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341 Sentences With "syllables"

How to use syllables in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "syllables" and check conjugation/comparative form for "syllables". Mastering all the usages of "syllables" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The poetry form consists of three strictly metered lines — of five syllables, seven syllables and five syllables — although sometimes Mr. Ellis paints only a single line of a poem.
He doesn't have to say 12 syllables to me, and then I say 12 syllables in the huddle.
In one lesson, I was asked to match characters with their pinyin (Romanized Chinese) syllables, translate pinyin syllables back to characters, match spoken Chinese words to their pinyin syllables, and finally translate characters to English.
Young Thug's contribution has been to detach syllables from words, sounds from syllables; 21 Savage's is to snarl, then disappear.
Bergen: English profane words tend to be words that use closed syllables, that is, syllables that have consonants at the end.
Bird song is divided by ornithologists into a hierarchy of notes, syllables (composites of notes), phrases (composites of syllables) and songs (composites of phrases).
" — Recorders ages hence " — ah, syllables of faith!
Some languages, like Japanese, have few distinct sounds and tight rules on how syllables may be structured, so that the number of possible syllables is low (think ka, ru, to, etc).
That's right — each film gets 17 syllables of description.
The study found that the vocal sequences contained three distinct syllables of different length, with the "words" used most often the shortest, while the longest sequences were made up of shorter syllables.
I'm just using my ears and I'm improvising nonsense syllables.
In Dothraki, abstract concepts like 'love' have too many syllables.
He was ashamed of the way he stumbled over syllables.
Only a few have more than two or three syllables.
The syllables she sings, basically, are express lanes to intensity.
Made of syllables, sounds, and letters, words were material things.
Simon, the first two syllables of Samuel's original last name.
And they often included syllables not found in summer songs.
For him, the dance of pure syllables is almost peppy.
Afterward, he noted that they hadn't been singing the right syllables.
It's hard to make out actual syllables between all the shrieking.
Ya don't add syllables to the haiku, or limerick, or sestina.
They started with some experiments — making animal sounds, practicing nonsense syllables.
Jenner sings the three syllables as if they're at least five.
And they're ungainly: Reducetarian clocks in at a stocky six syllables.
Something about the syllables bouncing around your mouth just didn't make sense.
Creating words is the easy part; anyone can string together nonsense syllables.
"But some of those syllables are phonetic and others aren't," you plead.
Clinton said, stretching out the word "so" for a couple of syllables.
But there's more to the names than just random collections of syllables.
He still slurs his syllables, and he still leans heavily on assonance.
The world whispered in unison, testing the unfamiliar syllables. Eye-ha-buh.
Three use syllabics—characters to represent syllables—rather than the roman alphabet.
In addition to automatically filtering out recognized background noises, DeepSqueak allows a user to easily manually review the identified syllables and to adjust parameters to their specific experiment, such as specifying the rodent species or the classification of syllables.
His flow is acrobatic, leaping through the beat in little bursts of syllables.
Finnish emphasises the first syllables of words and so has its own rhythm.
Or, "smartpads" for those looking to save a little time and precious syllables.
It's literally pronounced how you see it—three simple syllables, ta-ten-da.
He hit the first syllables of the poem with force and didn't stop.
"Seek, seek, seek," Hyla told Hannah, drawing each word out into two syllables.
"Let's just put syllables together and see what happens," someone might have said.
MCDONALD'S — BACON EGG AND CHEESE BAGEL, $4.49 — Three syllables for this sandwich: disgusting.
"Yeah," Maddon said, dragging the word out so it was two syllables long.
How can the listener consider two syllables at once to compare their durations?
Tofurky's main ingredient is the the first two syllables of its name -- tofu.
Limperis captures Ocasio-Cortez's emphatic way of announcing her syllables and characteristic hand movements.
Ad of the Week The voice is familiar, identifiable within the first few syllables.
Somehow, they bend these nonsensical syllables into an exchange that sounds plaintive, even romantic.
Try sounding out the syllables aloud, or ask a fluent reader to help. pic.twitter.
Mr. Cruz joined in, a bit uneasily, for a few syllables at a time.
His flow sounds so effortlessly smooth, like a river careening in and around syllables.
Some historians believe them to be simply euphonious syllables, a Korean fa-la-la.
"I'm obsessed with Tanya Tucker — ob-sessed," Carlile says, separating the syllables for effect.
That's Obama's old mantra, with "change" swapped out for a word with more syllables.
Many different emotions and experiences of real life are locked in those few syllables.
In newspapers my name was 'unconscious intoxicated woman,' ten syllables, and nothing more than that.
In newspapers my name was "unconscious intoxicated woman", ten syllables, and nothing more than that.
Newfoundland, a name with the promise of a fresh start built into its very syllables.
Another is blank verse, run together into paragraphs but pausing for breath every 10 syllables.
It starts with Krungthep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya and continues for 45 more syllables.
Carti is an impressionist rapper, slurring together syllables and murmurs into cloudy chant-along mantras.
She felt capable only of single syllables, beyond which tens, hundreds of lengthier questions loomed.
The moniker, he has often said, is a random and admittedly silly collection of syllables.
The line is composed of syllables that the mind encounters in succession, one by one.
Its duration can't be defined until it's completed, but by then both syllables are gone.
God speaks a special language, in which mountains and words and springs are the syllables.
Individual-3 wore a badge listing his employer as "Weihua," HUAWEI spelled with its syllables reversed.
They think it has to do with how we interpret language as words, and as syllables.
It doesn't appear to assemble words not in its database using syllables from those that are.
Is it in unruly syllables that wander high and low on the page and defy meaning?
They generally follow a specific pattern—largely single syllables, with one or two multi-syllable words.
"As long as it doesn't harm anyone else" is just "consent" with a bunch more syllables.
They admit they're more drawn to the sound of syllables than what their words actually mean.
Blank verse consists of unrhymed pentameter lines in a pattern of five accented syllables per line.
"So-lic-it," he added, dragging out the syllables and clinking the ice in his glass.
"You don't understand," he says again and again, sometimes stretching "understand" into four or five syllables.
"Ti-ya, ti-ya, pa, pa, pa!" she sang, the last syllables ringing out like shots.
Maybe the vocal melody is the right tune, but let's change the syllables a little bit.
It starts with Krungthep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya and continues for more than 40 syllables.
Lil Wayne isn't always this narrative-driven, but his fluency and ease with syllables is unmatched.
But she has never taken the few extra syllables to note that she taught Sunday school.
Individual-3 wore a badge listing his employer as 'Weihua,' HUAWEI spelled with its syllables reversed.
Dynamics are generally subdued, and the singer keeps stretching syllables over repeated notes, to quavery effect.
It starts with Krungthep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya and continues on for 45 more syllables.
Using a model based on prior research about swamp sparrows as well as their own findings, they calculated that the sparrows could have been singing some of the syllables for over 500 years, and other syllables for even longer, according to the paper published in Nature Communications.
One Weibo user griped that it's hard to pronounce two similar-sounding syllables one after the other.
But it roared like the audience at a World Cup match, chanting two syllables over and over.
The new voice is also better at longer sentences, stressing syllables more accurately than the older version.
Financial terminology can sometimes seem like a race to use the most syllables to describe one concept.
Sometimes, that's the fault of the lyricist, who may have put two conflicting syllables end-to-end.
On his debut, Dizzee Rascal was a twisty rapper with a penchant for tight clusters of syllables.
The syllables of the word were then sung with stately grace before resurfacing later in the section.
Then the showers of particles returned: deconstructed syllables from a poem in Mandarin by Wai-Lim Yip.
" A couple of lines later, he's cramming syllables together: "Knowitsbeen a long day, itsbouttobe a long night.
Amusingly, one senator rechristened Dorsey "Mr Darcey", after somehow tripping over the two syllables of his name.
" He lashed out at the president's "flagrant disregard for truth and decency" and uttered the syllables "enough.
Just a couple of syllables and the whole of the mononym's grandeur flashes across our consciousness. Solange.
Two mellifluous syllables and her face springs to mind: the fierce, open gaze, those striking full eyebrows.
The nerve, the gall,Three syllables and that's not allWicked, wily, wretched, weird,Warlike, wasteful, wayward, feared!
The language is almost tactile; you can roll the syllables in your mouth as you read it.
So the concept (for me) is that in Japanese, our alphabet's syllables are also used for seasoning.
Orotund syllables drip from the mouths of government ministers, military officers and property owners in private consultations.
As a vocalist, Post Malone excels in syllables with blurry edges and tightly controlled melodies that lull.
This comes in at 10.65 syllables per second and 7.23 words per second, the Genius website reports.
Still, it is fair to wager that Art Deco's three little syllables will probably remain in use.
Syllables are eerily prolonged; images (like "lewd fat bells") are evoked through vocal lines that dart skittishly.
Occasionally he mixes in a whistle or other sounds from an impressive repertoire of around 20 syllables.
Speakers of complex languages exert more effort planning sentences and articulating syllables, causing discussions to drag on.
She sings about singing in "Crossing," with words dissolving into wordless syllables, turning into an elusive lullaby.
Lots of syllables there, no helpful little rhymes in the book, and it didn't matter a bit.
Not too many lyrics, not too many syllables, not too much cleverness, though: Morrissey never had a #1.
In places, she barely even relies on words, truncating her syllables past patois to something far less exact.
Chopping off the last syllables of *RROR words feels closer to the way most people pronounce them anyway.
It lets you break down words by syllables and can highlight the parts of speech in a sentence.
They also played the students lists with different numbers of words and syllables, and word lists in Spanish.
Thug bends letters and syllables to his will; his vocal tics and cadences are manic and without match.
Often Future swallows whole consonants, whole syllables, leaving only a slimy trail of Auto-Tune in his wake.
That, or satisfy his need to hear a ridiculous amount of syllables in a short amount of time.
What's happening here is that you're taking a one syllable word and you're pronouncing it with eight syllables.
But as far as pinpoint control of syllables and the possibilities that lie therein, Lil Wayne is peerless.
You're flipping the two syllables of one half, then taking a homophone of that for the second half.
There's a visual geometry to much of Baker's poetry, which he achieves by counting syllables rather than stresses.
Both are hyperdense, fluently assonant, working with car crashes of syllables and making them sound like regal skyscrapers.
The tiny space filled with perky stabs of high notes, mellow wails, cascades of "bum" and "baa" syllables.
She said it back, pronouncing the syllables carefully even if she did not know what the word meant.
Notice how when Hunt switches from singing to speaking, he&aposll often deliver bursts of syllables on offbeats.
She delivers a pulsing, haunted version, taking flights of lyrical improvisation, note after note soaring over single syllables.
And somebody like the President would have to sense to know that in 400 pages, there's more than syllables.
Remember when Lin-Manuel Miranda just up and quit Twitter because, hey, "Ya don't add syllables to the haiku"?
As a singer, her sharp, enunciated, elongated syllables add a plaintive sweetness that matches the bleakness of the music.
He stretches syllables and intonations like elastic bands over top of production from FKi, Danny Wolf, and even himself.
He is consistently inventive, pugnacious with syllables and prone to break into a husky, not-quite-steady singsong flow.
On one song, called "Flaming Hot Cheetos," Cottrill casually pattered a few nonsense syllables in place of a chorus.
And I'm not referring to him melding a stream of syllables together in the hope they resemble a sentence.
"About to change my name from D-wayne to de-ranged," he quips, stretching both out to two syllables.
I've long theorized that one's moral character is inversely proportional to the number of syllables in one's Starbucks order.
As a singer, she has a tart voice reminiscent of Erykah Badu, and her way with syllables is dynamic.
And the text is a puzzler, with verses falling into groups of 17 syllables, divided five, five and seven.
Family names — a 20th-century innovation in Thailand — are constructed to be distinct, and that often means extra syllables.
The Yiddish for rhinoceros is the rather literal nozhorn, which makes up in oomph what it lacks in syllables.
He smeared out his nasal syllables in a way that telegraphed heart and despair, but always under tight control.
It's where he learned how to shape his syllables, and how to string them together into cleanly contoured squiggles.
The last 31 seconds of the third verse of "Godzilla" sees Eminem's rap 224 words containing 330 total syllables.
Yet, the lines keep slipping into fractured, volatile passages where not just words, but single syllables are obsessively repeated.
ROD: In the old days with small gramophones, it was pretty difficult to hear exactly what syllables were being sung.
"Can you say Ava?" the photographer continues, as Stormi replies by repeating one of the two syllables in the name.
Her syllables come out rounded and quiet, with guttural French Rs and a Southern lilt that makes each sentence undulate.
It's taking the syllables of the audience's names and rhyming them together following the rules of classical Chinese rhymed verse.
" I particularly like the part where he runs a whole bunch of syllables into one quick, soupy chain in "Idon'tknowtheanswertothat.
"I've been spending more money than I'm making," he rapped on "Veins," steering syllables around the lump in his throat.
He replied with the stressed syllables — go figure, a village of 26 letters has three, not one — in handy boldface.
" Elizabeth: "Unnecessary, because even though it sounds easy, it's easy to get tripped up with the syllables and double letters.
He once again switches meter when the beat changes, increasing the syllables with which he rhymes (from one to seven).
A lot has to do with understanding strong and weak syllables and making sure that comes through in the singing.
Monteverdi cared deeply about the text; for all the syllables to sound the same would create the wrong color palette.
Two-syllable names: "If you think of the biggest brands in the world, they tend to have fewer syllables," Barton says.
So be it resolved: The goalie chant has to be two syllables, and whenever possible it should use the first name.
When words are repeated, we stop paying as much attention to them, and our sense of the syllables' beat takes over.
Syllables of water shine in a grove of reflections, stranded clouds, bubbles above a bottom that changes from gold to rust.
Rice rolls his syllables on "Back to The Point" like a young Heaton pogoing around the microphone in his Housemartins era.
In rap they work in a similar way, except the three notes happen to be syllables in a word or phrase.
For the most part, she's singing wordlessly, improvising like a horn, using seven syllables assigned to different parts of her range.
If you are a CHEMIST (19A), however, you could look at that central entry as UN-IONIZED, which has four syllables.
He was quite free with the song's melody, giving it a slower folk tempo and adding extra syllables and different stresses.
The syllables are long and drawn out, the crowd perfectly in sync as it taunts the not-so-straight-shooting opposition.
"Spanish, and the way it's used to create music in poetry, differs radically in terms of syllables and rhyme," she discovered.
Attaching those two syllables to all manner of things — and people and creatures — lends them a certain authenticity and Texas-ness.
You can hear echoes of Rakim's revolutionary style in Kendrick Lamar's precisely stacked syllables and Jay-Z's authoritative tone, among others.
If they match our strong and weak inflections on the syllables, they basically boost our sound, and our diction carries over.
Is it merely a coincidence that the words Macklemore and Matt McGorry both have two M's and relatively similar numbers of syllables?
It's annoying and outdated for Black people to lecture other Black people on the identity politics that go into these two syllables.
The response, from a female voice, was just two syllables, "29-four," a phrase commonly used in law enforcement to denote acknowledgement.
Spewing piss and vinegar, he can't be bothered to form syllables, to allow his message any longer to be perverted by language.
On "Real Chill," the line "They can't wait until / we turn this bitch upside down" has at least four too many syllables.
Mooselookmeguntic has 17 letters and five syllables, making it the longest town or city name (without hyphens or spaces) in the US.
A stutter is different for everyone, but it often includes repetitions of sounds, prolonged syllables, blocks of silence, and sometimes other gestures.
He interjects dissonant chords into dialogue, chops up sentences into sputters of syllables and capriciously doles out extreme challenges to the singers.
Conservative pundits would not defend Trump's language, but they'd criticize the media for focusing so much on a couple of measly syllables.
Just because "Napoleon Bonaparte" has about the same number of syllables as "Alexander Hamilton" doesn't mean you need to start writing lyrics.
Does that mean that we're destined to be hearing the soft syllables of YA fiction names echo through the daycares of America?
It unleashes Herndon's vocal syllables as percussion for a kind of hissy, feminine, multilayered, glitchy beatboxing, human input dispensed with inhuman timing.
The glitches manifest themselves as intermittent and somewhat unpredictable interruptions in speech, typically repetitions of syllables or audible/inaudible prolongations of sounds.
"I didn't want to take the extra time to sign my real name," said the woman, whose real name has two syllables.
If Swift really wanted to get into the rebellious spirit here, she probably should have said February — it's even the same syllables.
Meanwhile, two months later, I can still hear Maya's mother say her name, drawn out over three syllables, heartbreaking in its complexity.
English isn't the most commonly studied language in the world because our harsh syllables are beautiful — it's because it's the world's lingua franca.
Instead, they encoded memories into the young birds which taught them syllables of song -- the longer the light exposure, the longer the note.
Features of speech that can be automatically extracted include pitch, formant frequency, vocal tract length, and the rate at which syllables are spoken.
MUSCATINE, Iowa — Marco Rubio won't use the word, but his closing pitch to Iowa voters can be summed up in six syllables: electability.
All Chiwetel needs to do is ham up a campy, slowly extended smile and drag out his words over more syllables than normal.
In spite of the poems' frankness they had been conservative in form, consisting largely of rhymed lines of an equal count of syllables.
I would add that many robots, especially the cuter ones, have names with two syllables, the second one usually ending in a vowel.
If Mr. Grisales mispronounced a word, he would write out how to say it, which syllables to emphasize, what words it rhymed with.
Why didn't anyone propose a "Judeo-Christian-Islamic" tradition—or, to save a few syllables, an "Abrahamic" brand of the ecumenical faith covenant?
"Lover Boy" is his best song to date — he leans hard into the syllables, making them sound sticky, but keeps his flirtation light.
The influence of Frizzell's stoic drawl, liquefied syllables and tightly controlled ornaments is so pervasive that it's often equated with classic country style.
Syllables are rhythmically tapped out as the words appear, projected on the set, while waiting-room Muzak plays — softly, infuriatingly — in the background.
"Pull Up" plays to his strengths — he sounds woozy, sweet, a little distant, easing between tight clusters of words and dreamy smeared syllables.
Three times he used the same three syllables — "therapy" — and thus cast himself as a patient at the mercy of an affliction. Perhaps.
Ms. Cabello drags her syllables until they stop resembling words, and until her melodic line begins to feel detached from the beat below.
Haikus are typically non-rhyming and consist of five syllables in the first line, seven in the second and five in the third.
Sandman," a frothy pop tune written by Pat Ballard featuring rhythmic nonsense syllables ("bum-bum-bum-ba-bum…") and the memorable line "Mr.
He likes to gulp down final syllables, but he does so conspicuously, even loudly, so that the audible glug becomes its own syllable.
Blocboy, by contrast, raps with infectious exuberance and percussive force, a deep-voiced, obstinately masculine twister of syllables and progenitor of surreal inflections.
" The syllables of those backing vocals matched perfectly with the incantation my homie had filled me in on: "Lu-ci-fer, you're my king.
"That was my position growing up," Profar says, and merely saying so forces a smile so wide it strained the syllables in his speech.
The track came from a totally simple chord progression, and Newman delights in digging into how he got specific about all the nonsense syllables.
At least when it comes to Jellicle, their tribal name, the cats in the stage show are still figuring out which syllables to stress.
Vitevitch found that the number of words and syllables made a difference: "There's sort of a sweet spot of about four words," he says.
Her way of holding syllables and hitting high notes and singing with a smile is a form of bestowing love on all her listeners.
About New York Cut into syllables, one of Wednesday's vocabulary words was displayed on the board in Rachel Schiff's fourth-grade classroom in Manhattan.
Once the chosen field appears, type in the syllables of the name the way that they sound rather than how the name is spelled.
While stuttering is different for everyone, it's often characterized by repetitions of sounds, prolonging of certain syllables, blocks of silence, and sometimes other gestures.
Every sticker set even has its own Mabel-inspired pun, from "Mary Paw-Pins" to "Licked" — pronounced, of course, with two syllables, like "Wicked."
I sat in the back of the room hearing the song "Penelope" — impeccably Friedmanesque in its crisp syllables — crying as quietly as I could.
LONDON — Czech officials have proposed changing the country's full name — the two-word "Czech Republic" — into a single word with just three syllables: Czechia.
Studies have shown that subjects retain useless information sequences, like numbers or syllables, over a long period of time more easily after a night's sleep.
Barnett's singsong voice lifts the gloomy Vile out of the darkness; Vile's slower cadence tempers Barnett's instinct to cram too many syllables into one verse.
To find out which kind of person you're talking to, simply utter the three syllables (stress on the first, slant-rhyme with "mescaline") and wait.
Her demeanor at times recalls a kindergarten teacher; she carefully and sonorously enunciates her syllables and frequently emphasizes words with such conviction they sound italicized.
That requires a fine attention to the cues signalling the end of a turn, such as a lengthening of syllables and a drop in pitch.
Björk's voice is reduced to a few slivered syllables, fluttering insect-like over Skip-It kick drums and all manner of loopy hand-percussion parts.
The affect of a melody made from a digitally-processed string of unrelated syllables has the ability to reduce centuries of language into binary noise.
At the climax of "Bad Blood," it's the transformation of the word "cool" into something with a dozen syllables and just as many distinct notes.
Some of them used verlan, in which the first and last syllables are reversed ­("bizarre," for example, becoming "zarbi"), or employed their own particular argot.
Some songs used phrases picked out of English dictionaries or nonsense syllables yelped as background vocals, but others confronted violence and anger with taunting confidence.
Repelling his advances, she switches from song into konnakol, the Indian art of vocal percussion, hurling volleys of rhythmic syllables at him like pepper spray.
They also sang it, twice using the syllables "da-da-da, da-da, dun dun da," and once with a falsetto floating across the top.
Her voice sounds both guileless and cutting; she can be tough, sympathetic, vulnerable or brusque, bouncing syncopated syllables against tracks that often stay cannily unadorned.
The best Vivier performances capture his delirious, jeweled grandeur but also his modesty — the earnest intensity of his desire to communicate, even through nonsense syllables.
As comedians who spend years refining a phrase know, the difference between a good laugh and several of them can be a few unexpected syllables.
She made the line sound better than it was, infusing the word "space" with hip-hop bravado, but she used the wrong number of syllables.
If we couldn't hear the sound of the water itself, the syllables of the names became a new way for me to chart this country.
Mayan writing consists of logograms (signs representing whole words; for example, a jaguar head for "jaguar") and syllabograms (signs representing syllables; "ka" + "ka" + "u" = cacao).
She plays the lounge singer at a holiday cocktail party, twisting syllables around in a languorous drawl while taking drags from a cigarette and winking.
And yes, I know what some of you wondering: What happens if we want to mock a goalie and neither of his names are two syllables.
Microsoft's learning tools also have incredible options for dyslexics, such as tools which read out text, break-up syllables and increase spaces between lines and letters.
Graphic: Lachlan et al (Nature Communications)But through modeling and analysis, they noticed a conformist bias, where birds preferred to learn and use more popular syllables.
No one sweats over the meaning of "A-tisket, a-tasket," or the relation of those syllables to the image of a green and yellow basket.
The whole verse hinges on a three-syllable rhyme that is as much about the cadence of emphasizing the first and third syllables as anything else.
Her delivery is a full-body retch, forcing sharpened syllables out of a serrated throat atop breakneck grind parts and blink-and-you'll-miss-it breakdowns.
The dancing syllables of that "Preface" are unlike anyone else's, and while they may not exactly say what they mean, they certainly mean what they say.
"They say EDGE-EDGE," he declared last May in a tone of "Can you believe this?" incredulity, overstressing the syllables as if they were alien concepts.
Slurring words, mashing up syllables into phonetic salad, he moans and gargles his way over a confluence of folk guitar, jangle guitar, and generic indie noises.
Korean uses symbols to represent different syllables—so it doesn't take up as much space as writing in English, but isn't quite as efficient as Mandarin.
The NSAC have long been considered an oxymoronic body—with an emphasis on those latter three syllables—which loves to masquerade as a court of law.
If you decide to give your character a name that's any longer than two syllables, you had better believe that people are going to mispronounce it.
For many people, Ms Dynamite begins and ends with a sound bite of her own name stretched to five syllables in a loop-de-loop cadence.
Take Julia London's latest: A ripped Lucifer in a kilt smolders darkly from the cover, and DEVIL IN TARTAN (Harlequin) renders the image in blunt syllables.
Do girl group and doo-wop's "nonsense syllables" and "baby talk" really constitute inarticulate "play preceding full adult sexuality," the "revelatory babble of an emerging generation"?
His voice is deep and dank and baleful, an exotic cousin of Vincent Price's from-the-crypt baritone, and his pronunciation stretches syllables into fluttering shadows.
Schiff, like Marianne Moore—a profound and not entirely metabolized antecedent—has, instead, stanzas: rigid, cratelike stanzas, which often employ regular patterns of syllables per line.
In a rush of breath and syllables, someone lives and departs, is gone without being gone, diminished then departed, but reappearing always, unexpectedly, in indelible ways.
What she delivered, filtered through Auto-Tune, was a rush of tangled syllables and rat-a-tat repetition that somehow sounded familiar and was instantly hummable.
A defensive turnaround over the second half of the season led Houston to a division title by the two sweetest syllables in the English language: De-Fault.
Her voice howls like the wind through trees in the opening, and she even someone draws certain words out into far more syllables than they actually need.
It's just the nature of language that there are only so many syllables and sounds that you will more likely than not find something that sounds offensive.
In a far corner, a jazz trio worked their way through the standards, the vocalist riffing up and down scales in a haunting series of nonsense syllables.
In newspapers my name was 'unconscious intoxicated woman', ten syllables, and nothing more than that... I had to force myself to relearn my real name, my identity.
Vergangenheitsbewältigung is one of those quintessential German words: a long, clunky amalgam of syllables and ideas that expresses a concept you never imagined you'd need to name.
A perfectly calibrated power ballad, with the Lady Gaga chorus trademark of repeated syllables, does movie-musical triple duty as love song, vocal showcase and plot pivot.
The word's three syllables—with a hard, hoarse emphasis on the "do"—are a marvel of facial and tonal slapstick, hacky as text but brilliant as performance.
His vocal – a nasal whine the likes of which have gone unheard since James Blunt retired from music to become Mr Twitter Banter – chomps up the syllables to sound more regional and everyman; over-enunciating some, mumbling and drawling others like he's still a shy guy at an open mic night in a local pub, and splitting Robyn's righteous "Ohhh" hook in the chorus into three, breathy syllables.
There's even a nod to Avatar itself, as Soren struggles to come up with a good haiku, while Claudia checks his work by counting syllables on her fingers.
ELSA, which stands for English language speech assistant, helps people learn how to correctly pronounce different English words and when to stress certain words or syllables in sentences.
That Sunday, Bryan shared an idea about how to communicate: "Whats-App," she said, enunciating the two syllables as if trying the name out for the first time.
They heaved and stuttered syllables and incomplete words, not struggling so much as dissecting, looking for something beneath, to the side, or at the root of the words.
On Bandana, their second full-length team up, Gibbs slashes through twisty jazz riffs and creeping soul cuts, making space for unfathomable amounts of syllables among dense arrangements.
While million-streaming hits reduce themselves to the barest minimum of brittle notes and syllables, plus the maximum of barking self-promotion, Noname offers density and abundance instead.
His voice scratches, and he loves to cut off lines and syllables abruptly, but he's versatile and sometimes sings a chorus more sweetly than the beat suggests ("Wish").
I knew it involved coffee — the word fika is a flip of the two syllables in kaffe — but I had no idea that it involved the whole country.
As an encore, Ms. Gong and the players performed "Tan Te." In this breathless song, the vocal line is nonstop, with dizzying bursts of curt sounds and syllables.
The very word — those three rather finicky, hissy syllables, with that tight-arsed, final plosive burst of air — sounds too restrained, too orderly, too well-behaved by half.
The other, the Flesch Reading Ease (FRE) test, places the average sentence length and number of syllables into a formula to develop a score from 1 to 100.
This "neural text-to-speech" method means that Alexa knows which syllables to emphasize and which to skim past, rather than pronouncing them all equally as it previously did.
Young Thug at least makes loud noises with his mouth, but Carti swallows syllables as often as not, frequently dropping out entirely to give his background ad-libs — yeah!
The trick to pronouncing the last name of presidential candidate and South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg is to keep your lips almost totally puckered through all three syllables.
This past Saturday, Spenser took to Twitter once again to alert the world to the fact that he had, indeed, found more Trader Joe's products that are five syllables.
Like a vintage cigarette advertisement, he interweaves menacing content and cheerful lyrics into playful templates, excitedly stacking syllables on top of each other to craft openhearted yet grimy songs.
Again, glasshole is a great example of that — a word that effectively contains the full story of Google Glass' abject consumer failure wrapped up in those two mocking syllables.
NEW DELHI — At a jammed intersection in New Delhi, a passing parade of people announced their mission with a single word in Hindi, dicing it into short, snappy syllables.
On some of the originals here — see the teasing "Cover Me in Snow" and the swaggering "Santa Don't Sleigh" — Ms. Moore sings in the clipped syllables of Atlanta rap.
When Dr. Mello and his team analyzed the noise — a triplet of syllables produced in rapid succession — they discovered it was well above the normal hearing range of birds.
" But this a cappella group still loves its laser-pointer syllables, which arrive like cruel bullets on "Here Comes Santa Claus," and make for a genuinely harrowing "Making Christmas.
He piles syllables on top of one another in extravagant, musical heaps; it's no wonder Ulysses evangelists will often encourage you to give it a try in audiobook form.
His syllables have hard edges, and rarely does he let feeling get in the way, though the one exception is "Santeria," inspired by the murder of his road manager.
Penguins use the syllables available to them to speak in the most economical fashion they can, the paper suggested, by reserving the shorter ones for the most common calls.
And while his syllables glide easily, he's hobbled by lyrics that feel awkward and a little hasty ("Rolling eyes back in my head, make my toes curl, yeah, yeah").
This "cov light" debt — named by those who can't be bothered with multiple syllables — often has no provision that prevents the introduction of senior debt into the capital structure.
The ability to hook a viewer within a few syllables is a rare quality in an actor, one that can yield performances that live long past the end credits.
His syllables can be arrhythmic, and the conclusions of his lines fall over the end, like Wile E. Coyote zooming past the edge of a cliff, legs still pumping.
The main rapper in Ratking, he's pure texture: His voice is raspy and nasal, and he clusters his syllables tight, as if huddling under a large coat in cold weather.
Proponents of ECoG argue that these choral traces can convey enough information for a computer to decode the brain's intent—even what words or syllables a person means to say.
And if an acceptable word you've entered isn't available in its library, Talk Obama To Me will attempt to splice it together from individual syllables, with varying degrees of believability.
Similar pattern-matching algorithms are used to interpret the syllables you utter when you ask your smartphone to 'navigate to Brookline' or when a photo app tags your friend's face.
When Siri mispronounces a name users should say "that's not how you pronounce that," and they'll be taken to a menu where they can finesse the individual phonemes and syllables.
But he excitedly tripped over his own syllables as he talked about his three new shows, each of which uses classic pop songs as inspiration, raw material and organizing theme.
"Killin' you to death" is some St. Anger shit, and 21 Savage has conveyed more menace in single syllables than Green Day has in this line and in whole songs.
Reading Plato's Apology in my second semester of Elementary Greek, I was amazed at how much nuance these syllables give to Socrates' speech—they act like nudges, pokes, facial expressions.
Robert Hunter's lyrics offer sympathy for every lone traveler's journey as they hint at biblical psalms and Zen koans; the chorus has 63 syllables like a haiku (though divided differently).
"It's easy to give up on big ideas," she said at an outdoor rally in Concord last week, her breath visible after certain punctuated syllables on a 25-degree afternoon.
Guitars and pianos swirl in and out, and Ms. Gomez's vocals are chopped up to join the percussion, flinging well-chosen syllables — a recurring "whiskey neat" — at the offending ex.
A Florida-raised rapper and producer in his early 20s, given to mystical loops and deftly interlaced syllables, Chester Watson is a cult artist who seems bound for bigger things.
Six months later, her shoulders sagged as she stood on a terrace looking down at the Words staggering unconnected through the streets, stuttering single syllables and nonwords or moaning or screaming.
The defining sounds of Morricone's scores – electric guitar, handclaps and nonsense vocal syllables – were reportedly borne out of budget constraints for the films, but quickly became the genre's most recognizable sounds.
A high-voiced, choral lullaby invoking a star that protects her segues abruptly into a stark electronic groove, with a slow, terse bass line tugging against spiky percussion and vocal syllables.
"Many concepts might be expressed in a single syllable in Taa that would take three to four syllables in English," said Bonny Sands, a linguist who teaches at Northern Arizona University.
In Khoisan languages, word lengths are limited to one or two syllables, so one theory holds that a large number of consonants and vowels became necessary to express an expansive vocabulary.
They can't let you say what you want to say because they need to tune the microphones to listen to the particular syllables of the key word in that particular order.
Gaga is pretty sure that "Benedict Cumberbatch" is a series of nonsense syllables that a random British man made up for a vocal warmup, and the world is a beautiful place.
But the study finds that this imbalance is counteracted by speech rate: speakers of Japanese get in many of their simple syllables more quickly than English-speakers do their complicated ones.
Elsewhere, however, Mr. Bruce catches aspects of Thomas's meter (notably, his fondness for three consecutive strong syllables) in pulsating footwork, or wraps a dance current around the words, like a song.
"Metaphors," written by Plath in 1959, is composed of nine lines, each with nine syllables; every line is a metaphor for pregnancy, as Plath believed she was pregnant at the time.
By breaking down words into syllables (sounds) and applying each color (image) separately, Sullivan has opened himself up to taking different routes in any work or group of works he starts.
The Flesch-Kincaid test uses the number of syllables per word and number of words per sentence to assign a grade level to how difficult a piece of text is to understand.
But kids start out learning spoken and signed languages in a similar way: by babbling nonsense syllables, which teaches them the rhythm of conversation and trains them to make fine articulatory movements.
He used the platform to elevate the voices of young Bay Area stars like SOB X RBE, a quartet with a tendency to cram as many syllables as possible into a bar.
All the melodies are memorized but the actual syllables leave them confused—at least until he gets to his hit song about cocaine, and then crowd chants along with a numb euphoria.
In the rooms, which felt like they'd previously been big bedrooms or studio apartments, you could hear "Obama" uttered between non-English words, always emphasizing different syllables than we do in Americans.
Three-line haiku are among the simplest in appearance and the trickiest to write; you may have encountered them in school somewhere around the third grade, counting their syllables on your fingers.
Its midtempo groove, deliberate bass line and informal backup vocals hark back to Sly and the Family Stone, while Syd doles out her come-ons just a few syllables at a time.
Mr. Mataroa said the committee was considering names with these requirements: It should not be more than 15 letters, have no more than four syllables and be easy to explain in English.
Apparently Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel were not very good at it -- but not as bad as Bob Dylan, who Elton says couldn't get the hang of the whole "how many syllables?" thing.
And it's not like they aren't capable; just look at how Stick calls Daredevil and Elektra "Matty" and "Ellie," and how much emotion all three of them can pack into a few syllables.
Just like looking for a real relationship, you can go about finding a friend with benefits (or fwb, if you're trying to save syllables) in one of two ways: either online or IRL.
Staples's clipped sneer of a delivery, which cuts up syllables like meat cubes, and the percussive bounce of the music, reducing each beat to a succession of discrete individual notes, are paired appropriately.
But perhaps you might find some beauty in the way Wayne's voice swoops through the word "her," turning it into three syllables and thus capturing some of the emotional power of love itself.
Rocking a hairstyle that looks like a Stepford Wives version of the Fat Jew, Atoz extols the virtues of Youth Milk, ensuring that she adds an insane number of syllables to each word.
Elsewhere, Mr. Preljocaj presents a phrase that he later breaks up — two duets become four solos, partnered motions become partnerless — much as Cage dismantled sentences into words into syllables into increasingly elemental sounds.
Where earlier sambas skewed toward the booming, theatrical voices of the past, "Chega de Saudade" was packed with textural syllables and nearly impossible to sing in the style of Brazil's more traditional crooners.
Elizabeth Azen, a co-owner of the clothing line Dynasty — emphasis on the last two syllables — has designs on dressing the women who turn out to protest at the Women's March on Washington.
The inquiry heard recordings of a FIG representative selling the policy to Stewart's son who answered most questions - including about details of insurance policies - in single syllables after pauses of about five seconds.
Instantly, majestically, he raised his head and, before I could ask him to announce me without fanfare ... he shouted the disquieting syllables with a force that could shake the roof of the hall.
Trust The Process has been used in a variety of contexts and circumstances, but these four syllables typically convey the same sense of faith in systems, bureaucracies, plans, or schemes, no matter how warranted.
He favored tracks full of grand, gothic keyboard lines, and he made his words memorable by using fewer of them, drawing out his raspy syllables, or taking a few beats off for added emphasis.
But in the hospital, he tried to read to his comatose wife and while doing so, stumbled over the words in the children's reader, slowly enunciating syllables that were difficult for him to pronounce.
The album underscores how integral the warm keyboards by Drake's main producer, 40, have been to his success, and how they shore up his career's throughline, a perfect complement to Drake's soothing, slippery syllables.
" Yet the song also features a Gaga trademark since the dance-pop days of hits like "Paparazzi" and "Poker Face": a chorus built on stuttering repeated syllables, "in the sha-hal, sha-hal-oh.
Thirty-five speakers murmur with chimes and metallic scratches, but also whispered syllables that may put you in mind of Turkey's campaign of denunciations by private informants since the attempted government coup last summer.
And if they do express it, a non-aristocrat will probably not understand what they are saying, since they speak in drawling half-syllables that are the product of centuries of being listened to.
Then, Wayne dives into his verse with the same kind of staccato, syncopated patter that has become Young Thug's signature, where syllables are simultaneously hyper-enunciated and wackily truncated or elongated depending on the melody.

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