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1000 Sentences With "suffusion"

How to use suffusion in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "suffusion" and check conjugation/comparative form for "suffusion". Mastering all the usages of "suffusion" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In each case, the face is transformed by a kind of gentle suffusion.
To me, it had a slight must from an over-suffusion of sage.
The suffusion of heavenly light that bathes the revered figure makes clear that, after his death, he is destined for immortality.
The grains are soaked in it, given a dose of sesame oil, then steamed in a suffusion of crushed ginger, garlic and cilantro.
Physicians often miss or mis-diagnose the disease, which has symptoms that mirror other diseases like flu and dengue, including "fever, headache, chills, muscle aches, vomiting/diarrhea, cough, conjunctival suffusion, jaundice, and sometimes a rash," the CDC says.
One need not count oneself among the faithful to be silenced by the suffusion of contemplation and color — seabed blue, the opulent scarlets and gold halos of the sainted patriarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church, their faces blackened remarkably little over seven centuries.
The forewings are white with a fuscous or ochreous subbasal fascia and yellow antemedian suffusion. The hindwings have yellow suffusion from before the middle to the dark subterminal line.
The wingspan is 28–31 mm. The forewings are rather dark brown with some crimson-ochreous suffusion towards the base of the dorsum and with small triangular white costal spots at two-fifths and on the postmedian sinuation. The first discal stigma is crimson, the second white, with a spot of crimson suffusion adjacent the above, and followed by a patch of crimson suffusion extending to near the costa. There is an obscure subterminal line of dark fuscous suffusion.
The forewings are dark fuscous, each more or less surrounded with fuscous suffusion coalescing with a broad streak of fuscous suffusion extending above the fold to the tornus. There is an undefined patch of fuscous suffusion towards the costa about three-fourths, and a streak along the termen. The hindwings are grey.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London.
Hindwings with brownish basal half suffusion. Outer band more irregular.
The wingspan is about 26 mm. The forewings are brown, irrorated with pale ochreous and dark brown and with an irregular basal patch of purple suffusion except towards the costa. There is some purple suffusion in the middle of the disc, followed by a very undefined blotch of light ochreous suffusion, beyond which is an angulated fascia of purple suffusion running very near the posterior part of the costa and termen to before the tornus. The hindwings are whitish-fuscous.
The forewings are grey, with some irregularly scattered dark fuscous scales and a blotch of white suffusion on the costal half at the base, with two or three blackish dots on the posterior edge. The plical and first discal stigmata are formed by small spots of dark fuscous suffusion, the plical elongate, beneath the first discal, these surrounded laterally by white suffusion extending as a broad blotch to the costa. There is an oblique white linear mark on the end of the cell, preceded and followed by dark fuscous marks, these surrounded by ground colour and then by a large irregular border of whitish suffusion, connected with a postmedian blotch of white suffusion on the costa. There is also a median costal spot of dark fuscous suffusion, and three small spots between this and the apex, the costal edge white between these.
The forewings are narrowly elongate- lanceolate and fuscous, with some undefined whitish-ochreous suffusion along the dorsum. There is an elongate spot of ochreous-whitish suffusion on the costa. The hindwings are rather dark grey.Exotic microlepidoptera, v.
The forewings are cream with ochreous suffusion. The hindwings are light grey.
There is an oblique transverse patch of ochreous-whitish suffusion from the costa towards the base, followed on the costa by a small blackish spot and in the disc by an elongate blotch of blackish suffusion. The stigmata are blackish, surrounded by irregular ochreous-whitish suffusion, the plical obliquely before the first discal, a blotch of blackish suffusion in the middle of the disc lying between and beneath the discal stigmata. There are three small ochreous-whitish spots on the costa towards the apex, interrupting the dark grey irroration. The hindwings are slaty-grey.
The wingspan is about 18 mm. The forewings are light brownish, irregularly sprinkled dark fuscous and with a small dark fuscous spot on the base of the costa, surrounded by light suffusion. There is a short ochreous- whitish mark on the base of the dorsum, surmounted by a spot of dark fuscous suffusion. The stigmata are represented by cloudy spots of dark fuscous suffusion, the plical rather beyond the first discal, both discal connected by transverse dark suffusion with a similar streak extending along the costa from near the base.
Body more ochreous brown. Forewings with curved crenulate postmedial line. Hardly a trace of dark suffusion found inside the submarginal line, the area beyond it ochreous brown. Hindwings with dark suffusion, but lack grey color as in other species.
There is also an apical spot of blackish suffusion. The hindwings are grey.
There is some slight orange suffusion along the termen. The hindwings are whitish.
The forewings of the males are ochreous and the hindwings white with ochreous suffusion on the costal half. The forewings of the females are white, with pale ochreous suffusion. The hindwings are white with a pale ochreous-white anal tuft.
The forewings are dark purplish-bronzy fuscous with a transverse-oval spot of dark brown suffusion at two-fifths and a smaller transverse yellow- ochreous discal spot at two-thirds, edged with dark suffusion. The hindwings are rather dark bronzy fuscous.
The forewings are brownish, darker towards the base of the costa and with a subtriangular dark fuscous blotch representing the plical and first discal stigmata, connected with the dorsum by rather dark fuscous suffusion. There is a spot of light ochreous-yellowish suffusion on the costa before the middle, beyond this an undefined costal patch of rather dark fuscous suffusion extending to the subterminal line. Two small cloudy dark fuscous spots are transversely placed on the end of the cell and there is a small spot of ochreous-yellowish suffusion on the costa towards the apex, where a curved suffused pale ochreous line runs to the dorsum at four-fifths, preceded on the lower portion by some dark fuscous suffusion. The hindwings are light grey.
Mr Easley went on to establish a stud of over 200 Clearbodies. The early mutants showed considerable body suffusion but birds with much less suffusion were bred later. In a series of experiments, Mr Easley determined that the suffusion and depth of wing markings were variable, but the lavender cheek patch remained an unchanging characteristic. In establishing his stud, Mr Easley proved the mutation to be an autosomal dominant.
The iris can be pale yellowish-bronze, or silvery-white with a faint yellow suffusion.
The wingspan is about 14 mm. The forewings are brown, sprinkled with dark fuscous and with undefined irregular longitudinal streaks of ochreous-whitish suffusion above and below the fold throughout. There is a streak of dark fuscous suffusion along the fold throughout and the rest of the wing irregularly marked with broken longitudinal streaks of dark fuscous suffusion. The costa is suffused with dark fuscous from before the middle to four-fifths.
There is a basal patch of white suffusion and an irregular elongate-triangular patch of white suffusion in the disc, on which the lower margin of the cell appears as a dark fuscous intersecting line.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 1906 (2): 197.
There is also a large triagonal brownish suffusion on the tornus. The hindwings are greyish brown.
Dolines (or sinkholes) are mostly found in its suffusion form. Suffusion dolines are depressions formed above caves and smaller cavities in unconsolidated sediments. Many dolines in the Eramosa Karst are formed by a combination of soil piping and erosion of the glacially deposited sediments, overlying the bedrock.
The wingspan is 22–29 mm. The forewings are uniform milky- white, without markings and with a very faint indication of pale fuscous suffusion towards the hindmargin. The hindwings are white with a very faint indication suffusion towards the apex. The larvae feed on Carya illinoensis.
The forewings are light grey, mixed with white and with some scattered black scales. There is a streak of black suffusion from the base of the costa. The first line is white, edged with black suffusion posteriorly. The second line is white, edged with black anteriorly.
The forewings are yellowish-brown with a narrow dark-brown border. There is greyish suffusion at the submarginal area and the postdiscal area is brown with a slight yellowish suffusion. The hindwings are brown with a light border., 2007: New species of Palearctic carpenter-moths (Lepidoptera: Cossidae).
The stigmata are obscurely indicated by blackish-grey suffusion, the plical obliquely before the first discal. There is a costal streak of blackish-grey suffusion from before the middle gradually expanding to the origin of the cilia, where it ends abruptly. The hindwings are dark fuscous.Exotic Microlep.
The forewings are fuscous sprinkled with dark fuscous and somewhat mixed with ochreous whitish. There is a small dark fuscous spot beneath the costa near the base, followed by a spot of ochreous-whitish suffusion. The stigmata are rather large, blackish and edged posteriorly by spots of ochreous-whitish suffusion and anteriorly more or less with brown, the plical much before the first discal. There is a spot of ochreous-whitish suffusion on the costa at four-fifths.
The wingspan is about 32 mm. The forewings are fuscous with a large ill-defined basal subcostal whitish suffusion and a large ochreous- whitish tornal suffusion extending nearly to the apex, and connected with the basal suffusion above the fold. Some blackish scales tend to form a streak on the basal half of the fold and there is a large irregularly oval discal spot beyond the middle, fuscous outlined with blackish. Several fine short blackish streaks are found between this and the apex.
The forewings are deep pinkish ochreous tinged with brownish, with a violet gloss, rather infuscated towards the costa. There is a rather oblique transverse bar of dark violet-fuscous suffusion in the disc slightly before the middle, parallel to the termen, and a cloudy transverse mark representing the second discal stigma. There is a slender streak of dark violet-fuscous suffusion along the termen, and some suffusion along the apical part of the costa. The hindwings are grey, paler towards the base.
The remaining area is cream ferruginous with terminal brownish suffusion and some concolorous strigulae. The hindwings are brownish.
Furthermore, the forewing fasciation is more strongly sinuous, and there is usually whitish suffusion in a postmedial band.
The forewings are grey brown with a light pattern and suffusion of light scales. The hindwings are brown.
The forewings are dark grey closely irrorated (sprinkled) with white points or partially suffused with ochreous whitish, especially towards the dorsum anteriorly. There are two spots of black suffusion beneath the costa near the base, alternating with whitish suffusion. There is an ochreous-yellow oblique irregular streak from the costa before the middle, reaching halfway across the wing, and an ochreous-yellow dorsal spot opposite its apex, these margined anteriorly by a curved transverse streak of blackish suffusion which also fills the space between them. An ochreous-yellow transverse spot is found in the disc at three-quarters, connected with the costa by a spot of dark fuscous suffusion, and with a smaller dark fuscous spot adjacent beneath.
There is a patch of dark grey suffusion on the costa at three-fourths, and one on the dorsum beneath the second discal stigma. There is also a streak of dark grey suffusion along the termen. The hindwings are whitish grey, thinly scaled anteriorly.Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society.
The forewings are ferruginous brown, with a prismatic-bluish gloss, darkest towards the costa. The stigmata are represented by spots of dark fuscous suffusion, the discal rather approximated, the plical before the first discal. There is a streak of dark fuscous suffusion along the termen. The hindwings are pale whitish ochreous.
Termen strongly oblique. Forewings are Whitish with light grayish-fuscous suffusion. Markings are fuscous and black. Cilia creamy white.
The markings are brownish with brown dots and strigulae. The hindwings are whitish with brownish strigulation and terminal suffusion.
The wingspan is 14–16 mm. The forewings are ochreous brown, paler and whitish sprinkled towards the dorsum and with an oblique triangular spot of dark fuscous suffusion on the base of the dorsum, edged with whitish suffusion. There is a straight oblique streak composed of two ochreous-whitish lines separated by grey suffusion, running from one-fifth of the costa to the middle of the dorsum. A trapezoidal white spot is found on the costa before the middle, beneath suffused with whitish ochreous.
The ground colour of the forewings is whitish, cream along the costa preserved as some spots, otherwise suffused green. There are some black-brown dots and refractive spots and there is subterminal grey suffusion in the dorsosubterminal area. The hindwings are cream brown with rust-brown hairs and suffusion at the base.
The forewings are brownish, irrorated (sprinkled) with grey, whitish, and dark fuscous and with an obscure streak of blackish suffusion along the costa from about one-fourth to beyond the middle, and four small spots of blackish suffusion on the costa posteriorly. The hindwings are grey.Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 3 (1): 69.
The ground colour of the hindwings is glossy white, with a suffusion of purplish grey scales along the outer margin.
Beyond this, a yellow- ochreous spot edged white on the costa and cut by a very oblique fine spatulate violet-metallic striga crosses half the wing and there is a streak of whitish suffusion running from the apex of the silvery costal patch to the tornus. An elongate dark fuscous spot is found on the dorsum beyond the middle, preceded and followed by spots of leaden suffusion and surrounded with violet iridescence. Three or four short black lines are located on the veins posteriorly, and a short white streak is found beneath the middle. A spot of bluish-silvery suffusion is found on the tornus and there is a small spot of blackish suffusion towards the apex, as well as a fine blackish line around the tornus.
The stigmata form irregular or roundish suffused dark fuscous spots, the plical smallest, obliquely before the first discal, the discal rather large, sometimes pale suffusion between these. There is a cloudy usually indistinct pale ochreous spot on the costa at three-fourths, preceded by a blotch of dark fuscous suffusion, a moderate transverse fascia of dark suffusion from this more or less distinctly indicated. A marginal series of cloudy dark fuscous dots is found around the posterior part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are grey, paler towards the base.Exot. Microlep.
The forewings are glossy blue leaden and with a streak of blackish suffusion on the fold from one-fifth to near the middle of the wing. There is a small yellow-ochreous spot in the disc at two-fifths, from which a streak of blackish suffusion runs to a broad irregular-edged yellow-ochreous transverse fascia at three-fourths, preceded by blackish suffusion and including an irregular blue-leaden blotch. The terminal area beyond this is chestnut brown, with three minute yellow-whitish dots on the costa. The hindwings are dark fuscous.
The wingspan is about 28 mm. The forewings are whitish-ochreous with white reflections, the subcostal area partially suffused white and the basal third of the costa greyish, some light brownish-ochreous suffusion beneath this and on a dorsal spot towards the base. The second discal stigma is moderate and blackish and there is some greyish-ochreous suffusion on the costa about three-fourths, where a slightly curved or bent shade runs to the tornus, with some faint whitish suffusion beyond this. The hindwings are light grey, tinged whitish towards the base.
The wingspan is 13–14 mm. The forewings are white with the costal edge blackish towards the base and with a patch of faint whitish-ochreous suffusion on the basal portion of dorsum. There are black dots at both angles of the cell, followed by a brown patch, and connected with the tornus by an irregular interrupted line of brown suffusion sprinkled with black. There is a faint irregular line of brownish suffusion with some dots of black irroration running near the margin around the posterior two-fifths of the costa and termen.
The forewings are white with the dorsum faintly tinged with pale grey suffusion. The hindwings are white.Exotic Microlepidoptera. 1 (12): 377.
There is some dark grey costal suffusion between this and the apex. The hindwings are grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera. 3 (1-2): 9.
There is also an irregular terminal line of dark fuscous suffusion. The hindwings are whitish grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera. 3 (1-2): 39.
Individuals in freshwater may have a reddish colour caused by blood suffusion below the skin. The underside is greyish or white.
Very often this inner edge is bordered by a suffusion of sulphur yellow. Specimens from south Indian hills resemble this closely.
The forewings are whitish, with fuscous, suffused markings. There is a basal patch and a transverse fascia and another in the middle, dilated on the costa. There is a spot on the costa, giving rise to a dentate line to the tornus and some fuscous suffusion on the termen. The hindwings are whitish, with some grey suffusion.
The forewings are light grey irregularly irrorated (sprinkled) with whitish-grey grey-tipped scales. The costal edge is whitish from near the base to three-fourths. The stigmata are cloudy, dark grey, the plical beneath the first discal, the discal joined by an obscure streak of whitish suffusion. There is a line of whitish suffusion along the fold.
The wingspan is 26–27 mm. The forewings are glossy light greyish- ochreous with the costal edge whitish and with a transverse blotch of blackish suffusion on the dorsum before the middle, reaching to the submedian fold. There is sometimes a faint spot of fuscous suffusion towards the dorsum before the tornus. The hindwings are rather light grey.
Body rufous, with rufous suffusion. Forewings with traces of numerous waved lines. An oblique antemedial line angled in the cell and a postmedial line with blackish suffusion inside it, angled on veins 6 and 4, then oblique. A submarginal waved greyish line found with black marks on it at costa, and on each side of vein 6.
The hindwings are ochreous-grey whitish, with a greyer postmedian line and hindmarginal suffusion. Adults have been recorded on wing in October.
There are three to four similar dots along the termen and a brownish suffusion before the tornus. The hindwings are pale grey.
The hindwings are white, with a narrow streak of grey suffusion along the upper half of the termen.Exotic Microlepidoptera. 3 (4): 104.
The hindwings are white, with a grey-brown suffusion along the outer The MONA or Hodges number for Ponometia virginalis is 9088.
The forewings are brown grey, irregularly tinged with light crimson-rosy suffusion. The second discal stigma is blackish. The hindwings are rosy ochreous.
The ground color of the hindwings is taupe with a suffusion of coppery scales. Larvae have been reared on Boehmeria and Miriocarpa species.
The stigmata are blackish, the first discal well-marked, the plical obsolete, absorbed in a transverse mark of dark fuscous suffusion from the dorsum, the second discal represented by two transversely placed sometimes connected dots. There is a small spot of dark fuscous suffusion on the costa somewhat beyond the first discal and a wedge-shaped mark of blackish suffusion on the costa, where a rather pale obscure anteriorly fuscous-edged somewhat curved line runs to four-fifths of the dorsum. There is also an interrupted blackish terminal line. The hindwings are pale ochreous tinged with fuscous.
There are elongate black dots on the costa before the middle and at two-thirds, beneath suffused brownish- ochreous. The discal stigmata are black, with patches of brownish-ochreous suffusion in the disc between them and towards the middle of the dorsum, a black subdorsal raised dot beneath the second, beneath this a brownish- ochreous dorsal spot edged black dorsally. There is a short black dash surrounded by brownish-ochreous suffusion in the disc posteriorly, two black specks on the costa near the apex, with some brownish-ochreous suffusion around these. The hindwings are grey.Exot. Microlep.
The forewings are brownish irregularly sprinkled dark fuscous and with a rather broad streak of yellow-ochreous suffusion from the base beneath the costa to the costa near the apex, the costal edge above it suffused dark fuscous, more strongly towards the base. In males, there is a rather broad yellow-ochreous subdorsal streak from near the base to near the termen. The first discal stigma is moderate and dark fuscous, the second forming a narrow transverse dark fuscous bar extended to the costa and dorsum by undefined dark fuscous suffusion. There is also a dark fuscous terminal line preceded by fuscous suffusion.
The wingspan is 18–19 mm. The forewings are deep orange-ochreous suffused with yellow, and partially tinged with crimson. There is an oblique spot of crimson suffusion in the disc towards the base and a broad curved oblique whitish fascia from the costa before the middle, suffused with yellowish posteriorly, becoming broken up in the disc and not reaching the dorsum. Beyond this is a narrower fascia of purplish-crimson suffusion, the edges irregularly dentate and marked with dark fuscous, obsolete towards the dorsum, an acute median projection of the posterior edge followed by some whitish suffusion.
The forewings are fuscous with a rather broad shining white costal streak from the base to five- sixths, narrowed to the extremities, edged below with slight dark fuscous suffusion and with an undefined rather broad streak of white suffusion along the dorsum and lower half of the termen. The plical stigma is indistinct, darker fuscous. The hindwings are light grey.
There is a transverse streak of ferruginous-brown suffusion from the dorsum before one-fourth, reaching more than halfway across the wing. The discal stigmata is small, ferruginous brown, near together. There is also an undefined fascia of ferruginous-brown suffusion at about three-fourths, terminating on the costa in a darker spot mixed with blackish. The hindwings are rather dark fuscous.
Cilia and margin have some grey color. Hindwings with indistinct line and some fuscous postmedial suffusion and a series of small white lunules found with ferrous suffusion beyond them towards inner margin. Some grey on margin and cilia and fuscous marks can be seen towards anal angle. Larva with first pair of abdominal prolegs aborted and two dorsal humps found on anal somite.
There are small spots of blackish suffusion representing the plical and first discal stigmata, forming with a larger spot on the middle of the costa, an inwards-oblique series. There is some darker subterminal suffusion and a row of cloudy dark marginal dots around the posterior part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are light grey. The larvae feed on Ficus religiosa.
The wingspan is about 28 mm. The forewings are reddish-brown with the plical and second discal stigmata small and dark fuscous. There is some fuscous suffusion towards the dorsum about one-fourth and an undefined fascia of fuscous suffusion crossing the wing about two-thirds, strongly curved outwards in the disc. There is a curved subterminal series of fuscous dots.
Afro Moths The wingspan is about 22 mm. The forewings are glossy fulvous ochreous, with strong silvery iridescence. The stigmata are dark fuscous, the plical obliquely beyond the first discal. There are undefined clouds of brownish suffusion above and below the second discal, and along the dorsum from one-fourth to two-thirds and a slender terminal streak of fuscous suffusion.
The wingspan is about 14 mm. The forewings are grey finely and closely iriorated white and with some darker grey suffusion towards the costa before and beyond the bend. The stigmata are blackish grey surrounded with whitish suffusion, the plical beneath the first discal. There are slight indistinct marginal dots of blackish-grey speckling around the posterior part of the costa and termen.
There are semi-oval black spots on the costa at the middle and three-fourths. The second discal stigma is represented by a small black tuft, beneath it a larger dark fuscous tuft, between and beyond these some faint brownish suffusion. There are five small blackish marginal dots around the apex, and some faint brownish suffusion before these. The hindwings are grey.Exot. Microlep.
The forewings are whitish ochreous with fuscous markings and some fuscous suffusion at the base. The hindwings have the same colour as the forewings.
The wingspan is about 15 mm. The forewings are brown irregularly sprinkled blackish with the costal half from the base to two-fifths white sprinkled black, including a spot of blackish suffusion near the base and an oblique streak from the costa at one-fourth, and terminated by a rhomboidal blackish antemedian costal blotch, separated by an oblique streak of white suffusion from a similar blackish postmedian blotch, followed by an oblique white striga, beyond this some slight blackish suffusion on the costal edge and two white dots. The discal stigmata are black circled white, the second forming an oblique linear mark, a black streak joining these, and continued as a dash beyond the second. There is a streak of blackish suffusion along the fold from near the base, its apex forming the plical stigma beneath the first discal, edged white posteriorly.
The forewings are yellow and the hindwings are white with pale yellow suffusion in the costal half. Females have a pale yellowish-white anal tuft.
Antemedial series curved. A large bright rufous triangular patch runs from just below the apex. Cilia rufous. Hindwings reddish-brown suffusion with rufous outer margin.
Forewings pale golden ochreous with, greyish suffusion in costa. Costal half triangularly dilated upwards, which is suffused grey. Cilia glossy whitish ochreous. Hindwings pale ochreous.
The forewings are deep brown with the margins and veins marked with slender streaks of dark fuscous suffusion mixed with whitish. The hindwings are grey.
On the underside the forewing is predominantly greyish cream with brown suffusion and with veins R5 to CuA2 covered by bright pink or red scales.
A slender black streak is found along the fold throughout, and one in the disc from before the middle to the termen beneath the apex, each of these margined with grey suffusion above. A short streak of grey suffusion is found along the costa about the middle. The hindwings are grey, thinly scaled in the disc towards the base, with the veins and termen suffused darker.Exotic Microlep.
There is a blackish-grey subquadrate spot on the base of the costa. The discal stigmata are black, with a dark grey dot above the first, some pale brownish suffusion and black sprinkling between these and some faint greyish suffusion about veins 7 and 8. The terminal edge is black between the veins, forming a thicker mark at the apex. The hindwings are pale whitish-violet.
The forewings are white, becoming pale greyish ochreous posteriorly, with a few fine scattered black scales, towards the apex and termen sprinkled with grey. The posterior half of the costa has short oblique alternate strigulae of grey suffusion and white and there is a fine white terminal line edged anteriorly by a row of black dots preceded by fuscous suffusion. The hindwdngs are whitish.Meyrick, E. (1910).
The eyes remain normal, with white irises when adult. There is considerable variation in the intensity of the green suffusion, but the best exhibition birds of the 1930s showed very little and also had very faint wing markings. These are the Dilute Light Greens, usually known as Light Yellows. The green suffusion becomes progressively darker when single and double factors of the Dark mutation are present.
The forewings are light fuscous sprinkled with darker fuscous and black and with the base of the dorsum pale, surmounted by a cloudy spot of fuscous suffusion. The stigmata are blackish, the discal approximated, the plical very obliquely before the first discal. There is some indistinct fuscous suffusion running from above the discal stigmata to the costa before the apex. The hindwings are grey, darker posteriorly.
The forewings are white irregularly sprinkled with grey and brownish and with a streak of fuscous suffusion through the disc from near the base to the end of the cell, the discal stigmata forming small cloudy brownish spots on the upper edge of this, a streak of obscure brownish suffusion from its apex to the tornus. The hindwings are light grey.Meyrick, Edward (1916–1923). Exotic Microlepidoptera.
There is a small ferruginous spot beneath the costa at one-third. The stigmata are represented by small ferruginous spots, the plical very obliquely before the first discal. There is also a suffused grey streak sprinkled with dark grey along the fold beneath the discal stigmata and a fascia of ferruginous suffusion along the termen, preceded by some grey suffusion. The hindwings are pale grey.
The forewings are pale brownish ochreous, irregularly irrorated (sprinkled) with and partially suffused with dark fuscous, especially towards the dorsum and posteriorly. There is a spot of whitish-ochreous suffusion beneath the costa near the base. The stigmata are dark fuscous, very obscure, the plical beneath the first discal, the second discal more distinct, partially surrounded with whitish-ochreous suffusion. The hindwings are fuscous, paler anteriorly.
The forewings are dull ochreous brown with a basal fascia of rather dark fuscous suffusion and with the costa infuscated from this to beyond the middle. There is a broad fascia of rather dark fuscous suffusion beyond the middle, the second discal stigma forming a small round dark fuscous spot on the inner edge of this. The hindwings are grey.Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society.
The wingspan is 16–17 mm. The forewings are whitish ochreous, some veins indistinctly streaked with pale yellow ochreous and with an oblique patch of pale brownish suffusion from the dorsum near the base to the fold. There is an oblique blackish linear mark crossing the end of the cell, followed by some brownish suffusion tending to extend itself along the veins. The hindwings are ochreous whitish.
There are blackish marks in the disc obliquely beyond the first and second of these, a spot of white suffusion between them. Oblique oval whitish rings are found in the disc before and beyond the middle, converging upwards, some blackish suffusion within the second. There is a large whitish-ochreous scale-tuft towards the dorsum at one-fourth, and one beneath the base of each discal ring. There is an acutely angulated whitish transverse line at two-thirds, some blackish suffusion within its angle and some marks of whitish irroration around the posterior part of the costa and termen, and some slight blackish irroration between these.
The forewings are brown, irregularly sprinkled with dark fuscous and with an undefined quadrate patch of dark fuscous suffusion resting on the costa before the middle and sometimes a suffused dark fuscous streak along the dorsum from near the base to three-fourths. There is a small dark fuscous spot near the base in the middle, and two connected by a line on the angles of the cell. A band of whitish suffusion is found before the termen from the dorsum reaching three-fourths of the way across the wing, above this a blotch of dark fuscous suffusion towards the costa. The hindwings are fuscous.
The forewings are ochreous whitish partially tinged with fuscous and with the costal edge dark fuscous from the base to the middle. The markings are formed by a light fuscous suffusion mixed with darker fuscous. There is a streak beneath the basal fourth of the costa and some light suffusion in the disc anteriorly, with a spot of darker suffusion resting on the costa before the middle, from this a dark line runs beneath the costa to four-fifths. A dark oblique-triangular blotch occupies the basal two-fifths of the dorsum, from its apex a dark attenuated streak runs to the apical spot.
There is some grey suffusion and two or three black scales towards the base of the dorsum, as well as a dark grey spot on the costa at two-fifths. A short longitudinal dark grey streak is found in the middle of the disc with two black marks representing the discal stigmata, the plical stigma black, hardly before the anterior end of this. There is a dark grey blotch becoming blackish towards the costa at two-thirds and a small blackish spot above the tornus, with grey tornal suffusion and some grey apical suffusion, with scattered black scales. The hindwings are light grey.Exot. Microlep.
There is dark red- brown suffusion along the costa, apex and anterior part of the termen. The hindwings are darkish grey.Olethreutine Moths of Australia: (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).
The wingspan of the male is 36 mm. It is similar to Blenina donans. It differs in having a brownish thorax. Forewings with fuscous brown suffusion.
There is some undefined whitish suffusion about two-thirds and before the apex. The hindwings are fuscous.Meyrick, 1908. XXXIX. New Micro-Lepidoptera from India and Burma.
The forewings are ocheraceous buff with the costa, especially toward the apex, sayal brown. The hindwings are straw color with slight brownish suffusion toward the apex.
There is also an apical spot of dark suffusion and some whitish terminal dots. The hindwings are whitish-ochreous, the terminal half suffused with fuscous, darker posteriorly.
Some white scales or suffusion are found beneath this towards the tornus and there is an interrupted blackish terminal line. The hindwings are light grey, darker posteriorly.
The forewings are grey white freely irrorated (sprinkled) with smoky-black scales, the veins are smoky grey. There is a suffusion of smoky black all around the disc leaving the disc a grey white as the ground colour. A similar suffusion is found on the inner border leaving a narrow strip of ground colour between it and the darker area of the wing. There is no distinct discal spot.
The Dilute mutation changes the body colour of the wild-type Light Green to yellow, with a variable amount of light green suffusion. The suffusion is deepest on the rump and around the vent. The spots and markings on the wing, head and neck, which are black in the wild-type, are pale grey. The cheek patches are pale lavender and the long tail feathers are pale bluey-grey.
Aroga acharnaea is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found in North America, where it has been recorded from Texas.Aroga at funetmothphotographersgroup The wingspan is about 20 mm. The forewings are grey irregularly mixed whitish, with the veins on the costal half partially marked with black streaks and with a spot of white suffusion on the costa at three-fourths, preceded by a spot of blackish suffusion.
The forewings are rather dark fuscous, irrorated (sprinkled) with whitish-ochreous points, with scattered blackish-fuscous scales and a short black subcostal dash from the base. There is a whitish-ochreous plical mark at one-fourth, edged with some black scales. The stigmata are indicated by obscure spots of blackish-fuscous suffusion, the plical obliquely beyond the first discal, all followed by some obscure whitish-ochreous suffusion. The hindwings are fuscous.
The forewings are orange, indistinctly and suffusedly streaked with ferruginous on the veins and with broader streaks of deep ferruginous suffusion along the dorsum and posterior two-thirds of the costa, as well as some streaks of deep ferruginous suffusion in the cell. There are rather irregular dark reddish-fuscous marginal dots around the apex and termen. The hindwings are dark grey.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London.
There is a black subbasal dot on the dorsum surrounded by ochreous-brownish suffusion and there is an oblique black bar in the disc at one-fourth, surrounded by ochreous-brown. Several ochreous-brown tufts are found in the disc and there is some irregular ochreous-brown suffusion, as well as small blackish dots posteriorly. The hindwings are pale grey. The larvae feed on the leaves of Butea frondosa.
There is greater variation. In f. pallida Tutt the ground coloration ia a pale terracotta ground; in f. rosea Closs, the wings have a red suffusion; in f.
The species' wingspan about 44–46 mm. It is a dark grey brown with a purplish tinge. The head and collar are usually fulvous. Forewings with brown suffusion.
Its wingspan is about 44–46 mm. It is a dark grey brown with a purplish tinge. The head and collar are usually fulvous. Forewings with brown suffusion.
The forewings are violet fuscous with an oblique mark from the costa at one-fourth running into a short subcostal longitudinal streak, beneath it whitish ochreous, preceded and followed by dark fuscous suffusion and with an irregular-edged curved oblique dark fuscous fasciate streak from one-fourth of the dorsum to beneath this, edged with whitish suffusion. A dark fuscous oblique fasciate mediodorsal blotch reaches three-fourths across the wing, edged whitish, the anterior edge sinuate convex, the posterior concave with a well-marked triangular projection in the middle. There is an ochreous-orange very oblique striga from the middle of the costa, preceded and followed by fine white blackish-edged strigae. There are some variable small dark fuscous spots towards the dorsum beyond this, surrounded by whitish suffusion and an indistinct irregular blue-leaden transverse line is found at three-fourths, followed by a whitish dot on the costa and there is some slight whitish- ochreous marking or suffusion in the disc beyond this.
The forewings are yellow ochreous, sometimes suffused with ferruginous towards the costa and dorsum. The veins are streaked with purplish-fuscous suffusion sometimes tinged with crimson. There is a streak of purplish-fuscous suffusion along the costa from more or less near the base to the apex and there is a patch of purplish-fuscous suffusion along the dorsum from about one-third to the tornus, then continued as a slender streak along the termen. The stigmata are minute and black, with the first discal placed higher than the second, sometimes obsolete, the plical larger, before the first discal, sometimes additional minute black dots on the fold before and beyond the plical.
The forewings are light brown, more or less mixed or suffused with ferruginous and the costal two-fifths occupied by a broad white suffusion, the costal edge fuscous mixed. There are three oblique blackish marks on the anterior half of the costa, the third connected by a series of short blackish dashes with the apex. A blackish mark is found on the base of the dorsum and there is a thick blackish streak along the fold from the base, attenuated and becoming obsolete posteriorly. There is a more or less undefined white streak or suffusion beneath this and a thick black longitudinal streak in the disc limiting the white costal suffusion from before one-third to the apical series.
The forewings are shining white with the costal edge blackish near the base and with a streak of dark fuscous suffusion along the costa from before the middle to the apex, including a fine white striga from the costa at two-thirds, very obliquely to near the apex, the costa above this brownish. There is a broad irregular streak of fuscous suffusion more or less suffused with black in males, extending along the dorsum from one-fifth to the tornus but tending to be more or less interrupted beyond the middle. The discal stigmata are very small and blackish and there is some slight fuscous suffusion along the termen. The hindwings are grey.
There is some brownish suffusion and blackish sprinkles on the dorsal area from the base to about the middle, the scale-projection at one-fourth suffused with yellow ochreous, a blotch of blackish sprinkles on the dorsum beyond the middle. There are three irregular blackish spots forming an oblique series from the middle of the costa, reaching halfway across the wing, the two lower sometimes surrounded with yellow-ochreous suffusion. There is also a blackish spot on the costa at four-fifths and some ochreous or brownish suffusion mixed with blackish sprinkles towards the upper part of the termen. Four marginal dots of blackish sprinkles are found on the upper part of the termen.
The basal area of the forewings is suffused with orange and there is a violet-brown suffused streak along the costa from the base to near the apex. A short dark brown streak is found on the dorsal edge near the base and there is a streak of ferruginous-orange suffusion from the base along the fold to the plical stigma. The stigmata are represented by spots of orange suffusion, sometimes purplish mixed, the first discal large, rather beyond the plical. There is a shade of orange-purplish suffusion from four-fifths of the costa to three-fourths of the dorsum, well-defined posteriorly and with an angular projection in the middle.
Below this is a patch of dark grey suffusion containing a whitish-ochreous ring centred with dark fuscous. Two oblique white costal strigulae beyond the middle, the first giving rise to a very oblique bluish-leaden-metallic line dilated downwards, surrounded with orange-ferruginous suffusion, and terminating in a suffused white spot which almost reaches the terminal indentation, the second strigula finely black edged posteriorly and soon running into this line. An oval leaden-metallic spot is found in the disc at two-thirds, followed by a spot of ochreous-white suffusion. The tornal area is indistinctly streaked longitudinally with white and blackish irroration and a white spot occupying the tornal prominence, centred with a black dot.
There are three pairs of marginal dots before the apex and several dots along the termen, as well as brownish suffusion before the tornus. The hindwings are pale grey.
A tornal patch of dark fuscous suffusion is found beneath this where a suffused dark fuscous streak runs along the termen to the apex. The hindwings are whitish grey.
Zootaxa 2245: 1-31. The wingspan is . The forewings are white with a faint subochreous suffusion and a few sparsely sprinkled black scales. The hindwings are pale brownish grey.
The forewings are whitish ochreous or yellow ochreous, sometimes strewn with strigulae of fuscous irroration (sprinkles). There is a streak of dark fuscous suffusion or irroration along the costa from the base to four-fifths and a black dot beneath the costa near the base. The stigmata are black, with the discal approximated, the plical often little marked, beneath the first discal. There is a small apical spot of dark fuscous suffusion.
The forewings are brown, densely irrorated (sprinkled) with whitish points, with some scattered black scales. The stigmata are represented by round spots of dark fuscous or blackish suffusion, often very indefinite, the plical sometimes obsolete, slightly beyond the first discal, the second discal larger and usually better marked, often with an adjacent whitish-ochreous spot beneath it. There is usually a dark fuscous costal suffusion above this. The hindwings are grey or dark grey.
The forewings are pale ochreous with patchy suffusion of reddish and sometimes also fuscous scales, sometimes, there is a darker suffusion on the dorsum from before the middle to the tornus. The stigmata is sometimes fuscous and distinct, but usually obscure or obsolete. The first discal dot is found at one-third, the plical beyond it and the second discal before two-thirds. The reddish irroration is more evident in the terminal area.
The forewings are brownish ochreous, often violet tinged, sometimes obscurely strigulated with ferruginous brown. There is a streak of dark brown suffusion along the costa from the base to five- sixths. The dorsal half is suffused with dark violet brownish, variably mixed or strigulated by dark ferruginous fuscous, the stigmata sometimes perceptible as ferruginous-brown spots, the plical beyond the first discal. There is also a variable irregular narrow terminal fascia of dark brown suffusion.
Scopula pauperata is a moth of the family Geometridae. It is found on Borneo. The habitat consists of lowland forests. Adults are white with a variable grey fasciation and suffusion.
The forewings are dark grey speckled with grey whitish throughout. The plical stigma is cloudy, obscurely darker, sometimes preceded and followed by slight whitish suffusion. The hindwings are grey.Zoologische Mededelingen.
Retrieved July 15, 2017. The wingspan is about 25 mm. The forewings are light ochreous, across the middle third becoming brighter, ochreous tawny. The markings are formed by brown suffusion.
Flowers are delicate and membranous. Mature plants can have more than 100 flowers. The petals are white with pale pink suffusion. The lateral sepals have dark red spots at the base.
The forewings are chestnut brown with a suffusion of brown-tipped scales and with dark-brown markings. The hindwings are pale greyish brown. Adults have been recorded on wing in February.
Medial fasciae narrow and clearly defined. Margin of the hindwing is more strongly and broadly excavate. Underside of wings is pale brownish. The caterpillar is ochreous with cinnamon-grey-brown suffusion.
The wingspan is about 15 mm. The forewings are ochreous yellow, in females deeper, some slight brownish suffusion about the veins beyond the cell. The hindwings are pale ochreous yellowish.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
There is a small discal dot and a subterminal line. There is purplish suffusion beyond this line. Adults are on wing from April to July. The larvae feed on Monardella villosa.
The forewings are fulvous orange with a deep blue basal patch, limited by an oblique blackish streak from one-third of the costa to the middle of the dorsum, a spot of blackish suffusion on the base of the costa and three light silvery-blue longitudinal streaks, the first along the costa from before the middle to four-fifths, the second in the disc from about the middle to near the apex, partially and variably edged with some blackish marking anteriorly and in females also posteriorly, the third beneath the fold from the basal patch to the tornus, edged with blackish suffusion. In females, there is a terminal fascia of deep brown-reddish suffusion. The hindwings are dark fuscous.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London.
The forewings are greyish oohreous or light fuscous, with veins 8-11 obscurely darker streaked and with small dark fuscous almost basal dots in the middle and on the dorsum, as well as a very oblique dark fuscous fasciate blotch from the dorsum at one-third reaching more than half way across the wing. There is an ill-defined blotch of fuscous suffusion occupying the dorsal half from near beyond this to the tornus, darkest posteriorly. A very faint small spot of whitish-ochreous suffusion is found on the costa at four-fifths and there are very indistinct small marginal dots of dark fuscous suffusion around the apex and termen. The hindwings of the males are grey, while those of the females are dark grey.
The wingspan is about 19 mm. The forewings are dark fawn-brown, with rich reddish patches mixed with pale yellow, and two transparent spots on the cell almost white. The red suffusion commences at the base of the dorsum, extending widely along it and narrowly upward to the costa, where it ends in a white marginal spot preceded by a yellowish spot below it, the first transparent spot on the cell lying also within its area at its outer edge. This reddish suffusion is scarcely and very indistinctly separated by fawn-brown from a larger red suffusion, occupying the whole central third of the dorsum and extending upward to the costa, where it ends in a white marginal spot at- three-fourths from the base.
The forewings are light yellow-ochreous, sprinkled with brownish. There is an irregular band of brown suffusion from the base of the costa running above the cell to an irregular brown spot nearly obliterating the transverse darker second discal stigma. The other stigmata is small, dark brown, plical obliquely beyond the first discal. There is some irregular brown suffusion along the dorsum and an angulated subterminal series of pale dots more or less indicated, sometimes edged with brown dots.
The forewings are dark purple fuscous with a broad almost basal ochreous-white band, the edge running from one-fourth of the costa to the middle of the dorsum, irregular, followed by some ferruginous-brown suffusion, wider towards the costa. There is a spot of ferruginous-brown suffusion beneath the costa at two-thirds, followed by a semicircular white costal blotch at about three- fourths. The hindwings are dark grey, lighter and thinly scaled in the disc.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are dark fuscous with a small basal spot of ochreous-orange suffusion. The stigmata are represented by small cloudy pale ochreous-yellowish spots, the plical beneath the first discal. There is a similar cloudy dot on the dorsum beneath the second discal and there are some pale ochreous-yellowish suffusion towards the costa before the apex, in which are two dark fuscous pre-marginal dots. There are also three pale yellowish dots on the termen.
There is some undefined fuscous suffusion on the costa at one-third, and semi-oval dark fuscous spots beyond the middle and at four-fifths. There is a blotch of brownish suffusion on the middle of the dorsum. The second discal stigma is dark fuscous and there are several indistinct darker dots in a subterminal series on the lower part of the wing. There is a marginal series of black dots around the apex and termen.
These are the Dilute Dark Greens and Dilute Olives, usually known as Dark and Olive Yellows. When the suffusion is particularly heavy the bird is known as a Suffused Yellow. In the blue series the absence of the yellow pigment turns the body colour to white, although this is usually suffused with blue, often quite heavily. When the suffusion is light, Dilute Skyblues are known as Whites; when it is heavy they are known as Suffused Whites.
There is sometimes some fuscous suffusion along the fold posteriorly and a fine black dash is found in the disc about four-fifths, sometimes anteriorly extended and rather curved downwards. There is a stronger black dash above the tornus, sometimes connected with the tornus by fuscous suffusion and there is also a dentate whitish line just before the termen, the terminal interstices speckled with blackish. The hindwings are dark fuscous.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London.
Beyond this is a short dark fuscous mark in the disc and one on the fold. There is also a triangular blotch of blackish suffusion on the dorsum at about three-fourths and a slightly irregular oblique whitish line from the costa at three-fourths to the tornus, space between this and the preceding forming a fascia of pale yellow- ochreous suffusion. The apical area beyond this line is wholly suffused blackish. The hindwings are dark fuscous.
The forewings are light brownish, sprinkled with dark fuscous and the costa suffused with dark fuscous towards the base. The discal stigmata are blackish, the first moderate and dot like, the second forming a transverse-linear mark, in males these resting on more or less dark fuscous suffusion extending over the dorsal third of the wing, darkest and best defined anteriorly. There is some dark fuscous suffusion along the upper part of the termen. The hindwings light grey.
The forewings are whitish grey, the basal fourth suffused with ferruginous, limited by a transverse series of three small black tufts, the uppermost double. There is a median fascia of ferruginous suffusion, including a black tuft on the fold and the apical fourth is suffusedly sprinkled with darker grey, including a blotch of ferruginous suffusion towards the tornus, preceded by a small black tuft. The hindwings are light blue grey. The larvae feed on Pinus khasia.
The forewings are yellowish suffused with purplish, the basal area more blue purple. The stigmata form spots of blue-purple suffusion, with the plical somewhat before the first discal. There is a moderately broad clear orange- yellow terminal fascia, narrowed at the apex, the anterior edge forming two convexities with an indentation between them and preceded by dark blue-purple suffusion. There is also a pre-marginal series of small dark fuscous marks along the termen.
Promolopica is a genus of moth in the family Gelechiidae. It contains the species Promolopica epiphanta, which is found in The wingspan is about 19 mm. The forewings are white with an ochreous median longitudinal stripe from near the base to an apical spot of fuscous suffusion, marked with two black dots on the costa before the apex and three small spots of ochreous suffusion on the fold, and a spot on the dorsum towards the base.
The forewings are fuscous irregularly mixed and irrorated (sprinkled) with whitish. There are about six small dark fuscous spots or marks along the costa, one beyond the middle larger. The dorsal area is irregularly suffused with dark fuscous throughout, especially a transverse dark fuscous spot at one-fourth, edged posteriorly with whitish suffusion. There is an undefined elongate patch of dark fuscous suffusion in the middle of the disc and some irregular brown or fuscous marking towards the apex.
The forewings are brownish, sprinkled with dark fuscous. The stigmata are represented by spots of dark fuscous suffusion, the first discal round, the second transverse oval, the plical smaller, beneath the first discal. The posterior half of the costa is suffused with dark fuscous, interrupted by an ochreous-yellowish patch towards the apex, the obscure dark suffusion extending along the upper part of the termen. The hindwings are ochreous whitish grey, becoming grey towards the apex.
The forewings are light brownish, more or less irrorated (sprinkled) with darker towards the costa and with an undefined rather broad median fascia of white suffusion, narrower and more distinct on the costa. There is a cloud of fainter white suffusion in the posterior third of the disc, sometimes little indicated. The second discal stigma is obscurely indicated as a darker dot on the posterior edge of the white fascia. The hindwings are pale greyish ochreous.
The forewings are whitish-ochreous tinged with brownish and irrorated with fuscous. The basal fourth of the costa suffused with dark fuscous. There is a very indistinct irregular line of fuscous suffusion from the costa at one- fourth to the dorsum before the middle. There is a broad oblique fascia of dark fuscous suffusion, sharply defined and pale-edged anteriorly, very undefined posteriorly, from the costa about the middle, reaching more than half across the wing.
The forewings are light violet grey, the base suffused with white, the costal edge white, on the basal fourth more broadly suffused with white. There is a triangular blotch of darker greyish-violet suffusion on the dorsum before the middle, enclosing a faint ochreous-whitish erect wedge-shaped spot on the dorsum. There is also a greyish-violet angulated shade crossing the wing at two-thirds and an undefined terminal fascia of violet suffusion. The hindwings are dark grey.
The forewings are dark grey irregularly sprinkled with white, and strewn with black scales tending to form streaks on the veins and sometimes a cloudy patch of dark suffusion on the fold at one-fourth. There is an elongate cloudy blackish spot on the middle of the costa and a shorter one preceding it, tending to coalesce and merge in a very undefined triangular patch of dark suffusion extending from the costa to the fold. The hindwings are grey.
Syncosmia dissographa is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found on Sulawesi, Borneo, Java and Bali.The Moths of Borneo The forewings have a bone- white ground colour with brown suffusion.
A large bright rufous triangular patch is found over the whole outer area of the forewings. A black sub-apical speck visible. Cilia rufous. Hindwings reddish brown suffusion with rufous outer margin.
Eupithecia parallaxis is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Colombia. The wingspan is about 20–21 mm for males. The forewings are dark fuscous, with slight cinnamon suffusion.
In forewing, anterior half is tawny grayish with olive suffusion. Costa with slender, vertical dark lines. There are two fuscous spots in cell. Cilia pale orange at apex and fuscous in tornus.
The second discal stigma is represented by a similar spot with an additional spot beneath it. There is some brown suffusion and slight whitish sprinkling towards the apex. The hindwings are grey.
Underside: differs in the yellowish-green suffusion on both forewings and hindwings, which is replaced by ochraceous brown. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen as in the male. Wingspan of 58–74 mm.
The ground colour is paler along the edges of some parts of the markings. These markings are darker than the strigulation. The hindwings are cream with pale brownish terminal suffusion and paler strigulae.
This suffusion contain some 5-6 very narrow silvery-white, strongly outwards-oblique lines. Cilia pale fuscous-greyish. Hindwings pale fuscous grey with darker scaly tips. Cilia pale fuscous grey, with whitish base.
The wingspan is about 90–120 mm. Palpi with third joint long and spatulate at extremity. Forewings with produced apex to a rounded lobe. Head and thorax ferrous colored, with plum-color suffusion.
The forewings are ochreous-whitish, the basal half suffused with blackish. The hindwings are whitish, but the postmedian line and apical suffusion are faintly grey. Adults have been recorded on wing in January.
The dorsum is suffused pale brownish yellow from beyond the base to the tornus. The markings are dark brown. The hindwings are cream, with grey reticulation (a net-like pattern) and terminal suffusion.
There is also a series of blackish marks beneath the posterior third of the costa and along the termen, preceded by a rather broad ferruginous suffusion. The hindwings are pale grey, darker posteriorly.
The yellow suffusion combined with underlying black (or pure brown in Cinnamon specimens) pigmentation produces an illusion of greenish tones giving rise to the genetically incorrect common names of Emerald for this trait.
Hypatopa morrisoni is a moth in the family Blastobasidae. It is found in the United States, including Arizona.mothphotographersgroup The wingspan is about 17 mm. The forewings are bone-white, with grayish brown suffusion.
A hazy black stripe which is originating behind the operculum and extending to caudal peduncle. All fins with reddish suffusion. Body rosy grey dorsally with metallic green margins. A blotch on caudal peduncle.
The forewings are sordid (dirty) white, basally with some pale ocherous suffusion and with the extreme edge of the costa, at the base, fuscous. The hindwings are pale grayish, darker toward the margins.
Filatima catacrossa is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found in North America, where it has been recorded from Texas and Arizona.Filatima at funetmothphotographersgroup The wingspan is 17–19 mm. The forewings are fuscous suffusedly irrorated dark fuscous, in males almost always a broad band of brownish-ochreous suffusion on the costal area from the base to about three-fourths, but leaving the costal edge and often two or three streaks posteriorly dark, in females this suffusion is little developed.
The forewings are whitish, sprinkled with grey except towards the costa anteriorly, suffused with grey on the posterior third. The plical and second discal stigmata are black and distinct and there is a very oblique whitish striga from the costa at two-thirds to the termen beneath the apex, preceded and followed on the costa by dark grey suffusion, between this and the apex three or four whitish costal dots separated by dark grey suffusion. The hindwings are light grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
Sphaerolbia is a genus of moth in the family Lecithoceridae. It contains the species Sphaerolbia chrematistis, which is found in India (Assam) The wingspan is about 13 mm. The forewings are bright yellow with large rounded leaden-metallic discal blotches about one-third and two-thirds, the first nearly reaching the costa, the second reaching the tornus, suffused dorsally and connected along the dorsum by dark purplish-fuscous suffusion, the whole design surrounded except on the dorsum by orange suffusion.
The forewings are pale greyish ochreous, suffusedly irrorated (sprinkled) with dark fuscous and with a small spot of dark fuscous suffusion on the base of the costa. The stigmata are cloudy and dark fuscous, the first discal somewhat elongate, the plical hardly beyond it, the second discal approximated, in the middle of the wing. There is a cloudy pale subterminal line, sharply indented beneath the costa, edged posteriorly with dark fuscous suffusion. The hindwings are light grey, paler and somewhat ochreous tinged anteriorly.
The white scales tend to form streaks in the disc along these lines, and sometimes one or two small indistinct spots before the middle of the disc. There are two black dots transversely placed in the disc at two- thirds, the lower rather anterior, connected by a white posteriorly blackish- margined mark, followed by a cloudy roundish brownish-ochreous suffusion. Some blackish scales form an indistinct subapical suffusion. The hindwings are fuscous, more whitish-fuscous and ochreous-tinged anteriorly, the hindmargin darker.
The forewings are fuscous, somewhat sprinkled with whitish and irregularly and suffusedly irrorated (sprinkled) with blackish fuscous, the confluence of irroration forming several irregular broken longitudinal marks, and three or four spots on the posterior half of the costa. There is a rounded blotch of whitish suffusion on the dorsum before the middle, and an irregular streak of whitish suffusion along the posterior third of the dorsum and termen to the apex. The hindwings are grey.Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.
The forewings are pale ochreous yellowish, the veins suffusedly lined with fuscous and with a moderate streak of fuscous suffusion along the costa from the base to near the middle. The discal stigmata is represented by fuscous spots, the first roundish, the second transverse, a subtriangular patch of fuscous suffusion extending from the second to the costa between veins 9 to 11. The hindwings are ochreous whitish with a grey transverse spot on the end of the cell and a grey terminal line.
The wingspan is about 17 mm. The forewings are whitish-ochreous with some slight brownish suffusion along the dorsum from near the base to the middle. The stigmata are fuscous, the plical minute, faint and very obliquely beyond the first discal, an additional dot on the lower angle of the cell and a blotch of fuscous apical suffusion covering the middle of veins 2-4. There is also a marginal series of fuscous dots around part of the costa and termen.
There is a broad suffused band of reddish cream colour beyond the second line, bordered posteriorly by a wavy crenulate undefined line of diffused brown, which suffusion extends to the hindmargin. The hind marginal line is smoky brown. The basal fourth of the hindwings is ochreous brown, but creamy ochreous to nearly halfway. There is a broad brown-ochreous band beyond half, bordered anteriorly with a brown line and posteriorly with a deep rich black line and a black suffusion.
The forewings are shining whitish, towards the costa white, and with some scattered dark fuscous specks, a blotch of fuscous suffusion resting on the dorsum before the middle and a pale fuscous shade from the costa at two-thirds to the dorsum at three-fourths, angulated in the middle, darker on the dorsum. There is also a pale fuscous suffusion towards the termen, especially towards the middle, and a darker fuscous suffused streak along the termen. The hindwings are whitish.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are dark grey with a small dark fuscous spot on the base of the costa, edged with whitish posteriorly. There is a rather narrow whitish transverse fascia at one-third, preceded by some dark fuscous suffusion. There is also an elongate suffused blackish mark on the middle of the costa, and a small blackish spot at three-fourths, the costal edge whitish on each side of these. Some scattered dots of dark fuscous suffusion are found in the disc posteriorly.
The forewings are dark purple fuscous with an ochreous-whitish basal patch, the outer edge running from the base of the costa to one-fourth of the dorsum, more ochreous towards the costa. There are very indistinct dots of ochreous suffusion on the costa at two-fifths and three-fifths and before the apex and some slight ochreous suffusion towards the tornus. The hindwings have the dorsal area clothed with dense long hairs. They are fuscous, becoming dark fuscous posteriorly.
Afro Moths The wingspan is about 17 mm for males and 20 mm for females. The forewings are ochreous whitish with the discal stigmata moderate and dark fuscous, the plical less marked, linear and rather obliquely beyond the first discal. There is a transverse fascia of slight grey suffusion about two-thirds in females also a broad terminal fascia of grey suffusion, darkest on the termen, in males little developed, but perceptible near the termen. The hindwings are cream whitish.
The wingspan is 19–22 mm. The forewings are greyish ochreous, with rows of obscure dark fuscous dots on the veins and with the costal edge on the anterior half and three costal dots posteriorly bright rosy crimson. There is an undefined oblique median fascia of grey suffusion, and a transverse patch from the costa at three-fourths, as well as an undefined patch of light crimson-reddish suffusion in the disc beyond the cell. The hindwings are dark grey.
The wingspan is about 14 mm. The forewings are pale yellow, reticulated throughout orange red and with a fuscous costal streak from the base to the middle, the costal edge of this blackish with a white mark before the middle. There is a spot of fuscous suffusion on the end of the cell, where a vague streak of suffusion runs to a fuscous mark on the costa at three-fourths. There is also a fuscous terminal streak, including some yellowish dots.
The wingspan is about 15 mm. The forewings are light grey, obscurely irrorated darker and with a suffused darker triangular blotch extending on the costa from about two-fifths to three-fourths, and reaching half across the wing, margined anteriorly by an oblique fasciate streak of pale suffusion preceded by some dark costal suffusion, the apical area irregularly darker suffused. The discal stigmata are minute, indistinct and blackish, the plical apparently obsolete. There are several indistinct blackish-grey terminal dots.
The forewings are buff with tawny suffusion along the costa. The surface of the wing is sprinkled with tawny irrorations (sprinkles) and in the middle of the cell is a slender fuscous streak. A small fuscous spot followed by tawny is found at the end of the cell and from just before the apex, on the costa, around the tornus, is a series of small fuscous spots between the veins. The hindwings are very pale cinereous with slight greyish suffusion.
The forewings are whitish ochreous densely irrorated (sprinkled) with fuscous and dark fuscous, sometimes mixed with white in the disc and with oblique blackish marks on the costa near the base and at one-fourth, and blackish marks on the fold obliquely beyond each of these, the second representing the plical stigma and edged posteriorly with ochreous-yellowish suffusion, which is sometimes extended along the fold. There are round black dots beneath the middle of the costa and in the disc at two-thirds, edged with ochreous-yellowish suffusion and there is also some ochreous-yellow suffusion towards the base of the dorsum, and towards the apex. The costa is posteriorly suffused with dark fuscous, and marked with three or four white specks. Several white specks are found along the termen.
The forewings are ochreous-whitish, suffused with pale brownish except for a triangular blotch on the middle of the costa reaching half across the wing, and an undefined transverse patch before the termen. There is a small costal mark of dark fuscous suffusion on each side of the costal blotch, and a transverse-crescentic dark fuscous mark adjoining its apex posteriorly. A bar of fuscous suffusion is found near the base, with some fuscous irroration in the disc and towards the dorsum before the middle, as well as a cloudy streak of fuscous suffusion along the termen. The hindwings are rather dark fuscous, lighter and ochreous-tinged towards the apex and with a round dark fuscous spot in the middle of the disc, edged anteriorly by a white spot.
The forewings are white or ochreous whitish, with some scattered dark fuscous scales and with a blackish streak along the basal third of the costa and elongate blackish costal marks beyond the middle and at three-fourths, the latter edged beneath with ferruginous. There is a dark fuscous dot above middle of the disc, sometimes with some dark suffusion around it. Some variable dark fuscous suffusion or irroration is found towards the dorsum and there is a silvery-metallic subdentate submarginal line around the posterior part of the costa and termen, preceded by an angulated whitish line and then by a band of light brownish suffusion, with an interrupted black dash on the angle of the line, the costa and apex beyond this ferruginous. The hindwings are dark grey.
The forewings are rather dark purple, paler towards the costa anteriorly and with a dorsal streak of dark ferruginous-brown suffusion from near the base to beyond the middle. There is an oblique rather dark brown streak in the middle of the disc and a dark ferruginous-brown costal streak from two-fifths to the apex, attenuated anteriorly, on the posterior half suffused beneath and with the extreme costal edge whitish, anteriorly better defined by a streak of whitish-grey-ochreous suffusion. There is an indistinct small dark brownish spot on the end of the cell, the wing beyond this irregularly suffused with brownish. There is also a faint pale curved dentate subterminal line, edged posteriorly by darker suffusion and there is a dark ferruginous-fuscous marginal line around the apex and termen.
The discal stigmata are black, beneath the second an erect spot of grey suffusion from the dorsum not reaching it. The apical and terminal edge are dark fuscous. The hindwings are light grey.Exotic Microlep.
The forewings are uniform light-yellow in males. The hindwings have a brown-grey suffusion. Females are much darker with a greatly reduced light pattern., 2008: New species of Palaearctic and Oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera).
Epanastasis canariensis is a moth of the family Autostichidae. It is found on the Canary Islands.Fauna Europaea The wingspan is about 14 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is white with grey suffusion.
The forewings are pale ochreous, with the veins on the costal half tinged with brownish and with a costal band of violet-brown suffusion. The hindwings are pale ochreous yellowish.Exotic Microlepidoptera. 3 (5-7): 147.
The chin and throat are white. The mantle and back are dark brown, with white bars. The upperwing coverts and flight feathers are brownish-black and have white bars. The breast has a brownish suffusion.
The forewings are deep ochreous yellow, irregularly mixed with light brown suffusion. The stigmata is black, edged with white, the plical obliquely before the first discal. The hindwings are ochreous-whitish.Records of the Indian Museum.
Epipsestis longipennis is a moth in the family Drepanidae. It is found in Nepal. The wingspan is 29–40 mm. The forewings are pale grey, with pinkish suffusion except on the median and subterminal areas.
The forewings are brown, irregularly irrorated (sprinkled) with dark fuscous. There is a broad whitish patch extending along the basal two-thirds of the dorsum and a small whitish spot on the middle of the dorsum and another before the tornus, separated by dark fuscous suffusion. The discal stigmata is black, raised and partially whitish edged, first in middle, second at three-fourths. There is a small ochreous-whitish oblique-triangular spot on the costa before two-thirds, preceded and followed by patches of dark fuscous suffusion.
The forewings are dark fuscous, suffused with reddish brown towards the dorsum and a short streak of blackish suffusion on the base of the dorsum and a blackish streak along the fold from near the base to beyond one- third. The discal stigmata are rather approximated, blackish and connected by red-brownish suffusion, beneath which adjacent to each is an additional less defined group of blackish scales. There is a narrow undefined slightly angulated red-brownish fascia at about three-fourths. The hindwings are light grey.
The wingspan is 30–36 mm. The forewings have a broad silvery white costal streak from one-eight to the apex, broadest at one-fourth from the base, there angled and gradually narrowing to a point at the apex. There is a broad brownish suffusion beneath the costal streak towards the base and a transversely oval, black-edged, brownish spot at two- thirds, indenting the costal streak. Some whitish suffusion is found before the tornus and there is a blackish dentate subterminal line, edged posteriorly with brownish.
The forewings are pale ochreous yellowish, with the costa minutely strigulated with blackish from the base to three small blackish marks at two-thirds. There is some grey sprinkling along the dorsum and a roundish spot of greyish suffusion in the disc at one-fifth. The stigmata is dark fuscous, the plical beneath the first discal. There is also a transverse median patch of light greyish suffusion crossing the wing but not reaching the costa, as well as some greyish strigulation crossing the wing at three-fourths.
The forewings are rather dark fuscous mixed with blackish, faintly purplish tinged and with undefined longitudinal streaks of ochreous-yellowish suffusion or irroration (sprinkles) above and below the middle, confluent posteriorly into a moderately broad irregular subterminal transverse fascia. There are five small pale yellowish spots on the posterior half of the costa and the stigmata are represented by round spots of blackish suffusion, the plical rather obliquely beyond the first discal. The hindwings are rather dark grey.Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society.
There is a small brownish spot sprinkled blackish on the base of the costa. The discal stigmata are minute and blackish, surrounded with ochreous-whitish but connected by an elongate brownish spot sprinkled blackish, a streak of similar suffusion is found between the basal portions of veins eight and nine, and some slight brownish suffusion tends to form with these a longitudinal streak from the base to the apex. The termen is slightly marked fuscous between the veins. The hindwings are pale whitish-grey-ochreous.
The wingspan is about 18 mm. The forewings are pale greyish-ochreous with the costa slenderly whitish-ochreous from the base to the apex and finely continued around the termen, the edged beneath slenderly with rather dark grey suffusion, beneath this some broader whitish-ochreous suffusion towards the base. The dorsal area is broadly suffused pale ochreous-yellowish and there is a triangular reddish- fuscous spot on the dorsum before the middle and a greyish mark on the transverse vein. The hindwings are light grey.
The wingspan is about 28 mm. The forewings are white rather densely irrorated with fuscous and with a triangular fuscous suffusion on the inner margin before the middle. There is a short longitudinal suffused mark in the disc before the middle and a very distinct outwardly oblique line from the costa at two-thirds, angulated in the disc, and continued parallel to the hindmargin to the inner margin at three- fifths. There is also an indistinct suffusion on the middle of the hind margin.
The wingspan is about 16 mm. The forewings are brown, with a slight rosy tinge and a white dot on the costa at two-fifths, edged anteriorly by dark grey suffusion and followed by a short indistinct somewhat oblique streak of grey suffusion, the recurved portion of the costa also dark grey. There is a small white spot on the costa at two-thirds, the costal edge preceding this shortly white to meet the recurved portion. The first discal stigma is indistinctly grey, the second white.
The forewings are light reddish ochreous, sometimes rosy tinged, with numerous transverse dark ferruginous-brown strigae more or less broken up into series of dots. The costal edge is pale rosy and there is a broad streak of grey-whitish suffusion along the anterior half of the costa, posteriorly irregularly extended into the disc. There is an indistinct grey- whitish suffusion on the costa beyond the middle and a narrow grey-whitish terminal streak. The hindwings are ochreous yellow, towards the apex darker and sometimes rosy tinged.
Forewing with vein 9 stalked with veins 7 and 8. Forewing with the outer margin of moderate length. Male lack secondary sexual characters on the forewing. Head, thorax and forewing being purplish grey without fuscous suffusion.
Abdomen whitish with fuscous to reddish-brown suffusion. Forewing apex quadrate. There is an outwardly oblique line from the costa. A curved double submarginal line runs from the costa before the apex to the outer angle.
The forewings are grey sprinkled with black and white. The discal stigmata are represented by small spots of blackish sprinkles connected by a streak of white suffusion. The hindwings are grey.Annals of the South African Museum.
Male upperside: deep purplish brown, the purple suffusion visible in some lights, not in others. Forewings and hindwings: uniform, with dark brown, somewhat broad anteciliary lines. Cilia brown alternated with white. Underside: paler, somewhat silky brown.
The limbs bear wide, black crossbars. The ventral surfaces are white, sometimes with weak, black suffusion. The tadpoles are dorsally and laterally black and ventrally white. Body length is up to and total length up to .
The forewings are brownish grey, irregularly irrorated (sprinkled) with dark grey. The discal stigmata are small, black and widely remote, with some longitudinal ochreous-brownish suffusion between these. The hindwings are light grey.Meyrick, Edward (1916–1923).
The forewings are fuscous, slightly speckled with whitish with a very oblique thick streak of dark brown suffusion from the dorsum at one-fourth reaching more than half way across the wing, limiting a basal patch of ochieous-brown suffusion not reaching the costa and edged above by a small cloudy spot of dark fuscous suffusion at the base, and an indistinct slender very oblique streak from the costa near the base to its posterior extremity. A small obscurely darker spot is found in the middle of the disc and there is some brown suffusion along the median area of the costa, terminated by a suffused dark brown spot preceding the subterminal line. There is a fine whitish line from three-fourths of the costa to the dorsum before the tornus, angulated in the middle, the upper half incurved, the lower straight or slightly dentate beneath the angle, with a short dash projecting from the angle towards a short black pre-terminal dash. The apical area is light brownish, with a thick ochreous-brown marginal streak around the posterior part of the costa and termen, an oval black spot lying in this above the apex.
The forewings are white with the markings formed of grey and dark fuscous irroration, partially accompanied with a faint ochreous tinge. There is a dot towards the base in the middle and there are oblique marks from the costa before and beyond the first projection, and a spot before the second. A small spot is found on the dorsum at one-fourth and an oblique fascia of suffusion from above this to the disc at three-fifths, as well as a fascia of darker suffusion from the disc beyond this to the dorsum before the tornus and an obtusely elongated line from beneath the middle of the costa to the tornus, its lower half followed by a fascia of light grey suffusion nearly reaching the termen. There are also four cloudy dots on the apical part of the costa.
Tricerophora commaculata is a moth in the family Gelechiidae first described by Edward Meyrick in 1921. It is found in Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe. The wingspan is 15–16 mm. The forewings are white irregularly speckled with blackish and with a very oblique wedge-shaped black blotch on the base of the costa, as well as a thick black longitudinal streak from the base of the dorsum to beneath the middle of the disc, and a black streak from above the apex of this to the termen above the middle, gradually considerably expanded above with black suffusion to reach the costa before the apex, these two comprehended in a broader irregular streak of grey suffusion, and crossed by direct transverse fasciae of grey suffusion before the middle and at three- fourths, the former including a strong black subcostal streak.
The forewings are white, with the bases of the scales grey, forming a very fine transverse striation. There are small irregular dark fuscous spots on the base of the dorsum, and beneath the costa at one-fifth and four small irregular dark fuscous marks in a straight series from the middle of the costa to one-fifth of the dorsum, sometimes preceded by a fascia of grey suffusion or partially connected by a streak. The stigmata are dark fuscous, the plical obliquely before the first discal, sometimes indistinct, the second discal tending to form an oblique or bent mark. There is a somewhat angulated indistinct whitish subterminal line, anteriorly margined with more or less grey suffusion, indistinctly mixed dark fuscous on the costa and the dorsum, with beyond this some irregular dark fuscous suffusion towards the costa, the apex beneath this whitish-suffused.
The wingspan is about 18 mm. The forewings are pale greyish, with the costal edge white and the costal third suffused ochreous-white on the basal two-fifths and a short dark grey dorsal streak near the base. There are two very obliquely placed dark grey dots (including the first discal stigma) in the disc about one-fourth, directed towards the anterior angle of an ill-defined quadrate median dorsal blotch of darker grey suffusion. There are spots of darker grey suffusion on the costa before the middle and at two-thirds, the first connected by one or two dark grey dots (including the second discal stigma) with the anterior angle of a pre-tornal subquadrate blotch of darker grey suffusion, the second sending a very oblique darker grey line rather abruptly curved in the disc to the tornus.
Full article: . The wingspan is 17 mm. The forewings are brown with darker marks and the whitish ground colour limited to lines. The hindwings are dirty cream with diffuse brownish grey posterior suffusion and strigulation (fine streaks).
The forewings are yellowish ferruginous, with browner strigulation (fine streaks). The dorsum is suffused with rust brown and the markings are darker than the dorsal suffusion. The hindwings are brownish grey tinged with rust at the apex.
The forewings of the males are ochreous brown to dark fuscous. The hindwings are white. The forewings of the females are white, sometimes with pale ochreous suffusion. The hindwings are white with an ochreous-white anal tuft.
Head green with orange body segments. Dorsal band olive-greenish brown with a dark dorsal line. A double white line runs laterally which is same as dorsal color, whitish or orange. Spiracular band orange with purple suffusion.
The wingspan is about 80–94 mm in male. Palpi with third joint long and spatulate at extremity. Forewings with non-crenulate cilia in male, crenulate in female. Head and thorax reddish brown with plum-color suffusion.
The caterpillar is cylindrical with a dark rusty-brown head mottled with green. Body pale ochraceous olive green with a smoky-brown suffusion. Pupation takes place in a cell of leaves made by silk. Pupa lacks bloom.
The ground colour of the forewings is white, with an ochreous tinge and grey suffusion in the basal area, along the costa and in the apical third. The hindwings are light grey, becoming darker towards the apex.
Carpathonesticus puteorum specimens have a pale reddish prosoma with black suffusion. The opisthosoma is pale grey with dorsal pairs of patches. The legs are a reddish yellow. The prosoma length is in female and in male specimens.
The base of the costal edge is black and there is a small spot of greyish suffusion in the disc before the first stigmata. The plical and first discal stigmata are small or minute, black, accompanied by small pale yellow-ochreous dots, the plical somewhat anterior, the second discal forming a short thick black dash, all these surrounded with whiter suffusion. There is a small blackish spot on the costa before two-thirds, from beyond this a faint whiter angulated transverse shade more or less perceptible. The hindwings are light bluish-grey.Exot. Microlep.
The base of the costa is suffused with dark fuscous, forming a short transverse mark near the base. There is a minute black subdorsal dot near the base and there are some strigulae of blackish irroration on the costa anteriorly. A subtriangular spot of fuscous suffusion is found on the dorsum at two-fifths, terminated above by a small blackish spot representing the plical stigma. A moderate spot of fuscous suffusion with some black scales is found on the costa at two-thirds, and another towards the dorsum before the tornus.
The forewings are dark fuscous with a black streak along the basal fourth of the costa and a thick black streak on the fold from near the base to one- third, followed by some red-brownish suffusion. There is a rather elongate pointed black spot in the disc before the middle, and an irregular black spot beyond the middle, connected by some ochreous-white edging. An ochreous- whitish spot is found on the costa at four-fifths, where some very indistinct pale reddish-ochreous suffusion crosses the wing. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are light brownish ochreous sprinkled with rather dark fuscous. The base of the costa is suffusedly irrorated dark fuscous and the stigmata are blackish, the plical rather obliquely before the first discal, a small blackish dot between the first and second discal, some irregular fuscous suffusion between the stigmata. There is an undefined spot of fuscous suffusion on the costa at two-thirds and a marginal series of small irregular dark fuscous dots on the posterior part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are pale grey.
The forewings are rather dark fuscous with a brownish-ochreous streak beneath the costa from the base to about one-third, and a short streak on the base of the dorsum joining this at the origin. The stigmata are cloudy, dark fuscous, with the plical beneath the first discal, and some ochreous suffusion on the sides of these, and a streak joining the discal. There is an ochreous transverse shade at three-fourths, angulated in the middle. There is also some ochreous irroration or suffusion posteriorly, especially towards the three or four dark terminal dots.
The forewings are pale ochreous, suffusedly strigulated with brownish except towards the costa anteriorly and with a few blackish scales. There are about ten black marks on the anterior half of the costa, anteriorly remote, posteriorly closely approximated. There is also a spot of brownish suffusion in the disc at one-fourth and an undefined triangular patch of brownish suffusion extending on the costa, from about the middle to four-fifths, its apex formed by a dark fuscous second discal stigma. There are some dark fuscous dots on the termen.
The wingspan is 35–40 mm. The length of the forewings is 17–20 mm. Forewing fuscous purplish, with the dark suffusion stronger than in iota; inner and outer lines more or less marked with pale yellowish, edged with dark brown;the inner preceded by a brown fascia; median area below middle ferruginous brown, with an orange suffusion beneath externally; reniform stigma partly outlined with pale golden; the two golden spots as in iota; submarginal line suffusedly edged with olive brown, except above anal angle; hindwing as in iota; in the ab. percontatrix Auriv.
The forewings are light ochreous, violet iridescent, sprinkled with light brownish, especially in males and with a few dark fuscous scales. There are blackish dots on the base of the costa and dorsum. The stigmata are blackish, the plical rather before the first discal and there is a blackish dot on the dorsum before the second discal, connected with it by an oblique cloudy streak of fuscous suffusion, in males extended to the costa. There are some undefined almost marginal dots of dark fuscous suffusion around the apex.
The costa is irregularly suffused with blackish gray from the base to two-thirds, as well as some grayish suffusion in the disc from the base to the end of the cell, and an oblique fasciate blotch of dark gray suffusion from the costa at one-fourth running into this. The discal stigmata are blackish, the plical obsolete. There is a transverse shade of brown ground color at three-fourths undefined anteriorly but with the posterior edge angularly projecting in the middle, and the apical area beyond it suffused with gray. The hindwings are gray.
The forewings are fuscous irrorated with dark fuscous and with the stigmata obscure, elongate, dark fuscous, each followed by a whitish-ochreous dot, the plical obliquely beyond the first discal. There is a whitish-ochreous dot on the dorsum at one-fourth, and one on the middle of the costa. There is also a small undefined spot of whitish-ochreous suffusion above the tornus, preceded by dark fuscous suffusion, and a fainter spot above this. Some indistinct whitish-ochreous dots are found beneath the costa posteriorly and along the termen.
The forewings are fuscous- whitish, irregularly irrorated with dark fuscous and sometimes partially ochreous-tinged. The stigmata are blackish, more or less accompanied with white suffusion, variable in development, sometimes large, the plical obliquely beyond the first discal, an additional dot between and above the first and second discal, and another beneath the second discal. There is an oblique spot of dark fuscous suffusion from the base of the costa, and usually blotches before and beyond the middle. Some undefined dark spots are found towards the costa posteriorly and the termen.
The forewings are pale-grey with dark-fuscous markings. There is a dot near the base of the costa and another on the costa at one-sixth, a dot near the base of the dorsum and another on the dorsum at one-fourth. The first discal is found at one-third, it is minute, while the second discal is larger at two-thirds, the plical beyond the first discal and large. There is a large fuscous suffusion beyond the second discal extending to the tornus and there is also a terminal fuscous suffusion.
The forewings are whitish ochreous suffused with brownish and sprinkled with dark fuscous, sometimes with a few whitish scales. There is an undefined basal patch of dark fuscous suffusion, the outer edge running from two-fifths of the costa to one- fifth of the dorsum. There are three undefined fasciae of dark fuscous suffusion, the first from beyond the middle of the costa to before the middle of the dorsum, the second at four-fifths, parallel to the termen, the third terminal. The stigmata are small, blackish, with the plical slightly before the first discal.
The forewings are fuscous irrorated with dark fuscous or blackish. The stigmata are dark fuscous or black, ringed with whitish, sometimes large, the plical slightly beyond the first discal, these two placed in an indistinct irregular rather oblique narrow fascia of whitish suffusion which forms a more distinct whitish spot on the costa, sometimes preceded by a dark fuscous spot. There is a cloudy subterminal line of ochreous-whitish suffusion, angulated in the middle, forming a conspicuous triangular ochreous-white spot on the costa. The hindwings are grey, darker posteriorly.
The stigmata form small obscure dark fuscous spots, the plical somewhat obliquely before first the discal, an additional spot above the fold midway between the first discal and the base. There is a spot of dark suffusion before the abrupt origin of the costal cilia, followed by a fine direct bar of white suffusion, three inwards-oblique suffused white marks from the costa beyond this, a small suffused white spot immediately preceding the blackish apical edge, and three cloudy whitish dots on the termen. The hindwings are rather dark fuscous.Exotic Microlep.
There is an elongate black spot on the base of the dorsum and an oblique streak from the costa to the plical stigma, obscurely indicated by dark suffusion with two small spots of blackish suffusion. The stigmata are cloudy, blackish, with the plical very obliquely before the first discal which tends to form an oblique mark. There are two or three whitish scales beyond this and before the second and there is also an angulated transverse streak of brown ground colour at three-fourths. The hindwings are grey.Exot. Microlep.
The forewings are ochreous whitish, slightly sprinkled with fuscous, the base of the costa is dark fuscous. There is a minute black strigula beneath the costa near the base. The stigmata are blackish, the discal forming moderate spots, the plical forming a streak extending from beneath the first discal halfway to the base, an elongate spot beneath the second discal, and extending anteriorly before it. There is some irregular fuscous suffusion around these markings, and the veins between the cell and the termen more or less streaked with dark fuscous suffusion, especially 7 and 8.
The forewings are white with the dorsal third tinged grey, towards the dorsal edge darker. There is a small suffused grey spot at one- fourth, an undefined blotch of grey suffusion on the middle of the dorsum, a darker suffused grey spot at four-fifths, its anterior angle marked with a darker dot, above this a faint grey dot in the disc, grey suffusion extending on the termen to near the middle. There are no terminal dots. The hindwings are white, towards the termen and apex tinged pale ochreous.
The wingspan is about 11 mm. The forewings are very dark bronzy-fuscous with a streak of blue-metallic suffusion beneath the anterior half of the costa and a small round white spot in the disc at two-thirds, immediately beyond this a broad transverse fascia of violet-blue-metallic suffusion not quite reaching the costa and tornus. Two white specks are found on the costa above this. The hindwings are dark fuscous with a rather large transverse white discal spot in the middle, almost reaching the costa.
The wingspan is 20–23 mm. The forewings are ochreous white with the plical and first discal stigmata minute and dark fuscous, the plical very obliquely posterior, the second discal forming a dark fuscous transverse mark followed by a spot of fuscous suffusion. There is some slight fuscous irroration above the middle of the dorsum and a spot of dark fuscous suffusion above the dorsum near the tornus. A rather curved line formed of fuscous lunulate marks is found from the costa at four-fifths, to the tornus, indented towards the costa.
The wingspan is 8.7–11.7 mm. The forewing pattern is very similar to that of Micrurapteryx gradatella, but rather variable: in several specimens, the dark portion of disk has pale-based, dark-tipped scales giving the appearance of pale suffusion. The white dorsal margin in some specimens is obscured by suffusion of dark-tipped scales and the terminal portion between strigulae 4 and 5 and around the apical spot is rufous in specimens with white costa and margin. The forewings of darker specimens have an overall peppery appearance.
The forewings are whitish- ochreous with some scattered dark fuscous scales. The costa is yellowish- tinged, with some blackish specks and there is a narrow fuscous basal patch, suffusedly extended along the costa to one-fourth. The plical and first discal stigmata are small, black and the plical rather posterior, while the second discal is whitish, surrounded with a cloud of fuscous suffusion and darkest immediately around it. The veins beyond the cell are somewhat marked with fuscous and there is a blotch of fuscous suffusion on the costa towards the apex.
Retrieved June 11, 2017. The wingspan is about 24 mm. The forewings are ochreous whitish, mixed with dark fuscous and reddish fuscous, in the posterior part of the disc, the dark scales form lines along the veins. There is a large oval green suffusion on the dorsum from one-fifth nearly to the tornus, reaching nearly to the middle of the disc, and there is a slight green suffusion at the apex, as well as a series of minute dark-fuscous dots on the termen and apical fourth of the costa.
The wingspan is about 23 mm. The forewings are grey sprinkled darker and with an irregular suffused grey-whitish streak, slightly sprinkled blackish, along the costa from the base to two-thirds, extended at the base to the dorsum, from this to one-third margined black beneath, some darker grey suffusion on the basal fourth extending to the dorsum. The first discal stigma is blackish, transverse, beyond this a lobe of whitish suffusion projecting from the costal streak. There are two or three short blackish dashes towards the costa beyond the middle.
This is followed by a posteriorly undefined fascia of whitish-ochreous suffusion and there is a blackish partially whitish-circled dot towards the costa at three-fifths and a blotch of dark fuscous suffusion resting on the costa beyond this, its posterior edge oblique and suffused with blackish, followed on the costa by a whitish-ochreous spot. There are tufts towards the dorsum beyond the middle and towards the tornus. The hindwings are grey-whitish, posteriorly suffused with grey, the veins and termen suffused with dark grey.Exotic Microlep.
The underside of the wings is whitish green, the forewing with decided red suffusion and yellowish fringes. The wingspan is 16–18 mm.Prout, L. B. (1913). "Contributions to a knowledge of the subfamilies Oenochromidnae and Hemitheinae of Geometridae".
There is pale brownish-yellow suffusion on the apical two-thirds., 2006: Epermeniidae of Japan (Lepidoptera: Epermenioidea), with descriptions of six new species. Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 57(1): 49-69. Abstract and full article: .
There is an oval or triangular yellow spot on each side of the vertical sinus. Body pale pinkish brown with darker suffusion. Ventral surface is pale with black and red. The larvae feed on Sandoricum and Phyllanthus species.
Eupithecia albertiata is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Tajikistan. The wingspan is about 18 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is greyish white and the hindwings are whitish with dark grey suffusion.
They have a creamy body, marked with dark brown in a longitudinally reticulate manner. Some segments have a rufous suffusion. The moth features two symmetrical patterns resembling flies feeding on bird droppings. The moth has a pungent odor.
The forewings are uniform light-yellow in males. The hindwings have a greyish suffusion. Females are much darker, the forewings are dull-yellow and the hindwings are light-brown., 2008: New species of Palaearctic and Oriental Cossidae (Lepidoptera).
Hindwings orange with broad medial and sub-marginal fuscous black bands not reaching inner margin. Sub-marginal lines widest towards costa. Ventral side orange. Costal and outer areas of both wings dark speckled and with a slight reddish suffusion.
The forewings are light yellow ochreous, irregularly clouded and marbled with grey suffusion, the costa minutely speckled with dark fuscous. The stigmata are blackish, the plical somewhat before the first discal. The hindwings are pale grey.Meyrick, Edward (1912–1916).
Its wingspan is about 20 mm. Palpi with second joint reaching only just beyond the frontal tuft. Forewings usually with a tuft of raised scales on discocellulars. The body is dark brown, with black irrorations (speckles) and fuscous suffusion.
The costa is suffused with dark fuscous towards the base. The discal stigmata are black, the second connected with the dorsum by a transverse variable patch of dark fuscous suffusion. The hindwings are light grey.J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc.
The forewings are glossy dark violet-slaty grey with an obscure subterminal fascia of dark fuscous suffusion, broader in females and extending suffusedly to the termen. The hindwings are dark fuscous.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 1922: 84.
The forewings are grey irregularly mixed with dark grey and with an oblong dark grey patch extending along the dorsum from near the base to the tornus and reaching three-fifths across the wing, anteriorly edged by raised scales, above by a streak of brownish suffusion, posteriorly by an angulated shade of brownish suffusion from three-fourths of the costa to the tornus. The stigmata are blackish followed by tufts of scales, the plical obliquely before the first discal, the first discal represented by a transverse mark crossing the upper edge of the dorsal patch, the second by two transversely placed dots and a transverse ridge-tuft, some other small tufts of scales in the disc. There is a spot of brownish suffusion on the costa beyond the middle reaching a longitudinal streak. There is a marginal series of suffused brownish spots around the posterior part of the costa and termen.
The wingspan is 13–15 mm. The forewings are ochreous- whitish, the dorsal half suffused with grey and with a dark fuscous streak from the base of the costa to one-third of the disc and with a dark fuscous streak along the fold from the base to the middle, as well as two oblique dark fuscous streaks from the costa at the middle and three-fourths, connected by some fuscous suffusion beneath the costa and a more or less defined dark fuscous streak in the disc, beneath this merged in the grey suffusion, which becomes dark fuscous towards the tornus. There is some fuscous suffusion towards the apex and termen and there are seven black marginal dots around the posterior part of the costa and termen, the central one largest. The hindwings of the males are rather light grey, while they are dark grey in females.
The second is small and the plical is found obliquely before the first discal. There is a patch of blackish suffusion on the costa at about two- thirds. The hindwings are grey.Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales.
Body grass green with black irrorations and more or less vinous reddish suffusion. Abdomen with black second segment. Forewings with veins speckled with black. A sub-basal line and an antemedial vinous and black band found with a line beyond it.
Some have purplish-grey patches on both wings, and some have ochreous patches on disk and centre of margin of both wings. Another morph has ochreous or white suffusion on sub- marginal area of forewings and postmedial area of hindwings.
In June 2020 the Russian embassy in Santiago, Chile received an anonymous phony bomb threat, following similar incidents against Russian diplomatic missions in Brazil and Argentina. A person calling himself "Suffusion of Yellow" later went on to claim responsibility for that.
There is a dark waved postmedial line, with rufous and grey suffusion beyond it. A marginal dark line is present. Both wings with the veins of pale outer area. Ventral side with broad rufous postmedial band with crenulate outer edge.
Head ferruginous - orange. Antennal eyecaps ochreous-whitish. Forewings deep shining golden-bronze ; a shining golden -silvery fascia beyond middle, edged anteriorly with purple suffusion, apical area beyond this deep purple ; an apical shining golden -silvery fascia, partly in cilia. Hindwings grey.
The forewings are dark purplish fuscous with small undefined opposite spots of whitish-ochreous suffusion on the costa at three-fourths and the dorsum before the tornus, and three or four scattered scales between them. The hindwings are rather dark grey.
The forewings are fuscous grey, mixed with white and irrorated with black. The hindwings are pale whitish-grey, slightly tinged with ochreous. The postmedian line and a slender hindmarginal suffusion are darker grey. Adults have been recorded on wing in January.
The forewings are light yellow ochreous with a few fuscous specks. The stigmata form small fuscous dots or marks, the plical obliquely before the first discal. There is a slender terminal streak of rather dark fuscous suffusion. The hindwings are grey.
Alcohol-preserved specimens are blackish brown above, with light spots forming an indistinct dark pattern. Ventral surfaces are whitish with brown suffusion on the throat and spots on the chest. The tadpoles are dark brown to black on the upper side.
The forewings are dark fuscous with yellowish-ferruginous scales and suffused with black. The first and second lines are represented by a straight series of whitish scales surrounded with yellowish-ferruginous suffusion. The hindwings are dark grey, sprinkled with blackish.
He goes on to say, "the clearness of the body and the darkness of the wing barrings depends on the strength of the factor in the individual bird", indicating the variability in residual suffusion and the intensity of the black markings.
The arms are pale orange. The upper sides of thighs and shanks are brown (or shanks are brown and thighs are orange), with darker brown crossbands; the posterior thigh surface is either brown with an orange suffusion or overall bright orange.
There is also a small blackish suboval apical spot and a subapical dash, separated by a white dash, above and beneath these marginal spots of white suffusion. The hindwings are dark grey.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 1922: 73.
The forewings are dark fuscous with undefined suffused darker spots indicating the discal stigmata. There is some ochreous- whitish suffusion on the costal edge about five-sixths, forming a small spot at the posterior extremity. The hindwings are grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are orange yellow and the costa narrowly grey towards the base. The hindwings are grey with a streak of pale yellowish suffusion beneath the costa from the base to the end of the cell.Exotic Microlepidoptera. 3 (17): 516.
A patch of brown suffusion occupies most of the apical third of the wing. The hindwings are grey, with the veins suffused with darker and with the cell subhyaline (almost glass like) and clothed with hairs.Meyrick, Edward (1912–1916). Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The hindwing is grey white with grey suffusion. There is a grey-black discal spot on both wings. There are numerous and significant deviations from this colour pattern and some specimens are very dark. Truly melanic forms are also frequent.
The ground colour of the forewings is white, with brownish suffusion. The hindwings are shining greyish Adults are on wing from February to April in North Africa and from April to May in Spain. The larvae feed on Acacia species.
The forewings are fuscous. The stigmata is dark fuscous (in females cloudy), with the plical beneath or hardly before the first discal. There is a small indistinct spot of darker suffusion on the dorsum before the tornus. The hindwings are grey.
Cactoblastis mundelli is a species of snout moth in the genus Cactoblastis. It was described by Carl Heinrich in 1939 and is known from Peru. Males have dull white hindwings with a faint smoky tint. The forewings have an ocherous suffusion.
Dognina honeyi is a moth of the family Notodontidae. It is found in north- eastern Ecuador. The length of the forewings is 17.5–21 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is light taupe with a suffusion of coppery brown.
The wingspan is about 12 mm. The forewings are light rosy-purple-brownish with about eight small blackish costal marks and an irregular brown mark on the fold towards the base, terminated by a few blackish scales, and edged with some whitish suffusion. There is a narrow oblique brown fascia from before the middle of the costa to beyond the middle of the dorsum, partially edged with blackish posteriorly. A streak of brown suffusion runs from the middle of the disc to the middle of the termen, including a line of black scales, and edged above posteriorly by a fine white streak.
The forewings are whitish, closely irregularly speckled with rather dark fuscous and with a cloudy spot of dark fuscous suffusion about the fold at one-fourth. The stigmata are represented by similar spots, the plical obliquely beyond the first discal, these rather elongate, the second discal rather transverse. There is a triangular spot of dark fuscous suffusion on the costa towards the apex, edged anteriorly by a white strigula and posteriorly by a white apical spot, and with suffused white subterminal and terminal shades from these crossing the wing. The apical and terminal edge are finely dark fuscous.
The forewings are whitish ochreous, with a few fine scattered black scales and with a fuscous-grey straight longitudinal streak above the middle from the base to near the apex, margined beneath the first with blackish and then with an ochreous suffusion, and above and posteriorly by a white suffusion reaching almost to the costa. There is a triangular reddish-brown spot in the disc at two-thirds, with a central transverse pale mark, its upperside rounded and whitish margined, intersecting the fuscous longitudinal streak, its two lower sides black margined. The hindwings are whitish ochreous.
The forewings are yellow ochreous with the costa and dorsum suffused with ferruginous and strigulated with dark leaden-fuscous irroration (sprinkles). The stigmata is black, moderately large, the discal approximated, the plical beneath the first discal. There is an oblique narrow transverse fascia of ferruginous suffusion and dark leaden-fuscous irroration crossing the wing between the first discal and plical stigmata, and there is a streak of ferruginous suffusion and dark leaden-fuscous irroration along the termen. The hindwings are grey, thinly scaled and iridescent semihyaline (almost glass like), the veins and termen suffused with darker.
The forewings are light bronzy fuscous, with faint purplish reflections and with a suffused ochreous-white streak along the costa from the base to two-thirds. The first discal stigma is rather large, blackish, the plical hardly indicated, below the first discal, the second discal obsolete. There is a nearly straight or slightly curved white line from three-fourths of the costa to the dorsum before the tornus, edged anteriorly with darker fuscous suffusion, and followed by a band of whitish-ochreous suffusion. A white line, marked with dark fuscous dots, runs around the posterior part of the costa and termen.
The wingspan is 35–42 mm. Forewing ochreous grey, dappled and striated, and often, especially in the females, suffused with dark fuscous; claviform stigma black-edged; reniform large, filled in with black; orbicular small, round, with a pale ring; fringe rufous; hindwing dull whitish, with fuscous terminal suffusion, broader in female; or with a curved row of dark dashes on veins and no suffusion; a variable species, occurring throughout southern Europe, in Algeria, the Canaries, southern Russia and Asia Minor; — in ab. olivina Stgr. the forewing is smooth olive grey, with no or little irroration (sprinkling), the markings concisely red brown: - ab.
The dorsal edge is fuscous from near the base to the termen and the plical and second discal stigmata are small and dark fuscous, the first discal indicated by faint fuscous suffusion. There is a faintly indicated streak of slight fuscous suffusion from the middle of the costa to the dorsum at two-thirds, angulated beyond the second discal stigma. There is a gently curved line of fuscous scales from the costa at three- fourths to the dorsum towards the tornus and some slight fuscous speckling towards the termen. The hindwings are pale grey, the apical area suffused whitish yellowish.
The forewings are dark purple-fuscous with a large irregular patch of darker suffusion resting on the dorsum before the middle, sometimes followed by more or less extensive pale ochreous suffusion in the disc and towards the dorsum, the plical and first discal stigmata are sometimes indicated on the margin of this patch. The second discal stigma and an additional spot beneath it are distinct in paler-suffused specimens, or confluent and obscure in darker ones. There are wedge-shaped pale yellow-ochreous costal and dorsal marks near the termen, sometimes connected by a faint curved line. The hindwings are fuscous.
The forewings are light greyish ochreous more or less tinged with fuscous, the costal edge pale yellow ochreous, suffused beneath with whitish ochreous and with an indistinct slender irregular fascia of dark fuscous suffusion at two-fifths, interrupted above the middle. The second discal stigma is dark fuscous and there is a slender rather incurved fascia of dark fuscous suffusion from two-thirds of the costa to the dorsum before the tornus, dilated on the costa, edged posteriorly with ochreous whitish. The hindwings are pale ochreous, the termen tinged with fuscous.Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society.
The forewings are pale greyish-ochreous, irrorated with dark fuscous and with five costal spots of blackish irroration (speckles) from the base to beyond three-fourths and three clear discal patches of whitish suffusion surrounded with pale ochreous at one-third, two-thirds, and four-fifths, the first and second followed by blackish spots on the fold, the second and third connected in the disc by an elongate blackish mark. There is a blackish dorsal mark towards the base and an irregular streak of blackish suffusion along the termen. The hindwings are dark fuscous, with an irregular transparent patch towards the base.
The wingspan is about . The forewings are fuscous, sprinkled with whitish and sometimes with dark fuscous, towards the costa posteriorly much suffused with white. There is a small dark fuscous spot on the base of the costa and a white mark from the base in the middle, as well as narrow very oblique dark fuscous marks from the costa at one-fifth, and before and beyond the middle, with patches of ferruginous suffusion beneath them. A streak of ferruginous suffusion, including some black scales, is found in the disc from one-fourth to three-fourths, and another on the fold.
The forewings are rather dark purplish fuscous, in males with a short pale ochreous median streak from the base, tinged red at the base and a cloudy spot of dark fuscous suffusion on the end of the cell, preceded by an obscure blotch of grey-whitish suffusion extended halfway to the dorsum (in females more distinct on the undersurface). The hindwings are violet-hyaline, with the veins blackish. There is a moderate irregular-edged dark fuscous band around the costa and termen, very narrow on the lower part of the termen but with a long projection on vein 1a.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are white, with scattered blackish scales and with two undefined oblique patches of pale ochreous suffusion from the dorsum near the base and before the middle, marked with black scales on the dorsum and with more or less irregular pale ochreous suffusion towards the middle of the disc, sometimes forming a defined patch beyond the middle. There is a small blackish spot on the middle of the costa and the apical third is variably more or less suffused with blackish irroration (sprinkles), including a roundish pale ochreous patch anteriorly. The hindwings are dark grey."Descriptions of Indian Micro- Lepidoptera".
The forewings are iridescent light brownish ochreous, more or less irregularly mixed with or wholly suffused with grey except for the apical area, and sprinkled with dark fuscous. There are some irregular small spots of dark fuscous suffusion anteriorly, and the stigmata are sometimes similarly indicated, the plical somewhat before the first discal. The costal edge is more or less suffused with dark fuscous, sometimes more broadly towards the subterminal line. There is an irregular tornal blotch of dark fuscous suffusion and an obtusely angulated series of small irregular whitish dots from three-fourths of the costa to the tornus.
Cnaphostola is a genus of moth in the family Gelechiidae. It contains the species Cnaphostola adamantina, which is found in Assam, The wingspan is 19–21 mm. The forewings are grey, more or less marked irregularly by transversely dark purplish-fuscous or purple-blackish, especially tending to form a blotch of two or three transverse streaks from the costa before the middle, and sometimes a patch of suffusion along the anterior portion of the dorsum and usually more or less whitish suffusion along the fold and dorsal area on the anterior half of the wing.
There is a suffused purple streak along the dorsum from near the base to beyond the middle. The second discal stigma is small, indistinct and fuscous and there is a narrow curved fascia of olive brown suffusion from a dark brown mark on the middle of the costal edge to three-fourths of the dorsum, widened in the middle. A dark brown streak is found along the apical third of costa and there is a narrow terminal fascia of olive-brown suffusion, as well as a terminal series of small dark fuscous dots. The hindwings are dark grey, with a darker subbasal line.
The wingspan is about 20 mm. The forewings are white with an oblong lilac-fuscous patch extending over the basal third of the dorsum and at the base to the costa. There is some lighter fuscous suffusion, consisting of four transverse subconfluent clouds, occupying the dorsal area from this to near the tornus, and reaching the fold. A small fuscous spot is found in the disc at one-third and there is a roundish blotch of light fuscous suffusion in the disc before the middle, nearly reaching the costa, edged posteriorly by a light ochreous bar preceded by some darker fuscous markings.
There are also spots of ferruginous-brown suffusion on the costa at one-third, the middle, and four-fifths. A dark brown spot is found in the disc at two-fifths, and an irregular-elongate ferruginous tuft beneath it on the fold. There is a narrow oblique transverse-oval white ring on the end of the cell, the lower end filled ferruginous, a few black scales scattered beneath this. There is a triangular nearly apical fuscous patch mixed blackish and pale leaden blue, preceded by ochreous-yellowish suffusion, before which is a narrow transverse streak of fuscous and black scales in the disc.
The wingspan is about 12 mm. The forewings are brown with a faint pinkish tinge and with an oblique irregular dark brown mark beneath costa at one-fourth. The discal stigmata are dark brown with some dark brown suffusion towards the anterior half of the dorsum and a narrow elongate semi-oval dark brown spot along the costa in the middle. A marginal series of dark fuscous dots is found around the apex and termen, preceded by small pale ochreous spots except on the tornal area, and then by some dark brown suffusion on the termen.
The forewings are brownish ochreous, more or less irrorated (sprinkled) with fuscous and with the costal edge dark fuscous at the base and more or less suffused with dark fuscous towards the median third. Sometimes, there is a dark fuscous dot above the fold at one-fourth. The stigmata are dark fuscous, the plical slightly before the first discal, an additional dot close before and above the first discal, the second discal transverse, sometimes connected with the dorsum by a transverse patch of fuscous suffusion. There is also a narrow streak of dark fuscous suffusion along the termen.
The forewings are pale greyish ochreous, sometimes faintly pinkish tinged, rather thinly irrorated (sprinkled) with dark grey. There is a cloudy grey dot midway between the first discal stigma and the base. The stigmata are cloudy, dark grey, each accompanied by a minute white dot, the plical somewhat before the first discal, the second discal transverse or double. There is a slightly oblique streak of grey suffusion from beneath the second discal stigma to the dorsum and a faint spot of pale suffusion on the costa at three-fourths, as well as some minute white marginal dots around the termen and tornus.
The forewings are dark grey irregularly irrorated (sprinkled) with white, with scattered black scales. The basal half with several small scattered suffused blackish spots and there is an irregular transverse black blotch on the middle of the costa reaching two-thirds across the wing, followed by a patch of light grey suffusion with stronger white irroration extended to the tornus. There is also an oval black spot in the disc at three- fourths and an oblique black mark between this and the costa posteriorly, surrounded with dark suffusion. There are also several suffused black dots towards the costa posteriorly and the termen.
The wingspan is 17–19 mm. The forewings are bright yellow more or less suffused irregularly rosy orange with the costal edge white except at the base, narrowly suffused clear yellow beneath except towards the middle, more strongly posteriorly. Beneath this, a broad suffused ferruginous-brown band is found from the base to above the middle, occupying nearly the costal half of the wing, beyond this some faint brownish suffusion extends above the middle to near the apex. The discal stigmata are minute and blackish, sometimes obsolete and there is a narrow terminal fascia of ferruginous-brown suffusion.
There is a white somewhat raised spot in the middle of the disc and a small blackish spot beneath this, followed by some raised whitish scales. There is an irregularly triangular blackish blotch on the costa at two-thirds, connected with a blackish tornal spot by a short fine black white-edged streak, preceded by two small spots of brownish suffusion. Beyond this a suffused white costal spot, where a fine angulated whitish line crosses the wing, followed by some brownish suffusion towards the apex of the wing, and scattered whitish scales. The hindwings are grey, thinly scaled in the disc anteriorly.
The stigmata are linear, black, the plical nearly beneath the first discal, a blackish dash reaching nearly from the first to the second discal but rather beneath them. There is a faint acutely angulated transverse whitish line at about three-fourths, preceded on the costa and dorsum by small spots of blackish suffusion, a short black dash within the angle of this. There is also a mark of blackish suffusion before the apex and a marginal series of small blackish marks around the posterior part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are pale grey, subhyaline (almost glass like) anteriorly.
The markings are formed by dark fuscous suffusion mixed blackish. There is a narrow blackish basal fascia, and another rather oblique with the central tuft at about one- fourth, these are sometimes united by dark suffusion into a basal patch. There is a transverse band occupying nearly the median third of the wing, with two blackish spots sometimes filled with pale brownish representing the discal stigmata, a pale brownish subdorsal tuft beneath the second. The apical fourth is suffused dark grey except for a more or less developed acutely angulated transverse series of small pale brownish spots.
The dorsal area beneath the fold is suffused whitish and more or less mixed brown, with a brown basal blotch more or less expressed. There is a narrow rather oblique white fascia from the costa at one-fifth to the dorsal pale area, edged black anteriorly on the costa and in the middle, and followed by elongate marks of black suffusion beneath the costa and on the fold, the latter ending in a small black tuft representing the plical stigma. The discal stigma is also represented by raised black scales, with some brownish scales adjacent, the first discal somewhat beyond the plical, between the discal a patch of whitish suffusion extending to the costa, and before the first a spot of whitish suffusion beneath the costa. There are some scattered blackish raised scales towards the dorsum in the middle, as well as a well-marked white streak from three-fourths of the costa to the tornus, moderately angulated in the middle.
The wingspan is 14–15 mm. The forewings have an irregular grey longitudinal suffusion extending from the base through the disc and gradually expanding to three-fourths, sometimes extending nearly to the costa, with variable transverse bars, spots, or clouds of dark fuscous suffusion, beyond the middle connected with the dorsum by a more or less developed patch of similar mottling, and with an oblique streak from near the posterior extremity to the costa beyond the middle. There is a dark ferruginous fascia narrowed downwards around the apex and upper two-thirds of the termen, edged anteriorly by a sinuate white line and then by a streak of grey suffusion. The hindwings are grey with the costa rather dilated on the anterior two-thirds, with a fringe of white projecting scales and a stronger white median tuft, as well as an ochreous-whitish expansible hairpencil lying in a yellowish subcostal groove from the base to two-thirds.
The wingspan is about 28 mm. The forewings are fuscous suffused with brown, especially towards the middle of the disc and three indistinct darker fuscous transverse series of cloudy dots starting from small distinct spots on the costa, the first curved outwards above the fold and inwards below it, preceded by pale raised scales in the disc, the second at first very oblique outwards, strongly curved in the disc, obsolete towards the dorsum, the third curved outwards on the upper half, forming a straight shade on the lower half. A clear round white discal dot is found at three-fifths, partially edged with dark fuscous, and connected with the first line by a longitudinal suffused dark fuscous bar. There is also a very undefined sinuate subterminal line indicated by slight whitish suffusion and edged posteriorly with darker suffusion, as well as some slight whitish suffusion towards the apex and a terminal series of dark fuscous marks.
Antaeotricha coniopa is a moth of the family Depressariidae. It is found in Brazil (Para)."Antaeotricha Zeller, 1854" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms The wingspan is 11–12 mm. The forewings are whitish, slightly tinged or speckled fuscous, with a dark fuscous dash above the middle near the base and some fuscous suffusion along the basal third of the dorsum and three rather irregular oblique dark fuscous lines, the first curved, from one-fourth of the costa to the middle of the dorsum, gradually thickened downwards and tending to form spots in the disc, on the dorsal third broadly expanded posteriorly with fuscous suffusion, the second from the middle of the costa to four-fifths of the dorsum, interrupted on each side of the moderate second discal stigma, the third nearly straight, from three-fourths of the costa to the termen above the tornus, towards the costa strong and preceded by some fuscous suffusion, the tornal area between these lines suffused fuscous.
The length of the shell is 5 mm, its diameter 2 mm. (Original description) The small, delicate, thin shell has a fusiform shape. it is white with a partial pale yellow suffusion. It contains 7 whorls, of which three are in the protoconch.
It is a variable species, with some adults showing more blackish suffusion on the dorsal region. Adults are on wing from July to August.UKmoths There is one generation per year. The larvae feed on the leaves and flowers of Ulmus and Fagus species.
Abdomen fuscous bronze with a black anal tuft. Forewings dark fuscous bronze. Costa with a fuscous- black suffusion. A white patch found at one-third of the costa and a small wedge-shaped white mark found at four-fifths of the costa.
Discal area deep orange red (probably rosy red when alive), A well-defined brown-black hind-marginal border about 2 mm. wide, its inner edge slightly edentate (lacking teeth) on the nervules. Black spots as beneath, but obscured by basal suffusion. Underside.
The forewings are whitish grey, sparsely irrorated (sprinkled) with blackish scales. The hindwings are ochreous yellow with a pale fuscous suffusion at the apex. The larvae have been recorded feeding on Acacia nilotica. They bore under the bark of their host plant.
The forewings are dark purplish grey with a small basal patch of ochreous suffusion. The stigmata are cloudy, blackish, edged posteriorly with a few pale scales, the plical rather obliquely before the first discal. The hindwings are rather dark grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera. 4.
There is a dot of blackish suffusion on the dorsum before the tornus, as well as some indistinct dark fuscous dots around the posterior part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are grey.Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. 22 (1): 178.
Heppnerographa brasiliana is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in Brazil. The wingspan is about 13 mm. The forewings are almost entirely yellowish ferruginous, but darker near the middle of the costa and yellowish beyond this suffusion.
Malocampa confusa is a moth of the family Notodontidae. It is found in north- eastern Ecuador. The length of the forewings is 21–25 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is silvery white with a fine suffusion of charcoal grey scales.
The forewings of the males are ochreous with dark fuscous markings. The hindwings are white, with fuscous suffusion in the costal half. The forewings of the females are white, suffused with pale ochreous. The hindwings are white with an ochreous-white anal tuft.
The hindwings of the female are blue with an arc of brown spots. The larvae feed on Amyema cambagei and Dendrophthoe vitellina. They are green with a rusty suffusion. Pupation takes place in a pale brown pupa with a dark brown spots.
The forewings are ochreous- whitish with general but somewhat patchy fuscous suffusion. The discal dots are indistinct, the first before the middle, the plical shortly before the first discal and the second discal at two-thirds. The hindwings are pale- grey.Proc. R. Soc.
The forewings are deep ochreous-brown, streaked with blackish on the veins. The first and second lines are white, edged posteriorly with black suffusion. The hindwings are whitish-fuscous tinged with brassy-yellowish. The discal spot, postmedian line and terminal fascia are fuscous.
The forewings are whitish ochreous, the veins marked with dark fuscous lines but partially confused by some irregular dark brown suffusion between the veins, especially in the cell and a narrow irregular terminal fascia. The hindwings are grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera. 4 (12): 359.
The forewings are dark fuscous with six indeterminate groups of blue-metallic or violet-metallic dots, sometimes surrounded by an indefinite cloudy paler suffusion. The hindwings are rather dark bronzy fuscous, darker towards apex.Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. 18: 154.
The forewings are ferruginous ochreous, tinged with brownish, deepest towards the costal sinuation. The second discal stigma is obscurely brown, with a transverse streak of brownish suffusion immediately before the termen. The hindwings are pale ochreous yellow.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London.
The forewings of the males are white at the costal margin, the cell with a white brand and the outer marginal area is white. The hindwings are white, with a suffusion of greyish scales. The hindwings of the females are light brown.
Epiphyas euraphodes is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in Australia, where it has been recorded from New South Wales. The wingspan is 15–16 mm. The forewings are whitish, sometimes with slight patchy pale-ochreous suffusion.
The forewings are pale ochreous with a golden sheen. The hindwings are pale ochreous, with slight fuscous suffusion along the termen., 2010: Review of East African Cochylini (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) with description of new species. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 57 (2): 81-108.
There is a moderate triangular white costal spot at four-fifths, where a fine white slightly curved line proceeds to the tornus. An obscure whitish-ochreous suffusion is found beyond this on the lower half. The hindwings are pale fuscous, becoming darker posteriorly.
Glyphipterix archimedica is a moth in the family Glyphipterigidae. It is known from Zimbabwe. The wingspan is about 8 mm. The forewings are bronzy-fuscous, the margins of the wing suffused with dark fuscous and the markings edged with dark fuscous suffusion.
The forewings of the males are dark purple fuscous, while they are brownish suffusedly irrorated (sprinkled) with purple fuscous in females. There is a transverse bar of darker suffusion on the end of the cell. The hindwings are dark grey.Meyrick, Edward (1916–1923).
Adults dark-green. Forewings with the rufous suffusion confined to the medial area, sometimes to its costal half. Both wings with the postmedial line prominently black with white outer edge, on forewing more evenly curved and waved. Submarginal pale waved line more prominent.
The external area is darkened. The discal dot is small and dark grey and there is fine bluish suffusion around the dark pattern elements. The costal area of the hindwings is paler. Adults have been recorded on wing in April and June.
Ptychopseustis eutacta is a moth in the family Crambidae. It is found in Australia, where it has been recorded from Queensland. The wingspan is about 13 mm. The forewings are whitish-ochreous with some brownish-ochreous suffusion and a paler median area.
Hindwings with indistinct antemedial and medial sinuous line. A crenulate sub-marginal pale line with fuscous suffusion inside it. A marginal series of lunulate spots present. Ventral side with the area inside the crenulate submarginal line of both wings broadly suffused with fuscous.
In the male, the head, thorax and abdomen are clothed with light and dark brown hair. Forewings are reddish brown with the veins streaked with black. The interspaces with pale streaks, more or less fuscous suffusion on outer area. Hindwings are smoky brown.
The discal stigmata are raised, blackish-grey, just below this. There is also some irregular grey suffusion towards the mediodorsal and apical areas. Obscure dark grey marginal dots are found around the apical part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are mostly white, with a somewhat irregular suffusion of pale brown to fuscous and two irregularly shaped distinct spots of fuscous. The hindwings are thinly scaled and pale brownish. Adults are on wing from May to mid July in one generation per year.
The Hindwings are also grey and have two or three crosslines. The females have a pale yellow suffusion on the wings and the front edges of their forewings are paler.Carter, David. Butterflies and Moths, Dorling Kindersley, pg 200 The males show large comb-like antennae.
The claviform spot is absent. The postmedial line is a white, almost straight, oblique line with a slight basally directed bend. The subterminal line is marked primarily as a brown shade terminating the pink suffusion of the subterminal region. The hindwings are suffused with brown.
As other tinamous, it is recorded infrequently, except by its whistling voice. It has been recorded feeding on seeds, berries, snails, and insects. Little is known about its breeding behavior, but the glossy eggs are pale greyish-lavender with a variable amount of pink suffusion.
In females, the ground colour is suffused rust except for the postmedian area, where it forms a cream coloured rounded blotch followed by blackish suffusion marked with minute refractive dots arranged in two rows. The hindwings are grey in both sexes, but darker in females.
The forewings are fuscous, sprinkled with blackish and irregularly streaked with dark fuscous suffusion and black sprinkling between the veins and on the fold. There is a rather narrow dark fuscous fascia around the apex and termen. The hindwings are dark grey.Meyrick, Edward (1916–1923).
Brusqeulia monoloba is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in Minas Gerais, Brazil. The wingspan is about 13 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is yellowish cream with indistinct brownish yellow suffusion and fine brownish strigulation (fine streaks).
The fingers are fleshy and have some basal webbing; the toes are more heavily webbed. The dorsum is brown with yellow or cream rounded spots. The flanks are dark brown or black. The venter is whitish with some brown suffusion in the throat and chest.
Gravitcornutia basiceramea is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in Bahia, Brazil. The wingspan is 12 mm. The basal half of the wings is brownish yellow with a few browner dots and brown suffusion of the base of the costa.
Pentacitrotus tetrakore is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in Taiwan. The forewings are blackish purple with an obliquely oval white spot encircled by reddish-orange suffusion. The hindwings are fuscous purple, with an oblong-oval white subcostal spot.
Forewings are orange yellow with a darker scaly suffusion. The caterpillar is dark brownish grey with a broad grey dorsal band. Head yellowish. The caterpillar is known to feed on Dioscorea, Annona, Tamarindus, Citrus, Loranthus, Theobroma cacao, Lagerstroemia indica, Camellia sinensis and Eriobotrya japonica.
The forewings are fuscous irregularly irrorated (sprinkled) with whitish, and strigulated with dark fuscous irroration. There is an elongate mark of darker suffusion beneath the middle of the disc, terminated at each end with whitish, but no other defined markings. The hindwings are fuscous.
A small whitish mark is found on the dorsum just before the tornus, preceded by dark suffusion and a suffused dark blotch occupies the apical area. The hindwings are dark grey, whitish and thinly scaled in the disc towards the base.Exotic Microlepidoptera. 2 (5): 139.
Three indistinct waved postmedial line found on pale reddish suffusion and one sub-marginal line present. A large semi- circular patch with white edges at apex. Abdomen and hindwings fuscous brown, where hindwings with indistinct pale medial line. The margin except at apex is greyish.
The forewings are brownish ochreous sprinkled with fuscous. The stigmata are moderate, cloudy and rather dark fuscous, the plical beneath the first discal, the second lying in an undefined fascia of fuscous suffusion crossing the wing. The hindwings are pale brassy ochreous.Meyrick, Edward (1916–1923).
The forewings are light bronzy ochreous sprinkled with fuscous. The markings are cloudy, deep fuscous bronze. There is a basal fascia, and a broader fascia at one-third, connected by a dorsal suffusion. There is also an apical patch covering one-third of the wing.
The forewings are light lilac fuscous, with a suffusion of pale ochreous irroration (sprinkles) gradually increasing upwards, and with the costa pale ochreous. There is an indistinct cloudy fuscous pre-terminal line angulated opposite the apex. The hindwings are light grey.Meyrick, Edward (1916–1923).
Irregular rather dark fuscous suffusion occupies most of antemedian area and forms large blotches on the costa beyond the middle and posterior halt of the dorsum. There is a small dark fuscous spot near before the apex. The hindwings are rather light fuscous.Exotic Microlep.
The forewings are pale ochreous, the veins are tinged with ferruginous and the base of the costal edge is fuscous. There is a streak of reddish-fuscous suffusion mixed with darker along the termen and the terminal edge is ochreous whitish. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings have black marks at the base and a sub-basal fuscous band from below the costa to the inner margin. There is a curved antemedial band, as well as some dark marks round the fovea. The postmedial line is curved from the costa to vein 5, then outwardly oblique to vein 2 on which it is retracted to the lower angle of cell, with a broad area of fuscous suffusion on its inner side, below the cell conjoined to suffusion beyond the antemedial band. The terminal area has patches of fuscous from below the costa to vein 3 and from the angle of the postmedial line to the tornus.
Athrips mappigera is a moth of the family Gelechiidae first described by Edward Meyrick in 1914. It is found in Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa. The wingspan is 10–11 mm. The forewings are brown, more or less sprinkled with blackish and with a broad band of blackish suffusion sprinkled with grey whitish along the costa from the base to two-thirds, cut by a narrow oblique white fascia sprinkled with black from the costa at one-fourth, which reaches to about the fold, and is surrounded on its lower portion by raised spots of blackish suffusion, of which the posterior represents the plical stigma.
The forewings are brownish sprinkled with dark fuscous, and somewhat mixed irregularly with ferruginous, especially towards the termen. There is a fine straight whitish line from the costa before two-thirds to the dorsum at two- thirds, slightly interrupted in the middle, preceded by undefined darker suffusion. There is an irregular elongate dark fuscous spot in the disc just beyond this and irregular black streaks between the veins towards the termen, one at the apex strongest. The hindwings are dark fuscous with obscure transverse blotches of brown-whitish suffusion from the costa at one-third and two-thirds, the latter extending to behind the cell.
The wingspan is 32–42 mm. The length of the forewings is 15–19 mm. Forewing grey, dusted with blackish, and with more or less reddish brown suffusion; a dark streak from base below cell; inner and outer lines pale, very obscure; submarginal line pale, distinct, generally preceded by dark marks; stigmata of the ground colour, the cell dark fuscous; claviform long, pointed, often followed by two black streaks to outer line; orbicular irregular in shape, often elongate below and touching reniform; hindwing fuscous, often paler towards base; the rarer grey form, with very sparse rufous suffusion represents the type; the commoner rufous-suffused examples are corticea Esp. ; ab.
White is a northern form with the markings more or less obscured and hidden by blackish suffusion, of which brunnea Tutt is a brown black offshoot; the extreme form of this, when all markings are lost in an intense black suffusion, is aethiops Tutt; in all these dark-suffused forms the hindwing is much darker, especially in the terminal.Seitz, A. Ed., 1914 Die Großschmetterlinge der Erde, Verlag Alfred Kernen, Stuttgart Band 3: Abt. 1, Die Großschmetterlinge des palaearktischen Faunengebietes, Die palaearktischen eulenartigen Nachtfalter, 1914 This moth flies at night. In the British Isles it is active from June to August with a second brood sometimes emerging in September and October.
The forewings are light fuscous, slightly purplish tinged, more or less suffused with whitish ochreous on the costal half. There is a small spot of dark fuscous suffusion on the base of the costa and a fascia-form blackish- fuscous spot from the dorsum before the middle, reaching two-thirds across the wing. A short dark fuscous oblique streak is found on the costa before the middle and a slender sometimes interrupted dark fuscous pale-edged mark on the transverse vein. There is also a somewhat incurved whitish-ochreous line from the costa to the tornus, edged anteriorly by more or less dark fuscous suffusion.
The forewings are brown or brown- whitish with the costa broadly and suffusedly whitish from the base to beyond the middle. The basal one-sixth of the costal edge is dark fuscous and there are fuscous costal dots at one-sixth, the middle, and four between this and the apex. The stigmata are fuscous, the first discal at one-third, the plical beyond it, the second discal at two-thirds, and a dot beneath it, both within a transverse whitish suffusion. There is a dot between and above the discals, as well as a narrow fuscous apical suffusion containing a series of pale marginal dots.
There are three indistinct irregular dentate lines of fuscous or dark fuscous irroration from the costa anteriorly, the first two nearly obsolete in the disc but forming irregular spots of dark fuscous suffusion on the dorsum before and beyond the middle, the third directed towards the tornus but becoming obsolete. The stigmata are small and dark fuscous, the plical very obliquely beyond the first discal. There is a waved fuscous shade just below the costa on the posterior half and there is some irregular marking of dark fuscous suffusion below the middle of the termen and on the tornus. There is also a terminal series of dark fuscous dots.
The forewings are whitish ochreous, with a few scattered dark fuscous scales posteriorly. The plical and second discal stigmata are dark fuscous and there is a blackish-fuscous streak along the costa from before the middle to near the apex, cut by a very oblique white strigula beyond the middle. A fine white subterminal line is found from three-fourths of the costa to the tornus, rather acutely angulated in the middle, the upper half faintly curved outwards, followed by brownish suffusion, the lower straight. There is also a small black rhomboidal spot on the termen beneath the apex, edged with some whitish suffusion.
Antaeotricha bilinguis is a moth of the family Depressariidae. It is found in French Guiana."Antaeotricha Zeller, 1854" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms The wingspan is about . The forewings are shining ochreous-white with a dark fuscous dash from near the base above the middle and a dark fuscous dash along the basal portion of the dorsum, with some fuscous suffusion above it extending to the first blotch and two oblong dark fuscous dorsal blotches reaching half across the wing, the first slightly antemedian, with a backwards-oblique projection from the upper anterior angle, the second occupying the tornal third, some light fuscous dorsal suffusion between these.
The forewings are suffusedly irrorated (sprinkled) with white and somewhat sprinkled with dark fuscous, with two short black marks along the costa before and beyond one-fourth and with a semi-oval black spot on the middle of the costa, and four small dark grey transverse marks posteriorly. There is a black dash in the disc before the middle, enclosed in a spot of dark grey suffusion. There is also a round blackish dot enclosed in a small spot of brown-grey suffusion towards the dorsum at one-fourth and several cloudy blackish-grey dots along the termen. The hindwings are pale grey, subhyaline (almost glass like) and darker posteriorly.
The forewings are pale ochreous yellowish with a narrow dark fuscous streak along the costa from the base to two-fifths and there is a dark fuscous streak along the dorsum from near the base to three-fourths. There is a deep ochreous spot surrounded with blackish suffusion resting on this before the middle of the wing. A triangular dark grey blotch extends on the costa from the middle to three-fourths and reaching half across the wing. The discal stigmata are blackish, the second just below the apex of the costal blotch and there is more or less yellow-ochreous suffusion towards the tornal area, with scattered blackish scales.
The forewings are whitish ochreous, variable in the colour and quantity of their shading. Some have a tawny-reddish suffusion extending from the base nearly to the termen, around which is a row of six elongate fuscous spots, the pale ground colour appearing also in a narrow streak along the base of the fold and in a streak along the discal cell, in which are two fuscous blotches, the larger before, the smaller one beyond the middle. In other specimens, the dorsal half of the wing is almost entirely whitish ochreous, the reddish suffusion being confined to the costal and apical portions. The hindwings are pale greyish.
The forewings are pale ochreous irregularly sprinkled with brownish, with a few whitish scales and an undefined elongate patch of fuscous suffusion along the median third of the costa, cut by a short oblique white line before the middle, beneath this two spots of irroration (sprinkles) formed of raised black scales obliquely placed in the disc preceded by whitish suffusion, a small spot of similar irroration beyond the extremity of the line, a similar small spot above the dorsum at one-third, as well as some indistinct fuscous mottling towards the costa posteriorly and several very small blackish terminal dots. The hindwings are grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera. 4: 354.
The wingspan is about 19 mm. The forewings are white, irregularly and suffusedly irrorated light grey, the dorsal half suffused light greyish ochreous. There are some dark fuscous scales indicating a short interrupted longitudinal streak from the base of the costa, and some along the fold anteriorly. A slender dark fuscous costal streak with the extreme costal edge whitish is found from one-sixth to two-thirds, slenderly interrupted at two-fifths, immediately beneath this some brownish suffusion forming irregular patches before and beyond the middle, the first with a spot of blackish irroration, some light yellow-ochreous suffusion beneath this, the second with two elongate blackish spots, the upper small.
The forewings are white, irregularly irrorated (sprinkled) with dark grey with a ferruginous- ochreous spot at the base of the dorsum and an oblique bar of dark grey suffusion from the base of the costa to the fold, spotted with ferruginous ochreous on the extremities. There is an oval spot of dark grey irroration suffused with ferruginous ochreous towards the costa at one-third. The stigmata form dark grey spots suffused with larger ferruginous-ochreous spots, the plical obliquely before the first discal. The dorsal edge is shortly ferruginous ochreous before the tornus and a streak of ferruginous-ochreous suffusion along the lower three-fifths of the termen.
The forewings are white with some brown sprinkles towards the base of the costa and a rather broad dorsal streak of grey suffusion sprinkled with dark brown from the base to near the tornus. There is an irregular thick very dark brown streak suffused with whitish ochreous beneath the cell from near the base to the angle and a triangular patch of pale grey suffusion streaked with dark brown sprinkles on the veins from the end of the cell to the whole of the termen, but leaving the terminal edge white with a series of dark brown dots. The hindwings are rather dark grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The wingspan is about 13 mm. The forewings are pale brownish, sprinkled with dark grey and with an oblique brown spot irrorated (sprinkled) with blackish from the dorsum before the middle, as well as an elongate blotch of blackish irroration extending along the costa from before the middle to two-thirds. There is some ochreous-brown longitudinal suffusion between the posterior portion of this and the dorsum. A second discal stigma is rather large, black and pale-circled and there is some brown suffusion towards the middle of the termen, as well as a patch of blackish irroration towards the apex, and a blackish dot at the apex.
The forewings are fuscous, irregularly sprinkled with paler and dark fuscous, appearing grey. The costa is anteriorly suffusedly irrorated (sprinkled) with dark fuscous, with a short dark fuscous dash beneath the costa near the base. The stigmata is moderate, dark fuscous, the plical obliquely before the first discal. There is a streak of fuscous suffusion irrorated with dark fuscous from four-fifths of the costa to above the second discal stigma and there is a spot of dark fuscous suffusion on the dorsum before the tornus, as well as an almost marginal series of undefined dark fuscous dots along the posterior fourth of the costa and termen.
The wingspan is about 11 mm. The forewings are deep ochreous yellow, suffused with orange red on the margins of the dark markings. There are two pairs of very oblique dark fuscous streaks from the costa and the dorsum near the base and before the middle respectively, each pair meeting at a very acute angle, the first connected with the second in the disc by dark fuscous suffusion, the angle of the second extended as a blackish line to the termen beneath the apex. There are two white dorsal blotches between and beyond these streaks respectively, the second followed by a dot of dark fuscous suffusion.
The wingspan is about 21 mm. The forewings are yellow, irregularly mottled and streaked crimson, especially on the veins. The costal edge is dark fuscous, shortly interrupted with pale yellow at two-fifths and two-thirds and with some fuscous suffusion towards the base of the costa, and two or three suffused dark fuscous marks beyond this. There is a slender oblique dark fuscous streak from one-third of the dorsum to above the middle of the disc, then curved over around the end of the cell to its lower angle, connected above by a quadrate blotch of fuscous suffusion with the median portion of the costa.
Black spots represent the stigmata, with some tufts of scales, or these are merged in a discal patch of black suffusion, beneath this a grey-whitish dorsal streak from the fascia to near the tornus, marked with a metallic-green subdorsal spot beneath the middle of the wing, and another towards the tornus with some metallic-green discal irroration above it. There is a short outwards-oblique black streak from the tornus, beneath its apex some metallic- green suffusion. The posterior part of the costa and termen are dotted with ochreous-whitish irroration. The hindwings are grey, becoming subhyaline on the basal half, with the veins dark grey.Exot. Microlep.
A sinuous postmedial medial line terminating in a crimson line at anal angle, A crimson subapical line and spot. Both wings with dark marginal line can be seen. Ventral side is pale, mostly with fuscous suffusion. Larva very long and thin, with more or less cylindrical body.
The length of the forewings is 11.5 mm. The forewings are light brown, with a yellow costa at the apex and outer margin. There is a silvery ovate spot surrounded by a thin brown line just above the anal angle. The hindwings are white with brownish suffusion.
The forewings are pale whitish ochreous, irregularly irrorated (sprinkled) with dark fuscous and with a patch of dark fuscous suffusion on the basal portion of the costa. The stigmata are suffused with dark fuscous, the plical obliquely before the first discal. The hindwings are pale whitish ochreous.
The pattern is dark orange brown, consisting of a series of costal spots and terminal suffusion. There are transverse rows of large groups of erect scales and several rounded refractive spots. The hindwings are brownish, mixed with orange, but paler basally., 1981: Nigerian Tortricini (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae).
Ellabella chalazombra is a moth in the Copromorphidae family. It is found in China (Yunnan). The length of the forewings is 10–11 mm for males and 10.5 mm for females. The basal part of the forewings is white-tan, irrorated with brown spots and tawny suffusion.
The forewings are pale fuscous irrorated (sprinkled) with whitish, with scattered dark fuscous scales. The costal edge is white from near the base to beyond the middle. There is a fine median streak of white suffusion from the base to two-thirds. The hindwings are grey whitish.
Its wingspan is 34 mm. Body bright ochreous with slight black suffusion. Forewings have a hyaline (glass-like) mark at the end of the cell. The outer line of both wings is slightly sinuous and evenly curved on both wings, not arising from near apex of hindwing.
The discal stigmata are obscurely indicated by dark fuscous suffusion, the second tending to be transversely double. The hindwings are whitish-ochreous slightly tinged with fuscous posteriorly, with ochreous-yellowish costal hairpencil.J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. 18 (3): 635 The larvae feed on dry leaves of sugarcane.
The wingspan of the adult is 3 cm. Its ground colour is fawn with a brown fasciations with complex patterns. A blurry dark blotch is found near the middle of each forewing. The caterpillar has a dull, pale yellow dorsum and fuscous ventral side with pink suffusion.
The forewings are grey, closely and suffusedly reticulated with dark fuscous irroration (sprinkles) and with a few grey- whitish scales, as well as obscure irregular spots of dark fuscous suffusion placed as a stigmata, the plical somewhat beyond the first discal. The hindwings are rather dark grey.
The veins are marked with fine fuscous lines on the posterior half. There is also a faint triangular patch of ferruginous-ochreous suffusion on the costa and a ferruginous-ochreous terminal fascia. The hindwings are light grey. Adults have been recorded on wing in July.Exot. Microlep.
Coleostoma is a genus of moths in the family Gelechiidae. It contains the species Coleostoma entryphopa, which is found in Pará, The wingspan is about 15 mm. The forewings are light brownish-grey with the base narrowly dark ferruginous-fuscous, followed by slight whitish suffusion.
The wingspan is 34–40 mm. Upperside orange with brown basal suffusion and adorned with various marks of brown colour, submarginal round spots and lines forming festoons. The underside of the forewing is lighter and more coloured, that of the hindwing reddish and presenting silver spots.
There is a creamy-red band, suffused with smoky-brown scales, and bordered posteriorly by a wavy crenulate black-brown line, and by a dark brown suffusion with smoke-colour scales to the hindmargin. There is also a black patch on the inner margin at one-fourth.
The forewings are purplish grey, sprinkled with dark fuscous, more strongly in females. The stigmata is dark fuscous, the plical somewhat before the first discal. There is a spot of dark fuscous suffusion on the dorsum before the tornus. The hindwings are grey, darker in females.
Andraca draco is a moth of the family Endromidae. It is found on Java. The wingspan is 44–45 mm for males and about 59 mm for females. The forewings are dark brown, with brown wavy and concave transversal fasciae and distinct whitish to bluish suffusion.
The marginal line is brown. The hindwings have a nearly white inner area, the outer area from the outer line to the margin with dark suffusion and a dentated white line through the middle of the disc. The marginal line is white.Annals and Magazine of Natural History.
The forewings are grey with the bases of the scales whitish ochreous and with a black dot on the base of the costa with some whitish-ochreous suffusion beneath it. The stigmata are small, dark fuscous, the plical slightly before the first discal. The hindwings are grey.
Differs from Digama hearseyana in the collar being without spots. Forewing without the fuscous suffusion or bands. The third costal black spot from base and the second in the interno-median interspace is absent. Hindwing with some fuscous on outer margin at veins two and three.
Body brown suffused with fuscous color. Forewings with indistinct waved sub-basal, antemedial, medial, and post-medial lines, each arising from a black spot on the costa. A crenulate pale sub-marginal line with some fuscous suffusion inside it. A marginal series of lunulate spots present.
Stenolechia zelosaris is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found in India (Assam).Stenolechia at funet The wingspan is about 10 mm. The forewings are grey speckled darker and with an oblique wedge-shaped spot of darker suffusion on the costa beyond the middle.
The forewings are ochreous-white with a fuscous basal patch extending on the costa to one-fifth and continued over the dorsal half to about three-fourths, on the region of the fold somewhat mottled with transverse dark fuscous strigae and mixed whitish between these, the upper extremity forming a rounded projecting lobe upwards, marked with a blackish dash. The discal stigmata are black, the first above the edge of the dorsal patch, the second beyond the discal projection. There are small fuscous strigulae beneath the costal edge about one-third and the middle, as well as a fine strongly trisinuate dark fuscous line from two-thirds of the costa to the tornus, preceded in the upper part of the disc by greyish suffusion. The area beyond this is grey, with some white suffusion following the line in the disc, with two or three short blackish streaks before the costa separated by brownish suffusion, and a white marginal line edged anteriorly very finely brown with a series of small black dots.
The forewings are dark violet-grey with a broad ochreous-whitish streak along the anterior half of the costa, limited beneath by a nearly equally broad black streak, the end of the white streak produced obliquely downwards as an irregular brownish posteriorly black-edged line terminating in a small triangular black discal spot representing the second discal stigma. The anterior half of the dorsum is narrowly blackish, terminated by an oblique transverse black spot from the middle of the dorsum, followed by a spot of whitish suffusion. There is an oblique ochreous-white wedge-shaped streak from the costa at two-thirds, finely attenuated and terminating in a semicircular ochreous-white tornal spot, these edged anteriorly with brown suffusion. The terminal edge of the tornal spot is black and there are three subconfluent spots of ochreous-white suffusion on the costa before the apex, as well as a black streak along the upper part of the termen, reaching the tornal spot, its lower portion forming two acute anterior projections.
Sisurcana itatiaiae is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The wingspan is about 22 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is creamish with pale ferruginous suffusion in the dorsal and part of the terminal areas of the wing.
Oblique antemedial and postmedial black specks series present. A marginal series of specks can be seen, with traces of a pale submarginal line visible. The brown suffusion very dark on costa before postmedial specks and on the margin, more prominent in some specimens than others. Hindwings white or ochreous.
The length of the forewings is 14–17 mm. The forewings are white, with brown suffusion from the base to the middle of the inner margin and with a brown spot at the apex. The hindwings are white with a brown anal angle. Adults are on wing year-round.
Retrieved July 12, 2017. The wingspan is about 54 mm. The forewings are pale ochreous golden, the costal third suffused with dark brown and with some faint bluish reflections, the lower edge of the suffusion becoming lighter brown. The hindwings are pale ochreous golden with a silky gloss.
The size of an adult shell varies between 17 mm and 60 mm. (Original description) The small, slender, delicate shell is white with a faint suffusion toward the periphery of pale pinkish. It contains ten or more whorls. The spire is acute, a little shorter than the aperture.
The forewings are rather light grey sprinkled with white, more strongly in the disc, with a median longitudinal streak of white suffusion from the base to about end of the cell. There is a faint grey transverse mark on the end of the cell. The hindwings are light grey.
The forewings are white, with a faint pale greyish straw-coloured suffusion along the middle of the wing nearly to the apex. The wings are marked with black or black-tipped scales. The hindwings are white, with a faint ocherous tinge. Adults have been recorded on wing in July.
Antennal eyecaps whitish. Forewings shining brownish-golden ; a somewhat oblique shining silvery fascia beyond middle, preceded by a brownish-purple suffusion, apical area beyond this dark purple-fuscous. Hindwings dark fuscous.Meyrick, E., 1895 A Handbook of British Lepidoptera MacMillan, London Adults are on wing from May to August.
Some specimens have distinct subterminal suffusion in the forewings or pale markings varying from pale ocherous to ferruginous. The subterminal dots are mostly whitish and distinctly dark edged., 2000 (1999): A review of the New World Chlidanotini (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). Revista brasileira de Zoologia 16 (4): 1149-1182 (1163).
Diplocalyptis triangulifera is a moth of the family Tortricidae which is endemic to Vietnam. The wingspan is . The ground colour of the forewings is brownish cream, darkening towards the base of the wing. The dots are brownish and the suffusion at the mid-dorsum is paler and spotted brown.
The butterfly ranges from 44 to 48 mm. The butterfly is white with pale blue suffusion, and, also a dark border on the forewing. The male butterfly has very large black discal spots showing through from below. These are darkened in above in the case of the female butterfly.
The forewings are dark purplish-slaty fuscous with undefined slightly oblique fasciae of blackish suffusion about one-third and two-thirds, disappearing in oblique lights, the second followed by an ochreous-whitish spot on the costa at three-fourths. The hindwings are rather dark grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera. 3 (10): 290.
The forewings are dark fuscous. The stigmata are represented each by a whitish speck surrounded with somewhat darker suffusion, the plical somewhat beyond the first discal. There is an almost marginal series of whitish dots around the posterior third of the costa and termen. The hindwings are grey.
Zootaxa 2015 3972(4) 589-594. Preview (PDF) The length of the forewings is 3.9 mm for males and 4.4 mm for females. The forewings are greyish orange, speckled with pale fuscous and with fuscous suffusion in the basal one-ninth. There are four fuscous marks on the costa.
There is a large pale yellow basal area on the upperside of the forewings in both sexes. The hindwings with have a pale yellow basal area. The underside often has rays of greenish-yellow suffusion, particularly in females. The underside of the forewings has a basal pale yellow patch.
The hindwings are white, the veins slightly striated with brown and there is some reddish-brown suffusion beyond the lower angle of the cell and on the inner margin before the almost straight reddish- brown postmedial line. The terminal area is pale reddish brown with a cupreous gloss.
The forewings are pale ochre yellow with small spots or suffusion of dark brown, mostly along the discoidal cell and sometimes forming, in the apical third of the wing, an irregular fascia. The hindwings are light ochre- greyish. Adults have been recorded on wing from mid- to late July.
Leistogenes is a genus of moth in the family Gelechiidae. It contains the species Leistogenes rebellis, which is found in The wingspan is about 45 mm. The forewings are brownish-ochreous with a broad costal stripe of whitish suffusion from the base, becoming obsolete towards the apex.
A streak of dark fuscous suffusion is found along the upper part of the termen, edged above by a black dash near the apex. The hindwings are light grey, thinly scaled and violet iridescent in the disc, with the veins and terminal edge darker grey.Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden. 6: 164.
Pale and plain with pale iris similar to buff-rumped (Acanthiza reguloides), western (A.inornata), slender-billed (A. iredalei) and yellow-rumped thornbills (A. chrysorrhoa). Pale grey-brown upper, rich chestnut rump and mostly black tail with pale tips, pale mottled ear-coverts and rufous suffusion on forehead and crown.
Abdomen pale fuscous. Forewings whitish with fuscous suffusion. There is an indistinct postmedial line running out to an angle on vein 5, retracted along vein 2 to below middle of the cell, then bent outwards again, the area beyond it whiter. An indistinct highly dentate submarginal line present.
Its wingspan is about 22–30 mm in the male and 26–32 mm in the female. Forewings with veins 4 and 5 stalked. It is a greyish-ochreous moth and irrorated (sprinkled) with fuscous. Forewings with indistinct pale waved antemedial line, with fuscous suffusion on the edges.
Fallow Greys and Grey-Greens generally have darker wing markings. Opaline by itself lightens the body colour of Fallows,Taylor and Warner (1986), p 86 and in combination with Cinnamon produces a bird very similar in appearance to a Lacewing (i.e. a Cinnamon Ino), with virtually no body suffusion.
Two sub- marginal curved black and white specks series present. An apical pale patch, with some dark suffusion round it. Hindwings with double oblique medial line, and postmedial and submarginal series of black and white specks can be seen. Ventral side grey, suffused with reddish and irrorated with black.
The forewings are dark fuscous, with the basal two-fifths deep yellow, the edge paler, irregular, followed by a thick line of leaden-metallic suffusion. There are small yellow spots on the costa at half and three-fourths. The hindwings are dark fuscous.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London.
Recurvaria nothostigma is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found in Guyana.Recurvaria at funet The wingspan is 7–8 mm. The forewings are whitish closely irrorated with grey and with dark grey markings sprinkled with black and indistinctly edged with yellowish suffusion and posteriorly with whitish.
A blotch of whitish suffusion occupies the dorsal half from the base to one-third and there is a whitish oval ring in the disc slightly before the middle, from which a slender blackish-grey streak extends to the end of the cell. There is also a dark elongate blotch along the posterior half of the dorsum, anteriorly with a large tuft and edged by whitish suffusion. There is an oblique whitish strigula from the costa beyond the middle and a dark grey rounded or transverse blotch resting on the middle of the termen, edged above by an oblique white line. There is also a blackish-grey blotch crossing the wing just before the apex.
The forewings are pale ochreous with elongate marks of dark grey suffusion on the costa near the base and beyond the middle, the first sometimes extended to the base, sometimes some grey irroration beneath the costa between and beyond these. Other markings are crimson-red. There is a short mark from the base of the costa, some suffusion towards the base of the dorsum, a short longitudinal streak in the disc before the middle, another towards the costa beyond the middle, a streak along the fold from near the base to its extremity, a spot on the termen beyond this, some irroration towards the apex, and a spot at the apex. The hindwings are ochreous-whitish.Exot. Microlep.
There are four small blackish spots on the costa between the base and two-thirds, each accompanied beneath by a small ochreous spot. Some blackish suffusion is found towards the base of the dorsum and there are four small spots of raised pale ochreous scales towards the dorsum between one-third and the tornus, as well as some blackish suffusion in the disc about one-third. The stigmata are obscure, blackish, the plical rather before the first discal, both discal accompanied by small raised ochreous spots. There is a transverse rounded- triangular purple-blackish blotch in the disc towards the apex and the posterior part of the costa and termen is spotted with pale ochreous and blackish.
The forewings are pale ochreous, with a few dark fuscous specks and a subtriangular dark fuscous spot on the base of the costa, as well as a narrow suffused dark fuscous streak along the dorsum from near the base to the tornus. The plical and second discal stigmata are small and dark fuscous and there is a rather elongate spot of dark fuscous suffusion on the costa at three-fourths. Some pale brownish suffusion is found towards the upper part of the termen and there is a small blackish mark on the apical edge, and a dot on the termen beneath it. The hindwings are rather dark grey, lighter and thinly scaled anteriorly.
The forewings are white, the dorsal three-fifths suffused with pale brassy yellow and the costal edge dark fuscous towards the base. The costal area is suffused with pale brownish towards the base and there are two elongate blackish spots resting on the upper edge of the brassy-yellow area, with slight brownish marks beneath them, from above the first a light brownish streak runs to a brownish blotch, darker posteriorly, extending from the yellow area to the costa above and beyond the second. There is some brownish suffusion towards the apex and upper part of the termen and the plical stigma is blackish, followed by some elongate white suffusion. The hindwings are ochreous whitish.
The forewings are whitish grey irrorated (sprinkled) with rather dark fuscous and with oblique fasciae of rather dark fuscous suffusion from the costa near the base and before one-third, indistinct costally but expanded in the disc and not reaching below the fold, each margined anteriorly by two or three small tufts of scales. The discal stigmata are cloudy, dark fuscous and approximated, the second followed by a blotch of rather dark fuscous suffusion, a similar blotch on the costa between and nearly reaching them. There is a tuft of scales beneath the second discal stigma, and one on the dorsum rather before this. Some irregular dark clouding is found towards the apex.
The forewings are light brownish ochreous almost wholly suffused with light grey and with a few scattered blackish scales. The base of the costa is suffused with dark grey. The stigmata are cloudy, formed of blackish irroration (sprinkles), the plical beneath the first discal, some blackish irroration around these and towards the dorsum beneath them, an additional obscure dot midway between the base and the first discal, second discal connected with the dorsum by an irregular bar of grey suffusion. There are cloudy dark grey marginal dots separated by pale brownish-ochreous spaces around the posterior part of the costa and termen, a narrow fascia of grey suffusion attenuated downwards preceding these on the termen.
The forewings are buff overlaid with clay colour, and bone-brown on the basal third of the costa, bone-brown on the costa before the apex and there is a bone-brown spot on the median nervure subbasally. The antemedial fascia consists of a bone-brown dentate line and there is a bone-brown spot on the discocellulars. The subterminal fascia consists of an inwardly oblique, wavy, buff line, defined by bone-brown with a deep suffusion of clay-colour proximally and a light suffusion distally. The hindwings are buff with a bone- brown spot on the discocellulars and a postmedial fascia consisting of a bone- brown line from the costa for a short distance then becoming obsolescent.
There are three dark indigo-blue spots on the costa, the first two small, at one-fourth and the middle, the third larger, at four-fifths. There is a patch of brownish-grey suffusion covering the dorsal half from one-fourth to the tornus, limited posteriorly by a curved dark coppery-grey shade from the third costal spot. The plical and second discal stigmata form suffused coppery- purplish spots, each connected with the dorsum by a dark coppery-purplish shade, some dark purplish suffusion towards the dorsum between these. There is a marginal series of dark indigo-blue dots around the apex and upper part of the termen, the largest above the apex.
The forewings are white with an oblique-triangular dark fuscous blotch from the base of the dorsum reaching half across the wing and a large more oblique-triangular dark fuscous blotch from the dorsum before the middle reaching more than half way across the wing. There is an anteriorly finely attenuated blackish costal streak from the middle to four-fifths, including an extremely oblique white strigula from the costa, and connected by brownish suffusion with a short black apical streak. There is a spot of dark brownish suffusion on the tornus, and two or three fine dashes of dark fuscous irroration (speckles) towards the termen above this. The hindwings are grey, with the apex white.
The forewings are light yellow ochreous irregularly sprinkled with fuscous and with a small fuscous spot in the disc at one-sixth. The stigmata are black, with the plical obliquely before the first discal, beyond which is an additional black dot in the middle of the disc, these three connected by a patch of fuscous suffusion, the second discal less defined, preceded by an additional undefined dark fuscous dot obliquely above it. There is a transverse patch of fuscous suffusion from the costa at two-thirds, reaching halfway across the wing and a series of blackish-fuscous dots around the posterior third of the costa and termen. The hindwings are pale grey.
The forewings are pale brown partly suffused with darker brown and with dark fuscous costal dots at the base and one-sixth, and on the dorsum at one-sixth preceded by a sub-dorsal dot. There are five oblique fuscous marks on the costa from one-third to the apex, their apices running into a subcostal fuscous suffusion, which is cut by an oblique white line, partly fuscous in the centre from two-fifths of the costa to the middle of the disc. There is a short blackish streak from the apex, separated from the subcostal suffusion by a white dot. There is also an interrupted white terminal line doubly edged with fuscous.
There is sometimes some fuscous irroration towards the base of the costa and dorsum and there is an oblique blackish-grey mark on the costa at one-third, where a faint interrupted brownish shade runs to some suffusion on the dorsum about the middle. There is a triangular blackish-grey spot on the middle of the costa, where a similar faint shade runs to some dorsal suffusion at three- fourths. A larger triangular blackish-grey spot is found on the costa about three-fourths, where a curved brownish line runs to the tornus. There are some black marginal dots around the apex and termen, the largest at and above the apex, on the termen connected by a fuscous line.
The forewings are ochreous whitish, with some faint pale ochreous suffusion forming streaks posteriorly. There is faint pale grey suffusion with scattered dark grey specks forming very indefinite markings, consisting of a streak along the basal fourth of the costa, a spot beneath the apex of this, a spot on the fold towards the base, another larger on the middle of the fold, an oblique patch from the middle of the costa, some irregular marbling posteriorly in the disc, a spot on the middle of the termen, and an apical patch, all irregular and indistinct. The plical stigma is formed of dark fuscous sprinkles, the second discal similar, placed towards the tornus. The hindwings are grey whitish.
The forewings are dark grey, posteriorly purple tinged and with a black subcostal streak from the base to one-fourth, terminated by a suffused white spot. There is an indistinct dark fuscous streak from the dorsum near the base to the disc at one-third, some whitish suffusion about the fold beyond this. A blackish elongate blotch is found on the middle of the costa, where an oblique blackish streak runs to and surrounds a white mark in the disc at three-fifths. There is also a blackish streak along the posterior half of the fold, preceded by a small spot of white suffusion, at the tornus meeting a suberect dark fuscous spot.
The forewings are pale ochreous, irregularly tinged with fuscous and with a cloudy dark fuscous subdorsal dot at one-fourth. The stigmata are blackish, the plical represented by two transversely placed dots enclosed in the fuscous suffusion, the second discal by two transversely placed dots, an additional dot midway between the lower of these and the upper plical. There is an oblique white line from four-fifths of the costa, edged with black on the costa, angulated opposite the terminal concavity and continued obsoletely to near the tornus. There is a white dark-edged line from the costa beyond this running to the apex and some blackish suffusion on the termen towards the middle.
The forewings are grey with a blackish dot towards the costa at the base and a rounded blackish spot on the fold at one-fourth. The stigmata are cloudy and obscurely darker, sometimes with one or two adjacent lateral whitish scales, the plical beneath first discal. There is a strong irregular white line from four-fifths of the costa to the tornus, preceded by a broad fascia of dark fuscous suffusion, in two specimens the line is less developed and interrupted beneath the costa. Beyond this is a dark fuscous streak or irregular patch along the costa, and three rather large white pre-terminal dots, sometimes absorbed in ochreous-whitish suffusion occupying the apical area except the margins.
The forewings are grey, suffusedly irrorated white, with some scattered dark fuscous scales. There is an oblique mark of dark fuscous suffusion beneath the costa at one-fifth and an oblique suffused dark fuscous streak from the dorsum at one-fifth reaching more than half across the wing, containing a subdorsal tuft. The stigmata are blackish, with the plical beneath the first discal. There is a cloudy elongate dark fuscous spot on the middle of the costa and an irregular whitish line from three-fourths of the costa to the tornus, slightly angulated in the middle and somewhat incurved on the upper half, preceded by a fascia of dark fuscous suffusion which is broader on the lower half.
The forewings are light fuscous with some scattered dark fuscous scales, the median area is suffusedly mixed with whitish. There is a short blackish bar from the base of the costa and a narrow irregular blackish fascia from one- fourth of the costa to before the middle of the dorsum, more or less obsolete on the dorsum, edged posteriorly with whitish suffusion. A round blackish dot, edged with whitish suffusion, is found in the disc beyond the middle and there is an ill-defined cloudy whitish transverse line from three-fourths of the costa to before the tornus, somewhat angulated outwards in the middle. The edge of the termen and tornus are suffused with dark fuscous.
The forewings are fuscous, much mixed and suffused with white, with some scattered dark fuscous scales, and small tufts of raised scales. There is a blackish dash near the base above the middle and a streak of blackish irroration (sprinkles) along the basal fourth of the dorsum, as well as a very irregularly triangular dark fuscous blotch mixed with blackish occupying the median third of the costa and reaching half across the wing. There is a rather inwardly oblique narrow streak of dark fuscous suffusion from the tornus reaching more than halfway across the wing, and a spot of dark fuscous suffusion on the costa beyond this. A slender dark fuscous streak runs along the termen.
The forewings are grey, closely and suffusedly irrorated (sprinkled) with white and with a white tuft on the costa at one-fourth, preceded by a small ochreous spot with some fuscous suffusion. There is an elongate or narrow semi-oval fuscous spot along the costa in the middle and short fine black dashes indicating the stigmata, with the plical rather obliquely before the first discal, the first discal sometimes edged above with slight brownish suffusion. There are similar fine black dashes between the second discal and the termen, and on the fold near the extremity. There are also indications of small obscure darker marginal spots around the posterior part of the costa and termen.
The forewings are grey obscurely speckled whitish, posteriorly tinged brown and with some scattered black scales. There is a thick pointed median streak of blackish suffusion from the base to two-fifths, and a similar streak pointed at both ends in the disc from above the apex of this to beyond the middle. A semi-oval spot of blackish irroration (sprinkles) is found on the costa before the middle, with two small cloudy spots before this and two more distant beyond it, as well as some irregular suffusion of black irroration beneath the middle of the disc, and extending from the end of the cell towards the apex. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are white with an irregular band of grey suffusion somewhat darker mottled rising from the base of the costa and proceeding through the disc to the end of the cell. An oblique blackish mark on this indicates the first discal stigma, two transversely placed black dots just beyond it the second. There are two indistinct grey lines from the posterior part of this band to the dorsum and a transverse grey shade in the disc near beyond the discal pair of dots, and another from four-fifths of the costa to the tornus. A moderate terminal chestnut-brown fascia is attenuated to the tornus, crossed by undefined streaks of white suffusion.
The wingspan is about 16 mm. The forewings are white with the costal edge greyish from the base to beyond one-fourth, with a darker spot at the extremity and a slight greyish projection midway between this and the base. There are small faint greyish median and subdorsal spots near the base and a rather large oval blackish spot in the disc at one-third, beneath this three irregular subdorsal spots of pale grey suffusion sprinkled blackish. Some pale grey suffusion is found in the middle of the disc, and a larger blotch towards the middle of the dorsum, as well as two greyish dots transversely placed on the end of the cell.
The wingspan is 14–16 mm. The forewings are white, with the inner and hindmarginal portions of the disc more or less suffused with greyish and with the costal edge fuscous towards the base. There is a narrow fuscous line along the fold and a longitudinal fuscous line in the central third of the disc, as well as an outwardly oblique greyish line from the costa at two-thirds towards the hindmargin, sharply bent in the disc and continued to the anal angle, posteriorly this line is margined with white, anteriorly it is more or less lost in the greyish suffusion. There is also a short fuscous longitudinal streak from the apex and a greyish suffusion along the hindmargin.
The forewings are light ochreous yellowish with the costal edge suffused with dark grey from the base to two-thirds and with a dark purplish-grey dorsal band from the base to the termen, streaked with blackish on the veins, occupying about half of the wing, broadest posteriorly and reaching the apex, the upper portion suffused with dark brown towards the base and posteriorly, the upper edge forming a triangular projection before the middle of the wing, beyond this with an excision containing a spot of brown suffusion. There are some scattered black scales and brownish suffusion on the veins on the costal half of the wing posteriorly. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are rather dark grey with a broad costal band at the base occupying half of the wing but attenuated to a point at three-fourths, grey whitish mottled with grey, the dorsal area towards the base is also similarly suffused and between these a streak of blackish-fuscous suffusion along the fold from about one-sixth to two-fifths, with some undefined dark fuscous suffusion extending from this beneath the costal band to beyond the middle. There is a whitish dot on the end of the cell followed by a transverse fascia of obscure whitish irroration (sprinkling) terminated by a more distinct rather curved shade. The hindwings are grey, thinly scaled towards the base.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are dark fuscous with the base narrowly ochreous whitish, in females with a broad streak of ochreous-whitish suffusion extended from the base along the submedian fold to the middle, sending a short branch from near the base to the dorsum at one-fourth, the main streak confluent with an irregular, strongly dentate streak of ochreous-whitish suffusion from the costa before the middle to the dorsum at about two-thirds, in males, these markings (except the basal) are not discernible. There is a terminal series of darker markings. The hindwings are dark fuscous, rather lighter anteriorly, with a whitish-ochreous oval blotch in the disc beyond the cell, larger in females.
The wingspan is about 25 mm. The forewings are deep ochreous, somewhat greyish-tinged in the disc, greyer-suffused towards the dorsum, on the costal third ochreous orange, the veins more or less lined ferruginous. There are two superimposed elongate light yellow spots beneath the middle of the costa and a spot of ferruginous suffusion on the end of the cell, containing a minute white dot, and followed by two light yellow spots surrounded by ferruginous suffusion and some slight dark fuscous irroration. There is a triangular ferruginous subdorsal spot beneath the end of the cell, finely edged laterally white, the anterior edge extended as a fine white subdorsal line halfway to the base.
The wingspan is 14–16 mm. The forewings are bright ochreous brown with a median longitudinal white streak from the base to the apex, broadest anteriorly, edged beneath by dark brown or dark fuscous suffusion from near the base to two-thirds, where it is nearly interrupted by a dark fuscous dot from beneath, then dilated into a small transverse spot, between this and an apical spot more or less suffused with ochreous and indistinct. There is a fine white partly black edged sometimes posteriorly incomplete line from two-thirds of the costa beneath the costa to the apex. There is also an undefined suffusion of blackish and white scales on the termen.
From the inner margin near base, a dark suffusion extends to the hind margin below the apex, embracing the whole outer half of the wing except for the paler edging of the second line. The hindwings have a blackish cell spot. The second and marginal lines are as in forewings.
The length of the forewings is 12–14 mm. The forewings are white, with reddish-brown suffusion over the inner margin (except near the base), the outer margin and postmedial area. There is a reddish-brown spot at the apex. The hindwings are white with a reddish-brown anal angle.
The forewings are dirty orange with fuscous suffusion, especially toward the outer margin. The costa (except for a brown base) and inner margin are white. The hindwings are yellow-orange with a narrow outer dark fuscous border. Adults are on wing in April, July, September and from November to January.
The forewings are fuscous with a shining white costal streak from the base to the apex, narrowed towards the extremities, the lower edge is straight and edged with dark fuscous. There is an undefined rather broad streak of white suffusion along the dorsum and termen. The hindwings are whitish grey.
The basal area of the forewings is white with a cupreous-brown costal edge. There is a patch of cupreous-brown suffusion and a black antemedial line. The medial area is cupreous brown with a white streak below the costa. The hindwings are silky white with a cupreous-brown terminal line.
Prorella mellisa is a moth in the family Geometridae first described by John Arthur Grossbeck in 1908. It is found in the US states of California, Arizona, Colorado and Montana. The forewings have a slight ocherous suffusion. Adults have been recorded on wing in May and from July to October.
Female pale ochreous brown, with some dark brown suffusion inside the double oblique line. Larva olive greenish in color with fuscous speckles and paler below. It has two pointed dorsal tubercles on anal somite. Dorsal and lateral bands of black streaks and greenish white blotches found on back and sides.
The forewings are suboval with a rounded costa. They are light pinkish ochreous, glossy and strewn with fuscous grey. The hindwings are golden ochreous, the posterior third with a pink suffusion and irregularly transversed by rows of dark grey dots. The genitalia of this species are close to Pandemis capnobathra.
This species has a translucent white body and slightly swollen cerata. The digestive gland is orange pink in colour and the tips of the cerata have a broad white band of tiny epidermal glands. In larger specimens the rhinophores develop a pale orange suffusion. The foot is broad and rounded anteriorly.
The seventh reaches to the terminal incision. There is a streak from the tornus towards, but not reaching the sixth costal streak and there is often some fuscous suffusion in the posterior part of the disc, but no defined markings. The hindwings are grey.Description of Glyphipteryx leucargyra in Pap. Proc.
41 (161): 69-93. The wingspan is 16–20 mm. The forewings are whitish brown or brown, with numerous fine oblique fuscous costal strigulae (fine streaks) and some fuscous dorsal dots, as well as a fuscous terminal line. The hindwings are whitish, with slight greyish suffusion on the terminal edge.
Amphitrias is a genus of moth in the family Depressariidae. It contains the species Amphitrias cynica, which is found in Sri Lanka. The wingspan is 17–21 mm. The forewings are ochreous-whitish, usually with some scattered irregular pale fuscous irroration or suffusion, especially beyond the cell and towards the tornus.
The forewings are ochreous with the base of the costa dark fuscous. The discal stigmata are blackish, the second almost connected to the dorsum by a narrow irregular transverse streak of dark fuscous suffusion. There are dark fuscous marginal dots around the apex and termen. The hindwings are light grey.
The forewings are pale grey irrorated (sprinkled) with dark fuscous. The discal stigmata is blackish, remote and the second is beyond two-thirds. There is a dark fuscous apical dot, edged anteriorly by a cloudy pale mark preceded by some dark fuscous suffusion. The hindwings are grey, but paler anteriorly.
This species has a translucent white body and slightly swollen cerata. The digestive gland is orange pink in colour and the tips of the cerata have a broad white band of tiny epidermal glands. In larger specimens the rhinophores develop a pale orange suffusion. The foot is broad and rounded anteriorly.
The forewings are pale ochreous irregularly sprinkled with fuscous. The stigmata is dark fuscous, the plical rather obliquely beyond the first discal and the second discal is large. There is some fuscous suffusion extending from the second discal to the apex, darker posteriorly. There are also minute dark fuscous terminal dots.
The forewings are pale ochreous, variably streaked with dark brown suffusion between the veins, more strongly in the disc and forming oblique wedge-shaped streaks in the cell. There is sometimes a pale shade near and parallel to the termen. The hindwings are dark grey.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London.
Phragmataecia gurkoi is a species of moth of the family Cossidae. It is found in north-western Pakistan.Description of two new species of Cossidae (Lepidoptera) from China The length of the forewings is about 13 mm. The forewings are ochreous with a suffusion of grey scales in the form of stripes.
Phragmataecia pacifica is a species of moth of the family Cossidae. It is found in Russia, the Caucasus and Dagestan.Description of two new species of Cossidae (Lepidoptera) from China The length of the forewings is about 18.5 mm. The forewings are brown with a dense suffusion of grey scales throughout.
The wingspan is 16–18 mm. The forewings are pale flesh color with numerous more or less distinct dark fuscous dots, arranged in irregular transverse series. There is an indistinct pre-tornal spot of grey suffusion. The hindwings are whitish ochreous or pale yellowish, generally more or less fuscous tinged.
The forewings are reddish-ochreous, irregularly mixed with whitish, irrorated on the margins and sometimes also towards the middle of the disc with dark fuscous. There is a black basal median dot and the stigmata is raised and black. There is dark fuscous costal suffusion towards two-thirds. The hindwings are fuscous.
The beehive honey moth (ssp. serratilineella), which is found in western North America, is either treated as a full species or as a subspecies of Vitula edmandsii.Vitula edmandsii serratilineella at mothphotographersgroup The wingspan is 20–25 mm.UKmoths Adults have a distinctive blue-grey ground colour, with a slight rosy suffusion with blackish markings.
The forewings are brown, suffused with fuscous. The extreme base is pale brownish- buff, this area containing a short black transverse bar, bordered by a black spot. There is fuscous suffusion in the pale basal area. There are also three black spots in the cell, the outer two forming a fuscous blotch.
Forewings are pale brownish with white suffusion and curved white lines found on basal area. Reniform with white outline. Three sinuous postmedial lines excurved beyond cell, and the inner with crimson below costa and at middle and metallic green at inner margin. The two outer lines with orange spots at inner margin.
The forewings are whitish ochreous in males, while they are deep ochreous in females, in both with a strong shining whitish gloss. There is a grey-whitish discal spot edged with dark reddish-fuscous suffusion, with is ill defined. The hindwings are pale yellowish. The larvae feed on Waterhousea floribunda and Elaeocarpus angustifolia.
The forewings are dark grey, the posterior half irrorated (sprinkled) with black and with a slightly curved moderate white postmedian fascia, anteriorly black edged, the posterior edge suffused with grey. There is an irregular spot of whitish suffusion resting on the tornus, slenderly connected with the costa. The hindwings are dark grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
Cerace xanthothrix is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in Assam, India, and was first described in 1950 by Alexey Diakonoff. The wingspan is 33–48 mm. The forewings are blackish violet, suffused with black along the costal area and with narrow streaks of brick-red suffusion.
The forewings are white, with a moderate straight dark brown basal fascia and a broad slightly oblique straight ochreous-brown postmedian fascia. There is an ochreous-yellowish suffusion towards the apex and there are some cloudy dark fuscous dots around the apex and upper part of the termen. The hindwings are dark grey.
The forewings are light greyish ochreous, with a faint pinkish tinge, the costal area slightly darker and the costal edge white except towards the extremities. The discal stigmata are minute, fuscous, placed on a very undefined median-longitudinal streak of whitish suffusion. The hindwings are pale greyish, suffused with whitish towards the base.
The forewings are whitish ochreous, with some scattered minute fuscous specks and a dark fuscous linear mark in the disc at one-fifth, the discal stigmata are fuscous and there is a slight mark of fuscous suffusion along the costa beyond the middle. The hindwings are whitish grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera. 3 (17): 529.
Its wingspan is about 42 mm. Similar to Bastilla arcuata, differs in antemedial line being curved and with some dark diffusion inside it. Some dark suffusion can be seen instead of the dark oatch inside the postmedial line, which has two slight angles in it beyond the cell. The apical streak slight.
The forewings are brownish, irrorated with dark fuscous. The first line is white and there is an oblong pellucid patch in the middle of the disc, preceded and followed by blotches of orange suffusion. The second line is white and the subterminal line is whitish. The hindwings are light grey, but darker terminally.
The forewings are fuscous suffusedly sprinkled with dark grey. The stigmata are blackish, the plical obliquely before the first discal. There is an obscure brownish line along the fold and a longitudinal streak of dark fuscous suffusion from beyond the second discal stigma to near the apex. The hindwings are rather bluish grey.
The forewings are pale ochreous, with thinly scattered dark fuscous scales and some ochreous-whitish suffusion towards the costa anteriorly, the base of the costal edge is black. The discal stigmata are small and black and there are some slight fuscous irroration (sprinkling) towards the termen. The hindwings are whitish grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
There is a more or less developed streak of fuscous suffusion along the termen, which is faint in females. The hindwings are whitish ochreous, faintly fuscous tinged towards the apex and on the termen. There is a grey discal dot on the end of the cell.Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society.
The forewings are brownish grey with a large fuscous suffusion on the dorsum and a fuscous dot on the costa at the base. The hindwings are pale brownish grey., 2012: Four new species of the tribe Chelariini (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) from Japan. Transactions of the Lepidopterological Society of Japan 63(2): 79-86.
The wingspan is about 18 mm. The forewings are whitish with the plical and second discal stigmata blackish. There is an excurved subterminal series of indistinct dark grey dots connected by faint greyish suffusion, indented towards the costa. There is also a marginal series of blackish dots around the apex and termen.
Males with large areas of metallic scales on the underside of wings. Large paired tufts of black hairs found on the basal segment of abdomen below. A pale oblique fascia from the apex outlined by dark suffusion. Antemedial, postmedial and marginal series of black specks, the first two curved and the first obsolescent.
Evergestis mimounalis is a species of moth in the family Crambidae. It is found in the Middle Atlas and High Atlas mountains in Morocco. The wingspan is about 30 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is white with dark brown suffusion at the base in the middle and at the margin.
The base, median field and three marginal spots on the forewings are grey irrorated with brown scales. The antemedian and postmedian area and two marginal spots are white or greyish white. The hindwings are grey with a brownish suffusion and a wide, wavy greyish white transverse stripe. Adults are on wing in December.
Retrieved July 15, 2017. The wingspan is about 26 mm. The forewings are whitish-ochreous with light tawny and dark purplish-brown markings. There is a light fulvous-tawny suffusion along the posterior three-fifths of the costa, continued by a narrow subcostal streak to the anterior extremity of the costal prominence.
The forewings are bronzy fuscous, more or less ochreous tinged towards the costa anteriorly and the base of the costal edge is dark fuscous. The stigmata are dark fuscous, the plical obliquely before the first discal. There is a moderate terminal fascia of rather darker fuscous suffusion. The hindwings are rather dark grey.
The costal area on posterior half is dark ferruginous~brown and there is some white suffusion beneath the ocellar blotch, as well as a large white blotch occupying area between the ocellar blotch and termen, as well as a fine black terminal line. The hindwings are dark grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera. 4 (1): 11.
The wingspan is about 23 mm. The forewings are whitish ochreous with a small round cloudy fuscous spot in the disc beyond the middle. There is a faint curved transverse shade of fuscous suffusion at four-fifths, parallel to the posterior part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are pale whitish ochreous.
The forewings are ashy-ochreous grey with a narrow yellow basal fascia, edged posteriorly with ferruginous suffusion. From beyond this a rather broad light yellow costal stripe runs to near the apex and the dorsal and terminal edge are slenderly light yellow. The hindwings are yellow whitish, suffused pale grey posteriorly.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are bright chestnut brown, the basal area orange ochreous sprinkled with white and there are two rather irregular fasciae of white irroration (sprinkles), the first attenuated and forming a small white spot on the costa, the second bisected towards the costa by a line of ground colour and forming two such spots, both in the disc suffused with purplish and thinly sprinkled with dark fuscous, the first antemedian, slightly excurved, preceded on the costa by a small dark purple-fuscous spot, the second from two-thirds of the costa to before the tornus, more excurved, the inner edge contorted in the disc, between these some purplish and dark fuscous suffusion in the disc. There is a subterminal shade of white irroration on the costal half. The hindwings are dark fuscous with an elongate-triangular orange discal patch extending from the base to two-thirds, separated by a brownish-orange transverse blotch with two spots of dark fuscous suffusion from a narrow orange terminal fascia attenuated to the apex. A broader light orange fascia mixed grey irroration and suffusion is found along the dorsum.
The wingspan is about 14 mm. The forewings are white, slightly and very minutely speckled ochreous-grey and with a grey spot on the base of the costa and there is a dark grey spot on the costa at one-third, where some grey suffusion extends towards the base and there is a larger spot on the costa beyond the middle, the upper half dark grey, the lower greyish- ochreous and there are strong transverse whitish ridge-tufts above and below the middle at one-fourth. Two transversely placed confluent dots of grey irroration indicate the first discal stigma, extended by a grey shade to the dorsum and the second discal stigma is dot-like and blackish, with a transverse blotch of pale greyish-ochreous suffusion between this and the first, as well as a faint blotch of pale grey suffusion beyond this, and another on the dorsum beneath it. A hardly sinuate direct fine grey line runs from three-fourths of the costa to the dorsum before the tornus and the terminal area beyond this is suffused grey, in the disc irregularly sprinkled blackish.
There is a whitish streak partially irrorated (sprinkled) with grey beneath the fold from the base to the plical stigma. There is some irregular light grey suffusion along the dorsum from one-third to near the tornus and there is a streak of grey suffusion parallel to the termen from the costa near the apex to the dorsum before tornus. There is also a black dot beneath the costal streak at one-third, as well as a black linear dot on the lower edge of the intracellular streak towards the base, and one on the upper edge of the subdorsal streak beyond this. The stigmata are black, the plical rather obliquely before the first discal, the second discal below the middle.
The forewings are brownish ochreous or deep yellow ochreous, the costal edge suffused with dark fuscous and with an oblique interrupted silvery-white streak near the base. There are three white streaks from the costa terminated by silvery-metallic subdorsal spots, the first from one-fourth, oblique, edged anteriorly with blackish suffusion, the second from the middle, direct, the third from four-fifths, inwardly oblique, the second and third connected by a suffused blackish streak in the disc, a spot of silvery-white suffusion beneath the costa between the first and second connected with the costa by a white strigula. There is a white dot on the apex, and sometimes two or three on the termen. The hindwings are slaty grey.
The wingspan of the male is 9–10 mm. The forewings are dark grey with an oblique bar of white suffusion from the costa at one- sixth, reaching half across the wing, accompanied with some whitish-ochreous scales, sometimes tending to extend along the costa to the base. There is an undefined patch of blackish suffusion in the disc beyond this, representing the first discal and plical stigmata, and a rather large roundish black spot representing the second discal, with more or less whitish irroration between these and on the margins of the second discal. There is also a white patch occupying the apical fourth, mixed with dark grey or dark fuscous towards the apex, the anterior edge irregularly indented in the middle.
The forewings of the males are pale yellowish, sometimes suffused with pale brownish on the veins and margins, with the second discal stigma dark brown, an oblique patch of brown suffusion between this and the apex, and sometimes a streak of dark brown suffusion along the fold curved upwards beneath the middle of the wing. The female forewings are pale ochreous suffusedly irrorated (sprinkled) with dark brown, with a broad longitudinal median dark fuscous band, suffused and undefined towards the costa, the lower margin well marked and pale edged, curved downwards on the anterior half and upwards beyond the middle, terminating in the tornus. The hindwings of the males are light yellowish, sometimes sprinkled with fuscous towards the tornus. The hindwings of the females are fuscous.
The forewings are rather dark purple fuscous, in males somewhat mixed with pale ochreous suffusion towards the costal area between one-fourth and three-fourths. There is a triangular blackish-fuscous blotch obscurely edged with pale ochreous, extending on the dorsum from one-fourth to the middle, and reaching three-fourths across the wing. An indistinct small oblique blackish-fuscous mark is found on the middle of the costa and a narrow transverse blackish-fuscous spot on the transverse vein, obscurely pale edged, the upper end enlarged. There is an indistinct slender pale ochreous line from five-sixths of the costa to the dorsum before the tornus, preceded by an undefined fascia of blackish-fuscous suffusion dilated in the disc so as to reach the preceding spot.
The wings are orange-yellow, the forewings with paired dorsal black spots on the second segment and dorsal bands on the segments beyond it, as well as some sublateral points. The forewings also have a black spot at the base of the costa and some diffused black on the inner margin near the base, as well as an antemedial spot below the costa and a curved line from the median nervure to the inner margin and a black spot in the middle of the cell and the discoidal bar. The postmedial line is indistinct with a broad band of fuscous suffusion beyond it except at the costa. The hindwings have a slightly sinuous medial black line with a broad band of fuscous suffusion beyond it.
Adults are pale ochreous brown irrorated (sprinkled) with fuscous, the forewings with slight dark suffusion from the base through the cell and extending as dentate dark marks along the subcostal and median nervules. There is an oblique fuscous line from the costa near the apex to the middle of the inner margin, with three lines on a brownish ground colour beyond it, then two other lines. There is a series of fuscous specks from the apex on a slight band of fuscous suffusion and a submarginal series of black specks connected by traces of a crenulate line. The hindwings have an antemedial oblique diffused fuscous line followed by five lines, then a diffused fuscous band and a submarginal series of fuscous specks.
The forewings are light fuscous closely and suffusedly irrorated (sprinkled) with white and with a white tuft on the costa at one-fourth, preceded by a dark fuscous mark along the costa, as well as a short dark fuscous streak along the costa in the middle, beneath which is some light brownish suffusion. The stigmata are minute, black, with the first discal opposite the posterior end of this streak, with the plical rather obliquely before it. There is a small dark fuscous spot on the costa at two-thirds and there is some brownish suffusion towards the termen, and a very fine irregular twice interrupted blackish longitudinal median line in this. The hindwings are light grey, thinly scaled, towards the apex darker grey.
The wingspan is about 20 mm. The forewings are white with a grey spot on the dorsum at one-fourth, and a larger subtriangular dark grey blotch at three- fourths, as well as some irregular grey suffusion extending in the disc from one-third to three-fourths, appearing to be formed of segments of three oblique irregular transverse shades partially confluent. A grey curved shade from the tornus reaches two-thirds across the wing and there is some grey suffusion before the termen beneath the apex. The hindwings are light grey, tinged with whitish anteriorly and with the costal margin broadly expanded from the base to two-thirds, with short white scales beyond the middle, and a long whitish subcostal hairpeucil lying beneath the forewings.
The wingspan is about 21 mm. The forewings are pale brown, faintly rosy-tinged, with a few scattered black specks and small grey spots on the costa at one-fourth, before the middle, and at three-fifths, from the third a strongly curved faint grey line marked with several black dots runs to the dorsum before the tornus. The stigmata are represented by white tufts, the plical obliquely beyond the first discal and a grey blotch extending on the dorsum from one-fourth to four-fifths and reaching to the fold, mixed blackish anteriorly. A blackish spot adjoining the posterior line is found just below the middle, beneath this a spot of whitish suffusion edged posteriorly by a black dot, and some whitish suffusion above the tornus.
The wingspan is about 21 mm. The forewings are brownish ochreous, partly suffused with purplish grey. The first suffusion touches the flexus, is diffused outwards along the cell, branches narrowly to the costa at one-third, and is somewhat intensified on the dorsum at the same distance from the base. The second suffusion, faintly connected with the first above the middle, leaves the costa a little beyond the middle and fading out at the end of the cell, where there is a small round spot, reappears below this and is diffused downward to the dorsum and tornus, whence arises an indistinct, outwardly curved, series of small purplish grey spots reverting to the costa after forming a slight angle below it.
The forewings are pale whitish ochreous, with scattered dark grey specks and an ill-defined longitudinal streak of dark grey suffusion from the base of the costa through the middle of the disc to three-eighths and three angulated transverse lines of grey suffusion, the first two little defined and often reduced to costal marks, the third usually distinct, running from three- fourths of the costa to the dorsum before the tornus, strongly curved or bent. The plical and second discal stigmata are blackish, the plical linear, the second discal often transverse. There is a series of blackish dots along the posterior part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are ochreous-grey whitish, towards the tornus sprinkled with grey.
Forewings ovate-lanceolate, costa moderately arched, apex pointed, termen extremely obliquely rounded; violet-coppery-ochreous, in one specimen largely suffused with whitish; in one specimen a spot of dark purple-fuscous suffusion on dorsum towards base, one in disc beyond middle, and some irregular marking towards termen, and in the whitish-suffused specimen the dark purple-fuscous suffusion forms a blotch along anterior portion of costa connected with a large oblique blotch in middle of disc, a streak along dorsum from base to 2/3, a subterminal fascia enclosing a white spot on costa, and a mark along termen in middle, but in the other two specimens there are no markings: cilia golden-ochreous. Hindwings deep purple; cilia pale golden-ochreous.
The forewings are pale violet brownish with orange-red markings, consisting of a subdorsal dash near the base, a small spot above the fold at one-sixth and one beneath the fold beyond this, a suffused oblique streak from the disc at one-fourth to the plical stigma, small spots representing the stigmata, the plical slightly before the first discal, the second discal expanded into a spot of suffusion above and connected by an irregular suffused streak with the dorsum before the tornus, some slight suffusion following a faint paler slightly bent subterminal line becoming whitish on the costa. There are dark fuscous marginal dots on the veins around the posterior part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are dark grey and rather thinly scaled.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are white, irregularly speckled with brownish with a white tuft on the fold at one-third, surrounded with grey irroration (sprinkles). There is some yellow-ochreous suffusion along the costa towards the base and a fascia of yellow-ochreous suffusion from two-fifths of the costa to beyond the middle of the dorsum, as well as a roundish blotch of suffused dark grey irroration in the disc at three-fourths. A yellow-ochreous spot is found on the costa beyond the middle and there is a very oblique irregular yellow-ochreous fasciate streak from the costa at three-fourths to the disc before the apex. There is also an irregular-edged yellow-ochreous streak along the termen from the apex to below the middle.
Shortest on the front and sides of the head. They possess rusty brown forearms and flanks down to the hind legs. In many cases the rump is fainty, light brown, and a whitish suffusion on the medio-ventral parts of the body. Tembagapura-Timika bats are lighter than their relatives in the Habema Highlands.
Xanthophryne are relatively small toads: adult males measure and females in snout–vent length. They have light brown dorsum with a suffusion of dull chrome-yellow; flanks and sides of the abdomen have chrome-yellow patches, sometimes a few continuous bands. The tympanum is indistinct. There is no webbing between the toes and fingers.
Full article: The wingspan is 22 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is whitish in the costal half of the wing and before the apex. The remaining area is strongly suffused yellowish brown and strigulated (finely streaked) brown also on the whitish areas. There is blackish suffusion and strigulation along the first median veins.
The forewings are brownish, with the dorsal edge infuscated. There are two small cloudy dark fuscous dots rather obliquely placed in the disc at two- fifths, and three in a rather oblique-transverse curve at three-fifths. Immediately beyond the latter is a faint transverse fascia of fuscous suffusion. The hindwings are grey whitish.
The forewings are fuscous with a small spot of dark fuscous suffusion on the base of the costa. The stigmata are very small, obscure, dark fuscous, with the plical rather obliquely beyond the first discal. The hindwings are dark fuscous, becoming subhyaline (almost glass like) towards the costa.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London.
The forewings are light ochreous-brownish. The first line is white and double, blotched with ferruginous-ochreous above and below the middle. The second line is followed by a blackish transverse blotch from the costa hardly reaching half across the wing. The hindwings are ochreous-whitish, with an apical blotch of light-grey suffusion.
The forewings are pale brownish ochreous sprinkled with dark fuscous. The stigmata is cloudy, dark fuscous, with the plical beneath the first discal. There is a row of cloudy dark fuscous spots along the posterior part of the costa and termen and sometimes some dark suffusion towards the tornus and apex. The hindwings are grey.
Stenoma vasifera is a moth of the family Depressariidae. It is found in Colombia and Bolivia."Stenoma Zeller, 1839" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms The wingspan is about 27 mm. The forewings are light ochreous fuscous, becoming more ochreous tinged posteriorly, a subcostal spot of ochreous suffusion at the base.
The forewings are pale fuscous, the costal half and terminal area are suffused with rather dark fuscous. The stigmata are cloudy and dark fuscous, with the plical beneath the first discal, these obscured by a prolongation of the costal suffusion, the second discal distinct. The hindwings are pale grey, thinly scaled and darker grey posteriorly.
Antennae bipectinate (comb like on both sides) in both sexes to near apex, and branches longer in the male than in the female. Head, thorax, abdomen and forewings are reddish brown with a greyish suffusion. Forewing produced at apex. Hindwings with the reddish-brown costal half and the inner half crossed by a postmedial line.
The wingspan is 25–30 mm. The male upperside varies from sky blue to a greyish or steely blue, and is unmarked apart from the narrow black borders and white fringes. The female is brown, often with a slight blue dust suffusion at the wing bases. The fore-wings end in a very pointed apex.
The forewings are brown sprinkled with fuscous, with some whitish scales and some darker fuscous suffusion towards the base, and forming a patch in the disc at one-third and a small blackish spot on the costa at one-fourth. The discal stigmata are small, black and approximated. The hindwings are pale bluish grey.
Male Oreobates pereger grow to a snout–vent length of and females to . The skin of dorsum and venter is smooth and with dark gray, reddish-brown, or dark gray-brown ground colour. The flanks are yellowish brown to dull yellow with an orange suffusion ventrally. Eggs are large and yellow, up to in diameter.
There are three similar spots representing the stigmata, the plical slightly before the first discal, much more irrorated with black than the others. There is also a similarly coloured terminal fascia, broadest towards the costa. Some slight irregular pale ferruginous-ochreous suffusion is scattered elsewhere about the disc. The hindwings are ochreous-whitish.Ann. Transv. Mus.
Deserticossus pulverulentus is a species of moth of the family Cossidae. It is found in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, north-western China (Xinjiang) and Israel.Cossidae of Israel The length of the forewings is 18–28 mm for males and 22–33 mm for females. The forewings are light with a suffusion of grey scales.
The forewing is whitish ochreous, irrorated (sprinkled) irregularly with brown and dark fuscous. The inner line is indistinct; the outer line is irregular, oblique, dark fuscous and posteriorly whitish edged. The cellspot is small, dark, outwardly whitish edged. The subterminal line is straight, whitish, ill-defined and preceded by fuscous suffusion, running to the apex.
Acleris ganeshia is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in Nepal. The wingspan is about 32.5 mm for males and 24 mm for females. The ground colour of the male forewings is brownish grey with olive admixture and weak ferruginous suffusion in the median cell and the terminal area.
Schematic depiction of the symptoms and signs of leptospirosis. Conjunctival suffusion (red conjunctiva) together with jaundice is a specific feature of leptospirosis. The symptoms of leptospirosis usually appear one to two weeks after infection, but the incubation period can be as long as a month. The illness is biphasic in a majority of symptomatic cases.
The forewings are whitish fuscous densely irrorated (sprinkled) with dark fuscous and with rather large roundish spots of dark fuscous suffusion in the disc at two- fifths and two-thirds, as well as a patch beneath the middle of the disc between these appearing pale through obsolescence of dark fuscous irroration. The hindwings are fuscous.
Stenoma meligrapta is a moth of the family Depressariidae. It is found in Pará, Brazil."Stenoma Zeller, 1839" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms The wingspan is about 12 mm. The forewings are violet grey with an oblique irregular blackish mark from the base of the costa, edged with whitish-ochreous suffusion.
There is also a rather bent whitish shade from four-fifths of the costa to the tornus, preceded and followed by undefined bands of brownish irroration. A spot of darker suffusion is located before the apex and there are marginal black dots around the apex and termen. The hindwings are grey.Meyrick, Edward (1916–1923).
Oberthueria yandu is a moth in the Endromidae family. It is found in China (Sichuan, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian and eastern Tibet). Adults have a chestnut brown ground colour, with an admixture of dark yellow colours on the hindwings and with dense suffusion of ash grey scales. The pattern is distinct, although the postmedian is vague.
There are small dark fuscous spots on the costa at two-fifths and two-thirds and spots of dark fuscous suffusion at the apex and tornus, and one before the middle of the termen, the latter containing a small black linear mark. There is also a tornal black dot. The hindwings are grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are ochreous, overlaid with reddish brown and sprinkled with fuscous to black scales. The extreme base is ochreous, in the dorsal half followed by a strong red-brown patch. There are two small black spots at the base of the cell, followed by a strong fuscous or black cloud. The latter surrounded by reddish-brown suffusion.
The forewings are white with a small black plical tuft and a small blackish dorsal spot near the base. The costal edge is sometimes irrorated (sprinkled) with blackish. The stigmata is rather large, raised and black. There is a ferruginous-ochreous fascia from the costa, traversing the first discal stigma and terminating in a broader blackish dorsal suffusion.
The forewings are whitish, sprinkled with dark fuscous with a broad clear white longitudinal suffusion extending from the base to three-fourths, anteriorly nearly or quite reaching the costa, posteriorly discal and suffusedly edged above with yellow ochreous. There is sometimes a black basal median dot. The stigmata is raised and black. The hindwings are light grey.
The forewings are pale brownish buff, blotched with brownish suffusion. The extreme base of the costa and a series of 15 to 16 spots on the costa and around the termen are fuscous. There is a transverse blackish bar beyond the base and a blackish crescent in the cell. The surface of the wing is roughened by hairlike scales.
The forewings are light greyish ochreous, irritated with black and with irregular patches of grey suffusion. There are two small black discal spots at the basal third and at the end of the cell. Between these is a large dark shade. There is a series of small black dots along the costa and around the termen.
The forewings are pale greenish, with vivid green spots. The costa is creamy, with dark fuscous dots, followed below by vivid green suffusion. There is a conspicuous vivid green patch in the centre of the wing, edged above and below by a tuft of dark fuscous, raised scales. There is also a pale creamy dorsal streak.
Spinacleris is a genus of moths belonging to the family Tortricidae. It contains only one species, Spinacleris inthanoni, which is found in Thailand. The wingspan is 18 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is brownish with indistinct, diffuse dark brown markings consisting of the costal part of the median fascia followed by two spots and terminal suffusion.
Gelechia anomorcta is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found in the Russian Far EastGelechia at funet and Japan. The wingspan is 15–16 mm. The forewings are greyish-ochreous or pale fuscous, more or less generally mixed or suffused rather dark fuscous and with a spot of dark fuscous suffusion on base of the costa.
The forewings are ochreous grey whitish with a small spot of dark grey sprinkles on the base of the costa. The stigmata are dark fuscous, the discal moderately large, the plical small, rather obliquely before the first discal. There is some slight greyish suffusion on the tornus and on the costa opposite. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are light ochreous yellowish, the dorsal half suffused with brownish-ochreous and with a very small dark fuscous spot on the base of the costa. The discal stigmata are small, blackish, with an additional dot halfway between the first discal and the base. There is an apical spot of dark fuscous suffusion. The hindwings are iridescent grey.
The forewings are fuscous, sprinkled with obscure brown strigulae and minute blackish dots. The costal edge is dark fuscous at the base, then rosy brown to three-fourths. There is some darker suffusion towards the dorsum near the base. The stigmata are small, blackish and accompanied by some white scales, the plical rather before the first discal.
Antennal eyecaps white. Forewings golden brown, becoming lighter golden towards dorsum anteriorly; a bright shining silvery fascia beyond middle, preceded by a dark purplish- fuscous suffusion, apical area beyond this dark purplish fuscous. Hindwings grey.Meyrick, E., 1895 A Handbook of British Lepidoptera MacMillan, London pdf Keys and description The larvae feed on Alnus cordata and Alnus glutinosa.
There is an ill-defined greyish suffusion between the third blotch and the hindmargin, as well as a row of fuscous dots along the hindmargin. The hindwings are fuscous, towards the base and inner margin whitish. The larvae feed on Melaleuca species, including Melaleuca leucodendra, Melaleuca quinquenervia and Melaleuca armillaris. They bore in the stem of their host plant.
Sigilliclystis kendricki is a moth in the family Geometridae. It is found in Hong Kong and probably inland China. The length of the forewings is about 9 mm for males and 10 mm for females. Adults have a grey-brown ground colour with a light suffusion of red scales at the base of the forewing and costa.
The forewings are purplish fuscous irrorated (sprinkled) with dark fuscous and with the extreme costal edge yellowish posteriorly. The discal stigmata are cloudy and dark fuscous, the first connected with the dorsum beyond the middle by an oblique fascia-like patch of dark fuscous suffusion. There are faint traces of a curved darker subterminal streak. The hindwings are fuscous.
The forewings are light rosy crimson with an irregular transverse light yellow blotch in the disc before the middle, connected with the costa before the middle by some yellowish suffusion. There is a series of indistinct yellow marks along the apical part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are pale greyish, the apex slightly rosy tinged.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The moth flies in one generation from late May to early September. . Larva ochreous with red or brown suffusion and dotted with dark; dorsal line yellowish edged with small black marks; subdorsal lines pale, dark-edged below; head pale marked with darker: on sundry low plants. The larvae feed on herbaceous plants such as Plantago, Stellaria and Rumex.
Pompographa is a genus of moth in the family Lecithoceridae. It contains the species Pompographa philosopha, which is found in India (Assam) The wingspan is 13–15 mm. The forewings are rather dark fuscous with an irregularly triangular blotch of dark fuscous suffusion on the dorsum before the middle, reaching more than half across the wing.
The eyes protrude moderately beyond dorsal surface of the head in lateral aspect. The fingers and toes have widely expanded terminal disks but no webbing. Skin of dorsal surfaces is finely granular. The dorsum has dark brick reddish-brown ground coloration with extensive to nearly absent suffusion of light green pigment on upper surfaces of head, trunk and limbs.
These changes cause a reduction in the intensity of the blue colouration, giving paler birds in the blue series and yellower birds in the green series. The pigmented zone is narrower in the breast feathers than the rump feathers, and it is this structural change that causes the variation in intensity of the body suffusion between breast and rump.
Forewings very elongate-triangular, costa slightly arched, faintly sinuate in middle, apex very obtusely rounded, termen rounded, little oblique; pale brownish-ochreous, irregularly suffused with fuscous towards costa, posterior half of wing sprinkled with dark fuscous specks with some fuscous suffusion, terminal edge suffused with fuscous: cilia fuscous. Hindwings pale greyish; cilia whitish, with faint greyish basal shade.
The forewings are deep yellow ochreous or light ochreous brownish, sometimes sprinkled with dark fuscous. There is a blackish dot on the base of the costa. The stigmata are rather small and blackish, the plical almost beneath the first discal. There is a short inwardly oblique streak of fuscous suffusion from the dorsum just beyond the second discal.
Eupithecia zelmira is a moth in the family Geometridae first described by Louis W. Swett and Samuel E. Cassino in 1920. It is found in the US states of Oregon and California. The wingspan is about 20 mm. The forewings are white with four brown patches along the costa and a somewhat darker terminal area with smoky brown suffusion.
The habitat consists of open ponderosa pine forests, drier sagebrush steppe and juniper woodlands. The length of the forewings is 16–24 mm. Adults are pale gray-tan with a darker, often reddish, median area, a thick red-brown or brown and white postmedial line, and pale-filled spots. The hindwings are pale yellow- tan with variable gray suffusion.
The forewings are orange grey to brownish with brownish scales sparsely scattered, more dense in the posterior portion. There are two blackish large discal stigmata, one before the middle and the other at the end of the cell. There is brownish suffusion extending from the second stigma to the inner margin. The hindwings are pale orange grey.
The forewings are orange yellow, with some scattered dark fuscous specks and a short streak of dark fuscous suffusion on the base of the costa, as well as an incurved streak of dark fuscous sprinkles from the costa at three-fourths to the dorsum at three-fourths. The hindwings are light ochreous yellow.Exotic Microlepidoptera. 4 (2-4): 78.
There is an indistinct whitish line from beyond the third costal spot to the tornus, obtusely angulated in the middle and there are two blackish dots on the costa towards the apex and termen beneath the apex, and some grey-whitish suffusion along the margin. The hindwings are dark grey.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 1914: 254.
The discal stigmata are dark fuscous, sometimes with a transverse mark of dark fuscous suffusion between the second discal and the dorsum. There is a dark fuscous patch along the termen from the apex, more or less narrowed downwards and not reaching the tornus. The hindwings are pale grey or in females sometimes grey.J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc.
The forewings are fuscous, lighter on the dorsal area and with a moderate whitish streak from the base along the fold throughout, somewhat suffused on the termen. The plical and second discal stigmata form small roundish spots of darker fuscous suffusion indenting lower and upper margins of this respectively. The hindwings are rather dark grey.Meyrick E. 1921b.
Stenoma subita is a moth of the family Depressariidae. It is found in Bolivia."Stenoma Zeller, 1839" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms The wingspan is about 26 mm. The forewings are dark fuscous, darkest towards the dorsum, with some ochreous-brownish suffusion in the middle of the disc and before the termen.
The forewings are light yellow ochreous with irregular white streaks along all margins of the cell and veins 7-11, partially sprinkled with dark fuscous scales on the edges, and with a slender similar streak along the dorsum and termen throughout. There is an undefined streak of white suffusion along vein 1b. The hindwings are grey whitish.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are dark fuscous, speckled grey whitish. The stigmata are obscurely blackish, the plical rather obliquely before the first discal. There is a slightly incurved white line from four- fifths of the costa to the dorsum before the tornus, thickened towards the costa, preceded by a band of blackish suffusion. The hindwings are dark grey.
The forewings are covered by dark grey-brown scales with blackish tips, paler toward the apex. The inner stigma is elongate-transverse, the distal one distinctly crescent or kidney bean-shaped. Another group of black scales indicating an indistinct stigma at one-third of the costa. The hindwings are grey-brown with darker suffusion along the veins.
The forewings are pale whitish ochreous, longitudinally streaked with ferruginous- brownish suffusion between the veins. The plical and first discal stigmata are indicated by a few longitudinally scattered dark fuscous scales, the second discal forming a distinct dark fuscous dot. There are some dark fuscous scales on the termen towards the apex. The hindwings are pale grey.
Between this and the termen, the ground colour is more or less ochreous or brownish, with four well-marked black dashes, the uppermost thickest, between and sometimes around these more or less whitish suffusion. The hindwings are dark fuscous and the submedian fold in males is filled with long grey hairs.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 1922: 92.
Eugnosta jequiena is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in Brazil (Bahia). The wingspan is about 11 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is white with a few pale brownish grey strigulae before the tornus followed by grey suffusion between the tornus and a black spot at the end of the median cell.
There are two curved, oblique, parallel antemedial lines. There is a diffuse ochreous orange discal patch and a similar, but smaller area at the apex. The hindwings are redder at the base, more densely speckled with brown with a blackish suffusion near inner the margin and the tornus. The female is much redder with paler discal markings.
The forewings are fuscous whitish sprinkled with dark fuscous, all veins marked with fine yellow-whitish streaks. The costal edge is suffused with dark fuscous. The stigmata are indicated by very indistinct spots of darker suffusion, the plical very obliquely beyond the first discal. The hindwings are light ochreous yellow, with the apical third rather dark fuscous.
The forewings are deep yellow ochreous, sprinkled with dark fuscous specks, in females brownish tinged. The costal edge is dark fuscous towards the base. The discal stigmata are dot like, black and conspicuous and there is a slender streak of dark fuscous suffusion along the termen from the apex to near the tornus. The hindwings are pale grey.
The forewings are light ochreous yellowish with four somewhat oblique rather broad undefined fasciae of deeper ochreous or brownish suffusion, the first sometimes rather dark fuscous, the second narrowest. The hindwings are light ochreous yellowish, with a subdorsal groove enclosing a long pencil of ochreous-yellowish hairs.Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. 18 (2): 444.
Arotromima is a genus of moth in the family Gelechiidae. It contains the species Arotromima politica, which is found in The wingspan is about 14 mm. The forewings are white, tinged grey on the posterior third, darker near the apex and with the costal edge blackish at the base, some slight brownish suffusion beneath this.
Anomoxena is a genus of moth in the family Gelechiidae. It contains the species Anomoxena spinigera, which is found in The wingspan is 8–10 mm. The forewings are pale ochreous irregularly irrorated (speckled) with blackish and an inwardly oblique slender fascia of blackish suffusion from the costa at three-fifths, not or scarcely reaching the dorsum.
There is a fine direct transverse silvery-white line beyond the middle and beyond this a fascia of metallic purplish suffusion, the apical remainder of the wing brown-blackish. There is a pre-marginal series of bright pale metallic-blue marks around the apical part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are dark fuscous.Exotic Microlep.
The forewings are dark fuscous, slightly purplish tinged. The stigmata are represented by small blackish spots, the plical rather obliquely before the first discal, both these edged posteriorly with ochreous-whitish suffusion, the second discal similarly edged on both sides. The hindwings are whitish fuscous, becoming fuscous towards the termen and apex.Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society.
The wingspan is about 30 mm. The forewings are brownish, with the basal half dark brown, and the dividing line suffused and rather oblique. The extreme costal edge is brownish-ochreous and the dorsal subbasal scale-projection is ferruginous-brownish. There is a dark fuscous transverse mark on the end of the cell, accompanied by slight ferruginous suffusion.
The wingspan is about 22 mm. The forewings are light ochreous rosy with the costal edge rose pink, and some slight greyish suffusion beneath it towards the middle. The plical stigma is faint and grey, the second discal forming a small purplish-grey spot suffused grey whitish except the edge. The apical edge is tinged orange- ochreous.
The wingspan is 13–14 mm. The forewings are light yellow, with the costal edge orange yellow and sometimes a grey transverse mark on the end of the cell. There is a moderate terminal fascia of light violet-grey suffusion extending around the apex and tornus, and the terminal edge is deep fulvous. The hindwings are rather dark grey.
Afro Moths The wingspan is 25–32 mm. The forewings are fuscous, suffused with dark fuscous towards the costa and on the veins posteriorly, elsewhere suffusedly mixed with grey whitish. There is a transverse linear blackish mark on the end of the cell, edged with whitish suffusion. There is also a terminal series of blackish dots.
Apotoforma hodgesi is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in Panama. The wingspan is about 14 mm. The ground colour of the forewings is brownish with an cinnamon hue and with an indistinct brownish grey spot at the middle of the costa followed by a trace of suffusion marked by a few black scales.
Retrieved July 15, 2017. The wingspan is about 34 mm. The forewings are white, dusted with dark fuscous and with a strongly suffused dark fuscous streak along the costa, limited below by the cell and the course of vein 9. This suffusion forms transverse short bands across the cell: at one-third, two-thirds and along the closing vein.
The person could also have pain behind the eyes and a sensitivity to light. Muscle pain usually involves the calf muscle and the lower back. The most characteristic feature of leptospirosis is the conjunctival suffusion (conjunctivitis without exudate) which is rarely found in other febrile illnesses. Other characteristic findings on the eye include subconjunctival bleeding and jaundice.
Two dark fuscous transversely placed sometimes confluent dots are found in the disc at two-thirds and a more or less indicated pale angulated subterminal line, preceded and followed by darker suffusion. The hindwings are light fuscous, more whitish fuscous towards the base. The larvae feed on lichen from within a silken gallery in a crevice.
Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 20 (1): 163 The forewings are pale fuscous, with the costal edge narrowly whitish ochreous. The discal stigmata is dark fuscous, partially whitish edged. The second is large and connected with the apex of a triangular pretornal blotch of dark fuscous suffusion. Its anterior edge is vertical and margined with ochreous-whitish.
The forewings are deep ochreous-yellow, sprinkled with dark fuscous. The stigmata is dark fuscous and there is a dark fuscous spot on the costa at two-thirds. There is also a terminal fascia of dark fuscous suffusion or irroration. The hindwings of the males are pale yellowish, while those of the females are light grey.
Andraca lawa is a moth of the family Endromidae. It is found in the Philippines (Palawan). The wingspan is 39–48 mm for males and about 60 mm for females. The forewings are reddish-brown with narrow transversal lines and a small, point-like blackish distal dot, as well as yellow external spots and bluish suffusion.
Oberthueria jiatongae is a moth in the Endromidae family. It is found in China (Shaanxi, Jiangxi, Hubei, Sichuan, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan). Adults have a sandy yellow ground colour, with white or ash grey suffusion. The wing pattern is dark grey and the submarginal field of the forewings is covered with dark yellow-brown to chestnut scales.
The forewings are ferruginous brown, with some scattered dark fuscous scales. The stigmata is obscure, cloudy, fuscous or darker, sometimes forming elongate spots. The dorsal half of the wing is sometimes much obscured with dark fuscous irroration (sprinkling) partially concealing these. There is an almost marginal streak of dark fuscous suffusion just before the termen, strongest upwards.
Retrieved June 11, 2017. The wingspan is 28–38 mm. The forewings are dark purplish red with a small annulus in the base of the cell, a larger one at the middle and a discocellular annulus with black margins and purple- red centres. The outer margin is red with some dark suffusion inside it at the costa.
The wingspan is 24–26 mm. The forewings are grey sometimes partly reddish with a triangular snow-white costal spot beyond the middle. The stigmata are fuscous, the first discal at one-fourth, the plical beyond it, the second discal at one-half, narrowly lunate. There is a dark Y-shaped suffusion from the tornus enclosing the costal triangle.
The forewings are pale maize yellow with the basal half strongly overlaid with cinnamon. There is an obscure brownish spot in the middle of the cell and opposite it, on the fold, a similar dot. A brownish suffusion is found at the end of the cell, suggesting an ill-defined outer discal spot. The hindwings are pale maize yellow.
The forewings are dark fuscous, irregularly finely sprinkled with ochreous whitish, the discal area anteriorly lighter and more brownish. The hindwings are dark fuscous, anteriorly rather thinly scaled with undefined patches of fuscous-whitish suffusion extending over the upper and lower margins of the cell, the veins in these dark fuscous.Meyrick, Edward (1912–1916). Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The wingspan is about 18 mm. The forewings are creamy yellowish, pale, the veins somewhat darker ochreous, the dorsum slightly suffused with deeper yellowish and ochreous. The second discal stigma is strongly suffused, ochreous tawny. There is a faint tawny suffusion on one-third of the dorsum, another, smaller, on the dorsum before the end of the fold.
Afro Moths The wingspan is about 24 mm for males and 34 mm for females. The forewings are whitish yellowish, in females slightly sprinkled light brownish. There is a cloud of light brownish suffusion about the end of the cell, in females vague and formed of irroration extending to the dorsum. The hindwings are ochreous whitish.
The wingspan is about 15 mm. The forewings are ferruginous brown with a slightly paler oblique mark from the costa at two-fifths, followed by some rather darker suffusion. There is a fine white very oblique strigula on the costa at three-fourths. The discal stigmata are dark ferruginous fuscous, the first minute and the second rather small.
The wingspan is 13–14 mm. The forewings are ochreous yellow with the base of the costa ferruginous, the edge sometimes dark fuscous. There is a dark brown transverse median fascia, the anterior edge suffused into the ground colour, the posterior sharply limited by a white line. There is more or less brownish suffusion towards the termen.
There is a marginal series of spots of brown suffusion around the posterior fourth of the costa and termen, as well as an indistinct angulated transverse line of whitish sprinkles at three-fourths, with an interrupted longitudinal line of black scales passing through its angle. The hindwings are grey, paler and thinly scaled anteriorly.Meyrick, Edward (1922). Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are brown with a slender angulated white fascia at one- fifth, preceded by spots of blackish suffusion on the costa and below the middle, and followed below the middle by an elongate blackish mark terminated by a whitish dot, but these dark markings are sometimes merged in a general dark fuscous suffusion. There is a slender or irregular oblique whitish median fascia, preceded by a blackish spot on the costa and a dot above the dorsum, and followed by a blackish mark beneath the costa terminated by a white dot. A slender white fascia is found from three-fourths of the costa to before the tornus, the central third somewhat enlarged and containing a linear oblique black mark. The hindwings are dark fuscous, thinly scaled in the disc.
The forewings are whitish ochreous with a blackish-fuscous mark along the costa at the base and a very oblique trapezoidal blackish-fuscous blotch extending on the dorsum from near the base to two-fifths, and reaching rather beyond the fold, in males reduced to an elongate spot above the fold. There is a very oblique black strigula from the costa before the middle and a blackish- fuscous pale-edged mark on the transverse vein, the upper end enlarged, in females surrounded with some undefined fuscous suffusion. There is a somewhat sinuate ochreous-whitish line from five-sixths of the costa to the tornus, edged anteriorly with dark fuscous suffusion enlarged in the disc into a triangular patch almost reaching the preceding mark. A blackish line is found around the apex and termen.
The forewings are whitish fuscous, densely irrorated (sprinkled) with dark fuscous and with a slender ochreous-whitish costal streak from the base to two-fifths, extended round base to one-sixth of the dorsum, marked with dark fuscous dots at the base and one-fifth of the costa and near the base of the dorsum. There are several ochreous-white dots on the costa in the middle and posteriorly and some raised subdorsal scales at one-fourth. The stigmata are dark fuscous, partially edged with white and with some whitish suffusion between them, the plical very obliquely beyond the first discal, an additional dot between and above the first and second discal, and another beneath the second discal. There is a subterminal fascia of whitish-ochreous suffusion, as well as some white terminal dots.
The forewings are rather dark grey, pale-speckled and with an irregular blotch of blackish-grey suffusion on the base of the dorsum and a small transverse spot of dark grey suffusion in the disc at one-fifth. The stigmata are minute and dark fuscous, the plical slightly before the first discal, the second discal larger but absorbed in the margin of a blackish fascia crossing the wing at two-thirds, the anterior edge suffused, convex, the posterior slightly bisinuate, edged on the costal third by an oblique wedge-shaped whitish-ochreous spot, beneath this by a fine faint whitish tinge. There is also a marginal series of seven small triangular blackish spots around the apical part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are rather dark grey.Exot. Microlep.
The forewings are fuscous, suffusedly irrorated (sprinkled) or almost wholly suffused with whitish and with the costal edge black at the base. There is a small elongate-oval blackish spot on the middle of the costa, and smaller marks at one-fourth, one-third and two-thirds. There is an undefined spot of dark grey suffusion on the base of the dorsum and a rather large irregularly semi-oval blotch of dark grey or dark fuscous suffusion on the middle of the dorsum, terminated above by an elongate or subtriangular blackish spot in the middle of the disc. There is also an elongate blackish mark in the disc at three-fourths, two or three cloudy dark fuscous dots towards the costa posteriorly and on the termen beneath the apex.
The wingspan is about 24 mm. The forewings are white with some grey mottling on the basal fifth of the costa and some indistinct suffused light grey mottling occupying the cell, and faint grey suffusion towards the dorsum beneath this. A spot of dark fuscous irroration is found on the dorsum towards the base edged beneath with ferruginous projecting scales and there are small oblique grey marks on the dorsum at two-fifths and two-thirds, as well as two black dots on the end of the cell, the upper larger, an 8-shaped ring of light grey suffusion surrounding these. Two parallel slightly curved light grey transverse shades are found posteriorly, not reaching the costa and there is a marginal series of grey dots around the apex and termen.
The wingspan is about 30 mm. The forewings are white with a triangular yellowish-fuscous blotch, irregularly suffused glistening grey- whitish centrally, extending on the dorsum from the base to two-fifths and reaching more than half across the wing, the posterior edge direct, towards the angles above margined with orange-yellow suffusion. There is a small light grey spot on or above the dorsum somewhat beyond the middle and the second discal stigma is indistinct and dark grey, preceded and followed by confluent pale grey spots, some pale yellow suffusion above the first, beneath the second a pale greyish transverse spot extending to the dorsum. There is also a slightly curved pale grey narrow fascia from the tornus reaching three-fourths across the wing, terminated above with pale yellowish.
The wingspan is about 25 mm. The forewings are dull white, the dorsal half irregularly suffused light ochreous- grey, more narrowly posteriorly but on the termen extended as a narrow suffusion to the apex. The subbasal tuft of the dorsum is tinged ferruginous posteriorly and there is a small darker grey spot on the middle of the dorsum, as well as a transverse nearly interrupted dark grey dot on the end of the cell, resting on the greyish area, which is cut beneath it by an indistinct oblique whitish line, followed by some darker grey suffusion. A greyish shade is found from the costa before two-thirds to the tornus, pale towards the costa and interrupted above the middle, rather curved on the lower portion, this and terminal extension somewhat darker-barred.
There is a broad white band on the costal border of the forewings, from the base to and attenuating towards two-thirds of the costa. A second white band commences just below, opposite the apical end of the first runs to the apex and there is a broad fuscous band that separates and encloses these two white bands on the inner border. There is also a small triangular fuscous blotch in the disc, and two linear spots opposite the ends of these white bands. There is also a pale suffusion along the disc, and a conspicuous fuscous blotch before the anal angle, as well as a suffusion of fuscous along the inner margin and an oblique hindmarginal line of the same colour bordered on either side with white lines.
The forewings are brownish grey, the extreme costal edge white and with some darker suffusion towards the dorsum near the base, as well as a slightly curved irregular darker shade from one-fourth of the costa gradually expanded to the middle of the dorsum, preceded by some irregular whitish suffusion except towards the dorsum. There is an irregular dark fuscous shade from the costa beyond the middle to the dorsum at four-fifths, preceded by a white shade, and one rather sinuate from costa at four-fifths to the tornus followed by a white shade, the space between these uniformly infuscated to form a darker band. The apical area is mixed with white irroration (sprinkling) and there are eight blackish nearly connected marginal marks around the apex and termen. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are grey with the costal edge ochreous yellowish from one-third to near the apex and crimson markings, consisting of a subdorsal spot near the base and the dorsal and discal spots beyond this, one in the disc at one- fourth, one beneath the fold rather before this, two transversely placed and almost connected representing the plical and first discal stigmata, a crescentic mark on the end of the cell with the upper end produced by light suffusion anteriorly and lower connected by a sinuate streak with the dorsum towards the tornus. There is an undefined curved subterminal line of faint suffusion and small dark fuscous marginal dots or marks around the posterior part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are rather dark grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The wingspan is about 13 mm. The forewings are ferruginous with a whitish-grey ochreous streak from the costa near the base to a leaden spot above the dorsum at two-fifths, a greyish streak from the base along the fold to this. There is also an oblique trapezoidal blue-leaden-metallic patch resting on the middle of the costa, one angle reaching two-thirds across the wing, the other projecting near the costa posteriorly. There is an extremely fine very oblique leaden striga from the costa near beyond this to a very oblique blue-leaden striga in the disc at four-fifths, a blackish dash and some dark fuscous suffusion in the disc between this and the preceding patch, and some dark fuscous suffusion in the disc before the patch.
The forewings are rather dark ferruginous brown with an upwards-curved yellowish-white streak from the middle of the base to two- thirds of the disc, margined beneath with blackish, above with bright yellow ochreous, which extends to the costa towards the base. There is a slender white oblique streak from two-thirds of the costa to the middle of the disc, margining a triangular costal suffused patch of purplish-grey and whitish scales, beneath which is sometimes a longitudinal blackish suffusion. A black dot is found in the disc at two-thirds, surrounded by a yellowish-white ring. There are some purplish-grey scales towards the posterior half of the inner margin and a small white spot on the costa at four-fifths, beyond which is a blackish suffusion.
The wingspan is 10–13 mm. The forewings are deep ochreous with the costal edge blackish towards the base and with a broad ferruginous-brown streak beneath the fold from the base to the tornus, suffused beneath and posteriorly, edged above with some black scales and then with whitish suffusion. There is a triangular patch of ferruginous- brown suffusion extending on the costa from two-fifths to near the apex and reaching half across the wing, edged anteriorly by a very oblique ochreous- whitish streak preceded towards the costa by some blackish irroration, and enclosing a shorter similar streak from the costa at three-fourths, the second discal stigma is round and black, edged with ochreous whitish and there are some blackish scales along the termen. The hindwings are rather dark grey.
Telphusa longifasciella is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found in North America, where it has been recorded from Alabama, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Brunswick, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Ontario, Quebec, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin.Telphusa at funetmothphotographersgroup The wingspan is about 18 mm. The forewings are dark purple-fuscous with some white scales at the base and an oblique ochreous-white fascia from one-fourth of the costa to the middle of the dorsum, margined by black suffusion anteriorly, posteriorly continued as a broad irregular whitish streak partially mixed light grey along the dorsum to the middle of the termen, above this a band of black suffusion mixed iridescent crimson-bronzy extending from the fascia to the apex.
The forewings are rather dark fuscous with a rather broad ochreous-whitish streak along the costa from the base, marked with very oblique cloudy dark fuscous strigulae from the costa near the base and at one-fourth, and terminated by a very oblique orange-yellow blackish-edged striga from the costa before the middle, followed by a white posteriorly black-edged strigula and a large medio-dorsal rather oblique transverse dark fuscous blotch edged with whitish, reaching three-fourths across the wing, the anterior edge strongly convex, the posterior almost straight, the apex shortly projecting posteriorly, a transverse fasciate streak of dark fuscous suffusion edged on each side with grey-whitish suffusion midway between this and the base. There is an irregular transverse leaden line at three-fourths, preceded on the dorsal half by an 8-shaped darker blotch edged with ochreous whitish, on the costa followed by an ochreous-whitish dot. There are some slight marks of ochreous-whitish suffusion in the disc beyond this, as well as an oblique leaden line before the apex from an ochreous-whitish spot in the costal cilia, then to the tornus abutting on an ochreous-whitish terminal line. The hindwings are dark fuscous.
The forewings are whitish-ochreous, faintly tinged or sprinkled pale reddish-ochreous in the disc and towards the termen and there are small spots of ferruginous suffusion on the costa beyond the first tuft and before the second. The stigmata are partly indicated by two or three blackish specks each, the plical rather obliquely beyond the first discal. The hindwings are whitish.Exotic Microlep.
Chiasmia fidoniata is a moth of the family Geometridae. It is found in Pakistan, India, Thailand and China (Hong Kong). The wingspan is 28 mm for the wet season form and 25 mm for the dry season form. The antemedial and medial lines of the forewings are broadened into nearly straight bands and there is some fuscous suffusion beyond the postmedial line.
The forewings are pale ochreous, with a narrowly black base. The costal area is tinged with crimson anteriorly and there is an oblong dark fuscous patch occupying the dorsal two-thirds of the wing from near the base to two-third, followed posteriorly and above beyond the middle by some fuscous suffusion and dark fuscous irroration. The hindwings are light grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are pale yellow ochreous with a fuscous costal edge, irrorated (sprinkled) with whitish and slightly thickened posteriorly. It is united with a broad marginal band of fuscous suffusion irrorated with whitish extending towards around the apex and termen and continued more narrowly along the dorsum to before the middle. The hindwings are whitish grey.Annals of the South African Museum.
Abstract and full article: The length of the forewings is 9.5–13 mm. The overall coloration of the adults is brown with a green-gray cast. The hindwing of the female is more heavily suffused with brown than the male, although the amount of dark suffusion is variable among males. Adults have been recorded on wing in April, May, July, August and September.
The length of the forewings is 13–14 mm. The forewings are buff with a thin brown submarginal line, with brown suffusion between it and the outer margin. There is a small discal spot and a brown streak at the base of the inner margin and there are scattered brown scales elsewhere. The hindwings are buff, with brownish shading around the anal angle.
The forewings are pale ochreous fuscous with white, ill-defined markings. There is a broad sub-basal fascia and a dorsal suffusion confluent with the fascia, as well as an ill-defined costal mark at one-third and a more distinct inwardly-oblique curved line from five-sixths of the costa to the tornus. The hindwings are pale-grey.Proc. R. Soc.
The forewings are whitish ochreous, the veins irregularly lined or streaked with deep ferruginous and the dorsal area suffused with ferruginous, as well as with some ferruginous suffusion towards the costa posteriorly, and beyond the cell, extending beneath vein 8 to the apex. The discal stigmata is represented by narrow elongate very oblique deep ferruginous spots. The hindwings are ochreous tinged with fuscous.
The forewings are greyish ochreous, with a few scattered black scales and with the costa suffused with dark grey except towards the apex, where it is tinged with crimson. The stigmata are indicated by small indistinct spots of grey suffusion, the discal approximated, the plical rather before the first discal. The hindwings are rather dark grey.Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society.
Costa, apical area and hind margin dusky ochreous, striated by the nervules and rays which are broadly powdered with dark brown. The ochreous marginal border gradually obscured towards the hind angle by a sepia-brown suffusion. A black spot at base of costa, and some black at base of area 1b. Hindwing Basal area and hind margin greenish ochreous, central area ochreous.
Beyond this is a more or less defined blackish suffusion, tending to form two separate spots, the lower more marked. There are indications of a short longitudinal dark fuscous streak in disc at about two-thirds. In females, there are two conspicuous white opposite almost connected spots beyond two-thirds, while they are not traceable in males. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are grey. The stigmata are cloudy, blackish and often obscure, the plical obliquely before the first discal, sometimes a faint oblique shade of blackish irroration (sprinkles) from near the costa at one-third to the first discal. There is an obscure whitish dot on the costa at two-thirds, preceded by slight darker suffusion, sometimes obsolete. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are lighter or darker bronzy ochreous, more or less tinged or suffused with grey and with a broad streak of whitish suffusion along the costa, becoming subcostal for more or less the distance beyond the middle. The plical and second discal stigmata are sometimes dark fuscous, sometimes obsolete. The hindwings are bluish grey.Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute.
The forewings are whitish ochreous, irregularly marbled with pale grey suffusion, the marblings sometimes sprinkled with blackish points. The first discal stigma is very faint and ferruginous, the plical and second discal distinct, blackish, with the plical slightly before the first discal, all these surrounded by clear spaces of ground colour. The hindwings are ochreous whitish or grey whitish.Meyrick, Edward (1912–1916).
Forewings with oblique, sub-basal, and antemedial lines angled below costa. The medial area blackish, with black cell-speck and edged by oblique black lines, where the outer highly dentate below veins 3 and 2. There is an indistinct waved postmedial line and waved grey sub-marginal line. Patches of fuscous suffusion found on margin below apex and above outer angle.
The forewings are dark red-brown with a purplish tinge and with purplish suffusion in the cell and on the outer area. There is also a whitish mark at the lower angle of the cell and a series of whitish submarginal specks. There is a marginal series of black specks. The hindwings are paler, except for the outer area.Ann. Mag. Nat. hist.
The stigmata are black, the plical hardly beyond the first discal, the second discal round and rather larger. There are three small oblique black spots on the posterior half of the costa and a terminal patch of brownish-ochreous suffusion, broadest downwards and just reaching the second discal stigma. There are also several indistinct dark fuscous terminal dots. The hindwings are pale greyish.
The forewings are grey brownish, the costa slenderly ochreous yellow from the base to near the apex. The stigmata are moderate and black, the plical slightly before the first discal. There is a pre-marginal series of cloudy- blackish dots around the posterior part of the costa and termen, on the termen obscured in a streak of grey suffusion. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are deep ochreous yellow, with a few scattered black scales. There are small blackish dots at the base of the costa and dorsum. There are elongate blackish spots on the costa about one-fifth and the middle. The stigmata are large and blackish, the plical rather obliquely before first discal, preceded by more or less black suffusion on the fold.
The forewings are brownish-ochreous, irrorated (sprinkled) with fuscous and dark fuscous. The stigmata are moderate or large and dark fuscous, the plical somewhat before the first discal. There is a small pre-tornal spot of dark fuscous suffusion and an almost marginal series of dark fuscous dots along the posterior portion of the costa and termen. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are whitish ochreous tinged with yellowish and mixed with pale ochreous brownish. The costa, dorsum, and all veins are marked by fine white lines and there is some whitish subdorsal suffusion. The discal stigmata are small and blackish, with the plical represented by a very fine black linear mark obliquely before the first discal. The hindwings are whitish.
There is a semi-oval fuscous blotch, mixed with dark fuscous, extending along the dorsum from the base to three-fourths, reaching more than halfway across the wing. There is sometimes a fine dark fuscous longitudinal dash in the disc beyond the middle and there is some dark fuscous suffusion towards the tornus. The hindwings are whitish fuscous, becoming fuscous posteriorly.
The forewings are light greyish-ochreous, irregularly sprinkled with white and dark fuscous. The markings are cloudy, formed of dark golden- brown irroration mixed with dark fuscous. There are small spots at the base of the costa and dorsum and a dorsal suffusion from one-fourth to near the tornus. The stigmata are rather large, the plical somewhat beyond the first discal.
There is some yellow suffusion irrorated with brown below the end of the cell and at the middle of the inner margin. The postmedial line is formed by a series of small black-brown lunules. The hindwings are white with a slight yellow tinge. There is a black-brown discoidal annulus, as well as a maculate black-brown postmedial line.
It is a whitish moth with slight rufous and fuscous suffusion. Head blackish. Forewings with rusty costa. A medial sinuous line present, which is angled below costa, with another line beyond it produced to points beyond the angles of cell and approaching the medial line below the cell, the area between them usually tinged with rufous and with a cell-spot.
The forewings are pale brownish ochreous, more or less suffusedly irrorated (sprinkled) with dark grey, and the apical three-fifths irregularly suffused with dark brown. There are spots of blackish irroration in the disc beyond the middle and at two-fifths, as well as a small blackish apical spot, edged anteriorly with whitish suffusion. The hindwings are dark grey.Meyrick, Edward (1916–1923).
The space between this and the second line is fuscous except towards the costa. The second line is dark fuscous and there is an indistinct fuscous suffusion before the apex, as well as a fuscous hindmarginal line. The hindwings are white with a moderately broad blackish fuscous median band and a fuscous hindmarginal line."Descriptions of Lepidoptera from the South Pacific".
Scrobipalpula semirosea is a moth in the family Gelechiidae. It is found solely in North America, where it has been observed in Texas. The wingspan is 16–17 mm. The moth's forewings are dark grey, minutely speckled whitish with the costal half of the wing suffused light rose-pink except towards the costa, margined beneath by an undefined streak of blackish-grey suffusion.
The forewings are greyish ochreous sprinkled with dark fuscous and with a dark fuscous dot above the subdorsal groove at one-fifth. The discal stigmata are dark fuscous, the first moderate, the second cloudy, where a slightly curved, somewhat oblique fuscous shade runs to the dorsum. There is also a streak of fuscous suffusion along the termen. The hindwings are grey.
There is a small sub-basal blackish dot beneath the costa. The stigmata are blackish, the plical rather obliquely before the first discal, the second discal larger. There is a spot of grey suffusion with some black scales on the costa beyond the second discal. There are undefined marginal dots of blackish irroration around the posterior part of the costa and termen.
The forewings are ochreous white with a few dark grey specks posteriorly. The stigmata are moderate and blackish grey, with the discal nearly approximated and the plical very obliquely before the first discal. There is narrow fuscous suffusion along the costa from the middle to three- fourths, as well as some small terminal groups of blackish irroration. The hindwings are whitish.
There is an irregular grey or dark grey spot in the disc at three-fourths. There are four small dark fuscous spots on the costa posteriorly, and a rounded terminal patch of fuscous or dark fuscous suffusion, in which are obscurely indicated a short blackish discal streak and some blackish terminal dots. The hindwings are grey, darker posteriorly.Meyrick, Edward (1916–1923).
There is a fuscous blotch, suffused with dark fuscous on the fold and towards the dorsum, extending along the dorsum from the base to near the tornus, broadest in the middle and reaching half across the wing, irregularly narrowed to a point posteriorly. There is some irregular dark fuscous suffusion above the tornus. The hindwings are pale grey, darker posteriorly.
Antaeotricha glaucescens is a moth of the family Depressariidae. It is found in French Guiana."Antaeotricha Zeller, 1854" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms The wingspan is 16–19 mm for males and about 23 mm for females. The forewings are greenish-grey, obscurely streaked with grey- whitish suffusion along the veins and with the costal and terminal edge whitish.
Pelocnistis is a genus of moth in the family Gelechiidae. It contains the species Pelocnistis xylozona, which is found in The wingspan is about 9 mm. The forewings are light greyish-ochreous irrorated dark grey and with an obscure rather narrow direct median fascia of brownish and dark grey suffusion, a dark grey dot on this indicating the plical stigma.
The wingspan is about 35 mm. The forewings are testaceous, with a patch of bluish grey suffusion beyond the end of the cell (only apparent in some lights), not reaching the termen or costa. Before it, at the end of the cell, is a single round blackish spot between veins 5 and 6. The hindwings are tawny grey, pale ochreous along the costa.
The forewings are yellow ochreous, irregularly sprinkled with fuscous and with a streak of dark fuscous suffusion along the costa from the base to five-sixths. The dorsal edge is suffused with dark fuscous towards the base and the discal stigmata are dark fuscous. There is a narrow suffused dark fuscous terminal fascia, leaving the terminal edge pale ochreous. The hindwings are grey.
The wingspan is about 19 mm. The forewings are light greyish ochreous, slightly sprinkled white towards the costa. There are dots of one or two black scales at the base of the costa, and near the base in the middle. There are also spots of fuscous suffusion mixed blackish on the costa towards the base, and in the disc at one-fourth.
Hindwings ochreous, suffused with fuscous, especially on the outer area. Underside with disk of forewing and whole of hindwing except the costa and inner margin clothed with golden silvery scales. Costa of forewing with a postmedial black spot. The female has a more fuscous suffusion on the forewing, especially in the cell and on each side of the apical streak.
Adult females are black with a large white patch on each wing, and a faint metallic blue suffusion toward the base. Adult males are plain dull blue. The larvae feed on young shoots and flowers of Amylotheca dictyophleba, Dendrophthoe curvata, Dendrophthoe vitellina, Muellerina celastroides, Amyema congener, Amyema miquelii, Amyema conspicua and Benthamina alyxifolia. They are attended by the ant Technomyrmex sophiae.
The forewings are shining white, with some scattered fuscous or dark fuscous scales and an outwardly oblique bar from the middle of the dorsum reaching halfway across the wing, a spot on the tornus, a spot on the costa at three-fourths, and an ochreous-fuscous terminal suffusion towards the apex, or indicated by dark fuscous irroration (sprinkling) only. The hindwings are grey.
The wingspan is 15–18 mm. The forewings are whitish-grey irrorated with black scales and there is a black dot in the disc at two-thirds. There is an obscure, outwardly oblique, short, black marking from the middle of the inner-margin and beyond this is a small whitish-grey patch. A blackish suffusion is found at the anal angle.
The wingspan is about 20 mm. The forewings are white heavily sprinkled with fuscous and with fuscous markings. There is an oblique, slightly curved line from beneath the costa near the base to near the base of the dorsum. There is a small dorsal suffusion, from the middle of which a stout inwardly oblique line runs halfway across the disc.
The forewings are light brownish ochreous speckled with fuscous, with the stigmata dark fuscous, the plical little marked, somewhat before the first discal. There is an undefined spot of dark fuscous suffusion on the dorsal before the second discal and a pre-marginal series of cloudy dark fuscous dots around the posterior part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are light gray irrorated (speckled) with white and slightly sprinkled with dark fuscous. There are some slight dots of blackish irroration along the costa and black dots in the disc at one-third, two-thirds and three-fourths, the last larger. The apical fourth has clouded purplish-gray suffusion and scattered dark fuscous scales. The hindwings are gray.
The wingspan is 11–14 mm. These moths have a creamy-white patch on the front of the head.UKmoths Gypsonoma dealbana is the most variable of the species in the genus Gypsonoma in general coloration and clarity of the forewing markings. The white ground color can be overlaid by a plumbeous or brownish grey suffusion with markings less distinct and often partially obscured.
In greenhouses, a third generation may develop. In Japan and Korea, there are also two generations per year, with adults on wing from May to June and from September to October. It is a very variable species. The intensity of the greyish suffusion on specimens with a silver-white ground colour may be sufficiently heavy to almost obliterate the ground colour.
Cerconota siraphora is a moth of the family Depressariidae. It is found in Guyana, French Guiana, Brazil and Peru."Cerconota Meyrick, 1915" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms The wingspan is about 20 mm. The forewings are greyish-violet with the extreme costal edge whitish and with some violet-fuscous suffusion towards the dorsum about one-fourth.
The forewings are whitish, the costal half suffused with pale ferruginous brownish except for undefined spaces at about one-third and two-thirds. There is a streak of pale ferruginous-brownish suffusion along the fold and the discal stigmata is very small and black. There are three groups of projecting black scales from the dorsal margin. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are pinkish ochreous with grey suffusion and two spots on the discocellular. There is a ferruginous wavy line, nearly vertical and before the middle. There is also a strongly dentate line at the middle of the costa, running out from veins 3 to 5 an inward again to the middle of the inner margin. The included space is pale rufous.
The forewings are rather dark ochreous fuscous, slightly purplish tinged. There are small indistinct spots of pale ochreous suffusion on the costa before the middle, before three-fourths, and at the apex. An oblong pale ochreous patch extends on the dorsum from the middle to the tornus and reaching nearly halfway across the wing, suffused above. The hindwings are dark fuscous.
The moth's wingspan is 21–22 mm. The forewings are reddish-purple fuscous, on the basal two-fifths speckled whitish, towards the base sprinkled dark fuscous. There is some irregular ferruginous-ochreous suffusion towards the costa beyond the middle, and before the apex, as well as a minute white dot on the lower angle of the cell. The hindwings are rather dark grey.
The forewings are light ochreous, slightly brownish tinged. The discal stigmata are minute and rather dark fuscous. There is a curved subterminal series of small groups of rather dark fuscous scales becoming obsolete towards the margins. The hindwings are pale grey, tinged with ochreous whitish anteriorly and with an inwards-oblique mark of dark grey suffusion from the posterior edge of the concavity.
Neotelphusa castrigera is a moth of the family Gelechiidae first described by Edward Meyrick in 1913. It is found in South Africa and Zimbabwe. The wingspan is about 14 mm. The forewings are dark grey with the basal area blackish grey, limited by an irregular oblique blackish fascia, followed by a broader fascia of whitish suffusion except towards the dorsum.
Neotelphusa craterota is a moth of the family Gelechiidae first described by Edward Meyrick in 1913. It is found in South Africa. The wingspan is 12–13 mm. The forewings are grey and there is a black basal patch occupying one-third of the wing, the edge nearly vertical, slightly irregular, margined with whitish suffusion, forming a white spot on the costa.
There are small raised ochreous spots representing the stigmata, the plical near and obliquely beyond the first discal, an additional spot near the costa beyond the second blackish spot forming with these an oblique series. There is also some undefined ochreous suffusion towards the margins near the apex. The hindwings are rather dark grey. The larvae feed between appressed leaves of Ougeinia dalbergioides.
The markings are obscure, formed by blackish-grey irroration. There is some irregular basal clouding, with cloudy spots on the costa at two-fifths and two-thirds, some suffusion in the median area of the disc, and a patch occupying the apical fourth. The costal edge is suffused whitish at about one-fourth and the middle. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are deep orange with brilliant green-blue-metallic costal and median streaks from the base to the middle, the median continued obliquely downwards along the fold to near its extremity, but interrupted beneath the end of the cell. There is an oblique-elongate green-blue-metallic spot in the disc beyond the middle and a bright blue-metallic irregularly trapezoidal blotch beneath the costa at three-fourths, edged above with some blackish suffusion extending along the costa. There is also a roundish tornal blotch of dark fuscous suffusion extending over the termen to near the apex, as well as a series of short prismatic violet-blue-metallic dashes before the posterior part of the costa and termen, suffused together towards the apex of the wing. There is also a fine dark fuscous terminal line.
There is a fascia near the base composed of two irregular dark fuscous lines mixed with leaden-metallic coincident at the extremities. There is a similar irregular transverse line at one-fourth, closely followed by a moderate dark fuscous fascia, narrowed on the costa and dilated on the dorsum. There is a round dark fuscous dot mixed with leaden-metallic in the middle of the disc and a moderate inwards-curved fascia of fuscous suffusion from about three-fourths of the costa to the tornus, marked with a strongly inwards- oblique leaden-metallic streak from the costa, a dot below the middle, and a longitudinal mark on the tornus. There are also three similar longitudinal leaden-metallic marks on the termen, and one on the costa before the apex, more or less surrounded with fuscous suffusion.
The wingspan is about 21 mm. The forewings are brown sprinkled dark fuscous, the base and basal half of the costa moderately broadly suffused rather dark fuscous, the dorsum and termen slenderly suffused dark fuscous, the discal area beyond the cell suffused brassy yellowish, the veins in this area forming dark brown lines. There is a transverse dark fuscous line from the dorsum at one-fourth to the costal suffusion and a slightly oblique dark fuscous shade from the costa before the middle to the lower margin of the cell, as well as a crescentic white spot on the costal postmedian depression. A very small snow- white transverse spot is found on the end of the cell and there is a dark brown subterminal line enclosing with dark terminal suffusion and veins a series of brassy-yellow spots.
The forewings are ochreous whitish with an irregular streak of yellow- ochreous suffusion along the fold throughout, and some irregular lighter patches on the dorsal area. The discal stigmata are indicated by undefined spots of yellow-ochreous suffusion, sometimes with a few black specks, the plical by a short fine linear mark of black scales, very obliquely before the first discal. There is a patch of raised (probably erectile) whitish scales beneath fold in the middle of the wing and a slightly projecting tuft of raised scales on the middle of the costa, preceded by a blackish dot, from about which proceed two very oblique obscure pale ochreous streaks running together into the apex. An irregular transverse brown blotch is found on the costa at two-thirds, reaching rather more than halfway across the wing, crossing these.
The wingspan is about 20 mm. The forewings are light grey with the basal fourth irregularly mixed blackish, followed by a transverse strigula of blackish irroration in the disc above the middle, above this the costa is shortly suffused white and there is an undefined band of irregular blackish irroration with some ferruginous scales crossing the wing from the middle of the costa to two-thirds of the dorsum, the second discal stigma forming an oblique wedge-shaped blackish spot on the posterior edge of this, surrounded with some ferruginous suffusion, beyond this some white suffusion along the costa. A slightly curved cloudy white dotted line is found from four-fifths of the costa to the tornus, indented near the costa. Beyond this is some blackish sprinkling, and towards the costa some ferruginous irroration, a cloudy whitish line before the margin.
There is a grey streak from the base of the costa above the fold, and a blackish line along the fold from the base to the linear blackish plical stigma. A very oblique dark grey streak is found from beneath the costa at one-fifth to the elongate dark grey first discal stigma, nearly above the plical. The second discal stigma is cloudy, dark fuscous, placed in some elongate fuscous suffusion, a very oblique dark fuscous line from the middle of the costa to just above this. There is a semi-oval blotch of dark grey suffusion before the middle of the dorsum, and a triangular blotch towards the tornus, as well as a rather strongly curved dark fuscous line, thickened towards the extremities, from the costa at three-fourths to the dorsal end of the latter.
The forewings are shining leaden grey with a thick blackish streak above the middle from the base, reaching the costa at the base, terminated by a large irregular ochreous-orange blotch extending in the disc above middle from one-fourth to two-thirds and reaching the costa towards the middle, preceded and followed on the costa by some blackish suffusion. There is an elongate irregularly semi-oval blackish blotch extending along the dorsum from one-fourth to two-thirds and reaching halfway across the wing, abutting on the orange blotch. There is also a fine transverse whitish- ochreous line at four-fifths, very slightly angulated in the middle, edged with blackish suffusion which is considerably dilated towards the tornus. A pale greyish-ochreous streak follows this on the upper half, continued along the costa and termen to near the tornus.
The subterminal fascia consists of a buff-brown line inwardly oblique to vein 4, slightly excurved to vein 2, where it is merged into the suffusion of the postmedial. The subterminal area is suffused with buff-brown. The hindwings are cream-colour, the postmedial fascia consisting of a faint buff-brown line from the costa to vein 3. The subterminal area is lightly suffused with buff- brown.
The forewings are pale pinkish ochreous tinged with grey, and strewn with undefined dots and strigulae of blackish scales. There is a pale basal spot, edged on the dorsal half with blackish suffusion and the costa is spotted with blackish. The discal stigmata is blackish, first preceded by a similar dot obliquely before and above it, the second larger. The hindwings are pale greyish ochreous.
Onceropyga pulchra is a species of moth in the family Zygaenidae. It is found in Australia in south-eastern Queensland and eastern New South Wales. The length of the forewings is 6.5 mm for males and 8 mm for females. The upperside of the forewings is dark brown with a slightly lighter spot at the end of the cell, distally bordered by a suffusion of blackish scales.
There is an irregular blotch of blackish suffusion in the disc at one-fourth. The stigmata are rather large, suffused, black, the plical near before the first discal, the second discal edged with white posteriorly, touching a blotch of blackish irroration (sprinkles) on the costa beyond the middle, and a small tornal spot. The hindwings are grey, thinly scaled in the disc and towards the base.
The forewings are white with a moderate very undefined basal fascia of blue-grey suffusion. There is a large yellow-ochreous patch occupying the posterior three-fourths of the wing except a white marginal streak, edged with blue grey and finely streaked with blue grey on all the veins. The hindwings are light grey. The larvae are rather flat, at first reddish, afterwards creamy white.
Male. Wingspan 68 mm. Forewing sepia black. Cell, basal portions of 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and nearly all lb, rather thinly scaled and partially transparent. A slight submarginal powdering of whitish scales in lb. Hindwing with a dark sepia-grey basal suffusion extending slightly beyond origin of nervule 2, and outwardly approximately determined by a line drawn from middle of costa to middle of inner margin.
The forewings are pale greenish grey with white reflections, the veins white irregularly sprinkled with violet brown and the basal area wholly white. The costal edge is rosy and there is very undefined rosy-brown suffusion forming a patch along the anterior half of the dorsum and a fascia from the middle of the disc to the dorsum before the tornus. The hindwings are whitish rosy.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
Cathelotis is a monotypic moth genus in the Copromorphidae family. Its sole species is Cathelotis sanidopa, which is found in Colombia. The wingspan is about 23 mm. The forewings are light greyish-ochreous sprinkled fuscous with a patch of fuscous suffusion occupying the costal half from the base to the middle, a cloudy dark fuscous dot on the lower edge of this representing the first discal stigma.
Acleris fragariana is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in North America, where it has been recorded from Alberta, California, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Ontario and Washington.mothphotographersgroup The wingspan is 15–16 mm. The forewings are pale orange-yellow in the basal half and with reddish-purple suffusion over the outer area and along the inner margin to the base.
There is more or less dark fuscous suffusion towards the median area of the dorsum and the apical fourth of the wing is dark fuscous, extending to the tornus. The hindwings are light grey.Ann. Transv. Mus. 8 (2): 99 The larval host plant is unknown, but is likely to be some sort of dry plant matter or debris, perhaps affected by mould or other fungi.
The forewings are pale ochreous with the costa slenderly suffused with grey from the base to two-thirds. The dorsal two-fifths is obscurely suffused with grey from near the base to the tornus and the discal stigmata are black, the first somewhat elongate. There is a terminal streak of dark grey suffusion from the apex to near the tornus. The hindwings are light grey.
1, Die Großschmetterlinge des palaearktischen Faunengebietes, Die palaearktischen eulenartigen Nachtfalter, 1914 Diagnostic features: forewings may be pale brown or darker brown, forewings may have a glossy appearance; the darker stigmata clearly defined, antemedian line is dentate; postmedian line is poorly defined; subterminal line pale with a darker mottled suffusion; termen with dark lunules between the veins, hindwings are pale glossy white with a small discal spot.
The forewing length is 17–31 mm; the wings have a white ground colour, often with a yellowish tint, and in females with a dark suffusion. The pattern consists of small separate black spots or strokes. Reddish or yellowish spots on the hindwings are elongate and to some extent stretched along the veins and may be reduced. The small sphragis is irregular in shape.
The forewings are pale ochreous, more or less sprinkled with dark fuscous. The stigmata are black, the plical rather obliquely before the first discal, the second discal sometimes rather large. There is a small spot of blackish suffusion on the dorsum beneath the second discal and a row of cloudy blackish dots close before the posterior third of the costa and termen. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are ochreous, thinly sprinkled with dark fuscous. The stigmata are cloudy, dark fuscous, the plical rather obliquely before the first discal, an additional dot beneath and somewhat before the second discal, or these sometimes connected. There is sometimes some greyish suffusion towards the termen. A slender cloudy dark fuscous streak is found along the upper part of the termen, sometimes tending to form three dots.
The forewings are light greyish ochreous more or less irrorated (sprinkled) with fuscous or dark fuscous. The stigmata form small cloudy fuscous or dark fuscous spots or dots, the plical rather obliquely before the first discal, sometimes an additional spot midway between the first discal and the base. There are sometimes terminal dots of dark fuscous suffusion. The hindwings are ochreous whitish, the apex sometimes greyish tinged.
The forewings are light ochreous brown, with a few scattered black scales and a streak of blackish suffusion along the costa throughout, becoming very slender towards the base, in the middle forming a triangular prominence. The plical and second discal stigmata are small and black and there are some black dots along the posterior part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are rather dark grey.
The forewings are pale greyish ochreous, irregularly mixed with fuscous and dark fuscous, especially on the margins and with a dark fuscous dot below the costa near the base. The stigmata are rather large, dark fuscous, with the plical obliquely before the first discal, the second discal confluent with an upright mark of dark fuscous suffusion from the tornus. The hindwings are grey, paler towards the base.
There are generally two submarginal dots, but sometimes more. There is some black basal dusting. The hindwings have a narrow grey-black marginal border from the anal angle to vein 4 or a little beyond, sometimes slightly broken up by the white ground-colour. Females are creamy-white, the forewings with brownish basal suffusion and a broad black-brown outer marginal border shaped as in the males.
The forewings are ochreous-whitish, suffused with pale ochreous- yellowish in the disc and sprinkled with dark fuscous. The first line is ochreous-white, edged posteriorly with dark fuscous suffusion. The second line is ochreous-white, edged anteriorly with dark fuscous. The terminal area is irrorated with dark fuscous and there is an ochreous-whitish subterminal line, as well as an interrupted ochreous-white terminal line.
The basal patch has a rather oblique edge and a moderately broad rather oblique central fascia. There is also a moderate fascia from three-fourths of the costa to the tornus and a narrow terminal fascia formed by yellow-ochreous suffusion. It is indistinct and marked with small tufts of scales, some of which are sprinkled with blackish. The hindwings are light grey.Proc. Linn. Soc.
The forewings are deep yellow ochreous or brownish ochreous, sprinkled with purplish fuscous and dark fuscous. There is a curved postmedian fascia more or less obscurely indicated by margins of purplish-fuscous and dark fuscous suffusion, narrowed dorsally, the enclosed portion sometimes ferruginous tinged. The hindwings are pale whitish ochreous, towards the termen slightly infuscated. There is a slight groove on the lower margin of the cell.
The forewings are light ochreous tawny, irregularly suffused with fuscous. The base of the costa with a fuscous, attenuated streak and the dorsum from the base to beyond the middle with a faint fuscous suffusion. The discal stigmata are rather large, very faint, suffused and brownish. The plical stigma is conspicuous, elongate and dark brown, slightly closer to second the discal than to the first discal stigma.
Amphidromus cognatus is large, with a shell length ranging from 21-33 mm (0.8-1.3 inches) and a diameter of 12-17 mm (0.5-0.7 inches). The ground colour of its shell is yellow, often with a peripheral spiral brown band, a purplish apical suffusion and a light yellow or white lip.Threatened Species of the Northern Territory: Cognate Land Snail (Amphidromus cognatus) , Government of the Northern Territory.
Oncerozancla is a genus of moth in the family Gelechiidae. It contains the species Oncerozancla euopa, which is found in Australia, where it has been recorded from The wingspan is about 24 mm. The forewings are ochreous-whitish largely suffused with brown, which forms a costal streak from the base to two-fifths, a large suffused postmedian blotch, and a slighter dorsal suffusion.
The forewings are dark purplish bronzy fuscous, the dorsum marked with obscure whitish-ochreous strigulae. There is a narrow obscure straight antemedian fascia of whitish- ochreous suffusion and there is a small whitish-ochreous discal spot at two- thirds, as well as a small triangular whitish-ochreous costal spot before three-fourths. The hindwings are pale whitish ochreous, irrorated (sprinkled) with light fuscous except towards the base.
The wingspan is about 65 mm. The forewings are brownish fuscous, obscurely and suffusedly irrorated grey whitish towards the base and costa. The costal edge is fulvous, edged beneath with dark brown suffusion and there are three straight oblique parallel indistinct dark brown lines crossing the disc but not reaching the margins, the third directed towards the termen below the middle. The hindwings are ochreous yellowish.
The wingspan is 25–26 mm. The forewings are violet fuscous with the costal edge ochreous yellow and with some slight irregular irroration of pale grey scales, some accompanying obscure small dark grey stigmata, hardly defined. A faint darker curved subterminal shade precedes some pale grey irroration or suffusion along the termen and there are also some indistinct dark grey terminal dots. The hindwings are dark grey.
The forewings are richly decorated with dark coppery-brown patterns distinctly marked with black scales. The outer margin and cilia are lighter golden yellow. The hindwings have an intensive dark suffusion, which is especially wide on the outer margin, the discal spot and the well-marked postmedial fascia. Adults have been collected from the end of March to the beginning of April at altitudes ranging from .
The forewings are shining white, with a faint ochreous tinge and with the costal edge dark fuscous towards the base. There is a crescentic wedge-shaped fuscous tornal mark reaching halfway across the wing and there are two rather suffused dark fuscous oblique streaks from the costa towards the apex. There is also a black apical dot, preceded by some fuscous suffusion. The hindwings are light grey.
The wingspan is 19–24 mm. The forewings are whitish with the veins partly outlined by blackish fuscous scales and the basal part of the disc sparsely irrorated with fuscous. There is a pale reddish-brown suffusion over the middle and posterior portions of the disc above the fold and several inconspicuous black dots on the apical one-third of the costa. The hindwings are pale grey.
Stenoma tyrocrossa is a moth of the family Depressariidae. It is found in Pará, Brazil."Stenoma Zeller, 1839" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms The wingspan is 13–14 mm. The forewings are dark grey with the costal edge white from one-fourth to three-fourths and with an oblique suffused whitish spot from the costa before the middle, followed by slight blackish suffusion.
Antaeotricha innexa is a moth of the family Depressariidae. It is found in Peru."Antaeotricha Zeller, 1854" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms The wingspan is 16–19 mm. The forewings are light grey, the costal edge ochreous-whitish and with a short dark fuscous mark from the base of the costa and some indistinct suffusion above the base of the dorsum.
The forewings are ochreous, more or less sprinkled with fuscous. The stigmata is black, the plical beneath the first discal and there is a small cloudy spot or short inwards-oblique streak of fuscous suffusion from the dorsum towards the tornus, as well as a submarginal series of small irregular blackish dots around the apex and termen. The hindwings are light ochreous greyish.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are whitish in the costal two-thirds, suffused with fuscous. The suffusion becoming heavier towards the apex, with four indistinct longitudinal fuscous streaks. The costa is fuscous. The forewings are fuscous in the dorsal one-third, with the costal edge of this area bearing a dark fuscous bar, followed by a large oval dark fuscous spot, with a small triangular whitish indentation immediately beyond.
The forewings are greyish ochreous or light fuscous, with a broad costal streak from the base to three-fourths, suffusedly mixed with white. The base of the dorsal edge is white, edged above with blackish suffusion. The discal stigmata are white, first forming an oblique mark, the second dot like. Both are more or less edged by blackish and connected by an elongate blackish spot.
The forewings are pale grey and the costa narrowly rosy with the extreme edge whitish. The stigmata is fuscous, the first minute discal at one-third, the minute plical beyond it and the larger second discal before two-thirds. The subterminal line is absent or very faintly indicated. The hindwings are ochreous-whitish with faint grey suffusion on the apex and termen.Proc. Linn. Soc.
The forewings are rosy grey with a bright rosy costal line, the extreme costal edge ochreous. There is a triangular rosy-edged spot on three-fifths of the costa, connected by rosy and ochreous suffusion with two-thirds of the dorsum. The stigmata is small and purple fuscous. The first discal is found at one- third, the plical before it and the second discal before two-thirds.
The forewings are light reddish ochreous suffusedly mixed ferruginous and with the basal half of the costa suffused with ferruginous with a blue gloss. The base of the dorsum is dark grey. The stigmata is blackish, the plical and first discal rather large, the plical rather posterior, these two connected by irregular grey suffusion, the second discal smaller. There is some blackish speckling towards the termen.
The forewings are yellow ochreous with the base of the costa dark fuscous. There is a small blackish dot in the disc at one-fourth. The stigmata are moderate, black, the plical slightly beyond the first discal, the second discal connected with the dorsum by some pale greyish suffusion. There is a short blackish-grey streak from the apex along the upper part of the termen.
The several examples show no variation in sculpture, but some in coloration and size. The albino variety is smaller and unicolorous, being of a pale ochreous externally, with white aperture. The normal state exhibits a purplish suffusion both externally and within, and scattered dots and maculations along the spiral lirae which surround the shell, especially prominent on the ribs of the body whorl.Melvill J.C. 1899.
The forewings are snow white with a large rounded dark fuscous patch extending from the middle of the dorsum over the posterior half of the wing but not reaching the costa and leaving an irregular white terminal line to the tornus. The hindwings are grey whitish, with an apical blotch of light grey suffusion. The larvae feed on the bark of Schleichera trijuga.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are rather dark ochreous fuscous with an ochreous-yellow basal patch occupying two-fifths of the wing, the base partially suffused with fuscous, the outer edge straight. An ochreous-yellowish dot is found on the costa at two-thirds and there is an indistinct streak of ochreous-yellowish suffusion around the apex. The hindwings are dark fuscous.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London.
There are streaks of fuscous suffusion mixed silvery-white between veins 9-11 towards the costa and a large equilateral triangular white blotch resting on the upper two- thirds of the termen, limited above by vein 8 and cut by ferruginous lines on 5 and 6. The terminal edge is finely blackish. The hindwings are ochreous- whitish thinly strewn with grey hair-scales. The veins are grey.
The wingspan is about 22 mm. The forewings are yellowish crimson rosy with the extreme costal edge white and with a broad suffused light yellow patch extending along the costa from before the middle to near the apex, indistinctly spotted with pale fuscous suffusion. There are two or three very undefined black dots on the termen beneath the apex. The hindwings are light reddish grey.
The wingspan is about 23 mm. The forewings are crimson, with numerous small pale yellow spots arranged in series. The costal edge is crimson, beneath this a narrow dark grey streak throughout continued around the termen to the tornus. There is a small dark grey spot on the dorsum at two-fifths, from which some slight grey suffusion runs to the dark grey second discal stigma.
The wingspan is 19 mm. The forewings are white with the markings fuscous. There is some suffusion at the bases of the costa and dorsum and a median dot on the fold. Twin dots are found above the middle at two- thirds and there is a small spot on the costa near the apex, connected by a zig-zag line with a dot above tornus.
Recurvaria stibomorpha is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found in North America, where it has been recorded from Ontario.Recurvaria at funetmothphotographersgroup The wingspan is 9–10 mm. The forewings are white irregularly speckled grey and with a dark grey spot on the costa near the base, a black dot beneath the fold at one-fourth, and some grey suffusion between these.
Telphusa latebricola is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found on the British Virgin Islands (Thatch island).Telphusa at funet The wingspan is about 8 mm. The forewings are grey-whitish irrorated grey with three small elongate blotches of dark grey suffusion on the costa towards the base, at one-third, and three-fifths, the third followed by an obscure whitish dot.
The forewings are brown irrorated (sprinkled) with dark fuscous with a broad deep yellow-ochreous dorsal stripe from the base, the upper edge indented on the plical stigma, beyond this forming a rounded blotch extending to the discal stigmata, then much narrowed to beyond the tornus, including irregular longitudinal silvery marks towards the base and beyond the middle, and a dot on the tornus. There is an oblique fascia of silvery suffusion at one-fourth and a patch towards the middle of the costa. The stigmata are small, indistinct and dark fuscous, the plical obliquely before the first discal, both these followed by small white dots, the second discal is preceded by a small white dot and surmounted by a small yellow-ochreous spot. A small yellow-ochreous spot is located beneath the costa towards the apex, and some suffusion is found along the termen.
The forewings are brownish, sprinkled with dark fuscous and with an undefined streak of whitish-ochreous suffusion extending from the costa near the base beneath the costa to the costa again near the apex, enclosing the costal space suffused with blackish grey. There is a short oblique line of blackish scales almost from the base of the costa preceding this and there is some broad grey suffusion along the fold, including a suffused blackish plical streak from near the base to about the middle of the wing. The discal stigmata are dark grey, connected by an elongate fuscous spot, the first edged with whitish ochreous. The terminal area is suffused with grey, streaked with dark brown and blackish irroration (sprinkles) on the veins and there are undefined small blackish spots around the apical part of the costa and termen, preceded by small obscure pale ochreous spots.
The forewings are whitish, irregularly sprinkled with grey and dark fuscous with a blackish line above the middle from the base to one-fifth and some dark grey suffusion along the basal half of the dorsum. There is a vague line of dark fuscous sprinkles rising out of this near the base and continued just beneath the fold nearly to the extremity, suffusedly edged with white above. There is also an irregular dark fuscous median line from the base almost to the apex, more blackish on the posterior half, edged with white above, indented by a white mark on the lower edge at three-fourths and obscurely interrupted before the apex. Three or four blackish interneural dashes are found towards the costa posteriorly and there is a streak of dark fuscous suffusion along the costa from before the middle to the apex, cut by four oblique white strigulae.
The forewings are grey with a slight yellowish tinge, the disc sprinkled white towards the base. There is an elongate black dot beneath the costa near the base and a fusiform dark fuscous streak extending along the costa from one-fourth to two-thirds, trisected by two fine oblique white strigulae, preceded by a similar strigula and followed by a white dot. The first white strigula is located within the costal blotch extended to the middle of the disc, preceded there by some darker suffusion and a dark fuscous tuft, a white and dark fuscous tuft on the fold nearly beneath this. There are longitudinal streaks of dark fuscous suffusion from these tufts to a similar apical patch, the upper marked with a black dot and there is an irregular series of white specks crossing the wing at this point, with some scattered white scales towards the apex.
The wingspan is about 26 mm. The forewings are rather shining, white, with a smoky greyish fuscous suffusion along the dorsal half, dilated upward to the apex and mottled throughout with a darker shade of the same colour. This darker mottling is reproduced on the whiter costal half in a costal spot at one- third, almost connected obliquely by a paler shade to the upper edge of the cell, in a paler, outwardly oblique, shade from the middle of the costa to the upper angle of the cell, and in another costal spot a little beyond it, on the outer side of which some white scaling is continued in an outwardly curved line through the fuscous suffusion to the tornus. There is no clear definition of the suffused portion of the wing, the white ground colour blending with it and to some extent contributing to its mottled appearance.
The forewings are whitish, partially tinged with pale grey, and finely irrorated (speckled) throughout with blackish. There is a brown oblique fascia-like spot from the costa about one- third, somewhat dilated downwards, reaching to below the middle of the disc, containing a blackish suffusion towards its lower extremity. A roundish-brown blotch is found in the disc about three-fourths, including a longitudinal suffused blackish streak, and confluent posteriorly with a smaller brown blotch on the middle of the hindmargin. There is a sinuate fuscous line from the middle of the costa to the centre of the blotch at three-fourths and an ill-defined blackish-fuscous denticulate line from two-thirds of the costa to the inner margin before the anal angle, very strongly curved outwards so as to approach the margin throughout, followed on the costa by two or three small spots of brownish suffusion.
The forewings are white, in some examples with a weak very light fuscous suffusion. The markings are dark mouse grey and hair brown and the anterior edge of the costal margin is fuscous at the base. There is a dark mouse grey very outwardly-oblique wedge-like marking from the costa at about four-fifths, followed by and sometimes confluent with a small triangular spot and a small inwardly-oblique dash mixed with black and very near the apex. A broad hair brown or mouse grey suffusion is found along the inner margin from near the base to about three-fifths, followed by a slender wishbone-shaped marking, the upper-most fork of this being nearly straight and reaching to a little beyond the inner end of first costal marking, the lower fork curved and terminating at the blackish pre-apical dash from the costa.
The forewings are pale grey suffusedly irrorated (sprinkled) with white, with a few scattered black scales and a black dot on the base of the costa, as well as slight strigulae before and beyond one- fourth. There is a semi-oval blackish spot on the middle of the costa and an oblique blackish spot in the disc somewhat before this, resting on a streak of grey suffusion mixed with blackish along the fold to near the extremity, connected with the dorsum by suffused spots before the middle and at four- fifths. There is an elongate black mark in the disc at three-fourths and a small grey spot on the costa above this, as well as a streak of grey suffusion along the termen, mixed with blackish on the tornus. The hindwings are grey, anteriorly thinly scaled and subhyaline (almost glass like) with violet-blue iridescence.
Syllepte zarialis is a moth in the family Crambidae first described by Charles Swinhoe in 1917. It is found in Papua New Guinea. Adults are cream coloured, almost pure white, the forewings with the costa pale chocolate and an outer marginal fine line, as well as a little apical suffusion of the same colour. The hindwings have the outer marginal line very faintly touched with the same tint of colour.
The wings are yellowish white, thickly irrorated (sprinkled) and suffused with fuscous grey. The forewings have a curved black antemedial line and a sinuous postmedial line excurved from the costa to vein 3, then bent inwards to vein 2 and oblique to the inner margin. The area between the two lines is without the fuscous irroration or suffusion from the costa to vein 2. There is a pale centered discoidal stigma.
It was subsequently however noted that tephronotus and schach co-occurred in the Kumaon region and so the two were confirmed as distinct species. Molecular distances also indicate that they are distant enough. The erythronotus group have a grey head which continues into the back with a gradual suffusion of rufous. The westernmost population from Transcaspia named by Sergei Buturlin as jaxartensis and said to be larger, is not considered valid.
The medial area is light tan, darker near costa, and the terminal area is whitish gray to gray medially and blue gray to brown gray at the margin, with a dark gray to black spot at the apex. The dorsal hindwing ground color is dull light yellow orange to dull orange, with strong suffusion of gray scales at the base and along the inner margin. Adults are on wing in July.
The postmedial line is indistinct, bent outwards and minutely dentate between veins 5 and 3, then retracted and angled outwards again. The hindwings are suffused with ochreous to the postmedial line, except on the costa and inner margin. There is a black discoidal spot and the post medial line is bent outwards between veins 5 and 2. There is some fuscous suffusion on the termen between vein 2 and the tornus.
The length of the forewings is 14–20 mm for males and 20–24 mm for females. The forewings are pale yellow, faintly reddish along the outer and inner margins and lightest along the costal margin. There is an elongate oblique dark fuscous discal mark and smoky suffusion below the discal mark and to the middle of the outer margin. Below this, a crescent-shaped mark extends to the inner margin.
The forewings are fuscous irregularly mixed with ferruginous brownish and sprinkled with dark fuscous and with a blackish mark beneath the base of the costa, and one on the fold towards the base, each followed by longitudinal white-ochreous suffusion, the latter streak extending to the second discal. There are suffused white-ochreous oblique costal and dorsal opposite marks about three-fourths, not meeting. The hindwings are grey.
Locharcha is a genus of moths in the family Gelechiidae. It contains the species Locharcha emicans, which is found in Peru. The wingspan is about 14 mm. The forewings are dark ashy-fuscous slightly speckled purple-whitish and with a moderate pointed whitish-ochreous dorsal streak from the base to the tornus, slightly speckled blackish, the upper edge margined with blackish suffusion from the base to an obtuse postmedian prominence.
The forewings are grey irrorated (sprinkled) with dark fuscous and with a dark fuscous dot in the disc at one-fourth. The stigmata is dark fuscous, the plical nearly beneath the first discal. There is a small obscure spot of ochreous-whitish suffusion on the costa at two-thirds, as well as a marginal series of blackish dots around the apex and termen. The hindwings are rather dark grey.
The forewings are whitish with scattered dark fuscous scales, the dorsal half suffused with whitish yellowish, the veins posteriorly corrugated. The costa is slenderly whitish ochreous, the edge dark fuscous towards the base. There is an undefined patch of greyish suffusion with irregular dark fuscous irroration (sprinkles) along the dorsum from near the base to four-fifths. There is a fine dark fuscous dash in the disc towards the base.
Retrieved July 12, 2017. The wingspan is about 25 mm. The forewings are creamy, with a golden gloss, becoming slightly deeper colored towards the base, more so along the dorsum below the fold. There is very narrow blackish- grey suffusion along the dorsum around its middle and sparse sprinkling of dark grey-fuscous scales above the end of the fold, sparsely extended to the middle of the wing breadth.
The wingspan is about 14 mm. The forewings are whitish with a slight brownish suffusion. The discal dots and a few scattered scales are blackish and the first discal is found at one-third, the second at two- thirds and the plical well beyond the first discal. There is a small irregular apical blackish spot, with some marginal blackish dots on the costa towards the apex and on the termen.
The forewings are fuscous, irrorated (sprinkled) with blackish fuscous and with a broad shining white costal streak from the base to the middle, then leaving the costa and narrowed to three-fourths. The stigmata are blackish fuscous, irregular and sometimes dash like, the plical very obliquely beyond the first discal. There are usually some undefined spots of whitish suffusion towards the costa posteriorly and at the termen. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are golden ochreous yellow with a whitish-pink costal streak mixed with fuscous and with a narrow blackish median longitudinal streak from the base to the apex, the upper edge sharply defined, straight, indented before one-fourth, margined with a streak of white suffusion, the lower edge suffused with golden brown. The dorsal area is broadly suffused with pale pink sprinkled with fuscous. The hindwings are light grey.
The forewings are fuscous with dark-fuscous markings and an oblique line from the costa near the base to the fold, as well as a costal dot at one-fourth, an irregular discal blotch before the middle, limited beneath by the fold and another blotch at the tornus. There is also a costal dot at two-thirds, and an apical suffusion. The hindwings are dark-grey.Proc. R. Soc.
The forewings are leaden grey with a blackish dot towards the costa near the base, finely whitish edged above. There is a narrow direct blackish finely whitish-edged fascia at one-third. There are two blackish dots on the end of the cell, the lower rather posterior. There is a slender transverse fascia of blackish irroration (sprinkling) at three-fourths, edged with ochreous-whitish suffusion anteriorly towards the costa.
The forewings are light brownish ochreous, slightly mottled with grey and a few black scales. The costa is mottled dark fuscous and there is some dark strigulation towards the dorsum. The stigmata are black, each with an adjacent grey anterior spot, the discal rather near together, the plical slightly before the first discal. There is a narrow terminal fascia of dark grey suffusion, marked with terminal dots of ground colour.
There is a submarginal series of partially confluent blackish dots around the posterior fourth of the costa and termen, followed by a suffused white line, and preceded in the apical angle by a spot of dark fuscous suffusion. The hindwings are light grey. Larvae have been found in the nests of Stegodyphus spiders and probably feed on the fragments of the insects caught in the webs. The larvae are dark red.
The wingspan is only 9–10 mm. The head, antenna and palpi, and the legs, are whitish. The thorax and the rest of the body is ochreous-whitish. The fore-wings are also ochreous-whitish, but with a suffused fuscous spot under the costa, an "ochreous suffusion between it and dorsum", and some golden-metallic scales in a line from three-fourths of the costa to the termen beneath the middle.
This species has been recorded from Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Maui, Lanai and Hawaii, but research of the male genitalia of paratypes from the Waianae Mountains (Oahu), Lanai and Hawaii suggests they represent three distinct new species. When originally describing the species, Walsingham had 42 specimens. He erroneously considered them all to represent one species which, he said, "varies considerably in size and in the amount of brown suffusion".
The forewings are pale whitish ochreous closely irrorated (sprinkled) with brownish. The stigmata are rather large and black, the plical smaller, slightly beyond the first discal. There is a spot of blackish suffusion on the dorsum slightly before the second discal and row of cloudy blackish dots or groups of scales close before the margin around the termen and posterior part of the costa. The hindwings are grey.
World Wide Web electronic publication ( (accessed 29 March 2017) The wingspan of this species is 10 mm. Head, scalp and thorax are light ivory grey with some yellowish suffusion. Its pattern is brownish but not too distinct: a spot on the shoulder, a triangular one at one-third on the costa, three other smaller spots on the costa in the apical third and three even smaller ones on the termen.
Dichomeris helianthemi is a moth in the family Gelechiidae. It is found in Spain, France and Italy. The wingspan is about . The forewings are pale mouse- grey, sprinkled with fuscous scales and with a slight fuscous suffusion along the costa and three ill-defined fuscous spots along the disc, the first near the base and the second before the middle, the third at the end of the cell.
The forewings are whitish, sprinkled with grey, and irregularly spotted with light yellowish suffusion. There is an oblique blackish dot beneath the fold at one- fourth, and a small blackish spot on the dorsum slightly before it. The discal stigmata are black, and small oblique-triangular blackish spots on the costa above them. The black dots near the dorsum beneath these stigmata, the second connected with a small blackish tornal spot.
Rhynchophyllis categorica is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in Santa Catarina, Brazil. The wingspan is about 22 mm. The forewings are rufous brown, with some vague fuscous suffusion indicating an irregular patch extending along the dorsum from near the base to two-thirds and reaching two-thirds across the wing, extended in the middle to the costa, and an apical patch extended on both margins.
Stenoma conveniens is a moth of the family Depressariidae. It is found in Amazonas, Brazil."Stenoma Zeller, 1839" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms The wingspan is about 14 mm. The forewings are whitish ochreous, all veins marked brownish-ochreous lines, these not reaching the margin but connected by a curved pre-terminal shade, on the lower angle of the cell a slight thickening of dark fuscous suffusion.
The forewings are dark fuscous with purplish reflections. There is an obscure line on the lower half which is slightly paler than the ground-colour, as well as a suboblong white blotch which is sprinkled with fuscous and margined by black suffusion. There is second line, which is also slightly paler than the ground-colour. This line is darker-margined and forms a whitish dot on the costa.
The forewings are grey, irrorated (sprinkled) with white and strewn with numerous irregular dark grey or blackish small spots or dots forming longitudinal series. The plical stigma forms a larger blackish dot and there is some irregular white suffusion beyond this beneath the middle of the disc. The hindwings are whitish grey with dark grey veins. The larvae feed on the flowers of Acacia arabica and Acacia nilotica.
Macronoctua onusta is a large brown and smoky dark gray moth (FW length 18–21 mm). It has a forewing that is broad with a scalloped outer margin and a black streak along the reniform spot. It is dull brown with broad smoky dark gray suffusion on the costa and in the cell as well as in the terminal area and fringe. The antemedial and postmedial lines are thin, dark gray.
The forewings are fuscous with a broad median blackish streak from the base, soon bent to above the fold and narrowing to a point at two-fifths. The first discal touches or is found just beyond the apex of the streak, the second at three-fifths, with the blackish plical before the first discal. There is a whitish costal suffusion containing some ferruginous scales. The hindwings are dark- grey.Proc.
The forewings are whitish, the dorsal half ochreous tinged and more or less sprinkled with dark fuscous. The stigmata are dark fuscous, rather obscure, with the plical obliquely beyond the first discal. There is a wedge-shaped dark fuscous blotch, suffused beneath with yellow ochreous, along the costa from the middle to three- fourths, acute anteriorly. There is also some ochreous suffusion towards the apex, edged on the costa with blackish.
An irregularly triangular fuscous-blackish edged spot is found on the tornus, reaching halfway across the wing, surrounded with white suffusion extending to the costa and there is some irregular whitish irroration (sprinkling) towards the apex. The hindwings are light fuscous, thinly scaled and semihyaline (partially glass like), darker along the termen and towards the apex, with the veins rather dark fuscous.Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. 22 (1): 162.
Forewings with a large black white-edged triangular patch easily distinguished below the cell from near base to towards outer angle. A similar smaller patch found beyond the cell on vein 5, with some pale fulvous behind it. A slightly sinuous submarginal pale line with patches of black suffusion found inside it and a series of black specks beyond it. A dark marginal line can be seen as well.
The forewings are ochreous brown, considerably sprinkled with dark fuscous and with the base of the costa infuscated. The discal stigmata are dark fuscous, the first forming a rather large dot, the second a roundish spot of irroration (sprinkles) edged anteriorly by a transverse mark, lying below the middle and touching the groove. There is also a streak of dark fuscous suffusion along the termen. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are pale-grey, with purple reflections and some dark-ochreous irroration. There is a pale linear discal mark, succeeded by a dark-ochreous suffusion, as well as a pale line from the costa outwards nearly to the termen, then bent to the dorsum. The disc beyond this is dark-ochreous and there is a fine white terminal line. The hindwings are pale-grey, but whitish towards the base.
The forewings are light shining bronzy fuscous, the costa suffused with ochreous yellow, except a basal spot. The dorsum is suffused with ochreous yellow anteriorly, connected with the costal suffusion near the base, and by a bar at one-fifth. There is an indistinct ochreous-yellowish transverse mark below the middle of the disc. The hindwings are light grey, yellowish tinged, towards the costa suffused with yellow ochreous.
Antaeotricha superciliosa is a moth of the family Depressariidae. It is found in French Guiana and Brazil."Antaeotricha Zeller, 1854" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms The wingspan is about 23 mm. The forewings are ochreous-whitish or pale whitish-ochreous, with a broad dorsal band of irregular greyish or light fuscous suffusion occupying nearly half the wing and with the costa narrowly pale ochreous.
The forewings are pale red brownish irrorated (sprinkled) with grey with a few black scales and with about eight small elongate blackish spots along the costa, separated by dots of whitish suffusion. There is a narrow, black, slightly inwards-oblique suffusedly interrupted antemedian fascia, as well as a fine expansible whitish hair-pencil from the base of the dorsum and some black scales at the tornus. The hindwings are grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are whitish, irregularly tinged with pale brownish grey and scattered with fuscous scales. There is a fuscous dot on the costa at the base and a fuscous dot on the subcosta near the base. There is also a narrow, elongate fuscous mark on the median fifth of the costa and an oval pale fuscous suffusion before the middle of the cell. The hindwings are pale ochreous.
Imma niphopelta is a moth of the family Immidae. It is found in New Guinea. The wingspan is about 21 mm. The forewings are purple-blackish, the costal edge grey and with a white submedian streak almost from the base to near the middle and some blue-leaden suffusion above this, and at apex the beneath it, and a streak beneath the anterior half of the costa, stronger posteriorly.
The stigmata are moderate and dark fusecous, the plical slightly before the first discal, the second discal connected with the dorsum by a dark fuscous bar. There is a hemispherical dark purplish-fnscous blotch on the costa somewhat beyond the middle, preceded by a small pale ochreous spot and followed by a larger one. There is also an apical blotch of dark purplish-fuscous suffusion. The hindwings are rather dark grey.
The wingspan is about 32 mm. The forewings are glossy light leaden-grey with the costa towards the base narrowly yellow-ochreous, then the costal edge finely white to near the apex. There is a spot of blackish-grey suffusion above the middle of the dorsum, another above and slightly anterior to this, and a third more obscure beneath the lower angle of the cell. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are bronzy ochreous, suffused with pale brownish except towards the anterior two-thirds of the costa. There is a spot of dark purple-fuscous suffusion on the base of the costa. The stigmata are dark fuscous, the discal small and indistinct, the plical and an additional dot beneath the second discal large, the plical directly beneath the first discal. The hindwings are grey, lighter towards the base.
The wingspan is about 23 mm. The forewings are grey, somewhat mixed obscurely with whitish suffusion, and with a few darker scales. There is a dark grey mark on the costa before one-third, and some irregular marking in the disc beneath it. The plical stigma are dark grey, the second discal black with some white scales on the sides, beyond this a small irregular dark grey spot.
The plical and second discal stigmata are small and blackish. Beyond two- thirds is an elongate wedge-shaped blackish costal spot, from which a slender greyish line, rather acutely angulated in the middle and curved-sinuate below this, runs to the dorsum towards the tornus. There are also three black marks on the apical part of the costa, some grey suffusion beneath them. There is a terminal series of black dots.
The wingspan is about 34 mm. The forewings are whitish ochreous strewn with slight irregular infuscation. There is a slight streak beneath the costal edge except towards the extremities and the base of the costal edge is dark fuscous. The discal stigmata are very small and black, the plical forming a rather large round blackish spot obliquely beyond the first discal, a spot of fuscous suffusion on the dorsum beneath this.
The forewings are white, irrorated (sprinkled) with dark fuscous and with an undefined fascia at one-fourth, cloudy dorsal spots before and beyond the middle, and a nearly clear white narrow subapical fascia dilated on the costa. There are undefined spots of dark fuscous suffusion on the submedian fold before the anterior fascia and between the dorsal spots, and before and beyond the subapical fascia. The hindwings are grey.
The wingspan is about 23 mm. The forewings are ochreous-brown, with ill-defined ochreous-whitish markings. There is an ochreous-whitish suffusion in the disc and an outwardly curved line from the costa at two-thirds to the anal angle, as well as two ochreous- whitish spots at and before the apex, separated by a fuscous spot. The hindmargin and anal angle are irrorated by fuscous scales.
The forewings are ashy-grey whitish, minutely irrorated (sprinkled) with black and with an obscure patch of blackish scales towards the base, as well as a blackish S-shaped mark in the middle of the wing, followed by a small blackish suffusion. There is a hindmarginal row of confluent blackish dots, immediately followed by a whitish line on the extreme hindmargin. The hindwings are light fuscous.McMillan, Ian (30 June 2010).
The wingspan is 17–18 mm. The forewings are fuscous-grey, irrorated with dark fuscous scales and with a broad snow- white streak along the costa near the base, ceasing rather abruptly beyond the middle. There is some dark suffusion in the basal part of the disc, and two fuscous dots placed transversely in the disc at two-thirds. The hindmarginal edge is barred with fuscous and whitish.
The forewings are pale greyish, irregularly sprinkled with dark fuscous and blackish, forming fine strigulae along the costa. The discal stigmata is small, black and rather approximated, while the second is hardly beyond the middle. There is a blotch of dark grey suffusion on the costa at two-thirds and a blackish apical dot, edged anteriorly by a slight indistinct whitish mark. The hindwings are grey, but paler towards the base.
There is an undefined oblique shade of purplish-fuscous irroration from the costa at two-thirds traversing the first discal spot and a rather curved subterminal shade formed of small subconfluent spots of dark purplish-fuscous irroration from the costa at two-thirds to the tornus, as well as an elongate costal patch of purplish-fuscous suffusion beyond this. The hindwings are light grey.Meyrick, Edward (1916–1923). Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are white with a triangular patch of fuscous suffusion, extending on the dorsum from near the base to beyond the middle, its apex reaching to near the costa beyond the middle. There are irregularly scattered grey or fuscous scales, indicating a very indefinite straight subterminal shade and the terminal edge is suffused with light grey. The hindwings are whitish grey, with the terminal edge suffused greyer.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are reddish brown. The stigmata are very small, white, partly edged blackish, the plical slightly before the first discal. There is a small spot of grey suffusion on the costa at three-fourths and a very fine whitish curved-subsinuate line from two-thirds of the costa to the dorsum before the tornus. There are also black marginal dots around the posterior part of the costa and termen.
The forewings are grey irrorated (sprinkled) with white, with scattered blackish scales and an undefined spot of blackish-grey suffusion on the costa towards the base, and an elongate one towards the middle. There are faint darker spots beneath the costa in the middle and on the end of the cell, but hardly traceable, and some faint irregular darker mottling towards the apex. The hindwings are grey.Annals of the Transvaal Museum.
The forewings of the males are pale brown with a broad fascia of white suffusion below the costa extending at the base to the inner margin. Forewings of the females are entirely suffused with pale brown and irrorated (speckled) with darker brown. There are reddish streaks from the base of the median nervure in and below the cell and a dark terminal line. The hindwings are orange yellow.
The wingspan is about 17 mm. The forewings are grey whitish finely irrorated (sprinkled) with blackish. The markings are formed of coarser black irroration: some undefined suffusion towards the base of the costa, a dot beneath the fold at an irregular raised transverse mark from the dorsum before the middle of the wing reaching somewhat beyond the fold, and a round submedian dot above the tornus. The hindwings are grey.
Afro Moths The wingspan is about 17 mm. The forewings are whitish ochreous with the costa slenderly infuscated from near the base to three-fourths. There is a small elongate rather dark brown spot in the disc before the middle, both extremities somewhat extended by slight streaks of brownish suffusion. There is also an irregular brownish apical spot sprinkled dark fuscous and a few dark fuscous specks on the termen.
The wingspan is about 19 mm. The forewings are grey, speckled whitish, with irregular dark grey irroratien. There are undefined markings of dark grey suffusion: an oblique blotch from the base of the costa confluent beneath with a transverse blotch from the costa at one- fourth, transverse blotches from the costa at the middle and two-thirds, and indications of a subterminal shade. The hindwings are pale grey.
The forewings are reddish brown with some slight blackish-grey irroration (sprinkling) towards the base and with two indistinct dark grey dots obliquely placed in the disc at one-third. The second discal stigma is minute and black, centring a light reddish-orange spot, between this and the termen some undefined reddish-orange suffusion. There are several small indistinct dark grey terminal spots. The hindwings are dark grey.
The wingspan is about 16 mm. The forewings are light ochreous brown, somewhat darker posteriorly. There is a white costal streak from near the base to four-fifths, interrupted by an inwardly oblique bar of ground colour about the middle. There is a white spot on the inner margin at one- third, preceded by a dark fuscous suffusion, and two small cloudy white spots on the inner margin at two-thirds.
There is an irregular white ring in the middle of the disc, partly tinged with ochreous, anteriorly projecting into the preceding whitish fascia. There is also a raised blackish transverse mark extending from the tornus more than halfway across the wing, surmounted with pale ochreous. Beyond this is some whitish suffusion towards the costa and some black irroration (sprinkles) towards the apex. The hindwings are grey, darker posteriorly.
Telphusa amphichroma is a moth of the family Gelechiidae first described by Edward Meyrick in 1913. It is found in South Africa. The wingspan is about 13 mm. The forewings are grey sprinkled with whitish and with an ochreous- brownish streak along the costa from the base, on the median third becoming an irregular patch reaching halfway across the wing, the apical third represented by some indefinite brownish suffusion.
The forewings are ochreous white tinged and irrorated with brown, the costal area suffused with brown. There is a short brown streak on the base of the median nervure and an oblique whitish subbasal striga from the costa with a slight blackish streak below the costa from it to the antemedial line, which is whitish, oblique and defined by a black line on the outer side from the costa to the submedian fold, then bent inwards to the base of the inner margin and defined by a brown fascia above. The medial part of the costa has two whitish semicircular marks, a small black discoidal spot and whitish streaks with diffused dark streaks between them on veins 7, 6, 5 and 4 to the postmedial line, which is whitish defined by a black line on the inner side, expanding at the costa. There is a triangular patch of blackish suffusion beyond it at the costa and some fuscous and brown suffusion below its retracted portion.
The wingspan is 25–30 mm. The length of the forewings is 14–16 mm. Forewing with basal two-thirds dark chocolate brown, limited by the pale outer line, which is oblique and concave outwards to vein 5, there strongly angled, and sinuous inwards to inner margin beyond middle, meeting on vein 1 an oblique line from base of median vein; the area below it pale with bright brown suffusion in male, chalk white with faint discoloration in female; terminal area grey in male, chalk white in female; subterminal line formed of interrupted fuscous lunules tipped with white in the male and preceded by brown suffusion; in the female merely a row of dark spots; an oblique thick brown streak from apex; a row of black terminal triangular spots; a dark dot in cell and lunule at its end; hindwing dark brownish fuscous with a ruddy tinge in male, greyish white or pale fuscous in female; the ab. terricularis Hbn.
The forewings are white with a fuscous blotch composed of two confluent spots occupying the costa from near the base to beyond one- fourth, sending two oblique irregular partially obsolete lines across the wing, in females, the dorsal area is much suffused and blotched with grey, and a blotch of faint grey suffusion is found above the middle of the disc. There is a strong oblique-longitudinal blackish spot on the upper angle of the cell, and a dot beneath its posterior extremity and an irregular curved oblique narrow interrupted fuscous fascia beyond this, slender on the costa in males, more developed in females, the discal spot strongly projecting from its anterior edge. There is some fuscous suffusion towards the apex, in females forming a broader fascia around the apical part of the costa and termen, leaving a toothed white marginal line with interspaces dark fuscous. The hindwings are whitish in males, posteriorly greyish-tinged, in females grey.
The forewings are ferruginous or red brown with a white streak along the fold from the base to near the middle of the wing and with a streak of dark fuscous suffusion along the dorsum throughout. There are two light metallic-grey fasciae edged with blackish, the first from the middle of the costa, at first very broad and extended as a slender whitish streak to the base, rapidly narrowed to the dorsal suffusion at two-thirds, finely white edged anteriorly except towards the costa, and more strongly posteriorly expanding into a triangular white costal spot, the second at four- fifths, narrow, constricted in the middle, irregularly white edged, forming a white spot beneath the costa posteriorly. The costal edge towards the apex is white and there is a light metallic-grey triangular spot on the termen below the middle, and a slight mark at the apex. The hindwings are dark grey.
The forewings are ivory-white, the pale ground-colour fully exposed only along the costa from the base to two-thirds, and in a broad median band on which black shading and sprinkling of scales more or less encroaches from the base, and brownish fuscous shading, which covers the apical fourth, tends to encroach on its outer side. A small black dot at the extreme base of the costa is followed by two larger ones in the whitish space below the costa. Resting on the upper edge of the black suffusion an indistinct ocelloid spot lies at the end of the cell, and beyond it a slender whitish line passes somewhat obliquely through the brownish terminal suffusion from the costa to the tornus, with two or three small whitish length-streaks, combined with some black scales, running outward beyond it toward the termen and apex. There is a slender blackish line along the base of the tawny brown cilia.
The forewings are pale brownish, with some scattered dark fuscous scales and a blackish streak beneath the costa from the base to two-fifths, as well as a blackish line along the fold from the base to an elongate dark fuscous partially white-edged spot representing the plical stigma, its basal portion traversing a larger dark fuscous spot. A blackish line is found from above the plical stigma through the middle of the disc to the apex, interrupted beyond two-thirds by an irregular dark fuscous spot edged laterally with whitish, and also obliquely cut with whitish in the middle. There is an undefined narrow patch of dark fuscous suffusion extending along the median third of the costa, terminated with whitish and also a streak of blackish suffusion from beneath the extremity of this to the costa before the apex. The hindwings are dark grey, anteriorly with hyaline (glass-like) spaces between the veins.
The forewings are creamy, irrorated with light tawny, this irroration tending to form transverse bands. The extreme base of the costa has a small ferruginous mark and there is some slight purplish-black suffusion across the costa at one-sixth, as well as a large semi-oval brown spot along the costal excavation, slightly marbled with white, narrowly extended along the costa anteriorly. There are four light tawny costal dots before the apex becoming smaller posteriorly and a series of similar dots along the termen to the tornus The first discal stigma is large, circular and anthracite black, preceded by a transverse suffusion, an elongate spot below and slightly before the stigma and another smaller dot below this on the dorsum, all anthracite black. There is also an interrupted fuscous transverse streak forming a continuation of the anterior edge of the costal patch and an irregular, white-marbled roundish dark grey spot over the closing vein.
The forewings are pale brownish with the basal fourth of the costa dark fuscous and with a broad irregular streak of dark brown suffusion along the submedian fold throughout. There is a dark fuscous dot in the disc above the middle and there are several snow-white markings edged with scattered black scales: a dot representing the first discal stigma, a minute dot on the fold beneath this, an irregularly angulated mark above the dorsum at one-third, a somewhat Z-shaped mark of which the upper extremity is almost separated and represents the second discal stigma, its lower angle projecting anteriorly on the fold, and a small round spot above the dorsum before the tornus. There is a very indefinite fascia of dark brown suffusion from three-fourths of the costa to the tornus and a marginal series of blackish marks around the posterior part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are whitish ochreous.
The forewings are whitish, more or less suffusedly irrorated (sprinkled) with purplish brown and with very deep brown markings. There is a very oblique acute wedge-shaped mark from the costa near the base, limited anteriorly by a vertical white line from the costa to the fold and a small spot on the costa at one-fourth, almost connected with a transverse elongate-triangular spot in the disc beyond one-fourth. A semi-oval spot is found on the costa before the middle and there are some irregular spots towards the dorsum, as well as a transverse I-shaped mark in disc at three-fifths, beneath which is an irregular patch of dark suffusion. An elongate blotch extends from near the discal mark to near the termen, crossed by a streak of undefined suffusion from three-fourths of the costa to the tornus and there is a pale waved terminal line, preceded by a series of suffused dark dots.
The wingspan is 20–22 mm. The forewings are white, towards the costa irregularly suffused with pale yellowish and with the basal third of the costa ferruginous-yellow. There is a ferruginous subcostal dash before the middle and an elongate patch of yellow suffusion in the middle of the disc, as well as a reddish-brown dorsal patch extending from the base to near the tornus, and reaching nearly half across the wing, containing a triangular dark reddish-brown dorsal spot at three- fourths, partially whitish-edged. There is a ferruginous-yellow suffusion along the posterior half of the costa, with a black mark beneath it near the apex and veins 5 and 6 are marked with reddish-brown lines becoming blackish posteriorly, vein 4 less distinctly lined with brownish, between veins 5-7 two light ferruginous-brown streaks, sometimes partially yellowish-suffused, between 4 and 5 a yellowish streak, and on tornus a deep yellow elongate patch.
There is also a black line just before the termen from the costa to the submedian fold, as well as a fine black terminal line. The hindwings are brownish grey, irrorated with black. There is a black discoidal spot with a diffused line from it to the inner margin. The postmedial line is black, defined on the outer side by grey, with blackish suffusion beyond it extending on the costal area to the termen.
The hindwings are orange-yellow with some fulvous suffusion on the basal inner area. There is a small dark brown mark on the median nervure near the base followed by a hyaline patch from the middle of the cell to the submedian fold, then a fulvous-brown patch extending to beyond the cell with a hyaline spot on it beyond the lower angle. There is also an indistinct, rather diffused, waved fulvous subterminal line.
The length of the forewings is 6–9 mm for males and 9–11 mm for females. The forewings are cream colored with light brown suffusion, especially in the posterior half of the wing, as well as postmedially and subterminally. There is a large medium brown spot distal to upper half of the discal cell and a tuft of white scales distal to the lower half of the discal cell. The hindwings are white.
The forewings are dark red brown, suffusedly mixed with dark purplish fuscous and with a short indistinct light reddish-ochreous transverse mark from the costa almost at the base. The plical and second discal stigmata are small, indistinct and blackish and there is a small indistinct spot of ochreous suffusion on the costa at three-fourths. The hindwings are rather dark grey. Adults are on wing from October to May and in August.
The forewings are blackish grey with a rather broad pale brownish-ochreous dorsal stripe from the base to the tornus, extended by some narrow suffusion on the termen to the apex, the edge slightly indented before the middle, broadest beyond this, where it extends nearly half across the wing. There is a whitish dot on the costa at four-fifths and some brownish scales in the disc posteriorly. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are white, irregularly irrorated (sprinkled) with light ochreous grey and with the discal stigmata forming small greyish spots, a subtriangular blotch of light grey suffusion resting on the fold between these. The costal edge is suffused with grey on the median third and there is an angulated white subterminal shade clear of greyish irroration. The posterior part of the costa and termen is obscurely spotted greyish. The hindwings are light grey.
The forewings are chocolate brown, with fuscous suffusion, especially at the base and along the costa and fold. There are a few steel-gray scales scattered about the end of the cell and beyond it, also about the middle of the fold and the costal and tornal cilia are grayish fuscous, terminal cilia pale ocherous. The hindwings are brownish fuscous.Fauna Hawaiiensis 1 (5): 482 The larvae possibly mine the leaves of Hedyotis species.
The forewings are ochreous brown, suffused with fuscous except towards the costa before the apex, where it is brighter ochreous. The median fourth of the costa is obscurely strigulated with dark fuscous. The stigmata are obscure, dark fuscous, the discal approximated, the plical elongate, slightly before the first discal. There is an undefined triangular spot of dark fuscous suffusion on the costa at two-thirds and a suffused dark fuscous streak along the termen.
The forewings are mixed ochreous and white. There is an oblique dark ochreous fascia from above the dorsum reaching halfway across the wing, as well as a blackish crescent before the ochreous subterminal line and there are black dots along the termen. The hindwings are white with a small black discal spot, a faint irregular dark subterminal line and ochreous suffusion in the outer part of the wing in the middle and towards the apex.
The forewings are dark fuscous with some pale ochreous-yellowish suffusion towards the costa near the base and before the apex, as well as a pale ochreous-yellowish median fascia, the lower half narrow, the upper half enlarged into a quadrate blotch, the lower portion of this blotch marked with a dark fuscous dot and small transverse posterior spot. The hindwings are dark fuscous.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 1910: 447.
"The larva which we have taken at Karwar in June is hardly distinguishable from that of Catochrysops pandava, Horsfield; it is, however, covered with minute hairs and is generally of an olive-green colour and without the reddish suffusion so generally noticed in C. pandava. The pupa is indistinguishable from that of C. pandava. The larva feeds on Xylia dolabrifornis, and also on the flowers of Butea frondosa." Other food plants noted include Millettia peguensis.
Fallow Greys and Grey- Greens generally have darker wing markings. Opaline by itself lightens the body colour of FallowsTaylor and Warner (1986), p 86 (see), and in combination with Cinnamon produces a bird very similar in appearance to a Lacewing (i.e. a Cinnamon Ino), with virtually no body suffusion. When the German Fallow mutation is combined with the Cinnamon and Dilute mutations, the resulting Cinnamon Dilute German Fallow is visually very similar to an Ino.
Paraptila cornucopis is a species of moth of the family Tortricidae. It is found in Mexico in the Federal District and the states of San Luis Potosí, Colima and Veracruz. The length of the forewings is 6.9 mm for males and 6.8-9.5 mm for females. The ground colour of the forewings is dark red brown in the basal area, followed by a tawny-grey band, with faint purplish suffusion and irregular dark striae.
There is a small pre-tornal spot of dark fuscous suffusion and an almost marginal row of dark fuscous or blackish dots along the posterior portion of the costa and termen. The hindwings are grey. The larvae feed in galleries on the surface of moss-covered rocks, and pupating in an enlarged chamber. The galleries are composed of silk covered with grains of sand and fragments of lichen, moss, and incidental refuse.
The first discal stigma forms a moderately large spot, the plical a smaller spot beneath it, the second discal absorbed in a direct transverse bar extending to the dorsum, with a short prominence on each side above the fold. There is an undefined spot of dark grey suffusion towards the costa beyond this. There are four irregular approximated dots in a curved series near before the upper part of the termen. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are whitish sprinkled with light grey, appearing grey whitish. There is an undefined median streak of grey suffusion from near the base to one- fourth and some fuscous sprinkling from this along the fold. The discal stigmata form small elongate spots of blackish sprinkles, with slight streaks of fuscous sprinkles along the upper edge of the cell between these, and along the veins between this and the costa. The hindwings are whitish grey.
It is also absent from Japan. The wingspan is 39–47 mm. Forewing paler than in advena, more bluish grey, sometimes blue green, without dark suffusion except in median area ; stigmata as in advena, the orbicular pale and conspicuous; submarginal line preceded by black brown scales on both folds not forming wedge-shaped marks, and not indented on the submedian fold; hindwing fuscous with dark discal lunule and pale postmedian line. — the form obscurata Stgr.
Abstract and full article: The length of the forewings is 21.5 mm for males. The forewings are a mixture of tan, orange-tan, gray-tan, light-gray, brown-gray, and gray scales, appearing medium-dark orange tan, grayer near anterior and posterior margins and darker gray-brown in the terminal area. The hindwings are light gray tan with gray suffusion, very faint postmedial line, marginal band, terminal line, veins, and chevron-shaped discal spot.
The forewings are ochreous yellow with blackish markings. There is an irregular ill-defined more or less interrupted narrow subbasal fascia and a very broad transverse band from before the middle to five-sixths defined by more or less expressed blackish interneural streaks, leaving strong ochreous-yellow lines on the veins. There is a subterminal streak of suffusion towards the tornus only. The hindwings are blackish grey, with a whitish- ochreous ante-apical mark.
The forewings are whitish, irregularly mixed with fuscous and sprinkled with dark fuscous, the dorsal half sometimes suffused with light brownish. There is a bar of dark fuscous suffusion from the costa almost at the base to beneath the fold at one-fourth. The stigmata are rather large and dark fuscous, the plical obliquely beyond the first discal, the second discal transverse. The hindwings are pale grey, thinly scaled and darker grey posteriorly.
Aroga trilineella is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found in North America, where it has been recorded from Texas, Arizona, Colorado and California.Aroga at funetmothphotographersgroup The wingspan is about 19 mm. The forewings are pale grey irregularly mixed brownish with scattered dark grey specks, a broad fuscous suffusion occupying the median longitudinal third from the base and whole apical area, which is preceded by an undefined transverse shade of light ground colour.
The forewings are fuscous-brown with a broad white costal streak from the base to the apex, narrowing at the extremities, containing some brownish scales towards the costa posteriorly, narrowly edged with fuscous beneath, and slightly indented at one-third and two-thirds, the indentations representing the discal stigmata. There is some white suffusion along the dorsum and tornus. The hindwings are whitish, towards the apex grey-whitish, in females pale- grey.Proc. R. Soc.
The wingspan is 35–48 mm. The upperside is orange with brown basal suffusion and sometimes even purplish gray in the female, decorated with brown designs, with small scallops and a line of submarginal round dots. The hindwing forms an angle at its anterior edge. On the forewing undersides the patterns are little marked, the apex is adorned pearly spots, and the hindwing undersides are clear because they are adorned with pearlescent designs.
The forewings are purplish fuscous, sprinkled with blackish. The median third is obscurely streaked with whitish on the veins and there is a narrow irregular orange transverse fascia from three-fifths of the costa to three- fourths of the dorsum. A triangular spot of whitish suffusion is found on the costa at about four-fifths, and an irregular suffused whitish streak immediately before the termen. The apical and terminal edge are suffused with dark fuscous.
The forewings are rather dark fuscous and the markings are formed by whitish- ochreous suffusion. There is a moderate straight fascia at one-fourth and a slender cloudy transverse fascia in the middle, as well as a broad undefined posterior transverse band, extending nearly to the apex and termen. The hindwings are grey, in females somewhat darker and in males with a deep plical groove filled with long expansible whitish hairs.Meyrick, Edward (1912–1916).
Antaeotricha irenias is a moth of the family Depressariidae. It is found in French Guiana."Antaeotricha Zeller, 1854" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms The wingspan is about 16 mm. The forewings are pale brownish-ochreous with the costal third whitish-grey, extended down the termen to the middle, edged with white suffusion beneath towards the base, crossed by oblique darker shades at one-third and beyond the middle.
Cerconota fermentata is a moth of the family Depressariidae. It is found in French Guiana."Cerconota Meyrick, 1915" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms The wingspan is 29–32 mm. The forewings are light ochreous-grey with the costal edge ochreous-whitish, edged beneath with fuscous and with a large very undefined patch of dark olive-brown suffusion occupying most of the basal half of the wing except towards the costa.
Imma cosmoplaca is a moth of the family Immidae. It is found on Java. The wingspan is about 20 mm. The forewings are brown with the extreme base irregularly pale yellow and a costal streak from near the base to the middle, a spot in the middle of the disc, and a small dorsal spot beyond the middle orange-yellow, all three limited posteriorly by a narrow somewhat oblique fascia of dull purplish suffusion.
The forewings are ochreous yellowish sprinkled with dark fuscous, with a suffused dark fuscous costal streak from the base to four-fifths, the posterior extremity rather expanded with dark irroration (sprinkles) beneath. The discal stigmata are moderate and blackish and there is an undefined blotch of fuscous suffusion on the dorsum beyond the middle, as well as a suffused fuscous patch extending along the termen. The hindwings are light grey.Meyrick, Edward (1916–1923).
The wingspan is 15–16 mm. The forewings are whitish-ochreous, the dorsal half tinged and slightly speckled fuscous. From just beneath the basal half of the costa is a very dense downwards-directed brushlike fringe of whitish-ochreous hairscales and there is an indistinct dark fuscous mark on the base of the costa and dash on the fold towards the base. There is some fuscous suffusion towards the dorsum at one-fourth.
The wingspan is about 15 mm. The forewings are greyish white with the plical and second discal stigmata small and blackish. There is an irregular-edged patch of grey suffusion extending along the dorsum from about one-fourth to three-fourths, and nearly reaching the middle of the wing. A grey shade is obliquely excurved from the costa at two-thirds to the tornus, the space between this and the termen irrorated grey.
The forewings are straw yellow, suffused with greyish fuscous beneath the median vein for two thirds from the base, the veins themselves are paler. There are no markings, except for a large round velvety black discal spot. The hindwings are similar, but with the fuscous suffusion deeper and embracing the whole wing except the hind margin. There is a faint dark brown cell spot and a submarginal wavy line, edged externally with paler.
The forewings are shining white with some grey suffusion along the dorsum and a bright orange apical patch occupying the apical fifth of the wing, but separated from the termen by two white spots divided by grey. A broad grey fascia precedes the apical patch and there is a black apical dot continued along the upper part of the termen. The hindwings are pale-grey with a black dot at the apex.Proc. R. Soc.
The male is lighter and the female darker overall. It has two ring collars on the neck, which are incomplete, failing to meet at the back. The male has one black and one pink collar, which appears crescent shaped in side view, and has blue suffusion above it. The female has an indistinct black collar and a green collar, which becomes dark green across the cheeks and yellow-green at the back of the neck.
The forewings are white, thinly and irregularly irrorated (sprinkled) with black and with a pale fuscous suffusion, forming a very indistinct blotch on the anterior half of the inner margin. There is a spot on the inner margin before the anal angle, a spot on the costa beyond the middle and another at four-fifths, all very faint and obscure. The hindwings are whitish, with a bluish tinge, the veins and hind margin obscurely grey.
The dorsal half is ochreous- whitish, mainly occupied by three subquadrate dark grey blotches. In females, undefined longitudinal streaks of greyish suffusion are found anteriorly beneath the costa and above the middle. There is a better-marked longitudinal grey streak above the anterior part of the second dorsal blotch, shorter in males. A very oblique dark grey dash is found above the end of the cell, with a slight mark preceding it.
The forewings are ochreous grey. The stigmata are moderate, obscure and dark grey, slightly tending to be pale edged, the plical rather enlarged and oblique, almost beneath the first discal. There is an obscure lighter excurved transverse line from a whitish dot on the costa before three-fourths to the dorsum at four-fifths, indented above the middle, preceded and followed by moderate fasciae of darker grey suffusion. There are four dark fuscous terminal dots.
The extreme base of the costa and a shade beyond the whitish-ochreous base are blackish fuscous. The first two discal spots are small and black and there is a conspicuous white or whitish- ochreous discal spot at the end of the cell, surrounded by a blackish-fuscous suffusion. There is a series of poorly defined blackish-fuscous spots along the costa and around the termen. The hindwings are brownish fuscous, but lighter basally.
The forewings are ochreous, sprinkled with brownish and with a rosy costal line, as well as a purple-fuscous basal patch. There are pale circular spots on the dorsum at one-third and two-thirds, separated and followed by purple-fuscous suffusion. There is also a curved line of brownish dots from two-thirds of the costa to before the tornus and a brownish terminal line. The hindwings are ochreous.Proc. Linn. Soc.
The wingspan is 46–51 mm. The forewings are dark yellowish-brown with a strongly reduced pattern of weakly semilunar submarginal fascia and blurred medial bands. There is a small, triangular brown discal spot and light bluish suffusion in the apical field, as well as brown obfuscation on the submarginal field. The hindwings are brighter than the forewings, with the costal field creamy yellow and the anal part darker with an indistinct brown transverse band.
The forewings are whitish grey with a very fine yellowish suffusion, and a black pattern. There is a minute spot in the cell at one-third, a somewhat elongated small spot in the fold, two minute spots on the discocellulars, far removed from each other (these spots are considerably bigger in females) and an irroration along the costa and more sparsely in the apical third. The hindwings are medium grey.Revue suisse Zool.
The subbasal and antemedial lines are very indistinct and dark and there is an indistinct line from the lower angle of the cell, curving up to the costa, then descending to near the outer angle and forming a mark. There is also a dark marginal line. The hindwings are pale fuscous, with the marginal line as on the forewings. The females have scarcely any brown suffusion on the forewings and the markings are more distinct.
The forewings are light greyish ochreous irregularly sprinkled fuscous and dark fuscous, with some irregular mottling along the costa, dorsum, and termen. There is a quadrate blotch of rather dark fuscous suffusion on the costa beyond the middle, touching a small spot on the end of the cell. A small cloudy rather dark fuscous spot is found on tornus, and a larger spot in the disc rather beyond this. The hindwings are light grey.
The forewings are fuscous whitish, irregularly mixed with dark fuscous except towards the anterior half of the costa. There is a suffused dark fuscous spot on the base of the costa and a flattened-triangular suffused dark fuscous patch on the costa beyond the middle. The stigmata is blackish, the first discal largest, the plical beneath the first discal. The dark fuscous suffusion sometimes forms an irregular patch in the disc before these.
The forewings are yellow, the outer half with pale red-brown suffusion. There is a dark red-brown line from before the apex to the middle of the inner margin, meeting a vertical line which becomes obsolete at the median. There is also an irregularly wavy red-brown submarginal line, its upper half edged externally with silvery white. The hindwings are yellow, with an oblique antemedial line and a fine postmedial line.
A straight leaden- metallic streak runs from the costa beyond these to the tornus, margined anteriorly below the middle by two wedge-shaped black marks surrounded with yellow-ochreous suffusion, and posteriorly above the middle by a small black spot reaching the termen. The remainder of the terminal area is yellow ochreous. The hindwings are grey whitish or whitish grey in males, darker posteriorly. The hindwings of the females are rather dark grey.
The forewings are greyish ochreous with the stigmata obscure, indistinct and fuscous, the plical rather obliquely before the first discal. There is a small blackish-grey elongate mark on the middle of the costa, preceded and followed by ochreous-whitish suffusion and there is a fine blackish-grey marginal line around the apex, and two or three dark grey dots separated by whitish on each side of it. The hindwings are slate grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are purplish fuscous, suffused with ferruginous brownish except towards the costa anteriorly. The costal edge and cilia are ferruginous from three-fourths to the apex and the stigmata are obscure and dark fuscous, each marked with a grey-whitish dot. The discal is approximated and the plical smaller, rather before the first discal. There is also a spot of dark fuscous suffusion on the dorsum rather beyond the second discal.
The forewings are ocherous white to white with the base of the costa fuscous. At the apical third of the costa is a fuscous spot and in the middle of the cell is an oblique fuscous dash and a spot of the same color at the end of the cell. At the middle, dorsally, is a fuscous suffusion and a shade of similar color around the termen. The hindwings are white, pale buff distally.
The forewings are dark fuscous, with purplish and bronzy reflections, posteriorly with a few fine yellowish scales. There is a very indistinct spot of whitish- ochreous suffusion in the disc at three-fifths (on the undersurface represented by an oblique yellowish fascia not reaching the margins). The hindwings have a submedian groove towards the base. They are blackish fuscous with a moderate elongate ochreous-yellow spot in the middle of the disc.
The second discal stigma is small and white. There is also an oblique fuscous blotch from the middle of the costa, beyond which is a wedge-shaped white costal mark followed by a spot of dark fuscous suffusion, connected with the preceding blotch beneath. A moderate fuscous terminal fascia is nearly preceded by an indistinct rather curved fuscous transverse line partially confluent with it. The hindwings are pale yellow-greyish, palest in the disc.
Afro Moths The wingspan is 17–18 mm. The forewings are whitish ochreous tinged with yellow, thinly and irregularly sprinkled with fuscous. Towards the base is some fuscous suffusion sprinkled with dark fuscous, especially on the costa and dorsum. The stigmata are dark fuscous, the first discal enlarged into a round cloudy rather dark fuscous spot, obliquely above and before which is another dark fuscous dot, the plical obliquely beyond the first discal.
Recurvaria saxea is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found in Brazil (Para).Recurvaria at funet The wingspan is 7–8 mm. The forewings are rather dark grey, the points of the scales finely whitish-ochreous or whitish and with a small blackish spot on the costa towards the base and small oblique whitish strigulae on the costa at the middle and three-fourths, preceded by spots of blackish suffusion, the second large.
Filatima ochreosuffusella is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found in North America, where it has been recorded from Texas.Filatima at funetmothphotographersgroup The wingspan is about 17 mm. The forewings are rather dark grey, the veins lined black except towards the margins, the ground colour mixed whitish in the disc between the veins and there is a small blackish-grey spot on the base of the costa, some dull reddish-brown suffusion beneath the costa beyond this.
The forewings are slaty fuscous with a narrow fulvous-brown streak along the costa from the middle to near the apex, its costal edge dark fuscous. There are irregular narrow fulvous-brown streaks above and below the middle from near the base to two-fifths. The plical and second discal stigmata are represented by a few green-whitish scales, the latter preceded by a short obscure oblique longitudinal streak of fulvous brown suffusion. The hindwings are dark fuscous.
Paraclada tricapna is a moth in the family Xyloryctidae, and the only species in the genus Paraclada. Genus and species were both described by Edward Meyrick in 1911 and are found on the Seychelles (Silhouette, North).funet.fiAfro Moths The wingspan is about 17 mm. The forewings are pale greyish-ochreous, sprinkled with light grey or fuscous and with three spots of dark grey suffusion on the costa at one-fifth, two-fifths and two-thirds, the first smallest.
The forewings are rather dark ochreous brown with the stigmata dark fuscous, the first sometimes connected with the dorsum by an undefined oblique triangular patch of dark fuscous suffusion. There are a few whitish scales towards the costa and the dorsum about the middle. There is also a subterminal series of seven cloudy white marks, the central and dorsal rather elongated inwards, and a terminal series of six similar marks. The hindwings are grey or dark grey.
The top of the head is white with a chestnut band behind. Body and wings are white, a costal line of the forewings is chestnut-red. A dentated grey discal line with black points across both wings, an indistinct submarginal line and black marginal points. The underside of both wings is white the forewings with the red costal line and some red suffusion on the costal space, discal line red and marginal line of both wings red.
The forewings are whitish ochreous with a fine black streak along the basal fifth of the costa, a black linear mark before the middle and a short blackish streak beyond the middle, and a narrow semi-oval spot at three-fourths. The discal stigmata are very small and black and there are several small indistinct spots of ochreous suffusion towards the dorsum, as well as some indistinct fuscous dots on the termen. The hindwings are grey.Meyrick, Edward (1916–1923).
200px Larva The wingspan is 32–34 mm.The length of the forewings is 14–15 mm. Meyrick describes it - Forewings whitish irrorated with grey, median area suffused with grey and partly mixed with orange ; subbasal line whitish, edged anteriorly with black mixed with orange ; first and second lines whitish, edged internally with blackish ; spots outlined with black mixed with orange ; subterminal line formed of orange spots, preceded by some black scales. Hindwings pale grey, with darker posterior suffusion.
The forewings are creamy white with scattered brownish scales and two spots at the subbasal area. There is a brownish spot on the costa at the middle and a large suffusion at the apical three-fourths. The first discal stigma is large, with the small plical below it and the second at the end of the cell. There is a series of brownish spots along the termen and three to four dots at their inner side.
The forewings are fuscous with small blackish spots on the base of the costa and dorsum. The stigmata are blackish, partially edged with pale ochreous, the first discal forming a roundish spot, the plical a dot slightly beyond it, the second discal a transverse bar enlarged at the lower extremity and connected with the dorsum by a transverse bar of blackish suffusion. There are indications of cloudy blackish almost marginal dots around the apex. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are dark grey and there is a small pale greyish- ochreous spot in the middle of the base, and the extreme dorsal edge is pale greyish ochreous at the base. There is a short pale greyish-ochreous dash on the fold beneath the middle, and a longer one in the disc beyond the middle. There are some indistinct marginal dots of pale greyish-ochreous suffusion around the apex and termen. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are pale ochreous, thinly sprinkled with blackish and with a triangular dark fuscous spot on the base of the costa. The stigmata are black, the plical rather obliquely before the first discal. There is a spot of dark fuscous suffusion on the costa at three-fifths, and a rather smaller one on the dorsum before the tornus opposite to it. There are also three or four indistinct dots of blackish irroration on the termen.
The forewings are rather dark slaty grey sprinkled with whitish and with the base more or less suffused with blackish. There is a blackish transverse fascia at one-third, preceded on the costa by an elongate suffused ochreous-whitish mark and a round blackish spot representing the second discal stigma. There is an ochreous-whitish spot on the costa at three-fourths sending a slightly sinuate line to the tornus, edged anteriorly with blackish suffusion. The hindwings are grey.
Both wings are greyish brown, the forewings with a restricted darker basal area, ending obliquely and abruptly. There is a dark triangular spot at the end of the cell and a pair of fine, curved, parallel, dark median lines, which are carried through the hindwings. There is also a pair of waved similar postmedian lines with a pale interspace. From this point, the veins are darkly outlined and there is a good deal of dark suffusion.
The forewings are light ochraceous-buff, variously marked with darker streaks and suffusion. The base is blackish-fuscous mixed with buckthorn-brown scales, the latter colour extending slightly along the dorsal margin. There is a narrow black streak from the middle of the costa to the outer two-thirds and a buckthorn-brown longitudinal streak from the base of the wing extending to the apex, where it merges with terminal black scaling. The tornus is suffused with buckthorn brown.
The elongate-conic shell tapers to an extremely slender apex. The polished shell is white, with a slight suffusion of brown at the apex and near the aperture. Its length measures 17.3 mm. The two whorls of the protoconch are large, compared with the early whorls of the teleoconch, helicoid, depressed, smooth, having their axis almost at a right angle to the axis of the later whorls and extending beyond the outline of these on the left side.
There is sometimes some irregular light brownish suffusion in the disc and a transverse white line is found from four-fifths of the costa to the tornus, angularly indented outwards in the middle, edged on the costa on both sides with small blackish spots, and preceded by a slender light brownish fascia. There is a light brownish line around the posterior part of the costa and termen, marked with black on the termen. The hindwings are grey. Exotic Microlepidoptera.
A gradually broader streak of blackish-brown suffusion is found along the costa from before the middle to the subterminal line, cut by an oblique white strigula from the costa beyond the middle and a fine almost straight whitish line is found from four-fifths of the costa to the tornus. There are also two short dark fuscous pre-marginal dashes above and below the apex. The hindwings are dark fuscous.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London.
The forewings are fuscous with a strongly-curved light leaden-bluish dark- edged line from two-thirds of the costa to the dorsum before the tornal prominence, more or less obscurely margined with ochreous anteriorly. The apical and tornal prominences, beyond this are light ochreous yellow, with a grey-whitish streak along the upper part of the apical prominence, and some black suffusion towards the middle of the termen. The hindwings are grey.Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society.
The forewings are grey with an indistinct dark fuscous dot in the disc at one-fourth. The stigmata are small, indistinct and dark fuscous, the plical obliquely before the first discal. There is a grey-whitish slightly incurved subterminal line from four-fifths of the costa to the tornus, edged anteriorly by a narrow fascia of dark fuscous suffusion. There is also a series of blackish dots around the apical portion of the costa and termen.
The forewings are whitish-grey, irregularly sprinkled black and with a moderate blackish streak from the dorsum at one-fifth, reaching two-thirds across the wing. There is a small spot of black irroration in the disc at two- thirds and a suffused whitish double spot on the costa at three-fourths, preceded by a small spot of blackish suffusion. Two black dots are found on the upper part of the termen. The hindwings are light grey.
The forewings are cinnamon brown, but paler in the medial area and with a straight oblique dark purplish-brown medial stripe, followed by a slightly curved narrower similar coloured postmedial line edged with paler externally. In this edging is a row of dark dots on each vein. The apex has a darker suffusion. The hindwings are orange, with a trace of a medial line and a suffused lunulated postmedial stripe which is edged with pale externally.
The forewings are ochreous whitish, irregularly speckled with grey and with the veins partially and irregularly streaked with blackish irroration (sprinkles). There are two very elongate irregular-oval spots about fold, the first at one-third, suffused with blackish, the second somewhat beyond the middle, light greyish outlined with blackish irroration and surrounded with whitish suffusion beneath. The hindwings are violet hyaline with the veins suffused with dark grey and a grey terminal fascia.Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien.
The wingspan is 11–12 mm. The forewings are grey irrorated (sprinkled) with blackish, irregularly mixed with white suffusion especially towards the costa and with some irregular dark spots on the costa and general dark clouding on the dorsal area. There is a rather broad somewhat oblique saddle-shaped blackish blotch on the middle of the costa reaching the fold, irregularly edged with white. The hindwings are grey, thinly scaled in the disc, the veins suffused dark grey.
The forewings are grey, finely whitish sprinkled, with some scattered dark grey and blackish scales and a transverse black blotch from the middle of the costa reaching two-thirds across the wing, rather irregular edged, the apex connected with the dorsum by some dark grey suffusion. The hindwings are grey suffused with dark fuscous on the veins, towards the apex, and along the termen, subhyaline (almost glass like) in the disc and towards the base.Exotic Microlepidoptera. 1 (19): 582.
The forewings are grey irregularly sprinkled with white and with black markings, partially edged with white suffusion. There are two oblique strigulae from the costa anteriorly, an oblique spot in the middle, and several small marks posteriorly. There are subcostal, median, submedian, and subdorsal longitudinal streaks, each broken irregularly into about three segments and there are also some black scales along the termen. The hindwings are grey, thinly scaled anteriorly, with the veins and termen darker.
The forewings are whitish ochreous slightly tinged with brownish posteriorly, with some scattered dark fuscous specks. The base of the costa is blackish and the discal stigmata are moderate and black, the second connected to the dorsum by a strong transverse bar of dark fuscous suffusion. There is a marginal series of cloudy blackish dots around the posterior part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are whitish grey, tinged wtih whitish ochreous towards the apex.
There is a black marginal line on the apex and upper part of the termen and one or two dots above it, some slight fuscous suffusion preceding it at the apex. The hindwings are ochreous-whitish, near the termen slightly greyish-tinged except towards the costa, and with two slight dark grey marginal marks at the apex. The costa is hardly dilated. There is a pale yellowish subcostal hairpencil from the base reaching nearly to the apex.
The wingspan is 18–19 mm. The forewings are ochreous-whitish with a blackish spot on the costa at one-fourth, extended on the costa anteriorly by grey suffusion. The dorsal half is suffused light ochreous-grey, on the tornus forming a rounded blotch extending three-fourths across the wing but not reaching the termen except towards the tornus. There is a light greyish dot resting on this at one- thirds, indicating the first discal stigma.
The forewings are blackish grey with some irregular pale ochreous suffusion beneath the costa from the base to about one-fourth. There is an irregular rather oblique transverse pale ochreous fasciate blotch in the middle of the disc, not reaching the margins and a rather oblique transverse pale ochreous spot from the costa at three- fourths, where a fine faint irregular line runs to the tornus. The hindwings are rather dark grey. The larvae feed on Hibiscus species.
The wingspan is about 38 mm. The forewings are grey-whitish lightly sprinkled with fuscous and with a slender median fuscous line from two-fifths nearly to the termen with a short parallel line on its costal side. There are three short streaks running to the costa, one to the apex, several to the termen, and one to the tornus. The hindwings are ochreous-yellow with a pale fuscous suffusion around the apex, termen and tornus.
The forewings are light fleshy red with a small fuscous dot in the disc at one-third, a second below and beyond and a third in the disc at two-thirds. The costal edge is deeper than the ground colour and the extreme costal edge is whitish from one-third to beyond the middle. The hindwings are whitish ochreous with an obscure fuscous suffusion at the apex, continued narrowly to the middle.Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia.
The forewings are deep ochreous yellow, with a streak of dark fuscous irroration (sprinkling) along the basal third of the costa. The stigmata is blackish and the plical is found before the first discal and there is an additional dot beneath the second discal, as well as a spot of dark fuscous suffusion on the middle of the costa, reaching the second discal stigma. There is a moderately broad rather dark fuscous terminal fascia. The hindwings are grey.
The forewings are grey with an obscure dark fuscous dot in the disc at one- fourth. The stigmata are dark fuscous, the first discal forming a strong oblique mark, the second a transverse crescentic mark, the plical spot is a dot beneath the first discal. There is an obscure ochreous-whitish slightly curved and waved subterminal line, posteriorly edged with darker suffusion. There is also a marginal series of blackish crescentic dots around the apex and termen.
The forewings are pale ochreous, thinly speckled with dark brown and with a rather broad ill-defined streak of dark brown suffusion beneath the middle from the base of the dorsum to the termen beneath the apex. There is a slender suffused dark brown streak along the costa from the middle to near the apex, as well as a dark fuscous terminal interrupted line or series of dots. The hindwings are grey.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London.
The forewings are ochreous whitish with the upper part of the cell posteriorly, and the whole space between the cell and termen except towards the costa suffused with light brownish ochreous, with more or less pale streaks on the veins, and some dark fuscous suffusion between the veins, especially posteriorly. There is a fuscous marginal line around the apex. The hindwings are grey, the costa whitish suffused to the apex.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London.
Abdominal colouration distinguishes Z. mima from Trigonospila; the abdomen is largely brown or fulvous-yellow on the sides of the abdomen with a broad black stripe extending along the dorsal surface of the abdomen, terminating about the fourth segment. Z. mima is also easily distinguished from Trigonospila by other characters, including a heavy suffusion of black or brown along the wing margin, giving the appearance of a brown stripe adjacent to the wing margin and much longer antennae.
The forewings are rather dark fuscous, the veins partially indicated by indistinct lines of pale yellowish suffusion, especially towards the base and beyond the cell. There is an irregular slightly oblique pale yellowish fasciate patch from the middle of the costa reaching halfway across the wing, limited posteriorly by an indistinct dark fuscous transverse spot on the end of the cell. There is also a well-marked ochreous-yellow denticulate terminal line. The hindwings are rather dark grey.
The wingspan is about 17 mm. The forewings are whitish fuscous, irregularly irrorated with fuscous, especially towards the dorsum anteriorly and on the veins posteriorly. The costa is finely whitish from the base to three-fourths, the edge blackish towards the base. The stigmata are small and dark fuscous, the plical obliquely beyond the first discal and there is an indistinct streak of dark fuscous suffusion from the second discal stigma to four-fifths of the dorsum.
The wingspan is 15–19 mm. The forewings are brown with the stigmata blackish, the first discal at one-fourth, the plical beyond it, the second discal at three-fifths, transversely elongate or double. There is a subcostal series of minute dots from two-thirds, curved in the disc to the end on the dorsum before the tornus and there is a terminal series of dots. The hindwings are whitish with slight grey suffusion towards the apex.
There are pale yellowish dots accompanied with a few blackish scales as follows, one towards the costa at one-fifth, one beneath the fold slightly beyond this, one nearer the costa at two-fifths, and three representing the stigmata, the first discal about the middle, the plical nearly beneath it and a small dorsal spot of black irroration beneath the second discal. There is some grey suffusion and scattered black irroration towards the apex. The hindwings are light grey.
He then resumed the practice of law, in company with his brother in Bridgeport, Conn, but in 1876 returned to Litchfield. In 1880 he represented the town in the Connecticut Legislature, as a Democrat. He died in Litchfield, after about a week's illness, of suffusion of the heart, March 24, 1881, in his 64th year. In June 1847, he married Mary S. Brisbane, a native of Charleston, South Carolina, who survived him with one only of their four children.
Telphusa nephomicta is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found in South Korea, Japan and China.Telphusa at funet The wingspan is 14–15 mm. The forewings are whitish-grey with a moderate oblique black fascia about one- third, preceded by a subcostal tuft and a trapezoidal blotch of irregular grey suffusion on the median third of the costa, narrowed downwards, the lower portion edged black, and the anterior part of the costal edge is black.
The forewings are leaden grey sprinkled dark fuscous, with a broad irregular ochreous dorsal stripe from the base to the tornus, on the anterior half partially suffused with grey whitish and interrupted by an irregular pale silvery spot posteriorly. There is a small blackish spot on the base of the costa and an oblique dark fuscous spot above the dorsal stripe towards the base, and an oblique dark fuscous fasciate streak from the costa at one-third, terminating in an indentation of the dorsal stripe, black at the apex and white-edged posteriorly (plical stigma). The discal stigmata are black, approximated, the first obliquely beyond the plical, the dorsal stripe reaching these, a spot of silvery suffusion between the discal stigmata, and an ochreous-fulvous spot above the second, above this some dark fuscous suffusion along the costa. There is a black mark before the apex, preceded by a small ochreous-fulvous spot, some indistinct irregular silvery marking around these and dots on the apical and terminal margin.
The forewings are white, tinged in the disc with ochreous and with a broad dark bronzy-purplish fascia near the base, leaving a slender whitish basal space obscurely marked with dark grey, the outer edge of the fascia irregular, hardly oblique, but on the dorsal half followed by irregular grey suffusion extending beneath the fold to the tornus, on the dorsum suffusedly spotted with dark fuscous before and beyond the middle. There are two dark fuscous dots transversely placed on the end of the cell and there is a straight transverse grey shade at four-fifths, more or less enlarged anteriorly into a blotch on the costa. Some undefined grey suffusion is found before the apex and termen, preceding a white dentate marginal line with interspaces filled with dark fuscous. The hindwings are grey, paler anteriorly and with the costal margin somewhat expanded to beyond the middle, with long rough projecting hairscales suffused with dark grey beneath, and a long ochreous- white subcostal hairpencil lying beneath the forewings.
The forewings are fuscous with the basal third of the costa dark fuscous, cut by an oblique whitish mark at one-fourth, beneath this a yellow- ochreous streak. There is an obliquely curved suffused dark fuscous fasciate streak from one-fourth of the dorsum to this, enclosed by two whitish-ochreous streaks and with an oblique-oval medio-dorsal blotch reaching three-fourths across the wing, formed of yellow-ochreous suffusion edged with dark fuscous suffusion and then with whitish. Beyond this is a parallel whitish streak, confluent with an ochreous-whitish ring surrounding an elongate ochreous- whitish mark and a very oblique orange-ochreous striga from the costa in the middle, preceded and followed by fine white strigae edged dark fuscous. Beyond this is a whitish-ochreous elongate mark and there is a transverse silvery line at three-fourths, followed by an ochreous-whitish costal dot, as well as an oblique whitish-ochreous streak hooked beneath from the lower part of this to a silvery oblique streak crossing the wing near the apex, above this some whitish-ochreous scattered scales.
The forewings are pale ochreous, irrorated with fuscous and shaded with reddish scales. There are two fuscous discal spots at the basal third and a fuscous spot at the end of the cell, preceded above by a less conspicuous spot of the same colour. There is a poorly defined fuscous cloud between the outer and inner pairs of spots in costal half of wing and the apical half of the costa and termen have a reddish suffusion. The hindwings are greyish ochreous.
The forewings are light brownish, towards the base faintly rosy-tinged and in the disc somewhat mixed with whitish-ochreous. There is an undefined rather dark fuscous suffusion forming a basal patch, as well as a streak along the costa and there are oblique streaks from this to the disc before and beyond the middle indicating the stigmata. There is a rather broad angulated subterminal fascia and a narrow terminal fascia almost confluent with it. The hindwings are light grey.
The forewings are fuscous, irregularly irrorated (sprinkled) with dark fuscous, with several small scattered tufts of scales and semi-oval dark fuscous spots on the costa before the middle and at two-thirds. There are undefined elongate spots of dark fuscous suffusion or irroration in the disc before and beyond the middle, and above the tornus and cloudy dark marginal dots around the posterior part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are grey, thinly scaled anteriorly.Meyrick, Edward (1916–1923).
During his investigation, Gently encounters exploding airport check-in counters, the gods of Norse mythology (particularly Odin and Thor), insulting horoscopes, a sinister nursing home, a rhino-phagic eagle, an I Ching calculator (to which everything calculated above the value of 4 is apparently 'a suffusion of yellow'), a god who gives his powers to a lawyer and an advertising executive in exchange for clean linen, and Kate Schechter, an American woman who gets angry when she can't get pizza delivered in London.
The forewings are whitish-ochreous, suffusedly irrorated with fuscous. The basal third is suffused with dark fuscous, except for a small clear whitish- ochreous spot in the middle of the base. There are more or less clear whitish- ochreous blotches on the costa at two-fifths and two-thirds, the space between these suffused with dark fuscous. The discal stigmata are represented by round blotches of dark fuscous suffusion, with a similar blotch more or less developed between these, separated by pale spaces.
The forewings are ochreous sprinkled with dark fuscous and with the costa irrorated (sprinkled) with dark fuscous from the base to a dark fuscous elongate mark at two-thirds. There are indistinct dark fuscous dots obliquely placed above and below the fold. The stigmata are blackish, the plical rather obliquely before the first discal and there is an undefined almost terminal fascia of dark fuscous suffusion rather broader above, leaving the edge ochreous with black dots. The hindwings are dark grey.
The forewings are brown somewhat mixed with whitish ochreous and with a whitish-ochreous patch occupying the apical fourth of the costa. The anterior two-thirds of the costa is suffused with blackish, obliquely strigulated with pale ochreous. The stigmata is blackish, ill defined, with the discal approximated and the plical near beyond the first discal. There is also some blackish suffusion on the dorsum towards the tornus, a blackish dot on the tornus and one on the termen beneath the apex.
The forewings are light pinkish cinnamon, broadly suffused, especially on the basal and the costal area, with glossy fuscous black. The reniform is distinct, in- and out-wardly confined by a sub-triangular black suffusion. The medial line is fuscous, curved outwards from the costa to vein seven, then straight to vein two, then slightly bent inwards to vein one, then indistinct to the inner margin. The postmedial line is double, fuscous and nearly straight, waved inwards on veins one to nine.
Palpi pale brownish ochreous, terminal joint whitish with dark fuscous supramedian ring. Forewings elongate, somewhat dilated, costa gently arched, apex obtuse, termen obliquely rounded; pale ochreous irregularly sprinkled brownish; a cloudy dark brown dot beneath costa near base; stigmata dark brown, plical hardly beyond first discal, a dark brown dash between discal more or less expressed; some brown suffusion between second discal and costa, apical and terminal area irregularly suffused brown. Cilia: whitish brownish (damaged). Hindwings whitish grey; cilia whitish.
New Recorded Species of Pterophoridae from China (Lepidoptera: Pterophoridae) The larvae feed on the flowers and unripe seeds of Teucrium tomentosum. The larvae are generally very pale green, but may vary in colour, and some examples might be described as reddish with a greenish latero-dorsal suffusion on the abdominal segments. The head is yellowish or pale green. Pupation takes place in a pale flesh-pink pupa which is suspended freely by the tail from an empty flower-sheath of the host plant.
The forewings are grey closely and suffusedly irrorated (sprinkled) with whitish, especially towards the costa. There are some scattered blackish scales and a black line along the anterior portion of the fold, and a row of black scales posteriorly, a longitudinal line in the median portion of the disc and a shorter one between this and the termen, all these accompanied with more or less dark grey suffusion. The hindwings are grey, becoming hyaline (glass like) anteriorly except on the veins.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are grey with a moderate white median streak from the base to about two-thirds or three-fourths, cut by a fine line along the fold, sometimes partially edged by dark fuscous suffusion, often with the plical and second discal stigmata appearing as dark fuscous spots on its lower margin and in its apex respectively. The costal edge is white except towards the base. The remainder of the wing variably strewn or suffusedly streaked with white. The hindwings are grey.Exot. Microlep.
There is a transverse dark fuscous spot filled with ochreous in the disc beyond the middle, its lower end produced obliquely towards the tornus as a dark fuscous lobe with the apex expanded. There is an undefined cloud of light fuscous suffusion on the costa towards the apex, where a hardly traceable faint pale fuscous rather curved shade runs to the tornus. There is a terminal series of small dark fuscous dots. The hindwings are whitish yellowish, yellower towards the apex.
Chionodes chlorocephala is a moth in the family Gelechiidae. It is found in North America, where it has been recorded from New Mexico, California and Mexico.Chionodes at funetmothphotographersgroup The wingspan is about 19 mm. The forewings are fuscous, slightly speckled whitish, with the dorsal edge ochreous-white near the base and with a small light ochreous mark from the costa near the base, as well as a small obscure darker spot in the disc towards the base, partially surrounded by brownish-ochreous suffusion.
C. satura Schiff. (= porphyrea Esp.) (32 b). Shorter- and broader-winged than melanodonta [Mniotype melanodonta (Hampson, 1906)] . Forewing dull reddish throughout, more or less hidden by the purplish black suffusion; the upper stigmata, the basal patch, the submarginal area, and the subterminal line all dull reddish; the wedge-shaped marks before the last much shorter and less conspicuous; otherwise as in melanodonta; hindwing dark brownish-fuscous, with cellspot and slight outer line marked; a pale terminal streak at anal angle.
Meyrick describes it thus Head and thorax white. Forewings ochreous-white, suffused with light grey except towards base and along costa; median shade straight, ochreous-grey; second line straight, whitish, with a small angular median projection, posteriorly edged with ochreous-grey suffusion; subterminal obscurely whitish, followed by a darker grey costal spot. Hindwings fuscous-whitish, becoming fuscous posteriorly.Meyrick, E., 1895 A Handbook of British Lepidoptera MacMillan, London pdf The moths are active day and night and fly in July and August.
The costal two-thirds of the forewings is fuscous, while the dorsal third is pale ochreous. There are two small yellow-ochreous spots ringed with ferruginous at the middle of the forewing, as well as a blackish dash edged with ferruginous between them, and another after the distal-most spot. There is an irregular suffusion of yellow ochreous, mixed with ferruginous, as well as a pale yellow ochreous spot on the costa before the apex. The hindwings are shining grey.
A fine white subterminal line is found from three-fourths of the costa to the tornus, acutely angulated in the middle, sinuate inwards on the lower half, the angle interrupted by a short blackish dash projecting from the dark suffusion of the dorsal half of the wing. There are also some light grey dots around the apical part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are dark fuscous, thinly scaled in the disc anteriorly.Transactions of the Entomological Society of London.
The forewings are purple-fuscous, sprinkled with blackish and with the costal edge more or less yellowish. The markings are deep ochreous- yellowish with some undefined suffusion towards the costa and the fold about one-fourth. There are two narrow cloudy transverse fasciae, the first before the middle, sinuate, the second at two-thirds, interrupted in the disc. There is a cloudy ring representing the second discal stigma and with two dots on the costa posteriorly, and a line along the termen.
The markings are ochreous, very diffuse and poorly defined. The basal area of the wing to near the middle is lightly suffused with ochreous, the suffusion extending along the costal margin towards the apex and spreading into the distal area. There is the semblance of a weak ill-defined brownish fascia from below the costa before the middle, slightly outward-oblique to the inner margin. A similar indistinct fascia is found from below the costa to the inner margin before the tornus.
The forewings are whitish ochreous tinged with yellowish and sprinkled with dark fuscous. There is a narrow dark fuscous basal fascia, followed by a clear pale ochreous-yellow subbasal fascia, edged posteriorly with dark fuscous suffusion. There is a slender cloudy dark fuscous slightly oblique median fascia, slightly bent in the middle and a dark fuscous streak along the termen. The hindwings are posteriorly clothed with hair-scales, rather dark fuscous, the disc more or less broadly suffused with light ochreous yellowish.
Studies of various kinds of impression formation have been conducted in Canada, Japan, and Germany. Core processes are similar cross-culturally. For example, in every culture that has been studied, Evaluation of an actor was determined by-among other things-a stability effect, a suffusion from the behavior Evaluation, and an interaction that rewarded an actor for performing a behavior whose Evaluation was consistent with the Evaluation of the object person. On the other hand, each culture weighted the core effects distinctively.
Crambodoxa is a genus of moths in the family Gelechiidae. It contains the species Crambodoxa platyaula, which is found in The wingspan is about 23 mm. The forewings are brownish, the dorsum and anterior half of the costa suffused with darker brown and with a broad silvery-white supra- median streak from the base to the apex, edged beneath with blackish-brown, the lower edge angular-prominent in the middle, where a streak of blackish- brown suffusion runs to the tornus.
The forewings are rather dark fuscous, the basal one-fourth and a moderate direct postmedian fascia dark grey slightly sprinkled with whitish. Beyond one-fourth is a fascia of whitish suffusion, extended on the dorsum to the postmedian fascia. There is also a narrow slightly metallic grey fascia at three-fourths, and an angulated metallic-grey marginal streak around the apex, between these a blackish spot towards the costa and two grey-whitish dashes beneath it. The hindwings are dark grey.
The first discal is black, on its oblique posterior edge rather beyond this, the lower edge triangularly indented in the middle, with small spots of pale yellowish suffusion on or near the costa before and beyond this. There is a moderate light brownish transverse fascia at two-thirds, becoming fuscous on the costa, the second discal stigma forming a black transverse mark on its anterior edge. The hindwings are light grey.Exot. Microlep. 3 (16): 489 The larvae feed on Atriplex canescens.
The wingspan is about 24 mm. The forewings are pale greyish-ochreous, with a faint yellowish tinge, the costal and dorsal thirds suffused fuscous except towards the termen, with scattered dark fuscous scales, the costal veins fuscous. There is a slender dark fuscous dorsal streak from one-fourth to the middle. The first discal stigma forms a small spot of fuscous suffusion, the plical linear, dark fuscous, somewhat beyond it, the second discal forming an interrupted dark fuscous transverse linear mark.
There is a dark fuscous slightly curved line from two-thirds of the costa to the posterior angle of the second dorsal blotch. A short dark fuscous mark is found in the disc above the middle nearly connecting this with the preceding line. There are also three strong approximated blackish dots on the apical margin, preceded by some narrow dark fuscous suffusion. The hindwings are grey, the base whitish-tinged, the apex somewhat suffused with whitish, with two dark fuscous marginal dots.
The forewings are light ochreous brown, with a few scattered dark grey specks. The costal edge is light dull rosy, with some slight fuscous suffusion beneath this from the base to beyond the middle and a faintly infuscated hardly defined shade from the dorsum at one-fourth to the costa before the middle. The second discal stigma forms a small oval grey- whitish spot, edged with light fuscous. There is also a slight oblique light fuscous mark from the costa at two-thirds.
The wingspan is 22–23 mm. The forewings are whitish violet with the costal edge pale ochreous yellowish from the base to two-thirds, edged with greyish-violet suffusion beneath and with a fine greyish-violet straight shade from two-fifths of the costa to the middle of the dorsum, the plical stigma forming a faint spot on it. The second discal stigma is cloudy and violet grey. The hindwings are grey whitish strewn with violet-grey hairscales except towards the base.
There is an irregular interrupted excurved shade of indistinct fuscous suffusion from beneath the middle of the costa to the dorsum at four-fifths, indented on the fold. An excurved series of fuscous dots is found from beneath the costa at three-fifths to the tornus, slightly sinuate above the middle. Two or three slight fuscous marks are found on the costa towards the apex and there is a terminal series of dark fuscous dots. The hindwings are ochreous whitish.
The forewings are light yellow ochreous, almost wholly suffused with crimson, the crimson colour appearing posteriorly as irregular streaks on the veins. The costa is suffused with dark fuscous except on the median area, the extreme costal edge is whitish except towards the base and apex. There is some irregular dark fuscous suffusion in the middle of the disc, and beneath the fold towards the base. The terminal edge and posterior half of the dorsal area is suffused dark fuscous.
The forewings are shining pale whitish ochreous with the apical third ochreous orange, anteriorly suffused. There is some grey suffusion on the dorsum before the tornus and on the middle of the termen and a large round black apical dot, edged with white in the cilia, which is otherwise whitish ochreous, around the apex with a grey median line. The hindwings are whitish grey, with the apex slightly tinged with orange and a blackish apical dot.Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society.
The forewings are light greyish ochreous, the costal edge ochreous whitish except towards the base. The stigmata are small and dark grey, the plical very obliquely beyond the first discal. There is a curved subterminal line of irregular blackish-grey dots and a terminal series of small indistinct dark grey dots. The hindwings are whitish grey, somewhat darker posteriorly, the apical edge marked with dark grey suffusion and with a small cloudy dark grey spot on the costa beyond the middle.
Retrieved July 15, 2017. The wingspan is about 40 mm. The forewings are white, the costa as far as the upper edge of the cell irregularly suffused with dark brown, this color extending toward the base to the fold, but interrupted by white irregular suffusion between the veins above the cell. All veins on the lower two-thirds of the disc are marked by series of dark brown scales and there is a dark brown streak along the closing vein.
Abdomen grey, lateral claspers and supraanal projection longer and narrower than in caustica. Forewings ovate- lanceolate, less acute than in caustica, stalk of 7 and 8 extremely short; deep purple, irregularly mixed with coppery-golden, darker and bluish on costa; four subquadrate ochreous-whitish spots on costa between base and 3/4, larger anteriorly, and a dot towards apex: cilia grey-whitish, with several dark grey bars. Hindwings violet-grey, darker towards apex; cilia grey- whitish, on costa barred with grey suffusion.
The forewings are shining white with a triangular blackish-grey blotch on the base of the dorsum and a deep golden-ochreous fascia from the middle of the costa to three-fourths of the dorsum, acutely angulated in the middle. Three deep golden-ochreous marks are found on the costa beyond this, connected beneath. There is a series of six longitudinal black lines before the termen, the two upper ones surrounded with ochreous suffusion. The hindwings are grey, lighter towards the base.
There are elongate fuscous marks in the disc above the dorsal area at one-fourth and beyond the middle and a slightly curved rather dark fuscous line from the costa at two-thirds to the angle of the dorsal area. There are also six irregular blackish marginal dots around the apex and termen, the largest at the apex. Some fuscous suffusion is found before the apex. The hindwings are fuscous-whitish with dark fuscous marginal marks on each side of the apex.
Antaeotricha subdulcis is a moth of the family Depressariidae. It is found in Brazil (Para) and Bolivia."Antaeotricha Zeller, 1854" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms The wingspan is about 16 mm for males and 30 mm for females. Males have pale grey forewings with a broad white costal band from the base to near the apex, posteriorly pointed, the costal edge ochreous-tinged, below the band a streak of whitish-ochreous suffusion to the end of the cell.
Antaeotricha dissona is a moth of the family Depressariidae. It is found in Brazil (Amazonas)."Antaeotricha Zeller, 1854" at Markku Savela's Lepidoptera and Some Other Life Forms The wingspan is about 15 mm. The forewings are shining white with a short oblique dark fuscous mark from the base of the costa, and a dark fuscous supramedian dash near the base, as well as a blotch of fuscous suffusion on the basal fourth of the dorsum reaching half across the wing.
The forewings are deep yellow-ochreous, sprinkled rather dark purplish- fuscous and with some purplish-fuscous suffusion towards the dorsum anteriorly. There is an oblique oval purplish-fuscous spot representing the first discal stigma and a somewhat oblique slender purplish-fuscous fascia from beyond the middle of the costa to the dorsum before the tornus. There is a marginal series of small purplish-fuscous spots around the posterior part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are grey, paler towards the base.
Retrieved July 15, 2017. The wingspan is about 37 mm. The forewings are white with the faintest yellowish suffusion along the middle of the wing and beyond the cell. There are two large raised pale yellow scale tufts and two smaller white scale tufts alternating with the other, as well as two highly raised but loose tufts below the upper edge of the cell toward the base, with the upper half dark brown, the lower white and some brown scales scattered between these.
The wingspan is about 25 mm. The forewings are dark crimson fuscous, becoming dark grey towards the termen. There is some brighter crimson suffusion beneath the middle of the disc and a broad crimson-red streak, narrowed to the extremities, along the dorsum from the base to two-thirds, the dorsal edge yellow towards one-fourth. A narrow suffused yellow streak is found along the costa from two-thirds to near the apex, its costal edge white except towards the extremities.
Telphusa improvida is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found in southern India.Telphusa at funet The wingspan is 8–9 mm. The forewings are grey with sprinkled black scales and elongate suffused black marks on the costa towards the base, about one-third, and a longer one beyond the middle, irregular and variable brownish-ochreous suffusion partially margining these beneath and posteriorly and tending to form three oblique incomplete fasciae and an irregular spot on the end of the cell.
Telphusa orgilopis is a moth of the family Gelechiidae. It is found in Brazil (Para).Telphusa at funet The wingspan is about 12 mm. The forewings are pinkish-whitish irregularly suffused light grey and with four undefined blackish transverse fasciae, the first near the base, including two large ochreous-brown tufts, the second mixed ochreous-brown, with a large submedian tuft, the third connected with the second by irregular dark grey and brownish suffusion in the disc, and containing two large tufts.
The fulvous suffusion of the median area extends beyond the outer line as far as its elbow. The veins beyond the outer line are finely black. The apical two thirds of the marginal space is steel-blue, iridescent and white close to the outer line and yellowish along the costa. The hindwings are white with an irregular velvety-black fascia close to the base and a curved dark grey shade from the discal spot to the middle of the hind margin with the veins within it blackish.
There is a cream blotch densely scaled with brown from the middle of the termen and another similar blotch marked with brown anteriorly extending from the tornus. There is grey suffusion in the whole dorsal part of the wing terminating in its middle area. There is an orange pattern between the largest costal spot and the tornal blotch, accompanied by two streaks and a group of shorter margins in the basal half of the wing. The hindwings are yellowish cream, mixed with brown in the anal area.
The forewings are dark purple fuscous, with scattered rough black scales and more or less pale ochreous irroration (speckles) towards the costa anteriorly. The first discal stigma represented by two very obliquely placed small tufts of black and whitish-ochreous scales and the second by a larger mostly black transverse tuft. There is a curved patch of undefined brownish suffusion in the disc posteriorly and an undefined black terminal line interrupted with whitish ochreous. The hindwings are thinly scaled, bronzy fuscous, with darker veins.
Upperside: the white area much more extended on both forewings and hindwings. On the former it spreads well into the cell, the latter three-fourths of the wing are white; the dusky basal and costal areas much more restricted than in the male. The iridescent blue suffusion is in many specimens entirely absent, in a few very faintly indicated; the subterminal series of black dots so distinct in the male are generally faint and obsolescent. Underside: as in the male but the markings less distinct.
In var. latimargo the markings are much coarser and the terminal series on both forewings and hindwings more clearly defined. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen black, the antennas annulated with white; beneath: the palpi, thorax and abdomen white. Female upperside: similar to that of the male but the white area of much less extent on the forewing, of greater extent on the hindwing, the suffusion of lilacine blue absent on both forewings and hindwings; the terminal markings on the hindwing broader and more clearly defined.
The forewings are sap-green, slightly irrorated with black, some deep rufous and blackish suffusion below and beyond end of cell and at the base of the inner margin. There is a diffused blackish subbasal line. The antemedial line is black, oblique and slightly sinuous and the terminal half of the costa has black striae with pale brown between them. The postmedial line is white, defined on the inner and outer sides by a series of black points, slightly excurved below the costa and at the middle.
The forewings are fuscous, with a few scattered black scales and with some ochreous-whitish suffusion towards the median third of the dorsum. There is a thick black median longitudinal streak from the base to two-thirds, lower edge suffused, upper sharply marked, forming two deep sinuations filled with ochreous whitish before and beyond the middle and a triangular prominence between these. There is a short suffused blackish apical streak, and one less marked beneath it, surrounded with a purplish tinge. The hindwings are fuscous.
The forewings are rosy ochreous, the costa suffused with light yellow ochreous and the costal edge black at the base. There is a black streak along the basal third of the dorsum and the plical stigma is well marked and black. The second discal is minute, blackish, between this and the termen is a spot of fuscous suffusion and there is a more or less developed fuscous spot on the costa at two-thirds, sometimes little marked. A few fuscous scales are found on the termen.
The forewings are dark fuscous with a blackish transverse spot on the end of the cell, preceded by a roundish grey spot and followed by a grey bar. There is a nearly straight pale grey line from a small white spot on the costa at three-fourths to the tornus. There is also a suffused pale grey terminal fascia. The hindwings are blackish with some grey suffusion in the basal one-third of the disc, and on a bar from this to the tornus.
The forewings are light violet fuscous, the costa suffused with pale ochreous except towards the apex. There is a variable transverse or subtriangular blackish blotch on the dorsum before the middle, edged with whitish yellow, reaching nearly three-fourths of the way across the wing. The second discal stigma is black and moderate, edged with whitish-ochreous. There is a transverse streak of blackish suffusion from five-sixths of the costa to before the tornus, becoming obsolete dorsally, curved inwards on the upper half.
The forewings are whitish with the costa and veins suffused with blackish except on the dorsal area beneath the fold. There is some brown suffusion towards the base of the costa, above the end of the cell, and on a subterminal streak. There are large blackish dots suffused with brown beneath the costa at one-sixth and one- third. A short very fine black line runs along the fold towards the base and there is a blackish dot beneath the fold at one-fourth of the wing.
The forewings are light bronzy fuscous, irrorated (sprinkled) with dark fuscous and with a dark fuscous dot on the base of the costa, two beneath the costa at one-sixth and one-third, and three on the fold obliquely beyond these respectively. There is an undefined longitudinal dark fuscous suffusion from between the last subcostal and plical dots beneath the middle of the disc to the apex, the upper edge with two dark fuscous prominences representing the discal stigmata. The hindwings are pale grey.
The forewings are white irregularly sprinkled with grey and with markings of dark grey suffusion partially mixed black. There is a small spot on the costa near the base, a trapezoidal blotch on the dorsum about one-third reaching beyond the fold, a blotch on the costa before the middle, a very irregular fascia from the middle of the dorsum to three-fifths of the costa, and a flattened-triangular blotch on the tornus almost confluent with an apical blotch. The hindwings are grey.Exotic Microlepidoptera.
The forewings are grey with a much darker costal area extending from the base to beyond half, reaching to the plical fold and attenuated to the apex. There is a dull ochreous suffusion commencing in the fold near the base and expanding in the disc, with the area beneath the fold whitish. There is a black dash along the fold to about one-sixth, dilated apically. There are two or three black spots following this above the fold and some scattered blackish scales towards the apex.
The forewings are whitish ocherous with a few orange scales at the base. The middle half of the costa is fuscous, bordered irregularly with a streak of ocherous brown. There is a fuscous spot near the middle of the fold, another near the dorsum about midway between this and the anal angle, as well as an orbicular and a discal fuscous dot. A streak of brownish suffusion is found in the dorsal half of the cell, extending to the termen, gradually widened to the apex.
The forewings are whitish ochreous tinged with brownish and with a black dot on the base of the costa and one on the fold before one-fourth, as well as an oblong transverse blackish blotch in the disk before the middle representing the plical and first discal stigmata. The second discal stigma is black and there is an undefined fascia of light, fuscous suffusion just beyond this with the extremities blackish. There are also three or four undefined fuscous dots on the termen. The hindwings are grey.
The wingspan is 31–35 mm. The length of the forewings is 13–16 mm.Forewing fawn-tinged grey, with a fuscous suffusion, with the ground colour sometimes paler, more luteous ochreous, especially in examples from W. Turkestan; costal edge pale; inner and outer lines obscurely marked; the median and praesubmarginal shades distinct; stigmata fuscous grey, with pale annuli; hindwing whitish, grey- tinged towards termen; the veins and cell mark darker; altogether darker grey in the female. Occurs throughout Northern and Central Europe and in Central Asia.
The wingspan is 16–22 mm. The length of the forewings is 9–11 mm. Forewing whitish ochreous, mixed with brownish fuscous towards costa; a fine black dash beneath costa at base; inner line partly blackish, dentate; outer oblique, irregular, partly marked with dark and edged posteriorly with whitish; cellspot small, blackish, connected with outer line by dark fuscous suffusion; subterminal line indistinct, pale; hindwing luteous whitish, with a grey discal dot.Seitz, A. Ed., 1914 Die Großschmetterlinge der Erde, Verlag Alfred Kernen, Stuttgart Band 3: Abt.
Male antennal ciliation little longer than diameter of shaft; hindtarsus short. Not on the whole an extremely variable species, except in size; there is, however, a great deal of trivial variation, i.e. as regards the absolute or relative strength of the several lines, the close proximity of the inner subterminal to the postmedian or their wider separation, the degree of suffusion of the under surface, etc. Second-brood specimens, besides being smaller seem to be on an average whiter beneath and are sometimes rounder winged.
In most respects German and English Fallows are very similar. Both resemble Cinnamons, but differ in having a much weaker body colour, which results in a rather attractive mustard-yellow breast shading to green on the rump (blue in the blue series). The depth of the green or blue suffusion varies in individual birds, but is always more intense towards the vent and on the rump. The throat spots, head and neck striations, and wing markings are a medium brown on a yellowish ground.
The forewings are pale ochreous suffused with brownish, and irrorated (sprinkled) with fuscous and dark fuscous. There is a dark fuscous basal fascia, narrow on the costa but rather wide on the dorsum, edged with an irregular prominence in the middle. The stigmata are dark fuscous, the plical rather obliquely beyond the first discal, with obscure pale spaces following each and connecting the discal. There is a variable subterminal shade of darker brown suffusion, angulated inwards beneath the costa and outwards above the middle.
The forewings are grey, with a faint purplish tinge. The stigmata are represented by very obscure spots of darker suffusion, the discal approximated, the plical obliquely before the first discal. There is a rather broad white sub-median streak from the base (where it extends suffusedly to the basal portion of the dorsum) to the first discal stigma, impressed beneath by the plical, and continued by some scattered white scales to and around the second discal. There is also a suffused white dot at the apex.
The plical and second discal stigmata are dark fuscous. There are fasciae of very faint darker suffusion crossing the wing at one-third and beyond the middle, the second slightly curved. There is a rather curved waved fuscous line from the costa at four-fifths to the dorsum before the tornus, sinuate towards the costa. The hindwings are grey, darker posteriorly and with an expansible fringe-tuft of long pale ochreous hairs from near the dorsum on the upper half projecting inwards beneath the abdomen.Exot. Microlep.
The stigmata are rather large, blackish, the plical obliquely beyond the first discal. There is some slight fuscous suffusion towards the base of the dorsum and a cloudy dark fuscous shade connecting the plical stigma with the dorsum. A suffused dark fuscous shade is found from the costa at three-fifths, somewhat angulated beyond the second discal stigma to the dorsum near the tornus. There is a curved dark fuscous line from the costa at four-fifths to the tornus, indented towards the costa.
Tanaobela is a genus of moths in the superfamily Pyraloidea containing only one species, Tanaobela chrysochlora, which is found in Australia, where it has been recorded from Queensland. Its affiliations are disputed. The wingspan is about 20 mm. The forewings are yellowish-green without defined markings, although there is a brownish streak on the base of the costa and a minute dot beneath the mid-costa, as well as traces of a pale-fuscous dentate transverse line and some fuscous suffusion at the tornus.
The forewings are light fuscous with the costal edge ochreous whitish and the dorsal area towards the base suffused with rather dark purplish fuscous. The stigmata are dark fuscous, the plical small, slightly beyond the first discal, the second discal rather large, connected with the dorsum by dark-purplish- fuscous suffusion, the terminal area beyond this more or less darker suffused. There are some undefined cloudy-dark-fuscous spots around the posterior part of the costa and termen. The hindwings are pale grey or whitish grey.
C. delphinii L. (501). Male forewing purplish pink, paler along outer margin and fringe, deepest in basal area and beyond middle; basal area edged by a pale and pink trilobed line; orbicular stigma ochreous, obscure; reniform large, irregular, edged with brownish purple, attached to the median shade, which with the double postmedian line and space beyond forms an irregular darker band; hindwing dirty ochreous, with fuscous veins and border, the extreme margin pink.Female darker, with a grey suffusion over both wings. — the form darollesi Oberth.
The forewings are dark violet grey becoming blackish posteriorly. The stigmata are cloudy, blackish, sometimes more or less absorbed in the blackish suffusion, with the plical obliquely before the first discal. There is a very oblique white strigula from the costa at two-thirds, where a faint interrupted whitish line runs to near the termen beneath the apex, then curved very near the termen to the tornus. A brown mark is found along the costa beyond this, terminated by a white pre-apical dot.
The forewings are rather dark olive green, with the tips of the scales ochreous whitish and with a small ochreous-whitish tuft on the middle of the costa, preceded by a spot of darker suffusion. The stigmata are darker, with the plical beneath the first discal. There is an indistinct shade of ochreous- whitish sprinkles from the costa at three-fourths to the tornus, indented beneath the costa. There are also indistinct darker marginal dots around the posterior part of the costa and termen.

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