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104 Sentences With "sociopathy"

How to use sociopathy in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sociopathy" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sociopathy". Mastering all the usages of "sociopathy" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Not only that, some people have taken issue with how the documentary uses creepy horror movie-esque music when Dawson brings up sociopathy, and called out how the documentary sometimes seems to conflate sociopathy with psychopathy.
Would that not be an act of sociopathy, or at least derangement?
But even though this season managed to surprise me — Drew's latent sociopathy!
We learn that his obsessive tech wizardry can look a lot like sociopathy.
It's considered a mark of sociopathy if you torture animals when you're young.
Anton's essay concludes by wondering whether whiteness and sociopathy amount to the same thing.
Basically, sociopathy is a layman's term for antisocial personality disorder, but it's an outdated one.
Indeed, some studies have associated reduced rates of blinking with certain psychological disorders, like sociopathy.
Dawson's series has now caused his audience to start talking about antisocial personality disorder, aka sociopathy.
It's a moment of petty vengeance but an inordinately severe response (see above note about sociopathy!).
The documentary has also drawn some criticism for the way it treats mental illness, specifically sociopathy.
His opponent, however, is one whose own actions are clear and emphatic signals of moral sociopathy.
It would need to be clear that Courtney has sociopathy, and that there's something wrong with her.
We can't be sure of Trump's motivation: sociopathy, politics, pandering to Big Oil, or some combination of these.
Have a look at the DSM and you won't see sociopathy or psychopathy listed as an actual diagnosis.
It's an ambitious but massively uneven book — mixing wide-eyed wonder with a pessimism that borders on sociopathy.
You do not know your dad's age, as is appropriate for the nigh-sociopathy of your early 20s.
We reached out to two mental health professionals to get the facts about what sociopathy actually is, and isn't.
"Social withdrawal is a symptom, whereas sociopathy is actually a disorder and a large group of symptoms," she explains.
There seems today almost a continuum between ideological violence, disjointed fury and some degree of sociopathy or mental illness.
But I think a little bit of that ... At least a narcissistic personality, possibly moving over to sociopathy. Yes.
Yet more AI… Yet it's AI-powered platforms that have been caught amplifying fakes and accelerating hates and incentivizing sociopathy.
I feel like Kathryn Merteuil when I'm wearing it, minus the necklace full of cocaine and the sociopathy, of course.
A second disorder also frequently ascribed to Trump by professionals is sociopathy—what the DSM-5 calls antisocial personality disorder.
But rewriting King's speech in the words of a TV character famed for his misogyny and sociopathy is asking for trouble.
More difficult to articulate than the sociopathy of 'Seinfeld' In recent years, there's been a proliferation of unlikeable characters on television.
ERROL MORRIS: Well, Dr. Grigson was until the end a very firm believer in his predictions of dangerousness based on sociopathy.
When white middle-class men like our clients use drugs, it is at worst a tragic vice, not a marker of sociopathy.
But he's also explored the concept of sociopathy while splicing in clips from Paul's videos, alongside horror movie–esque editing techniques and music.
Although sociopathy, psychopathy, and antisocial personality disorder are sometimes used interchangeably, that's not a great thing to do because they aren't the same.
After years of warning that phones and reality shows will turn us into monsters, Black Mirror approaches clear and present sociopathy, and shrugs.
You lack empathy in a way that borders on sociopathy and I hope it winds up destroying your life, because you deserve it.
The national narcissism, bordering on sociopathy, that could turn theft and genocide into a feel-good feast is her play's point of entry.
And viewers and readers encountering widespread analysis of a story marked by terms like insanity and sociopathy would recognize something extraordinary had happened.
You had a psychiatrist, "the hanging psychiatrist," Dr. James Grigson, who would make predictions of future violence based on a diagnosis of sociopathy.
She told him their conversations about sociopathy — an outdated layman's term for antisocial personality disorder, according to medical experts — are out of her wheelhouse.
For the series' second episode, Dawson speaks to licensed therapist and YouTuber Kati Morton, who made a video about "sociopathy" for her own channel.
Others seemed to be flirting with the edges of sociopathy, or, at least, an inability to pass " Blade Runner " 's Voight-Kampff empathy test.
But more importantly, I don't believe that the tools in Amma's toolbox — weaponized femininity, emotional manipulation, and secret knowledge — are really joined with sociopathy.
Cowardly lashings out; whimsical sociopathy coupled with ingrained narcissism; one-word excremental shrieks splayed across the screen like fight words from the 1960s Batman: BLAM!
At this point of peak sociopathy, you'd rather hold conversation with an inebriated, homeless person on a packed train than answer a text from your partner.
This is a person who doesn't back down from her convictions, even if it makes her question whether or not she's on the brink of sociopathy.
In 1977 it was Dr. Grigson and sociopathy; in 1997, Dr. Quijano and race; and now it is Donald Trump and a list of six countries.
Noelle is Kendrick's movie, and it's a fitting reminder of why she's such a potent star in projects that require some degree of cheerful borderline sociopathy.
The Guardian's Peter Bradshaw hailed "Happy End" as "a black comedy of pure sociopathy ... as gripping as a satanically inspired soap opera, a dynasty of lost souls".
That makes Jeffrey Dean Morgan's chilling false charm as Negan our first true symbol of the kind of sociopathy the post-apocalypse might actually give rise to.
We can witness Escobar ordering a mass murder to protect his interests, but the logic of his maneuvers registers more clearly than the sociopathy that animates it.
But that's entirely in line with the series' darkening final seasons when fans were forced to contend with the truth of their antihero's growing greed and sociopathy.
It's only people like Christian, who look at something horrible like the tragedy and see opportunity, who keep dragging the system closer and closer to their own sociopathy.
The show has built Negan up as this buffoonish caricature of a biker gang thug whose capacity for violence and manipulation is supposed to illustrate some deeper sociopathy.
If anything, Heathers might have given us a glimpse of how rebellion, while it can be used as a justification for sociopathy, can also be cathartic, even heroic.
Her videos range from everyday problems about things like burnout, grief, and relationship issues, but also cover some more intriguing and unusual topics like sociopathy and sleep paralysis.
All this has helped incubate a sense of rage without an outlet, undermined people's ties to others as human beings, and weakened the distinction between sociopathy and political violence.
It is telling when Stanford professor Jerry Kaplan describes machines as "natural sociopaths" and cites the algorithmic stock market flash crash in 2010 as a prime example of this sociopathy.
Viral animal videos are the lowest common denominator of internet content, but it has become a mark of sociopathy deign to call them unentertaining, boring, or a waste of time.
You're wrong, and only the type of wrong an over-tanned ham hock like yourself can accomplish, plummeting past the morass of gross incivility into the abyss of depraved sociopathy.
Though John Goodman delivered a terrifying, pitch-perfect performance as a multilayered villain caught between sincerity, zealotry, and sociopathy, the story really belongs to the perpetually fabulous Mary Elizabeth Winstead.
But in "Cherry," there are also some significant developments in the case, in case you were so distracted by all the sociopathy and incest you forgot there were murders to solve.
However, we also know that Amma's been unknowingly ingesting regular doses of rat poison her whole life, so we're not sure how much of her sociopathy is nature, nurture, or neurochemical.
The only moment we sympathize with operations leader Theresa (Sidse Babett Knudsen) is when she finds herself pinned by Ford's sociopathy—the moment she feels as malleable, and disposable, as a host.
The idea that undergirds the show is a potent one, that femininity is itself a sort of sociopathy, whose performance, if you truly nail it, might be the source of ultimate power.
Mr. Criss is impressive and haunting as the mediocre con man and murderer, but "Assassination" is never quite sure what to make of its central figure, his narcissism or, perhaps, his sociopathy.
"Dark Angel" doesn't offer much beyond garden-variety sociopathy and a generic weariness with the uselessness of men, the hard lot of Victorian women, and repeated rounds of childbirth and child burial.
But because the show has made a surprising meal of how Whiterose's pathology and sociopathy is driven by mainstream Chinese society's refusal to let her to live as herself, I'm just ... not.
It's that to the best of our knowledge so far, he chose one so closely associated with racism, harassment, and internet sociopathy — while representing a medium that's supposedly defined by idealism and empathy.
Newcomer O'Shea Jackson Jr. (Straight Outta Compton) deserves praise as Plaza's weed and Batman-obsessed love interest; his goofy charm supports Plaza's deathstare sociopathy and prevents her having to carry the movie alone.
If animals can indeed feel emotions like our own, the revelation may one day lead to treatments for conditions where social bonding is difficult — like in autism — or is nonexistent, like in sociopathy.
If the issue is something more like bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, sociopathy, borderline personality disorder or schizophrenia, it's best to see a psychiatrist or a psychologist with considerable experience in that specialty.
Yes, it's beautiful and emotional at any age (there's a scene toward the end with an incinerator that should be used as a sociopathy test, because if you don't cry, there's an issue).
Neither sociopathy nor psychopathy are listed as disorders themselves in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), which is used to diagnose mental health disorders, but they fall under the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder.
With the lead role, Platt (who, in addition to roles in Pitch Perfect, also starred in the original cast of Broadway's Dear Evan Hansen) plays Hobart's ambiguous sociopathy with equal parts nuance and theatrics.
In episode six, "Cherry," once the passive-aggressive politeness starts to give away to truth-telling, you also get some unhinged wildness: ear-biting, some light incest, some heavy sociopathy, and a literal shit pit.
The mind's capabilities to misfire have frightened the public imagination since Jack the Ripper's sociopathy cleared the streets of Whitechapel after dark, but Hitchcock was the first to put it into pop-psych layman's terms.
When women write women who kill, however, their characters contain more realistic shades of emotion: righteous fury, staggering ambition, entitlement, and clear-eyed, vicious pragmatism — even if, like Flynn's Amy Dunne, they struggle with sociopathy.
Either they lack empathy to a degree that borders on sociopathy, or they do not see themselves when they look inside the cage, but rather a sub-human creature undeserving of liberty and free will.
As the series progresses, the focus primarily shifts to exploring whether Jake Paul's dangerous antics, such as lighting an entire pool on fire or his seeming disregard for his own safety, are markers of sociopathy.
"Yiannpoulos responded that transgender people "are disproportionately involved in those kinds of crimes" and mocked the idea that transgender people are discriminated against, adding, "this is a psychiatric disorder — like identity disorder or like sociopathy.
And yet, I've always found that something about the desperate subversion of the show, its characters' willingness to humiliate themselves and one another—and occasionally engage in outright sociopathy—that has lent itself to getting stoned.
According to the FBI, known serial killers have been diagnosed with various mental health disorders including antisocial personality disorder, which is often referred to as sociopathy or psychopathy, although the medical community doesn't recognize these terms.
Eliza Scanlen has done such an incredible job throughout the series of balancing Amma's appearance as that vulnerable little girl, held ostensibly in thrall to her mother's will, against all the glimpses of her budding sociopathy.
Mr. Turner, who came to fame as a handsome, self-sacrificing dwarf in the "Hobbit" trilogy of films, isn't the only graduate of the Tolkien school of matinee idols who's swapping onscreen derring-do for onstage sociopathy.
Still, Weinstein's disgrace is a sign that even if patriarchal sociopathy is more pervasive than we like to imagine, it can be defeated when a culture adopts other values and is forced to live up to them.
Charlie Brooker's anthology series about technology and the future has always veered between horror and humor, and "USS Callister" is among its funniest, darkest commentaries, touching on everything from gaming and artificial intelligence to office life and sociopathy.
Hopefully this is all for effect, because this plan is literally Jonah Ryan From Veep levels of sociopathy otherwise (the congressman and his team hatch the exact same plan to find him a suitable girlfriend in season 6).
And something similar may be going on even now, with few people in the media willing to accept the reality that the G.O.P. has nominated someone whose lies are so blatant and frequent that they amount to sociopathy.
We're typically asked to reconcile the actions of a morally bankrupt individual with having once respected them and their motives — hello Walter White — or forced to confront a character's jumps between sociopathy and genuine self-reflection, like Tony Soprano.
But let's pretend that you are not just trolling me and your fiancée for a reaction and that you truly have the money, skills and sheer sociopathy required to turn your wedding into a joke against your beloved's will.
An argument could be made, in the abstract, that sociopathy is a disability for which someone should be pitied, that sociopathic behavior is a symptom that should be explained rather than a vice someone can be held responsible for.
Fear of narcissism is a little different than fear of sociopathy or psychopathy; it's about fakeness, and performance, about the possibility that someone can seem to have a warm, charming surface, but under the surface, total absence of empathy, total emptiness.
This is because of that outsider quality Shaw has, because of the way her borderline sociopathy and easy facility with violence (often on display in "6,741") keep her from entirely blending in even with a rather ruthless band such as this one.
This New Unlikeable character is one that emerged in its most current form on HBO's Girls, a show about a group of friends who were unlikeable in a way that was more difficult to articulate than the broader sociopathy of, say Seinfeld.
I mean if you look at like the textbook definition of sociopathy —, you know, a glib superficial charm, risk-taking behavior, sexual promiscuity, like physically risky behavior, treating people like objects — that describes about like over half the people I know in Silicon Valley.
But I've gotten tired of his cruelty and blinkered sociopathy and his monomania over the past two seasons, not to mention his frustrating illogic in spending 30 years heading to an escapist fantasy world, then loathing it and everyone in it for being a fantasy.
If this is your first time meeting Nick, here is a story: he once went on TV and asked his ex-girlfriend Bachelorette Andi Dorfman (with the glimmer of sociopathy in his eye) why she "made love" to him if she didn't plan on marrying him.
The characters have revelations about themselves that occur at a glacial pace (it took 12 years of hints and cajoling for Mac to finally admit he was gay), and they're terrible at expressing their feelings of pain, resentment, and loneliness, which ends up manifesting as sociopathy.
The coherent passages of Walker's statement — like the line "groups of white (male) supremacist goons who flaunt … race purity with … impressive displays of perpetrator-as-victim sociopathy" — read like she was fearful of white supremacy's ability to ignore her, while being oddly dismissive of the people who actually won't.
" On Brian Williams's "11th Hour" show on MSNBC, one guest, David Jolly, the one-time Republican congressman, who has renounced fealty to that party in the age of Trump, repeatedly used the word "sociopathy" to describe the policy, and said those who had come up with it were displaying "unmitigated depravity.
It is the level of extreme violence, the sociopathy of its relatively young members, its alliances with sophisticated major drug cartels and the Mexican Mafia prison gang and its transnational reach that make the MS-13 street gang a formidable adversary of law enforcement and a national security challenge to all Americans.
By the end of my employment, I had lowered the bar to a level I can only describe as "Creed": I was coming in late, getting high on lunch breaks, and using my company computer to flip between message boards about sociopathy and borderline personality disorder in an effort to diagnose myself.
If the world did go tragically wrong because of technology, we'd all be collectively to blame: the consumers who gave tech companies a free pass to play with society, and the creators of the technology, whose cavalier attitudes about its dangers are as self-serving and dangerous in their way as Robert's more targeted sociopathy.
While his current eight-part documentary "Mind of Jake Paul" has primarily billed itself as an exploration of Jake Paul's potential sociopathy, at its heart lies a much more troubling question: is the perpetual shitshow of YouTube a result of its design, or is there something fundamentally wrong with top entertainers on the platform?
It would be a neater bow on the Theranos story to suggest that Holmes's alleged sociopathy went so far as to have intentionally terrible hair, but I think the answer is the simpler one: Having good hair is hard work — work that unlike, say, white-collar crime, Holmes apparently wasn't nearly as adept at.
What the Kavanaugh case has revealed this week is that himpathy can, at its most extreme, become full-blown gendered sociopathy: a pathological moral tendency to feel sorry exclusively for the alleged male perpetrator — it was too long ago; he was just a boy; it was a case of mistaken identity — while relentlessly casting suspicion upon the female accusers.
"Some mental health professionals report [sociopathy and psychopathy are] essentially the same thing, but some forensic psychologists and criminologists say there's a difference between a psychopath and sociopath," says Amy Morin, LCSW, a psychotherapist and author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do. Morin says that both sociopaths and psychopaths lack remorse or guilt, disregard laws, social norms, and the rights of others, and may show violent behavior.

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