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199 Sentences With "subconscious mind"

How to use subconscious mind in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "subconscious mind" and check conjugation/comparative form for "subconscious mind". Mastering all the usages of "subconscious mind" from sentence examples published by news publications.

My pictures are powerful because they access the subconscious mind.
"VR talks to our subconscious mind like no other media," he says.
While you're sleeping, your subconscious mind will get to work on those things.
Your subconscious mind is processing a lot of information, and you need your rest.
By definition, we do not know when our subconscious mind is puppeteering our actions.
It's counterintuitive, and magick relies on your subconscious mind feeling at ease and comfortable.
Even honest humans have only limited access to what is going on in their subconscious mind.
Most significantly, Fodor believed ghosts were actually the external manifestations of conflicts within the subconscious mind.
Paradoxically, the less control you think you have, the more control your subconscious mind is actually exerting.
Use this new moon to dive deeper into your subconscious mind, rather than worrying about the future.
The subconscious mind is always trying to protect us from danger so we imagine the worst-case scenario.
Take it slow today, Capricorn—you need plenty of rest, and your subconscious mind has much to process.
It's a brilliant time to journal and tap into your subconscious mind as the moon connects with genius Uranus.
Additionally, you want to tap into your subconscious mind to unlock connections and solutions to your problems and projects.
Those earlier recordings of your subconscious mind stay there until you work through them in therapy and so forth.
A lot of movement is taking place in your subconscious mind and some brilliant inner transformations may take place!
Even though you&aposre not conscious of it, your subconscious mind is much more alert than your conscious mind.
Such declarations send the power of your subconscious mind on a mission to find solutions to fulfill your goals.
Even though it feels like the conscious mind is the driver of our actions, it is actually the subconscious mind.
Friday's eclipse in Aquarius finds you craving alone time as you experience a clear emotional understanding with your subconscious mind.
This will be a fantastic time to get things off your chest or to explore your subconscious mind with a therapist.
When we expect things to go right, our subconscious mind intuitively shifts our attention to those things that make us happy.
There's also a lot going on in your subconscious mind—get some rest and schedule more time for meditation in your day.
The IAT tries to get at this by digging into people's initial reflexes — and, hopefully, their subconscious mind — to gauge their real views.
Getting out of your head means, you're shutting off the prefrontal cortex and allowing your subconscious mind to control your thoughts, experiences and interactions.
As the trials drew near, Phelps ordered "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind," by Joseph Murphy, and "The Purpose Driven Life," by Rick Warren.
It's a job for my subconscious mind, and the more I'm conscious of it, the more I become concerned that I will stop breathing entirely.
If you're operating at the edge of what's possible, you're using your subconscious mind, operating in a region where delusion is really easy to do.
" He says of the film, "It's an exploration of how we interpret the world around us, and how our subconscious mind invisibly directs our behavior.
A new moon in Scorpio arrives on November 7, encouraging you to go deeply into your subconscious mind; perhaps through dream work or in therapy.
Science Mike led us through a series of exercises to demonstrate the vulnerability of the conscious and subconscious mind—to things like religion, advertising, and Facebook.
She employs a technique called Nei Gong, taught by Dr. Kelvin DeWolfe, which she says provides access to her subconscious mind in order to retrieve the imagery.
Yes. I do feel a sense of responsibility when I use this medium because it attacks the subconscious mind, especially when it's put on the big screen.
Lombardo believed that the key to creating a positive brand was to reach the public's "subconscious mind," as he wrote in O'Dwyer's, the public-relations trade journal.
Spiritually and emotionally, you are clearing out gunk from your subconscious mind—expect issues you usually stuff down into some dark corner of your soul to come bubbling out.
Of course, dreams themselves are influenced by waking life; someone you see during the day may end up in your dreams that night, as your subconscious mind processes the day's events.
This may even offer a way to work with issues such as addiction, just as a hypnotherapist may approach a nicotine addiction by suggesting a conscious intent to the subconscious mind.
In the final piece of the course, it directed teachers to build pendulums with washers and string for an exercise where students would attempt to move the pendulum with their subconscious mind.
Matt Levine wonders at Bloomberg: Honestly one possible interpretation of, uh, recent events is that social media companies are conducting a vast and disturbing experiment on the workings of humanity's subconscious mind.
R: It works because it brings you into your subconscious mind and it gives one an equanimity, in other words, a centered-ness, a calm centered-ness in the middle of a storm.
It could be a metaphor for the realm of the subconscious mind, or about the pursuit of fulfillment and purpose in life, or a memory of a beautiful place, so on and so forth.
The bindi, traditionally represented as a red dot in the center of the forehead, has great religious significance to Hindu women: The placement is associated with the "third eye" chakra, or the subconscious mind.
That symbol represents your intention, but also removes it from your conscious mind and puts it into your subconscious mind, where theoretically you can do more work with it and you can tap into the universal subconscious.
These are things that I do to protect myself and to communicate with my higher self so that I'm able to see in front of me what it is that my subconscious mind is picking up on.
In Vipassana meditation, they teach that these unprocessed reactions are stored in the subconscious mind and body, and as they accumulate it can become more and more difficult to understand how we really feel beneath it all.
Greaves is deeply suspicious of the notion of repressed trauma: "Often, hypnosis and other memory retrieval techniques are employed to draw forth what is presumed to be accessible in the subconscious mind," he recently wrote on his blog.
Issues concerning home, family, and your early childhood have come up and you're processing many emotions—even if things are going well, you might still be feeling tired from all the work your subconscious mind is sorting through.
Such research could enable us to understand whether and to what extent lucid dreaming can become part of the psychotherapeutic toolkit of the future and what insights it can give us into the workings of the subconscious mind.
Self-sabotage occurs when your conscious mind (the logical one that makes shopping lists and reminds you to brush your teeth) is at odds with your subconscious mind (the emotional one that stress-eats Snickers bars and drunk dials your ex).
Ikea's stores also appeal to the subconscious mind, which is the primary driver of decision-making, Pradeep tells CNBC Make It. For one thing, the layout of Ikea's warehouse stores' showroom floors are generally familiar to shoppers — furniture, pillows and other home goods are staged in mock rooms.
Somewhere deep in the recesses of my subconscious mind, I think I'm above it all by not watching This Is Us or lining up with the other suckers to get a table at the legendary no-reservations (Jay Z and Beyoncé-approved) pizzeria in my neighborhood two hours before it opens.
Google describes the app as "a journey through frontman Freddie Mercury's subconscious mind," and it's reminiscent of the Spotlight Stories that Google has released with directors like Patrick Osborne and Justin Lin — viewers can either watch with a Cardboard headset, or use the flat screen as a "window" into the world of the video.
These premises are based on the philosophy that without conscious intervention, the subconscious mind ultimately controls our tendencies, habits, decisions, and results.
Further, he believed that the general discrepancy between homophonous and synonymous words in conventional language would add to the disconnect with the subconscious mind.
The purpose of hypnotic age regression is to reframe the negative feelings and perceptions of the past to facilitate progress towards the patient's goals. It allows patients to find the cause of their current blocks and eliminate their past traumas. When patients are hypnotized, they are in an altered state that allows for their subconscious mind to be accessed. The subconscious mind holds the behaviors and habits that people exhibit to protect them.
An old scientist called Verma is researching the power of the subconscious mind which can cure mental illnesses and seeks to understand human mind. He reaches them for funding of his research. Srivalli was amazed by his research and joins with him as a subject for his research and they successfully saved her subconscious memory and Verma helps Valli treating his brother through the subconscious mind. Later Verma went to US for presenting his thesis.
When people express themselves like this, it does surprise them. It is my subconscious mind expressing itself on the canvas. People will be faced with the unknown…”James 2011. p. 32.
It is important to record the dreams in the diary immediately after waking up, as individuals forget the details of their dreams very quickly.Christina Sponias - How to Keep a Dream Journal Writing the next day's date in the dream diary asserts a conscious thought to remember dreams, which communicates intention to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind then responds by fulfilling that desire. This mental action causes the conscious and subconscious minds to work together toward the common goal of remembering the dream.
William James was an early user of the term 'subconscious mind'. His student Boris Sidis published books on topics that formed the foundation for much of Freud's work ; he, however, employed the terms 'unconscious' and sometimes 'preconscious'.
Felicity at breaking point, also learns certain things that she must do before she is able to find him. The epilogue outlines a recommended pattern for goal setting, showing the importance of word selection. For example, it claims that to set a goal to "lose weight" will likely backfire, as a person's subconscious mind associates "lose" with something it must help them find; and "weight" with heaviness. Hence a goal to "lose weight" is said to be a direct command to one's subconscious mind to help them "find heaviness".
The Coma is a novel by Alex Garland, illustrated by his father, Nicholas Garland. It explores the boundary between the conscious and subconscious mind. The Coma was published in 2004, eight years after Garland's first novel, The Beach.
In A Skeptic's Handbook of Parapsychology. Prometheus Books. pp. 161-174 Edward Clodd wrote that the explanation for the cross-correspondences was the subconscious mind of the medium not spirits. According to Clodd many of the messages were "inconsequential rubbish".
Most authors suggest that the work of crystal gazing should be undertaken in a dimly-lit and quiet room, so as to foster visions and more easily allow the onset of a trance state. Some practitioners claim that crystal gazing engenders visionary experiences and preternatural and/or supernatural insight, while other practitioners and researchers assert that the visions arise from the subconscious mind of the crystal gazer. Some authors note that the two positions are not mutually incompatible, and that the possibility of showing the gazer's subconscious mind does not preclude the possibility of seeing the future or other supernatural insight.
Ellenberger's view of Puységur was supported and amplified in Peter Sloterdijk's book Critique of Cynical Reason. In this work, Sloterdijk emphasized Puységur's contributions in his refutation of the common idea that intellectuals of the Enlightenment were not interested in the subconscious mind.
This is indeed the fear of Europeans. ... Afrocentrism > is a state of mind, a particular subconscious mind-set that is rooted in the > ancestral heritage and communal value system.Linus A. Hoskins, "Eurocentrism > vs. Afrocentrism: A Geopolitical Linkage Analysis", Journal of Black Studies > (1992), pp.
After two years investigation into automatic writing he wrote that the subconscious mind is the explanation and there is no evidence for the spirit hypothesis. Flammarion believed in the survival of the soul after death but wrote that mediumship had not been scientifically proven.Alfred Schofield. (1920).
His book Spiritism and Psychology (1911) translated by Hereward Carrington claimed more broadly that mediumship could be explained by suggestion and telepathy from the medium's subconscious mind and that there was no evidence for the spirit hypothesis.Theodore Flournoy. (1911). Spiritism and Psychology. Harper and Brothers Publishers.
Surrealism has contributed greatly to the works of Asturias.Royano Gutiérrez, p. 84. Characterized by its exploration of the subconscious mind, the genre allowed Asturias to cross boundaries of fantasy and reality. Although Asturias' works were seen as preceding magical realism, the author saw many similarities between the two genres.
Instinctive shooting is a style of shooting that includes the barebow aiming method that relies heavily upon the subconscious mind, proprioception, and motor/muscle memory to make aiming adjustments; the term used to refer to a general category of archers who did not use a mechanical or fixed sight.
Rodríguez's hand-crafting techniques create very vivid and subliminal effects that speak to the human subconscious. Her work affects the subconscious mind by using the same visual tactics used in advertising and mass media. An open bisexual,Rodríguez, Juana María. Sexual Futures, Queer Gestures, and Other Latina Longings.
Not only for lack of power of character but the diversion of my mental attitude. The novel ends with Shaker's migration from Kolkata to Dhaka. In the novel Karim has delineated the subconscious mind of the humans more acutely than the picture of the society and the compactness of the story.
The strategic use of light can change the mood of a consumer and affect their subconscious mind during their shopping experience within a retail store. A retail store with a soft ambiance and bright lights highlighting certain products will drive the customer towards these products and motivate them to make a purchase.
Hall and Amy Tanner, who observed some of the trances, explained the phenomena in terms of the subconscious mind harboring various personalities that pretended to be spirits or controls. In their view, Piper had subconsciously absorbed information that she later regurgitated as messages from "spirits" in her trances.Amy Tanner. (1910). Studies in Spiritism.
Emotional flooding is a form of psychotherapy that involves attacking the unconscious and/or subconscious mind to release repressed feelings and fears. Many of the techniques used in modern emotional flooding practice have roots in history, some tracing as far back as early tribal societies. For more information on emotional flooding, see Flooding (psychology).
In his opinion, a magical desire cannot become truly effective until it has become an organic part of the subconscious mind. Despite his interest in the unconscious, Spare was deeply critical of the ideas put forward by the psychoanalysts Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, referring to them as "Fraud and Junk."Baker 2011. p. 95.
The house is one of the first Wright houses to employ a flat roof which gives the home a horizontal linearity. Historian Thomas O'Gorman noted that the home may provide a glimpse into the subconscious mind of Wright. The Balch house is listed as a contributing property to a U.S. federally Registered Historic District.
Hendrik de Vries (ca. 1923) Martinikerk in Groningen wall in Leiden Hendrik (Henry) de Vries (17 August 1896 in Groningen, Netherlands - 18 November 1989 in Haren, Netherlands) was a significant Dutch poet and painter. He was an early surrealist, was liberal-minded, and preached vitality. The subconscious mind plays a crucial role in his poetry.
The whole mine shakes and eldritch symbols appear on the floor. Edith sinks into despair thinking Sebastian has succeeded with his plan (Haunter of the Dark). Edward Jr remembers a midsummer when he was a child (Subconscious Mind). Edward and Judith had discovered minerals in the local mountains allowing a mine to be opened.
Action painting was clearly influenced by the surrealist emphasis on automatism which (also) influenced by psychoanalysis claimed a more direct access to the subconscious mind. Important exponents of this concept of art making were the painters Joan Miró and André Masson. However the action painters took everything the surrealists had done a step further.
This method has been accused by many of subliminal messaging. Since the subconscious mind is said to pick things up much faster than the rest of the brain, one could say that a hidden message in a still motion movie, it may allow the brain to receive the message without the human eye having time to register it.
Paris: Felix Alcan.Richet, C. (1922). Traith de metapsychique. Paris: Felix Alcan. James H. Hyslop (1912) wrote that OBEs occur when the activity of the subconscious mind dramatizes certain images to give the impression the subject is in a different physical location. Eugéne Osty (1930) considered OBEs to be nothing more than the product of imagination.Osty, E. (1930).
The Doors FAQ author Rich Weldman describes "Wishful Sinful" as a "crooning Frank Sinatra–type ballad." The music of the song incorporates string instruments and an English horn solo. Author Gillian G. Gaar describes the lyrics as being "romantic". According to Krieger, he "tried to get in the subconscious mind" with the lyrics to the song.
Pierre Janet advanced the idea of a subconscious mind, which could contain autonomous mental elements unavailable to the scrutiny of the subject.John F. Kihlstrom, "The Psychological Unconscious", in Lawrence Pervin & Oliver John (eds.), Handbook of Personality; New York: Guilford Press, 1999. Also see web version . Behaviorism notwithstanding, the unconscious mind has maintained its importance in psychology.
McCorristine, Shane. (2010). Spectres of the Self: Thinking about Ghosts and Ghost-Seeing in England, 1750–1920. Cambridge University Press. pp. 183–186. In Human Personality and Its Survival of Bodily Death, Myers speculated on the existence of a deep region of the subconscious mind, which he termed the "subliminal self", which he believed could account for paranormal events.
"Nitschke, Le jardin Japonais," p. 92. Translation of this citation from French by D.R. Siefkin. A recent suggestion by Gert van Tonder of Kyoto University and Michael Lyons of Ritsumeikan University is that the rocks of Ryōan-ji form the subliminal image of a tree. The researchers claim the subconscious mind is sensitive to a subtle association between the rocks.
In a moment of despair, Constance is thrown into both her subconscious mind and the two Shakespearian tragedies to discover the truth about herself, and to find the lost fool with the help of Desdemona and Juliet. MacDonald received the Governor General's Award, the Floyd S. Chalmers Canadian Play Award and the Canadian Authors Association Drama Award for the play.
Winter, Joe, Jibanananda Das – Naked Lonely Hand ( 2003), Anvil Press Poetry, London Winter appears to have caught the essence of the poet, who appeared to be subtle, mysterious and bizarre even to native readers and critics of his time. He was also known as a surrealist poet for his spontaneous, frenzied overflow of subconscious mind in poetry and especially in diction.
The Yoga of Kashmir Shaivism – S.Shankarananda, p. 128 Of the three limitations, only the first one, ānava mala, which is the basis of the other two, is impossible to surpass through effort alone, without the help of divine grace (Śaktipat).Meditation Revolution – D.R. Brooks, p. 437 Anava māla is manifested as residual impressions existing in the causal body (subconscious mind).
He conducted numerous experiments in telepathy and was interested in apparitional experiences. He attempted to explain ghosts by a psychological theory. Tyrrell proposed that ghosts are a hallucination of the subconscious mind of a person, to explain collective hallucinations for more than one person, he proposed it as a telepathic mechanism. Tyrrell was the president of the Society for Psychical Research 1945-1946.
Her implant snaps when they try to remove it, trapping Liz in her own subconscious mind. She overcomes a series of psychological problems while Dan pumps her for the tickets' location. He then, pretending to be implanted, visits FitzRandolph's headquarters to help Professor Fly free the others subjected to mind control. Dan finds the tickets in Liz's purse, and Liz escapes from Dr. Zelssius's control.
Automatic writing played a pivotal role in Beecher's divorce from Hoffman. Beecher's mother, Mrs. Oral J. Wyndham, produced messages that she said were sent by spirits, but which Hoffman said were created by Wyndham's subconscious mind. After six years of marriage, both Beecher and Hoffman filed suit for separation, based on both the contentious messages and a disagreement about religion's influence in raising their son.
William Penn Patrick bought Mind Dynamics in 1970. Page. 54. : "Mind Dynamics, founded by Alexander Everett, was the major forerunner of large group awareness trainings. Although Mind Dynamics was only in existence for a few years, it sparked an entire industry of similar trainings." The Mind Dynamics course was described as providing "a means of achieving personal success through the conscious use of the subconscious mind".
On dry land, she can sprint at tremendous speeds. Although Marrina has a friendly personality, thanks to her upbringing by her foster parents, her mental programming by the Plodex repeatedly emerges from her subconscious mind. Her savage instincts can even be triggered by chemical stimuli given off by other Plodex. When her Plodex DNA takes over, she takes on a more beast-like appearance.
In an experiment published in 2006 Stajkovic and colleagues examined the relationship between primed subconscious goals and conscious goals. Conscious goal setting theory asserts that consciously setting specific, difficult goals explains and predicts work performance. The study of conscious goal setting has been largely confined to the study of organizational behavior. Subconscious goal theory asserts that motivational goals can be activated (primed) through stimulating the subconscious mind.
Tzadok was born and raised in Israel. As a stay-at-home mother to two children, she was gifted a book called "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind" which encouraged readers to pursue their dreams. This persuaded her to sell her art on eBay after selling a few works in the traditional market. After launching her works on eBay, she began selling approximately 80 paintings a month.
If he thinks it should be a liquid, it becomes a liquid. Later, the doctor is found dead in his lab, hanging from a rope of plasma. Maddox thinks that while he was drunk, his subconscious mind took control of the plasma and gave him the peace he so desperately wanted for years. Apparently, the plasma can be controlled by the conscious and unconscious mind.
Evident also were symbolic images and leading motifs such as nude female figures, fetuses, throbbing hearts, ghoulish faces and realistic, probosces, mouths and eyeballs, human skeletons and nude female figures. So from the year 2009 up to the present, her works, classified as surrealism, are images from her subconscious mind. Through this, she was able to create artworks that to others are "morbid" but oozing with mystical, esoteric and occult symbolism.
Morbius refuses to believe him. After Altaira tells Morbius that she intends to leave with Adams, Robby detects the creature approaching. Morbius commands Robby to kill the monster, but the robot knows the monster is a creation of Morbius's subconscious mind and shuts down rather than harm him to stop it. Adams, Morbius, and Altaira take refuge in the Krell laboratory, but the creature melts its way through the doors.
Anyone can be born with this disorder or get it later in life. This phobia is most commonly the result of psychological trauma caused by a negative experience with wind in the afflicted person's past. The experience may be remembered, or it may be "imprinted" on the subconscious mind of the traumatized person. People who suffer from this phobia tend to be frightened by changes in the weather, such as storms.
98 Crowley believed that in order to discover the True Will, one had to free the desires of the subconscious mind from the control of the conscious mind, especially the restrictions placed on sexual expression, which he associated with the power of divine creation.Sutin, p. 294. He identified the True Will of each individual with the Holy Guardian Angel, a daimon unique to each individual.Hymenaeus Beta (ed.) in Crowley, Aleister.
A hypnotherapist uses non- pharmacological methods that allow clients to explore states of mind. Classically, the most common is the dominant brain wave state using relaxation techniques including deep breathing and self-awareness. Those methods reduce agitation and eventually bring the client to the edge of sleep. In that state, the "conscious" social identity that weighs experience is balanced with the "subconscious" mind that manages physiology and automatic behaviors.
The films are highly irrational in their juxtapositions, but this is the intention of the filmmaker. Scher wants his viewers to create their own stories from the visuals he provides. Films such as All the Wrong Reasons seek to create of feeling of dreaming. One should have a sense of dreaming while awake and a connection to the subconscious mind. Scher’s abstract films are all approximately two and a half minutes long.
At a society party, Foyle is smitten with Presteign's daughter Olivia. He also meets Jisbella again--now Dagenham's lover--who chooses not to reveal Foyle's identity, although Dagenham has realized it anyway (Foyle's alias was implanted in his subconscious mind during Dagenham's interrogation). During a nuclear attack by the Outer Satellites, Foyle goes to Olivia to save her. She tells him that to have her, he must be as cruel and ruthless as she is.
As described in a film magazine, Doris Dumond (Binney) leaves the convent and joins her mother Mrs. Fabian Dumond (Roberts), who is being harassed by the villainous debt collector Ambrose Hammond (Grassby), at a fashionable hotel. A young millionaire, Phillip Carruthers (Mulhall), who loves her and whom she loves is also present. When Doris learns of her mother's difficulty she is moved by her subconscious mind to walk into the villain's room in her sleep.
He is fatally injured, but with his dying words, Ostrow tells Adams that the great machine was built to create anything from thought alone. He says that the Krell forgot one thing, however: "monsters from the id". Their own base subconscious desires, given free rein and unlimited power by the machine, brought about their quick extinction. Adams asserts that Morbius' subconscious mind created the creature that killed the original expedition and attacked his crew.
Sacklarian paintings are typically filled with biomorphic forms in the foreground in front of angular "room-like" backgrounds or dark color fields. Sacklarian uses perspective and composition, juxtaposing his vivid biomorphic forms in the foreground and the unidentifiable geometric rooms in which they reside. Human and animal forms, limbs, faces, and abstract sexual organs also hover in the foreground. The subconscious mind is a dominant thread in Sacklarian’s work, and his paintings are notedly dreamlike.
The Star has a glamorous and dramatic presence and they present themselves as objects of fascination. Kennedy, for instance, was a star who won over his opponents through his star quality and eloquence. Stars seduce the subconscious mind by appealing to human fascination with the strange and the mythical. They create a larger than life persona and then contrast it with playing up human qualities which make them amenable to the targets.
A cognitive moduleThornton, Stephen P. (2006) Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) developed to solve a particular problem in which an emotional load can sometimes be taken to other situations where it is not appropriate. One may be angry at one's boss, but take the anger out on one's family. Often, the transference is unconscious (see also Subconscious mind and Unconscious mind). In psychotherapy, the patient is made aware of this, which makes it easier to modify the unsuitable behaviour.
In fact, it was when Kabir told Sanjana that he was coming back home from abroad that Sanjana decided to separate from Anjana. It was during this operation that Anjana died, and Sanjana blames herself for her sister's death. The professor reassures Sanjana that her visions of Anjana are the result of her guilt and only a figment of her subconscious mind. At her mother's place that night, Sanjana is forced into the outhouse by an unseen entity.
However, because Donald's sharp eyesight only works subconsciously, he bumbles up his every assignment because his subconscious mind has not taken into account all of the rules. The third assignment ends in a disaster when a large steel oven that Donald had been inspecting falls down. Any large catastrophic results are avoided, but Donald decides he has had enough and feigns that he has lost his sharp eyesight, in order to return to his normal, safe job.
Cayce, in contrast, believed that it was his subconscious mind exploring the dream realm, where he believed minds were timelessly connected. Cayce founded a nonprofit organization, the Association for Research and Enlightenment, to store and facilitate the study of his channelings, as well as run a hospital. A biographer gave him the nickname The Sleeping Prophet. Some consider him the true founder and a principal source of the most characteristic beliefs of the New Age movement.
Lammers declared that the fifth chapter of Matthew was the constitution of Christianity and the Sermon on the Mount was its Declaration of Independence. It appeared that Cayce's subconscious mind was as much at home with the language of metaphysics as it was with the language of anatomy and medicine.Sugrue 2003, pp. 234–242. Lammers wanted to ask the purpose of readings of Cayce's clairvoyance, and to put up money for an organization supporting Cayce's healing methods.
A native of California, with Russian origins, Raderman received a B.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles, with double majors in Communication Studies and Psychology. He was awarded a M.A. in Systematic and Philosophical Theology from the Graduate Theological Union at the University of California, Berkeley. His Master's thesis, entitled “Dreams and Liberation” was a curious exploration into the role the subconscious mind plays in helping individuals and societies discover and socialize ethical and metaphysical certainty.
One of the highlights of her life to this day was meeting the founder of Divine Science, Joseph Murphy. Her in depth spiritual awareness stems from his books (The Power of your Subconscious Mind) and his weekly lectures on positive thinking at the Wilshire Ebel Theater. In 1975 she started teaching three hour Psychic Development and Meditation Workshops for everyday living, successfully. In 1979 she started recording her meditations with musician George Brown of Kool and the Gang.
Tom, a scientist, invents a machine that can insert a person into the subconscious mind of another person. Desperate for funding to complete his prototype, he is forced to accept money from an anonymous investor. When the investor threatens to pull out, Tom reluctantly agrees to a demonstration a month ahead of schedule. The investor turns out to be an official at the Department of Corrections who wants to use the machine to extract involuntary confessions from convicts.
The Oscar Balch House represents Frank Lloyd Wright's defiant return to the streets of Oak Park and to architecture after his absence and concurrent trip to Europe with Mamah Borthwick Cheney. The house was called "forged of Wright's personal courage and cheeky moral humbridge" by historian Thomas O'Gorman. O'Gorman concluded it was possible that the Balch House provides a rare glimpse into the subconscious mind of Frank Lloyd Wright. The Balch House is an example of Frank Lloyd Wright's fully mature Prairie style.
According to Sri Aurobindo, humans face three basic problems: # Partial Self-awareness: humans are only aware of a small part about themselves. They are aware of the surface of mentality, physical being, and life, and not of the larger and more potent subconscious mind and hidden life impulses. # Partial awareness of other beings: humans create a rough mental construction of their fellow beings. Their understanding is created by a mental knowledge, which is imperfect, and subjected to denial and frustration.
Then she wakes up back in Inworld and realizes it was all an Infinisynth simulation. She is then confronted by her father, who is in actuality the Infinisynth System Operator and wants to hand the position down to her. Judy wakes up again back in her old room, living with her mother. The ending leaves the question whether the handing of the System Operator position over to her actually happened or was only a simulation created by her subconscious mind.
On episode #78 Denson interviewed Lee David Zlotoff, creator of the series MacGyver about innovation both in terms of how he as a writer has utilized in subconscious mind to solve problems. The character, MacGyver, was popular around the world because he was able to solve problems with his brain instead of a gun. Lee David Zlotoff explains his view of innovation and what his process is like as a writer. The podcast has put together partnerships with outlets such Inc.
Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy (2008) is a bestselling book by Martin Lindstrom, in which he analyzes what makes people buy.New York Times Best sellers list, Hardcover Nonfiction The author attempts to identify the factors that influence buyers' decisions in a world cluttered with messages such as advertisements, slogans, jingle and celebrity endorsements. Lindstrom, through a study of the human psyche, explains the subconscious mind and its role in deciding what the buyer will buy. Lindstrom debunks some myths about advertising and promotion.
Artists associated with Surrealism, which developed from Dadaism, continued experimentations with chance and parody while celebrating the flow of the subconscious mind. André Breton, the founder of Surrealism, suggested that automatism and the description of dreams should play a greater role in the creation of literature. He used automatism to create his novel Nadja and used photographs to replace description as a parody of the overly-descriptive novelists he often criticized. Surrealist René Magritte's experiments with signification are used as examples by Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault.
According to Chandan, what is seen everywhere is change (in the outer world of matter and in the inner world of sense and consciousness). This is Chetanavyas, which is the conflux and interaction of chetana (sense) and abvyas (wont, or custom). "Sense" is assigned the widest conceivable meaning here, as the feature differentiating a living object with a lifeless one, and includes attributes of the conscious and subconscious mind. "Wont" (abvyas) is used here as the habit of living objects and the nature of non-living ones.
In the months that follow, Bella learns that thrill-seeking activities, such as motorcycle riding and cliff-diving, allow her to "hear" Edward's voice in her head through her subconscious mind. She also seeks comfort in her deepening friendship with Jacob Black, a cheerful companion who eases her pain over losing Edward. Sometime after losing Edward, Bella starts to enjoy Jacob's company and friendship. After spending some time with Bella, Jacob starts experiencing some unexpected and drastic changes with his mood swings, body, and personality.
However, Ketchum was persistent, spread information in various medical circles, and in October 1910 got written up in the press. When a reporter contacted Cayce, he explained to the reporter that he somehow had the ability to easily go into the intuitive sleep when he wanted to, and this was different from how he went to sleep normally like everyone else. When asked the mechanism of the readings via the sleep method, they were told that it happened via the capabilities of the subconscious mind.
Along with Jung, Sigmund Freud and Surrealism were also influential to the beginning of action painting. The paintings of the Action painters were not meant to portray objects per se or even specific emotions. Instead they were meant to touch the observer deep in the subconscious mind, evoking a sense of the primeval and tapping the collective sense of an archetypal visual language. This was done by the artist painting "unconsciously," and spontaneously, creating a powerful arena of raw emotion and action, in the moment.
The scientists in the lab have performed numerous brain surgeries on Snitter, merging his conscious and subconscious mind. This causes him to have nightmarish flashes and dreams at random times, whether he is asleep or awake (similar to Fiver from Watership Down). Frequently he hallucinates the sight of his master approaching, and turns round in joyful greeting, only to find there is no one there. Once he and Rowf escape the lab, Snitter is determined to find another home for himself and his friend.
Ajna(Agya)mandala Ajna or Agya (, IAST: , ) or Brow or third eye chakra, is the sixth primary chakra in the body according to Hindu tradition. It is a part of the brain which can be made more powerful through meditation, yoga and other spiritual practices just as a muscle is. In Hindu tradition, it signifies the subconscious mind, the direct link to the brahman. While a person's two eyes see the physical world, the third eye is believed to reveal insights about the future.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy, says readers can achieve seemingly impossible goals by learning how to bring the mind itself under control. The Power by Rhonda Byrne, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, and The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle are similar. While personal testimonies claim the secret and the law to have worked for them, a number of skeptics have criticized Byrne's film and book. The New York Times Book Review called the secret pseudoscience and an "illusion of knowledge".
Roger Ballen (born 1950) is an American artist living in Johannesburg, South Africa, and working in its surrounds since the 1970s. His oeuvre, which spans five decades, began with the documentary photography field but evolved into the creation of distinctive fictionalized realms that also integrate the mediums of film, installation, theatre, sculpture, painting and drawing. Marginalized people, animals, found objects, wires and childlike drawings inhabit the unlocatable worlds presented in Ballen's artworks. Ballen describes his works as existential psychodramas that touch the subconscious mind and evoke the underbelly of the human condition.
In the invocation, Brahman is praised as limitless and all-pervading in this universe. Prayer is offered for ushering peace in this world. The Adhyatma Upanishad describes the eternal form of Brahman, the unborn (Aja) one who remains within the recess of the heart. His body is represented as the earth (Prithvi), water (Apa), fire (Agni), air (Vayu), ether (Akasha), mind (Manas), intellect (Buddhi), sense of self (ahamkara), Subconscious mind or memory (chitta), unmanifestated (Avyakta), indestructible (akshara), and Death (mrityu), all of these elements act within themselves, and within the body without one's awareness.
Peter Katz, working with MindSign Neuromarketing is another group involved in the neurological studies of film. He and his team are bringing this “current market research” by focusing on specific genre's to gain an understanding of how directors could affect an audience's subconscious mind. For example, in the horror genre, MRI used to view activity in the amygdala to look for fear, anger, rage and fight or flight type emotions. By using information obtained from MRIs they can determine exactly what scenes and even specific images invoke an emotional response, or the opposite.
Schemas make our environments more approachable to understand, and therefore people are able to familiarize themselves with what is around them. When people become comfortable with what they find familiar, they are more likely to remember events, people or places that obscure from their initial thought or script. Some people may have a tendency to habituate behavioral scripts in a manner that can act to limit consciousness in a subliminal way. This can negatively influence the subconscious mind and, subsequently, can negatively affect perceptions, judgments, values, beliefs, cognition and behavior.
He also has problems with Dream Girl as he hates that she is able to predict the future without scientific means. "Brainy" was also unnerved when she told him that they would one day marry. When she was killed during Terror Firma's attack on the Legion HQ on Earth, he became obsessed with "outthinking death." In a botched experiment to restore her to life, he however manages to store her consciousness in his own subconscious mind, enabling the girl to interact with him in his dreams, and keep using her precognition in his behalf.
An argument against this might be brought up in asking why the subconscious mind would be locked. Also, the access to the autonomous ("locked") portions of the mind during the lucid dreaming is obviously much different (for instance: is relatively more transient) than the access to autonomous regions of the perceived nature. The method of the typical scientist is materialist: they first assume that the external world exists and can be known. But the scientific method, in the sense of a predict-observe- modify loop, does not require the assumption of an external world.
Some psychical researchers such as Thomson Jay Hudson have claimed no spirits are involved in automatic writing and the subconscious mind is the explanation. Automatic writing as a spiritual practice was reported by Hyppolyte Taine in the preface to the third edition of his De l'intelligence, published in 1878. Besides "ethereal visions" or "magnetic auras", Fernando Pessoa claimed to have experienced automatic writing. He said he felt "owned by something else", sometimes feeling a sensation in the right arm he claimed was lifted into the air without his will.
With his history of drug use and alcoholism, his wife, children and housekeeper are understandably skeptical of his claims that the house is haunted. Unfolding events only very gradually reveal a much more complicated situation than a simple haunting. There is a dynamic interplay between the author's dead father, the house itself and specific negative associations buried within the author's own subconscious mind. Added to all of this is the very late-breaking and almost gratuitous insinuation that Robby, the narrator's young son, may somehow be at the epicenter of all these events.
The relationship between the two groups is simple: the System protects data while the Semiotecs steal it, although it is suggested that one man might be behind both. The narrator completes an assignment for a mysterious scientist, who is exploring "sound removal". He works in a laboratory hidden within an anachronistic version of Tokyo's sewer system. The narrator eventually learns that he only has a day and a half before his consciousness leaves the world he knows and delves forever into the world that has been created in his subconscious mind.
That night, seeing an item in the newspaper about the old man's death on the road, the doctor connects Rocky with the killing and calls the police. Later, Rocky unexpectedly shows up, discovers the doctor's suspicion, and kills him with his psychic powers. When the police arrive, they surmise a supernatural explanation for the killing. The next day, they consult a professor at the Chicago Institute of Psychology, who explains his parapsychological theory that the killer has somehow tapped the latent power of his subconscious mind, which he refers to as "psychotronic energy".
As psychotic as these two are, they are still lucid enough to recognize that a killing is imminent, if not two or even three. In an atmosphere of decadence and dark madness, the characters gradually sink into the depths of their subconscious mind. A few days later, the daughter decides that she is fed up with having to suffer under the yoke of maternal authority, and, together with Singapore Sling, murders her mother. Singapore Sling then takes what up until now used to be the mother's role in the sexual games.
Frequent ointment ingredient : Deadly Nightshade : Atropa belladonna > Magic ointments...produced effects which the subjects themselves believed > in, even stating that they had intercourse with evil spirits, had been at > the Sabbat and danced on the Brocken with their lovers...The peculiar > hallucinations evoked by the drug had been so powerfully transmitted from > the subconscious mind to consciousness that mentally uncultivated > people...believed them to be reality. Lewin, Louis Phantastica, Narcotic and > Stimulating Drugs : Their Use and Abuse. Translated from the second German > edition by P.H.A. Wirth, pub. New York : E.P. Dutton.
Hinged doors conceal imbedded video screens, still photographs and paintings, opening up like medieval icons. Throughout the whole arrangement is the invitation to explore, to touch, to get beneath the skin and peel away the layers, the process every bit as charged as what is uncovered. Soon we are absorbed in the motifs that guide us through Mazumdar’s subconscious mind, mapping his memories with reference to whole panoply of senses." Pranabranjan Ray sums up his experience of Nightskin as one of "awe and wonder...inspired by the scale of the constructions, and ...the ingenious yet unobtrusive nature of the constructions.
" By mixing and matching she is assured that she is not appropriating anyone's real name or real story, but at the same time her versions of characters and stories are believable. Cisneros once found herself so immersed in the characters of her book Woman Hollering Creek that they began to infiltrate her subconscious mind. Once while she was writing the story "Eyes of Zapata," she awoke "in the middle of the night, convinced for the moment that she was Ines, the young bride of the Mexican revolutionary. Her dream conversation with Zapata then became those characters' dialogue in her story.
Only the members of the Contact Commission witnessed the activities of the "sleeping subject", and only they knew his identity. The individual is claimed to have been kept anonymous in order to prevent undesirable future veneration or reverence for him. Martin Gardner states that an explanation concerning the origin of the book more plausible than celestial beings is that the Contact Commission, particularly William Sadler, was responsible. Gardner's conclusion is that a man named Wilfred Kellogg was the sleeping subject and authored the work from his subconscious mind, with William Sadler subsequently editing and authoring parts.
Not much is known about the unconscious mind but it is believed to contain the biological instincts that humans act on every day, such as sex and aggression. A person is completely unaware of what happens within the unconscious mind. Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud made the concept of the unconscious popular; and he based most of his theories on psychoanalysis on the concept. According to Freud, the subconscious mind rests right below the conscious mind, and has easy access to the thoughts and feelings that are kept in this state — as opposed to the unconscious mind (access to which is, in Freud's view, impossible).
Morrissey appeared in the movie The Inner Weigh, written and directed by Dave Smiley. The movie is about tapping into the power of one's subconscious mind to create the body and the life that one wants. Mary Manin Morrissey also operated two companies, "Life Soulutions" and "Evolving Life Ministries". The Oregonian reported in 2007, that the organization of Life Soulutions has prompted questions from the state of Oregon because Morrissey's partner, Karen Hanzlik, in the venture receives as much as 40% of revenue, meaning that this portion is not required to be diverted to the restitution fund.
With his background and experiences and with influences by his contemporaries mentioned above, Boyne developed one of the first programs designed to train hypnotherapists in a regression-based approach. The resulting program, Transforming Therapy, was used for decades to train over 12,000 and possibly as many as 15,000 hypnotherapists globally. The Transforming Therapy method incorporated aspects of Regression Therapy and Gestalt Therapy as well as focusing on the self-healing power of the subconscious mind. It uses a compassionate spiritual approach that simplifies theory in the actual therapy and hones in on allowing the inner mind to construct its own solutions creatively.
Psychiatrist Dr. Tony Flagg (Fred Astaire) does his friend Stephen Arden (Ralph Bellamy) a favor by taking on his fiancée, Amanda Cooper (Ginger Rogers), as a patient. Amanda, a singer on the radio, can't seem to make a decision about Stephen's many proposals of marriage, so Tony probes her subconscious mind to interpret her dreams. When Amanda dreams of dancing with her doctor, she's convinced that she's in love and to avoid telling Tony about the dream, makes up a wild dream. This leads Tony to believe that Amanda has serious psychiatric problems and he hypnotizes her to act on her impulses.
Based on research in semantic conditioning from the 1950s, Weilgart theorized that whereas the conscious mind links synonyms (similar meanings), the subconscious mind associates assonance (similar sounds). That is, while we think about and distinguish similar-sounding words by their different meanings, we nonetheless feel at some level that they are (or ought to be) also related in meaning. Alliterative slogans may suggest a link in words unrelated by meaning but related by common sounds. Weilgart posited that such slogans were one of the many significant factors that could lead to war under desperate and incendiary conditions.
While Huxley promoted The Supreme Doctrine for its discussion of Zen Buddhism from a Western psychological perspective, others highlighted concepts of particular interest. For Robert Powell, a contemporary of Huxley, it was Benoit's approach to existential anxiety. Benoit considered this to be a near- universal, fundamental component of human personality, likening it to an '"inner lawsuit" which is continually being enacted in our subconscious mind.' > 'Behind everything we experience there is a debate going on, illusory > proceedings where the matter in dispute is our being or our nothingness...of > the actual proceedings themselves, which carry on monotonously in the > background, we remain unaware.
The story has also been published in the collection of Mythical Stories (Myytillisiä tarinoita) edited by Lauri Simonsuuri. Psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung was interested in the concept of poltergeists and the occult in general. Jung believed that a female cousin's trance states were responsible for a dining table splitting in two and his later discovery of a broken bread knife. Jung also believed that when a bookcase gave an explosive cracking sound during a meeting with Sigmund Freud in 1909, he correctly predicted there would be a second sound, speculating that such phenomena was caused by 'exteriorization' of his subconscious mind.
Also, to set a goal with the words, "I will (do, have, or be)..." keeps the attainment of the goal forever in future tense, merely by the selection of the word "will". Alternatively, the principle of the jackrabbit factor teaches a person to compose the same goal statement in a different way, such as: "I am so happy and grateful now that I am slender and energetic. It feels great to be able to wear the clothes I love." The author suggests that concentrating on how the attainment would feel reprograms a person's subconscious mind so that accomplishing the goal comes more naturally.
The event "attracted worldwide attention", thanks to the presence of a reporter. Major Oliver Villiers, a friend of Brancker, Scott, Irwin, Colmore and others aboard the airship, participated in further séances with Garrett, at which he claimed to have contacted both Irwin and other victims. Price did not come to any definite conclusion about Garrett and the séances: > It is not my intention to discuss if the medium were really controlled by > the discarnate entity of Irwin, or whether the utterances emanated from her > subconscious mind or those of the sitters. "Spirit" or "trance personality" > would be equally interesting explanations - and equally remarkable.
Several other patients, led by Merlin, attempt to come to Chuck's defense but are all quickly tranq'ed by Kowambe and his men. However, before Chuck can be interrogated further, Sarah and Casey arrive and kill Kowambe's henchmen, and Sarah disables Kowambe as well. In debriefing, it is revealed that the information in Kowambe's (correct) tooth contained scientific secrets he intended to sell to the Ring, and that he has been involved with illegal experimentation and organ harvesting. Dreyfus clears Chuck for return to duty, theorizing that the Intersect may be interacting with Chuck's subconscious mind and functioning while he sleeps.
The event "attracted worldwide attention", thanks to the presence of a reporter. Major Oliver Villiers, a friend of Brancker, Scott, Irwin, Colmore and others aboard the airship, participated in further séances with Garrett, at which he claimed to have contacted both Irwin and other victims. Price did not come to any definite conclusion about Garrett and the séances: > It is not my intention to discuss if the medium were really controlled by > the discarnate entity of Irwin, or whether the utterances emanated from her > subconscious mind or those of the sitters. "Spirit" or "trance personality" > would be equally interesting explanations – and equally remarkable.
Maddox, helped by the girl's uncle, is able to observe and learn about the nature of spheres. Maddox comes up with the theory that the plasma responds to both the conscious and the subconscious contents of the minds of those who are around it. Maddox decides that he is going to have to find a way to control his subconscious if he wants to learn to control the plasma. He works with the rings and the plasma while going through a kind of “house cleaning” of his subconscious mind and becomes better able to control the mysterious plasma.
It is believedGough, Harrison G. Studying creativity by means of word association tests. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 61(3), Jun 1976, 348-353 that word association can reveal something of a person's subconscious mind (as it shows what things they associate together), but others are skeptical of how effective such a technique could be in psychology. Often, the game's goal is to compare the first and final word, to see if they relate, or to see how different they are, or also to see how many words are repeated. Likewise, players often review the list of words to see the pathways of associations that go from beginning to end.
It was the mixture of country and Mahler that his subconscious mind had prepared for him. Among the early songs he came up with at this time were "Singing 'Bout the City" and "Hygiene Songs", but also songs that would never be released such as "Do Right To Me, Babe", "Take Me To The Doctor", "The Wonders of New Amsterdam" and "Hanuman." He found them to be fantastic songs, but they didn't sound like The Ark. His working title for The Ark's country-pop-album was "Zeitgeist For The Lame", which was a line taken from another new song called "The Leadership Void" that would never be released.
Joan Miró i Ferrà ( ,"Miró, Joan" (US) and also , ; 20 April 1893 – 25 December 1983) was a Spanish painter, sculptor, and ceramicist born in Barcelona. A museum dedicated to his work, the Fundació Joan Miró, was established in his native city of Barcelona in 1975, and another, the Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró, was established in his adoptive city of Palma de Mallorca in 1981. Earning international acclaim, his work has been interpreted as Surrealism but with a personal style, sometimes also veering into Fauvism and Expressionism. He was notable for his interest in the unconscious or the subconscious mind, reflected in his re-creation of the childlike.
Mankad wrote column titled Kaleidoscope in Gujarat Samachar for several years. He wrote twenty novels including Kayar (1956), Dhummas(1965), Ajanya Be Jan(1968), Grahanratri, Morpichchhna Rang, Vanchita, Manorama, Velana Vadhhu Tan, Matini Chadar, Heerni Ganth, Ek Pag Umbar Bahar, Raatvaaso, Khel, Dantkatha, Mandarvriksh Niche, two parts of Bandha Nagar (1986, 1987), Zankhana (1987), Anuttar (1988), Ashwa Dod (1993). His novel Velana Vadhhu Tan deals with the mental agony of a boy who incidentally finds letters written by his deceased mother to her lover, and who comes to know that he is an illegitimate child. It focuses on unconscious and subconscious mind of protagonist.
He argues that his system is not a particular method, but a systematic analysis of the 'natural' order of theatrical truth. The system that he describes is a means both of mastering the craft of acting and of stimulating the actor's individual creativeness and imagination. It has influenced the majority of performances we see on the stage or screen. The book is autobiographical and deals with many different areas of acting skills, including action, imagination, concentration of attention, relaxation of muscles, units and objectives, faith and a sense of truth, emotion memory, communion, adaptation, inner motive forces, the unbroken line, the inner creative state, the super-objective and the subconscious mind.
Commander Adams confronts Morbius with this and is able to piece together what happened: the Id is an ("obsolete" and outdated) term for the base subconscious mind, composed of raw, animalistic emotions like hate, lust, and jealousy. The Krell machine was so advanced that it didn't just give physical form and life to their conscious thoughts, but their subconscious thoughts as well. Even for the advanced Krell this Freudian personality characteristic, although long forgotten, had not been eliminated. When combined with the power of their machine, the unbridled emotions of their Ids were all at once willed into physical reality: an army of living nightmares, let loose upon the entire planet.
The "memories" recovered by techniques like past-life regression are the result of cryptomnesia: narratives created by the subconscious mind using imagination, forgotten information and suggestions from the therapist. Memories created under hypnosis are indistinguishable from actual memories and can be more vivid than factual memories. The greatest predictor of individuals reporting memories of past lives appears to be their beliefs—individuals who believe in reincarnation are more likely to report such memories, while skeptics or disbelievers are less so. Examinations of three cases of apparent past life regression (Bridey Murphy, Jane Evans, and an unnamed English woman) revealed memories that were superficially convincing.
Gironella was inspired by popular Surrealist artists in Mexico as well as many controversial artists of the Mexican Muralism movement such as David Alfaro Siqueiros and Diego Rivera. Although surrealism differs drastically from the politically-driven muralist movement, Gironella found that both distinct art forms resonated with his need to push creative boundaries. Even though he was a supporter and advocate of more liberal political views, Gironella's impressions of the Mexican Muralism movement led him to believe that art should not be political, rather, it should be representative of one's subconscious mind. By rejecting the politically influenced artistic styles, Gironella found himself captivated by the avant-garde art movement surrealism.
Being a manipulation of the target's subconscious mind, the Voice is of limited utility against an extremely disciplined mind, such as a Reverend Mother or a strong Mentat; if the target understands what the Voice is and how it works, and is aware that it is being used, he may resist it. One trained in the use of the Voice may easily detect its use by others, even subtly. In Dune Messiah, Paul trains some guards to resist the Voice so that he may imprison Bene Gesserit. By the time of Children of Dune, Gurney Halleck has also been trained by Jessica to resist the Voice completely.
Meanwhile, knowing the doctor has escaped, Gowtham comes to Verma's laboratory to kill all of them. Then Valli comes to the rescue and a fight ensues between Gowtham and Valli in front of her brother who has successfully come out from the coma in an abandoned construction site. There at last Gowtham tries to kill Valli's brother, but to his surprise he was not injured. Then it is revealed that Valli is now controlling Gowtham's and her brother's subconscious mind at a time with utmost concentration and Gowtham realises that Valli is in his dream, in reality Gowtham was facing none and in trance at the same construction site.
She overuses it and overdoses, nearly dying in the process and failing to reach her destination; from then on she has to deal with the lingering need for Flash. When Beka was trapped in an alternate dimension with Tyr Anasazi in episode 4x07, the Abyss possessed her to spy on Dylan. Later the crew managed to extract the Abyss from her in episode 4x16, Dylan risking his life to draw the Abyss into an artificially created "duplicate" of Beka's subconscious mind. While in Seefra, she seems to lose the loyalty she has for Dylan, saying when she helps him out that it will only be if it's for her benefit.
After getting Seetharaman's statement, Sharafuddeen questions Balu who was spotted first near a seemingly-dead Nadiya. It was Dr. Mathangi, one of the doctors in the compartment who spotted Balu with a surgical blade in hand and thereby informed all her co-passengers. Madhavan master spots that Nadiya is still alive and asks everyone to take her to the hospital. In the present-day Balu undergoes treatment at a mental asylum and in his subconscious mind, reveals to Sharafuddeen that he came out of his coupe that night to meet Priya who was his crush during college days, but sees a stabbed and injured Nadiya instead with the blade used to stab her left behind.
Silver Surfer Vol. 3 #30 (Nov 1989) After the fight, Midnight Sun was taken to a Kree laboratory where he was placed in the care of Kar-Sagg. It was revealed that Midnight Sun had been resurrected without his memories of who or what he was, but that they still existed in his subconscious mind due to the Kree scientists not wanting to risk losing his martial arts skills. It was ultimately decided that the removal of all non-combat skill related subconscious memory might make him a more effective fighter, but during the procedure Midnight Sun was made to confront elements of his past as the machine sifted through his mind.
He is also lured into a wormhole that seems to lead directly back to Earth, only to find the entire situation is a construct created by mysterious aliens called the Ancients who are testing to see if Earth is suitable for colonization. Towards the end of the season, Aeryn is injured and the crew is forced to go to a Peacekeeper base to seek medical help. Crichton disguises himself as a Peacekeeper to gain access, but the base's commander, Scorpius, instantly sees through the ruse and imprisons Crichton, calling Crais to come and get him. Under torture Crichton discovers that the Ancients placed specialized knowledge of wormholes in his subconscious mind – knowledge that Scorpius is particularly eager to access.
188, 192 John Quinn represented Anderson and Heap, though both disagreed with him over which approach would make the most appropriate defence. Quinn maintained that Anderson and Heap should remain quiet and not testify, so as to present themselves as modest, inconspicuous and conservative women.Anderson 219 Though not required by law, Quinn decided to produce three literary experts to attest to the literary merits of Ulysses, as well as The Little Reviews broader Grazia 10 The first expert witness was Philip Moeller, of the Theatre Guild, who interpreted Ulysses using the Freudian method of unveiling the subconscious mind, which prompted one of the judges to ask him to "speak in a language that the court could understand".
Just as they take a picture for his wedding, the flash brought him back to reality whereby, on his journey back home after his winnings, he remembered jay-walking the street only to stop when he saw a woman who looked exactly like Kokone. Although he was shocked and frozen, he realized an oncoming truck was going to hit them and he rushed to protect the woman from the impact. This resulted in a blank and showed Kentaro in his subconscious mind still struggling to find Kokone. When he arrived at his apartment, in Kokone's place revealed a messed up mannequin with no hair and tears in her eyes, revealing the whole experience as a fantasy of Kentaro.
Kendal Hanna (born June 25, 1936) is a painter and sculptor who is known as one of The Bahamas’ first abstract expressionist. His works have been inspired by and compared to international artists and fellow abstractionists such as William de Kooning, Jackson Pollock, Hans Hoffman, Joan Miró and Mark Rothko. The majority of his initial works in his career were black and white paintings but he worked more extensively in colour after being treated for schizophrenia in his late twenties. He describes his work as his “subconscious mind expressing itself on the canvas.” His work is present in several private collections both locally and internationally and also in the National Collection of The Bahamas.
Will every one think "house "when they see this shape? Etc. The results, both qualitative and quantitative, assigning and establishing each shape a subjective identity can serve to gather a taxonomy of verifiable , universally arising subjects, concurrently, to reconcile subject and object through the collective subconscious mind. It is anticipated that this project will include and transcend the quantitative data and qualitative meaning gathered from many people with different backgrounds; it is a poly-cultural associative survey which is pre-lingual and may yield archetypal forms that are universally recognizable. Such shapes will have multiple connotative purposes as well , one of which is establishing subject matter for painting, and at the least uniting minds through shared experience.
Some hypnotists view suggestion as a form of communication that is directed primarily to the subject's conscious mind, whereas others view it as a means of communicating with the "unconscious" or "subconscious" mind. These concepts were introduced into hypnotism at the end of the 19th century by Sigmund Freud and Pierre Janet. Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory describes conscious thoughts as being at the surface of the mind and unconscious processes as being deeper in the mind.Daniel L. Schacter; Daniel T. Gilbert; Daniel M. Wegner, Psychology, 2009, 2011 Braid, Bernheim, and other Victorian pioneers of hypnotism did not refer to the unconscious mind but saw hypnotic suggestions as being addressed to the subject's conscious mind.
Four scientists, a newspaper man and a construction tycoon agree to spend 261 days in isolation in an interstellar flight simulation to planet Antheon, a world that would be a potential target for future human colonization. A "panic button" is included in case any of the subjects wants to end the simulation. However, hitting the button ends the entire simulation, and all participants will forfeit cash awards for completing the experiment. Unbeknownst to all, the experiment has been infiltrated by an extraterrestrial being, one who causes the subconscious mind of the various passengers to go amok: one of the passengers finds the doll of his deceased daughter on his bed, while another one is almost choked in his sleep by invisible hands.
Think and Grow Rich condenses them, providing the reader with 13 principles in the form of a "Philosophy of Achievement". The book asserts that desire, faith, and persistence can propel one to great heights if one can suppress negative thoughts and focus on long-term goals. The 14 "Principles" listed in the book are: # Thoughts are things # Desire # Faith # Autosuggestion # Specialized Knowledge # Imagination # Organized Planning # Decision # Persistence # Power of the Master Mind # The Mystery of Sex Transmutation # The Subconscious Mind # The Brain # The Sixth Sense There are several courses created from the Think and Grow Rich content and principles. Earl Nightingale co-created with Napoleon Hill a 30-minute audio summary of the book, titled "Think and Grow Rich: Instant Motivator".
When it was time for him to leave Earth and continue his studies on the Moon, he gave up Laika to a fellow employee Dr. Anderson. He comes out of the flashback just in time to sound the alert for a lunar tremor that, thanks to his prompt action, kills only two of his fellow crew members. He remembers his dead dog, realizing that Laika could not actually have saved him, for she was separated by 5 years time and a barrier that no man or dog could ever bridge (her death). It was his never sleeping subconscious mind, sensing the tremors, that knew how to wake him, by making him dream of Laika's barking as she did in the earlier earthquake.
Hickman told his attorneys that he had killed Parker upon the direction of a supernatural deity he called "Providence". This claim was touted by Hickman's defense attorney in court, who attempted to explain Hickman's actions by reason of insanity. The defense professed that Hickman was mentally ill and deeply influenced by his religious zealot grandfather who had exposed him to "frenzied religious exorcisms... Out of the limbo of his subconscious mind, surcharged with severe repressions of his awful childhood, homicide and mutilation ideated." Hickman was one of the first defendants to use California's new law that allowed pleas of not guilty by reason of insanity (despite having initially told police that he needed the $1,500 ransom to attend Park College, a Bible college in Kansas City).
When the washer entered the student's field of view, he would focus upon it and follow its flight, and move both forearms to pivot the gun to seat the butt against his shoulder, with the stock against his cheek, and pull the trigger the instant the gun was seated. As the washer rose up in the air, the student's head would also tilt upward as he tracked its flight. At the instant the gun was seated against his shoulder and his cheek, it would be aligned to match the position of the rising flat washer in its trajectory. Accordingly, the student's subconscious mind then had very little fine-tuning to do to direct the muscles of his left arm to point the gun so the fired BB would hit the target.
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Symbolism and Expressionism introduced dream imagery into visual art. Expressionism was also a literary movement, and included the later work of the playwright August Strindberg, who coined the term "dream play" for a style of narrative that did not distinguish between fantasy and reality. At the same time, discussion of dreams reached a new level of public awareness in the Western world due to the work of Sigmund Freud, who introduced the notion of the subconscious mind as a field of scientific inquiry. Freud greatly influenced the 20th-century Surrealists, who combined the visionary impulses of Romantics and Expressionists with a focus on the unconscious as a creative tool, and an assumption that apparently irrational content could contain significant meaning, perhaps more so than rational content.
In metaphysics, metaphysical solipsism is the variety of idealism which asserts that nothing exists externally to this one mind, and since this mind is the whole of reality then the "external world" was never anything more than an idea. It can also be expressed by the assertion "there is nothing external to these present experiences", in other words, no reality exists beyond whatever is presently being sensed. The aforementioned definition of solipsism entails the non-existence of anything presently unperceived including the external world, causation, other minds (including God's mind or a subconscious mind), the past or future, and a subject of experience. Despite their ontological non-existence, these entities may nonetheless be said to "exist" as useful descriptions of the various experiences and thoughts that constitute 'this' mind.
While , the Golden Arches have remained in the logo, and as a commonly understood term for the company. This was partially due to Louis Cheskin's argument that the arches, which he likened to "mother McDonald's breasts", had "Freudian applications to the subconscious mind of the consumer and were great assets in marketing McDonald's food." In Canada, all McDonald's stores and commercials have a maple leaf in the middle of the Golden Arches. Alan Hess summarized the arch's origin in Googie architecture and ultimate significance as follows: The term "Golden Arches" is sometimes used as metonym, symbolizing capitalism or globalization in phrases such as the "Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention", since McDonald's is one of the more prominent American corporations that have become global in their reach (along with Coca-Cola and Nike).
Because once his mother and Ramachandra were lovers in their college days, being a harlot she was cheating on him, which he found out later and broke up with her. Taking a grudge against him, she continues in her ways, brainwashes her son to destroy him and his family and acquires his property for making Ramachandra responsible for her dirty life. Then it is revealed that Gowtham was responsible for Valli's condition and kidnaps Verma while going to the airport, learns to operate the subconscious memory through him and tries to control Valli's subconscious mind, creating her fears in the dreams and successfully makes her depend on him emotionally. Then it is also revealed that he was the person who caused the accident on Ramachandra to kill him and sent Valli's brother into a coma.
The movie has Navya Nair as Yamuna who is preparing for the big day in her life that is for her marriage. In comes a letter from her psychiatrist Ravi Varman (Suresh Gopi), who had treated her for schizophrenic disorder, three years ago. Ravi Varman now wants to meet her, as she is soon to witness some critical of the circumstances. Ravi Varman, according to his unsatisfied wife Jyothi (Shweta Menon), is more like a mentally challenged person than most of his patients, treating only one patient at a time, that too in an alien hill bungalow. Though the mental issues and associated unsettling hallucinations faced by Yamuna are confusing, Ravi Varman finds the root causes of continuous ‘vulture episodes’ through his travels into the subconscious mind and starts his treatments, finally to get the girl disowned by even her parents.
Glastonbury Tor In September 1922, Fortune returned to Glastonbury to visit her friend Charles Loveday. Along with an anonymous woman known only as "E. P.", the pair carried out acts of trance mediumship, claiming that in doing so they entered into psychic contact with the Ascended Masters; Fortune later identified these as Socrates, Thomas Erskine, and a young military officer named David Carstairs who had died at the Battle of Ypres. Fortune and Loveday characterised their method of communication as "inspirational mediumship", believing that in this process the Masters communicated through the medium's subconscious mind; they contrasted this with "automatic mediumship", which they believed involved the medium becoming completely dissociated from their own body. It was in this manner that Fortune and Loveday claimed that they received a text, The Cosmic Doctrine, which was dictated to them in segments by the Masters between July 1923 and February 1925.
On 7 October 1930 it was claimed by spiritualists that Garrett made contact with the spirit of Herbert Carmichael Irwin at a séance held with Harry Price at the National Laboratory of Psychical Research two days after the R101 disaster, while attempting to contact the then recently deceased Arthur Conan Doyle, and discussed possible causes of the accident. The event "attracted worldwide attention", thanks to the presence of a reporter. Major Oliver Villiers, a friend of Brancker, Scott, Irwin, Colmore and others aboard the airship, participated in further séances with Garrett, at which he claimed to have contacted both Irwin and other victims. Price did not come to any definite conclusion about Garrett and the séances: > It is not my intention to discuss if the medium were really controlled by > the discarnate entity of Irwin, or whether the utterances emanated from her > subconscious mind or those of the sitters.
This cataclysm also creates an event horizon in time that prevents anyone from entering Gallifrey's relative past or travelling from it to the present or future. In the aftermath of this conflict Gallifrey was essentially erased from history, and the universe thrown in to chaos, allowing other species to try and take control of history, while also giving things like magic to exist in the universe, as in the main timeline the Time Lords had removed and erased such things form the universe near its beginning. The last Eighth Doctor Adventures novel, The Gallifrey Chronicles, establishes that the Doctor has the ability to restore the planet and its inhabitants, having downloaded the contents of the Matrix into his subconscious mind in the minutes before Gallifrey's destruction, albeit at the cost of his own memories. The novel ends without revealing if he does indeed succeed in restoring Gallifrey.
Forge is a mutant with a superhuman intuitive talent for inventing mechanical devices, backed up by the ability to visually perceive mechanical energy in action. This power allows him to instinctively recognize the potential and functional uses of any machine or technological device in his visual range, a skill that combined with his natural intelligence gives him the ability to conceive, design and build highly advanced mechanical devices; and operate, modify and disassemble existing technology or create countermeasures for it. Forge's superhuman talent for invention does not mean that he is of a superhuman intellect, even a genius at invention must for the most part consciously work out the theoretical principles behind the invention and then the design of the invention itself through a series of logical steps. In Forge's case, however, many of these logical steps are worked out by his subconscious mind.
"You look at something, smell something, hear something, it's going into your brain at the speed of light... And all being retained..." Key claims that only small bits and fragments of this actually rise to the "conscious surface." Key states that Freud warned about "toying" with the subconscious due to its highly unexplored and misunderstood nature, coupled with its capacity to set off unpredictable pathological response. August Bullock, author of The Secret Sales Pitch, discusses Sigmund Freud's probing of the subconscious mind, and his postulations about the presence of hidden emotions and drives. According to Bullock, Freud believed the barrier between conscious and subconscious awareness relaxed and through analyzing and interpreting dreams, we could better understand out underlying motivations and emotions and the conflicts caused by them. Dennis Kucinich assumed office in 1997 as a member of the U.S. House of Representative from Ohio’s 10th district.
The 1921 US trial of James Joyce's novel Ulysses concerned the publication of the Nausicaa episode by the literary magazine The Little Review, which was serializing the novel. Though not required to do so by law, John Quinn, the lawyer for the defence, decided to produce three literary experts to attest to the literary merits of Ulysses, as well as The Little Review’s broader reputation. The first expert witness was Philip Moeller, of the Theatre Guild, who interpreted Ulysses using the Freudian method of unveiling the subconscious mind, which prompted one of the judges to ask him to "speak in a language that the court could understand". The next witness was Scofield Thayer, editor of The Dial, another literary magazine of the time, who "was forced to admit that if he had had the desire to publish Ulysses he would have consulted a lawyer first—and not published it".
While the king is uncertain—except in the case of the elephants carrying the world on the back of the turtle—that these mysteries are real, they are actual modern events that occurred in various places during, or before, Poe's lifetime. The story ends with the king in such disgust at the tale Scheherazade has just woven, that he has her executed the very next day. Another important literary figure, the Irish poet W. B. Yeats was also fascinated by the Arabian Nights, when he wrote in his prose book, A Vision an autobiographical poem, titled The Gift of Harun Al-Rashid, in relation to his joint experiments with his wife Georgie Hyde-Lees, with Automatic writing. The automatic writing, is a technique used by many occultists in order to discern messages from the subconscious mind or from other spiritual beings, when the hand moves a pencil or a pen, writing only on a simple sheet of paper and when the person's eyes are shut.
Nevertheless, because this phenomenon occurred routinely, it was obvious that the student's eyes were actually registering, and his subconscious was actually perceiving, the location of the first BB's dent in the spinning washer, but not sending that information to the conscious mind. However, the student's subconscious mind would then direct his muscles to point and shoot the gun so that the second and third BB hits would lie right next to the first one. The student's subconscious had previously memorized the trajectory of BB's fired from that particular gun, and it had also memorized a time-to- target table of BB's fired from it to hit targets at different distances. Now, while the student's current target, the flat washer, went sailing up into the air, the student's subconscious was computing and extrapolating the trajectory of that washer on that particular throw, its ever-decreasing rate of climb, and its ever-decreasing spin-rate.
In 1959, Alfred Hitchcock opens his latest film, North by Northwest, to both critical and commercial success, but is troubled by a reporter's insinuation that he should retire. Seeking to reclaim the artistic daring of his youth, Hitchcock turns down film proposals, including Casino Royale and The Diary of Anne Frank, in favor of a horror novel called Psycho by Robert Bloch, based on the real-life crimes of murderer Ed Gein. Gein appears in sequences throughout the film, in which he seems to prompt Hitchcock's imagination regarding the Psycho story, or act as some function of Hitchcock's subconscious mind (for instance, drawing Hitchcock's attention to sand on his bathroom floor, the quantity of which reveals how much time his wife Alma has been spending at the beachhouse with Whitfield Cook). Hitchcock's wife and artistic collaborator, Alma, is no more enthusiastic about the idea than his colleagues, especially since she is being lobbied by their writer friend, Whitfield Cook, to look at his own screenplay.
Later, after half the Legion, herself included, were stranded in the past by the Emerald Eye, she inadvertently awakens and is subsequently attacked by the misogynistic telepath known as Doctor Psycho. As a result of the attack, Cosmic Boy was knocked comatose and Psycho destroyed barriers Aven had placed on her powers, increasing them considerably. As a result, Saturn Girl would unconsciously animate the comatose Cosmic Boy and almost married him in that state before her subconscious mind rebelled, turning Cos into Garth until she shut down the link and Cosmic Boy was properly awakened. Following Invisible Kid's resignation, she became Legion leader, and stationed Garth as part of a second group of Legionnaires on a space-station known as the Legion Outpost to avoid the appearance of nepotism; this fact irritated him for some time until the three founders went on a mission together against a corrupt regime using their identities and the Legion's symbols to prop up his regime, during which they cleared the air.
To help remove the mask off of Proxima who is out cold before the Vexicons arrive at the Stronghold to take the half of the mask, Tazma tells Arkayna a spell that traps the Mysticons inside Proxima's subconscious mind, in which they see Proxima's memories and learn of her troubled and lonely childhood since leaving Mrs. Sparklebottom's sanctuary, to the point of choosing the dark powers of the mask fragment because of an oblivious Princess Arkayna never being truly there for her as a sister and for breaking her heart so badly. After freeing Proxima of the stronger hold the mask's fragment has had on her, Arkayna apologizes for her oblivious actions toward Proxima and welcomes her back as her triplet "twin sister". Proxima explains all she had learned while under the evil influence of the mask; how the Spectral Hand itself has tempted and manipulated many over the millennia; such as Necrafa (who was, in fact, a powerful elven sorceress), Captain Kaos, and finally Mallory.
This has disrupted the Earth's programming so that when Ford and Arthur manage to extract the final readout from Arthur's subconscious mind by pulling lettered tiles from a Scrabble set, it is "What do you get if you multiply six by nine?" Arthur then comments, "I've always said there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe." The book was adapted from the remaining material in the radio series—covering from the fifth episode to the twelfth episode, although the ordering was greatly changed (in particular, the events of Fit the Sixth, with Ford and Arthur being stranded on pre-historic Earth, end the book, and their rescue in Fit the Seventh is deleted), and most of the Brontitall incident was omitted, instead of the Haggunenon sequence, co-written by John Loyd, the Disaster Area stunt ship was substituted—this having first been introduced in the LP version. Adams himself considered Restaurant to be his best novel of the five.
In this moment The Patient drifts off into his subconscious mind, into his past. As this happens the "elderly" Patient's apartment fades away into a bright white light that reveals a large ominous building perched on a jagged cliff side, overlooking the sea... Two voices appear over the scene, one is of The Patient (age 25 at this point) and the other is a sadistic man known only as "The Doctor" (played by Maximillian Magick). The Doctor states that he has been administering an experimental drug called "Psychotropica" to The Patient and mercilessly interrogating him about a traumatic and off kilter "nightmare" for quite sometime now (in an effort to "study" his reactions.) The Patient is obviously in great emotional and psychological stress and does not wish to continue the "treatment" but The Doctor forces him to continue for "as long as it takes" under threat of severe "punishment." Reluctantly The Patient agrees to continue relating his painful nightmare for The Doctor.
Nevertheless, McDaniel left behind him a stream of thoroughly bewildered customers and journalists. They understood that they had been taught to perform spectacular feats of marksmanship within an extremely short training period, but they could not match up McDaniel's training techniques with anything else in their experience because his techniques flew in the face of the conventional wisdom of that era regarding both the ways by which humans learn to perform manual skills, and the then-mutually agreed upon physical limitations of human capabilities. McDaniel had intuited effective procedures for training the subconscious mind to direct the body to perform manual tasks, in this case, shooting to hit certain types of targets, more rapidly and with greater precision than could be attained by the conscious mind. In the 1950s, however, kinesiology, specifically, proprioception and proprioceptive feedback, and cognitive ergonomics to speed the development of procedural memory were not well understood, and there were no obvious parallels within the American teaching profession by which to judge the significance and ramifications of McDaniel's approach.
On Planet Earth, Superintendent Shan Frankland (A hardened, self-sufficient, and brutally honest female cop) is preparing for retirement when she is confronted by politician Eugenie Perault, who recruits Shan to lead a top-secret mission into outer space on a ship named the Thetis. Her destination is Cavanagh's Star; a planet hundreds of light years away, but with an atmosphere strikingly similar to that of Earth. However, rather than risk exposure of the classified information Shan will need to carry out the unknown mission, Perault gives Shan a Suppressed Briefing (SB), which installs the information into Shan's subconscious mind, only to be brought forth when circumstances call for it. Knowing only that she was preceded on this journey by a colonist group named Constantine (who have never been heard from again), and that the time in speed-of-light travel will amount to 75 years on Earth but only months for her ship, Shan sets off in command of a mix-matched group of specialized civilians (called the "payload") anxious to use the planet for their own gain, and competing for control with Commander Lindsay Neville, the independent leader of a small force of marines.

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