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426 Sentences With "stans"

How to use stans in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "stans" and check conjugation/comparative form for "stans". Mastering all the usages of "stans" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Pete supporters and stans, like the one who emailed us, accused Beto stans or maybe even foreigners of manufacturing the situation.
Stans are much more fervent — and much more rabid.
Netflix should honestly watch their back because real stans recognize real stans and you can't get realer than Eminem combining forces with people that ride for both him and this (apparently) popular show.
Regardless, you can't hate on the dedication of these stans.
And a rabid fanbase of hardcore #Hessa (Hardin + Tessa) stans.
The internet stans for David Harbour, pastry quest and all.
Their stans have plenty of time for all this, though.
Bug even gets to meet Lito via Nomi — he stans.
Namjoon and Yoongi [also] have a lot of lesbian stans.
Like Queen Victoria's cavalry, the stans follow suit and attack.
Here's a timeline for all you Shawmila stans out there.
It's good to know SpongeBob stans a tiny purse legend.
That movie's become kind of cult-ish among Timothée Chalamet's stans.
You can breathe a sigh of relief, Ruth Bader Ginsburg stans.
Serenity is for us, the Hathaway truthers, the Andy Sachs stans.
For the real Apple stans, we found the scarf for you.
Just like my Army bases out in the 'Stans, only entrepreneurial.
Logan stans took a major hit when their favorite became officially problematic.
United, Halsey-Ariana-Lorde won't stand for industry sexism or toxic stans.
Mitchell and Nixon's finance committee chair, Maurice H. Stans, were both acquitted.
Oh, you thought only film Twitter and stans tweeted about the Oscars?
Justin Bieber has finally cut off his hair, and stans are celebrating.
Disney+'s launch lineup is still an impressive windfall for Disney stans.
Stans are no longer just people shouting at concerts or decorating notebooks.
Even DJs get stans, and this stan received guest list plus ten.
There are Kamala Harris fans, and then there are Kamala Harris stans.
The Army sent me on their free world-tour of the 'Stans.
They are both STANs and they also STAN her and her work.
"Can you fight sony for us spidey stans plz," one person tweeted.
And there's no doubt that's true for many other Meyers stans, too.
Outside of a few Reddit stans, the show was virtually invisible online.
After the team he stans (like, stans) beat the Golden State Warriors in the NBA Finals on Thursday, the rapper, native Canadian, and Raptors global ambassador posted on Instagram that he will release two new songs on Friday.
Each pop generation gave rise to its own style of fandom, and perhaps the parodies of stans — by stans themselves — suggest that a different narrative about the way fans relate to their chosen artists might soon be emerging.
These charms are for the Daryl Dixon stans of The Walking Dead fandom.
A fan gift that's full of sweet notes from Sweet Tea stans. 3.
They're so good, they might even have some Jughead stans switching sides. 1.
Nonetheless, it's a look we love — and so do the stans on Twitter.
Naturally, Lush stans hit Twitter harder than the bomb cyclone with stunned reactions.
It's no secret Drake stans hard when it comes to women in music.
But now, a few theories have arisen from the GoT stans on Reddit.
So those of you who aren't Chamberlain stans will want to skip this.
The Oscars may have snubbed her pole dancing, but the internet still stans.
Rosé stans, get your pitchforks ready: Kylie Jenner just came for your beloved beverage.
Stans came out to Photoshop their own beloved artist in Mona Lisa's place: pic.twitter.
We've long been stans for a good pair of pants on the red carpet.
That's led to a persecution complex among more than a few of his stans.
Members of Rihanna's Navy, the Bey Hive, Arianators, Directioners all self-identify as stans.
And man, that is a pretty good arrangement, because the 'Stans are goddamn terrible.
While others—Stans like myself—see the artist as their own personal spirit animal.
Turns out, the stans had a lot to get excited about on Thursday morning.
Cooking memes had a moment in 2019, particularly for Bon Appétit test kitchen stans.
The dynamic can turn especially toxic — with stans, the media, and all kinds of users picking through the reasons for the failed bid, and the candidate's most dedicated supporters can be on the receiving end of taunting and recruitment from opposing candidates' stans.
Others (especially in Korea), prefer to be "solo stans," or fans of only one group.
Thankfully, some Gomez stans hunted down her exact color of choice: Tom Ford's Bitter Bitch.
You can't be a pop star without stans — and Eilish now has plenty of them.
Where centrifugal juicer stans may have a harder time arguing their point is shelf life.
Cherry cordial stans just happen to be getting a little extra love this Valentine's Day.
I'd like to present you, dear readers and fellow Beyoncé stans, with a luxurious fantasy.
It's hard to imagine another show creating such a dedicated and engaged community of stans.
There are legions of screaming stans, arena concerts, and massive online followings for everyone involved.
According to BuzzFeed, Grande and Davidson stans are putting their money on August 43, 2018.
Kamala Harris is facing criticism from a group she probably wasn't expecting: Lil' Kim stans.
Click here to see the street style Stans outside New York's Hood by Air show.
The singer plays Bombalurina, a sexy cat who stans villain Macavity, played by Idris Elba.
But as Manuel made clear in his response, he stans HBP for one very specific reason.
He attracts these stans who are emotive and down to Earth and appreciative of good music.
The Lady Bird stans of the internet promptly lost their minds after seeing the remixed trailer.
As stans of Sansa Stark, we are so, so ready to see more of Sophie Turner.
He stans for J. Lo, and that's how it should be when you're over the moon.
Mandy Moore When your mom stans your costar's character just a little bit more than yours.
Mendes probably stans for her own relationship, too — just don't expect her to talk about it.
Because it sure is making us — and all the others Serena stans out there — just ecstatic.
Grouping the stans together is inaccurate as there are now five different political systems and economies.
The idea is also to give the semifamous a safe space of self-selecting super-stans.
It is forever lumped with the other "stans" in the neighborhood, which are repressive by comparison.
Still, some stans of the "Don't Call Me Angel" singer have concerns about her latest romance.
"Even though Beto has dropped out — his fans/stans/supporters are overwhelmingly bitter," began the email.
Avengers stans know the end is near, which means it's time to go back to the beginning.
Hulu is comfort binging; Netflix stans keep up with all the latest trending movies and TV shows.
Stans and fans alike can keep tabs on and chat with their favorite bands, actors, models, etc.
Judging from Purser's tweet, we'll guess those Barb stans are still lurking around during her free time.
Sorry, Kelley stans, the wild Bachelor finale didn't circle back to your gal for a big reveal.
Stans need to take measures to prevent losing too much of ourselves in the name of devotion.
Do the Dylan stans you know listen to female folk artists, or any women musicians at all?
It does give loyal Kylie stans a bit more of a story than 10-second snippets on Snapchat.
So yes, it's likely there were some Trump stans mixed into the crowd at MSG on Saturday night.
And this isn't to say Brockhampton's roster of Texas skater boys and Connecticut Kanye stans don't have taste.
A pertinent example: Earlier this year, a number of fervent DC Comics stans fervently demanded that Warner Bros.
Calling all beaded bag stans: your favorite accessory is getting a makeover this summer, courtesy of Susan Alexandra.
It started around midnight last night, the worrying and fretting, sweat emanating from the pores of nervous stans.
But that hasn't stopped the Lawrence stans from petitioning Rae to bring back everyone's favorite puppy-eyed bae.
Clearly, she's not one for labels, petty rivalries, or die-hard stans who want to pigeon-hole everyone.
The failure of pop stans to accept the death of their favorite artists is not a new phenomenon.
Unlike regular fans, stans see themselves as crusaders, pledging loyalty and rushing to their idol's defense against dissenters.
When I talked to stans, they told me about their interactions with campaign staffers who solicited their feedback.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are definitely over, and it continues to break our hearts (sorry, Jennifer Aniston stans).
If you answered Cosette in Les Miserables, take a seat and let the real Hathaway stans take the stage.
For many Beyoncé stans, there's the sense that 4:44 takes away the thematic anger and empowerment from Lemonade.
Fixer Upper stans could not get enough of the good news when the couple announced the pregnancy in January.
For Starbucks stans, the chain's holiday cups tend to steal the show every year, and we totally get it.
The show premiered on Monday night, and needless to say, Jersey Shore stans of the world were not impressed.
Purser called out the "angry Beronica stans" in a tweet, which has since been deleted, to costar Cole Sprouse.
Ms. Minaj's response to Ms. Thompson only served to rile up the Barbz, as the rapper calls her stans.
"When it comes to stans and how they operate on social media, it's crazy to witness," Thompson told me.
Had I waited twenty years, I would have been able to connect with a vast network of Phoebe stans.
Even K-Pop stans are in on it now, which is how you know the phrase is officially Viral.
Lucky for Styles, there are some stans who are willing to stand by him, despite the questionable styling choice.
And once the stans settle in, they're defending their candidate from any slight, especially criticism from other candidates' fans.
When I asked people who their favorite character was, it was no shock that everyone stans Benson—myself included.
Stans like her had to "constantly deal with accusations that fans knew didn't align with who she was," she said.
But as with bobby-soxers and wannabes, outside observers have not often given stans credit for their own self-awareness.
But it was the self-named "Venom Fuckers" who proved themselves the real superheroes with coordinated attacks against Bundy stans.
Still, until we know for sure, stans continue to zoom, inspect, and theorize what the eff this tattoo actually says.
This appeared to be a retaliation after Melodrama had been dragged down below a 213 by Lana Del Rey's stans.
I wanted to talk about the weird side of fandom, like maybe you've had some obsessed stans of your own?
You'd be mistaken to think such stans are immature high schoolers or aimless adults living on the fringes of society.
They got the numbers first, the freshest seats first, the school dances first, and other stans knew their names first.
Stans thought that compared to Lee's apology, it was significantly more genuine because he walked through how he would improve.
Secondly, as all the Selentaor stans know (that would be Selena Gomez superfans), Gomez herself also loves covering this song.
At one of her recent shows in Montréal, Rihanna met one fan backstage that surpassed all the other doting stans.
With some special add-ons, clever references, and exclusive packaging, this piece is tailor-made for hard-core Gucci stans.
Between Netflix and the Venom stans, it seems like the Bundyites might be on their way to losing this round.
Baum & Whiteman, a consulting firm based in New York, is betting on food from the "Stans" — Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
Everyone on Tumblr stans a Virgo — possibly because many people on Tumblr were born between late August and late September.
Ultimate Shrek stans can snag this mug which sports the entire script for just $14.95 to woo their office pals.
But now all you need is a legion of loyal Twitter stans to circulate a couple of memes, and — BAM!
While I'm sure there are stans out there, I have never met someone who actually enjoys using Samsung's voice assistant.
However, a number of self-proclaimed "Bundy stans" have taken to Twitter to praise the murderer's appearance and charisma ad nauseam.
"Except for when they were harassing Pete Davidson, she consistently remains passive as her stans viciously attack non-celebrities," said Talusan.
To engage closely with young stans is to see what you once were and be unafraid to run back into it.
"Look What You Made Me Do" is still #1, but Cardi B stans are determined to dethrone Taylor and her snakes.
Some people speculate that this is all fake, but there really are lots of Zuck stans out there, this piece reports.
In addressing the controversy, she splits a very fine hair: she was not apologizing to Ivanka Trump or the MAGA stans.
And when Taylor Swift reminded everyone her squad still exists, stans popped out of the woodwork to prove the haters wrong.
If it's true, this can only (hopefully) mean one thing for the stans: another legendary 2011 VMAs "Love on Top" moment.
If parents are the original critics, then they are also the first stans, unrestricted by the distancing effect of fame's machine.
Sometimes the meme trumpets that victory, like the Ethereum stans chuckling at Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash ripping one another to shreds.
Some of the Black women that she stans have also incorporated alter egos into their careers, including Beyoncé and Nicki Minaj.
Her name, by the way, isn't actually Evie—she asked me to change it in case the stans come for her.
A timeless classic among TBS stans, Cougar Town chronicles the 40something years of Jules Cobb and her wealth of delightful friends.
Sustainability stans went wild earlier this month when it was revealed that the 77th Golden Globes' menu would be 100% vegan.
Tonight is Emmys night, and for all you TV stans out there, it's shaping up to be a night worth remembering.
It feels crass and reductive to say that Lenny's hospital room has, essentially, been staked out by an army of stans.
Star Wars stans will love The Mandalorian, an exploration of the galaxy through the eyes of space's most famous bounty hunter.
Monarchy stans desperate to follow the daily minutia of Markle's life must now rely on curated updates from Kensington Palace's social team.
The past few days have been dramatic for stans of the Kardashian family, and presumably even more so for the family itself.
So when the recent shift in her personal life signaled that maybe the worst was not yet over, "Sad Mary" stans rejoiced.
The clothing brand spent the rest of the day assuring fervent Queen Bey stans that it meant no slight by the tweet.
On behalf of Bey Hive members and Carter Family stans everywhere, I would also like to thank Europe for these blessed photos.
Much to the devastation of Pariana stans everywhere, the two called off the wedding — and the relationship entirely — in October of 2018.
"ariana stans worried about aretha blocking sweetener omg imagine if stan twitter realized there was a world outside of charts," tweeted one.
In fact, you'll find a handful of Timmy hair stans on Twitter ready and able to talk point out this very fact.
Nicki has occasionally weaponized this loyalty by courting her fan base, her Barbz, her stans to combat any criticism made against her.
Otherwise, you'll have to wait for the U.S. drop and deal with all the Stan Smith stans and risk a sell-out.
In a weird Shape of Water twist, Sidon became Link's love interest — at least in the eyes of stans on the internet.
The cold foam that puts the cloud into those mermaid-logo cups requires eggs and milk, and her vegan stans were shook.
Sope Soetan, writer and co-host of popular music podcast Don't Alert The Stans believes there's simply just more music being released.
He later testified as a defense witness in the conspiracy trial of Mr. Stans and John N. Mitchell, the former attorney general.
Not only the greatest president since FDR (LBJ stans, calm down), but also one of the greatest sketches of the Key & Peele years.
" Grande stans are passionately shooting down the accusations, saying Princess Nokia in particular "shouldn't flatter herself thinking Ariana actually knows who she is.
But despite the love from his dedicated stans, not everyone's feeling the album, and they've made it known in the best way possible.
Stans line up to get in the door first, often wearing homemade matching tank tops with the instructor's name or a group nickname.
Also, let's not forget Arcade Fire has a history of pranking their stans in ways that leave people confused or slightly bummed out.
From her pictures, it's clear that she has a cool wardrobe, enjoys nightlife, and is being stalked by a bunch of Bran stans.
True stans are also willing to do whatever they can to ensure their chosen celebrity/actor/musician/artist is seen as the best.
Last year, her dedication paid off: Kardashian invited Bound2West and a handful of other Kim stans to a fan lunch in Los Angeles.
Stans of the Walmart yodel boy hopped onto the platform that made him famous to share their thoughts on his major label debut.
Because if something ever happens to him, Disney, y'all will have thousands of us Baby Yoda Stans knocking on your door with pitchforks.
Or at least that was the view of Kobe stans — his most dedicated devotees, who, some may say, take their fandom too seriously.
Sure, maybe it wasn't written that well, but I choose to blame it on the supreme Reynolds stans that exist here at VICE.
After Hadestown beat Be More Chill at the Tony Awards in June, "the Be More Chill stans went off," said Avery Menacher, 16.
Candidates' supporters now identify as stans — a term derived from the 2000 Eminem song about a fan who becomes so obsessed, he kills.
Apple stans around the world are coming to terms with that fact a mere six months after the release of the Apple Card.
For some Aaliyah stans, seeing a smoky-eyed, diamanté-encrusted Kardashian with waist-grazing hair paying homage to their beloved Baby Girl was problematic.
Soft Stan The opposite of a hard stan, soft stans have a friendly or protective feeling towards their bias because they're so lovable/adorable.
And as the 'stans will tell you, these "big ideas" (and the smaller, incremental ones, too) are often ignored when they're introduced by women.
Black Panther's performance with Rotten Tomatoes readers should teach us all a lesson – but probably not the one these DCEU stans had in mind.
It's a parasocial relationship that has helped turn her cosmetic company into a billion-dollar enterprise and keep her stans rooting for their queen.
According to the people who keep an eye on Grande's every move (her stans), the 25-year-old singer has a brand-new tattoo.
If there's one thing you should know about Fabletics, besides the fact that Kate Hudson started it, it's that their stans are really dedicated.
One of the relocated families, the Stans, will rent a state-owned flat in southern Madrid at a subsidized 75 euros ($86.80) a month.
Both were frontmen for two of the biggest bands of their generations — One Direction and The Rolling Stones, respectively — each with borderline "stans" fanbases.
And though they may never replace your go-to Chucks or Stans, these might just convince you to give those old reliables a rest.
After toggling between tracks from Awaken, My Love and new summer releases, he dropped a beat that surprised the stans in front of me.
Beauty lovers and science-fiction nerds stans, rejoice: Your favorite makeup brand and sci-fi franchise are collaborating for the collection of a lifetime.
This all stems from a Twitter joke among stans, who noted the actor's proclivity for bagels from Tompkins Square Bagels in New York City.
It turns out that Kristin Chenoweth, T-Pain, Aaron Rodgers, and Jimmy Kimmel have one big thing in common: they're giant Game of Thrones stans.
After a long and fervent campaign by Timothée Chalamet's Twitter stans, the first look at his preppy stoner indie, Hot Summer Nights, is finally here.
Settle back, as we delve into this story of stans doing things on the internet that leave many outside the stan world scratching their heads.
Some sharp-eared Harry Styles stans have noted that the voice in the background of the video could belong to our favorite former One Directioner.
For example, Beyoncé stans will declare their loyalty to the Beyhive and constantly remind you that your fave could never (do what Beyoncé does onstage).
Ahead, check out a few of the super-stans who were out getting OITNB tattoos while we were still binge-racing the last few episodes.
The company, headquartered in Stans, Switzerland, helps companies manage an estimated ten billion euros in software purchases from vendors such as Microsoft, Adobe and IBM.
Where there's a failed pop star, there are no doubt an army of stans lying in their wake, deflated by their idol's fall from grace.
The company, headquartered in Stans, Switzerland, helps companies manage an estimated 10 billion euros in software purchases from vendors such as Microsoft, Adobe and IBM.
But linguist Michael Adams says that neither stans nor VSCO girls are the true originators of many of the internet&aposs most commonly used phrases.
The combination of restrained homage and premium materials and specs makes these watches as suitable to fitness fans as they are to Marvel super-stans.
The past three days have seen a petty-ass war between Lana Del Rey stans and Lorde stans on review aggregator Metacritic, with hordes of presumably sepia-toned Lana Del Rey fans creating accounts to attack Lorde's Melodrama, labelling it boring and mainstream, Meanwhile, a miniature army of Lorde fans are responding in kind, dismissing Lana Del Rey's Lust for Life as boring and monotonous.
The comments themselves are seriously golden, with Nick Jonas stans coming way out of the woodwork to give zak_hanzal an education on how to treat people.
This was also probably hellish for parents, as it played a short clip of "You Belong With Me" that baby stans probably button-mashed to death.
Star is Born stars Lady Gaga in her first film role, which means the Gaga stans are chomping at the bit to get to opening night.
Venom is part of the MCU, which places it in the eyesight of Marvel stans, who are also wont to chomp at the bit, per se.
And, for all of you Barb stans out there, her character gets more screen time in this short clip than in the series' entire second season.
Makeup artist and Instagram stans alike say this glitter is a step above the rest because of its water-resistant, no-fuss, clean-freak-friendly formula.
Meanwhile, a mystery is unfolding, the likes of which have the internet's most devoted Peteiana stans stringing up conspiracy walls like we're Carrie Mathison in Homeland.
The real winners of the 90th Academy Awards were all the hopeless romantics of the world, the friend-zone haters, the Mindy Kaling/BJ Novak stans.
And if you think that's being too generous – or maybe too harsh, for many of you DC stans – well, then we'll just let history guide you:
Back then rabid stans had to just politely sit on their hands and wait until Nat King Cole or Shirley Bassey put out another absolute banger.
While her stans keep her name trending on social media, they have failed to give their Queen a number-one album and a sold-out tour.
A Star Is Born has put her on the map for tons of casual fans who wouldn't have self-identified as Gaga stans before the film.
Some stans hoped their relationship was a romantic one; there was also some speculation that their friendship was over, which Kloss denied in a Vogue interview.
Unfortunately, that cadre of loyal Jelena stans is taking to Gomez's personal assistant's social media feeds after she liked a singular post proclaiming that Jelena is dunzo.
In the interview, she was asked a question many of us ponder at night: Team Chris Pratt, Chris Hemsworth, or Chris Evans (rude to Pine stans, IMO!)?
With a brains trust like that behind them, and a mainstream TV audience that also stans the couple, we have to give this possible ending its due.
Turns out, however, that the information is a double-edged sword, because now she'll have to answer to inquisitive Beyoncé stans for the rest of her life.
Luckily, we're big enough stans sleuths that we tracked down the products she's talked about in past interviews to fully curate a "Markle Sparkle" skin-care routine.
"Stans are a classic example of what I call 'soft cults,'" says Derek Thompson, author of Hit Makers: The Science of Popularity in an Age of Distraction.
But if "Rings" had been made serially — if Tolkien were getting an earful on Twitter from the Aragorn stans and the Samhive — would we have gotten it?
And the video itself delivered—its five and a half minutes are chock-full of star cameos (Hello, Kris Jenner!) and allusions for Grande stans to unpack.
But since its launch in 2015, it has branched out to include communities from all over the internet, ranging from writers to artists to K-Pop stans.
However, The Society would be absolutely nothing without its shining star Grizz, played by Jack Mulhern, who just made all his new stans' day by getting an Instagram.
These rumors don't totally exist in the fantasy lives of Pitt-Aniston stans: The former spouses are definitely cordial, with Pitt attending Aniston's 50th birthday party in February.
Whereas adaptations of Pikachu and Psyduck in Detective Pikachu found a way into hesitant fans' hearts, Sonic's bizarre appearance struck fear into the hearts of blue hedgehog stans.
Over the years of being true Bachelor stans, the series' bachelors and bachelorettes have taught us countless important lessons about love, relationships and the relentless pursuit of roses.
For that reason, i-D magazine highlighted a group of eccentric "sailors" in Ri's Navy, and asked them to explain in their own words why they're Rihanna stans.
"all the stans who finally feel comfortable calling me fat/ugly now that Ethel has interfered with their ship," Purser wrote alongside the meme of the exhausted Spongebob.
Beyoncé stans took to Twitter to express their feels over the possible new Beyoncé music on the way, and, as you can guess, they are over the moon.
Read the rest of our Fandom Week stuff here, with everything from making stans confront their worst stereotypes to an oral history of AFI's early 00s fan forum.
Which is why stans of this couple all melted in unison when Jonas made things Insta-official and posted a video of Chopra during their trip to Mumbai.
If you're Harry Styles, Taylor Swift, or, for that matter, Beyoncé Knowles, then your albums are essentially public riddles — messages for stans and the interested public to decode.
And Austin's hordes of OG Crystal Castles stans must've been warned to stay away, because I didn't hear a single person complain about Kath's banishment from the lineup.
Plus there were some extra goodies in the form of bonus tracks (even if they did come on a download card) for all the grunge stans out there.
The drama-hungry stans are satiated for now, and even though Cooke's apology would have incited days of memes and think pieces last month, everyone has lost interest.
We'd venture to say, though, that no one stans Réalisation Par as much as Hailey Baldwin, who has one of its dresses in at least three different colors.
Though political stans ostensibly exist to promote their favorite candidates, you get the sense that they are also looking to build micro-fandoms around their own online personalities.
This first example isn't exactly one of them, but it's a great place for curious would-be Witcher Bard stans to start, since it's a basic guitar tutorial.
Lastly, I check out the T-Mobile Tuesday's deals in the app (only learned of this recently and highly recommend getting free stuff for other T-Mobile stans).
Buckle up, Chrissy Teigen stans, because we're about to take you on a wild ride involving a fake baby, a total stranger, and a valuable lesson in pedestrian safety.
Bong Joon Ho won 4 Oscars, tying Walt Disney's record for most Oscars won in one nightThe internet is celebrating 'Parasite's' Oscars win — from BTS stans to Sandra Oh
However, for the many of us that are Dick Tarley stans, you can sleep peacefully knowing that Tom Hopper, who played Dickon, will be gracing our TV screen again.
It can also signal derision; for example, many people have condemned the Mac Miller stans who blamed Miller's ex-girlfriend Ariana Grande for the rapper's drug abuse and death.
I reached out to him to ask how he feels about his contribution to stan discourse, who he stans in 2018, and his own experience with creepy stalker/fans.
YouTube drama is often contained to the community; when vloggers begin feuding and stans take sides, it rarely extends beyond the people who already religiously follow the creators involved.
McLean was preaching the overhype of Vegeta well before the nerf, and longtime Piccolo stans were using him to devastating efficacy before anyone cared to take a second glance.
Cersei goes straight from her bombing observation deck to wineboarding Septa Unella, and "confessing" in a speech that was surely cathartic for all the psychotic Lannister stans out there.
The sequence is also just so simple and so ripe for parody: Lady Gaga stans wouldn't stand for just one meme to emerge from A Star Is Born, though.
There was a DUI arrest, family drama, drug use, leaked n-word videos, and breakups and makeups with fellow pop princess Selena Gomez (a relationship nicknamed Jelena by stans).
On Twitter, members of the #KHive — which took its name from the #BeyHive, home to Beyoncé stans — presented their candidate as decisive and in possession of a cinematic élan.
His stans helped his first single reach the top 5 (for one week, before it quickly tumbled out of the top 30) and made his first album No. 1.
Stans discovered that his latest (and best) single, "Watermelon Sugar," another sexy fruit reference, traces its title to a former girlfriend's mention of the postmodern novel In Watermelon Sugar.
You don't have to admit it in front of Marvel stans, but you're allowed to secretly also enjoy DC (unless your pick is Justice League, which is not allowed).
For the newbie fans and the die-hard stans who just need a refresher, here are all the names and faces you need to know to keep your Schitt straight.
BuzzFeed News interviewed more than half a dozen Swift stans, or superfans, who were grateful the singer had put an end to the misinformation campaign propagated by the far right.
Seriously, some owners developed an almost cult-like obsession with the kitchen tool and immediately took to sharing recipes and techniques with their fellow Instant Pot stans online and IRL.
Peter Kraus and Dean Unglert from last season's The Bachelorette were both fan favorites, as was Wells Adams, and stans were gunning hard for one of them to make it.
Their relationship may be over but pop culture stans will still be happy to have a reminder of those summer memories in the form of some niche but clever costumes.
Our imaginary moms Mariska Hargitay (Law & Order: SVU) and Ellen Pompeo (Grey's Anatomy) both starred in the "Bad Blood" music video, and Ben Affleck once proclaimed he stans for Swift.
Trudeau stans are desperately trying to get their hands on the shirt before they run out, and before UPS stops shipping things to Canada for the winter (no, not really).
While Queen didn't become the No. 1 album in America upon its release, Nicki's attack on Travis Scott most likely resulted in more streams and more purchases from her stans.
For the most part, the same group of attendees come to all the shows each Fashion Week, but there is a handful of presentations that draw a crowd of Stans.
Lady Gaga stans were by far the loudest fandom during the Golden Globes nominations announcement on Thursday—in the livestream chat, on Twitter, and IRL at the press conference itself.
So if your Stans are feeling a bit tired, now is the time to swap them out for one of picks ahead that are equally as versatile, and doubly cool.
Luckily for Hannah Beast stans, the former lead hasn't ruled a return out — which should come as little surprise considering the amount she's been on TV since her season ended.
The sea of Baby Yoda stans (also known as just the entire internet) has been ready to throw hands since The Mandalorian came out without Baby Yoda merch readily available.
Reese Witherspoon has a secret, but unlike her character on HBO's Big Little Lies, she has no reason to keep it to herself: She stans hard for "living legend," Meryl Streep.
Actor John Bradley West repped his character's heroic action on Instagram with a gifted t-shirt featuring the line, and it's the shirt that all Samwell stans need in our lives.
There was this tangible need for new Jenner content, something to either confirm or deny rumors that had been circulating for months, leaving the biggest stans and curious onlookers for answers.
I worked on a fan video project we launched, where Britney stans could take elements of her "Piece of Me" video and mix them with media to create a remixed video.
The stans have, in effect, turned the lives of our stars into one long-running and tense reality show, one that the rest of fans are all forced to tune into.
Read These Stories Next: All The Riverdale Fan Theories You Need To Know Everyone Who's Ever Been "A" On Pretty Little Liars "Stans" Are Becoming Toxic, & We Need To Recognize That
On Monday, Taylor Swift dropped the teaser for her "…Ready For It?" music video — and the 15-second clip spawned more questions than answers for Swift stans and armchair followers alike.
I strongly disagree with the way the Kyrgyz Republic, which as you noted, politically "is the freest" in the region, has been thrown into an overgeneralised characterisation of Central Asia's stans.
An Englishman visits all of the Central Asian "stans" — except the most interesting one, Turkmenistan, with its revolving statue of the former president and an ice rink built in the desert.
It all seems like innocuous love until you search through the quote tweets of the questions to find folks stereotyping stans of various pop culture figures in hilarious and insightful ways.
On Instagram, a whole subculture of "fake casting" has popped up over the last year or so, in which young Broadway stans are auditioning for and casting their own imaginary musicals.
Whether you're dealing with a pack of Conjuring stans or an offbeat group of indie pushers, nailing down exactly what will (and what won't) satisfy any given audience can be tricky.
Because Styles-stans also double as secret agents, it wasn't long before fans they realized some lyrics being written in a 30-second promo for his album were about...*drumroll...Taylor Swift.
The dedication of Dodie's stans comes as no surprise to Dr Henrik Linden, of the University of East London, and co-author of Fans and Fan Cultures: Tourism, Consumerism and Social Media.
"Seeing white women who are active agents in white supremacy, calling Taylor and her fans Nazis, erasing the identities of her stans of color just to collect some woke points," she said.
But just as those white teenage girls were using fan performances for their own ends — and gaining something of value from the community they formed in the process — so are modern stans.
These stans, many of whom explicitly identify themselves as queer, feel invested in these performers' commercial standings, which (accurately or not) are held up as proof of cultural legitimacy and personal freedom.
This is extremely exciting, and a logical leap of faith might suggest that the band will be taking the record out on tour for full-album shows, for the long-term stans.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order is a virtual playground where Marvel stans can live out all the scenarios that used to be the sole domain of action figures and imaginations.
The rise of stans means that, no matter how early you get to a general admission show, there's always someone who has stood in line longer to get to the front rail.
We'll have to wait until November 28 for the Victoria's Secret fashion show to air on TV, but luckily, we have Styles stans on the internet to share snippets of his performance.
With the advent of social media, pop stars are now more in touch with their listeners than ever, and young, social justice-savvy stans expect their idols to use their platforms well.
Eilish was scouted to sing the eponymous theme song, co-written with Finneas, and the single is already receiving rave reviews from her stans and OG fans of the Bond franchise alike.
When it leaked in August this year that Styles was shooting a video in Mexico, some stans thought he was going to do his own Mendes- or Sheeran-like Latinx-tinged song.
Following her fallouts with Kim Kardashian West, Calvin Harris, and Katy Perry, the comment sections in Swift's social media pages were pummeled by an onslaught of snake emoji, sent from her rivals' stans.
" She went on to say that by refusing to "denounce the racist, misogynist, transphobic, and otherwise violent harassment her stans have waged in her name," Grande is effectively and "implicitly condon[ing] it.
Die-hard zealots and canonical plots long precede the internet, of course, but internet fandom made "stans" and talk about how "it's canon" part of the day-to-day experience of consuming culture.
The fact that stans of the film over-dubbed the scene with diva anthems like Madonna's "Like a Virgin" might be understood as a playful critique of the film's insistently self-serious masculinism.
Paparazzi photos of the singer appearing to yell at Jameel went viral, because everyone stans a queen who takes no shit from a man — even if it ends up just being about soccer.
But, this led to some call-outs to Morgan from Little Mix and Ariana Grande stans who have had it and want to know what his deal was with constantly calling out women.
No wonder they're thrilled to get to don their famously bright red gear, mingle with their stans known as the Bella Army, and generally stir the pot in the women's division once again.
Regardless, because Nicki's stans are so devoted, whenever Nicki attacks someone — no matter who it is — she's simultaneously reenergizing her fan base and asserting that she's the fighter they believe her to be.
Quavo is setting the record straight after Lil Peep's stans got furious at what they thought were lyrics mocking the late rapper's death ... and he's doing it by announcing a self-imposed rule.
Read These Stories Next: You Can Get Amazing Skin By Doing THIS In The Bedroom "Stans" Are Becoming Toxic, & We Need To Recognize That This Fragrance Smells Exactly Like Rosé In The Hamptons
The "Stans" have also become arenas for geopolitical competition between Russia and the West; why, some may ask, should we hobble ourselves by bringing human rights into the balance when Russia certainly won't?
Though Meghan stans The Blackbirds, the brand's best-selling style is The Starling slipper — which has racked up over 3,400 positive reviews from shoppers who can't stop raving about how comfortable they are.
That said, movies are created to make money and Sony is betting that four extra minutes of Spidey action will bring enough Marvel stans back to theaters to make the whole effort worthwhile.
And thankfully, for all the Spooky stans out there, the final moments of On My Block season 3 saw a two year time jump, and Spooky did get all of those adult things.
There were a few "too soon" replies, and many Taylor Swift stans chiding the retailer for skipping over her album release date, but mostly, people were very much on board with the sentiment.
But the "sksksk" employed by stans and VSCO girls has an entirely different connotation, so it&aposs unclear whether it was inspired by ASMR or is more a product of key smash expressions.
From Mariah to Star Wars, it's a battle of the Stans as our host Sonia Denis and our panelists (Justin Tyler, Matteo Lane, and Rebecca O'Neal) break down the biggest fandoms in pop culture!
Even though Lululemon has also been criticized for not catering to extended sizes, and making leggings that are completely see-through, their stans stick to them because their clothes are overall very well made.
Ward's accounts mostly feature images of brunch, lunch, and every other meal in between (she even has a cookbook out), but the non-threatening content didn't stop the Styles stans from marking their territory.
But not all of us have the encyclopedic knowledge of Star Wars stans, and two years is plenty of time in which to forget some, or many, of the details of The Force Awakens.
In 2017 the company signed a contract with Saudi Arabia to support a fleet of PC-21 turboprop planes operated by the Royal Saudi Air Force, according to the Stans-based firm's annual report.
Tayshia Adams A frontrunner on Colton Underwood's season of the show — until the fence jump, that is — Tayshia quickly became a Bachelor Nation favorite, and her appearance on Bachelor in Paradise solidified her stans.
Amazon is giving you the perfect opportunity to buy in bulk, too (listen up, Costco stans) — if you pick up two Echo Dots, you can save a total of $20 off on your order.
Between bouts of dismal drizzle, I pottered the clusters of LDR stans hugging the walls of the O2 Brixton Academy in south London, awaiting the curtains-up to her sold out and only UK date.
Horniness is the more chaotic, volatile emotion: Do stans beg Harry Styles to stab them in the throat with a pickaxe and kick them off a cliff at Acadia National Park because they love him?
Basically, the robots generate the wealth, and the investors bribe us with some of it, so we won't go set fire to ourselves and blow everyone up, like they all do out in the 'Stans.
Later, we made traditional Swedish peppermint sticks at Gamla Stans Polkagriskokeri, a family-run candy store in the city's medieval center, Gamla Stan (the shop is temporarily closed and is scheduled to reopen this fall).
Previous reporting from Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo suggested a starting price of $399, teeing up the new phone to please all the iPhone SE stans still mourning the budget phone's discontinuation back in 2018.
And while the snake emoji may have gotten its start with Kim Kardashian stans, the snake image is similar, Jalalzai said, to images used to criticize other female world leaders as disloyal or two-faced.
Edward Nixon testified that Mr. Stans had told him that it was immaterial whether the $200,000 was provided by cash or by check, undercutting the prosecution's claim that the contribution was intended to be covert.
Tumblr fandom is almost entirely built on the connection stans have to their favorite creators, personal subreddits exist to discuss creators' dating lives, and popular Instagram accounts dedicated to interacting with influencers have thousands of followers.
According to Twitter sleuths (and Keanu stans), Ryder and Reeves were spotted over the summer around the beach town San Luis Obispo and Paso Robles, a country town just a bit inland booming with delicious wineries.
Whether it is deciphering lyrics from a seconds-long clip or figuring out who the latest love interest is before it's announced, when fans become stans, there is no limit to what they can find out.
Soylent Gets in a Big, Dumb PR FightOne of Soylent's biggest ingredient suppliers—TerraVia—has thrown down the gauntlet and cut ties…Read more ReadWill these new flavors terrorize Soylent stans with more vomiting and diarrhea?
For stans, this is nothing new: perennial Sad Boy that he is, Drake has always loved talking (and rapping, and singing) about how much technology and the internet only serves to alienate us from each other.
But Taylor Swift stans have discovered a possible new song in an as-yet-unreleased UPS commercial, which Glamour notes is "unlisted" on YouTube — meaning it may have not have been ready to be released yet.
Over the weekend, to the delight of Beyoncé and Jay-Z stans over the world, The Carters released their first joint album, Everything Is Love, during the U.K. leg of their On The Run II tour.
We decided to stop by Replay on a busy Saturday afternoon to finally get some definitive answers on the show's biggest controversies and divisive plot lines over the years from the Friends stans in the crowd.
Though actor Chris Meloni has teased a potential return to Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, his appearance on last night's episode of Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen is unlikely to impress devout SVU stans.
Whether you're one of the stans behind the mass request for a Summer Fridays brightening serum or you're currently rehabbing residual summer sun damage and dryness, CC Me makes a solid addition to your fall routine.
Stans for various presidential candidates agreed that the shift in how some of the most dedicated supporters of campaigns were interacting with each other online began in 2015 with the rise of the Bernie Bro — Sen.
" He also said something that many supporters and stans I spoke with volunteered: "The entire primary so far has been very frustrating, because I think Twitter gets a little too much influence in mainstream political discussions.
Gomez's stans have been known to cultivate a real eye for relationship drama in particular, but today, they're making an exception, focusing instead on a teeny-tiny detail most people probably wouldn't have noticed: Gomez's blue manicure.
A weekend doesn't go by where someone in the country picks "Since U Been Gone" as their karoke song, but there's good news for the Kelly Clarkson stans who are itching for a different tune to sing.
Until the aforementioned brands, including Vuitton, are sorted, die-hard Jones stans will no doubt spend the next season flocking to the nearest boutiques and re-sale shops to cop the lasting pieces of his historic work.
They're the former partners who, sometimes after months of silence, fire off a text message to see how their ex is doing, or go on an Instagram-liking spree that rivals even the most loyal Beyoncé stans.
So when the Riverdale actress (and beloved "Barb" on Stranger Things) tweeted a comment that called out those fans as "angry Beronica stans," many responded with frustration — causing Purser to ultimately explain her own sexuality to fans.
Media websites featured pictures and video of the havoc: a light airplane was overturned in Stans, wind tore scaffolding from a construction site near Lucerne, and tractor-trailers were blown onto their sides on some major motorways.
Dismissed as hysterical "screaming groupies" back then and denigrated as hyper-reactive hashtagging "stans" now, female fans remain ignored, denigrated, and downright disrespected by American media, as if they haven't been utterly critical to American popular music.
The claustrophobia and cacophony of it isn't wrong, exactly—turn the wrong corner in a conversation with basketball fans and you will find yourself lost amid punctilious Legacy Assessors and feral stans, and you will regret it.
Few people understand the game of Survivor better than these two, and with more than 300 hours of audio, this package will surprise and delight even the biggest Survivor stans in your life for a long time.
Nobody has explained to me what a "gec" is, yet everyone—from online stans, to the New York Times (repeatedly!), to colleagues in the VICE office—is talking about not just 100 gecs, but 1000 of them.
Iceberg isn't just a clever name or a way to troll Titanic stans: The vodka is made from water that is harvested from actual icebergs as they slowly drift past the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador every summer.
A comment on social media sent Selena Gomez stans into a tailspin, and her mother, Mandy Teefey, has taken to Facebook to set the record straight with a post so intense even Greta Gerwig wouldn't dream it up.
It's totally possible that Rachel listens to more than one famous singer (although in the series she solely stans Ashley O), but this is the only other person we see taped up on her side of the bedroom.
Bieber stans, for the most part, have been supportive in the comments, understanding that their fave has been grinding and deserves a bit of rest and recuperation, and their sentiments have muffled sounds of his critics and skeptics.
For American Harry Potter stans thirsting for a new iteration of the beloved fantasy series, look no further than spring 2018, when Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Parts One and Two will make its way to Broadway.
Sorry, Oscar Isaac stans, but you're one big step further from casually bumping into your Internet boyfriend at a movie premiere, falling madly in love, and spending your days recreating the disco dancing scene in Ex Machina together.
Both properties encourage Marvel Stans and general fans to pay $15 at a theater to catch Multiverse of Madness and continue spending $7 a month to keep up with WandaVision and the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Kat Archibald is an illustrator in England who does these hilarious prints of reality stars and their most famous quotes, but there are plenty of other artists on Etsy who cater to whatever fandom your loved one stans.
If you're the kind of fan who stans hard for Ubisoft's range of popular game franchises — Assassin's Creed, Ghost Recon, The Division, Watch Dogs, maybe even Splinter Cell again one day — there's probably a cost savings for you here.
The foundation, based in Stans, Switzerland, said the offer to B-share holders was not affected by its considerations on whether to challenge the ruling, and it was "still convinced that the transaction will be carried out as planned".
Of course, there is dad rock from U2, The National, Bruce Springsteen (naturally, he's already been to see that one-man show on Broadway because he can get impossible to get tickets still), and Harry Styles (sorry, Styles stans).
Though Uzbekistan is the most populous of the "stans", with 31m people and plenty of minerals, and was once widely considered the most hopeful, it has become an economic basket-case, riddled with corruption and run along Soviet lines.
One unapologetic exclamation that Jones has made during the course of her viewership is that she proudly stans Alyssa Edwards, a tongue-popping Texas pageant queen and dance choreographer with a Southern drawl and an all-around hilarious persona.
If you have ever doubted the sleuthing of K-pop stans, know that they were the ones who noticed on this seemingly harmless website advertising events in Hollywood that two streets would be closed off for a SuperM concert.
Stans know the annual flash sale as Candle Day and celebrate it like Black Friday 2.0, flooding their local B&BW stores ravenous for cozy winter scents like Cider Lane and Twisted Peppermint, buying their favorite jars in bulk.
The queer Styles narrative first emerged back during the days of stans shipping One Direction members, but he has played into it more directly now through his solo stardom — and it's helped him stand out as a pop star.
And "fans" themselves became divided into several more aggressive tiers, from "superfans" (really intense fans) to "stans" (really intense, possibly toxic, fans) to "antis," fans whose identities revolved around hating other fans or even parts of their own fandom.
Makeup artists, vloggers, editors, beauty lovers, and probably your next door neighbor have raved about this formula, and Hoola stans swear that it has a natural finish that gives off a summertime glow, even if you're in the midst of winter.
"It made me even more frustrated when people took this as a sign that all Taylor Swift stans were alt-right or at least conservative," 18-year-old Christian Ortiz of Texas, who has the handle @ikywtoutsold, told BuzzFeed News.
In 217, the New York Times addressed the stan phenomenon, but still depicted the stans themselves as fluctuating between being savvy self-marketers or self-deluded fans, rather than focusing on the queer specificity or cultural significance of stan discussions.
And they're laughs you can share with the whole family, because Paddington 2 is really for everyone: Hugh Grant stans, disappointed Remain voters, cute little kids with stuffed animals in tow, surly grown-ups looking for more joy in their lives.
In the days leading up to the revelation, Nicki Minaj stans allegedly outed him because he used to be a Barb — the name bestowed upon Minaj's fanbase — and yet he recently collaborated with her rival Cardi B, an apparent betrayal.
O.G. Cardi stans like myself are quick to remind her newer fans that she was a star way before Mona Scott Young tapped her to be on Love & Hip-Hop, which she used as a springboard to start her music career.
There are all kinds of music lovers out there, from the high-commitment stans who dedicate their social media lives to curating news about their faves, to the snooty audiophile who will only listen to the highest quality sound files.
Non-stans may not know that she either wrote or co-wrote 20143 of her 18 number 1 singles (remember that time she named a compilation album of all her chart-toppers #1s, then followed it up #1s to Infinity?).
A representative for Puma confirmed to Refinery29 that while the Bow Creeper Sandal is launching at the L.A. pop-up exclusively, Fenty stans across the world will be able to shop it, too, at a yet-to-be-announced later date.
In the case of the Nigerian Pete supporter, every time folks made snarky comments or retweeted jokes about the theory—whether they were Pete supporters or Pete anti-stans—those messages pinged to new audiences, spreading polluted information in unpredictable directions.
While the Galaxy S220 blows Apple out of the water in a handful of areas (the whole 5G thing is an obvious key), even Android stans might find themselves questioning whether this big upgrade is worth the $1,000 to $1,300.
Today, with the release of "Adore You," the third and last single dropping before his album release, Styles has already sent stans down a rabbit hole in search of clues about lyrical meanings and the contents of the forthcoming record.
But cults of personality are actually the norm in the "stans," the Central Asian countries that emerged after the fall of the Soviet Union, all of which are ruled by strongmen who surround themselves with tiny cliques of wealthy crony capitalists.
In case you hadn't seen this last night, have a look: I'll be the first to point out to the Beyoncé stans that her name is indeed nowhere to be found, but that doesn't mean she won't make a surprise appearance.
Other's weren't so psyched on the collaboration—whether they were liberal Rick and Morty fans who can't stand the rapper's ties to Trump, or Kanye stans who are afraid of running into Szechuan Sauce–crazed Redditors on the next tour.
Pilatus now has eight PC-24s on its assembly line in Stans, Switzerland, it said, with the first delivery slated to be made to U.S. fractional aircraft ownership company PlaneSense this month before that plane is flown to the United States in January.
During last night's episode of the HGTV series, the family announced on Instagram that they're welcoming baby number five to the brood (which includes Drake, 153, Ella, 11, Duke, 9, and Emmie Kay, 7), much to the delight of Fixer Upper stans everywhere.
I'll put my hands up right now to being one of those Radiohead stans who will earnestly yell about the mellifluous nature of Thom Yorke's falsetto over a pub din and walk away thinking, 'yes, that was a good use of my time.
Not only is it every Marvel fan's dream to see all of their favorite heroes interacting on screen together (will my fellow Ant Man stans please reveal themselves), it also just defeated Avatar to become the highest-grossing film of all time.
THOMAS STEBBINSExecutive directorLawsuit Reform Alliance of New YorkAlbany, New York The Economist's analysis of the influence of major powers in Central Asia ("Stans undelivered", July 2nd) did not recognise Kazakhstan's unique role in the region as a bridge between East and West.
What Tinashe needs, therefore, is a Big Song—a radio hit—to launch her out of the timelines of the rabid Twitter stans who bemoan her lack of success and into the hearts and minds of the record-buying and streaming public.
In the curiously intense world of Lakers fandom, some of the team's most ardent supporters — so-called Kobe stans to the core — were outraged that James, a player who they felt had hopscotched from team to team, would be wearing purple and gold.
And while presidential candidates need to pitch a wide tent, swaying other people — people who are not like them — to their cause, stans are intrinsically agents of exclusion, posturing above those who don't already agree with them or just don't get the jokes.
So, she either didn't think other people would notice (HA), knew that they would and did it anyway while anticipating that her stans would stand up for her or she thought people would recognize the parallels and respond positively, which, if true, was… optimistic.
So the rest of the Noisey team put me to the challenge to revisit the group's 12-track debut and to see if the timeline was being fake stans due to one smash hit or if there was actually something to be excited about.
Apple-heads and Amazon stans have cause for celebration, as the two most valuable companies in the world announced a plan to come together and solve the global problem of not being able to buy the latest iPhone models on the e-retailer's site.
Less attractive are the increasing numbers of hardcore fans—stans, even—who support any and everything that issues forth from their idols, to the extent that they find it reasonable to attack naysayers from anonymous Twitter accounts with sharpened claws, insults, blackmail, and death threats.
No doubt the so-called feud led to millions of clicks, perpetuating a cycle that only encourages stans to try to create more controversy as they try to get recognition for this celeb-defending tweet or that hilarious meme that was retweeted thousands of times.
Now that the fandom officially knows that she stans, it looks like they're welcoming Cardi to their global ranks, and the best way to secure her membership would be to team up with the K-pop group in the studio for a music collaboration.
Imagine the scene; tech-house die-hards embracing psytrance burn-outs, bulbous-eyed gabber maniacs tenderly linking arms with Avicii stans, DJ Sneak going twos on a Camel with everyone he's ever pissed off, all before the emergent messiah of a club-ready Sheeran.
Spears comes full circle in her sexy shoot with photographer Mario Testino, marking a milestone not just for herself but also the magazine: as diehard Spears stans will recall, her first V interview coincided with its first year of publication and her rise to fame in 1999.
When Girls' Generation overtook the likes of Justin Bieber, Lady Gaga, and One Direction to win the Youtube Music Awards Video of the Year for "I Got A Boy" in 288, they created shockwaves among Twitter stans and helped push K-pop further into the mainstream.
I don't know if that's necessarily true — just ask the thousands of Katy Perry and Taylor Swift stans who've sworn to be eternally pitted against one another — but what I do know is that the music industry, with all its flaws, can be a truly powerful force.
The kids who looked up to Kanye (and to a lesser extent the stans who thanked him for "starting the conversation" over and over again) are no more likely to fact-check his half-truths now that he says this grotesque phase is (at least temporarily) over.
Many of the auction outfits are full head-to-toe looks, shoes and all, so the most die-hard Spears stans can relive the singer's most famous moments and have Halloween costumes ready for the next decade or so — all the winner needs is a boa constrictor.
In fact, Adrianne Wadewitz, a feminist scholar of 18th-century literature, set Wikipedia straight on this point over a decade ago, when she identified the first fandom subculture as the Janeites, the network of Jane Austen stans who found their prime directive, Austen idolatry, around 1870.
Hearties (stans of the show, please keep up) came to terms with the reality that one of the show's stars would not be returning to season 6 (yes, literally six season) right after Operation Varsity Blues broke, a nationwide admissions scandal at which Loughlin found herself in the center.
Mainstream hip-hop fans, stans, the music industry, and the media have rewarded a Nicki Minaj who reinforces the paradigm that there can only be one dominant female rapper at any given moment, and that she must be perpetually aggressive and combative about her place in the industry hierarchy.
Sunday Riley stans may swear by Good Genes, the brand's top-selling potion that delivers brighter skin thanks to powerful AHAs, or the retinol-infused Luna Sleeping Night Oil, which helps minimize fine lines and uneven texture overnight — but there's a new holy-grail coming to shelves this month.
The language used by stans to discuss pop stars (which is primarily lifted from black women and queer communities of color) has spilled over into other communities that aren't just talking about which pop star just "outsold" the other but are stanning for a congressional or presidential candidate.
For some stans, it's not just about believing that someone you're a fan of is superior to all comers; it's about proving and quantifying that superiority in any way possible, whether it's in terms of box office earnings and album sales or fan-voted honors like the People's Choice Awards.
Someone who may not have succeeded as the international pop superstars we thought they could be, but their legacy is perhaps something much more than that: the impact they've had on the lives of their stans, the ones who defended them and bought their music when seemingly no one else would.
Now, together, we have the unique ability to help restore the vast reach of this empire that once stretched from the center of Europe across the mountains and plains of the "Stans" to the Pacific, from the shores of the Baltic on the north to the Black Sea on the south.
Looking back at why dating Mariah stans was once important, it's because my fandom began as a manifestation of self, a vital escape from the precarious conditions of my real world at the time: My parents were divorcing just as I was beginning to come to terms with being gay.
" The album's biggest single, with its literally head-spinning music video, lured young '90s music stans who, at the time, didn't know their Damn the Torpedoes from their Full Moon Fever, but certainly knew how to groove to its harmonious chorus: "Let's get to the point / Let's ro-o-oll another joint.
Besides stans rightfully stanning and people wondering who Grande's therapist is, Twitter quickly turned three lines from the song's pre-chorus that are probably about her exes ("one taught me love/one taught me patience/and one taught me pain") into a lighthearted meme that can apply to pretty much any fandom.
These intense fans are not just fans, but stans: a portmanteau of the words "stalker" and "fan" that denotes someone who is so passionate about their fandom, they'll stop at nothing to defend their favorite celebrity (or "fave," as they're often called in the stan community) against anyone who appears to criticize them.
There is a dark, obsessive energy to such devotion; fittingly, these crusaders are now often referred to as "stans"—a reference to a song by Eminem, from 2000, which tells the story of a fictional fan named Stan who writes increasingly unhinged letters to the rapper before driving his car into a river.
She was part of the reporting team on the Son of Sam serial-killer case, and she covered the trials of Bill and Emily Harris, who kidnapped the heiress Patricia Hearst in 1974, and John N. Mitchell and Maurice Stans, two former members of President Richard M. Nixon's cabinet, on criminal conspiracy charges.
But the 44-year-old Korean-American filmmaker didn't just goad Beyoncé stans into attack with taunts about their inability to do real damage and quips to the press destined to immediately be taken out of context, he greeted the influx of bee emojis and tweeted insults like Lieutenant Dan howling defiance at a hurricane.
The 2020 Democratic primary is the first in a really mature social media world, and the strongest candidates — even the weaker ones — have huge channels to communicate directly with their supporters — their stans, like Kamala Harris's self-consciously named #khive — to tell their own versions of what happened on that stage, and rebut all criticism.
Her vagina-scented candle might be dressed up in the same chic aesthetic as the rest of the lifestyle wares Goop peddles, but it's still just a candle that smells like a vagina—or at least jokes about smelling like a vagina in order to get Goop stans to shell out $75 for it.
Anne Helen Petersen wrote about Armie Hammer's career last year, and he replied to her on Twitter, saying her perspective was "bitter AF." He deactivated his Twitter account shortly after, which caused a deluge of Call Me by Your Name stans to go after Petersen online, with one person going so far as to threaten to kill her dog.
But a lot of this is normal, unavoidable and misunderstood TikTok, a Chinese Video App, Brings Fun Back to Social Media Kevin Roose stans for the Chinese lip-synching app: About an hour after downloading TikTok, the popular video-sharing app, I experienced a bizarre sensation, one I haven't felt in a long time while on the internet.
Obviously, the Sonny stans come out in his defense, but based on this and his 'About Me' section it seems like the kid couldn't even push his fringe out of his eye without being hit with an insult, which, considering he is responsible for making music that has aged better than most of us as people, makes me sad.
"Especially for Ariana, I know how much of an idol Aretha was to her." ariana stans worried about aretha blocking sweetener omg imagine if stan twitter realized there was a world outside of charts — family friendly account (@slutoIogy) August 16, 2018 Ugh its such a bad coincidence that Sweetener is dropping the same day Aretha Franklin passed away.
Personally I think bands like The Shins are destined for the same fate as 90s emo bands like Mineral, Braid, and American Football, which is: old time stans will pretty much always show up for it, casual fans probably won't bother and most first timers will go "whom?" and move right along, while others might find themselves intrigued.
Central Asia is a buffer zone between regional hegemons Russia, China, and Iran, and perennially unstable Afghanistan, so the five "Stans" must act in a coordinated fashion to maximinze their negotiating position with the hegemons, and effectively work with their Afghan neighbors to roll back violent extremism and bring Afghanistan into the local trade and transport space.
Creating the opportunity to bring on another queen (or two, if she includes Joanne's Florence Welch ditty "Hey Girl," which could open up a revolving door of female singers who could hop on stage for the empowerment duet throughout the show's run) for a special performance is the kind of razzle-dazzle Vegas audiences (and pop stans around the world) live for.
For the Chalamet stans, this news comes as no surprise as the Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr accounts dedicated to his existence have been aware of the rumor since the two first followed each other in January, and more recently when they both attended the Toronto Film Festival while promoting each of their respective movies (Chalamet, Beautiful Boy and Depp, A Faithful Man).
"Maybe we should drop Panini before we take a trip to Flavortown @LilNasX?" he wrote, referencing a track from Lil Nax X's unreleased EP. (Guy stans, and we stan this stan.) Although Lil Nas X hasn't responded to Fieri's follow-up thirst, the responses to Fieri's initial tweet gave us a taste (PUN 100 PERCENT INTENDED) of what this collabo could be like.
What makes Bruce so appealing to so many people isn't necessarily that his music is revolutionary (although some Stans will surely let me know how wrong that opinion is), but rather that he knows exactly how to describe what it's like to be alive right now in a way that is digestible and easy to comprehend—regardless if that "now" is in 1980 or 1992 or 2016.
And while we daydream about what the next era of Beyoncé's maternity style will look like, us serious Beyoncé stans have been knee-deep in our own Bey-themed detective work over pressing matters, such as: Which lingerie brand(s) was wearing in her Instagram announcement; when and where she forewarned us of this blessing, and all of the memes that came with it.
" Fans and stans have always gone hand in hand with pop culture figures and franchises: Beatles fans followed the members wherever they showed up in the '60s during the height of Beatlemania; Elvis Presley's manager, Colonel Parker, encouraged fans to form fan clubs to spread news about upcoming album releases and concerts because they saw the networks' existence as "another grassroots opportunity for local promotion.
While Crocker was not mentioned in the 2011 New York Times article about pop diva stans, a number of other Britney fans or stan connoisseurs — including the twentysomething creators of pop music site MuuMuse, the Britney fansite BreatheHeavy, and the parodic Stan Wars — were all profiled, in part to show that they parlayed their fandom into positions in the creative industries as bloggers, graphic designers, or entertainment journalists.
In December, after Rihanna liked a photo on Instagram without reading the caption — it claimed her album Anti deserved more album nominations than Bey's Lemonade — stans from her "Navy" fanbase screenshotted and reposted the moment so many times that the Bajan singer had to address the issue: "I never actually read your caption, thought the pic [sic] was funny and moved right along!" she commented on the Instagram.
While Chalamet and Depp haven't given us the Pariana-inspired Instagram PDA we're craving (at least, not yet — although Chalamet did like a photo she posted on Instagram back in September), they've been generous enough to give the world some IRL canoodling that's a slap in the face to any Chalamet stans who remain convinced that they would make a really good match for the actor given the opportunity to bump into him at a party.
Last year, Bey headlined both weekends of the music festival, and stans around the world either powered through their weird molly sweats or gathered before their laptops to marvel in the majesty of our queen giving us plebs two hours of EVERYTHING—An HBCU-themed performance complete with marching band, dancers, a drop in from J. Balvin, motherfucking Solange coming on to dance on the extended version of "Get Me Bodied," all the hits, some of the deep cuts, a goosebump-inducing version of "Lift Every Voice and Sing," a celebration of Black excellence and expression, and all of our collective screams.
But you're too lazy, you say—you're too broke to afford the six-figure sum you'd have to plop down for Kurt Cobain's stinky-ass MTV Unplugged sweater, and you're not basic enough to just buy a velvet long-sleeved shirt and say you're Taylor Swift at her recent NPR Tiny Desk Concert, or ballsy enough to pull off the terrible, mismatched gingham to be Charly Bliss at their own Tiny Desk (although that particular costume can also double as WWI Dazzle camouflage if you're trying to impress the true maritime history stans in your life, so that's something).

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