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72 Sentences With "talked down to"

How to use talked down to in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "talked down to" and check conjugation/comparative form for "talked down to". Mastering all the usages of "talked down to" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Where they know they won't be fixed, managed, or talked down to.
We should let Americans not feel talked down to by the coastal elites.
I was talked down to and paid less than everyone else at the company.
That's one of the reasons I think the show worked: I never talked down to the kids.
The respect given to a fellow academic instantly evaporated and she found herself being talked down to.
Lacey, Christen, and Jasmine had to sit there while Daniel talked down to them, calling them leftovers and desperate.
"I saw and heard him speak to her in ways that were demeaning, and [he] talked down to her," says Crawford.
The one thing I never wanted to do was be a host that had a squeaky voice and talked down to kids.
Maybe it was getting talked down to by a superior, experiencing a micro-aggression, or witnessing inappropriate behavior at an office party.
They are ogled, demeaned, talked down to, and generally reduced to the status of sex dolls that happen to walk and talk.
Every woman I know has either been talked down to, had her opinion dismissed, been ignored in meetings, or received inappropriate comments.
"We've never talked down to her – we treat her like a normal, everyday kid," Joe Ratcliffe, 37, an Army veteran, tells PEOPLE.
Women are also more likely to be talked down to, have their judgment questioned, and be interrupted or spoken over, Paynich says.
As governor of New Jersey, he talked down to teachers, scolded the press, belittled unions and used his bully pulpit as a sword.
I will continue to fight to not be talked down to by the shows and books and movies that are aimed toward us.
Nye and I are on the same team—and yet I still felt like I was being talked down to throughout his show.
His dismissive demeanor may hurt him in New Hampshire, where voters are notoriously independent and don't like being talked down to or dismissed.
In fact, looking back at old clips of him being alternately talked down to or fawned over by talk show hosts is painful.
While working at a department store, Ramona cowers as she's talked down to when asking her boss to get out of work early.
He even talked down to the Los Angeles Times reporter who revealed that he was hit with the $10 million judgement in bankruptcy court.
But that leaves you in a very static society where you're talked down to by the commentariat and no one address what you actually feel.
"They shouted at me, talked down to me, threatened me and I started crying," he says, adding that he eventually agreed because he wanted heroin.
According to The Sunday Times, a White House source said that the President doesn't want to be talked down to by Charles about the issue.
The man addressed me over the cliff of his shoulder—talked down to me in the same condescending way Mister Hughes explained polynomials and hypotenuses.
That was in addition to being talked down to, said Vixie, a Salvadoran who declined to use her full name because of her pending immigration case.
It's not the first time President Trump has been awkward on camera, from long handshakes with President Macron to being talked down to by Chancellor Merkel.
Making a customer feel talked down to or disapproved of for their purchase goes against most stores' policy of making customers happy and want to return.
Ms. Scola and two other women recounted repeated instances where they felt they were marginalized or talked down to by a male colleague, because they were women.
They feel constantly insulted and talked down to by coastal elites, many of whom call them "deniers," in a manner usually reserved for those who deny the Holocaust.
"Nye and I are on the same team—and yet I still felt like I was being talked down to throughout his show," Gizmodo 's Maddie Stone wrote.
As I handed over my card, the air thick with quiet tension, I thought about the last time a record store clerk had talked down to me like that.
The woman said children in the Obama-era detention center didn't receive proper medical attention, which she says resulted in at least one death, and staffers talked down to the detainees.
The optics of Pence represent those who feel talked down to and resented by the media and political establishment, people who Trump promises to elevate one "Merry Christmas" at a time.
Britain's post-war foreign minister Ernest Bevin said that Britain needed its own nuclear deterrent to make sure that no other holders of the post were talked down to by American counterparts.
They want to be educated but they don't want to be talked down to, they want to find things on their own in their own way, whether it's digital or through print.
The engaging Ms. Pearce makes for a garrulous yet reflective presence, given over to flights of fantasy, who gets talked down to the reality of daily life by her gleamingly intense colleague.
The younger Mr. Bush's critics complained that he impugned their patriotism for criticizing his national security policies, while Mr. Obama's opponents complained that he regularly questioned their motives and talked down to them.
"Really, what's most important to us is that we have a place at the table and that we're not being demeaned or talked down to, and that we're being treated as equal," she says.
She describes being talked down to by male seminary students, being made to feel invisible, and meeting a theologian she had long respected whose first comment to her had to do with her appearance.
In Men Explain Things to Me, Solnit weaves her own stories of being talked down to by pedantic men with stories from myth, the scandal around Dominique Strauss-Kahn, and the words of Virginia Woolf.
His supporters, alienated from years of being talked down to by what they perceive to be liberal elites, yearn for those times of yore when being a small-town white man epitomized, in simple terms, Americanness.
" – to Rolling Stone On why he attracted such a diverse fanbase"I think from the beginning, as I was coming into my own persona and understanding of who I was, I never talked down to my audience.
The articles were accessible, informative and relatable, and, perhaps even more important, the editors never talked down to their readers or shamed them; I always felt like I was having a conversation with my wise older sister.
He relates to the feeling of being talked down to, and is receptive to their stories of Wales' plight, like the fact that an entire Welsh town was drowned underwater to provide drinking water for Liverpool, England.
For pretty much every user I asked, the answer was the same: This is the first time the viewers have really seen themselves in TV characters, and felt like they weren't being talked down to just because they're teens.
From a woman's perspective, investing is not about beating the market, or winning the loser's game, or about any game at all, she says: It's about reaching your goals (which might include making a lot of money) and not being talked down to.
And it does so with the kind of artistic integrity that's rare in films aimed at kids, who too often get the cinematic short stick, talked down to by the grown-ups who think they know what kids want in a movie.
She talked down to my mom and tried to shame her into an optional medical procedure that she explicitly said she didn't want (one that would determine if my sister was going to have Down syndrome, since it's a higher risk for older moms).
Campaigning together, Farage gave Trump yet more ammunition for his campaign, telling his supporters how Obama had come to the UK two months before the Brexit vote, urging Brits to vote against Farage: "he talked down to us, he treated us as if we were nothing".
Well, they actually let you know in 10 reasons on the first page, which range from, "because we want real talk for real girls," to "because we're tired of being talked down to, talked around, or not talked to at all," to "because we can," and back.
"It may be that he is more suited to intelligence briefings essentially in the form of tweets — short, punchy statements that leave out some of the nuances but give him the core message without giving him the sense of being talked down to or getting repetitive text," he said.
"This is an impulsive group who will turn adverts off, call BS really easily and hate being talked down to," said Meridith Valiando Rojas, co-founder and chief executive of DigiTour Media, a Los Angeles-based group that has led the way in a booming events trend in live entertainment.
"I think women collectively are suffering, will suffer, a bit of PTSD having been confronted by this weird figure that's almost like the embodiment of everything I think women have experienced for years and years and years in terms of being confronted with harassment and being talked down to and treated poorly," she said.
This is not to say that Clinton or Sanders is the better choice for Democrats this season, but simply that the way some of Sanders's supporters have talked down to black voters does him a disservice, and makes clear their insensitivity to the cultural and experiential political knowledge that has accrued to the black electorate.
"The core issue is that all the people in that audience, and millions of patriotic Americans all across this country are tired of being beat up, condescended to, looked down upon, talked down to by members of Congress on the left in Washington, D.C., and their allies in many quarters of the media," he said on "Fox News Sunday."
The President was clear that he said he disagreed with that tweet, but the core issue is that all the people in that audience and millions of patriotic Americans all across this country are tired of being beat up, condescended to, looked down upon, talked down to by members of Congress on the left in Washington, DC, and their allies in many corners of the media.
When actresses like Mo'nique are blackballed for not being polite and gracious enough to producers and executives; when the press is largely silent about Jessica Williams being talked down to by Selma Hayek for when speaking up about her unique experience as a Black woman; or when ant Black actress is reluctant to speak up about how Black women are treated in the industry, is telling.
I like having things explained to me. But I don’t like being talked down to by someone who’s telling me things I already know." However, Lucy Kellaway in the Financial Times wrote, "David and Goliath is Gladwell’s most enjoyable book so far.
He joined a school club brass band as a trumpeter. Another hobby was growing plants and flowers. He helped local fishermen in the fishing season, going out to the sandy beach early in the morning and driving fish into the nets. He talked down to his teachers sometimes in discussions, which was very impolite for a school student in pre-war Japan.
Sydney constantly talks about euthanasia. On an interview during a Jerry Springer-style show Sydney interviews a man who killed his son with a similar condition, who reveals that he just wanted to end his son's pain. In the end, the reader is left to wonder if Sydney follows the other man's example, or allowed Shawn to continue his life. Shawn frequently expresses that he dislikes being talked down to as if he were a baby.
Lane Gensburg later said of Maier, "She was like a real, live Mary Poppins," and said she never talked down to kids and was determined to show them the world outside their affluent suburb.Cahan, Vivian Maier: Out of the Shadows, pp. 86–87 The families who employed her described her as very private and reported that she spent her days off walking the streets of Chicago and taking photographs, usually with a Rolleiflex camera.Houlihan, Mary (January 2, 2011).
After running over a cat, an emotional Gabrielle admitted she loved Chris. Chris' partner Libby (Fleur Saville) was appalled and tried to set Gabrielle up with Luke Durville (Gerald Urquhart), who Gabrielle showed no attraction to. Chris soon admitted his love and they started to date, while Gabrielle saved Libby from a dangerous fire. After being offered a job in Zürich, Gabrielle began to question emotions and when Chris talked down to her, she broke it off with him and left the country.
She was soon promoted to supervisor. Lyons headed CBC Radio's current affairs department and directed the AM radio service before being promoted to vice president of network radio in 1983, becoming the first woman vice president at the CBC. Within the CBC, Lyons held a reputation of "benevolent ferocity" and was affectionately referred to as the "Dragon Lady". During the early 1970s, Lyons was tasked with revitalizing CBC's struggling radio service, which, according to Barbara Frum, had become "ponderous, a sort of university of the air... it talked down to people and was patronizingly intellectual".
Lena was clever enough to realize that Marucho's Aranaut was a digital clone, but did not realize that Marucho was an avatar, not until Ren put his and Marucho's conversation on the arena's big screen, letting Lena and Zenet that they are battling a clone. After that, Lena and Zenet defeat the Avatar Marucho and Fabia. They then try to take Fabia back to Gundalia, but escape Bakugan Interspace when Marucho arrives. In "The Sacred Orb", Ren, Lena, Zenet, Mason, and Jesse, in their true forms, were being talked down to by the Twelve Orders.
The dog will travel alongside the Royal Hero and can be played with, pet, and talked down to. While exploring, the dog can guide the player to treasure chests or point out buried secrets, and they will growl if enemies are ahead. The dog will also assist in combat, primarily in ripping out the throats of downed enemies, but additional tricks can be learned to improve the dog's capabilities. Instead of a conventional pause menu, Fable III brings the player to the Sanctuary, a hub location that the Royal Hero physically walks through.
The letter explains that a series of murders will take place on Flight 502 before it lands. Robert Davenport notifies Captain Larkin, via the airline's direct radio channel. Donaldson and his team go over the backgrounds of all the passengers to find possible suspects, which irritates Larkin for the lack of details, causing him to be terse with an equally aggravated Donaldson who is none the happier for being talked down to while nursing a painful toothache. In the air, Captain Larkin, off duty Police Officer Daniel Myerson, and flight attendant Karen White look for suspicious passengers.
They also rejected the notion that experts could prescribe how disabled people should live their lives: > We reject also the whole idea of "experts" and professionals holding forth > on how we should accept our disabilities, or giving learned lectures about > the "psychology" of disablement. We already know what it feels like to be > poor, isolated, segregated, done good to, stared at, and talked down to — > far better than any able-bodied expert. We as a Union are not interested in > descriptions of how awful it is to be disabled. What we are interested in, > are ways of changing our conditions of life, and thus overcoming the > disabilities which are imposed on top our physical impairments by the way > this society is organised to exclude us.
Le Brun struggled to portray difficult lines with no emotion, describing them as some of the shows most difficult lines ever spoken. Storylines airing upon her first stint in 2009 saw colleagues bewildered and hesitant at the new doctor, with Kip Denton not handling no emotion in his relationship and quitting their brief liaison. In 2010 Gabrielle began to question feelings and when she was talked down to by partner, Chris, she broke it off with him and left the show. In 2011 upon her return, it is revealed Gabrielle is revealed to be in turmoil over a man dying while fixing one of her surgical machines in Zurich but she is unable to express the emotion she holds inside.
In April 2020, Ringgold Mayor Nick Millwood announced that he endorses Moore instead of incumbent Jeff Mullis. Mayor Millwood cited standing up against unethical politics and legislators; empowering educators; not compromisingly defending constitutional carry and the second amendment, and standing up for first amendment rights as among the many reasons that he strongly endorses Moore. Mayor Millwood said: “During Colton’s term as a state representative, his frustrations at being blocked and talked down to by Jeff Mullis led him to tackle the problem directly and run for that seat. I admire his tenacity and ability to go right to the source of the problem and launch a public challenge to make a difference.” Moore has also been endorsed by Young Americans For Liberty, among others.
The review was carried out by the author and books editor Phyllis Hartnoll, in whose view "There is a faint but unattractive touch of old-fashioned xenophobia in the author's attitude to the thieves; they are 'foreign' ... and this seems to be regarded as sufficient to explain their criminality." Macmillan rejected the manuscript, but it was published by William Collins in 1961, and then again in 1965 and 1983. Blyton's depictions of boys and girls are considered by many critics to be sexist. In a Guardian article published in 2005 Lucy Mangan proposed that The Famous Five series depicts a power struggle between Julian, Dick and George (Georgina), in which the female characters either act like boys or are talked down to, as when Dick lectures George: "it's really time you gave up thinking you're as good as a boy".
Paytas uploaded yet another vlog five days after this incident, after which point WCC uploaded its own video in the form of a scrolling text public relations statement. In the statement, besides denying that they had "talked down" to Paytas, WCC denied that its customization was the reason for the issues with her vehicle, claimed that the vehicle was late because she had changed what she had ordered "several times", denied that they had ignored Paytas as she claimed, and invited Paytas to contact them with any further requests or complaints for an "immediate resolution," noting that they had already committed to fix the problem (which, though they wrote it was "unrelated to their services", they would do it anyway "as part of providing excellent customer service"). The company also noted its track record, but did not provide any concrete details. As of December 23, 2016, the statement-as-YouTube video, which has had its comments disabled, had 261 "likes" and 1,652 "dislikes", or a ratio of 6.32 dislikes for every 1 like.
Kariuki shortly transitioned into his current role as Director of Programmes at The African Academy of Sciences where Kariuki leads the Alliance for Accelerating Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA), originally established in 2015 by The AAS and the NEPAD to address the funding and needs for the various health and development challenges in Africa. This transition was not easy, as Kariuki comments “Having created AESA as an agenda setting and funding platform, the shoe is now on the other foot, and I now have to dispense the same narrative and funders’ ethos to my old laboratory bench comrades, and hope they will not feel talked down to and estranged like I would occasionally feel when I dealt with funders.” The AESA works in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the NEPAD on the project Grand Challenges Africa. In an article written by Kariuki and Steven Buchsbaum, Kariuki comments that “the best way to make life better for Africans is to support great ideas from African innovators.” In 2016, the Planet Earth Institute named Kariuki as a top 10 African Science Hero due to his “dogged work to train and empower world-class African scientists” through his role in AESA and beyond.

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