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117 Sentences With "spew out"

How to use spew out in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "spew out" and check conjugation/comparative form for "spew out". Mastering all the usages of "spew out" from sentence examples published by news publications.

"Talking can spew out aerosol particles very easily," Tierno says.
A smoke machine on stage continued to spew out smoke.
One collision can spew out thousands of pieces of debris.
These suck up precious fresh water and spew out greenhouse gases.
Left untreated, diesels spew out 20 times more NOx than their petrol equivalents.
Gillis then continued to spew out insults when talking about eating at Chinese restaurants.
Instead of the TV show you had queued up, a million pop-ups spew out.
Using Lavigne's work, another protester created a Twitter bot to automatically spew out that database.
This surfaced prominently when ​Twitter users influenced Microsoft's AI chatbot, Tay, to spew out offensive messages.
Ash has continued to spew out from the summit of a Hawaii volcano amid intermittent explosions.
So to maintain a constant speed, they burn more fuel and spew out more carbon dioxide.
Using her fingers, Dr. Lee squeezes the bumps, and butter-like spirals spew out from each one.
Rather than absorbing sunlight like plants or devouring other organisms like animals, fungi spew out powerful enzymes.
And content polluters, bots that spew out links to malware and clickbait, more often spouted anti-vaccine tweets.
While diesel cars are heavily criticized for emitting nitrogen oxide, they spew out less CO2 than gasoline equivalents.
Planes spew out carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, as well as nitrous oxides, which produce the greenhouse gas ozone.
Cryovolcanoes are ice-world versions of volcanoes that spew out water, ammonia, and methane instead of ash and molten rock.
Intensive farms soak up scarce water and fly their produce around the world in aeroplanes that spew out carbon dioxide.
Factories stretch to the horizon and smokestacks spew out who-knows-what, leaving a rotten-egg taste in the air.
Instead, you're only able to view the black hole, which doesn't do much aside from occasionally spew out seemingly random numbers.
At home, due to unreliable electricity supplies, many Nigerians rely on generators, which spew out noxious fumes often in unventilated areas.
Democratic and Republican operatives have to suppress the all too human desire to let negative stories spew out about their opponents.
That adults with pneumonia usually infect no one else, while toddlers readily spew out the same germs — often at their grandparents.
Those coal-fired power plants also spew out lead, arsenic, dioxin, acid gases, as well as cancer-causing chromium and selenium.
The Drax Power Station in Yorkshire, England, used to spew out millions of tons of carbon dioxide a year by burning coal.
The amount of ash a volcano will spew out is hard to predict during an eruption, but not so for electrical discharges.
Give it enough, and it will spew out liquid like a faucet, right into the mouth of a strange fuzzy orange ball.
The overseer's voice continues on a loop, while all of the helpful Mr. Handy robots around the vault spew out cheerful advice.
Joining the dots, supercomputers generate weather maps and spew out forecasts by matching them with similar weather patterns recorded in the past.
Since those engines spew out hot air, which is at odds with the cold, low pressure air high in the atmosphere, creating condensation.
And spew out lies about people and call them names and make defaming claims about their reputation just because he feels like it.
Just because the scooters themselves don't spew out carbon dioxide, doesn't mean the process of making, charging, and transporting them is emission-free.
Corporations spew out further corporations—shells within shells—simply to make it hard for ordinary human beings to understand what they are up to.
There's an important lesson for us humans in just how quickly Microsoft's chatbot learned how to spew out racist, sexist and other hateful messages.
They were obedient to this idea that you could spew out all kinds of disgusting stuff, but they would try to refrain from violence.
While you spew out vitriol on the interwebs, the algorithm will monitor social posts and can apparently even work out Aussie slang and sarcasm.
Because he has no bull to sell, and everyone will discover the bull most politicians spew out is for their own causes and benefits.
The universe is filled with flashy pyrotechnics, such as exploding stars or flaring black holes, which spew out unfathomable amounts of light and energy.
A total of 82 structures have been destroyed as lava continues to spew out of fissures in the Leilani Estates neighborhood at a high volume.
Keeping a watchful eye on solar weather is important to keep astronauts and technology safe from highly energetic particles that spew out from our sun.
Just type in your occupation and they'll coldly spew out the often dismal odds: landscaping (95% chance of automation), barber (80%), public relations specialist (18%). Ouch.
" Galland added: "This collaboration was great fun, in part because I got to witness Neal spew out gobs of techno-gibberish, which he does very elegantly.
The star's outer layers spew out into space, but the inside implodes, becoming denser and denser, until there is too much matter in too little space.
Every day, a few hundred such stem cells spew out blood cells that begin dividing rapidly into the 10 billion needed to replace those that have died.
The infectious, airborne droplets that we spew out into our hands can be easily transmitted to others directly or through the surfaces we absentmindedly touch with our contaminated fingers.
Because of technological innovation and also regulation, our nation's electricity generating units do not spew out the black carbon and smog-forming components you'll see and breathe in China.
Switching out the source material's soulful slow burn for pedal-to-the-metal adrenaline, LH4L's remix is carried by a frantic dembow rhythm intermeshed with synths that spew out lightbeams.
" Not to mention that she keeps him laughing: "When I was doing your tattoo removal, I realized you were able to spew out more four letter words than most sailors.
My advice: If your religion is causing you to spew out words of hate, judge, or look down on others because of who one loves then you need to change it.
So they couldn't use the equipment inside the command module that normally takes all the carbon dioxide that we spew out and sucks that and scrubs that out of the air.
And, finally, a mission called TRIDENT would travel to Neptune's moon Triton, an icy place with a possible subsurface ocean; plumes of water even spew out from its surface into space.
A Banksy casino where all the slot machines spew out currency from countries that no longer exist and all the kings, queens, and princes in the decks of cards have been beheaded?
"It is quite straightforward to take high-quality input text, spew out extractive summaries pushed up next to one another, and have it look somewhat coherent at a cursory glance," said Bigham.
I never wanted to go to university to study journalism or media, but I was perfectly happy to spew out daily updates about my school life and my many cool email addresses.
Meanwhile, every day that the leak at Porter Ranch goes unplugged, it continues to spew out methane, a potent greenhouse gas with up to 80 times the global warming potential of CO2.
These are called pokéstops, and if you approach them and waggle your fingers on your screen in the right way, they will spew out items that assist in catching and healing pokémon.
We operate in a consumer space that's largely shaped by the convenience of mega-retailers like Amazon and the capacity of fast-fashion labels to spew out trendy garments by the minute.
Trump will spew out a stream of ambiguous tweets, then the hypermacho tough guys Trump has selected will battle viciously with one another to determine which way the administration will really go.
They spew out air pollutants like particulate matter and nitrogen oxides that cause serious health effects for wildlife and for people living in the local area, as well as climate-damaging greenhouse gases.
Even though the BFR will spew out tons of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, the impacts may not be much greater than current global air travel (depending how many flights end up happening).
One big question to researchers like Stavros who are working to develop better sunscreens is why, exactly, the compounds that are supposed to absorb radiation either fail or suddenly spew out free radicals.
At the other end of linguistic sophistication, an MT engine can be optimised for the shorter and simpler language people use in speech to spew out rough but near-instantaneous speech-to-speech translations.
They follow data like traffic flow and building energy usage to show that emissions spew out of commercial zones during working hours, then wane as people head home, when residential zones begin emitting more.
Tharsis is home to the largest volcanoes in our solar system, and because of their mass they were able to spew out so much lava that the outer layers of Mars rotated around its core.
In a 2017 paper in Nature, Stanford University researchers described how these usually peaceable cells can flip into a "killer mode," becoming assassins that spew out toxins and destroy the very cells they once nursed.
I remembered what a power trip it was to slip into demonic character and spew out all the terror I imagined was in store for me (make no mistake, I was certain I was hell-bound).
The danger of Trump's language of love is that if it fails to deliver results, it could quickly revert to the older words of hate Trump used to spew out before Kim wrote him "beautiful letters." 
The EU has provided a grant to a Spanish company named Iberital to develop an efficient espresso maker—one that will spew out "environmentally and socially responsible coffee" as opposed to the stuff Europeans are now drinking.
The solar atmosphere, called the corona, is a violent and chaotic region of the sun that can spew out huge explosions of particles and plasma, generating "space weather" that can disrupt our communications down here on Earth.
Armed with a heaping load of white privilege, Cutshaw offered the cops a list of qualities about herself that one might spew out during a date or an entry-level job interview as reasons she shouldn't be arrested.
Other materials in the exposed data include numerous references to botnets — automated computer networks used to launch distributed denial of service (or DDoS) attacks, spew out spam or steal data — email addresses, usernames and passwords from dark web sites.
As with the wider ongoing recall, the new fault can cause airbag inflators to explode, under-inflate or spew out shrapnel at passengers, raising the risk of serious injury or death, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Similarly, Puss acts as an amalgam of the darkest vices of men; it's unsurprising to hear him spew out anti-feminist rhetoric and physically harm women while branding himself a pariah shunned for wanting to help them gain their independence.
It wasn't totally clear, however, if Hayabusa2 was in the immediate vicinity of the asteroid when the tantalum bullet struck the asteroid, and/or if the impact caused enough debris to spew out from Ryugu in the vicinity of the probe.
His project, titled "Memorial Rebirth", uses a three-meter (10-foot) tall, six-tiered machine with 50 bubble-producing units to spew out 10,000 bubbles every minute, using up about 35 liters of bubble mix every 15 or 20 minutes.
If you want, say, a forecast for global temperature in 2100, the uncertainty about how much pollution we will spew out is at least twice as large as any uncertainty about the physical response of the climate to those emissions.
The one point of differentiation I'd note is that while there was an enormous amount of uncertainty and tension after the 2001 attacks, the pace of related stories didn't seem to spew out as fast and furiously as it has here.
But Stephen Conley, the scientific aviation specialist who has been conducing flyovers of Porter Ranch to monitor air quality since November, said that in the days after the well was plugged, a small amount of methane continued to spew out of the ground.
Twitter Counter also was the target of a hack attack in mid-November that led some Twitter accounts linked to the company's app to spew out spam tweets, including those of soccer star Lionel Messi and gaming sites Sony Playstation and Microsoft Xbox.
DE) admission that some of its diesel vehicles were fitted with software designed to hide their true level of emissions has highlighted that most cars spew out far higher levels of health-threatening nitrogen oxide (NOx) in everyday driving conditions than in laboratory tests.
DE admission that some of its diesel vehicles were fitted with software designed to hide their true level of emissions has highlighted that most cars spew out far higher levels of health-threatening nitrogen oxide (NOx) in everyday driving conditions than in laboratory tests.
Similarly solid beginner characters include Reinhardt, whose near-invulnerable shield and huge health bar make surviving a fight easier; Bastion, who can turn into a turret and spew out a withering hail of bullets; and Lucio, who heals teammates simply by being near them.
High Cost (formerly known as Septic Rot) spew out punk- and powerviolence-flecked grindcore that's as gritty and unforgiving as the Brooklyn gutter they crawled out of, and this self-titled demo (out this week on Tridoid Records) marks their first recorded foray under the new moniker.
Volkswagen's admission that some of its diesel vehicles were fitted with software designed to hide the true level of emissions they produced has highlighted that most cars spew out far greater amounts of health-threatening nitrogen oxide (NOx) in everyday driving conditions than in laboratory tests.
EU officials have become increasingly frustrated with what they see as governments colluding with the powerful car industry and the legal move is the biggest stick the European Commission has available to force nations to clamp down on diesel cars that spew out polluting nitrogen oxide (NOx).
While the basic beat remains, other related notes spew out at random for the rest of the song, sometimes treated with weird harmonic effects and sometimes just reiterating the beat using different, harder, softer, crunchier, more electric percussive textures, getting particularly wild when the keyboard hook drops out for a few bars right at the end.
The key difference was that a great comedian could find a way to twist ironic racism so that the punchline was aimed at the ironic racist — an approach that had its pitfalls but was miles more nuanced than the slew of genuinely anti-Semitic images and other horrible "jokes" that spew out of various alt-right depositories.
First, there's Alex Jones: And then someone gave Pikachu Ron Swanson's voice: There's also True Detective Pikachu, which is really something: But as hilarious as it may be to hear Alex Jones's batshit rants spew out of the mouth of a freakishly realistic Pokémon, the greatest fan edit is, hands down, the one that gives Pikachu the voice he should've had from day one: Danny DeVito's.
Almost any other failing would have been met with indulgence, for I was there in my capacity as an author, therefore an artist, therefore someone who might cut off his own ear, someone who might spew out obscenities, someone who might be drunk, maybe even shoot up some hero­in in his bathroom; if substance abuse is foolish and infantile, it is also formidable, at least in the case of the artist, whose spirit rebels against conformity.
In fact, it was only the beginning of a painful, almost daily ritual where Spicer would have to stand in front of the world's media and either defend the indefensible lies that would spew out of Trump's mouth that day — or roll off his twitter-happy fingers, more likely — or Spicer would invent untruths of his own in order to make his boss look good or to cover up for the myriad of inaccuracies in which the Donald Trump traffics on a daily basis.
Located in each level are dispensers which randomly spew out Nibbley Pibbleys; however, they also spew out bombs which can damage the snakes.Instruction Manual, p. 5. (PDF) When a snake reaches a long enough length, the tail begins to flash, which means the snake is heavy enough to exit that level. At that point, they must find and jump on the scale to ring the bell and open the exit door.
For a "sugar snake", sodium bicarbonate and sugar are the commonly used chemicals. Once lit, both fireworks emit smoke and spew out ash resembling a snake via an intumescent reaction. They remain on the ground and emit no sparks, flares, projectiles, or sound.
Spirits of ancient warriors spew out when Kenshi gets the sword, blinding him. Song reveals himself to be Shang Tsung and leaves Kenshi to die. But Sento called to Kenshi and leads him to a warrior that have been buried and happens to be his ancestors. Kenshi vows to defeat Shang Tsung and free the souls of his ancestors.
The right wing skimmed across a house. The plane tilted to the left and hit the ground at . Eyewitnesses state that flames began to spew out of the plane's tail after it struck the tree. One witness states he saw an emergency door open and could see passengers crowded at the door, but none jumped before the airplane struck the ground.
Their sophomore release was written by Crum and Donahue. It was again recorded and mixed in the band's home studio in Athens. It was selected as one of the top ten overlooked albums of that year by Magnet Magazine, which noted the band's ability to "spew out a fuzz-laced garage assault" and complimented their "knack for fusing melancholy with feats of ballroom levitation".
As the two spend time together, she falls in love with him. A mortuary assistant discovers that Rukhsana's mother has the cult's mark on her skin and informs Professor Ali, who has been searching for Rukhsana for years. One night, Rukhsana gets sick. Though Arnab mistakes it for her period, the truth is that every month, her body needs to spew out the poison it produces due to her demon blood.
Hohoba residents - These small, blue aliens are known for possessing the ability to reproduce by laying eggs orally. The little aliens follow the leadership of a certain being and then spew out eggs orally which hatch to resemble their leader. They were driven into extinction by Kaput and Zösky when they took the planet over. These aliens bear a strong resemblance to the Aleena in the Star Wars franchise.
He drops the love potion into the wishing well, which causes massive amounts of purple smoke to spew out of the well and spread around them. When Belle asks what is happening, Gold tells her that he is bringing the magic that they had once lost back to their world. When asked why, he tells her that magic is power. The purple smoke spreads quickly and engulfs everything (and everyone) in town.
The pulsar PSR 1257+12 may have carbon planets that formed from the disruption of a carbon-producing star. Carbon planets might also be located near the Galactic Center or globular clusters orbiting the galaxy, where stars have a higher carbon-to-oxygen ratio than the Sun. When old stars die, they spew out large quantities of carbon. As time passes and more and more generations of stars end, the concentration of carbon, and carbon planets, will increase.
Hopwood had been working on a design for a 700 cc inline four-cylinder engine that could produce 50 bhp, but Turner's return to Triumph put an end to that plan. Turner was Managing Director once again by 1944. The Speed Twin, Tiger 100 and 350 cc 3T models emerged in 1945. They now had telescopic forks, originally designed by Turner, but modified by Freddie Clarke after it was found that fork oil would spew out on bottoming.
She has a tendency to speak before thinking, causing her to often spew out more meaningless words than the main character can chew. She often makes obscure references based on the situation at hand and doesn't seem to be the brightest of the bunch. Yet, she shows talent in music and always seems to keep her head held high. Her story is extremely unique compared to the others but must be unlocked by completing another story first.
This is still somehow acceptable to > me — but once you get into digital video, and the tape-object is merely a > carrier for various file formats, for language that humans will never be > able to comprehend (though they may have invented it), it seems somehow > heretical that we should think that the image and sound which spew out the > other end of this tape/computer actually embody a connection to reality. > Bearing a resemblance and embodying a connection are two different things.
It proceeded to spew out dozens more Ogdru Hem by the hour, overwhelming Liz and Johann's attempts to stymie the tide. The US military tries to fire every available nuclear warhead at it, but without any effect. It eventually passes by B.P.R.D. headquarters and destroys it with a fireball that kills Katherine Corrigan and Panya. Afterwards it was confronted by several Watchers from Hell, who have been summoned by the demon Varvara; however, despite their efforts, the Ogdru Jahad incinerated them.
Fordism is "the eponymous manufacturing system designed to spew out standardized, low-cost goods and afford its workers decent enough wages to buy them."De Grazia 2005. p. 4. It has also been described as "a model of economic expansion and technological progress based on mass production: the manufacture of standardized products in huge volumes using special purpose machinery and unskilled labor." Although Fordism was a method used to improve productivity in the automotive industry, the principle could be applied to any kind of manufacturing process.
As a precaution, Roark tries to halt the subway lines that run parallel, but Los Angeles MTA Chairman Stan Olber opposes, feeling that there is no threat to the trains. Against regulations, Roark and his coworker Gator Harris venture down the storm sewer in the park to investigate. They barely escape when hot gases suddenly spew out of a crack in the concrete lining and flood the tunnel. C.I.G.S. geologist Dr. Amy Barnes believes that a volcano may be forming beneath the city with magma flowing underground.
There is some debate on where the word gueuze originated. One theory is that it originated from Geysa (geyser), Old Norse for gush, as, during times of vigorous fermentation, Gueuze will spew out of the bunghole of its enclosing oak barrel. The most likely theory says that the name stems from the 'Geuzenstraat' (Geuzen Street) in Brussels where a lambic brewery was established. The story is that when the French under Napoleon occupied Belgium and thus Brussels, a lot of Champagne was drunk in Brussels.
Venom begins a campaign of torment against Peter, who is still unaware of his existence. He first pushes Peter in front of a moving subway without activating his spider-sense, and later terrorizes Spider-Man's wife Mary Jane. Venom baits Spider-Man to his apartment for their first confrontation, where Venom reveals his true identity to Spider-Man, claiming "You may call me Venom, for that's what I'm paid to spew out these days!" Spider-Man discovers that the Symbiote has completely bonded with Brock and cannot be killed without also killing Brock.
A videotape is an object which bears an > analogically encoded imprint of reality. This is still somehow acceptable to > me — but once you get into digital video, and the tape-object is merely a > carrier for various file formats, for language that humans will never be > able to comprehend (though they may have invented it), it seems somehow > heretical that we should think that the image and sound which spew out the > other end of this tape/computer actually embody a connection to reality. > Bearing a resemblance and embodying a connection are two different things.
Lava can spew out at a vertical direction towards the player and kill him; it does not reset itself even after the players loses a life (but it does reset itself after a game over) Passwords are activated by pressing a certain button combination on the password screen. Several passwords results in cheat codes that does certain things; such as deactivating the lava in all levels of the game.Advanced information at FC no Game Seiha Shimasho Certain type of blocks are worth different points once they are dug up; ranging from common dirt to destructible blocks.Basic gameplay information at GeoCities.
The Starrs meanwhile tried to lower expectations by telling people that their ship was not yet ready for racing. When North Pacific cast off lines, Olympia did likewise, and followed North Pacific out of Victoria harbor. As North Pacific made a south- easterly course for Point Wilson, of open water away from Victoria, Olympia's firemen poured on the coals, causing clouds of black smoke to spew out of the ship's smokestack. Olympia, the heavier, oak-built vessel, was favored over the long open stretch, whereas North Pacific was thought to be able to better in the narrower waters near Point Wilson.
However, if this phase is viewed as quarks instead, it becomes apparent that the matter has transformed into quark matter, which can be further heated. The Hagedorn temperature, TH, is about or about , the same as the mass–energy of the lightest hadrons, the pion. Matter at Hagedorn temperature or above will spew out fireballs of new particles, which can again produce new fireballs, and the ejected particles can then be detected by particle detectors. This quark matter has been detected in heavy-ion collisions at SPS and LHC in CERN (France and Switzerland) and at RHIC in Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA).
Unfortunately, the seniors have gotten ideas from what Carl did, and every time George and A.J. come to a house to take a person away, the senior living there escapes with their house somehow. Finally, they arrive back at the Shady Oaks Retirement Village, only to find an old man outside the door who yells "So long, suckers!" and hits his cane against one of many canisters attached to the outside of the building; the other canisters soon follow and spew out a powerful gas. After the man goes inside, the entire building launches into the sky. Still dumbstruck, George and A.J. stare up.
The ancient chronicle Nihongi contains references to mizuchi. Under the 67th year of the reign of Emperor Nintoku (conventionally dated 379 AD), it is mentioned that in central Kibi Province, at a fork on Kawashima River (川嶋河, old name of Takahashi River in Okayama Prefecture), a great water serpent or dragon (大虬) dwelt and would breathe or spew out its venom, poisoning and killing many passersby. This mizuchi was exterminated by a man named , ancestor of the clan. He approached the pool of the river, cast three calabashes which floated to the surface of the water and challenged the beast to make these gourds sink, threatening to slay it should it fail.
Among the "lush" harmonies and "tasteful" arrangements, the unique, non-permissive lyrical content was also a significant highlight in his review, praising its "slice-of-life realism and scope." A more mixed review called the album "one of those weird pop albums that England seems to spew out yearly" and "sort of 10cc for nostalgists". In North America, the group was signed by Columbia Records after just five weeks of rehearsal, and the album was released in the continent with cover art designed by Janet Perr. English Garden was promoted in the United States with a tour just before its release in the country, and songs from the album also garnered radio play in the States.
By disrupting the electrical fields of machinery, Phantazia could short them out completely, or control them to some degree; opening computer- locked doors, jamming weapon and targeting systems, etc. Phantazia was able to disrupt the bioelectric energy fields and nervous systems of other living beings as well, resulting in pain, paralysis, loss of physical coordination, and in the case of superhumans, the inability to control their powers, causing them to fluctuate in strength, cease functioning altogether, or spew out uncontrollably. She has, for example, disrupted the blast field of Cannonball, making him vulnerable, and also caused the superhero Sleepwalker to temporarily lose control of his reality-warping ability. Phantazia could also generate a masking effect, rendering herself and others near her undetectable to human senses and electronic surveillance.
Electone finds him and reminisces about how she has helped raise him and lived by his side as his assistant and lover; he notes with surprise that he has lived his whole life as the Warrior Ramunes and wonders how this could not be the truth as he dies from the Dark Knight's attack. Electone reactivates the Dark Knight, causing it to spew out energy over the planet's surface, but is killed when Cacao and Parfait attack and enter it with the help of Ramune's former followers, who have recognized that they have been misled. Parfait and Cacao enter the Dark Knight's control room, but are unable to stop the destruction that it is unleashing. Lemon enters, and the Dark Knight acknowledges her as the true Warrior Ramunes.
No6 Mill was a three-high rolling mill with several stands (Sets of Rolls) producing bar down to thick wire sizes from red hot billets taken from the reheat furnaces. The small diameter rod and bar produced in this mill snaked all over the cast iron floor plates. The operators used tongs to catch hold of the end of the red hot bar as it left the rolls, passed the bar around their body allowing it to loop out onto the floor and then entered the bar into the next pass position. In one hot summer the floor plates expanded, the expansion could not go anywhere and two plates buckled upwards like flagstones directing the hot metal into the air – within milliseconds there was no one on the mill floor as the metal reared up towards the roof and collapsed in a writhing heap as the mill rollers continued to spew out the rest of the bar.

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