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994 Sentences With "supposed to be"

How to use supposed to be in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "supposed to be" and check conjugation/comparative form for "supposed to be". Mastering all the usages of "supposed to be" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Some people are supposed to be doctors and some people are supposed to be just mothers and I'm supposed to be a photographer.
This isn't supposed to be cool, it's not supposed to be funny.
This wasn't supposed to be me, this wasn't supposed to be Bryan.
And yet it's supposed to be creative and it's supposed to be viable.
Many videos are supposed to be satirical not supposed to be taken seriously.
Parents aren't supposed to be their child's "best friends"; they're supposed to be parents.
"Asian food isn't supposed to be elevated – it's supposed to be authentic," Marcus says.
He's supposed to be a force of nature, he's supposed to be almost supernatural.
" Yes, "work is supposed to be hard, but it's not supposed to be a martyrdom.
But Sanders wasn't supposed to be like other politicians; he was supposed to be better.
You are supposed to be safe there, and the proceedings are supposed to be fair.
But it's not just supposed to be communal—it's supposed to be a dinner party.
But although expectations are supposed to be important, they are not supposed to be everything.
This question is supposed to be argued over, and it's supposed to be argued over passionately.
One of them is supposed to be good, one of them is supposed to be bad.
GR: It was supposed to be all laughs, and she was supposed to be our president.
Traditionally, the Grasshopper isn't supposed to be blended; it's supposed to be shaken and served up.
I have no idea where I'm supposed to be or what I'm supposed to be doing.
If millennials were supposed to be selfish and disengaged, Gen-Z is supposed to be the opposite.
That's another problem: These podcasts are supposed to be informative, but they're also supposed to be fun.
Some days that I was supposed to be sick, I forgot I was supposed to be sick.
Tesla's supposed to be monitoring Musk's tweets Regardless, things aren't supposed to be this way at Tesla.
You're not supposed to be sycophants, you're supposed to be skeptics, you're supposed to ask me tough questions.
The reality is we're supposed to be editing stories, we're supposed to be trying to make them better.
Addiction was only supposed to be in like 1 percent of cases—it was supposed to be exquisitely rare.
Free speech isn't supposed to be free of consequences — but it is supposed to be free of governmental intervention.
You're not supposed to be (inaudible) fans, you're supposed to be skeptics, you're supposed to ask me tough questions.
This is, in every way, supposed to be a fantasy," she said, "and fantasy is not supposed to be verifiable.
Aniston also said she originally was supposed to be Monica, and co-star Courteney Cox was supposed to be Rachel.
Art isn't supposed to be a one-click or one-tap affair, and it certainly isn't supposed to be repetitive.
That was supposed to be the sexy business, CBS was supposed to be the dull business, Les Moonves runs CBS.
The Supreme Court is supposed to be independent, it&aposs not supposed to be supreme of all the branches of government.
Teforia's line of internet-connected teapots wasn't supposed to be Uber for tea, it was supposed to be Keurig for tea.
Really, he is supposed to be about something bigger, and that is the ideal of what America is supposed to be.
It's supposed to be there — there's not supposed to be a black hole in the sky right where the sun should be.
While politicians are supposed to be partisan — it's their job — the press is supposed to be concerned with getting out the truth.
The theory is that during shows you aren't supposed to be looking at them; you're supposed to be looking at the clothes.
At one point, Susan B. Anthony was supposed to be included, and President Jefferson was supposed to be on President Washington's right side.
You've got the INC's — the independent neurological consultants — the trainers and the referees are supposed to be looking, everybody's supposed to be looking.
She tells him that even though she thinks she's supposed to be alone, she also thinks that she's supposed to be with him.
BECKY QUICK: But-- just looking at the tax code, 35% is what we're supposed to be paying-- what corporations are supposed to be paying.
They are supposed to be above vanities like grooming: They're supposed to be clean, but they aren't supposed to care about how they look.
It's supposed to be abrasive, it's supposed to be some shit you supposed to not listen to around your fucking mom and your grandma.
"Los Angeles is such a progressive community of trying to get back to the roots of how vegetables are truly supposed to be eaten, how meat is truly supposed to be cared for and how we're supposed to be nurturing our bodies," she said.
That's the way it is supposed to be: 40-year-old men aren't supposed to be able to keep up with 25-year-old kids.
"This is supposed to be superhard; it's supposed to be a crazy challenge," said Chipper Nicodemus, a host of the swimrun podcast Low Tide Boyz.
They have a lot of talented players, and this was supposed to be the bridge year for them and they weren't supposed to be here.
"The Rules" was supposed to be the cure for all of that; "The Rules" was supposed to be a cure for who we actually were.
"Teenagers are supposed to be leaving their homes and engaging with their peers and they're supposed to be trying new things," she told Anderson Cooper.
"They are supposed to be here and we are supposed to be taking photos with the family — my children and their respective dates," she shared.
"When we started the band Ben was supposed to be the lead singer and I was supposed to be the good-looking guy," he quipped.
Those submissions are supposed to be circulated among the most senior officials in the department, and the writers are supposed to be protected from retaliation.
When I was supposed to be acting out femininity, I was constantly thinking I needed to be pretty—'I'm a woman, I'm supposed to be pretty.
The US is supposed to be the top dog in these relationships, and foreign governments are not supposed to be killing and detaining Americans with impunity.
You are exactly what you are supposed to be, because nothing is supposed to be anything except for what it is, even if not everyone understands that.
"We have the Al Smith dinner that is supposed to be about collegiality and supposed to be about charity and they left a chill in the room."
Beta Theta Pi was supposed to be an alcohol-free fraternity, and employees from St. Moritz Security Services were supposed to be spot checking compliance, Scicchitano said.
And it's so easy to get sucked into the rules of consumption of what music is supposed to be—who's supposed to be famous and who's not.
In the city if you are alone it is often because you are somewhere you are not supposed to be, somewhere no one is supposed to be.
"That is what Congress is supposed to be doing — they're supposed to be writing laws and they're supposed to lending oversight over the executive branch," said Yin.
But that decision is supposed to be based on the conditions in the country in question, and it's supposed to be made by the homeland security secretary herself.
"Our board is not supposed to be a censor board, it's supposed to be a certification board," said Varun Grover, a screen writer and lyricist based in Bombay.
"We will not spend a penny that is not supposed to be spent, and we'll strive to guarantee the money that is supposed to be spent," Liu said.
"They know your offense better than you know your offense; they know where you're supposed to be better than you know where you're supposed to be," Auriemma said.
Well, we are not supposed to be able to go after them because they are supposed to be above politics and this kind of corruption-- (CROSSTALK) HANNITY: All right.
"We've seen multiple attempts by HHS to kind of mutate what Title X is supposed to be doing and the services they're supposed to be providing," Huling told Refinery29.
"Strike with a pickax" sounds like we are supposed to be thinking about the verb "strike," but we're really supposed to be thinking about the noun "strike," or ORE.
However, these powers aren't supposed to be used arbitrarily: there's supposed to be an independent study of the issue, and the president acts on the basis of that study.
He always was where he was supposed to be, doing what he was supposed to be doing, accountable to the team, listening to his coaches, (being) a good teammate.
They're not supposed to be working for the cops in that way; they're supposed to be doing a search to determine if you are safe to come into the club.
There is supposed to be an Assistant Secretary for Tax Policy, who is supposed to be assisted by Deputy Assistant Secretaries for Tax Policy, Tax Analysis, and International Tax Affairs.
It was different from anything I thought it was supposed to be and honestly, it hit a point where I didn't even know what 'it' was supposed to be anymore.
Indeed, the fact that Flight 209 was supposed to be a domestic one, and that Libyan carriers are supposed to be banned from EU airspace, underscores the pervasiveness of airborne threats.
"I think for many people," Jones continues, "it becomes a different job when they forget that that's actually what they're supposed to be doing: They're supposed to be serving the public."
Kylo Ren's entire outfit was supposed to be chrome The original concept for the villainous Kylo Ren was supposed to be all chrome armor, but that didn't fit with Abram's vision.
And if things aren't working, if there's gridlock, then the only guy that they actually know is supposed to be in charge and supposed to be helping them is the President.
There's an unspoken rule in photography, not to mention in art in general, that women are not supposed to be, technically speaking, voyeurs—they're supposed to be what voyeurs look at.
I think that's the one thing about "punk" that was always supposed to be there that disappeared with time: you are never supposed to be bleaker than your outlook on music.
" Dispatcher: "And he's supposed to be back at midnight?
BEIJING — It was supposed to be a triumphant tweet.
" "You think I'm supposed to be happy with him?
" He adds: "I'm not supposed to be this big.
Posts are supposed to be labeled NSFW, so that those who would like to may block such content, and explicit videos are not supposed to be uploaded, but they may be embedded.
"Anytime you're supposed to be happy, and supposed to be shown love, and supposed to have connections to people who are thinking of you is a setup for disappointment," Dr. Kissen says.
"You're giving them a very distorted and limited view on what a female role is supposed to be in a family and what a male role is supposed to be," she added.
Passes underneath to Christian McCaffrey, the team's rookie running back, are supposed to be a safety valve when bigger plays fail to develop; they are not supposed to be the offensive strategy.
I was surrounded by people who were being celebrated for their movies that were supposed to be funny, but never made people laugh, and supposed to be dramatic, but never made people cry.
And so even though it's supposed to be a flow and supposed to be a natural conversation, that's an artifice for me because I have to think super carefully about everything I post.
"The images that come out of Hollywood are supposed to be painting the pictures of a rainbow future, they're supposed to be painting the pictures of a diverse and inclusive future," he added.
The president is not supposed to be weighing the interests of his businesses against the interest of the country — and picking the interests of the country is supposed to be automatic, not laudable.
In this formulation, there is supposed to be a perfect center, the halfway point where opposing traditions meet — and somebody is supposed to be standing there, looking reasonable, seeing merit on both sides.
What was supposed to be a night that propelled Mrs.
But what exactly are we supposed to be vigilant about?
THE OIL price was supposed to be soaring around now.
I mean, Alcon was supposed to be your cash cow.
We know what the rules are supposed to be like.
Robert, an Army engineer, was supposed to be in charge.
The heart rate sensor is supposed to be more accurate.
Ms. Vikander and Mr. Redmayne are supposed to be Danes.
My whole journey was supposed to be about inspiring people.
J.J. knew who she was supposed to be; I didn't.
Like, wow, I'm supposed to be in my mom's dress.
Was this what love was really 'supposed' to be like?
You say this was supposed to be a serious investigation.
"It is supposed to be toward businesses," de Blasio said.
This is supposed to be fun, and entertaining, and joyful.
It doesn't taste like I'm supposed to be eating this.
Elections are supposed to be the way we change this.
But maybe that's what it's supposed to be about anyway.
That's supposed to be the new Moto Z2 Force's promise.
He was also supposed to be out raising equity capital.
This was supposed to be a stellar quarter for Amazon.
But as a single woman, I'm not supposed to be.
I don't think we're supposed to be talking about that.
I thought this was supposed to be about abortion rights.
I mean, this is supposed to be fun — it's music!
That meeting is supposed to be rescheduled soon, Shelby said.
It was primary politics as it was supposed to be.
And it was supposed to be all romantic and sweet.
Of course, I wasn't supposed to be injecting the Demerol.
We were supposed to be better, faster, and more efficient.
But one is supposed to be better than the other?
In other words, our lives are supposed to be fragile.
I thought I was supposed to be the cheerful guy.
Whoever was supposed to be there missed a good game.
The Globes are supposed to be the fun award show!
For we were supposed to be little ambassadors in training.
It's 2016, people — isn't traveling supposed to be getting easier?
"Where was I supposed to be?" she recalled asking him.
And iMessage is supposed to be slightly optimized for this.
Portions were supposed to be redacted and kept under seal.
The zone is supposed to be demilitarised by October 113th.
The only problem was, Riley wasn't supposed to be there.
"It's supposed to be promoting coverage and promoting affordable coverage."
The poorest natives were supposed to be suffering most grievously.
The trip was supposed to be quick, just two days.
Also, it was supposed to be a really funny joke.
C.K. was supposed to be one of the good ones.
Thought those guys were supposed to be dead or something.
November was supposed to be a good month for crypto.
The Divo is supposed to be a nimble race car.
I mean, I was supposed to be dead that day.
It was not supposed to be weird, but it was.
Steve Shelton: Loincloth was never supposed to be a lifestyle.
"The way it was supposed to be," she calls it.
" As Howard acknowledged, "We're not really supposed to be here.
Ostensibly, Woman Walks Ahead is supposed to be a biopic.
This was supposed to be the year of virtual reality.
I wasn't supposed to be 100 percent, and I am.
I thought this wasn't supposed to be a sex thing?
I wasn't doing what I was supposed to be doing.
Endgame was supposed to be the culmination of that dedication.
Your hormones are doing everything they're supposed to be doing.
Jay Woodley: This was supposed to be Rokar's whole field.
It was all supposed to be a joke, they said.
Remember how VMware was supposed to be disrupted by AWS?
Of course, twttr is not supposed to be Dorsey's vision.
But, hey, comfort food is supposed to be just that!
Especially people who are supposed to be having your back.
Is this not supposed to be a show by Leonardo?
Nevada was once supposed to be a firewall for Mrs.
The fingerprint scanner was supposed to be beneath the screen.
After all, the court is supposed to be above politics.
But that was supposed to be the end of it.
Maybe this is what heaven is supposed to be like?
" Monét continued, "This was supposed to be their safe place!
That is not what America is supposed to be about.
He was supposed to be one of the good ones.
The hospital is supposed to be a sacred, trusting place.
The list was supposed to be published Oct. 1. Sens.
Pushing through pain is supposed to be heroic and manly.
What are the lines in the background supposed to be?
Caterpillar was supposed to be a dog stock this year.
The people are supposed to be the ones in control.
Tobacco is not supposed to be used in patrol cars.
It was supposed to be a glimpse at the future.
The movie's supposed to be about real kids, not supermodels.
"They weren't supposed to be in the video," he said.
Fitness is supposed to be a pain in the ass.
Is the Z3 really supposed to be Motorola's 2018 "flagship"?
In fact, that's exactly how they're supposed to be used.
But that's fine, since he's not supposed to be frightening.
How do I know where I am supposed to be!!!!
Basel 22027 was supposed to be settled a year ago.
IT WAS SUPPOSED to be a quiet time in Westminster.
It was supposed to be a point of no return.
I'm not supposed to be looking polished that's the problem.
In fairness, the titular joke is supposed to be bad.
Is realizing the American Dream supposed to be so stressful?
Fox News is supposed to be fully in his camp.
Disneyland is supposed to be the happiest place on earth.
California was supposed to be a cakewalk for Hillary Clinton.
IT WAS supposed to be a sneaky afternoon cigarette break.
It's supposed to be the party supposedly of fiscal conservatism.
Aren't they supposed to be watching out for our safety?
This is how new hires a supposed to be taught.
That facility was supposed to be cranking out solar products.
This is supposed to be about Bob, dude. Chill. 7.
Isn't the SOUTH supposed to be warmer than the NORTH?
You're supposed to be embarrassed to do it around others.
Description: In economics textbooks, markets are supposed to be competitive.
"The house isn't supposed to be what's loud," DeLeon adds.
It was so hard and it's supposed to be hard.
Wow… Carl was supposed to be around until the end.
The photo was supposed to be more about the ring.
We're not supposed to be taking money from the bosses.
They are supposed to be calling balls and strikes, correct?
I am not kidding; this is supposed to be visible.
I am not supposed to be involved with the FBI.
Except Louis C.K. wasn't supposed to be just another asshole.
It's supposed to be fun, I guess, but it's not.
This is supposed to be a timeless space fairy tale.
Anecdotally, this was supposed to be a sign of strength.
It's a seriously uncomfortable scene, and it's supposed to be.
It was supposed to be beautiful, but it was awful.
Just another reminder ... video games are supposed to be fun.
Here's what I learned: Internships are supposed to be educational.
"This was supposed to be a boring hearing," said Rep.
SOFTWARE firms are supposed to be a paradise for "talent".
Don't worry, things are supposed to be confusing right now!
Underwear is supposed to be worn under your clothing, right?
This was supposed to be when Rubio made his move.
Last Friday morning it wasn't supposed to be this way.
But the ladies, they're supposed to be silent, polite, gentle.
I mean, is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Sex, we're often told, is supposed to be mysteriously fun.
Andorian blues is supposed to be pretty good music, too.
Because here San Francisco is supposed to be that, right?
"This was supposed to be a celebratory time," she says.
I think they're supposed to be quite brave, setting off.
Partisanship is supposed to be working in Trump's favor, too.
After all, aren't trial lawyers supposed to be the tools?
And this is supposed to be a failure of leadership?
This is how political losses are supposed to be taken.
Public companies are supposed to be answerable to their shareholders.
Exceptions to this rule are supposed to be truly exceptional.
That, in our constitutional system, was supposed to be that.
" "They're supposed to be sending him down to Travis County.
The joke, I guess, is supposed to be on me.
It's supposed to be a compliment, but really it's insulting.
But his whole point was supposed to be his independence.
It was supposed to be called the Hall of Records.
They don't cover stories the way they're supposed to be.
You just assume that's the way it's supposed to be.
I just think wild animals are supposed to be wild.
This is supposed to be getting easier, but it's not.
The election was originally supposed to be held last weekend.
But it was only supposed to be a little smaller.
The deadline was supposed to be the end of October.
"I'm not ready yet, but I'm not supposed to be."
Am I supposed to be doing that at my age?
Previously, the legislature was supposed to be the ultimate authority.
The farm bill is supposed to be about feeding people.
"Today was supposed to be a happier day," Leonard said.
It's supposed to be the party, supposedly, of fiscal conservatism.
The same is not supposed to be true for lawyers.
"We are supposed to be partners, not adversaries," he says.
Leaps in the dark are supposed to be for foreigners.
Van Gaal, of course, was supposed to be special, too.
No, it's supposed to be for the people of America.
Turnbull's speech, however, was supposed to be off the record.
It's supposed to be a statement, a really big deal.
Both parties were supposed to be involved in the process.
On Washington WASHINGTON — This was not supposed to be difficult.
We are supposed to be considered innocent until proven guilty.
They know this isn't what they're supposed to be doing.
Aircraft carriers are supposed to be named for US presidents.
"This makeup is supposed to be a costume," Davy continued.
"Is this supposed to be funny or terrifying?" asks Malina.
It's unclear whether this scene is supposed to be funny.
Aren't road trips supposed to be as spontaneous as possible?
The Mueller investigation was supposed to be a legal process.
Conan Doyle's protagonist is supposed to be stylish, even effete.
Again, this was just supposed to be a black tattoo.
Today we're supposed to be thinking about a FLEA circus.
But sick people aren't supposed to be subsidizing the healthy.
That inmate was supposed to be locked in his cell.
Stadia is supposed to be the answer to my problem.
Government directives are not supposed to be public in China.
How stupid is the president of Ukraine supposed to be.
So what are minority voters supposed to be hearing now?
What else was he supposed to be doing in there?
The screen shows what you are supposed to be doing.
We are all supposed to be on the same side.
"Noelle" was originally supposed to be a theatrical Disney release.
Maybe it's supposed to be comical, but it never hits.
And which one are you supposed to be focusing on?
The James Webb Space Telescope is supposed to be awesome.
Life in a small town is supposed to be simple.
After all, summers are supposed to be slow and relaxing.
The task force was supposed to be launched this Monday.
In races where we're supposed to be tied, we're behind.
It doesn't fit how the world is supposed to be.
Ethics reform was supposed to be Mr. Cuomo's great mission.
Jozy Altidore was supposed to be America's greatest soccer export.
And how is he supposed to be qualified to run?
A woman is supposed to be feminine, fragile, and girlie.
Fireworks, birthdays, and champagne are supposed to be fun activities!
By law it was supposed to be completed by 2011.
But Abu Dhabi is supposed to be liberal and modern.
It was everything an SNL sketch is supposed to be!
They're not with the person they're supposed to be with.
It's supposed to be 5 or 6 grand, the most.
Get it together, Lee — you're supposed to be a professional.
We supposed to be doing some music in the future.
And that's supposed to be the point of the pill.
I say, 'This is the way it's supposed to be.
Stop #WhiteGeocide," which we'll assume was supposed to be "genocide.
Ramadan isn't supposed to be easy, that's the whole point.
"I am not supposed to be involved with the FBI."
It's kind of like what drawing is supposed to be.
Fiennes said it was supposed to be "fun" and "lighthearted".
This is where the Indiana Pacers are supposed to be.
Guys are supposed to be able to eat a lot.
Fragility is supposed to be the antithesis of masculinity, right?
She is supposed to be neutral in the presidential race.
He needs to go to where he's supposed to be.
"This was supposed to be a bipartisan lunch," Illinois Rep.
You know, it's supposed to be like this secret thing.
So who is supposed to be the 'loser' in sex?
We're supposed to be: You vote and it means something.
They were supposed to be the best of the best.
"It was supposed to be a celebratory event," she said.
I'm supposed to be planning her graduation, not her funeral.
Oh I forgot, we are supposed to be friends. Ha!
Find out what your "genetic weight" is supposed to be.
"It's supposed to be 'Protect and Serve,'" Ms. Lindemann said.
I was supposed to be a fly on the wall.
Rainy wedding days are supposed to be good luck, yes?
That's supposed to be the formula for the American Dream.
Our seniors are supposed to be in their golden years.
"This is supposed to be the crown jewel," he said.
Today, we're supposed to be thinking of EIDERdown, the noun.
They're supposed to be representatives of God, of Christian morality.
Purdue was supposed to be prepared for the defensive pressure.
Her time in jail is not supposed to be punitive.
This Republican primary was supposed to be his to lose.
Are we all supposed to be afraid and run away?
They were supposed to be provocative, but mostly looked pointless.
"We're supposed to be the wild, wild West," Hayes said.
"I'm supposed to be in L.A. next week," I lied.
The force was never supposed to be mobilized this quickly.
But political leadership is supposed to be just that: leadership.
What about Dany's speech is supposed to be so convincing?
Burma was supposed to be an answer to these problems.
Under Swiss law, the foundation is supposed to be independent.
It was supposed to be a tax cut for manufacturers.
The Minnesota Lynx are not supposed to be getting better.
Summer movies are supposed to be fun little treats, right?
Manafort was supposed to be one of Trump's cannier associates.
He's supposed to be a prestige TV and film star!
Caruso knows things were not supposed to be this way.
Ahi Assassins was supposed to be just a fish store.
Something that after September 2011 was supposed to be meaningless.
" The student said, "You're not supposed to be a princess.
The first practice was supposed to be held on Sept.
And the ceiling of what was supposed to be Mrs.
Was that supposed to be a shot or a cross?
The pool was supposed to be open until 8 p.m.
Alex and Eleanor are supposed to be the same age.
"He's supposed to be buying his own ventilators," Trump said.
But it's not supposed to be comprehensive in any way.
It's supposed to be the time of your life, right?
Thursday was supposed to be Major League Baseball's opening day.
It's not how this country was supposed to be governed.
They don't know what they're supposed to be looking for.
"It was supposed to be a short time," he said.
They are supposed to be in Florida on spring break.
The Note lineup is supposed to be Samsung's aspirational phone.
Exactly what our political system is supposed to be about.
It does seem that we were supposed to be together.
"The Dyke March is supposed to be intersectional," she said.
Does anybody know what my job is supposed to be?
Remember, it's a party, and it's supposed to be fun.
"Diplomats are supposed to be diplomatic," the German official said.
Intelligence is not supposed to be used for political retribution.
TAIPEI, Taiwan — Populism was supposed to be the winning formula.
GROZNY, Russia — It was supposed to be a night out.
The caucuses were supposed to be less important this time.
"Journalists are not supposed to be the story," Curry said.
Remembrance, like soccer, is supposed to be above such things.
"These sailors are supposed to be very healthy," he said.
It is supposed to be a festive time of year.
"It was supposed to be a punk show," he said.
The money was supposed to be remitted to the agency.
That's supposed to be for the workers and the peasants.
Deliveries are supposed to be quick, within a few minutes.
Or was supposed to be a scene at a concert.
NEG is supposed to be a shortened version of that.
Disney's future is supposed to be streaming — not theme parks.
Art Review Eugen Gabritschevsky was supposed to be a scientist.
"A woman is supposed to be submissive," she once said.
Six months later, I'm supposed to be coaching against Stanford.
The Senate was supposed to be the place of statesmanship.
Those judgment calls are supposed to be made by prosecutors.
I am not supposed to be involved in the FBI.
Valerie was not supposed to be only sitting with me.
The whole thing was supposed to be out in 7073.
The Getaway Travel is supposed to be about the journey.
This was supposed to be an address to the nation.
Secondarily, so tomorrow the tariffs were supposed to be raised.
"Hey, this guy's supposed to be our ace," Girardi said.
They're supposed to be places where you get objective views.
Of course, this wasn't supposed to be the last movement.
We're just entertaining people, and it's supposed to be fun.
You're supposed to be talking about what the law is.
It wasn't doing what it was supposed to be doing.
They were supposed to be going to 2115 for three.
They're also supposed to be cathartic in a sick way.
This was supposed to be the year of rising rates.
"You're supposed to be sweet and cute," she whispers back.
You're supposed to be lots of things you're not always.
I still knew what I was supposed to be doing.
It is not supposed to be a political blood sport.
And the mosque is supposed to be the safe space.
Hey, going to the movies isn't supposed to be work.
Justices are supposed to be free from external political pressures.
As attorney general, he's supposed to be the nation's lawyer.
She's supposed to be a bit of a suburban sexpot.
But he is supposed to be the smartest and best.
He wondered if he was supposed to be somewhere special.
"It was supposed to be a big promotion," Shapiro says.
The contract was supposed to be awarded in fiscal 2020.
"The impact is supposed to be relatively small," Freeman said.
Such differences are supposed to be decided publicly, through elections.
The Grammy Awards are supposed to be music's biggest party.
It wasn't supposed to be this hard for digital publishers.
The meeting is supposed to be closed to the press.
But this was supposed to be the Summer of Love.
But it's not supposed to be that way for devices.
Isn't candidate diversity supposed to be something liberals believe in?
It was supposed to be a conservatism built to last.
Rafsanjani's successor, Mohammad Khatami, was supposed to be a moderate.
I read at night when I'm supposed to be asleep.
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — The camp was supposed to be a refuge.
But that was never supposed to be the entire story.
"None of you are supposed to be here," she said.
What am I supposed to be getting out of this?
"Amtrak is supposed to be the national rail," Millhouse said.
Women's sports weren't supposed to be equal or better than.
They're not supposed to be the master of each film.
I just assumed it was supposed to be leaked. Yeah.
And he is supposed to be Robin Hood for everybody.
Isn't Gemini season supposed to be about you having fun?
Or you feel vulnerable when you're supposed to be strong.
Remember: Germaine de Randamie wasn't even supposed to be here.
But it's not easy, and it's not supposed to be.
The job of House chaplain is supposed to be nonpartisan.
Do people assume the artist is supposed to be you?
The purpose was supposed to be not punishment but prevention.
And that's what democracy is supposed to be all about.
This was supposed to be a huge Supreme Court term.
Yeah. Babies are supposed to be a little bit dirty.
They're supposed to be genuine stories of her being wronged.
Members of Congress are supposed to be questioned by design.
"It's not supposed to be something you'd take instead of the bus; it's supposed to be something you'd take to the bus," Ashlie Handy, a spokeswoman for the Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority, told Bloomberg.
"There is a lot of pressure in the world about who is supposed to care about politics, who is supposed to be in charge, who is supposed to be an activist," Washington, 41, said.
When democracy is under siege, the belligerents are supposed to be dictators, oligarchs and autocrats; the people are supposed to be the guardians (if all goes well), or else the victims (if it doesn't).
I'm supposed to be reeling, but I'm also supposed to be an impartial person using an impartial system to hunt down the domestic terrorists that have violated the freedom of the citizens of the Nation.
She's a vivid, inclusive writer, and everything serves an empowering subtext: Don't let anyone tell you who you're supposed to be, and don't let anyone tell you what a novel is supposed to be, either.
I thought leaders are supposed to be loud — I'm quiet, leaders are supposed to be decisive — I am very indecisive, and I do not have a bold presence — I just blend in with everyone else.
Schenker said there was no funding that was supposed to be transferred and wasn't transferred, and that there was no military hardware that was supposed to be given to the Lebanese army and wasn't given.
He's the one who's supposed to be protecting, and he's the one who's supposed to be — not just the focus, in a patriarchal way, but he's supposed to take responsibility, and he never gets to.
The intended benefit of sex offender registries was supposed to be greater protection of children — with fewer opportunities for recidivist sexual predators to attack children, there were supposed to be fewer sex crimes against them.
It's also supposed to be convenient because it's on your body.
The credit lines are supposed to be cheaper than traditional overdrafts.
I mean, I'm supposed to be out at dinner right now.
But on one level, it's supposed to be very selfless work.
Is it supposed to be a virtual assistant on your wrist?
Nobody used Connect, which was supposed to be its social component.
Happy endings like his were not supposed to be so rare.
This was supposed to be the best of WWE's New Era.
Those measures were supposed to be temporarily deployed during trade negotiations.
Was this passenger on the plane supposed to be her brother?
It's supposed to be on track for $10 billion by 2020.
"The SEC is supposed to be about shareholder protection," Webber said.
Life coaching is never supposed to be a substitute for therapy.
Because emotional connection is supposed to be the point of dating.
That's not what news and information is supposed to be for.
People are calling it FaceID, and it's supposed to be awesome.
President 25 percent were supposed to be a boon for steelmakers.
Strange Success Adie Horowitz wasn't supposed to be a successful entrepreneur.
It was supposed to be the usual zany Ball family drama.
"I'm supposed to be a helper," Swatzell told Today's Hoda Kotb.
Wasn&apost that supposed to be the point the entire time?
Foreign influence was never supposed to be part of America's elections.
"It was supposed to be a proof of concept," he said.
It's cold now, but it's supposed to be 50 degrees today!
And Sasse is supposed to be one of the measured ones.
GUILFOYLE: We&aposre supposed to be, you know, not favoring sides.
I thought we were all supposed to be in this together.
The facility's location is supposed to be revealed later this year.
There was supposed to be a separate hearing on child support.
Wal-Mart was supposed to be the fastest growing retailer, too.
So is Kourt's holiday snap supposed to be sending a message?
That position was supposed to be prevalent throughout the Republican conference.
Like, you're supposed to be streaming a reasonable amount of time.
It's supposed to be the biggest, best night of the year.
The Games are supposed to be universal in allowing that opportunity.
"He was not supposed to be working that day," says Bell.
The 2016 Democratic primary was supposed to be a boring story.
Wipe down a table; look like you're supposed to be there.
I am black, I am supposed to be kicked off Fox.
"Tree's character was never supposed to be the hero," Rothe says.
You were supposed to be the blossoming of a million voices.
It was supposed to be her last appointment of the day.
That's what I thought first-rounders were supposed to be like.
She didn't know what she was supposed to be doing there.
But I just feel like this is supposed to be happening.
I don't know where I'm supposed to be without my calendar.
"Any mishap is supposed to be for some reason," she says.
That's supposed to be evidence that the cat cured the headaches.
THE script for France's presidential election was supposed to be clear.
It's supposed to be a more complete access to the funnel.
I never…my life was not supposed to be like that.
Sometimes the film tells me how long it's supposed to be.
That's just how they are, the way they're supposed to be.
It was supposed to be a 249 -- a 2412-day period.
Women are supposed to be home, taking care of the kids.
Singaporean entrepreneur Min-Liang Tan was supposed to be a lawyer.
None of us knows what we're supposed to be looking at.
The only thing I'm supposed to be is what I am.
What was supposed to be their retirement hobby became much more.
Funny enough, the flying sequence was originally supposed to be underwater.
By 2027, participation is supposed to be mandatory for all nations.
Again, these students are supposed to be really, really, ridiculously smart.
It was supposed to be the death knell for the insurgency.
It wasn't supposed to be such a rocky road for Keenan.
Quantum computers were not supposed to be able to do this.
But this is America and we're supposed to be a community.
But I think we're supposed to be able to handle complications.
I wasn't really supposed to be setting the forest on fire.
It's supposed to be one of the better parts of town.
Isn't that supposed to be an advantage for a service game?
On the one hand, theoretically [DMCA] is supposed to be helpful.
Now, a lot of boys aren't supposed to be soft-spoken.
GOING TO UNIVERSITY is supposed to be a mind-broadening experience.
The case was supposed to be going to trial in February.
Antitrust laws are supposed to be a deterrent for anticompetitive behavior.
"I just know I'm not supposed to be famous," she says.
"This was supposed to be his big moment," Palmieri told reporters.
But on Twitter, this topic is somehow supposed to be #NotADebate?
What are we supposed to be doing in this particular scene?
The Block 5 is supposed to be even easier to reuse.
Who am I supposed to be making my body palatable for?
It was the spring where she was supposed to be president.
I thought Trump was supposed to be the candidate of freedom.
In fact, it's not even supposed to be your main phone.
This was supposed to be a stop-gap until further reform.
First, Trump Jr. knew what the meeting was supposed to be.
And the something it was supposed to be was genuinely sinister.
I am not supposed to be involved with the Justice Department.
Music is supposed to be creative and playful — you enjoy it!
The phone's highlight is supposed to be its cameras and screen.
What was supposed to be an honorarium felt like another snub.
However, he knows where he's supposed to be early next year.
But it was supposed to be like an introduction to econometrics.
This was supposed to be paradise, but for me, it wasn't.
Autonomous cars are supposed to be just around the corner, right?
INSURANCE is supposed to be about the careful management of risk.
The first phase of Brexit talks was supposed to be straightforward.
It finally feels like everyone is where they're supposed to be.
Everyone is supposed to be producing more joy with less money.
And it's 2018, so sexism is supposed to be dead, right?
These are also supposed to be bundled with the Pixel 3.
The mani-pedi experience is supposed to be an enjoyable one.
Isn't this whole protective style thing supposed to be low maintenance?
I'm not supposed to be at the gym, but I go.
I was supposed to be, you know, a doctor or lawyer.
I was supposed to be married and be home with kids.
After all, good sex is supposed to be spontaneous and surprising.
That doesn't mean you're supposed to be constantly making wild swings.
Because it is not supposed to be that way,'' he said.
It was initially supposed to be recording her in the studio?
"Prisons were not supposed to be a warehouse," Mr. Cuomo said.
"Guilty pleas are supposed to be knowing, voluntary, reasonable," Grawert said.
If that's what love is supposed to be, count us out.
Other background conversations or noises are not supposed to be transcribed.
I'm doing what I feel like I'm supposed to be doing.
The G6 Play is supposed to be the entry-level model.
"They weren't supposed to be in the video," Thomas Rhett said.
Gyms and PokéStops are supposed to be linked to local landmarks.
Healthcare in America is supposed to be difficult and expensive, right?
Click here to view original GIFSonic is supposed to be fast.
"Fun" girls are supposed to be sexy, but not too sexy.
It was supposed to be a shot of Taoyuan International Airport.
"That's not the way it's supposed to be," says Duke, laughing.
But Laura Moon is not supposed to be the main character.
But the iPhone XS was supposed to be better, more durable.
It was originally supposed to be Ariana Grande, but she cancelled.
"Live Nigga Rap" was supposed to be on Hell On Earth.
"That's not supposed to be happening, but I've been proven right."
Different identities are supposed to be meaningfully equivalent under the philosophy.
Health care, after all, was supposed to be the unifying issue.
The imprisonment itself was supposed to be a form of treatment.
Nick, who was supposed to be one of the good ones.
Congress is supposed to be the rescue crew, not the raccoon.
Since you're Muslim you're not supposed to be in the country.
The Healing Component was actually supposed to be The Water[s].
Additional reforms are supposed to be developed based on community input.
He was after all supposed to be afraid for his life.
Pricing for the Vulcan is supposed to be available on RocketBuilder.
If you like something, it's supposed to be beyond the intellectual.
Atlante was supposed to be a 6bn fund but raised 4.25bn.
Never knew fent was supposed to be such beautiful, glistening crystals.
I was supposed to be working on something else, of course.
Let's live our life the way it's supposed to be lived.
It's Aquarius season, so we're all supposed to be chill, right?
The HTC Vive was originally supposed to be launched in 2015.
I know that together is where we are supposed to be.
Summer 2018 was supposed to be a legendary one for rap.
Vahle wasn't even supposed to be flying for news that week.
You know, the woman who was, somehow, supposed to be "fat"?
They are supposed to be arriving any day now from Jordan.
"The SEC was supposed to be his insurance policy," Munisteri said.
It's supposed to be our magic carpet to a new existence.
Excellences & Perfections is supposed to be a criticism of constructed femininity.
"It was supposed to be a safe place," one woman remembers.
In other words, it was exactly what it's supposed to be.
It's supposed to be more secure than using passwords, certificates, etc.
The blockchain revolution was not supposed to be about getting rich.
What exactly are we supposed to be doing on Snapchat again?
If that sounds, well, a little hokey, it's supposed to be.
It's clear there's supposed to be something rich and complicated here.
What if it was Archie who was supposed to be killed?
It was all supposed to be good and easy and freeing.
And 2017 was supposed to be the year that it did. 
Government bonds are not supposed to be doing what they're doing.
This was supposed to be the year virtual reality broke out.
Khadija was probably supposed to be an accessory to the narrative.
For example, he is supposed to be in London on Sunday.
For background, my bedroom and apartment were supposed to be temporary.
They were supposed to be low-risk; we thought they were.
Films that were supposed to be favorites — Steve Jobs, Carol — faded.
"This country is supposed to be an example to the world."
I'd like to become more of who I'm supposed to be.
To think, this was supposed to be Ritchie's return to form.
The Democratic National Convention was supposed to be about Hillary Clinton.
This isn't supposed to be an inventory of pain and shame.
Now a lot of boys aren't supposed to be soft-spoken.
Isn't that supposed to be what a protest is all about?
These places typically are safe, and they're supposed to be accessible.
If not, they are supposed to be eligible for overtime pay.
At 200 bucks, that's supposed to be the magic price point.
The heel turn was supposed to be that rebuild for Ambrose.
The military was supposed to be Earl Breland's ticket to stability.
These are supposed to be the finest public servants we have.
I mean, come on, we are supposed to be fighting terrorism.
Weird in the way Veterans Day is supposed to be weird.
Less clear is the question voters are supposed to be answering.
The direction of travel was supposed to be towards sell-offs.
" She adds: "Is this what coaches are supposed to be doing?
Ultimately, this is supposed to be the job of every parent.
It was all the things a program is supposed to be.
It suggested loyalty; wasn't I supposed to be looking for differentiation?
"The humanitarian assistance is supposed to be flowing," Mr. Kerry said.
Finding the right Halloween costume is supposed to be fun, right?
Subway cars, he believes, are supposed to be a little grimy.
LOS ANGELES — It was supposed to be a corrective to #OscarsSoWhite.
Trump is supposed to be the leader of the free world.
That was supposed to be at the end of this month.
But Familia was not even supposed to be a baseball player.
"Management is supposed to be Ms. Kraninger's one qualification," Brown said.
After all, we are supposed to be trained reporters of fact.
"It was supposed to be very intimate and personal," he said.
Others were supposed to be put on the road to extinction.
"Well, it's supposed to be straight the last bit," he said.
However, these instances are supposed to be exceptions to the rule.
"Jules's looks are not supposed to be overthought," Davy told Vulture.
Politicians, in theory, are supposed to be responsive to public outcry.
There isn't supposed to be any lag while drawing quickly, either.
"You're not supposed to be thinking of the wine," he said.
Germany was supposed to be a model for solving global warming.
We're supposed to be the party that wants to streamline government.
For more than a decade, it was supposed to be telemedicine.
I mean what, am I supposed to be athletic or something?
ANONYMOUS I know I'm supposed to be outraged by the cheating.
These are the issues that you're supposed to be fighting for.
Is that just supposed to be what helps the people explode?
The primary operating feeling here isn't always supposed to be awe.
Boyle-helmed spectacle, titled "Isles of Wonder," was supposed to be
In Soviet Russia, women were supposed to be equal to men.
This was supposed to be a big week for President Trump.
The Saudi nuclear business was supposed to be worth untold billions.
He was supposed to be different," Ball told Jones on "Rising.
New Jersey's Senate seat was never supposed to be that competitive.
That's what I've always believed: it's supposed to be a gift.
The justification is that the assumptions are supposed to be useful.
That's what everything is supposed to be about: speculation and reporting.
It's supposed to be a voice that's without care, without worry.
This was supposed to be the fight that put Choi over.
I'm their dad—I'm not supposed to be kissing another woman.
Nabila: Yeah, the child is supposed to be free and scream.
I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing right now.
I can't figure out what's supposed to be bad about this.
We're supposed to be well-behaved and nice and good girls.
It's supposed to be fun, it's supposed to make you smile.
This was not the story I was supposed to be telling.
What if that kid was special and supposed to be born?
I'm supposed to be supporting him, I think, as a Brit.
"This is an app that's supposed to be secure," she said.
You're supposed to be on the Pride Diet: water and salad.
But wait—aren't we supposed to be wary of fish farms?
Micky, FloridaVICE: Do you know who this is supposed to be?
It wasn't supposed to be something that was in your face.
"I was supposed to be living in peace," Mr. Lai said.
It's hard to believe, 500 is like supposed to be good?
"We were supposed to be replaced by other forces," Abdi said.
Compressions are supposed to be done along with additional air supply.
Religion isn't supposed to be a neat explanation of causal forces.
"This is supposed to be sort of a play," she says.
The piece is finished, as what it was supposed to be.
It was supposed to be, at least according to Australian officials.
He did not do what he was supposed to be doing.
New members are supposed to be sworn in on January 3.
Something that was supposed to be fun no longer feels good.
Home 3D printing was supposed to be the next big thing.
"We were supposed to be the client state," Ms. Saleh said.
" Fallout's pre-war [period] was supposed to be horrific," he said.
"We're supposed to be in a meeting right now," one said.
I understand that Negan is supposed to be a nefarious character.
First, venture capital is supposed to be about finding good investments.
"It's supposed to be fun: you're playing a game," she writes.
You know, the kid in "Mommy" was supposed to be gay.
"You were exactly where you were supposed to be," he replied.
People are not supposed to be smeared across walls like flies.
Wasn't the ad business supposed to be ruled by data now?
Virtual assistants are supposed to be a linchpin of tech's future.
And remember, those two factions are supposed to be May's allies.
The novel was supposed to be a reflection of modern life.
The rest is supposed to be induced spending from private investors.
Life after the Marine Corps wasn't supposed to be like this.
But I am supposed to be going back at some point.
This was supposed to be opening day for Major League Baseball.
Two: Isn't Twitter supposed to be a bastion of free speech?
Also, are we supposed to be worried about Donald Trump's health?
"Justice League" was supposed to be the ultimate box office juggernaut.
"This job was supposed to be stable and secure," she said.
BRAMPTON, Ontario — It was supposed to be a dream family vacation.
It was supposed to be newsy, very much in the present.
Which is ultimately what death recollection is supposed to be about.
He was supposed to be the fastest guy in the league.
What, exactly, was the plan supposed to be with the dragons?
Editorial Education is supposed to be the nation's great socioeconomic leveler.
The 2015 World Cup was supposed to be a watershed moment.
"We're not supposed to be curious about death now," she said.
I wanted to know that I was supposed to be there.
This is supposed to be exciting, how come I'm not excited?
Was I the one who was supposed to be dating her?
We are supposed to be planting for the next year's crop.
That's what it was supposed to be until two weeks ago.
"Daddy, you're not supposed to be doing that!" his daughter said.
She is often unavailable when she is supposed to be working.
I mean, I don't know what that's supposed to be about.
Under the stress scenario it was supposed to be 3.99 percent.
Not counting this because it's supposed to be monthly… 216 p.m.
The tracking system was supposed to be in operation by 2011.
Luckily, it isn't supposed to be pretty, as Carol Channing proved.
The economy was supposed to be his big political selling point.
Wait, was this supposed to be a dinner thing all along?
I thought that was the way things were supposed to be.
Smart Summon is only supposed to be used in private areas.
What was supposed to be his roommate interview became a gabfest.
Missions are supposed to be difficult; they're supposed to change you.
The sport, remember, is not really supposed to be a sport.
"He doesn't know it's not supposed to be there," she said.
By knowing where defenders are supposed to be, Beasley finds seams.
"But they're not the way they're supposed to be," she lamented.
The two units are supposed to be separate in a bank.
"It was never supposed to be a license for systematic trading."
The European Central Bank is supposed to be aloof from politics.
Most products to improve your sleep are supposed to be inconspicuous.
But its limitations are supposed to be part of its charm.
Saying what is supposed to be said that is the truth.
He's supposed to be coming back to Capitol Hill this week.
All bad loans were supposed to be transferred to the government.
We did it the way legislation is supposed to be done.
I told my mom, I'm not supposed to be doing this.
It was supposed to be the best summer of his life.
I think Gotham is so obviously supposed to be New York.
"That wasn't how my body was supposed to be," she said.
It was everything video wasn't supposed to be at the time.
"We're supposed to be 'just pretty to look at,'" he continued.
"It was supposed to be a dream, a nightmare," he said.
Nature isn't supposed to be tidy, and its messiness is purposeful.
Food is not supposed to be housed in an industrial vat.
The child is not supposed to be your free worker bee.
She knew her colleagues—was supposed to be one of them.
There was supposed to be at least one person keeping watch.
But the Senate is supposed to be about more than confirmations.
"I was supposed to be Bernard's going-away present," he said.
The mission was supposed to be NASA's third crewed moon landing.
This complex, omnipotent algorithm was supposed to be Clinton's saving grace.
I believe that I am right where I'm supposed to be.
"Public land is supposed to be for multiple use," he said.
Additionally, any reading materials are supposed to be related to impeachment.
Especially in France, where we are supposed to be so erotic.
This is supposed to be the happiest day of your life.
Politicians are supposed to be a little intimidated by their constituents.
The Aviator is supposed to be suave, but it's kinda wild.
U.S. Surgeons General are not supposed to be fired mid-term.
Education is supposed to be a path to a better life.
It's supposed to be available for high-risk or reinsurance pool.
Is the extinguisher in the film supposed to be carbon dioxide?
No, because women were supposed to be confined to the home.
New York (CNN Business)The deal was supposed to be foolproof.
The contract was supposed to be awarded in fiscal year 2020.
In fact, wasn't television supposed to be better than ever before?
Isn't that supposed to be the point of business tax reform?
Benchmark, after all, was supposed to be loyal to its founders.
And besides, isn't capturing those special moments supposed to be priceless?
Gordon Gekko was supposed to be a warning, not an icon.
"Today was supposed to be a day of festivity," he said.
Movies, and really stories in general, are supposed to be surprising.
"This guy is supposed to be a billionaire, right?" he asked.
"This is what's supposed to be going on," Mr. Carmody said.
"We're all supposed to be in the attraction business," says Pelosi.
The business of it all is supposed to be set aside.
This is supposed to be helpful from a food safety perspective.
I'd never played a character who was supposed to be sexy.
"He is supposed to be on medication right now," she said.
And remember, that's supposed to be a defense of the bill.
Was this supposed to be a space for reverence or ritual?
Ambiguities in criminal statutes are supposed to be resolved against criminalization.
Science: Milk is supposed to be a distinguishing characteristic of mammals.
Egg freezing was supposed to be as revolutionary as birth control.
WASHINGTON — The Violence Against Women Act isn't supposed to be controversial.
All refugee claims are supposed to be processed within 240 days.
Because that's supposed to be a representation of who we are.
Bioenergy with CCS is supposed to be the grand hope, right?
We have all these ideas of how we're supposed to be.
Thinking like, Oh shit, I was supposed to be in school!
It was supposed to be the age of the asset owner.
We are supposed to be able to interpret our stories, right?
That's what it was supposed to be, according to Politico's sources.
And as progressives, they are supposed to be better than that.
But I don't think the book is supposed to be reassuring.
" Because she's "adorable" and I'm "supposed to be on cholesterol medication?
"They were supposed to be conducting immigration checks," Mr. Bissonnette said.
"Men are raised to believe that you're supposed to be the provider, you're supposed to be strong, you're not supposed to cry, you're not supposed to be weak, and men take that belief to heart," Kennedy explained inside a small conference room at the sprawling Science Applications International Corporation building outside Charleston, where he works developing communications systems for the Marines.
The tech is supposed to be made up of a self-balancing system that can anticipate the road ahead – in fact it's supposed to be so accident-averse that you don't need to wear a helmet.
Cronin's goal was to make killing penalties a form of muscle memory so each player knew where he was supposed to be on the ice and what he was supposed to be doing at all times.
"Clearly, I don't understand the rule, because a runner's not supposed to be able to deviate his path to second base, and he's supposed to be able to touch the bag when he slides," Girardi said.
I'm not supposed to be in any kind of restaurant, even the hip and esoteric salad bars with names like Green Leaf and Health Box Minimalist Tasteless Bullshit, because I'm not supposed to be eating at all.
Ethiopia is particularly vulnerable to extreme weather, said Kareto, explaining that "in recent years I've witnessed several droughts during what was supposed to be rainy seasons and heavy rainfall at periods which are supposed to be dry".
What he is supposed to be actually good at — what his special genius as a director is supposed to be — is finding the new and unexplored angles in all the classic stories we thought we already knew.
In all things: You don't have to faithfully recreate a greeting card or holiday movie idea of what this is supposed to be like, or capitulate to what your family thinks you are supposed to be like.
"He was supposed to be here," Mr. Levin said over some grumbling.
Q. This election is supposed to be a late-night host's dream.
There are also supposed to be Star Wars stickers on the way.
It's not obvious where those UI elements are supposed to be now.
He&aposs a law enforcement officer who is supposed to be disinterested.
And again, isn't AI supposed to be replacing drivers behind the wheel?
Portland wasn't supposed to be this good, and surely not right now.
In You, Beck is supposed to be the object of everyone's affection.
Originally, 27,000 head of cattle were supposed to be shipped on Feb.
The friendlies were supposed to be in preparation for the World Cup.
How time has devoured what was supposed to be the ultimate narrative.
Deposits are supposed to be a reliable source of funds for banks.
The Galaxy Note 8 is supposed to be a phone of excess.
It was supposed to be a big moment for disgruntled Uber drivers.
"It's supposed to be fun," manager Andrew Avery from Newport told me.
But what was supposed to be a temporary job could turn permanent.
Trump's supposed to be a nationalist Trump describes himself as a nationalist.
To be clear: Humanoids aren't supposed to be able to do this.
But the President is supposed to be the one leaning in… pic.twitter.
Aren't you supposed to be hard to be an engineer in code?
It is supposed to be a comprehensive remaking of American health care.
Donald Trump was never supposed to be elected by you the people.
" The test is supposed to be "will this be worth the money?
And all the subpoenas are supposed to be complied with this week.
The Mess at MeetupIllustration: Sam Woolley/GizmodoMeetup was supposed to be different.
Are they supposed to be funding the sport events and funding meals?
LONDON — It was supposed to be a very peaceful and civilised affair.
Then again, her contest against Sanders was supposed to be easy too.
The $28 bottles are supposed to be healthier by minimizing bacteria accumulation.
Android is supposed to be the egalitarian alternative to the iOS fiefdom.
Copa America was supposed to be Jurgen Klinsmann's cross to die on.
Getting out is supposed to be the toughest thing in that world.
Guests then confirmed she wasn't supposed to be there, and called police.
" The rep continues, "The performance was also supposed to be a surprise.
Cables are supposed to be a safe, classified space to share analysis.
"It wasn't supposed to be a political act," Edgar de Souza said.
And plans were supposed to be underway to store grain against winter.
After all, he pointed out, the chaplain is supposed to be nonpartisan.
The Golden Girls was never supposed to be a hit TV show.
Life was supposed to be getting easier for Mumbai's 150,000-odd hawkers.
The holidays are supposed to be a time for cheer and celebration.
But ultimately, we weren't supposed to be together in the long run.
The feature is supposed to be "coming soon" to Maps and search.
Fuller House is supposed to be campy, comfy fun, but it isn't.
Lacrosse was supposed to be Nadirah McRae's ticket out of North Philadelphia.
You're not even supposed to be touching somebody of the opposite sex.
His appointment is therefore supposed to be an overture to the opposition.
Obviously, the fights are supposed to be over-the-top — that's great.
The mode's goal is supposed to be improving each game's frame rate.
Sadly, the Coleman family was not supposed to be on the boat.
If you were a libertarian, 210 was supposed to be your year.
But Tesla's supposed to be about making the world a better place.
Krzanich said the Trump event was never supposed to be a fundraiser.
TRUMP: That's not the way the game is supposed to be played.
On the Democratic side, meanwhile, there wasn't supposed to be a primary.
I thought this was all the way it was supposed to be.
It's all supposed to be a kind of virtuous circle of shopping.
"It's the opposite of what they're supposed to be doing," Patel said.
Tech is supposed to be a rising tide that lifts all boats.
But it's supposed to be coming out in the spring of 2018.
It was supposed to be the Green Games for a Blue Planet.
The year 244 was supposed to be a stellar time for IPOs.
We're supposed to be aware of where they are at all times.
HOUSTON — The home field is supposed to be an advantage in sports.
But those views were supposed to be kept just below the surface.
But when you watch a scary movie, you're supposed to be scared.
So if that's the case, it ain't where I'm supposed to be.
It's supposed to be very good for singers and for jet lag.
Modular phones were supposed to be the next big thing in mobile.
It was like she "was supposed to be here," Thelma Clarke said.
"This is something that you're supposed to be grateful for and embrace."
The only differences are supposed to be the screen and the battery.
Baseball plays are supposed to be taken care of by baseball plays.
To me, punk rock is supposed to be angry and pissed off.
My 24th year was supposed to be a year of self-discovery.
Isn&apost the enemy of our enemy supposed to be our friend?
They are supposed to be fair and balanced to report the facts.
They also claim the appointment was supposed to be a counseling session.
The clip is supposed to be fun, but tonally, it went awry.
Google's Pixel phones were supposed to be the answer to the iPhone.
It was supposed to be for "I'll Be There," my new single.
PERINO: The speech is supposed to be about the students -- GUTFELD: Yes.
The Trump tank painting, he adds, wasn't supposed to be taken seriously.
And I don't think that is what America was supposed to be.
Law enforcement, their expertise is supposed to be to engage the threat.
I know that I'm supposed to be happy to nurse my baby.
I am supposed to be at my friend's place by 10 a.m.
Salt Lake City (CNN)Utah isn't supposed to be a swing state.
Under Brazil's constitution of 1988, judges are supposed to be neutral arbiters.
Football is supposed to be a sport that brings all Americans together.
"Live entertainment, music, is emotional, and it's supposed to be," he says.
The party was supposed to be his first official big birthday bash.
Make it do what it's already supposed to be doing, but publicly.
It was supposed to be the next Amazon, but for handmade crafts.
Image: APRemember how smartwatches were supposed to be the next big thing?
White, a felon, wasn't supposed to be in possession of a gun.
Whereas he was supposed to be my protector, he was my abuser.
And then I remember, he&aposs supposed to be on with Hannity.
It's not supposed to be eating Flamin' Hot Cheetos, which I love.
Eastlake Juvenile Court was supposed to be torn down 215 years ago.
By 2018 all such debt is supposed to be converted into bonds.
Even private banknotes were supposed to be backed by gold or silver.
But it's supposed to be a government by and for the people.
CrossFit prioritizes intensity over volume, meaning it's not supposed to be easy.
Beach projects are supposed to be supported, in part, by local funding.
They are supposed to be fun, playful and reminiscent of childhood innocence.
She was at home, a place she was supposed to be safe.
The VMAs were supposed to be a comeback moment for Britney Spears.
"I'm looking for anybody that ain't supposed to be there," he said.
News Analysis DES MOINES — It was supposed to be about the veterans.
It's supposed to be all about trend-setting and statement-making moments.
The simulation included a hobby drone that was supposed to be neutralized.
And this song is supposed to be an anthem for those girls.
Our three branches of government are supposed to be independent and separate.
They are the things we are supposed to be paying attention to.
When we Gather, it's supposed to be an escape from all that.
This week was supposed to be Donald Trump's big week on education.
I'm not entirely sure what I was supposed to be impressed by.
The drill link is the one that was supposed to be clicked.
It wasn't supposed to be a big deal, just a political speech.
But really, that's probably the time that you're supposed to be downloading.
And per the people behind it, Euphoria is supposed to be realistic.
It's not supposed to be there… it's a hole in the skin.
It was supposed to be the end of this month, wasn't it?
"So convenient when you're supposed to be being productive," one reviewer wrote.
Everything was exactly as it had been and was supposed to be.
Dams aren't supposed to be full before the end of the monsoons.
According to some investors, 2017 was supposed to be the turnaround year.
Burwell was supposed to be a landmark case about access to contraception.
I thought we were supposed to be away from labels and gender.
Wasn't the 2016 campaign supposed to be different than her 2008 race?
"It's supposed to be paradise," he said during an interview with Comicosity.
This is supposed to be the emotional crux of the episode, presumably.
There aren't supposed to be so many dark people in the north.
Lead paint that was supposed to be removed was left in place.
This was supposed to be the election where climate change really mattered.
"We were supposed to be the fresh team coming in," Housley said.
That's also supposed to be true on Android, at least in theory.
Constitutional law is supposed to be different from other types of law.
"It's not supposed to be about getting it back faster," Josh says.
Managers are supposed to be infallible leaders of their own little fiefdoms.
Perhaps her hesitation is supposed to be another marker of her growth.
Ms. Pac-Man was supposed to be the more difficult arcade game.
The Hawkeye State was not supposed to be this close for Clinton.
Instructions are supposed to be written at a sixth-grade reading level.

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