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168 Sentences With "sub basement"

How to use sub basement in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sub basement" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sub basement". Mastering all the usages of "sub basement" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The film's fictional Kim family live in a "sub-basement", usually small, dark apartments built partially underground.
Mr. Wartski rehabbed the basement and excavated the sub-basement to create the kitchen, robata grill and prep area.
Some sort of ... Well, he has a sub-basement in this house in which he's got an indoor football pitch.
For much of the establishment, which for so long kept genre imprisoned in the literary sub-basement, she set it free.
To get to the Panoptic Studio at Carnegie Mellon University, you take an elevator down four flights to a dingy sub-basement.
"[Democrats can] knock Trump Tower down to the sub-basement," David Brock said Monday night, according to Politico, citing his group's trove of information.
Residents said rent for the sub-basement apartments had increased to around 400,000 won ($340) per month, more than doubling in the past decade.
The Surrealist games take us down into the sub-basement of play; we're close to the skeleton of what makes games with others so interesting and intriguing.
But it was put back together with some innovations added both below ground in a sub-basement and, most famously, well above ground — and quite visibly so.
Two floors in the center section of the building collapsed over a sub-basement, Minneapolis Fire Chief John Fruetel said, and there was heavy damage all through the school.
After solid viewcounts all morning, our streaming numbers just went in the shitter—or more like below the shitter, in some shitter sub-basement where producers' careers go to crap themselves and die.
DePodesta went down to the sub-basement and gathered The Brown Squad, a team of top analysts recruited from the best schools in the country, and told them that they had another task.
The lab is in the sub-basement of the research hospital, and consists of several discrete chambers that simulate different conditions for testing assistive devices—there's StreetLab, StairLab, and my reason for being there, WinterLab.
After waking up in the sub-basement of a strange abandoned building with no memories, 13-year-old Rachel stumbles upon a serial killer named Zack, who's covered in bandages and carries a large scythe.
Much of the movie was shot on purpose-built sets, but both the Parks' mansion and the Kims' squalid "sub-basement" apartment were inspired by, and set, amid real neighborhoods in the South Korean capital.
The format is similar to how lawmakers on the three committees leading the impeachment inquiry have been conducting the depositions behind closed doors in a secure facility in the sub-basement of the Capitol for the past month.
Though the movie has no Oompa Loompas, one of the dark secrets of the Machotaildrop company is that all the company's gear is made by old, shrunken, broken-down former skaters in a sub-basement of the castle.
A top backer of Hillary Clinton's Democratic presidential campaign reportedly has said that he has dug up enough dirt on the Republican front-runner to "knock Trump Tower down to the sub-basement," according to a report in Politico.
An ordinary host might hesitate before inviting a guest down into a clean, fluorescent-lit cinderblock sub-basement, the one that sits under the regular basement with the workshop and the dehumidifier and the world-renowned collection of World War II memorabilia.
R.D. Bone showed me way back in the day when we were working in a now-defunct savings and loan where we used to hang out on the sub-basement level, me in the MIS (now called IT) division, Harold in record storage.
"I just don't know why any president in the past waited to start running for re-election," Parscale said over Chop't salads in the RNC sub-basement in one of his first interviews since he became the head of the campaign in February.
I think it's something about the lurking inevitability of where the story is headed that makes this one so gruesomely fun to read  — when the men cleaning the rat-filled basement discover a hatch leading down to another sub basement below, you know they're going to discover something down there.
However, Le Figaro reported that for the past month it has been in the sub-basement of the Louvre for analysis by the Center of Research and Restoration of the Museums of France in preparation for its inclusion in a major Leonardo exhibition in 2019 (the 500th anniversary of the artist's death).
The building contains a basement deep, as well as a sub-basement deep. All of 26 Broadway's mechanical equipment is located in the sub-basement.
All the heating and ventilation equipment was located in the sub-basement. The heating system consisted of two Babcock & Wilcox steam boilers, Worthington steam pumps, and two separate heating delivery systems. The sub-basement, basement, and first floor were warmed via air heated in the sub-basement and then blown through ventilation ducts. This system also provided forced (but not cooled) air when heating was not needed.
Two floors in the basement and sub-basement house the Palladium Athletic Facility.
It has a basement and sub- basement, complete with walled off shanghai tunnels.
Below the sub- basement floor was another waterproofing layer that consisted of of reinforced concrete poured atop the watery sand and then topped with felt and tar. The sub-basement walls were built directly against the waterproofed sheet piling, and made of concrete thick. The upper part of the sub-basement walls were reinforced with rebar thick and apart. Grillages to hold the columns in place were placed atop the waterproof layer.
There are four staircases going through the basement to the 4th floor. They are called "red stairs, "green stairs", "blue stairs" and yellow stairs". The Yellow stairs lead to the sub-basement. Another staircase, called the black stairs (by students) at the bottom of the blue stairs leads to the sub-basement.
Below it is a sub-basement with a datestone giving the names of the contractors and a built-in safe.
Uncanny X-Men Vol.1 #154 (February 1982) Later, Kitty Pryde was attacked by a group of Sidri in a maintenance tunnel of the reconstructed X-Mansion's sub-basement. The sub-basement had survived the attack, and several Sidri had hid there to lay eggs. Colossus and Lockheed came to Kitty's aid, and the three defeated the Sidri.
The men eventually come across a sub-basement, locked from the inside. Warwick then enlists Hall to go down and investigate the sub-basement and that he may take who ever he likes. Hall chooses Warwick who, despite trying to prevent them from entering, is forced to press on. As they make their way through the sub-basement, Hall and Warwick discover that it harbors something more terrifying and hideous than any of them could have dreamed—a cow-calf sized queen rat with no eyes or legs, whose only purpose is to endlessly breed more rats.
"Freedom of the Movies in Presenting News and Opinions" (University of Minnesota, 1950). TC Wilson Library Annex Sub- Basement (MA Theses) Quarto 378.7M66 OG7972.
He is finally executed by Petrov when Stalin dies in 1953, after which the sub-basement in which Hitler was kept is walled off forever.
Each grillage consisted of two tiers of interlocking I-beams. Each grill supported a single one of the 40 columns that made up the building's superstructure. The floor of the sub-basement was poured atop the waterproofing layer, and made of reinforced concrete. Originally, the building was to have relied on the sheet piling and sub- basement wall columns to support the outer walls.
In the sub-basement were the Sprague screw machines for the electric elevators, the fire pumps, the house pumps, the ice plant, and the six Babcock & Wilcox water tube boilers. The elevator system, which served the house from subbasement to roof, was electric, taking its power from the generating plant within the building. There were 18 elevators. The machinery was located in the sub-basement.
A two-story sub-basement with mezzanine, created during the 1948–to-1952 Truman reconstruction, is used for HVAC and mechanical systems, storage, and service areas.
Even so, Parkson, its main anchor tenant, has retained its outlet within the mall. The mall has a total of six floors, including a sub-basement level.
At one end stood a smoke stack, previously used in the baking process. It had six floors, a basement, and sub- basement, with a total area is more than .
The water in the sub-basement is groundwater which would have percolated through the soils into nearby Mission Creek during the time it existed as an open waterway. Any basement or excavation dug just as deep in the neighborhood would fill with water to a typical depth of many feet, the exact depth depending on season and rainfall factors. Pumps constantly running within the building prevent the groundwater from pooling in the sub-basement. According to Kink.
These were served with food prepared at the Concourse Plaza. There is a secret about the hotel. Below the basement was a sub basement, known to very few people. There was a private rifle range there.
A basement and sub-basement held the mechanical equipment as well as a state-of-the-art refrigerated fur vault that could hold up to 3,000 fur coats. The cooling system cooled the basement and first floor.
A complex system of grillage, cantilevers, offset wall columns, and supports was needed for the foundation of the Pope Building The foundation of the Pope Building is a combination of reinforced concrete floating raft and grillage. Reengineering the foundation due to the quicksand problem meant only a single sub-basement was constructed. In the sub-basement, the sheet piling was plastered and then waterproofed with felt and tar. The felt/tar waterproofing was flashed over the top of the sheet piling and extended horizontally about past the outer wall.
Guides employed by frequently repeated the mostly inaccurate but widely held beliefLydia Chávez (February 16, 2011) "Mission Creek Runs Through the Armory, Now", Mission Local. that a remnant portion of Mission Creek flows through the building's sub-basement.
The basement level has a lower floor level than the William Street section and boarded timber ceilings. The sub-basement level is similar, but with a number of partitioned rooms along either side. The toilet block has concrete floors, plastered walls and timber partition cubicles.
FACE is divided into five floors, from the basement to the fourth. The kindergarten classes are all on the first floor. Grades one to three generally occupy most of the second floor, while Grades 4 and higher have classes on all floors. There is also a sub-basement.
Together they defeat the fully demonized versions of Karna (the succubus) and her incubus pimp, Mr. Thompson. Douglas then discovers Julie’s corpse buried in the bowels of the Hagstone sub-basement. Julie's corpse re-animates before Douglas' eyes. She overpowers him and escapes, killing Carl in the process.
It consisted of seven floors plus basement and sub-basement. The exterior was clad in Indiana Limestone with Italian Florentine detail in Renaissance Revival style, while the inside featured Art Deco design elements. The interior of the building was set up like current department stores of its day.Ferry, John William.
Stillwell returns to the stairwell, but there is no sub-basement. A man in the basement, Willard (George Kennedy), tells him to leave. At Stillwell's apartment building, a stranger, Lester (Jack Weston), pulls a gun on him. He orders Stillwell to go meet "the Major" and to take his briefcase.
The building under construction has four floors above-ground and two more underground. The building did not have sprinklers or other obligatory safety measures. The fire broke out when some 78 workers were in the sub-basement working on polyurethane foam. The first explosion occurred around 13:30 (4:30 UTC).
Thanks to Henry Pym's success at removing Controller's control device being removed from Namor, Fabian watched as Namor came to his senses.Captain America #367. Marvel Comics. When Captain America ends up attacked by mechanical tendrils upon entering the sub-basement, Fabian apologized for that stating that he was testing them out.
The first occurred to the sub- basement level. Here, Sodersteen designed a restaurant that was leased to the Picwick Club. This became well known throughout Sydney for its luncheons, receptions (especially weddings) and its library. A second alteration occurred on the eleventh level where minor changes were made to the staff amenities area.
Firefighters attempted to spray foam into the cable vault only to have the foam drain down into a sub-basement. The incident escalated to five alarms. Fumes from the burning cables awakened and sickened residents on East 13th street. Some dressed hastily and left their apartments to get further away from the fire.
The building occupies a whole block, and is surrounded by Water Street, Brunswick Street, Fenwick Street, and Drury Lane. It has nine storeys, a mezzanine, a basement and a sub-basement. The building is constructed on a steel frame and is clad in Portland stone. It is roofed in green Lombardic tiles.
The building has been constructed in three units. It is a modified "U" shaped continuous unit with a gable, tiled roof, three floors, and a ground level floor. A sub- basement contains crawl space, pipes, ventilating and heating equipment. The structure is brick and mortar and fully fire-resistant in the 1914 and 1924 sections.
This level was added during the 1948-to-1952 renovation, and contains the air conditioning and water softening equipment. The sub-basement and mezzanine also contain storage areas, the heating system, elevator machinery rooms, an incinerator, a medical clinic, a dentist's office, the electrical control system, a laundry room, and flatware and dishware storage.
The structure was routinely referred to as the Pope Building, even two years after Halle Bros. leased it. As originally constructed, the Pope Building consisted of 10 floors, a basement, and a sub-basement. The building had a frontage of on both Euclid Avenue and Huron Road, was deep, and high at the roof line.
There are ten levels of the building, five of which can be accessed by elevator. The remaining five levels include a storage and dressing room floor, penthouse for elevator equipment and storage, a small light room in the northwest corner of the main core, and a two-level sub- basement sixty feet below the basement floor.
Hidden beneath the pavement are cellar spaces, originally used for coal storage. All houses (but not all flats0 have a rear garden at sub-basement level. The street lighting appears authentic but has a complex history. The original lights were added in the 1860s (sixty years after construction) to a design by John Kippen Watson FRSE.
Liebling and Hasselvander recorded both 1999's Review Your Choices and 2001's Sub-Basement as a duo. In-between those albums, a brief live reunion of the Death Row classic lineup took place with Liebling, Griffin, Hasselvander and Abney. The duo of Liebling and Hasselvander occasionally performed live as Pentagram during this period, assisted by bassist Walter White and drummer Dale Russell.
Research continued to 1942 and succeeded to reconstruct the roof and the portal section of the temple. The reconstruction was halted due to World War II and Indonesian National Revolution. In 1962 the restoration of sub-basement, foot, and wall section of the temple, as well as the north wall, was finished. The reconstruction of Banyunibo temple was completed in 1978.
Intro Five strangers board a descending lift, one by one, in a modern office block in London. They reach the sub-basement, though none of them have pressed for that destination. There they find a large, elaborately furnished room that appears to be a gentlemen's club. The lift door has closed; there are no buttons to bring it back, nor any other exit.
They go into the cabin and retrieve his backpack. Scott sees that there is a basement, and a sub-basement, and wants to explore more, but Penny persuades him to leave. They realize that this is the home of the almost legendary and mysterious artist, Mr. Jones (Mark Steger). Scott and Penny decide to make Mr. Jones the subject of their documentary.
It is divided into 31 bays with pilasters. At each end of the building are stairs and elevator towers. The structural remains of the original glass house survive as a sub-basement in a one-story extension at the south end of the building. The Human Resources and Research and Development buildings were originally constructed around 1912 by the MacKay Copper Process Company.
Between The Brutal Telling and Bury Your Dead, there was a shooting of one of the agents in the homicide division (which is told in flashbacks). While Gamache is doing research in Quebec City, a body is found in the sub-basement of a library. Gamache becomes a consultant of the investigation. Meanwhile, the murder investigated in The Brutal Telling is investigated further.
Marlo and the Magic Movie Machine was a 1977-1980 children's television show originating from WFSB-TV in Hartford. The storyline involved Marlo Higgins (Laurie Faso) who is a mustachioed and frizzy-haired computer programming genius working for the L. Dullo computer company. He was banished to the "sub- sub-basement" by his boss, Leo Dullo. By day Marlo works for L. Dullo.
Cincinnati Times-Star Building at 800 Broadway Street in Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, is a registered historic building. It was listed in the National Register on November 25, 1983. It was built in 1933 and was designed by the firm of Samuel Hannaford & Sons in the Art Deco Style. The limestone building has 15 stories with a basement and sub-basement beneath.
She fails, but is able to pry open a small side door used for removing fireplace ashes. Inside is not a fireplace at all but a large, dark, deep sub-basement. As Sally leaves the den, several whispering voices call her name from behind the fireplace, proclaiming that "She set us free." Sally begins to feel unsettled in the house.
Each of these lesser temples has no stone body and roof, and only consists of base part and balustrades. The main temple is facing west and took form of a square with size . The temple has no real base (foot) part, so the sub-basement part also serves as the base part. The siar is adorned with makara supported by dwarf (gana).
The series revolves around four children: Billy O' Toole, Marcus and Ruby Snarkis, and Lydia Lopez. The series' main antagonists are Earl P. Sidebottom, a.k.a. The Phantom, and his rat sidekick, Ratticus. Earl is a boy genius who, sometime before the series' beginning, got a "D" grade in shop class and retreated to the school's sub-basement boiler room in shame.
She wants him to forget about the doll and just leave. Scott ends up back in Mr. Jones' house and in the sub-basement where he is chased by hooded figures. He returns the doll and relights the candles in its eyes. He then puts on the mask he was left with earlier and pulls up his hood, making him look quite strange and bizarre.
In 1954-5 a new Sydney Morning Herald building was erected off Broadway and the 1922-9 building was sold to the Bank of New South Wales (now Westpac), which took possession in 1956, opening a public branch-office in 1958. Various internal changes took place and a car-park was inserted in the sub-basement where the SMH had been printed for thirty years.
Before OBERON, A.R.T. used the old Hasty Pudding theater as a second space in addition to the Loeb Mainstage. A.R.T.'s Institute for Advanced Theater Training formerly used the sub-basement of The First Parish in Cambridge at Zero Church Street, as a flexible venue. In May, 2015 the ART staged an opera premiere at the Schubert Theater in Boston, their first use of that venue.
As with nearly all foundations, the below-ground levels of the Pope Building were not intended to be completely watertight. The sub-basement was designed to collect water, which would then be pumped out into the city's sewer system. Because Cleveland's sewer lines were only below-ground, this meant that the water had to be pumped upward before it could enter the sewer line.
She continued to have a successful career into the 1970s. In 1972, Dennis Nahat and former Pryor student, Ernie (Ian) Horvath purchased her one room studio in the sub basement of the Masonic Temple in downtown Cleveland. The new school was named Cleveland Dance Center, soon to become the official School of the new Cleveland Ballet. Her students included Dick Blake, Joyce B. Kneuss, Cheryl Rauschenberger, Ian Horvath, and Denise Gula.
Halcyon Hall in 2016 The main building of Bennett College, Halcyon Hall, was built in 1893 by H. J. Davison Jr., a publisher from New York. The 200-room Queen Anne structure was designed by James E. Ware. It has five stories, a basement and sub-basement. Originally built as a luxury hotel, the building became home to Bennett College in 1907 after the hotel failed to catch on.
The most important task for the base was as a service center for night fighters. Aircraft that had to refuel during battle could land there, and minor repairs could be made. It was not a real combat airfield, and played a minor role during the war. As a result of having been built with very deep foundations, some buildings could be equipped with basements, and some even with a sub-basement.
The 57-story building has 58,734 square feet of retail space on the first three levels, and 341,470 square feet of office space on its middle floors 4 through 19. The mechanicals for the entire structure are housed on floors 20 and 21 along with a swim club and fitness center serving the 181 private residences on floors 22–56. The lower level and sub-basement contain a parking garage.
It has one ground floor and basement house, but the upper flats are entered from the side (2 India Street). The westmost block breaks the "rules" further, being wider than the others but not built as flats. As designed the houses between the pavilions were two storey and basement, with a concealed sub-basement. Most now have an extra floor added as per the Bryce scheme (see above).
The building sits across Prospect Street from Ingalls Rink and across Sachem from the Yale School of Management. It was designed by the architect Charles C. Haight, who also designed buildings of the original Columbia University campus on the current site of Rockefeller Center. Osborn Memorial Laboratories is an entirely masonry structure, down to the sub-basement of unfinished brickwork. Its main arch was once a covered entry for carriages.
After the war, the Priory gradually returned to something of its former self. However, on the night of 10 March 1947, the centre portion of the building, including the room above the Ante- Room and the offices on the floor above, were destroyed by a fire. Two years later, a new bar was built in the sub-basement under the Ante-Room. HRH Princess Elizabeth first visited the Priory in 1950.
The addition formally opened on November 2, 1914, increasing the size of the total available space to . The enlargement allowed Halle Bros. to offer a broader range of products, and for the first time the company began to sell candy, furniture, and men's clothing. In addition to air filtration/tempering, heating, and ventilation, the sub-basement of the addition contained the elevator machinery and a pneumatic message system.
During his four years there, Hatry spent £70,000 on the house. His improvements were of questionable but indisputably exuberant, taste, as a contemporary newspaper report recorded: "He installed – among other luxurious things – a swimming bath on the principal bedroom floor, and a stone-floored Tudor-style cocktail bar in the sub-basement." He called the bar "Ye Old Stanhope Arms-Free House". Until his imprisonment, Hatry swam in the pool every morning, throughout the year.
Emma, having met and repaired the fractured mind of the Dark Beast with her powers, mind-wipes all three men into forgetting the incident and that they had ever met.Generation X #-1 Leland encounters the X-Men when they invade the New York headquarters of the Hellfire Club. Leland causes Wolverine to become increasingly heavy until he falls through the floor into a sub-basement. In the rematch, Wolverine attacks Leland from above.
The second through tenth floors relied on a "Paul" dual high- and low-pressure steam system built by the Automatic Heating Company and using steam radiators designed and built by the American Radiator Company. The ventilation system was designed and built by the Donaldson Company. This system both dehumidified and filtered the air. A system provided air to the sub-basement and basement, while a separate system provided air to the first floor.
A central spine in the building contained a spiral conveyor belt, the driving machinery for which was also in the sub-basement. With this system, merchandise could be moved from one floor to another where it could be retrieved by a staff person and given to a customer. As in the original building, the basement was where bargains were sold. For the first time, Halle's had enough space to begin selling men's and boys' clothing.
The theater also had space in the basement and sub-basement to keep animals for vaudeville shows. The space included an elephant cage, a pool for seals, and an elevator large and powerful enough to haul elephants to the stage. Noted performers such as Cab Calloway, Charlie Chaplin, Harry Lauder, the Marx Brothers, and Olsen and Johnson headlined at the vaudeville house. In the early 1920s, at the height of the theater's popularity, attendance averaged over 4,000 daily.
The September 28, 1973 opening of the 45-projector, 16-screen film was called "bedazzling and breathtaking" by The New York Times. The New York Experience, which was housed in a sub-basement of the McGraw-Hill Building in Rockefeller Center, became the longest-running commercial multimedia show in history. The show featured panoramic movie screens, slide projections, extensive light and sound systems, and a mannequin that dropped out of the ceiling to recreate the hanging of Nathan Hale.
The mansion was built in the 15th century and is incorrectly considered to have been the home of Jean de Xaincoings, treasurer of the assets of Charles VII. The house was the property of René Gardette, a descendant of a family of silk merchants from Tours. The reworking of the facade that dates from the 16th century includes the addition of the porch and loggia and the left wing in early Renaissance style. The sub-basement contains Galloroman remains.
Health, Nursing and Environmental Studies Building The HNE building, properly known as "Health, Nursing and Environmental Studies" was constructed as joint venture between the two faculties. The westernmost portion of the building hosts the Environmental Academic and Administrative offices while the Northern portion of the building hosts the Health and Nursing faculty. Scattered throughout the building are a number of lecture halls and seminar rooms, many of which are located at the lower levels and sub-basement levels.
The first group of cyborgs calling themselves the Reavers operated out of an underground complex beneath the ghost town of Cooterman's Creek in North Central Australia. The Reavers acted as a commando-style team of thieves, with apparently dozens of members. Their base was inexplicably equipped with advanced computers and a sub-basement and tunnel system. The Reavers coerced the mutant teleporter Gateway to teleport them from Australia to locations around the world to conduct their robberies.
The original portion of the building, known as the War Department Building, is an example of the Stripped Classical architectural style with Art Moderne elements. The steel- framed building is clad in limestone and rises eight stories above the basement and sub-basement. Because it was designed to be expanded at a later date, it was deliberately asymmetrical. A central spine connects a U-shaped configuration to the east with an E-shaped configuration to the west.
Stillwell realizes he has been recalling false memories; Broden explains that his mind was trying to replace memories too painful to remember. Stillwell is not an accountant, but rather a "physio-chemist", and a protege of Calvin's. Although he formerly lived in New York and owns an apartment there, for two years he has been working in California (in a sub-basement) under Josephson (Kevin McCarthy), doing some kind of secret research. Stillwell goes to see Calvin's widow.
Scott returns to the woods and he and Penny make plans to return to Mr. Jones's house. They wait outside until he leaves, and then Scott sneaks in with Penny keeping watch and communicating by radio. Scott enters the house and goes down into both the basement and the sub-basement where he finds a huge underground maze of tunnels filled with more stick figures. In one of the rooms he finds a figure the size of a doll, with candles for eyes.
Upon completion, the hall was donated to the city, and today is operated by the Houston First Corporation. Designed by the Houston-based architectural firm Caudill Rowlett Scott, the hall, which occupies an entire city block, features a white Italian marble exterior with eight-story tall columns. The interior includes a basement and a sub-basement which houses a rehearsal room. The lobby is dominated by a high ceiling featuring a massive hanging bronze sculpture by Richard Lippold entitled "Gemini II".
The estimated cost of the new building was $20 million. The project is the largest single cooperative building venture undertaken to this time. Cross and Cross were announced as the building’s planners. An “unusual” feature of the building was a sub-basement clearing house where owner-tenants each have floor space and can transact business with other owner-tenants in the building by a system of pneumatic tubes to exchange receipts. Architects Morris and O’Connor completed drawings for the building in 1931.
Other features of the residential portion of the Verizon Building include rooms for wine-tasting and billiards; music practice; a fitness center; a children's playroom; and a residents' lounge. The Verizon Building has five sub-basement levels, which house communications equipment. At the time of the September 11 attacks, Verizon was using the building as a main telecommunications switching center in Lower Manhattan, handling approximately 200,000 phone lines and 3.6 million data circuits. These circuits traveled as far north as 42nd Street.
In 1840, Ambrosius Vallin is engaged to marry Grace Neville in the island town of Dante's Cove. When she discovers Ambrosius having sex with his valet, she uses her powers as the Avatar, or high priestess, of one sect of the mystical religion called Tresum, to kill the valet. Grace imprisons Ambrosius in the sub-basement of her home, cursing him with advanced age. The only way he can win his freedom is through the kiss of a handsome young man.
In the present, Kevin moves to Dante's Cove to be with his boyfriend Toby, after moving out of his home to get away from his abusive, homophobic stepfather. He moves in with Toby in Grace's old house, now the Hotel Dante, along with Toby's lesbian artist friend Van and Toby's childhood friend, Adam, who's a straight "trust fund brat." Kevin begins seeing visions and hearing voices calling him by name. During a party, Kevin is drawn to the sub-basement and finds Ambrosius.
Bimbo is brought through a series of mysterious doors that lead him into yet another sub-basement. Bimbo flees through various death traps before landing in front of the mysterious order's leader again. Bimbo still refuses to become a member, but finally accepts the invitation when the leader reveals to be the real Betty Boop and the rest of the society members remove their costumes, showing that they are all Betty clones. Bimbo dances with all the Betties to celebrate.
In Blood Rites, Harry uses a magical belt buckle in the shape of a standing bear that temporarily restores energy and magical strength to him while exhausted. The buckle does not appear to be mentioned in any of the other books. Harry has also set up a laboratory in the sub-basement beneath his own living room. Here he keeps his own collection of magical tomes and lore, along with an extensive and eclectic collection of bric-a-brac useful in making potions.
After a power outage in the skyscraper where he works, cost accountant David Stillwell (Gregory Peck) decides to leave by the darkened stairs rather than wait for power to be restored. Stillwell meets a young woman (Diane Baker) on the stairs, Shela, and she greets him as a friend, but he does not know her. Alarmed, she flees into a sub-basement. On the street is the body of peace activist Charles Calvin (Walter Abel), who apparently jumped from his office.
The prayer hall is column-free, air-conditioned and fully carpeted, and the hall is placed under the 13m high dome. The second floor can accommodate 400 to 500 sitting and 1,500 standing people. The building is separated from the busy traffic along Serangoon Road by its three external sides, with a fourth internal wall that opens to a decorative pool. The dining hall and kitchen are located on the first floor and a sub-basement car park has 50 lots.
Structural engineers, however, felt that the re-engineered steel sheet pilings would give way under the centripetal forces placed on it by the quicksand as well as the building's weight. This required them to alter their plan for the wall columns that supported the building's frame and upper floors. The new foundation's wall columns (now called "fulcrums") were set inward from the sub-basement wall. Each fulcrum consisted of two C-beams, each wide and held together by four cover plates.
A girder, made of steel plates bolted together and long, wide, and deep, acted as a cantilever. One end was anchored atop the fulcrum, while the other end was supported by a "cantilever support column" (almost identical to the fulcrum) set from the sub-basement wall. There were no steel wall columns against the outside walls of the basement or above-ground floors. Rather, a cup-like seat surrounded the inward end of the cantilever beam and the top of the fulcrum.
Marvel Comics. Upon returning from his quest, Captain America learned from Fabian and the rest of the support crew what had happened to Avengers Island. The support crew moved their base of operations to the sub-basement of the original Avengers Mansion.Captain America #364. Marvel Comics. When Namor the Sub-Mariner turned up under the control of the Controller, Captain America paired Fabian up with Hank Pym to find a way to remove the Controller's control device from Namor.Captain America #366. Marvel Comics.
The Astoria Hotel, opened in 1897, was situated on the southeast corner of Fifth Avenue and 34th Street. Like the Waldorf, it was designed in the German Renaissance style by Henry J. Hardenbergh, the same architect who designed the Waldorf. With dimensions of , its height, from the floor of the sub-basement, which was below the street level, to the roof-line, was about , or about above the street-level. It was 16 stories in height, including the four stories in the roof.
In 2001, Relapse Records issued First Daze Here (The Vintage Collection), a compilation consisting of unreleased material from the 1970s. In 2002, Peaceville Records released a compilation of songs from the first three albums titled Turn to Stone. Peaceville re-released the band's first three albums on CD in digipak format in 2005. Shortly after Sub-Basement Hasselvander split with Liebling, who soon recruited guitarist Kelly Carmichael, bassist Adam Heinzmann, and drummer Mike Smail, all members of Frederick, Maryland-based doom act Internal Void.
S. J. Nissen Building, also known as S. J. Nissen Carriage Repository and Repair Shop, S. J. Nissen Company Wagonworks, Kester Machinery Company, and Black Horse Studio is a historic factory building located at Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina. The original 1893 primary structure is a three-story Romanesque Revival style brick building with a basement and sub basement. It features two crenellated front towers (one square and one octagonal) and round-arched windows. A two-story addition with basement was added in 1953.
Instead, the Mallochs were listed. Goldstine obtained his license in 1940, four years after he first sketched the Malloch Building. The building site is on a steep hill, so the street-level entrance at the upper edge of the property is not the lowest floor. Four stories of apartments start at the ground floor and go up, and two more floors consisting of a 10-car garage and a sub-basement storage space are below grade, jutting out to the east because of the slope.
Hotel Dajti was a hotel near Rinia Park on Dëshmorët e Kombit Boulevard in central Tirana, Albania. Carrying the name of nearby Dajti Mountain, it was the primary center for international visitors and diplomats during Albania's socialist period; the guest rooms were bugged with microphones, and there was a sub-basement floor for listening staff. The hotel was built in the 1930s by the Italian architect Gherardo Bosio and the designer Gio Ponti. It was one of the first buildings constructed in the functionalist style in Albania.
The three-story monumental granite building is long and deep. It includes a basement, sub-basement and attic level, with ceilings at the basement levels and thick foundation walls, which are surrounded by a deep dry moat for light and ventilation. The basement connects to a tunnel under 8th Street that was used for the delivery of mail to the post office. The basement material is red Missouri granite, while the upper floors are gray granite from Hurricane Island, Maine, between and in thickness.
The main prayer hall adopts rigid orthogonal geometry and symmetry which is accentuated by the use of twin minarets and twin domes. Living accommodations for the Imam, the Muezzin and the caretaker are discretely grouped in one block to the west of the main structure. The difference in level at the southeast corner of the site has been exploited to incorporate a sub-basement level which serves as the ablutions area for worshippers. To the north, where the ground level is lower, the prayer hall is raised one-storey above ground level.
The sub-basement housed laundry, repair shops, engineering and electrical departments. A barber shop was added in 1918. In August 1914, Major Raymond Brutinel enrolled the first recruits for the Canadian Automobile Machine Gun Brigade (CAMGB) at the hotel. A memorial plaque with a circular bas-relief of Brigadier-General Brutinel and a bas- relief of machine gunners on Vimy Ridge is dedicated to the memory of Brutinel, who commanded the CAMGB, the members of the Canadian Machine Gun Brigade who died on active service, and in honour of those who served.
The Russians ultimately catch Hitler and bring him back to Stalin in Moscow. Hitler is secretly imprisoned in a hanging cage in a sub-basement of the Kremlin which is too small for Hitler to either stand or lie fully. He is fed scraps through the metal bars of the cage and is not allowed toilet facilities. Over the years, Hitler changes to a filthy, senile beast who has his right leg amputated above the knee and his left leg amputated above the ankle as gangrene sets in.
Lopdell House was vacated in 1982 and purchased by the Waitemata City Council. It was then leased to Lopdell House Society in early 1985. Later in 1985, the Titirangi Drama club (now Titirangi Theatre) took up a separate lease with Waitemata City Council for the sub-basement, which they held until 2012. On 19 November 1986, Lopdell House Society reopened the building as the Waitemata City Arts Centre, later becoming the Waitakere Arts and Cultural Centre after the formation of Waitakere City, and then simply known as Lopdell House.
The building is predominantly used for office space above ground floor level with retail travel offices and shops on the ground floor and a cocktail bar/nightclub in the basement. The building has the appearance of a 1990s interior refurbishment with some areas exhibiting even more recent fit outs. The original Challis House had a lower ground floor (below pavement level) in the eastern half of the building with a sub-basement below. The west side of the building had only a basement area (untenanted) below pavement level.
Rappaport (2008), p. 180 The Tsarina and her daughter Olga tried to make the sign of the cross but were killed in the initial volley of bullets fired by the executioners. The rest of the Imperial retinue were shot in short order, with the exception of Anna Demidova, Alexandra's maid. Demidova survived the initial onslaught but was quickly stabbed to death against the back wall of the basement while trying to defend herself with a small pillow she had carried into the sub-basement that was filled with precious gems and jewels.
During World War II, a bomb shelter was constructed under the East Wing, later converted into the Presidential Emergency Operations Center. The sub-basement was added during the reconstruction of the White House under Harry S. Truman. It contains storage space, the laundry, elevator control machinery, the water softener, and incinerator, as well as dressing rooms for White House performers. Dwight Eisenhower made the first White House television broadcast from a special room in the basement in 1953, though the "broadcast room" was soon divided for other purposes.
Lights have illuminated the main lobby nightly. On May 5, 2011, the Detroit International Bridge Company announced it engaged the Ann Arbor firm of Quinn Evans on behalf of the Moroun family that owns the building to oversee restoration of the roof and windows of the structure. Bridge Company owner Moroun stated, "We hope this is just the beginning of a renaissance for the depot." The once flooded basement was largely drained, with about 4 inches of water at its highest still remaining in a sub-basement of the building.
The SIGMA Force is a fictional division of the U.S. DARPA program. The chief operatives in SIGMA combine highly trained military skills with specialized scientific knowledge. The Force's purpose is to investigate and to secure sensitive information that could be a threat to the United States; its functions are a combination of counter-terrorism, research, and covert operations. Following the first book, Sandstorm (2004), the SIGMA Force headquarters moves into the sub-basement of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.. These novels are intended to be read in chronological order.
Into this was seated the load-bearing column above (which, like those in the sub-basement, were set inward from the exterior wall). The downward pressure of the load-bearing column helped to keep the cantilever in place atop the fulcrum, which in turn acted like a lever to support the exterior walls of the basement and upper floors. Between the grills, of reinforced concrete helped to spread the load and keep the grills in place. The concrete between the grillage and for the floor was poured as a single unit thick.
In 1981, the library's collections were moved across Independence Avenue to the sub-basement of the recently constructed James Madison Memorial Building. Moving the library's 1.6 million volumes took four months, and a new reading room opened in April 1981 on the second floor of the Madison building. The new stacks occupied 81,000 square feet, totaling 59.5 linear miles of mobile shelving. By 2002, the Madison building stacks were full, and additional materials were sent to the Library of Congress' High Density Storage Facility in Fort Meade, Maryland.
Tad's first action is to reassign Callie, whom he thinks is a saboteur, to a useless department in sub-basement 37. Tad also cuts Mark's department's budget by 80%, but is rather impressed by the Clone Mark's attitude. The next day at his group therapy session with Mark's students, Clone Mark turns it into a fight club to train them for the bowling tournament. Later, Clone Mark finds Callie's diary at her apartment and finds out that she plans to murder him after the tournament and then get the real Mark back.
WAPDA House is oriented into three wings, each with its own entrance: The Mall wing, which provides the main entrance; the tower section, which faces the Charing Cross and Shahdin Manzil; and the Egerton Road wing which faces the Punjab Assembly chambers. The sub-basement contains parking spaces, and a 400-seat WAPDA Auditorium that is used as a venue for conferences, seminars and public events. The auditorium is equipped with a stage and wide screen projectors. A sunken garden is located in front of the building which is influenced by Mughal themes.
Spiders-Man of Earth-11580 attacks them as Superior Spider-Man uses a Wave Disruption Field to trap the main spider. Getting a confession from him, Superior Spider-Man reveals to Modell about the Spider-Man (Norman Osborn) of Earth-44145. Spiders-Man of Earth-11580 states that Spider-Man of Earth-44145 is safe on his world and that they will never reach him. In Horizon University's sub-basement two, Superior Spider-Man states that they won't be able to power the dimensional transporter without something that can replicate the energies of the Cosmic Cube.
By that October, all except one floor in the American Express Building were occupied. As originally laid out, the sub- basement (below the Trinity Place basement) contained power generation plants for the building. The first floor contained lobbies and the travel department, and the second floor contained the Foreign Department. The third floor housed a general cashier's department; the fourth floor included the treasurer's office force and financial traffic department; the fifth floor had the offices of several departments; the sixth through eleventh stories were for the accounting department; and the 20th floor was for chief officials' offices.
The mystery aspects of the story center on the massive steel vault, impregnated with nitro glycerin, that is hidden in a sub-basement of de Pintra's mansion. It holds the treasury and the incriminating records of the republican movement; it opens with an exotic key, a specially-cut emerald in Dom Miguel's ring. The ring is stolen, which leads Harcliffe on a challenging and puzzling chase. As the revolution starts, Dom Miguel, Harcliffe, and other supporters are captured and face a firing squad, only to be rescued (some of them at least) at the last minute, by Lesba and a troop of rebels.
Located at the intersection of West Third Street and MacDougal Street in Greenwich Village, D'Agostino Residence Hall houses approximately 300 law students and faculty. It is across the street from the rear of the main law school building, Vanderbilt Hall, and less than 1 block from Wilf Hall and Furman Hall. Elevators to the apartments are on the highest level, the Front Desk is on the street level, and The Commons (residents' lounge with computers and printers) is on the lower level. One floor beneath The Commons is the sub-basement, home to most of NYU's legal journals.
The floor number is indicated in the usual way, by the leading digit(s) of the room number, with a leading digit 0 indicating a basement location and 00 for sub-basement. The practice of identifying buildings by number is a long- standing tradition at MIT. Although sometimes ridiculed as evidence of an "engineering mindset", and referred to as "a system that disorients outsiders", this system is somewhat logical, and allows members of the MIT community to quickly locate a room they may never have seen before. This numbering system contrasts with the building identification at other nearby colleges.
Josh Harris's Quiet Project was located at 353 Broadway in New York and the Sub Basement was rented out after the project for their art studio, "Exploding Sky LLC" from March 2000 to October 2002. Mark died of throat cancer in January 2011. Matt's later projects include "Streets of Glory" the art of Mark and Matt Enger at the Christopher Henry Gallery in lower Manhattan, July 2012, and "Exploding Sky" solo show at Christopher Henry Gallery in 2014. As well as a pop-up art shop at the Amy Li Gallery in Chinatown in New York City in December 2014.
Groot and the team returned to Hala to prepare another assault against the Phalanx, but their agent Blastaar was captured by the Phalanx and taken to their Babel Spire as he tried to carry Groot's pollen spores. Groot and Rocket Raccoon continued their mission by sneaking into the sub-basement of the Babel Spire. When Star-Lord was captured by Ultron, the original plan of laying explosives in the Spire failed, so Rocket Raccoon and Groot needed to come up with a new plan. Groot decided to sprout inside the Spire, growing to colossal size and filling a large portion of the building.
Haller was a probationary chef for the first six months of his tenure at the White House. During this time he lived on the third floor of the White House. Haller had oversight over three White House kitchens: The main kitchen on the ground floor, the family kitchen on the second floor, and a sous-kitchen on the mezzanine level of the sub-basement. (A stove existed in what used to be a former kitchen on the Third Floor as well, although it was rarely used.) He had a staff of seven or eight, two of which worked in the sous-kitchen.
Elizabeth Tower The architects, Michael Hopkins and Partners, published their design in 1993 and the existing buildings on the site were demolished in 1994. At the same time, the London Underground was building the Jubilee Line Extension, including a new interchange station at Westminster tube station which occupies the same area; the two were thus designed and built as a single unit. Construction began with works to the existing District line station at sub-basement level. The track had to be lowered slightly and underpinned to allow the extensive excavation to the Jubilee line many feet below.
Johann is also an accomplished scholar in occult lore and, since he no longer requires sleep, works constantly. It was largely he who researched and organized the mountains of files culled from the sub-basement of the Bureau's new base in the Colorado mountains, resulting in the revelation that Ben Daimio's grandmother had been a Nazi occult war criminal. There was tension between the two for some time after this. Their sometimes difficult relationship was perhaps not helped by the death of Roger the homunculus, who Johann had been closer to than perhaps anyone else, owing at least partly to Daimio's actions.
The decision was made to erect a new facility, and the site was selected being a short distance from Queen's Wharf. Construction began in 1865 and completed in 1866. Designed by the office of the first Queensland Colonial Architect, Charles Tiffin, the building was originally single-storeyed with basement to William Street with a three-storeyed wing at the rear. The rear wing contained three large separate wards, each ; one for single women at the William Street level, with married couples at the basement level and single men at the sub-basement level, which was also ground level at the rear.
Heriot Row, Edinburgh 1-10 Heriot Row, Edinburgh Ornamental balcony added on Heriot Row Basement and sub-basement levels Heriot Row Ornamental lamp, Heriot Row Following the success of Edinburgh's First New Town (from Princes Street to Queen Street) it was proposed to expand the concept northwards onto what was then fairly open land largely owned by the Heriot Trust. The scheme was designed by William Sibbald with the young Robert Reid working mainly on the proportions of the palace type frontages. The project was built by John Paton and David Lind. The two main sections were complete by 1808.
The boilers aggregated about 3,000 horse power, the electric generators taking 2,200 horse-power of the total energy. The elevators were run by it, as were the 15,000 incandescent lamps, branching from 7,500 outlets. The system of heating and ventilating the public rooms was that of forced draught by means of powerful blowers situated in the sub-basement that forced the fresh air between steam-coils, where it became moderately heated before entering the ducts that lead it to the various rooms. This heat was further augmented by direct radiators placed behind screens in the recesses of the windows and elsewhere.
The "Group of Four Trees" sculpture in the plaza was installed in 1972. In its early years, the building faced several challenges. The glass panels began blowing away from the building during high winds: during 1962, fifteen glass panels fell from the building due to negative pressure caused by combination of the building's design and minute weaknesses in the glass. All of the building's 8,800 panels were reinspected, with similarly weakened panels replaced. A fire also took place in the sub-basement in 1962, and an anti-Vietnam War bombing occurred on the 16th floor in 1969, causing minor damage.
Built in 1770, the Burgwin-Wright House is the only structure in Wilmington, North Carolina from the colonial era open to the public. Built for merchant, planter and government official John Burgwin, the house today offers a unique opportunity to view a fine example of Georgian architecture and experience what life was like during pre-revolutionary Wilmington. All rooms are furnished with 18th and 19th century antiques and showcase hundreds of objects. Built on the original walls of a former city jail, circa 1744, the house retains many vestiges of its previous incarnation such as outdoor and sub-basement jail cells and a freestanding kitchen house with a massive hearth.
The disparity between the number of pupils and classrooms worsened, as work on addition did not commence until after May 1939, by which time the school population had risen to 822. With an authorised cost of £4,387, these additions to Block C completed the symmetrical layout of the school buildings. Constructed of brick and concrete with a Marseilles tile roof, the design utilised the fall of the land on the site to provide sub- basement, basement and ground floors. Accommodation comprised four classrooms, teachers room, cloak rooms, seating area and store, together with a concrete staircase at the eastern end of the wing and verandahs to the north.
To provide adequate light to interior apartments a section of the building on floors 2-8 was cut away, but the façade was left intact (this is evident when viewing the rows of open windows along Main). The eighth floor of apartments is the old "attic" space facing the interior courtyard and is only accessible via stairs from the seventh floor. Resident parking is accommodated in the basement and sub-basement levels. Many of the original finishes were incorporated into the renovation where practical, making each unit unique in design (units feature original windows and decorative columns, and one unit incorporates the old ballroom's stage).
Calhoun travels to Xen and is successful in accomplishing this task, but after returning through the portal back to Earth (it is here that Gina and Colette in Decay, temporarily caught in a harmonic reflux, hear Rosenberg's voice calling Calhoun through the portal), they discover that they need another power cell to replenish the teleporter's power for their escape. Calhoun acquires a newly charged power cell from the lab's sub-basement and delivers it to Rosenberg and the others. Dr. Rosenberg then initiates the system and brings it online. They all narrowly avoid the military's invasion of the prototype labs, teleporting to the safety of an unnoticed access tunnel.
The Baroness resurfaces, a year after the defeat of the Red Shadows, as a prisoner in the sub-basement of G.I. Joe's new headquarters, the Rock."America's Elite" #5 (2005) Her existence is known to only a few, including General Joseph Colton, Duke, and Storm Shadow, who attempts to wrest information from her. But the Baroness is all-consumed by her desire for her baby, which she apparently carried to term, and has been separated from by the G.I. Joe team. Storm Shadow passed the information about the Baroness' imprisonment to Snake Eyes, thinking he was about to sacrifice himself to save the G.I. Joe team on Destro's sub.
Once dressed, the family and the small circle of servants who had remained with them were herded into a small room in the house's sub-basement and told to wait. Alexandra and Alexei sat in chairs provided by guards at the Empress's request. After several minutes, the guards entered the room, led by Yurovsky, who quickly informed the Tsar and his family that they were to be executed. The Tsar had time to say only "What?" and turn to his family before he was killed by several bullets to the chest (not, as is commonly stated, to the head; his skull, recovered in 1991, bears no bullet wounds).
Leanne, a teenage girl wakes up in a small, barely lit room. She has no memories, and the only tangible clue is the word Theresia scribbled upon a piece of paper. The first areas of the game are used to instruct the player on the controls, set the atmosphere and introduce the survival aspect: in fact, the building reveals itself to not only be merely the sub-basement of a larger complex, but also to be riddled with traps, each hidden in even the most unexpected places. Most of the doors are locked, barricaded, or lead to places blocked by environmental hazards created by the state of disrepair permeating the structure.
A tour in January 2000 with U.D.O. followed in Germany and later that spring in the USA. Hasselvander re-signed with Black Widow to record the Pentagram album Sub-Basement, which was released to rave reviews in 2001. Hasselvander played many one-off shows with Raven (British band) in 2003 with Mark Gallagher sporting a leg cast from an injury sustained in a near death work accident in 2002. In 2003, Hasselvander went to Florida with Jack Starr to record the album Under a Savage Sky under the banner of Jack Starr's Guardians of the Flame, featuring the vocals of Schmolik Avigal (ex-Picture, The Rods).
The White House Executive Chef works in one of two kitchens at the White House: The main kitchen, which is located in the northwest corner of the Ground Floor of the White House, and the Family Kitchen on the Second Floor.; The Executive Pastry Chef works in the Pastry Kitchen on the mezzanine of the sub-basement. The main kitchen was last renovated in 1971. As of 2011, the White House Executive Chef used a natural gas oven and range manufactured by Vulcan Restaurant Equipment; a Traulsen refrigerator and freezer; a Cimbali M32 espresso machine; a Hobart 300 gravity-fed food slicer; Mauviel stainless steel pots and pans; and Misono knives.
After the Bass Pro Shops decision, the Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation began to convert the site (known as the Aud Block) into an extension of Canalside with the junction of the old Erie Canal and Main-Hamburg Canal re-dug (although shallower than the original canals) and new bridges. The canals that opened in 2014 are frozen for skating and other winter activities by an underground refrigerant plant housed in a rebuilt sub-basement that was part of Memorial Auditorium. In addition, a marker on the canal ice denotes center ice's former location. Across Main Street at LECOM Harborcenter is the one-of-a-kind Tim Hortons restaurant with a memorial to the Auditorium.
There are loading docks in the rear of the building, reached by a back alley. Three floors are devoted to the editorial office of the Bugle and two sub-basement levels to the printing presses, while the rest of the floors are rented. (A panel in issue 105 of The Amazing Spider-Man showed the Bugle building located near a street sign at the corner of Madison Avenue and a street in the East Fifties (the second digit was not shown). This suggests that the building may have been relocated at some point.) The newspaper is noted for its anti- superhero slant, especially concerning Spider-Man, whom the paper constantly smears as a part of its editorial policy.
There is no particular standard convention for the numbering of levels below ground. In English- speaking countries, the first level below ground may be labelled B for "Basement", LL for "Lower Level" or "Lower Lobby", C for "Cellar" or, in the case of the Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, U for "Underground". In British buildings, LG for "Lower Ground" is commonly encountered. If there is more than one basement, the next level down may be marked SB for "Sub-Basement". The lower levels may also be numbered B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B10, etc.. Negative numbers are sometimes used: −1 for the first level below ground, −2 for the second one, and so on.
On the morning of March 6, 1970, there was an explosion in the sub-basement of a townhouse owned by Wilkerson's father, located at 18 West 11th Street in Greenwich Village. The blast killed three people, but Wilkerson and Kathy Boudin were helped from the rubble, and they immediately went underground. The townhouse was being used by the Weather Underground to make bombs, in particular a nail bomb that was to be used against soldiers and their dates at a non-commissioned officer's dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey that night. That evening, a man's body was found in the basement of the townhouse, and a short time later, a woman's torso was discovered on the first floor.
After working as a locally popular dancer, she and Shelly meet Chuck Katt, an artist who begins to fall in love with Omaha and whom she considers "normal". After a new blue law is passed, "all strip clubs are to be closed down", Omaha and Shelly are put out of work. Shelly soon finds a hidden sub- basement at a restaurant that is owned by a man named Charles Tabey, a powerful, yet mentally ill business tycoon, with Shelly as his lover in secret. With Omaha out of work, Chuck Katt starts working for his former boss, Andre DeRoc, a media mogul in the town and the arch-rival of Charles Tabey.
Initially, Cunard's administration facilities were located on the upper floors and due to the necessity for large amounts of light in the design facilities, these rooms where developed to include both toplights in the roof and also large windows to maximise the amount of natural light. Another feature are the high quality and ornate fittings present in what was once the first class passenger lounge, located on the first floor. These fittings are also present in the former board room, located in a 'commanding' position on the fifth floor, overlooking the river below. Among the most notable features of the Cunard Building are the large basement and sub-basement levels that initially acted as storage facilities for both the Company's property and also the luggage of passengers.
Listeners were invited to choose a Christmas carol or hymn while a Salvation Army brass band stood by in the studio to play their request live. It later moved to BBC Radio 2 and was presented by Gloria Hunniford. As soon as Independent Local Radio stations LBC and Capital Radio went on air, public attention to Radio London declined, with the station attempting to copy both. BBC Radio London started regular broadcasts from Harewood House, Hanover Square, near Oxford Circus, later moving to 35 Marylebone High Street - the former Radio Times warehouse, famously without windows and providing an enormous sub-basement studio. Tests for FM stereo began in 1981 with Music on the Move, a programme featuring non-stop music, prior to full launch on 11 February.
Her co- mentors for her graduate studies were Jean Paul Revel and Max Delbrück. Upon joining the Delbrück group, Jan was a member of the membrane biology subgroup where she performed challenging experiments in black lipid bilayers in the sub-terranean sub-basement of the electrical engineering building. The Jans have shared that from this point forward Delbrück ensured separation of her graduate work from those of her spouse Yuh Nung Jan given his graduate studies with Delbrück were focused on the sensory responses of the fungus Phycomyces to light, among other stimuli. Lily Jan would go on to hold postdoctoral positions in the laboratory of Seymour Benzer at Caltech and subsequently in the laboratory of Stephen Kuffler at Harvard Medical School.
The theatre's green room was designed by Raymond McGrath. Upon the outbreak of the Second World War, part of the theatre was used as a dormitory. On 6 September 1939, Stuart Hibberd wrote that: In 1966, the BBC commissioned a report into sound propagation between spaces inside Broadcasting House, entitled Acoustic Tests in Broadcasting House, London: The Anomalous Sound Transmission between Studio S2 and the Concert Hall. The investigation found that Studio S2—situated in the sub basement below the Concert Hall and used for small orchestras and pop groups—leaked sound into the auditorium above due to inadequate sound insulation and lack of a floating floor; this occasionally distracted musicians in the Concert Hall although it could not be heard on transmissions or recordings.
The pumping station building which fronts Victoria Road comprises a small Administration Block, the Engine House and the adjoining Boiler House and Economiser House. There is also a reinforced concrete viaduct or coal staith at the south end, which allowed railway coal wagons to be transported to the top of the building and emptied over the coal bunkers inside. Under the Engine and Boiler Houses there are basements and a sub-basement is located under the Engine Room which houses the turbine condensers and auxiliary pumps. The Boiler House occupies the central section of the Pumping Station and is much higher than the flanking Engines and Economiser Houses, the cladding on the main roof and the monitor is the original fibro tiles.
They kidnapped Flex and young psychic Dorothy Spinner, bringing the two to the sub- sub basement of the Pentagon, to power the mechanical monstrosity Flex had discovered all those years ago: The Ant Farm. While given a tour of the Ant Farm by the demented Major Honey, Flex learned that he was created by a psychic named Wallace Sage inside a comic book Sage created with green ink when he was a child called "My Greenest Adventure". Sage, along with Dorothy, was kidnapped as a means to summon the Telephone Avatar, a being that has enslaved the dead and haunted the telephone system for 50 years. The Doom Patrol soon invaded the Pentagon in an attempt to rescue Flex and Dorothy; in the confusion, Flex freed Wallace, who died within minutes.
The scale of the foundation and the way it seeks to apply business techniques to giving makes it one of the leaders in venture philanthropy, though the foundation itself notes that the philanthropic role has limitations. The foundation has its own building, called the Wayne Foundation Building, which includes a penthouse where Bruce Wayne lived for a period of time. It also has a secret elevator that leads to a matching Batcave in a secret sub-basement under the building. Through the Wayne Foundation and the affiliated organizations underneath, Bruce Wayne addresses social-economic problems encouraging crime, assists victims of crimes, and maintains connections to the streets through the soup kitchens and social services groups; all of which augments his crime fighting efforts in a way that his Batman persona cannot.
About half of the large photographic glass plate negatives exposed on the telescope, some 19,000 in all, had been accumulating in the sub-basement of the Robinson building at the California Institute of Technology since 1949. In 2002, astronomer Jean Mueller approached Richard Ellis, the director of the Caltech Optical Observatories, to volunteer to the task of organizing the Oschin Telescope plate archive. Given the go-ahead, she recruited eleven volunteers from the Mount Wilson Observatory Association (MWOA) and the Los Angeles Astronomical Society (LAAS), and the team then spent 13 weekends (more than one thousand hours) poring over the stacks, placing plates in protective sleeves, and packing them in more than 500 boxes that were transported to Palomar. All of the volunteers were presented with the gift of having asteroids named after them, compliments of Carolyn S. Shoemaker: , , , , , , , , , and .
The vestibule was subdivided with the cinema entrance on the left side, with a single staircase up to the grand foyer, its walls covered with white and black Italian marble, and a new grand foyer replaced the circle foyer, featuring a red coloured ceiling with several domes, lit with white concealed lighting. In the former stalls, a Mecca Ballroom was constructed, with access from Leicester Square via the right half of the former cinema vestibule and stairs down to its sub-basement level. Over the years, it has been a dance hall, discothèque and nightclub, being later operated by First Leisure Corporation plc, and in 1992 it was reimaged as the Equinox Discothèque. In 2007, following further substantial reconstruction and refurbishment, it re-opened as the Casino at the Empire, which is now operated by Caesars Entertainment Group.
While Parker (back in his original Spider-Man garb) fights Kaine in an attempt to clear his name, Traveller interrupts their fight to place them in a different trial. He teleports them to a sub-basement beneath Ravencroft and forces both of them into a "trial" where Spider-Man is charged for his entire life as a superhero, questioning that if Spider-Man no longer existed would his superpowered enemies have a reason to exist. He chooses Carnage to be the prosecuting attorney (which allows him to have knowledge of Spider-Man's true identity), Kaine the defense attorney, and a number of Ravencroft inmates to be the jury. Kaine attacks Traveller and attempts to leave his "mark" on his face, but Traveller is unaffected and displays his power by holding Kaine in the palm of his hand.
The building has several odd architectural elements. Due to an odd numbering decision, there is a sub-basement, a basement and a mezzanine, in ascending order, all of which are above ground, the later two having windowed rooms, with the first floor roughly level with Old Engineering Hall's second floor. There is a back corridor on the Mezzanine level (2 stories above ground level), currently housing the architecture lab, which can only be accessed by elevator or by walking through one of the classrooms (Thaw 11), passing directly in front of the blackboard at the lecturer's level. The Basement level has only a single entrance, located in a recessed door on the stairs leading from the Mezzanine level into SRCC; a single exit, a glass vestibule leading into the OEH vehicle turnaround; and an elevator door located inside an office space, which is locked off to external access.
During the clone riots while combating The Jackal and most of Spider-Man's rogues in New U headquarters, Kaine soon realized that Ben Reilly is alive and he is now the Jackal before being throw by Ben off the building but was rescued again by Earth-65's Spider-Woman. As Spider-Man manage to deactivate and destroy the kill switch with help of his remaining allies, Kaine, along with most of the formerly deceased people and the clones manage to survive from the cloning degeneration. He reported to Peter that Prowler and DeWolfe had been trying their best to stop the riot before the virus dissolved and killed them once more. However, the New U's employer Dr. Clarkston reveals to Kaine and his allies that the recently-thought dead templates, the true Prowler/Hobie Brown and Jerry Salteres, were only comatose, being kept under the sub-basement and having their respective diseases cured as well.
In Horizon University's sub-basement two, Superior Spider-Man states that they won't be able to power the dimensional transporter without something that can replicate the energies of the Cosmic Cube. Anna Maria and Living Brain revealed that they harnessed the cosmic energies from the fight with Terrax in the Cosmic Harness invention. When Living Brain enters the cosmic energies into the system, he starts to overload and it causes an explosion. As Superior Spider-Man holds up the rubble, Spider-Man of Earth-44145 appears revealing that he was on Earth-616 all this time thanks to the fragment of the Web of Life and Destiny that he holds that enables him to travel to different dimensions. Upon knocking down Superior Spider-Man, Spider-Man of Earth-44145 reveals that he's going to kill everyone that he cares about as part of his revenge on Superior Spider-Man for insulting him.
Like physics and aging in the Looniverse as a whole, the features of LNHQ are mutable depending on who is writing the story. A general-use floor-plan is available, and there are a number of features that are generally consistent from interpretation to interpretation: LNHQ as a building has many unusual properties. For example, its rooms expand to fit the number of people within the room, making for a building that is much larger inside than it appears outside (something akin to a TARDIS.) It possesses a nearly infinite number of sub-basements (each level identified by an additional "sub", as in, sub-sub-sub-sub-basement) which are host to a number of ghosts, supernatural creatures, kiwis, and a species of incredibly stupid bird known as the Oozelfinch. Not only does LNHQ provide living space for its hundreds of members, but it also contains a multitude of ways for them to pass their downtime.
This new system worked very well until 1990, when a blown fuse in a power amp under the causeway resulted in Tawney and William Morris being off air for 9 months. Considerable ingenuity by engineers in reaching the fuse - in the sub-basement and abandoned boiler rooms under Tawney - eventually resulted in a fix. The opportunity was taken in 1990 to add induction loops to the Wolfson Court hall of residence, which had previously only received some radiation from Keynes. This new system allowed a "fudge", considering both studios were now constructed for self-op operation: the campus now had two transmission networks. Accordingly, the new transmitters were set up so that Studio A could serve 999 kHz with a music service (called the URE301 service, complete with sung jingles), as this used the new transmitter with much better audio processing and modulation, and speech on 1602 kHz (with a formal Home Service style) using the old 1971 transmitter, but again this 1602 service bit the dust a few years later, following the mid-80s station collapse, although it took until 1991 for the then programme controller to notify the authorities that this frequency was no longer required.

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