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"soft on" Definitions
  1. attracted to (someone)

968 Sentences With "soft on"

How to use soft on in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "soft on" and check conjugation/comparative form for "soft on". Mastering all the usages of "soft on" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We've always had politicians who were worried about being soft on crime or soft on drugs, but now they're worried about being soft on compassion and soft on providing medicine to these families who need it.
Because I think I concern that the words are soft on Putin, but they&aposre not soft on anybody else.
During the Cold War, they claimed that Democrats were soft on Communism; after 9/11, that they were soft on terrorism.
Just as no one could claim that Nixon was soft on communism, no one can seriously charge Trump, so far, with being soft on trade.
He was convinced, even as president, that being soft on immigration was a no-go for Democrats — just like being soft on crime or welfare.
Rather than being accused of being "soft on crime," critics now charge that DeVos and others are "soft on sexual abuse" by wanting basic due process rules.
That is being smart on crime, not soft on crime.
While I think Savage was a bit soft on the
If Clinton vetoed, he'd be painted as soft on welfare.
The party risks being seen as soft on illegal immigration.
That is not best done by being soft on Greece.
I mean, the Democrats have been so soft on Russia.
That didn't mean she was soft on the industry, however.
Critics say their potential replacements might be soft on crime.
In my view, we are too soft on Mr. Mueller.
Critics charge that rehabilitation is "soft" on crime and expensive.
In other words, I am not going soft on Trump.
His successor, Donald Trump, blasted Obama as soft on Iran.
You used to get criticism for going soft on Uber.
"Parents, they are too soft on their kids," he told Morgan.
ZB: Wait, pause for second — Britain will be soft on Russia?
Mr Obama was far too soft on China, Trump people say.
Many also feel the United States has gone soft on Iran.
Nobody's -- nobody's saying we need to be going soft on criminals.
It has been seen by many as too soft on banks.
Admirably, this timeline isn't soft on who did what to whom.
Arum thinks the other Republican candidates are going soft on Trump.
Many of those allies see McCaul as soft on border issues.
He accused them of wearing blackface and being soft on pedophilia.
The plush white carpeting was incredibly soft on my bare feet.
Conservatives have attacked the Florida senator as too soft on deportations.
Insinuations that she was soft on extremism were unfair, she said.
But I'm not being soft on China, I'm keeping tariffs up.
It's also indisputable that Trump has appointed people soft on Russia.
He accuses Kander, 35, of being soft on gun ownership rights.
The president blasted Democrats in congress for being soft on MS-13.
On foreign policy she slams him for being soft on Vladimir Putin.
And it has certainly not made Mrs Pelosi soft on Mr Trump.
They will not respond with respect if you go soft on them.
The bread is flaky on the outside, super soft on the inside.
But now Justice Kennedy is -- he was playing pretty soft on this.
" The official said: "The idea he's being soft on Russia is crap.
Most negative advertisements in judicial elections attack candidates as soft on crime.
The ruble dives after Trump tweets 'Was Obama too soft on Russia?
The potatoes were crispy on the outside, but soft on the inside.
The best luxury beach blanket: Faherty brand blankets ($128.00) Faherty's brushed cotton beach blankets are not only soft on the eyes with southwestern desert palettes, they're soft on your body, and I should know: I've been living in mine.
Indeed, Republicans in Congress worried that she would be too soft on inflation.
She also took a shot at Cruz, arguing that he's soft on trade.
If he's perceived as going soft on Trump, it will hurt him greatly.
Do you feel like you have gone soft on the issue over time?
And social networks can't go soft on harassment for fear of losing users.
Strikingly, many Democrats now accuse Mr Trump of being too soft on China.
I do not write this as a conservative going soft on the President.
Is this president and his administration, are they too soft on terror cases?
For most of the 25-'16 season, networks were fairly soft on cancellations.
Clinton's speaking fees had influenced her to be soft on Wall Street regulation.
SCHMIDT: Do you think we've been too soft on China on North Korea?
It seems that Democrats are accusing me of being too soft on turkey.
"I read in books that people think he's soft on China," he added.
Trump's critics have accused him of going soft on Russian President Vladimir Putin.
It seems the Democrats are accusing me of being too soft on Turkey.
But those arguments proved difficult to make without appearing soft on sex trafficking.
Some Republicans are using the issue to paint Democrats as soft on crime.
The hash brown was good: crispy on the outside, and soft on the inside.
He has attacked Mr Moon for being soft on the North, including over Kaesong.
However, critics say the program is too soft on students who should be arrested.
When I say they were soft on the inside, I mean they knew pain.
There's no "soft on crime" furlough program in this round of Willie Horton tactics.
Jimmy also brushed off critics who blasted him for going too soft on Donald.
Democrats have consistently said that the plan is far too soft on drug companies.
Barack Obama Trump has frequently lambasted his immediate predecessor for being soft on Russia.
Gingrich is just parroting the talking points of the soft-on-crime criminal advocates.
If we went soft on those issues we would prevail time and time again.
The party is pro-Western but opponents say it is too soft on Moscow.
I'm not going to be soft on crime, but I'm going to be pragmatic.
The politics of looking anti-police or soft on crime were just too perilous.
In part, this group believes past presidents were too soft on China's Communist Party.
Shia hard-liners, backed by Iran, are blasting Abadi as soft on the Sunnis.
Many Colombians opposed the peace deal, saying it was too soft on the rebels.
"I think he's absolutely soft on crime myself," Mr. Tuell said of the governor.
" Ms. Harris liked to say there was nothing progressive about being "soft on crime.
"I was probably too soft on Brexit last night," Guðni said, revisiting the debate.
Many Colombians were furious at the agreement, calling it too soft on the FARC.
Wallace had denounced Folsom as "soft on the nigger question"; Folsom trimmed, but lost anyway.
Dalton Trumbo was too soft on dictators like Stalin and Hitler, or so said CNSnews.
If it is soft on Italy, it risks being seen by member states as weak.
And I have been warning, you&aposve been warning, do not go soft on China.
"Why It's A Hidden Gem: "It's tarp on one side and soft on the other.
But athletes and anti-doping bodies have accused the IOC of going soft on Russia.
Democrats, and some hawkish Republicans, worry the pick signals Trump will be soft on Moscow.
As a rule, the police are soft on the tough, and tough on the soft.
However, Democrats argue that Trump has been soft on Russia while Republicans believe the opposite.
He also complained that Francis had gone soft on homosexuality and was too socially liberal.
Mike Pence, Trump's running mate, has been suspiciously soft on the crucial issue of winning.
"No matter what we do, it's like, 'You guys are soft on Russia,'" he said.
His primary opponent used the bill to portray him as soft on crime, he said.
Remember when Republicans stood for national defense and attacked liberals for being "soft on communism"?
Biden accused Harris of misrepresenting his position as too soft on insurance companies, scoring applause.
"Don't be soft on him because he is young," a prosecutor urged during Irons's trial.
Rates should stay soft on the weak economic outlook and likely continued monetary policy support.
Yeah I think Chris is concerned that we&aposre going to go soft on the region.
She accused Flake of being too soft on immigration and not supportive enough of Trump's agenda.
They were worried about him being soft on Russia, which is very ironic, throughout all this.
Parenting "philosophy" in a sentence: Stay tough on the outside but be soft on the inside.
They think he is wrong on immigration, too soft on Russia, too dangerously hawkish on China.
Sr.'s attempt to cast Bill Clinton and his running mate Al Gore as soft on
Mandelblit's critics claim he's going soft on Netanyahu and dragging his feet on the corruption cases.
Hitherto the Tories have been soft on Labour's leader because they regard him as an asset.
Cruz has clashed with Wallace on air and accused him of being too soft on Trump.
In fact, Ciudadanos' leader, Albert Rivera, has already accused Rajoy of being too soft on secessionists.
Such comparisons have made some Americans wonder whether they are being too soft on their kids.
Go soft on PiS's leader, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, and Europe's next would-be autocrat will be emboldened.
The gnocchi's texture is al dente, firm on the inside and pillowy soft on the outside.
"Hard on the people and soft on rulers," sums up one ex-Wahhabi in Saudi Arabia.
It's time to move past the campaign-style rhetoric of being 'tough' or 'soft' on crime.
Trump seemed to mistake the mayor's words as a sign that he was soft on terrorism.
There is little sign the United States, during the Trump presidency, is going soft on Russia.
Barr singled out prosecutors, whom he criticized for being "social-justice reformers" and soft on crime.
Coulter on a dime turned fiercely anti-Trump and started lambasting him as soft on immigration.
In an ideal world, the United States would not be systematically soft on white-collar crime.
They're a tried-and-true way to paint a political opponent as being soft on crime.
It was hard on the outside, soft on the inside, not excessively sweet but shamefully rich.
The Bengals are soft on the run and Conner is more than capable of taking advantage.
May's approach to Brexit and repeated his accusations that Mr. Khan had been soft on terrorism.
He didn't understand why I was so soft on migrants, in my writing and on television.
The president the next day blasted his top intelligence advisers, complaining they were soft on Iran.
The Justice Department doubled down after Mr. de Blasio's comments, repeating its "soft on crime" description.
But Republicans are hoping to portray him as soft on outsourcing by highlighting his family's company.
Even so, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. was blamed for being soft on corporate crime.
Mr. Shokin was ousted after critics, among them Mr. Biden, said he was soft on corruption.
Democrats plan to use the issue to argue that Mr. Trump has been soft on Russia.
Some of that, of course, is probably people who think the media is too soft on Trump.
But whether due to travel- or weather-related reasons, nationwide ticket sales were unexpectedly soft on Saturday.
Conservative politicians have been scathing of President Francois Hollande's security record, branding him soft on suspected militants.
When Ronald Reagan ran for the Republican nomination in 1976, he denounced Kissingerism as soft on communism.
If you prefer fetal position, you could be tough on the outside but soft on the inside.
Mr Trump is heading into an election year and does not want to appear soft on China.
When it suited him, he went soft on the jihadists and Salafists who increasingly infested the north.
It crisps up nicely on frying (or baking, but usually frying) while remaining soft on the interior.
Instead, he'll use the interview to protect himself from the charge that he's too soft on Russia.
If a Democrat had made the same trip, he would have been criticized as soft on communism.
When Democrats defended immigrants as people, not animals, Trump attacked them for being soft on MS-13.
The risk is that Democratic partisans will see him as too soft on Trump and the Republicans.
His Democrat opponent, Doug Jones, was pro-abortion, soft on crime and wanted to keep Obamacare intact.
They were perfectly fried: light and crispy on the outside, and light and soft on the inside.
Supporters of Mr. Trump accused him of aggressively challenging the Republican candidate while going soft on Mrs.
Were liberals too soft on President Clinton back then, and how has that shaped the culture since?
"I never want to take advantage of them or be too soft on them," he told me.
It is neither a matter of "going soft" on Russia, nor is it Cold War-style containment.
Cantor was a hard-line conservative, but mild-mannered in affect, and perceived as soft on immigration.
Mr. Mnuchin also pushed back against suggestions from critics that the administration had been soft on Russia.
Nor does the city embrace a "'soft on crime' stance," as his Justice Department said in April.
Mortensen has also criticized several Republican lawmakers for being, in his opinion, too soft on immigration. Sen.
Some right-wing Spanish politicians warned the Socialist government against going soft on Mexico's left-wing president.
The tame skit has some saying Fallon was being soft on Trump, a critique he's heard before.
They were cautious not to be critical of Francis while not wanting to sound soft on border security.
My parents were both tough on the outside but soft on the inside consistently throughout my entire life.
For his part, Mr. Trump has dismissed Mr. Brown as Governor "Moonbeam" and labeled him soft on crime.
And then going so far as to downplaying recidivism of the Gitmo terrorists and being soft on Jihad.
The former boss of General Electric was so soft on capital allocation the firm has turned to jelly.
Cruz also has slammed his opponents, like Marco Rubio, for being soft on immigration while campaigning in Iowa.
Johnson has attempted to use Feingold's 18-year Senate record to portray him as soft on national security.
"For 20 years they've been as soft on the Russians as you can come," Krauthammer said of Democrats.
Some people actually think we're being too soft on him by allowing him to come inside at night.
He reminds us of a time when people didn't "go all soft" on abusive tirades or sexist behavior.
Mitt Romney -- painted McCain as soft on immigration and GOP primary voters rapidly soured on the Arizona Senator.
Trump had been watching several Fox News personalities, including Ann Coulter, rip Nielsen as soft on the border.
"Now he's gone off you, you're soft on him," she says, citing Daisy's past reaction to Alfred. Mrs.
True, he did get the Republican nomination in 2012 by slamming his opponents as soft on illegal immigrants.
There's evidence, too, that Democrats, wary of being labeled soft on crime in the past, are growing bolder.
Mr. DeSantis cast Mr. Gillum as bad for the economy, soft on crime and keen on higher taxes.
But officials added that the country was still relatively soft on curbing money laundering that benefited terrorism groups.
Regulators worry that firms could be tempted to go soft on audits to get more lucrative consultancy work.
The White House's fear of being perceived as soft on Moscow trumps its willingness to work with Russia.
Here's a full breakdown of 25 occasions when Trump was soft on Russia or gave Putin a boost.
Democratic leaders pounced on Monday in hopes of tying the GOP broadly to Trump as soft on Russia.
During the campaign, the rival parties accused each other of corruption, fostering bigotry and being soft on security.
Ms Mkhwebane also has a record of (ineptly) going after Mr Ramaphosa's allies while being soft on his enemies.
However, Harris has faced criticism herself, while leading the California Justice Department, for being too soft on law enforcement.
Cynthia Nixon called out Andrew Cuomo for New York Democratic Party mailers claiming she was soft on anti-Semitism.
He argued that his Democratic opponent was soft on MS-13, a brutal gang with origins in Central America.
Ms Perel's critics say she is soft on those who cheat, but she acknowledges the grim effects of infidelity.
BRYON YORK, THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER: Can we put aside the notion that the Trump administration is soft on Russia?
Abe, on the other hand, has been consistently focused on ensuring that Trump doesn't go soft on North Korea.
"I told him my concerns continue to be about Medicaid expansion not being soft on its landing," Dent said.
Trump had attacked Northam on Twitter, saying the Democrat would be soft on crime and hurt the state's economy.
Not including Russia in Friday's move could draw the ire of critics who say Trump is soft on Moscow.
Coulter has, in recent months, criticized Trump and his administration for policies she says are too soft on immigration.
It's always gonna be crunchy on the outside and really soft on the inside, which just makes your sandwich.
A portrait of Savarkar, who loathed Gandhi for being too soft on minorities, hangs in the Indian Parliament building.
Palin, speaking as a Trump surrogate at GOP dinner in Wisconsin, blasted establishment politicians for being soft on immigration.
With Trump's frequent, gleeful attacks on the press, anyone seen as going soft on him looks like a chump.
The olive oil was fragrant and tasty, and the bread was soft on the inside with a nice crust...
But there was a public uproar over the change, including accusations that the government was going soft on Ahmadis.
I've had a few scientists and skeptics tell me that you're too soft on religion, too indulgent of unreason.
But such legislation usually dies in the State Senate, where Republicans are often loath to appear soft on crime.
But both of these conclusions rest on the idea that the 1970s were a uniquely "soft on crime" era.
But to do so, allies said, she must avoid the appearance that she is being soft on Mr. Trump.
Democrats remain unconvinced by the administration and have seized on the opportunity to call Mr. Trump soft on China.
Blackened on the outside, compote-like on the inside, they are wonderfully concentrated and silky-soft on the tongue.
Instead, Ronald Reagan attacked him for being soft on the Russians with his policy of — that French word — détente.
Short was adamant that his remarks are not an indication that the president is going soft on the wall.
Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside, every disc tastes like a tiny piece of fried-food heaven.
Should my noodles be soft on arrival, or firm because they'd get to keep cooking in the hot soup?
Indeed, Shokin was widely condemned as soft on corruption and fired in 2016 amid international pressure to remove him.
But in 2004, King broke twice with major administration national-security initiatives he deemed to be too soft on immigration.
And you know, this notion that President Trump has been soft on Putin and Russia is belied by the facts.
If your bread is still soft on turkey day, cut it into cubes and bake at 350° for 15 minutes.
The US State Department criticized the report by Skadden, Arps, saying the firm went soft on Manafort's former boss, Yanukovych.
It was so smooth and soft on my skin, easy to spread, and thankfully easy to rinse off as well.
Some of Macron's opponents have accused the 40-year-old president, a former investment banker, of being soft on security.
Trump has said the Paris accord is soft on leading polluters like China and India, putting U.S. industry at risk.
"The president understands very clearly that the Democrats are waiting for him to be soft on China," says Mr Pillsbury.
Separately, the GAO has expanded an investigation into whether the Federal Reserve has been too soft on Wall Street banks.
Democrats are vulnerable to accusations by Mr Trump that they are soft on defence and woolly on protecting American interests.
Bannon opposed them for essentially ideological reasons: He saw them as being soft on China, on Islam, and on immigration.
Trump has repeatedly complained that Comey was too soft on Clinton, and in fact cheered his late letter to Congress.
He is seen as soft on the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist group that operates in Jordan but is banned elsewhere.
But many Indians applauded Modi's tough stand and he was able to attack the opposition for being soft on security.
"Many politicians in the European Union are soft on Erdogan because they need him in the migrant crisis," it wrote.
Our sources say the fact Soules is famous works against him, because prosecutors don't want to appear soft on celebrities.
He blasted a US ally, South Korea, for being soft on the North, and made threats against the Kim regime.
The implication here is that pro-choice women are at least soft on murder, if they haven't committed it themselves.
More damagingly, it laid bare the IMF staff's contempt for the European Commission, seen as too soft on the Greeks.
The press wasn't going soft on Trump; it was simply reporting, accurately, that he kept saying and doing outlandish things.
But the banks' fear of appearing soft on a hard-partying tycoon will make it difficult for them to settle.
In the state's 2014 U.S. Senate race, Begich attacked his Republican opponent, Dan Sullivan, alleging he was soft on crime.
His remark came as he defended himself against accusations from hardline Brexit supporters who say he is soft on Brussels.
Why it matters: Expect tough questions from Democrats, who have accused Azar of being too soft on the pharmaceutical industry.
Clinton against a more traditional Republican — one who might have accused her of being too soft on Russia, for example.
Someone who is not afraid to tout our economic policy and go soft on our socially out of date policies.
The Vermont lawmaker on Thursday also mocked Clinton's ties with Wall Street, arguing it made her soft on big banks.
Trump has been saying the same thing for days -- that Democrats are soft on the border and need to capitulate.
The president also ripped into Moore's opponent, Democrat Doug Jones, describing the former prosecutor as liberal and soft on crime.
Not only does the 100% Turkish cotton towel dry quickly, but it also feels lightweight and soft on your skin.
It left Israel's government, the most right-wing in the country's history, contending with accusations of being soft on Hamas.
More hawkish than even Netanyahu, Lieberman quit, accusing the prime minister of being too soft on Palestinian militants in Gaza.
In his televised address on Wednesday, he also implicitly criticized six of his predecessors for being too soft on Tehran.
At the time, in the 1980s, appearing soft on crime was a surefire way to be voted out of office.
The president has also attacked Northam over Twitter, accusing him of being soft on crime and criticizing the state's economy.
Ward has defended Trump's family separation policy at the border and has accused McSally of being soft on border security.
"I have been soft on China because the only thing more important to me than trade is war," he said.
They&aposre claiming the bill is "soft on crime" and calling it a "jailbreak" bill that will result in more crime.
Kasich and Trump stand out as the two candidates in the field who are a bit soft on the welfare state.
But if he finds no evidence of wrongdoing, he could be seen as soft on cops, especially the Illinois State Police.
He accused Cruz of proposing a value added tax as part of his tax plan and of being soft on immigration.
Last month two cabinet ministers resigned in protest, because they thought Theresa May, the prime minister, was going soft on Brexit.
They were cool and soft on my body; it felt like slipping into her skin and hugging her, all at once.
"The NYT soft on the criminal Israeli shooters and has no heart for Palestinian victims in Gaza," another Twitter user remarked.
Zschächner was accused earlier this year by a rival left-wing politician of being soft on offenders with far-right sympathies.
The spike in asylum seekers has sparked protests by anti-migrant groups who say Canada is being soft on law-breakers.
She would apply it heavily on the lid and then blend it out so it was soft on the outer corners.
FIRST ANNIVERSARY During a fractious 14 months in government, 5-Star has accused the League of being too soft on Atlantia.
NY mayor: Not 'soft on crime' The Justice Department claimed illegal immigration into the country has increased crime in these cities.
New York City continues to see gang murder after gang murder, the predictable consequence of the city's 'soft on crime' stance.
Second, because it comes on the heels of an Obama administration that was too soft on Wall Street to begin with.
Hollande's Conservative opponents have been stinging in their criticism of the president's security track record, calling him soft on suspected militants.
The plunge continues under the supposedly soft-on-crime Bill de Blasio as much as it did during ironfisted Rudy Giuliani.
Individual members of Congress will surely be lambasted for flip-flopping and being soft on terror, especially in the near-term.
Leaders on both sides of the aisle recognized that justice reform is not soft on crime, but rather smart on crime.
Seeking to blunt GOP accusations that the Democrats were "soft on crime," Biden and other top Democrats jockeyed to outdo them.
The FRC has been criticized for being too soft on auditors and is being replaced by a new, more powerful watchdog.
Soft on the outside, these baby sharks will play different verses from the Baby Shark song when their tummies are pressed.
In countless speeches there, he painted his rivals as soft on illegal immigration from Muslim-majority Bangladesh, which borders West Bengal.
"This issue was marginal and only used as a weapon to say someone else is soft on crime," Mr. Jones said.
A few months ago when Mr. Khan was campaigning, his mantra was that the incumbent Nawaz Sharif was soft on India.
Former Vice President Joe Biden took on Sanders' record on guns and questioned whether he would be soft on authoritarian leaders.
It was Mr. Obama who was too soft on Russia, who let Mr. Putin get away with things, Mr. Yates continued.
VERMONT: Worthy Burger's hand-cut fries are cooked in savory beef tallow, making them perfectly crispy yet soft on the inside.
The Kremlin is aware that Trump critics will be watching for further signs that the American leader is soft on Russia.
There was a lot of criticism out of this that President Trump went way too soft on Vladimir Putin in this conference.
President Trump&aposs critics complained that he should not be meeting with Putin and that he has been consistently soft on Russia.
Warren and other Democratic lawmakers have accused the OCC of being too soft on Wells Fargo, a claim Otting disputed on Wednesday.
ONE thing right-wing populists and left-wing progressives can agree on is that society is too soft on white-collar crime.
Other candidates for governor may choose to avoid Trump, or go soft on Trump, or whatever — but I most certainly will not.
"If we hadn't had that evolution, we'd spend most of our time firefighting the press about being soft on crime," he says.
Republicans denounced him for being soft on Clinton; others questioned his choice to attack a candidate he said had committed no crime.
The music guys really don't like YouTube, which labels and artists think is too soft on policing copyrighted content and sharing revenue.
"I have never met a member of the New York Police Department that is soft on crime," Mayor Bill de Blasio said.
Prison reform has more bipartisan support, while sentencing reform is often seen as being "soft on crime" by hardline conservatives like Sessions.
That is a key demand from Brussels, which wants to avoid being soft on the Swiss with a potentially messy Brexit looming.
Few politicians or political parties with any power are willing to take on the high-risk strategy of "going soft" on drugs.
" On China: Trump said he'd "been soft" on China in terms of trade so far, but "Oil is going into North Korea.
As the Republican nominee, he broke with his party's free trade consensus to slam Obama for going too soft on Chinese imports.
Shokin was widely believed to be soft on corruption, and the United States and other Western countries had called for his removal.
Undoubtedly, the Israelis want to ratchet up the pressure on the Trump administration, perhaps fearing the U.S. is "getting soft" on Iran.
Instead, order a bowl with whatever you want in it, then ask for the taco shells, hard or soft, on the side.
Brennan has been accused of being too close to Saudi Arabia and, as a consequence, of being too soft on radical Islam.
The committee's ranking Republican Patrick McHenry made it clear that his party would not go soft on the country's fourth-largest bank.
"Democrats are accusing me of being too soft on Turkey," Mr. Trump said in pardoning two white fowls named Bread and Butter.
"Perhaps the biggest controversy surrounding the DOJ's demand was sparked by the department's claim that New York City is "soft on crime.
They accuse Republicans of going soft on important witnesses and shutting down the probe in order to shield the president from scrutiny.
The moderates complain their seats will be at risk if the party is defined as "socialist" or too soft on illegal immigration.
Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) as essential to shoring up their support for legislation that they otherwise found too soft on the industry.
For people who heard that and thought Mr. Trump had gone soft on Obamacare, his executive order may come as a shock.
In his first run for Congress he accused his Democratic opponent of being soft on the expansion of slavery in the territories.
Are you worried at all that some people are going to see the compassion you've displayed and think that you're soft on crime?
Navarro denied that the Trump administration would go soft on China over the unrest in Hong Kong in exchange for a trade agreement.
Trump advisers like Gorka have been skeptical of the community outreach approaches that the task force supported — viewing them as soft on terrorism.
The determination is a setback for legislation Republicans hope will expose Democrats as soft on Iran and curry favor with pro-Israel donors.
The Sanders wing of the Democratic Party isn't reassured: Kaine's too soft on Wall Street and too friendly to trade deals, they gripe.
Authorities in Tamil Nadu stand accused both of being too soft on Vedanta before the shooting and of over-reacting in its aftermath.
I remember the anger at the doctor, and then feeling something soft on my hands upon waking up, with absolutely nothing in between.
On Breitbart conference calls Bannon used to call Ryan "the enemy," and attack him as a "globalist" who was too soft on immigration.
Duterte has come under fire from critics who say he has been far too soft on China over contested South China Sea territories.
Christian Cambon, a member of the French Senate, said the situation was unacceptable and suggested that Stoltenberg was being too soft on Turkey.
The Commission is loath to be soft on the Swiss for fear of encouraging hardline Brexiteers demanding a renegotiation of Britain's withdrawal accord.
When Harry Truman was president and allegedly was "soft on communism," FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover secretly worked with congressional committees and Sen.
Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas), referring to comments in The Hill from GOP staffers alleging that committee Democrats had been soft on cybersecurity.
And that followed years of President Lyndon Johnson conducting the war aggressively to avoid charges that his Democratic Party was soft on Communism.
His tough stance on Iran, in turn, has fueled criticism of Rouhani by domestic hardliners who accuse him of being soft on America.
Republicans have wasted no time launching a countereffort to characterize the "Abolish ICE" supporters — and all Democrats by extension — as soft on crime.
After being criticized for going soft on executives, the Justice Department introduced new policies last year that emphasized the prosecution of individual employees.
The implication: The US was way too soft on crime in the 1960s, and the ensuing decades were just a reaction to that.
That portion drew derision from Republicans, who cast the entire bill as soft on crime and chock-full of Democratic social welfare programs.
Mine was the one that gave everyone just a little hope (I realize I am soft on Succession, and this is a problem).
Mr. Clinton pummeled his tormentor, the independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr, and George W. Bush at times suggested opponents were soft on terrorism.
"It's a little irritating when I read that we have been soft on Donald Trump," he said, according to three of the people.
When the Justice Department accused New York City of being "soft on crime" last week, Mayor Bill de Blasio called it an insult.
Johnson is promising a tougher stance on the release of prisoners and has accused Labour's leader Jeremy Corbyn of being soft on terrorism.
These are inconvenient facts for Mr. Modi, who has continually attacked India's opposition parties for being soft on terror and compromising national security.
Poland is among the EU countries that want to go soft on Britain and Morawiecki made clear his preference for the second option.
The ad succeeded in painting Mr. Dukakis as soft on crime — never mind that at that time, furlough programs were common across the country.
The IMF has long been accused of going soft on Pakistan, mindful of its nuclear weapons, boisterous jihadis and proximity to war-torn Afghanistan.
It will be his first visit since he declared that a wave of militant attacks showed France was soft on immigration and fighting jihadists.
The Democratic race was charged with claims by a group supporting Sisolak that Giunchigliani was soft on sexual predators while she was an assemblywoman.
Some interpreted a 2011 dissent of his as expressing a belief that Obamacare's individual mandate is constitutional; others called him soft on religious liberty.
"German politicians always thought they were helping the car industry by being soft on regulations and keeping their eyes shut", Dudenhöffer told The Verge.
Before Trump arrived on the scene, the overwhelming consensus in Republican Party politics was that the Obama administration had been too soft on Russia.
" The New York Police Department snapped back at the Justice Department Friday after the agency accused the police force of being "soft on crime.
He has slammed the Democratic candidate, former U.S. Attorney Doug Jones, as soft on crime and a potential puppet for Democratic leaders in Congress.
But the idea of honouring individuals who take it upon themselves to liquidate blasphemers, or those who are soft on blasphemy, is nothing new.
Go too hard on Trump and risk turning off independents and moderate Republicans; go too soft on Trump and risk losing the liberal base.
Initial supporters of the watered-down measure turned against the industry, worried that being seen as too soft on Wall Street would alienate voters.
Luxuriously soft on the inside, and silky smooth on the outside, lightweight yet nicely warm, perfect for layering, they've got everything going for them!
Toader's nominee to replace Kovesi at the head of anti-corruption unit DNA has raised concerns she might be soft on high-level crime.
During his speech Monday, Barr singled out local prosecutors for being soft on crime and accused them of making police officers' jobs more difficult.
Nowhere is this better illustrated than in Philadelphia where District Attorney Larry Krasner has worked diligently to craft a soft-on-crime prosecutorial agenda.
Mantashe also said on Sunday there was a need to deal with perceptions that the ANC was soft on corruption, arrogant and self-serving.
"New York City continues to see gang murder after gang murder, the predictable consequence of the city's 'soft on crime' stance," the statement said.
Miller made 20063 saves in a 22006-255 loss to the Ducks Thursday night and looked soft on at least one of the goals.
But Ward has turned up the heat on McSally, accusing her of not backing the president in 85033 and being soft on border security.
But that consensus quickly evaporated, as Mr. Trump was criticized for being soft on China and the White House ramped up its tariff threats.
Conway, and fellow challengers Donna More and Bob Fioretti, also charge that Foxx is soft on corruption and part of the local political machine.
But taxpayers were unwilling to foot the bill, and legislators believed they would be voted out of office if they appeared soft on crime.
Meanwhile, a Willie Horton-esque attack ad in heavy rotation on local television has stoked racial animosity and paints Lamb as soft on crime.
Conservatives attacked the President as soft on crime, a closeted socialist whose war on poverty only emboldened black militants, while encouraging riots and mayhem.
Easily inheriting the 1988 nomination, he promised a "kinder, gentler" America, pledged not to raise taxes and portrayed his rival as soft on crime.
In general, candidates are "very scared of that law," fearing that if they come out against it, they'll look soft on trafficking, Spellman said.
In January, US President Donald Trump openly criticized Pakistan for being soft on terrorism, and froze $1.3 billion in military aid to the country.
The Commission is loath to be soft on the Swiss for fear of giving ammunition to Brexiteers demanding a renegotiation of Britain's withdrawal accord.
Trump has suggested cooperation with Russia in Syria, but has blasted Obama for being soft on Iran, Russia's ally in supporting the Assad regime.
But its rule will be closely watched by Romania's European Union partners because the PSD is considered to be soft on corruption and budgetary prudence.
It's become the prime example of a new argument from the progressive antitrust movement: that current American legal practice is too soft on giant companies.
A spokesperson for the EEAS disputed the assertion that Mogherini was soft on Russia, adding that she has no link to the EL-CSID conference.
Lindner has repeatedly criticized Schaeuble, a fiscal hawk, as being too soft on Greece and putting loyalty to Merkel ahead of his own political convictions.
He is under pressure from other parties in Dublin not to be too soft on Britain—and he may face an election within 12 months.
The about-face from Northam occurred after Gillespie's efforts to link the lieutenant governor to sanctuary cities to portray him as being soft on crime.
Modi campaigned on a platform of muscular nationalism and painted his rivals as soft on Pakistan and pursuing a policy of appeasing India's minority Muslims.
The chicharrón is soft on the tongue, complementing the slightly crunchy tortilla casing, while the salsas are every bit as fiery as you would expect.
Republicans accused Comey of going soft on Clinton, while Democrats blasted him for later resurrecting the issue with just days left in the 2016 election.
"I told him that this is a package of really smart criminal justice reform that doesn't make anyone look soft on crime," Mr. Koufos said.
Any Thai may report an instance of lèse-majesté, and the authorities invariably act, scared that going soft on suspects might itself be a crime.
And not just any bread but focaccia, the traditional oil-laden Italian loaf—soft on one side and textured with small indentations on the other.
These smart on crime, soft on taxpayer reforms cost less than $250 million to implement but wound up saving more than $3 billion, so far.
It is foolish for those who defended what the Bush administration called "enhanced interrogations" to characterize opposition or criticism as "soft on terrorism," or treasonous.
On the other hand, Cuellar argued, moderates and red state Democrats did not want to seem soft on immigration, which could hurt their reelection chances.
He hardened his position only after coming under fire from conservative commentators who feared he was going soft on one of his signature campaign promises.
Democrats attacked the proposal as being too soft on drug companies, as it leaves out more sweeping items like having Medicare negotiate drug prices directly.
Republican concerns that Trump is too soft on Social Security, or insufficiently committed to neoconservative dogma on foreign affairs, have gotten a lot of airtime.
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, hardly known for being soft on crime—doesn't have the same provision blocking Dreamers with juvenile records, they point out.
Instead, an official said, Mr. Tillerson made the White House look like it was soft on Mr. Putin, which he insisted was not the intention.
By 21.6, Mr. Miller had soured on Mr. Kerry, citing several votes in the Senate as evidence that he had gone soft on defense issues.
The sentencing changes have previously proved an impossible sell to conservative Republicans who believe the reductions in mandatory minimums make them look soft on crime.
Two days after Bannon left the Trump administration, Breitbart News attacked McMaster in an article, saying he is soft on terrorism and radical Islamic extremism.
President Donald Trump once again stands accused of being soft on Russia after he bypassed a deadline to hand down new sanctions on the country.
Corbyn, of course, denies any suggestion that he has been soft on anti-Semitism and consistently reminds people that he opposes all forms of racism.
"It's a bizarre dynamic that these so-called hawks label anybody, other than [senior policy adviser] Stephen Miller, as soft on immigration," this person said.
August's jobs report — while soft on the headline number — showed that more people out of the labor force were continuing to come off the sidelines.
Her campaign came under fire in July for controversial ads that misleadingly claimed Brown was "dangerous" for eastern Washington children and soft on sex offenders.
He was often characterized as steering a "third way" between communism and capitalism, but he drew criticism for being anti-business and too soft on Moscow.
She has attacked the Roberts Court for overly constraining Congress's power, and thinks the Court is too soft on both the death penalty and prison conditions.
World-renowned Venezuelan conductor Gustavo Dudamel, who leads the Los Angeles Philharmonic, was attacked by critics who said he was going too soft on the government.
Adam Kinzinger, an Illinois Republican and House Foreign Affairs Committee member, said last week that he will "raise holy hell" if Trump goes soft on Putin.
It was slow to help public-sector banks write off their bad loans, in part because it did not want to appear soft on crony capitalists.
The hot dog gets the highest rating from Dan, who is thoroughly excited about the crispy bread that manages to still be soft on the inside.
Those three groups would readily band together to oust Sánchez, who is seen by the right-wing opposition as too soft on the Catalan secessionist movement.
Images of Trump looking chummy with a man the international community has been trying to isolate could reinforce the idea that Trump is soft on Moscow.
U.S. President Donald Trump has frequently criticized the agreement as being too soft on Tehran, which remains subject to a U.N. arms embargo and other restrictions.
" The decline in major crimes comes months after the Department of Justice, led by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, criticized New York City as "soft on crime.
Last year Labour extended that suspension, but party leader Jeremy Corbyn has faced accusations that he has been too soft on anti-Semitism in the party.
There's a lot of connections to some of the brass, if you will, in China ... I read in books that people think he's soft on China.
But Flynn's foreign policy views — soft on Russia, extraordinarily harsh on Islam, hawkish without being neoconservative — are exactly the ones Trump articulated on the campaign trail.
This is further complicated by liberal fears of being labeled soft on defense and national security, which Drezner calls a "30-year issue" for the party.
The Republicans would also be shielding themselves from current and future criticism that they've been too soft on Russia despite its meddling in the 2016 election.
In 2011, the Department of Justice relaxed the requirement for registering juveniles, but legislators still fear that they'll be accused of being "soft" on sex crimes.
Republicans are also accusing Democrats, without evidence, of going soft on MS-493, a Latin American gang that Mr. Trump regularly depicts as a national menace.
In an ad accusing Brown of being soft on terrorism, DeWine's campaign used an altered image of the World Trade Center towers burning on 9/11.
When Ms. Warren jabbed at Mr. Obama for being too soft on Wall Street, she was criticizing him for not living up to his own ideals.
"We will carpet bomb them into oblivion," Cruz said in Iowa in December, while trying to duck charges that he was too soft on national security.
Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), as soft on guns, pointing to his 2005 vote that absolved gun manufacturers of legal liability for crimes committed with their products.
During the height of the Cold War in the 1940s and 1950s, Democrats often went after each other by accusing others of being soft on communism.
Advocates for survivors of domestic violence think it's too soft on players, while the players union and even some owners believe it is far too tough.
Trump and his allies have pushed back on accusations that he is soft on white nationalism and that his rhetoric fuels a dangerous climate for minorities.
Judge Kethledge ruled in favor of immigrants in a handful of cases, leading the right-wing website Breitbart to question whether he was soft on immigration.
In signing his Cold War era executive order, the president sought to pre-empt Republican critics who were accusing the Democrats of being "soft" on communism.
In 2012, Mitt Romney sought to paint Obama as soft on China, claiming that he would be even tougher with intellectual property "theft" than the president.
Already, a pro-Trump primary opponent, Ward, has entered the race and attacked Flake from the right for being against the president and soft on immigration.
The dollar was also soft on its own account as minutes from the latest Federal Reserve meeting showed many participants wanted to move cautiously on rate hikes.
He directed other tweets focusing on whether it was the Obama administration that was "too soft" on Russia and calling it "un-American" to leak classified information.
Clinton needs to dance gingerly around lambasting Sanders as a tax hiking job-destroyer or a soft-on-crime pinko lest she divide her own electoral coalition.
Health organizations are soft on whether talc poses a definite danger to consumers, but there are specific methods of using talc that are associated with certain risks.
I've tried finding fuzzy jackets that are soft on both the outside and inside and this is the first one I found that's at a reasonable price.
But he is unlikely to cut corners amid pressure from congressional Democrats, who have frequently accused the OCC of being too soft on the industry, Boltansky said.
The details aren't a great look for the Clinton campaign, which has been struggling to ward off criticism from Bernie Sanders that she's soft on Wall Street.
The policy shift, and Trudeau's "A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian" mantra, has prompted criticism from some opponents that he is soft on national security.
And to his credit, Moore doesn't shy away from his own missteps, acknowledging that he went soft on Trump during a 1998 appearance on The Roseanne Show.
During the campaign, Trump denounced Obama as being too soft on inner-city violence and for extremist plots against the United States and attacks on police officers.
Critics of Trump have accused him of being soft on Russia, and both Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. Congress are pushing for more sanctions on Moscow.
Although he has dropped Osborne's target of turning the deficit into a surplus by 2020, Hammond has stressed he will not go soft on the public finances.
"We'll stay in touch as long as he doesn't go all soft on me moving forward… and if he cheers for the Patriots on Sunday," says Gronkowski.
AX) on Friday over a troubled A$2.5 billion ($1.8 billion) share placement, flexing its muscle amid criticism levied at regulators for being soft on finance firms.
Britain must not go soft on anti-money laundering standards to win trade deals after it leaves the European Union, a panel of lawmakers said on Friday.
Trump also told the Times he has "been soft" on China on trade and complained about oil shipments to North Korea despite sanctions over Pyongyang's nuclear program.
Challenges and successes A common criticism of terrorist reintegration programs is that they are soft on those who deserve little more than, at best, life behind bars.
The Nuby No-Spill Cup With Flex Straw is soft on tender gums and teeth, making it an excellent choice for kids six months and up. Pros:Cons:
On Monday morning, Donald Trump went on Fox and Friends to suggest that President Obama had mysterious ulterior motives that led him to be soft on terrorism.
President Donald Trump fired off a series of tweets Monday morning to defend against criticism that he's being too soft on China when it comes to trade.
"You have no plan (on security) but you are indulgent with Islamist fundamentalism," Le Pen said during the televised debate, accusing Macron of being soft on security.
Ed Gillespie, the Republican candidate for governor of Virginia, adopted what many call "Trumpism" during his fall campaign, vilifying Democrat Ralph Northam as being soft on crime.
The moment marked a generational shift for a party where some candidates long supported the death penalty to protect themselves from being portrayed as soft on crime.
But members of Congress on both sides of the aisle blasted the deal as soft on Russia, and unsuccessfully tried to block it from going into effect.
When several alleged victims accused Mario Batali, Bourdain's on the celebrity chef circuit, with sexual misconduct in late 2017 and early 2018, Bourdain wasn't soft on him.
It is a tactic that military officers rarely discuss, partly because it invites criticism that they were soft on the Islamic State by letting its fighters escape.
Instead, soft cloth, especially the kind that's also soft on the planet, reminds us with its blissful, textural harmonies that comfort zones are not always for cowards.
Partnering with Moscow -- ironically on resolution of conflicts that it started -- runs the risk of going soft on its human rights violations and breaches of international law.
" And it singled out New York, saying the city "continues to see gang murder after gang murder, the predictable consequence of the city's 'soft on crime' stance.
The Democrats—still petrified of being seen as soft on national security, still beholden to D.C.'s foreign policy blob—are adding undeserved credibility to his assassination.
The agency cited the rising murder rate in Chicago and cast blame for gang murders in New York on what it labeled a "soft on crime" stance.
Democrats, though, have criticized the administration's proposals for being too soft on drug companies and leaving out more sweeping ideas like allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices.
The move, which has been under consideration for months, may appease some Republicans who criticized President Donald Trump of appearing soft on the authoritarian actions of China.
Democrats are going soft on proposed Small Business Administration chief Linda McMahon, setting off even more establishment-oriented outlets like the Center for American Progress's ThinkProgress blog.
For its first year in office, the Trump administration seemed soft on Russia's hyper-aggressive hackers, reluctant even to point out they'd brazenly meddled in the US election.
Those trying to block his appointments would be quick to seize on any sign that he is being soft on America over such a sensitive matter as Taiwan.
The policy shift, and Trudeau's famous "a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian" mantra, has prompted accusations from some opponents that he is soft on national security.
A few hundred miles to the north, xenophobic politicians, claiming quite literally to be more Catholic than the pope, denounce the Holy See for being soft on migrants.
John Bolton, a potential Secretary of State pick, has been sitting in the American Enterprise Institute writing diatribes against the Obama administration for being too soft on Russia.
Christie then proceeded to criticize Clinton's diplomatic efforts in Libya, Nigeria, Syria, Russia and Cuba, arguing in each case that she was too soft on dictators and terrorists.
But Democrats perpetually battle accusations from Republicans that they are soft on defense, a fight that could be more difficult if they block the major Pentagon policy bill.
Gillespie's efforts to link Democratic rival Ralph Northam, the state's lieutenant governor, to sanctuary cites is part of Gillespie's large effort to portray Northam as soft on crime.
If that makes Democrats running for re-election in Trump country in 2018 vulnerable to accusations that they were soft on reinforcing the border, then all the better.
In a country that's trying to shake off the reputation of being soft on bringing the powerful to justice, the judicial process for Yarrington will be closely watched.
The infamous "Willie Horton ad" was a 1988 presidential campaign TV spot created by Bush's supporters that attacked his Democratic opponent Michael Dukakis for being soft on crime.
"I have been soft on China because the only thing more important to me than trade is war," Trump said in an interview with The New York Times.
Next Trump chose to ignite a feud with Mayor Sadiq Khan -- an old adversary -- taking his words out of context to accuse him of being soft on terror.
Bush successfully associated his opponent with the barbarity of this act, by categorizing him as soft on crime, a label which has since become a political death knell.
So when you do the things right, your cookies will be a little bit crispy on the outside, soft on the center, with a nice layering of chocolates.
Trump further said it was wrong to call him "soft" on Russia when during that same trip abroad, he raised the issue of Germany buying energy from Russia.
" He added: "China's hurting us very badly on trade, but I have been soft on China because the only thing more important to me than trade is war.
But the soft-on-crime smear is still a staple in election campaigns for judgeships and prosecutor positions, and many members of Congress remain wary of the subject.
They heaped scorn on Zhao Ziyang, the Communist Party leader purged for being soft on the demonstrators, and blamed the upheaval on subversives backed by the United States.
A former commando turned high-tech millionaire, the religious Mr. Bennett has been hawkish on national security, frequently lambasting his own coalition for being too soft on Hamas.
Kennedy was saying that 'Nixon was too soft on communism', to pick up the point that Rick was making, 'in Cuba we should deal firmly with Fidel Castro'.
"Rumors of the involvement of these three with narcotics traffickers abound," the cable said, adding that they believed Mr. Samper, if elected, would be soft on drug traffickers.
Alex admitted that the two are a "little bit soft" on their kids given their own childhood experiences, though he also noted they're also "quite overprotective" of them.
It would be a major rollback of Obama-era policies, and Mr. Sessions's first big stamp on a Justice Department that he has criticized as soft on crime.
Supplying the Netherlands One of the first countries to go soft on soft drugs was the Netherlands, where smoking pot in coffee shops has been tolerated for decades.
She avoided taking positions she feared would upset law enforcement or make her look soft on crime — but which have become standard for Democrats in the current environment.
Ward, a former state senator, has had Trump's support over Twitter and has repeatedly attacked Flake from the right for being against the president and soft on immigration.
Critics of President Donald Trump have accused him of being soft on Russia and there is a bi-partisan push in Congress to impose more sanctions on Moscow.
" Then in a radio interview, he called the father of McConnell's wife, Elaine Chao, "a wealthy Chinaperson" and insinuated that the Republican leader was therefore "soft on China.
But who the hell cares when you've crispy on the outside, soft on the inside focaccia crammed with all kinds of oozy, melty stuff between your fingers and thumbs?
That night, Marine Le Pen spent a significant amount of time trying to convince the public that Macron would be soft on terror and a pawn of Angela Merkel.
Having been on the defensive over family separations, I think he&aposs trying to get liberals to overreact and paint them as soft on illegal immigration for the midterms.
But when it comes to the Khashoggi case, 37% of Republicans believe he has been too soft on the Saudis, along with 55% of independents and 78% of Democrats.
One day Comey went soft on Clinton; the next day he was fired for being too hard on her; the day after that, it wasn't about Clinton at all.
And, they don't just look good, either: They're handmade with care in the ethical factory Nisolo owns in Trujillo, Peru, so they're soft on the eyes and the feet.
The magazine was launched in opposition to the moderate Republicanism of Dwight Eisenhower, who was seen as being soft on communism and all too willing to compromise with liberals.
LONDON (Reuters) - Britain must not go soft on anti-money laundering standards to win trade deals after it leaves the European Union, a panel of MPs said on Friday.
"I do not consider myself soft on crime, but I consider myself opposed to mandatory minimums for low level non-violent drug dealers who are basically addicts," he says.
"If anything, today will be a relief for markets that were slightly worried the RBNZ might go soft on inflation or lose sight of inflation targeting," Westpac's Stephens said.
The same source also stated that the President sees the Jerusalem issue as key to placating concerns among his core supporters that he's going soft on his campaign positions.
No wonder that Trump's language on this European tour has been peppered with attacks on European leaders for being "soft on terror" -- most notably London's Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan.
It rebukes claims that Clinton is unqualified to be president and that she'd be soft on terrorism, adding that Clinton's judgment can be trusted in picking Supreme Court justices.
Broadly, the administration has taken a tough stance on Moscow, but Trump's own rhetoric on Putin and Russian interference has caused critics to cast him as soft on Russia.
With CASL, the CRTC was given the power to go after online spammers, and it couldn't afford to make the same mistake of being perceived as soft on violations.
Mr. Dagan, who died on Thursday after struggling for several years with a liver transplant that never quite succeeded, could hardly be accused of being soft on Israel's enemies.
Marion Nestle noted that she used to be concerned that the slogan placed too much of an emphasis on physical activity and was too soft on the food industry.
And, not least, the B.J.P. has been criticized as too soft on violent Hindu extremists, including mobs that have lynched people for slaughtering cows, a revered animal in Hinduism.
Going soft on AT&T would be viewed as a major betrayal by populist Democrats specifically on an issue where Clinton has been trying to reach out to them.
It also refuses to go soft on any of its characters, many of whom are interviewed by Goffard and readily describe their own blindness, cowardice and seemingly inexplicable actions.
Mr. Sessions repeatedly said that going soft on crime would accelerate a return to the days of drug-fueled criminality across the country — a point he reaffirmed on Friday.
"I think that perhaps the answer has been the fear ... it will be seen as being soft on terrorism, not prepared to defend the troops or whatever," Sanders said.
Mr. Brooks said that Tuesday's appearance at the Capitol is a chance for Mr. Trump to put the "absurd" notion that he is "soft on anti-Semitism" to rest.
One of his rivals, Hong Joon-pyo, the candidate for the Liberty Korea Party, has said that a government under Mr. Moon would be too soft on North Korea.
Imagine how upside down 2017 would seem to a time-traveling Reaganite from 1982: The American left frets that a Republican president-elect might be too soft on Russia.
OPEC and Russia have had an agreement to reduce production in an attempt to prop up world oil prices, which have been soft on worries about weakening demand growth.
Where conservatives sometimes struggle with criminal justice reform is in the appearance of being soft on criminals or anti-law enforcement, and reform opponents seek to exploit this tendency.
Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump chastised his own intelligence officials Wednesday morning for being soft on Iran a day after they contradicted numerous administration claims of foreign policy success.
"My wife and I went out to dinner at a French restaurant, and I got written up for going soft on Bush because he was anti-French," Fleischer recalled.
Most Vietnamese think their leaders are soft on China, the country's biggest trading partner but also an old enemy and rival claimant to several islets in the South China Sea.
A rush away from tough-on-security as crucial to immigration reform, which until recently was seen by most Democrats as essential to not looking soft on crime or terrorism.
But they are running up against Trump&aposs shifting views on specifics and his determination, according to advisers, not to look soft on his signature immigration issue, the border wall.
Critics question whether the deal will make Germany and the EU go soft on Turkish human rights because they are so dependent on Ankara to stem the influx of migrants.
During a fractious 14 months in government, 5-Star has accused the League of being too soft on Atlantia, which it blamed for the poor upkeep of the motorway network.
The party seeks to distance itself from radical Hindutva (Hindu nationalist) groups, which criticise it as "soft" on Pakistan, Muslims and those who harm cows (which are sacred to Hindus).
In one instance, a former New York Fed examiner launched a wrongful termination lawsuit and released some secretly recorded tapes that portrayed her colleagues as being soft on Goldman Sachs.
While their parties have similar views on economic policies, lawmakers in Fujimori's party have accused Kuczynski's government for being soft on crime and trying to secure benefits for private interests.
Democrats, long worried about protecting conservative lawmakers and being viewed as soft on crime, have reversed course and now see an electoral advantage in moving to the left on guns.
Jimmy Fallon, a talk-show host who was famously soft on Donald Trump (and whose show continues to pursue broad appeal rather than political criticism), has seen his ratings slide.
At the same time, Democrats are leery that Republicans and their campaign allies could try to stick a soft-on-crime label on candidates who support the criminal justice legislation.
And while Moon has been attacked for allegedly being soft on North Korea, his popularity arises from the corruption scandal that took down Park, said Yonsei University professor John Delury.
Human rights activists have accused politicians in the European Union of turning a blind eye and letting people die rather than risk a voter backlash by appearing soft on immigration.
When plantains are yellow and soft, on their way to black (which is the only time they can be eaten raw), deep-frying them briefly brings them to caramelized perfection.
The ad, which prominently featured Horton's mugshot and ripped Dukakis for being soft on crime, was aimed at bringing in white voters by playing upon racist fears of black crime.
Ten years ago, it seemed remarkable that America had gotten so soft on corporate crime that nobody was prosecuted for the banking malfeasance that crashed the world economy in 2008.
Krauthammer said Democrats had been soft on Russia and President Obama had mocked 2012 GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney for calling Russia the "biggest geopolitical foe" of the United Sates.
Trump kicked off the social media tirade late Wednesday night, posting a Facebook video accusing the former Massachusetts governor of being soft on cornerstone conservative issues, including immigration and abortion.
Jimmy Fallon says he gave Donald Trump a 2 minute warning before messing with his hair last week ... and he doesn't think he went too soft on the guy either.
Republican candidate Ed Gillespie rolled out a series of attack ads in last year's Virginia gubernatorial race that accused his Democratic opponent, Ralph Northam, of being soft on MS-13.
Michael Dukakis, accusing him of being soft on crime and weak on defense, and ensuring that the reemergence of Iran Contra would not kill his chances of winning the presidency.
Australia's top financial regulators have moved too, vowing to adopt a more litigious stance and change their reputation of being too soft on the companies they are meant to police.
The decision was criticized for being too soft on the Islamic State and abandoning ally nations, such as France, who have recently ramped up their military campaigns in the region.
In other Senate floor speeches in 21970 and 21994, Mr. Biden spoke openly of wanting, as Mr. Clinton did, to rid Democrats of their reputation of being soft on crime.
"Here's the central point to understand: The White House has been utterly and completely soft on China's illegal trade practices," said Navarro, a professor at the University of California, Irvine.
Some critics had feared that Mr. Powers would be soft on Enron because the company had donated $20153 million to the University of Texas, including $22015,22015 to the law school.
Despite losing Trump's endorsement, Moore vowed to faithfully enact the president's agenda; he and his allies have characterized Strange as soft on immigration and succumbing to "amnesty" for undocumented immigrants.
But if the coronavirus gets to the point that it's starting to affect Trump's reelection possibilities, he's not going to be outflanked by the Democrats on being soft on China.
" He mocked those same owners, most of them white, for going soft on the question of concussions and player brain damage: "Uh-oh, got a little ding on the head?
Trump has been accused of being too soft on Moscow and has lashed out at the various investigations into possible collusion between his campaign and Russia during the presidential election.
I was witnessing the best part of "benevolent friction" — to be hard on ideas but soft on people — because there was a lot of love and hope about the future.
Scheer, who like Harper is based in western Canada, attacked Trudeau for running up large budget deficits and accused him of being soft on what he called "radical Islamic terrorism".
Democrats have increasingly seized on the Treasury Department's decision to grant sanctions relief to Mr. Deripaska's companies as evidence that Mr. Trump and his administration have been soft on Russia.
Barack Hussein Obama got no such dispensation: Republicans attacked him as soft on ISIS and claimed he was more interested in protecting "the image of Islam" than in protecting America.
His opponent Gideon Sa'ar led a hardline right-wing campaign and attacked Netanyahu for being soft on the Palestinians and for not implementing his promises for annexation and expanding settlements.
He was one of the masterminds behind the infamous Willie Horton ad that portrayed Democrat Michael Dukakis as soft on crime in the 1988 presidential election against George H.W. Bush.
The GOP also opposed the unprecedented funding for crime prevention programs that he fought to ensure was in the law -- and they later excoriated the bill for being 'soft on crime.
Voters think President Trump has been too soft on Russia, yet a majority approves of his July 16 meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to a new Fox News Poll.
" All of this reflected a broader movement in the Democratic Party to both address the growing issue of crime and overcome successful Republican attacks about how Democrats are "soft on crime.
That would be laughable if it didn't seem too soft on someone close to far-right parties in Europe, including the National Front in France and the Northern League in Italy.
Despite gripes from some on the right who deem it too soft on criminals, and some on the left who feel it does not go far enough, its passage looks likely.
Now, with this being social media and all, Wolf said she has gotten some nasty, negative comments from folks convinced she's soft on crime, but she's not too worried about them.
When Blunt accused Kander of being soft on gun rights, the Democrat ran an eye-catching ad in which he assembles an AR-15 assault rifle blindfolded (watch that ad here).
The Democratic race has a bizarre election subplot tinged with allegations that Giunchigliani, a Clark County commissioner known as Chris G, was soft on sexual predators while she was an assemblywoman.
ZOA's president Mort Klein, who is close to White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, has accused McMaster of being soft on Israel and unserious about the threat of radical Islamic terrorism.
Previously, he said that New York City is "soft on crime" and as a result "continues to see gang murder after gang murder," because it has adopted various criminal justice reforms.
As one former administration official told me, who's going to accuse the DEA, the face of America's punitive war on drugs, of being "soft on crime" and hurting its own mission?
My eyes didn't instantly look like I'd slept a full eight hours or anything, but the ointment did feel soft on my skin and absorbed in easily — not greasy at all.
The Trump administration put out a plan to lower drug prices earlier this year, but the plan has faced criticism from Democrats, who say it is too soft on drug companies.
Azar has indicated he will act on his own if pharmaceutical companies do not agree to voluntary price decreases, but Democrats have attacked his plan as too soft on drug companies.
Trump could again play to his base, blaming soft-on-immigration Democrats who, empowered by their earlier win, could dig in, trapping the parties in a downward spiral toward shutdown 2.0.
Rubio has been criticized by conservatives for having been soft on immigration in the past, and the message to Republican primary voters is pretty clear: He's not gonna do that stuff.
ASIC has taken a more aggressive approach toward corporate litigation after it was criticised during a public inquiry into financial-sector wrongdoing last year for being too soft on alleged misconduct.
So now we see Trump with the Democrats, having dinner and toasting the Dreamers, and then the next day he's screaming about them being soft on immigration and weak on crime.
Mr. Netanyahu has accused Mr. Gantz of being soft on Iran's ayatollahs and of supporting the 2015 international deal to curb Iran's nuclear program — an agreement that Mr. Netanyahu considered disastrous.
But he faces many challenges: A divided U.S. Congress is fighting about whether to be tough or soft on Wall Street; Brexit and other forces will also test cross-border unity.
President Trump suggested on Sunday that Mayor Sadiq Khan of London was being soft on terrorism, posting a tweet that mischaracterized a statement Mr. Khan made after the latest attacks there.
"There's a lot of connections to some of the brass, if you will, in China," Blankenship said, adding that he's read in books that people think McConnell is soft on China.
Last week, he swore in a new attorney general, Jeff Sessions, who has said that the government has grown "soft on crime," and helped block a bipartisan bill to reduce sentences.
Even if all of this is settled, it is difficult to predict if the president will sign into law any bill that his base could interpret as too soft on immigration.
Democratic strategists and campaign advisers also complain the media has been too soft on some of the leading candidates, failing to press them on vulnerabilities, especially on the national debate stage.
This was part of a wider national strategy of recruiting members of the "great silent majority", alienated by those "limousine liberals" who were soft on crime and friendly with foreign powers.
The Cloud Pillow gets a rating of extra soft on Tempur's softness scale, as opposed to the Symphony or Essential pillows, which are firmer and arched for back and side sleepers.
The talks have been complicated by Britain's separate negotiations on EU divorce terms, with the European Commission loath to be soft on the Swiss for fear of providing ammunition to Brexiteers.
I've always been soft on Edwin Edwards, the four-time Louisiana governor and one-time convict, who I've profiled on a couple of occasions, even as he was headed to prison.
Trump told The New York Times in December that because of North Korea he had "been soft on China because the only thing more important to me than trade is war."
Prime Minister Boris Johnson accuses the opposition Labour Party of being soft on crime; Labour accuses the Conservative government of making the public less safe by under-funding the parole system.
The chancellor doesn't want to be seen as soft on Trump — he's wildly unpopular in Germany — so a little Trump bashing in a high-profile speech probably doesn't hurt her chances.
Separately a video, watched more than 100,000 times on YouTube, called him a "traitor" and portrayed him as corrupt, soft on gay rights and involved in the abduction of two nuns.
Scholz apologized publicly for the security fiasco, but stayed calm in the face of furious attacks by right-wing critics, who accused him of being too soft on anti-capitalist violence.
Go deeper: Trump's private line: Khashoggi murder "really bad" but others do it CIA report: Mohammed bin Salman ordered Khashoggi killing Exclusive poll: Most Americans think Trump too soft on Saudi Arabia
Clinton was too soft on bankers, arguing that she would be tougher on the "shadow banking" sector and claiming that it was Mr. Sanders whose proposals did not go far enough. Mrs.
Yves Bertoncini of the Delors Institute in Paris suggests that, far from being soft on Britain over Brexit, Mr Macron is more likely to play bad cop to Mrs Merkel's good cop.
Schulz has cross-party support in parliament for his efforts to strengthen its legislative role but opponents complain that his double act with Juncker makes the parliament seem soft on the executive.
Storing Canadian data on Canadian soil is part of the current and ongoing NAFTA negotiations with the US, although some industry players worry the Canadians are being too soft on the issue.
Democrats hammered him in the midterm 1958 elections as "soft on defense," and Ike's reputation as a peacemaker helped John F. Kennedy defeat Vice President Richard Nixon in the 20183 presidential race.
He argues that this crossed over from local campaigns to presidential politics in 1988, when George H.W. Bush's team launched vicious attacks accusing his opponent, Michael Dukakis, of being soft on crime.
He has used its high rates of gun violence to accuse its leaders of being soft on crime and call for tougher laws nationwide and knocked its position as a sanctuary city.
They believe outgoing President Barack Obama was too reluctant to commit military force to confronting Assad and too soft on Iran more generally, and hope for a tougher line from Donald Trump.
The United States has long alleged that its northern neighbour is soft on piracy, allowing vendors to sell goods and cultural products that infringe trademarks and copyrights of American and other firms.
It was a more favorable welcome than had been granted last year to Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama, who was seen in the Arab kingdom as soft on Iran and hesitant on Syria.
Trump's criticism of the nuclear deal Iran reached with the U.S. and five other world powers in 2015 pleases both Saudi Arabia and Israel, who accused Obama on "going soft" on Tehran.
The committee's ranking Republican Patrick McHenry made it clear that his party would not go soft on the country's fourth-largest U.S. bank as they sought evidence it had remedied customer abuses.
But the release comes at a sensitive time for the government, which is frequently accused by opposition parties of being soft on anti-establishment groups with roots in leftist radicalism and anarchy.
Erdogan has also in the past accused Belgium of being soft on militant groups and said EU authorities had shown themselves "incapable" after Turkey deported a militant Islamist who was then released.
The release comes at a sensitive time for the government, frequently accused by opposition parties of being soft on crime and particularly anti-establishment groups with roots in leftist radicalism and anarchy.
To show that he is neither going soft on the government in Kabul nor a tool of Pakistan's military spy agency, Mullah Mansour has had to redouble the ferocity of the insurgency.
Bigwigs in government feel bounced into their friendship with America by virulent anti-Chinese sentiment among ordinary Vietnamese, some of whom accuse the cadres of going soft on Vietnam's overbearing northern neighbour.
Speaking at a closed-door breakfast with energy and climate ministers from foreign nations, Gary Cohn sought to tamp down rumors that Trump was going soft on his June pledge to withdraw.
The administration has also sanctioned Russia for alleged cyber activity, including interference in the 2016 presidential election, after coming under pressure from lawmakers who accused President Trump of going soft on Moscow.
In return, the United States will lose a base that has facilitated travels to counterproductive wars, and distance ourselves from an unreliable ally that is soft on terrorism and weak on liberalism.
Germany, which has insisted Italy and others accept tough conditions in tackling their problem lenders, can ill afford to be seen to go soft on its flagship bank, the Frankfurter Allgemeine wrote.
The talks have been complicated by Britain's separate negotiations on EU divorce terms, with the European Commission loath to be soft on non-member Switzerland for fear of providing ammunition to Brexiteers.
Ward, a former state senator and Flake's pro-Trump primary opponent, whom Trump supported in a tweet, has attacked Flake from the right for being against the president and soft on immigration.
The fabric is super-soft on the skin and it fits me really well — the band is breathable, the straps don't dig in, and it provides just enough support for wearing out.
On Wednesday night, during a televised debate, Mr. Macron repeatedly dismissed her ideas as "stupidities," but she struck back with equal force, skewering him as soft on terror and a heartless capitalist.
In late January, however, the White House bypassed a Congressional deadline to hand down further sanctions on the country, fueling criticism of President Donald Trump as being unusually soft on the Kremlin.
READ: A heatwave turned Tokyo's Olympics preparations into a deadly nightmare Travis Tygart, the chief executive of the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, said WADA has been too soft on Russia as well.
Lodge later viewed the peace settlement as too soft on Germany, and he had disliked the way the president had resisted the harsher terms that the British and French wanted to impose.
While New York lawmakers fear that raising the age for adult courts would make them seem "soft on crime," some state legislatures are now considering proposals to raise the age to 21.
Despite the piece, Weinstein accusers, including Rowena Chiu, who was allegedly sexually assaulted by Weinstein while working as his assistant in 1998, said the media coverage has been too soft on Weinstein.
Despite his desire to cut a deal quickly, increasing criticism from Democrats about being soft on China has pushed Mr. Trump to consider extending the talks in hopes of getting more concessions.
Mr. Palme was killed during a period of Cold War fears fueled by frequent reports of Soviet submarines in Swedish waters, and as he faced accusations that he was too soft on Moscow.
Rather than limit itself to this critique, the Clinton camp is also throwing in a more demagogic argument that Sanders is soft on Iran or blind to the problems with existing Iranian behavior.
While Ms McSally should have been busy appealing to potential Sinema-backing centrists, she has instead been countering attacks from Ms Ward, who has cast her as anti-Trump and soft on immigration.
Don Jr. speech more orthodox Republican than most anything his Dad has said over last year One thing I don't think pro-Trump people can do: knock Hillary for being soft on Putin.
A key Murdoch ally, Baker has faced internal backlash in the Journal's newsroom from some reporters who feel the paper has been too soft on Trump, criticisms that Baker has pushed back on.
The bread was crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and the peppery chicken, tomatoes, and pickle slices were tinged with shades of lime and apple cider vinegar from Mam's homemade mayo.
Members of the group are rarely detained, prompting criticism from opposition parties and conservative politicians who accuse the leftist government of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of being soft on anarchist and leftist militants.
The regulator, which has been criticised at a powerful inquiry into financial sector misconduct for being soft on finance firms, said it was considering enforcement action for failures to report breaches on time.
"You don't believe in the Spanish nation," the leader of the conservative People's Party (PP), Pablo Casado, told acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, accusing him of being too soft on the Catalan separatists.
Carrington and other law-and-order conservatives, led by the California governor Ronald Reagan, argued that liberals on the Supreme Court, on judges' benches, and in the legal academy were soft on crime.
"I'll be letting you know next week about campaigning," Trump told reporters as he prepared to board Marine One, adding, "We don't need someone who's soft on crime, like Jones," in the Senate.
The Federal Reserve appears to have gone soft on U.S. banks after the regulator opted to clear every major lender in its latest annual review, according to former Federal Reserve official Carl Tannenbaum.
Trump has long criticized the agreement as being too soft on Iran, but has signed several waivers to continue the suspension of the sanctions during his time in office, keeping the deal alive.
Its publication comes at a time of heightened tension within Israeli society, with right-wing groups accusing the government of being too soft on Palestinian violence and left-wing groups urging more restraint.
Trump's comments about Putin and his reluctance to assign blame to Moscow for the hacking of Democratic political groups has opened him up to criticism that he will be too soft on Russia.
Netanyahu has been angling for a partial annexation for some time, in order to shore up support with the settlers there, many of whom, remarkably, view him as too soft on the Palestinians.
As recently as 2008, Clinton's campaign aides played the "soft on crime" card against then–presidential candidate Barack Obama by saying he's too liberal and out of touch for opposing mandatory minimum sentences.
As the pressure mounted, President Iván Duque, a conservative who campaigned against the peace deal because he thought it was too soft on the rebels, replaced the country's top army commanders in December.
But that became increasingly difficult after 1987, when Mr. Zhao was appointed Communist Party secretary, following the downfall of Hu Yaobang, a liberal leader who was accused of going soft on student protests.
His intransigence placed him well to the right of Republican leadership, including former Speaker John Boehner, whom he repeatedly opposed for — get this — being excessively soft on curbing disbursements from the federal purse.
Rudd was pressed during her BBC interview on whether Britain had been too soft on Russia following the Litvinenko murder, sending out a message that such acts could be carried out with impunity.
On Friday, the Justice Department issued a scathing memo saying that New York City, one of those jurisdictions, "continues to see gang murder after gang murder" because of its "soft on crime" stance.
But on his campaign bus in Iowa this month, Mr. Biden told reporters that Mr. Buttigieg "stole" his health care plans and suggested that reporters had gone soft on the South Bend mayor.
The Obama administration is not only hitting at charges that it has been soft on white-collar crime, but also hopes the latest allegations could lead to more action against higher-level executives.
And internal polling data from Edwards' campaign showed that Republican attacks on crime didn't stick to the Democrat: Pluralities of respondents disagreed with the claim that Edwards is "soft on crime" throughout autumn.
A senior official of the Trump administration, which critics say has been too soft on Saudi Arabia over the killing of Khashoggi, called the verdicts "an important step" in holding those responsible accountable.
Trump has condemned the deal as too soft on Tehran and would not stop it developing a nuclear bomb, though U.N. nuclear non-proliferation inspectors have repeatedly certified Iranian compliance with its terms.
In fact, he says things that are untrue all the time, and the idea that the American people will reap economic gains from going soft on Saudi Arabia is one of those untrue things.
Democrats, meanwhile, are already facing intense pressure from a liberal base fired up after Trump's inauguration, the immigration ban and a perception that some senators, including Schumer, have been soft on Trump's Cabinet picks.
Full statement: Go deeper: Trump's private line: Khashoggi murder "really bad" but others do it CIA report: Mohammed bin Salman ordered Khashoggi killing Exclusive poll: Most Americans think Trump too soft on Saudi Arabia
And while it's unlikely that his new "soft on Russia" foreign policy was a key vote-getter, it did help earn him the tactical collaboration of pro-Russian hackers whose efforts boosted his campaign.
"Six-digit speaking fees and lucrative board positions fuel the perception that the President may go soft on people that he or she could receive fees from after leaving office," according to Yang's website.
The talks are now complicated by Britain's separate negotiations on divorce terms from the European Union, with the Commission loath to be too soft on the Swiss for fear of providing ammunition to Brexiteers.
China has been dogged by reports of rogue managers of P2P - shadow banking platforms - and has been criticized by local and overseas investors for being soft on money laundering, prompting authorities to take action.
Ward, a former state senator and Flake's pro-Trump primary opponent, whom Trump supported in his Thursday morning tweet, has attacked Flake from the right for being against the president and soft on immigration.
Most White House watchers believe Trump will reluctantly sign off on the new sanctions, given deep support for them among U.S. lawmakers and his desire to avoid being accused of being soft on Moscow.
Huzaifa's admissions to Times reporter Rukmini Callimachi piqued the interest of authorities and drew the ire of the Conservative Party of Canada—the official opposition—accusing the governing Liberals of being soft on terrorism.
With Democrats in charge for the first time since 9/11, the party (and the Obama administration) saw a chance to dispel the idea that Democrats were "soft" on security, including on unauthorized immigration.
"Yes they blocked Timmermans, but they ended up with nothing much else aside from supporting von der Leyen, and she has no reason to be soft on the rule of law," the diplomat said.
"Were he to look soft on something like making the U.S. office in Taipei into an official diplomatic outpost, Xi would be devoured by his rivals, and he won't let that happen," Paal said.
Administration officials have pushed back on suggestions that Trump is soft on sanctions when it comes to Turkey and vigorously disputed suggestions that the decision to pull back was a green light to Ankara.
More broadly, this year's Women's March was a case study in how explosive racial issues — and, in that case, accusations of being soft on anti-Semitism — can splinter the unity of anti-Trump activists.
By contrast, Democratic presidents rarely met with leaders from Moscow and Beijing (three times with the Soviets and only once with the Chinese), probably because they were terrified of looking soft on national security.
Booker last year took heat from the left for voting against an amendment to allow the importation of cheaper drugs from abroad, with progressive critics accusing him of being too soft on drug companies.
Trump's political team is trying to shape that outcome by portraying Pelosi as of an extreme band of liberals who are soft on immigration and blinded by a ravenous desire to destroy his presidency.
Any Democratic debater who falls for it and wins the nomination can count on a modern-day reprise of Bush's highly-effective Willie Horton advertisements that K.O.'d the "soft-on-crime" Massachusetts governor.
His stance on North Korea has not been popular with a conservative electorate who view him as being too soft on Pyongyang, which has defied international sanctions over its nuclear and ballistic missile programs.
Some of his Sunni supporters saw him as being too soft on Hezbollah, and the billionaire businessman also faced criticism after laying off dozens of employees from his companies in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. congressional watchdog said on Tuesday it has formally added three agencies to its investigation into whether government regulators are too soft on the banks they are meant to police.
The opposition, which says the pro-Western government is too soft on Moscow, had demanded Gakharia's resignation over his role as interior minister in the crackdown on protesters, many of whom were seriously injured.
Most White House watchers believe Trump will reluctantly sign off on the new sanctions, given deep support for them among US lawmakers and his desire to avoid being accused of being soft on Moscow.
"There was a big fear in Congress at the time that voting against this bill would subject you to potential attack ads, that somehow you were defending or soft on sex trafficking," said Khanna.
Critics accused the United Nations mission to Libya and its human rights commission, which co-wrote the report on Tajoura, of going soft on the war's foreign meddlers by failing to single them out.
If Thompson is soft on the Trump administration, the WHCA can claim a victory, while its critics' concerns will have further proof that the event is doomed to be a toothless and unfunny endeavor.
"We did not become the safest big city in America by being 'soft on crime,'" Mr. de Blasio said, standing with the city's police commissioner, James P. O'Neill, both stone-faced, in Police Headquarters.
Kander, an Army National Guard veteran, also supported expanded background checks and tried to argue that didn't mean he was soft on the Second Amendment, which establishes the right to keep and bear arms.
Last week, Miller convinced the President to pull the nomination of Ron Vitiello as the next director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, bluntly telling Trump that Vitiello was "soft" on closing the southern border.
On Capitol Hill, however, Republicans chafe at any suggestion that they have gone soft on Russia, and blame procedural snags on Democrats while offering a series of justifications for why the bill is problematic.
With a dropped hem in the back of the shirt, it offers more coverage than most other running shirts and its flat seams help avoid excess chafing while feeling soft on a wearer's skin.
Others argue that since he's been through the revolving door between the elite firms and big government, he's actually been soft on Wall Street bigs, charging them penalties but not actually holding them responsible.
He said for the first time explicitly that he had gone soft on trade with China in the hopes that Beijing would help put pressure on North Korea to stop its nuclear weapons program.
Nor can Clinton honestly accuse Sanders of being dangerously soft on Iran, as she has tried to do, both because she herself conducted diplomacy with Tehran and because her attack line is patently false.
Team Trump is coming hard after Gowdy, a former federal prosecutor, for "drinking the Kool Aid" and suggesting that he was soft on Hillary Clinton in his interrogation over her role in the Benghazi debacle.
But he rallied his Hindu nationalist base and turned the campaign into a fight for national security after tensions rose with Pakistan and attacked his main rival for being soft on the country's arch foe.
King Salman gave a more favorable welcome to Trump than he had granted last year to Trump's predecessor, Barack Obama, who was seen in the Arab kingdom as soft on Iran and hesitant on Syria.
And especially after George H.W. Bush defeated Michael Dukakis in the 1988 presidential election in part by painting Dukakis as "soft on crime," Democrats were acutely worried that Republicans were beating them on the issue.
Rivers — who lost her mom, legendary Hollywood personality Joan Rivers, in 2014  — confesses that she's a pretty strict person, but when it comes to her son, she can't help being a little soft on him.
Members of a self-styled "Resistance" movement, which accuses the opposition of largely being too soft on Maduro, warned on social media that they had strewn spikes to stop traffic in Tachira, which borders Colombia.
Secondly, if there was no collusion with Russia, why was candidate Trump so plainly accommodating to Russian interests, so soft on a Kremlin strongman who presides over such an autocratic and international law-violating state?
By being soft on people and hard on problems, the company can build trust as the basis for the exercise of doing the hard work of making decisions collectively, rather than playing the ego game.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday said he had "been soft" on China on trade issues and said he was not happy that China had allowed oil shipments to go into North Korea.
Over the weekend she rebuked Trump by saying the president has been too soft on Saudi Arabia both for its war in Yemen and for the murder of journalist and dissident Jamal Khashoggi in October.
But the participation of the IMF is a key condition for Germany, which believes the European Commission alone as the representative of creditors could be too soft on Athens when it comes to reform implementation.
ANC Secretary-General Gwede Mantashe told reporters on Sunday the party's leadership was trying to "deal with perceptions of the ANC being arrogant, self serving, soft on corruption and increasingly distant from its social base".
So while Ohlhausen will work hard to reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens and provide additional transparency to businesses, one should not equate her philosophy of "regulatory humility" with being soft on those who would harm consumers.
It's a part of his brand he'll never escape from and probably always have to appeal to, if the fan criticism for Em going "soft" on the pop-happy Recovery is anything to go by.
This week, Blankenship lobbed a racially charged accusation at McConnell, saying he's soft on China because his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, was born in China and has family business ties there through her father.
New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio ripped the Department of Justice (DOJ) on Friday after it referred to his city's "soft on crime" stance while trying to crack down on so-called sanctuary cities.
And because the city's violence "tends to be concentrated in mostly black neighborhoods," he added, Emanuel's message could pay political dividends without raising concerns that his defense of sanctuary cities makes him soft on crime.
In the Virginia governor's race, the Republican nominee Ed Gillespie has aired a series of television ads evoking images of Salvadoran immigrant gang members and has accused his Democratic rival of being soft on crime.
In its first 14 months, the Trump administration has earned a reputation for being soft on the Kremlin, even as the extent of the chaos Russia's hackers and trolls have inflicted online becomes increasingly clear.
Gillespie, a former lobbyist and Republican National Committee chair, turned heads in Washington by leaning heavily on Trump's playbook — running deeply misleading culture war ads alleging Northam was soft on the Salvadoran gang MS-123.
The U.S. ambassador to China has defended President Donald Trump's stance towards the Asian nation during his recent visit, amid criticism that the U.S president was too soft on trade imbalances between the two superpowers.
McCarty explained further: Blocking it would allow the Trump Administration to suggest that the Democrats were willing to trade Dreamers for "lottery" and "chain" migration, as well as position them as soft on border security.
They made a ruckus, using trumpets, whistles and upbeat cumbia and polka songs as they called for the resignation of the official, whom they accuse of protecting judges who have been soft on corrupt politicians.
"Many employers understand that that's the popular thing to do, that from a sort of P.R. standpoint, they've got a nightmare on their hands if they're viewed as being soft on sexual harassment," she said.
Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama attempted to deal with the challenge, but in order to avoid looking soft on undocumented immigration, they gave in to demands to be "tough" on the border.
He ran the state for President Enrique Pena Nieto's Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), though the PRI voted to suspend Duarte's party membership late last month, anxious to counter allegations it has been soft on corruption.
"It was decisive and swift action by our president, Donald Trump," Conway told Fox Business Network's Lou Dobbs, arguing that the move runs counter to the notion that the president has been soft on Russia.
In discussing the MTR, Bart Stupak himself correctly predicted that members of the Democratic majority "were concerned about [the MTR]," specifically that voting against it may frame them as 'flip-floppers' or soft on abortion.
Yermak's appointment sparked criticism from opposition lawmakers in Ukraine, who said he might be too soft on Russia, prompting Zelenskiy to issue a statement denying there would be any political shift with Yermak in charge.
The California Republican's uneasiness underscores the growing anxiety among House GOP Russia hawks, who are concerned that the White House's clandestine lobbying campaign to water down the bill could make them seem soft on Russia.
After the mayor, in an interview with BBC, advised residents of London there was "no reason to be alarmed" at encountering more police officers patrolling the streets, Trump accused him of being soft on terror.
A Republican lawmaker defended the New York Police Department on Friday after the Department of Justice (DOJ) called the city "soft on crime" in a push to crack down on so-called sanctuary cities. Rep.
OTTAWA, May 7 (Reuters) - Canada's opposition leader on Tuesday attacked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for being too soft on China and said there needs to be a "total reset" on relations with the Asian powerhouse.
Kim Kardashian West, That Is. Mr. Trump, stung by criticism that he had gone soft on China, said on Tuesday that the United States would proceed with tariffs and other punitive measures on the country.
China, in his eyes, is a threat to the US economy — responsible for the loss of massive numbers of American jobs — and a country that US presidents have been far too soft on for decades.
Hua was speaking after U.S. President Donald Trump said he had "been soft" on China on trade issues and said he was not happy that China had allowed oil shipments to go into North Korea.
The stated aspiration that a tacky pageant would help bring the countries together was somewhat odd, especially given the then-overwhelming consensus in Republican Party circles that the Obama administration was too soft on Russia.
Cordray has used Barack Obama to his advantage during the primary, while Kucinich has hit the frontrunner for being soft on guns in particular while also putting forward a statewide single-payer health care plan.
Ex-49ers star Dana Stubblefield believes Santa Clara prosecutors are so afraid of looking soft on sexual assault cases in the wake of the Brock Turner debacle, they're gonna go extra hard on him instead.
In a recent interview, Assange denied he was soft on Russia and argued would-be leakers of Russian secrets had better outlets than WikiLeaks to go to, in part because no one at WikiLeaks speaks Russian.
The idea that Trump is somehow soft on Putin just because when they are in each other&aposs company, he tries very hard to be, in some cases too hard the other day, to be hospitable.
"The point here is obviously for the business to try to befriend the regulator so he or she goes soft on them," says Craig Holman, legal counsel at the money-in-politics advocacy firm Public Citizen.
But if the best deal that is available leaves the president vulnerable to charges from his political opponents that he has gone soft on China, then Trump could back track from reaching an agreement, Olson explained.
All of which may make it harder to point out, for example, that he was soft on corruption within the ANC or that many other people in the struggle have been crowded out by his deification.
During a fractious 14 months in government, 5-Star accused the League of being too soft on Atlantia, which was responsible for maintaining the Morandi bridge in Genoa when it collapsed last August, killing 43 people.
Why it's needed: If robots are going to live and work with humans, they'll need to be safe and perform better around people (more soft on the outside, less hard edges, and more flexible and adaptable).
The tabloid press was already in overdrive even before this latest attack, trying to paint Corbyn as soft on terrorism because of his talks with Sinn Fein, the Irish nationalist party, in the 33s and 1980s.
Progressive Democrats may not want to cast votes to fund any measure of physical barriers, while conservative Republicans could balk at any potential limits on ICE or details they see as too soft on border security.
The government will take companies' suggestions "towards building a robust data protection framework that will achieve the dual purpose of privacy and innovation", it said, signalling the government could possibly go soft on implementing the rules.
That change is already evident during the government shutdown fight: Hardly any House Democrats have expressed unease with Trump trying to portray the party as soft on border security, something difficult to imagine a decade ago.
"Some positions squaring is seen on the dollar before the elections this week though the euro is also soft on the latest news from Europe," said Manuel Oliveri, an FX strategist at Credit Agricole in London.
Still, some of Trump's defenders might note the irony of the media, which have spent months wondering why Trump has been soft on Russia, highlighting tough rhetoric directed at the Kremlin over its support of Assad.
If all this reads like going soft on a snowflake generation that needs to be toughened up for life on the concert circuit, there are some respects in which the Leeds makes more demands than before.
The immediate reason given was the vulnerability of his coalition after the resignation of Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who out-hawked the hawkish Netanyahu by accusing him of being too soft on Palestinian militants in Gaza.
Such earnings clearly fund the maintenance of vast meadows surrounded by miles of fencing, stone barns with varnished interiors that smell of hay rather than manure, and spongy faux-brick walkways that are soft on hooves.
Republican voters "are not interested in someone who's embedded in the party's leadership, they're not interested in someone who is donor friendly, and who's soft on immigration," Lowry declared on "Meet the Press" on April 2003.
Her curiously soft-on-dictators position extended to Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian strongman who Gabbard once met with -- and, who, according to the UN and international inspectors, has used poison gas on his own people.
Caputo said his interview with lawmakers, which took place behind closed doors on July 14, hearkened back to 1954 Army-McCarthy hearings, in which the Wisconsin Republican accused the U.S. Army of being "soft" on communism.
DUBAI, Oct 17 (Reuters) - Gulf stock markets may be soft on Monday after global bourses and oil prices pulled back, while another weak earnings report from a Saudi Arabian bank may dampen shares in that country.
With growing public, as well as expert, concerns about China as an economic, national security, spying and political threat, Democrats don't want to expose themselves to a "soft on China" charge that Donald Trump will make.
The government will take companies' suggestions "towards building a robust data protection framework that will achieve the dual purpose of privacy and innovation", it said, signaling the government could possibly go soft on implementing the rules.
Republican hawks are planning to introduce legislation later this month that would force President Trump to take a harder approach to Iran, out of fear that the president is "going soft" on them, Politico's Eliana Johnson reports.
It was part of a months-long war that Breitbart has been waging against Trump's top foreign policy adviser, publishing article after article attacking McMaster as soft on jihadism, hostile to Israel, and disloyal to the president.
Since entering office, Trump has taken a tough line on the WTO, accusing it of unfairly penalizing U.S. trade while being soft on China, which was a far smaller economy when it joined the WTO in 2001.
But, he said in an interview before the party's official launch, he believes the Sweden Democrats had grown too soft on immigration in the hopes of being acceptable to other right-wing parties in a governing coalition.
However, the Labour leader has been accused of being soft on terrorism in the past and it's uncertain whether voters will trust that he is the right person to tackle these tragic attacks on home turf. Yes.
The president's desire to be soft on his Russian counterpart (while claiming to be so tough) and his supporters' willingness to accept whatever compromise he might have in mind—on Syria, Crimea, or whatever—are beyond doubt.
This is a pleasant surprise for critics of the FCC who have repeatedly argued that the agency isn't just soft on broadcasters and other big cable and internet businesses, but may be effectively in bed with them.
A U.S. appeals court granted Paul McKernan's last-ditch appeal, ruling that the judge who found him guilty 19 years ago, Lisa Richette, may have felt pressure to dispel Heston's claim that she was soft on crime.
Kudlow is surprisingly soft on Social Security for a conservative economic type, saying he thinks predictions of insolvency are overblown but he supports private accounts, which Trump's promise to not touch the program would seemingly rule out.
Reform-minded prosecutors won on election night, and judges who were painted as "soft on crime" were re-elected, even when they faced well-funded opposition that relied on the out-of-touch "tough on crime" message.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) accused New York of being "soft on crime" in a Friday release that announced the department's letters to so-called sanctuary cities demanding that they help federal officials enforce U.S. immigration law.
The paper's environmental reporters have been churning out impressive data journalism for the last few months, showing us everything from how the EPA has gone soft on polluters to how hot climate change has made your city.
The politics of immigration will bear watching in the weeks ahead since they are crucial to Trump, who tends to resort to extremes, and Democrats who do not wish to come across as soft on border issues.
It does this by raising the electoral costs of appearing soft on terror, thereby placing un-ignorable pressure on our leaders to escalate the fight against these groups—whether or not such escalation is actually strategically advisable.
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago — the places where power and capital have traditionally congregated — have become so over-regulated, so overpriced and mismanaged, and so morally bankrupt and soft on crime that people are leaving in droves.
He's doing outreach amid stark criticism that Twitter has been too soft on Jones, the Infowars owner who has suggested the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was staged -- and that Twitter's content and behavior rules are unclear.
Addressing campaign rallies in open-collar shirts, Wauquiez says Macron's tax policy will hammer the middle class and pensioners, denounces his labor reforms as a sham and accuses the government of being too soft on radical Islam.
He went on to serve several of the nation's most consequential Republican politicians, including Ronald Reagan and George Bush, for whom Mr. Ailes sharpened the devastating attack against his Democratic opponent, Michael Dukakis, as soft on crime.
He's doing outreach amid stark criticism that Twitter has been too soft on Jones, the Infowars owner who has suggested the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was staged — and that Twitter's content and behavior rules are unclear.
Examples include Sri Lanka, which is considering a national tribunal to prosecute the perpetrators of civil war atrocities, and Colombia, where voters this month rejected a peace deal that many felt was too soft on war criminals.
Some analysts think that Trump's tariff announcement on Monday might be an attempt to persuade Congress that he's not getting soft on China and to encourage lawmakers to drop efforts to put together blocking legislation on ZTE.
In Washington, many Democrats resisted aspects of Mr. Reagan's foreign policy agenda, but they mostly shied away from questioning his opposition to Communism on ideological terms, fearing the political implications of seeming soft on the Soviet Union.
Although such proof existed by 1998 and President Clinton had said he would lift the ban, at the last minute, he chickened out, after being warned by his drug czar that he would look soft on drugs.
The Europeans want to employ a court system rather than ad hoc arbitration, which has been used for decades but has been heavily criticized by European lawmakers and environmental groups as being too soft on industry interests.
With Democrats in charge of the federal government for the first time since 9/11, the party (and the Obama administration) saw a chance to dispel the idea that Democrats were "soft" on security, including unauthorized immigration.
President Enrique Pena Nieto's credibility has been damaged by accusations he has been soft on corruption and he himself became embroiled in an embarrassing conflict-of-interest scandal in 2014 that included his wife and then-finance minister.
CHATHAM, England (Reuters) - There is a whiff of betrayal in the air across Britain's Brexit heartlands where many impatient voters fear Prime Minister Theresa May is going soft on implementing last year's decision to leave the European Union.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, under criticism for being soft on big business, has outlined a new task force led by the ATO, and tighter rules to close tax loopholes and raise up to A$3.3 billion ($2.49 billion).
Many pro-Brexit voters sense the government is going soft on the decision to leave the EU. They reject calls for a lengthy transition period and demand that tighter immigration controls are brought in as soon as possible.
But as Mr. Bush prepared to leave South Carolina to campaign in New Hampshire later in the day, ads by a "super PAC" supporting him were running across both states accusing Mr. Rubio of being soft on immigration.
But unsuccessful attempts at mediation could undermine his authority and are a gift to other parties that accuse the EPP of being soft on what they call fundamental European values such as democracy and the rule of law.
Yes, the bureau was aggressive in the Hillary Clinton investigation—with James Comey talking about the probe and later its reopening—because everyone there thought she would win and they might be criticized for going soft on her.
Following his presidential campaign promise that "no one can say I am soft on crime," Clinton passed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act -- a $21975 billion crime-control bill that was the largest in U.S. history.
Duterte has faced criticism at home for being what some people see as too soft on China over the long-running territorial dispute, but he considers his approach to be pragmatic and says challenging China risks triggering war.
One inquiry into banking culture, by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), a regulator, was shelved on New Year's Eve, leading to allegations of political interference by the Conservative government which, the opposition claims, is going soft on bankers.
Trump prebuttal Even before Romney spoke, Trump kicked off an anti-Romney social media tirade late Wednesday night, posting a Facebook video accusing the former Massachusetts governor of being soft on cornerstone conservative issues, including immigration and abortion.
CNN anchor John King also blasted Fox News' close relationship with President Trump earlier in the day, calling the media organization "State TV" after accusing anchor Ainsley Earhardt of being too soft on Trump during her exclusive interview.
Ayotte was the first statewide elected official to come out against a controversial natural gas pipeline that energy company Kinder Morgan wants to build through southern New Hampshire and is hitting her opponent as soft on the issue.
Acceptance that a viable denuclearization process is unlikely to be completed this year (or even this decade) must not be interpreted as going "soft" on North Korea, whatever Washington hawks like National Security Adviser John Bolton may suggest.
The President has also questioned the credibility of Moore's accusers and cast Jones -- who made his name prosecuting two Ku Klux Klan members for a Birmingham church bombing that killed four African-American girls -- as soft on crime.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Members of the U.S. Congress, who passed new sanctions on Russia nearly unanimously last summer, criticized President Donald Trump on Tuesday for not imposing them, accusing him of being soft on his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.
The sanctions, which were first imposed on Mr. Deripaska and his companies last spring, have created a tricky situation for both the administration and its Democratic critics, who contend that President Trump has been too soft on Russia.
Mr. Navarro, who has often accused Mr. Mnuchin of being too soft on China, said Mr. Xi spent 30 minutes on Saturday night outlining China's promises and offering responses to more than 140 of Mr. Trump's trade demands.
Democrats were nearly all on board for the war in Afghanistan, but the fear of being called out as soft on terrorism led many to tangle themselves in knots over whether to support Bush's push to invade Iraq.
The latest tranche of sanctions brings the number of Russian individuals and entities blacklisted by the Trump administration to nearly 200, putting the lie to the persistent perception that the new White House is somehow "soft" on Russia.
Warren saw Geithner and other key members of Obama's team such as National Economic Council Director Larry Summers (and by extension Obama himself) as too soft on Wall Street and too compromised by ties to the business world.
He began his career with the race-baiting "Willie Horton" ad during the 1988 presidential campaign, which used mug shots of a black convicted murderer to stoke fears that the Democratic candidate, Michael Dukakis, was soft on crime.
He began his career with the race-baiting "Willie Horton" ad during the 1988 presidential campaign, which used mug shots of a black convicted murderer to stoke fears that the Democratic candidate, Michael Dukakis, was soft on crime.
Trump's edge here is probably a legacy of the Democratic primary, where Clinton was repeatedly assailed by Bernie Sanders as relatively soft on Wall Street and where her paid speaking appearances for Goldman Sachs were a prominent issue.
They're crunchy as hell on the outside, soft on the inside, and have a texture and taste that keeps changing as you chew thanks to chunks of white chocolate, crispy rice, and the creamy, nutty, flavor of browned butter.
The criticism of Corker, the Tennessee Republican who heads the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, is a return to an old and misleading critique: that Corker is soft on Iran and backed the 2015 nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic.
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romania's president on Wednesday rejected the government's nominee for chief anti-corruption prosecutor amid concerns among magistrates and diplomats that she might be soft on high-level graft in one of the European Union's most corrupt states.
Pence simply shrugged off the entire reality of Trump's 2016 campaign and slammed Obama, Clinton, and Kaine as soft on Russia — a smooth extension of the foreign policy messages of John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012.
Since then, however, Rubio has moved away from that bill, which would have created a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants living in the U.S., and has faced criticism for being soft on immigration from his fellow 2016 candidates.
WASHINGTON, Oct 20173 (Reuters) - The number of enforcement actions brought by the U.S. swaps regulator has jumped 25 percent compared with the previous administration, rebutting fears the agency would go soft on the financial industry under President Donald Trump.
He also said that Mr. Clinton's embrace in the early 1990s of anti-crime rhetoric may have been a political necessity, considering the drubbing that Michael Dukakis received in the 1988 presidential campaign for being considered soft on crime.
Duterte disclosed Xi's alleged threat in a speech on Friday as he hit back at domestic critics, Carpio among them, who said he has gone soft on Beijing by refusing to push it to comply with The Hague ruling.
In December, he told The New York Times that he has been "soft" on China for the sake of issues of national security, but wouldn't dismiss the possibility of tightening the screws on China's trade practices in the future.
So it is in the Justice Department's interest to reach a settlement at an amount not too far below the opening bid, lest it appear to be going soft on a company that claims it is willing to fight.
It has been a rhetorical cudgel Republicans used to bash Democrats as soft on the threat of Soviet communism, and to portray the left as wanting to raise people's taxes to give money to undeserving, lazy, shiftless, poor people.
Michael S. Dukakis of Massachusetts, running a campaign that painted Mr. Dukakis as soft on crime for his record of furloughing convicted murderers and criticized his veto of a bill mandating that public schoolchildren recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
In part, Trump's success in operating this way reflects broader cultural and policy shifts in the United States toward a soft-on-white-collar-crime attitude that Jesse Eisinger digs into in his excellent new book The Chickenshit Club.
During Obama's two terms in office, McCain blasted him for being too soft on Russia, too quick to withdraw troops from Iraq, too reluctant to intervene in the Syrian civil war, and too naive in his dealings with Iran.
Even if Sergeant Barry, 31, is acquitted at trial or convicted of a lesser charge like involuntary manslaughter, Ms. Clark, in securing a murder indictment, may have inoculated herself from potential criticism that she is soft on the police.
When Representative Mo Brooks, a hard-liner who might have been a formidable opponent for Mr. Moore in a primary runoff, ran anyway, they smeared him by running ads suggesting that Mr. Brooks was soft on the Islamic State.
The move prompted howls of protest from Democrats and some Russia hawks, who accused the administration of going soft on Russia in the midst of the special counsel's investigation into whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia's election meddling.
In addition to creating safer communities, the smart-on-crime, soft-on-taxpayer reforms in Texas saved the state more than $3 billion  while also reducing the prison population so drastically the state has  closed eight prisons in six years .
Blaming President Obama for being soft on crime, Christie revived an old right-wing talking point, attacking the so-called "sanctuary cities" that have refused to comply with federal deportation programs: Sanctuary cities is part of the problem in this country.
Foreign Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano provided on Monday more details of what President Rodrigo Duterte&aposs administration has been doing to defend the country&aposs sovereignty in the disputed region amid criticism that it has been far too soft on China.
But if they lose the election over charges of being soft on border enforcement, then they can't do anything at all for DREAMers, for humane treatment of asylum seekers, or for a path to citizenship for the long-settled undocumented population.
"Domestic leeway for Beijing to look soft on the world stage will be diminished…[and we can expect] similar reactions from China across the Pacific, whether it's the Diaoyu Islands, the management of Hong Kong and Taiwan [relations], " he said.
Voters alarmed by the state of the Republican field but concerned that Democrats would indulge in overtaxation and be too relaxed about government spending, too soft on crime or too weak on national security, heard absolutely nothing reassuring Wednesday night.
The Conservatives had performed badly across the board, losing ground in both Remain-voting areas, which balked at the Tories' hard line on Europe, and staunchly Leave parts of the country, where voters felt the party too soft on the topic.
Most nuclear-related sanctions on Iran were lifted last year after Tehran fulfilled commitments under a 2015 deal with major powers to scale back its nuclear program - an agreement that Trump has frequently criticized as being too soft on Tehran.
But in stump speeches and interviews, Rubio frequently criticizes Cruz for his vote to reform the NSA surveillance program, which Rubio argues removed a valuable tool from counterterrorism efforts, and has used the vote to characterize Cruz as soft on security.
Moscow's strategy of trying to improve battered U.S.-Russia ties by attempting to build bridges with President Donald Trump is backfiring after U.S. lawmakers launched a new sanctions drive last week because they fear Trump is too soft on Russia.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo clashed with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle during a tense Senate hearing on Wednesday, as he took a firm line on Russia amid criticisms that the Trump administration has been soft on Moscow.
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Ratings agency Standard & Poor's was expected on Friday to defend its ratings as transparent and in line with regulations in an Australian lawsuit in which it is accused of going soft on products that caused significant investment losses.
"South Korean President Moon Jae-in will face even stronger criticism from conservatives at home who have long argued that he is too soft on Kim and too optimistic about Kim's willingness to denuclearize," the analysts wrote in a Thursday note.
TBILISI (Reuters) - Georgia's new President-elect described Russia on Saturday as an unpredictable occupying power, staking out a tough line towards Moscow as she faces protests at home from opponents who accused her of being soft on Russia during the campaign.
German newspapers have poured scorn on Erdogan for trying to muzzle media and some have also questioned whether Germany and the EU have gone soft on Turkish human rights because they need Ankara's co-operation to stem the influx of migrants.
Let's hope that this moment of agreement between two vice presidential candidates moves us beyond soft-on- crime versus tough-on- crime rhetoric in this election cycle - a false dichotomy that Kaine and Pence might help relegate to the history books.
In the interview, Schusterschitz also said the EU might have been too soft on Britain and allowed it too long to conduct a largely domestic discussion, which involved less debate with the EU than it did internal political back-and-forth.
Less than a week after the shutdown ended, House Democrats are walking a fine line of avoiding being seen as soft on Trump's goal of building a wall while also not appearing obstinate in talks aimed at preventing another shutdown.
The divide has been fueled by liberal outside groups wary that Democrats have been too soft on the bombastic president and are at risk of deflating their core supporters — an argument underlined by last month's stunning primary defeat of Rep.
WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Incoming Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) governor Adrian Orr steered clear of suggestions he would be soft on inflation even as he signed a new policy deal with the government to include the goal of "maximising sustainable employment".
Both Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. Congress, which nearly unanimously passed a new sanctions bill against Russia last summer, criticized President Donald Trump for not punishing Moscow and accused him of being soft on his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's enforcement chief on Tuesday pushed back on "the myth" that the regulator is soft on polluters as Democratic lawmakers pressed her on the big decline in civil penalties and site inspections last year.
Even acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, who had previously been among those most open to dialogue, has hardened his stance in recent days, promising to toughen criminal laws against separatism after right-wingers said he was too soft on Catalonia.
When Mr. Clinton ran for president in 1992, crack cocaine was ravaging American cities and the Willie Horton ad that the elder George Bush had used in 1988 to portray Michael Dukakis as soft on crime had wounded the Democratic Party.
Nielsen has long faced criticism from Trump for supposedly being too soft on immigration and has been fighting to keep her job since earlier this month amid reports that Trump has instructed his aides that he plans to replace her.
Over the past year, Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour have, for instance, drawn outsize levels of criticism for statements they have made about Louis Farrakhan and Palestinian rights respectively, with some critics arguing that they are soft on anti-Semitism.
It is unlikely that Mr. Trump would want to be seen as going soft on corruption after some of his rhetoric during the campaign, so the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is likely to remain a featured player in white-collar enforcement.
The Journal and other outlets have reported that Shokin was widely accused of being soft on corruption and hindering investigations, including the one into Burisma — in essence, Biden, and much of the international community, urged Shokin's ouster because he was ineffective.
The Journal and other outlets have reported that Shokin was widely accused of being soft on corruption and hindering investigations, including the one into Burisma — in essence, Biden, and much of the international community, urged Shokin's ouster because he was ineffective.
Its lessons were reinforced by the overwhelming defeat of Michael Dukakis, who was painted as soft on crime and mocked by George H.W. Bush for being a "card-carrying member of the A.C.L.U.," as if concern for civil liberties were shameful.
Judge Clemon, the first black federal judge in Alabama history, remembered Mr. Moore from several years earlier, when, as a prosecutor, Mr. Moore had urged opposition to his confirmation to the bench, charging that Judge Clemon was soft on crime.
The overwhelming sentiment within the Republican Party is that the Obama administration has been too soft on Russia, and that election hacking, if anything, represents comeuppance for his weakness in refusing to take more vigorous measures in Syria or Ukraine.
"The days of being soft on China are over," said Stephen K. Bannon, the former White House chief strategist for Mr. Trump, who shaped the economic message of his 2016 campaign and has warned repeatedly about the dangers posed by China.
Part of that effort, during a trip to Kiev in March 2016, was threatening to withhold $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees if Ukraine's leaders did not dismiss the country's top prosecutor, who had been accused of being soft on corruption.
Representative Lloyd Doggett, a Texas Democrat who has criticized the administration for being soft on Rusal, said the move to lift sanctions amounted to Mr. Trump "sliding another big gift under Vladimir Putin's Christmas tree," referring to the Russian president.
If Donald Trump wants to continue being the leader of the alt right, beyond his almost certain defeat in November, he best not go "soft" on his immigration proposal or the energy that has carried Trump this far will evaporate.
On Sunday, Mr. Sessions appeared to back off the assertion that New York was soft on crime, saying during an interview on "This Week" on ABC that the comment referred only to the city's policy toward cooperation with immigration authorities.
Lyndon B. Johnson airdropping language into H.R. 2628, the Internal Revenue Code (IRS) of 28503, during the House-Senate conference, for the purpose of ridding himself of political foes he faced back home who claimed that he was soft on communism.
Bernie SandersBernie SandersJoe Biden faces an uncertain path Bernie Sanders vows to go to 'war with white nationalism and racism' as president Biden: 'There's an awful lot of really good Republicans out there' MORE (I-Vt.) as soft on guns.
Museveni, 285, has ruled the east African nation with an iron fist since he took power in 21982 and is not known to be soft on his opponents; he has seen off many of them in his 32-year rule.
WASHINGTON — Federal prosecutors announced criminal charges on Wednesday against six Volkswagen executives for their roles in the company's emissions-cheating scandal, a sharp turn by a departing administration that is trying to remake its image of being soft on corporate crime.
And politically, they show that US sentiment toward China has darkened to the point that even Republicans know they cannot be seen as soft on the country — even when it means destroying one of the Trump administration&aposs most important initiatives.
Commitment to going soft on corporate criminals is such a touchstone for Trump that he even makes an exception for his hardline immigration proclivities — he opposes enforcing penalties on companies that hire people who don't have permission to work in the United States.
If you've been fortunate enough not to hear this word before, let me ruin it for you: snowflake is a derogatory term used against progressives deemed to be too soft on issues of national importance, including immigration and all female Wonder Woman screenings.
And according to the Times, one of the reasons Trump's lawyers cited in asking the DOJ to investigate Comey after his firing was his handling of the Clinton email investigation, presumably because Trump felt Comey was too soft on Clinton, not too hard.
As public demand for retribution mounts, the tough-talking Modi, who as an opposition leader would mock his predecessor for being soft on Pakistan and China, finds himself in a difficult situation as his options look woefully limited against a nuclear-armed neighbor.
Ivanka has elicited criticism for being soft on women's issues by speaking about women's empowerment, but not acting when it matters, like when she backed the decision to roll back an equal-pay measure or stayed mum about her father's Charlottesville comments.
The Republican nominee pointed to critics who said NBC host Matt Lauer was too soft on Trump during a national security town hall last week and argued that the next moderator will try to be overly tough on Trump to avoid similar criticism.
WASHINGTON – The Trump administration on Wednesday sought to fend off accusations the president is too soft on Russia, putting off a proposed second summit with Russian leader Vladimir Putin and declaring the U.S. will never recognize Russia&aposs 2014 annexation of Crimea.
More recently, though, to reassure the hard right (who think him soft on immigration) and to quash the idea that as an inexperienced first-term senator he is a second Obama, Mr Rubio has started painting the president as a malign super-villain.
Bodine attracted more attention from Democrats, who said they worry the agency will rein in its pollution enforcement activities given both her work in the private sector and the leadership of Pruitt, whom they have long accused of being soft on polluters.
Clinton has repeatedly tried to portray Sanders -- who has a record of moderation on the subject -- as soft on an issue that is increasingly animating Democrats in 2016, and has sought to link him to the NRA, which is unpopular with liberal voters.
His record enforcing some of our nation's most important laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, religion and disability, including laws protecting voting rights, access to public accommodations and housing, ensures that no one will caricature Republicans as "soft" on civil rights.
DUBAI, Feb 7 (Reuters) - Stock markets in the Middle East may mostly be soft on Tuesday in line with global bourses and after crude oil prices fell sharply overnight, but Dubai's index could outperform after Dubai Financial Market posted strong quarterly results.
The transfer sparked criticism of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; opponents of the move accused him of being soft on Hamas, after a rise in tensions in recent months, which have included a number of multiple rocket barrages aimed at Israel by Gaza militants.
The central bank cut its main policy rate last week for the first time in almost a year, but is at pains to show it is not going soft on its goal of reducing inflation to 20153 percent by the end of 2017.
But The Wall Street Journal and other outlets have reported that Shokin was accused of being soft on corruption and hampering investigations, including the one into Burisma — in essence, Biden, and much of the international community, urged Shokin's ouster because he was ineffective.
Back then, crime was a major concern in many American cities, and Democrats were still scarred by the 1988 presidential campaign, when the elder George Bush defeated Michael S. Dukakis after the Willie Horton ad portrayed Mr. Dukakis as soft on violent crime.
Bernie SandersBernie SandersJoe Biden faces an uncertain path Bernie Sanders vows to go to 'war with white nationalism and racism' as president Biden: 'There's an awful lot of really good Republicans out there' MORE (D-Vt.), who many see as soft on guns.
There are thus important lessons from New Hampshire about how abolitionists can be successful across the country—namely, by shifting the grounds of the debate so as not to be painted as soft on crime or out of touch with mainstream American values.
But The Wall Street Journal and other outlets have reported that Shokin was accused of being soft on corruption and hampering investigations, including the one into Burisma — in essence, Biden, and much of the international community, urged Shokin's ouster because he was ineffective.
"It seems the Democrats are accusing me of being too soft on turkey," the president added, seeming to make a joke about his decision to pull US troops out of Syria, allowing Turkish troops to attack the longtime US allies the Kurds.
On Wednesday, the President chastised the intelligence community as a whole for being soft on Iran and implied that he had a better sense of dangers posed by the Islamic Republic than those who had testified on the matter the day before.
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Wednesday blocked sections of a Texas law intended to punish so-called "sanctuary cities", regarded as soft on immigration, in a ruling handed down two days before the law was due to come into effect.
Trump chastised his top intelligence officials the next day for being soft on Iran, citing their testimony that there is no indication Tehran is currently attempting to develop a nuclear weapon and remained in compliance with the nuclear agreement despite the US withdrawal.
"Fundamentally, Erdogan may have calculated that as much as visa freedom would be a positive development, it is not enough of a benefit for him to be seen to be soft on terror," said Sinan Ulgen, chairman of Istanbul-based think tank EDAM.
While President George W. Bush gave him high-ranking positions, including a recess appointment as ambassador to the United Nations, Mr. Bolton did not hold back criticizing his former boss after leaving the administration for going soft on North Korea and Iran.
When he was first elected, Amano was backed by Western powers seeking a more like-minded successor to Mohamed ElBaradei, who clashed with U.S. officials over Iran and was accused by the administration of George W. Bush of being too soft on Tehran.
It also helped Johnson, who became President after Lincoln's assassination, stay in office when so-called "Radical Republicans" in the House impeached him for being too soft on the South -- because seven moderate Republicans in the Senate switched sides to save him.
Facing criticism for going too soft on sexual harassment, House Minority Leader Nancy PelosiNancy PelosiWhy President Trump needs to speak out on Hong Kong Anti-Trump vets join Steyer group in pressing Democrats to impeach Trump Pelosi warns Mnuchin to stop 'illegal' .
At a freewheeling press conference on Thursday, Trump outlined the topics he plans to raise with Putin amid concerns in Washington that he will go soft on the ex-KGB nationalist who oversaw an unprecedented interference campaign in the 2016 U.S. election.
In the interview with The Times, published Thursday night, Mr. Trump explicitly said for the first time that he had "been soft" on China on trade matters in the hopes that its leaders would press North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons program.
Trump, who has accused his predecessor Barack Obama of being too soft on Iran, is expected to announce a hardening of policy this week, likely to include "decertifying" a landmark 2015 deal that lifted international sanctions in return for curbs on Tehran's nuclear programme.
Greenfield's argument is persuasive about why it's now safe for Republicans to sound "soft" on drug abuse, but it fails to address a larger question: When did it become OK, even standard practice, for presidential candidates to use their family members' personal travails to score
Critics say he has been far too soft on China, but he and his officials say his approach has fostered talks aimed at resolving the disputes, eased tensions and won concessions, including a Chinese decision to stop blocking Filipino fishermen from a disputed shoal.
MARKET NEWS * The dollar was soft on Thursday after Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell set the stage for a rate cut later this month, vowing to "act as appropriate" to ensure the world's biggest economy will be able to sustain a decade-long expansion.
LONDON (Reuters) - The Bank of England will not "go soft" on enforcing European Union capital rules for insurers, but will look at ways to make it easier for new entrants to boost competition in the industry, its deputy governor Sam Woods said on Tuesday.
One key point he made, attempting to prove that that he wasn't soft on Moscow, was to paint the previous administration as weak in handling the Kremlin — by claiming again that Hillary Clinton gave Russia "20 percent of our uranium" as secretary of state.
"He made a comment, 'This is obviously what the voters wanted,' and I think there's an implication by electing all Democratic judges, there's this belief that Democratic judges are going to be soft on crime," public defender Steven Halpert told a local news station.
Can he really appeal to voters who want to abolish ICE (a plurality of Democrats and young people in general, according to one recent poll) and kick sexual predators out of elected office, and might not vote for someone who seems soft on those issues?
But they have been hurried into their friendship with America by virulent anti-Chinese sentiment among ordinary Vietnamese, some of whom accuse the cadres of going soft on their northern neighbour (particularly since China temporarily moved a floating oil rig into disputed waters in 2014).
While Moon Jae-in, who beat Hong to replace Park as President in May, still has widespread support, Hong represents a growing swell of dissent from conservative South Koreans, who have long accused Moon and his liberal Democratic Party of being too soft on Pyongyang.
But the former vice president was actually among a large number of US and European officials to push for the ouster of Shokin — and the European Union hailed his dismissal — as he was widely viewed as far too soft on rampant corruption in Ukraine.
Trump said on Twitter the previous day that China had been "caught" allowing oil into North Korea and that would prevent "a friendly solution" to "I have been soft on China because the only thing more important to me than trade is war," Trump said .
But The Wall Street Journal and other outlets have reported that Shokin was accused of being soft on corruption and hampering investigations, including the one into Burisma — that in essence, Biden, and much of the international community, urged Shokin's ouster because he was ineffective.
Saudi Arabia has been enthusiastic about Trump's arrival at the White House after seeing his predecessor Barack Obama as too soft on its arch foe Iran and cool toward Washington's bilateral relationship with Riyadh that is a mainstay of the Middle East's security balance.
In a previous notice of allegations, the NCAA went soft on UNC, taking away any mention of wrongdoing by the school's football and men's basketball programs—whose players took many of the fake classes—and instead placed all of the blame on women's basketball.
Though the White House later clarified that his denunciation "of course that includes white supremacists, KKK, neo-Nazi and all extremist groups," the slowness of that response—and the fact that it didn't come from Trump personally—made the president seem downright soft on racism.
Not wanting to appear soft on drugs, the Harper administration repeatedly fought against harm reduction initiatives including safe-injection sites, but the Good Samaritan bill is an easy opportunity for the new Tories, under interim leader Rona Ambrose, to distinguish themselves from the old regime.
But then Nixon became Dwight Eisenhower's running mate — and most conservatives loathed Ike, believing he had stolen the 1952 nomination from the staunchly conservative Robert Taft, and that as president, he charted a course toward New Deal Republicanism and a soft-on-communism foreign policy.
Saudi Arabia: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, facing criticism that the Trump administration was too soft on the kingdom after the killing of the dissident Jamal Khashoggi, barred 16 Saudis from entering the U.S., including one of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's closest aides.
Outlets like the New York Post latched onto cases like that of Tiffany Harris, who was arrested three times for assaulting Orthodox Jewish women in Brooklyn in less than a week: "Harris walked free under the state's new soft-on-crime law," the Post wrote.
"Democrats are accusing me of being too soft on Turkey," Mr. Trump said at one point, an apparent play on his policy toward the authoritarian country that invaded northern Syria last month, after the president acquiesced in a phone call with the Turkish president.
Trump supporters push back at claims he's been soft on Russia, noting that he sold lethal weapons to Ukraine -- a step the Obama administration refused to take -- and kicked out Russian diplomats after Moscow tried to assassinate a former intelligence defector on US soil.
A former federal prosecutor and head of the Justice Department's Enron task force before becoming assistant attorney general for the department's criminal division in 2014, Ms. Caldwell made a point of trying to overcome a perception that the department was soft on executive crime.
Pros: Made from reclaimed paper pulp, completely dust-free formula, soft on cat paws, seven days of odor protection, absorbs up to 200% its weight in liquid, safe to flushCons: Doesn't form clumps, needs to be scooped fairly often, may track more than clumping litters
In a surprising turn, that confirmation hearing could place Mr. Puzder face to face with Mr. Hatch, the senator who once said the Labor Department had been going soft on Mr. Shenker at the same time Mr. Puzder claimed the department had been unfairly tough.
And after White House officials urged senior executives at the parent company of Fox News to issue an endorsement, it released on Thursday an unusual statement formally backing the bill — a move that could provide cover for Republicans concerned about looking soft on crime.
And Trump has not yet gone full-tilt against Iran in a way that would signal a true reversal from Obama's approach, which Gulf allies saw as too soft on Tehran and too quick to turn a blind eye to Iranian aggression throughout the region.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer and Senator Ben Cardin blasted President Donald Trump on Tuesday for being soft on Russian leader Vladimir Putin by not issuing new sanctions against Russia when U.S. believes Moscow continues to try to interfere in American elections.
As the New York Times noted during the 1988 campaign, Dukakis hadn't started his state's furlough programs, such programs were widespread throughout the country, and crimes committed by furloughed inmates were rare—but none of that helped Dukakis shake the idea that he was soft on crime.
But unless Tillerson stumbles during the hearings and comes across as someone who's naïve and soft on Putin (highly unlikely) instead of a guy who knows just how ruthless and manipulative the Russian leader can be, I suspect the process will be rough but ultimately successful.
LONDON, Feb 27 (Reuters) - The Bank of England will not "go soft" on enforcing European Union capital rules for insurers, although it will look at ways to make it easier for new entrants to boost competition in the industry, its deputy governor Sam Woods said on Tuesday.
The ATS's carefully investigated case against the alleged Hindu terrorists was transferred to a different body, the National Investigation Agency, and the prosecutor fighting the case on behalf of the state and victims said an official with the agency asked her to "go soft" on the accused.
That was followed by George H.W. Bush's notorious Willie Horton ad -- using a furloughed African-American murderer to portray opponent Michael Dukakis as soft on crime -- and the realization by Democrats, starting with Bill Clinton, that they could no longer afford to play defense on the issue.
Since the eye was so bold, Vincent went soft on the brows, using two different eyebrow pencils from her own brand Kimiko, and elevated Oh's natural lip color a touch by blending both Lancôme L'Absolu Gloss in 230 Saint-Honoré and L'Absolu Gloss in 274 Beige Sensation.
While President Donald Trump has talked about repealing the broader Dodd-Frank rules put in place after the crisis, there appears to be little political will for overturning the entire legislation, both for logistical reasons and a desire for Republicans not to look soft on Wall Street.
" In an interview with Sky News earlier Friday, Hammond tried to adopt a tough line on Europe following criticism from his own Conservative Party that he was being too soft on Brexit: "The enemy, the opponents, are out there on the other side of the table.
The announcement that the EPA "is not re-evaluating the paint stripping uses of methylene chloride and is relying on its previous risk assessments" was a welcome sign for environmental and health advocates who had suspected that the Trump administration would go soft on the substance.
Guido Steinberg, a terrorism expert at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, who was an expert witness at the trial of Mr. Gelowicz and his accomplices, said the early release was likely to reinforce suspicions in the United States that Germany is soft on terrorism.
Read more: Top Senate Democrat accuses Trump of being too 'soft' on Saudi Arabia because of his business ties to the kingdomThe name of the Saudi official will be released to lawyers representing the family members but will not be disclosed publicly for now, CNN reported.
The case grabbed international attention in the run-up to this year's presidential election as politicians traded accusations of being soft on law and order - a flashpoint in a contest that far-right National Front chief Marine Le Pen ultimately lost to centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron.
Just as the failure of the Obama Justice Department to punish the worst offenders in the 2008 financial crisis has emboldened this shameless crowd to pursue their old tricks yet again, the soft-on-slime prosecution of the most corrupt among us will not deter bad behavior.
Mr. Seehofer also initially refused to dismiss Hans-Georg Maassen, the chief of domestic intelligence, who was seen as too soft on the far right, questioned the validity of a video showing anti-refugee violence in Chemnitz, and also challenged Ms. Merkel's description of the event.
WASHINGTON — President Trump, stung by criticism that he has gone soft on China and less worried about Beijing's ability to disrupt a potential summit meeting with North Korea, reversed course on Tuesday and declared that the United States would impose tariffs and other punitive measures on China.
The idea that government should rein in Wall Street has been one of the Massachusetts senator's obsessions for years, and she was so fixated on it that she royally pissed off some in the Obama administration, which she repeatedly criticized as being soft on big finance.
"It used to be that looking soft on drugs was the third rail of politics and now the polarity of that rail has shifted," said Sanho Tree, director of drug policy at the Institute for Policy Studies and also a long-term observer of the field.
"It's a message that's being embraced by our European allies because they've been worried that with some of the things they've heard or haven't heard from this President about Russian President Vladimir Putin means he might be soft on Moscow," said CNN military analyst John Kirby.
Nielsen, whose DHS stole migrant children from their parents, put the children in pens, made babies defend themselves in immigration court, made immigration policy the subject of investigations by global human rights organizations, was being derided by the President and Bolton for being too soft on immigration.
The political fear of losing elections by being seen as either "soft" on defense or unconcerned about the fate of military-industrial jobs in one&aposs home state or district made many Democrats view taking on the Pentagon as the true "third rail" of American politics.
Australia's government has faced criticism from Uighur rights groups as well as opposition politicians for being too soft on China at a time when relations between the two countries have deteriorated, and the worsening situation in Xinjiang has led Western governments including the United States to call for accountability.
NEW YORK(Reuters) - A U.S. watchdog agency is preparing to investigate whether the Federal Reserve and other regulators are too soft on the banks they are meant to police, after a written request from Democratic lawmakers that marks the latest sign of distrust between Congress and the central bank.
But I loved that because he said economy and then he thought, if I don&apost say guns and if I don&apost say this and if I don&apost say that, then they will say this, and then they will say I&aposm soft on this stuff.
WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump&aposs top national security aides sought to fend off accusations the president is too soft on Russia by declaring Wednesday that the U.S. will never recognize the annexation of Crimea and by postponing a second proposed summit between Trump and Russian leader Vladimir Putin.
Behind the counter, Ali greets customers who have come for ful—well seasoned, slow cooked fava beans—as well as tahini, hummus, falafel sandwiches, or simply a handful of the delicious crispy-on-the-outside, soft-on-the-inside discs sprinkled with nothing but a little sumac on top.
So by calling on Congress to pass a new AUMF in his State of the Union speech, Obama is essentially telling Congress — more specifically, Republicans in Congress who criticize him for being soft on ISIS — to put their money where their mouths are and pass a new AUMF.
And there were whispers about Willie Horton, the furloughed inmate who committed a rape while on release from a state prison in Massachusetts, a case that Republicans used in 1988 to portray Michael S. Dukakis, then the state's governor and the Democratic nominee for president, as soft on crime.
Though the Democrats in the race have their policy differences -- Helmer, for example, thinks the others are too soft on gun control, while candidates like Wexton and Friedman believe they benefit from actual government experience -- the man in the White House a few miles away has voters on edge.
When Mr. Lighthizer senses that anyone — even Mr. Trump — might be going a little soft on China, he opens a paper-clipped manila folder he totes around and brandishes a single-page, easy-reading chart that lists decades of failed trade negotiations with Beijing, according to administration officials.
Ms. Le Pen, officials said, will also attack Mr. Macron from the right, arguing that he is soft on the perceived threat from Islam and jumping on his recent statement about multiculturalism and diversity in France — that "there is not a French culture" — to tempt older traditional conservatives.
Just one week ago, he tweeted that Comey was — if anything — too soft on Clinton, a point he made during the campaign as well: FBI Director Comey was the best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton in that he gave her a free pass for many bad deeds!
As Democrats try to hold onto a polling lead in advance of this fall's midterm elections, they have and will tie racist and far-right leaning Republican candidates to other Republicans running for office or already serving, forcing Republicans to either disavow them or risk appearing soft on anti-Semitic racism.
DUBAI, Aug 53 (Reuters) - Gulf stocks may be soft on Monday after the global environment weakened, with oil and Asian equities pulling back amid concern that a U.S. Federal Reserve gathering this week in Jackson Hole, Wyoming may signal the U.S. central bank is gearing up to hike interest rates.
Importantly for photographic purposes, a flattering portrait is also soft on detail (as the above OnePlus 5T image shows), and if automatic beautification is applied without a fallback photo with less processing, people wind up with a ton of pics of themselves that sacrifice quality and realism for momentary vanity.
The Republican presidential nominee has been criticized for his comments expressing openness to recognizing Russia's annexation of Crimea, and has called on the Russian government to share emails it possibly hacked from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and drawn rebukes from critics who say he's soft on a traditional US adversary.
Activists suggested that the raids — which were highly publicized and widely criticized by many on the left — were intended to show that the Obama administration is not soft on immigration ahead of the 2016 presidential election, in which Republican candidates have lambasted their Democratic counterparts for their stances on immigration.
Aides have already started working the refs, urging reporters and pundits to hold Clinton and Trump to the same standard, and her campaign is sure to flood the airwaves with surrogates ready to declare Trump's performance a disaster and shame media figures whom, in their opinion, are too soft on Trump.
When asked Monday night if he'd appear in the debates hosted by CNN's Anderson Cooper and ABC's Martha Raddatz, Trump said he'd "show up" but that "they're gaming the ref" after Matt Lauer was criticized for being too soft on him during NBC's Commander in Chief Forum earlier this month.
Those who argue it was mostly economics are implicitly saying that, the horrors of a Trump presidency notwithstanding, the electoral situation isn't really all that bad, that those people aren't really all that bad; they're typically accused by the other side of being soft on racism, or even racist themselves.
Clinton's campaign, as part of an attempt to portray Mr. Trump not only as an isolationist, but also as one who would go soft on confronting Russia as it threatens nations that have shown too much independence from Moscow or, in the case of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, joined NATO.
Democratic leaders have also criticized President TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE's recent drug pricing plan for being too soft on drug companies.
Neither Republicans nor Democrats want the government to close before the midterm elections, but the president has repeatedly raised the specter of a shutdown, most recently last week when he criticized the stopgap spending bill as "ridiculous" and chastised Democrats for pushing an agenda that he deemed soft on security.
O.K., the bird's breast was poached in olive oil with hay that McMackin's mother bought from her neighbor in Connecticut, and that may be T.M.I. But the duck comes with smoked bread pudding, which hits your mouth fire-pit crispy on the outside, warm and soft on the inside—euphoria.
WASHINGTON — Attorney General Jeff Sessions is expected to soon toughen rules on prosecuting drug crimes, according to people familiar with internal deliberations, in what would be a major rollback of Obama-era policies that would put his first big stamp on a Justice Department he has criticized as soft on crime.
Christian conservatives who say they support marriage and fidelity backed a man who publicly cheated on his wife and bragged about being able to grab women "by the pussy"; Republicans who previously condemned Obama for being soft on Russia fell in line behind a candidate who continues to praise Russian president Vladimir Putin.
After Mr Cruz accused his colleague in the Senate of being soft on immigration, Mr Rubio attacked Mr Cruz for flip-flopping repeatedly on immigration, faulting him for changing his mind on doubling the number of green cards for legal immigrants, as well as for his support of cutting the defence budget.
In the past week, the Republican presidential nominee has been pilloried for his comments expressing openness to Russia's annexation of Crimea, has called on the Russian government to share emails it possibly hacked from Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and drawn rebukes from critics who say he's soft on a traditional US adversary.
Why it matters: Trump has long insisted that no president has been as tough on Russia as he has, taking time during the interview to slam former President Obama as a "total patsy" for Russia, even as Trump faces his own criticism for being soft on Putin during their summit in Helsinki.
This brings ever more clarity to Trump's curious inclination to go soft on Russia condemnation, to take Russian President Vladimir Putin's word over that of his own intelligence agencies, and to drag his feet in acknowledging that Russia attacked our election in 2016 and may continue to do so in the future.
In taking to Twitter to accuse Seoul of "appeasement," Mr. Trump was venting his frustration at a new liberal South Korean government he sees as both soft on North Korea's atomic program and resistant to his demand for an overhaul of trade practices that he views as cheating American workers and companies.
" Mr. de Blasio called the accusations outrageous and absurd and said at the Friday news conference that "the notion of calling this city and our Police Department 'soft on crime' is unacceptable on its face and flies in the face of everything we have seen over the last quarter-century in this city.
Bob GoodlatteRobert (Bob) William GoodlatteImmigrant advocacy groups shouldn't be opposing Trump's raids Top Republican releases full transcript of Bruce Ohr interview It's time for Congress to pass an anti-cruelty statute MORE (R-Va.), all immigration hard-liners who are opposed to the Graham-Durbin framework, which they deem too soft on enforcement.
Sen. Marco RubioMarco Antonio RubioTrump moves forward with F-16 sale to Taiwan opposed by China The Hill's Morning Report — Trump and the new Israel-'squad' controversy Trump crosses new line with Omar, Tlaib, Israel move MORE (R-Fla.) is defending his immigration record from conservative attacks that he's too soft on deportations.
HONG KONG, Feb 28 (IFR) - Asian credit markets were soft on Wednesday as regional stock markets slumped on concerns over the pace of interest rate increases in the US. Investment-grade credits in general widened by 27.95bp-2250bp while high-yield names fell around 2364 point, according to a Hong Kong-based trader.
Attempts to overturn a long-standing ban on the sale of farmland have faltered, a push toward judicial reform has sparked criticism from western partners, and fresh accusations have surfaced that Zelensky is going too soft on former business partner and Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, who is battling to get his nationalized bank, PrivatBank, returned.
It was the 1980 victory of Ronald Reagan and his brand of conservatism that set in motion the villainizing of American liberalism from the right — this time not for warmongering but for supposedly being soft on crime and communism, bloating the government with ineffective social programs and turning American universities into hothouses of fetid radicalism.
Britain is Sweden's fourth biggest trading partner and the two countries have often seen eye to eye on such issues as free trade and reforms within the EU. But the statements by Ann Linde show how allies like Sweden may prefer to move closer to the EU rather than jeopardize the union by being too soft on Britain.
But the organization was so aggressive that social media accounts linked to it went after people it perceived to be too soft on Iran, at a time when the Trump administration is exerting what it calls "maximum pressure," ratcheting up military and economic pressure on Iran after pulling out of the landmark nuclear deal known as the JCPOA.
But some — black queer critics in particular — are calling DeGeneres out for being too soft on Hart, as she mainly sat and nodded along to the things he said, while others are upset with the comedian for stepping into a space that she doesn't necessarily occupy as they believe Hart's comments mainly affected black queer individuals.
The National Radical Camp and allied factions consider the Law and Justice Party too soft on some issues, wanting the government to confront neighboring Ukraine over grievances dating back to World War II and to take steps to sever ties with the EU. They are most closely tied to the National Movement party, which holds no seats in parliament.
Part of the schizoid rhetoric was apparently driven by the need to offset the kosher seal of approval the administration had just bestowed upon Iran -- and to signal to Israel, Congress, and the mullahs that the administration isn't going soft on Tehran and that it plans to be a tough enforcer and hold Iran to account.
The bill, which Democrats advanced to combat the "soft on crime" label, created a federal "three strikes" law requiring mandatory life imprisonment for certain offenders, provided billions of dollars in federal funding to hire police officers and build prisons, financially incentivized states to require inmates to serve higher proportions of their sentences, and expanded the federal death penalty.
Looked at from a (sizable) distance, Christie's speech, in which he listed a litany of Clinton's supposed failures in Libya, Iran, and elsewhere (Christie slammed Clinton for being soft on Russia, despite Trump's well-known love for Putin) was what Republicans should be doing to Hillary Clinton: Turning her perceived strength in foreign policy into a weakness.
He's called Planned Parenthood "Planned Genocide," referred to mass incarceration as a "myth," told Milwaukee residents to buy guns for their own protection, advocated sending the "maybe a million" people who are "supporting ISIS" to Guantanamo Bay, thinks Black Lives Matter will "join forces with ISIS," and repeatedly denounced the Obama administration for being soft on crime.
WASHINGTON/RIYADH (Reuters) - When U.S. President Donald Trump meets Saudi princes in Riyadh on Saturday, he can expect a warmer welcome than the one given a year ago to his predecessor Barack Obama, who Riyadh considered soft on arch foe Iran and cool toward a bilateral relationship that is a mainstay of the Middle East's security balance.
Fellow reporters reamed NBC host Matt Lauer on Twitter Wednesday night for being too soft on Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpPossible GOP challenger says Trump doesn't doesn't deserve reelection, but would vote for him over Democrat O'Rourke: Trump driving global, U.S. economy into recession Manchin: Trump has 'golden opportunity' on gun reforms MORE during a presidential forum.
In 1988, George Bush's campaign aired its infamous "Willie Horton" ad, blaming his Democratic rival, the Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis, for a deadly weekend crime spree by a black convicted murderer out on furlough in Dukakis's state; Dukakis, seeking to avoid being caricatured as a soft-on-crime liberal, embraced a hawkish law-enforcement platform on the campaign trail.
Macri himself also has an interesting history with the U.S. State Department: In conversations with U.S. officials leaked by WikiLeaks, Macri chastised them for being "too soft" on the Argentine government and encouraging its "abusive treatment" of the U.S. The main lesson from this whole episode is the importance of national economic sovereignty for middle-income countries like Argentina.
The letter demands an apology and an explanation from those who undertook the investigation, and calls on them to disclose any political links: Martin Zschächner, an attorney for the state of Thuringia who was in charge of the case, has been accused by the left-wing politician who uncovered the inquiry of being soft on far-right offenders.
Mr. Giuliani's tack, one he shares with President Trump and a long lineage of "tough on crime" politicians, dates back to his pre-mayoral days when he singled out New York's Democratic mayor, David Dinkins, as soft on crime and "the one reason, and one reason alone," that morale was low among the city's rank-and-file police officers.
And not for any single reason, but a plurality of them, ranging from lefty complaints about working conditions at CKE Restaurants, his views on workers and the over-the-top ads he sanctioned to sell burgers, to worries on the right that he was too soft on immigration and failed to properly document an illegal immigrant in his employ.
Although the right grumbled that his policy of détente was too soft on communism and the left never trusted him because of his secret bombing campaign in Cambodia and the ruthless Christmas bombing of North Vietnam, foreign policy was believed to be one of Nixon's greatest assets as the multiple investigations into his administration heated up.
"Yes, I think they're soft on crime, and it's the directive right from City Hall down through the police commissioner, and the poor cops have to take the brunt of walking around and being spat on, being treated like garbage," Mr. Dietl said, pointing to discontent among rank-and-file police officers with Mr. de Blasio.
Suite aux événements extérieurs — dans le vocabulaire on reste assez softon peut sortir du stade, et il y a quelques sorties qui sont fermées, et il y a un ou deux parkings qui ne sont pas accessibles, mais pour le reste on est en sécurité, tout le stade aux alentours est sécurisé, les gens peuvent sortir.
The disjunction may be over Russia — any movement whose spokesmen once cried "20 years of treason" and who rode to power on the claim that the Democrats were soft on the Soviets may find it difficult, with time, simply to parry or ignore the Democrats' charge that the head of their party may have compromising ties to Russia's leader.

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