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44 Sentences With "stretching the truth"

How to use stretching the truth in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "stretching the truth" and check conjugation/comparative form for "stretching the truth". Mastering all the usages of "stretching the truth" from sentence examples published by news publications.

This is not stretching the truth or exaggerating, but a boldface lie.
Stone has been widely described as having a penchant for stretching the truth.
I'd like to say I floss regularly, but that would be stretching the truth.
But, to blame others and deny responsibility generally entails stretching the truth and minimizing accountability.
You created fictional administrations in "The West Wing" and "The American President," stretching the truth.
Honesty might be the best policy, but that doesn't stop jobseekers from stretching the truth.
The Grammy-winning singer continued by ripping into Trump and his penchant for stretching the truth.
In a profession known for spinning and stretching the truth, he had a reputation for honesty.
During his 2010 campaign, he was caught multiple times stretching the truth about his own military record.
This is stretching the truth some, given Ryan's long-held ambition to overhaul entitlement programs like Medicaid.
Durbin accused McCain of stretching the truth in his own letter to the editor for the Journal Thursday.
Durbin accused McCain of stretching the truth in his own letter to the editor for the Journal Thursday.
The next president may feel more emboldened to take on entrenched interests or less worried about stretching the truth.
How this is "stretching the truth" and not simply telling a lie is a distinction the writers do not delineate.
The show had advertised for a fire eater and magician; stretching the truth considerably, Mr. Hall said he was qualified.
And what that means -- and I'm not talking about a little fib here, and I'm not talking about stretching the truth there.
And to say that the Americans at the end of the day want a less liberal deal is stretching the truth somewhat.
And, as he does, the President veered into a wide variety of topics even while stretching the truth to the breaking point.
False advertising isn't new, but these days mobile games seem to be stretching the truth as thin as it will legally go.
It ignores Conway's unwavering commitment to defending Trump's lies and behavior by spinning and stretching the truth, often into full-blown lies.
Of course, in American politics, he's more famous for stretching the truth about things like, say, the crowd sizes at 45's inauguration.
Now, it's the same old Han we've always known, stretching the truth juuuust enough to make him seem more amazing than he actually is.
Addressing the Senate on Saturday, Trump's lawyers accused Schiff of repeatedly stretching the truth and creating false impressions amid his pursuit to take down the president.
Yet Trump uses that to make a blanket assertion that Democrats therefore support gang members and aliens charged with serious crimes, which is stretching the truth.
But retailers may be stretching the truth when they label these devices as treatments for fidgety behavior, minuscule attention spans, or discomfort in a classroom setting.
Even Barr's brief summary of the Mueller report did not fully "exonerate" Trump on obstruction as the White House claimed it did, characteristically stretching the truth.
But to continue the series' strategy of centering on tales of persecution, A Light in the Darkness had to also continue its predilection for stretching the truth.
Most ex-workers say their reviews were honest, but according to the survey, roughly 10% of workers admitted to lying or stretching the truth in their review.
It stands to reason that when you're stretching the truth (or in this case completely fabricating it) you don't want to sound too impressive, just impressive enough.
His vitriol has been intense and he has been willing to go to extreme lengths -- stretching the truth or making things up -- to generate fear and anger.
Unlike normal presidents, who are constrained by the norms of shame and accept some limits on stretching the truth, Trump is not worried about being caught in a lie.
Stretching the truth is a normal practice in politics, and it's no surprise that Bloomberg's or anybody's team would put out a slickly edited, somewhat humorous video like that one.
It's well known that stretching the truth isn't exactly an anomaly in business, particularly tech — though even HBO's Silicon Valley knows there is a difference between business and straight up lying.
In other words, Conway and Spicer snatched potential defeat from the jaws of victory by stretching the truth and presenting untruths that will forever mar their ability to discuss those specific stories credibly.
About the only professions missing are a priest and yoga instructor -- though some candidates are prone to stretching the truth and would probably claim some sort of divine powers given to them by the Heavenly Father.
Unfortunately, since it seems there aren't any repercussions about what carriers can and can't claim about next-gen wireless tech, this probably won't be the last time one of the big wireless giants gets accused of stretching the truth.
It may well dawn on some Democrats that nominating a self-described "gaffe machine" with a habit of favorably stretching the truth for the presidency at a moment when the importance of clear and honest communication from the White House has been brought into stark relief may not have been as safe and responsible a choice as they imagined.
You have a group of people that get upset about it, or a group of people that think he's stretching the truth or that racism isn't as prevalent as it is, and then you take a glance at Twitter, you see people calling him the N-word or saying, "Go back to Africa," or, "I hope you tear your A.C.L." Do you think he has less credibility with the general public because he is an athlete?
But interviews with top advisers and confidants from then and now help explain how Mr. Biden came to see himself as presidential material in the first place, and suggest that the central tensions and vulnerabilities laid bare during Biden '19883 remain the most urgent questions at the core of Biden 21988: Can he credibly present himself as a man in step with the times without sounding off-key or stretching the truth, as he did while gilding his 217s-era biography?
Stretching the Truth is a 1924 short comedy silent film directed by Philadelphian director, Benjamin Stoloff. It was released by Fox Film.
So, in 2000, her husband urged her to quit and rodeo full-time. Unlike many competitors, Kaminski loves the traveling part of the road. She is not stretching the truth when she says, "I was born to do this". Kaminski was a Reserve World Barrel Racing Champion in 2002 behind Charmayne James.
He went to St Alphonse Primary School, but to suggest he had a good attendance record would be stretching the truth – he always said he was far too busy for lessons. In 1938, aged 13, he popped into The Central Hotel in Glasgow on a whim to ask if there were any jobs. He was told that if the bellboy uniform fitted he could start the next day.
That play, which detailed the lives of ordinary people from Hinton, West Virginia, had no particular narrative line and sections were put in and taken out based on actors' availability. Crediting these performers was stretching the truth a bit: since "Lee exercise[d] firm artistic control over the final script, infusing it with poetic touches and revising it for economy and coherence", but, according to French, "the script reflects her desire to create a people's theatre".French, p. 27.
President Theodore Roosevelt coined the term 'muckraker' in a 1906 speech when he likened the muckrakers to the Man with the Muckrake, a character in John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress (1678).Mark Neuzil, "Hearst, Roosevelt, and the Muckrake Speech of 1906: A New Perspective." Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 73#1 (1996) pp: 29-39. Roosevelt disliked their relentless negativism and he attacked them for stretching the truth: > There are, in the body politic, economic and social, many and grave evils, > and there is urgent necessity for the sternest war upon them.

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