traditional conservative-liberal split that divides modern politics, older men and younger progressives tend to favor legalization, while women with children — typically guaranteed Democratic voters — tend to harbor doubts.
According to Shnaidman, Bellesa users tend to prefer videos with strong storylines and narrative context, and the videos users consume tend to run longer in length than on other mainstream porn sites.
Schiller and Cue told the Times that Apple apps tend to rank high in their store due to their popularity and generic names that tend to line up with common search terms.
These polls tend to have relatively small sample sizes, increasing the margin of error, and voters tend to be less familiar with House candidates, meaning more "undecideds" until late in the race.
For example, venture capitalists tend to be white men, and they tend to invest in white men with software that destroys middle-class jobs, while sometimes reaping ungodly returns for their investors.
Apparently, liberals are more open to globalization, while conservatives—who (shocker) tend to be more nationalistic—tend to shy away from foreign products of all kinds, which means less lattes for Trump-supporters.
Interestingly, the analysts discovered that as people tend to get older, they also tend to shop more at home improvement stores, like Lowes and Home Depot—possibly because they start to become homeowners.
This might be because Vox readers tend to be higher-income people, or perhaps because they tend to be left-leaning, so they already come in with strongly held beliefs about high earners.
While utilities tend to suffer when bond yields rise — higher-yielding stocks become less attractive when fixed income payouts climb — they also tend to hold up better than growth stocks in a downturn.
It's likely more about the nature of the debt: Personal loans tend to have short terms compared with other debts, and loan amounts also tend to be smaller — leading to small monthly payments.
That's before you consider the average price differences between the two, where business hotels tend to reach into premium price points and Airbnb homes tend to come at a wider range of prices.
"Women tend to be better at having alternative social networks and other confidantes whereas men tend to rely quite heavily on their wives for that and have fewer other social ties," she said.
"Primary voters have to be pre-registered to vote early, they tend to be people who vote all the time, even for their local politicians, and they tend to be older," Inclan says.
High-dollar restaurants tend to charge high-dollar corkage fees because they tend to have their own sommeliers, their own wine lists, and they want their customers to rely on both of them.
The voting methods tend to be flawed in some way; the annual publication of the voting lists for FIFA's version tend to underscore the fact that politics comes, for some, above sporting merit.
Whereas, nationally, recidivism for released prisoners is above 60 percent, "people who are found N.G.R.I. tend to go back out into the community, and they tend to do really, really well," Fitch says.
The data showed that taxpayers tend to underestimate the value of art that was given as gifts or bequeathed and, conversely, tend to overestimate the value of art donated as a charitable contribution.
They tend to think they&aposre better than others, they tend to have a sense of entitlement and grandiosity, and that can be a huge problem for the reasons we&aposve talked about.
It is the larger community we are part of, including other news organizations, the professional operatives and analysts who tend to be our sources, the embedded assumptions that tend to inform our work.
Home fries: "They tend to still have their skin on as chunked or wedged potatoes, and they aren't deep fried but tend to be fried in a skillet, usually in oil," she said.
After all, Fisher argued, half of the genetic material of the next generation must come by way of those who tend to produce males, and half from those who tend to produce females.
"Cute" ugly Christmas sweaters tend to be black and have shiny decals, like ornaments, while the truly ugly sweaters tend to be red and have details that, over time, have begun to droop.
I tend to believe a variant of the first explanation.
Either way, private markets tend to follow the public lead.
People tend to want sovereign control of their energy supply.
Other properties, including distinctive homes and mansions, tend to linger.
They tend to regard it as a kind of theft.
I think these would tend to balance out over time.
But his book reviews tend to generate the most attention.
They were troublesome and tend to "freak out," she said.
The institutions with money tend to finance the same groups.
They tend to live in trailers and work desultory jobs.
PERPETRATORS OF COUPS tend to do badly at the polls.
Virgos tend to like their costumes a little more straightforward.
We tend to describe our immune systems with military metaphors.
Canister vacuums also tend to be lighter weight than uprights.
Films currently tend to max out at around 10 minutes.
"Business owners tend to know other business owners," Acuff writes.
"Technology companies that innovate tend to have these unique people."
Females on the smaller end tend to have fewer orgasms.
People tend to undermine each other in a toxic relationship.
Over time, those hyperkinetic wrinkles tend to become static ones.
SEXTON: We tend to be a more chilled out bunch.
Tech companies tend to celebrate the inverse of Zero Defects.
Trump's aides tend to say that this is all overstated.
You don't tend to look up his whole life story.
Economists warn that rent caps tend to have perverse effects.
For example, people on vacations tend to use more marijuana.
"Buying climaxes tend to happen in bull markets," he said.
These events, more than previously, tend to happen at weekends.
Their checks tend to lead to more checks, too, unsurprisingly.
Residents of bigger cities tend to have higher salaries, though.
Shortly, these storms tend to move through these areas quickly.
However, they tend to take advantage of resources under duress.
We tend to look at these things after they've happened.
Democrats and Republicans tend to act in systematically different ways.
We also tend to be active outside when wearing them.
And they tend to pay more than $100,000 a year.
They just tend to involve more thought, effort, and restraint.
And once they're on board, EOC employees tend to stay.
Dance floors tend to be sweaty places for a reason.
"Alcoholic beverages tend to be very price inelastic," she said.
It's his supporters who tend to fill in the blanks.
"Governments tend to change the rules so regularly," he added.
There's a reason successful people tend to be early risers.
They also tend to be healthier and experience less anxiety.
Theorists of plot tend to think of the concept elastically.
But, mostly, they tend to center around the aching normalcy.
Knowing where I tend to drop the ball on things.
I tend to be victimized by my anger at times.
The richest, most successful people tend to be big readers.
Men, on the other hand, tend to overestimate their skills.
They are very leveraged REITs tend to do very badly.
Sometimes they tend to leave me out a little bit.
Conventional narrative and plot tend to fall by the wayside.
We tend to assume these are neutrally drawn, immutable borders.
Currencies tend to strengthen in a higher interest rate environment.
They tend to use the excuse, it's ongoing, it's ongoing.
The pies also tend to change shape in the oven.
But indoors, they tend to look washed out and foggy.
We all tend to either skip it or overdo it.
Presidents, he believes, tend to be followed by their opposites.
People who've been in the military tend to have it.
Such citizens tend to vote less often than wealthier ones.
In fact, people tend to respect this sort of job.
Once again, bodies in motion tend to stay in motion.
But many of those demos tend to sink without trace.
And they tend to elicit the most ruthless of responses.
Large dams tend to be controversial, wherever they are built.
It doesn't tend to reward franchise films, with some exceptions.
These kinds of stocks tend to go down with it.
Well, losing companies don't tend to do that well either.
Balanced music lovers tend to prefer songs across the spectrum.
Riley Reyes: People tend to get in their own heads.
Unfortunately, insistent platitudes and pigeonholing tend to mar Unger's efforts.
The bigger emerging markets tend to have freely floating currencies.
Africans and Asians tend to be the youngest of migrants.
The downside is that they tend to be more expensive.
"People tend to be reactive in this business," he said.
Those tend to produce the best earnings growth, she said.
All of these crimes tend to go hand in hand.
I tend to throw myself into new tasks and opportunities.
At least Britons tend to get it over with quickly.
Civil lawsuits tend to drag on for months or years.
"People tend to read into things too hard," he said.
Yet around the edges, preferences tend to shift over time.
Political referendums, in particular, tend to be a hot target.
Plus, seed funds tend to have smaller, more focused portfolios.
That's unusual in tech, as hardware prices tend to fall.
Rapists, in my experience, tend to look like everyone else.
But such hazards tend to be ignored in a crisis.
The armed and police forces tend to compete for applicants.
Military folks tend to be good at following operational procedures.
So when things go wrong, they tend to be blamed.
These minuscule objects tend to vaporize in our upper atmosphere.
"Intrusive memories, people tend to call them 'flashbacks,'" Robinson says.
"SSRIs tend to work well to mitigate anxiety," she says.
Yeah, they tend to be in wealthy progressive neighborhoods. Yep.
These tech conferences tend to blend together after a while.
And this is where firms tend to use middleware companies.
Older respondents tend to be far more wary of socialism.
In video games, graphics tend to get the most fanfare.
The majority of those ads tend to feature unhealthy foods.
It shows that people tend to age out of crime.
That's where things tend to break down for single people.
When it comes to money, women tend to underestimate themselves.
They also tend to be lax in their security protocols.
Younger Singaporeans tend to be more understanding than their elders.
CEASEFIRES in South Sudan's civil war tend to be short.
"I tend to date men in their 20s," she says.
Larger "issues" tend to develop a decade or so later.
"Dogs tend to play well with one another," she says.
And most of all, they tend to be loyal partisans.
This is because these small stars tend to be temperamental.
Dog owners tend to be happier with larger canines, too.
Disaster movies tend to consider the big picture, the macro.
Political conversations on Twitter tend to be anything but tame.
Coppers tend to be poorly equipped for their new roles.
I think people tend to pick safe and bland designs.
For starters, Twitter's U.S. adult users tend to be younger.
That version will thus tend to spread through a population.
Because I'm so active, I tend to get very hot.
Their families also tend to rely more on survivor benefits.
As daters find love, they tend to leave the service.
In unfamiliar territory, refugees tend to trust their fellow countrymen.
That's just how recalls this big tend to play out.
I wonder how much librarians tend to know about baseball.
Don't engage with anyone who you tend to argue with.
Shares in new issues tend to rise when they float.
Women tend to mean it when they compliment another woman.
Near the end, you tend to hate everything about it.
Well, countries tend to be broken up in complicated ways.
Models tend to have a preternatural gift for dressing themselves.
Higher yields tend to point to a higher risk environment.
Offenders tend to target people who are vulnerable and isolated.
Despite this, bosses tend to oppose transparency, for understandable reasons.
Comparable keys tend to sell for around $20 to $25.
And we tend to sloppily remember events like news reports.
House Republicans tend to be more bullish about their chances.
Cultures that start getting extraordinarily tight tend to become repressive.
Therefore, those innovations tend to be labeled as performance enhancements.
You tend to get rid of them during the flood.
And those are the buybacks that tend to deliver alpha.
I don't tend to be a lot like my characters.
But big giant movie musicals tend to be aggressively mawkish.
In fact, they tend to do more harm than good.
Perhaps surprisingly, those Democrats tend to vote for Sanders, too.
I tend to rationalize purchases like these in this manner.
Victims tend to be blamed and ostracised, not sympathised with.
Private colleges tend to come with a steep price tag.
They tend to award contracts to friends, family and supporters.
"They all tend to be pretty happy individuals," he adds.
The main variables tend to be visibility and wall surface.
The biggest tend to be in the most deprived areas.
" WP: "Those tend to be the better songs, I think.
Does this source tend to produce false information or not?
Wages there also tend to be low, making automation unprofitable.
Prime members tend to buy more from the online retailer.
Significant private investments are few, and tend to the quixotic.
They also tend to be diagnosed at a younger age.
We tend to discard the losers and embrace the winners.
But over time, the two tend to converge, Debusschere said.
Animals with delayed reproduction tend to live longer, Vijg explained.
They, understandably, tend to elicit anger in the comment section.
With public pensions, the rich tend to subsidise the poor.
The firms tend to be established, with dominant market positions.
Those who remain tend to be older and less educated.
In the main text, journalists tend to the opposite sin.
Because those words tend to be part of the play.
String instruments in particular tend to sound sterile and digital.
Proponents of "buy local" policies tend to think too narrowly.
When you grow up, you tend to analyze things more.
When women enter a male occupation, wages tend to fall.
Indeed, Rohingya refugees tend to disguise where they are from.
Large tremors tend to be followed by tougher building regulations.
The streets below tend to be dark, cramped, and noisy.
But honestly, both tend to be sort of, well, boring.
I tend to pick things that make my skin crawl.
Human smugglers tend to use more rudimentary tunnels, he said.
They tend to concentrate on datasets that hold obvious value.
I tend to keep better track of things these days.
When things get tough in media, they tend to consolidate.
Women tend to pursue office for different reasons than men.
Decent noise canceling headphones tend to cost $300 or more.
The big automakers tend to fall into the third category.
Shallow earthquakes tend to do more damage than deeper ones.
These narratives tend to overlook the simple fact that improbable
Those tend to be the heroes that we go for.
Still, exports tend to oscillate wildly from month to month.
Comments tend to me more meaningful than likes for one.
Shallow quakes tend to cause more damage than deeper ones.
Primary voters -- in both parties -- tend to like competitive races.
Publishers like NPR or ESPN tend to get preferential treatment.
S.G. strategies tend to have hefty weightings in technology stocks.
But in those movies, the protagonists tend to be sympathetic.
Nor do they tend to set up house with them.
As youth tend to be, Roger was great at computers.
We tend to egg each other on quite a lot.
I don't tend to cry, but it was so nostalgic.
Writers, especially in art, tend to choose politics or aesthetics.
We tend to think, like, Oh, the world is perfect.
"We tend to think we're stronger than nature," he said.
Dads tend to homogenize into puns, barbecue and cargo shorts.
However, these consumers tend to be exceptionally loyal to brands.
I tend to believe him as opposed to some anonymous.
Global payments systems also tend to bring more regulatory scrutiny.
But there's another layer that we don't tend to address.
Male birds tend to be the most femme in nature.
Utilities tend to relatively fare better, while property stocks suffer.
Plus, shorter nails just tend to feel better on vaginas.
So why do millennials tend to shy away from plastic?
KKG: They tend to be young people who are white.
These tend to be the more important drivers of inflation.
Weekdays tend to offer more bargains in general, said Reece.
Personalities tend to be inflated, especially on the judge panel.
We tend to support everything we've ever been associated with.
Perfume commercials tend to be pretty weird... like, really weird.
They also tend to rub white nationalists the wrong way.
These blended blurs tend to be the paintings' focal points.
While such outages tend to be rare, they're still annoying.
The richest, most successful people tend to be avid readers.
They tend to express signs of despair, guilt, and dependence.
Most Peruvians tend to grow up playing soccer or volleyball.
Cuts to interest rates tend to diminish a currency's value.
Moroccan Oil and Argan oil tend to have yellow tones.
Minor infractions of the centre rules tend to be overlooked.
Because actually that's what people tend to love: the flaws.
But some billionaire problems tend to veer toward the outlandish.
Surprise, surprise, adulterers tend to work for less scrupulous companies.
But negative personalities tend to leap from fact to interpretation.
Now, memes tend to avoid the goofiness of their predecessors.
Native rodents and bats, however, tend to get left out.
But state politics tend to be different from municipal politics.
Kubiak rushing offenses don't tend to stay bad this long.
These boards tend to create a national consensus on standards.
Pornhub's traffic doesn't tend to bounce back until around midnight.
Those with low levels of stimulation tend to be extroverts.
People tend to get excited about ramen; that's nothing new.
These cycles also tend to make the storm larger. pic.twitter.
The state visits tend to be shorter with American presidents.
Younger drivers tend to be more open to newer technologies.
They tend to do them a few days before holidays.
Anytime he's anywhere, I tend to want to show up.
Technical analysts tend to see this as a bullish indicator.
Enterprises, especially, tend to have some pretty strict security requirements.
City governments' computer systems tend to reflect their fragmented nature.
Patrons order at the counter and tend to linger, drinking.
Media representations of Asian Americans tend to bolster that stereotype.
Urban areas here tend to vote for more progressive candidates.
"Women tend to run to get something done," McIntosh said.
But when you exercise vigorously, your arms tend to swing.
People tend to be afraid of what they don't understand.
Names that rise suddenly tend to fall most quickly too.
Things tend to get more interesting with the second single.
Those who voted against Brexit tend to believe the opposite.
Take the stages I tend to bash my head against.
People tend to drink too much on St. Patrick's Day.
Women tend to be more aware of what bothers them.
Northwesterners tend to feel like they have an inferiority complex.
As a category, sex workers tend to be committed activists.
The Chinese shale formations themselves tend to be relatively deep.
The kids tend to be giddy and the adults, tipsy.
Ballet conductors and concert conductors tend to be separate species.
But they also would tend to offer fewer health benefits.
We must now go home and tend to our wounds.
HMOs also tend to cost less than other Advantage options.
Adapting to those shifts does tend to produce certain effects.
Innocent people don't tend to talk, unprompted, about their innocence.
Tesla and Netflix owners tend to follow the leader, too.
NASA astronauts tend to hail from Ohio, and especially Cleveland.
When things are in order, they tend to come first.
The requirements do not tend to apply to foreign women.
They weather, whereas artificial materials like plastic tend to deteriorate.
Now, people with Williams syndrome tend to be very musical.
Prosecutors tend to see the world in black and white.
Such projects tend to create few jobs for Saudi nationals.
But we tend to forget what the world was like.
You tend to buy multiple works by the same photographer.
Asked to referee, courts tend to prefer compromise and negotiation.
In general, we tend to think other people know better.
Those places tend to be urban and to vote Democratic.
People tend to tell one of two stories about Kyrgios.
We each had to tend to 30 clients a night.
Rocky planets tend to be darker and not very reflective.
Special counsels tend to be highly respected lawyers or judges.
We don't tend to hear about those scandals, of course.
"We tend to get [good recommendations] faster now," he said.
Lower legal fees tend to speed up a transaction dramatically.
We do tend to stay in areas with cell coverage.
The Greens tend to do better in EU elections, however.
Basketball coaches at Virginia Commonwealth tend to have upward mobility.
In the brine, longer casts tend to become more critical.
They also tend to provoke a spike in gun purchases.
"We tend to think more outside the box," she said.
Among the stocks that tend to bounce back the hardest?
Campuses tend to be at the forefront of Halloween controversies.
Flights from the United States tend to be reasonable. 18.
Ice breakers tend to feel old after a while. 21.
Disabled people tend to be, how shall I say, *disabled.
Escape rooms also tend to pop up at temporary attractions.
They tend to work for far less than American workers.
Like humans, about 90% of humpbacks tend to roll right.
"They tend to be more humble, more open," he said.
And Americans who move tend to favor the Sun Belt.
Newbies tend to assume that everyone else shares their passions.
"Senior credit recoveries tend to be very good," he said.
These patrons tend to spend $115 to $125 per person.
Young fans, like fellow players, tend to get his best.
In addition, multiple people tend to pick the same password.
So when it doesn't happen, bad things tend to happen.
"We tend to compartmentalize money in our minds," he said.
People with money and stressful jobs tend to drink more.
And new collectors tend to find contemporary art more accessible.
People tend to ask me about the challenges I faced.
You know, I tend to be optimistic about technology adoption.
"Americans tend to be allergic to tax increases," he says.
"It does tend to screen out the hotheads," he said.
Its customers tend to be older and on multiple medications.
"It does tend to do that here," he called back.
When states become battleground states, they tend to stay battlegrounds.
These are regions that also tend to have higher wages.
These cities also tend to have high rates of addiction.
Authentication disputes tend to involve the works of dead artists.
Cars tend to gradually lose their resale value over time.
Plus, the bottles of scent tend to last for months.
After all, one's friends tend to share one's political biases.
Both groups — women and younger adults — tend to lean Democratic.
I tend to make rash decisions then instantly regret them.
But criminal inquiries tend to require better grounding than this.
"People don't tend to question lavish bat mitzvahs," she said.
Foreign investors in Turkey also tend to be European, not
"Memories tend to be short around here sometimes," he said.
But when power changes hands, these theories tend to fade.
You tend to latch onto subjects and obsess over them.
"But new entrants tend to pay more," the executive said.
We tend to define ourselves by the work we do.
Many women, though, tend to feel less cynical about it.
Industrial commodities tend to benefit from sharper appetite for risk.
Her skills and experience would tend to support that view.
Platelet counts tend to be lower than normal, for example.
Lawyers tend to work these hours that are more typical.
Carmakers and parts suppliers tend to cluster relatively close together.
And the others tend to be lighter on the wallet.
Even the most conservative appeals court judges tend to agree.
People tend to hang on their every word in between.
In practice, dramatic lashes tend to fall into two categories.
It's a productive day to tend to your responsibilities, Leo.
Younger women tend to produce more and older ones less.
Perhaps that's why we tend to hold it all in.
Officials tend to be conservative on anything related to security.
People tend to only see J. Cole in these extremes.
I tend to prefer the more subscription based models there.
They tend to feed reporters news while challengers do not.
Things do tend to fall off of the Bone Lady!
We tend to get very excited about Zara's newest arrivals.
Even hit titles tend to fade in popularity over time.
We tend to throw the word catharsis around a lot.
As budgets tend to go, that deadline hasn't been met.
People tend to slow down and gaze lovingly at her.
Copper stills tend to make the flavors a little dimmer.
Women tend to have it worse than men, George says.
The old dudes out there tend to be the worst.
I tend to work in a lot of different areas.
In porn, they tend to all psyche one another out.
Copperheads prefer terrestrial areas while Cottonmouths tend to like wetlands.
They both tend to weave together political and philanthropic spending.
We also tend to get more fibroids as we age.
" Aliyah Vaughan"I tend to suck in my stomach sometimes.
We tend to forget that space and time are connected.
"Gynoids tend to be sexualised and racialized," Paiella told me.
Such ratings "tend to intimidate expressions of indignation," Hope said.
At corporate gatherings they tend to sit back to back.
We in the military service tend to move a lot.
They had families, girlfriends, pets and gardens they'd tend to.
Whole grains also tend to be good for heart health.
Those are all places where wealthy millennials tend to live.
The lowest rates in these classes tend to be nonrefundable.
These items tend to sell within just a few hours.
"I tend to believe teams exist on spectrum," said Silverman.
They also tend to be bad at explaining their decisions.
Central banks tend to lift rates when economies are strengthening.
Multiple studies suggest that procrastinators tend to be night owls.
Do you and your family tend to use reusable bags?
Careful, though: Indosole sizes tend to run a little small.
I tend to read nonfiction when I'm writing, usually research.
I think people tend to like both (I certainly do).
Once they find someone, they tend to keep her around.
In general, do you tend to try to squash them?
Human bodies tend to be coldest when we wake up.
Women tend to give more traditional answers after becoming mothers.
People tend to take more risks in groups than alone.
These kinds of mistakes tend to follow certain psychological laws.
Soft drink ads tend to be either poetic or wry.
They also tend to be young and from marginalized backgrounds.
These places tend to have the biggest premium increases, too.
His words tend to confuse and inflame, rather than clarify.
You have a lot of chores to tend to today.
Mr. Brooks's works tend to fixate on a single idea.
Women economists tend to focus on different topics than men.
They tend to just tell you what you already know.
These technologies, after all, tend to have support among conservatives.
On top of that, Democrats tend to prefer amiable politicians.
Consumers tend to be loyal when it comes to breakfast.
Fires on boats tend to start in the engine area.
Other possible changes tend to be more controversial, Lower said.
People convicted in federal court tend to get longer sentences.
And the poor, he added, tend to be more religious.
So what if my gimmes tend to be about food?
These countries tend to be extremely open to free trade.
Longer pieces, though conscientiously constructed, tend to go prettily nowhere.
On the contrary, constitutional crises tend to creep up slowly.
They're the ones who tend to be active in politics.
That's not just because we tend to have more money.
"I tend to focus on the positive side," she said.
Democrats of all stripes tend to support similar policy proposals.
Teams tend to shrink against New England, especially when leading.
" Mr. Dicker jumped in: "But they tend to be Republican.
In addition, normal temperatures tend to vary among certain groups.
The elderly tend to have lower temperatures than younger people.
Tourists don't tend to travel with bicycle helmets in tow.
Liquid propellants tend to involve liquefied gases and hydrocarbon fuel.
Saunders, they tend to be the breadwinners in their families.
Congressional Republicans don't tend to stringently oppose Trump on much.
We humans tend to care a lot more about humans.
Fortunately, good poems, like good people, do tend to congregate.
Binoculars or telescopes tend to limit your field of view.
I currently tend to all the animals, except the giraffes.
I tend to be very hands on with my grooming.
CreditCredit New Yorkers tend to discover Brighton Beach by accident.
I tend to not discuss guns with fellow liberals anymore.
Stories tend to be structured around solutions to a problem.
Or do you tend to dwell on what went wrong?
Properties tend to be smaller in the city's southern portion.
"A lot of surfers tend to ignore that," Burgess said.
Today's primaries tend to produce one nominee but many winners.
Male abuse survivors tend to have the most violent daydreams.
I tend to wait on directors to come to me.
I'm thirsty and sluggish, and my calves tend to cramp.
You tend to play characters who are emotionally closed off.
Foreigners tend to have temporary work assignments, so they rent.
These showcases tend to highlight the experimental and the offbeat.
BUSCH I tend to compress things into rather tidy stories.
As such, they tend to cost around $100 or more.
"It would tend to go that way," Mr. Fitzsimmons replied.
I tend to fall once the checkered flag goes down.
We tend to think about climate change as a negative.
Airport officials tend to toggle between offering optimism and consolation.
Stocks tend to recover their losses fairly quickly, he said.
They also tend to be more flexible about credit requirements.
The Silicon Valley ranks tend to be outspoken and — surprise!
The other squares tend to be white pies with toppings.
Residents also tend to be fiercely protective of their home.
I do tend to occasionally have characters have political agendas.
Prices there tend to be far lower than at retail.
Davis's insistently flat paintings tend to accumulate in rhythmic repetitions.
These tend to have a better flavor than unsalted beans.
Those items tend to focus on Mr. Trump or celebrities.
" Moreover, she said, "people tend to feel that I'm natural.
Yet physical characterizations of the women tend to run together.
Tweens and teens tend to be attached to their gadgets.
Why does creativity generally tend to decline as we age?
Moderates tend to embrace certain ideas: The truth is plural.
Minor disasters tend to follow her despite her best intentions.
And election years tend to be turbulent times for stocks.
All tend to be more reliable Democratic voters than whites.
Because of that, lawmakers tend to tiptoe around the issue.
I tend to think more long range at these mileposts.
In other words, thin institutions tend to see themselves horizontally.
But Twitter's degrading uses tend to overwhelm its elevating one.
"Profits also tend to be more cyclical with the economy."
But it doesn't tend to give them more safe seats.
Democrats strongly favor it, while Republicans tend to oppose it.
Data shows that breakups tend to spike around February 14.
They tend to come with a higher price tag, too.
I tend to do all of the drawings by hand.
Insects like fireflies tend to be critical to their ecosystems.
These do tend to be cheaper than wireless solutions, though.
When kids grow up, they tend to abandon their toys.
Cold cases tend to stay unchanged, like a stopped clock.
We tend to think everybody's like us and they're not.
These days, rules tend to exist stripped of their magic.
People tend to invest in people who look like you.
According to this data, retirees tend to stay in place.
When those guns start shooting, they tend to do things.
These voters tend to be working class, female and northern.
Deep quakes tend to cause less damage than shallow ones.
Diplomats tend to feel we've failed when fights break out.
But if they are, they don't tend to admit it.
Bulky stacks of sweaters or pants tend to topple over.
Faced with challenging conditions, companies tend to do two things.
Drips that fall farther tend to result in wider stalagmites.
Other students in the room helped tend to the girl.
Over time, as travelers gain experience, manners tend to improve.
Borrowers with sterling credit scores tend to get better rates.
Some hospices tend to use it much more than others.
Memes tend to die after everyone finds out about them.
Weather systems tend to linger longer in the same location.
"Cunningham said promoters tend to "have the tactical upper hand.
He has learned that her judgments tend to be correct.
I tend to be a good listener and very observant.
Trends in finance tend to go too far before reversing.
Partly, that's because private sector jobs tend to pay more.
Her research shows that students tend to avoid official channels.
"People tend to get displaced during a storm," he said.
"They tend to have a lower hourly rate," says Sims.
Natural materials tend to age well, gaining character over time.
Both my father and I tend to be control freaks.
But they tend to be fairly liberal on economic issues.
Critics of Trump's regulatory budget tend to make several arguments.
Governments everywhere tend to drastically undervalue incrementalism and overvalue heroism.
I tend to dig in and pepper people with questions.
Those "normalization" actions by central banks tend to pressure gold.
But remember that good players tend to remain good players.
Big spenders tend to attract thrifty people, and vice versa.
Domestic flights tend to be cheapest about three months out.
Congress members tend to echo White House talking points fulsomely.
American businesses tend to focus more on contemporary price points.
Stocks excluded from the index tend to fall, they added.
They tend to be smaller than the peer requested raises.
More Republicans than Democrats tend to turn out for midterms.
Establishments in any country tend to favor the status quo.
Interruptions tend to decrease overall employee satisfaction and increase mistakes.
Awkward people tend to "spotlight" specific details of personal interactions.
The developers tend to view their technologies as trade secrets.
Guards like that exist, but they don't tend to last.
Yet the kitchen's attempts at drama tend to repeat themselves.
Corporations behaving badly tend to get most of our attention.
Even flip phones tend to have cameras, internet, and games.
Tariffs tend to be paralyzing in terms of global investment.
"You tend to traffic your own," the former prosecutor said.
Breakingviews Japanese companies' overseas shopping sprees tend to be overpriced.
Polls suggest that Americans tend to favour the Democrats' approach.
These employees also tend to stay in their plans longer.
"Men tend to get things we need," Mr. Gomez said.
"We tend to have great technique around recruitment," she says.
The show's other upbeat pieces tend to be frankly decorative.
"I tend to be a very organized person," Owens said.
Once tainted, women's careers don't tend to recover so easily.
They force cats into situations cats don't tend to appreciate.
But locals tend to develop fierce loyalties to specific establishments.
In a child's brain, neighboring regions tend to work together.
Those states also tend to lean Democratic in their politics.
So they tend to handle these things behind the scenes.
It might be worth considering why you tend to ramble.
Japanese silhouettes tend to be slouchy and I love it.
And they tend to be more optimistic about risky decisions.
Loyalty program data also tend to be biased, he said.
Areas where the Houthis are unpopular tend to lose out.
As rivalries flare, tales of malfeasance tend to come out.
And such increases in uncertainty tend to have real effects.
But theories themselves tend to be confusing, unsatisfactory or both.
"Our brains tend to go to the negative," she said.
Women, especially young women, tend to have more versatile intonation.
Younger workers also tend to earn less than older workers.
Chores that make kids accountable tend to pay well, too.
Now you'll have more time to... tend to your hobbies.
We tend to think of them as dumb and brutish.
Rural communities tend to be less served than urban areas.
But punishments tend to escalate conflict and shut down learning.
Investor confidence would evaporate and markets would tend to collapse.
Today we tend to use the word "gleaning" differently, metaphorically.
Varying rates tend to boost the economics of electrical appliances.
Economists tend to be skeptical of those types of numbers.
I tend to hold poses longer and talk more specifically.
The conversions tend to fall into a few basic categories.
I tend to plunge back and forth between different mediums.
"I just tend to write better" in longhand, he says.
They tend to favor a different set of presidential candidates.
The contestants also tend to come across as especially deserving.
And, you know, most home cooks tend to be women.
Metal beds tend to be more economical than wood beds.
When things get tough in media they tend to consolidate.
These quotas tend to be primarily for sex and age.
Real estate bubbles tend to lead to a similar situation.
But by and large, the restrictions tend to increase costs.
"These trends tend to be a cyclical pattern," he says.
You tend to start using them depending on their strengths.
"The averages tend to be about $1.4 million," she said.
People my age tend to only talk about their illnesses.
These states tend to have the weakest health insurance markets.
Afterward, "they tend to implement good prevention strategies," she said.
Third albums tend to define the rest of artists' careers.
Well, blue states tend to tax their residents the most.
These things always tend to "come in waves," he added.
Departures from the Trump administration tend to be pretty acrimonious.
New technologies tend to vaporize on impact with those institutions.
Fast-forward a few generations and we now have good schools that tend to be in the suburbs and bad schools that tend to be in central cities, and they track along racial lines.
"The biggest issue that we've seen through this election cycle is that Democratic affluent investors tend to be more optimistic about the economy, while Republican affluent investors tend to be more pessimistic," Walper said.
Generally speaking, cancers with lower Gleason scores (2000 – 250) tend to be less aggressive, while cancers with higher Gleason scores (2125 – 20073) tend to be more aggressive, according to the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF).
We tend to have a younger, millennial audience — and I hesitate to use the word millennial because they tend to react negatively, which I understand because it's usually said in such a pejorative context.
Antibubbles are about as common as regular bubbles—they tend to form near soap—but they tend to pop more easily because, as the video describes, they are truly the opposite of normal bubbles.
They also tend to be very finicky about their tuners, which help to pinpoint a signal almost exactly, so as a result, they tend to care about higher-end equipment than the average consumer.
Compared to high-cost cities like New York and DC, where the neighborhoods tend to be a lot more economically diverse, the rights afforded renters in Milwaukee or Baltimore tend to be more elaborate.
Those who move to a politically dissimilar place tend to become independents; those who move to a place where people vote the same way they do tend to become more extreme in their convictions.
Dogs that tend to do well on the leash can get by with traditional nylon or leather collars, while dogs that tend to pull on the leash may require a halter or prong collar.
Firms that have women in top leadership positions tend to have more female equity partners, and firms that are recognized for their support of women tend to have higher percentages of female equity partners.
Apple ranks ahead of 87 percent of its peers in the StarMine Price Momentum stock picking model, which assumes long-term price trends tend to continue and that short-term trends tend to revert.
Banks' findings suggest that servicemembers and veterans tend to approach games with a higher level of escapism than the general public, and tend to identify deeply with their on-screen representations when they play.
These aren't as prone to wrinkling as cotton or bamboo-derived sheets tend to be, which is great if you're like me and you tend to procrastinate when it comes to folding your laundry.
I've found that institutions serving less-advantaged students tend to have less-forgiving policies for late papers, missed exams, casual drug use and so forth, whereas more elite institutions tend to be more forgiving.
Individuals and classes that are good at winning the cultural competitions Bourdieu described tend to dominate the places where economic opportunity is richest; they tend to harmonize with affluent networks and do well financially.
Although Duchenne is the most common form of muscular dystrophy, there are others that tend to show later in life — some not until middle age — and also tend to have a less severe impact.
Political scientists have long recognized that systems like ours and the U.K.'s tend to produce two large parties with occasional 3rd and 4th parties, while systems like Israel's tend to produce many parties.
"Market players tend to close the year long on dollars, at the beginning of the year we tend to see a reversal, ... offloading their long dollar positions," said a trader from one commercial bank.
On Tinder, for instance, men tend to tilt their cameras from below to appear taller and more powerful, and women tend to hold their cameras from above, which makes them look shorter and more submissive.
That's because analysts tend to be overly optimistic on earnings going into the quarter, cut their estimates once they are in the quarter, and then companies tend to beat the estimates by a small amount.
Unsurprisingly, the most polarising groups are those that tend to divide the major parties: Democrats, for instance, are not big fans of the National Rifle Association, while Republicans tend to frown upon Black Lives Matter.
Also, unlike engineering operations, which tend to be concentrated in a few tech hubs around the country, data centers tend to get built in places with cheap electricity, cheap water for cooling, and tax breaks.
Democrats, in general, now tend to criticize immigration enforcement itself and tend to side with those accused of violating immigration law as a broad matter of principle beyond opposing the particular actions of the administration.
There are a few implications to this: women tend to "get their chance" only when the ship is taking on water, and women in prominent positions tend to be held responsible for problems they inherited.
"These reactions tend to go away by themselves — they tend to be relatively short-lived, because the acids in your stomach break down those proteins and that's usually the end of the reaction," he says.
Congressional districts that tend to vote Democratic generally have more people below the poverty level and higher uninsured rates compared to those that tend to vote Republican, including districts in states that have expanded Medicaid.
The state's Democratic electorate is a mix of African-Americans and more conservative and affluent white voters who tend to back Mr. Biden, and younger, urban and Latino voters who tend to back Mr. Sanders.
On one hand, immigrants tend to be younger on average than the population of the destination countries, and tend to work in greater numbers, contributing to the economy and viability of the Social Security system.
And when it comes to in-person early voting, Democrats tend to perform better, as opposed to Republicans, who tend to run up their numbers in turnout from mail-in ballots and same-day voting.
The major differences: multi-sector managers tend to stay within a preferred group of bond areas to invest, whereas unconstrained managers tend to make tactical shifts more frequently and focus more on interest-rate risk.
The pieces that are written within a period of three or four years of each other tend to work out the same kind of structure, or ideas of musical language that tend to be similar.
"Individual stock returns tend to be dominated by company-specific news and events and they tend to be very, very noisy: Apple, Tesla and so on, so forth," Zhao said a separate interview with CNBC.
Test and pay for the mood and behavioral symptoms associated with the disease that tend to afflict individuals at younger ages, and not just the cognitive symptoms that tend to begin later in life 3.
They also tend to proliferate and have to be cut back.
Policies that increase wages in Mexico tend to drive down migration.
But Obama's fiction picks tend to stick to a theme too.
By accident almost, coaches tend to learn to read Montero well.
New Zealanders tend to take more pride in their mixed heritage.
"You tend to see that in a recession," Mr. Edwards said.
How often did you have to tend to the pigeons inside?
"Clusters tend to be densely popularity around particular geographies," Sharma added.
Here at WIRED Book Club, we tend to read newer writers.
"Today and tomorrow tend to be seasonally strong days," Cramer noted.
They tend to hate women who are outspoken, among other things.
But shares of Alibaba tend to sell off after the event.
Most arriving in Italy tend to be from sub-Saharan Africa.
There are 229 crew members to tend to your every need.
These tend to be the moments when an autonomous truck struggles.
"People tend to wait a long time before funding," she said.
Lower interest rates tend to promote economic growth and job creation.
We tend to retreat from things that are hard or unpleasant.
So we tend to look more at the long term trends.
Image: HBOBored hackers who aren't getting paid tend to get restless.
Forward operating bases, for example, tend to be in remote places.
Consequently, they tend to focus that money on acquiring what's new.
And when nature suffers, we humans tend to suffer in turn.
They tend to violate more, from what I can figure out.
Women tend to have narrower heels and higher arches than men.
But we tend to think of it as a negative attribute.
Pundits tend to think that way: you're It, or you're not.
"I do tend to amass a lot of stuff," she says.
Procrastinators tend to withdraw and go silent when they become anxious.
I tend to wear it when I go to Bengali weddings.
We tend to import the medium and heavy [grades of crude].
In the midst of natural disasters, people tend to come together.
However, higher concentrations tend to be even more irritating to skin.
Voters nationally tend to heed the advice of early state voters.
I tend to be on the optimistic side of this story.

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