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"splitting headache" Definitions
  1. a very bad headache

32 Sentences With "splitting headache"

How to use splitting headache in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "splitting headache" and check conjugation/comparative form for "splitting headache". Mastering all the usages of "splitting headache" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Now she had no feeling at all in her legs and a splitting headache.
The first time I saw "The Cher Show," I walked in with a splitting headache.
I got home with a splitting headache and grocery bags heavy enough to break my back.
Whatever the relation, there's a good chance she's causing you a splitting headache right about now.
I have a splitting headache when I arrive but hope I'll forget about it once we start.
And if reading the recipe above just seems too hard given your skull-splitting headache, you can always watch the video.
Abdullah, who had common side effects of a nerve gas attack -- blurred vision, a splitting headache and lethargy -- told CNN the scene was chaos.
Three and a half drinks last night, and I wake up with a splitting headache — is this what it feels like to get old??
Abdullah, who is suffering from blurred vision, a splitting headache and lethargy -- common side-effects of exposure to nerve gas -- says the scene is chaotic.
Being hungover is the worst: you feel sick to your stomach, have a head-splitting headache, and want to crawl back into a hole somewhere.
It's Saturday morning when the splitting headache hits, and you realize that trivia night got a little rowdy after partaking of a few more beers than planned.
In a moment we can only describe as "horrifying," a woman in India was rushed to the hospital to treat what she thought was just a splitting headache.
Sharlonda Buckman, CEO of Detroit Parents Network, an organization of parents with children in all city schools, said she felt an "instant splitting headache" when she heard about the sickout.
Next on "Dana Tries Ariana Grande-Related Challenges": Is it possible to keep that much hair in that tight of a ponytail all the time without getting a nonstop splitting headache?
But what separates an experienced, zen bargain hunter from someone who spends hours in the checkout line with a splitting headache come Thanksgiving week is that the former jumps on those early sales.
But by the time Koroleva got to class at the University of San Francisco that evening, she had a splitting headache and blurry vision and was nauseated, and she could not focus on the lecture or her homework.
Most of us have experienced a hangover at some point in our lives, which means that most of us have, sought out some miracle cure for the splitting headache and profound nausea that is the residue of the previous night's bender.
I got to the ending area of the game, after dozens of hours of making terrible charts and cutout cardboard tetronimoes and literally making a crappy paper crosshair in the middle of the screen, because playing it without that gave me a massive, splitting headache.
For starters, the piercer probably won't even give you the implant if they suspect you're intoxicated for reasons involving consent and safety (alcohol thins your blood, which is also why you shouldn't get a tattoo while drunk.) But more importantly, you won't wake up the next morning with a splitting headache and absolutely no idea how to unlock your hand.
Splitting Headache is the second album by straight edge hardcore punk band Down to Nothing.
Chauncey D. Leake, in 1930, took furan as a possible substitute for aspirin but it just gave him a splitting headache and painful urination that lasted three days.
Persuasion can control a person through the use of pheromones, reducing them to a near-mindless state, extremely receptive to suggestion. A side effect of her power is that the people she controls turn purple temporarily. Upon recovery from Kara's power, her victims usually have a splitting headache. Persuasion's powers apparently cannot affect the body's involuntary systems.
While Foghorn is down, Dawg covers him in water, which freezes him. Dawg tells weasel to eat hearty, so the weasel hits the frozen Foghorn with an axe. Foghorn says he's got a splitting headache and falls in half. To get revenge, Foghorn traps Dawg in a corset and gives him to the weasel to cook.
When he returned at around 2.30 the final communiqué had been agreed and Churchill took his leave. He had a 30 minutes drive to the villa, General Anders to meet and a 'splitting headache, which for me [Churchill] was very unusual'. After this there was the long drive back to the airport for his return to the UK.
In mathematics, the category number of a mathematician is a humorous construct invented by Dan Freed, intended to measure the capacity of that mathematician to stomach the use of higher categories. It is defined as the largest number n such that they can think about n-categories for a half hour without getting a splitting headache.
At age sixteen, he complained suddenly of a splitting headache and violent illness. He lay with a Russian Orthodox icon on his pillow as his family surrounded him, urging him to breathe. He died within a week of brain inflammation. His mother later reported that she had seen the ghost of a white lady in the art gallery at Pavlovsk on the day before Vyacheslav became ill.
He dismisses her and lies down to relieve his "splitting headache", only to hear another radio bulletin warning that "once you are touched by a Globolink, you lose all power of speech" and are turned into one yourself within 24 hours. While he is asleep, the Globolinks come into the office and touch Dr. Stone. He rings the school bell to drive them away. The teachers rush in, only to find that Dr. Stone can speak only in weird, electronic sounds.
After parking his car and placing a "Happy Now?" sign around his neck, a man attempts to jump off a bridge to hang himself but finds extortionist Jake Farley lying under it. He grabs Jake's foot with the rope but discovers he is dead. Meanwhile, at the apartment, beleaguered ex-police officer Joe Paris wakes up with a splitting headache and blood on his shirt after a night of drinking and cannot recall events of the previous night. His fingerprints are discovered at a murder scene and he is arrested by detectives due to his history of violence.
The trial convened on Wednesday amidst concern for Wynekoop, who was so sick that her defense attorney, Frank Tyrrell, stated "'she is so ill it would not surprise me if she passed away right in the courtroom.'"Des Moines Tribune (Des Moines, Iowa) · Wed, January 17, 1934 · Page 1 She had awakened "with a splitting headache and fever," and her priest was nearby with "religious oils for administration of the last rites of the church."The St. Louis Star and Times (St. Louis, Missouri) · Wed, January 17, 1934 · Page 1 Officer March was back on the stand to be cross-examined by the defense.
In air combat over France, Wellum's number two, Freddie Haskett, was killed by a Fw 190, and Wellum himself survived only by "throwing the spit all over the sky without really looking round". At this time he began to develop severe headaches, "a splitting headache pain across my eyes". In July 1942, Wellum was sent to Glasgow, where he participated in Operation Pedestal, a convoy mission to carry supplies for the relief of the besieged garrison at Malta. Wellum led a flight of eight Spitfires to be carried on aircraft carrier , sailing from the Clyde to the Mediterranean, and then land them on the island.
The player controls an unnamed protagonist who awakens in his townhouse with a splitting headache, who exclaims that he needs to find some Aspirin. Exploring the ground floor of his house, the protagonist expresses confusion at seemingly-familiar objects and photographs, suggesting that he is also suffering from amnesia. After retrieving a packet of Lemsip tablets from the master bedroom, the protagonist exclaims that he needs water (to drink with the tablets), and ventures further around the house, gradually becoming stalked by a supernatural entity of some sort. As the player explores the house, evidence gathered from letters and photos suggest his family has been the victim of a heinous crime.
Daffy then finds a bed to resume sleeping before Porky tries to hit the vagrant with a club, only to have Daffy warn the officer about violating the "sanctity of the American Home" and intimidates him towards the empty elevator shaft, causing him to fall. And as Daffy brags to himself, Porky came back upstairs and clubs the vagrant on the head. Before Daffy fell unconsciously, he asked Porky for an aspirin for a splitting headache. The officer felt ashamed for hitting Daffy too hard and when he tries to wake him up, Daffy yelled, "I love you, Hortense!" and gave Porky a smooch on the forehead and managed to escape for a moment.

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