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"team sport" Definitions
  1. a sport played by teams
"team sport" Synonyms
"team sport" Antonyms

213 Sentences With "team sport"

How to use team sport in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "team sport" and check conjugation/comparative form for "team sport". Mastering all the usages of "team sport" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Regardless of where you sit, marketing is a team sport.
"This isn't a team sport," Cruz said at one point.
Outside they played netball, a team sport that resembles basketball.
In either case, tennis is not exactly a team sport.
"This is not a team sport," Tom Burnham told me.
I hate being the focal point of a team sport.
"Blockchain is a team sport," he told CNBC on Monday.
It's a team sport and those two guys are special.
Team sport prepares athletes to work in such a disrupted environment.
Journalism is very often a team sport, and it should be.
Playing a team sport teaches athletes so many important life lessons.
Handball is kind of like a simulacra of a team sport.
" Ditka left us with this note ... "Football is a team sport.
Indeed, the triple rematch is a rarity in any team sport.
But if golf is solitary, fighting fires is the ultimate team sport.
Lesson #7: Politics is a team sport, but candidates matter the most.
You can also: Encourage teenagers to keep one team sport, if possible.
Playing a team sport was unfeminine and sweaty and simply not done.
WILLIAMS: No, but that&aposs the team sport thing you tell me about.
Williams shrugged the accusation off: "Politics is not a team sport," he said.
"F1 is a team sport, and let's celebrate it as such," Straw wrote.
"It's a team sport and not about one guy," Shanahan told NBC Sports.
Wayne Gretzky is arguably the most dominant player in any professional team sport.
Baseball is the only major team sport that could be entirely electronically officiated.
We have chances in archery, boxing, badminton, wrestling, shooting and in team sport - hockey.
Football being a team sport, high-profile ball-handlers can have a corrosive effect.
They [the players] work in a team sport so they usually have strong teamwork.
As a team sport, the relay two days later was an even bigger deal.
I should first stipulate that I don't treat politics like it's a team sport.
But politics is a team sport, and it's conducted with actions rather than words.
This is a team sport and we need to give it our all to perform.
These sensory and social challenges made it tough for them to play any team sport.
"It's not like a team sport like basketball and hockey and the like," Burton said.
ACROSS the world, team-sport competitions tend to be organised around one of two principles.
"The company's in a great position and it's always been a team sport," Schultz said.
If you are a part of a company that has a team sport, get involved.
Politics has become a team sport and partisanship is now the new prejudice in America.
"James Conner's proving to be a worthy back and it's a team sport," Bill says.
Javier Grillo-Marxuach: We say working on a Jim Henson product is a team sport.
Curling is a team sport, with four players on each of the two teams facing off.
The Test match, the game's five-day format, is the most gruelling challenge in team sport.
Only two other teams can claim such a run of domination in an Olympic team sport.
Softball is probably the most visible women's college team sport besides basketball, and it's still growing.
Design is a team sport these days, which wasn't the case 10 or 20 years ago.
It's a team sport now, and the movies are about the dynamics within the team itself.
Basketball is a team sport, and it wasn't designed to rely on one player so heavily.
What was it like going back and forth between a team sport and an individual one?
"Fertility is a team sport, and the runway for men is not unlimited," Dr. Eisenberg said.
Makeup at fashion shows is always a team sport, but never one with two head coaches.
Iran is famed for its weightlifters and wrestlers, but football is the only team sport in town.
Politics is a team sport, and we can't win unless we rally around whoever becomes our nominee.
In other words, homeland security is a team sport that includes 320 million U.S. citizens as players.
Rugby is the fastest-growing team sport in the country, according to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association.
"It's an action sport that is not team-sport based, but is a family sport," said David.
I've heard Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell say often that he views politics as a team sport.
Players, coaches, and general managers will preach from the mountaintops about how it's the ultimate team sport.
The ex-cop also allegedly called buyouts a "team sport" in a text message to a property manager.
"Even though we are out here individually, it's a team sport," she said in an on-court interview.
Acting is almost always a team sport, and without characters, the stars have no game to play in.
The issue: Bill Daly says the league shouldn't try to market individuals because hockey is a team sport.
In the team sport, if you're not the best, you have to give the pedestal to someone else.
Obama describes successful leadership as a relay race, which is a team sport rather than an individual one.
Innovation is a team sport requiring different talents at different stages, but all working toward a shared goal.
Snowboarding is more of a team sport than people think, because your friends are always rooting for you.
They'll be the first all-female booth to call any major men's team sport in the United States.
Explore this energy by getting your friends together for a friendly game or exploring a new team sport.
But wouldn't they get the same benefits from any team sport — from soccer, or from basketball, from baseball?
But wouldn't they get the same benefits from any team sport — from soccer, or from basketball, from baseball?
""I didn't set out to be the first openly gay athlete playing in a major American team sport.
Electoral politics is a team sport, and as this year's Republican nominee, Trump is the leader of the team.
" He sees all those efforts as a team sport, "it's just not all Republicans are on the same team.
Today "soccer" is the third-most played team sport among high-school girls, only slightly behind volleyball and basketball.
For twenty years, Kobe sought individual transcendence in a team sport, and Kobe tends to get what he's after.
If you have a good marriage and you're doing this for the right reasons, swinging is a team sport.
"Presidential campaigns are a team sport, and he doesn't have that mentality," one high-level GOP operative told Politico.
And no team sport in this country has been as vexed by the issue of doping as baseball has.
Implementing them on a global scale, whether on a battlefield or across a negotiating table, is a team sport.
Most fans think ratings measure whether their favorite player/team/sport is popular, or whether said sport is growing.
Weber, meanwhile, argues that it's a dangerous team sport, and drivers should use good judgment and put their team first.
Schwall's class, and others like it at Emerson, remind prospective comics that joke-making can truly be a team sport.
Storm and Kremer will be the first all-woman booth to call any major men's team sport, not just football.
Why it matters: 23 million people in the U.S. play basketball, making it by far the largest recreational team sport.
"We all know what we do is a team sport and we elevate each other," Pitt said, getting more serious.
But to Callaway, something about Kluber reminded him of the most dominant and charismatic team-sport athlete in recent memory.
"Now, with four restaurants, I'm playing a team sport," he said of the managers and chefs who work for him.
Cricket is perhaps the loneliest team sport in the world, but your individual skills can only be honed in company.
Only the U.S. men and India's male hockey players can claim such a run of domination in an Olympic team sport.
Therefore, he has zero reason as a character to play any team sport while the Mets still live within the show.
One thing I like is it's very much a team sport—I'm playing a small role in a much larger group.
Organized team sport is a big commitment, and that's becoming more difficult to get young boys and girls to commit to.
In no other major team sport can the addition of a Durant or a Leonard so drastically change a team's outlook.
"Teamwork makes the dream work in spaceflight, and spaceflight is the biggest team sport there is," Kelly said as he relinquished command.
Bill Daly says the NHL has learned about not marketing individual rivalry since Sid/Ovi: 'Our sport is the ultimate team sport.
But, in addition, a group of national experts recently explained that improving the quality of mental health care is a team sport.
Several Formula One team directors said that in this elite racing series, just as in any team sport, what counts is teamwork.
Republicans want unity in the party because they believe in the Trump agenda, and they realize that politics is a team sport.
Rugby is the fastest-growing team sport in the United States, according to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association, a national trade group.
Every team sport is like that to a certain extent — they all preach teamwork and selflessness and, truly, that's how you win.
Calcio storico, a team sport, is what you might get if you put soccer, American football, rugby and boxing into a blender.
By Douglas Rushkoff "Team Human" gives plenty of insight into why being "fully human" is a team sport, rather than an individual one.
The global WannaCry attack, which many believe was launched by North Korea, reminded us that internet security needs to be a team sport.
To an extent perhaps unparalleled by any other team sport, college football is supposed to feature athletes who are bigger than the game.
Hockey is the team sport with the second-most known cases of C.T.E., lagging far behind football, where the numbers have surpassed 235.
Instead of acting as Americans united against the expression of hatred everywhere, it became a team sport of who has the most losers.
She wanted to play a contact team sport, and there was nothing like that for girls at her school, nothing quite like football.
"Biomedical research wasn't a team sport in the 1980s, not until Nancy got involved, and then it had to be," Dr. Collins said.
For example, Liman said that shooting 360-degree footage is much more of a "team sport," because you can't just edit around weak performances.
There's also the fact that swimming isn't a team sport and isn't highly televised outside of the Olympics, which means sponsorships aren't as lucrative.
With three-pointers flying into nets at schools and community gyms around the country, basketball could soon become Britain's second-most-played team sport.
It's a team sport, but you are doing it for yourself as well, and that balance is a tricky one to try and manage.
Relays give those who haven't participated in a team sport since high school or college a way to be part of a team again.
"This is a team sport," said Max Stier, the head of the nonpartisan Partnership for Public Service, which advised Trump's presidential transition on hiring.
Many closeted gays participated in individual sports to avoid the discomfort of team-sport culture, and the Olympics is the biggest showcase of individual sports.
Hospitality is a team sport, and it takes an entire team to provide you with the experiences that you have come to expect from us.
Lacrosse has been the fastest-growing U.S. team sport at the high school level for at least the past two decades, according to U.S. Lacrosse.
The game has been the only team sport in North America to grow year over year at the participatory level for the past 15 years.
"All the way from the beginning, if you look at our sport, it's probably more of a team sport than any other sport," Logano said.
Suzy Goodwin has completed over 50 marathons and ultramarathons, and now that she's a mom-of-four, she's turned her running career into a team sport.
In almost any other team sport, fans and analysts would criticise a superstar on a mediocre team for failing to will them to win single-handedly.
For a start, it is a team sport in which most of the coaching and nutrition is organised by clubs, whereas many Olympians train by themselves.
I think athletes get inside their head a lot, especially when you're in a team sport, it's easy to compare to a lot of other people.
But it is not everyone's cup of tea and some critics, such as Arsenal coach Arsene Wenger, say it is not appropriate in a team sport.
He will begin his journey in professional baseball, like so many others, lured by the challenge of the one-on-one battles within a team sport.
And because baseball is the oldest of American pro sports, its Gilded Age labor legacy is written into the practices of nearly every professional team sport.
We give our team equity in the company and for many, we tie a portion of their comp to the performance of their team, sport, city.
I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie and unlike paintball shooting, which is a team sport, in GP Karting one's win is entirely in their hands.
The wait for Hammon to become the first female head coach in a major men's North American team sport, even for just one game, thus continues.
Patients can use various devices, including smartphones, to remind them to take the next dose, or use a buddy system to make adherence a team sport.
F1 may be a team sport, but there can only be one champion, and nobody has gotten there more than once by being polite about it.
It's difficult to flex your personal aesthetic when participating in a team sport where uniforms are a requirement, which is exactly why these arrivals are so compelling.
"Your goal as an athlete, as a member of a team sport, is to help the team in any way possible," the 26-year-old Holtby said.
A new version of its built-in "TV" app will now showcase live sports, and will highlight certain games based on your team/sport preferences, Cue said.
"For an organisation whose history, custom and practice originate in the secret world this is not always comfortable but it's necessary, because cyber's a team sport," he said.
Boxing is a very individual sport and I wanted to contrast that against this collective team sport of dance where it was about many bodies moving as one.
The shift, through thriving leagues in Hoover and dozens of other cities and towns, has helped flag football become the fastest-growing team sport in the United States.
That's not his fault, but feeding the needs and egos of others while maintaining individual dominance ought to be a strong determination for the ultimate team-sport standard.
The work that Soraya and others of my colleagues do, where they're teaching encryption techniques to people who need that, we talk about privacy as a team sport.
It's so rare to get a genuine one-on-one competition like this in a team sport where players are on the ice for 45 seconds at a time.
For the first time in Olympic competition, the Rio hockey tournament will also feature quarter-finals, making it the last team sport to adopt the format at the Games.
There has been increasing debate this season about the fairness of penalizing a driver for mechanical problems beyond his control, although Formula One has always been a team sport.
It turns out that the women of Hermannsburg, by their own admission, are fanatical fans of Australian rules football, a rough and tumble team sport played only in Australia.
But it&aposs a reminder with the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation coming up, this is a team sport and when you have 50-49 majority, you all got to show up.
This is the road every major American team sport has gone down, the road where the rising tide lifts all boats, not just those with title belts or outsized personalities.
"It is a full-contact team sport," Gentile said of the talks, which involve finance, engineering, operations and legal departments and inputs from the CEO's office to the factory floor.
Nowadays, you're probably more likely to have a butt-kicking CrossFit class to attend than any kind of actual team sport, but the importance of warming up remains the same.
Find the right partners Despite some bad experiences with advisers in the past, playing a team sport like football showed Owens that no one can do everything alone, including business.
As the only major American team sport that doesn't demand its players wear a hat or a helmet, pro basketball gives its participants unrivaled opportunities to show off their locks.
Managing the Fed is a team sport, but the only team the chairman is supposed to manage is the one that requires independence from the branch that picks the manager.
American politics has become just another team sport, and if suiting up a heavy hitter like Ms. Winfrey is what it takes to get the championship ring, so be it.
In world-class organizations, anticipating is a "team sport," as leaders empower those who are closest to the front lines and the clues and answers to be found in the market.
It is now China's most popular team sport with an estimated 300 million people playing the game — from recreational leagues and universities to the Chinese Basketball Association, Asia's top professional league.
The WNBA contrasts starkly with men's sport, where in 2013 the NBA's Jason Collins became the first male athlete active in a major U.S. team sport to reveal he was gay.
Far more than in any other team sport, NBA championships increasingly seem to be determined by the whims of superstars choosing which city they would like to bestow a title upon.
You have to have everyone on your team doing this at all levels because this is a team sport, to include each other, and it's uncomfortable, and get ready for that.
HELL YES ... so says the former Philadelphia Eagles QB himself, who told the guys on the "TMZ Sports" TV Show (airs weeknights on FS1) he believes basketball is the better team sport.
For Christopher Rice, a 22013-year-old transportation worker in Chicago who was in the "very likely" category, the intrinsic value of playing a team sport far outweighed any risk of injury.
With Howard Jerome Gomberg, a longtime collaborator, he turned improvisation into a competitive team sport — the Improv Olympics, later the Improv Games — that have been staged in various cities since the 1970s.
There are myriad benefits to team sport — the feeling of being part of a squad and the social aspect do wonders for your mental health too — but the accountability is really excellent.
Since settling for bronze at the 1992 Barcelona Games, the Americans have gone on a 41-game winning streak and own the longest gold medal streak in any women's Olympic team sport.
Match-fixers only have to buy a maximum of two players to get the result they want in a given singles match, which makes tennis cheaper to fix than a team sport.
He says that if machine learning is really a team sport, as Google believes, models must get passed from data scientists to data engineers and developers who can build applications based on them.
It was too much, too fast, she said at the time and wanted to have a normal life for while, spend time at home with friends and family and play a team sport.
No. 5 Murray State Will Beat Marquette WHY IT WILL HAPPEN Basketball is a team sport, sure, but sometimes you just want to know which team has the best player on the court.
Yes, you heard that right: LeBron James (pictured), who on June 19th brought his hometown of Cleveland its first championship in a major American professional team sport since 1964, is the greatest player ever.
"Virtually every team sport in the world, the fitness of the athlete, the football player, the ice-hockey player, the skier, is determined by the team," Dennis told reporters after qualifying for Sunday's race.
Water polo is just pool hijinks you play with your dad when you're on vacation, only here it's turned into a team sport where everyone has to wear ear protectors to stay safe. Uncool.
Meanwhile, InVision's collaboration platform has caught on to the idea that design is now a team sport, letting designers, engineers, executives and other shareholders be involved in the design process right from the get-go.
Fittingly, this bill is making its way to President Trump's desk during Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and I believe its enactment into law will serve as a reminder that cybersecurity is very much a team sport.
No team sport in the United States has as much tradition as baseball does, nor does any other sport have a Hall of Fame that carries nearly as much prestige as the one in Cooperstown.
Beating up on the former New York mayor — for his policy record, for his status as a self-funding billionaire, for only recently having become a Democrat — is the other candidates' new favorite team sport.
Any team sport can bring kids into close enough contact for the spread of infectious diseases that travel by respiratory and airborne routes, so athletes must be up-to-date on all the recommended immunizations.
Darcy Johnson, a member of Team USA, said the sport is appealing to former athletes in particular, because of the ability to join a competitive league and still enjoy the camaraderie of a team sport.
Growing up in one of the city's poorest neighborhoods, the teen had never had the chance to play any type of organized team sport, let alone one that required expensive equipment like a stick and cleats.
"I feel like in this day and age it's kind of become a team sport, politics," said 43-year-old import manager Michelle Green, who is involved in local efforts to improve Broad Channel's climate resiliency.
But no active player in a professional team sport in North America is believed to have come out publicly as transgender before Browne did so in an interview with ESPN published hours before the season opener.
But it's also true that the nature of a primary competition in a crowded field is that the candidates have maximum incentives to draw distinctions between each other, even though real world legislation is a team sport.
And therefore, it&aposs not about team sport in terms of, oh, I&aposm a Trump supporter and I&aposm there to support Roseanne Barr, or I&aposm an Obama supporter and therefore, you know, support Samantha Bee.
Soccer has become the nation's most popular team sport in terms of participants but its share of broadcast revenues and gate receipts remains trifling next to the dominant football codes of top-flight Australian Rules and rugby league.
Having arrived to the 24-nation Eurobasket 2017 as no more than one of many dark horses, the Slovenians romped to their first basketball podium finish as an independent nation and a first gold medal in any team sport.
SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Brazil coach Tite criticized team sponsor Mastercard on Saturday, telling the credit card company that an offer of charitable donations in return for goals by Neymar and Lionel Messi was not helpful in a team sport.
Mr. Xi is known to be an avid soccer fan, bent on transforming China into a great power in that egalitarian team sport, but the Chinese Communist Party maintains an ideological contempt for golf as a rich person's game.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are a lot other things he likes to do -- GUTFELD: And this is really what&aposs important, and that the protesters have to remind themselves, Donald Trump angered everybody because he wasn&apost a team sport player.
There's a fundamental fuck-you in the way Westbrook plays that is a challenge to the nostrum that individuals must embrace or at least acknowledge broader systems; in a team sport, and really in everything else, this is undeniably true.
However, the share of children from age 123 to 212 who regularly participated in an organized team sport declined to 210 percent in 10 from 45 percent in 2008, and approximately one in six engaged in no sports activity at all.
The league has attracted well-established foreign players, including New Zealand's captain, Kieran Read, but as a team sport, rugby still ranks far behind baseball, soccer, basketball and volleyball, and some parents worry about letting their children play collision sports.
"We've always approached our mission as a team sport, collaborating with our OEM and supplier partners, our operations partners, and the communities we serve to build and deploy the world's most experienced driver," Waymo CEO John Krafcik said in a statement.
Modern science is largely a team sport, and over the past few decades the makeup of those teams has shifted, from small groups of collaborators to ever larger consortiums, with rosters far longer than that of the New England Patriots.
It reduces a team sport to a contrived tiebreaker that obliges physically tired and emotionally drained players to step up one by one, trudge half the length of the field and try to shoot down the opponent's goalkeeper from 12 yards.
And it was such a Tiffany's epiphany, because I realized that I had my leadership journey all wrong as well – that I was trying to be successful as if it was a solo endeavor, when my own success was actually a team sport.
But the mainstream media, catering to low-information voters and reinforcing their worst prejudices in the process, persists in covering politics precisely through the most cynical lens, as a team sport, competing performances to be narrated like an announcer calling a game.
"We've always approached our mission as a team sport, collaborating with our OEM and supplier partners, our operations partners, and the communities we serve to build and deploy the world's most experienced driver," said John Krafcik, CEO of Waymo in a blog post.
It's probably easier to be friendly and open when it's only required of you for a few days every four years and you're not involved in a team sport, but here's an NHL secret: The league actually does have quite a few interesting players.
He acknowledges that errors could be introduced in any system, whether intentional or not, but he says the beauty of this system is that blockchain is a team sport and many, many eyeballs are acting as a check for each step along the way.
"We've always approached our mission as a team sport, collaborating with our OEM and supplier partners, our operations partners, and the communities we serve to build and deploy the world's most experienced driver," said Waymo CEO John Krafcik said in blog the company posted Monday.
"  The same day, Priebus had slammed the Never Trump movement, insisting that "it is essential to victory in November that we all support our candidate" and adding, "politics is a team sport, and we can't win unless we rally around whoever becomes our nominee.
" According to Javier Pérez-Tasso, chief executive of the Americas & UK at SWIFT, who also took to the stage in London, dealing with the threat from cyber-criminals is a "team sport" that requires an "industry-wide response" because "there has been a 40% rise in attacks targeting FIs.
Basketball is a team sport, and it's impossible to tell Matthew Dellavedova's story without also telling the story of the people that helped him get where he is today, which is literally Milwaukee, but figuratively much further than anyone could have expected he would go in the game.
She has had one of the best seats in the house for what has been arguably the greatest stretch of winning in any team sport, experiencing one lone defeat (in overtime at Stanford in November 2014) to go along with 148 victories since she first laced up her sneakers.
"I want it to be a warning to mothers and fathers to be able to put their kids into safe places to be able to carry on a team sport that I think is going to be way far beneficial to them then if they didn't have that in their lives."
It is that very legendary culture and those conditions that caused the Robertson twins, Jake and Zane, to leave their team sport-obsessed country of New Zealand to train with the best runners in the world—on their path to becoming the fastest non-East African marathoners in the world.
"At Barry's, I think group fitness feels particularly special because we're all sweating in that Red Room [what Barry's calls its studio, because of its signature red lighting] together — everyone is in the zone and it feels like a team sport, with everyone working toward the same goal," Hudson said.
Julie Kusku, whose son John was born with a degenerative retinal disease and plays goalball — a team sport played with a ball that makes noise — for the United States, would touch on that topic during the speeches she used to give to parents about helping their visually impaired children navigate the world.
But legislating is essentially a team sport, and McCain was a genuine maverick rather than a team player — frequently at odds with his own party's congressional leadership, uninterested in organizing a moderate bloc of his own, and certainly uninterested in enlisting as a reliable foot soldier in anyone else's ongoing legislative products.
Lacrosse has been America's fastest-growing high school team sport for decades, according to U.S. Lacrosse, and Devin O'Brien, a former teacher who is now executive director of Harlem Lacrosse New York, said he receives a steady flow of emails from parents and principals asking if Harlem Lacrosse can come to their school.
And if there was anything I have learned from season two of "United Shades of America" it is that once you remove the burden of electoral politics and the team sport nonsense of our two party system most of us can agree on some of the basic tenets of what this country should be.
That is not to say, of course, that Italy can simply continue on its path, change coaches and hope for the best; as the former manager Sacchi said, it is an error to "seek a scapegoat to salve our conscience," to believe an individual can be held responsible for everything in a team sport.
Only you know what your priorities are in life—the friends who really matter to you and how you really want to spend your free time (is drinking with friends at a bar truly high on the list, for instance, or would you rather be at an evening class or playing a team sport?).
There are many reasons for that — not least, of course, the uneasy position of individual awards in a team sport — but it is hard not to think that part of the explanation might be that no player is the dominant figure in City's story, as van Dijk has been in Liverpool's challenge this year, or Salah was last year.
So, in the country's most violent team sport, in which players sign funny-money contracts and can be cut willy-nilly, fines are seemingly handed out based on the basis of Roger Goodell's mood—and now the commissioner has a Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruling stating that he can basically do whatever the hell he wants because the NFLPA agreed to it.
"The overall direction with matchmaking in 2016 was: League is a team sport, a lot of players tell us that want to have the ability to play either with their actual friends or they just enjoy building a premade with people they play well with," Street said, but the solo queue players were left in the dust when that option was removed.
This defamation has never been retracted or atoned for even after the revelations that an army of Russian Twitter bots functions as the Trump administration's propaganda wing, and the "alt-right," essentially a coalition of anti-feminist, white-supremacist online harassment campaigns, recruits disaffected young men to Trumpism by framing the abuse of social justice activists as a team sport.
Baseball's still a team sport, after all, and knowing a little something more about how the opposition's balls in play might line up might drive particularly saber-savvy teams with personnel flexibility—think the Astros, with Correa and Alex Bregman (who primarily played shortstop in the minors) on the left side, or the Cubs with Russell and Baez (who is a natural shortstop)—to deploy their players in unconventional arrangements.

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