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493 Sentences With "take comfort"

How to use take comfort in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "take comfort" and check conjugation/comparative form for "take comfort". Mastering all the usages of "take comfort" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"We can take comfort breaks, like, toilet breaks," he says.
On Tennis PARIS — Take comfort amid the fatigue, Andy Murray.
We've lost our ability to take comfort in small things.
We take comfort in knowing he will be beside his grandmother.
Reagan & we take comfort that they will be reunited once more.
The ABCDs can take comfort that their position is still robust.
But establishment Republicans can also take comfort in Mr Moore's loss.
"Investors should take comfort that things still look strong in America."
Like so many others, I take comfort in this noble enterprise.
Parents can take comfort in this stat: zero kids have died.
Grief taught me to take comfort in the resilience of our humanity.
Mr Xi and Mr Putin take comfort in each other's authoritarian bent.
The chemical lets you know when you should take comfort in others.
Fans of Samantha Bee's work on The Daily Show should take comfort.
Just take comfort in the SQ25's perfectly comfortable ride and handling.
They can take comfort in his wanting to leave them his estate.
You must not take comfort in the system of checks and balances.
Homeowners, take comfort: Even the appliances on Air Force One break down.
The private companies concerned will take comfort that cooperation could reduce political risk.
Peres would likely take comfort in sharing his hopeful vision with young people.
So at least we can take comfort knowing that love's not totally dead.
If the guidelines were followed well, we can be reassured and take comfort.
Take comfort in knowing that you probably won't make this mistake ever again.
You can also take comfort in a few moments that don't absolutely suck.
Lucky he was able to take comfort in a bottle of Coors Light.
But campaign aides take comfort in other data beneath the topline poll numbers.
Getting sort of tired of trying to take comfort from the stock market.
Did you take comfort in the idea of the afterlife in The Discovery?
Take comfort in knowing this will undoubtedly inspire subversion within our cultural landscape.
Take comfort in that ever-rare display of human kindness; perhaps display some yourself.
It seems clear that they take comfort in each other, and that's really sweet.
For now, fans can take comfort knowing that there are reunions in real life.
"Take comfort tonight knowing that your friends and family are safe," local officials tweeted.
And I take comfort in knowing that Bollywood is, however slowly, inching toward improvement.
At least she can take comfort in the ineffectiveness of the opposition at home.
So you can take comfort in that while you're waiting to find your soulmate.
No one should take comfort in skepticism about whether Wednesday's test was a success.
Humiliating though its electoral drubbing appears, the coalition may take comfort from something else.
But at least Dwight can take comfort in that it really isn't his fault.
If you're concerned about affording mortgage payments, take comfort in knowing you have options.
And take comfort in this eternal truth: For all things, there comes an end.
Cook: Take comfort in this recipe for cheesy cornbread muffins with hot honey butter.
So we all take comfort in stories about people being kind to one another.
So we all take comfort in stories about people being kind to one another.
As midterm elections approach, Republicans take comfort from rising support for their tax cuts.
I only try to provide something formerly recognizable that people can take comfort in.
At least he can take comfort in not having to go through it alone.
Take comfort — a bachelor's degree isn't essential to landing a job with a healthy salary.
Take comfort in knowing any handshake you try to have can't possibly be this bad.
At the very least, Instagram users can take comfort in knowing these mistakes are widespread.
For now, cereal-makers can take comfort that at least some brands are still thriving.
We love and miss them dearly but take comfort knowing they are with God now.
On the other hand, children take comfort in the idea that someone is in charge.
People who have lost someone will genuinely take comfort from what he has to say.
At this point, there are few things for the Pac-12 to take comfort in.
They can take comfort from the fact that we've got a bipartisan approach to the amendments.
But overall, she says, parents should take comfort in knowing that this case is "incredibly rare."
Some Republicans might take comfort in the thought that people become more conservative as they age.
I take comfort in seeing things from my childhood flourishing as I move closer to death.
The family and friends of Saturday's victims can take comfort in knowing they are not alone.
Mr. Flynn should take comfort in that, but that's not to say his misdeeds were minor.
Well, take comfort, because barbecuing a brisket in your backyard is less daunting than you think.
Still, many people can take comfort in knowing that this event, beyond memory, involved our parents.
I am a frustratingly left-brained person: I take comfort in things that can be quantified.
They take comfort in reminding one another that they propelled Barack Obama to the White House.
We must take comfort in the fact that it's impossible to get lost along the way.
I take comfort in the children's literature that I read to my 3-year-old son.
Mr. McCain should take comfort in the cutting-edge search for a cure that is underway.
But I hope that in your sorrow you can take comfort in knowing that you gave life.
Kenyans will take comfort from the fact that some lessons seem to have been learned since 2013.
"These days, I take comfort in the belief that there's no such thing as closure," she wrote.
The banks and bureaux de change can take comfort from the fact that old habits die hard.
Mr Trump can take comfort in the Justice Department policy, which warns against indicting a sitting president.
Plus, we can take comfort in the fact that we definitely know more than David Harbour does.
Not much will make sense today, but take comfort in the fact that it's not supposed to.
And take comfort in the fact that we really do want to be productive members of society.
They will be able to take comfort from the key stakeholders who have opined on the document.
And I know parents who take comfort in these devices — especially if their children have health issues.
If you want to take comfort to the highest level, you'll love the Classic Bathrobe from Parachute.
If you're often struck by this disappointing occurrence, take comfort in the fact that you're not alone.
Take comfort in the fact that everyone has issues — some are just hiding it better than others.
Policymakers could, however, take comfort from signs that inflation is picking up after retreating in recent months.
At least I can take comfort that I'm not the only one who wonders about these things.
But first, take comfort in knowing that school-based lessons rarely go perfectly even for professional teachers.
Parents in New York City can take comfort in one thing: Zero children have died so far.
But conservatives take comfort from some of the language in a book he has penned on assisted suicide.
The BoE was also likely to take comfort from the data which showed inflationary pressures might be easing.
But we should all take comfort in the fact that the long-run historical narrative bends toward truth.
I take comfort again that the majority of French people are in favor of staying in the euro.
He can take comfort from the words of Robert Zoellick, an American trade negotiator under George W. Bush.
Trump's opponents can take comfort in their success at resisting and wounding this incarnation of Trump's White House.
But the White House and conservative groups take comfort that he shares the same judicial philosophy of Scalia.
Giant Panda lovers can take comfort in the fact that the beloved bears do not eat Moso bamboo.
If you're still paying off your student loans, take comfort in the fact that Miles Teller is, too.
"I take comfort from Trump's nominations so far," said James McCann, senior global economist for Aberdeen Standard Investments.
Some folks might take comfort in the idea that the effects of Trump's worst impulses are often contained.
But at the very least, they can take comfort in the knowledge that they are, statistically, not alone.
But at least there's this to take comfort in: The marketplace is ready with period-appropriate ceiling fixtures.
While it certainly wasn't fun, I was able to take comfort knowing that I was in capable hands.
If your salary journey resembles mine, take comfort: You don't have to connect all the dots right now.
"It is hard for me, for the time being, to take comfort in this outcome," his statement said.
If you still don't trust the business elites or the polls, you should take comfort in France's electoral system.
Screenshot: ZipRecruiterIf you did something silly today—like publicly revealing you were looking at hentai, for example—take comfort.
Take comfort that most of these variables are not optimized by some mathematical algorithm, but rather by somebody's tongue.
Others take comfort in regular communication with law enforcement because they feel it means their case hasn't been forgotten.
And take comfort in knowing that even during the toughest times, love really can be found all around us.
Many observers take comfort in the U.S. Constitution, which was designed precisely to thwart and contain demagogues like Trump.
Some may take comfort that the 111-year-old Antiquities Act would prevent a president from revoking national monuments.
At least some of us can take comfort in the fact that we have tamed many of our fears.
It's possible to look back at prior Iran-related incidents and their impact on crude prices and take comfort.
Anyone who considers themselves a klutz can take comfort in the fact that even pop stars have their moments.
Read on and take comfort in the fact that many newbie managers have walked the same path before you.
"We will miss her terribly and will take comfort knowing that she had achieved that dream," Teresa Rousseau said.
Frank Cody's fans will no doubt take comfort in the fact that they can resume blaming Muslims for terrorism.
How can you take comfort among and make common cause with white supremacists and not assimilate to their sensibilities?
Whatever happens, I suspect that the President will take comfort in the fact that he was true to himself.
No matter the outcome of the latest effort, bar patrons can take comfort in knowing it could be worse.
But when that happens, I take comfort in the knowledge that there is a way to love my skin.
In the meantime, a capella devotees can take comfort in knowing that many of the original Barden Bellas will return.
This means we'll have to take comfort in watching Manganiello in our True Blood and Magic Mike DVDs for now.
And America's enemies, who have pegged Trump as a bloviating bully who rarely makes good on his threats, take comfort.
If (when) you get hooked, you can take comfort in knowing the show's already been renewed for a third season.
I'm trying to take comfort in knowing your struggles and pain and grief are 'at last, and last behind you.
If, like me, Carson's remarks make you want to scream, please take comfort in the fact that you're not alone.
Democrats can take comfort in the Electoral College map, which gives Trump a narrow path to the necessary 21625 votes.
I am haunted by those boxes in the basement, thought I take comfort in knowing others have been down there.
Perhaps liberals can take comfort in the fact that the other side is just as freaked out as they are.
For now, I'll take comfort in my white blanket of nostalgia, and reminisce about how tasty those dessert pizzas looked.
I tried to take comfort in that, but still felt like I was playing Russian roulette with my baby's brain.
Some comfort Workers who haven't received the wage bump they'd like can take comfort in today's low level of inflation.
But Apple executives may be able to take comfort in the knowledge that a legal fight is not a popularity contest.
Jones will take comfort in the fact that in this third installment the old(er) gal remains adorably flustered yet relatable.
If you're having trouble playing television audio though your Sonos Playbar then you can take comfort in knowing you're not alone.
For me, they were too little too late—but I take comfort in knowing they're out there to help someone else.
You can at least take comfort in the fact that anyone who'd submarine you wasn't worth your time to start with.
His labeling of Iraq as a "dumb war" sent a message that both the hawks and doves could take comfort in.
Investors might take comfort in the fact that leveraged loans did relatively well through the last downturn after the financial crisis.
But, if we can take comfort in nothing else, at least we can feel the warm weather in Arizona and Florida.
Even though Sansa readily admits that she was an "ass" to Jon growing up, they take comfort in one another's company.
Many of us feel discouraged about the state of the world, and take comfort in the honesty of work like yours.
But if there's one thing we can take comfort in, it's that this means the fall movie slate is almost upon us.
I guess now I'll take comfort in the lack of endings, the reminder that life, like movies, is a work in progress.
Having her lawyer tell us to take comfort in knowing Ivanka will do the right and ethical thing is simply not enough.
With a winter storm hitting much of the East, take comfort in our vegetable soup recipe, or explore this collection of recipes.
It's like, couldn't they have pretended to stay together so that we could at least take comfort in some solid celebrity couples?
If Trump wanted to make history, perhaps he can take comfort in the wave of feminism he unwittingly unleashed across the world.
" Said Bush, 90, "Nancy Reagan was totally devoted to President Reagan, and we take comfort that they will be reunited once more.
I take comfort in knowing that he will be happy to run his Westchester Table Tennis Center full-time and in peace.
And yet it would be insincere to claim that I don't take comfort in the illusion of having gotten my act together.
Meanwhile, Japan's orderly populism will ensure that the world can take comfort in the assurance for Tokyo's unwavering contribution to international affairs.
Third, if I do not disclose the donations, may I take comfort in a ''revenge'' of which the subject is never aware?
I take comfort in the fact that she got to feel loved and safe for a year and a half with us.
And take comfort in the fact that you don't need to spend an hour in the gym to get a good workout.
It is probably best not to take comfort in experiments that reveal that, under certain circumstances, it is possible to lessen polarization.
Come what may March 4, the night of the Academy Awards, Mr. Peele can take comfort in knowing that he already won.
The next time you miss a deadline, take comfort in the fact that you're almost certainly doing better than Cleveland Mark Blakemore.
If you think you've had a rough year, take comfort in the fact that it probably hasn't been as stressful as Mark Zuckerberg's.
If, like me, your fear is extreme, take comfort in knowing good hygiene will likely keep you safe—and staying away from YouTube.
But they may take comfort in the fact that Sharpless has publicly supported the agency's policies to curb the use of e-cigarettes.
He may take comfort from Venezuela's president, Nicolás Maduro, who has kept power even though the economy has shrunk by 40% since 2013.
These chemicals help bond us to our mates and children, allowing us to take comfort in one another and relieve each other's stress.
But while bulls will take comfort from the past two months' stronger import figures, the overall trend is still humdrum by historical standards.
"My story is heartbreakingly common," she says, adding that she hopes children will take comfort in knowing others have survived such a thing.
And the left can take comfort in the fact that moderates will be beholden to the overall leftward direction of the Party today.
While the world may seem like a cold, dark, lonely place, take comfort in the fact that we're all in the same boat.
But take comfort in the fact that things could always be worse: Your mom could still be forcing you to wear transitional lenses.
If this weekend brings a lot of lamenting about noisy fireworks, take comfort: Quiet firework displays will maybe, one day, become a thing.
Controversy over heme aside, consumers can at least take comfort in the fact that they know what fake meat is made out of.
United, City and Liverpool, at least, can take comfort in knowing that points should be available to them elsewhere after relatively favorable draws.
But as we wait to see whether the aliens are hot, we can take comfort in a fresh wave of Area 51 memes.
Still, take comfort in the fact that smartphones are all around you; nearly 80 percent of adults in the United States have one.
With more than a year and a half to go before the 2020 elections, Republicans can take comfort in a number of factors.
But advocates of a more dovish stance toward China are likely to take comfort in Trump's decision to approach the issue more carefully.
"Nancy Reagan was totally devoted to President Reagan, and we take comfort that they will be reunited once more," she said in a statement.
Instead, take comfort in the fact that at least you'll be in your PJs and not four layers of spanks and six-inch heels.
This has been a relief to his allies, who take comfort in their many opportunities to let his impulses dissipate before they become calamities.
And if that isn't much solace, you can take comfort in this fact: Attempting to fly this weekend is much, much safer than driving.
In other words, take comfort in the fact that our country is not run by a lone individual, albeit one that is incredibly powerful.
One certainty of life that we can all take comfort in is that somewhere in the world, a panda is doing something ridiculously cute.
If you're the mom in this scenario, you may take comfort in knowing you are not alone when trying not to wet your pants.
When this happens, take comfort in knowing that there's a way to mitigate the effects: take your own virtual vacation via Google Street View.
But if you buy one, you can take comfort in knowing that a support network will be in place to help make things right.
I'm finding it hard to take comfort in the fact that more than 5,300 employees have just been fired for engaging in the practice.
Grande (or her producer/songwriters) can take comfort in the fact that they're hardly the only international pop stars facing such accusations right now.
When the robots take over, we can at least take comfort in the memories of all the haircuts Google booked for us #GoogleIO pic.twitter.
But in a few years, when they face the taxing admissions process themselves, perhaps they'll remember their hero's extremely loud optimism and take comfort.
Take comfort in this: When the weather gets bad again next winter, you'll have no shortage of interesting content to fill up your time.
But Game of Thrones fans can at least take comfort in knowing actors Harington and Leslie are a real life hot-as-hell couple.
But take comfort: Even if you don't, you're still left with Eton crops and swing tracks, with drug-fueled nights and Mack the Knife.
Thursday's solar eclipse will push you to take comfort in communicating and acquiring new knowledge, putting you back in touch with your closest surroundings.
In the longer term, however, Moscow can take comfort from some trends in American politics that have been put into stark relief throughout 2016.
Though 41 of those cases involved a family member, you can take comfort in knowing you're probably better off than that one last person.
If you're not a fan, you can at least take comfort in knowing that you're in the majority of Americans, as polls consistently show.
If you're feeling at all intimidated, you can take comfort in knowing that people have been making bread this way for thousands of years.
If you're feeling at all intimidated, you can take comfort in knowing that people have been making bread this way for thousands of years.
But while Americans wait, they can take comfort in the fact that there are people out there who want to help them feel better.
Today we remember and honor the victims of Soleimani's many atrocities and we take comfort in knowing that his reign of terror is over.
In some ways, Mr. Gianopulos may take comfort in Paramount's long-term history: The studio has battled its way back from the brink before.
Leather gloves can cap off a stylish cold-weather outfit, but when it's the dead of winter you need to take comfort into consideration.
He should also take comfort in the great efforts to increase public funding to find such a cure, notably by the Biden Cancer Initiative.
I miss her daily and I take comfort in knowing that this song might help other mothers and daughters through their fearful or tough times.
So while Wall Street could take comfort in a big day, there remains work to be done before the all-clear comes in the market.
He found his life reduced to the inside of a cab and the truck stops -- where he'd rest, refuel and take comfort in convenience foods.
Some people take comfort in having the same longer length forever, while others just worry that anything above the shoulders will be impossible to style.
The White House can take comfort in the identity of the one recent predecessor with lower approval before his third-year State of the Union.
Yes, if nothing else, we can take comfort in the fact that many celebrities appear to know that, indeed, there is no Planet B. Whew!
However, MacBook Air fans can take comfort in the fact that the 13-inch Pro is actually thinner and smaller than the older MacBook Air.
Having decided to cut his losses, Mr. Thiam can take comfort that prices of distressed credit don't look to have largely changed compared to fall.
Just take comfort in the knowledge that no matter how warped and lascivious your snowflake may be......B John Doyle will be praying for you.
I take comfort in the fact that BIA-ALCL is rare and quite treatable—93 percent of patients are disease-free three years after treatment.
I wonder when the price went up, but take comfort in the fact that it's still way cheaper than taking a car to the airport.
And you can take comfort in knowing you lived through a spring snowstorm and the fourth nor'easter in one month, a super extra rare occurrence.
"I take comfort in knowing that Kobe and Gigi both knew that they were so deeply loved," Vanessa wrote on Instagram shortly after the accident.
"I take comfort in knowing that Kobe and Gigi both knew that they were so deeply loved," Vanessa shared on Instagram days after the accident.
For now though, while they aren't all Best in Show, at least they can take comfort in knowing that they are all very good dogs.
Older people cannot have more children, and if they've lost a spouse, they cannot take comfort in a close marriage, another demonstrated source of support.
Although the usual crowd-funding warnings apply, backers can take comfort in knowing that EcoFlow has a good track record of delivering products to customers.
Whatever else happens you can take comfort in the realization that we're not going to spend the next four years stuck with some boring mediocrity.
The creators take comfort from that previously referenced Oliver Stone movie — 1987's "Wall Street," of course — which mined awards and acclaim from '80s excess.
At the very least, hopefully you can take comfort in the fact that you aren't alone in dealing with the weird changes that come with pregnancy.
The many Americans who remain skeptical of Trump and now find themselves protesting on a weekly basis can take comfort in knowing they are not alone.
Catkind Does Not Get a Free Pass Take comfort in the fact that felines have a blanket, base level disrespect for all things, including other cats.
Even as we face a sluggish economic recovery from the Great Recession, even as incomes remain stagnant, Americans seem to take comfort from the open road.
But clam eaters can take comfort in knowing that shellfish get tested regularly for this kind of thing, and taken off the shelves if they're contaminated.
There's no quick fix, but we can take comfort in the fact that major surgery isn't always the solution to a perplexing skin problem like Mary's.
And our allies and partners -- there and around the world -- take comfort in the fact that the United States will continue to meet its security commitments.
Wallace and other church leaders addressed the tragedy, and urged those present to take comfort in the Bible and leave judgment to God as we prayed.
So that they can pat each other on the backs, go home to their gated communities, and take comfort in thinking, "We did the right thing"?
But while their pride might still be hurt, FSU fans can take comfort in the fact that they have the quarterback to become relevant again. 13.
If the media attention on Bannon seems to carry risks for him, he can also take comfort from the protection offered by his closeness to Trump.
Fortunately for us, those clips survive and perhaps we can take comfort in the joy that was evident in the way Mr. Reagle played with words.
A runner can get lost in the hypnotic visual and perhaps take comfort in the knowledge that the heads rest atop other weary and aching bodies.
Now, Charlie accompanies her on these trips to visit those who have served, and Pearsall often finds that the other veterans take comfort in Charlie too.
And plus, I can take comfort in knowing that I'll never have to refinance ever again, because mortgage rates will never be this low again, right?
Betty White is safe and sound at home, and her legion of fans worried about her health can take comfort ... our national treasure is being careful.
Financial markets will take comfort in knowing that the central bank will continue to do what it can to avoid recession even after Mr. Draghi leaves.
Charles M. Blow I have finally found something about Donald Trump's arrogation of the presidency in which to take comfort: his absolute ineptitude at legislative advancement.
So, the next time you do something out of the kindness of your heart, take comfort in know it's for the good of your heart, too.
If you made it through Thanksgiving with your sanity just barely intact, take comfort in knowing that the holiday can be a stressful time for many.
After such contemplation the students may take comfort from the fact that they are among the most pampered and highly privileged human beings on the planet.
But if you can take comfort in anything, let it be their audacious visibility, their daring to live outside accepted norms and even laugh about it.
There will never be another band quite like them, but fans have been able to take comfort in the fact that its former members are extremely prolific.
If you're sure it's lost forever (and, you know, not buried under your souvenirs), take comfort in knowing that someone else will find it eventually, Askinosie says.
One night, something slams on the living room piano, and the spooked pair take comfort with one of the longest depictions of gentle smooching committed to film.
As the moon blooms into next week's full Moon eclipse—which will illuminate the dating and creativity sector of your chart—take comfort in your creative ventures.
If you are reading this, take comfort in knowing that Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter and Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter will be having twins this year. Yes. Twins.
But Mr Maduro can take comfort in the fact that he is not the only one who has been weakened by the abortive uprising and its aftermath.
While I take comfort in my makeup routine, other women tell me how they have found strength in beloved pets, extravagant designer purchases, and glamorous photo shoots.
She also wants them to take comfort in the fact that Shine, which has 500,000 subscribers, is addressing a common experience that often goes unspoken or undiscussed.
Until then, we can take comfort in the fact that Polanski isn't able to worm his way out of his legal woes simply because he's a celebrity.
But, while we wait, we can perhaps all take comfort in the resilience of our system of government; reports of its imminent demise seem to be overblown.
"While Huawei, Oppo, Vivo and Xiaomi must contend with a shrinking market, they can take comfort from the fact that it will continue to consolidate," he added.
Would Africa's authoritarian leaders take comfort in President Trump's embrace of less-than-democratic leaders elsewhere in the world — in Turkey, Egypt, the Philippines and in Russia?
His opponents say the changes will create "one-man rule" in Turkey but Erdogan's opponents, Ince especially, will take comfort that voter support for them was robust.
JD: That you can actually do it and you can see and take comfort from and inspiration from the fact that others have done it before you.
Yet sitting through reheat after reheat of animated movies from my childhood, I've found it difficult to take comfort in the unsubtle attempts to correct past sins.
Many strategists take comfort in the view interest rates are low and the chances of the United States entering an economic recession this year also remain low.
After emerging largely unscathed after the final round of questions from senators that stretched late into Thursday evening, Kavanaugh could take comfort in passing his biggest test.
Starbucks is typically a touchstone for consistency, a beacon of predictability we can take comfort in while the chaotic world around us threatens to swallow us whole.
So when the line ahead gets you down, look down at your phone, and take comfort knowing you'll soon be past security and on your way to vacation.
"Our work is not finished, but I believe the people of Harris County can take comfort in knowing we have made great progress," Gonzalez says in the statement.
But the company does have important business relationships with publishers and advertisers, who might take comfort in the appearance of Facebook putting its foot down in this manner.
You can always appeal to your better judgement, though, and take comfort in knowing that adhering to your moral code will usually point you in the right direction.
Ed Sheeran fans might be bummed that he didn't receive more Grammy nominations this year — but they can take comfort in the fact that they're in good company.
So if you ever get ghosted, you can take comfort in the fact that you're not alone — it's happened to enough people to warrant an official dictionary definition.
" "That was a powerful moment, experience," he says, "and I suppose you take comfort in knowing that someone like that can't ever get out and harm anyone else.
The label "loser" may be widely used as a pejorative, but Mr. Trump can take comfort in knowing many people before him proudly wore the label with pride.
Relish every drop of this movie's early-2000s quintessence, and take comfort in the fact that you are so much more grown up than you were back then.
While Fed officials are likely to treat the gasoline-driven rise in the CPI as temporary, they could take comfort in the pickup in the monthly core CPI.
However, employers may take comfort in knowing the U.S. is the No. 1 choice for people around the world to move to for work, if given the opportunity.
Contemplating the West's potential demise, the historically inclined might take comfort in another summit held in difficult times, some 77 years ago, not in Quebec but in Newfoundland.
Both those who oppose and those who support the current presidential administration take comfort in the oversight of men who wear, or once wore, stars on their shoulders.
I'm mildly heartbroken to discover that we might need, on some level, that macho straight-guy caricature to take comfort in the fact that, yes, we are men.
His beautiful and kindred soul will never be forgotten and we take comfort in knowing his memory will live on in all those he inspired, met and knew.
Devoted fans can take comfort in the fact that, aside from the addition of ad breaks — another throwback to the original version — the show is still the show.
Lynch says diners should take comfort in the fact that restaurants have been meeting food safety and sanitation standards for decades, so they already have protocols in place.
We take comfort in the fact that, if she doesn't end up winning, she'll end up with the Best Friend All of Us Want and Can't Have award.
While some of us may take comfort believing Iran would never use a nuclear weapon against us, knowing the impact of a U.S. counter-strike, we should not.
At least she can take comfort in the fact that these accusations of pandering have been lodged at some of our greatest black artists, from Whitney to Prince.
But these same scholars and others take comfort in the notion that Congress can impeach the president even if the Department of Justice cannot investigate and prosecute him.
At least, we can take comfort in the fact that when the Singularity arrives and our Robot Overlords take over completely, we can most definitely fight back: with hacking.
Still, the generals can take comfort from the judges' firm line: the IDF's claim to be a highly moral army requires it to act against cases of blatant indiscipline.
If you loathe doing your taxes or are lost on how to get started, here are 19 relatable tweets to take comfort in reading while you fail to file.
So as your own glasses slip down the bridge of your nose, transforming you into an even less authoritative Chuck Schumer, please take comfort in these glasses-related tweets.
Investors could also take comfort that the OT project was being supported by the World Bank, "rendering it effectively bulletproof from further alteration or political investment risk," Hamilton said.
And hey, if Canada doesn't work out at least the Long Beach rapper can take comfort knowing that his home state of California legalized the use of recreational marijuana.
" Barbara Bush, another former first lady, said in a statement: "Nancy Reagan was totally devoted to President Reagan, and we take comfort that they will be reunited once more.
In terms of a replacement, Kennedy might take comfort in the list of 20 judges Trump has vowed to draw from when considering the next vacancy on the court.
She's had some unspecified trauma — "I know you're 22/And you've seen something you never should've been exposed to" — and he's urging her to take comfort in the familiar.
President Vladimir Putin of Russia is bound to take comfort in these developments, which give him hope that Western sanctions over Russia's annexation of Crimea will soon be lifted.
They should take comfort in knowing that the afternoon's host, Joyce DiDonato, took part twice in the National Council Auditions and never even made it to the Met stage.
The Sanders camp can take comfort from this, however: The entrance polling showed that a majority of Iowa Democrats prefer the Medicare-for-all system he has long championed.
Some may take comfort in the fact that the West has won the battle of political ideologies and that few, if any, nations aspire to adopt a communist system.
While Trump may take comfort in having wrested control of the GOP, elected Republicans labor under a miasma of dread as they stare ahead to midterm elections in November.
In moments like this, I take comfort in what the great Russian physicist and cosmologist Yakov Zeldovich, one of the fathers of the Soviet hydrogen bomb, once told me.
Forget about your own troubles and take comfort in the fact that nine chimps once used for research purposes are now having a grand ol' time in a ball pit.
If you delight in watching gooey zits pop and in seeing their nasty insides shoot across the room, take comfort in knowing that you are in the company of millions.
But West can take comfort in the fact that, since passing their two-year anniversary, his marriage to Kim is already over 10 times longer than her union with Humphries.
Yet it probably won't be, because it is not incumbent upon the careful Mr Barr to do so, and for an additional reason that Mr Trump might take comfort from.
While it may not return as soon as we would like, we can take comfort in knowing that the added time gives them ample opportunity to make it even better.
The typical money-saving tips can feel like overwhelmingly big commitments – and for now, we can take comfort in being too young and carefree to have to make big commitments.
"The market should take comfort that the new CEO is clearly prioritising customer care and service and the market remains good," Canaccord Genuity analyst Aynsley Lammin wrote in a note.
OPTIMISTIC Republicans will take comfort in the naming of Mike Pence, the governor of Indiana and a strait-laced social and fiscal conservative, as Donald Trump's vice-presidential running-mate.
I suppose we in Japan should take comfort in the fact that, at least for the time being, North Korean test missiles are no longer being launched over our heads.
"We take comfort that many of the smaller markets are growing strongly, offsetting declines in the key markets Italy, Russia (weather impact) and Nigeria (price increases)," Credit Suisse analysts added.
Should these trends trouble centrists, they can take comfort that they're probably right about this much: The left is shaping the Democrats' agenda now, but nothing is forever in politics.
Check out Publix's online cooking classes or model meals after the Bon Appetit Test Kitchen squad -- then take comfort in knowing that they, too, are cooking from home for now.
President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he was lonely spending the holidays in Washington during the partial government shutdown, but seemed to take comfort in his claims of historic popularity.
They can perhaps take comfort from the fact that Barty was a 20-1 shot to win the French Open at the start of her fortnight in the French capital.
But he added that Turkish leadership would take comfort in knowing that key power brokers in the conflict ­— the U.S., Russia, Iran – were all committed to preserving Syria's territorial integrity.
And while he, like many music icons we lost this year, was undeniably taken from us too soon, we can take comfort in the enduring legacy that he has left behind.
Investors can also take comfort from what those who have worked with Powell describe as his "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," approach, which ultimately helped him land his job.
"The key messages are that it's very serious, but it's very rare, so that the majority of parents should breathe a sigh of relief and take comfort in that," said Ehresmann.
But we can take comfort from the fact that America has been through far worse trials -- the Civil War and the Great Depression -- and we have ultimately emerged stronger and wiser.
At a time when the fabric of American reality appears on the verge of collapse, maybe we can take comfort in the ancient beliefs that an eclipse isn't just a phenomenon.
At least we (I) can take comfort in the fact that it's not very similar to the collage I made in junior high with Ashton Kutcher and Conor Oberst on it.
Critics of the war will take comfort from Sir John Chilcot's verdict that the intelligence did not establish beyond all doubt that Hussein was continuing to produce chemical and biological weapons.
I take comfort in knowing these walks are usually mundane, but that every time I take one, it's a building block in the larger story of being part of this area.
Although they will take comfort from that, the damaging details of the Mueller report map out the president's weakest points—which the committee chairs will gleefully pound till the next election.
Until now, Macron, whose popularity has slumped since he came to power in May, has been able to take comfort from the divided response of unions to his sweeping reform agenda.
When this happens, we try to take comfort in the fact that there are still plenty of chips in the bag even if there aren't quite as many as we expected.
The metals markets can take comfort from the current robust fundamentals and the promise of more to come from China's use of infrastructure investment to cushion the impact of U.S. tariffs.
Second, they take comfort in the hope that Trump will leave in place a policy agenda they largely support, even if he temporarily disrupts norms, alliances, and other sources of order.
Then just take comfort in the knowledge that, while it may be possible to buy yourself a better orgasm, the return on investment maxes out at a pretty low price point.
Should you ever cross paths with the singer and feel a little tongue-tied, you can take comfort in knowing that you still haven't reached the pinnacle of awkward fan moments.
"We expect the NBH to take comfort in the recent stabilization in the markets and avoid shifting the language, instead once again reiterating its dovish stance," Barclays said in a note.
They can take comfort only in the recognition that he may end up proving to be no stronger in protecting America's fundamental national security interests and moral standing than they were.
We take comfort in a military that gets the job done, no matter what; yet, realistically, we cannot keep asking our military forces to do so without the resources they need.
While Federal Reserve officials are likely to treat the gasoline-driven rise in the CPI as temporary, they could take comfort in the nearly broad gains in the monthly core CPI.
While no one knows where many of Tann&aposs victims were buried, many adoptees and their families take comfort in a small memorial in Memphis&apos Elwood Cemetery erected in 2015.
But their relationship is ripped apart when Roy is sentenced to 12 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit, leading Celestial to take comfort in her childhood friend Andre.
The other victim, who testified and was cross-examined at the trial, issued a statement through his solicitor saying he found it hard to take comfort in the verdict for now.
If the tinsel is flying between relatives at your house this holiday season, take comfort in knowing that even the rich and famous are feeling some extra family tension right about now.
It's too soon to tell what next year will bring for Depp's career, but at least he can take comfort in the fact that he still makes major bank, public scrutiny aside.
As he lies in a surgical unit, released by the team which questioned his mettle, Osemele can take comfort in knowing he put his health over the macho arrogance of team management.
The central bank is also likely to take comfort in a fall in the euro, which is down 1.3 percent on a trade-weighted basis EUREER=ECBF since the ECB's April meeting.
Chip & Joanna Gaines Reveal the Real Story Behind Their Decision to End 'Fixer Upper' But super fans take comfort in knowing they don't have plans to leave TV screens any time soon.
If you really can't shake the idea that Friday the 13th is intrinsically linked to bad luck, take comfort in knowing that it'll coincide with the partial solar eclipse this time around.
All you can do is try to be as unethical as possible and take comfort from the fact that the next time something terrible happens, it's probably helping out your retirement fund.
But they should take comfort from dynamic scoring that shows reducing government borrowing, through tax increases or otherwise, can boost growth by lowering interest rates and freeing up funds for business investment.
In a presentation, I urged the geologists to take comfort in knowing they're hardly the first discipline to be thrust into policy relevance or to have their norms shaken by disruptive change.
But if you've been feeling left out, you can take comfort in the fact that it's not like you're standing outside the club while the party of the century goes on inside.
I mostly went to take comfort in the knowledge that I wasn't the only person who couldn't help thinking, whenever she bought a sweater, that she might be found dead in it.
"We argue that investors should take comfort from the core performance, with the non-core areas likely to be exited in due course," Jefferies analysts said, but cut their core earnings estimate.
So there's a real vulnerability where people take comfort in the anonymity [online] but they don't realize how vulnerable those connections are, both in government oversight and to hackers and information breaches.
So, at least we can all take comfort in the fact that we aren't that person, but we're still shaking our fists at the internet gods who allowed this trick to be posted.
Well, thanks to a new website created by Google's News Lab and visual data journalist Xaquin G.V., you can take comfort in knowing you're not alone in your frantic and somewhat embarrassing searches.
A victory for the incumbent would no doubt be received with a sigh of relief on the other side of the Atlantic, as observers take comfort in the continuation of the status quo.
So while it hurts to see Liza and Kelsey's falling out, it sounds like we can take comfort in the fact that they'll make peace with each other before season 4 is over.
Don't count on it, but feel free to dream, just as I dream of this year's Kansas City Chiefs winning the Super Bowl as I take comfort in my sweet pumpkin-flavored coffee.
If you're starting to get concerned about your troubled relationship with sleep, take comfort in the fact that it's actually pretty easy to determine whether or not your issues go beyond what's normal.
Americans should take comfort in knowing that we have the best team in the world to protect them from COVID-19, and the best public health and health care systems to rely on.
If the older generation fails to restore civility to public life, we can take comfort in the fact that the next generation may once again treat public office with the respect it deserves.
Weary as we are of despairing over the mass extinctions being caused by hyper­development, it's tempting to take comfort in the ability of some animals to shrug off our brutalization of the planet.
In a statement on Sunday, Harris County sheriff Ed Gonzalez said, "Our work is not finished, but I believe the people of Harris County can take comfort in knowing we have made great progress."
His posturing, along with cheerleading from the media, may have temporarily boosted his poll numbers at home, as Americans take comfort in positive developments after last year's terrifying "fire and fury" war of words.
However, the political elite could take comfort from looking at Spain's recent election where Unidos Podemos, a populist anti-austerity alliance in Spain, did not fare as well as it did in previous votes.
She may take comfort from the fact that it was defeated by "only" 149 votes this week, down from a record-breaking 230 in January, and may be defeated by even fewer next week.
While the future of reproductive rights remains uncertain, we can take comfort in the fact that so many have been moved to action, including states that have stepped up to protect reproductive health care.
Frank Adler spoke to People about the former Newport Harbor star's final days, telling the magazine that the family is trying to take comfort from the fact that their son was an organ donor.
And, in the end, I have to take comfort in the fact that those who are so convinced that butter belongs in the refrigerator are just missing out on perfected buttered toast every time.
Free market libertarians can also take comfort that the Federal Reserve and Treasury will no longer enter into binding international agreements in ways that circumvent domestic notice and comment and congressional and judicial review.
So if the recent bombastic headlines made you fearful of an impending android insurrection, take comfort in this fact: When given the chance to talk about anything, the bots wound up talking about balls.
Cygnus, which is an unmanned automated spacecraft, should be reaching the ISS by early Tuesday morning, at which point we can all take comfort in the fact that pizza will be in our orbit.
If Ms. Kramer and Ms. Hymanson are at all worried about having made the transition from New York, they should take comfort in the very Los Angeles way in which our dessert was presented.
Regular cats everywhere will take comfort in the fact that when he's not enjoying the great outdoors, Jesper is like any other feline and can be found snuggling in drawers or the random Ikea bag.
So even though you probably haven't purchased a physical CD in almost a decade, take comfort in the fact that there are still people out there bumpin' Mozart's beats in their five-disc CD changers.
I take comfort from and add my voice to those who have recently reminded us as a society to relearn the lessons of history and apply its tools of critical thinking to our current moment.
For all the fund managers and individual buyers who suffered through Snap, however, they can take comfort in helping pave the way for a precedent that ought to benefit future participants in American capital markets.
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK FOR MORE FOX LIFESTYLE NEWS In the wake of the terrifying incident, Bolduc told WSVN that passengers should "take comfort" in how well the American Airlines flight crew handled the hullabaloo.
Take comfort in the fact that the messenger planet will stay firmly in Sag until next month, so you'll have plenty of time to explore and become the renaissance person you've always wanted to be.
You might feel like you'll die of embarrassment when you see someone fall over in public, but hey, take comfort in the idea that it means that you're probably at least a little bit empathetic.
We do take comfort in knowing that this, too, shall pass, and hopefully soon we will all be able to enjoy beauty products and beverages made for adults and not inspired by fairytales once again.
But in this loss, and in this sorrow, I take comfort in this: John McCain, hero of the republic and to his little girl, wakes today to something more glorious than anything on this earth.
A drop of that size in points would now represent much less of the Dow, but if the bears are right, investors can take comfort in the fact that big Dow drops are not uncommon.
While liberals seem determined to make the Constitution a mere afterthought in the nomination and confirmation processes, conservatives can take comfort in President Trump that his selection will be based on faithfulness to the Constitution.
And, take comfort in understanding that it doesn't seem like pregnant women with COVID-19 are at any higher risk of complications, nor does the virus seem to cross the placenta and affect the fetus.
But, to belabor the Rorschach metaphor one last time, Searls should take comfort in the knowledge that any small criticisms I may have almost certainly say more about me than they do about his book.
"Nancy Reagan was totally devoted to President Reagan, and we take comfort that they will be reunited once more," said former first lady Barbara Bush, the wife of Reagan's vice president, George H. W. Bush.
It was a privilege to have known her and an honor to have worked with her, and we take comfort in the knowledge that her work will continue to entertain and inspire for generations to come.
And I take comfort in the finding that mothers today – working-outside-the-home or not – spend more time with their kids than our parents spent with us, despite decades-old bad science that said otherwise.
At its first meeting of the year on Feb 12, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) is likely to take comfort from a stabilizing economy as it delivered 75 basis points of easing last year.
" Arnold added, "Fans of Kevin Smith please take comfort he is in a good hospital with great doctors but if he needs 2nd or 3rd opinions from the worlds finest cardiologists we've got him covered too.
If Tom Coughlin has truly coached his last game, then here's hoping he can take comfort in the fact that he brought a bounty of indelible moments to football fans, and excruciating headaches to Vegas oddsmakers.
With everything else going on in the world, viewers might take comfort in the fact that they can still tune in to watch celebrities get doused in green slime during this annual children's film awards show.
" Jack Buckingham added that while he's caught in an unpleasant situation, "I take comfort in the fact that this might help finally cut down on money and wealth being such a heavy factor in college admissions.
Banks and securities firms will also take comfort from the fact that while deal volumes slumped in the region, they earned 24 percent more in fees on them, pocketing $4.4 billion, according to Thomson Reuters estimates.
Washington's season died Sunday against Dallas, but take comfort in knowing the team will win just enough games so they won't be able to draft a franchise quarterback after Cousins leaves in the off-season. 20.
No matter how you choose to interpret this part of your chart, take comfort in the fact that Mercury backspins three times a year, which means lots of opportunities for you to find company in the confusion.
If you're feeling unsure about which way things are headed, take comfort in the fact that things are supposed to be a bit unclear right now, because you are at the very beginning of a new phase.
So while you struggle with the choice of paying a massive energy bill or living as a human sweat blob for the next month, take comfort in the fact that at least Hilton's dogs are living comfortably.
Still, we can at least take comfort in the fact that Killing Eve has been renewed for a second season, which means we'll almost certainly see Oh pick up that sweet gold statue sometime in the future.
While markets take comfort from central banks' willingness to support growth, said Sunil Krishnan, head of multi-asset funds at Aviva Investors, there were concerns for equity markets that have rallied on the back of stimulus expectations.
Renard's team will find it a tall order to escape the group, but can take comfort from the fact that Morocco was the first African country to ever get past the opening round at a World Cup.
Authorities in China, whom Trump last week labeled the "champions of currency manipulation", can take comfort from a private survey showing factory activity expanded for an eighth consecutive month thanks to a pick up in export orders.
"The president can take comfort that Comey admitted assuring him that he was not under criminal investigation, and that Comey expressed no opinion that he obstructed," said Bill Jeffress, a Washington-based lawyer at Baker Botts LLP.
If you're planning your own nuptials, take comfort in knowing that even if you have a few bumps in the road on your big day, it will never be as bad as what happened to these people.
The watch is a limited edition of 30 pieces — and those who find the $815,500 price a bit steep may take comfort in knowing it comes with a bespoke carbon road bike by the Italian maker Colnago.
Facebook users who maybe posted some, um, interesting things in their formative years have always been able to take comfort in their ability to delete those posts when it comes time for a job interview or two.
No matter how safe Melania decided to play it this year, I take comfort in my belief that she has an inner Hieronymus Bosch just itching to evoke the hellish journey of the Trump administration through topiary.
While the situation I am going through is not a pleasant one, I take comfort in the fact that this might help finally cut down on money and wealth being such a heavy factor in college admissions.
Williams has been unable to deliver her trademark big serves on a consistent basis of late but will likely take comfort in the friendly confines of the All England Club given she is most effective on grass.
Menza's rep, Robert Bolger, tells us his passing is tragic for sure ... but his friends and family take comfort in the fact that he had said on several occasions when he died he wanted to do so onstage.
After living here for a while, I've come to realize that America is a melting pot of so many different cultures, and I take comfort in knowing I would not be the only non-American celebrating the day.
Unsurprisingly, she looks great — and fans can take comfort in knowing that, even if Cotillard's signature pared-down Parisienne look is out of the picture for the time being, her je ne sais quoi is still perfectly intact.
This stomach-churning combination of food is a real recipe, according to the web, but take comfort in knowing that the disgust you feel is shared by the star of a hilarious, virally popular YouTube series, Kalen Reacts.
So it's perfectly logical to expect further upside as investors take comfort in globally harmonious growth, accelerating industrial indicators in the U.S., a continued earnings rebound, remarkably accommodative credit markets and a possible performance chase into year-end.
Shares on Wall Street surged on Tuesday, rebounding from their sharpest drop in more than a decade, as investors seemed to take comfort from efforts in Washington to protect the economy from damage caused by the coronavirus outbreak.
Sequel lovers (or, at least, industry players nervous about sequel fatigue) can take comfort in the impending release of "Toy Story 4," which is due later this week and promises to break the streak, for better or worse.
But McCain and his family can take comfort in one truth about glioblastoma and many other kinds of cancer: Patients who have private health insurance or Medicare like McCain tend to outlive the uninsured and patients on Medicaid.
Similarly, you could take comfort from what has become known as the "cheerleader effect," which is the consistent finding that we rate faces as more attractive when they appear in a group than when they appear in isolation.
"The one thing I take comfort in is our character, our ability to bounce back and ability to recognize what we've got to fix it," Sharks coach Pete DeBoer said after his team's 4-2 loss in Game 2.
"There are a couple of reasons why I take comfort in being able to put all this in my own vernacular and present it to you," she wrote in "Wishful Drinking," after detailing her diagnosis and an overdose incident.
" Nancy Reagan Fast Facts Former first lady Barbara Bush, whose husband George H.W. Bush succeeded Ronald Reagan as president, said, "Nancy Reagan was totally devoted to President Reagan, and we take comfort that they will be reunited once more.
There's just something about those bone-chilling wind gusts that knocks the style creativity right out of us, and we instinctively take comfort in a goes-with-everything, oatmeal-y sweater before we can even think about mixing prints.
Illinois Republicans who think Jones isn't a good look might take comfort in the fact that while he may have secured a place on the ballot this November, he's almost certain to lose given how blue the district is.
Giants fans can take comfort in of footage of Eli Manning winning in Lambeau in January as a ruddy-faced Tom Coughlin glowers on semi-approvingly—but with Ben McAdoo dumpily filling Coughlin's place, those wins hardly seem relevant.
On the one hand, in a race where presidential candidates are harshly calling out the perils of big tech in their announcement speeches, some tech donors take comfort in the idea that Booker is fundamentally optimistic about their industry.
We take comfort from the company's good and diversified base of brands, which makes it possible to generate at least low-single-digit organic growth rates as well as from management's continued commitment to maintaining an investment-grade rating.
It's easy to fall back on tried-and-true favorites like succulents and fiddle leaf figs, and while we take comfort in the knowledge that they'll never let us down, sometimes, the plant wall is just calling out for some variety.
Those watching closely are right to be worried about current trends, but should take comfort in knowing that immigration courts will serve as a check upon any overreach by ICE in conducting these raids and carrying out the President's enforcement initiatives.
The reporter who was allegedly "body-slammed" by the Republican candidate in Montana's special congressional election can take comfort: His supporters have raised enough money to buy a new pair of glasses to replace the ones that broke in the altercation.
In a research note titled "the dragon stirs," Goldman Sachs analysts said the Chinese economy appears to be accelerating again, and that the market will take comfort even from unspectacular growth if it can be achieved with less reliance on debt.
Kevin's friend, Tom Arnold, tweeted out, "Fans of Kevin Smith please take comfort he is in a good hospital with great doctors but if he needs 2nd or 3rd opinions from the worlds finest cardiologists we've got him covered too."
So, next time you get the urge to preserve the glory of your significant other as a pool of drool gathers on his or her pillowcase, take comfort in knowing it's all part of the celebrity love experience, and photograph away.
For a President who values making history and always having (or saying he has) the biggest and the best, Trump can take comfort in this fact: When it comes to people leaving his administration, he's at the top of the heap.
"Even if parties don't prevail, they should take comfort in the fact that a judge should be impartial and make a decision," he said, during some small talk with Klayman about the scales of justice on display in the courtroom.
We can take comfort, I suppose, that diversity is inevitable, even at the studios, if only because of changing demographics: The Pew Research Center estimates that by 2055 there will be no single racial or ethnic majority in the United States.
While we may take comfort in a written United States Constitution, the mere existence of a text is no hedge against government leaders who choose to ignore the words, or judges who see in them a capacity they cannot bear.
Some lawmakers take comfort knowing that the president's behavior last year didn't hurt their campaigns, and they have used the electoral result as a justification unto itself, suggesting — as Mr. Trump has constantly — that his campaign success validates his approach.
And while it's easy to feel sorry for the frozen fish and worry that something has gone terribly wrong, you can take comfort in the fact that their deaths were part of an ecological reboot for the lake where they died.
JS: We take comfort in the comments of the Governor of the Bank of England, you know, Governor Carney has been very clear, you know, 'There's not a Basel 4,' the banks are sufficiently capitalized, we passed the Bank of England stress test.
Nonetheless, Californian Democrats who look at the rest of the country and think they see a "foreign land" should take comfort: most of it is more like their state than it is like Mr Trump's base, and it is getting ever more so.
" Free-market proponents should take comfort in Clark's reassurance that a deliberate approach to investing in the country's strengths won't come with a dose of heavy-handed intervention, making sure "that the government doesn't get in the way of decisions by specialists.
In the face of such personal tragedy, we take comfort in the fact that the UN stands fast in its mission to achieve a more peaceful world — not only for the Congolese for whom Michael and Zaida cared deeply — but for countless others.
Despite its stated goal of keeping children safe, 2257 has done little for underage people who've seen their sexts go public (unless they take comfort in knowing law abiding pornographers are out there shelling out tons of cash to keep up their records).
While the chattering classes debate whether the White House or congressional Democrats earned more "wins" in the omnibus spending package released Monday, taxpayer advocates can take comfort that lawmakers got at least one thing right—resisting cries to bail out the cotton industry.
I suddenly saw the artistic practice that she had maintained as much more than a hobby: It was how she survived Finally, I hung the paintings up in my apartment, and I began to take comfort in the works we had saved.
There also may be room for negotiations as Washington has a two-month window for public comment and consultation, and the market also seemed to take comfort that the effective date of China's moves depends on when the U.S. action takes effect.
It's easy to take comfort in the prospects for setting everything right in the next election, to feel reassured by massive turnout in protests against excesses, and to believe that democracy is being protected by court rulings, by Congress, and by human decency.
Unlike some of the other brains posthumously examined, however, Ewen's did not show signs of C.T.E. That surprised Ewen's wife, who said she hoped that others would take comfort that C.T.E. might not always be the culprit of a loved one's unraveling.
And as much as we'd like to take comfort in the thought that all of this happened far away and a century ago, the fact is that Pollock's funny, damning novel belongs, more than ever, to the country we live in now.
A Destiny's Child reunion may not be happening any time soon, but those suffering from '90s music nostalgia can take comfort in the fact that former member Kelly Rowland has assembled a new band to follow in the footsteps of her own.
The experience differs from eBay, for example, in that sellers need to provide zero effort other than sending their goods to a TRR warehouse (no photography, no descriptions, no customer interaction) and buyers take comfort in TheRealReal's quality and authentication services, which they fully guarantee.
In Kara and Cliff's case, while her first husband's family was entirely supportive of her new relationship, and even seemed to take comfort in the fact that it was with someone they knew, some friends and family questioned whether it was a good idea.
While the sensor slowdown is likely to disappoint, investors can take comfort in the unchanged profit target, which highlights Chief Executive Kazuo Hirai is keeping to a recovery track and has not given up on new technologies such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality.
So, even if you're ducking for cover ahead of the lunar eclipse and tomorrow's Mercury retrograde, take comfort knowing that the heavens, at least in part, want you to look on the bright side and add more light to the world in the process.
Still, skeptics might take comfort in knowing that behind the scenes, cities and tech startups are finding more ways, including via this event, to work together, discuss their challenges and, in the best cases, solve some of the problems bubbling up in urban centers together.
Elena Maydan, M.D. Bronx, N.Y. Batuman quotes a critic who compares rental families to "virtual families," and it does indeed seem that the idea behind both is that it's possible for people to take comfort in something beyond themselves, and maybe even beyond their reality.
While she can take comfort in her solid standing in South Carolina and the other Southern states that follow, where African-American voters are likely to form a firewall against a Sanders surge, it will be other Democratic voters she will need to worry about.
Still, if viewers watching wondered what the deal was with her character, take comfort in knowing that you're not alone in wondering if she seems an awful lot like Gypsy Rose — just give it some time and she'll stand out as her own character too.
Now that I'm about ready to load up season 2, I take comfort in the fact that when my world feels like it's on fire, Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, Chandler, Ross, Joey and the once-annoying, now-delightful laugh track will calmly cool me down.
As my stomach makes a rebellious moaning sound, upset with me for following my cold brew with a straight shot of sugar and palm oil, I take comfort in the fact that I am hardly alone in my love for Betty Crocker Rainbow Chip Frosting.
"Whilst the vote has not gone our way we do take comfort that our engagement with the board and management helped to secure a better deal for our clients albeit the final price still significantly undervalued SABMiller in our view," the company said in a statement.
"Despite the difficult health situations retired players face today, and that many more will unfortunately face in the future, they can take comfort in the fact that this settlement's significant and immediate benefits will finally become available to them and last for decades to come," he said.
If Fifty Shades Darker actor Eric Johnson totally creeped you out as Ana's new boss Jack Hyde, you might take comfort in the fact that he also creeped himself out while playing the character — an unhinged, angry type who takes an unhealthy interest in Ana (Dakota Johnson).
In the meantime, we can all take comfort in the fact that the current season of the show is still airing, which means there's still plenty of puns and naughty jokes about "spotted dicks" and "soggy bottoms" to hold us over for a little while longer.
The contestants buy their own outfits for the show and it usually comes at a steep cost — but at least they can take comfort in knowing that if they don't end up with The Bachelor himself, at least they've got some bomb new additions to their closets.
By this point, half a year into a punishing tailspin, these fans must try to take comfort in the futility itself, hoping that the team's been "bad enough for long enough" to earn it a top draft pick to offer a shot at turning things around.
"What it does suggest is that President Trump and his administration used the S&P 0003 as a barometer of their policy success," said Ablin, who believes investors could take comfort in knowing the president will step back from the trade war on bearish market activity.
In the interim, as we continue to mourn the passing of President George H.W. Bush, we can take comfort in the fact that the Bush family legacy of public service remains alive and well in the Lone Star State in the figure of George P. Bush.
Anyone worried that the Geffen Records warehouse will end up a home to thousands of copies of the "Locked N' Loaded" set can take comfort in the fact that the band's "Not In This Lifetime" tour last year reaped over $300 million, according to Billboard data.
Nobody likes his or her home being portrayed as a sinkhole of misery, but many take comfort in the view that Teriberka, whatever its problems, is no worse than countless other places in Russia's "glubinka," as Russians call their vast hinterland — or, for that matter, America's.
Shares on Wall Street recovered some of the ground on Tuesday that they lost on Monday in the sharpest single-day drop in more than a decade, as investors seemed to take comfort in proposals from Washington to soften the economic blow from the coronavirus outbreak.
Members of Congress concerned about defense manufacturers in their districts can take comfort in the fact that most companies do not derive their commercial viability from the export of weapons to other countries, let alone those that would be subject to a simple, affirmative vote in Congress.
Acrophobic audiences who nevertheless want to see the winner of this year's Oscar for best documentary feature can take comfort in this: Jimmy Chin and Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi's portrait of the free climber Alex Honnold is as much a character study as a gravity-testing climb-along.
The keep-it-in-the-ground crowd is in the same position as the all-renewables crowd: They may feel some initial disappointment that their perspective was not reflected in the resolution, but they can take comfort in the fact that it was not excluded either.
We're sure everyone will be hurt all over again when it's removed from menus for the second time, but at least we can take comfort in the fact that if they bother McDonald's enough with floods of tweets and official petitions, it might return again in another six years.
In a statement after the vote, Aberdeen said that while the vote had not gone its way, "We do take comfort that our engagement with the board and management helped to secure a better deal for our clients albeit the final price still significantly undervalued SABMiller in our view."
David Jr. says that while he's sad to see it go, he and the rest of the Rockefellers take comfort in knowing the proceeds will fund good causes, from the Museum of Modern Art and the Council on Foreign Relations to Rockefeller University and the various Rockefeller philanthropies.
But even if this is the end of the road for Ali's character, she can take comfort in knowing that, for the three seasons she was on the show, she was someone that young Muslim girls could look up to and imagine one day being just like her.
" So, while many of us may not all be ready to recite the nine contemplations just yet, we can take comfort in the words Arthur uses to signs off on all of her Advanced Care Directives: "Yes, one day you and I will die, but before that day, let us live.
Generally, grandees take comfort from James Mattis, the cerebral-but-fearsome former marine general chosen by Mr Trump as his defence secretary, who declared at his Senate confirmation hearing that "Nations with strong allies thrive, and those without them wither," and averred that Mr Putin is trying to "break" NATO.
And while affording the monthly maintenance fees alone on one of these inner-city manses would be harder than getting an invite to one of Blair's infamous "Kiss on the Lips" parties, we take comfort in knowing we can still spend our afternoon getting lost in all the posh prewar possibilities.
But the good news is, when you finally do venture out into the brutal sun, take comfort in the fact that at least you won't be as hot as Kylie and Kourtney Kardashian who stepped out into the 90-degree heat on Wednesday wearing their finest knitwear and velvet ensembles.
Viewers may well be perplexed by Terry Gilliam's "The Man Who Killed Don Quixote", but they can take comfort in knowing that the 77-year-old director has got it out of his system at long, long last, after enduring struggles and setbacks which would have killed most of us.
"While a 20 million euro loss in Q3 (third quarter) was disappointing, we take comfort that this was entirely due to weaker than expected air fares so our customers are enjoying record low prices, which is good for current and future traffic growth," CEO Michael O'Leary said in a statement.
Investors can take comfort in low unemployment and low initial jobless claims, but given the historic toxic combination of an aging business cycle and slowing growth, all jobs data going forward has to be closely watched for signs of change, as these changes may come rapidly and with little notice.
But you can also find the paintings of John Wesley at the Judd Foundation in Marfa, Texas, and so maybe he was not as much of an ideologue as some people want to believe and take comfort in, because it makes looking easier when you know what to look at.
So even though Star Wars explicitly based its villainous Empire on Nazi Germany, and even though the original trilogy was about the overtly political fight to conquer fascism, Star Wars viewers have, up until now, been able to take comfort in the relative safe distance of this particular political allegory.
Europeans worried about migrants studying beside their children should take comfort: the most important predictor of pupils' school results is their parents' level of education, and about half of the refugees reaching Europe from Syria have university degrees, according to UNHCR, the UN refugee agency (though other surveys put this number far lower).
This means that when our drinking water is hailed for "meeting or exceeding" federal standards, and we take comfort in that news, every home in our community could in theory be dispensing up to 15 ppb lead -- and 10% of homes could be dispensing lead in the hundreds and even thousands of ppb.
Yes, as Republicans fret over their candidate's mistakes and what they see as a fly-by-the-seat-of-one's-pants campaign unprepared for the five months ahead, they should take comfort that the Trump team is doing the real work required to protect the country, should he prevail on Election Day.
Above all, the reader who wrote to the column should take comfort knowing that we're working hard to ensure that responsible New Yorkers can achieve financial security by opening their homes; that guests can feel welcome in a new place; and that you can feel good about it all happening next door.
Fans who are emotionally invested in the box-office performance of their favorite movie franchises can take comfort in the fact that The Avengers set an all-time opening weekend record of $207 million (the first to cross the $200 million mark), a number that fell to $191.3 million with Avengers: Age of Ultron.
But if you want a little more assurance that your phone probably isn't giving you a tumor, you can take comfort in knowing that, according to statistics published by the National Cancer Institute, the rate of brain cancer in the US actually went down between 1992 and 2016 even as mobile phone use skyrocketed.
For instance, if you are concerned about being captured making an embarrassing face or in an awkward pose, take comfort from the fact that research suggests other people will probably judge you far less harshly than you are judging yourself—especially if they have been in a similar situation themselves—which, let's face it, most of us have.
But the episode gets its emotional heft from its "human" moments, like the scenes of android sex worker Niska (Emily Berrington) being objectified by men, George and Odi's interactions as they take comfort in each other's brokenness, and the heartbreaking depictions of the Hawkins household's dysfunction, which is rooted in Joe's selfishness and exacerbated by the addition of the alluring Anita.
Kan promises more to come — including more details about the tech the company is building and how it will begin offering that technology to customers — but in the meantime, you'll probably just have to imagine all the reasons you hate your law firm and what you think they can do better, and take comfort in knowing that Justin is working to fix it.
But while those conversations may be a little more complicated than they used to be, those who end up needing occasional medication, which is not related to increased risk, should take comfort from the idea that such use is now being scrutinized much more carefully and more longitudinally than it was back when I was pregnant, and no one was talking about the possible long-term effects.
The Coens are famously averse to explaining or even discussing the meaning of any of their films, but Elliott's fourth-wall-breaking admonishment to the audience to take comfort in the idea that the Dude abides — which is to say he exists without some clear and systematic explanation, and we should simply accept as much — is about as close as you'll ever get to a Coen brothers mission statement.
For now, Mr. Manafort can take comfort in the knowledge that he joins an ever-growing crowd of top Trump associates who have pleaded guilty to federal offenses: Michael Flynn, the president's former national security adviser; George Papadopoulos, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump campaign; Rick Gates, Mr. Manafort's business partner and deputy campaign chairman; and Mr. Cohen, whose case is being handled by federal prosecutors in Manhattan.

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