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15 Sentences With "squoosh"

How to use squoosh in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "squoosh" and check conjugation/comparative form for "squoosh". Mastering all the usages of "squoosh" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Squoosh works with one image at a timeScreenshot: GizmodoThe Squoosh app itself is incredibly simple to use.
Google SquooshScreenshot: GizmodoGoogle has a new, experimental web app for you to try: Squoosh.
The recently updated RIOT (Radical Image Optimization Tool) for Windows does give you the before and after comparison that Squoosh does.
Now, an experimental web app from Google called "Squoosh" offers a quick and easy way to get the best of both worlds, via 9to5Google.
ImageOptim is a straightforward image compressor for macOSScreenshot: GizmodoYou've got plenty more options too, but none that really give you the granular control that Squoosh does.
There is the whoosh-squoosh of the juice vendor squashing her oranges on the corner, the growl of a hundred motorbikes, the wheeze of a thousand lumbering buses.
Those users typically need to work with a lot of images at once, which means Squoosh—as detailed and fast as it is—is of limited value, especially with so many alternatives around.
Squoosh lets you resize images as well as compress themScreenshot: GizmodoTo squash your image down further, you can resize it or reduce the number of colors using the options on the right-hand panel.
Still, if you have a handful of pictures to need to reformat or compress—or you just want to check in on the state of web apps today—Squoosh is definitely worth a look.
For example, at 27A, "Outlet for the Loire" is BAY OF BISCAY, but because we have only nine squares for the answer, we squoosh F.B.I. into one square, so that the entry reads BAYO[FBI]BISCAY.
We came away very impressed with the file size reductions Squoosh could achieve, without losing too much in the way of image quality, though that's largely down to the power of the compression algorithms behind the app, rather than the app itself.
RIOT is one of the best options on WindowsScreenshot: GizmodoFor most users though, image compression is something they don't have to think about: Squoosh and every app like it is really aimed at web developers and people who spend time publishing content to the web.
The competitionWhile it's fair to say you might not open up your browser to use Squoosh instead of simply using something like Photoshop to compress your images, it's also true that it's hard to beat as far as web-based image compression apps go—at least for single images.
See at a glance how small your image file is gettingScreenshot: GizmodoThere's no option for batch processing images yet, unfortunately, which rather limits its appeal—if you're used to selecting compression options in the image editor of your choice, then Squoosh doesn't really offer anything you make you rush into switching.
Byyny claimed he incurred numerous dry cleaning bills and that his cheek was slightly bruised as a result of the pieing. Toombs testified at the trial that she baked the organic blueberry pie herself, and that she used her training in nonviolent resistance techniques as well as the benefit of practice with friends to "squoosh" the pie in Byyny's face without harming him. The jury found that she was not guilty of assault but did find her guilty of harassment and criminal mischief. Toombs was sentenced to six months of unsupervised probation, thirty hours of community service, and was ordered to write Byyny a letter of apology.

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