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38 Sentences With "spoken communication"

How to use spoken communication in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "spoken communication" and check conjugation/comparative form for "spoken communication". Mastering all the usages of "spoken communication" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Younger generations have been relieved of the burden of spoken communication.
Just like in spoken communication, the words you use with your boss or an important client will be much different than the ones you'd use with a close friend or co-worker.
You're often better at psychic communication than spoken communication; however, with the Moon in analytical Virgo lighting up the sector of your chart that rules the mind, today is an excellent day for conversation.
Alsup also ruled that Uber must by next month complete an investigation into the downloaded Waymo documents and provide Waymo with a comprehensive log of written and spoken communication between Uber and Levandowski regarding Lidar.
An interest in film and on-screen data representation is essential, as is the ability to demonstrate excellence in researching and analysing data, excellent written and spoken communication, numeracy and literacy skills, creativity and journalistic judgment.
The research concluded that augmented communication was more beneficial in supporting vocabulary development in children with developmental delays than interventions that used only spoken communication.
Spoken communication skills, anger de-escalation techniques. #The Equipment/Video Member "EQV" To capture the entire response on video. #CRT Officer "1" Lead member, first in to deal with the inmate. Usually a shield man.
Tone of voice in spoken communication, conveys meaning. Depending on tone, a phrase, e.g. "you like that", can mean the speaker believes the listener likes something, or it can be a question, or it can convey disbelief. Writing, sign language, ASCII and unicode, and traffic signs are all examples of sign systems.
A very rare form includes the diaphragmatic flutter, the Belly Dancer's Syndrome, or Van Leeuwenhoek's disease. It was first described by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in 1723, who suffered from it. The condition characterizes spoken communication that sounds like a short-breathed hiccup. These muscle spasms can recur dozens of times per day.
In Tamil, honorifics (, muṟai) governs daily speech and register of both written and spoken communication. Traditionally, Tamil has been classified into two registers viz செந்தமிழ் (Centamiḻ) meaning 'classical' or 'pure ' Tamil and கொடுந்தமிழ் (Koṭuntamiḻ) meaning 'corrupt' Tamil. A huge feature of this difference is honorifics. Tamil honorifics usually are suffixes, although prefixes are not uncommon.
Kingstree's global headquarters is now located in London, England. Bowman was responsible for developing the 'conversational' approach to spoken communication, which is recognized today as the only successful model for business and political presentations and media interviews.It's the way you tell 'em, says speech guru: [1GB Edition] Oldfield, Claire. Sunday Times [London (UK)] 18 June 2000: 14.
One goal of Panpanzees and Panbanishas research was to see the effects of human enculturation on the chimps. Another goal was for the chimpanzee and bonobo to be able to comprehend spoken and symbolic language. To reach this goal the teachers had keyboards with lexigram on them. They had spoken communication to go with the lexigram in order for Panpanzee and Panbanisha to learn both.
Note: This section can be added into the adjectives page, but ambiguity can also apply to adjective phrases. Additionally, comma placements and intonations may have a role in figuring out ambiguity, but English has a written form of communication that is more ambiguous than spoken communication. The following examples show the different interpretive properties of pre- and post-nominal adjectives which are inside _adjective phrases_.
Unlike Latin, Literary Chinese was not used for spoken communication, and lacked the neutrality of Latin, being the language of an extant (and powerful) neighbouring state. Books in Literary Chinese were widely distributed. By the 7th century and possibly earlier, woodblock printing had been developed in China. At first, it was used only to copy the Buddhist scriptures, but later secular works were also printed.
Its spheres of use involve informal, interpersonal communication: conversation in the home, among friends, in marketplaces. In some diglossias, this vernacular dialect is virtually unwritten. Those who try to use it in literature may be severely criticized or even persecuted. The other dialect is held in high esteem and is devoted to written communication and formal spoken communication, such as university instruction, primary education, sermons, and speeches by government officials.
Aspects such as blinking rate can possibly be used to indicate whether a person is nervous or whether he or she is lying. Also, eye contact is considered an important aspect of interpersonal communication. However, there are cultural differences regarding the social propriety of maintaining eye contact or not. Beyond the accessory nature of facial expressions in spoken communication between people, they play a significant role in communication with sign language.
In some situations, technologies such as computerized speech generating devices (also known as "voice synthesizers," where a "computerized voice" is heard by the listener(s)) are used by some individuals with speech disabilities. However, these systems may not work in some situations, and in other situations, the individual with the speech disability may not be able to effectively utilize these types of devices, due to additional disability difficulties, or in situations where interpersonal spoken communication is rapidly paced.
From a distance Pedro initially appeared to Leopoldina to be a perfect, well-educated gentleman, but the reality was very different. Dom Pedro was a year younger than Leopoldina and sadly rarely measured up to the descriptions given by the matchmakers. His temperament was impulsive and choleric, and his education but modest. Even spoken communication between the young married couple proved difficult, as Pedro spoke very little French and his Portuguese could only be described as vulgar.
Chinese remained the medium of formal writing until it was displaced by vernacular writing in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Though they did not use Chinese for spoken communication, each country had its tradition of reading texts aloud, the so- called Sino-Xenic pronunciations, which provide clues to the pronunciation of Middle Chinese. Chinese words with these pronunciations were also borrowed extensively into the local vernaculars, and today comprise over half their vocabularies. Books in Literary Chinese were widely distributed.
The Libyan dialect is used predominantly in spoken communication in Libya. It is also used in Libyan folk poetry, TV dramas and comedies, songs, as well as in cartoons. Libyan Arabic is also used as a lingua franca by non-Arab Libyans whose mother tongue is not Arabic. Libyan Arabic is not normally written, as the written register is normally Modern Standard Arabic, but Libyan Arabic is the main language for cartoonists, and the only suitable language for writing Libyan folk poetry.
Supporters believe that, due to the widely recognized variability in cochlear implant and hearing aid outcomes, sign language access is critical to ensure that deaf and hard-of-hearing children do not experience language deprivation, which has significant effects on mental health, socioemotional development, language fluency, and educational outcomes, among other factors. Critics of this philosophy believe that without a strong emphasis on spoken communication, this philosophy may lead to students being unable to integrate into the typically-hearing world.
Therefore, cochlear implantation was not performed. # Published in 1994, this patient was monitored over the course of almost 20 years after exhibiting signs of hearing impairment as an infant. Audiologic and related test results in concurrence with MRI confirmed bilateral absence of considerable portions of her temporal lobes resulting in cortical deafness. Although physiologic measures demonstrate normal peripheral hearing sensitivity, this patient's speech has the inflection and prosodic characteristics associated with profound peripheral hearing loss, and she is unable to understand spoken communication.
Language event (Sprachereignis) is an act or instance of written or spoken communication. In 1920s earliest use was found in Journal of Philosophy.English Oxford Living Dictionaries In theology this word was used by Ernest Fuchs. Ernest Fuchs' doctrine of language helped to inspire a "new quest" of the historical Jesus because it could now be said that Jesus' words and deeds constituted that "language event" (sprachereignisse) in which faith first entered into language, thereby becoming available as an existential possibility within language, the "house of being" (Heidegger).
The teachers used keyboards with lexigrams on them in tandem with spoken communication in order to allow the two apes to communicate back to them, and to allow them to learn to comprehend spoken and symbolic language.Savage-Rumbaugh, S., and Lewin, R. (1994) The Ape At The Brink of The Human Mind, John Wiley and Sons, Toronto. Of the two, Panbanisha showed greater linguistic capability, and was able to comprehend far more spoken language and lexigrams than her counterpart, Panzee. After the five years of study Panzee was removed from the study.
Influenced by their father, both of Michelson's sons are Eagle Scouts with gold and silver palm awards. Michelson was adult advisor to Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Troop/Crew 8880 until its transition away from the BSA to becoming a Trail Life USA unit where Michelson remains in an advisory capacity. Michelson has had interest in languages and syntax both for computers and spoken communication. He was formally taught Fortran in undergraduate school and learned BASIC, Forth, and various assembly languages on his own in support of his computer-based projects.
Language event (German: Sprachereignis) is an act or instance of written or spoken communication. In the 1920s earliest use of the word was found in Journal of Philosophy.English Oxford Living Dictionaries In theology this word was used by Ernest Fuchs, relating to New Hermeneutic. Fuchs' doctrine of language helped to inspire a "new quest" for the historical Jesus because it could now be said that Jesus' words and deeds constituted that "language event" in which faith first entered into language, thereby becoming available as an existential possibility within language, the "house of being" (Heidegger).
Though they did not use Chinese for spoken communication, each country had its own tradition of reading texts aloud, the so-called Sino-Xenic pronunciations, which provide clues to the pronunciation of Middle Chinese. Chinese words with these pronunciations were also borrowed extensively into the local vernaculars, and today comprise over half their vocabularies. Thus Literary Chinese became the international language of scholarship in East Asia. Like Latin in Europe it allowed scholars from different lands to communicate, and provided a stock of roots from which compound technical terms could be created.
Radiotelephony procedure (also on-air protocol and voice procedure) includes various techniques used to clarify, simplify and standardize spoken communications over two-way radios, in use by the armed forces, in civil aviation, police and fire dispatching systems, citizens' band radio (CB), and amateur radio. Voice procedure communications are intended to maximize clarity of spoken communication and reduce errors in the verbal message by use of an accepted nomenclature. It consists of a signalling protocol such as the use of abbreviated codes like the CB radio ten-code, Q codes in amateur radio and aviation, police codes, etc., and jargon.
Mashriqi Arabic is used for almost all spoken communication, as well as in television and advertising in Egypt and Lebanon, but Modern Standard Arabic is used in written communication. In Lebanon, where Mashriqi Arabic was taught as a colloquial language as a separate subject under French colonization, some formal textbooks exist. The varieties of Mashriqi have a significant degree of mutual intelligibility, especially between geographically adjacent ones (such as Lebanese and Syrian or between Iraqi and Kuwaiti). On the contrary, Darija is very hard to understand for Arabic-speakers from the Mashriq, as it derives from different substrata.
An oral contract is a contract, the terms of which have been agreed by spoken communication. This is in contrast to a written contract, where the contract is a written document. There may be written, or other physical evidence, of an oral contract – for example where the parties write down what they have agreed – but the contract itself is not a written one. In general, oral contracts are just as valid as written ones, but some jurisdictions either require a contract to be in writing in certain circumstances (for example where real property is being conveyed), or that a contract be evidenced in writing (although the contract itself may be oral).
Examples of personal data include: Genome data, GPS location, written communication, spoken communication, lists of contacts, internet browsing habits, financial transactions, supermarket spending, tax payments, criminal record, laptop and mobile phone camera lens recording, device microphone recordings, driving habits via car trackers, mobile and health records, fitness activity, nutrition, substance use, heartbeat, sleep patterns and other vital signs. The collective of one individual's personal data forms a digital identity (or perhaps digital alter ego is more fitting). A digital identity encompasses all of our personal data shadowing, representing and connected to our physical and ideological self. The distinction between data categories is not always clear cut.
North Moluccan Malay (also known as Ternate Malay) is a Malay-based creole language spoken on Ternate, Tidore, Halmahera, and Sula Islands, North Maluku for intergroup communications. The local name of the language is Bahasa Pasar, and the name Ternate Malay is also used, after the main ethnic group speaking the language. Since North Moluccan Malay is used primarily for spoken communication, there is no standardized orthography. A large percentage of this language's lexicon has been borrowed from Ternatean, such as, ngana "you (sg.)", ngoni "you (pl.)", bifi "ant" and ciri "to fall", and its syntax and semantics have received heavy influence from the surrounding West Papuan languages.
The fact that the listener should preferably be referred to in the third person tended to further complicate spoken communication between members of society. In the early 20th century, an unsuccessful attempt was made to replace the insistence on titles with Ni (the standard second person plural pronoun)corresponding to vous in French and "Sie" in German. Ni wound up being used as a slightly less arrogant form of du used to address people of lower social status. With the liberalization and radicalization of Swedish society in the 1950s and 60s, these previously significant distinctions of class became less important and du became the standard, even in formal and official contexts.
Manado Malay, or simply the Manado language, is a creole language spoken in Manado, the capital of North Sulawesi province in Indonesia, and the surrounding area. The local name of the language is Bahasa Manado, and the name Minahasa Malay is also used, after the main ethnic group speaking the language. Since Manado Malay is used primarily for spoken communication, there is no standard orthography. Manado Malay differs from standard Malay in having numerous Portuguese and Dutch loan words as a result of colonisation and having traits such as its use of kita as a first person singular pronoun, rather than as a first person inclusive plural pronoun.
Body parts, pointers, adapted mice, or eye tracking can be used to select target symbols directly, and switch access scanning is often used for indirect selection. Message generation is generally much slower than spoken communication, and as a result rate enhancement techniques may be used to reduce the number of selections required. These techniques include "prediction", in which the user is offered guesses of the word/phrase being composed, and "encoding", in which longer messages are retrieved using a prestored code. The evaluation of a user's abilities and requirements for AAC will include the individual's motor, visual, cognitive, language and communication strengths and weaknesses.
A more popular variety allowing spoken communication between partners, as the name implies but what may be said is subject to stringent rules. The leader to a trick, before leading, may give his partner a single piece of information about his own hand, or request information about his partner's, or may even (instead) invite his partner either to do the same or to give him some instruction as to the card or suit to be led. Such information may relate to the number of cards held of a specific suit or rank, or whether a particular card is held. Question and answer must be succinct, explicit, intelligible to the opponents, and not replaced or accompanied by any non-verbal conventions.
There, she has challenged the Government to ban informal exclusions, voiced support for the teaching of oracy (fluency in spoken communication), and promoted the benefits of a broad curriculum which includes the arts, music and sports. In September 2018, Hardy began to work closely with the women's health charity Endometriosis UK to push for "menstrual wellbeing" to be included as part of the sex and relationship education in schools. On 25 February 2019, the UK government announced that menstrual wellbeing would be included in the curriculum going forward. Hardy is also the Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Mesh, and has fought a successful campaign to get the Government to back down on the routine use of vaginal surgical mesh in the NHS.
The Delegation was founded in 1901 by French academics Louis Couturat and Léopold Leau, who had noted the language difficulties arising among international bodies convening during the 1900 World's Fair in Paris.Document sans titre Working with European esperantists, they gathered support for the Delegation from professional societies, companies, and universities. Among the chief aims of the Delegation were to select a language to be taught alongside "natural languages" and allow written and spoken communication in an international environment. Three conditions were laid out for the language to be chosen: #It must be capable of serving the needs of science, in addition to everyday life, commerce and general communication, #It must be able to be easily learned by all people of average education, and especially those of the civilized nations of Europe, and #It must not be a living language.

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