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594 Sentences With "struck a chord"

How to use struck a chord in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "struck a chord" and check conjugation/comparative form for "struck a chord". Mastering all the usages of "struck a chord" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The show's more solemn opening struck a chord on Twitter.
The speech that came next struck a chord with viewers.
You could see that it struck a chord with him.
And her photos definitely struck a chord across the internet.
It has all struck a chord amid the election campaign.
The paper struck a chord and is still widely cited.
Something about the musician's story struck a chord in me.
The latest cover of TIME magazine has struck a chord.
That view apparently struck a chord among many online readers.
News of the search struck a chord in the Vatican.
Kylie Jenner has struck a chord with the internet — again.
And Annie Weatherwax's book really struck a chord in me.
In politics, however, he has struck a chord with voters.
Trump in particular struck a chord with his anti-trade rhetoric.
Early indications suggest "Angry Birds" makers may have struck a chord.
His rant seems to have struck a chord with many netizens.
This version, however has struck a chord of disgust for fans.
Even as a white Canadian guy, this detail struck a chord.
Yet Ms. Leitch's gambit has struck a chord with the public.
That certainly struck a chord with the students on our site.
But Mr. Salvini's openly aggressive attitude has clearly struck a chord.
To the Editor: This article certainly struck a chord with me.
The contrast was a cruel one, but it struck a chord.
So yeah, it's always struck a chord, for over 100 years.
Betty's story struck a chord with viewers, in Colombia and elsewhere.
"They use it constantly," and their usage struck a chord with him.
Or maybe those Ganni fruit T-shirts struck a chord with you.
Though he spoke mostly in generalities, his criticisms clearly struck a chord.
To the Editor: On first reading, Nicholas Kristof's piece struck a chord.
It's obviously early, but Facebook has clearly struck a chord with lawmakers.
Its slogan — "Tough on grease, yet gentle on feathers" — struck a chord.
His version struck a chord -- it's been retweeted more than 170,000 times.
This idea seems to have struck a chord with some Republicans lately.
Still, the new mayor's efforts have struck a chord among some voters.
"It has struck a chord with a lot of Syrians," he said.
At first glance, the poetry of it struck a chord with me.
I also want to like Stranger Things, but it never struck a chord.
Yet his populist message struck a chord with voters across the ideological spectrum.
"It seems the memo struck a chord with many parents," Reist tells PEOPLE.
The ad struck a chord with Biles, a 4-foot-9-inch phenom.
The company's offerings seem to have struck a chord with the maker community.
The 1970s version of The Little Prince also struck a chord with me.
Kurzwiel's theories on artificial intelligence surpassing human intelligence struck a chord with Finley.
On ABC's "This Week" a few days ago, Alex Castellanos struck a chord.
He offered a message of change and struck a chord with the voters.
But Duterte's tough, no-nonsense rhetoric has struck a chord with many Filipinos.
Clearly, the ad (and the ridiculousness of its banning) has struck a chord.
The movie struck a chord with Bergman, and now he wanted to talk.
By taking a data-driven approach, she struck a chord with tech companies.
After an unexpected deluge of submissions, she realized it had struck a chord.
His forlorn face and unwieldy limbs clearly struck a chord with cat lovers.
"Dear White People" struck a chord, earning a festival award for breakthrough talent.
"Les Misérables" has struck a chord in France, inside and outside the projects.
Our request for family lore about the Dionne quintuplets also struck a chord.
The Pting's rampant insatiability was something that struck a chord with some on Twitter.
Experts may not recommend following their lead, but their stories certainly struck a chord.
Mars' act of generosity has clearly struck a chord with the Great Lake State.
Clearly Serratos, who plays Rosita Espinosa on the hit AMC series, struck a chord.
Reputable social scientists dismissed the book, but its racially charged conclusions struck a chord.
But he struck a chord in attacking President Donald Trump's decisions domestically and overseas.
Her words struck a chord, and she became most-searched candidate on the internet.
Buzz: The discussion around tech addiction has struck a chord with Silicon Valley companies.
I think it struck a chord with people because everybody's had their heart broken.
The Clinton ads have clearly struck a chord, but not always a positive one.
He struck a chord with a far broader range of listeners than the norm.
Why do you think this episode struck a chord the way that it did?
Nor have they struck a chord with other South Koreans, especially not the young.
The issue struck a chord with Mr. Sanderson then, and it still does today.
The photos struck a chord with parents of critically-ill children around the world.
Calling themselves the Pothole Vigilantes, the duo struck a chord in this scarred city.
Those promises, which struck a chord among the wary population, include reintroducing the death penalty.
It struck a chord with Mast, whose duties in the Army centered on protecting others.
The trailer struck a chord with the millions who'd always dreamed of exploring the stars.
His cause struck a chord with Joseph, who was sexually abused when he was younger.
India rallies behind Bachchan's message The message has struck a chord with the Indian public.
But the NES Classic was good — very good — and it struck a chord with consumers.
Its 20073s design cues, solid quality and honest pricing have struck a chord with critics.
"Your piece on the two faces of Australia really struck a chord," Aparna Balakumar wrote.
The argument has struck a chord with the Trump administration, which has questioned the system.
"The law of symmetry struck a chord with me in a huge way," McLoughlin tells Creators.
I found that both the Taurus and Gemini playlists struck a chord (music joke!) with me.
At the height of the great recession, our low price strategy struck a chord with consumers.
Claws has certainly struck a chord with audiences and continues to attract new viewers each week.
But his perpetual state of desperately-working-on-it has struck a chord with the public.
Joey and Rory Feek's beautiful yet heartbreaking love story has struck a chord across the nation.
Yet it struck a chord with those Canadians who feel Muslims do not share their values.
Cletus The message immediately struck a chord with animal-lovers, who shared the post on Facebook.
But, for whatever reason, this particular interview with Tory Lanez has struck a chord with us.
The appeal struck a chord with Herbert Hoover, founding chief of the American Relief Administration (ARA).
Videos of him playing the piano struck a chord, especially with renowned South Korean pianist Yiruma.
It clearly struck a chord; the app was downloaded 10,000 times in the first three days.
When the duo released Lights Out, their 2011 debut, it struck a chord for several reasons.
" The line struck a chord for me because it spoke to my own desire to "blend in.
This YouTuber had a video talking about body image, and it really struck a chord with me.
The review struck a chord, and it remains the one people talk to me about the most.
"We think we've struck a chord," Fils-Aime says of the game's coming-out party at E3.
It struck a chord with the rebellious spirit of the times and became an island-wide smash.
Rewatching "The Apprentice" more than a decade later, it's easy to see why it struck a chord.
But the crackdown has struck a chord with the public, and Mr. Duterte's popularity has been soaring.
Ali now heads up XQ and she told attendees that the challenge has clearly struck a chord.
Among Noon's work Solace has always struck a chord and Boehm longed to do something with it.
And while her beauty and talent wowed us, her thoughtful statements about beauty truly struck a chord.
"The moment really struck a chord with Andrew and with us," Sam Cantor tells The Creators Project.
Marian GrantReisterstown, Md. To the Editor: "Motherhood in the Age of Fear" struck a chord in me.
Most of the kids had never heard of it, but it really struck a chord with them.
But even for some supporters of the incumbents in Delhi, Mr. Modi's party's campaign struck a chord.
But it was the associate degree he attained in culinary arts that struck a chord with him.
But there were some signs that Trump struck a chord with some of his tougher GOP critics.
The attendees discussed Trump's rise and observed he had struck a chord with many Americans, the source said.
" Rivers' words also struck a chord with Chiefs star safety Tyrann Mathieu, who wrote on social media, "DAMN.
The show came as a nod to second-wave feminist struggles and a struck a chord with viewers.
But Kinsa's line of smart thermometers clearly struck a chord with the team behind everyone's favorite educational monsters.
When Danielle opened up about her family and her parents' divorce, it really struck a chord with me.
Maybe it's the (lapsed) Lutheran in me, but calling the original Material Design a "gospel" struck a chord.
It's no surprise that news of 2 survivors taking their lives struck a chord with the rapper. Watch.
Trump has recently struck a chord with his anti-corruption, "drain the swamp" message on the campaign trail.
The rapper's words definitely struck a chord with the cameraman ... and the 2 ended in a warm embrace.
"Desperado" was never a hit, but it struck a chord with fans and quickly became a concert staple.
These ideas struck a chord among people who had suffered discrimination or persecution because of their family background.
And as the first African American first lady speaking to the Democratic National Convention, she struck a chord.
The "have you read the Constitution" question at the DNC struck a chord because it reflected a stereotype.
The mobile artwork has traveled around Poland and struck a chord in many places, particularly in rural areas.
It was the van that struck a chord with Ken Chigbo, one of Mr. Butt's neighbors in Barking.
Ms. Willow posits that the comic's mix of traditionalist faith and social justice struck a chord with readers.
He has struck a chord with his promise to campaign for social justice and fight right-wing populism.
These women were elected because their message struck a chord with the public, and let's not forget that.
This scene really struck a chord with viewers, even those who aren't biracial, for its honest commentary on race.
The idea struck a chord of camaraderie with Albert, who did his own military service in the French Navy.
"When the trans military ban news came out, it really struck a chord with me," Wegman told BuzzFeed News.
It helped that many songs touched on themes like anti-colonialism that struck a chord across the Arab world.
So far, his edgier twists on classic Burberry products like the trench coat, appear to have struck a chord.
ANC member Vanita Kok, from the Khoisan royal house, said Ramaphosa's message struck a chord because "corruption is rife".
His movement struck a chord just as long lines began forming at banks that were running out of cash.
The written numbers struck a chord with those who oppose the Trump Administration's crackdown on immigration and asylum-seekers.
The desperate dad's public plea to his son's bullies struck a chord with Rossi, himself a father of two.
She just dropped "Malibu" last week, and after the chaos in NYC ... it's definitely struck a chord with fans.
"What struck a chord was the hypocrisy," Livvie Mann, of the group Rise and Resist, said of Mr. Heastie.
"It struck a chord not just in America, but around the world," Mr. Thompson said about the advertising campaign.
Clearly, I had struck a chord, and I got the sense that NSO Group was a well-kept secret.
The speech struck a chord with the crowd of mostly New York City business executives and national security professionals.
Demonstrations quickly spread to the cities of Chittagong, Khulna, Rajshahi, Sylhet, Rangpur and Mymensingh, as the protests struck a chord.
Reaction to the case The case has struck a chord with many who felt compelled to reach out to Glasgow.
However, the work struck a chord with Reverend Dr. William Danaher, Jr., who leads the congregation at Christ Church Cranbrook.
Below, we spoke with Beall over the phone about the photo's popularity and why she thinks it struck a chord.
The violation of the victim's rights and respect struck a chord with Erez, who was appalled by the bystander response.
"It was a show that struck a chord, more so than any other show that we've ever done," Anderson says.
However, it's their sketches on the oddities of life in Mumbai that have struck a chord with viewers in India.
Realizing it struck a chord, he enhanced the document into a more comprehensive PDF ebook, which saw around 10,000 downloads.
Majors' post has struck a chord, clearly: There are almost 300 comments, and it's amassed nearly 15K likes thus far.
The "texts" have struck a chord because they play directly into the growing Republican strategy to counter the Mueller probe.
But when refunds are processed, the reason why is passed onto the developers, and one struck a chord with them.
The game struck a chord in Japan when it was first mass-produced there by the Tsukuda Corporation in 1973.
Whether you think he's a radical or not, you have to recognize that Bernie has struck a chord with people.
Though his talking points are nothing more than hot air, he has struck a chord with millions of angry voters.
Even as the fantasy movie flopped, another unexpected film with a budget reportedly of around $15 million struck a chord.
But the reverse layering notion struck a chord back in the mid-'90s, and not just on the silver screen.
But the few that I found on grief and longing or a familial connection really struck a chord with me.
Against the backdrop of crippling economic austerity measures and soaring poverty in the country, those allegations have struck a chord.
Regardless of the reason(s), Yang has struck a chord at least among some segment of the Democratic primary electorate.
The play's discussion of the importance of racial visibility versus racial erasure in a relationship struck a chord with me.
More than perhaps any other allegation of the #MeToo era, the accusation against Ansari has struck a chord with men.
This wasn't Cook's first time delivering this message, but it struck a chord in the room — a high school gymnasium.
Mr. Trump struck a chord with Republican primary voters on many issues, but particularly where Muslims and illegal immigrants were concerned.
Williamson's speech struck a chord with many people in Japan, following Takeshita's comments, and the speech proved hot property on Twitter.
The revelation instantly struck a chord, not only with the prime minister, but also with many Indians watching the session online.
He said watching Alison Bechdel's troubled childhood unfold onstage had struck a chord and moved him to open up to me.
In a country where, even by the narrowest definition, 27% of the workforce are jobless that might have struck a chord.
The Ford shooting had struck a chord with this socially active community and then, two days later, Michael Brown was killed.
The lyrics struck a chord with the artist, who had really fond memories of growing up among Irish kids in London.
Diana was a mother of children who were still growing up, and that probably struck a chord because she was, too.
Donald Trump struck a chord with many voters by recognizing the anxiety they feel about their future in the global economy.
Speaking in German, the French official apparently struck a chord by pleading for a European response to American and Chinese challenges.
And she said something that I thought was so powerful and resonant for moms struck a chord with me.
Why has a newsreel that showcases a technology that's over 60 years old struck a chord with savvy beauty lovers today?
But American Eagle's Aerie has struck a chord with these fickle shoppers, who are responding to its message of body positivity.
But clearly, the movie has struck a chord with fans; and when has logic ever gotten in the way of love?
But his substantive rhetoric struck a chord with a demographic in this country that has been losing for nearly a decade.
The natural look struck a chord with shoppers, and Aerie saw a 20 percent increase in sales from 2014 to 0003.
But it really struck a chord with the Marine in me, so after doing some research, I decided to try it.
This tone struck a chord with the prospective readers that crowdfunded the book's creation before a single word had been written.
That message, amplified by the tabloid news media, seems to have struck a chord with Austrians wary of admitting more migrants.
The unbelievable cuteness of Michael's photo struck a chord with thousands of Twitter users, who understandably could not keep it together.
But one of his first pieces — a statue of the javelin thrower Bob Roggy for Holmdel High School — struck a chord.
The photos struck a chord Photographer Susanne Beckmann said she has taken photos of Julia since she was 9 years old.
Though the film underperformed at the box office, and received middling reviews from critics, it struck a chord with young men.
The film's about a wrongfully convicted man on death row in Monroeville, Alabama ... and that clearly struck a chord in Jamie.
Cameron Boyce The sudden death of the 28-year-old actor Cameron Boyce struck a chord with many searchers this year.
Boiling away complex mechanics and design to focus on character and feeling, Firewatch struck a chord with many who played it.
Why was this photograph selected to spark action, and why has it struck a chord in a way others have not?
Judge DiFiore's practical tone struck a chord with her audience, with several judges and prosecutors saying they welcomed the managerial changes.
I was a teenager when I read it and its themes of teenage angst and alienation struck a chord with me.
Keaton's questions about bullying clearly struck a chord with more than just his middle school community and his mom's friends on Facebook.
Though they were overblown, it's not hard to understand why the stories about the CIA's "secret" art collection might've struck a chord.
The clip has struck a chord with animal lovers online, with over 6 million views since it was posted on Dec. 1.
The show worked, and it obviously struck a chord with people outside of our little design room who are feeling that too.
It's clear that the populist messages of Trump and Sanders have struck a chord here, as they have elsewhere in the region.
Though Beato was skeptical, his wealth of musical knowledge and infectious enthusiasm struck a chord (I know, I know) with his audience.
You had Bannon running Breitbart and checking his traffic stats to see what kinds of stories struck a chord with his readers.
The moment struck a chord in the room—it demonstrated the power of fatherly care, both biological and spiritual, within our scene.
In other words, exploring Mars was only possible through an intense level of collaboration, a fact that struck a chord with Page.
Mr Corbyn struck a chord this week when he spoke of one rule for the super-rich and another for everybody else.
Guess George Lopez struck a chord when he told us some fried chicken stuffed between a bun ain't worth risking your life.
"It just struck a chord on us that we could do that," Sherry Ennis, one of the women photographed, told the station.
Certainly, no artist as hugely successful as he has been can have struck a chord without owning a piece of his time.
Its synopsis, of unified Korean forces invading and occupying the US just a decade from now, struck a chord with stateside gamers.
Theodore D'Afflidio told us that our question "struck a chord": My family has decided no politics period at any event or meeting.
Germany had just lost a war, and Spengler's book struck a chord with disillusioned Germans looking to explain their sense of downfall.
Mr. Johnson's pledge to "get Brexit done" has struck a chord with many there but often falls flat north of the border.
Despite this, the series clearly struck a chord with viewers, breaking records to become the most-tweeted-about show in Netflix history.
Her dedication struck a chord; the lack of affordable, high-quality educational programs for the families who need it most is astounding.
I'd then scroll alllll theeee waaaaay to the bottom of the list and select whichever streamer's thumbnail struck a chord with me.
Trump's intention to tap into military funds for the wall struck a chord among several Republicans who joined Democrats on the vote.
With his talk of free tuition, unabashed unhipness and calls for political revolution, Mr. Sanders has undoubtedly struck a chord with young people.
Later the same month, Sayegh said Trump struck a chord with some voters, but went too far with some of his public comments.
If any of Littrell's followers grew up as a teenager in the late '90s or early 2000s, that phrase likely struck a chord.
Your art has struck a chord with a lot of people -- what would you say to people seeing it for the first time?
Back in 2010, when Dr. Brown's initial speech went viral, the themes of courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy struck a chord with audiences.
As Oprah spoke, her words had a palpable impact on the audience, whose insistent applause made it evident she had struck a chord.
It struck a chord in France where more than 230 people have died in the past two years in attacks by Islamist militants.
He told Swindell the story and when he said the 'You should be here' line, it immediately struck a chord with the musician.
Michete wrote:The post struck a chord with at least some of Michete's network and started to spread far beyond his own Facebook friends.
The pitch struck a chord with Helms, who said she had been blurring gender lines with her choice of clothes since age 13.
Friday, I set up a Google group and sent it around to some women at the company and it clearly struck a chord.
The book, which has spent nearly a year on the NYT bestseller list, was published posthumously and has struck a chord with readers.
While the former boxer's comments offended liberal Filipinos, they could have struck a chord with more conservative voters in the staunchly Catholic country.
Despite the damage the trafficking accusations have caused, there is no question that Down to Lunch has struck a chord with young people.
But the BTP, which is contesting far fewer seats, has struck a chord among indigenous voters, said Madhu Sarin, a forest rights researcher.
The tragedy struck a chord across Canada, where hockey is the dominant sport and many young players take long bus rides to tournaments.
The absurdity of the question struck a chord with the general public, and people inundated Twitter with jokes and memes at McNabb's expense.
The song is Mr. Blue's debut single, but he isn't the only artist for whom Ms. Chapman's track has struck a chord recently.
In a room full of designers from all over — many of whom had indeed made Paris their adopted city — it struck a chord.
At the time Ms. Brady's paper was published, New Zealand's political leaders played down its findings, but those findings struck a chord globally.
Setting aside the logistics of how a snail would play a violin, the adorable musicians struck a chord with thousands on the website.
Tales of punishing work schedules have struck a chord in a country that holds a sometimes lethal corporate devotion to working long hours.
"The reason that Ali struck a chord in the heart of so many Americans was not just his great boxing skill," he said.
And I think the reason that what happened to Heather has struck a chord is because we know that what she did is achievable.
And I think the reason that what happened to Heather has struck a chord is because we know that what she did was achievable.
Pictures of Ms. Taweel's tearful court appearances struck a chord, and she was released from jail in December, although she could still face charges.
Analysts say the campaign has struck a chord with younger women who struggle to find similar products at rival brands like Victoria Secret's Pink.
The funding was also co-led, notably, by retail giant Amazon, whose Echo voice-controlled home speakers have clearly struck a chord with consumers.
It's no wonder that Hollywood's most recent telling of the Queen saga, Bohemian Rhapsody, has struck a chord with fans new and old alike.
"I think everyone feels very nostalgic when they think of cereal, which is why it struck a chord," Mindell told Mashable in an email.
The poems, set in an idealised English countryside and imbued with a yearning melancholy, struck a chord not just in England but in America.
And there's another silver lining: She thinks her stance might have struck a chord with another key demographic in her fight to end abortion.
Among music fans, one GIF in particular struck a chord, its hand drawn depictions of Bowie through the years being shared thousands of times.
This struck a chord with me, because I also hear from friends, neighbors and family members about their struggles to pay for prescription drugs.
That freewheeling but thoughtful approach has struck a chord: The 43-seat restaurant, housed in a renovated diner, has been full since Day 1.
As the song "Bad Habit" played, the last line "I feel quite okay" struck a chord and made me think twice about my decision.
The popularity of Dawson's series, combined with Star's acknowledgment of his "ex-friends," seems to have struck a chord with those very ex-friends.
But it struck a chord, and somehow managed to trigger an international conversation about assholes who remove condoms during sex without their partners' permission.
That's a very crowded field, but his content struck a chord with young Chinese who were getting bored with pushy editorials and cheesy advertising.
The fight has struck a chord with many of Mr. Trump's core supporters, some of whom applauded him on social media for his stance.
Amazon's Super Bowl spot starring celebrity couple Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi, and imagining what life was like without Alexa, struck a chord.
The experience struck a chord for many Chinese white-collar tech employees, who are now facing sagging returns for long hours at the office.
However, Hyde-Smith's "joke" struck a chord in the deep-red Southern state — with some wondering whether it will now cost her the race.
Harris said the idea struck a chord at the Miami Herald, which already had been talking about broadening the scope of the climate change beat.
But Monday's incident struck a chord with other players who echoed Jones' complaints and stirred up a debate about the behavior of Boston sports fans.
Check it out ... she tells us she'd never been quite that honest about her experience, and it clearly struck a chord in a good way.
The gender-critical cause has also struck a chord with parts of the lesbian community, where many express concerns about trans women with "male genitalia".
But that incongruous position seems to have struck a chord with Trump supporters, many of whom have been on the losing side of trade globalization.
The line about the right of the people to abolish the current government and form a new one struck a chord with some Trump enthusiasts.
Epstein talked about donating money to AIDS charities, which struck a chord for her given her father's death, and wanting to help with her career.
Their wincing, leaning and recoiling struck a chord with stressed-out parents everywhere who watch and hope for the best every time their child performs.
Mason's refreshing brand of honesty struck a chord with a lot of people who are also struggling to follow what's actually going on with Brexit.
Flying Dog released Raging Bitch, and not only did it start "selling like crazy," it struck a chord with many female beer drinkers, Caruso said.
While banking on the PTI's success as a regional party, Khan and his anti-graft mantra struck a chord with young and middle-class Pakistanis.
Since the moment struck a chord online, it has gone on to inspire several fan-made remixes, including one Stormi herself enjoyed dancing along to.
She had the idea for Wilson to hold up the sign in the photo that struck a chord with so many people, young and old.
Universal Paperclips has gotten a lot of attention and seems to have struck a chord, maybe because it's such a perfect marriage between two ideas.
Mr. Trump, in departing from the traditional Republican embrace of free trade, struck a chord in 2016, carrying this battleground state by eight percentage points.
Since the moment struck a chord online, it has gone on to inspire several fan-made remixes, including one Stormi herself enjoyed dancing along to.
But when I read that Gretchen Rubin, the author of "The Happiness Project," suggested dancing as a key to family cohesion, it struck a chord.
The drama, much of it playing out on live television, struck a chord in a nation still reeling from the quake and desperate for hope.
The Chinese smartphone maker, whose cheaper devices have struck a chord with India's price-conscious consumers, widened its lead in the quarter to March 0003.
The entire column is worth a read, an honest, loving assessment that's in line with Hamill's previous memorials which have struck a chord with fans.
Najwa's story struck a chord with viewers, prompting an outpouring of folks on social media offering to adopt her and donating to fund her education.
Ahdaf Soueif, an Egyptian novelist, said Ali's videos had struck a chord because he casts himself as a self-made man with a modest background.
The case struck a chord with many in Britain, and particularly in London, where gentrification has been blamed for squeezing the availability of affordable housing.
Being a woman who lived in Naples, Sophia says, the books struck a chord with her because she could imagine where everything was taking place.
A fateful meeting with 'Masa'The pitch apparently struck a chord with Masayoshi Son, the billionaire head of SoftBank and controller of the $100 billion Vision Fund.
Back in February, she started a Twitter thread on society's unhealthy obsession with policing women's weight that really struck a chord with followers and went viral.
Trump also struck a chord toward the end of the debate when the moderator, Lester Holt, asked why Trump felt his judgment was better than Clinton's.
Last year, when her son saw a dentist for wisdom tooth pain, a brochure for dental stem cell storage caught Bassetto's eye and struck a chord.
The stories she read in comments and re-posted struck a chord, as did photos of the bills people were facing, prompting further stories and photos.
And because these messages struck a chord with a forgotten group of voters, they showed up to the polls and helped Donald Trump win the presidency.
Kate Spade's handbags have struck a chord with millennials due to their subtle logos and quirky and colorful designs, including bags shaped like cats and cars.
Even though the north-east has the lowest proportion of foreign-born residents in England (just 1.6%), UKIP's rhetoric struck a chord with the economically marginalised.
He'd done night classes in comedy improvisation, and his approach struck a chord with Unilever, which ended up buying the business for $1 billion in 2016.
While there he spent a lot of time reading and some of the texts he brought with him that really struck a chord were by Schopenhauer.
It follows absurdly simple rules to generate its comments and replies, but it has struck a chord with people since it came out in the 1960s.
But Wednesday's remarks struck a chord in a nation that has lived through two world wars and only in recent decades has acknowledged its collaborationist past.
After the burial, Ms. Heller held the American flag presented in her father's honor and said perhaps the obit had struck a chord with regular people.
The division has driven the group's strong growth over the last decade as its fast fashion at discount prices has struck a chord with young consumers.
It was another promising sign for Sanders, whose team believes his message of "Medicare for All" and workers' rights has clearly struck a chord among Latinos.
"The Gulf War was a popular war in Jacksonian circles because the defense of the nation's oil supply struck a chord with Jacksonian opinion," Mead writes.
Her demonstrations struck a chord with thousands of young people from Australia to Europe, who have periodically been ditching their classrooms to carry out similar protests.
His stand against political correctness has struck a chord with voters, and ever since his first "build a wall" rallying cry, his support has only grown.
"We can't talk enough about it, it's wonderful that this is getting attention, that this struck a chord with people, to see the individual stories," Rouse said.
Home Alone's massive success was a big break for Heard, whose affable, overworked McAllister dad — the perfect comedic counterpoint to McAllister mom, Catherine O'Hara — struck a chord.
Helping the community So, when a homeless man allegedly killed four other homeless men and severely beat a fifth in Chinatown, it struck a chord for Akdeniz.
When Issac Davis saw the news report in December that Rijoni Perry had lost his beloved akita mix during a home invasion, it really struck a chord.
The mean-spirited nature of Shedd's comment struck a chord with everyone from Chance The Rapper to another woman in media, The View co-host, Meghan McCain.
Millions of people tuned in to hear Ford's testimony, and her story clearly struck a chord with people who have had their own experiences with sexual assault.
Elgin's mayor, David Kaptain, says that "Roseanne" always struck a chord locally, thanks to its honesty about the economic, medical and personal struggles of its Conner family.
YouTube videos about makeup tutorials and fashion hauls struck a chord with Molly when she was going blind because so much lifestyle content wasn't accessible to her.
But his reasons for voting for the EFF, a party which has struck a chord with many young black men, hint at the difficulty of coalition building.
And the reality must have also struck a chord for other people as well: Since the original tweet, it has garnered over 75,000 likes and 52,000 retweets.
Mr Martin managed to dissociate the party from its failings when last in power, and his mix of progressive policies and rhetoric struck a chord with voters.
"... the ideas of breaking gender roles and reforming education inspired by the film have struck a chord with many Chinese parents," the official Xinhua news agency said.
But the issue has struck a chord in both countries and led to big protests in Greece, which is emerging from a debt crisis, earlier this year.
The post struck a chord with employees who are opposed to ICE's work generally, as well as its practice of separating families who cross the border illegally.
Away from the Sun's "Here Without You," a rock ballad released as a single in 2003, struck a chord during the peak of the Iraq War, too.
But, despite all of this, there was something so familiar and comforting about Nia Vardalos' movie that struck a chord with me even as a young kid.
It was the Scottish band's second full-length—they're up to five now—and it struck a chord in a way they'd never expected but fully welcomed.
"As far back as I can remember, there was something about the sound of uilleann pipes that just struck a chord very deep within me," he said.
Simpson's attention to surface and her use of pattern struck a chord: how much of the samurai's armor was decorative and how much of it was necessary?
Since the moment struck a chord on social media, it has gone on to inspire several fan-made remixes, including one Stormi herself enjoyed dancing along to.
It particularly struck a chord with those who also own small businesses and understand how much they rely on social media and personalities to promote their work.
While VR hasn't struck a chord with most consumers, headsets are starting to come out of labs and into regular medical practice, including in labor and delivery.
All the essays included are unique and insightful in their own way, but is there a particular story from the collection that struck a chord with you?
Moon, whose campaign promises include "National Interest First" policy, has struck a chord with younger Koreans who want the country to stand up to powerful allies and neighbors.
Duterte's promises to wipe out drugs and criminality within six months and his advocacy of extrajudicial killings have struck a chord among Filipinos tired of soaring crime rates.
Her portrayal of a merciless drug trafficker in the 2011 hit soap opera "La Reina del Sur," or "The Queen of the South," had clearly struck a chord.
Like stunning and tragic photos before, it was not the first picture to illustrate the situation, but something about it struck a chord, cutting through the media noise.
Hindustan Times published a compelling photo of him — frail, weary and in despair — that struck a chord with most Indians facing a similar plight for over a month.
The unusual show struck a chord with audiences last summer and garnered immediate praise from critics and the public, even stealing a Golden Globe from Game of Thrones.
Crime is endemic in the Philippines and Duterte's promise of a war that would wipe out gangs and drugs within six months struck a chord with Filipino voters.
For example, it turns out a voice named Eric reading stories about being on a train struck a chord with users — so the company invested more in Eric.
" Smith said it was "uncomfortable" for him to talk politics but that "it struck a chord a little bit to see guys get attacked for a peaceful protest.
Payano said that she never expected her post to receive so much attention, but that it struck a chord because of the political climate in the United States.
He is active on Facebook and struck a chord with many residents for cheering Hong Kong's football team from the stands in a World Cup qualifier against China.
The hashtag has struck a chord with many Sanders supporters who are frustrated with being reduced to exit poll numbers or categorized as "Bernie Bros," Lee told Refinery29.
The thesis struck a chord with the public, but the academic community has generally dismissed von Däniken's work as wacky pseudoscience at best and pernicious ethnocentrism at worst.
Or maybe month after month of vindictive and mean-spirited campaigning struck a chord with voters who live their lives in the nation's longest running reality show "Cops".
Among the artists covered in the class was the filmmaker Jonas Mekas, whose movies struck a chord with Mr. Starr: "Jonas is just a living legend," he said.
During your research, pay attention to which hostels struck a chord with solo travelers in particular — those likely facilitate group activities and also provide good security for individuals.
Those damning descriptions prompted censors to block the essay, but not before it struck a chord with young Beijingers trying to cope with the isolation of city life.
Moon, whose campaign promises include a "National Interest First" policy, has struck a chord with people who want the country to stand up to powerful allies and neighbors.
Despite widespread support for the commission in Congress and among members of the Trump administration, Mr. Browder's zeal for the Bitkovs' case struck a chord with Mr. Rubio.
Ms. Majors's killing struck a chord in a city experiencing record-low violent crime rates and evoked an era when many people avoided going into parks after sunset.
But Starr's comments Monday, which came as the legal team wrapped up the opening arguments they began on Saturday, struck a chord with observers for their deep irony.
The closure has struck a chord in the traditionally conservative state in the wake of flamboyant promises from President Trump that companies would face consequences for offshoring jobs.
The speech struck a chord, drawing comparisons to then-Illinois state senator Barack Obama's 22016 Democratic National Convention speech, which launched him toward the presidency four years later.
Her story struck a chord with readers, and prompted the New York City native to think about finding a way to share her inspiring journey with a younger demographic.
The chef struck a chord with dishes like the crispy coconut-rice salad with fermented pork (nam khao) and her red goat curry, famous for its furnace-blast heat.
Very little of that story aside from the fact they're both named Thomas came into The Lighthouse, but the idea that they were both named Thomas struck a chord.
That has struck a chord with disenchanted young people in particular: over half of voters in their 20s and 30s cast their ballot for him, according to exit polls.
The dour Stephen Harper did not look like a cowboy populist, but struck a chord by accusing distant overlords in Ottawa of stifling Canada's energy-rich west with regulation.
Body positive blogger Jenna Kutcher regularly shares messages about self-love, but there was one post in particular that struck a chord with her more than 200,000 Instagram followers.
The comics—which, depending on who you ask, are described as "a younger, less anxious version of Cathy" or "an older, greasier version of Daria"—immediately struck a chord.
Aguilera struck a chord with the audience at Planet Hollywood's Zappos Theater with her rendition of "Say Something," which she originally made in A Great Big World with 2014.
The film, which lionizes Churchill's extraordinary struggle to see Britain through a devastating war and face down one of history's most destructive monsters, struck a chord with the president.
I think this also struck a chord for me because of the 2016 election, in which one candidate talked of building walls while the other wanted to open doors.
"I think a lot of women my age have a feeling they'd like to take control," Ms. Higgins said, noting that her videos seem to have struck a chord.
The two had just been somberly discussing how Warren's withdrawal struck a chord for many women — she was the last female major candidate to drop out of the race.
And not only was it entertaining in that sense that it could engage people, but it obviously struck a chord deep down with millions of teenagers and young adults.
Harris's subsequent complaints of online "sexual abuse" struck a chord with athletes around the world, and the nation's Prime Minister Scott Morrison weighed in to condemn social media "trolls".
The sultry bedroom photo shoot comes shortly after Jenner struck a chord online simply by singing "rise and shine" to her daughter Stormi Webster, 20 months, in a video.
Among those tributes is a years-old video comparing Michael Jordan with Bryant that has struck a chord and gone viral for its seamless comparison of two basketball legends.
In an interview with CNN on Monday night, Biden said Sanders' focus on the growing gap between the very rich and other Americans has struck a chord with voters.
"She's definitely struck a chord with the comments about kindness, and she exhibits that herself; you don't hear a mean word come out of Jacinda's mouth," Ms. Clark said.
The message struck a chord with some frustrated homeowners, who said that the city spent millions on the homeless programs and yet encampments stood by their homes and parks.
The film sold out at a screening at the Toronto International Film Festival and has struck a chord with Nigerians for showing how quickly and effectively the virus was contained.
British comedian Corden, host of the Late Late Show with James Corden, has struck a chord with fans stateside thanks to his popular segment on the CBS program, Carpool Karaoke.
The front-runner in polls to succeed him is Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a nationalist whose anti-corruption rhetoric and pledge to govern austerely has struck a chord with voters.
He rapped "Go" over the beat to Kanye West's "Fade" and his freestyle on the American Black Film Festival and Black Lives Matter particularly struck a chord with the audience.
What Fox saw as her "coming out party for depression," struck a chord with others, who saw the emotions they were feeling inside staring back at them from their screens.
Gavin's nickname in China is "the fake smile boy," a reference to the eight-year-old's uneasy but polite smile which struck a chord with millions of Chinese internet users.
But Trump has certainly struck a chord among a sizable number of Africans, who see him as a rejection of the current system who nonetheless speaks in a recognizable vocabulary.
Yet, the demonstrative pro-European clamor in Scotland has struck a chord with shellshocked EU politicians who, Edward said, are "absolutely fed up to the back teeth" of the British.
When an astonishing 6,200 people came together to pledge $2.2 million on Indiegogo to help bring it to life, it was clear London-based Planet Computers had struck a chord.
Built around a rattling, perfectly-swung beat and an energizing plucked string melody, the track clearly struck a chord with the vocalists, who both showed up in particularly strong form.
Ranging from the hilarious to the downright depressing, the memes about being a working model posted on this fledging feed have struck a chord with others on the same boat.
Banking on his huge popularity as a sports celebrity and the PTI's success as a regional party, his anti-graft mantra struck a chord with young and middle-class Pakistanis.
She struck a chord with readers and graduated from one appearance in an anthology to her own series, which fans later saved from cancellation after a passionate outcry of support.
"Toilet," which was released this month across more than 3,000 screens in India and at dozens of theaters internationally, seems to have struck a chord, even among India's urban dwellers.
The wide backing, which came as an opioid crisis was hitting economically struggling communities across America, struck a chord with Republicans who might usually balk at a less punitive model.
Yet he has clearly struck a chord with many voters, despite being "an unidentified political object," as Pascal Perrineau, a political science professor at Sciences Po in Paris, described him.
Prejudice in medicine has consequencesGrace&aposs video seems to have struck a chord not just because of the beliefs she espouses, but because of her position in the medical profession.
Nevertheless, on the campaign trail, Trump struck a chord with Americans by promising to avoid endless wars, which is exactly what our involvement in Afghanistan had become over the years.
She is a popular figure at home, where her all-court game, modest and plain-spoken personality, and family history have struck a chord with the younger and older sets.
Still, the ad, which was reportedly directed by Lenny Dorfman, who previously worked on commercials for Nike and Coca-Cola, struck a chord of outrage with some Super Bowl viewers.
" He later added that the immigration policy "has struck a chord" and had the potential to "help some of my Republican friends grow a spine and stand up to Donald Trump.
However, the "Out" campaign's message that EU membership is responsible for a loss of political control as well as uncontrolled immigration has appeared to have struck a chord with many Britons.
Yet, although the EU's negotiators in Brussels do not buy it, Mrs May's slogan that "no deal is better than a bad deal" has struck a chord with the voting public.
But when I saw what she said about UK music that's what struck a chord with me, because I feel like I've been a part of that from the very beginning.
In fact, Philipps has struck a chord with women around the world with her funny and candid Instagram Stories and now has nearly one million followers, including many surprise celebrity fans.
It tells the story of a brief and unsettling fling between a young female college student and a 34-year-old man, and it struck a chord for many, many women.
In particular, many worried that Labour's pledge to abolish tuition fees had struck a chord with a generation saddled with big student debts and doubts about the value of their degrees.
Sabbath struck a chord and other bands like Motörhead, Dio, Bathory, and Possessed incorporated blackletter logos into their album art throughout the 1980s on some of the genre's most seminal albums.
His hardline law-and-order approach has struck a chord with Brazilian voters fed up with a rising wave of violent crime in their cities and widespread corruption among its leaders.
The timing of Justice Department's announcement of James Gonzalo Medina's guilty plea struck a chord during a week plagued by the aftermath of deadly violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend.
THE LIGHTER SIDE OF THE IMPEACHMENT HEARINGS:  Tying it all together: Kent's choice to wear his seemingly favorite bow tie struck a chord with many fans off the oft-maligned accessory.
Banking on his huge popularity as a sports celebrity and the PTI's success as a regional party, his anti-graft mantra struck a chord with disenchanted young and middle-class Pakistanis.
While there were other enterprise social networking apps in existence before Slack first launched in 2013 — Yammer, Hipchat and Socialcast among them — nothing had struck a chord quite as Slack did.
But the story struck a chord because it builds on accurate scholarship that shows that the Viking era included extensive contact with the Islamic world as well as other distant locales.
Budweiser's environmental play set to the tune of Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind" that touts Anheuser-Busch InBev's use of wind power in its brewing operations has struck a chord.
Frej has struck a chord with some Arabs who say they are tired of being expected to vote only for Arab parties that have little prospect of joining a ruling coalition.
I remember being a little concerned that the wordplay in each of the examples wasn't rigorously consistent, but luckily it struck a chord with the New York Times Crossword editorial team.
We frequently ask students about their relationship with screens, but a question we posed this week seems to have struck a chord with the teenagers who comment on our writing prompts.
To the Editor: Since we just served as editor in chief and senior editors of The Williams Record, Williams College's independent student newspaper, Jim Reische's article struck a chord with us.
The videos seem to have struck a chord among a large portion of TikTok &aposs userbase, which according to a previous Insider report has been a vital platform for LGBTQ+ youth.
"Within a month or two, I knew everyone on the street — and that struck a chord, because in Forest Hills, we didn't know a lot of the neighbors," Ms. Toledo said.
Books like these are a testament to a period of music-making that struck a chord, and serve as proof that prog didn't die out with Moogs, mellotrons and double-necked guitars.
His anti-austerity agenda, with pledges to plough money into Britain's stretched health service, schools, universities and social housing, struck a chord with voters jaded with the Conservative Party's rows over Brexit.
Her tweet, of course, has struck a chord with anyone who doesn't have a groundbreaking life event to share during the holidays, amidst all the news that comes out of engagement season.
We built a brand that struck a chord with our customers and developed hundreds of menu items, allowing us to serve millions of meals to supportive and loyal customers such as yourself.
The image of Kurdi, his small body lying face down in the sand near a Turkish resort, struck a chord around the world and sparked dialogue about the refugee crisis gripping Europe.
Trump's offensive words struck a chord with people from El Salvador, Haiti, and countries in Africa, along with many others, and unfortunately for him, some of those disappointed people have Yelp accounts.
But the mass shooting in Dallas, Texas, struck a chord domestically and abroad, coming as it did at the tail-end of a protest against the police shootings of two black men.
One reason Entourage's Ari Gold (played memorably by Jeremy Piven) so struck a chord with the entertainment industry was because he perfectly satirized men just like this, men everybody in Hollywood knows.
With a smile, a handshake and a warm message in South Korea's presidential guest book, Kim Yo Jong has struck a chord with the public just one day into the PyeongChang Games.
Netflix does not release ratings information, so it's not possible to say in any official capacity whether viewership contributed to the show's renewal, but the series unquestionably struck a chord with viewers.
The novel, about a young, Black American girl named Pecola, who is bullied and demeaned by the people around her for her mannerisms and dark skin, immediately struck a chord in audiences.
That is one reason why the restoration efforts of the AKTC and like-minded groups have struck a chord: more Indians are wondering whether old-fashioned water-conservation methods have lessons for today.
The movie struck a chord with moviegoers who also, perhaps for the first time, got a glimpse of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, which, up until then, had been a mostly local phenomenon.
It struck a chord with left-leaning Mexican commentators who have filled the newspapers with enthusiastic columns fuelling expectations that once inside the country the Pope will add his voice to their critiques.
The Leave camp says it is the anti-establishment choice, and its message that EU membership has handed political control to Brussels and fueled mass immigration has struck a chord with many Britons.
When asked about Mr. Trump, Mr. Rubio often responds with an answer that can sound somewhat complimentary, saying that the New Yorker has struck a chord with people who feel disillusioned and disenfranchised.
"We raised a meaningful amount of capital (in) a very short timeframe, so clearly we struck a chord within the alternatives community," Adrangi wrote in an email to investors Wednesday reviewed by Reuters.
His policies as a social conservative and fiscal liberal struck a chord with voters, and when he came to power in 2000, he ended 71 years of rule of the International Revolutionary Party.
But Riley certainly was, and we're not the only ones who are glad: Her refreshing candidness clearly struck a chord with fans as well as her former Glee co-star, Naya Rivera Dorsey.
By laying out a blueprint for how executives could identify and respond to these disruptive forces, Professor Christensen, himself an entrepreneur and former management consultant, struck a chord with high-tech corporate leaders.
"It really struck a chord with me even on a personal level; so I felt — or I hoped — that I could do it justice," she said, and convey the character's strength and resilience.
As the recent Netflix documentary "A Leaf of Faith" makes clear, kratom has struck a chord with many, including war veterans, pain-addled athletes and professional wrestlers, as an alternative to opioid painkillers.
She phrased a pivotal question in such a way that struck a chord with me: what other things could you be thinking about if you didn't spend all your time thinking about your diet?
But, in the same way that her signature pantsuit inspired and mobilized supporters, something about her powerful lipstick also struck a chord — and not just because it's an awfully pretty shade of vibrant berry.
We've previously delved into the potential reasons why this pastel tone has struck a chord with so many people, and now we're telling you where to go to for these covetable social media fodder.
But something about what he did struck a chord with his audience, and the cadence and braggadocio of his delivery onstage set a template for the rappers of the '80s and their descendants, too.
The idea that technology and a new business model could be used to bring back a degree of service that has been long-gone from the U.S. healthcare system struck a chord with Richie.
The original game, a beguiling Legend of Zelda-esque adventure in which a photojournalist called Jade uncovered a vast alien conspiracy, struck a chord with many of its players but failed to sell well.
The bombing in Manchester struck a chord among leaders, including French President Emmanuel Macron who drew on his own country's experience of several jihadist attacks that have killed more than 230 people since 2015.
Following his tweets from the weekend, you can see that Donald Trump's fixation on Colin Kaepernick and Steph Curry rather than national issues like the destruction of Puerto Rico struck a chord with him.
The idea of a beleaguered people throwing off the shackles of European colonialism struck a chord with the US — which also happened to be interested in getting other global powers out of its backyard.
Why it matters: The move struck a chord among many Hungarians, who already work longer hours than their western neighbors for less pay, according to figures from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
It was Cummings who came up with the slogan "Take Back Control," a short phrase that neatly encapsulated the campaign's central ideas of immigration, sovereignty and disruption, and that struck a chord with voters.
The action by businesses and workers underlines the extent that the extradition bill has struck a chord in a city that has grown increasingly wary of what many see as undue meddling by Beijing.
Her rallying cry struck a chord with artists and festivalgoers who said that they had experienced sexual harassment at festivals and concerts and that it was time to stand up against the vile behavior.
The subject of a recent viral meme, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians personality struck a chord online simply by singing "rise and shine" to her daughter Stormi Webster, 20 months, in a video.
This beautifully written story of an ethnic Korean family living as second-class citizens in Japan is a compelling read all on its own, but it struck a chord with us for personal reasons.
Britain and America "are in a similar place culturally and artistically," she added, so the play's message of a woman's struggle to overcome Russian interference clearly struck a chord with audiences and the judges.
So while Trump has undoubtedly struck a chord on immigration with his supporters, it's unclear how many voters will walk into their polling place in November with solely that question and its implications in mind.
Because it struck a chord with "Tech Twitter," the community of tech journalists, tech investors and tech entrepreneurs who are early adopters of anything and everything the rest of the techie cool kids are using.
The brand has struck a chord with audiences focusing on a minimalist approach to the sneaker craze with only two styles that come in a handful of color ways, all while keeping up sustainable practices.
Mr Baek's death struck a chord in part because he epitomised the dogged activism that helped to put an end to the authoritarian order that endured from the second world war until the late 1980s.
Nintendo's biggest console success, the original Wii, did well primarily because it struck a chord with a non-traditional console gaming audience, thanks to accessible gameplay and unique use of motion controls for participatory play.
On Thursday morning, one video in particular seems to have struck a chord for its sweetness: A brief clip that appears to show an unnamed man rescuing a rabbit from the blaze in Ventura County.
The "Out" campaign says it is the anti-establishment choice, and its message that EU membership has handed political control to Brussels and fueled mass immigration appears to have struck a chord with many Britons.
Lifetime's series didn't bring to light much in the way of new allegations, but director Dream Hampton's six-part journey through Kelly's history and the allegations that have chased him for years struck a chord.
After two Islamist attacks in less than two weeks, May's bid to clamp down on internet extremism has struck a chord with international leaders especially Macron, whose country has suffered several jihadist attacks since 2015.
The 2016 feud with the Khan family struck a chord with other Gold Star families, including Karen Meredith, the mother of US Army 1st Lt. Kenneth Ballard, who was killed in Iraq in May 2004.
For Kelsey Ruff, 25, from Spartanburg, South Carolina, the song struck a chord due to a traumatic break-up where her ex-fiancée, Jonathon, ended their relationship over text only six weeks before their wedding.
Now, I'll acknowledge that I'm not the first person to notice that Hollywood keeps remaking movies—and not just any movie—no, it's always the one that struck a chord with audiences for whatever reason.
"El Mal Querer," Rosalía's second album, struck a chord with Ms. Valdes, a self-proclaimed "passionate amateur" of flamenco, who profiled the 26-year-old singer for The New York Times Magazine's annual culture issue.
But "Handmaid's," which was in development long before the Trump administration, struck a chord with viewers concerned about women's rights, and its creators proudly embraced the fact that some regarded their show as eerily timely.
The pair discussed obstacles they had faced as women in leadership roles, and two key points struck a chord with Clinton as she embarked on a campaign that would test her personal and professional strength.
The reports involving the mayor have struck a chord in a city facing a budget crisis so severe that disputes involving overtime pay for city workers have become routine, and occasionally heated, at council meetings.
It has been an emotional few days for players in the N.B.A., but none struck a chord quite as much as Lin, a former star grappling with what could be the end of his career.
It has been an emotional few days for players in the N.B.A., but none struck a chord quite as much as Lin, a former star grappling with what could be the end of his career.
Their openness about their pain made them formidable leaders of the movement for gun control, and their displays of strength and utter grief struck a chord with a nation numbed by repeated acts of violence.
Papa John's is no different, and it struck a chord with me that the company is putting in the work to do better within its walls and in the communities it serves across the country.
Trina Braxton's family has had a lot of heartbreak lately, but she says the passing of her 24-year-old niece really struck a chord and made her realize something very important -- life's too short.
The world-weary tone adopted by Jep Gambardella, the Academy Award-winning movie's protagonist — who drifts in his pastel linen suits through a social Rome altered almost beyond his recognition — struck a chord with Italian audiences.
Nintendo is looking good going into 2018 based on these numbers, and the overall performance of the Switch should quickly eclipse the lifetime sales of the Wii U, which never really struck a chord with consumers.
The response he received from radiologists in the country, who saw an opportunity for machine learning to improve the diagnosis of cancer in the thousands of patients languishing in Chinese hospitals, struck a chord in Kuan.
While meticulously wiping down his cases at the Basel show ("I love making things perfect," he said), the designer considered why his jewelry — high-priced and nontraditional — has struck a chord even in a difficult economy.
Ross Perot and Patrick Buchannan were party outsiders that struck a chord only to eventually fall by the wayside when the electorate decided to swing with devil they know rather than the devil they might regret.
As Ecosia prepares to celebrate its 10th anniversary this December, it seems their mantra of good not greed has struck a chord: Last year it saw an 353 percent year-on-year increase in searches globally.
Reading about Arguinzoniz [the chef] cooking everything—"even the caviar and cream"—over wood, that he was untrained so cooked by instinct, and that he used specific woods to season specific ingredients all struck a chord.
The big picture: Merkel is notoriously more tight-lipped than Trump, but his comments in his first NATO meeting that Germany is "totally controlled by Russia" for its energy deal struck a chord with the chancellor.
We're told that struck a chord with Tommy, to the point that he now simply wants peace with his boy ... and that he's now unsure if he still wants Brandon prosecuted in his looming battery case.
ICYMI -- K.I. struck a chord with Cavs fans for saying he was finally playing in a "a real, live sports city" after his trade to Boston ... which was taken as throwing shade at his old city.
Ms. Lee's campaign on her husband's behalf, which has rankled Chinese officials and drawn criticism from some Taiwanese politicians who said her activities were interfering with behind-the-scenes negotiations, struck a chord with Mr. Zhang.
"It wasn't until I struck a chord by saying, 'You could be the first congressman to come on board, and you could take that notoriety' — that's when he saw that as an opportunity," Mr. Paladino said.
"I think the fact that his life is fundamentally different now than it was before that really went viral and became a story and I think struck a chord with a lot of people," Hennes said.
The article struck a chord with readers, who responded with the money trade-offs they make to afford the things they really want: a family vacation, a debt-free retirement, a trip to see polar bears.
He said what is required is "real and artful diplomacy" -- a sentiment that will have struck a chord with UN Secretary General António Guterres, who told me of his concern about the sudden spike in violence.
Before long, he'd have a run-in with Jud Jud, and even though he hated the "neanderthal metal that started being called hardcore," Jud Jud struck a chord—as much as an a capella band can.
"I have heard from fans all over the world how much this song has struck a chord with them too because you never quit missing those loved ones and wanting to talk to them," the singer adds.
But it played into Trump's core political persona as a truth teller who swipes away political correctness and struck a chord with a certain section of Republican grass-roots voters who have flocked to the billionaire populist.
Sanders said his campaign has 15,000 volunteers barnstorming the state in the final push to Monday's caucuses and stressed that his campaign has struck a chord with middle class voters looking to shake up the status quo.
An article last week about airport design that prioritizes lofty architectural vision over comfort, "Airports, Designed for Everyone but the Passenger," struck a chord with readers, who posted more than 400 comments in response to the piece.
Choucroun's question struck a chord with Sanders, a mother of three young children, who choked up as she answered the young reporter, promising him the administration will do "every single thing in our power" to protect children.
Supporters of a so-called Brexit have struck a chord with many voters by saying Britain would regain control of immigration if it cut itself loose from a bloc they see as domineering and out of touch.
He appealed to voters as an everyman outsider, making a virtue out of his lack of political experience, and struck a chord with Ukrainians fed up with how their country has been run since independence in 1991.
Papo & Yo clearly struck a chord with people who were living with or who had lived in similar circumstances, then, and it is perhaps the preeminent example of a game that explores issues of alcoholism and addiction.
"The Dinner," which was his sixth novel and the first to be translated into English, struck a chord because it showed the lengths parents will go to in order to protect their children, however reprehensible their crimes.
Under the left-wing leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, Labour's anti-austerity message struck a chord, particularly with younger voters, who turned out in greater numbers than usual, leaving many Conservative activists in Manchester wondering how to compete.
Several British Airways ads have struck a chord with Indian travellers in the past, including a 2013 film about an Indian man flying back to meet his mother, and a 2014 film about a young Indian couple.
"When (Biden) saw the painful reception that Trump received from world leaders representing countries that have traditionally been strong American allies, it struck a chord and he felt the need to speak out," a Biden aide said.
Its reference to the structure used to hang 38 Dakota men in Mankato, Minnesota at the end of the US-Dakota War in 1862 struck a chord for the local native community, and particularly for Dakota people.
Although West defended the song, tweeting how the "Blank Space" singer thought his shout-out was "hilarious" (per a past phone conversation), the lyric still struck a chord with fans, friends and family members of the pop star.
Sharp's story has gone viral because it struck a chord with so many women who are furious – but not especially surprised – that this type of intrusion is par for the course when we dare enter a public space.
The brand's increased commitment to the cause of student debt indicates that last-year's student-debt focused ad, featuring the tagline "college debt sucks," struck a chord with consumers and that not much has changed for debt-holders.
ST PETERSBURG (Reuters) - A restaurant in St Petersburg has struck a chord with the hordes of soccer fans in town for the World Cup by serving up pizzas featuring the faces of some of the tournament's biggest stars.
The plight of Samantha Rodriguez, a 20-year-old raising her five younger siblings after their parents both died of cancer, has struck a chord among donors who've raised nearly $50,000 for the family in just five days.
" Melania Trump heaps praise on her 69-year-old husband, saying, "He is handling everything very well," and that his approach has struck a chord with Americans who are living in a country that is "in big trouble.
For Bezos, that theme apparently struck a chord, inspiring him to develop what he calls "the regret-minimization framework," or a way of living his life that reduces the number of regrets he has, according to the biography.
In addition, there was something about this story that struck a chord with me, as the son of a Mexican mother and an African-American father who has seen countless stories about police shootings of unarmed African-Americans.
It has struck a chord especially among older millennials and younger members of Generation X, who may have found in it a video game system to share with their children — if they don't just keep it for themselves.
"Japan has struck a chord in terms of the generalised perception that there isn't that much left in that tank for policymakers from a monetary standpoint," said Charlie Diebel, head of rates at London-based asset manager Aviva Investors.
If you're curious about the rest of the entries, you can browse them at the contest website; as the judges pointed out, it really does seem to have struck a chord in the imaginations of engineers and space enthusiasts.
On Thursday, Chrissy Teigen shared Twitter user Gem Short's numbered list of "good statements for women to practice" — which has clearly struck a chord, having garnered close to 101,000 retweets, more than 264,000 likes at the time of writing.
Whether Teigen was joking about parents who keep telling you that things will only get worse from here on out or expressing solidarity with anyone dealing with terrible twos, her tweet struck a chord with a lot of people.
BEIJING (Reuters) - A low-budget Chinese movie about a leukemia patient who turns to smuggling cheaper cancer drugs from India has struck a chord with Internet users and even the country's leaders, spotlighting national anxieties about unaffordable hospital care.
But while Samsung's message highlights the range of features on its devices that have won it fans (such as waterproofing, and the Note 8's stylus), the Moto Mods haven't quite struck a chord with as many smartphone users.
That setting, in a fictional war-torn Mediterranean land, has struck a chord in a country still technically at war with North Korea, and which requires all able-bodied men to complete at least 21 months of military service.
The report struck a chord with the President, who was bothered by the development and has grown more open to his aides' arguments that Pruitt must go, a White House aide and source close to the White House said.
Evidently, the love story between Jackson Maine (Cooper), an alcoholic rock star whose career is waning, and Ally (Lady Gaga), the angel-voiced ingenue he discovers after stumbling into the drag bar she's performing in, has struck a chord.
Its creator, Andres Branco, made a Facebook group in 2013 so he and his friends could trade old clothes—but the page struck a chord, quickly picking up fans, to the point where it now has almost 70,000 members.
Baltimore's 2015 uprising, in which citizens reacted to the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, struck a chord throughout the country and outside its borders as the city responded to a long history of police misconduct and brutality.
The New York Times reported that the app struck a chord with Chinese consumers who were drawn in by the frog's vicarious travel, eager to find a companion that fits in their pocket, or a combination of the two.
Having grown up in Iraq, and having come here as a refugee myself, the impulse to protect this country from the kind of violence so prevalent in the land of my birth has long struck a chord with me.
As for her interactions with his tweets: "I think it struck a chord with him and he realized that he couldn't redefine reality for his supporters until he got his most effective critics out of the way," she said.
But in any event, I think it struck a chord with many Thais, and I was pleased to be on the other side, that foreigners were slowly trying to acquire some of the prime assets following the 1997 crisis.
The 6-year-old online retailer, founded and run by 34-year-old CEO Katrina Lake, struck a chord with women who are too busy to shop for clothing regularly, and those who simply prefer an affordable stylist service.
While critics admonished Del Castillo's florid words for the drug lord, dubbing it apologia, the actress might have struck a chord with Mexicans on both sides of the border who were growing weary with the conflict's violence and terror.
But DeVos might have struck a chord because education is a subject that many people take personally — and one that affects even white, upper-middle-class people who dislike Trump but aren't as personally affected by his other policies.
At the same time, her stark morality tale of a righteous Southern lawyer who stands firm against racism and mob rule struck a chord with Americans, many of them becoming aware of the civil rights movement for the first time.
Confined to a wheelchair for most of his life after being diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease when he was 21, Hawking's towering intellect and sheer persistence struck a chord with ordinary people, Rees said in an appreciation published earlier this month.
So, the proposed new Maritime Silk Road really struck a chord with us because this is just a repeat of what my father did, almost exactly the route that we sailed from China to Southeast Asia, to South Asia to Africa.
The "Leave" camp's key argument has been that Britain would be unable to control immigration levels as long as it was in the EU, something that has struck a chord with many Britons who fear that public services are being overstretched.
It clearly struck a chord with early internet users, as evidenced both by its popularity at the time and the fact that it has been immortalized online by dedicated fans that still fondly tweet about the game to this day.
Corbyn, whose party denied the Conservatives an outright victory, struck a chord with young voters and made clever use of social media in a campaign that had echoes of Democrat Bernie Sanders' bid to run for the U.S. presidency last year.
But I'm finding that my decision to not carry this weekend's ECU game has struck a chord with people who disagree with the national anthem protests that were started during the NFL preseason by San Francisco 85033ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick.
The adorable pic, shared on Wednesday, struck a chord with lots of other people, who retweeted it more than 100,000 times (the owner wrote in another tweet that "he deserves to be twitter famous he had 7 fatty tumours taken out").
She was never intended to survive the journey, but still, her death struck a chord with people around the world, prompting Soviet space leads to focus on developing successful round trip missions for future dogs, instead of one-way death traps.
Even his form of Islam was acceptable to the Kemalists, with its emphasis on private worship and obedience to the Turkish state; it also struck a chord with millions of Turks who valued faith but didn't want it to dominate life.
Penn's presage struck a chord among rank-and-file DNC staffers who still maintain a hardened belief that 2016 wasn't about a Trump victory, but a Clinton loss -- a defeat in a most spectacular fashion, brought on by her campaign's hubris.
Donors typically write checks directly to the fund, but Ms. Carpenter's story struck a chord with Dick Tarlow, an advertising executive turned philanthropist from Shelter Island, N.Y. He read the report and wrote in to offer to cover her tuition.
Trump handed over management of the Trump Organization to his two eldest sons upon taking office, but the D.C. hotel has struck a chord among Trump critics, with many saying owning the building violates the emoluments clause of the Constitution.
The Man of Steel struck a chord with readers and, faster than a speeding bullet, he became a multimedia sensation, with his adventures chronicled on radio, stage, film and television, and his image on a kaleidoscope of merchandise and collectibles.
Whether for its politics, dark comedy or narrative ingenuity, the film has struck a chord, not only in South Korea but globally, grossing well north of $100 million at the international box office and $24 million in the US alone.
I was working as a fashion editor at a digital publication at the time, and I understood immediately why the idea struck a chord: Getting dressed for work is a nearly universal challenge, made doubly difficult if you're a woman.
Almost two weeks ago, Rob Calabrese created a website that put forth a half-joking, half-serious invitation that has struck a chord with Americans coming to grips with Donald Trump's status as the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination.
While Miranda's attempt to help the island hasn't completely been smooth sailing, projects like last night's episode of The Tonight Show demonstrate the power of his work, and why Hamilton struck a chord for so many in the first place.
BAFTA-nominated "The Lunchbox" (2014), for example, struck a chord with both foreign and domestic audiences by merging heritage realist style—languorous pacing, flawed characters, a simple story from ordinary Indian life—with the contemporary, universal issue of loneliness in big cities.
Now that Beauty and the Beast has danced into the record books with huge audience numbers and a record $170 million opening weekend box office haul, it's fair to say that the "tale as old as time" has struck a chord with moviegoers.
Opponents countered that the plan would see people taxed regardless of their ability to pay, asserting that land cannot be made instantly productive, and that his tax might reduce rather than encourage investment, but George's arguments struck a chord all the same.
Certain strategies can lift a film's success, for instance female audiences helped propel films like "Fifty Shades of Grey", while popular themes and films that struck a chord with audiences, helped drive the success of films like "The Martian" and "Inside Out".
The hybrid portable and home console has struck a chord with lapsed gamers who don't have enough spare time to sit in front of a TV for hours at a time, along with those who had migrated to playing games on their smartphone.
Earlier this year, Cridland designed a pair of custom pants for Leonardo DiCaprio: "His attitude to sustainability really struck a chord with us and we had recently discovered fashion in the second most polluting industry in the world, after oil," Cridland said.
"The Handmaid's Tale" debuted back in April and quickly struck a chord as something of a eerie cautionary tale about abuse of power, women's rights and the unsettlingly slow progression of oppression -- nevermind it was based on a 32-year-old book.
The new hotel business centers seem to have struck a chord among business travelers who find that they're probably getting less work done in busy hotel lobbies, said Lorraine Sileo, the senior vice president of research for the travel research company Phocuswright.
Headquarters: Ventura, California Place on last poll: N/A Why it's hot: It's hard to believe that Patagonia hadn't figured on the list until this year, but its powerful declaration of war against Trump over national monument plans clearly struck a chord.
Related: Mayor Jokes About Rape, Brags About Death Squads, Gets Elected President of the Philippines Crime is endemic in the Philippines and Duterte's promise of a war that would wipe out gangs and drugs within six months struck a chord with Filipino voters.
Accusations he has made against the Israeli media of orchestrating a politically motivated witch-hunt against him and his wife appear to have struck a chord with his right-wing voter base, which has rallied in support of the 68-year-old leader.
One Florida mom recently shared a Facebook post opining the bittersweet nature of the last summer with her 18-year-old twin sons before they head off to school, and it apparently struck a chord with parents in similar situations, and has since gone viral.
Her plight struck a chord with thousands who either shared her story or went and got tested to see if they were a match and, she revealed to NBC Nightly News on Wednesday, that perfect person with just the right genetic makeup has been found.
When he started reading about the case of the alleged Toronto serial killer, Bruce McArthur, who has been charged with killing eight men, many who went missing from the city's Gay Village, he said aspects of the horrific story struck a chord with him.
Beyond its environmental bona fides, it has struck a chord among professional women who rave about the comfort of its work-appropriate flats — a category of shoe that, for many, is usually synonymous with either blistered heels and bandaged toes or else sad, orthopedic styles.
The scandal has struck a chord in South Korea where young people, who compete fiercely through school and university, are increasingly scrambling for positions in a slack job market, in a system they see as plagued by unfairness and bias in favor of the elite.
"When over six million New Yorkers are dealing with a crumbling and dysfunctional subway and the crisis in public housing, to see this opulence in the sky by someone who doesn't even live here, struck a chord," the City Council speaker, Corey Johnson, said.
With Wonder Woman sailing swiftly into the history books as the best-reviewed superhero movie ever with a $100.5 million opening weekend box office haul, the film has struck a chord with audiences and is currently looking to reign supreme for its second weekend in release.
Twenty months later, in 1992, the Republican Bush lost his bid for re-election to Democrat Bill Clinton, whose folksy manner and focus on the economy struck a chord with many Americans and made Bush seem disconnected from voters for focusing on foreign policy over domestic issues.
People offers a look back to some of the beloved stars we lost in 2017: Mary Tyler Moore, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lewis, Tom Petty, Fats Domino, Judith Jones, and Liz Smith, the longtime queen of NYC tabloid gossip, whose death struck a chord with journalists everywhere.
Other reasons that Glossier has struck a chord with its customer base: One point we found particularly interesting during Weiss's talk was about Glossier's willingness to acknowledge and support other brands, which apparently adds to the feeling that Glossier has its customers' best interests at heart.
Yet before an SPD vote on Sunday on whether to enter formal talks with Merkel, the leader of the party's Jusos youth wing has struck a chord with members with his campaign against a re-run of the "grand coalition" that has ruled Germany since 2013.
It seems less surprising then that in stepping outside of their conventional hosting schtick, both Kimmel and Colbert, this time as himself on CBS's The Late Show, have struck a chord with Americans, emerging as genuine political firebrands with their raw, humorless commentary on healthcare and gun control.
At the Women's Convention, put on by Women's March organizers in Detroit last year, a panel called "Confronting White Womanhood" struck a chord — it was so popular that panelists had to put on a second session to accommodate all the women who'd been unable to fit into the first.
"The move to subscription-based financial planning came as a direct result of client feedback about the appeal of this pricing approach, and it's clear from these early results that we've struck a chord," said Cynthia Loh, Charles Schwab's VP of digital advice and innovation, in a recent statement.
One of Vox's founding aims was "recentralisation": rewriting the constitution to abolish regional autonomy and parliaments, a theme that has struck a chord with many after a failed independence bid by Catalonia in 2017 and unrest in the northeast triggered by jail sentences for separatist leaders last month.
So when Mark Levin, the conservative radio host, contended that Mr. Obama had targeted Mr. Trump for surveillance in what he called a "silent coup," an assertion picked up by Breitbart News, the former website of the White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon, it struck a chord.
This week, I dug up many old quotes from Bewkes I had gotten at the time in which he talked about all this and more — most of Plepler's thoughts on the AOL invaders were too expletive-laden to use then and now — and one really struck a chord.
In power since 2009, after a first stint as prime minister from 1996 to 1999, the man ardent supporters hail as "King Bibi" has struck a chord with an electorate that has moved to the right and watched with delight as, under Trump, Washington lined up with many of Netanyahu's policies.
This week, I dug up many old quotes from Bewkes I had gotten at the time in which he talked about all this and more — most of Plepler's thoughts on the AOL invaders were too expletive-laden to use then and now — and one really struck a chord of the time.
But whether or not she fits in on the debate stage, something about Williamson's rhetoric struck a chord with viewers, who made her the most searched candidate name on the Internet in 49 states (the lone holdout being Montana, where residents googled to find out who their own governor was).
Although the group on the whole reacted badly to the narrow New York focus of the book, the example of the author's supreme self-confidence of place (it is taken as self-evident that Brooklyn is where anyone would want to live) has struck a chord in many discussions since.
"I think that struck a chord with kids because they're usually spoonfed everything on TV." As the oldest of the cast—which at various points included Amanda Bynes, Kenan Thompson, Kel Mitchell, and Nick Cannon—Denberg often took on the "adult" roles, playing a mom, teacher, or iconically, the Loud Librarian.
In 2017, when Michele Filgate published "What My Mother and I Don't Talk About," her essay about being abused by her stepfather, it struck a chord — the essay become one of Longreads' most popular exclusive for the entire year, and was shared by writers like Anne Lamott, Rebecca Solnit, and Lidia Yuknavitch.
While Miaou started out with the Tommy in an indigo blue hue, the iteration of the style that's struck a chord among the fashion set is a much-welcome change to our denim collection: a pinstriped dark wash that creates a trouser look with all the comfort of our lived-in jeans.
"They have struck a chord with people who feel there's no voice in Parliament that speaks on their behalf on the crucial issues of Islamophobia and racism," said Sandew Hira, director of the International Institute for Scientific Research, which is based in The Hague and conducts research on identity formation and colonialism.
Buttigieg likely struck a chord with many with his answer about the setbacks he faced as he described coming out, how he was "not interested in not knowing what it was like to be in love any longer..." Kamala Harris: C+ Harris was the candidate who attacked Trump most vigorously-- and continually.
Todd: I would suggest this movie struck a chord because fashion is less the point (though I think looking at the film through the lens of food and fashion yields plenty of rewards) than it is the vehicle to talk about something Hollywood loves: the difficulty of being in a relationship with a demanding person.
While they did not provide specific examples, Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty resonated by debunking the unattainable and demeaning physical standards women are held to; Chipotle — at least until its recent E. Coli outbreak issues — struck a chord with consumers opposed to big agriculture through its practice of buying ingredients locally and encouraging small businesses.
Aria Hangyu Chen, a video producer for Time who reported about the #MeToo movement in Asia, tweeted in March: "The story struck a chord b/c women in South Korea want an end to the hidden camera epidemic, sexual violence, and the culture of women abuse perpetuated by powerful, wealthy men in various industries."
He was only 6 years old, but he understood that the gilded spectacle unfolding more than 3,19973 miles away inside Westminster Abbey struck a chord in his mother, Mary Anne MacLeod Trump, a poor girl who had immigrated from Scotland and who had worked for a time as a housemaid in a grand mansion.
Wiseau's IMDB page only lists 12 acting credits, so that part clearly didn't pan out, but The Room did earn the enthusiastic thespian some cult credibility, as the trainwreck quality of his masterwork struck a chord with cinephiles and bad movie aficionados alike, keeping it in steady rotation on the midnight movie circuit to this day.
Yet something about it struck a chord with American suburbanites, partly in its ability to finally make good on exactly the sort of out-of-body experiences promised by hi-fi stereo manufacturers, but also as part of a broader trend signaled by floral shirts, rum-infused mixed drinks, and some strange, white-washed approximation of Polynesian cuisine.
Pub date: March 25 In 21919, when Michele Filgate published "What My Mother and I Don't Talk About," her essay about being abused by her stepfather, it struck a chord — the essay become one of Longreads' most popular exclusive for the entire year, and was shared by writers like Anne Lamott, Rebecca Solnit, and Lidia Yuknavitch.
It is but the latest in a flurry of pop culture death fare that is finding a receptive audience: "Coco," Pixar's animated feature about a boy exploring the land of the dead, and "The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning," a quirky housekeeping primer encouraging the reader to tidy up while there's still time, have struck a chord with audiences.
One is a letter to Joshua Speed written at a time of confusion in the American party system, in which Lincoln disavows the concepts of the American Party, disparagingly known as the Know-Nothings, who struck a chord with voters by offering an anti-immigration, anti-Catholic platform (there's even a bit about Russia here): I am not a Know-Nothing.
The tweet immediately struck a chord, as tens of thousands of users posted the requisite cry-laughing emoji and unfortunate makeup imprints of their own, along with a few classic memes, for good measure: For others, the now infamous pic proved an analogy for life: And for some, the image poses a riddle: How are the teeth marks hued like the face foundation left behind?
The actress is teaming up with Emergen-C and charity: water to bring clean and safe drinking water to people in Ethiopia, something that struck a chord for her because the burden of fetching water is often placed on women: "As a working mother with two teenage daughters, that really hit home for me," she said on Tuesday, which is also World Water Day.
There just seems to be an endless number of things going on here, and while I'm sure that means it'll be action-packed and something of a spectacle, I'm not convinced this is all going to add up to something more sane than the sum of its ludicrous parts in the same way that the book seems to have struck a chord with many readers.
The Freedom Party's nationalist and anti-Islam message seems to have struck a chord even in Vienna, with its history as the cosmopolitan former capital of the multiethnic and multilingual Austro-Hungarian Empire, and — from 1918 onward — as "Red Vienna," where workers fought street battles to resist the rise of Nazism, in contrast to the crowds who cheered Hitler when he annexed Austria in 1938.
Those three recent polls are: Whether Buttigieg will manage to retain this position or grow his support further is of course unclear at this point, but we now have three polls suggesting he's struck a chord with some Democratic voters in Iowa and New Hampshire in a way that most of the many other Democratic candidates who have jumped into the race have not.
"Saturday Night Live" has taken to habitually poking fun at the Trump administration, but a skit depicting White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon as the Grim Reaper manipulating President TrumpDonald John TrumpO'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms Objections to Trump's new immigration rule wildly exaggerated MORE reportedly struck a chord with Trump, The Washington Post said Tuesday.
And while "Somebody Loves You" may have been her calling card, the now-25-year-old had a slew of songs to back up her talent on her debut record, Take Me When You Go. From "High Society" (a song dedicated to Gossip Girl's Dan Humphrey) to the cinematic 80s synth-pop ditty "A Night To Remember," the former cellist and Berklee School of Music alum struck a chord within the pop community.
Even by splitting the vote a little they would stand to forfeit a fair chunk of the AfD's 12.6 percent share won at the last federal race in 2017, pushing the far-right parties numerically closer to more established parties like the center-right FDP (10.7 percent), democratic socialist The Left (9.2 percent) and even the resurgent leftwing Greens (8.9 percent), whose euro-friendly tone has struck a chord with young voters dismayed at rightward turns across the continent.
Her musical mumblecore—stories of apathy and ambition, weird crushes and sticky social situations —struck a chord with listeners from the moment she released "Air Mail," her first single way back in 2015, and from there, the amount of acclaim she's received has been staggering: Best New Track on Pitchfork, triple j Unearthed's J Award, and the Levi's Music Prize, as well as sold out national tours for her debut album I Love You Like a Brother and a slot performing on Late Night with Seth Meyers.
As many second-born children can probably attest, your parents might not have been nearly as prepared for your entry into the world as they were for your older sibling — hence the meticulously filled out baby book and thousands of photos they had that are oddly missing for you (or is that just me?) Sure, that's not true for all parents-t0-be, but it has definitely struck a chord for many who watched mom blogger Esther Anderson's video, in which she hilariously explains the difference between your first pregnancy and all of the others.
Yet polls increasingly show Mr. Trump well in front of the crowded Republican field among white evangelical voters, despite competition including Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, whose father is an evangelical pastor; Mr. Huckabee, the 2008 Iowa caucus winner; former Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania, a Roman Catholic whose story of raising a daughter with a disability struck a chord with voters and helped push him to victory in the 2012 Iowa caucuses; and Ben Carson, a Seventh-day Adventist who brought prayer into the operating room as a neurosurgeon and has spoken frequently about his Christian beliefs as a candidate.

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