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155 Sentences With "tall tales"

How to use tall tales in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "tall tales" and check conjugation/comparative form for "tall tales". Mastering all the usages of "tall tales" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We scanned the skies; we listened to the tall tales.
The Wild West was also an era of tall tales.
Tall tales There are a lot of myths about Mount Everest.
Have you, personally, ever seen any evidence of these tall tales?
"My granddad was good at telling tall tales," Mr. Kristiansen said.
Some were tall tales: Lithuanians hunting, roasting and eating British swans.
Tall tales and fireside ghost stories are a part of growing up.
Hours of tall tales, "then five minutes of half-truth," Bowden writes.
"Some people say they're just tall tales, but I believe," Christina Hendricks admits.
Tall tales of job promises and special New Year's treats were rapidly proffered.
And as with any legend, Lagerfeld came with his own volume of tall tales.
All the tall tales I'd heard about contracting the virus through kissing were dispelled.
In response, you'll get either an uncomprehending stare or an effusion of tall tales.
In the land of tall tales, this president knows how to win a fight.
Once in the White House, Reagan's tall tales were used to justify real-life changes.
Morrisroe often told tall tales that spun his relationships to the famous or the notorious.
She has been the subject of comic books, a Bollywood movie and innumerable tall tales.
Her book topples several tall tales related to Washington, including one about his wooden teeth.
No. Did our team appreciate being off message to respond to Trump tweets and tall tales?
His nickname means "Shorty," but there's no shortage of tall tales about the Sinaloa cartel kingpin.
In an atmosphere of dread, gossip and tall tales spread more virulently than the virus itself.
They fight and argue and tell tall tales, and over time, they get to be friends.
As a spinner of tall tales, he recognizes the basic value of paying off a premise.
On Sunday night, some of TV's biggest names shared some rather tall tales on the red carpet.
She delighted crowds with tales of her adventures that reporters dutifully reported — tall tales, many of them.
Doesn't that seem like one of those tall tales that people tell to exaggerate an event's significance?
Perhaps his Twitter bio, in which he describes himself as a "teller of tall tales," holds a clue.
The bottom line: Politics, long associated with tall tales, may finally be ready to tell a short story.
Before Reddit's armchair detective agency, or the fleets of Twitter correctors, the internet's tall tales had longer legs.
How did you kind of keep a clear distinction between the truth and tall tales in your book?
While the real saint is historically confirmed, everything surrounding his story is packed with myth and tall tales.
We know the gals are close, but how well are they able to decipher each others' tall tales?
But country music is deeply morose and often times telling sad, tall tales of lost love and heartache.
Sullivan didn't have tall tales of marathon sessions or odd-hours requests from Antetokounmpo to train this summer.
And of course, Munchausen is a raconteur extraordinaire, filled with tall tales and very much full of himself.
It was Klaus Kristiansen — not his son Daniel — who said, "My granddad was good at telling tall tales."
But some tall tales are worse than others and could cost you the job, according to a recent survey.
"I was one of those kids who constantly told tall tales," Baldacci said in an interview earlier this year.
Despite bagging precious few trophies, he has spun tall tales about fraud to justify efforts at suppressing the vote.
She even told a few tall tales about herself, like how she supposedly broke her back as a child.
But these -- the obsession with conspiracy theories in tall tales as you say, Joe, dates back for a long time.
A lover of music and tall tales, he was possessed of "the soul and imagination of a vagabond," Smedley wrote.
Mr. Shepherd is a most engaging raconteur who transforms small stories of everyday life into tall tales of fantastic adventure.
Yet simply hearing the jovial bar staff recount the tall tales associated with the cantina is half the fun in itself.
I was sitting on my bed listening to Speedy, who lives several bunks down, tell another one of his tall tales.
"There's no need to come up with tall tales about fake sea monsters that live today," Brusatte told me last year.
Tall tales Did you hear the one about two guys who tricked their way into a golf tourney in North Korea?
The story will now deal with the aftermath of the big collapse, mixing bits of real history with comic tall tales.
Sheindlin spent years on the Manhattan family court bench, where she developed a strong resistance to tall tales and thin excuses.
While the things hawks say about this situation aren't true, they don't tell these tall tales because they're crazy or stupid.
" By the 1940s, he was regularly telling "tall tales" about his war heroism, "an exaggeration or lie in nearly every sentence.
His classmates laugh and explain the boy is known for telling tall tales; he supposedly saw a spaceship the week prior.
So Moore hunts Ricco and his buddies down and gets them to tell him the tall tales they've picked up over time.
Therefore, it is possible that Fravor and his colleagues are embellishing technical glitches with tall tales of out-of-this-world encounters.
There is a prejudice that oral history is conflated by ego and enthusiasm, making tall tales rather than accurate accounts of historical events.
Guilds run into conflicts, borne from years of shared history, and characters reference various tall tales and cultural icons in a believable manner.
VICE reached out to Schweidel to find out how he kept a clear distinction between truth and tall tales in his new book.
And like many of those tall tales sailors passed down through generations, they are really examinations of how fragile the human psyche is.
There are no more moderates or responsible Republicans behind the curtain, keeping an eye on the difference between tribal tall tales and reality.
He's reconciled all of these pieces of himself and these tall tales into one entity, that of a queer singing cowboy named Orville Peck.
In previous generations, though, ink-stained wretches at newspapers, desiring nondigital page views, were most likely the sources of tall tales that fooled thousands.
It luxuriates in large and small detours, indulging flashbacks within flashbacks which transition to tall tales within flashbacks or anecdotes within flashbacks, and so on.
In their new animated short film, illustrator June Tate and director Zach Johnston perfectly sum up the ridiculous tall tales that kids tell each other.
Mike was funny, warm, optimistic, and opinionated — a man with an immense appetite for art, music, books, fine food, wine, travel, friendship, and tall tales.
She encouraged that coverage and bent it to her ends, telling tall tales and making her interviews as much a performance as her stage act.
What happens when the same people spinning tall tales of a flood of illegal voters stealing the election start churning for a war with Iran?
In typical teenage fashion, under the influence of several watery Midwestern light beers, we flirted over the next few hours with tall tales and juvenile jokes.
One day in the White House, when the press went after him for "tall tales," he asked me to double check the accuracy of these stories.
The commission's driving force, co-chair Kris Kobach, the Republican secretary of state of Kansas, has spun tall tales about fraud to justify suppressing the vote.
Rudy, in a last-ditch bid to scare up some new material, tape-records the rhymes, jokes and tall tales of a group of homeless men.
There are of these tall tales and crazy stories about the West that you hear and can never really be sure of what's true and what's not.
Some people enjoy telling tall tales, spreading gossip, and making it seem like they're "in the know" with little attention to factual accuracy or even outright fabulism.
We first meet him as a boy telling his impoverished, understandably distrustful Mother (Becky Ann Baker) extravagantly tall tales of riding an enchanted stag through the mountain.
Lester Holt at first seemed to thrive in the NBC anchor chair he inherited three years ago from Brian Williams, who got launched for telling tall tales.
Likewise, the desert, its coyotes and tall tales about the American West were now transporting a Manhattan kid to a world he had only seen in textbooks.
But for the most part, "The Lying Game" makes good on its premise that tall tales have consequences, especially when they're exposed to the glare of truth.
A thick gloomy haze of bad relationships and the corresponding emotional roadburn gives Pony its might, with Peck spinning poetic narratives that play out like tall tales.
" Chuck Schumer, her counterpart in the Senate, told reporters that President Donald Trump's efforts to blame Democrats for the failure was "another one of his big tall tales.
So let's take a quick stroll down Trump "Pants on Fire" lane, courtesy of PolitiFact, to look back at some of the other tall tales he gave us.
Kristi Lynn Davis is the award-winning author of Long Legs and Tall Tales: A Showgirl's Wacky, Sexy Journey to the Playboy Mansion and the Radio City Rockettes.
In his overweening interest in secrets and tall tales, in his relish for how stories are told, he's taken the Salman Rushdie exit off the Paul Auster turnpike.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads I'm just a skyscraper-sized skeleton rambling across the United States, a bindle of tall tales and true stories on my shoulder.
" He was happy to describe his own output as "tall tales, fibs, lies, whoppers" — a penchant that explains his attraction to the vainglorious, less than truthful hero of "Falstaff.
Indeed, given the tall-tales circulating in the press and in law enforcement circles about the supposed hazard of passive fentanyl exposure, one can hardly blame them for panicking.
Those working at a lower level, and less wealthy, would have been inspired to spin tall tales confirming what their contacts wanted to hear to justify their financial reward.
The substance of the story has never been confirmed, and Sajudin's ex-wife said he had a habit of telling tall tales — "he's seen Bigfoot," she said, according to Farrow.
If not, our nation may discover that the price of tall tales is so high it drives a societal bankruptcy tail risk from which it may be impossible to recover.
Traditional shadow theater was historically a staple of Damascus cafe life, as story tellers used dyed animal-skin puppets to entertain their audience with tall tales, satire, songs and verse.
There will be so much talk of "even year" magic and billy goat curses that the games will be at best a distraction compared to the tall tales and superstitions.
She was not just a master musician, singer and dancer; she was also a teller of tall tales whose interviews could be as much a performance as her stage act.
But this kind of cross-country journey is part of an American mythology, solidified through works like Kerouac's On the Road, Paul Bunyan's tall tales, and Little House on the Prairie.
Some of Ifueko's favorites were those of Anansi, the spider god adept at spinning tall tales; and those that involved sound effects, singing, and repetition, which are traditional West African storytelling techniques.
Until quartz gutted the industry and made it rethink its priorities – and story – there was no tall tales of little old Swiss watchmakers hunkered over a centuries-old workbench making parts by hand.
Emily Steel — whose reporting in the New York Times brought down Bill O'Reilly — was threatened by the now-former Fox News host two years ago for covering his tall tales about the Falklands war.
All that said, Velazquez draws a great octopus, the intense primary color palette is wonderfully energized for a group read-aloud, and the story provides an invitation for families to create tall tales together.
Troy is the sort of man who (as Rose puts it) fills every room in the house with his presence: funny, charming, full of tall tales, with a will that's a force of nature.
Sport fishing brought waves of tourists to the water, all of whom required hotels, restaurants and waterside pavilions for dancing, drinking and swapping tall tales of grappling with the great silver monsters of the sea.
But Almereyda's ( Experimenter, Cymbeline—which, full disclosure, I have minor roles in) innate ability to highlight at once the most human and mythological moments from Fancher's myriad of tall tales is on full display in Escapes.
But Almereyda's (Experimenter, Cymbeline—which, full disclosure, I have minor roles in) innate ability to highlight at once the most human and mythological moments from Fancher's myriad of tall tales is on full display in Escapes.
She called herself Annie Londonderry (she attached an advertisement to her bicycle for the Londonderry Lithia Spring Water Company), and delighted crowds with tales of her adventures that reporters dutifully reported — tall tales, many of them.
And the gathering commemorates the end-of-the-cattle-drive festivities that defined the Old West, with camaraderie and all that the term encompasses: tall tales, poetry and songs, dancing, gambling, thick steaks and strong drinks.
Alongside MONITORIUM is Small Works, Tall Tales featuring small scale sculpture from Virginia artists: Kim Overstreet and Robin Kranitzky, Wade Mickley, Deborah G. Rogers, Robin and Julia Rogers, Tracey St. Peter, John Tobin, and Aggie Zed.
Mr. Uhry and Mr. Waldman brought Welty's shadowy fantasyland down to earth and into the light, setting the plot to the rambunctious rhythms of a hootenanny, where tall tales are swapped and party drinks come in jugs.
Odysseus' sly proficiency as a fabulist, as a teller of tall tales and an outright liar, has endeared him to audiences over a hundred generations; writers and poets, in particular, see him as a virtuoso of language.
In H. H. HOLMES: The True History of the White City Devil (Skyhorse, $26.99), Adam Selzer concedes (a bit reluctantly, it seems) that it's all hogwash, tall tales aggregated by the newspapers out of gossip and rumor.
In that setting, Burnett speak-sings his way through free-associative songs that contain biblical allusions, echoes of the blues, tall tales, lovers' plaints and warnings about disinformation, the cult of personality and the encroachments of technology.
The series is just the latest Disney/Pixar film to see new life as a TV show; Buzz Lightyear of Star Command, based on Toy Story, debuted in 2000, while Mater's Tall Tales, based on Cars, premiered in 2008.
"That much may indeed be true, but it was one of many of the tall tales that further evolved into a truism of sorts, that was basically 'accepted' as such by historians, press and mafia history aficionados," Cipollini said.
Finney found one of his last great roles in Tim Burton's visually arresting adaptation of the Daniel Wallace novel, fitting comfortably into the baggy pants (and convincing Southern drawl) of Ed Bloom: lover, fighter and spinner of tall tales.
Supporters of Trump defended his tall tales during the campaign as an effective use of "truthful hyperbole," a technique outlined in his book "Art Of The Deal" that he used to playfully buff up his image or make a larger point.
Filled with vivid storytelling of street hustling, drug trafficking, and Brooklyn bravado in both its lyrics and skits, Hova's debut studio album brought kingpin tall tales to popular culture without sacrificing any authenticity in its portrait of the criminal underworld.
Given the President's propensity for spinning tall tales, the raid -- which he has already likened to a movie -- will likely take on even more mythical proportions in the months to come, letting the President play the ruthless, square-jawed war leader.
Abe's reminiscences sound preposterous—much like the tall tales in Mr Burton's "Big Fish"—but when the old man is murdered by a supernatural assailant, Jake is prompted to travel to the island to see if the orphanage is actually there.
In general, Dearborn seems not to have met many writers along her scholarly path, and appears astounded that the good ones tell tall tales about their own formation, which is like being astounded that fishermen exaggerate the size of their catch.
Ganda unfolds big dreams and great woes, tall tales of war and sex and adventure, and nostalgia for his childhood in Niger; he has traded his own culture for gleaming Hollywood fantasies but comes to recognize their irrelevance to his life.
Loved but ignored by their inattentive mother, who is separated from their policeman father and struggling to carry on, the boys spend long summer days in the pool of their rundown apartment complex, spinning tall tales and devising private games.
But his oldness is tangible in every one of his public appearances, and when he tries to take credit for every important accomplishment of the Obama administration he comes across as a slowly unraveling grandfather telling tall tales about his youth.
Mr. Santiago, whose tough-guy persona, tall tales, jokes and uncanny ability to imitate his Italian, Jewish and Mexican neighbors often put him at the center of any gathering, had lived an unusual life since joining the Marines at 16.
There the editors weren't interested just in Weegee's photographs but also in his wiseass persona, his bug-eyed face, his huge Speed Graphic camera, his car trunk stuffed with equipment, his nocturnal habits, his slovenly ways and his tall tales.
I was glad the reporter was interested in the origin of these stories, because beginning even before the war ended, news organizations had too often simply repeated them — even though some stories had the hallmarks of tall tales all over them.
Given that he used to pretend, with fake names, to be his own press agent, spinning flattering tall tales about himself, it's amazing he hasn't started live-tweeting his ameliorations and fashion notes for the hapless Spicer during press briefings.
Angelenos and New Yorkers line the sidewalks in the gathering darkness, presenting their bona fides or tall tales to the nearest bouncer, straining their necks to find old friends — or new connections who might see in them what they see in themselves.
A shibboleth of tall tales and 10-gallon hats, it's a story the Republicans have been telling for years to persuade new arrivals, refugees from the Rust Belt, that being Texan meant driving pickups and caring only about God, gays and guns.
From Reich's perspective, this archaeological truculence represents a stubborn attachment to the old, complicated stories in the face of new molecular data — just as some archaeologists held fast to their tall tales despite what Renfrew called the "mysterious boffinry" of radiocarbon dating.
He wrote as people spoke, with plenty of swearing, obscenity, Lombardy dialect, tall tales from smugglers and fishermen and the invented language, "grammelot", he picked up from foreign workers in a glass factory near Lake Maggiore, where he grew up as a stationmaster's son.
This is what Godless is: a collection of tall tales, nail-biting life-or-death suspense scenes, and "come to Jesus" conversations, delivered by top-shelf actors, in a location that at times feels like the last outpost of civilization in a forbidding landscape.
In 2007, Davontae Sanford, a 14-year-old who was blind in one eye and had a habit of telling tall tales, told Detroit police officers after hours of questioning that he had killed four people in a shooting a few blocks from his house.
It was perhaps the quintessential Pittsburgh scene, two men no longer tall — octogenarians with oval faces — sharing tall tales as dusk fell, one of them a millionaire sportsman who was decidedly not (and here comes a phrase from Gus and Dan's youth) a sport.
With their time tested tactic of depopulating local news of trusted anchors, "disappearing" reliable "gatekeepers" the way Pol Pot eliminated dissenters, there wouldn't even be news voices in key markets with the stature to help primary and caucus voters distinguish between truth and tall tales.
Randazza sees himself as the heir to that tradition, and all of the scorn that comes along with it — the kind of scorn one gets while defending Alex Jones' tall tales about the Sandy Hook shootings in a lawsuit filed by the grieving parents of murdered children.
Mystical miracle soups, ancient ancestral secrets passed down for generations and generations, tall tales of monks and priests and Egyptian queens: These kinds of farfetched backstories, whether based in truth or not at all (difficult to confirm, either way), are what best-selling products are made of.
There are tall tales ("The Man Who Swallows Razor Blades"), elegiac utterances ("Windblown Headline on a Dark Pavement") and statements that hint at her fascination with the way the real and the fictive can be brought together in a single frame ("James Dean in a Wax Museum").
For the young Laura, Charles was a man who not only laughed heartily, told tall tales, played the fiddle, and displayed infinite humor and tenderness; he also built houses out of trees, hunted deer successfully, fought fire, flood, and locusts, and endured crop failure without complaint.
That story, "Rip Van Winkle," along with other tall tales like "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," helped establish Irving's claim to being the first genuinely American author, a founder of a tradition marked by folksy vernacular, rapturous paeans to nature and a stretched relationship to the truth.
Thus, Hillary Clinton should be "locked up" for her witless handling of her email server years ago, but Donald Trump Jr. should not be called to account for meeting last year with Kremlin agents to get "dirt" on Clinton, or later telling tall tales about the meeting.
Employing sleight of hand, some fast talking, and a lot of tall tales, it exaggerates the legend until the illusion takes on a life of its own, turning into the promised "fever dream" that, while admittedly stuffed with some truly excellent musical setpieces, has something sinister at its core.
It's hard to know which of Thorpe's exploits are accurately remembered and which have become embellished into tall tales over time, but for the modern young reader, Sheinkin's telling holds the kind of hearty inspiration that Old West tales used to nurture in the kids of earlier eras.
But both the film and the stage musical share as their source a 1998 novel by Daniel Wallace about a son's relationship with a his father, who is revealed to be far more than the extravagant teller of tall tales that his son has always taken his dad to be.
Rather than dishing out politically motivated tall tales that do nothing to serve the best interests of the nation or the many communities that depend on public lands, we'd be much better served if politicians worked together to pass common-sense reforms that would help agencies make land management decisions more efficiently.
The fact that everything costs $2.20, of course, means all kinds of people come here—from abusers who tell tall tales and will pay later, to really rich people from the northern part of Zealand who are tired of paying too much in Hellerup, or wherever the hell they usually buy their coffee.
There are an exhaustive deluxe six-CD version with every surviving take and a one-CD compilation of alternate versions of the album's 10 songs plus one that was omitted, "Up to Me." The songs from "Blood on the Tracks" are artfully multifaceted: romances, travelogues, tall tales, parables and possibly memories, all at once.
All the tall tales he'd told in the lead-up to this fight — that he was masturbating seven times a day, that he was dipping his fists in gasoline, and that he was going to win, by knockout, then binge on cocaine and prostitutes … well, one of those looked like it was true all along.
The album, titled "Volunteer" and due on Friday, is filled not with the spirituals Mr. Secor mentioned (figurative flourishes are his specialty), but with folk-rock testaments to dreaming and striving, tall tales of earthy heroism and galvanizing hoedowns powered by the group's vigorously played acoustic instruments — including fiddle, banjo, mandolin and upright bass — and drums.
That's what the Warriors have given us this season—a story that we'll repeat to each other, that we'll relive in clips and Vines and memories, a legend that will grow in the retelling even as we lose track of some of the details, a set of tall tales to bore our kids and grandkids with.
After he returned to the free world, the white boys who advanced to the final fight were pikers, so wobbly that over the years the tall tales about the former champion had grown more and more extravagant: nature had gifted Doc Burns with an unnaturally long reach; his legendary combo had swatted down every comer and rattled windows.
The most disturbing aspect of this state of affairs is that we can swallow tall tales of unknown provenance that we want to believe, while doubting stories on reputable news sites that we do not want to believe — or impugning the motives of those reputable news sites when they do not publish stories that we want to believe.
His ex-wife, Rachel, is a beloved TV cooking-show host and feminist activist; their parting seems to have been amicable, and they sign their text messages with an X. Victor finds a pub, declares it his local, falls in with some friendly men who are charmed by his nearness to celebrity and his tall tales.
Meanwhile, Trump has regularly stoked suspicion about Islam, pushing fake stories about Muslims in New Jersey celebrating on 9/11, re-telling tall tales about an American general killing Muslims with bullets dipped in pig's blood, saying "Islam hates us," and proposing a temporary ban on Muslim immigration to the United States and a registry to monitor Muslims already here.
"Ras" is a Rastafarian honorific; Livingstone became known as "Dizzy" in honor of the tall tales he told about his victories as a horse-racing jockey, bouts in the ring with boxer Cassius Clay (who later changed his name to Muhammed Ali), travels to Hong Kong, and long rides with the cowboy-movie hero John Wayne across Hollywood's Wild West.
But while King—white t-shirt, jeans, leather jacket, tousled hair, tall and conventionally masculine—looks like an appropriate emissary for the tall tales told in Japandroids songs, at no point does the listener ever have to think of them as having happened to  Brian King; none of these stories really belong to him, nor should they because almost none of it is based in tangible reality.
The "G Spot" is the Key to Endless OrgasmsI'm not sure if it's because the idea of a "spot" conjures up an image of a magical button that produces infinite waves of pleasure, or if there are just some seriously tall tales being shared among men, but quite a few guys have told me that they were pleasantly surprised to learn the truth about the G-spot.
But while King—white t-shirt, jeans, leather jacket, tousled hair, tall and conventionally masculine—looks like an appropriate emissary for the tall tales told in Japandroids songs, at no point does the listener ever have to think of them as having happened to Brian King; none of these stories really belong to him, nor should they because almost none of it is based in tangible reality.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Americans are spending less time on childcare, work, and socializing, and more time watching TV. And apparently we're all lying to cover up that fact, spinning tall tales about needing to work out when really we're getting shithoused in front of Call of Duty, then "chilling out" into a Snuggie until our food from the good folks at Yelp Eat24 arrives.
Joice Heth's own tall tales, Reiss thinks, began as mockery of her puffed-up and ridiculous owner, a theory that may or may not be true but that is far less painful to think about than the ways she was used and abused by Barnum, who, in abolitionist towns, claimed that he was using the money he made by exhibiting her to buy her great-great-grandchildren out of slavery.
Atlantis: The Lost Empire  Atlantis: Milo's Return The Brave Little Toaster to the Rescue   The Brave Little Toaster goes to Mars  Brother Bear 2 Cars Toon: Mater's Tall Tales  Chicken LittleThe Emperor's New Groove  An Extremely Goofy Movie Fantasia  Fantasia 2000 Finding Dory The Fox and the Hound 2 Jake's Buccaneer Blast  Kronk's New Groove Leroy & Stitch  Lilo & Stitch  Lilo & Stitch 2 Mickey and the Beanstalk  Mickey's House of Mouse Villains  Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse  Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas  Mickey's Twice Upon a ChristmasMoana Mulan II  The Nightmare Before Christmas Piglet's Big Movie  Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World  Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin  Pooh's Heffalump Movie  The Prince and the Pauper Recess: Taking the Fifth Grade  Secret of the Wings  Stitch!

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