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127 Sentences With "stomach aches"

How to use stomach aches in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "stomach aches" and check conjugation/comparative form for "stomach aches". Mastering all the usages of "stomach aches" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"When I'm anxious, I get bad stomach aches," she said.
Occasional stomach aches are the worst side effect, he said.
Her headaches were soon joined by stomach aches and diarrhea.
She said other detainees suffer from stomach aches because of the food.
He was an old man with stomach aches, who hated visitors. Look!
What really convinced me was the fact that my stomach aches had disappeared.
My stomach aches had started to go away, and I was also less bloated.
In the first few days, I felt extremely hungry and had severe stomach aches.
It's kind of a wild story -- one filled with Chile Limon, stomach aches, vomiting ... and blood.
After they returned to their home in Twin Falls, Idaho, Emma started to complain of stomach aches.
The worst stomach aches came from the creamy products, like the ranch dressing and alfredo sauce. 153.
These treatments would require regular doctor's visits and likely lead to hives, stomach aches and other reactions.
Minor symptoms of COVID-19 include loss of smell and taste, stomach aches, body aches, and nausea.
It said excessive consumption among children had been linked to headaches, sleep problems, stomach aches and hyperactivity.
When I'm at capacity, I often lose weight, get stomach aches, and my migraine attacks turn chronic.
Stomach aches, bloating, gas — all of them can crop up when we suddenly switch up our diet.
They are also more likely to have health problems like headaches, stomach aches, back pain, and bed-wetting.
"I think oftentimes people think kids just get diarrhea or stomach aches for other reasons," Ms. Kalt said.
The most frequent were eye irritation and vomiting, but conjunctivitis, mouth irritation, coughing, and stomach aches were also common.
Changes in population always cause "stomach aches" for the welfare state, notes David Coleman of the University of Oxford.
"He was bullied to the point that he developed severe emotional based headaches and stomach aches," his mother wrote.
"People are finally realizing those stomach aches are preventable," said Michael Evans, who has been bartending for six years.
In addition to treating fevers, corns and stomach aches, the plant may also have been used as a contraceptive.
According to Heiser and the fire department, several members of the school community complained of difficulty breathing and stomach aches.
He's scholarly, prone to stomach aches brought on by intense anxiety, and he can talk at length about Kantian ethics.
Nearly 45,000 of them reported a side effect they thought might be related to the medication - usually muscle or stomach aches.
Some men, worried about being seen as weak or crazy, would disclose only physical complaints like stomach aches, headaches and insomnia.
It turns out there's a seriously simple way to avoid stomach aches that sometimes hit you hard after a cookie dough snack.
The scat was scattered with Whipworm and Maw-worm eggs, which would have caused stomach aches and other more unfortunate gastrointestinal symptoms.
The report shows that there is some overlap with physical illnesses, such as chronic headaches or stomach aches, often coordinated with school.
In August, consumers at a McDonald's in the southwestern city of Jeonju reported stomach aches and high fever after eating bulgogi burgers.
The agency is investigating an outbreak of a bacterial infection that gave 39 people in seven states stomach aches, diarrhea (sometimes bloody), vomiting, and fevers.
For example, if you add milk back into your diet and start getting stomach aches again, it is possible that you have trouble digesting lactose.
In addition, children struggle to effectively identify and articulate their depression, and instead, the illness manifests through psychosomatic symptoms, such as stomach aches or headaches.
Stress levels spiked just before Trump's inauguration last January, but people were more likely to report in August symptoms like headaches, stomach aches and difficulty sleeping.
"He had a very intimate relationship with the school nurse because he would get headaches and stomach aches about all sorts of things," says Towns-Miranda.
Broadly writer Tara Evans reported that Teatoxes, which are essentially tea-based Laxatives, can delay your period, cause stomach aches and diarrhea, and disrupt birth control. Sexy.
Students have had difficulty sleeping and taking tests or complain of "headaches and stomach aches having to do with the way the body absorbs stress," she said.
The school nurse, India Brimberry, said she has noticed a pattern of students suffering from nose bleeds, vomiting and stomach aches due to changes in temperature and other conditions.
Providers, he explained, have seen an increase in common physical manifestations of depression and anxiety: stomach aches, blurred vision, dizziness, insomnia, headaches, spikes in blood pressure, shortness of breath.
And mixed in with all the headaches and stomach aches of childhood, there are those constant pediatric threats, the headache which is meningitis, the stomach ache which is appendicitis.
"Additional symptoms people experience include loss of smell and taste, stomach aches, body aches, and nausea," said Dr. Edo Paz, the vice president of medical at telemedicine company K Health.
But it causes vomiting, stomach aches, bruising, bleeding, and kidney and liver damage, as well as increased risk of infections and cancer, and at the time its use in humans was experimental.
Fletcher knew that ginger root can calm an upset stomach and she purchased Canada Dry when her children were sick, believing that the ginger root in the beverage would soothe their stomach aches.
Also, remember that your child might not come to you about bullying, so keep an eye out for signs: refusal to go to school, bedwetting, stomach aches, a change in behavior or school performance, and so on.
There are other physical signs of mental disorders: Some children with a mental health condition might develop headaches and stomach aches instead of sadness or anxiety, or engage in self-injury, such as cutting or burning oneself.
This thing isn't a life-threatening cancer, but it it is a rollercoaster of a chronic condition that includes stomach aches, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, and gas that mimics a rotting skunk carcass whose last meal was deviled eggs.
Aflatoxin can harm humans and animals when ingested — causing everything from stomach aches and abdominal pain to coma and death — and was placed on a list of carcinogenic substances by the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 23.
But presuming it holds up, the study could help explain a well-supported pattern—beachgoers who swim in the ocean are more likely to get sick with stomach aches or ear infections soon after than those who stay on the sand.
They recognized only those symptoms of lead poisoning that by today's standards seem extreme: the severe stomach aches, muscle weakness, kidney failure, seizures, and even death that can ensue when lead in the blood rises past 22003 micrograms per deciliter—12 times the current standard.
Sure, we can assume all these folks are just weirdos with bad taste, sick humor, and probably some gnarly stomach aches—if not for the fact that the trick of refilling a jar of mayo with vanilla pudding and eating it in public is a pretty well-established food prank, going back to 2012 at the very least.
"We continue to see the tragedy of a bright child coming home from school in the second or third grade in tears — 'I'm the dumbest kid in all of the second grade' — and getting stomach aches before they go to school, and all of this totally unnecessary and totally preventable, " Ms. King said in a videotaped interview with the International Dyslexia Association in 2013.
I had been gifted some of those CBD gummies for Christmas, and after reading the label on the back, which informed me they were not FDA-approved and that I should only take a couple every few hours, I plopped seven in my mouth and prepared for what I assumed would be a night of stomach aches and a lot of screaming emanating from my TV. I was pretty spot on.
Native Americans made a preparation of the roots to treat burns and stomach aches.
Lobeliachinensis is considered mildly toxic due to its adverse effects, including vomiting, heartburn, anxiety, vibrating, eclampsia, increased heart-rate, and severe stomach aches.
A tea made from the fresh or dried leaves of the plant has traditionally been used to treat stomach aches, nausea, parasites and nerves.
The crushed leaves have been used in the treatment of stomach aches. Among the Hopi of Arizona it was known as taichima and was eaten boiled with green corn.
The lowland Horopito was initially used in cultures for its medical properties. The leaves produced a decoction used as a stimulant, for stomach aches, skin and venereal disease, where sap or leaves that are bruised and steeped in water is applied to the skin. A decoction of the leaves taken internally was known as ‘Maori painkiller’ or ‘bushman's painkiller’ and used for stomach aches and pains. Chewed leaves were used on toothaches.
Its dark brown wood can be used to craft small objects. Leaf extracts are known to be helpful for stomach aches. The flowers can be used as a cleansing or whitening laundry agent.
H. olympicum f. olympicum is used alongside other Hypericum species in parts of rural Turkey as traditional folk medicine. Typically, its flowers are harvested and used to treat stomach aches, cuts, and burns.
Monodora myristica timber is hard but easy to work with and is used for carpentry, house fittings and joinery. In medicine, the bark is used in treatments of stomach-aches, febrile pains, eye diseases and haemorrhoids.
Several chemicals have been isolated and identified from the fruit bodies that can modify the growth of plants, and the mushroom also has antibiotic activity against Staphylococcus aureus. L. repraesentaneus is poisonous, and consumption causes stomach aches.
Dinoseb is highly toxic when ingesting, inhaling or at skin contact. Symptoms include fatigue, sweating, headaches, nausea, stomach aches and fever. It is also an irritant for the eyes. Skin contact causes burns and it turns yellow.
Despite its toxicity, it is used in Chinese herbal medicine to treat hepatitis and wind damp pains.Jiaju Zhou, Guirong Xie, Xinjian Ya The Kam eat fish that have been given fresh Iris tectorum, as medicine to treat stomach aches.
DPP [2003] EWHC 266 (Admin), [2003] Crim LR 622. Hair See DPP v. Smith [2006] EWHC 94 (Admin) Pain or hurt such as persisting headaches, vomiting, pains in joints, stomach aches not caused by physical trauma Mentioned in R v.
Beginning in 1986, both staff and students at Tweedy Elementary school began complaining of various health problems, including stomach aches, headaches, sore throats, and asthma.Valencia, Carmen. “Parents Fear Foul Fumes At School Symptoms Spur Health Concerns About Nearby Industries. ‘’Los Angeles Times’’.
European folk medicine didn't distinguish between various butterwort species, but prescribed them for sores, swelling, sciatica, and liver disease, as well as stomach aches, chest pain and respiratory problems. Its supposed effectiveness against these ailments is attributed to the cinnamic acid found in the plants.
A drop of a corrosive may cause blindness within 2–10 seconds through opacification or direct destruction of the cornea. Ingestion of corrosives can induce severe consequences, including serious damage of the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to vomiting, severe stomach aches, and death.
Psychological distress is often expressed in affective (depressive), psychophysical or psychosomatic (e.g., headaches, stomach aches, etc.), and anxiety symptoms. The relation of adverse working conditions to psychological distress is thus an important avenue of research. Job satisfaction is also related to negative health outcomes.
However, these prescribed drugs have a range of side effects, such as nausea, loss of appetite, dizziness, hair loss, stomach aches/cramps, headache, liver toxicity, and increased risk of infections. Also, people who take drugs to suppress the immune system are more likely to develop cancer later.
Habitat is riverine and swamp forest, from sea level to altitude. Local medicinal uses include the treatment of ringworm, sore eyes and stomach aches. B. macrostachya has been used as fish poison. It is found in China, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Soysa (Vijaya) and Silva (Mahinda) are two jobless men doing various businesses that end up without success. They meet Piyum (Richard) who invite them to a party. Both Soysa and Silva get stomach aches because of some food they eat at the party. They get admitted in a hospital.
The Tongwe use cold concoctions of this plant as a treatment for malaria, intestinal parasites, diarrhea, and stomach upset. For numerous African ethnic groups, a concoction of this plant is also a prescribed treatment for malarial fever, schistosomiasis, amoebic dysentery, and several other intestinal parasites and stomach aches.
In Sri Lanka traditional medicine, a composition of herbs, powdered pepper, and water is applied as a paste to the navel as a remedy for stomach aches. During difficulties in delivery, a betel leaf is placed on the woman's navel, which is believed to be under a spell.
Clinopodium species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Coleophora albitarsella. Various Clinopodium species are used as medicinal herbs. For example, C. laevigatum is used in Mexico as a tea under the name or to cure hangovers, stomach aches, and liver disease.
Wedgwood was a friend of the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge and arranged for him to have an annuity of £150 in 1798 so Coleridge could devote himself to philosophy and poetry. According to an 1803 letter, Coleridge even attempted to procure cannabis for Wedgwood to alleviate his chronic stomach aches.
As a result, doctors face great pressures to overtest and overtreat. The fear of missing something often leads to extra blood tests and imaging scans for what may be harmless chest pains, run-of- the-mill head bumps, and non-threatening stomach aches, with a high cost on the health care system.
In Malaysia, a paste of the plant is applied topically to relieve headaches and stomach-aches. There is a traditional belief that E. longifolia is an aphrodisiac. Other health benefits attributed to this plant include antimalarial, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, antipyretic, anti-dengue and immunomodulation activities. In Indonesia and Malaysia, E. longifolia has been widely commercialized.
The fruit bodies are poisonous and consumption will cause stomach aches, but the nature of the toxic agents has not been identified. A new form, Lactarius repraesentaneus f. immutabilis, was described from Le Sappey, in the Haute- Savoie department of southeastern France in 2011. It differs in the staining reaction of its injured flesh.
The Wise Little Hen is a 1934 Walt Disney's Silly Symphony cartoon, based on the fairy tale The Little Red Hen. The cartoon features the official debut of Donald Duck, dancing to the Sailor's Hornpipe. Donald and his friend Peter Pig try to avoid work by faking stomach aches until Mrs. Hen teaches them the value of labor.
Parkia pendula has been known to treat dysentery, headaches, inflammation, itching, and fevers. The bark has commonly been used by locals to treat stomach aches. Research has been conducted examining the use of lectin as a histochemistry marker to distinguish meningothelial tumors and as treatment for cutaneous wounds in normal and immunocompromised mice.Beltrão, E., et al.
His complaints included "headaches, rheumatism, conjunctivitis, pains in his side, stomach aches, pains in his shoulder, arthritis, hemorrhoids". An October 1945 naval board found that Hubbard was "considered physically qualified to perform duty ashore, preferably within the continental United States".Atack, p. 84 He was discharged from the hospital on December 4, 1945, and transferred to inactive duty on February 17, 1946.
In Greece, chicken soup is most commonly made in the avgolemono ("egg-lemon") fashion, wherein beaten eggs mixed with lemon are added to a broth slowly so that the mixture heats up without curdling, also adding rice or pasta like kritharáki ("little barley;" orzo), resulting in a thicker texture; it is a traditional remedy for colds, stomach aches, and hangovers.
Castor oil is applied to the navel of infants as a remedy for stomach aches. The Gonds, a tribe from central India, apply Gloriosa superba rhizome extract over the navel and vagina to cause labour pain and perform normal delivery. According to Ayurveda, the navel is an important site in the human body. Nearly 72,000 subtle nerves, or nadis converge in this area.
The roots are used to treat abscesses, stomach aches, colic, malaria, coughs, and bilharzias. They can also be pounded, turned into porridge and eaten to reportedly prevent sterility in women. It is thought that powdered roots can also be added to beer to act as an aphrodisiac. The tree’s bark is used as a remedy for syphilis, hookworm, chest pains, and body pain.
From childhood, Frédéric Chopin was sickly and under medical care. He showed intolerance to fatty foods, especially pork - these caused stomach aches, diarrhea and weight loss. Later he endeavored to avoid such symptoms with diet; he obtained substantial improvement with ingredients such as honey and oat bran. Chopin attained a height of — the 25th percentile; and as an adult weighed under — below the 3rd percentile.
The term "Bushman's mattress" comes from the springiness of the vines and stems of L. articulatum. The Māori would make beds by coiling the springy vines and putting them in sacks, then stuff the sacks with available soft flora. Natives also used the tough wiry stems for things like fishhooks, rope, thatching, and eel traps. The leaves and fronds were infused with water and drunk to cure stomach aches and pains.
North American brown bears (Ursos arctos) make a paste of Osha roots (Ligusticum porteri) and saliva and rub it through their fur to repel insects or soothe bites. This plant, locally known as bear root, contains 105 active compounds, such as coumarins that may repel insects when topically applied. Navajo Indians are said to have learned to use this root medicinally from the bear for treating stomach aches and infections.
Native Americans ate the berries raw and cooked, but because the berries have a high tannin content and are thus astringent, they more often chewed them or made them into a cider. Overeating causes cramps. The Native Americans also used the berries to make necklaces and other decorations, and as bait for fishing. Bark and leaves were used to treat stomach aches, cramps, skin ailments, and sore throats.
Umbellularia has long been valued for its many uses by Native Americans throughout the tree's range, including the Cahuilla, Chumash, Ohlone, Pomo, Miwok, Yuki, Coos, and Salinan people. The Concow tribe call the plant sō-ē’-bä (Konkow language). Poultices of Umbellularia leaves were used to treat rheumatism and neuralgias. A tea was made from the leaves to treat stomach aches, colds, sore throats, and to clear up mucus in the lungs.
On 24 September 2008, Schelin's American transfer rights were drafted by the Saint Louis Athletica in the 2008 WPS International Draft. She declined the chance to join WPS, citing her contract with Lyon as the primary reason. Saint Louis signed Schelin's compatriot Sara Larsson instead. Schelin arrived in Lyon in poor condition, after a thigh injury disrupted her 2008 spring season with Göteborg and migraines and stomach aches afflicted her at the 2008 Olympic Games.
The sense of touch of each is restricted to her body half; this shades off at the midsagittal plane such that there is a small amount of overlap at the midline. Stomach aches, however, are felt by only the twin on the opposite side. They cooperatively use their limbs when both hands or both legs are required. By coordinating their efforts, they are able to walk, run, swim, and ride a bicycle normally.
In Togo and Gabon, wood was traditionally used to make bows and crossbows for hunters and warriors. An infusion of the plant's bark or fruit has been useful in the treatment of bronchitis and dysenteric conditions, or as a mouthwash to treat toothaches. It has also been used as a medicine for biliousness and febrile pains. The bark, when steeped in palm wine, is used to treat asthma, stomach-aches and rheumatism.
He suffers from stomach aches, vomiting, > sometimes with blood, and headaches … His general condition is pale and very > weak, his tongue is smooth, he has slight bleeding from the gums, dry skin, > loss of hair, and significant muscular atrophy. His pulse is weak, blood > pressure 100/75. He is permanently connected to a heart monitor. The Supreme Court initially scheduled a hearing for 23 February but moved it to 21 February following concerns about his health.
She is further stressed when Homer has her watch TV with him instead of letting her focus on her homework. When Lisa develops stomach aches, she visits Dr. Hibbert, who suggests he could prescribe 'harsh Antacids' but says herbal tea could also work. Lisa wants the tea but Homer, scoffs at the tea and demands the antacids. While leaving the office Lisa has had enough and snaps at her father for belittling everything she believes in.
Merckx stated that he never had any heart issues while racing, despite the fact that several males in his family died young of heart related problems. In May 2004, he had an esophagus operation to cure stomach aches suffered since he was young. In August, he reported that he lost nearly 30 kg after the procedure. On 13 October 2019, Merckx was hospitalised after a cycling accident, having suffered a haemorrhage and being unconscious for a while.
As the tour approaches a stop in Springfield, Homer's stomach aches and he is sent to a veterinarian. The doctor informs Homer he will die if he takes another cannonball to his gut. Homer decides to perform his act one last time, but he dodges the cannonball at the last second. After a warm sendoff from the touring bands, Homer leaves the festival and loses his kids' respect for no longer being cool, which he embraces.
Sideroxylon lanuginosumSideroxylon lanuginosum at Missouri Botanical Garden is a shrub or small tree of the family Sapotaceae. It is native to the Sun Belt and Midwest of the United States as well as Northeastern Mexico. Common names include gum bully, black haw, chittamwood, chittimwood, shittamwood, false buckthorn, gum bumelia, gum elastic, gum woolybucket, woolybucket bumelia, wooly buckthorn, wooly bumelia, ironwood and coma. The fruit of Bumelia lanuginosa is edible but can cause stomach aches or dizziness if eaten in large quantities.
Tereré is a typical, popular drink from Paraguay where it is common to see students, friends, co- workers or families drinking tereré together during the summer, a time when temperatures reach . Some people put medicinal herbs or "yuyos" into the water to treat ailments such as headaches, stomach aches and high blood pressure. Production of customized vacuum flasks "termos" for the water and guampas is common. These termos usually consist on a leather-covered 2-Liter thermos commonly filled with iced water and "yuyos" (medicinal herbs).
Insomnia, one of the six types of dyssomnia, affects 21%-37% of the adult population. Many of its symptoms are easily recognizable, including excessive daytime sleepiness; frustration or worry about sleep; problems with attention, concentration, or memory; extreme mood changes or irritability; lack of energy or motivation; poor performance at school or work; and tension headaches or stomach aches. Insomnia can be grouped into primary and secondary, or comorbid, insomnia. Primary insomnia is a sleep disorder not attributable to a medical, psychiatric, or environmental cause.
Sidral Mundet was first bottled in 1902 by Don Arturo Mundet, who produced the cider-flavored beverage. Basing Sidral Mundet on the "limonada" or "gaseosa" drinks that were popular in Mexico at the turn of the 20th Century, he utilized the pasteurization technique to keep the drink sterile in the bottling process. The drink has been renowned in Mexico for its nourishing and hydrating abilities and has sometimes been used as a home remedy for stomach aches. In 1988, Novamex introduced Sidral Mundet to the United States.
Agnes was absent during Book 2, but returned in Book 3 when Molly traveled back in time to return her past selves to their proper times. Molly instructed her to fart and burp in company, as well as to be kind to the children under her care when she was very drunk. Before hypnotised by Molly, Petula the pug belonged to Miss Adderstone, and was fed chocolate cookies that caused stomach aches. Adderstone favors Hazel, because it is learned that she looked like her when she was dropped off on the doorstep of Hardwick House.
Lind married Kathleen Maughan of Logan, Utah, with whom he had seven children. STS-51-B was two decades after son David's stomach aches from fear of appearing on television like the families of other astronauts, such as neighbors James Irwin and Edgar Mitchell. Kathleen said before the mission that "For our family, I think we’re better off now without the publicity" as space travel become more common. Lind has served as a member of the lay ecclesiastical hierarchy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
The liqueur was produced in the 19th century as a medicinal product for stomach aches by a pharmacy in Lousã. In the late 19th century alcoholic beverages were no longer qualified as medicinal but the liqueur was kept in production in a small factory owned by the son-in-law of the original producer. In 1929 the liqueur entered a contest on the 2nd Beirão Congress where it earned a gold medal and its name of Beirão. In 1940 the factory and the secret recipe were bought by José Carranca Redondo (1921-2005).
A female capuchin monkey in captivity was observed using tools covered in a sugar-based syrup to groom her wounds and those of her infant. North American brown bears (Ursos arctos) make a paste of Osha roots (Ligusticum porteri) and saliva and rub it through their fur to repel insects or soothe bites. This plant, locally known as "bear root", contains 105 active compounds, such as coumarins that may repel insects when topically applied. Navajo Indians are said to have learned to use this root medicinally from the bear for treating stomach aches and infections.
Other spiritual beliefs involving infertility include the belief that infertility is the result of a woman's disobedience to God, in which the remedy is prayer and repentance. Women who consult a tradition birth attendant are likely to be told that prayer is the medicine for infertility, although they acknowledge that infertility is sometimes caused by a physical ailment. In these cases, the traditional birth attendant may blame the infertility on stomach aches and advise the woman to visit a hospital and take the medicine given by the doctor.
Tobacco resuscitation kits consisting of a pair of bellows and a tube were provided by the Royal Humane Society of London and placed at various points along the Thames. Furthermore, these enemas came to be employed for headaches, respiratory failure, colds, hernias, abdominal cramps, typhoid fever, and cholera outbreaks. Clysters were a favourite medical treatment in the bourgeoisie and nobility of the Western world up to the 19th century. As medical knowledge was fairly limited at the time, purgative clysters were used for a wide variety of ailments, the foremost of which were stomach aches and constipation.
Unlike the latter, it splits open from the top downwards to form a cup with five to ten pointed rays, reaching up to in diameter. It is lavender- brown on the inside surface, and whitish outside, but usually dingy from adhering soil. Characteristic microscopic features include asci that are amyloid (so their tips stain blue at the tip with iodine), and smooth, blunt- ended, ellipsoid spores with large oil droplets. Sarcosphaera coronaria—once thought to be a good edible—is not recommended for consumption, after several reports of poisonings causing stomach aches, and in one instance, death.
It is inedible, but the roots are used in local Tibetian tradition as a medicinal plant for stomach aches. Uniquely, the roots of this species contain no trace of the anthraquinones for which other medicinal species of rhubarb popular in China are known for (such as R. palmatum or R. officinale). It does, however, contain a number of different chemicals known as resveratrol oligomers which may possibly have some future commercial use in the herbal supplement market as antioxidants, although the antioxidant activity is moderate to low. Two of these resveratrol oligomers are thus far (as of 2013) unique to this species.
They are said to be the spirit of a Japanese marten-like animal, and it is said that those possessed by one would be afflicted with stomach aches and mental abnormalities. In some areas, it is said that a "mizu-itachi" (water weasel) within ponds are hitogitsune. Though it has "itachi" in its name, they are said to be much smaller than real weasels and stay in a large willow of the pond, and several of them would all make a bustle at once. In the Shimane Prefecture, hitogitsune are considered to be smaller tha a normal fox.
His one problem was that, being half human, he was still susceptible to human ailments, such as the common cold and stomach aches. To aid Charlie (who was given the title "Captain Charlie Simian"), The " " allowed him to recruit a team of fellow Earth monkeys: Shao Lin, a Chinese golden monkey with swift fighting skills and serene wisdom; Spydor, a wisecracking little spider monkey with a long prehensile tail; Dr. Splitz/Splitzy, an orangutan with a scientist/madman split- personality; and Gor, a big, strong gorilla who wrecked the intelligence- enhancing machine before he got a full helping.
Likewise, anxiety in children is sometimes misdiagnosed as an attention deficit disorder or, due to the tendency of children to interpret their emotions physically (as stomach aches, head aches, etc.), anxiety disorders may initially be confused with physical ailments. Anxiety in children has a variety of causes; sometimes anxiety is rooted in biology, and may be a product of another existing condition, such as autism or Asperger's disorder. Gifted children are also often more prone to excessive anxiety than non-gifted children. Other cases of anxiety arise from the child having experienced a traumatic event of some kind, and in some cases, the cause of the child's anxiety cannot be pinpointed.
In the following two years, Alice and Mabel died from peculiar stomach aches, but yet again, no investigation was conducted, and the deaths soon forgotten after the burials at the Plymouth cemetery. Illustration of Cowan's victims Despite these tragedies, Willis still decided to pursue his medical career, enrolling into a dubious institute that sold diplomas for $25. However, this was considered fraudulent, and soon, a state law was passed which prohibited the selling of fake diplomas, right before Bean could acquire it. Unperturbed by this setback, both husband and wife were deadset on getting diplomas, choosing to travel to an out-of-state institution in Ohio to get them.
21-22 The name Seirogan was widely used as the academic term by army doctors for about a 4-year span. But this was in the days when drug use as preventive medicine was not a widely embraced concept, and soldiers resisted swallowing this weird-smelling and unfamiliar pill, even when so instructed. The top brass decided to invoke the name of Emperor Meiji, telling the men that taking the pill was "according to the wishes of His Imperial Majesty". This subterfuge reportedly greatly improved the soldiers' compliance towards taking the pill, making them less prone to be forced out of action due to stomach aches or diarrhea.
In a large cross-sectional study comparing over 50,000 children, ages 12 and 15, living in either a shared or sole custody arrangement, Dr. Malin Bergström found that children with shared parenting had better outcomes for physical health, psychological well-being, moods and emotions, self-perception, autonomy, parental relations, material outcomes, peer relations, school satisfaction and social acceptance. Using data from the same cross-sectional survey, Bergström did a follow-up study focusing on psychosomatic problems of concentration, sleeping, headaches, stomach aches, tenseness, lack of appetite, sadness and dizziness. They found that both boys and girls did better living in a shared parenting versus sole custody arrangement. Both studies adjusted for selected socio-economic variables.
A 2012 study of Waldorf pupils in Germany concluded that, in comparison to state school pupils, Waldorf students are significantly more enthusiastic about learning, report having more fun and being less bored in school, more often feel individually met, and learn more from school about their personal academic strengths. 85% of the Waldorf students reported that their school environment was pleasant and supportive, compared to 60% of the state school students. More than twice as many Waldorf students report having good relationships with teachers. Waldorf pupils also have significantly less physical ailments such as headaches, stomach aches, or disrupted sleep. There was no statistically significant difference between the state and Waldorf pupils’ achievement on state examinations;Fanny Jiminez, "Namen tanzen, fit in Mathe - Waldorf im Vorteil".
The plant, which contains a high concentration of the monoterpene essential oil known as pulegone, as well as isomenthol, is known for its medicinal properties. In folk remedies, it has been used in treating ailments such as abdominal pains, diarrhoea, eye infections, heart disorders, high blood pressure, weariness, exhaustion, colds and open wounds.Dudai, Larkov, Ravid, Putievsky and Lewinsohn, Developmental Control of Monoterpene Content and Composition in Micromeria fruticosa (L.) Druce, Annals of Botany, Volume 88, Number 3, Oxford 2001, p. 349 Other usages include making a poultice from the boiled leaves and applying it onto burns and skin infections, or drinking an infusion from its leaves for relieving stomach aches, or gargling with the same for treating bad breath odors and gum infections.
When clyster syringes were in use in Europe, the patient was placed in an appropriate position (kneeling, with the buttocks raised, or lying on the side); a servant or apothecary would then insert the nozzle into the anus and press the plunger, resulting in the liquid remedy (generally, water, but also some other preparations) being injected into the colon. Because of the embarrassment a woman might feel when showing her buttocks (and possibly her genitals, depending on the position) to a male apothecary, some contraptions were invented that blocked all from the apothecary's view except for the anal area. Another invention was syringes equipped with a special bent nozzle, which enabled self-administration, thereby eliminating the embarrassment. Clysters were administered for symptoms of constipation and, with more questionable effectiveness, stomach aches and other illnesses.
Its waterproof hides were used for rafters' backflaps, its horns were ground as a preventive against diseases such as beriberi, and a cure for stomach-aches was made from the serow's small intestines and gall bladder. An animal that once inhabited deep forests far from populated areas, the Japanese serow has increasingly penetrated the outskirts of villages. In western Honshū, it had become extinct by the 20th century. Elsewhere, it had been hunted to such a severe degree that the Japanese government declared it a "Non-Game Species" in a 1925 hunting law. In 1934, the Law for Protection of Cultural Properties designated it a "Natural Monument Species". Poaching continued, leading the government to declare the Japanese serow a "Special Natural Monument" in 1955, at which point overhunting had brought its numbers to 2000–3000.
Lisa is forced to share with Bart, but the stress of living in the same room as Bart gives her stomach aches. Homer and Lisa decide to visit a New Age store, where the owner convinces them to go on a spiritual journey by lying in a sensory deprivation tank for a prolonged amount of time. "Make Room for Lisa" was written by Brian Scully and was the first full The Simpsons episode Matthew Nastuk directed, having received a co-director credit for "D'oh-in' in the Wind", for which he directed one scene. The episode's subplot, which revolves around Marge listening in on phone calls using a baby monitor, was inspired by former showrunners Bill Oakley and Josh Weinstein, who also listened to private phone calls with a monitor.
Dittany of Crete has always been highly prized; it is gathered while in bloom in the summer months, and is exported for use in pharmaceuticals, perfumery and to flavour drinks such as vermouth and absinthe. In Ancient Greece, Hippocrates prescribed plant cures to aid all manner of ailments, and considered dittany of Crete useful for stomach aches and complaints of the digestive system and as a poultice for healing wounds, as well as inducing menstruation. The Greek philosopher Aristotle in his work The History of Animals (612a4) wrote: "Wild goats in Crete are said, when wounded by arrow, to go in search of dittany, which is supposed to have the property of ejecting arrows in the body." The Greek scholar and philosopher Theophrastus agreed with Aristotle about the healing properties of dittany of Crete.
Divorce is associated with diminished psychological well-being in children and adult offspring of divorced parents, including greater unhappiness, less satisfaction with life, weaker sense of personal control, anxiety, depression, and greater use of mental health services. A preponderance of evidence indicates that there is a causal effect between divorce and these outcomes. A study in Sweden led by the Centre for Health Equity Studies (Chess) at Stockholm University/Karolinska Institutet, is published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health found that children living with just one parent after divorce suffer from more problems such as headaches, stomach aches, feelings of tension and sadness than those whose parents share custody. Children of divorced parents are also more likely to experience conflict in their own marriages, and are more likely to experience divorce themselves.
After Alcoa ended its sponsorship, the show was moved to Sunday afternoons as a series of occasional specials. During this time, Murrow became agitated by the network repeatedly granting equal time (without consulting Murrow) to subjects who felt wronged by the program. After CBS granted another such request (regarding a See It Now show on whether or not Alaska and Hawaii deserved statehood), Murrow complained to CBS head William S. Paley he could not continue doing the program if CBS continued to accede to such equal-time requests under those circumstances. Eventually, according to co-producer Friendly, Murrow and Paley had a heated exchange in Paley's office; Paley said he was tired of getting "stomach aches" every time See It Now covered controversial matter; Murrow replied, "That's a price you have to be willing to pay".
Although studies about Waldorf education tend to be small-scale and vary in national context, a recent independent comprehensive review of the literature concluded there is evidence that Waldorf education encourages academic achievement as well as "creative, social and other capabilities important to the holistic growth of a person". In comparison to state school pupils, European Waldorf students are significantly more enthusiastic about learning, report having more fun and being less bored in school, view their school environments as pleasant and supportive places where they are able to discover their personal academic strengths, and have more positive views of the future. Twice as many Waldorf students as state school pupils report having good relationships with teachers; they also report significantly fewer ailments such as headaches, stomach aches, and disrupted sleep.Fanny Jiminez, "Namen tanzen, fit in Mathe – Waldorf im Vorteil".
Seirogan is touted to be effective in the following: # Treating and allaying stomach aches, diarrhea, diarrhea due to digestive disorders, food poisoning, vomiting, water contamination (Montezuma's revenge), runny bowels warning of diarrhea, soft stool. # Regulating stomach and intestines condition. # Pulpitis-caused tooth cavity aches.虫歯の齲窩に直接詰めて使用するが、歯髄が壊死することによって痛みが治まるだけであり、根本的な治療にはならない。また、そのまま放置すると感染が根尖部に広がり、悪化してしまう。(Used by directly stuffing in cavity, but only mitigates pain by causing necrosis of the pulp, and is not treatment that effects fundamental cure.
This explained why men were hit more often than women: it was only men to went out fishing and passed frequently near the water's edge He proposed the bold plan to deforest all river and lake banks to rob the tsetse fly of its habitat by burning the bush and then taking out all roots to prevent them from growing back. As roots often went down to more than a meter, and as Mpala was 50 kilometers away, the task was gargantuan yet Roelens supported the idea and crossed the region personally to convince all villages to come out and help. Over the course of months, the banks from Baudouinville to Mpala were cleared, and this indeed significantly brought down the number of patients in the region.Around this time, father Huys became titular bishop of Rusicade, providing Roelens with a much needed assistant bishop at a time where Roelens' health was again deteriorating, at one time collapsing in Kipungwe with stomach aches.
I always had a hard life, even though I was physically > well-built, I always had to fight to become number 1, and even though I won > a lot of races, I remember every race with emotion: the first regional > championships, the national ones, the Young Europeans, and of course all the > stomach aches I had. In 2002 he moved back to Australia to train with coach Ian Pope at the Melbourne Vicentre Club. Rosolino represented Italy in all of the four editions of the Olympic Games since 1996. At the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, he became the second Olympic champion ever in the history of Italian swimming as he won the gold medal in the 200 m individual medley (1:58.98, then Olympic and national record). He won two more medals: a silver medal in the 400 m freestyle setting the current European record (3:43.40) behind Ian Thorpe, and a bronze medal in the 200 m freestyle (1:46.65) behind Pieter van den Hoogenband and Ian Thorpe.

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