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252 Sentences With "tangents"

How to use tangents in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "tangents" and check conjugation/comparative form for "tangents". Mastering all the usages of "tangents" from sentence examples published by news publications.

He sets up elaborate promises that go forgotten and builds tangents upon tangents, spiraling into circular logic.
On lots of other shows, a recapper would dismiss these moments as "tangents," but on Twin Peaks so much of the pleasure lies in the tangents.
There are no restrictions on how you follow these tangents.
Her hair and the architecture's clean lines intersected in marvelous tangents.
He was argumentative and prone to tangents and non-responsive answers.
He did not brag about his electoral victory and avoided tangents.
When they went off on tangents, I followed them, relaxing the flow.
This is fairly typical: a serious discussion followed by his lengthy tangents.
He didn't diverge into his usual tangents and stuck to orthodox positions.
Yet at times he sounded lost, and broke off on several bizarre tangents.
Spoiler alert: Most of them missed the memo and went on tangents instead.
"Sometimes we go off on scientific tangents," says Malandro from the science team.
The one who continually went off on reckless and damaging tangents during campaign speeches?
It all comes from a place of truth and then you can take tangents.
Baker's poems swerve with tangents and reversals, and often move forward by branching out.
At a few points, she interrupted her narrative with bitter tangents about the president.
She swears, uses the word "like" â€" like, too often â€" and goes on tangents.
And he tends to wander off on tangents, switch directions and erupt in non sequiturs.
Page frequently filibusters, goes on tangents, and works himself into a state of high dudgeon.
It's trendy, gossipy, fast-paced conversational fun, and occasionally frustrating for the tangents left unexplored.
Instead, members get sidetracked andfrequently go on tangents, talking about their failed marriages and parenting.
He finds endless ways to digress into autobiographical tangents, usually with some crying and kibitzing.
But putting aside Trump's torrent tangents, ask yourself this: What was THE STORY of Thursday?
Its tracks prize mantras over hooks, and wander in structure and tempo, taking improvisational tangents.
Of course, if you're a trigonometry nerd, any time of year is good for finding tangents.
These "tangents" often bring new ideas or revelations, a sensation Frost is still learning to appreciate.
It simply has too many ideas, threads, tangents, and notes to coalesce in any coherent way.
And the history of ideas leading up to existentialism is full of fine-tuning and tangents.
The movie comprises a bunch of tangents (a minor music deal, some vandalism, an engagement ceremony).
That's what Kindlon gets into, while going off on a handful of tangents in the process.
With Tesla seeming to need all the attention it could possibly get, these tangents appear self-indulgent.
We'll go off on tangents about home renovations and Kate will be like, 'I'm going to go.
It was depressingly, almost deliriously bad: full of bad arguments, bizarre tangents, and a lot of shouting.
In "Powerhouse," it means a 700-page string of skips, jumps, tangents and otherwise dizzying non sequiturs.
She added that journalists' refusal to brush off those tangents was the truly "outrageous and absurd" development.
The speech is disarming, but also, as it extends in awkward silences and tangents, a little disturbing.
It didn't constrain itself to typical tropes of episodic television, and it went off on weird tangents.
You go on so many tangents that it's no way that you can ever really fully describe it.
The deposition was lengthy and included a few bizarre tangents, such as a portion when House prosecutor Rep.
It's the perfect combination of heartfelt drama and surreal tangents, forming Burton's most personal film since Edward Scissorhands.
But the Kelly bubble and schedule restrictions leave the President with more Fox time, and time for tangents.
Despite its insane tangents (see: pig-man monster), Murder House told a complete story with crystal-clear intentions.
Writing a book encourages tangents and twists and turns that you can't indulge in a half-hour script.
Two distinct tangents of Atlanta's flamboyant, overflowing rap scene will take over the Manhattan waterfront on Saturday, Aug.
Despite the growing presence of teleprompters, he still sometimes sets off on long tangents and makes verbal blunders.
Do you tend to go off on tangents when you talk, or do you stick to the point?
So the book's loaded with tangents, and to me that represents how people think and talk about music.
He goes off on interesting tangents, granting the reader some light relief from detailed analysis of sampling and probabilities.
It feels bigger than itself, with every episode spinning off into new tangents and chasing down additional rabbit trails.
The show will come back for more exploits, cyborg hate speech, and jaw-droppingly filthy tangents in early 2017.
In 'Morning, Noon and Night,' he takes you through one day in his life with a hundred different tangents.
That offers a different kind of freedom, though with fine arts, the system lets you go off on tangents.
When he's speaking off the cuff, his rambling remarks can be full of digressions and hard-to-follow tangents.
The Long Road of Sand is one of these revealing tangents in the complicated career of Pier Paolo Pasolini.
For anyone waiting to see how any of these tangents connect back to LISK, the answer is: not very well.
Great whites are known to migrate in tangents, but what compels them to wander for thousands of miles remains speculative.
She isn't coy about the meanings behind her work, nor does she speak in verbose tangents that skirt actual answers.
The Republican Party has its hands full following the tangents of Trump and the responsibilities of being the governing party.
The daily briefings have seen Trump give misleading information, tangle with members of the media and go off on unrelated tangents.
"He would go on random tangents about the Mueller investigation with foreign leaders ... it was unnecessary and unhelpful," the source said.
I think all the tangents work because the book's larger organization is so neat, with each rivalry confined to one chapter.
He gives lengthy and interesting answers that go off in tangents and it's fun to let someone else steer the ship completely.
Like Trump himself, they can't or won't focus their anger on the right targets, and their racist and sexist tangents are obscene.
Pete Davidson has carved out a comfortable niche on Saturday Night Live as a rap star with a love for weird tangents.
Ellison's sources claimed that Ailes would go off on war story tangents while trying to train Trump, which led to the fallout.
Like a Cooper monologue, Pale Horse Rider veers off on a variety of tangents, some superfluous, some fascinating, some both at once.
He can go off on tangents; he can go to Gettysburg and say he's gonna sue women who've made accusations against him.
That in itself is a wild conversation, with Em constantly flying off on tangents, discussing his history and talking about his influences.
As the women answered my questions, and went off on their own tangents, I saw my own "hair journey" reflected in theirs.
Don't go off on tangents when discussing your medical history, and don't get too chatty if the clinician has work to do.
Holley sidesteps the question and begins talking about spirituality, prayers, the educational function of museums—he frequently speaks in riddles and bewildering tangents.
In contrast, on Team B, people may speak over one another, go on tangents and socialize instead of remaining focused on the agenda.
The punches continued to roll as Trump delved further into his speech -- and most appeared to come as tangents to his prepared remarks.
More importantly, as we witnessed in prior debates, the candidates (relatively) weren't allowed to control the debate in terms of time and tangents.
I'll see if I can do my best Farhad imitation, but with the added bonus of lots of tangents about Bitcoin and fintech.
On "Tangents," the group's new album, Mr. Peacock's somber bass takes center stage, and his band mates add a weightless webbing on top.
Small "tangents" of bare wood, rather than the felt-covered hammers of the modern piano, hit the strings with a truly percussive effect.
Schweiger is welcoming, deep-voiced and, like a kindly professor, given to tangents about his upbringing in Western Pennsylvania and long career in environmentalism.
The real purpose of these tangents is to shock us, entertain us, and maybe get us to question the artifices inherent in public mourning.
And we may talk about things that you won't see on the site, go off on some tangents and broaden your horizons a bit.
Linearity gradually gave way to circular thinking; he would go off on tangents, spiralling ever further away from what he was trying to say.
He added that the Yemen issue was the Democratic Party getting "off on tangents" and that he didn't know a "damn thing" about Yemen.
McConaughey impersonation is a competitive industry, with some of today's most luminous stars trying their hands at his Texas drawl and meandering philosophical tangents.
The richly-produced songs of Blonde contained a thousand tangled thoughts and loose tangents, ready to be unraveled and speculated about via Genius annotations.
There's an almost jazzy rhythm to his comedy, with his tangents integrated so seamlessly that it's hard to tell what's planned and what isn't.
Among the most interesting tangents is the recurrent digression into Cooper's prominence among Black communities, and the preponderance of his ideas in hip-hop.
There isn't a clear route to stardom for jacks-of-all-trades, but Kirk seems content to indulge the rabbit trails and the tangents.
Onstage, Ms. Williams is always changing not just the songs she plays but also the subjects of the rambling tangents she pursues in between.
The 77-year-old former veep rambles, mumbles and careens down tangents, often sounding like he's practicing talking points while drifting off to sleep.
Biden's is his tendency toward ill-advised tangents, captured by a strange riff during his remarks at a campaign stop in Iowa last week.
One essay here is titled "The Point of Tangency: On Digression," and one way to describe this collection is as a series of tangents.
The scrawled papers, which are dated between 2010 and 123, are at times barely legible, with cross-outs, marginal notes and some salty tangents.
The President regularly goes on tangents about how Sessions is not serving him well -- specifically Sessions' decision to recuse himself from the Russia investigation.
The actor's narrative, which opens with a quote from French Renaissance philosopher Montaigne and veers into tangents about own penis, has been widely mocked online.
He's just not that way most of the time anymore; sometimes, the tangents take effort on the listener's part to congeal into a larger whole.
He's flamboyant in that Southern way, charming as hell, quick to witticism, strikingly cynical, and prone to the most elaborate, engaging tangents you've ever heard.
JG: I'm just a basketball fan, so I do all these regular chess streams, and I enjoy going off on some tangents and talking basketball.
He proceeded to lambast the media response to his remarks for almost 25 minutes, finding tangents in every direction that revealed an angry, defensive President.
He is our listless tour guide to the early days of Castro's Cuba, happier to get lost in philosophical tangents than join in a march.
Like Ms. Miller's forecasts, her medical history does not follow a strict linear narrative, and she breaks off on tangents and circles back many times.
Even though we like meandering story and tangents, it really felt like we were aiming for cohesive through-line this season — in our own way.
Nope. Did he go off on any tangents and/or force his communications team to scramble in explaining Trump's ill-advised comment of the day?
This is what still makes me ride or die for The Good Place, no matter what weird tangents it takes that I don't always enjoy.
You probably aren't the most outgoing person in the room, but when you do take the lead, you may be prone to going off on tangents.
Trump's children and Manafort decided Pence was the safe choice; someone who could be trusted, a calm, reliable counter force to Trump's unpredictable and erratic tangents.
The group also ended up on a lot of tangents, about new haircuts and Facebook videos they'd seen and what their babies' astrological signs will mean.
The result has been a more focused stump speech that consistently delivers Trump's crowd-pleasing lines, with fewer tangents that can distract from his core message.
One candidate consistently goes off on tangents, ranting without focus, often about items that are significant to his business interests but irrelevant to the nation's wellbeing.
He ranges through it like a web browser, never lingering very long, delighting in links and tangents, sometimes doubling back, sometimes landing on something truly strange.
The "moderator," which slides a thin barrier of leather or cloth between the tangents and strings, removes a bit of brilliance from the otherwise colorful shimmer.
He has embarked on unusual tangents, strained to defend his record on issues like busing and struggled to respond crisply to even predictable questions and attacks.
Instead of observing their political authorities identifying what happened and proposing steps for resolving crises, the British public sees their government going off into conspiratorial tangents.
And he does so in labyrinthine sentences stuffed with clauses, tangents and U-turns that ultimately arrive at the destination programmed into his mental GPS device.
Instead, members get sidetracked and end up on tangents, talking about their failed marriages, sharing parenting advice and helping each other pick outfits for first dates.
He quickly welcomed in reporters and veered off on various tangents, trying to make Schumer and Pelosi look weak on border security with the cameras rolling.
"These constant tangents create distractions; they force our members to talk about statues and Nazis instead of tax reform," one senior House GOP aide said Thursday.
"He had his 'The Old Man and the Sea' tangents," said Ms. Henner, who grew up with five siblings in Chicago and gets over things easily.
Conversely, as the tangents and entertaining footnotes that Mr MacCulloch provides for almost every detail and anecdote attest, non-fiction allows for multiple versions of the past.
He spent Tuesday relentlessly on message, eschewing wild tangents and political fights in favor of carefully scripted remarks focused on health care and attacks on his opponent.
She sauntered onstage without moving her eyes from the crowd, toyed with her band during pauses, and went off on vocal tangents whenever she got the chance.
All of those weird tangents and seemingly pointless windows into other pieces of the King universe that can trip up the non-superfan in his heftiest tomes?
Trump didn't lay out a plan but after a rambling answer about Mosul, Iraq and several other tangents, he said the U.S. should implement a secret mission.
Each one of his high-energy shows feels like a unique experience as he embarks on tangents, experiments with accents and pulls audiences members into the show.
Your correspondent caught him at the Iowa State Fair last month; he looked fit but sounded old: tired, meandering, slightly bored and prone to taking odd tangents.
There are times when you wonder if he has taken one detour too many, become so distracted by his own tangents that he has lost his thread.
The FXX cartoon started as loose riff on James Bond, as devastatingly handsome alcoholic spy Sterling Archer added flair to his missions with acidic jokes and filthy tangents.
These sequences aren't scripted; instead, the actors lip-synch the words of the drunk person, which means that the dialogue continually adjusts to pauses, burps, and impaired tangents.
Each episode begins with Trixie and Katya discussing a "topic of the week," like drugs, wet dreams, or death, but the conversation inevitably spirals into insane comedic tangents.
The drawings, including one that unfolds in 3D space, appear to be small tangents from the films that further explore how technology affects the way we understand ourselves.
Like Blade, it's not afraid to take the story and the tone wherever it needs to serve its protagonist (even if that mostly means going off on tangents).
Its digressions and tangents would easily fill up a television season or two, and the movie, directed by Jon M. Chu, can feel a bit rushed and cramped.
Journalists have used the precious time at these pressers to go on tangents about Trump using racist terminology, promoting false hope, and the economic downturn on Trump hotels.
All of this is incredibly interesting, and it gets much wilder from there, with compulsively watchable tangents galore and incredible access to the inner workings of Joe's world.
But on the album, unexpected sounds also tend to loom up — electronics, a saxophone, a drum machine, a choir — and song structures sometimes dissolve or go on tangents.
His responses were so in-depth, with various passionate tangents into subjects like video game history and linguistics, that I decided to reproduce them here with minimal editing.
As Kanye went to work dismantling Wiz limb by gangly limb, he still made time to share some truly bizarre tangents that, out of context, are pretty great.
Questions fire off on tangents as far-ranging as his stance on Donald Trump to divestment from fossil fuels and the anti-immigrant rantings of Dutch politician Geert Wilders.
It makes sense: Why worry about painful silences, fumbling for the right word, or unplanned tangents derailing a conversation when you could craft, edit, and rewrite the perfect message?
"The author continued: "Come in with one main point and repeat it — over and over again, even if the president inevitably goes off on tangents — until he gets it.
Identities blur and time bends, as characters become themselves at different ages, coasting onto lonely tangents amid a dinner party that may already have happened, perhaps many years ago.
Post twist, there's nothing funny about Mr. Robot anymore—save for the quirky, Seinfeld-obsessed tangents of Elliot's new friend Leon, played very capably by NYC rapper Joey Bada$$.
Her work bristles with dreams, memory tangents, cognitive non sequiturs — the rough edges of life that most writers are eager to smooth away in their pursuit of formal elegance.
Holt, especially, seemed unsure of when to let the candidates just take over the show or when to inject himself to cut off tangents or move the discussion along.
Where McKinty succeeds, in a book that feels heavily worked over to ensure no tangents detract from main events, is in making sure the premise isn't the main event.
Where McKinty succeeds, in a book that feels heavily worked over to ensure no tangents detract from main events, is in making sure the premise isn't the main event.
Lucas, a Swedish expat fluent in Thai, educated us on the world of ya dong, often going off on tangents to discuss racism in Europe or show us his tattoos.
He knows what he wants to say, but his tendency to ramble often gets the better of him; his tangents often give the impression that he enjoys hearing himself talk.
Trump's 2019 State of the Union was an interminable trudge through his usual amalgam of weird tangents and baseless immigration claims, peppered with a couple flat, unconvincing calls for unity.
Each one of his high-energy shows feels like a one-of-a-kind experience as he embarks on tangents, experiments with accents and pulls audiences members into the show.
It's why he has long avoided taking on Rachel Dolezal (he says it's too easy), but in one of his funniest tangents, he confesses he can't stop thinking about her.
The behavior that he has always trusted to help him come out on top, with its obfuscation, bullying, fact-bending and conspiracy spinning tangents, suddenly didn't seem to be working.
She goes on detours and tangents -- in some cases about Jefferson and Roosevelt and Eisenhower and the Erie Canal -- and then it becomes apparent that the path leads right to Shadytown.
Throughout her extended speech, Pelosi offered trenchant, poignant anecdotes about young dreamers, as well as some random tangents, because how can anyone go for 7 hours without occasionally drifting into incoherence?
The most obvious one is a preoccupation with ecology; characters frequently go on esoteric tangents about the benefits of organic farming or the economic inequality inherent in historical safflower-rouge production.
His many tangents are often entertaining, sending the reader to the web (ah, the tangled web) to round out his obscure cultural and historical references and fit the plot's pieces together.
But, what Republicans hope the team avoids is a drawn-out attack on the Bidens or any tangents that alienate moderate Republican senators whose votes on witnesses are on the line.
"I've kind of been disappointed with the tangents that various judges have gone off on to try and uphold these warrants," Fieman, the lawyer leading the national group of attorneys, said.
"Caffeine enhances the cognitive and memory impairments of THC," Ferre told me, which would explain why the essay I was writing devolved into a kaleidoscopic rant of unrelated facts and emotional tangents.
He'll mumble and go off on tangents, constantly and excitedly meandering into new ideas; you get the sense that the processes of speaking and composing are one and the same for him.
Even with Susie's protests against Midge leaving the NYC stand-up game the moment she's getting hot — an apt metaphor for Maisel's own tangents this season — Miriam heads to upstate New York.
The source said Kelly would often mute Trump's phone calls so people in the room could guide him because he was known to sometimes go off "on random tangents" with foreign leaders.
Representatives and senators have a habit of using these hearings to go off on long haranguing tangents, regardless of whether the topic is within the power of the Fed chief to address.
Funny, dense, flowery, the story goes on huge tangents, but I love this crazy novel, which somehow manages to depict and sum up the essence of the incredible vast country of India.
Throughout these appearances, Page frequently filibustered, went on tangents, and worked himself into a state of high dudgeon while maintaining that he was completely innocent of any wrongdoing and was being unjustly smeared.
So the binge-era model means there's room to breathe and take artistic risks—or, conversely, room to dawdle and meander, room to get lost in meaningless tangents and employ heavy-handed artifice.
A single lawyer for the party would be less likely to grandstand for the cameras, deliver extemporaneous speeches, get diverted by meaningless tangents, or forget to ask relevant follow-up questions when necessary.
Trump, during the news conference, defended his Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, but also went on a number of tangents on a wide range of subjects from attorney Michael Avenatti to Elton John.
Standing in front of a wall of stars memorializing fallen officers, he went on long, rambling, personal tangents about how unfairly he was treated in the press, dropping a number of outright lies.
Well-mannered soul that you are, you have nodded and smiled and tried to pay attention through various tangents and emendations as your friend leads you through a thousand pages worth of plot.
And the toasts reveal everything: the rancor between the two families, the promiscuity, the unrequited loves, the bad behavior, the last-minute confessions — all delivered in drunken tangents that end with saccharine platitudes.
I'm a huge fan of authors like Thomas Pynchon and Upton Sinclair who aren't afraid to dive deep with their writing and storytelling styles, frequently going off on tangents to tackle bigger points.
Characters break the fourth wall, some scenes are interrupted with archival tangents about the broader social impact of sexual violence, and others are paused for behind-the-scenes insights from the cast and crew.
That meant tangents about urging citizens to take widows and seniors out to dinner, his love for Justin Bieber, and calling on voters to tell any kids they ran across not to do drugs.
How to Do Nothing contains some mourning over the crimes of giant tech companies that you've likely heard before, and ends up on long tangents about 1960s counterculture communes, as well as bird-watching.
Marías, considered the leading Spanish novelist of his generation, is no stranger to plot: In books like "The Infatuations" and "A Heart So White" he spawns suspenseful tangents as plentiful and tangled as spaghetti.
Unlike previous congressional hearings on the fate of Big Tech, this one didn't devolve into unrelated grandstanding, embarrassing questions about how the internet works, or tangents about the social media habits of lawmakers' grandchildren.
The trouble is my through-line started splintering at some point, because I kept finding so many interesting things and I'd have to go, 'No, come back to the story, stop going off at tangents.
Considering how RHONY has been inherently pro-sex all season long, save for a few alarming tangents, it didn't dawn on me how unique that is until producer-host-mastermind Andy Cohen pointed it out.
Meet the woman tapped to help save Trump's campaign But Trump has exhibited obvious discomfort with that strategy as he has lurched from teleprompter-assisted speeches back to his volatile tangents and slashing personal attacks.
But we won't be having any more confusing Andrew tangents, since the minute he lands in Honduras, his mistress, Maribeth (Rayna Tharani) and her husband, Carlos Garcia (Tony Plana), pick him up at the airport.
" On the Trump side, Ellison said the story is different: "Even for the second debate, Ailes kept going off on tangents and talking about his war stories while he was supposed to be prepping Trump.
This isn't changing with today's updates either — the company isn't shifting the fundamentals of how your feed flows back in time; instead, it's seeking to offer snippets that help you move on tangents for discovery.
So as a TV show, The Detour could've been an exhausting chain of random tangents — but thanks to a couple of crucial and smart choices, the show's just a hell of a lot of fun.
Backing himself at the piano, he favored a loose call and response between voice and instrument, or between right and left hands, often taking tangents informed by the complex harmonies and rhythmic feints of bebop.
He sticks to prepared remarks apart from a stray comment here and there, including a couple of tangents about his supporter Judge Judy during the North Carolina swing and the occasional, sometimes strange, ad-lib.
There were some apparent tangents — one promise to wrap up his address drifted into a digression on illness in China — but he also ended with a forceful conclusion about America's strengths and received a standing ovation.
Often, this affinity for the German-bred experimental music would result in lengthy jams or abrupt tangents, but unlike any other band of their time, Stereolab could turn even the gnarliest sounds into hypnotic pop music.
Once a topic is brought up, they're off, going on endless tangents about having Michael Fassbender's babies, Alec Baldwin's soothing voice, classic '90s television, Shonda Rhimes and why Magic Mike XXL is really a feminist film.
There might be tangents about how all the kids had a fashion revolution at Sheep Meadow in Central Park on Easter Sunday 1967, or about the giddy feeling he got when he saw Courrèges' first collection.
Throughout the 90-minute debate, moderated by CBS's Elaine Quijano, the two career politicians talked over each other and Quijano, and repeatedly went off on tangents that had little or nothing to do with her questions.
He didn't talk a lot (lowest speaking time by far at 8 minutes 5 seconds), but he did go on several tangents, including suggesting that "buying power" and not policy is the answer to curing racism.
They will also be screening the video "Sounds of Two Eyes Opening," which features photographs from Spot's 2014 book of the same name, but goes off on tangents, telling more of the story behind the images.
Meanwhile, Infinity War struggles to tell a story because it needs to keep hurriedly checking off boxes to have any time for the tangents and weird sidebars that made the previous four Marvel movies so much fun.
His comments in unscripted settings often fail to follow any obvious train of thought; he often goes off on tangents and rehashes old riffs; he often fails to demonstrate an understanding of the actual policies being discussed.
But until the end much of the cat-and-mouse suspense in "Now We Shall Be Entirely Free" is unwound and undercut — deliberately, it would seem — by the plot's way of going off on tangents and detours.
Hillary Clinton must keep him confined to the roles of supportive partner and rousing speaker, making sure he does not go off on his own tangents, get into needless arguments or become too conspicuous in Philadelphia. 2.
The regular rallying cries of victimhood at the hands of the "deep state" made their usual appearance — but so, too, did seemingly unrelated tangents on infrastructure that included complaints about dim light bulbs and toilet water pressure.
"  Soon, the author notes, the best practice to briefing the president became "come in with one main point and repeat it — over and over again, even if the president inevitably goes off on tangents — until he gets it.
It's a fully imagined artificial universe of improbable timbres and rhythms, of repetitions cracked and warped, of long waits and sudden tangents, of propulsion and suspension, of expectations set up and undermined, of menacing implications and funny noises.
Still, watching Fox did help me decode Trump's debate tangents, since much of what he says is shorthand, with code words—Project Veritas, Sidney Blumenthal—used as hyperlinks to stories that he assumes his audience has already absorbed.
See this as an indictment of society, of the current political candidates, as the internet has ruined everything, but it's undeniable: Ben Carson, for all his tangents and absurd, re-tweetable suggestions for fixing America, is deeply boring.
From this starting point, to contextualize the Brotherhood, the exhibition fragments into tangents: the predominant one being the theme of the curved mirror famously reflecting unseen guests in Van Eyck's Arnolfini piece, through dazzling optical trickery (hence "Reflections").
From the meandering narrative of the script that veers out into seemingly unconnected tangents, to the interface that can leave participants dizzy as they shift between cinematic and actual space, "Thought Experiments" offers a refreshing sense of instability.
Like many people, I wanted a more substantive discussion of real issues, so I went on a quest, sifting through the emotion-filled tangents and creating a data-driven view of the debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
There could be better homework or takeaway materials to help startups continue to improve after the workshop ended, but I heard entrepreneurs work out kinks and trim off tangents that could have derailed their pitch during a real meeting.
Too often, these "brainstorms" would turn into marathon tangents of people volleying complaints or pithy jokes back and forth to one another across the table, while the others in the room sat around mindlessly scrolling through emails and research.
They provided a pleasant melody running through so much chaos jazz, and they implicitly promise us that in a story of a world gone crazy-wayward, full of tangents and digressions, all roads will eventually lead back to Twin Peaks.
And, as he almost always does in these situations, Trump played perfectly to type -- delivering an 80-minute rambling defense of his administration with a series of asides, tangents, stories and I-probably-shouldn't-say-this-but-I-will-anyway-isms.
Flor de Toloache, the New York mariachi band that won the Latin Grammy for Best Ranchero/Mariachi Album in November, mingled mariachi tradition with tangents of their own, like Andrews Sisters harmonies, occasional lyrics in English and that Nirvana song.
Winston (Lamorne Morris) continued to spiral out into his own weirdo tangents with very little support from the rest of the cast, which suddenly included Damon Wayans Jr.'s Coach for no reason other than the fact that Wayans was available.
At one point, every worker will have lost patience with "Tommy Tangents" (those who drone on at length about an issue that is irrelevant to the agenda) and "Hearsay Harrys" (those who cannot tell the difference between a personal anecdote and scientific evidence).
For another, the process might lead you down just one of these kinds of tangents and you come up with a good Cubism and Young Thug-related pun about putting that Braques in your brack, which is where I am, mentally, right now.
And while he offered some jokes in an effort to connect with the crowd, Trump made little effort to answer specific questions posed to him and frequently went off on tangents as if he were delivering a speech at one of his rallies.
Today, he trails off mid-sentence, goes off on fantastical tangents—at one point he launches into a story that involves someone sniping Theresa May, a wife murdering her husband with soup, and a pixie and Elmo from Sesame Street apropos of nothing.
He is always looking to transform, even sabotage, his own set, veering off on tangents, interrupting, latching on to a phrase that tickles him, repeating it over and over until it becomes a kind of incantation whose repetition becomes its own bizarre joke.
Lawmakers have since resigned themselves to the notion that the president will continue to use his Twitter feed as an unvarnished, one-man war room, two Republican aides said, and can only hope he will not go off on too many tangents.
At a time when the public debate over a Supreme Court nomination has gone off on bizarre tangents about blackouts and drinking games, it's remarkable how few people are condemning a culture that regards teenagers getting shitfaced as normal, or even cool.
The next two albums, "Feel Good" and "Ego Death," solidified their touring group into a band — with Steve Lacy on guitar, Patrick Paige II on bass and Christopher Smith on drums — and cleared away some (but happily not all) of the musical tangents.
The simplicity and sturdiness of Seven Samurai's plot accounts for much of what makes it so powerful, and so adaptable: It never strays off on tangents in search of the sort of quick narrative highs that can make more labyrinthine plots so appealing.
There, as part of a project called An Artist Embedded, Mr. Gordon immersed himself in Fryer's notes, letters, diaries and other documents, eventually extracting three characters from them: three lives lived at tangents to Fryer's that together triangulated him and his times.
The Handmaid's Tale has an awful lot of tricky elements to balance, and the strain of that task showed in the middle of its first season as flashbacks and tangents focusing on people other than the actual Handmaids overshadowed most everything else.
But there's still time for tangents, like a scene of a guy sweeping a floor to the tune of "Green Onions," or a lengthy bit where Ben Horne and Beverly attempt to ascertain the location a strange ringing sound that's emanating from the Great Northern.
He speaks at a breakneck pace, often veering on tangents and fishing his laptop out of his desk to pull up a YouTube video or show me a website he's particularly stoked on (also, he uses words like "stoked" and "bitchin'" with complete sincerity).
Their platform carries out emotion tracking and object detection to give Unity developers some freedom to let users interrupt the avatars and send them on tangents, all while learning from the user in how they interact with the character and want them to act.
In Iowa and New Hampshire, in front of reserved and often skeptical crowds, Mr. Biden could be stiff and subdued, speaking so quietly he was sometimes difficult to hear, and often pursuing so many tangents that some voters said he was difficult to follow.
Heavy on distortion and on long, swirling tangents, the record recalls an ostentatious era of weirdness in pop music—a time when artists like George Clinton and Sly Stone assembled large, ramshackle groups of collaborators and exploded previous notions of race and sexual identity.
But, but, but: This concept is increasingly part of our debate, so it's got me thinking about tangents that are more actionable: to what degree people are willingly taking concrete steps to lower their lifestyle's impact on climate change, or why people are not.
In conversation, he's likely to go off on tangents about programming modular synthesizers, or the very specific challenges of working in the same room with someone as meticulous as he (recently, that means Venetian Snares' Aaron Funk, with whom he has a project called Speed Dealer Moms).
Indeed, it is in these moments where the book is weighed down by supposition and tangents — like a section on the 1943 Detroit race riot, which one of Forsyth County's former black residents may or may not have experienced — that ruminations overtake the once taut text.
The new book — stretching over 2,000 pages, with step-by-step images and a hefty list price of $625 — chronicles the history and science of bread-making in depth ("Baking is applied microbiology," one chapter begins), breaking frequently for meticulous, textbook-style tangents on flour and fermentation.
The story starts to veer off into tangents that are melodramatic (a fairly insipid Romeo and Juliet subplot involving Gigante's daughter), distractingly implausible (an episode built around attempts to fix a Cassius Clay fight) or both (a family member of Johnson's caught up in drugs and prostitution).
The debate over the crisis has spun off into many tangents: whether there is any federal law requiring family separation (there isn't), about America's rules for asylum seekers, and whether Congress will do anything about it as the House prepares to take up immigration legislation this week.
Specifically, he was thinking about Germany, which got him thinking about Teutonic culture in general, which led him off on tangents having to do with the Brothers Grimm, the autobahn, the space shuttle and other kinds of technology, and a magazine called Burda, whose how-to section he loved.
Always viewing the subject askance, as if through a veil, it wanders off in tangents before being pulled back violently via the elastic cord Cave references, which no matter how far he strays from the event, inescapably catapults him back to the epicentre of his pain and distress.
A few of the other wild tangents he took: It all suggests what many critics have long suspected: that Trump's attention was riveted by the glitz and glamor of the campaign trail, but that he has no interest in or capacity to doing the hard analytic work of the presidency.
In some ways, I wonder if this is the show recognizing something fundamental: For as many sidebars and tangents as the narrative wanders off on, and for as enjoyable as many of those storylines are, Game of Thrones has always been the story of two families, the Starks and the Lannisters.
This means there are no umms, no smoke breaks, no poetic license when it comes to describing how things are supposed to sound, no "personal licks" to boast their own skills (or boredom teaching you), and definitely no tangents about how GMOs are what the government uses to control us.
In their creases and crevices, these items carried my dad's scent, his wit, his long stories with a million tangents, his arching eyebrow, the way he looked obstacles in the eye, the tough times he'd been through and how he had just missed the gateway for a quiet, calmer life.
Officials of the European Commission, the union's executive body, spent the past year negotiating with member nations for tougher proposals that, while not perfect, face the gun threat candidly without veering off on tangents, like arguing that the gun mayhem could more easily be stopped by addressing immigration or mental illness.
Natalie: The really nice thing is that there are these moments in reporting that never, ever make it into the newspaper — moments of levity in a tough call, little tangents that would never make it into the lead of a news story, but are just so deeply a part of what we do.
"I think Donald Trump, in both debates, has used the strategy of throwing out these kinds of tangents and non sequiturs to kind of move past and avoid any questions that he might not be able to answer, but Hillary Clinton has missed the opportunity to bring him back to actual issues," he said.
Amongst the many tangents spotlighted is the Mono-ha group (もの派, literally "School of Object'"), which arose during the volatile period of late '60s Japan when leftist student movements which had been simmering since the early '60s emerged in 1967 to protest social issues, harsh academic conditions nationwide, and the American military presence.
This was true of some of the show's golden era too — its third season is full of bits that grit their teeth so hard the veins pop out on their forehead — but the series was almost always building to something so amazing and out of the blue that you'd forgive the occasional effortful tangents.
He skirts styles like Laurel Canyon folk-pop in "You're the One," the Beach Boys in "Blue Bird," British trad-rock in "Zombie Conqueror," pop-soul in "What Is the Time" and Gil Evans-tinged ensemble arrangements in "(I Wanna) Feel It All," though he skews all of them toward asymmetry and surprise tangents.
I'm not sure how to reconcile my categorical objection to almost every one of his political ideologies, and the fact that, at times, I find myself entranced by his long-syllables, his tangents about some local building—any building, point to one—listing off the names of its owners, their families, and what those families liked to cook.
With Le Voyage Éternel ("The Eternal Voyage") in 2015, the Canadian band set the bar high with an EP that was as impressive as it was original, with the exception that it was an album packed with flashes of greatness and moments of untouchable purity, but one that was equally polluted with tangents that should've stayed in the band's practice space.
And the Mooch, with his theatrically overdone New-York-finance-bro vibes and apparent longing to call up New Yorker writers to go on long, profane, on-the-record tangents, is exactly the kind of character SNL would make a meal out of — if only his short tenure hadn't happened in the middle of summer, when SNL is traditionally on hiatus.
Zuckerberg also goes off on some interesting tangents with Wired, for instance the efficacy of AI in certain situations and the status of the Cambridge Analytica audit in the UK. As for whether he'll appear in front of Congress: If it is ever the case that I am the most informed person at Facebook in the best position to testify, I will happily do that.
Then it proceeds through a long section honoring a panoply of 40003th-century artists from Louis Armstrong to 'N Sync, shorter tangents tracing the special place of Africa in world pop and the musical heritage of 9/11, the "Postmodern Times" section, and finally a farewell keyed to three obituaries I wrote for Noisey in the awful year of 2016: Bowie, Prince, Leonard Cohen.
With almost no tangents, the 70-year-old hammered home refined versions of his campaign talking points: the importance of being ruthless in trade negotiations, the need to defeat the social-justice movement and win America's relentless culture war; the necessity of rooting out ISIS; the danger of scary illegal immigrants; and the desperate state of "law and order" when cops are under attack.
If Alien 3 was notable for how it meandered off on intriguing but unsolvable tangents, Alien: Resurrection took the same ill-disciplined baton and ran for the hills, making Ripley an uncanny human/alien hybrid, and peppering the action with moments of absurdist humor and grotesque visuals (notably when a cloned and resurrected Sigourney Weaver gets to wander around a laboratory filled with failed and deformed versions of herself).
More often, however, Hickey casts spells and then breaks them, either by falling too hard for grandiosity ("the sheer appropriateness of [Sharon] Ellis's paintings in Southern California at the dawn of the twenty-first century speaks directly to the problematic of Protestant postmodernism in temperate latitudes and cosmopolitan cultures where neither industrial modernism, Freudian psychology, nor Puritan rigor have ever expressed themselves with much cultural resonance") or embarking on overly nostalgic tangents about the lost underground ("Absolute permission died when the 'art world' became the 'art community' around 1975 … when we all started intervening, and nursing on another, with or without permission").

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