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159 Sentences With "stumbled onto"

How to use stumbled onto in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "stumbled onto" and check conjugation/comparative form for "stumbled onto". Mastering all the usages of "stumbled onto" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The lab stumbled onto scoliosis because of a serendipitous discovery.
I really stumbled onto something this week and it feels great.
The founders actually stumbled onto the idea of 1Password in 2005.
But that doesn't mean Vox has stumbled onto some wild innovation.
Chip Gaines may have just stumbled onto the next social media phenomenon.
It was in that garage he actually stumbled onto the idea for Ring.
"I sort of stumbled onto techno without even realizing it was techno," Beltram admits.
Opinion Columnist A few months ago, I stumbled onto a new way of writing.
One day, about six years ago, he and a friend stumbled onto a solution.
"We stumbled onto Google's approach," which has been in place at least a decade.
From the trailer, it looks as if they stumbled onto a crime in progress.
Except that is exactly what I stumbled onto the following weekend at Pure Yoga.
I stumbled onto [the series] in 103 after reading Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time books.
Nintendo seems to have stumbled onto the perfect holiday gift with its NES Classic Edition.
You become convinced that you've stumbled onto the cure for human happiness and perfect health.
When Mr. Kim stumbled onto the "Hellboy" set in the morning, he felt just fine.
Chilcot's report delves heavily into the intelligence failure that Gilligan and Kelly had stumbled onto.
Some participants didn't know if they had stumbled onto a game or some grand conspiracy.
I first saw a professional pumpkin carving video when I stumbled onto Sculpture Geek's YouTube channel.
In 2014, Brazilian police stumbled onto the largest corruption scheme ever discovered in the country's history.
Half a century before the golden age of peak television, Lee had stumbled onto the showrunner model.
Yet even as they worked with bolt cutters to free her, deputies stumbled onto another horrific revelation.
And now the NHL has stumbled onto one the most memorable moments in All Star game history.
Freedom was a much smaller enterprise, but Sewell felt that he had stumbled onto a similar case.
Don't worry, you haven't stumbled onto a piece of Game of Thrones fan fiction gone horribly wrong.
She stumbled onto a website on which people, primarily young women, shared strategies for extreme weight control.
Wondering if something might be similarly afoot with sugar, Kearns stumbled onto the website for the Sugar Association.
He doesn't need surprises, least of all the worry that he has stumbled onto an adult-film set.
Had you been driving past, you might have thought you'd stumbled onto the set of a zombie film.
By the time I stumbled onto terra firma, sore and bleary-eyed, I was in a green guilt spiral.
He's been inspired by Wright since childhood, when he stumbled onto a Wright-designed church while riding his bike.
Shaq -- a Florida reserve cop -- stumbled onto the case Monday on the grounds of a hotel in Bev Hills.
At first, Hannah/Chaya thinks she's stumbled onto a movie set or become the victim of an elaborate joke.
Adjacent to the river, the pool area had lovely landscaping that felt like you've stumbled onto a secret garden. 
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) exited a congressional hearing and stumbled onto a surprising sight: Capitol Hill's line-standing industry.
My first exposure to Cockyboys was when I stumbled onto the performer Tayte Hanson on a 3 AM Pornhub bender.
Many Red Hen haters clearly just stumbled onto the wrong listing and have acknowledged their mistakes or deleted their reviews.
As it turns out, Deb Perelman, the 41-year-old New Yorker behind the site, stumbled onto her career accidentally.
I stumbled onto the art form in Lowell in my early twenties, while I was recovering from a psychotic episode.
In response, she took up karate to learn how to fend off men, and eventually she stumbled onto weight lifting.
The view that the government had stumbled onto Guzman through good fortune was not uncommon among locals of Los Mochis.
And then he stumbled onto the case of Enger Javier, the Dominican immigrant who had spent two years in Rikers.
At the time I didn't know what I had stumbled onto, but it made perfect sense after reading this book.
They may, however, have stumbled onto a strategy that will lose it even more decisively than one might have expected.
About a week before watching the series on Netflix, I stumbled onto my old journal, where I documented all of this.
But researchers from Johns Hopkins have stumbled onto a possible trigger for manic episodes they didn't expect to find: beef jerky.
Adam Rondinone, the study's lead author and a scientist at Oak Ridge, said they stumbled onto this process nearly by accident.
In 8003, on a trail high in the Austrian-Italian Alps, two hikers stumbled onto a man's 5,000-year-old corpse.
A drunk man stumbled onto the airplane during boarding, fell over, and tried to play it off like he'd just tripped.
All of the above, combined with a private, tranquil terrace makes staying here feels like you've stumbled onto a lovely little secret.
But they stumbled onto a more lucrative reality: mobile phones, once niche luxury items, are now ubiquitous centerpieces of our digital lives.
Over the course of the night, Rubio seemed to have stumbled onto the one thing that could be kryptonite for Trump: mockery.
After experimenting with homemade rubs infused with plant compounds—stuff like arnica and turmeric—he eventually stumbled onto topical cannabidiol (CBD) rubs.
JWong's family eventually learned of his esports career when, by chance, they stumbled onto a reality TV show he took part in.
Turns out our ancestors stumbled onto something magical: Salt preserves the meat by sucking the water out, retarding spoilage and concentrating flavor.
Between the geraniums in the windows, the immaculately painted facades and the costumes, we seemed to have stumbled onto a theater set.
Mr. Saxobeat stumbled onto our dismal island just a few months before the riots that ran rampant in the summer of 2011.
That — along with the lonely playground — made me feel as if I had stumbled onto the set of an apocalyptic TV series.
Much as it pains me to admit, I've come to believe that our egotist-in-chief may have stumbled onto something profound.
But the most frightening moment, of course, was when Negan, after ordering Carl to take him to Alexandria, stumbled onto young Judith.
I've stumbled onto Daring Fireball author John Gruber (middle) and TechCrunch editor in chief Matthew Panzarino (left), who are livestreaming via Periscope.
This guy stumbled onto a supportive internet forum who tells him exactly what he needs to hear about listening and patience and communication.
The Broken Spoke Dancehall: When you first drive up to the Broken Spoke, you may feel like you've stumbled onto a movie set.
Perhaps accidentally, Fox may have stumbled onto act two of America's ongoing cinematic superhero obsession, and I'm actually excited to see what's next.
The 91-year-old sufferer from dementia had slipped out of the door and stumbled onto the tracks after his wife dozed off.
"Like you've stumbled onto a theater set without a script," Skye Sherwin wrote in The Guardian about an earlier show by Ms. Hamilton.
Buemi obtained an email-search warrant for addresses associated with Berry and soon realized that he had stumbled onto a major criminal organization.
I catch problem before they become problems, and I&aposve stumbled onto efficiencies and ideas that I wouldn&apost have come across otherwise.
We're asking these questions because online viral video site SourceFed believes it's stumbled onto the biggest search and political scandal of this election season.
I felt like I'd somehow stumbled onto these blissfully progressive safe havens where I'd be shielded from all that tormented me in my childhood.
After about an hour, though, I stumbled onto a piece that brought the level of the label up to the level of the store.
I don't remember the moment when I stumbled onto the butterfly images, but I do think they look best when they are bright orange.
Michael had never even heard of incels until he accidentally stumbled onto a YouTube video criticizing men whose identities centered on their being involuntarily celibate.
Sumpter was desperate to avoid foreclosure and did everything she could to avoid it including praying, hustling, and journaling before she stumbled onto entrepreneur coaching.
In the meantime, and by no choice of their own, the Rockets have stumbled onto the emotional spectrum that most basketball teams know pretty well.
A little bit The Orphanage, a little Watcher in the Woods, a little 90s-girl-stumbled -onto-the-set-of-first-season of True Detective.
"It was screamingly obvious that we had stumbled onto a gold mine with these guys, and we brought them on right away," Mr. Chazelle said.
In fact, Mr. Malcolmson stumbled onto the site because he was looking for an elegant user-interface design for a job he was working on.
A British author has stumbled onto a new business venture after selling a pair of soiled underwear on Ebay as a car security system for $12.
He also stumbled onto the writings of Alexis de Tocqueville, who was exploring the country and writing about it around the same time Bodmer was sketching.
I don't want to say much more, but I literally feel that we were walking along and we stumbled onto a gold mine with Dad Steve.
A few stumbled onto the best layout, adding the buttons and such to the sides and turning the iPhone into something akin to the PlayStation Vita.
The villagers of Lianshan Mountain in Guangdong, China, might have stumbled onto a profitable business venture — selling bags of fresh mountain air to urban city dwellers.
Having stumbled onto an interest in patternmaking, Ms. Deedy combined it with an inherited love of storytelling (her mother is a Havana-born children's book author).
In September, some students stumbled onto questionable content while working in the Summit platform, which often directs them to click on links to the open web.
Viewers of Mayor Pete Buttigieg's town hall event on Sunday could be forgiven for thinking they had stumbled onto an hour of prime-time MSNBC. Nope.
On Sunday they stumbled onto their biggest score yet, as well as yet another car-based walker trick, this one less successful both narratively and aesthetically.
And, for that same reason, it is entirely possible that a pollster that appears to "get it right" might have only stumbled onto it by accident.
It was an awakening for Costello, who had accidentally stumbled onto an entirely new line of inquiry on the impact of unconditional cash transfers on the poor.
We talked to him about how he stumbled onto this brilliant and subtle idea, and if it was as good in practice as it is in theory.
Ms. Tsvetanova, who went on to earn a bachelor's degree in industrial management and a master's in engineering, knew that she had stumbled onto an untapped opportunity.
According to a summary of the case reviewed by The Times, prosecutors were investigating Mr. Osorio Rojas when they stumbled onto testimony linking him to Santiago Uribe.
Keisha joins a trucking company and begins her search again and discovers that she's stumbled onto a strange conspiracy that exists on the highways of the United States.
"Rather late in the whole patching progress, we stumbled onto a French site that had a lot of concept art and beta screenshots," Spahl told me over email.
I had stumbled onto TrailGuard AI, Intel's flagship AI for Good project, which the chip company describes as an artificial intelligence solution to the crime of wildlife poaching.
In 2014, one engineer — part of an 80-person research-and-development team in Wattens — stumbled onto a way to turn a Swarovski crystal into a solar cell.
Now that he thinks he's found justification from the great Führer in the sky, he has either stepped deliberately or stumbled onto the path his Nazi forbears trod.
He hadn't considered that stress experienced from within the gay and bi community would be significant; however, he quickly realized he had stumbled onto something complex and important.
"Treating a Patient With a Nightmarish Condition" I remember myself wondering, as the article began, whether I had somehow stumbled onto an excerpt from a horror short story.
"We've stumbled onto this program that was much closer to being done than we'd realized," said Jeffrey Lewis, who leads the California-based team that uncovered the facility.
Since last week, I've received emails from those who have suffered similar or worse hells, people who have stumbled onto the radar of some of the web's ugliest customers.
Indeed, despite denials during and after the campaign, the Clinton team only admitted to funding the dossier after the media stumbled onto the paper trail long after the election.
A lot of us we just stumbled onto the mixtapes, but back then, what really hooked me was the energy and the power of hardcore music at its peak.
Somehow, unbelievably, humans have stumbled onto the computing paradigm that is going to define how we interact with the systems of the world relatively early in the technological timeline.
By late June we were on our way, and by the time our trip ended, I felt like we had just stumbled onto the best kept secret in theme parks.
BMW tapped Surrey NanoSystems, the company that stumbled onto Vantablack a few years ago, to cover one of its new X6s in a newer version of the substance called VBX2.
"Seeing her body on the sidewalk was pretty horrifying, especially since so many of the onlookers were walking their dogs when they stumbled onto the scene," Ms. Gaughran-Bedell said.
Brazile said she stumbled onto it when she took her post and was tasked with investigating the DNC after hacked emails suggested the Clinton campaign essentially fixed the Democratic presidential primary.
Sometimes I stumbled onto things, like I was at a "PBS News Hour" thing, luncheon, and sitting next to me was a volunteer from the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.
The farmers had stumbled onto an incredible "army" of about 8,000 life-size terra cotta warriors who had been guarding the tomb of China&aposs first emperor for more than 2,000 years.
Lloyd Webber stumbled onto the truth that there was a range of stylized storytelling that lent itself to his music—that if you couldn't tell street tales you could find old fables.
In the days after the 2016 election, a certain strain of Republican pundit could be found arguing that the GOP had (maybe accidentally) stumbled onto a new path to a durable majority.
While searching the internet for information about state loan forgiveness programs for social workers, he stumbled onto a website for financial aid professionals about a fledgling federal public-service loan forgiveness program.
Peter Wehner Early in my Christian pilgrimage, as a young man struggling to understand the implications of a story I had only a surface knowledge of, I stumbled onto a theological insight.
Along the way, I stumbled onto a pretty surprising realization: With its devotion to openness, The Witcher 3 lost some of the magic that made The Witcher 2 such a striking, memorable game.
They realized they had stumbled onto something that would make a fun game, and the two published 14,000 copies of the first book of Mad Libs, keeping them in Mr. Price's Manhattan apartment.
San Antonio police officers stumbled onto one of the deadliest cases of human smuggling in recent U.S. history last July, when they encountered James Matthew Bradley Jr.'s trailer parked outside a Walmart.
First and foremost, the Department of Defense — never a friend of CIA — has stumbled onto the playing field and trained vast numbers of individuals to function as the equivalent of CIA case officers.
In the car home, as I was trying to process the mouth crying, I stumbled onto a Queerty article featuring the newest dating app to hit the scene (sweet Jesus, just what we need).
There was a moment, after around day three, where I thought MP may have stumbled onto some sort of alien superfabric, the sort of technology that we should be putting in our power plants.
"We wouldn't have done [a musical], except that our medical adviser on the show stumbled onto this case where somebody had an aneurysm and was hearing everything in music," Mr. Lawrence told TV Guide.
The smile that spread across my face a few seconds after the Zaffre Quartet began the rousing finale of Mozart's String Quartet in G was the first hint that I'd stumbled onto something special.
And he would go down soon, of course — after Benjamin bled out, after Morgan raged over his death and stumbled onto the missing fruit in the process, and after Richard confessed to the plan.
Her co-founder and CEO Andrew Ambrosino, a former Kleiner Perkins design fellow, stumbled onto the problem as he struggled to juggle all the paperwork and programs companies typically hire an HR manager to handle.
"It's YouTube's algorithm that connects these channels," said Jonas Kaiser, one of three researchers at Harvard's Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society who stumbled onto the videos while looking into YouTube's impact in Brazil.
Then the company found its current design, a sleek stick that looks like a flash drive, and largely stumbled onto a new way of delivering nicotine: it mixes nicotine with a chemical called benzoic acid.
And you'll probably keep spending as much, if not more, long after we've stopped calling these devices by that name and have stumbled onto a new, more fitting moniker for the computers of the 21st century.
A few weeks ago, as I was searching for something more interesting to do with these 'shrooms than throw them onto my morning oatmeal and say Hail Mary, I stumbled onto a deep-web drug forum.
The reporter stumbled onto what appears to be some bad blood between the two women when she asked Notaro about a comment Schumer made to Vanity Fair back in 2013, about discrimination faced by queer comics.
Motorists will be forgiven for thinking they've stumbled onto the set of The Walking Dead, given the hordes of pedestrians that will be out, staring zombie-like at the sky and not paying attention to their surroundings.
This was part of the bargain of an open internet, but it wasn't one that most of us had given much thought to—even if we'd stumbled onto some of the ugly stuff from time to time.
In the show, you might've even caught the Horn of Winter all the way back in Season 1, when Samwell Tarly stumbled onto a cache of Dragonglass that included an inexplicable horn with strange markings on it.
But earlier this month, an amateur astronomer happened to be searching for traces of the secretive Zuma mission launched by SpaceX when he stumbled onto something entirely different: signals from a satellite that was not accounted for.
After four decades of inventing, five product categories, and a lot of wrong turns, Hall has stumbled onto a high-tech widget that is poised to become an essential piece of a trillion-dollar self-driving auto industry.
It has stumbled onto the third rail of American politics, and just so happens to carry a message that its audience needs to hear: that those Nazis we've been shooting for decades are not that alien after all.
In 2014, an F.B.I. agent assisting with a murder investigation in Ville Platte stumbled onto a broader problem: The police and sheriff's deputies there had a habit of throwing people in jail without probable cause or a warrant.
She lives about 20 minutes away and has bakeries closer to home, but stumbled onto Alfonso's when she Googled "best cakes in Staten Island" for her sister's graduation a couple of years ago and now comes back regularly.
Admittedly, that's a shock to the 61-year-old designer who didn't have a carefully crafted business plan — or even a website — when she stumbled onto her first enamel bracelet prototype in 2016 and posted it on Instagram.
After four decades of inventing, five product categories and a lot of wrong turns, Hall stumbled onto lidar, the high-tech widget that is poised to become an essential piece of a trillion dollar self-driving auto industry.
With heavily armed officers closing in on him, Mr. Abdeslam stumbled onto a street in the Brussels neighborhood where he had grown up, reportedly brandishing a handgun, before being shot in the knee and trundled away by the police.
She died 12 years ago, and I've never come close to a version quite like hers until recently, when I stumbled onto Mexico City's Santisima Street, where expert tlayuda guru Gildardo Soto is busy making magic happen in a tiny stall.
BuzzFeed News reporter Mike Giglio has been reporting on ISIS from the Middle East for two years now, but he recently stumbled onto something he'd never seen before: a group of young Iraqis drifting cars in a liberated section of Mosul.
In 2014, federal police officers and prosecutors with expertise in money laundering exposed a wide-ranging scheme that came to be known as Lava Jato, or Carwash, after they stumbled onto suspicious currency transactions at gas stations in Brasília, the capital.
They're members of a message board for the newly pregnant, and their dialogue will be familiar to anyone who has ever late-night stumbled onto a BabyCenter site — and then late-night stumbled away, unsettled by the mushy abbreviations and emojis.
"I don't want to say much more, but I literally feel that we were walking along and we stumbled onto a gold mine with Dad Steve," he said, referring to the nickname the internet coined for Keery's character in season 2.
It was only by chance that residents of Urdoma, 2500 miles northeast of Moscow, learned last year of an enormous landfill project nearby, when two local hunters stumbled onto workers felling lofty pine and birch trees to make way for it.
But it appears Melgar may have stumbled onto a scheme where the two SEALs — Petty Officer First Class Anthony DeDolph, a former professional mixed martial arts fighter, and Chief Petty Officer Adam Matthews — reportedly took money from a fund meant to reward informants.
"When you tell a 20-year-old actor, who's sort of stumbled onto this big TV show, that all of a sudden you're meant to be Casanova, people all over the world wonder whether or not it's true," Portman told the magazine.
Through trial and error, he stumbled onto triads, later reading up on progressions and learning the importance of the clave, the five-beat pattern that provides the foundation for a range of Afro-Cuban styles including the mambo and the cha-cha.
If you were working as an intelligence operative in 2010 and stumbled onto inconclusive evidence that Osama bin Laden might be hiding in a Pakistani suburb, you would suddenly be faced with a series of big, hard choices — each with serious drawbacks.
"When you tell a 20-year-old actor, who's sort of stumbled onto this big TV show, that all of a sudden you're meant to be Casanova, people all over the world wonder whether or not it's true," the actor told Esquire in a recent profile.
But if carriers can persuade businesses in industries like health care as well as industrial conglomerates like General Electric to sign up for new mobile Internet services that connect tiny sensors to the Internet, then operators may have stumbled onto a new way of making money.
The star of Robert Altman's Thieves Like Us—a spare, beautifully realized depiction of hick bank robbers in the Depression—Shelley got her first break four years ago at age 20 when she stumbled onto an Altman location in her native Houston, trying to hustle some of her husband's sketches.
Thanks to a racist comment, he stumbled onto a winning combination: a purposefully unholy conflagration of African-American spirituals, chain gangs songs, the blues, and Satanic black metal that drew lines between Scandinavia and the Delta, summoning both the blasphemous evils of the North and the bloodstained history of the South.
If you were one of the many, many sad people who missed out on snagging the NES Classic Edition before Nintendo inexplicably pulled the plug on it, there's still a chance you can get one without spending hundreds on eBay as ThinkGeek has apparently stumbled onto a massive cache of the consoles.
Given the history of difficulty in this field, we present a newly published study with extremely measured optimism: The authors of a paper in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry say they've stumbled onto another potential male contraceptive, a compound derived from a plant extract that hunters in Africa have long used to create poison-tipped arrows with.
American settlers had been enraptured by the giant sequoias since they first stumbled onto them 30 years earlier, and yet the government had never seen any reason to protect the land; in fact, the federal Timber and Stone Act, under which the Kaweah colonists were purchasing their acreage, was meant to encourage logging in the West.
In a way, Syfy has stumbled onto something that other TV adaptations have boasted as a secret weapon: When they're good, they enjoy the advantage of having additional source material fans can dig into and dissect, and when they're bad, the TV series themselves often get the benefit of the "maybe it was all a problem with the books to begin with" doubt.
"I am not proud of the fact that we are currently extolling 'game' companies that make online slot machines as a positive example of those willing to pay our fees (I am fine with it, just not proud of it.)" Time and time again, Facebook has acted in the press as though it somehow stumbled onto a product that has swallowed the internet, decimated industries, and scooped up and shared large swathes of consumer data.

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