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"strike a chord" Antonyms

140 Sentences With "strike a chord"

How to use strike a chord in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "strike a chord" and check conjugation/comparative form for "strike a chord". Mastering all the usages of "strike a chord" from sentence examples published by news publications.

I'd rather it did strike a chord than it didn't.
But nothing seems to strike a chord like the Cardozo.
These words would strike a chord in many other places.
We had no clue it would strike a chord with anybody.
Say you strike a chord on a piano, pressing three keys.
But when the comics get emotional, they really strike a chord.
That sense of openness will likely strike a chord in Beijing.
Selena Gomez's "Hold On" doesn't strike a chord with some fans.
The comments seemed to strike a chord with some of Warren's rivals.
Truth is hoping this revelation will strike a chord with socially conscious millennials.
This view continues to strike a chord with millions of nostalgic older Russians.
The artifacts collected here may strike a chord if you watch late-night cartoons.
The states threatening to sue say their petitions should strike a chord with Pruitt.
His attacks on graft and campaign against poverty strike a chord, even with Mr Slim.
Mr. Trump's stances on, say, trade and Social Security can strike a chord with voters.
When I strike a chord on the piano, more is heard than those notes alone.
But Mr. Putin's piano playing seemed to strike a chord with Chinese social media users.
In Noelle's many efforts to strike a chord, the genuine joy of the holidays gets lost.
And among Mr Trump's often rowdy fans, their belligerent, anti-establishment music may strike a chord.
So seeing it strike a chord with a lot of other people is obviously extremely gratifying.
But then there's a few of them that really strike a chord with the American public.
This belief has, in turn, made the billionaire's nods toward economic self-sufficiency strike a chord.
But Far From Home's literal weaponization of them does strike a chord with the younger me.
Here's one for a snowy day, which should strike a chord with a lot of you today.
These broems can be shared thousands of times on LinkedIn – they clearly strike a chord with people.
But legal or not, the newspapers taking aim at Mossack and the like will strike a chord.
His words have resonated through generations — because they strike a chord to which Americans continue to respond.
A simple idea can strike a chord if it's delivered properly, and this man was brilliant at that.
Between this and Lemonade, there's something about songs about cheating that seems to strike a chord with everyone.
She's right, but when Rae has spoken out about prejudice in the industry, her words strike a chord.
Vehicles from Japan and Britain strike a chord with collectors looking for a different kind of wow factor.
So much of what the stand-ins had said seemed to strike a chord with the people listening.
The vibrant board graphics and energetic sounds strike a chord in so many, sending them off into different paths.
I can see why that would strike a chord with a Korean audience, and of course a global one.
Narrator: So now that the model unit is complete, hopefully it will strike a chord with the right buyer.
Echo finally being available to Canadians officially is a big step, and is likely to strike a chord with customers.
That may be but it doesn't really strike a chord with me personally—at least not on a conscious level.
For anybody who has followed global soccer for more than a few seasons, the surname will immediately strike a chord.
Such trenchant proposals may strike a chord with those faithful to Les Republicains but risk alienating swathes of other voters.
Maybe your teen already has half of the stuff on this list, or maybe the recommendations didn't strike a chord.
Lindsay's work, however, can better strike a chord with audiences who entered the workforce at the height of the recession.
Longer-term, we wonder if changes in VS merchandise and positioning will strike a chord in today's more body-positive environment.
Morrison, however, cast himself as the candidate who would work for aspirational voters and the tactic seemed to strike a chord.
His comments strike a chord, especially in the wake of the recent DDoS attack which immobilized large chunks of the internet.
But the intersection of two cult dessert favorites, Nutella and M&M's, seemed to strike a chord at an unprecedented level.
Is there a particular person or family affected by gun violence who you think will strike a chord most with viewers?
The project resulted in a series of epic panoramas that are sure to strike a chord with everyone who views them.
She also said it aimed to strike a chord with consumers who were part of the then-emerging push for retros.
Until then, the testimony about being held in public service against their will may well strike a chord with the jury.
Lake hopes that being open about her journey will "[strike] a chord with so so many women and men," she wrote.
Still, Volkswagen's Diess believes the all-electric I.D. Buzz will strike a chord with buyers who want more functionality and utility.
Maybe you won't find Dolores or the Man in Black in there, but it'll definitely strike a chord in your android heart. 
Bryce David: There have been a lot of late nights and early mornings that strike a chord with me for different reasons.
It has been a similar story in London, Berlin and Rome — the plight of the Syrian people fails to strike a chord.
Mr Sonko's firebrand call to abandon the CFA franc, which is pegged to the euro, may strike a chord with young voters.
Microsoft, which never seemed to strike a chord with Windows Mobile, is working heavily to build up Windows Holographic OS for headsets.
He decided to create a Facebook event as the stage for his joke; it went on to strike a chord with millions.
While the court was not enthused by her message, it seemed to strike a chord with Russian opposition activists following the trial online.
"Nerdy Birdy Tweets" will strike a chord with all those who have experienced how cellphones and devices have unraveled the fabric of relationships.
"It's definitely going to strike a chord in Quebec because every cocktail geek sleeps with a Chartreuse bottle under their pillow," he says.
But if you are a true Star Wars fan, this review from our favourite satire news outlet, The Onion, will definitely strike a chord.
It is not easy to succeed with a crowdfunding campaign, but when they strike a chord with the audience, they can be financial blockbusters.
It's complex, intense, and at times troubling, subject matter is important enough to strike a chord with pre-teens, teens, and adults a like.
As bleak as Pence's remarks at Liberty University may sound, his words could very well strike a chord with these Christians who feel isolated.
That sentiment will strike a chord with today's teenagers, while '90s kids will remember the song that the chorus of "Panini" interpolates (albeit reportedly unintentionally).
In a world stricken by competing ideologies constantly jockeying for the upper hand, Pham's fantastical structures – at once inviting and off-putting – strike a chord.
A Brown Girl's Guide to Gender, a hard-hitting spoken-word performance by Mumbai girl, Aranya Johar, will strike a chord with every Indian woman.
Koven also wrote about feeling like "a fraud" — and her words will undoubtedly strike a chord with women who occupy a wide variety of professions.
"These sorts of initiatives which strike a chord with consumers and are shared millions of times have a huge effect on big businesses," he said.
"Whatever you do, it has to strike a chord and it has to feel true to the brand versus just tugging on heartstrings," Lehmann said.
"I hope my own story will strike a chord with other Americans who have walked the same path I have," he said in a statement.
It looks like McDonald's will strike a chord with Singaporeans when it reopens its flagship restaurant this weekend and introduces a salad bar and dessert kiosk.
While his message may strike a chord, he does not have the same level of backing from the security forces or military who oversaw Mugabe's departure.
While his message may strike a chord, he does not have as much backing as Mnangagwa from the security forces and military, which oversaw Mugabe's departure.
Since its release in June, the song seemed to strike a chord with listeners across the Middle East, amassing more than three million views on YouTube.
This storyline will strike a chord for many as it touches on sexual assault and consent, mirroring the recent Nate Parker headlines in an almost eerie fashion.
Kasich's advisers see him as well positioned to strike a chord with an electorate that has backed Walker in three high profile gubernatorial races in recent years.
Unable to break into the phone market with a traditional device, Essential started developing a much quirkier new device, seemingly hoping to strike a chord with consumers.
Mr. Landgraf said he believes "American Horror Story" will strike a chord with people on both sides of the political spectrum who are feeling emotionally on edge.
The barrage of questions seemed to strike a chord with the cluster of more than a dozen victims' family members gathered in a corner of the hearing room.
HENRY WINKLER SAYS HE WAS AMONG 118,000 VOTERS 'LEFT OFF' LOS ANGELES COUNTY ROSTERS "I think it will strike a chord with people," producer John Marks told People.
While Wang will be the only megastar taking the exam, his post-exam game plan will most likely strike a chord with his nine million fellow test takers.
Some ads simply don't strike a chord with customers, and others may trend on social media but still fail to inspire viewers to actually buy the product marketed.
While her policies of economic nationalism and stinging anti-EU rhetoric strike a chord among workers in low-income areas, she struggles for support in France's main cities.
Today's famous moms must strike a chord of relatability to earn loyalty, and revealing a history of postpartum depression has become a tried-and-tested way to do so.
Depending on your state of mind this week, it could be just what you need to hear or precisely the opposite; either way, it's sure to strike a chord.
Of course, every terror incident has its own specific circumstances, and we can't know whether any particular one will strike a chord with the public in any particular way.
And I am asking myself that question all the time, what is it about this show right now that's making it strike a chord for so, so many people.
Mr. Corbyn's socialist message and his laid-back image — a grandfatherly figure who makes his own jam and rides a bicycle — tend to strike a chord with young people.
The film's insight into the man's heartwarming past tends to strike a chord with anyone who has known an Ove of their own (or had one as a parent).
But Washington and the West Coast Get Down have managed to strike a chord with audiences in a way that has eluded most of their peers on the East Coast.
Leave it to a low-budget horror movie to strike a chord with movie audiences about the growing class divide in America, and become a hit franchise in the process.
A pun doesn't always seem fitting when talking about death, but Polkey's use of one seems to strike a chord: "People are dying to come to our services," she says.
Indeed, Republicans have railed against supposed liberal political correctness for generations — did they really think that suddenly demanding some decorum and common decency when discussing others would strike a chord?
The "great wall" may strike a chord with Trump's base, but the country's immigration problem is more about figuring out what to do with the people who are already here.
It remains to be seen whether the new format — 18 nations playing off in Madrid's La Caja Magica over eight days — will strike a chord with fans and players alike.
We read short, simple, and relatable poems which may strike a chord with us for a second before we scroll on to the next Timothée Chalamet appreciation post or #brunch pic.
The government fears the brazen attack and its resilience could strike a chord with the Islamic State leadership in the Middle East and win its endorsement as its Southeast Asian affiliate.
The fact that I immediately went there and you called me out on it seems to strike a chord with current preoccupations or the ways in which the values are placed.
Morrison, who emerged as an unlikely leader after Liberal party infighting last year, cast himself as the candidate who would work for aspirational voters and the tactic seemed to strike a chord.
And even when the videos she makes are, as the captions sometime suggest, "for [her] alone and nobody else," they still strike a chord with an audience that stays connected and engaged.
That stance helps her strike a chord with voters who are concerned about income inequality and, if she locks up the nomination, could help her pull in Bernie Sanders supporters in November.
She often returned to subjects that seemed to strike a chord with customers who purchased her paintings for just a few dollars: long-lashed oxen, wide-eyed cats, boats idling in the harbor.
"The ultimate goal is to strike a chord in the soul of the electorate, to make an almost emotional connection that associates Hillary in their minds with optimism and confidence," the adviser recommended.
OMAHA — Donald J. Trump took his general election campaign to an airplane hangar in Nebraska on Friday, and early on attempted to strike a chord not often found during his primary fight: reconciliation.
It may be that in the short-term at least, that the President's calls for bipartisanship and compromise strike a chord with the public, which is weary of years of bitterly partisan politics.
Major Korean franchises are now expanding their overseas stores, particularly in China where the TV show "My Love from the Stars" is wildly popular and its heroine's chimaek cravings strike a chord with viewers.
Highlighting how Iran's meddling in their countries has enriched Iran's local placemen and the clerics, security officials, and regime insiders will strike a chord with the young crowds yearning for justice and economic opportunity.
Professors are often skeptical about the idea, but what tends to strike a chord is that the assignment forces students to take a critical look at how to consume the information on the web.
That outreach tries to recall the days of Willy Brandt, the former chancellor of West Germany, and his Ostpolitik, the tactics of which are said to strike a chord with voters as elections approach.
It opens with a punch to the gut — "In the fullness of time all that lives will die" — but goes on to strike a chord that is equal parts factual, thought-provoking and reassuring.
He seemed to strike a chord with voters who feel financially left behind and are worried about the environment with his promise to cut both generous tax concessions enjoyed by the wealthy and greenhouse gases.
This idea of a world without their abuser is one that will likely strike a chord with the 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7873 men who are victims of domestic violence in their lifetimes.
This may strike a chord with Mahathir, who has called for review of several projects signed by his predecessor Najib Razak, who is under investigation in Washington over the scandal-ridden state fund, 1Malaysia Development Berhad.
Sanders, Biden lead Democratic field in New Mexico: poll MORE's 2020 presidential campaign said Thursday that its latest fundraising haul reinforces the notion that the former tech entrepreneur is starting to strike a chord with voters.
"Pure anti-Semitism," Netanyahu said, raising an argument likely to strike a chord with many Israelis who believe that criticism, especially in Europe, of Israeli policies toward the Palestinians has its roots in anti-Jewish sentiment.
The father-son bonding (over tacos and beers) does strike a chord in the hands of two winning personalities like Mr. Teller and Mr. Cranston, but it's as calculated as the film's gross-out and stoner gags.
But the underlying thrust of the allegations — that Mr. Trump has liberal enemies who want to see him fail, and that they include the news media — appeared to strike a chord with talk radio listeners on Wednesday.
The 5-Star party's strong anti-corruption message and its promise of universal income support for the poor strike a chord among millions in southern Italy, where political graft and organised crime are endemic, and work is scarce.
But still, it's interesting to hear Kardashian talk about her days as a lovesick teenager in a way that will strike a chord with everyone who has had a forgettable first kiss or suffered from a broken heart.
Behind a new slogan, "A Better Deal," there stood Chuck Schumer at the lectern, backed by the glum faces of Elizabeth Warren and Nancy Pelosi and two other Democratic lawmakers, apparently included to strike a chord of populism.
The dialogue — much of it delivered via video conference calls, for some reason — is the kind of Lifetime movie stuff that will probably strike a chord with mothers and daughters who have had similar conversations or wish they had.
Listening to Dixon Jr. speak, it's understandable how his words can strike a chord in up-and-coming producers: "I am not into this to impress anybody, I am into this for my own heart and soul," he asserted.
After the nineties, it would indeed take a miracle to get everyone off a decade long comedown, and there was something about the desperation in Coco's voice that seemed to strike a chord within the hearts of the late-nineties nihilists.
" Rickman also spoke about other films he's made that strike a chord with different fans at different moments: "Truly Madly Deeply is a film I made nearly 30 years ago, and I hear they recommend that to people in grief therapy.
There are elements of her being sexually liberated and unapologetic that strike a chord with people talking about women's liberties—of thought and body—but I didn't think about it that much, which is funny because it's been talked about so much since.
Facebook also alluded to more funding scrutiny in its announcement, saying a show needs to "strike a chord in the broader cultural zeitgeist or serve a group of passionate people that want something they can't get elsewhere," if it wants to be funded by Facebook.
While the voracity of such stories sometimes can be difficult to assess, they can strike a chord with African-Americans, who in the past were the target of government sanctioned discrimination and abuse under Jim Crow laws and lynchings by culprits who went unpunished.
In white letters on a black, washy ground in the painting, we read this statement by Stalin: "In Part One, for instance, it is unlikely that the Tsar would kiss his wife for so long…" Doesn't this small-minded, humorless comment strike a chord?
Maya Kochavi said day-to-day troubles Eva dealt with, such as her parents' divorce, a crush on a boy, and hopes of one day being famous, would likely strike a chord with young people and draw them in as the war gradually closes in on her.
" In the statement released Tuesday, Feldman said "Hopefully, this will not only shine a light on the accused and the accusers, but will strike a chord with parents who need to become aware of warning signs in their own children so that they can protect them.
Despite all this, however, Trump managed to strike a chord with the American people as an unorthodox candidate without a political background, selling a call for a Southern border wall, a temporary ban on Muslim immigrants, and his strong opposition to trade deals, among his other bombastic talking points.
The accusations, however, strike a chord with Abe's opponents, who believe the Prime Minister himself has been too cavalier when it comes to Japan's history The defense minister's connection to Moritomo Gakuen Tomomi Inada, who is believed to be Abe successor-in-waiting, has also found herself embroiled in the scandal.
While it faces obstacles at the box office — a large portion of the film, for instance, is in Bengali with English subtitles — Mr. Glasser said he was confident that a strong campaign and positive word of mouth would help "Lion" strike a chord with ticket buyers, not to mention awards voters.
Another tech company issue appears to strike a chord with people even more: Almost seven in 10 Americans say it's a good idea to break up big tech companies when the content they're showing people is ranked depending on whether the company is making money off of it or not.
American Vandal's technical references, though perfect right now, won't stand the test of time as we move onto other social platforms in a few years, but its willingness to create sympathy for the way today's teens and young people survive being the most recorded generation will always strike a chord with its viewers.
This story is one of several that I've written about underage border crossers (some of whom were separated from their parents) that seemed to strike a chord with readers across the political spectrum, which raises the question: Will the strong feelings of voters, both Republican and Democrat, about this issue somehow translate into the midterms?
"Life Itself," a romantic drama, was written and directed by Dan Fogelman, the creative force behind the hit NBC drama "This Is Us." Amazon paid $22004 million for rights to the independently produced "Life Itself" and hoped that the film would strike a chord similar to "This Is Us." But critics attacked Mr. Fogelman's movie as a mawkish melodrama.
Saagar and Ryan Grim discuss the invasion of the American Embassy in Iraq and how it's the culmination of recent tensions between Iraq and the U.S. An official for Andrew Yang's 2020 presidential campaign said Thursday that its latest fundraising haul reinforces the notion that the former tech entrepreneur is starting to strike a chord with voters.
Fortnite's latest update cribbed at least two major features from Apex Legends, the first battle royale from publisher EA. (Apex managed to find a wild 25 million players in just under a month, after a surprise, no-promo release; it's currently the only real competition Fortnite has in the space.) "It's not that it's particularly better or worse suited for the attention economy than others, but it does strike a chord with generations, who typically have more time to allocate, which is why it is doing so well in the attention economy," says Severin.

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