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28 Sentences With "tattle on"

How to use tattle on in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "tattle on" and check conjugation/comparative form for "tattle on". Mastering all the usages of "tattle on" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Olivia can be inflexible and quick to tattle on other kids.
Better find a creative exit strategy when your "accomplices" tattle on you.
Please, oh please, do not secretly tattle on this boy to his mom.
"You certainly didn't want to tattle on someone who could kill your dreams," J.M. said.
The handmaids are taught to tattle on one another, and in the Hulu series to "slut-shame" one another, too.
So it may well prove to be a different matter altogether when their things start to tattle on them behind their back.
Every time I talk into the camera people take pictures and record from the sidelines, waiting to tattle on me to Trump staffers.
That everyone understands the rules, and no one is going to tattle on a fellow locker room confessor or balk at his outré behavior.
Betty's determination to frame an innocent thrusts Annabelle into a predicament far more difficult than deciding whether or not to tattle on a bully.
A little girl hilariously used her toy cell phone to "call" up a judge to tattle on her little sister, who was being a massive pain in her side.
At the same time, it is deeply weird and makes me feel alienated from my own body, to tattle on it in such a precise, point-by-point way.
Occasionally Cuba presses Rollins for information and he rattles off a bunch of apocalyptic Bible jargon like a kid who rushed into his parents' bedroom to tattle on his brother.
Evan knows he is not made for this world, this "reality" in which his life might actually be in danger, so he pulls Chris aside to tattle on the meat monster.
While people are happy to tattle on their friends and neighbors, no one will help Virgil find the "outlaw heroine" who's supporting a lot of poor folks by making pornographic Barbie and Ken dolls.
Justin Timberlake needs to check his "Happy Gilmore" impressions at the door the next time he decides to take some cuts at Topgolf, because the company says they just might tattle on JT if he keeps breaking their rules.
She's off her game, threatening to tattle on Jules Dao to his supervisor for following her all day (as if Interpol would care?) and flipping through photos of her smiling and Ben looking away on her desktop (Sad City).
In one baffling incident, they showed up at a yard sale and got into a shouting match with the elderly mother of the local sheriff, and then later marched into the sheriff's office to tattle on her for threatening them.
The obvious "Eugene Move" here would be to tattle on Dwight to remain in Negan's good graces, but even the series' biggest coward is smart enough to know that, thanks to their dire circumstances, snitching won't help a thing … especially since Dwight is the only one in Negan's crew who isn't terrifying.
According to Grigsby Bates, the concept of Karen became clear to whites when actor Chadwick Boseman (pictured) said on Saturday Night Live "Aw, hell no, Karen. Keep your bland-ass potato salad to yourself". The exact origins of the term are unknown. The term may have originated on Black Twitter as a meme used to describe white women who "tattle on Black kids' lemonade stands".
Daniel told her that he wasn't expecting it, but it just felt right, and she agreed with him. However, Daniel hurt his budding relationship with Lily when he told her father, Neil, that Lily was allowing Cane to visit their children again. Neil then berated Lily for allowing Cane back into her life. Angered that Daniel would tattle on her to her father, she told him that she wanted him to stay away from her.
Phineas and Ferb's elaborate backyard cirque is a parody of Cirque du Soleil, a real-life Canadian traveling company which performs circus arts and street entertainment. The scene where Candace jumps onto the stage and sings about her hardships, mainly concerning her inability to successfully tattle on her brothers, references a scene in the film Adventures in Babysitting (1987) in which Elisabeth Shue's character sings about her hardships in a similar manner.
Mr. Krabs is about to give SpongeBob and Patrick the job, but he hits his foot on a rock, dropping the paint and says all 13 swear words while complaining about his foot being injured. When SpongeBob and Patrick hear all the swear words, they run to Mama Krabs' house to tattle on him. When they all reach her house, they all explain what happened at once, saying the same swear words in the process. After briefly fainting, Mama Krabs states that all three of them should be ashamed for saying all those words.
The idea behind this concept is if young children can learn to tattle on inappropriate behavior, then they are capable of monitoring and reporting prosocial behavior. The objective of tootling is to get students to engage in more prosocial behaviors and to be aware and appreciative of these behaviors in others. Tootling is also helpful for teachers to foster awareness of positive behaviors and increase praise while downplaying a focus on negative behaviors and punishment. The word "tootling" is a combination of "tattling" (monitoring and reporting classmates antisocial behaviorCashwell, T. H., Skinner, C. H., & Smith, E. S. (2001).
Ernie Fitzpatrick (Pamela Adlon) is a daredevil kid who lives in Terra Dino with his best friend Max Santiago (Yuri Lowenthal) and his sister Julia (Tara Strong) who likes to tattle on him. Ernie and Julia live with their overprotective mother Sue (Jane Lynch), who has been chosen as the mother of the year. Ernie is told to go to the store after school to keep an eye on it, but he disobeys orders and goes with Max to the Terra Dino Museum to sneak into a forbidden area still under construction to see the bones of the ferocious Sarcosuchus. Julia follows them there and uses a quarter that Ernie gave her to set off the alarm.
Thomas Gresham decides to bind John Gresham, his nephew, as an apprentice to Hobson but this new apprentice reveals to be a prodigal who is only interested in taverns and disreputable wenches. John Gresham flees to France with 100 pounds he stole from his uncle, and proceeds to play tricks on his new master, sending him match instead of establishing a mercantile network in France. Hobson chases him there in his night gown and slippers and finds him in the house of a French courtesan. John tricks Hobson into believing that the courtesan is really a reputable business-woman, and then threatens to tattle on Hobson to his wife when the courtesan's identity is revealed.
Elaine is first drawn in by Cordelia but after a period, sensing her inability to recognize the cruelty, Elaine is bullied by the three girls, her supposed "best friends." After mostly destroying any self-esteem Elaine has developed in her new life, she gradually becomes depressed and feels helpless unable to stand up to them or rescue herself. She continually complies with the demeaning demands of the group and considers the worst transgression she could ever commit would be to tattle on her "friends," a sick loyalty Cordelia nurtures and feeds. Elaine, despite her parents' concern, even accompanies Grace and her family to their church, which, to her amazement and curiosity, is Elaine's first exposure to mainstream religion.
Another of the more prominent "background characters", Shizuka Kikuchi (Kikuchi Shizuka 菊地静) was actually introduced as a one-joke character. When Nūbē does a class on the Ichimatsu Doll, he ends up using a cute girl with long black hair (Shizuka) as part of a joke to get rid of a possession. Outside this early joke, this female typically is found in the background, either doing things alongside the rest of the class or hanging out usually with her best friend Noriko. But while she seems merely innocent in the background, a later chapter reveals that it allows her to easily tattle on her classmates to Nūbē, due to a strong sense of justice that she holds that she puts above her friends.
While carrying the banner back to class, Sasha gets a bit too enthusiastic, and swings the banner in a way that breaks the nose off a statue of Stalin in the hallway. In a panic he runs to the boys' washroom, where he is again confronted by Vovka, who knows he broke the statue and threatens to tattle on him. For some reason Vovka does not do this right away though and back in the classroom Nina Petrovna has the children write lists of possible suspects. The police have been called and during an emergency assembly in the cafeteria, Boris Finkelstein confesses and is hauled off to jail, which is exactly what he wants, because he wants to get into the Lubyanka prison to search for his arrested parents.

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