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7 Sentences With "stalking horses"

How to use stalking horses in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "stalking horses" and check conjugation/comparative form for "stalking horses". Mastering all the usages of "stalking horses" from sentence examples published by news publications.

THERE are no dark horses in elections in Turkmenistan, only stalking horses.
That complicated the message for both contenders — were they really running, or were they simply stalking horses for Romney or Paul Ryan or some other establishment figure on the sidelines?
In their view, Patrick and Bloomberg are stalking horses for moderate Democrats, high-dollar contributors and bundlers desperate to halt the momentum of the economic populists at the top of the polls — and regain control of the party levers.
Those states were firmly backing favorite sons, possibly as stalking horses for Newton D. Baker. This led them to conclude that California and Texas presented their greatest opportunities at persuading delegates to abandon the candidates that they had been loyal to on the first three ballots. Since both states supported Garner, this meant their best shot would be to win-over Garner's delegates.
In addition to writing fiction she is a singer/songwriter with the band Stalking Horses"Sarah Pinsker Interview – Award Winning Short Story Author" by Jean Marie Ward, Buzzy Mag, February 20, 2015. and has had multiple albums released through independent labels."Destroying Science Fiction: An Interview with Nebula Award Winning Writer, Sarah Pinsker" by Michael B. Tager, What Weekly, Sept. 22, 2016.
"Approaching the fowl with stalking-horse", an 1875 illustration of a cut-out horse shape used in hunting The term stalking horse originally derived from the practice of hunting, particularly of wildfowl. Hunters noticed that many birds would flee immediately on the approach of humans, but would tolerate the close presence of animals such as horses and cattle. Hunters would therefore slowly approach their quarry by walking alongside their horses, keeping their upper bodies out of sight until the flock was within firing range. Animals trained for this purpose were called stalking horses.
The phenomenon occurs particularly in politics, where a junior politician acts as the stalking horse to promote the interests of a senior politician, who remains unseen in case the actions would damage him or her but nevertheless wants to provoke a debate or challenge to a party colleague. In some cases, stalking horses are not working for a particular individual but may wish to provoke a response that leads others to join in. In politics, the truth about the relationship between an individual stalking horse and a candidate may never be known, as both sides may claim that the (alleged) stalking horse acted without the agreement of anyone else. For example, in Britain, the elderly and largely unknown back- bench politician Anthony Meyer challenged and helped to bring about the eventual resignation of Margaret Thatcher in the Conservative Party leadership.

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