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210 Sentences With "supercharging"

How to use supercharging in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "supercharging" and check conjugation/comparative form for "supercharging". Mastering all the usages of "supercharging" from sentence examples published by news publications.

My first Supercharging experience got off to a rocky start.
And our future is just supercharging what we already have.
The pricing will be the same as other Supercharging stations.
That's why today we're announcing a change to the economics of Supercharging — one that allows us to reinvest in the network, accelerate its growth and bring all owners, current and future, the best Supercharging experience.
"What's supercharging this is this little Time Warner deal," Bentley said.
By supercharging the defenses that evolution crafted all on its own.
The engine isn't all too exciting and lacks turbo- or supercharging.
Supercharging this virtuous cycle is a massive jolt of fiscal stimulus.
I hyperventilate quickly, supercharging my lungs, plunge underwater and push off.
Mr. Iger positioned the acquisition as supercharging Disney's move into streaming.
Tesla is offering prospective buyers some extra incentive: free supercharging when you buy a new Model X or Model S. New purchases of the two cars will come with"free unlimited" supercharging, Tesla announced in a tweet.
All Model 3s will have autopilot hardware and come with supercharging standard.
It's already started supercharging surveillance at work, in schools and in cities.
Supercharging the inquiry Bolton's testimony -- and similarly Kupperman's -- could supercharge the impeachment inquiry.
Google's supercharging of Hire with AI and taking it international highlights another point.
An even earlier version of the program offered some buyers free unlimited Supercharging.
Free supercharging for life used to be a great perk of Tesla ownership.
Free supercharging for life used to be a great perk of Tesla ownership.
Supercharging talent yields one of the most valuable sources of competitive advantage: switchover cost.
This is an area where government can help by funding and supercharging community organizations.
These programs are game-changers, potentially supercharging computers' ability to parse and produce language.
Putin's speech cited other nations' actions as a key factor in supercharging Russia's arsenal.
The winds supercharging the Camp Fire that burned through the town of Paradise, Calif.
Tesla owners who already have unlimited Supercharging get two chances to win with each referral.
The rapidly spreading novel coronavirus is supercharging a debate about the treatment of gig workers.
Tesla has made changes to its supercharging fee model for car owners in recent years.
He then offered to refund the $5,000 upgrade price and turn off users' free Supercharging.
Operations of our others facilities will continue, including Nevada and our service and Supercharging network.
They were also offered free Supercharging, which gets batteries to 80 percent in about 30 minutes.
But come 2017, using these supercharging stations will no longer be free for new Tesla owners.
But the platform, by supercharging content that taps into tribal identity, can upset fragile communal balances.
Production in our other facilities will continue, including operation of our service centers and Supercharging network.
This risks reinforcing, perhaps supercharging, a wider trend for industries to be dominated by a few companies.
With all its engineering prowess, however, the supercharging is where the true family friendliness starts to shine.
Current owners who decide to purchase a new vehicle will continue to receive free Supercharging as well.
Other services, like PlugShare or Tesla's interface for its Supercharging station, put this information front and center.
We're excited to welcome the Parcast team to Spotify and we look forward to supercharging their growth.
While not at all slow when Supercharging, it's much more time-consuming than simply stopping for gas.
To me, it's like putting jetpacks and blindfolds on and just supercharging in whatever direction we're headed.
These technologies can enrich the physical world around us, supercharging art and our relationships with other humans.
During the Model 3 unveiling in March, Musk said the company plans to increase its Supercharging network.
"We should see some immediate relief even for S and X customers on some of the key supercharge locations whilst we [experiment] with... mega supercharging location, like really big supercharging location with a bunch of amenities," Tesla CEO Elon Musk said on the call, courtesy of Seeking Alpha.
Supercharging our politics, with a president who mocks it and a Democratic Party that calls it a crisis.
Tesla's Supercharging stations, or fast battery charging portals, charge customers by the minute or by kilowatt-hour (kWh).
Supercharging is great, and Tesla has a passel of destination-charging partners that offer slower, Level 2 charging.
The electric car manufacturer is thriving off of consumers who use thousands of supercharging stations around the world.
Now, if you refer a customer to buy a Tesla, both people will receive 1,000 miles of free Supercharging.
They also ended the referral program that included lifetime supercharging for the original owner, Electrek reported at the time.
Supercharging taste with saturated fat, sugar, or salt can be easy, but they're unhealthy hacks when taken too far.
Hedge funds often use leverage to increase the size of their wages, supercharging potential rewards but also boosting risk.
Of course, free Supercharging eventually went away, only reappearing from time to time as an incentive for new buyers.
Calacanis estimates that basic cable and live packages on YouTube are just the beginning to supercharging Google's dominant advertising network.
You will be able to use Tesla's network of supercharging stations for free, for as long as your Tesla operates.
The race was where Bruce McLaren launched his first care and it allowed for unlimited engine sizes, aerodynamics, and supercharging.
"You could give the winners a year of free Supercharging or a Model 3 Easter egg or something," she wrote.
The company recently released an athletic collection that manages to keep its cool aesthetic intact while supercharging the clothing's functionality.
Musk responded in a tweet, noting that early purchasers were also given free access to Tesla's network of Supercharging stations.
Unlike almost any other venture capital firm, it was capable of single-handedly supercharging businesses and shaking up entire industries.
But this quickened pace also suggests the danger of supercharging a story, like the show did with the Pastor Tim arc.
Tesla famously offers free supercharging for some of its customers (although CEO Elon Musk has said this isn't a sustainable practice).
Tesla has 632 Supercharging stations globally that allow customers to charge up their cars in 30 minutes instead of several hours.
It does not affect existing Tesla vehicles, and free Supercharging will remain a feature of older cars even when they're resold.
Tesla confirmed that free supercharging is only available to new buyers and those who have recently made a purchase are ineligible. 
The tested T53 adds supercharging to the turbo for 25 horsepower and 247 pound-feet of torque on specified premium fuel.
Once data is shared, privacy restrictions become looser, supercharging a burgeoning industry built on vacuuming up and reselling Americans' medical information.
This supercharging then might make the effects of any oxygen deprivation to the area caused by an overdose all the more damaging.
AI-fueled surveillance is not only supercharging human law enforcement, it's now shaping how companies handle livestock—and, thus, how we eat.
The company's goal is nothing short of supercharging augmented reality content in a way that could actually make it useful to people.
That's opposed to Tesla's pricier Model S and Model X vehicles, which do include complimentary use of the automaker's sprawling supercharging network.
Tesla, known as the leader of the EV pack, offers thousands of charging stations, including fast supercharging stations, through its nationwide network.
So a Green New Deal should focus on supercharging technologies that already exist, just like China is doing with electric car adoption.
Model 3 cars will not include free Supercharging but the company has not announced if they will come with any complimentary charging.
Startups supercharging health: Janica Alvarez (Naya Health), Deborah Anderson-Bialis (Fertility IQ) and Ida Tin (Clue) 12:20 PM – 12:40 PM
Although Musk didn't offer any indication of what Supercharging might cost Model 3 owners, he did suggest a charging solution for them.
And its rationale for the deal is far more about supercharging the growth of its four-year-old internet bank, TIAA Direct.
Owners who want one of those supercharging ports will need to live in private, landed houses, but a minority do in the island.
Let's see if this Leaf promotion could spark a boost in sales and furthermore make Tesla re-think its Model 3 supercharging strategy.
My first Supercharging experience was in the parking lot of the Computer History Museum, not far from Google's headquarters in Mountain View, California.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk had already warned Model 3 owners that supercharging would no longer be free, and today's news makes it official.
If you want to refer a friend to buy a Tesla & give them 21 months of free Supercharging, please do so before then.
If you want to refer a friend to buy a Tesla & give them 6 months of free Supercharging, please do so before then.
Likely supercharging the debate is the explosive but unconfirmed report suggesting members of the Trump team had contact with Russia during the campaign.
Throughout the rest of the world, the company has been supercharging its efforts to court the sympathies of the public and of governments.
The Model 3 owners won't be given any credits, so drivers will have to pay for their Supercharging power when they use public chargers.
Unlike a tiny atom, the black hole in these "gravity atoms" rotates, supercharging the space around it and coaxing it into producing more axions.
For the past few years, anyone who owned a Tesla could charge it up at one of the company's Supercharging stations free of charge.
Taser cornered the market on police stun guns by supercharging its weapons so that they didn't just cause pain; they induced incapacitating muscle contractions.
"Promises of bitcoin futures opening the door to institutional money are supercharging the price," said Charles Hayter, founder of cryptocurrency data analysis website Cryptocompare.
Today it has a fleet of 200,3753 Kiva robots supercharging its fulfillment centers, alongside the more than 500,000 employees it's hired since the acquisition.
Think of gene drives as a means of supercharging evolution to, say, give an entire population of mosquitoes a gene that kills the Zika virus.
If the BRI succeeds in supercharging global connectivity, it will almost certainly increase the risk of pandemics, drug and wildlife trafficking, and other dangerous flows.
All Model 21 cars will include support for Tesla's high-speed Supercharging network, because "it's about going where you want to go," according to Musk.
For Tesla, the free supercharging is likely meant to draw more customers to its older, higher-priced cars rather than the more affordable Model 3.
A month later, the U.N. also denounced the role played by U.S. technology giant Facebook in supercharging the spread of hate speech directed at the Rohingya.
"If the car originally had supercharging when sold, and has no HV [high voltage] safety issues, I turn it back on," he told Motherboard via email.
Every Tesla owner so far has enjoyed free access to the company's supercharging stations, the network of quick battery chargers that pepper highways throughout the world.
Tesla will roll out V3 Supercharging to the wider fleet of vehicles — meaning beyond the long-range Model 3s — to all owners in the second quarter.
Why it matters: Reviving the U.S. steel industry is at the heart of Trump's governing mantra, but so is supercharging domestic oil and natural gas production.
Musk said there are 6,000 supercharging stations, which recharge Teslas in a fraction of the time it takes at a public charge station, around the world.
Tuesday is an important day, as Venus—the planet of love, money, and values—is positioned at a critical degree and supercharging its powers of attraction.
That meant the customer would miss out on getting two years of free supercharging, an incentive Tesla made available in September to spur Model 3 sales.
Teens are leading an unprecedented worldwide climate strike, a slap at Huawei could put us all in danger, and Amazon is supercharging an electric vehicle startup.
So far, the company has opened just a few other V3 Supercharging stations (including one in Las Vegas) beyond the original one at the Fremont plant.
It'll have seating for five adults, and supercharging — the ability to charge a battery in 33 minutes enough to travel 170 miles — will be an option.
The company also said it would grant Tesla Model S and Model X (but not Model 3) car owners 4.303 kWh of free Supercharging credits per year.
Mr Trump's success was based on supercharging that pre-existing change, through his attacks on immigrants, Muslims and the trade deals that working-class Americans also decry.
Both Superchargers also feature covered solar parking and a Tesla Powerpack system for storing the solar energy generated and supplying the 40 stations available for vehicle Supercharging.
Harley-Davidson joins VW divisions Audi and Porsche, as well as startup EV makerLucid Motorsin offering free charging with Electrify America to compete with Tesla's Supercharging network.
Yet, climate change is supercharging our environment in such ways as making our summer days and nights much hotter, more frequently, and for longer periods of time.
In November, The Guardian reported scientists were concerned climate change was "supercharging" the Indian Ocean Dipole, with rising ocean surface temperatures creating more regular and intense events.
The idea is to get robots so good at picking and placing products that they make human workers look like sloths on sedatives, thus supercharging order fulfillment centers.
Tesla is investing long-term in Gigafactories and opening up access to Supercharging stations and Tesla patents in hopes that the whole industry will move forward with electric.
The new chargers will be capable of doling out up to 350 kW of power — which would make them almost three times as powerful as Tesla's Supercharging stations.
Customers who buy Teslas after that January 1st cutoff will be afforded 0003 kWh of free Supercharging credits each year, good for about 1,000 miles, according to Tesla.
"The technology we provide is sold in the name of efficiency, but all we see is technology supercharging inhumane and cruel policies," the petition stated, according to Bloomberg.
Like some of the other major retail REITs, WPG has growing partnerships with the likes of Amazon and Tesla to open lockers and supercharging stations at its malls.
Starting Tuesday, March 24 we will transition to minimum basic operations to support our vehicle and energy service operations and customers, and Supercharging infrastructure, as directed by authorities.
As for other specs, the Model 3 comes with supercharging and Autopilot standard, but you'll have to pay extra for Autopilot's "convenience features," Musk previously told Business Insider.
"Tesla makes the only electric vehicle out there capable of such long distances on a charge combined with the fastest (and free to use!) supercharging network available," he said.
For too many, social media and messaging was supercharging the age-old problem of bullying, leaving some children to take their own lives when they felt it was unescapable.
Atmospheric rivers suck up water vapor from the ocean, transport it along narrow regions in the atmosphere and then dump precipitation in massive amounts on land, supercharging storm systems.
Congestion at Supercharging points has been a problem for Tesla, and the company has rolled out a few changes over the past six months to help address the problem.
What's happening: Where pit bosses once kept tabs on players and doled out offers by feel, technology is now supercharging marketing and promotions that best influence each individual gambler.
The previous version of the program gave owners six months of free Supercharging with the purchase of a Model X SUV, Model S sedan or Model 3 midsize sedan.
The latest game is an entertaining way to spend 15 to 30 minutes while hanging out at a Tesla Supercharging station and taking advantage of the car's steering wheel.
"These satellite technologies are part of a new era of environmental innovation that is supercharging our ability to solve problems," said Fred Krupp, president of the Environmental Defense Fund.
As of January 2017, FDA guidelines call on American food producers to stop treating cows and other livestock with antibiotics solely for the purpose of supercharging the animals' growth.
"You could give the winners a year of free Supercharging or a Model 3 Easter Egg or something," Bria suggested in the letter, which was written for a school project.
Another major destabilizing influence is Trump himself, who looms over the administration as a mercurial figure supercharging controversies with Twitter rockets and still appears obsessed with his own political fortunes.
After that date, Tesla's new plan announced last year should kick in, giving new buyers 400 kWh a year of free Supercharging credits, good for roughly 1,000 miles of driving.
Whether it's retrograde, scooting backward into all-business Capricorn, or going direct and supercharging our sense of motivation, the red planet has certainly kept things interesting on planet Earth lately.
I never experienced battery range anxiety with the Model S, but I also happen to live within 15 miles of two Tesla Supercharging stations, so I was able to plan accordingly.
Advances in artificial intelligence are supercharging propaganda, espionage, and cybercrime, threatening "the end of truth," says a new report from the Center for a New American Security, shared first with Axios.
Soon, city-razing conflagrations, like those of San Francisco in 1906 and Chicago in 1871, were a thing of the past—at least until climate change began supercharging wildfires in California.
Tesla says it's creating the new fee so it can reinvest in its network of supercharging stations — not so that it can boost its profits: Today, more than 4,600 Superchargers allow over 160,000 Tesla owners to drive across the continental U.S., from the Arctic Circle to the south of Spain, and across all of the population centers in China and Japan, among many other places.... Our intention has always been for Supercharging to enable long-distance travel.
At that point, Tesla stops supporting the vehicle, meaning all warranties are voided and Supercharging is disabled, even after the repaired vehicle passes a high-voltage inspection by Tesla's own repair staff.
That said, the peak demand benefits that Electrify America are seeking are less relevant to Tesla's Supercharging network given the size of the company's vehicle fleet and near-constant state of use.
For the uninitiated, here is a spotter's guide to XC90s: A T5 badge on the liftgate means the rig runs with a turbocharged 303-cylinder, and a T6 gets turbo and supercharging.
Instead of screening the smaller number of eggs as in traditional PGS, these parents would be able to review screens for hundreds of their own unadulterated embryos, supercharging the embryo selection process.
I think supercharging our social instincts often brings out the worst, not the best, in us — few look back fondly on the social dynamics of high school cafeterias, and for good reason.
At the very least, the sanctions against ZTE appear to be supercharging Beijing's determination to upgrade China's microchip makers, which have struggled to keep up with global industry leaders despite state support.
At a supercharging station, a Tesla can charge anywhere from 30% to 50% in 603 minutes, but you&aposll be at the charging station for over an hour for a full charge.
Most regions will pay by the kWh while others will pay by the minute because of local regulations, and Tesla says the Supercharging network will not be a profit center for the firm.
With a presence in more than 40 countries, Angel Labs is the world's first investor accelerator with a focus on supercharging investor ecosystems all around the world and building connected & educated investor groups.
Their efforts, Broniatowski notes, mimic misinformation tactics that Russian trolls have used in the past — supercharging the online discourse in America around one issue by inflating polarizing viewpoints about it from both sides.
In a day where I spent 24 hours driving to and from Detroit, including Supercharging stops, I emerged from the Model S with my butt feeling like stone and my legs like Jello.
As mentioned, orders until January 1, 2017 and existing owners and orders aren't affected – they still get free Supercharging for the life of their vehicle, provided they take delivery before April 1, 2017.
The timelines for the changes to come into effect mean that any Model 3 owners will have the capped Supercharging plan, and Tesla isn't yet revealing the specifics of its usage-based pricing.
Once in Palm Springs, Cid dropped each of us at our pre-requested destinations and then headed to Indio to one of Tesla's Supercharging stations, where he'd charge the car while getting lunch.
This would have reaped bigger profits, making ads on Facebook a little better, but really supercharging the ads on Twitter, as the combined information would have allowed for precision targeting of sponsored tweets.
BREAKING: All new Model S and Model X orders now come with ⚡ free ⚡ unlimited ⚡ Supercharging ⚡ Tesla has used free charging as an enticement for new buyers in the past.
Few of the papers presented assessed Mr. Trump's tax law, and none of them argued, as Mr. Trump's advisers did at similar conferences in recent years, that the tax cuts were supercharging investment.
Introduced in 2015, personal referral codes gave new buyers six months of free supercharging and prizes for existing owners such as launching personal photos into deep space or invites to a Tesla event.
Until the end of September, Tesla is trying to sweeten the deal to encourage more Model 3 orders so new car orders will come with two years of free Supercharging, according to Electrek.
Any vehicle (including those with free Supercharging for life) that remains at a charging station for more than five minutes will be charged a $0.40/minute parking fee, in an attempt to encourage turnover.
The Kavanaugh hearings not only underscored a major divide between the two parties, seemingly supercharging both the Democratic and Republican bases before the midterms, they also resulted in a devastating conclusion for some Democrats.
Whether you're a business owner looking into raising your company's profile or a marketer supercharging a client's SEO strategy, Checkbot will tell you which fixes to make and the exact reason why they're important.
Yesterday Google published a blog entitled "supercharging style transfer", which detailed its work on a single specialized neural network that lets users mix different styles to create a single image with multiple input styles.
Yet with more than 1,100 Supercharging stations currently in North America, the expected delivery of vastly more Teslas in 2018 — if the Model 3 starts hitting production goals — will clearly weigh on the network.
Some of his economic advisers have latched on to the projections for high second-quarter growth as a sign that administration policies, such as tax cuts, deregulation and the trade strategy, are supercharging growth.
As those soils thaw deeper and deeper, they will also release gobs of nutrients that have been trapped underground for perhaps thousands of years, supercharging the growth of these increasingly abundant Arctic plant species.
And while we've often noted that T8 Volvos feel over complicated, with turbocharging, supercharging, and hybrid assist, the T2540-only V260 Cross Country feels smooth and effortless, even though there is occasional turbo lag.
Meanwhile, he has crusaded against regulations designed to limit climate change -- a political choice because acknowledging global warming would conflict with his hopes of supercharging US industry, the economy and thereby his own reelection.
Trump keeps testing the US system This type of behavior from Trump -- flouting the authority of perceived opponents and supercharging the tension between the branches of government -- has been going on since he took office.
His pro-coal, pro-oil policy intensifies such storms by supercharging the air with carbon dioxide and methane, heating our Earth, and overfilling clouds with water vapor that then falls as unprecedented floods of rain.
Trump, whose initial budget proposal called for a 6900 percent cut to nondefense spending while supercharging defense, tried to give conservative lawmakers political cover by reiterating his support for the deal in a Thursday morning tweet.
"Were committed to investing in Buffalo and the State, and the new power electronic lines will deliver more high tech jobs while supporting Teslas energy storage products and global Supercharging infrastructure," Tesla said in an emailed statement.
"This is sort of supercharging the surveillance of people's private lives and potentially constitutionally protected activity," said Shankar Narayan, director of the Technology and Liberty Project at the Washington state branch of the American Civil Liberties Union.
Tesla says it expects the change to "result in a 34% improvement in throughput at our busiest Supercharging locations" and that Tesla owners will be alerted to the limit when they show up at an affected station.
But its recommendations were criticized by privacy and rights experts for falling short by failing to grasp wider societal power imbalances and structural inequality issues which AI risks exacerbating — including by supercharging existing rights-eroding business models.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Supercharging the bluster, hyperbole and media mastery that made him one of the world's best-known businessmen, Donald Trump upended U.S. democratic traditions on a 17-month quest he hopes will lead to the White House.
The new "brain trust," as one insider called it, is aimed at supercharging investment banking revenue as trading, for many years Goldman's profit engine, has faltered amid regulations and market trends that hurt the bank more than rivals.
"Tschaikovsky Pas de Deux," a 1960 supercharging of Russian tradition, is a show-off vehicle, and Kimin Kim, a Korean star with a modest manner, made the audience gasp with softly powered jumps that hung in the air.
Washington (CNN)A Democratic document dump on the eve of an expected House vote to finally send articles of impeachment to the Senate is supercharging the party's demands for witnesses at President Donald Trump's soon-to-begin trial.
But if you think there are significant downsides to Trump's policies — like supercharging inequality or reversing decades of progress on air pollution or a rising uninsurance rate — none of this has brought us the faster growth we were promised.
Nissan's announcement comes a month after Tesla CEO Elon Musk broke the disappointing news to prospective Model 2450 owners during pre-registration hoopla that the impending electric sedan will not offer free supercharging with its $23,000 base sticker price.
There's an honesty to her approach — she doesn't try to shoot out all the lights by supercharging dishes with fat — but it's not the kind of peasant simplicity people usually mean when they talk about honesty in Italian food.
Until then, we ask that you stop using your current adapter, and that you instead charge your car in a different way, such as with a Tesla Wall Connector or NEMA 14-50 adapter (if you have one), or by Supercharging.
Once more start arriving in April, access to V21 Supercharging will "roll out to the wider fleet in an over the air firmware update to all owners in Q33 as more V23 Superchargers come online," Tesla wrote in a blog post.
There are some telling terms and conditions now, too: credits expire after 12 months, free Supercharging expires after 3 years, and Tesla says it won't honor codes when customers are buying and selling them or otherwise acting in bad faith.
Last week, Tesla cut prices on its Model S by $33,000 and Model X by $2,000, and rolled out a free supercharging incentive to entice customers, causing some analysts to question whether demand is softening for these older, higher-priced models.
The Supercharging technology being installed will be the same as the current Superchargers, but more of them will be installed in urban areas to address congestion at existing charge stations and help Tesla owners who don't have their own garages.
An $0.40/minute idle-fee will also be charged to any vehicle (including those with free Supercharging for life) that remains at a charging station for more than five minutes after charging has completed, in an attempt to encourage turnover.
Tesla's plan to develop a semi truck could also require an expansion in Supercharging stations, or some alternative (such as a battery swap program) that would allow commercial truck drivers on tight schedules to recharge their vehicles quickly and conveniently.
Olivia Oran, Reuters: The new "brain trust," as one insider called it, is aimed at supercharging investment banking revenue as trading, for many years Goldman's profit engine, has faltered amid regulations and market trends that hurt the bank more than rivals.
But while there's no question that he pressed the reset button on Saint Laurent, making it relevant again and supercharging its sales figures, it is also worth pointing out that his departure has not hurt the house or its image.
Supercharging is a popular feature for Model S and X owners, and some stations along key routes are already jam-packed without a much higher-volume and more affordable Tesla model on the road — so logic suggests that something had to give.
Launched in May, the referral program lets Tesla owners give up to five new Tesla buyers access to unlimited Supercharging (which charges the car in minutes as opposed to hours) and a $1,000 credit toward the new Tesla they plan to buy.
Do it, and you'll get 1,000 miles of free Supercharging, plus get entered into two "drawings": a monthly chance to win a Tesla Model Y Founders Series, and a quarterly chance at that coveted, signed-by-Elon-Musk-founders' version of the Tesla Roadster.
Tesla's Supercharging network allows owners of its Model S and Model X vehicles (as well as future Model 3 owners) to rapidly charge their vehicles while on long road trips, providing as much as 170 miles of range after just 30 minutes of charging.
These are enormous opportunities they asked supercharging global growth and we have to make sure those leaders that we make the case for them and that we ensure that in each of our nations we ensure that everybody is brought along with the benefits of that growth.
In an email to employees obtained by CNBC, Tesla Head of Human Resources for North America Valerie Workman said the facilities would "transition to minimum basic operations to support our vehicle and energy service operations and customers, and Supercharging infrastructure, as directed by authorities" beginning March 24.
The economy slowed down in the second quarter of 2019, according to the latest release of economic data from the Commerce Department — a fact that says less about an impending economic downturn than it does about the way President Donald Trump's promised supply-side supercharging of growth hasn't materialized.
At Tesla's annual shareholder's conference in Mountain View, California today, Elon Musk addressed a question from a young Model S P85D owner about how the company would handle an influx of Model 3s to its Supercharging stations, which are currently offered as a free service to Tesla customers.
Communities such as the YouTube Right are adept at supercharging this complaint into a potent resentment politics: The "mainstream" or "elite" media, they argue, isn't just out of touch ideologically or culturally, it is technologically and sociologically incompatible with the participatory, identity-centric — begrudgingly, social — media of the future.
Reports from the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change last year detailed how climate change is already threatening food and water supplies, increasing the threat of droughts and floods, killing coral reefs, supercharging monster storms, fueling deadly marine heat waves and contributing to record losses of sea ice.
The world's oceans are warming at an alarming rate, melting glaciers, depleting fish populations, supercharging tropical cyclones, and threatening the livelihoods of millions of people who live in coastal areas and the Arctic, according to a new report from the United Nations' body in charge of monitoring climate change.
And guys, today's moves what they're talking about it's all about supercharging that growth and staying more competitive in an environment where they can't control things, like the strong dollar in the cost inflation and the tariffs which are all impacting this global company gets 60% of its business overseas.
So another piece of that plan is the Supercharging network, and the Megacharging network, and how all of this comes together, and I think it's all part of a big sort of sweeping vision, that by the way also includes SpaceX and Boring Tunnel, and so many things, and Solar City.
Extreme temperatures, erratic winds and low humidity are supercharging the blaze and dozens of other fires were also burning in the U.S. West, with temperatures set to stay above 21.43 degrees Fahrenheit (290 C) into Thursday in many parts of California, Oregon, Arizona and Nevada, the National Weather Service said.
But not the post-Thatcher causes of it, notably the muddying by later governments of her clear-water Right to Buy policies; and the Blair era and beyond of soaring house prices inflicted by shortage of supply, quantitative easing supercharging of all asset prices, and the unmoderated lure of Britain's south-east.
For Mr. Trump's opposition, this premise — to say nothing of the question of whether his campaign conspired with Russia or merely benefited from its manipulations — has thickened the faint stink of illegitimacy that would hover over any president who lost the popular vote, supercharging policy disagreements into nearly existential threats to democracy.
For "social opportunities" read: The plentiful 'business opportunities' Google is spying — assuming the hoped for vast additional revenue scale it can get by supercharging expansion of AI-powered services into all sorts of industries and sectors (from health to transportation to everywhere else in between) isn't derailed by hard legal limits on where AI can actually be applied.
The audit, which kicked off in recent months, is a first of its kind for Facebook and appears to be the most aggressive step the company has taken to examine the role of Facebook and WhatsApp in Myanmar, where it has been accused of supercharging the spread of virulent hate speech that the U.N. has linked to ethnic cleansing.
President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE has committed to bolstering economic security, improving the domestic business environment, and supercharging job growth in the United States.
You can get drunk on Tintoretto , the subject of a rare and wonderful retrospective at the National Gallery of Art, in Washington, D.C. I did the other day, and came away convinced that the sixteenth-century Venetian may or may not be the greatest of painters, but he's the only one for me right now, supercharging my faith in art as a means to invigorate the world.
Tesla says the change is about adjusting the economics of Supercharging in a way that "allows us to reinvest in the network, accelerate its growth," but also notes that while they will begin charging customers after a certain point, the "Supercharger Network will never be a profit center," which implies all funds generated will go to maintenance and expansion/improvement of the resource for drivers.
But it's not a raffle; see update at the bottom of this post.) Still, that's not anywhere near as generous an offer as the previous referral program, which not only offered six months of free Supercharging per referral and a wide variety of other rewards (including free Tesla Powerwall batteries, free high-end wheels, and fun "adventures" like the chance to watch a SpaceX rocket launch, though it's possible some of those will also be reinstated), but also a 2 percent discount on a Tesla Roadster that could, slowly, add up to a guaranteed free car, according to Electrek's reporting.
What are the unintended consequences of a U.S. president simultaneously starting trade wars with China, the European Union and Canada, putting Russia first over America first, preferring Putin and other autocrats over our traditional democratic allies, slashing corporate taxes and supercharging the national debt — without any compensating tax increases or spending cuts, thereby putting pressure on interest rates and the trade deficit — ignoring climate change and eliminating all restraints on the exploitation of fossil fuels, breaking the Iran nuclear deal and now threatening war with Iran, limiting immigration into our already tight labor markets, steadily eroding Obamacare and violating so many norms of how a president should behave toward his staff, allies and Americans not from his own party?

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