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281 Sentences With "spits out"

How to use spits out in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "spits out" and check conjugation/comparative form for "spits out". Mastering all the usages of "spits out" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In the timed phase, the app rapidly spits out assignments.
Musk spits out gigafactories and Powerwalls and subtle solar roofs.
This one from Thermoworks spits out readings in 2 seconds.
This one from Thermoworks spits out readings in 2 seconds.
The other spits out a chunk of what might be bacon.
Anton, already laughing uncontrollably, spits out his coffee into a napkin.
That track is the one that spits out the cue ball.
You set it up, and it spits out a login code.
"Joe Arpaio is a disgusting piece of shit," Garrett spits out.
At first, she wishes for a machine that spits out candy.
Five or 10 minutes later, the machine spits out a C-print.
Porn is an industry that regularly chews up and spits out performers.
And yet the compensation machine still spits out bigger and bigger rewards.
Then it just spits out the best ones it thinks you'll like.
It builds tracks from prerecorded samples and spits out actual audio, not MIDI.
Each tracer molecule's interaction with tissue spits out two photons in opposite directions.
The more follow-ups he gets asked, the more BS he spits out.
Instead, Perry gracefully spits out the millennial pink beverage after just one sip.
More alarmingly, when she brushes her teeth, she spits out bright red blood.
"The MBE got rejected/I'm not trying to be accepted," he spits out.
The system spits out bagged grocery orders and instructs employees on next steps.
He's been coughing and he spits out a slug-like creature into the sink.
The tool takes what Google spits out, and drops it back into the game.
On race day, weather conditions are typed into the database, which spits out options.
You just order on your phone, and a "personalized cubby" spits out your food.
And every scenario it spits out is within the physical bounds of the possible.
The zeta function takes in one of these complex numbers and spits out another number.
During the trial, she spits out the words "bisexual" and "anal sex" with fiery disgust.
Since the pen just spits out soap, wherever it's being used is already halfway cleaned.
A hot tool that hardly touches your hair, yet spits out perfect curls every time.
Immediately, Rome spits out the legion of prescription pills he had stuffed in his mouth.
Once your photo has been taken, the camera spits out what looks like a Polaroid.
The coffee machine pants for a moment and spits out a cup which I down.
The database query for it spits out hotel information for the whole state, listed alphabetically.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads It was inevitable: a polaroid that spits out GIFs.
When we make an ellipse in P5, the ellipse() function spits out an ellipse object.
You may feel one way, while the data your body spits out may say another.
"Porn is an industry that regularly chews up and spits out performers," the report reads.
The vending machine then spits out a receipt which I hand to the café employee.
And if it's the computer that spits out biased, exclusionary results, nobody's to blame, right?
"We all kind of assume that a computer program always spits out the correct answer."
Then, boop boop be bop, it spits out an asset allocation that is tailored to you.
It's like magic and rainbows and cats and unicorns in a box that spits out spectacles!
Fill 'er up... with hydrogen This tiny little car runs on hydrogen and spits out water.
Rapidly spits out a 4-round burst of large, slow-moving orbs with each trigger press.
It spits out water like a sea anemone and sloughs mud and dirt like a smooth stone.
Her huge face is all around you and the manifestos she spits out are staccato and powerful.
And just like Google, it needs to build a search engine that spits out the best matches.
On a conveyor belt, a robot spits out sauce, while another spreads it in a perfect circle.
First, a genome machine "spits out" the millions of base pairs of an individual genome, said Lantos.
We only know the final risk assessment score it spits out, which judges may consider at sentencing.
He spits out Assad's name, dismissing him as "a man who doesn't know a thing about Islam".
The printer spits out layer upon layer of material until they are baked into a single piece.
I was kind of skeptical of iOvilus, which is an app that seemingly just spits out random words.
This wouldn't be so bad if you weren't totally unable to affect the pirates the generator spits out.
The region inside of this triangle represents a vowel space and this is what the algorithm spits out.
He spits out "adobo" almost combatively, directing it with senseless annoyance at a Latina woman in the audience.
Every school also has a net price calculator that spits out estimates of what you might pay there.
This data is fed into an algorithm that spits out predictions of where similar crimes will occur next.
Lomo'Instant - $239 See Details The Instax WIDE 300 instant camera spits out pictures that measure 20153 mm × 99 mm.
It spits out two 300-pound crystal-clear blocks of ice every three days, yielding only about 1,000 cubes.
A delirious, sobbing Catwoman spits out the taunt as a Trump-esque tycoon named Shreck shoots her point-blank.
" Amazon spits out more than 1,000 results for dozens and dozens of supplement brands when you search for "adaptogens.
The machine also spits out a judgment of each woman's metabolic age, and Briški is delighted by her results.
It asks you to enter who you're buying for and what they're interested in, then spits out some results.
Earlier this year, the firm launched a tool that spits out daily traffic and conversion data for Amazon sellers.
Imagine a bundled mobile product, for one reasonable price per month, that spits out new stories as they're published.
The sealed cabinet design spits out punchy audio through a beefy 250-watt amplifier with a 10-inch driver.
She also developed a "color genius" tool that asks questions about your space and spits out a recommended hue.
The SP-3 handles it all and spits out surprisingly nice prints you can pin up around the house.
At these stations, workers input a grocery order number and the system spits out bins belonging to that order.
Google's experiment was "circuit sampling": checking whether numbers their machine spits out, given random inputs, fit a particular pattern.
The stage was an unsightly mess — and a perfect symbol of what 21st-century capitalism consumes and spits out.
Reviewer Harrison Weber adored the gentle mist this shower spits out, and he loved how easy it was to install.
Every couple of minutes, the bot spits out a name and where that individual died, sometimes accompanied by a photograph.
Mostel spits out his cigarette and it flies across the room; they joke around and lose track of their conversation.
Download Your Information spits out merely a list of your friends' names and the dates on which you got connected.
It's USB-powered and spits out video via HDMI, but the games look and play just like they used to.
It's not as simple as taking the text, dumping it into Google Translate, and seeing what the software spits out.
RT, the pro-Kremlin TV network, spits out a tweet every two minutes, many of them shared hundreds of times.
The company feeds hydrogen and CO2 to a microbe, which then spits out a mixture of protein, carbohydrates, and fat.
Either way, no matter what number the formula spits out, many families end up paying even more out of pocket.
Her voice spits out lyrics it a quick pace, less like rapping and more like telling a story — calssic talk/singing.
Today these systems are pretty much black boxes, so you put the input, it just spits out what the answer is.
Swing your iPhone-saber around and it spits out sounds as if it's clashing against the luminous blade of an opponent.
It then spits out an estimated dollar amount workers can reasonably expect to earn at that moment in a given market.
But if someone uses an AI that spits out a result with a single click, that could be a different matter.
Detectives enter a description of the perpetrator into a database, which then spits out dozens or even hundreds of matching photos.
Roger spits out real water, while Jessica Rabbit plays with Eddie's clothing, actions that give the cartoons equal weight in the film.
The app then spits out a new code, valid for a very short time, which is used to complete the account login.
Doing so is easy — you hold down both output buttons, which reverses the motor and spits out whatever unmelted material is inside.
Using a proprietary algorithm, Co-Star weaves together the information about each person's placements and spits out a personalized reading each day.
"You ask it questions and it spits out the appropriate regulation, rather than going to a manual or a website," Chin said.
By while the dollar amounts may have increased, not all the content Netflix spits out these days is considered award show fodder.
In a little government building on eastern Oregon's high desert, a restaurant-grade pasta machine spits out sagebrush and grass seed tortellini.
So it's important to assess what we can offer to those whom capitalism spits out as if they were so much trash.
One maladjusted character spits out homophobic and disability-related slurs, perhaps as a commentary on his sociopathic tendencies, but that's not clear.
In 15 to 30 seconds, an iPhone app spits out a profile of the smell and — if it successfully matches it — an identification.
And when you do, be sure to take lots of photos of phallic-looking objects and see what the camera spits out.[PetaPixel]
There's actually a matrix consulted by Pennsylvania lawyers in calculating guidelines; just plug in the defendant's numbers and it spits out a range.
You can pour unsorted M&Ms into the top of the machine and a little nozzle spits out sorted candies into little dishes.
Anyhow, the idea behind Arco is that it's fed differential equations of varying complexity and, in response, it spits out analog computer configurations.
Given some big equation with a bunch of variables, how can we solve it such that the equation spits out the smallest values?
The vending machine then makes a bunch of bleeps and bloops, and then spits out your glasses, which come in a plastic tube.
One software developer here in Houston has already created a text message query system that spits out FEMA hotel program by zip code.
Washington chews up and spits out idealists, giving long tenures to politicians who abandon their promises once they take their oath of office.
Ever seen or used one of those machines that spits out capsule toys, where you're never sure what you're actually going to get?
You're trapped in extremely confining surroundings, little more than a metal box with bathroom fixtures and a dispenser that spits out food bars.
She peels the skin from an onion, bites into it, "dices" what she can with her teeth, and spits out the mushy remnants.
That spits out a prediction that Trump will get 47.4 percent of the two-party vote, for a loss of over 5 points.
Traditionally the lion is fed a head of Chinese cabbage, which it chews up and spits out, symbolizing the spread of good fortune.
If you can't remember the order of commands, you can ask questions of the Current bot on Slack, which spits out automated responses.
Riders then choose when they'd like to arrive at the station, and Uber's algorithm spits out a suggested time to schedule their ride.
A new tool called Dangerzone quarantines new PDFs you receive, combs them for anything sketchy, scrubs them, and spits out a safe version.
She was a candidate of passion and substance, a fighter who churned out policy proposals faster than President Trump spits out conspiracy theories.
After 10 years in the making, two Pittsburgh artists have created a penny machine that spits out coins with designs of endangered animals.
Typing the word "dog" into Google Translate and translating from Yoruba (a West African language) to English spits out the exact same word, "dog".
You take a picture of some text or simply speak into the phone, and the app spits out a translation for you likety split.
IN PHAKALANE, an affluent suburb of Botswana's sleepy capital Gaborone, a modern assembly line spits out thousands of batteries destined for southern African cars.
Among the top results Google spits out are some seriously dubious DIYs (including one that involves cutting off your blood flow with dental floss).
As you can see, little Luna bobs and dances along to the beat as her mom spits out verse after verse about farm animals.
Bluestein's updated wind chill formula is relatively simple: You plug in the temperature and wind speed, and it spits out your risk of frostbite.
The term also encompasses tactics used by employers and landlords to deny applicants jobs and housing, respectively, based on suggestions an algorithm spits out.
Linguistic games become high camp spectacle: Gary spits out bizarre insults, invents fictitious boyfriends with "chest hairs like weather systems," and adopts strange personas.
The quantity that the Kibble balance spits out is then expressed as a function of one of the universe's fundamental constants, the Planck Constant.
What's troubling is the film's slow and steady exposure of a music business machine that gobbles up individuality and spits out a sellable package.
That information is then used to power an algorithm that spits out sets of recommended vitamins and supplements tailored to an individual's health goals.
There is violence in her, and it erupts when she tears paper or stuffs a flower into her mouth and spits out the petals.
Source: GumGum Source: GumGum So, in its early stages, the neural network spits out a bunch of wrong answers in the form of percentages.
The fully automated roti-maker takes flour, water and oil, and spits out fresh and hot rotis, unleavened Indian bread also known as chapati.
Lead singer Doug Jenkins, has a snotty, almost-Strokes-esque voice that's drowning in reverb, a delightful juxtaposition to the dreamy melodies he spits out.
Image: ScreenshotThis is a weird one: The iOS 11 Calculator occasionally spits out the wrong answers, apparently because it can't register key presses fast enough.
But then Kessler spits out this hard truth -- he doesn't care about diversity, just so long as Trump's hiring the "best people" who display competence.
The result of her mashup is this hilarious GIF generator that analyzes your selfie and then spits out a GIF to match your facial expression.
There's the High Fidelity, a Sunset Overdrive take on an assault rifle that spits out a stream of vinyl records whenever you pull the trigger.
The hard work happens at compile time rather than run time—it spits out highly optimized low-level DOM manipulation code specific to your application.
The patterns that the program spits out for, say, deer with multiply-branching antlers, are staggering to behold, both in their flat and folded forms.
A few things including building a DIY Theremin and a money spewing "Make It Rain" machine that spits out dollars when you clap your hands.
This potentially saves a ton of work, while the Supernova founder is particularly proud of the quality of code and project organisation that Supernova spits out.
Yep, like in Pee Wee's Big Adventure, the machine spits out soft-boiled eggs, perfect toast, tea and coffee, and even brings out the morning newspaper.
The paralyzed prey is sucked inside the mouth and digested, at which point the hydra opens is mouth again and spits out whatever it couldn't eat.
When users take a photo of a book or painting, for example, Lens recognizes it and spits out information telling you more details about the object.
This innovative tool sucks in your hair on its own, twirls your strands onto the wand, and spits out natural-looking waves à la Blake Lively.
That's no small task: For every four hours of skywatching, the telescope spits out 300 gigabytes, which the software then has to make useful and usable.
What's more, downed enemies will now float up as well as back, and they'll create a larger, more damaging explosion that also spits out homing projectiles.
Kaitlyn Dever, playing a spiky foster kid whom law enforcement chews up and spits out, is especially good at navigating post-traumatic stress with no GPS.
This week NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory captured a colossal coronal hole, a magnetic opening in the sun that spits out solar wind laced with highly charged particles.
They estimated that the asteroid spits out around 10 thousand cubic meters per year of ice—about as much as could fill one and half Goodyear blimps.
Cincinnati, home of culinary innovations like putting chili and about a pound of cheese on spaghetti, now has the only ATM in America that spits out pizzas.
Ara chief Richard Woolridge spits out crazy edit-video-while-you-computer-vision use cases, but says the spec boils down to this: It can handle anything.
It's not super high-tech, but this popcorn maker spits out a tasty snack in no time while you're deliberating over what you're going to (not) watch.
He even helped her "navigate those darn contraptions" (the trail mix machines), and punched the number for her cranberries into the machine that spits out a barcode.
Plus, every time you smack a crate with your wrench, it spits out a swirling mass of nuts and bolts that are oh-so-satisfying to collect.
He spits out "Hansel and Derek, I'm handsome, you jealous," and you can just picture their sensitive hearts breaking when they process the diss several minutes later.
You download it, you upload your contacts and it spits out a list of people you know in battleground states and offers to message them for you.
Via an algorithm, It analyzes data on a tenant and spits out a score that helps landlords identify any potential risks associated with a would-be renter.
I own one myself and love documenting trips with it, since it's portable and spits out a tangible memory rather than something I might just swipe past.
For each drug covered by the test, the heavily automated process spits out a numerical value, generally calibrated in nanograms of the target substance per milliliter of urine.
Apparently hoping for an early retirement, hacker Jonathan Whalen attempted to build a real-life version of a Super Mario Land question block that actually spits out coins.
McClanahan, a certified financial planner, plugged all of Eva's details into a software program called SSanalyzer, which runs thousands of claiming strategies and spits out the best options.
Less than a minute later, the other end spits out carbon fibre, a more valuable material that is used in cars, planes, golf clubs and other useful things.
The images were then fed into a different piece of software called VGG-Face, which spits out a long string of numbers to represent each person; their "faceprint".
There's no time…machine (I really could not put those two words completely together) that just spits out more time if I put in a five dollar bill.
You pick a time frame, and the app sorts through your most-liked Instagram posts — and spits out a data visualization of the colors in your top 100.
But then you reach Morgan's office and the recycling machine, which spits out materials you can then shape into something useful, and I thought that was pretty rad.
But if the equation spits out a number greater than zero, then, subject to some constraints on the hidden variable, there's no classical explanation for the experiment's outcome.
The Mink Pen is the latest development by Harvard Alum Grace Choi, the beauty industry disruptor who introduced a 3-D printer that spits out makeup in 2014.
Abate's kitchen operates like a well-oiled machine: Gelato churns in the soft-serve machine while the pizza oven spits out bubbly pies in a matter of minutes.
And as the sun's core becomes saturated with this helium, it shrinks, causing nuclear fusion reactions to speed up — which means that the sun spits out more energy.
It spits out larger, 1003 x 4.5-inch prints with a white border that gives them a much classier look than the smaller images Zink devices usually print.
The R.C. growls when you pull the throttle and even spits out a steady stream of exhaust from the back as if you are burning rubber with every turn.
" JF: Oh my god... If you wants to see the brilliance that he spits out every early early morning in the BuzzFeed newsletter, just text JoJo the word "NEWSLETTER.
It's core product, a mobile and web app which aggregates data from bovine ear rings, chips and smart scales and spits out digestible visualizations, contributes to that broader vision.
Our sun also spits out the occasional extreme flare, but Proxima Centauri, which is located about 4 light-years from us, is likely more active than our host star.
The short-range element of Aegis is a Dalek-like, rapid-fire cannon called Phalanx, which spits out 75 rounds a second and can shoot down incoming cruise missiles.
Right now scientists can shoot a laser at a crystallized protein (which can distort its shape), measure the patterns it spits out and simulate what that protein looks like.
Along the way, tension between executives has been building inside Walmart as the retailer's primary physical store business spits out profits while losses mount inside the much-smaller online business.
The two data units then meet at a minus symbol, which does its work and then spits out a result, which then travels to the dollar sign at the top.
But if you split the stack into five separate squares in the bin, the Recycler spits out even more crafting materials than it would have for the stack of five.
For every immigrant arrested, ICE agents enter the answers to up to 178 questions about subjects, such as community ties and biographical information, and the algorithm spits out a response.
Christopher Ryan Grant appropriately chews the scenery and spits out the splinters as Bottom, a blustering contractor who can't even pronounce the name of the character he's meant to play.
The LifePrint printer rethinks the tired idea of a handheld device that spits out overpriced, undersized hard copies with an interesting concept: DIY Augmented Reality, delivered via a tiny photo print.
While many of us rely on the Google search bar to pull up answers to our queries, to blindly accept what it spits out would be a detriment to the truth.
Go beyond Instagram and create photographic keepsakes of your travels with the Instax Mini 8, a compact, easy-to-use camera that spits out high-quality prints almost instantly, Polaroid-style.
We funded Fabric Genomics [whose software aggregates insights about cancer and pediatric genomics from around the world, then spits out an actionable report for lab technicians to send off to clinicians].
It's the coal she shovels into the furnace that spits out world tours, music videos, and breathless tweets from fans around the world, and it doesn't have to be much more.
He's caught in a predictable cycle of inputs and outputs: Someone raises a problem, and Gus spits out a chess move for the actual humans in the cast to carry out.
Every year, the textile industry alone spits out 20203 billion tons of greenhouse gases — more than all marine shipping vessels and international flights combined — and consumes 98 million tons of oil.
There is a particular way a woman's top lip curls as she spits out the "lil bitch" hook, and it has all the elegant menace of a long acrylic nail's curve.
In the decidedly simple clip, the Chicago rapper stands in front of a white screen, seeming physically tortured as he cathartically spits out his story of mental illness, addiction and abuse.
And as the sun&aposs core becomes saturated with this helium, it shrinks, causing nuclear fusion reactions inside it to speed up — which means that the sun spits out more energy.
Toward the end of "Gary," the argument between Janice and Gary culminates in a line that Gary spits out, risking alienating Janice by insulting her livelihood: "Cleaning is immoral!" he cries.
Amino spits out names of doctors and hospitals based on a person's health insurance carrier, and people can see how much it could cost to see a provider and book an appointment.
It's Amma who stares John Keene (Taylor John Smith) dead in the eyes and spits out "Baby killer," knowing that she is really the one responsible for these two tremendously disturbing murders.
The results prove that there's plenty we don't know about ocean volcanoes, which make up 70 percent of the magma Earth spits out according to the paper published Wednesday in Science Advances.
Another neat feature Zencastr offers is automatic post-production; just select the tracks from your recording session and in a few minutes Zencastr spits out a track that has perfectly leveled sound.
Instead, Wentz says the only real gamers who could get rich from Fortnite are players like Ninja ... a Fortnite god who chews up and spits out casual gamers like Drake for breakfast.
Couple's Mixtape, which was created by online suit rental company The Black Tux, analyzes pictures of any pair and spits out 10 to 15 songs it thinks will speak to the relationship.
A Breakingviews model which values Aramco on the basis of discounted cash flows, and incorporates new lower royalty payments to the Saudi government, spits out a price of close to $1.6 trillion.
The girl has been arguing with her own parents about whether she can give up her Ph.D. The chef spits out the usual clichés about a strict father and a quiet mother.
The day after the announcement Harbor Aluminum, an industry consultant, estimated that although America produces a third of its commercial aluminium needs, it spits out triple the requirements of the Department of Defence.
Inorganic fertilizer adds nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous to the soil; pesticides kill anything that crawls; herbicides nuke anything green and unwanted—all to create an assembly line that spits out a single crop.
The Twitter account spits out fake documentary intros in the style of Theroux, who often focuses his attention on weird cults, religions, felons and well, anyone you'd probably never find yourself talking to.
Mark, who is the eccentric and excitable founder of Markforged, a 3D printer systems that spits out ready-made carbon fiber and metal products, is always good for a glimpse into the future.
Red foam spits out of the bed's sides and explodes into a gigantic lamp culminating in a huge, illuminated red rubber ball, which contrasts wildly against the house's century-old tile mosaic flooring.
Reason (the rapper from California, not the rapper from Johannesburg with the same artist name) spits out a breathless verse so crammed with lyrics that it sends people to Genius for months afterwards.
Procedurally-generated games have existed for a while now, where the software itself continuously spits out unique levels as a gamer plays, but they lack the complexities and nuances that man-made levels deliver.
But it turns out you might not need an actual first class ticket to get into a swanky airport lounge—just a custom Android app that spits out a boarding pass-spoofing QR code.
The software processes the data from each, calculates the optimum appearance for every segment of the photo, and instantly spits out an image that would usually require a grand worth of dedicated camera equipment.
Through a monumental summing of probabilities across each and every possible combination of sources, the model spits out the most likely ones, with considerable precision—down to 50 metres or so in some cases.
But in 2016, decades after Lessons of Darkness was completed and on social media instead of in a darkened arthouse theatre, the void spits out something other than deep, metaphysical understanding about human nature.
"It's going to be really hard to come up with a black-box type model that spits out a monetary value because of that complexity," report co-author Bond told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
You can also use web chat or send a text message to a chat bot, which spits out a list of options for how you can get help, and connect with a service representative.
The site then spits out a list of extended family members who are related to the perpetrator, allowing investigators to begin zeroing in on those who may have had close contact with the victim.
To get started, there's a mini quiz that asks your age, location, and desired term length, and spits out roughly how much you'd pay per month for policies from $100,000 up to $10 million.
Co—Star sets itself apart from its competitors by using "data from NASA" and a proprietary algorithm that spits out unique, slightly robotic horoscopes for users each day, delivered in the form of push notifications.
But if it's just an updated Apple TV that spits out higher resolution video, Apple might not be getting the message that a lot of people are prioritizing savings when choosing their gateway to Netflix.
Any growth here is, of course, good growth as AWS is a critical piece of infrastructure for many companies around the world — and it spits out a very healthy operating profit on a regular basis.
Given some very long equation with a lot of variables in it, can we come up with a good/reliable way of tweaking those variables such that our very long equation spits out accurate predictions?
Why would you track your period on a static calendar when you can log that same information into a dynamic system that's not only more efficient, but also spits out personalized insights about your body?
It asks you a bunch of rapid-fire questions where you have to say whether you're more of a "geometric" or "organic" type of person, for example, and spits out a customized result at the end.
Steelers officials were hopeful he would show up, but his agent made clear this afternoon that Bell was focused on protecting his long-term viability in a league that chews up and spits out running backs.
Beyond that, what would it mean to shift competition from the ocean, where so much of the game turns on reading waves wisely, to a tank where a machine spits out identical waves on a timetable?
Everyone has that friend — she spits out music trivia at the mere mention that you like a new song and reminds you she told you about the artist you love right now like six months ago.
Based on these and many other criteria, the app spits out lists of people who are candidates for detention — suggesting there is a direct link between Xinjiang's complex surveillance apparatus and the mass internment of Muslim minorities.
Using a gas chromatograph, which separates a mixture into its constituents and then spits out an analysis of that mixture's make up, the firm's researchers claim to have identified the molecules which give different whiskies their flavours.
The emulator that Brew selects his options from looks at the words that most recently occurred in the sentence and spits out a list of words from the source material that are most likely to come next.
It also explains why they grab their gear and get ready to move out of the warehouse as soon as Luis' two-way radio spits out a report about shots being fired in a near-by community.
The authoritative tone of the site implies that somewhere there's a computer mainframe running a program that monitors headlines, real estate sales, art auctions and whatever else, then processes that data and spits out a useful number.
There, police collect data at people's homes, police stations and roadside interrogations to feed into a centralized system called the Integrated Joint Operations Platform, which spits out determinations for whether Muslim citizens should be interned or not.
So in the end, the phone spits out pictures that are just 10-MP in resolution, which are just slightly smaller than the 12-MP rear cameras in Pixel 2 XL and Galaxy S9, but not by much.
Again, the p-value that the calculator spits out will be the probability of seeing this data (the difference in cholesterol levels between the two groups) or more extreme data, given the null hypothesis (the medicine didn't work).
A cinch to operate, the camera features several preset modes, like "Party & People" or "Double Exposure," and spits out textured keepsake prints on standard Fujifilm Instax cartridges or Leica's own black-and-white instant film (featuring cream-colored borders).
All you have to do is enter your username (you'll need to log in if your account is private) and the app spits out a collage with all your best shots, along with a few stats from your account.
Singapore is a country known worldwide for both a very high cost of living and limited real estate space — that combination makes it hard to imagine a better location for a gigantic vending machine that spits out luxury cars.
In this case, filled with the messages found on candy love hearts popular in the US and UK. The program looks for patterns in this data and then spits out what it thinks are plausible variations on the theme.
Venezuelans who can afford it have imported machinery such as the Antminer S9, a shoebox-sized contraption selling for roughly $2,000 on Amazon, that sucks in cool air and electricity and spits out noise, heat and freshly mined bitcoins.
But even if the new economy spits out these new jobs, the question is how rapidly that happens and how often a person will have to learn a new career, because their skills have been overtaken or become obsolete.
Tool, which analyzes local building energy codes – based on location and project-level characteristics specified by the developer – and spits out the most cost-effective and energy-efficient resource mix that can be built to hit local energy requirements.
One woman decides she does not want to be pregnant and wills her belly to shrink and shrink until she finally spits out the baby — "the size of an almond" — into a jar, to wait for the future. Maybe.
That excitement has been bolstered by the plumes of water the planet occasionally spits out: Cassini has found even more enticing ingredients inside those plumes, such as organic chemicals like methane — a molecule that is often associated with biological life.
It took ten years to build the Maverick, a dorm-fridge-sized box that takes in a cartridge with a little bit of blood—more than a drop but, you know, not a pint, either—and spits out new knowledge.
For all the scathing whitewashing examples the video spits out, the tenor of Oliver's takedown is perhaps best summed up by the narrator trying to make sense of Tom Cruise's casting in the title role of 2003's The Last Samurai.
The $65 billion Permanent Fund, a savings account built from taxes collected on oil, was bolstered as oil prices boomed during the Great Recession, even as the rest of the nation suffered; it still spits out annual dividends to residents.
By plugging data from the organization (most of which is publicly available) into mathematical models based on previous peer-reviewed research, the platform spits out a simple one- to five-star rating of that organization&aposs net impact per dollar.
You are prompted to answer some questions about your consumption habits—how often you fly, how much meat you eat—and at the end it spits out a number representing the estimated amount of carbon you're responsible for emitting in a year.
The "unofficial Netflix online Global Search" (uNoGS) takes most of the guesswork out of the process: it lets you search by movie or actor, narrow the results by a few extra fields, and then spits out what movies are available in which countries.
When they enter the installation they'll be asked to enter an email address, setting a simulation of the Predpol algorithm into motion, fetching biographical data — names of friends, loved ones, old addresses — that ultimately spits out a data shadow that appears behind them.
"It eats depth information and it spits out hands," Sweeney summarised as I moved my hands in meatspace to see them replicated on a screen in front of me, able to grasp a bunch of virtual strings and toggles created in Unity.
WATCH: Katy Perry Spits Out Starbucks' Unicorn Frappuccino After One Sip For slightly lighter options that still bring the seasonal flavors, you can try the Chai Creme Frapp (360 calories), the Chestnut Praline Frapp (330 calories) or the or the Gingerbread Frapp (370 calories).
Ensuring that the Slimbox spits out a box that's exactly as big or small as you need is as easy as measuring the object using an included scale, and then feeding the dimensions to the machine using a free accompanying iOS or Android app.
Shop the Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 on sale for $49.95-$55.95 (depending on the color.) Typically retailing for $69.95, Fujifilm Instax Mini 9 is a compact and sleek instant camera that develops and spits out photos that are the size of a standard credit card.
Old or popular pages are likely to have snapshots available, but Mozilla's add-on won't work if there isn't a Wayback Machine entry for the page, if the site automatically redirects browsers to another page, or if it spits out another kind of error.
A user uploads a photo of the person they want to create a fake porn of, the site spits out an adult performer they could use, and then the user can go searching for that performer's videos on sites like Pornhub to create a deepfake.
I went to college in Olympia, Washington, universally regarded as the Sloppiest City in America, a city so sloppy that, midtown, there's a pipe that spits out artesian well water 24/7, and I drink from it pretty much every time I walk by.
"A film about rural disenfranchisement and the way that institutions have abandoned people, with a major character in his 60s who spits out racist barbs — I never thought it would sell, so I just did exactly what I wanted to do," Mr. Sheridan said.
There's a ton of subtext to be read into this endless trend, almost all of it relating to industry-based misogyny—and Spears has certainly been through the wringer when it comes to the myriad ways that the music industry chews up and spits out female artists.
They put that data into a computational model that spits out forces for a given head width, and found that a frog with a 154 millimeter (six inch)-wide head like the Beelzebufo would bite with a force of 2213.7 Newtons, almost 500 pounds of force.
Having grown an impressive 17 miles (27 km) since December, the Larsen C rift has about 12 miles (20 km) to go before it reaches the other end of the shelf, snaps off, and spits out an iceberg nearly seven times the size of New York City.
Other notable performances are delivered by Natalie Cortez as a good-natured Anita — who incisively spits out the sarcastic lyrics of "America" — Maria Briggs as the frizzy-haired Jets admirer Anybodys and Jay Russell as the middle-aged drugstore proprietor whose good sense the young customers ignore.
Trudy is surrounded by rows and rows of packing stations, where employees are told by a computer which size box to use for the items sorted for them by the computer, before a computer spits out a piece of tape the exact right length to close it.
The very basic idea is of taking a trained model—a mathematical representation of, say, a car or human face developed over the course of analyzing tens of thousands of images of those things—and making it face off against a generator that initially just spits out random noise.
A sculpture of a small bird on a perch spits out a series of receipt-like papers containing textual forecasts, in Spanish and Kaqchikel, for and from those who have undergone their own migrations, and invites friends and colleagues to imagine a future free of systemic violence and persecution.
Their 53-bit quantum computer, called Sycamore, took 200 seconds to perform a calculation that otherwise would have taken the world's fastest supercomputer 10,000 years, says Gideon Lichfield in the MIT Technology Review: The calculation has almost no practical use—it spits out a string of random numbers.
The text Descript spits out is not by any means ready for publication, but it functions like a pencil sketch: a rough first draft that I then hammer into life the old-fashioned way, on a screen, with a keyboard, lots of tears and not a little blood.
You can probably predict the rest: Rachael starts off cold and distant (Knightley practically spits out the word "modern" to describe the furniture), but soon falls for Stefan's cat-and-mouse game; as as Lewis remains obliviously kind and emotionally unavailable, the other two embark on an illicit love affair.
That makes it less accurate than FIRETEC, but according to Janice Coen, of the National Centre for Atmospheric Research, in Boulder, Colorado, who is leading the development of the software, it spits out a forecast of a wildfire in just a quarter of the time that the fire takes to burn.
You'd think that with powerful corporate backing behind them, Nickelodeon and Disney would have powerful app skills, but the former spits out formulaic re-skinned racing and gem-dropping games and the latter is a heaving cesspool of in-app purchases that can make a single app cost $13 or more.
Each of those tasks has unique requirements, but it's adequate to just understand the basic components here: a digital camera uses a lens to focus light onto a sensor, and then an ISP to turn whatever the sensor spits out into a (hopefully accurate) representation of the scene in a digital format.
State media referred to Trump quite deferentially in their reports of the summit, calling him by his full name and adding the title of president of the United States of America — itself a somewhat jarring contrast to the way it normally spits out merely the surname of U.S. officials, with no titles.
But I can also see an area that has held on to its manners and personality while other locales — its neighbor across the park, the Upper West Side, say — have been pruned and vacuumed by the Big Bad Homogenization Machine, which sucks up bookstores and butchers and spits out Rite Aids and Chase banks.
Founded in 2017 and spun out of a lab at University College London, Matrix Mill has been working on a product it calls "Monodepth" — a tool that takes data from a single RGB camera, passes it through a neural network and spits out depth data fast enough to be integrated into a real-time game.
But if you put in la petite phrase de Sarkozy, it spits out 'little phrase Sarkozy' instead of the correct 'Sarkozy's zinger' – because in the political context indicated by the name of the former president, une petite phrase is a barbed remark aimed at a political rival – a zinger rather than a musical phrase.
White famously stated that "there are roughly three New Yorks": the one of those born there, the one that devours and spits out commuters each day, and then the one "of the person who was born somewhere else and came to New York in quest of something," which he considered the greatest New York.
The developer is keen to point out that it has two major streams of easy access: the 230 subway line, which the city extended in 2100 to the development's doorstep, and the High Line, a tourist magnet that sees some seven million visitors per year and likewise spits out its strollers at Hudson Yards' feet.
In order to get a few sheets, visitors now need to make eye contact with a computer before the dispenser spits out a serving of TP. The facial recognition program keeps the dispenser from offering another round to the same person; if you need more, you reportedly need to sit tight -- literally -- for nine whole minutes.
The Pixel 240 XL spits out much more noise than the Pro — and if you look at the Gare du Nord comparison image, Huawei's shot retains sharpness all the way to the edges of the frame, whereas the Pixel's periphery is soft — but with that noise I get a more realistic and faithful sense of the scene captured.
When you get like an attachment in an email or something, it sandboxes it, quarantines it and then goes through and combs for the malicious types of things that can be embedded in PDFs and cleans everything out and then spits out a version for you that you can be a lot more confident it's safe.
Collectively, the commissioners are seeking to enhance their authority to pursue privacy violators at big companies and nonprofits alike; grow its budget for the hiring of new staff and technologies devoted largely to the issues of consumer privacy; as well as make its rulemaking requirements less stringent so it can, in effect, actually enforce whatever new law Congress spits out.
But though Gaga is performing on a slightly different stage this time out (notably, she's chosen to promote Joanne with a tour of dive bars), she's still performing as Gaga: a pop omnivore (or in this case, a pop-rock-country omnivore) who chews up and spits out sounds from across the musical spectrum, in service of big, bold, brash, and — let's face it — sometimes cheesy songs that are unmistakably her.
The idea that we can nationalize these tech platforms and turn them toward better ends fundamentally misapprehends what these industries are: not a productive capitalism but a necrotising one—not an enterprise that blindly spits out useful objects and transforms surplus value into capital, but one fixated, relentless, and demented on bringing about a state of affairs that would make all our hopes of the common good meaningless for the rest of time.

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