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11 Sentences With "surface show"

How to use surface show in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "surface show" and check conjugation/comparative form for "surface show". Mastering all the usages of "surface show" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Now, the highest-resolution photos and videos ever taken of its surface show that action in unprecedented detail.
The rim of the pot is crusted black with char; bell peppers, just breaking the surface, show off blistered skins.
The highest-resolution photos and video ever taken of the sun&aposs surface show it covered in Texas-sized blobs of boiling plasma.
The pictures, taken just 240 miles (385 kilometers) above the surface, show that the region known as Occator Crater is comprised of a complex mixture of land formations, deepening the mystery of how the area formed.
The parts bearing the original surface show traces of exceedingly fine spiral striations. The periphery and the base of the body whorl are rather inflated, well rounded, the latter narrowly umbilicated, and marked like the spire. The aperture is broadly oval. The posterior angle is obtuse.
The angular diameter of 119 Tauri has also been measured directly by VLBI, leading to limb-darkened diameters of , , , , , . Although CE Tauri is classified as a pulsating variable, observations using the same equipment and wavelengths have not detected significant changes in the angular diameter over time. Reconstructed images of the surface show bright spots that are attributed to giant convection cells.
The outline is long and the polished surface show s no spiral striae except on the penultimate and beginning of the body whorl, where fine, scarcely impressed, close spiral lines can be seen under a strong lens. A few separated impressed striae extend along the columellar margin of the base. The columellar margin is slightly bowed or concave. The upper surface has subregular radiating striae.
The rotation produces extremely strong magnetic fields which are expected to brake the star to a slower rotation rate. Analysis of variability due to star spots on the surface show that the star rotates at different speeds at different latitudes. FK Comae Berenices is listed as a companion to the slightly brighter HD 117567. The two are not thought to be physically associated, with HD 117567 being a much closer F2 main sequence star.
The highest point of the interior of Mayda Insula is approximately above its shoreline. Slopes are relatively mild at approximately 1.5 degrees on average, though they can approach 5 degrees in some locations. Radar images of Titan's surface show that Mayda Insula's coasts display evidence of being changed by fluvial and lacustrine processes. Analyses of these fluvial features suggested that approximately 2 km3 of material has been eroded from Mayda Insula and deposited elsewhere in the Kraken Mare basin.
Those on the upper surface show a fine spiral thread in the interstices, which are of about the same width as the riblets. The cinguli on the outer side of the base are finer and closer together. On the inner side 3 broad slightly crenulated ribs surround the umbilicus, which is also prominently spirally ribbed. The 2 cinguli below the suture are crossed and beaded by strong and sharp equidistant radiate riblets, dividing the interstices into regular squares.
The front portion of the upper jaw (premaxilla) and tip of the lower jaw (predentary) lacked teeth and were probably covered in a beak. Studies of the bone surface show that at least the tips of the jaws supported a hard, keratinous beak similar to that found in modern birds. The palate (mouth roof) contained small pits that allowed the lower teeth to lock into place when the jaws were closed. They also retained a dinosaur-like joint between the lower jaw bones.

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