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86 Sentences With "subheadings"

How to use subheadings in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "subheadings" and check conjugation/comparative form for "subheadings". Mastering all the usages of "subheadings" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Here are the subheadings within it: The Importance Of Intellectual Humility.
It's no coincidence that the subheadings "Chaos" and "Order" recur in the book.
The whistle-blower's subheadings do what the best subheadings do: They structure the complaint and provide a clear outline of what the document contains: I. The 25 July Presidential phone call II. Efforts to restrict access to records related to the call III.
Below we've listed the subheadings on his notes in bold with any interesting bullet points pulled out.
The users did tend to like vibrant colors, eye-catching photos and text that was well organized with subheadings.
Along with adjusting how notes are sorted, you can change how new notes start — changing the title, headings, subheadings, and body text.
Tap on any of the subheadings in the list to see apps that currently have those permissions and to revoke them if necessary.
Even if you're writing something less formal, you can use subheadings to organize your document and then remove them before you share it.
Your Apple TV will also read the subheadings of any menus, the titles of movies or shows, and even how much time is left of a movie.
The new project will appear down at the bottom and when you click on that, you'll be able to add several headings and subheadings with bullet-pointed lists.
LONDON — Among the outpouring of tributes to David Bowie, the Economist did a fine job of honouring the late singer via an obituary and some brilliantly placed subheadings.
Her individually annotated photos, drawn mostly from real estate listings, and her amusingly Tumblr-esque article subheadings (to wit: "What Even Is Architectural Theory") make it an addictive read.
To take it a step further, Johnston creates subheadings for descriptive text so that people can quickly glean the idea of the bullets without having to read each one. 
Democrats will also likely try to fight over a provision in the bill that reverses the Library of Congress's decision to stop using the term "illegal alien" in its subheadings.
If you need to move tasks around, you can drag and drop them between different subheadings, and as you complete tasks, the circled next to your header will begin to fill in.
Ongoing concerns IV. Circumstances leading up to the 25 July Presidential phone call The bonus of good subheadings is that they serve as a guide for writing the rest of the document.
While the back page is given over to Hugh Hefner in the October 7th edition, the subtle tribute across the subheadings in the rest of the issue left me workin' on a mystery, goin' wherever it leads.
Here Comes Everybody is about that former model — I just looked in the index, and I mention Facebook only four times in the book, while I wrote about Meetup so much it has its own set of subheadings in the index.
While the back page is given over to Hugh Hefner in the October 7th edition ("Living the dream", October 7th), the subtle tribute across the subheadings in the rest of the issue left me workin' on a mystery, goin' wherever it leads.
The C0 Controls and Basic Latin block contains six subheadings.
The Latin Extended-A block contains only two subheadings: European Latin and Deprecated letter.
Since its creation, the HS has undergone several revisions - ostensibly, to either eliminate headings and subheadings describing commodities that are no longer traded, or to create headings and subheadings that address technological advancements and environmental concerns. The current version of the HS became effective on January 1, 2017.
The C1 Controls and Latin-1 Supplement block has four subheadings within its character collection: C1 controls, Latin-1 Punctuation and Symbols, Letters, and Mathematical operator(s).
The paralipomena, short ruminations divided by topic into thirty-one subheadings, cover material hitherto unaddressed by the philosopher but deemed by him to be complementary to the parerga.
Each CN subheading shall have an eight digit code number : (a) the first six digits shall be the code numbers relating to the headings and subheadings of the harmonized system nomenclature; (b) the seventh and eighth digits shall identify the CN subheadings. The Commission established an integrated tariff, of the European Communities, referred to as the 'TARIC code', based on the combined nomenclature. The combined nomenclature, together with the rates of duty and other relevant charges, and the tariff measures included in the Taric or in other Community arrangements shall constitute the common customs tariff referred to in Article 9 of the Treaty, which shall be applied on the importation of goods into the Community Member States may insert subdivisions after the CN subheadings for national statistical purposes, and after the Taric subheadings for other national purposes. The Commission shall be assisted by a Committee on Tariff and Statistical Nomenclature, called the 'Nomenclature Committee'.
The IPA Extensions block contains only three subheadings, each associated with a set of characters encoded in a different version of Unicode, IPA extensions, IPA characters for disordered speech, and Additions for Sinology.
Parker publishes the automated books through Icon Group International, using several Icon group subheadings. Via EdgeMaven Media, he also provides applications for firms from different business domains to create their own computer-authored content material.
The database is indexed using standard Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). This includes the use of headings, subheadings, and check tags. MANTIS is available through the Web by ChiroACCESS, HealthIndex, Ovid Technologies and ProQuest (Dialog and DataStar).
Naudé would add other subject heading in later years but these categories best represented the known body of knowledge in the world. Each section should be divided into subheadings and begin with the principal authors followed by the commentaries.
This will include etiology and risk factors, assessments of the need for therapy, current therapy, and therapy options. When used in a problem-oriented medical record (POMR), relevant problem numbers or headings are included as subheadings in the assessment.
Farkas, 13-14. :#The second strategy is to subdivide and indent subpoints within a section to account for brief subsections.Farkas, 14. :#The final strategy is to use stacked headings by adding subheadings underneath main headings, much like in this Wikipedia article itself.
There are multiple classification systems for FND. None of these classification systems have unraveled any genetic factors as the cause of FND. Yet, all of them are very valuable in determining the prognosis of an individual. In the subheadings below, the most common classifications will be explained.
Speak is a first-person, diary-like narrative. Written in the voice of Melinda Sordino, it features lists, subheadings, spaces between paragraphs and script-like dialogue. The fragmented style mimics Melinda's trauma. The choppy sentences and blank spaces on the pages relate to Melinda's fascination with Cubism.
Emily Langton Langton (1847–1897) was born Emily Langton Massingberd, the eldest daughter of Charles Langton Massingberd of Gunby Hall, Lincolnshire. In 1867 she married her second cousin, Edmund Langton.Burke's Landed Gentry, iii (1972), subheadings "Langton of Langton" and "Montgomery-Massingberd of Gunby". The couple lived principally in Bournemouth.
NCBI, National Center for Biotechnology Information, NCBI, MeSH, Medical SubHeadings, NLM, National Library of Medicine However, the safety and effectiveness of each procedure must be demonstrated with randomized controlled trials. The term was coined by John E. A. Wickham in 1984, who wrote of it in British Medical Journal in 1987.
Their review settled on eight goals, seven elements, 15 general techniques and 15 other techniques divided into three subheadings. Furthermore, a valiant attempt to synthesize the various models and definitions was conducted by Price & Baker (2012). Thematic analysis of 11 eligible studies converged on seven themes: three related to staff skills (e.g.
The alphabetical list of philosophers is so large it had to be broken up into several pages. To look up a philosopher you know the name of, click on the first letter of their last name. To find philosophers by core area, field, major philosophical tradition, ethnicity, or time periods, see the subheadings further below.
Sherbakova, V. A. (2009) The Marches of High Hopes. Peace and Conciliation, Journal of the International Federation for Peace and Conciliation of the Russian Federation, 2: 39, 37–45. (text is in Russian language) Subheadings: – American-Soviet "Peace March" June 16 – July 19, 1988. – The 20 Year Anniversary of the Soviet-American Peace Walk: Odessa-Kiev.
402) This guoran heading has two subheadings. Mengsong 蒙頌 or Menggui 蒙貴 (see below). Chanhu 獑猢, which the Shuowen writes with the "rat radical" 鼠 as zhanhu shu 斬𪕮鼠, is described by Li Shizhen > It is a kind of Guoran. It is black with a white stripe on the waist like a > belt.
The HS is organized logically by economic activity or component material. For example, animals and animal products are found in one section of the HS, while machinery and mechanical appliances are found in another. The HS is organized into 21 sections, which are subdivided into 99 chapters. The 99 HS chapters are further subdivided into 1,244 headings and 5224 subheadings.
During the Song dynasty (960–1279), > only officials of the administration and military of the third rank and > above were allowed to use seats and bedding made of golden monkey hide. (tr. > Luo 2003: 4126, cf. Read 1931: no. 401) This entry has two subheadings: the yuan 猨 or changbeihou 長臂猴 "gibbon, Hylobates agilis" and the du 獨 (below).
Council Regulation (EEC) No 2658/87 of 23 July 1987, creates the goods nomenclature called the Combined Nomenclature, or in abbreviated form 'CN', established to meet, at one and the same time, the requirements both of the Common Customs Tariff and of the external trade statistics of the European Union. The codes and the descriptions of goods established on the basis of the combined nomenclature shall replace those established on the basis of the nomenclatures of the Common Customs Tariff and the Nimexe. It is established on the basis of the Harmonized System. The combined nomenclature shall comprise : (a) the harmonized system nomenclature; (b) Community subdivisions to that nomenclature, referred to as 'CN subheadings' in those cases where a corresponding rate of duty is specified; (c) preliminary provisions, additional section or chapter notes and footnotes relating to CN subheadings.
The Declaration and Address of the Christian Association of Washington is divided into the Declaration, the Address, and the Appendix. The document is written in the style of early 19th century American religious literature, making it difficult for many to read. Paragraphs sometimes stretch on for pages at a time, while the text is unfortunately void of any subheadings. This makes Knofel Staton's 1976 paraphrase of this document particularly helpful.
Karmê Chöling works with both experienced practitioners of Shambhala Buddhism as well as novices and people interested in learning more about meditation or their way of life. It is run by a core residential staff with help from paid employees, community members, and volunteers. There are different types of retreats.The purkhang at Karmê Chöling Introductory Meditation Retreats include many of the retreats that are under the subheadings below.
Post-schooling led Arnold to accept the position of Director of Research and Training for the Canadian Veteran Affairs Department. It was there she developed a system to analyze the Thematic Apperception Test. The system was different than previous measures because it could be used for both “normal and neurotic” patients. Arnold analyzed the test using five subheadings: parent-child situations, heterosexual situations, same-sex situations, singles, and miscellaneous.
ISO 999 (Information and documentation—Guidelines for the content, organization and presentation of indexes) is an ISO standard which provides the information industry with guidelines for the content, organisation and presentation of indexes to a wide range of documents including books, Periodicals, electronic documents, films, images, maps, and three-dimensional objects. It covers the choice and form of headings and subheadings used in index entries once the subjects to be indexed have been determined.
That is, it internally treated a document as a set of element classes, each with its own set of properties. Classes might include common document elements such as a body, paragraphs, titles, subheadings, captions, etc. Authors were free to create any set of elements and save them as a reusable template. The properties of a class -- its font size, for example -- could be changed and automatically applied to every instance of that class.
Resources were classified using a scheme based on Ei codes. An abstract and keywords were also provided for each item. The main subject classifications used were: Aerospace & Defence Engineering, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Engineering General, Engineering Design, Environmental Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Related Industries, Mining, Nanotechnology, Petroleum & Offshore Engineering. As the number of resources increased these headings were divided into subheadings as necessary.
In 2010, Chreiteh published her second novel, Ali and His Russian Mother [ʻAlī wa-ummuhu al-Rūsīyah]. Like Always Coca-Cola, it was translated to English by Michelle Hartman who maintained Chreiteh's omission of chapters or subheadings in favour of a "continuous flow of words". The story takes place in the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah War. The protagonist is a young homosexual Lebanese man who discovers that one of his ancestors was Jewish.
Japanese bunruitai semantic collation of dictionaries began with the 938 CE Wamyō Ruijushō (), compiled by Minamoto no Shitagō (). This Heian dictionary adapts the ancient Chinese Erya dictionary's 19 semantic categories into 24 Japanese headings with subheadings. For instance, Heaven and Earth is subdivided into Stars and Constellations, Clouds and Rain, Wind and Snow, etc. The character entries give source citations, Chinese pronunciations, definitions, and Japanese readings in the ancient Man'yōgana character system.
FEMA offers a large number of training classes, either at its own centers, through programs at the state level, in cooperation with colleges and universities, or online. The latter are free classes available to anyone, although only those with U.S. residency or work eligibility can take the final examinations. More information is available on the FEMA website under the "Emergency Personnel" and "Training" subheadings. Other emergency response information for citizens is also available at its website.
The document presented in a Planz window can be saved as an HTML file to be viewed in a web browser or edited in a word processor. Structure as well as content is preserved. The structure of a Planz document can also be exported for re-use either as a project template or for immediate use in another project. On the back-end, the file system headings and subheadings correspond to file system folders and sub-folders.
In addition to the descriptor hierarchy, MeSH contains a small number of standard qualifiers (also known as subheadings), which can be added to descriptors to narrow down the topic.List of qualifiers – MeSH 2009 For example, "Measles" is a descriptor and "epidemiology" is a qualifier; "Measles/epidemiology" describes the subheading of epidemiological articles about Measles. The "epidemiology" qualifier can be added to all other disease descriptors. Not all descriptor/qualifier combinations are allowed since some of them may be meaningless.
Der Kampf (English: The Struggle) was a weekly newspaper published in Luxembourg by the Communist Party of Luxembourg between 1920 and 1922. The newspapers had various subheadings over time, from Wochenschrift der Kommunisten Luxemburgs ("Weekly journal of the Communists of Luxembourg") in the first edition, to later Organ der Kommunistischen Partei Luxemburgs (Sektion der 3. Internationale) ("Organ of the Communist Party of Luxembourg [Part of the 3rd International]") in the 8th edition. The first edition appeared on 18 November 1920.
The group was founded in 1930 and reached the peak of its subheadings in the 1970s when it took part in the championship of the Second National League. Specifically, 1973 was champion of Eps Kavalas and then won the promotion through the special championship Hellenic Football Federation. So, he played two consecutive years (even unique in history) to B Ethniki. 1973–74 season ranked 11th in Gamma Ethniki and in 1974–75 came 14th and relegated at the local league.
The MANTIS Database (Manual, Alternative and Natural Therapy Index System) is an index of English-language and selected other-language biomedical journal articles. The database has a primary focus on chiropractic, osteopathic and manual medicine, although it includes citations and abstracts from all alternative medicine disciplines. Each record within the MANTIS Database contains a complete citation, the language of the abstract, the language of the article, and the headings and subheadings which describe the article. Approximately 70% of the references include abstracts.
Prior to 1973 there was no standard way to break down BoP sheets. The top level divisions were sometimes separation into visible and invisible payments. Following changes in the nature of international trade caused by the break down of the Bretton Woods system, the principle division for BoP sheets became the Current account and the Capital account (or Current account and Fianancial account if the IMF's definition is being used.) Since 1973, 'visible' and 'invisible' payments are still sometimes used as subheadings under the Current account.
In journalism and blogging, a listicle is a short-form of writing that uses a list as its thematic structure, but is fleshed out with sufficient copy to be published as an article. A typical listicle will prominently feature a cardinal number in its title, with subsequent subheadings within the text itself reflecting this schema. The word is a portmanteau derived from list and article. It has also been suggested that the word evokes "popsicle", emphasising the fun but "not too nutritious" nature of the listicle.
Section and Chapter titles describe broad categories of goods, while headings and subheadings describe products in more detail. Generally, HS sections and chapters are arranged in order of a product's degree of manufacture or in terms of its technological complexity. Natural commodities, such as live animals and vegetables, for example, are described in the early sections of the HS, whereas more evolved goods such as machinery and precision instruments are described in later sections. Chapters within the individual sections are also usually organized in order of complexity or degree of manufacture.
Any product for which there is no explicit description can be classified under a "residual" or "basket" heading or subheading, which provide for Other goods. Residual codes normally occur last in numerical order under their related headings and subheadings. An example of a product classified under a residual heading is a live dog, which must be classified under heading 01.06, which provides for Other live animals because dogs are not covered by headings 01.01 through 01.05, which explicitly provide for live equine, live bovine, live swine, live sheep and goats, and live poultry, respectively.
Francis Bacon was a patron of libraries and developed a functional system for the cataloguing of books by dividing them into three categories—history, poetry, and philosophy—which could further be divided into more specific subjects and subheadings. Bacon was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he rigorously followed the medieval curriculum, largely in Latin. Bacon was the first recipient of the Queen's counsel designation, which was conferred in 1597 when Elizabeth I of England reserved Bacon as her legal advisor. After the accession of James VI and I in 1603, Bacon was knighted.
His most notable achievements in his two decades at Harvard may be what he wrote about science, rather than anything he discovered during that time. Watson's first textbook, The Molecular Biology of the Gene, set a new standard for textbooks, particularly through the use of concept heads—brief declarative subheadings. His next textbook was Molecular Biology of the Cell, in which he coordinated the work of a group of scientist-writers. His third textbook was Recombinant DNA, which described the ways in which genetic engineering has brought much new information about how organisms function.
Over the next seven years Stead would develop what Matthew Arnold dubbed "The New Journalism". His innovations as editor of the Gazette included incorporating maps and diagrams into a newspaper for the first time, breaking up longer articles with eye-catching subheadings, and blending his own opinions with those of the people he interviewed. He made a feature of the Pall Mall extras, and his enterprise and originality exercised a potent influence on contemporary journalism and politics. Stead's first sensational campaign was based on a Nonconformist pamphlet, The Bitter Cry of Outcast London.
Victorian Periodicals Review (2003): 20–40. in JSTOR Stead became assistant editor of the Liberal Pall Mall Gazette in 1880 where he set about revolutionizing a traditionally conservative newspaper "written by gentlemen for gentlemen". Over the next seven years Stead would develop what Matthew Arnold dubbed 'The New Journalism'. His innovations as editor of the Gazette included incorporating maps and diagrams into a newspaper for the first time, breaking up longer articles with eye-catching subheadings and blending his own opinions with those of the people he interviewed.
Dewey Decimal Classification numbers formed the basis of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC), which combines the basic Dewey numbers with selected punctuation marks (comma, colon, parentheses, etc.). Adaptations of the system for specific regions outside the English-speaking world include the Korean Decimal Classification, the New Classification Scheme for Chinese Libraries, and the Nippon Decimal Classification (Japanese). Despite its widespread usage, the classification has been criticized for its complexity and limited capability for amendment. In particular, the arrangement of subheadings has been described as archaic and biased towards an Anglo-American world view.
These organizations have a similarly long pedigree on the Cornell campus, but are largely non- residential. Members of the social and academic fraternities and sororities may join or be asked to join, as may non-Greek students. Multiple affiliations are allowable. The cut-off line where any campus organization falls within these headings or without is somewhat arbitrary; those formed prior to 1990 are listed under these subheadings in various volumes of the Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities, which for more than a century has been the data source of record for such organizations.
Corpus Juris Secundum (CJS) (Meaning, "Second Body of the Law")Legal Research and Writing for Paralegals, Published by Wolters Kluwer and written by Deborah E. Bouchoux is an encyclopedia of United States law at the federal and state levels. It is arranged alphabetically, into over 430 topics, which in turn are arranged into subheadings. , CJS consisted of 164 bound volumes, 5 index volumes and 11 table of cases volumes. CJS is named after the 6th century Corpus Juris Civilis of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I, the first codification of Roman law and civil law.
's future under 10 subheadings. Notably, Jobs declares a "Holy War with Google" for 2011 and schedules a "new campus" for 2015. In March 2013, Apple filed a patent for an augmented reality (AR) system that can identify objects in a live video stream and present information corresponding to these objects through a computer-generated information layer overlaid on top of the real-world image. The company also made several high-profile hiring decisions in 2013. On July 2, 2013, Apple recruited Paul Deneve, Belgian President and CEO of Yves Saint Laurent as a vice president reporting directly to Tim Cook.
Planz is meant to help people better organize their digital personal information by providing a central document linking related personal information around a conceptual theme, usually in the form of a project, such as a home remodel or a trip to Europe. The interface shows users a document in either a draft or outline view. This document can be edited to show all of a user's projects and tasks in a single, scrollable pane. Headings are used to represent high-level projects ("Re-model the house"); subheadings represent sub-projects and component tasks ("Kitchen"; "Decide on countertops").
Nevertheless, it sold well in 1927 and has remained in print ever since. In 1994, Ray Silverman, a Swedenborgian minister and literary scholar, thoroughly revised and edited My Religion, organizing the eight unwieldy sections of the first edition into twelve distinct chapters with subheadings to clarify their contents. Furthermore, important materials not present in the first edition were added to elucidate and expand the original text. Other revisions included modernization of several words and phrases, substitution of inclusive language where appropriate, correction of spelling and typographical errors, alteration of punctuation to conform to modern standards, and emendation of a few historical inaccuracies.
The cut-off line where any campus organization falls within these headings or without is by long-established convention; those formed prior to 1990 are listed under the subheadings used by various volumes of the Baird's Manual of American College Fraternities, which for more than a century has been the data source of record for such organizations. Newer groups have been placed in categories similar to Baird's. The latest version of Baird's, 1991, was published before the national development of some of the societies here, and therefore, position and inclusion is, in some cases, assumptive. The Phi Beta Kappa Key.
Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms : Choose Words with Precision, 1994, uses an asteriskHenri Bertaud du Chazaud, Dictionnaire de synonyms et contraires, Le Robert "Les Usuels", 1998, Roger Boussinot, Dictionnaire des synonymes, analogies et antonymes, Bordas 1981, A third system interfiles words and conceptual headings. Francis March's Thesaurus Dictionary gives for liability: , each of which is a conceptual heading. Francis Andrew March, Francis A. March, Jr., March's Thesaurus and Dictionary of the English Language (issued under the editorial supervision of Norman Cousins), Doubleday, 1968, p. 598 full text, 1906 edition The article has multiple subheadings, including Nouns of Agent, Verbs, Verbal Expressions, etc.
The Latin Extended-B block contains ten subheadings for groups of characters: Non-European and historic Latin, African letters for clicks, Croatian digraphs matching Serbian Cyrillic letters, Pinyin diacritic-vowel combinations, Phonetic and historic letters, Additions for Slovenian and Croatian, Additions for Romanian, Miscellaneous additions, Additions for Livonian, and Additions for Sinology. The Non-European and historic, African clicks, Croatian digraphs, Pinyin, and the first part of the Phonetic and historic letters were present in Unicode 1.0; additional Phonetic and historic letters were added for version 3.0; and other Phonetic and historic, as well as the rest of the sub-blocks were the characters added for version 1.1.
This volume was released on October 10, 2000 and consists of primarily raucous up-tempo numbers and frat rock as indicated by the subheadings which read "Frantic Frat-Stomp Fracas" and "Revved-up & Rowdy Rockers." Like all of the entries in the series, the collection was compiled and mastered by Warren, using original 45 rpm records selected from the collection of noted garage rock archivist, Mike Markesich (colloquially known as "Mop Top Mike"). The set begins with Peck's Bad Boys from New York City who sing "Crazy World," offering up a spirited tonic for life's unavoidable problems. The set features several raucous cover versions of other artists' songs.
In 1996, an international group of 30 clinical epidemiologists, clinicians, statisticians, editors, and researchers convened The Quality of Reporting of Meta-analyses (QUOROM) conference to address standards for improving the quality of reporting of meta-analyses of clinical randomized controlled trials (RCTs). The conference resulted in the QUOROM, a checklist, and a flow diagram that described the preferred way to present the abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections of a report of a systematic review or a meta-analysis. Eight of the original 18 items formed the basis of the QUOROM reporting. Evaluation of reporting was organized into headings and subheadings regarding searches, selection, validity assessment, data abstraction, study characteristics, and quantitative data synthesis.
This additional information and the hierarchical structure (see below) make the MeSH essentially a thesaurus, rather than a plain subject headings list.Introduction to MeSH – 2010 The second type of term, MeSH subheadings or qualifiers (see below), can be used with MeSH terms to more completely describe a particular aspect of a subject, such as adverse, diagnostic or genetic effects. For example, the drug therapy of asthma is displayed as asthma/drug therapy. The remaining two types of term are those that describe the type of material that the article represents (publication types), and supplementary concept records (SCR) which describes substances such as chemical products and drugs that are not included in the headings (see below as "Supplements").
Technical editing involves reviewing text written on a technical topic, identifying usage errors and ensuring adherence to a style guide. Technical editing may include the correction of grammatical mistakes, misspellings, mistyping, incorrect punctuation, inconsistencies in usage, poorly structured sentences, wrong scientific terms, wrong units and dimensions, inconsistency in significant figures, technical ambivalence, technical disambiguation, statements conflicting with general scientific knowledge, correction of synopsis, content, index, headings and subheadings, correcting data and chart presentation in a research paper or report, and correcting errors in citations. Large companies dedicate experienced writers to the technical editing function. Organizations that cannot afford dedicated editors typically have experienced writers peer-edit text produced by less experienced colleagues.
Surf II is a 1984 American independent comedy film written and directed by Randall M. Badat and starring Eddie Deezen, Linda Kerridge, Eric Stoltz, Jeffrey Rogers and Peter Isacksen. The plot revolves around Menlo Schwartzer, a maniacal mad scientist who creates a chemically altered soft drink which turns its drinkers into mutant zombie punks as part of a diabolical scheme to rid the beaches of surfers. The film is a contemporary parody of 1960s-style beach party films, mixing elements of the horror, science fiction, surf and teen film genres. Despite what the title implies, there was never a Surf I. Surf II was marketed with a number of subheadings, the most common of which was in fact Surf II: The End of the Trilogy.
Many scientific journals now not only prefer this structure but also use the IMRAD acronym as an instructional device in the instructions to their authors, recommending the use of the four terms as main headings. For example, it is explicitly recommended in the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (previously called the Vancouver guidelines): > The text of observational and experimental articles is usually (but not > necessarily) divided into the following sections: Introduction, Methods, > Results, and Discussion. This so-called "IMRAD" structure is not an > arbitrary publication format but rather a direct reflection of the process > of scientific discovery. Long articles may need subheadings within some > sections (especially Results and Discussion) to clarify their content.
Many of these towns and population areas are listed under two major subheadings below. South Gloucestershire took its title for historic reasons, but as a unitary authority it is not administered as part of the shire county of Gloucestershire. It is, however, part of the ceremonial county of Gloucestershire, which means it shares its Lord Lieutenant (the Sovereign's representative to the county) with Gloucestershire. Because of its history as part of the county of Avon, South Gloucestershire works closely with the other unitary authorities that took over when that county was abolished, including shared services such as Avon Fire and Rescue Service and the Avon and Somerset Constabulary, together with co-operation in planning strategy for transport, roads and housing.
North Carolina's 7th district includes the largest number of Scottish-American descendants in the United States. McIntyre co-founded and co-chaired the Friends of Scotland caucus and was the original sponsor of the unanimously passed H.Res. 41 "Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that a day should be established as 'National Tartan Day' to recognize the outstanding achievements and contributions made by Scottish-Americans to the United States." In 2008, McIntyre came to the rescue for Scottish literature and poetry when it was discovered that the Library of Congress had made changes to its world renowned classification system, removing 40 headings and subheadings for Scottish writing and moving the body of work under the "English" classification heading.
The first twenty-two chapters of the Lex Frisionum are entirely concerned with schedules of fines (compositio) and wergeld, the compensations due victims or their kin, scheduled according to the social ranks of perpetrator and victim. Remarkably, the fine for killing a woman was exactly the same as for a man of the same rank, a feature of Frisian law that links it to Anglo-Saxon law, and stands apart from all other German codes. A further eleven chapters contain the 'Additions of the Wise Men' (Additio sapientum), ten subheadings from the judgements of Wiemar and of Saxmund of whom nothing is known, as well as sections from the Lex Thuringorum ("Law Code of the Thuringians") to cover instances not previously covered. A noble's defense was to gather a specified number of "oath-helpers" willing to swear that the crime was not committed.
In the native language, "Mang" implies the natural state of sovereignty by means of conscience and "To" implies a struggle for sovereignty by military conquest or force.See the two articles under the subheadings of the "Guite" and "Sukte" in Sing Khaw Khai, Zo People and Their Culture: A Historical, Cultural Study and Critical Analysis of Zo and Its Ethnic Tribes (Churachandpur, Manipur, India: Khampu Hatzaw, 1995), 21–22, 24–26. This old Vangteh might undoubtedly be one of the most appropriate archeological sites for experts who might want to trace back the story of at least the so-called northerners of the present Chin State (Zogam), who identified themselves more as Zomi as a whole.James C. Scott, The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia (Yale Agrarian Studies; New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2009), 14–16.
On Saturday 4 July 1885, a "frank warning" was issued in the Pall Mall Gazette: "All those who are squeamish, and all those who are prudish, and all those who would prefer to live in a fool's paradise of imaginary innocence and purity, selfishly oblivious to the horrible realities which torment those whose lives are passed in the London inferno, will do well not to read the Pall Mall Gazette of Monday and the three following days".W.T. Stead, Notice to our Readers: A Frank Warning, The Pall Mall Gazette, 4 July 1885. The public's appetite whetted sufficiently in anticipation, on Monday 6 July, Stead published the first instalments of The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon. The first instalment taking up six whole pages, Stead attacked vice with eye-catching subheadings: "The Violation of Virgins", "The Confessions of a Brothel-Keeper", "How Girls Were Bought and Ruined".
The Malfūzāt contain those of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad's words that he spoke in the form of an address or discussion in the presence of a congregation or gathering, including during leisurely moments, and were recorded in writing by several companions who kept a diary of his words. The collected sayings include a small number of narrations that were not immediately put to writing but gathered and recorded from the memory of narrators and are therefore deemed to be of lesser reliability. Among Ghulam Ahmad's written and oral output, the Malfūzāt are considered within the Ahmadiyya movement to be of primary importance with regard to the exposition of Islamic morality since they encapsulate those of his sayings which were delivered mostly in such settings when he had the education and moral training of the community of followers in view. Each volume is chronologically arranged with each section dated and sourced, but thematically structured under subheadings related to various religious, theological and moral themes.
The trade facilitation objectives were introduced in the international agenda basically because of four main factors. 1) The successful implementation of the trade liberalization policy within the WTO frameworks caused the significant reduction of tariff and non-tariff barriers, that is common for developed countries (the average rate of customs duty from 4,5% to 6,5%, the share of duty free HS subheadings in customs tariffs from 29,2% to 53%). This reduced the revenue functions of customs and thus, the possibility of simplifying customs procedures with a moderate level of risk for national revenue opened up for a significant number of states. 2) The reduction of customs tariffs has caused the situation where the amount of import duties has become commensurate or even lower than trade transaction costs (TTC) with regards to compliance with customs and border formalities, since the latter are estimated on various data ranging from 1.5% to 15% of the transaction value.

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