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"strongmen" Antonyms

850 Sentences With "strongmen"

How to use strongmen in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "strongmen" and check conjugation/comparative form for "strongmen". Mastering all the usages of "strongmen" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I've stayed out of that fight because I try to have no truck with strongmen or even would-be strongmen.
They are strongmen, and are hired—by administrators who serve cabals of extremely demanding and utterly unaccountable moneyed boosters—to do the things that strongmen do.
Democratic strongmen Since his election, Trump has never hidden his admiration for strongmen, praising everyone from Chinese President Xi Jinping, to Russian leader Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The first is Trump's affinity for strongmen the world over.
Therefore it's a shame, in a way, about the strongmen.
Young democracies like Iraq are not the place for strongmen.
Buhari was among military strongmen who dominated Nigeria decades ago.
Whatever their momentary alliances, strongmen know only one mode: competition.
The officials also accuse these strongmen of sabotaging military operations.
The result, analysts say, is a new generation of strongmen.
These are the tactics authoritarian strongmen use around the world.
Mr. Trump has a deep and abiding fondness for strongmen.
But Mr. Trump's affinity for strongmen is instinctive and longstanding.
Most strongmen do not really want to go that far.
When he speaks of other countries' strongmen he sounds envious.
Second, would-be strongmen identify enemies for angry voters to blame.
He warms to strongmen, such as Mr Putin and Xi Jinping.
He'd suffered under an autocratic, racist regime led by dogmatic strongmen.
In their place, Trump lavished saccharine praise on dictators and strongmen.
He admires strongmen, like Vladimir Putin, despite their brutality and mendacity.
It's not uncommon for American presidents to foster relations with strongmen.
Like many strongmen, General Hamdan claims his ominous reputation is overblown.
Out of the ashes, local warlords and strongmen would rise up.
Asia and Australia Edition Olympic security, political strongmen and talking orcas.
Americans are no longer impressed by regular old clowns, mermaid and strongmen.
The two men behind the feats of strength aren't strongmen at all.
Latin America has known all sorts of strongmen, most of them awful.
This message no doubt appeals to African strongmen, but it is bunk.
Often, data collectors are forced to work with the strongmen in charge.
Montana shows the danger of setting strongmen lose to prosecute political minutia.
Some tables are operated by local strongmen who've salvaged them from scrap.
The good news today is that the region's strongmen are increasingly discredited.
They frequently compare Jesus to some of the worst strongmen of history.
BUENOS AIRES — He didn't sit down with two of his favorite strongmen.
The forces often have served as the extortion wings of local strongmen.
At times that has meant cultivating close ties to strongmen or dictators.
But China isn't the only merchant offering digital surveillance tools to strongmen.
But like many strongmen, Mr. Xi appears to be reaching too far.
It also explains his fondness for autocratic strongmen — the ones who dominate.
They may be appalled by the social and foreign policies of such strongmen.
Driven by a fear of migrants, European governments have once again embraced strongmen.
In some parts of India local strongmen mediate in disputes and dispense justice.
This requires less atomization and more collective action, fewer strongmen but greater citizenship.
Women are at the heart of many of the rebellions against the strongmen.
The two strongmen appear to be doing the their best to contain tensions.
Rebels in Libya and Yemen killed their strongmen only to commit new atrocities.
"I am convinced that the future does not belong to strongmen," Obama said.
They bend to the will of strongmen leaders and the people know it.
Trump has faced criticism for his embrace of foreign strongmen throughout his presidency.
" She added: "President Trump has a track record of praising dictators and strongmen.
Trump could start by immediately curtailing his effusive praise for dictators and strongmen.
Historically, such inflationary pressures have been dangerous for populist strongmen like Mr. Erdogan.
This is something that European nationalists and Latin American strongmen have long known.
One trait the new strongmen share is a tendency to blur ideological lines.
His longevity offers clues about what to expect from other would-be strongmen.
Mr. Trump is still expressing admiration and appreciation for strongmen around the world.
On a continent known for strongmen, some of the leaders showed striking contrition.
"He admires these strongmen," Schumer told CNN's Anderson Cooper on "Anderson Cooper 360" Tuesday.
That strongmen make up their own rules is why liberal democracy is worth defending.
Strongmen running Central Asian states erect monuments to themselves as heirs to nomadic empires.
The EU's own strongmen may not fully realize that they're provoking the EU's disintegration.
In international relations, he consistently praises brutal strongmen while heaping scorn on democratic leaders.
Of course, the United States has allied with ruthless strongmen before; Stalin was one.
It will be because the U.S. leads a coalition of the global populist strongmen.
On Trump's side, through his coarse nationalism, crude transactionalism, and soft spot for strongmen.
From Instagram to the rise of strongmen, these were the era's 23 defining moments.
Sure, would-be strongmen can and do exploit voters' fears of instability and change.
Sullivan noted the ousted leader's numerous human-rights violations and criticized the real-estate mogul's approbation of foreign "strongmen" like Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. "Donald Trump's praise for brutal strongmen seemingly knows no bounds," Sullivan said.
Lincoln's reluctance to intervene abroad or antagonize strongmen sounds similar to President Donald Trump's worldview.
The greatest risk of 2019 might be that of strongmen miscalculating as they test limits.
The two states' media paint Mr Putin and Xi Jinping, China's president, as strongmen buddies.
The vote ends the rule of one of the last of Africa's old-school strongmen.
The West, too, has a long history of supporting its preferred "strongmen" on the continent.
It was the first competitive presidential election in Central Asia, a region run by strongmen.
Apologizing is anathema to would-be strongmen, who portray themselves as infallible and all-powerful.
What do you think Trump's relationship with world leaders who are basically strongmen or dictators?
But the biggest problem is that Trump has a penchant for legitimizing dictators and strongmen.
Circus strongmen and actors playing Tarzan or cave dwellers have typically sported skimpy leopard garments.
Local strongmen openly promote factional, ethnic and identity politics, stoking dangerous sectarian tendencies and polarization.
It is not unusual for American presidents to work with strongmen to advance national interests.
The general can either go along with them, or go the way of other strongmen. ■
The danger with deals between strongmen is that they depend on personal pragmatism or chemistry.
Still, Mr. Trump's affinity for Mr. Duterte, and other strongmen as well, is firmly established.
Strongmen around the world often crack down harder after racking up a second national victory.
This fits alongside Trump's praise for strongmen like Putin, Xi and the Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte.
"It's not uncommon for American presidents to foster relations with strongmen," the editorial board wrote.
He was just one of the strongmen whose rule was challenged during the Arab Spring.
But in sub-Saharan Africa, the strongmen have a very specific need to appear democratically elected.
Elections Power shifts could take place across the continent, or old strongmen could cling to power.
Those strongmen limit the freedom of the press and, in some cases, kill and jail journalists.
But the current balance tips over toward chaos, a landscape ruled by strongmen and angry mobs.
Some find his openness to ending sanctions on Russia and backing strongmen in the Balkans naive.
" He also knocked "the strange specter of an American president's seeming affection for strongmen and authoritarians.
Instead, national parties such as Congress and the BJP place their own strongmen as state representatives.
Strongmen leaders intuitively understand this, and craft their appeal to voters and constituents along this line.
In Latin America, the new generation of strongmen come from both the political left and right.
To challenge strongmen, help democracies and uphold the human rights of every person on this planet?
Talk of "absolute" power and a noted affinity for foreign strongmen have fueled fears of authoritarianism.
Yet he has lobbed praise at strongmen — mostly in Europe and Asia — for being great leaders.
In a rare move on a continent where strongmen leaders cling to power for decades, Mrs.
Strongmen are on the ascent around the world, in countries as different as Brazil and Hungary.
" That approach can lead to the rise of strongmen, or what he called "the Putinist model.
They were taken after he took the counsel of strongmen over that of his own advisers.
In the critics' view, we live in an increasingly illiberal age, populated by dangerously erratic strongmen.
Strongmen and illiberal democracies are on the rise everywhere, from the Philippines to Hungary and Venezuela.
Nevertheless, such a threat is reminiscent of the behavior of strongmen he is quick to fete.
Doing so sends a dangerous signal to a world where defiant strongmen are on the rise.
This perverse affinity for strongmen limits America's potential as well as democracy's potential around the world.
Until now, even under Egypt's past strongmen, the courts had selected their own chiefs, usually by seniority.
Maybe some strongmen are better than others, when Obama&aposs involved with a strongman they&aposre fine.
Dictators, strongmen and autocrats have practiced the art of drumming up loathing toward others to great effect.
When the strongmen fall the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda, ISIS or some other Salafi-Wahabi group rises.
Even if Donald Trump is more partial to strongmen than Mr Obama was, they find him mercurial.
In the meantime Mr Ghani is seeking to free Afghan politics from the half-nelson of strongmen.
Mr Trump, who seems to get along well with strongmen, appears in awe of Mr Xi's power.
Trump meetings President Trump has no problem hanging out with -- or least talking to -- the world's strongmen.
The Trump-Putin link may be based on nothing more than Trump's admittedly terrifying affection for strongmen.
Latin America's strongmen have also used the criminal violence as a means to justify authoritarian political measures.
The report also shows how Lajwardeen was essentially caught in a larger rivalry between two local strongmen.
But in recent years, Facebook has been weaponized by nasty political operations, strongmen, and even genocidal campaigns.
But there is little doubt his predilection has turned out better for the strongmen than for America.
Once strongmen consolidate their power, it is almost impossible to hold them personally accountable for their actions.
Duflo: Politically, there has already been a movement to elect strongmen and to give up on democracy.
Throughout history, a sizable sector of Iranian society has believed in kings and strongmen ruling their country.
They should push for an economic opening that will end the reign and military policies of strongmen.
Since you began working on the film, there's been a rise in international strongmen, fascism, and nationalism.
Many of the strongmen control their own armed militias and are complicit in serious human rights violations.
The problem for America is that men pretending to be strongmen will always yield to stronger men.
The two strongmen should meet and hammer things out, and then Jesus will be there, shaping [things].
Instead, a wave of strongmen rulers has been elected, many of whom have clear non-Western identities.
They have seen our leaders stand beside despots and strongmen, preferring their government narrative to our own.
George F. Will: How our democracy has made dependency a right Robert Kagan: The strongmen are back.
A world run by strongmen and kleptocrats is nothing compared with a world run by robot overlords.
A former law professor, she has defied convention in a region with a long history of strongmen.
After becoming President, Ghani all but ignored the traditional politics of Afghanistan—tribal networks, patronage systems, strongmen.
Here, the tide of angry opinion rushes not toward fear of outsiders and tolerance for kleptocratic strongmen.
Saudi Arabia and the UAE, meanwhile, fund old-fashioned strongmen, such as Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi in Egypt.
Wigs turned into a symbol of South Korea's struggle to put an end to rule by such strongmen.
He has also joined an alliance of peeved strongmen, the grandly named Coalition for the Salvation of Afghanistan.
Though Mr Hun Sen has ruled for 33 years, as strongmen go he is a whippersnapper at 65.
But like all strongmen and purveyors of magical political fixes to complex problems, Castro also infantilized his people.
Now Egypt is back to the days of strongmen like Gamal Abdel Nasser, when elections were for show.
These are just the two latest signs of Trump's openness to, or perhaps fascination with, the world's strongmen.
In Latin America alone 16 countries suffered coups or takeovers by strongmen within a few years of 1929.
In its place, he seems to imagine a system of warm personal ties with the region's many strongmen.
"Donald Trump's praise for brutal strongmen seemingly knows no bounds," said Clinton adviser Jake Sullivan in a statement.
Almost 30 years later, many of these nations are sliding backward—into the arms of new authoritarian strongmen.
Meanwhile, the rise of strongmen leaders across the globe threatens democratic institutions and, in some cases, democracy itself.
"Donald Trump's praise for brutal strongmen seemingly knows no bounds," Jake Sullivan, a senior policy adviser to Mrs.
Critics noted that Trump's comments fit a pattern of him deferring to strongmen during face-to-face meetings.
Mr. Trump has said he is confident that he can "get along" with strongmen like Vladimir V. Putin.
Charles M. Blow Opinion Columnist Some people are baffled by Donald Trump's fawning admiration of the world's strongmen.
That's what strongmen like Mr. Assad, who turn their armies on their own people, are trying to extinguish.
MONROVIA, Liberia — For decades, Liberia has waited through war and strongmen for a peaceful democratic transfer of power.
He made passing references to the Israeli election and the toppling of longtime strongmen in Sudan and Algeria.
Excerpt 5: Talk of "absolute" power and a noted affinity for foreign strongmen have fueled fears of authoritarianism.
But analysts say public admiration of authoritarian strongmen has been one of Mr. Trump's few consistently held views.
Strongmen and autocrats everywhere — not least in Egypt and the Gulf states — are exulting at Mr. Trump's victory.
One thing strongmen and demagogues have in common … they hate the Fourth Estate because they can't control them.
"I tied the hands of three strongmen and brought them to Kabul," Mr. Ghani said at the time.
Op-Ed Contributor BANGALORE, India — Among their common traits, illiberal strongmen share a virulent mistrust of civil society.
In Washington, Mr. Manafort was known for representing dictators and strongmen, such as Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines.
In seeking to understand how political dictators influence their progeny, Nordlinger draws up a debatable list of 17 strongmen.
But more recently the tactical tampering with the truth has become a preferred method of strongmen around the world.
The authors of the constitution, adopted in 1982, wanted to prevent would-be strongmen from entrenching themselves in power.
In Paktia, a south-eastern province bordering Pakistan, local strongmen beat up election officials and carried off ballot boxes.
From Malaysia to South Africa, strongmen have eventually been felled by popular revulsion at the scale of their corruption.
And it is done with the blessing of a much changed international community, one that now favors such strongmen.
That would only repeat the mistakes of republican Arab strongmen: socially quite liberal, but repressive and ultimately a failure.
In the mould of contemporary strongmen worldwide, he has kept the outward trappings of democracy while gutting its content.
But the latest decision will trigger political turmoil, particularly as some of those named are influential lawmakers and strongmen.
Iran maintains close ties with the Shi'ite Hazaras, Afghanistan's third largest ethnic group, and strongmen of other ethnic minorities.
In the past it was right-wing strongmen who refused to leave power when legally obliged to do so.
More Opinions Essays: Robert Kagan: Israel and the decline of the liberal order Robert Kagan: The strongmen are back.
"They have seen our leaders stand beside despots and strongmen, preferring their government narrative to our own," McRaven wrote.
Trump is drawn to strongmen with a tinge -- or more than a tinge -- of authoritarianism in their leadership style.
When strongmen arrived promising jobs and a shared sense of purpose, working-class voters were ready for the message.
"I don't understand Donald's bizarre fascination with dictators and strongmen who have no love for America," she once said.
"If the world had fewer wannabe strongmen, the global economy would be much stronger than it is," Rajan said.
It is almost like there is a finite pool of power that makes local strongmen overprotective of their turfs.
WASHINGTON — Since President Trump took office almost 18 months ago, commentators have remarked on his apparent affinity for strongmen.
"Right." That is consistent with Trump's broader worldview, which is predicated on working with fellow strongmen the world over.
As famine, drought, and refugee crises widen, strongmen increasingly exploit the mounting global mood of desperation to build power.
The election was a repudiation of nationalist and faith politics that have brought strongmen to power around the world.
Some of this may reflect personal values: Putin, bin Salman and other strongmen are just Trump's kind of people.
As the United States steps back, Russia, Iran and regional strongmen increasingly step in to chart the region's future.
Ms. Yahya, of the Carnegie Middle East Center, said such responses send an instructive message to other Arab strongmen.
It would mean accepting a central government that acts more like a horse trader among local strongmen and warlords.
But power would effectively flow to whichever warlords and strongmen — potentially including the Taliban — rose up in the countryside.
That is something legislators in other states challenged by populist strongmen, including the United States, should take to heart.
Arranged beside Mao were several other Communist strongmen: Ho Chi Minh, Kim Il-Sung, Fidel Castro and Vladimir Lenin.
And sooner or later, with the establishment taken care of, strongmen tend to start going after the people themselves.
If you are worried about the world becoming less and less stable with each passing month, about democracies around the world coming under assault from strongmen and would-be strongmen, about society succumbing to its worst impulses, do not read the new book from political scientist Yascha Mounk, The People Vs. Democracy.
The first recipients were two of the continent's most powerful strongmen: Rwanda's president, Paul Kagame, and Chad's president, Idriss Déby.
In other words, victory in Congo could bring an end to the reign of strongmen in the region and beyond.
And, second, by demonizing protesters as part of some larger threat, strongmen like Mubarak and Assad justify violence against them.
Strongmen also target the judiciary, since it stands in the way of their "reforms" that often veer into extra-legality.
He's befriended strongmen in North Korea and the Philippines and has started trade wars with the biggest US trade partners.
And despite the president's infatuation with strongmen, America—they say—really doesn't think leaders should gun down suspected drug-dealers.
He denounced Mr. Trump as someone who operated from the same playbook as "third-world strongmen" who ruled Latin America.
The only democratic protection from the assault of authoritarian strongmen, then, is to persuade the people to vote against them.
Now they fear a future in which strongmen in Washington, Moscow and Beijing divide Europe and push around the pieces.
The second is that the reversals have been driven by opportunistic strongmen rather than the voters' embrace of illiberal ideology.
The media stunts included driving huge SUVs over the bridge, and getting strongmen to smash the glass panels with mallets.
Maduro would serve his country's poor best by pondering the weakness of strongmen such as Fidel, and then imitating Raul.
Strongmen are in power in several countries that once looked as if they were democratising, notably Russia, Turkey and Egypt.
The country rejoiced, along with many in the Arab world, who thought the era of strongmen was closing at last.
Africans were tired of strongmen who ruled for life, as Kabila's father had and as had his predecessor, Mobutu SeseSeko.
Like the strongmen he so admires, he prefers his country to be strong and feared rather than admired and trusted.
In many instances, Trump has treated strongmen with abhorrent records on human rights with more respect than traditional US allies.
Today, as in the nineteen-thirties, strongmen are ascendant worldwide, purging civil servants, subverting the judiciary, and bullying the press.
The US has long debated how hard to prod the world's strongmen and autocrats, how to balance values with interests.
But it wasn't without its critics — some said it was reminiscent of the military parades dictators and other strongmen hold.
But after the comedians appeared as the strongmen "Chop and Steele" on "Hello Wisconsin" in 2016, Gray decided to sue.
The rise of "strongmen" figures such as Victor Orban in Hungary have, in some ways, circumvented far-right movements altogether.
Go deeper: How Duterte's bloody drug war engulfed the Philippines; The world's big succession questions ; A good time for strongmen.
As Joshua Tucker noted, it is authoritarian strongmen in places like Ukraine, Belarus, and Myanmar who make such campaign promises.
Strongmen in other major countries, like Egypt's Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (63) and China's Xi Jinping (64), aren't young men.
AMLO's advisers describe him as a once-in-a lifetime candidate, a description that conjures images of Latin America's strongmen.
Every influence that incites the spirit of accruing more money and muscle compels these strongmen to the deeds of violence.
"I tied the hands of three strongmen and brought them to Kabul," he said, Mr. Qaisari being one of them.
Now, read the article, "With Xi's Power Grab, China Joins New Era of Strongmen," and answer the following questions: 1.
Mr. Orban is just the latest of the world's strongmen to find a warm reception in Mr. Trump's White House.
On Tuesday, Trump reiterated his fondness for tyrannical strongmen when he praised former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's approach to terrorism.
"Donald Trump's praise for brutal strongmen seemingly knows no bounds," Jake Sullivan, a Clinton policy advisor, said in a statement.
For strongmen like President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, above, invoking "fake news" provides the leeway to ignore democratic norms.
His consulting work helped prop up foreign strongmen, who in turn kept him in $12,000 bespoke suits from Beverly Hills.
Our Interpreter columnist explains how the country's crisis exposes the perils of rule by strongmen like President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
But if Italy's aggressive new approach to migration includes dealing with unsavory strongmen, it would not be the first time.
"For the Chinese, it's easier to deal with strongmen than with democratic governments," one Thai businessman told me in Bangkok.
Trump's employment of reduced rhetoric is not without precedent and is in fact a well-documented tool of history's strongmen.
Even today, such regional strongmen continue to defy central authority, be it that of the Kabul government or the Taliban.
And both Libya and Yemen have been shattered by conflict since their strongmen leaders were removed from power and killed.
President Ashraf Ghani declared his arrest, along with two other strongmen from other parts of the country, a major victory.
After all, Latin Americans have seen the Donald Trump character interpreted by numerous strongmen, or caudillos, throughout the region's history.
His websites show that he has praised other strongmen in the past, including Venezuela's Nicolas Maduro and Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe.
Xi's rise underscores the global resurgence of strongmen, and his China may become the poster child of the worrying trend.
A new generation of elected strongmen has risen by exploiting the gap between popular expectations of democracy and its reality.
The funniest part is watching morning show anchors try to smile and nod along as our strongmen get weirder and weirder.
His supporters hope that Donald Trump, America's president-elect and a fan of anti-Islamist strongmen, will also take his side.
It is a grim reminder that once again, as in the 1930s, all over the world authoritarian strongmen are riding high.
It will still need to patch together a wide coalition of unlikely bedfellows, including regional strongmen, to challenge the BJP nationally.
In a top-down diplomatic dance led by strongmen, lower-level negotiators know that they and their counterparts have little authority.
But, like so many strongmen before him, he has sought to circumvent that limit and has now been granted a third.
The Mugabe brothers are not the only scions of African strongmen who are tactless about what they share on social media.
It could fuel criticism back home that Trump has a greater affinity for strongmen than he does for longtime U.S. allies.
Mr. Xi's newest title, carrying echoes of those political strongmen, reinforces his power to shape the new leadership of the party.
That the president seems to prefer strongmen to traditional allies is one of the constants of his otherwise chaotic foreign policy.
The U.S. should consider uniting all the internal parties by reducing support for local strongmen that avoid or undermine Afghan institutions.
Among those instincts could be warm feelings about strongmen and an inbred hunch that allies are actually taking advantage of America.
The world's strongmen may reign for years, perhaps decades — but their inevitable deaths will expose political systems built on rickety foundations.
If the government is the contractor, the local strongmen, who masquerade as the political opposition, see themselves as the prime subcontractors.
But dictatorships run by an entrenched royal, military or party bureaucracy have something that strongmen often feel compelled to destroy: institutions.
Under strongmen, economic management tends to be less competent, and therefore likelier to fuel a bubble or debt rather than growth.
And that, for a man who publicly admires strongmen like Vladimir Putin, is the most worrying part of this entire firestorm.
All are led by "strongmen" who have an ego that is bound to conflict over some matter with President Trump's ego.
One problem is that President Trump's own fondness for strongmen and indifference to human rights undermines his administration's criticism of China.
With illiberal leaders still on the rise worldwide, this political age is likely to produce more strongmen the market can love.
In the succeeding years, three other longtime Arab strongmen were pushed from power, while Syria, Yemen and Libya collapsed into war.
Yet, in one case, local strongmen intent on preventing the victims from buying land may have helped stoked the crowd's anger.
From Donald Trump to Xi Jinping to Boris Johnson, strongmen with authoritarian tendencies run many of the world's most powerful governments.
Embrace of strongmen Trump's embrace of the Saudis is consistent with his admiration for strong, often undemocratic leaders around the world.
White House Memo WASHINGTON — Ronald Reagan famously vowed to "trust, but verify" when confronting strongmen from places like the Soviet Union.
And let&aposs not pretend that America, by the way, hasn&apost had a history of making convenient alliances with unsavory strongmen.
The period -- known as the "era of warring states" -- saw hundreds of strongmen from mini-states across the country battling for power.
Befitting the current era of strongmen, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey also has a well-honed strategy for winning public support.
Classically liberal conservatives are in retreat, as voters look for strongmen who will close borders and stultify the demographic and social fabric.
Fixing America is "on us", writes Mr Kasich, urging citizens to take more responsibility and shun strongmen vowing to solve all problems.
And as with most strongmen, he enjoyed a bedrock of support, thanks to the ease with which he could get things done.
Newer strongmen, such as Daniel Ortega, Nicaragua's blood-soaked president, and Viktor Orban, Hungary's illiberal prime minister, have also flexed censorious muscles.
Just ask the people of Russia or Turkey, who have seen their strongmen presidents systematically undercut democratic freedoms to extend their rule.
He was sworn in as president in May 2015 but the former general was among military strongmen who dominated Nigeria decades ago.
However like many other militia strongmen, he has enjoyed high-level political backing that enabled him to defy attempts to arrest him.
Sangin is in a strategic area for the lucrative opium trade, which provides funding for the Taliban, as well as other strongmen.
These qualities have led a number of observers to compare him to strongmen like Russia's Vladimir Putin or Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
Indeed, the two strongmen share much in terms of their authoritarian style of governance, oligarch-led economies, and exploitation of national populism.
It is now a party led by a demagogic, authoritarian strongman whose rhetoric compares with the authoritarian, anti-democratic strongmen of history.
Once you appreciate that fact, the lesson of Trumpism becomes much scarier: We are more vulnerable than we thought to reactionary strongmen.
They financed institutions that failed to reform and looked the other way as corrupt Afghan militias and strongmen assaulted and killed civilians.
Reference to American-backed coups serving strongmen in far-flung lands is not the usual Oval Office fare of America-as-beacon.
The coalition ranges from the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in the Persian Gulf to the strongmen in Egypt and eastern Libya.
Populist strongmen — because of their relationships to their citizens, their fellow elites and to their own policymaking apparatus — tend to be different.
It would also be a strong signal for women at a time when strongmen politics are gaining momentum in Europe and beyond.
Opinion Columnist This is a dispiriting epoch of strongmen and bullies, yet side by side with the worst you find the best.
But who needs blackmail when Mr. Trump has genuine affection for strongmen like Mr. Putin (see also: Egypt, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia).
On the contrary, he is a model for strongmen all over the world who view democratic checks and human rights with contempt.
During the five years of his joint government with Mr. Ghani, he embraced those strongmen, including General Dostum, that the president angered.
But the reforms have also stoked ethnic and religious tensions as regional strongmen have been emboldened to compete over influence and resources.
As a growing number of strongmen have been elected, voters seem to be losing patience with democratic niceties—and indeed with politicians.
Certain nonwhite, non-Western strongmen, it seems, can be brought into the magic circle of civilization if they are stamping out savagery.
Even if today's peace holds, liberalism will suffer as growing fears of foreign foes drive people into the arms of strongmen and populists.
It then failed to put in place conditions that would make it very difficult for other strongmen in the region to follow suit.
Remember, 2011 was the year when democratic uprisings threatened strongmen across the Middle East and North Africa in the wake of Arab Spring.
Populist-nationalist strongmen have been a feature of the region's politics since Argentina's Juan Domingo Perón first came to power in the 1940s.
The biggest strongmen of them all was Zdravko Mamic, a former head of Dinamo Zagreb and vice-president of the Croatian Football Federation.
But as both strongmen have shown with their steady reconciliation over the past year, enough political will can make most plans lift off.
Until the day comes when they HyQReal is called into duty, he'll just be giving the world's strongmen a run for their money.
They have emerged in countries where parties have shallow roots or have been atomised, enabling strongmen to dominate their organisation and personnel decisions.
But Mr Flake is also thoughtful, decent and the author of a book opposing Donald Trump and his "affection for authoritarians and strongmen".
This has been an approach—perhaps wise, perhaps not—that values the stability of strongmen over the region's political, economic and social development.
The divide is also philosophical: Trump's weakness for strongmen and disdain for multilateral diplomacy cuts against the liberal international principles of the West.
Thailand was ruled by a succession of military strongmen throughout the 1960s and '70s, spaced out by short-lived attempts at elected government.
For weeks, media coverage has been dominated by reports of fraudulent voter registration and accusations of interference by powerful regional and local strongmen.
Both countries were also ruled by dictatorial strongmen until the late 1980s, when South Korea finally transitioned to a fully civilian, democratic government.
Such confrontations between regional strongmen and the Kabul government have turned Kabul into a zero-sum place and Afghanistan into a Shakespearean tragedy.
There is, however, one glaring exception to this troubling pattern: Mr. Trump cannot seem to abide strongmen when it comes to Latin America.
Today, Europe and America face common perils and common problems — including the rise of ravenous strongmen who want to remake the world order.
Mr. Xi's personalization of power seems to borrow from both old-style strongmen and the new-style populists rising among the world's democracies.
It also showed that strongmen, whom Mr. Trump has so ardently cultivated, can be as frustrating to negotiate with as democratically elected leaders.
The concerted moves are typical of Saudi-led policy in the region, which favors military-backed strongmen over popular uprisings and democracy movements.
This is how strongmen happen Gergen issued an alarming warning on CNN when he talked about this reward and retribution approach to governing.
Warnings about the stigma of justice corrupted by strongmen leaders have long been a core US criticism of nations in the developing world.
The two strongmen will meet in Sochi on October 22nd, which just happens to be the day when the 120-hour ceasefire expires.
It's not just the accusations of treason, the threats of arresting non-compliant local leaders, or his consistent admiration of authoritarian foreign strongmen.
Her husband hasn't a clue what a privilege it is to lead a life unburdened by politics, unbent by the strongmen of history.
Trump's dislike of Maduro strikes an odd note, however, given his affinity for strongmen in other countries, including President Vladimir Putin of Russia.
The harsh reality is that markets are amoral, instinctively neutral barometers of economic performance, and they will at times ignore the brutality and excesses of strongmen for a simple reason: Facing little or no resistance from legislatures, courts or independent watchdogs, strongmen can push through sweeping reforms — particularly in emerging economies, where political institutions and the rule of law are relatively weak.
Just as telling is that countries led by strongmen hostile to orthodox policies have seen their currencies suffer—the inverse of the Putin Principle.
They have to push back a variety of armed groups — private security guards, bodyguards and militias of strongmen — to take charge of the battle.
One option is that he seeks exile in Saudi Arabia, already a sanctuary to other ousted strongmen like Tunisia's Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali.
But provincial India abounds with strongmen who believe that they are powerful enough to get away with crimes against lowlier locals, and often do.
Emmanuel Macron came to power in 2017 promising to end "Françafrique", the decades-old policy of propping up African strongmen to serve French interests.
In the fashion of Indonesia's former strongmen, he has used the police, prosecutors and bureaucrats to make life difficult for his most vocal opponents.
The 2011 "Arab Spring" that toppled strongmen in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Yemen – and brought catastrophic war to Syria – largely bypassed Sudan and Algeria.
Previous deals with strongmen from Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and the Palestinian Authority worked quite effectively for a good many years to protect U.S. interests.
But earlier fears of a dramatic shift in U.S. foreign policy, driven by Trump's isolationist rhetoric and friendliness toward strongmen, are not panning out.
That could mean a preemptive strike on North Korea, encouraging nuclear proliferation in Asia, and growing alliances with strongmen like the Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte.
Even while Trump lacks basic rapport with his fellow western democratic leaders, he has taken undeniable delight in sharing company with autocrats and strongmen.
"The same talking heads never mention the rampant crackdowns by the absolute monarchies, theocracies and ruthless strongmen allied with the U.S.," Ms. Simonyan added.
Mr. Trump's berating of Latin American strongmen and the revival of outdated foreign policy doctrines is not a viable strategy to engage the region.
Mr. Abiy has tried to spearhead sweeping political reforms, but has been battling growing violence and mounting pressure from regional strongmen, including in Amhara.
Her modest and moderate governance style, absent ideology and vanity, is the polar opposite of that of the strongmen now strutting the world stage.
To the Editor: David Brooks somewhat despondently suggests that civilized leadership may be a handicap when confronting strongmen and cutthroats on the world stage.
If history is anything to go by, life after leadership isn't straightforward for many strongmen, potentially complicating efforts to get them to step down.
Markets sense the erratic nature of economies run by strongmen and will bet big on these figures until the moment economic reforms lose momentum.
In Central and Eastern Europe it came in the form of nationalist strongmen — Victor Orban, Vladimir Putin, the Law and Justice party in Poland.
From the ruins of the Arab revolts a new age would emerge, but its key players would be tribally minded strongmen and armed militants.
But Mr. McDermott took special care with Titano's part, noting that modern musclemen, with V-shaped torsos, bear little resemblance to strongmen of yore.
Yet to dismiss this as foolish and a mere act of desperation would relegate Afghanistan's conflict to the brutal domain of warlords and strongmen.
Trump may not be a despot, but he is behaving like a despot's apprentice — borrowing tactics from dictators and authoritarian strongmen across the globe.
He thinks we probably can make common cause with Russia in Syria but also in Libya, and he doesn't have a problem supporting strongmen.
To utter falsehood after falsehood, directly or through a spokesman, is to foster the disorientation that makes crowds susceptible to the delusions of strongmen.
What Trump does next will decide whether Washington is able to credibly criticize strongmen like Putin and Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, he said.
But no other modern occupant of the White House has so brazenly embraced foreign strongmen or so baldly jettisoned any pretense of promoting liberty.
But in more than two years in the Oval Office, the president has demonstrated an unmistakable pattern: He tends to believe what strongmen say.
Wrestlers, boxers, strongmen and women toured with troupes across the United States and in England, performing their athletic feats alongside of jugglers and acrobats.
But it was also a check against would-be strongmen who knew how to excite a crowd but posed a danger to the country.
Strongmen show aggression to the press as part of a slow-drip strategy of discrediting all information that is not dispensed by their close allies.
It wasn't until these strongmen gained a second or even a third victory at the polls that they completed their countries' de­scent toward outright dictatorship.
She is a pragmatist who has maintained dialogue with strongmen like Vladimir Putin and Tayyip Erdogan through crises in Germany's relationship with Russia and Turkey.
Across the world, populist strongmen who seek to concentrate power in their own hands and scapegoat minorities for their countries' ills are on the rise.
When Paul Manafort joined the Trump campaign in March of 2016, his history of consulting work for strongmen in Ukraine and elsewhere was well known.
And when authoritarian strongmen take control of the government, laws that were once thought to be harmless can easily be misdirected to deeply oppressive uses.
Trump seems particularly keen on turning a blind eye to strongmen such as Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Rather than cooperate with the United States against the Soviet Union, the Arab world's new nationalist strongmen were transfixed by their rivalries with one another.
Mr. Trump's allergy to alliances, sympathy toward strongmen, and support for American retrenchment make for a toxic combination that would corrode America's position in Asia.
Strongmen exploiting their celebrity, projecting uncompromising bravado, harnessing popular discontent with promises to overturn the current order, have always been a basic ingredient of politics.
Vladimir Putin has moved one step closer to membership in a rarefied club that includes authoritarian strongmen, dictators, and despots: the "Presidents for Life" club.
Nervous Autocrats Look Out Windows as Crowds Swell Five Strongmen, and the Fate of the Arab Spring "The Daily" podcast: A Dictator's Fall in Sudan
And while Trump is not solely responsible for the actions of strongmen and other leaders around the world, many appear to be following his lead.
In many ways, Mr. Netanyahu is the precursor to this new age of "strongmen" who have come to power in different parts of the world.
They share a taste for marble, extreme tans, and strongmen: Trump is impressed by Vladimir Putin and Saddam Hussein; Berlusconi was chummy with Muammar Qaddafi.
Beyond the West, the report explores the rise of authoritarian leaders in Turkey and Egypt and the growing appeal of strongmen in Russia and China.
But the greater freedoms have also allowed long-repressed ethnic tensions to boil over and emboldened powerful regional strongmen demanding more rights for their people.
Thanks to the seemingly narcotic grip of social media, we stood idly by as disinformation ushered in mistrust of medicine and trust in cruel strongmen.
But what's different is that the Saudi Crown Prince is just one of many strongmen on the world stage that President Trump has hugged close.
For Trump, it's the containment of China and Iran by some sort of league of U.S.-friendly strongmen, with self-enrichment as a side benefit.
I worry that as this point of view becomes more accepted, the ground for autocrats and strongmen becomes more fertile, and our democracy more imperiled.
Mr. al-Araibi's arrest was a stark reminder that despite its reforms, Interpol was still vulnerable to manipulation by strongmen, despots and human rights violators.
Unwaveringly confident in its fellowship of nations, Interpol was slow to recognize an era in which autocrats and strongmen wield increasing power over international institutions.
And when Donald Trump takes over at the end of this month, I hope he makes "supporting strong institutions instead of strongmen" his priority in Africa.
Where government is unable to fulfill its basic responsibilities and social divisions are rife, voters seek refuge in strongmen who can deliver what the state cannot.
But they're nothing compared to Chop & Steele, a duo of "strongmen" who lift jugs of gravy, karate chop small sticks, and crush baskets with their feet.
Critics have questioned whether Trump has made any substantive gains from his friendships and worry that his eagerness to talk to strongmen results in legitimizing them.
They were poised to reap the political benefits of the 40 Arab Spring uprisings against the region's strongmen, touting a peaceful populist version of political Islam.
The Trump Century Tower is a 57-story luxury skyscraper in the heart of a gentrifying neighborhood controlled by one of the world's most bloodthirsty strongmen.
Shir Aziz Kamawal, commander of police for the northern zone, said abuses by local strongmen had encouraged some local villages to work with the Taliban instead.
That is doubtless a relief for the region's warring tyrants, like Bashar al-Assad in Syria, and strongmen, such as Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi in Egypt.
Authoritarians are drawn to harsh, punitive policies like border walls and religious tests for immigration, and to strongmen leaders like Trump that alienate more moderate voters.
Nobody was awkward enough to ask how that squares with his boss's fear-mongering against refugees, or frequent praise for despotic strongmen elsewhere in the world.
It becomes all the more worrying when you consider that Mr Modi and China's president, Xi Jinping, are nationalists who want to be seen as strongmen.
If he associates with other strongmen, then he appears as a strongman, and being a strongman is exactly what people want deep down in their souls.
Since the ouster of the Taliban government in 2001, Oruzgan has been largely run by strongmen allied with former President Hamid Karzai through his Popalzai tribe.
By undercutting it, and by his rhetorical support for autocrats, Trump is telling authoritarians and would-be strongmen that the U.S. won't stand in their way.
Competition over mines among "pro-government" strongmen has turned parts of the country that staunchly resisted the Taliban — like Badakhshan province — into hotbeds of the insurgency.
Keeping a list of supposed crimes committed by a scapegoated group is a tried and true strategy of strongmen waging a battle for hearts and minds.
Strongmen can be volatile, he continued, noting that Duterte "could easily turn against Washington" if Trump's visit to the Philippine capital next week doesn't go well.
He cites Trump's incitement of violence at his rallies, his threat to use libel and antitrust laws against his opponents, his admiration of strongmen and dictators.
American presidents rarely make it, as Spencer Ackerman noted, because it's typically employed by strongmen arguing against outside interference, as they crack down on internal dissent.
If today's strongmen notice their deposed peers facing justice, the reasoning behind deterrence goes, they may realize that there will be consequences for their own transgressions.
Problem was, Nimeiry was a politician first like all strongmen, the arty ones included, and as Islamism took root in northern Africa he turned due right.
Maybe America isn't special, it's just another republic that had its day, but is in the process of devolving into a corrupt nation ruled by strongmen.
However, this has more to do with his taking a traditional view of foreign relations rather than with a desire to be like these two strongmen.
Critics say that by not confronting allies, Mr. Trump is ceding valuable leverage over strongmen, who, despite their worst actions, still care about their international image.
ISTANBUL — Even before President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey was inaugurated last week, he began elbowing his way into the front ranks of the globe's strongmen.
In their struggle to preserve their socioeconomic position, parts of the middle classes are turning to protest politics, believing that populist strongmen will protect their interests.
At its core lie America's earlier investments in an unholy group of Afghan strongmen, corrupt political leaders and useful idiots, which created an elaborate corrupt cronyism.
Shimon Peres called it "one of the craziest months in history": nuclear threats were uttered; revolutionaries and strongmen alike beseeched America for help; allies proved perfidious.
Increasingly, strongmen are using persecuted Christians as "instruments in a larger political conflict", says Marie Juul Petersen, a researcher at the Danish Institute for Human Rights.
But his government has been battling growing violence and mounting pressure from regional strongmen, including in Amhara, a flash point in increasing ethnic clashes in Ethiopia.
If it merely encourages Libya's strongmen to play one side off of the other, it will prolong the chaos and all the dangers that come with it.
"We thought surely no one will book us as strongmen," Preuher said, but a few stations did, and soon Pickett and Prueher found themselves in legal trouble.
It just magnifies whatever it is turned on -- and strongmen like Erdogan and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad are learning to use that immediacy to their advantage.
As the world has worried about the rise of strongmen in places like Brazil and Hungary, the protests in Algeria and Sudan offer a very different narrative.
" And Hillary Clinton's campaign was quick to pounce on Trump's comments, with senior campaign adviser Jake Sullivan saying, "Trump's praise for brutal strongmen seemingly knows no bounds.
This is the same line propagated by Central Europe's strongmen in office in Poland, Hungary, and Austria, as well as the Trump administration and now Italy too.
But the problem with strongman rule is that the strongmen are not immortal, and once they fall ill or die, it's not obvious who will replace them.
Hun Sen has accused the United States of supporting the CNRP and plotting a "colour revolution", like those that toppled eastern European strongmen, to overthrow his government.
Strongmen, dedicated as they are to crushing rivals, tend to enjoy the support of only some members of their country's elite, so need to keep them happy.
In Afghanistan, U.S. officers, soldiers, and diplomats were almost entirely ignorant of the country and its languages, and relied on gangsters and strongmen to further their aims.
For strongmen like President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, above with Mr. Trump in Manila last month, invoking "fake news" provides the leeway to ignore democratic norms.
Depending on whom you ask, Mr. Salvini is either making Italy safer or purposefully stoking fears at a time when voters across Europe are looking to strongmen.
The Florida arm of Priorities USA, a leading Democratic super PAC, began calling the president a "caudillo," a word used in Latin America to refer to strongmen.
The United States has historically been the world's anchor of republican ideals, but President Trump has abandoned the role, openly admiring strongmen like Vladimir Putin of Russia.
The problem is that military and political strongmen cannot or will not understand the science of the crises facing them, which is really a failure of communication.
After all, look at the stakes; look at what other strongmen have wrought: When Putin came to power in Russia, the country was steadily building a democracy.
Mr. Trump is not expected to raise human rights concerns with the Saudis, in keeping with his approach to strongmen in Turkey, Egypt, China and the Philippines.
Terrified by the specter of communism, the middle classes across Europe flocked to right-wing strongmen, showing little commitment to the ideals of liberal democracy and parliamentarism.
Even as Mr. Abdullah insists he will not give in, the strongmen who have rallied around him are worried, according to interviews with advisers and political brokers.
These are problems that exacerbate each other, and while strongmen always stand in the way of progress, rare is the successor who offers a new path forward.
Like Donald Trump, Orbán does not conceal his disdain for the international rules-based order and admiration for authoritarian strongmen like Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Mr. Trump's affinity for strongmen is well established, as is his contempt for his predecessor and his habit of gleefully ridiculing opponents, regardless of their party affiliation.
BERLIN (Reuters) - Alarmed by the rise of unpredictable strongmen around the world, Angela Merkel feels she must do more to defend the Western order on which Germany depends.
The specifics will vary, but enough GOP voters are authoritarian that they will likely continue to support strongmen-style candidates who favor extreme policies, but are nationally unelectable.
He cozies up to strongmen like Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. He's escalated America's involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen.
From Russian President Vladimir Putin to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, Trump has gone out of his way to lavish praise on some of the world's most notorious strongmen.
It was a disaster because Trump is a disaster—he doesn't know what he's doing and effortlessly alienates America's closest allies while lavishing praise on strongmen and dictators.
Events on the ground have shown there are only two (unpalatable) alternatives — stable states run by authoritarian strongmen, or unstable states captured by anti-Western extremist Islamic groups.
Washington (CNN)Former CIA director John Brennan is comparing President Donald Trump to foreign strongmen and vows to speak out until "integrity" is restored at the White House.
At moments it resembled the kind of fawning that some of the strongmen rulers Trump has praised — such as Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte — might receive from their deputies.
Strongmen know how effective intimidation can be when they're consolidating their power, and many have advertised their own capacity for and/or proximity to political and sexual violence.
The challenge is that internal Afghan politics have become an important piece of the puzzle, crowded by a Sicilian-type mafia comprising warlords, strongmen, drug lords and criminals.
" Strongmen typically come to power in democracies, Professor Lebas said, by telling citizens to "distrust institutions and procedure — that what is needed is to burn it all down.
Rights groups have applauded the trial as a rare case of justice involving a high profile figure in a region where abuses by military strongmen often go unpunished.
He also criticized Trump for the "strange specter" of showing "affection for strongmen and authoritarians" such as Russian President Vladimir Putin and Egyptian President Abdel Fatah al-Sissi.
There is a growing public awareness of the enormous potential for conflict over Chechnya and that the alliance between the two strongmen is very contingent and highly personalized.
Human rights groups have also been strongly critical of the agreement, saying it reinforces a culture of impunity that allows political strongmen to get away with gross abuses.
Just as Turkey can never reprise its Ottoman-era role in the Middle East, so too it cannot afford to align itself exclusively with authoritarian regimes and strongmen.
Even as it became clear that these strongmen sought to consolidate power, most of their opponents told themselves that they were saving their courage for the right moment.
With the American troop presence too small to secure the country, Karzai used foreign largesse to empower local strongmen, whose behavior led to the return of the Taliban.
While Trump cozies up to autocrats and strongmen like Putin, China's Xi Jinping, Kim, Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines and MBS, he has insulted leaders of American allies.
Like many strongmen, Mr. Bouteflika has been careful not to groom a successor, and his cronies have ejected anyone who appeared to be making a play for power.
Battle ropes, in fact, can and should provide an effective full-body workout, and they can help powerlifters, Olympic weightlifters, strongmen, and functional fitness athletes reach their goals.
The real target is not the muddy and often barefoot miners, who work in slave-like conditions for unknown local strongmen, according to agents of Brazil's environmental agency Ibama.
You never hear devout evangelicals say that God raised up Trump to punish or chastise evangelicals for placing too much of their hope in power politics or political strongmen.
Trump admires dictators and strongmen; he dismisses the press as fake news and ethics rules as unnecessary niceties; he lies without compunction and delights in self-serving conspiracy theories.
Today, Mr Brentin goes on, Croatian football is the last bastion of "Tudjmanite institutions", by which he means that it is dominated by strongmen, riddled with nepotism and corrupt.
Abiy must walk a delicate line between increasing political freedoms and reining in strongmen building ethnic powerbases by demanding more access to land, power and resources for their groups.
Abiy must walk a delicate line between increasing political freedoms and reigning in strongmen building ethnic powerbases by demanding more access to land, power and resources for their groups.
Abiy must walk a delicate line between increasing political freedoms and reigning in strongmen building ethnic powerbases by demanding more access to land, power and resources for their groups.
But Mr Trump's biggest cheerleaders, in the Middle East like elsewhere, are the region's strongmen, such as Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Egypt and Bashar al-Assad in Syria.
Hungary's Viktor Orban, Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte and Russia's Vladimir Putin put in a joint appearance in a cover story about how strongmen subvert democracy.
Despite the increased focus on environmental issues the world over, the proliferation of strongmen leaders is bringing greater danger for those trying to defend their rights, Global Witness says.
The end of the Cold War had not ended the violent legacies of anti-communist interventions around the world, or narco-conflicts, or the installation and maintenance of strongmen.
But the visit is raising questions about which leaders Trump is looking to cultivate — including a long list of global strongmen — at the expense of more traditional US allies.
Even as blood from the first two bombings was being washed away on Monday, bodyguards for rival strongmen got into a shootout in a different corner of the city.
Christiane Amanpour, the CNN journalist, described her experiences interviewing strongmen, including Robert Mugabe, the longtime president of Zimbabwe; Hosni Mubarak, the Egyptian president who was ousted in 2011; Col.
He also seems most at home with strongmen like Putin, North Korea's Kim Jong Un or China's Xi Jinping, unencumbered by international institutions, allies or America's traditional foreign policy.
"The Japanese prime minister has done very well with strongmen like Modi and Putin," said Mr. Green, referring to Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India and the Russian president.
Deeper dive: One of the fears of President Trump's more politicized use of the term fake news is that strongmen could view it as a green light for repression.
Many of these strongmen have entangled their communities in ineffective political ideas and have embraced a passionate love for dead leaders, as an important campaign tactic to mobilize masses.
It is hard to square the president's acquiescence — indeed, frequent praise — for strongmen throughout the world with his professed concern for democracy and human rights in Venezuela and Cuba.
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia anchors the opposite camp in an ideological battle raging across the Middle East: the anti-Islamist strongmen who quashed the revolts.
The Interpreter Inflationary crises, like the one looming over Turkey, are bad news for any government, but they are especially dangerous for a certain subset of authoritarians: populist strongmen.
Much of that has to do with how strongmen typically come to power: by rising within a flawed democracy or, in some cases, a military or one-party regime.
Like most of its neighbors, Venezuela endured a succession of caudillo strongmen in the early 20th century and responded with a radical leftist movement in the 1950s and '60s.
While Mr. Noor urged his supporters to protest civilly, he also made not-so-subtle references that strongmen in the north would lend a hand if force were needed.
During the presidential campaign of 2014, Mr. Ghani repeatedly singled out Mr. Noor as an example of corrupt strongmen who needed to be reined in by the central government.
To President Trump, all diplomacy is personal, especially with the two Asian strongmen he has courted most avidly, Kim Jong-un of North Korea and Xi Jinping of China.
Strongmen and political elites have long profited from the country's riches, and mineral wealth could turn into another source of instability in a country mired in decades of war.
Mr. Trump, who was making his second visit to the G-20, dramatizes its split nature, having alienated European allies and cultivated friendly ties with several of the strongmen.
The world sneers at strongmen like Mr. Kim, Mr. Putin and Rodrigo Duterte, the president of the Philippines, regarding them as uncivilized thugs, and Mr. Trump feels similarly disrespected.
Strongmen come from both sides, while some of the most advanced democracies, such as Uruguay and Chile, have been governed by both the left and right in recent years.
That is the last thing they want, as the security promoted by would-be strongmen is often illusionary, and dictators historically bring ruin rather than renaissance to the country.
WASHINGTON — President Trump has long sought to avoid confronting the leaders of Turkey and Russia — two foreign strongmen who are facing off in civil wars in Syria and Libya.
In her 2015 book "Democracy in Central Asia," Mariya Omelicheva, an associate professor at the University of Kansas, argues that Central Asia's strongmen survive because their populations support them.
And as he did, his comments about some of the powerful former warlords and strongmen in Kabul impeding peace created further problems for his nephew's already shaky coalition government.
Carlson has long been a champion of the "America First" isolationism that has characterized Trump&aposs foreign policy, defending the president&aposs willingness to broker relationships with authoritarian strongmen.
Ms. Ressa's latest arrest also comes as journalists around the world face increasing pressure from political strongmen who in many cases rode to power on a wave of populism.
Though Trump has gone out of his way to praise Russian President Vladimir Putin over the years, that's part of his pattern of being friendly to strongmen in general.
But it makes some sense given Trump's apparent admiration for strongmen across the world, like Russia's Vladimir Putin and the Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte (both more thuggishly violent than Xi).
President Ashraf Ghani's U.S.-backed government remains plagued by corruption and divided by factions loyal to political strongmen whose armed supporters often are motivated by ethnic, family, and regional loyalties.
"The wind is in the sails of strongmen worldwide," writes Robert Malley, the president and CEO of the International Crisis Group, in a Foreign Policy review of 2019 trouble spots.
Strongmen are performers, and what they do works only as long as it rhymes with and speaks to the aspirations and ambitions of the people who elevate and admire them.
The strongmen are there to put on a show, and if it's a show that the audience enjoys it can weather defeats that would get another canceled with a vengeance.
I believe the United States of America was put on this Earth to be an example of self-governance and order in a world drowning in strongmen, oppression, and poverty.
She delivered a scathing speech in San Diego -- home to a large military population -- mocking Trump's "bizarre fascination with dictators and strongmen" and calling him "temperamentally unfit" to be president.
"Holding the Super talented Kate Hudson with the help of two circus Cirque du Soleil strongmen and the former prime minister of England, and great sport, Tony Blair," he wrote.
Those who would suppress them all make three errors: they claim Islamists are all the same; they say they are fundamentally undemocratic; and they think the solution lies with strongmen.
The two American strongmen, however, made the most of their reprieve by squeezing past Justin Rose and Henrik Stenson 2 and 1 in the pivotal last match of the day.
Tim Kaine sought Tuesday to dismantle Donald Trump's national security credentials, slamming the GOP nominee for a "bizarre fascination" with strongmen and highlighting his shifting positions on the Iraq War.
The report says the "rise of populist strongmen" around the world has led to increased use of anti-terror and national security legislation to stifle protest, according to the report.
In other words, society is fracturing along several axes at once and in ways that benefit strongmen, racists, and other forces that liberal democracy was supposed to keep at bay.
Unlike other regional strongmen, such as Prayuth Chan-ocha in Thailand, or the leaders of Vietnam and Laos, both avowedly single-party states, international opinion matters to Mr Hun Sen.
Experts say Trump's embrace of political strongmen is sending a message that the U.S. is abandoning its longstanding position as a defender of human rights and democracy around the world.
But the real story here is that Abramoff has decided that forging links between strongmen and Trump—under the pretense of fighting terrorism—is the right career move right now.
Mexicans see the likes of Donald Trump as being cut from the same cloth as the old-fashioned Latin American strongmen who ruined the region through protectionism and gesture politics.
The Trump administration has already coddled strongmen -- from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Chinese President Xi Jinping, to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.
Right-wing strongmen such as the Philippines' Ferdinand Marcos or South Korea's Chun Doo-hwan were a far cry from east European thugs such as Nicolae Ceaușescu and Wojciech Jaruzelski.
Complicating the situation, officials in Helmand say, local strongmen are using their influence to plant their own men in provincial security jobs in outposts on the drug-trade route. Gen.
He has repeatedly embraced and praised strongmen around the world and he has resisted discussing human rights publicly in meetings with leaders who have faced widespread human rights violations allegations.
The internal challenge is that the country is politically and factionally divided between the warlords and local strongmen on the one side and the educated reformist technocrats on the other.
Some see, in Mr. Trump's affinity for strongmen and skepticism of migration, an ideological through line that extends back to old nationalist ideas of clashing civilizations and going it alone.
Other African strongmen, like Mobutu Sese Seko of Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of the Congo, were forced to spend their last years in exile after being toppled from power.
Turkey's meltdown, more than just a product of Mr. Erdogan's power grabs, is a microcosm of the pathologies inherent in his style of governing, and that of other populist strongmen.
The current tension is a far cry from the camaraderie expressed at the NATO meeting last month, when Mr. Trump fist-bumped Mr. Erdogan, previously one of his favorite strongmen.
So what is it exactly that has made Vladimir V. Putin a hero for the world's populists, strongmen and others occupying the fringes of global politics, both left and right?
But Mr. Trump's recognition of the seizure of one state's land by another could make it harder for the United States to push back when strongmen carry out land grabs.
New Zealand's prime minister is emerging as the progressive antithesis to right-wing strongmen like Trump, Orban and Modi, whose careers thrive on illiberal, anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant rhetoric.
What kind of signal would it send to other strongmen such as President Xi Jinping in China, the embattled Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela, or President Bashar al-Assad in Syria?
It should also make voters wonder how he'll deal with strongmen the world over -- and whether he'll tell the truth even when it's potentially bad for his company's bottom line.
Pretending that dictators and strongmen such as Kim Jong Un or Vladimir Putin are acting in the best interests of their people communicates American indifference to violations of human dignity.
Is that to say that other regimes and other countries where there are strongmen ought to impose lockdowns, as was tried with Ebola in West Africa, where it didn't work?
It may seem paradoxical, but in caving in to one of the strongmen he so admires, Mr. Trump may have set the United States on a collision course with Turkey.
Election is the mechanism through which Iraq's power brokers — a combination of strongmen, tribal shaykhs, militia leaders, notables, political or business entrepreneurs — stake a claim on the state's oil revenues.
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump and Jared Kushner are learning that hyper-personalized family diplomacy and throwing in their lot with foreign strongmen can come at a damaging political price.
From Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, so-called strongmen politicians are stripping away environmental and human rights protections to promote business, Padilla told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
The pattern of Trump slamming allies and praising strongmen is entrenched enough that officials from NATO countries spent weeks attempting to limit the ways Trump could disrupt this week's proceedings.
"The irony," Mr. Burns said, "is that trashing his predecessor or congressional opponents on the global stage is seen by those same strongmen as evidence of his weakness and manipulability."
A record number, 229, were jailed on charges of "false news," a term that has gained resonance as strongmen have embraced President Trump's attacks on "fake news" to silence critics.
It was the latest example of a Trump remark about strongmen leaders - delivered in a deadpan style - to fall flat and fuel perceptions among his critics that the president admires autocrats.
Obama's comments in 2008 and 2009 about talking to strongmen "without preconditions," and his efforts to work with both North Korea and Cuba's communist governments, were greeted by conservatives with scorn.
States are engaging in shadowy extrajudicial killings on foreign soil, even as the world watches the rise of authoritarian strongmen like Rodrigo Duterte, in the Philippines, and Jair Bolsonaro, in Brazil.
But since anyone who seeks to constrain the populists faces a decidedly uphill struggle once the strongmen have taken office, it is even more important to beat them at the polls.
Though he has not expressed much of a policy on Libya, Mr Trump seems to respect anti-Islamist strongmen such as Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi, Egypt's president and Mr Haftar's backer.
This is the stage of "illiberal democracy", where individual rights and the rule of law are undermined, but strongmen can still pretend to be democrats since they win free-ish elections.
Vox's Ezra Klein has theorized that it might stem from Trump essentially believing politicians should have near dictatorial powers — something that would fit with his seeming appreciation for strongmen and tyrants.
NEW YORK (Reuters Breakingviews) - Charismatic Cuban leader Fidel Castro, who has died aged 90, resembled other paternalistic strongmen of right and left in his outsized ego, which ultimately stymied his people.
Consider Trump's praise of authoritarian strongmen abroad, among them Russian President Vladimir Putin, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte and even North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
False stability The fact is, as the region melts down and nonstate actors like ISIS threaten, the United States is more dependent on Arab strongmen it can neither abandon nor reform.
In recent years it has become fashionable to talk about a populist wave of nationalism sweeping the world, lumping Trump and Brexit together with Eastern European xenophobes and elected Asian strongmen.
The best outcome from this meeting that will undermine liberal democracies and encourage strongmen the world over would be maintenance of the status quo and a public relations coup for Putin.
In Kandahar, powerful strongmen who owe their rise to Mr. Karzai's protection have had standoffs recently with officials sent by Mr. Ghani over lucrative custom taxes and where the money goes.
Aides said they were surprised by her toughness going head-to-head with the African strongmen, but Haley said her previous life as a politician in South Carolina helped guide her.
In warning against rising nationalism, Obama also argued against support of authoritarian governments abroad, in an apparent effort to discourage countries from turning to Russian President Vladimir Putin and similar strongmen.
We spoke with Åkerlund about the struggles of balancing truth and fiction while trying to make a compelling movie, and the risks of romanticizing fascism at this moment of international strongmen.
In contrast are the likes of Venezuela's Nicolás Maduro and Cuba's Miguel Díaz-Canel, strongmen who refuse to be part of a broad American alliance in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Today, the Afghan warlords, former jihadi leaders and regional strongmen who emerged from the ashes of the Taliban regime as the 9/85033 profiteers, broadly constitute the country's influential political elites.
But if the central bank is seen as susceptible to arbitrary or erratic political meddling — as often happens with institutions in strongmen-dominated systems — then inflation can rise out of control.
He skipped meetings with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, two strongmen he has drawn close but who have fallen into disrepute.
Some of his critics compare Mr. Erdogan to President Vladimir Putin of Russia and other strongmen, while others see him as an Islamist, but Mr. Erdogan identifies himself as a conservative.
With emotions running high after the clashes, there were fears that political strongmen might try to take advantage of the anger produced by the bombing deaths to move against the government.
That chaos has given many in the region a certain respect for strongmen, and many Middle Eastern leaders now hope that as president, Mr. Trump will shift matters in their favor.
Those eight years have given us reasons to see strongmen successors as the lesser of some evils and, you could argue, mean that Western leaders are more silent due to experience.
Trump has touted his "chemistry" with Xi and said he "trusts" Putin, arguing that a better relationship with the two strongmen will translate to progress on matters of U.S. concern abroad.
Trump may be the weakest of weak presidents when it comes to Russia, but he has the highest regard for strongmen, even -- perhaps especially -- the ones who systematically dismantle democracy. Putin?
Biden seizes on Trump's love for foreign strongmen and disdain for traditional US values to paint him as dangerously unfit for the presidency and an affront to the very idea of America.
The White House under Trump would have a better relationship with Duterte, who are both strongmen populists, says Richard Javad Heydarian, a political science professor at De La Salle University in Manila.
While I can see why the strongman of British music hall and American vaudeville traditions is a fitting symbol for this political posture, it seems to me a gross insult - to strongmen.
That has meant dealing with populist strongmen, from Vladimir Putin to Venezuela's late leader Hugo Chávez, without bargaining away his principles on the importance of markets and the sanctity of oil contracts.
Those reforms have opened up what was once one of Africa's most repressive nations, but also stoked violence as emboldened regional strongmen build ethnic powerbases and compete over political influence and resources.
Analysts say political parties turn to them because they often have the deepest pockets in steadily costlier elections, and that some local strongmen are seen as having the best chance of winning.
And, no matter how righteous their disdain for the allies and flunkies of authoritarian strongmen may be, they need to do their best to peel off some mem­bers of the ruling regime.
This could help Mr Ghani subdue the strongmen, says Tabish Forugh, a former official at the Independent Election Commission, by offering voters the chance to pick a platform, rather than a personality.
History is of course littered with examples of democracy coming undone, as charismatic, democratically elected strongmen have attacked the media and the opposition, gradually taking control of practically all facets of power.
For much of this century, the mine was controlled by local strongmen including Zalmai Mujadidi, a member of Parliament who made his brother the leader of the security force protecting the mine.
The Taliban have long wanted to negotiate a power-sharing deal with a broader range of grandees—including local strongmen, civil-society groups and politicians of all stripes, not just the government.
"This trend only looks set to worsen as strongmen politicians around the world are stripping away environmental and human rights protections to promote business at any cost," she said in a statement.
No wonder Trump is a dream come true for many evangelicals and Republicans who have long tried to further limit women's reproductive and other rights -- and for strongmen abroad who feel similarly.
The images of Arab strongmen like Egypt's Hosni Mubarak and Tunisia's Ben Ali abdicating power prompted someone to scrawl on the wall: 'It's your turn now Doctor,' referring to Assad, the ophthalmologist.
Elsewhere in the Middle East, strongmen like President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt are ascendant, forcing their citizens and foreign allies to accept their repressions as supposed protection from Islamist extremists.
Over the decades, the United States had lots of allies and partners who were strongmen — in the Philippines, South Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia and elsewhere — but didn't interfere with their internal politics.
In this view of Mr. Castro, he was above all an old-style Spanish caudillo, one of a long line of Latin American strongmen who endeared themselves to people searching for leaders.
They are also just the latest instance of Trump, who cozies up to foreign strongmen like Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korea's Kim Jong Un, insulting or criticizing an allied leader.
Mr. Kaine used a discussion of foreign policy to unleash a torrent of attacks on Mr. Trump for his breezy comments on nuclear weapons and praise for a series of authoritarian strongmen.
Trump's soft spot for strongmen was on display again Monday, when he phoned Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to congratulate him on winning a referendum designed to dismantle the country's democratic infrastructure.
In his first five months in office, President Trump has inexplicably heaped praise on strongmen including Vladimir Putin, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, and Rodrigo Duterte, while dismissing some of our closest allies.
The gradual and steady marginalization of Afghan strongmen, who engage in criminal politics, could prove to be a critical factor in determining the long-term effectiveness of Trump's new strategy for Afghanistan.
Riva Levinson, an international lobbyist who worked for Mr. Manafort from 163 to 1995, said she initially accepted his explanation that he served strongmen to push them closer to Western democratic ideals.
Seva Gunitsky, a University of Toronto political scientist, has argued that the distinction between democracy and authoritarianism is already blurring, with more elected leaders taking on the tools and tactics of strongmen.
We are living through another age of strongmen: Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey; Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in Egypt; Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines; Viktor Orban in Hungary; Vladimir Putin in Russia.
In Washington, Mr. Manafort worked to smooth the rough edges of various dictators and strongmen, among them Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines and Mobutu Sese Seko of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Putin's tenure as president is up in 2024, but because authoritarian strongmen don't tend to just quietly retire, the Russian leader is trying to secure his position long after those term limits.
The modern strongmen, and the fascist and communist political systems that they shaped, emerged from the war's vortex of ruined bodies and disfigured minds -- the psychological and physical wreckage of mass violence.
These reforms have opened up what was once one of Africa's most repressive nations but also stoked violence as emboldened regional strongmen build ethnic powerbases and compete over political influence and resources.
His victory, technically within the Parliament's rules, demonstrated Egypt's take on "managed democracy," a term experts often use to describe Russia under President Vladimir V. Putin and other countries ruled by strongmen.
But Ms. Merkel, who has been in power for 11 years, has experience dealing with a long line of impulsive strongmen, from Silvio Berlusconi of Italy to Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.
And he's happy to take the word of foreign strongmen — even when they contradict the assessments of his own intelligence agencies — as he did when Russian President Vladimir Putin denied election meddling.
"It's shocking that we're even having a conversation comparing Trump to Berlusconi and his antecedent strongmen of Italy, a long line that runs all the way back to Caesar," Mr. Eisen said.
He is among the numerous presidents elected in the past decade in peaceful and democratic votes in the region, building hope that a time of bloody coups and strongmen was finally gone.
JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - Barack Obama said on Tuesday the world should resist cynicism over the rise of strongmen, in an apparent reference to populist leaders who hold power in a number of countries.
Mr. Trump appears to have made an exception in his preference for strongmen and is championing a people driven to desperation by a valueless currency and drastic shortages of medicine and food.
The bloodiest killing field has been Africa's Great Lakes region, where political strongmen have responded to instability in the 20th and 21st centuries by committing crimes against humanity and, in some cases, genocide.
Trump's ambivalence comes at an especially sensitive geopolitical moment, as powers such as China and Russia challenge the Western-led order and offer alternative development models for strongmen leaders who reject universal values.
Related: Here are four strongmen — including Saddam Hussein — that Trump says he admires On Wednesday, the New York Times ran an editorial that was critical of Ginsburg's decision to speak out against Trump.
For the new-nationalist strongmen such as Mr Sisi and Mr Putin, nationalism is a cheap and easy way to generate enthusiasm for the state, and to deflect blame for what is wrong.
In this final debate, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump graduated from the school he's been attending: it's the same school attended by Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, and other strongmen up through Vladimir Putin.
The MbS-Putin-Trump triangle sets the political context, with operational decisions left to energy ministers and officials ("How strongmen play their cards will determine next move for oil", Financial Times, Nov. 23).
Overwhelmingly supportive comments on social media underlined widespread frustration at a culture of impunity that allows powerful strongmen, often with retinues of heavily armed guards, to flout rules and bully the less powerful.
His specious claim that he was wiretapped by President Obama and his public embrace of various strongmen, from Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte, have all been self-inflicted wounds.
GENEVA (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May's pledge to weaken human rights protections to fight terrorism is outrageous and a gift to autocratic strongmen globally, Amnesty International head Salil Shetty said on Wednesday.
" Savage says that she stood up in the audience to protest Rajneesh's tirade against Mother Theresa, but that " one of Neesh's strongmen grabbed me and literally threw me back down on the floor.
Almost in all countries, the political process culminated in power jockeying among the same political contenders: kings with medieval divine rights, new military-backed strongmen, senior state technocrats and profoundly retrograde Islamist leaders.
Although both men are on the government's side against the insurgency, Afghans recalled the civil war in the 1990s, when the two strongmen fought each other as bitterly as they opposed the Taliban.
In many democracies that political scientists once considered stable and secure, elected strongmen are putting immense pressure on the judiciary, restricting the freedom of the press, and curtailing the rights of the opposition.
As one of the Western Hemisphere's last communist strongmen begins to ever so slightly lower the barriers for reporters, his free-market neighbors, led by the ultimate capitalist, increasingly herd them into quarantine.
Trump's approach to strongmen just seems particularly perverse because this is an era in which democracy is in retreat, and the president of the United States is championing those most responsible for it.
In her research on how dictators behave in war, Dr. Frantz found that "personalist dictatorships don't always have access to accurate information or insightful advice," she said, using the academic term for strongmen.
He noted that voters tend to overestimate levels of political corruption in the United States, and that strongmen leaders often cloak their intentions with anti-corruption rhetoric, much as Trump did in 2016.
Though Mr. Trump and Mr. Xi come from very different systems, they bear similarities: both are strongmen, both are ardent nationalists, and both are taking their countries in different directions than their predecessors.
Op-Docs I began making this film in 2015, aiming to upend the prevailing narrative of conflict in Sudan by showing so-called victims defy two strongmen at the helm of the conflict.
Putin meanwhile is one of the group of autocrats and global strongmen that Trump seems to admire -- an odd quirk in an American President who often appears tougher on allies than US foes.
During the campaign and his first months in office, he has put down America's moral leadership in the world while talking up dictators and strongmen, from Asia to the Middle East to Europe.
In the eight years since Moammar Gadhaffi was deposed and killed in the 2011 conflict, Haftar has been one of a handful of strongmen to take advantage of the nation's descent into disarray.
In the eight years since Moammar Gadhafi was deposed and killed in the 2011 conflict, Haftar has been one of a handful of strongmen to take advantage of the nation's descent into disarray.
Since then, he has been one of many strongmen claiming pre-eminence in the nation's descent into disarray, based in the city of Benghazi and exerting most of his control in eastern Libya.
The President, in his affinity for strongmen leaders, and repeatedly in policy addresses, has made clear he does not believe that universal rights and democratic standards should form the basis of foreign policy.
Unlike less-secure strongmen who rarely venture abroad, Mr. Mugabe sticks to his annual routine, leaving Zimbabwe at the same time every year, and he has even lengthened his holidays in recent years.
This possible handover could give new relevance to the court, which was wavering in an age in which strongmen elected on nationalistic political platforms have turned away from international accountability developed in the 1990s.
In countries such as these, where authoritarian strongmen have already won power and are systematically starting to change the most basic rules of the game, liberal democracy faces an imminent threat to its survival.
And when they feel threatened — "activated" in political science parlance — they look for strongmen-style leaders who promise to take whatever action necessary to protect them from outsiders and prevent the changes they fear.
But there is another explanation: that they have mimicked the power-grabbing tactics of Turkish and Egyptian strongmen to pre-empt efforts by the "security state" to seize back power—for Mr Morsi, unsuccessfully.
Click here to view original GIFSure, the average iPhone user probably only uses a sledgehammer two to three times a year, but what about demolition workers, old-timey strongmen and avant-garde British flautists?
While Trump is worrying the committee-based dictatorship of China and democracies like Germany and the United Kingdom, he's cozying up with autocratic strongmen who rule without recourse to either party or democratic consensus.
But this incident also shows how effective President Donald Trump's attempts to criminalize the media have been, and how his glorification of strongmen sets the tone for everyday behavior by the rank and file.
The rights watchdog's 2016 annual report said reform efforts by President Ashraf Ghani's national unity government had been undermined by failure to contain internal differences and keep local strongmen and power brokers in check.
And shifts have occurred in Turkish society as the economy has expanded, incomes have risen and many Turks have grown proud of living in a democracy in a region dominated by monarchs and strongmen.
With parliamentary elections due in October ahead of the more important presidential vote next year, tensions have risen sharply as Afghanistan's political strongmen position themselves and the cracks in Ghani's unwieldy unity government widen.
Read: With Xi's Power Grab, China Joins New Era of Strongmen Read: President Xi's Strongman Rule Raises New Fears of Hostility and Repression Chinese reaction to abolition of Mr. Xi's term limit has varied.
Related: Here are four strongmen — including Saddam Hussein — that Trump says he admires Pence is staunchly conservative on social issues too, which balances out Trump, who has praised Planned Parenthood and supports gay marriage.
A Middle East in which strongmen are reinforced, reform is stillborn, Islamist radicalism thrives, and pluralism is a pipe dream hardens under a president who doesn't know a moral principle from a Big Mac.
Facebook and Twitter would help topple strongmen leaders in the Middle East, broadcast issues like election fraud in Russia, and bring issues like police brutality, racism and sexual harassmentto the forefront of national conversation.
This essay explains why Trump gravitates toward leaders like Vladimir Putin, the Saudi princes and various global strongmen: They share his core worldview that life is nakedly a selfish struggle for money and dominance.
The fate of physician Walid Fitaihi is again raising the question of whether strongmen leaders who are crucial to the personal political projects of administration power players are getting a pass on human rights.
His fondness for strongmen like Mr. Putin and President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt, whom he called "a fantastic guy," suggests indifference if not disdain for efforts to promote human rights and democracy.
Trump's attraction to violent strongmen such as Egypt's Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and the Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte, combined with his State Department's disavowal of the traditional American embrace of human rights, has been disconcerting.
Now, those officials say, he has increasingly found a receptive audience among Afghanistan's power brokers, meeting everyone from lowly militia commanders, to former cabinet officials and entrenched regional strongmen, to several potential presidential candidates.
We have seen leaders, like Mr. Trump, harness Twitter to spread lies and create new realities, and to harass journalists, as Rodrigo Duterte, the president of the Philippines, and many other strongmen have done.
I enjoyed much of the same discriminatory abuse as anybody else unfortunate enough to reside in the United States with the same skin tones and bone structures as ayatollahs, Baathist strongmen, and airline bombers.
Trump has publicly trashed America's partnerships and multilateral institutions, often accusing allies of taking advantage of the US. And he is enamored of strongmen like Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Emmanuel Macron, the newly minted French president, stood next to Russian President Vladimir Putin at Versailles on Monday and made clear that he was ready to confront one of this century's most aggressive strongmen.
The pair's stunning downfall is likely to send shockwaves across Africa, where a number of entrenched strongmen, from Uganda's Yoweri Museveni to Democratic Republic of Congo's Joseph Kabila, are facing mounting pressure to step aside.
And the reverse is also true: The fact that Trump is borrowing so liberally from the autocratic regimes tells us a lot about why these strategies are appealing for would-be strongmen the world over.
More specifically, strongmen are hired to stomp and shout, to make big promises of victories ahead and promise great consequences for failure, to make complicated things simple and turn unspoken or unspeakable inner ambitions outward.
He's been in the news for some time as a prime example of the new wave of strongmen who operate in a context of nominal democracy but engage in authoritarian tactics to consolidate their power.
Rising inequality has led to electoral backlashes, bringing us Trump and his trade wars, Brexit and finally, a host of populist, illiberal political movements and 'strongmen' - all keen on nationalism rather than cross-border cooperation.
A wave of nationalism — led by calls to raise the drawbridges against outsiders and their influence — has ushered in strongmen in places where, just a few years ago, democratic institutions seemed inevitably on the rise.
In other countries, majorities have elected leftists, like Andrés Manuel López Obrador , in Mexico; or dynamic centrists, like Emmanuel Macron, in France; or strongmen, like Trump, to address their fears about economic and cultural change.
AWKWARD STRONGMEN Trump shows Putin respect by containing his physical presence inward, a pose he commonly adopts when meeting with the press and dignitaries: here he sits with shoulders hunched, hands rigorously together, eyes downcast.
"One thing you will never hear from me: praise for dictators and strongmen who have no love for America," she said, alluding to Mr. Trump's favorable remarks about President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. Mrs.
Scott used the crisis in Venezuela as a jumping-off point to attack Nelson, saying that by supporting former President Obama's efforts to normalize relations with Cuba he had empowered strongmen in Venezuela and elsewhere.
His remarks on Iraq were not terribly controversial (popes routinely denounce the use of force), but the mention of the Arab spring seemed to suggest that the region's strongmen should have been left in place.
Plenty of political systems led by strongmen who died in office, like Hafez al-Assad in Syria and Turkmenistan's Saparmurat Niyazov, have successfully managed to hand over power to a chosen successor after their deaths.
Senior Afghan officials said Mr. Qaisari's arrest was part of a broader effort to rein in pro-government strongmen whom they accuse of abusing power and driving local residents into the arms of the insurgency.
Mr. Duterte is one of a growing group of political strongmen who rode to power in recent years on a wave of populism in their countries and in the process tightened their grip on power.
Drafted in an age of strongmen, during the first two decades of the country's postcolonial period between 1946 and 1965, the 11 works collected in this volume — 10 stories and a play — read as feminist.
But while these shadowy outside forces preoccupied politicians and journalists, Trump and his domestic allies were beginning to adopt the same tactics of information warfare that have kept the world's demagogues and strongmen in power.
When Akhmad Kadyrov was killed in a terrorist attack in 2004, his son took his place, muscling out rival strongmen and monopolizing power in the republic by placing his people in charge of federal institutions.
Torn between sticking with the autocratic strongmen who had long been America's allies or democracy-seeking protesters on the streets, it lurched one way and then the other, only rarely committing completely to an outcome.
His praise has been reserved for populists and strongmen, like Nigel Farage, the former leader of the U.K. Independence Party, President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines and, of course, President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.
A leader of the Tarahumara people who live among the jagged peaks of the western Sierra Madre, Mr. Baldenegro defended the area's old-growth forests against powerful local strongmen allied with drug traffickers and loggers.
"The fact that Trump calls journalists and unfavorable reports 'fake news' is a blessing for every dictator on earth, you can see that in many countries where strongmen use the same argument," says RSF's Alviani.
The shock therapy of mass privatization applied to Russia after the Soviet collapsed, for example, reduced life expectancy in that country by five years and ensured that Russia was taken over by strongmen and oligarchs.
Strongmen Eddie Hall and Brian Shaw were seated next to each other on a flight to Scotland, and a hilarious photo showed the two hulking men looking jokingly upset as they invaded each other's personal space.
" As an array of strongmen line up from the Philippines to Turkey, from Russia to Europe, and now the US, the German Vice Chancellor had this to say: "Trump is a warning to us as well.
They hold sway over local government authorities who, with no army or police force to speak of, lack the means to get a grip on the situation, and remain at the mercy of strongmen for protection.
Stoking Fear Autocrats around the world have expertly capitalized on the primal tight-loose fault line: When we perceive threats (whether real, imagined, or manipulated), we crave social order – and the strongmen who can enforce it.
Though they do have reason to take interest in Egyptian affairs—the plight of the Copts is an international disgrace—Donald Trump's enthusiastic praise for Sisi and other strongmen means the meeting is cause for concern.
Renewal of ethnic rivalries risks boosting the power of regional and ethnic strongmen like Dostum, who scorn efforts to impose central control on their local power bases and regularly complain of being shut out by Ghani.
The big loser is the people of Spain, including the majority of Catalans, who throughout this ordeal have consistently called for the one thing that neither martyrs nor strongmen are particularly good at: dialogue and compromise.
The speech was part of a tour through Europe, in which he seeks to support the Continent's strongmen (like Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary) and populists (like Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Front).
In early 2628, the contradictions between the lines of effort pursued by the West since 28503 are manifesting themselves in the stalemate between Afghanistan's elected president Ashraf Ghani and regional strongmen Atta Mohammad Noor and Gen.
Captain Davis Love III surprised no one at Thursday's opening ceremony when he named Reed and Jordan Spieth, his powerhouse pairing, to take on European strongmen Henrik Stenson and Justin Rose in the first match out.
Although economic troubles and jihadist attacks have marred its progress, Tunisia has worked to remain an island of political openness — and perhaps a model for others — in a region of wars, monarchs, strongmen and sectarian divides.
The big picture: Trump has been criticized in the past for his warm relations with strongmen like Erdoğan, who has consolidated power and cracked down on the media and political dissenters over the past few years.
He gets miffed at friends and admires strongmen, and if he has a consistent goal, as Thomas Friedman wrote in The Times recently, it is to show he can succeed where former President Barack Obama didn't.
That has meant dealing with populist strongmen, from Mr Putin to Venezuela's late leader Hugo Chávez, who he has often cajoled into submission by arguing for the importance of free markets and the sanctity of oil contracts.
Once activated, they will go beyond simply supporting the GOP's quest for "traditional values," instead seeking extreme policies and strongmen leaders — such as Trump and his pledges of vast border walls, mass deportations, and state-sanctioned torture.
Cagaptay argues that Erdogan is the "inventor of 21st century populism" — a pioneer among the strongmen who portray their followers as the only "good citizens" and frame checks on their power as rejections of the popular will.
The Obama administration had previously alienated leaders in Riyadh during the wave of democracy movements starting in 2010 known as the Arab Spring, during which Washington took the side of protesters standing up to Saudi-aligned strongmen.
The Office of Strategic Services, precursor to the CIA, was a unique outfit working to defeat the Axis during World War II.Among the spies, saboteurs, and strongmen who filled its ranks were some of Hollywood's leading names.
We should talk about it because that money is suddenly in the news, inconveniently out in the open in an industry that has preferred to keep its connection to petromonarchs and other strongmen on the down low.
Francis has acted on his conviction that Catholic faith is less about the use of power to shape the social order — the stuff of present strongmen and past popes — than about straightforward efforts of kindness and generosity.
We should talk about it because that money is suddenly in the news, inconveniently out in the open in an industry that has preferred to keep its connection to petromonarchs and other strongmen on the down low.
But like many another rapacious strongmen, the president, who is 45, is also keenly aware that his loot and his life are safe only as long as he has the presidential levers and guns to preserve them.
He allowed two strongmen to stay on—Atta Mohamed Noor, the governor of Balkh Province, in the north, and Abdul Razziq, the police chief of Kandahar—even though they were known for corruption and human-rights violations.
The Committee to Protect Journalists, an advocacy group that does an annual count of detained journalists, said in its report that Mr. Trump had "cozied up to strongmen" and done little to stand up for human rights.
In an era of "big personalities" — or what many academics and historians prefer to call strongmen — Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass believes this trend poses a direct risk to investors and proponents of civil liberties alike.
This will be a year to watch just how far strongmen dare to extend their gains, given the erosion of global rules to constrain them and the retreat of the world's policeman in Washington that long predates Trump.
Kyrgyzstan—a mountainous post-Soviet country of 6m people bordering China—was holding the first genuinely competitive presidential election in Central Asia, a region ruled by strongmen who typically romp home with close to 100% of the vote.
" One of Trump's most vocal opponents, Democratic counterpart Hillary Clinton immediately took issue with his comments, saying in a statement – obtained by PEOPLE – from her Senior policy advisor that Trump's "praise for brutal strongmen seemingly knows no bounds.
By the time these elected strongmen consolidated their position, the free media were discredited and diminished, the opposition was left shouting into the void, and both were smeared and weakened, with key members in prison, exile or worse.
Celebrations have been held across South Africa this week to mark Mandela's 100th birthday, including a rousing speech on Tuesday by former U.S. president Barack Obama, who said the world should resist cynicism over the rise of strongmen.
Paul Manafort, 2757, all but disappeared from American politics in recent decades to advise international leaders, including strongmen like Ferdinand E. Marcos, the former dictator of the Philippines, and Viktor F. Yanukovych, the deposed former president of Ukraine.
KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan recently sent a team of officials to investigate alleged abuses by militias loyal to two rival strongmen in the country's north, underlining concern that tensions there are undermining the authority of the government in Kabul.
George Washington warned the nation in his Farewell Address against would-be strongmen and demagogues who would pillage the government for private profit, and intertwine America with intrigues and entanglements from hostile foreign powers that wish us ill.
Ethiopia has been destabilized by civil war and rule by kleptocratic strongmen for much of its modern history, and now operates as a punishingly low-wage manufacturing economy under the U.S.-backed regime of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.
That Trump has found a more affable pen pal in Kim Jong Un than in House Speaker Nancy Pelosi speaks both to his determination in developing "chemistry" with global strongmen and the dire state of Washington's political discourse.
BEIJING (Reuters) - China's Communist Party gave President Xi Jinping the title of "core" leader on Thursday, putting him on par with past strongmen like Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, but it signaled his power would not be absolute.
But whatever the offenses may be, the real-world policy effects that Trump's critics have feared from l'Affaire Russe — an alliance of strongmen, the subordination of American interests to Moscow, the unraveling of NATO — haven't materialized at all.
Mr. Trump gambled that the show of amity could crack the nuclear logjam, underscoring his faith in the power of his own personal diplomacy — even with brutal strongmen like Mr. Kim — to achieve what past presidents could not.
"Trump&aposs affinity for strongmen...sends a signal to these and other leaders that there are few costs associated with repressive behavior," Andrea Kendall-Taylor, a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security, told Insider.
Concerns are especially acute in the Dominican Republic, where one party has held the presidency for most of the last 24 years, and where the strongmen who ruled for much of the 20th century still cast long shadows.
The conference, which took place at a hotel owned by the Kremlin, brought together members of the Taliban's Qatar-based negotiating office with some of Afghanistan's main political players, including regional strongmen and former Afghan President Hamid Karzai.
If Trump didn't have such a habit of admiring dictators and strongmen — including on Saturday, where he publicly admired China and Singapore for executing drug dealers — it might make the public a little less wary about his jokes.
The allegations have inflamed the American public, and even some US lawmakers, because of fears that Mr. Trump, like other strongmen with ties to Moscow, might allow Russian President Vladimir Putin to wield undue influence over his country.
A story about battling a rising tide of fascism feels timely as alt-right groups spring up across the world and authoritarian strongmen claim political power, and La Belle Sauvage plays this story out in a tense, thrilling manner.
A few even saw the North's Stalinist state as more legitimate than South Korea's young democracy, tainted as it was by the original sin of American-backed dictatorship (Ms Park's late father was the longest-serving of the strongmen).
But Trump has made no secret of his admiration for Putin, which suggests that his NATO position is about more than just money: Trump believes the world is better off if in the hands of despots, strongmen, and dictators.
They can't even park their cars on the public road outside the Gold Base in California (home of the infamous "Hole" where members are allegedly held captive for months and mistreated) without inciting the wrath of the church's strongmen.
He's shown more affinity for strongmen leaders who have eroded democracy in their countries, like Putin, with whom he spoke at a lunch on Sunday, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who sat alongside him at dinner on Saturday.
The same thing is happening across Europe—in Poland, in Austria, in Northern Ireland, in every polity where strongmen are elected by a population easily swayed by promises to put women and people of color in their proper place.
Crimea has been ceded to Russia and Ukraine left to fend for itself, U.S. rhetoric about democracy promotion has all but disappeared, and a concert of American-backed strongmen are grinding away at Islamists from North Africa to Iraq.
Flake now professes alarm about Trump's "affection for strongmen and authoritarians," yet has done next to nothing with his extraordinary power—including a seat on the Foreign Relations Committee—to stop Trump from presiding over a pro-authoritarian administration.
Mr. Trump seems so enamored with autocrats and strongmen that he wants the United States to imitate governments like China and the Philippines by executing drug dealers, claiming such countries "don't have a drug problem" because of their brutality.
Local strongmen had arrived late in the day at the polling stations, creating chaos that may have included ballot stuffing, residents said, suggesting that Mr. Muslimyar was trying open a way for those votes to be counted as legitimate.
"All politicians and public figures are role models and none more so than the American President," said Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a professor of history at New York University who has written extensively about the common characteristics of strongmen leaders.
"This is our best political opportunity," said Margarita Lopez Maya, a retired political scientist in the capital, Caracas, who has spent decades studying the strongmen of the country's past and who headed out on Saturday to join the crowds.
Two of President Donald Trump's favorite strongmen — Russian President Vladimir Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman — warmly shook hands with one another, smiled broadly and laughed when they were seated together Friday at the G-20 summit in Argentina.
But after the immediate returns, such actions come at a heavy price for America's image as a champion for human rights and protector of the weak -- especially in the face of strongmen like Turkey's Recep Tayyip Erdogan and China's Xi Jinping.
There was scattered applause, possibly because those in the room had heard his warm words for Saudi Arabia, and had heard no criticisms at all for the strongmen that Mr Trump admires in such countries as Russia, Egypt or the Philippines.
Martin Luther King Jr. called white supremacy: the ideology that inspired Nazi Germany, the Berlin Conference, the slave trade, apartheid South Africa, Jim Crow South, the Ku Klux Klan, white privilege, white power and the West's love affair with Africa's strongmen.
In the tussle with Turkey over the Russian air defense system, a thorny mix of diplomatic and technological challenges are intersecting with the President's affinity for strongmen leaders and his tendency to execute international diplomacy based on his personal relationships.
In this episode of FUEL, a new series dedicated to the high-performance diets of athletes, we follow Robert Oberst—aka Obie—one of America's leading professional strongmen, holder of the American record in the Log Lift, and eater extraordinaire.
Many former Soviet republics were expected to transition to democracy after communism's fall in the 73s — but have, instead, been taken over by a coterie of strongmen who see the country they rule as a combination of a piggybank and playground.
The Interpreter WASHINGTON — Donald J. Trump, reiterating his call to restrict Muslim immigration to the United States, has adopted a tactic that has long been a mainstay of strongmen and sectarian provocateurs: portraying outsiders as a threat to women's safety.
And, it is a story about two larger-than-life egos wanting to appear as macho "strongmen," leading two geopolitically important and powerful countries, and how each man wants to come out on top in this bizarre political face-off.
KABUL, Afghanistan — In northern Afghanistan, a dispute over billboard portraits of the country's vice president has inflamed tensions between two of the most powerful regional strongmen, exposing internal political strains even as the government faces a dire challenge from Taliban offensives.
Administration officials insist that the increased influence of groups like Boko Haram, and now the Islamic State, has some of its roots in the economic disparities and human suffering often brought on by authoritarian governments in which strongmen cling to power.
Far from trying to stamp out the virus, strongmen like President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia have seized on the upheaval it is causing as cover for steps to consolidate their power.
While the enemy had a different name, many of the problems that have plagued foreign troops over the years — the reliance on brutal strongmen, fighting an enemy that has a safe haven across the border, low morale among Afghan forces — persisted.
As his trip to Asia reminds us, a man who loves to bully people turns to mush — fawning smiles, effusive rhetoric — in the company of strongmen like Xi Jinping of China, Vladimir Putin of Russia and Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines.
He's one of many, following a line of high-profile strongmen and raconteurs stretching all the way back to the circus shoot fighters who bilked the audience, using shoot-fight reality as a chip for fame in pro wrestling's quasi-reality.
" Flake, in an excerpt published this week from his book, "Conscience of a Conservative," compared Republican efforts in the 2016 election to a "Faustian bargain" and wrote of "the strange specter of an American president's seeming affection for strongmen and authoritarians.
As an organization that has tried to squelch religion, the Communist Party under Mr. Xi is now backing it in ways that echo the approach of strongmen like Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, who use faith to legitimize their rule.
But cults of personality are actually the norm in the "stans," the Central Asian countries that emerged after the fall of the Soviet Union, all of which are ruled by strongmen who surround themselves with tiny cliques of wealthy crony capitalists.
As in other countries where strongmen have gained at the ballot box, many Turkish voters appeared to have accepted Mr. Erdogan's argument that powerful centralized authority was essential to forge a strong state and guard against the threat of terrorism.
President Donald Trump told admiring Arab absolute monarchs and military strongmen in a gilt chamber at the weekend that he wanted "peace, security and prosperity", and the United States was not there to tell them how to run their own countries.
Africa's Great Lakes, the region that seems pitifully prone to strongmen and mass killing -- and where Washington has squandered opportunities to support strong institutions, as Obama promised in Ghana -- is the very place that Obama can still guarantee his legacy in Africa.
Analysts see Moscow's support of secular strongmen in Syria and Libya while simultaneously offering some support to the Taliban in Afghanistan and working with Iran in Syria as indicative of Russia's willingness to forgo ideology as it seeks to expand its influence.
The volume of Tillerson's personal and financial conflicts of interest from his 40 years at Exxon should themselves serve as a disqualification: How can the ExxonMobil boss separate his array of deals with dictators, strongmen and guerrilla insurgents from his State Department duties?
Gabbard's penchant for strangely reasoned defenses of militant foreign strongmen — she's an avowed fan of India's anti-Muslim, illiberal Prime Minister Narendra Modi — has contributed to her marginalization not only from both the Clintonite Democratic center but the also the Warren-Sanders left.
Third, having won power by exploiting fear or discontent, strongmen chisel away at a free press, an impartial justice system and other institutions that form the "liberal" part of liberal democracy—all in the name of thwarting the enemies of the people.
After his predecessor gave a speech last week calling for renewed international cooperation and warning of the perils of strongmen, Trump sent out a tweet on Sunday that summed up his own reactionary movement in just a few dozen characters of male id.
In 1935, as the strongmen flexed their muscles, the Labour Party replaced the hapless Lansbury with Major Clement Attlee, who combined a vigorous support for Britain's entry into the second world war with unceasing work to found the post-war welfare state.
David Brooks, who has in the past likened Trump to authoritarian "strongmen" such as Russian President Vladimir Putin, Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and North Korea's Kim Jong Un, said Trump is now getting a raw deal from his political enemies and the press.
Yet for many in and around this capital city, scattered across hills in the jungle of East Africa, Trump's candidacy represents a strike against political dynasties and the established order that has kept strongmen such as their own president in power for decades.
From Vladimir Putin promising to restore order and national pride in Russia after the laissez faire 1990s, to the Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte bragging about gunning down drug dealers from the back of his motorcycle, strongmen have repeatedly exploited social disorder to their advantage.
Then in the early 2000s we seemed to have changed places: Under George W. Bush America was a revolutionary power, preaching the messianic faith of liberalism and democracy, while Moscow was a friend of strongmen, stability and the Saddam-era status quo.
Strongmen like Mr. Chávez or Mr. Erdogan, who installed his son-in-law as finance minister, tend to meddle with their central banks, both to juice short-term growth and out of a tendency to see independent institutions as threats rather than partners.
BADAKHSHAN Kohistan District Kabul AFGHANistan Kandahar PAKISTAN By The New York Times Strongmen and political elites have long profited from mining, raising fears that tapping into mineral wealth on a large scale amid a raging war could turn into another source of instability.
Where Washington once was a modest brake on the excesses of Egypt's strongmen, Mr. Trump has lavished praise on Mr. el-Sisi in previous encounters — even complimenting his taste in footwear — but has said little about the tightening vise of repression in Egypt.
But in the long term, a 2016 report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction found, this strategy undermined the government, alienated Afghans and further pushed Afghanistan into a collection of fiefs run by strongmen whose interests cut against American aims.
As millions of people fall for the siren song of populism-- electing strongmen who fan the flames of fear and division -- and the US retreats from its defense of democracy, Freedom House noted that two other countries are eagerly filling the void.
His closeness to strongmen like Russia's Vladimir PutinVladimir Vladimirovich PutinTrump's 'soldier of fortune' foreign policy Feehery: Impeachment fever bad for Democratic governing vision Taliban travels to Moscow after Trump declares talks dead MORE and North Korea's Kim Jong-Un is well documented.
The truth of the matter, whether any wrongdoing was actually done, is almost irrelevant; the power of the community, exercised through the ruling of jirgas and panchayats (which are tribal councils made up of community elders and other strongmen) is front and center.
The global Islamist insurgency has been boosted by the bloodshed in Syria and brought mayhem onto Europe's streets, while people in the Middle East find themselves trapped between strongmen and terrorist organizations that only have their own interests and the retention of power at heart.
Osaka, Japan (CNN)Not an overly enthusiastic summit participant, President Donald Trump has come to fashion the yearly gatherings more to his liking: speed dating for deals, with a cast of strongmen (no strongwomen) swapping in and out of the chair across the table.
Following a four-day plenum, the party late on Thursday gave Xi the title "core", putting him on par with past strongmen like Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, though it also signaled his power would not be absolute by underscoring the importance of collective leadership.
Germans are dismayed by Mr Trump's tolerance for authoritarian strongmen, from the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to the president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte (whose blood-soaked campaign against drug-dealers earned him Mr Trump's praise on April 29th and a White House invitation).
To the extent that it can be divined, his programme involves threatening to slap tariffs on imports from China and Mexico; demanding that allies like Japan and the Europeans pay more for their defence; and being nicer to strongmen like Russia's president, Vladimir Putin.
"One thing you will never hear from me is praises for dictators and strongmen who have no love for America," Clinton said, a nod to the fact that Trump has said positive things about Russian President Vladimir Putin and late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.
But even as Mr Pence defends his president and his America First agenda, he sounds enough like an old-school Reagan Republican—praising free-trade pacts, lauding NATO and chiding leftist strongmen for trampling the rule of law—that foreign allies cannot help but dream.
Overall, in dealing with foreign leaders, Trump has shown more respect and adoration for strongmen than he has for democratic allies like Germany's Angela Merkel, with whom he wouldn't even shake hands — while, at the same time, showing little interest in promoting human rights.
Trump has expressed admiration for other strongmen across the world, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.  "I thought that President Putin was very, very strong," he said on Fox News following the two leaders' summit in Helsinki in July.
She also has a notably mixed voting record, and associations that veer from certain progressive causes to the apparent courting of such strongmen as Narendra Modi, Bashar al-Assad, and Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (not to mention Trump)—this zigzagging path through positions is vexing.
In other areas, including his support for free trade, his revulsion for Russian President Vladimir Putin and global strongmen, his vehement support for the Atlantic alliance and human rights, McCain found himself at odds with a President who has an iron grip on his party.
As Raffel recounts in this bit of forgotten but fascinating history, at the turn of the 20th century Dr. Martin Couney discovered a novel way to help sickly newborns while also making a few bucks displaying the little wonders alongside bearded ladies and strongmen.
The death of those deemed to be problematic is how some strongmen leaders that President Donald Trump has embraced keep their hold on power -- such as Philippine strongman Rodrigo Duterte, who is following through on his pledge to kill every drug dealer he can find.
"As his trip to Asia reminds us, a man who loves to bully people turns to mush — fawning smiles, effusive rhetoric — in the company of strongmen like Xi Jinping of China, Vladimir Putin of Russia and Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines," the board wrote.
Unlike other regional strongmen such as Rwanda's Paul Kagame and Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, who thrive off power and cast themselves as the embodiment of their nations, Mr. Kabila governed Congo like a phantom president, isolating himself in his presidential palace, presiding over dysfunction and disorder.
Devon is focusing on recharging his bright and beautiful light, and JP is – well, I have a soft spot in my heart for the JPs of Survivor, the stoic strongmen who have a sure hand with the slingshot and comically banal commentary in the confessional booth.
The academics say that Trump's instincts — like those of strongmen such as Mobutu Sese Seko and Putin — is to see the state as a personal fiefdom and a vehicle for dispensing favors to family and political allies, rather than as something that needs to follow neutral rules.
That leaves a chink in the armor of strongmen that can create an opening for defenders of liberal democracy, a system that protects individual rights and is based on rule of law, equality -- including for minorities -- a free press, free expression and fair elections, among other things.
Not coincidentally, Trump and the GOP have applied that brand to their foreign policy, abandoning the emphasis on democracy promotion that Ronald Reagan championed and replacing it with outspoken openness toward anti-democratic strongmen in places such as Russia, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, China and Turkey.
But Trump's affinity for strongmen -- Russian President Vladimir Putin, Egypt's leaderr Abdel Fattah al-Sissi and Chinese Premier Xi Jinping to name a few -- will be tested by the Philippines' leader, a man so ruthless that he has even compared himself to Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.
Trump's "comfort in the company of strongmen" gives Asian leaders the impression that "further moves against democracy and human rights will not incur a price in relationships with the United States, " Aaron Connelly, research fellow at the Lowy Institute's East Asia program, said in a note.
On the cover of that issue, Superman, wearing a bold undies-over-tights look — a visual allusion to circus strongmen of the era — is seen lifting up a car: Superman's entire ensemble — cape, tights, "S" insignia, boots — is as recognizable and timeless as the character himself.
With his obligatory attacks on the news media, his leisurely digressions into his 2016 election victory, his professions of affection for strongmen like Kim Jong-un of North Korea, and the thumping classic-rock soundtrack, Mr. Trump could have been at one of his political rallies.
One need look only at the decision Sunday by China's Communist Party to abolish the country's presidential term limit, which will enable Xi Jinping to remain in power indefinitely, to appreciate that it's springtime for strongmen — and nobody has to worry what America thinks about that.
MEDAN, Indonesia — President Joko Widodo of Indonesia has succeeded in his bid for re-election, according to a full vote count released by the country's election commission on Tuesday, in a repudiation of the nationalist and faith politics that have brought strongmen to power across the globe.
Strongmen on their own political turf, the two men ambled as tourists through the eighth-century rock carvings of Mamallapuram on India's south-eastern coast before banqueting at a romantic seaside temple, the last vestige of a once-thriving port that traded with China 1,300 years ago.
Mr. Erdogan may have thought he could sweet-talk the mercurial Mr. Trump into changing this policy; indeed, some senior American officials feared that this could happen, given Mr. Trump's fondness for strongmen and the suspicious ties of his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, to Turkey.
To some, it suggests Mr. Trump is set to take an approach in the Middle East that will not just tolerate strongmen and monarchs but also actively seek to embrace them — a throwback that evokes American alignment with autocrats like the shah of Iran in decades past.
Death toll rises In the eight years since former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi was deposed and killed in 2011 -- following a military intervention led by France and the UK -- Haftar has been one of a handful of strongmen to take advantage of the nation's descent into disarray.
All that has created an awkward visual for Trump, who prides himself on his strong leadership and his ability to win respect from foreign strongmen, since MBS's behavior appears to show little concern for the increasingly difficult political questions he is causing for his American friends.
She is a defender of several of the world's strongmen, perhaps most notably India's Narendra Modi, a Hindu nationalist accused of failing to stop a mass slaughter of Muslims, and Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, whose regime has killed and tortured hundreds of thousands of his own people.
To the extent that it can be divined, his programme involves threatening to slap punitive tariffs on foreign imports in an attempt to rectify trade deficits; wringing payment from allies for the security that America provides them; and being nicer to strongmen such as Russia's president, Vladimir Putin.
While such threats are common in some of the world's more authoritarian states and have been heard from despotic strongmen in places such as Turkey and Russia, they are unprecedented in the former British colony -- which, until recently, considered its free press a key part of its democracy.
It would also be no surprise if Trump returns to bashing allied leaders he sees as freeloading off the US defense umbrella while courting strongmen around the globe, a trend in his presidency that emerged again on Tuesday, when he sent congratulations to Brazil's new far-right radical President.
"One thing you will never hear from me is praise for dictators and strongmen who have no love for America," Clinton said during a speech at the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention in Charlotte, N.C. While she didn't mention Trump by name, the target of her barbs was clear.
In the long run, I'm still hopeful that this phase will pass — that the stability and sugar highs that these strongmen offer will prove to be illusory — and that the free flow of ideas and people, and regular rotations in power, will prove superior vehicles for the greater good.
Ms. Merkel still has the right instincts when it comes to dealing with strongmen like President Vladimir Putin of Russia, but her national standing has weakened, and the heads of regional states in eastern Germany, some of them members of her own party, have advocated abolishing sanctions against Moscow.
By contrast, in the third-largest democracy, Indonesia (the United States is second), the re-election of President Joko Widodo, a soft-spoken politician who is more concerned with building roads than firing up nationalist passions, was perceived as a strong riposte to the rise of populist strongmen.
One suspect, Abdul Hamid Khurasani, confronted the police when they sought to arrest him at the offices of his political group, bringing the northern Kabul neighborhood to a standstill, and then managed to flee with support from elements inside the police and local strongmen who came to his aid.
Mr. Ali's announcement came on the eve of the seventh anniversary of the start of the 2011 uprising that led to the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak and, for a time, stoked hopes for democracy in Egypt, which has been led by strongmen for most of its modern history.
The democratic experiment in Afghanistan, which began in 2004, when Hamid Karzai was elected President, has demoralized many citizens, who have watched brutal strongmen be rewarded with cabinet postings, age-old patronage networks mobilized on behalf of party politics, and elected officials enrich themselves through cronyism and corruption.
Mr. Kony, a self-proclaimed prophet, along with his militant force, catapulted onto the Ugandan stage in 2239 to fight President Yoweri Museveni, who at the time was into the first year of his journey to become one of Africa's longest-reigning strongmen (he's now on Year 22014).
He has disavowed his predecessors' embrace of socialist strongmen in the region, he has earnestly tried to sell El Salvador as a friendly place for American investment and he has sought to distance his nation from Guatemala and Honduras, two troubled neighbors with which El Salvador is often lumped.
"Strongmen often rely on the halo of being national heroes, being brave and adventurous," said Ho. "If Xi takes the risk to go to Wuhan now, his political reputation would bounce back -- but of course there is the risk of infection due to the uncertainty of the virus."
To put it bluntly, Qatar is being penalized for refusing to accept the status quo of the past 40 years, and for daring to challenge the conventional wisdom in the gulf that bashing Tehran, buttressing military strongmen and suppressing political Islamism are the right path for the region.
Trump has repeatedly shown a willingness to suspend disbelief when it comes to strongmen like Kim, accepting Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman's denial of involvement in the premeditated murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi and Vladimir Putin's claim Russia didn't meddle with the 2016 US presidential election.
The 1967 reforms in particular had been intended by proponents to provide a new model of governance, in which authority derived not from force but legitimacy in the eyes of constituents, and where rival parties resolved debates peacefully rather than imbued them in the fates of symbolic strongmen.
Trump has cultivated ties to global strongmen such as Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Chinese President Xi Jinping -- not to mention his two summits with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un or his general warmth toward Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Take new French President Emmanuel Macron, who made waves last week after openly condemning Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris climate accord, giving Trump an aggressive and muscular handshake, and lumping Trump in with other autocratic strongmen like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoǧan and Russian President Vladimir Putin.
He condemned Mr Maduro for locking up opponents, impoverishing his people and stifling the free press—with no hint of a blush or recollection that in other parts of the world Mr Trump has praised other strongmen and autocrats, from Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines to Vladimir Putin in Russia.
Trump and strongmen His apparent political kinship, for example, with strongman leaders like those from Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Russia has raised questions whether the President of the United States is now really a custodian of Western values, including press freedom and support for democracy and human rights around the world.
Yet Mr Corbyn's popularity among Labour's half-million members and affiliates is not replicated among Britain's 19733m voters, most of whom do not share his desire to overthrow capitalism and unilaterally forsake the country's nuclear weapons, nor his soft spot for strongmen such as Vladimir Putin and the late Hugo Chávez.
When William "Wild Bill" Donovan created the Office of Strategic Services during World War II, he was looking to create a truly unique intelligence outfit whose ranks included the least suspicious group of spies, saboteurs, and strongmen who were willing to infiltrate enemy countries and gather intelligence for the Allied cause.
As part of the effort to rein in pro-government strongmen, the authorities also recently arrested Rahimullah Khan, a former deputy police chief of southern Uruzgan Province, who is suspected of surrendering government posts to the Taliban because the administration in Kabul was not giving him the promotion he wanted.
Falling back on a standard excuse of besieged strongmen, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey is blaming traitors and outside powers for his nation's financial crisis, and describing the strong United States dollar as among "the bullets, cannonballs and missiles" foreigners are using to wage "economic war" on his country.
" In that speech, as strongmen and former warlords whispered to one another in the back of the hall, Mr. Ghani thanked his wife, Rula — a Lebanese-born former journalist and humanitarian worker, whom he called by her adopted Afghan name, Bibi Gul — for her "continued support for me and Afghanistan.
"This all seems to result from Trump's somewhat bizarre but persistent belief that you can only trust the word of other strongmen — from China's Xi Jinping to North Korea's Kim Jong Un to Russia's Vladimir Putin," Paul Musgrave, a US foreign policy expert at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, told me.
Critics of the United States who claim Trump is in fact no different from Barack Obama in his support for Sisi and other strongmen in the region are missing important nuances in the policies of the two men as well as how they were perceived by the leaders with whom they interacted.
Pakistan's blasphemy laws dangle like the sword of Damocles over journalists who report on issues that can irk religious conservatives, the military or the powerful strongmen who regularly rob the country's coffers, any one of whom can orchestrate an accusation that can put an end to talk of those issues -- or to lives.
Mr. Trump offered no criticism of Mr. Assad, but criticized the Obama administration for advocating the removal of the Syrian leader and Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, who was deposed in the first blush of the Arab Spring, because doing so took out the strongmen who kept the lid on violence in the region.
President Trump's critics say that while he may not yet have eroded democracy in the United States, his populist appeals and nativist policies, his palpable aversion to the news media and traditional checks on power, and his stated admiration for some of the strongest of strongmen are cut from the same cloth.
Then there's Trump's embrace of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and other strongmen, and the revolving door of the Trump cabinet (recall former Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, former Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt, former Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, among others, left the administration under clouds of scandal).
In an excerpt that was published by Politico, Flake describes the strange specter of an American president's seeming affection for strongmen and authoritarians created such a cognitive dissonance among my generation of conservatives — who had come of age under existential threat from the Soviet Union — that it was almost impossible to believe.
The attacks on the press, on judges, on factuality and truth; the racist exclusionary policies (from Muslim bans to border camps); the deep admiration for strongmen and authoritarians — all these features of the Trump administration have created sweeping concern that knows no party line (though far too many Republicans still support it).
In this sense, the election is a re-run of the presidential race of 2014, when the two men competed to succeed Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, another former general and the first president to be elected by a direct vote after 23 years of authoritarian rule by strongmen were brought to an end in 1998.
Yet as soon as the summit wraps up, Trump will jet off to what remarkably is likely to be a much warmer affair: a historic encounter in Singapore with one of the world's most notorious strongmen, North Korea's Kim Jong Un, the leader of a nation still technically at war with the United States.
He is the one who bestows nothing but compliments to the world's most ruthless strongmen and dictators, like the Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte, Turkey's Recep Erdoğan, Russia's Vladimir Putin and North Korea's Kim Jong Un. It is ironic that Trump, in his fear of losing, is using fear to try and hang on to power.
But where Malaysia once led the pack in courting Chinese investment, it is now on the front edge of a new phenomenon: a pushback against Beijing as nations fear becoming overly indebted for projects that are neither viable nor necessary — except in their strategic value to China or use in propping up friendly strongmen.
Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump pushes back on recent polling data, says internal numbers are 'strongest we've had so far' Illinois state lawmaker apologizes for photos depicting mock assassination of Trump Scaramucci assembling team of former Cabinet members to speak out against Trump MORE's strange affinity for strongmen reveals an authoritarian temperament impatient with democratic niceties.
What I hear there is someone who is desperate to get along with President Putin, not unlike the way he's treated other strongmen, like Kim Jong Un. Philosophically, I could understand that if talking this way was going to achieve some concrete American national security objectives, but it generally doesn't work that way in diplomacy.
Since becoming Exxon's CEO in 2006, and before that as head of the oil giant's international division, Tillerson has presided over operations in some 200 countries, positions that put him in contact with a global rogues' gallery of strongmen from Russia's Vladimir Putin to Venezuela's Hugo Chávez, Chad's Idriss Deby to Yemen's Ali Abdullah Saleh.
Beyond Trump's petulant temperament, character deficit and consistent dishonesty, his "flexibility" on a litany of policies from threatening to abandon our longtime partners in Europe, admiration for strongmen like Russian President Vladimir Putin, dangerous protectionism (reminiscent of Hoover's disastrous policies of the 1920s) to tinkering with the party's pro-life platform are anathema to the foundation of the GOP.
In the end, he offers a dark but ultimately hopeful "Macbeth," one suited to our own troubled times, in which "the slowness of democracy" is no match for power-hungry strongmen who demand unstinting loyalty from ethically compromised followers, and where the brave must band together to defeat the darker forces that threaten to destroy the social fabric.
Hillary Clinton urged: "Do not give in to those whose views are opposite of what you believe," during a panel discussion on the rise of "strongmen" such as President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, while Uber's new CEO Dara Khosrowshahi promised to mentor and develop female staff in the face of the company's controversial past.
There would have been no need to dispatch Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to get a cease-fire had Mr. Trump himself not suddenly pulled American troops away from the border after a phone chat with Mr. Erdogan, the Turkish president and one of the strongmen rulers who melt the president's heart.
In Country Music, Nice Guys Finish First (for Now) Ad Campaigns Tag Along as Men Embrace Different Paths A Poet's Boyhood at the Burning Crossroads In the Art World, 'Latinx' Marks a Gender-Free Spot Politics and Leadership As Strongmen Steamroll Their Opponents, U.S. Is Silent What Donald Trump Thinks It Takes to Be a Man Picture a Leader.
Though President TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE has kind words for Erdogan, as he does for most of the world's strongmen, Turkey's relations with Washington continue to deteriorate.
And the woman sometimes called Iron Lady, who has survived an abusive husband, "imprisonment, multiple brushes with death, and the vagaries of working with and against Liberia's various strongmen" has done all of this without an iron fist, a disrespect for rights or the assault on liberties that has been the hallmark of successive African 'liberators'.
Now that the Mueller report is out in the open, House hearings can probe the president's many scandals—not only looking at obstruction of justice and "collusion," but also a host of other issues, from the Trump administration's shameful handling of the aftermath of Hurricane Maria to the president's financial dealings and cozy relationship with strongmen, industrialists, and oligarchs.
Newspapers in particular, most of which have been subsidized by donor funding over the past 15 years, face not just financial worries, but also the nagging question of whether they can really bring about change in a country where power often lies less in the constitutional order and more at the hands of strongmen and their patronage.
Strongmen tout bogus cures for coronavirus As countries close their borders and hospitals struggle with a surge in coronavirus cases, some of the most repressive societies in the former Soviet Union are carrying on with business as usual, while their leaders prescribe unusual remedies amid the global pandemic, Mary Ilyushina and Nathan Hodge report from Moscow.
At a time when President Trump is lashing out at friend and foe, and when the macho politics of strongmen is resurgent from Moscow to Manila, when not just the European Union but high-minded Western values, free trade and security alliances are under attack, the two women might have worked together to defend the liberal global order.
Trump has repeatedly shown a willingness to suspend disbelief when it comes to strongmen, including accepting Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman's denial of involvement in the premeditated murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi and Russian President Vladimir Putin's claim his country didn't meddle with the 2016 US presidential election despite US intelligence agencies concluding otherwise.
The fights, which Kadyrov and his cronies celebrated afterwards as demonstrations of budding Chechen masculinity, were widely condemned by the international community as barbaric, inspired disgust on Russian state media, prompted an investigation by the Russian Sports Ministry, and even raised the concern of Russian President (and longtime Kadyrov supporter) Vladimir Putin, raising the possibility of a schism between the two strongmen.
He terms this trend "austerity nostalgia" and has noted examples of it in London architecture, in the cookery of Jamie Oliver, in affluent men dressing like Victorian strongmen and affluent women dressing like Rosie the Riveter, in TV shows such as Downton Abbey and Call the Midwife, not to mention the music of Public Service Broadcasting and Mumford and Sons.
They voted and rejected Mr. Hernández, his cronies and some 80 years of destructive United States policy: the policy that arms and trains Honduran security forces who commit human rights abuses against their own people; the policy that accepts knowingly flawed crime statistics to help Honduras secure American assistance; and the policy that allows corrupt strongmen to enrich themselves and those around them.
As Vox's Zack Beauchamp argued in 20203, "Trump's kleptocratic instincts" share significant overlap with post-Soviet dictators and autocratic strongmen elsewhere, from his nepotistic corruption to his insistence on targeting opponents with all the levers of power at his disposal — as seen most obviously in his attempt to strong-arm a foreign government into trying to investigate a political rival.
Authoritarians who fear terrorism, for example, might thus gravitate toward strongmen leaders who demonize Muslims, because this leader then has a means by which to explain their fear ("you are at risk from a vast and terrifying enemy whom no one else will confront") and to promise reprieve from that fear ("we'll ban all Muslim foreigners and restore an America free of people who look different").
His leftist policies and close friendship with Venezuelan strongmen Hugo Chavez and Victor Maduro have kept him largely at odds with Washington — the U.S. House of Representatives in late 2017 passed a sanctions bill aimed at choking Nicaragua's international loan access, which critics said would trigger a humanitarian crisis in a nation where 30 percent of the population lives on less than $2 a day.
Sorry, no U.S. president should make such a joke, which, alas, was consistent with everything Trump has said and done before: He prefers the company of strongmen and, as long as they praise him, does not care how leaders anywhere treat their own people — including how they treat people risking their lives to model their countries on ours (or at least on what they thought was ours).
Instead of representing Western values — by which Schulz was referring to democracy, human rights, and civil liberties — Trump shares most clearly the values of the strongmen for whom he has expressed admiration around the globe: Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, Abdel Fattah al-Sisi of Egypt, Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, Vladimir Putin of Russia, Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines, and Xi Jinping of China.
For someone who had never used photography or video before conceiving this installation, which she worked out on a scale model of the gallery, the inclusion of six enormous photographs and 11 smaller ones — not to mention the four black-framed, gif-based, seconds-long videos of early 20th-century strongmen hoisting boulders above their chests — must have made some crazy kind of sense.
From the beginning of Trump's campaign, "neoconservative" foreign policy hawks have been the most Trump-skeptical faction of the Republican Party, pointing to his opposition to the Iraq War (which they supported), warm words for Arab strongmen like Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (who has crushed democratic opposition in his country), and willingness to effectively cede much of Eastern Europe to Vladimir Putin (whom they loathe).
Do not underestimate the risks, we warned June 9th: America's foreign policy Donald Trump's demolition theory would harm America and the world, we said in June June 16th: How strongmen subvert democracy The greatest risk to pluralism, we wrote, is in young democracies where checks and balances are not yet robust July 14th: Just another week in British politics The worst is yet to come, we predicted in July.
Politics is perception Some US politicians have praised Vladimir Putin and Eurasian strongmen leaders for their counterterrorism savvy, which has taken the form of the carpet bombing and razing of Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, in the 1990s; disastrous military raids on terror-besieged theaters and schoolhouses, resulting in the death of hundreds of civilian hostages; and gross human rights abuses visited on a daily basis in the North Caucasus.
In the wave of liberalism-in-peril books written since Donald Trump's election, the European and American experiences tend to get folded together into a story of democratic values threatened by ethnic chauvinism and would-be strongmen — by Putin imitators, to borrow a common trope, who want to use the democratic part of liberal democracy as a ladder up to power and then burn away the liberal part.
European leaders who see in strongmen such as Mr. Vucic a force for stability — and who hope Mr. Vucic will make good on his promise to keep Serbia on track to join the European Union even as Russia's influence in the Balkans grows — must avoid the temptation to look the other way as Mr. Vucic and his allies seize monopoly control over the country's political institutions and its press.
In this theory of the case, you can explain all of Trump's Russia-related behavior simply by finding him guilty of being the person we always knew him to be — vain, mendacious, self-serving, sleazy and absurdly stubborn, with a purely personalized understanding of allies and adversaries, a not-so-sneaking admiration for strongmen and the information filter of an old man who prefers his own reality to the discomforts of contrary information.
Trump's affinity for strongmen the world over is nothing new, from his repeated praise for Vladimir Putin on the campaign trail to the White House invitation he issued to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte (whose personal war on drugs has left more than 7,000 dead) to the Oval Office meeting he held last month with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (who took power in a coup and killed more than 800 protesters in a single day).
He has undermined the institution of diplomacy by advocating a 30 percent cut in the State Department budget and trying to push out 2,000 career diplomats, has shown little interest in explaining American positions at home or abroad and has done little to counter the steady erosion of trust in America's historic role as a global leader, which Mr. Trump has brought about by his indifference to old alliances and his courtship of despots and strongmen.
The other anxiety, dominant in the embattled liberal center, is that the people who want more than what modernity is currently delivering — whether they're socialists or populists or integralists or something else entirely — are in various ways really just interested in building up Efrafa: either a literal police state with strongmen and zealously guarded borders and tight control of reproduction, a Gilead or Fortress Europe, or else a police state of the imagination, with ideological commissars ever on patrol.
I was repeatedly struck by the extent to which Israel prefigures trends that are spreading around much of the world: the rise of religion and nationalism; the coexistence of a high-tech sector with orthodox communities; the division of society into rival communities that are so hostile to each other that they need to be kept apart by a wall; and the rise of strongmen leaders who argue, in effect, that the imperatives of national security override namby-pamby worries about civil rights.
"Military action in itself is only a vehicle, and can be deeply damaging if it is done badly," Global Witness says, "especially if it is not in the service of a coherent approach to underlying problems… Any effort to restrict the trade is only likely to be effective in the long term if it is tied to wider reforms—to ensure that people have a direct reason to support legal mining, and that the alternative to control by armed groups is not control by corrupt strongmen."
Recently Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE, the president who acts like the friend of foreign strongmen and not the leader of the free world and continues to slander one of the greatest patriots who ever served in the Senate long after he ascended to heaven, dared to talk of treason to describe Americans who believe our presidents should be chosen by Americans, not Russians.

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