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145 Sentences With "sociopaths"

How to use sociopaths in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sociopaths" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sociopaths". Mastering all the usages of "sociopaths" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Empathy might be what sets you apart from sociopaths, but it cannot protect you from sociopaths.
I played her like a bit of a sociopath, because sociopaths don't really know that they're sociopaths.
These kids are murderers and sociopaths or want to become murderers and sociopaths, sometimes for terrible reasons.
Are people with blue eyes more likely to be sociopaths?
Through some alchemy, she persuades us to root for sociopaths.
A Netflix show about sociopaths starring a musical theater savant?
There's the numbing violence of the sociopaths the business attracts.
" Bird keeps returning to the phrase "harmless sociopaths," starting with this couplet in the first verse: "And it would take a calculated blow to the head / To light the eyes of all the harmless sociopaths.
Therefore, the only reasonable course of action is for children to take responsibility for each other and, when faced with violent sociopaths, personally take those sociopaths under their wing and offer them unlicensed therapy (what?!).
Her sister replies that sociopaths obviously wouldn't even ask that question.
Early settlers could well turn out to be sociopaths or outlaws.
We label them sociopaths, paranoiacs or just victims of bad childhoods.
Most likely, because our entire culture is obsessed with charismatic sociopaths.
The owners and managers were sociopaths but they were almost comical.
And he was very, very good at it, as most sociopaths are.
The baddies consequently turn to another industry that rewards greedy sociopaths: entertainment.
Read This Next: Sociopaths Are Everywhere, But Not Because of Video Games
Nothing I could do would rid the world of sociopaths and criminals.
But, to then have to deal with the irrational wrath of online sociopaths?
If you do the research into narcissists and sociopaths, they're very, very charming.
In order to feel pleasure, you have to endure relationships with shitty, lying sociopaths.
I expected them to be sociopaths, or terrible people, or rotten through and through.
The fear of violent death is on everybody's mind — from ISIS, cops, lone sociopaths.
Sociopaths relish having a soapbox so unsurprisingly these people find a wonderful home on Facebook.
"Glad these two sociopaths found each other!" read one tweet in response to the article.
The only people who actually enjoy it are probably sociopaths or murderers or other degenerates.
"Barring some sociopaths, probably, there is nobody who doesn't care about their appearance," she said.
Waller-Bridge allowed women to be violent, terrifying sociopaths, but she also made them undeniably feminine.
Now the threat comes from individuals who act like fans following favourite sociopaths on social media.
It was a traveling animal gulag, founded by bigoted frauds, run by sociopaths and goons and crooks.
By allowing these sociopaths to shut down free speech with violence you are all but demanding a war.
"Hey, Trump — you and Robert Durst are both rich sociopaths from New York real estate empires," said Mulaney.
If you decide that one character should kill another, does Netflix add a "movies that sociopaths love" category?
But at the same time, it's also saying, well, we're all sociopaths, which is not nice at all.
In tough-guy plays, movies and TV shows, nattily attired men often turn out to be violent sociopaths.
Game of Thrones had space for hour-long nocturnal battles, fire-raising witches, and a parade of sociopaths.
Our collective incredulity stems from the fact that many Americans seem to lack direct personal experience with sociopaths.
No doubt: Verge, Ars Tech, Techdirt, Motherboard all feed clickbait to trolls, inflame sociopaths & shout fire in crowded theaters.
That's the argument Bruce Gibney makes in his book A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America.
"I feel strongly that we need to shine some light on narcissists and sociopaths in our society," Allen says.
She said that while they had sometimes led exemplary lives in the controlled environment of prison, "these are sociopaths."
Tim Murtaugh, communications director for Trump's re-election campaign, said "quoting murderous communist sociopaths" probably meant de Blasio was losing.
It's a pointed reminder that between Soviets, viruses and sociopaths, it may be the unknown that is scariest of all.
"The Infiltrator" goes out of its way to portray the cartel members with whom Robert consorts as crude, ugly sociopaths.
Yes, sociopaths can be awful people, but they are not all awful people in the way she is framing them.
Why it matters: Epstein is an extreme case, but charming sociopaths in general tend to do very well in business.
The idea of sociopaths and psychopaths makes for great TV. Just think of any serial killer on your favorite crime procedural.
But the other thing is narcissists and sociopaths lack remorse, are highly aggressive, and deceitfulness is one of their key characteristics.
Contributing Opinion Writer Most people, perhaps even most sociopaths, have an internal alarm that goes off when they do something wrong.
Youtubers Life, a new management game that simulates the experience of becoming a YouTube celebrity, comes across like The Sims for sociopaths.
We all become sociopaths when there are beautiful people, fancy spaces, exclusivity, and of course documentation with iPhones, cameras and video cameras.
"We tend to want to trust people in high positions, even though there&aposs sociopaths who are CEOs and really accomplished people."
However, I think, what I'm saying is, except for true sociopaths and psychopaths, everybody is trying to balance it in some way.
"People think of sociopaths, they think they're evil people, but Sean wasn't evil, he just really could not help himself," he said.
In 2013, the artist collaborated with avant-garde favorite Eckhaus Latta to design clothes representing societal archetypes ranging from sociopaths to drug addicts.
If it wasn't yet clear that ransomware hackers are depraved sociopaths, one new form of that criminal scheme seems designed to prove it.
If you see everything through the lens of corporate warfare or sociopaths drinking Soylent, you lose track of who's holding the nuclear codes.
Even sociopaths, those who have no conscience, use cognitive empathy because they know it will help them get what they want, notes Voss.
One of the episodes heavily features conversation between Dawson and a therapist where they discuss sociopaths, and speculate whether Paul is one himself.
Spicer managed to distinguish himself among the ragtag horde of possible sociopaths and alleged criminals hanging out at the White House these days.
While an overload of anxiety can be detrimental, it is also problematic to have none (sociopaths, for example, tend not to have any).
It's just that they're mostly slow and behind the scenes, and in the interim, the community's "MOPs and sociopaths" have seized on DeFi.
" Throughout the three videos — essentially a YouTube stunt about a YouTube stunt artist — Dawson speculates if Jake and/or his brother, Logan, are "sociopaths.
How have so many ppl become such sociopaths that they think its ok to assault someone if they write political stories they don't like?
So it's entirely possible — even plausible — that Westworld is an intentionally dull, ill-designed place that self-selects for rich sociopaths with low standards.
One thing that interests me a lot [about] serial killers, psychopaths, and sociopaths [is] how they deviate from the norm and don't really care.
You quit your job because going in and sitting near sociopaths and narcissists makes you feel physically toxic—each day spent there harming you.
These bisexual sociopaths share a legacy with the many "lesbian psychos" and "killer queens" that came before (and neither have these tropes died out completely).
Modern college football coaches are sociopaths: Hugh Freeze wants his players to envision themselves dead, in order to achieve peak performance on the football field.
Having worked as a psychologist trying to help people mend from the damage inflicted by bad guys, I have no affection for sociopaths and such.
While most of those Prince Eric lookalikes played sociopaths and villains in Murphy/Falchuck productions, Corenswet is the empathetic and emotional conscience of The Politician.
Easily careening from whimsical and theatrical to explosive and brutal, the actor's ruthless criminal is one of the most charming film sociopaths you're likely to meet.
We're not going to get rid of them; sexual predators, sociopaths, serial killers, racist haters, and so many kinds of ugly are endemic to our species.
These shows present a world of intrigue and power play, long and careful plots in which our heroic sociopaths bring everything together to undermine their enemies.
Changing the WiFi name is the preserve of sociopaths, narcissists and people with passive aggression issues, the ultimate powerplay in a relative strangers' flatshare for five.
Because we tend to want to trust people in high positions, even though there&aposs also... There&aposs sociopaths who are CEOs and really accomplished people.
Both are highly skilled sociopaths who deceive the adults in their lives into seeing them as aspirational rather than the arsehole, borderline-incestuous couple they are.
The characters felt like friends, which is a testament to its good writing, and becomes particularly funny and kind of sad when you remember they're murderous sociopaths.
Politics is a contact sport, not because the participants are sociopaths but because the results matter -- not just to politicians and advisers but to all of us.
What he did was so galling and shrewd that I can't even think of a proper character comparison in a series constructed almost entirely of political sociopaths.
If you threaten a politician's safety, you are not only at risk of being lumped in with the bullies and sociopaths, you actually belong in that category.
It is about the individual who is responding to him, their personal psyche," says psychiatrist Gayani DeSilva, MD. "Sociopaths are very, very good at bringing people in.
And on top of that, all these sociopaths have very short memories and love to make out with the people they blackmailed, attempted to murder, or tortured.
It's not impossible for the sociopath themselves to get treatment, but because sociopaths have a hard time seeing themselves objectively, they often recognize the need for professional help.
I don't know if I have a sound theory about it by any means, but in some ways Burning touches on it: We're all edging toward becoming sociopaths.
If you want to be critical and avoid being lumped in with bullies and sociopaths, it's best to think carefully about how you express your criticism of politicians.
"What they can get" is whatever Bobby, Sandy and the rest of these sociopaths, with their childlike nicknames and salt-of-the-earth affectations, deign to give them.
The video, which touches on everything from current politics to Buddhist sociopaths to Wright's own level of spiritual attainment, offers an endearing look at Wright fumbling toward ecstasy.
I'm not saying that there are not sociopaths who might be irretrievable, but I think it's a small percentage, and everyone else is the people who messed up.
I'm not saying that there are not sociopaths who might be irretrievable, but I think it's a small percentage, and everyone else is the people who messed up.
In 2010, she released a book, Getting It Through My Thick Skull: Why I Stayed, What I Learned, and What Millions of People Involved with Sociopaths Need to Know.
To some extent, I read a lot about sociopaths, where they have this grandiose idea of themselves and that they're more intelligent than everyone else and all these things.
"I love the sheer weirdness of the kitchen life: the dreamers, the crackpots, the refugees, and the sociopaths with whom I continue to work," he wrote in the essay.
Oddly enough, this is not the first time ABC has enlisted the help of the animal kingdom to make its participants look like unhinged sociopaths, though usually they use birds.
As we've learned time and time again, Bad Men come in all shapes and sizes: they can be criminals and sociopaths, arrogant, mansplaining college film buffs, or high-profile celebrities.
With current eye tracking technology, it's not that far from reality, except artificial humans might be more easily designed to pass the "empathy" test, whereas human sociopaths might fail miserably.
It is telling when Stanford professor Jerry Kaplan describes machines as "natural sociopaths" and cites the algorithmic stock market flash crash in 2010 as a prime example of this sociopathy.
He had an epiphany after retiring: Corporate chieftains are "legally obligated to act like sociopaths," charged with acting in their companies' best interests alone — which usually means just making money.
And then there are the bad guys, from the bikers who ride with Apocalypse on Wheels to various locally grown sociopaths ("Some got three teeth and two are in their pocket").
Separately, Jones called The New York Times a "globalist intelligence agency" and said that the "evil, wicked sociopaths" who work for major media outlets were teaming up to take down Infowars.
Now, on "Silicon Valley," entering its fourth season on HBO, it is the upward-failing sociopaths of the tech industry, who envelop their monopolistic ardor in homilies about changing the world.
"You might think that there is a minority of sociopaths online, which we call trolls, who are doing all this harm," says Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, at Cornell University's Department of Information Science.
Here he's played as a paranoid but oddly understandable stalker by Patrick Vaill, as a pale, weedy man with the kind of grudge that lands sociopaths on the front page and in prison.
Yet stories like Watts' and Peterson's are still positioned as supposedly shocking anomalies, and become investigations into an apolitical idea about individually evil men and sociopaths — not, say, incels or participants in toxic masculinity.
But it is high time to retire the horseshoe theory according to which extremes of right and left must always meet somewhere, such that the only salvation from "political sociopaths" lies with the center.
And, when a 12-year-old Natalie Portman fit right in with a bunch of assassins, sociopaths, and drug addicts in The Professional, she solidified herself as someone we would watch grow up on film.
As several of these articles note in the first paragraph, the Democratic Party is currently in deep trouble, having lost of the House, the Senate, and the White House to a pack of conservative sociopaths.
The case underscores how difficult and complicated it can be for victims of revenge porn, in which various sociopaths digitally distribute compromising photos often originally obtained consensually of women they believed have wronged them, per CNN.
But even sociopaths come from somewhere, and if Gimple and his team took the time to flesh out Negan's backstory, and give him some real flaws, it would make him that much more sinister — and satisfying.
"It's the idea that business is about a bunch of greedy bastards running around exploiting people, screwing their customers, taking advantage of their employees, dumping their toxic waste in the environment, acting like sociopaths," he said.
Triggers for trolling "You might think that there is a minority of sociopaths online, which we call trolls, who are doing all this harm," says Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil, at Cornell University's Department of Information Science.
A study in Argentina finds that low-risk prisoners who are tagged instead of being incarcerated are less likely to reoffend, probably because they remain among normal folk instead of sitting idly in a cage with sociopaths.
It says a lot that the majority of people on Scandal are either sociopaths, murderers, or some combination of both, and most have at some point flipped and back-flipped when it comes to their political identification.
But regardless, his results should not come as an enormous surprise to anyone who has studied history, which is full of countless examples of war, murder, and genocide being perpetrated not just by sociopaths, but by "normal" citizens.
So as we prepare for the dumb, fun coming war between a zombie, an idiot, and two sociopaths, let us pour one out for the High Sparrow: the most honest monster we'll ever get in that cruel world.
It's probably not an idea that will work with garden-variety sociopaths, or religious fundamentalists turned mad bombers, but it doesn't hurt to be reminded that there is usually some kind of groupthink behind acts of mass terror.
" Papantonio specifically referred in the transcript to depositions of opioid distributors that he took in the MDL before Judge Polster, opining that he felt like he was sitting across the table from "sociopaths (with) a nice suit on.
Their lives are worth nothing to the Roys, and their stories will never snag more than a few scattered minutes of screen time, but they are the ones being plundered and exploited and discarded by these pampered sociopaths.
Jon Snow returns home to hugs from his sisters and an emotionless acknowledgment from Bran (who truly has become a case example in the ongoing study of whether sociopaths are a byproduct of nature or nurture), but that's all.
In 2003, Mary Jo Buttafuoco divorced her husband and in 2010 she released a book called Getting It Through My Thick Skull: Why I Stayed, What I Learned, and What Millions of People Involved With Sociopaths Need to Know.
If Dangerous does not find another outlet for publication, this could mark the third Yiannopoulos tome to be announced but never released, after a non-fiction book called The Sociopaths of Silicon Valley and a retrospective on the Gamergate controversy.
People who listened to Lemonade and took away only a demented desire to riddle out the identity of "Becky with the good hair" sort of strike me as sociopaths who can't just surrender to 72 hours of soul-crushing compassion.
We might consider ourselves a bit more civilised than the toga-wearing sociopaths of antiquity, but we still want to watch terrible savagery in a purpose-built arena, and we still want to cheer at the sight of indiscriminate carnage.
As has been pointed out many times – most recently in Generation of Sociopaths that the demographics, the policies, and the preferences of the Baby Boomers rode a wave of absolute financial success from the nadir of World War II into the golden 1960s.
The military Hersey describes in A Bell for Adano is one I recognized from Baghdad: a hidebound institution that reacted with sometimes astonishing stupidity, run by professional sociopaths and staffed by idealistic young officers whose missionary zeal was matched only by their naïveté.
You might think dressing up as a clown would be a funny thing to do, because it plays on a widespread fear that has recently been pulled to the surface by dozens of pranksters and sociopaths and overactive social media accounts operated by local news stations.
For people who write about the dark corners of the internet, there's an unspoken hope that sunlight is the best disinfectant, and exposing terrible things will get people to look up, pay attention, and bring the weight of social norms down on racists, misogynists, and miscellaneous sociopaths.
Like all Rob Zombie films, these are steeped in violence and obscenity, but the deranged atmosphere does more to make Michael feel interesting than all the previous films — he's both a superhuman killer and a boy plainly driven by the sociological factors that turn people into sociopaths.
"I would say Manson still holds a fascination because it's often hard for those of us who are not sociopaths to fathom that level of evil behavior," says Gail Saltz, MD, an associate professor of psychiatry at The New York Presbyterian Hospital Weill-Cornel School of Medicine.
WASHINGTON — Summoning the Alamo, Roman gladiators and the First Amendment, the right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is calling on his Infowars followers to rise up against anti-Trump "sociopaths" who he says are behind the removal of his Infowars programming from most major social media platforms.
These men become perverse celebrities, partly because they are, of course, still alive — but also because their crimes can be framed as cautionary tales about evil sociopaths, that don't require a reckoning with, for instance, the real effects of toxic masculinity and the violence it often leads to.
Photo: Mary Altaffer (AP)For those who have remained blissfully off of Twitter, a site that remains uncomfortably popular with sociopaths and morons like me, the "ratio" is when a tweet is so bad that the number of retweets and favorites it accrues becomes greatly outnumbered by hostile replies.
But while both are just tricking you and using you, or so the story goes, narcissists are more focused on getting affection and attention they need to maintain a grandiose, vain self-image, while sociopaths don't even give a shit; they're just trying to get power and win.
Through some magic combination of writers, showrunners, and performers, the series managed to expand on the "hangout sitcom" formula, evolving its core characters into fearsomely sharp-witted borderline sociopaths who, despite a collective burden of neuroses and habits that would inspire most people to run away screaming, were somehow still likable.
Worse were men like Jose Mourinho (who wasn't at Chelsea when I arrived, but who I quickly became familiar with), genuine sociopaths who were inexplicably egged on by an English press which dwelled on "mindgames," as if this handful of awful coaches were actually just putting people on and not deeply fucked up.
Our clinic followed all the mothers and infants for two years, and with few exceptions, the babies were right on target developmentally despite the dire predictions (guesses really, that were not research based or data driven) that "crack babies" would turn out to be medical burdens at best or sociopaths at worse.
This is a different thing from the shills and sociopaths who both-sides their way through non-discussions about legitimate scandals like the horrifically inverted culture at Baylor, where administrators and coaches excused and concealed an epidemic of sexual assault that spanned years because they wanted to make the fucking Fiesta Bowl so bad.
As they slip into debt and are dragged into a criminal underworld by a series of shysters, thieves and sociopaths, they discover that the reality is very different from the dream in a city that worships money and status, and is heaven for those who have them an a living nightmare for those who don't.
The conceit tying the legislation together is that if corporations are going to have the legal rights of persons, they should be expected to act like decent citizens who uphold their fair share of the social contract and not like sociopaths whose sole obligation is profitability — as is currently conventional in American business thinking.
More broadly, are we really to believe that sociopaths like James Holmes are hunched over their computers, searching for theaters within a certain radius of their home, calling up place after place to hash out the nuances of their weapons policies — all without any concern about arousing suspicions on the other end of the line?
The conceit tying together Warren's ideas is that if corporations are going to have the legal rights of persons, they should be expected to act like decent citizens who uphold their fair share of the social contract and not act like sociopaths whose sole obligation is profitability — as is currently conventional in American business thinking.
"Read more: Logan Paul said he wants to 'rip the head off' the man he was filmed slapping unconscious, who now claims the video was fakeOn the same day, Paul posted a video titled "meet the girl i've been hiding from you.." where he refers to himself and Mongeau in jest as "two of the internet's biggest sociopaths.
" He described his path to becoming a chef and his "love [for] the sheer weirdness of the kitchen life: the dreamers, the crackpots, the refugees, and the sociopaths with whom I continue to work; the ever-present smells of roasting bones, searing fish, and simmering liquids; the noise and clatter, the hiss and spray, the flames, the smoke, and the steam.
Now, with steel raining down on them, without the protection of American promises or partners, the Kurds have made that deal with Damascus, and Assad—a patrilineal dictator in the small pantheon of sociopaths who have used chemical weapons on his own people—holds more territory in the north than he's had since almost the beginning of the civil war that fragmented Syria.
"Some mental health professionals report [sociopathy and psychopathy are] essentially the same thing, but some forensic psychologists and criminologists say there's a difference between a psychopath and sociopath," says Amy Morin, LCSW, a psychotherapist and author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do. Morin says that both sociopaths and psychopaths lack remorse or guilt, disregard laws, social norms, and the rights of others, and may show violent behavior.

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