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12 Sentences With "stool pigeons"

How to use stool pigeons in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "stool pigeons" and check conjugation/comparative form for "stool pigeons". Mastering all the usages of "stool pigeons" from sentence examples published by news publications.

They will not be shocked by prosecutors making deals with "stool pigeons," snitches and paid informants.
Eighteen feet long with a 5.3 liter V8 and a trunk big enough to hide five stool pigeons in.
According to the Shanghai court, the two men destroyed the evidence, killing the birds to prevent them from becoming stool pigeons.
Stool pigeons belonged to the "chummy" suit, represented by a diamond, while the symbol of hearts transformed the bearer into a "woman" in the zone.
The rest of the criminal justice system calls them rats, snitches, chivatos, stool pigeons, informants and sapos, just to name a few of the terms.
TMZ resembles an intelligence agency as much as a news organization, and it has turned its domain, Los Angeles, into a city of stool pigeons.
More experiments are needed to see which of his candidates really are proteinaceous mafiosi and which mere stool pigeons that have had the finger pointed at them incorrectly.
The Eastern District's US Attorney Robert Capers, who replaced Loretta Lynch when she became the US attorney general, summed it up best, describing Guzman's "murderous rise" and comparing him to a "small cancerous tumor that metastasized and grew into a full-blown scourge that for decades littered the streets of Mexico with casualties of violent drug war" before "help[ing] to perpetrate the drug epidemic here in the US." The chief problem prosecutors here face in handling Guzman's case will be the necessity of relying on informants and those "stool pigeons," who will undoubtedly testify as a result of deals the prosecutors have made with them to secure testimony.
There are tattoos that are forcibly applied to signify "demotion" (razzhalovanie). These may depict sexual acts, and are designed to lower the owner in the eyes of other prisoners and draw harsh treatment from them. These can be applied to those convicted of sexual crimes, those who have not paid a debt, stool pigeons (ssuchenye), stooges (chukhany), and signify that the owner is expelled from the privileged section of a thieves society and are "untouchables" (neprikasaemye/chushki). Other thieves must not accept anything from them or be considered "infected" (zakontachit'sya).
Decoy or "stool pigeons" (sometimes blinded by having their eyelids sewn together) were tied to a stool. When a flock of pigeons passed by, a cord would be pulled that made the stool pigeon flutter to the ground, making it seem as if it had found food, and the flock would be lured into the trap. Salt was also frequently used as bait, and many trappers set up near salt springs. At least one trapper used alcohol-soaked grain as bait to intoxicate the birds and make them easier to kill.
Price also thought that if he could get out from the witness protection program he could reintegrate with his black Muslim brothers and they would stop threatening violence against him. Then Minister Louis Farrakhan on behalf of Elijah Muhammad, aired a threat during his radio broadcast: > Let this be a warning to the opponents of Muhammad.. Let this be a warning > to those of you who would be used as an instrument of a wicked government > against our rise. Be careful, because when the government is tired of using > you, they're going to dump you back into the laps of your people. And > although Elijah Muhammad is a merciful man and will say, "Come in," and > forgive you, yet in the ranks of black people today there are younger men > and women rising up who have no forgiveness in them for traitors and stool > pigeons.
Kate Richards O'Hare, imprisoned in 1917 for five years under the Espionage Act of 1917, published a firsthand account of incarcerated women In Prison complete with frightening accounts of lesbian sexual abuse among inmates. So wrote O'Hare: "...A thorough education in sex perversions is part of the educational system of most prisons, and for the most part the underkeepers [sic] and the stool pigeons are very efficient teachers..." O'Hare then recounted a systematic induction of women into a cycle of forced prostitution to which authorities turned a blind eye: "...there seems to be considerable ground for the commonly accepted belief of the prison inmates that much of its graft and profits may percolate upward to the under officials...the...stool pigeon...handled the vices so rampant in the prison...she, in fact, held the power of life and death over us, by being able to secure endless punishments in the blind, she could and did compel indulgence in this vice in order that its profits might be secured".

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