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112 Sentences With "societally"

How to use societally in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "societally" and check conjugation/comparative form for "societally". Mastering all the usages of "societally" from sentence examples published by news publications.

We're going to need to see a complete perspective shift societally.
The Overton window is the collection of societally acceptable political opinions.
Societally, recollections of government cheese are ambivalent—but hey, that's representative democracy.
But growing acceptance, legally and societally, of the L.G.B.T.Q. community is also responsible.
Big Tech's "current monopoly trend is societally and economically unsustainable," she wrote Saturday.
Unless a woman is a societally accepted plays-a-mess-on-TV type — i.e.
What we saw was most of the Russian content was related to societally divisive issues.
Societally, there is still an outsized emphasis on heteronormative standards of relationships, sex, and romantic love.
Societally, reimagining the causes of our problems is vital to see the opportunities for solving them.
Not all fat people have hourglass figures or carry their weight in societally acceptable places. 44.
What are the mechanics of it, and what purpose does it serve both individually and societally?
You didn't succeed in this world by ignoring people's idiosyncrasies, their personal struggles and societally-inflicted disadvantages.
There have been many twists and turns in how we, medically and societally, view drinking while pregnant.
Factories shut, shedding workers and releasing them for other, more societally productive uses elsewhere in the economy.
"Politically and societally and environmentally, we're being pushed to the point of collapse like the materials," he said.
Entirely outside of politics, this is having an impact on us societally in terms of things like health.
"The fact of the matter is the current monopoly trend is societally & economically unsustainable," she continued in another tweet.
"The fact of the matter is the current monopoly trend is societally and economically unsustainable," Ocasio-Cortez said on Saturday.
As a part of the bank's orders to serve the public interest, it can prioritize societally-beneficial investments over profit-making.
"Some of this has to do with the general level of discord and lack of comfort societally right now," Rutledge said.
Both individually and societally, we make ourselves incredibly vulnerable by relying on tech without some redundancy — also known as backup capabilities.
Some will cherrypick an individual headline or news story to submit "proof" that, societally, the odds are stacked in favour of women.
Societally, it is far easier to blame them for disease rather than to deal with the complex medical, political and epidemiological causes.
"But it's going to be peer pressure — when it just becomes unacceptable societally, that's when harassment will really change."
It seems many employers have yet to recognize that people with disabilities can contribute economically and societally if sought out and accommodated.
This is a place of futurity, yes, but societally it is almost feudal—a harsh corporate landscape of debt slavery and alienation.
The desire to force-fit people into societally conditioned boxes has led to sterilizing children and enacting medically unnecessary surgeries on them.
So what they did was take conditions that were societally imposed on black people and then use that a litmus test for voting.
It's callous and selfish, and an example of very short-sighted leadership, because it costs us so much more, societally, in the end.
Netflix users have wanted this option for a long time, especially in the last several years as bingeing became societally acceptable (thanks, Netflix!).
She began to collect wigs (not from the nursing home), one to bring each of her elderly or societally fringe characters to life.
This doesn't make voting impossible, but it creates a needless barrier, and just as in 1890, that barrier is based on societally imposed conditions.
The 'mentally ill' (this arbitrary societally agreed upon cattle brand to differentiate 'us' from 'them' re: pain) are overwhelmingly SUBJECT to violence, not perpetrators.
Zimbabwe is changing — politically, economically and societally — and we ask those who have punished us in the past to reconsider their sanctions against us.
And some men, including Kanye West and Jaden Smith, are wearing skirts without fear that bending gender expectations will threaten their societally enforced masculinity.
These institutions do not go out of their way to understand their students who do not fit into the two societally accepted gender molds.
I don't think that we're in a place societally where feeling that our midterms are also illegitimate is ... We don't want to be there.
And to the extent that that gets really negative, and meaning has a damaging effect societally, I think it, you know, should be looked at.
But queerness bubbles like lava just under the crust of Korean culture; plot devices are just the societally acceptable cracks through which it seeps out.
Skip ahead 294,853 years or so and societally sanctioned refuge is proving as powerful a concern for Americans today as it was for the ancients.
The purpose of these witch hunts though was quite clear: they largely singled out women who did not conform to rigid, societally enforced gender roles.
This is what A Monster Calls shares with Inside Out: an approach to difficult feelings that doesn't insist on always behaving in a societally appropriate way.
Her image was something she constantly augmented as she juggled being an author, mother, wife, and artist, in an era that was societally restrictive for women.
And isn't it obvious that we should all want to lend a hand to those citizens who make the societally essential, forward-looking choice to become parents?
Biller is very clear about distinguishing between a woman discovering and owning her sexuality and a woman feeling societally or financially pressured into becoming a sexualized being.
I think we'll see societally more consumption of the testing to help identify individuals at risk or people who may be asymptomatic and carriers from that standpoint.
For so long I let life glide by as good enough, because "someday" was so societally ingrained in my mind, and it was supposedly just around the corner.
But that's why it's societally "acceptable" for them, the rich and the famous, and blasphemous for those of us who go relatively unprotected wearing heels in everyday life.
And I think that especially when it comes to something as charged and societally impactful as politics, there needs to be room for new voices to be heard.
"Rituals around death are some of the most meaningful ways we have of recognizing someone's life, but these ceremonies aren't societally defined for pet death," Dr. Marks said.
It didn't do anybody any favors to insist, societally, that people had to make this discomfort tangible in the form of oppressed ancestry, family hardship, or visible physical suffering.
We will all continue working toward our common goal: reforming a badly broken justice system that incarcerates too many Americans at too high a cost, both fiscally and societally.
If we're really going to make the changes societally and culturally to allow an epidemic like this to pass, we're going to have to change the rules a bit.
Once, rivers on the Atlantic coast "ran silver" with thrashing multitudes of ecologically and societally important fish like salmon, herring and shad as they completed their grand life cycles.
Power planet Pluto has stationed direct in your house of resources, material possessions, and self-worth—and whenever Pluto is involved, societally influenced behavioral loops and patterns are, too.
Can its journey tell us what to expect from current efforts to replace animal meat with societally healthier meat alternatives made from plants, insects, or cells grown in petri dishes?
"For so long, advertisements have been how we continue to reinforce the status quo of what we view as societally desirable and validating," Dame Products CEO Alexandra Fine told TechCrunch.
The show espouses the notion that if a woman looks and acts a certain way, she'll be irresistible, and that manipulating people using societally enforced expectations of femininity is ultimately permissible.
It argued that, faced with the added risk, not only of losing money on mortgages but also of being sued, lenders would "make major, societally undesirable adjustments in their lending practices".
Barrymore's successful resistance in conforming to a societally mandated aesthetic standard for women doesn't mean the Never Been Kissed star hasn't felt the pressure for perfection in her personal life, though.
To this day, I believe the United States suffered on every measurable level -- economically, societally and internationally -- because of that decision, and I suspect many of my fellow Americans retrospectively agree. Why?
" O'Donnell would go on to describe Trump's attacks on her as "the most bullying I ever experienced in my life," telling People magazine in 2014: "It was national, and it was sanctioned societally.
If you ignore this obvious reality, you disqualify yourself from being a strong leader who can bring the country together to find real solutions to this delicate but societally and historically ingrained problem.
As fewer and fewer of us choose to stay in the town we were born or grew up in, this network can provide us with answers that can be personally and societally important.
Given that 4.5 million Americans are on community supervision, the question of how many of them no longer require government control has far-reaching implications, both from a government fiscal standpoint and societally.
I simply find that cocktails, dinner, a bottle of wine and an episode of whatever we've been societally bullied into watching tends to sap enthusiasm for sex while diminishing performance and dulling sensation.
Societally speaking, as we move toward a cultural paradigm that increasingly sees individual liberty as the ultimate moral good, we have to reckon with those instances in which life and liberty do not coincide.
He also raised the "digital dominance" of tech giants Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google, noting growing concerns over how "big and powerful" these companies are, and over societally damaging problems like fake news.
VTOL technology has actually been around for decades (and historically has not been the safest), but Munich-based Lilium is touting their tech as being a far safer, cleaner and more societally friendly update.
The only thing proven was that senators -- for the most part -- have nothing beyond the most basic and surface-level understanding of how Facebook works, what it does and the problems it presents societally.
The Fab Five help subjects balance the inherited, societally-mandated expectations of masculinity – being a provider, being tough; feeling the weight of toxicity and fragility – with the realities of being a human being with emotions.
However, while the endless feeds of content gruel are slowly giving each and everyone one of us societally terminal levels of ADD, there are occasional bright patches in our daily crawl through the internet jungle.
There's a new theory floating around the engineering and computer science industries that women are far more likely to enroll and stay invested in the field if the work being produced is more societally meaningful.
My body was societally acceptable, hewing the line of what a "desirable" white woman's body should look like — which, by extension, meant that whatever I was doing to keep it that way was acceptable, too.
In Japan there is a lot of stress on balancing your raw emotions and private self—honne, as Japanese calls that private aspect of the self—with the societally correct ways to conduct yourself—tatemae.
On one hand, societally we're telling people to love themselves and respect their bodies … on the other, we're telling everyone, from an incredibly young age, that they're not good enough and pretty much never will be.
"There's a lot of understanding that needs to happen to do that in a societally responsible way, but I think that this kind of study provides quite a foundation to start thinking in that manner," Sullivan said.
"The internet is a vital part of our culture at this point, but we're still navigating how we collectively treat online content, including how we societally define ownership, theft, and exploitation," Quint told Mashable in an email.
In concluding the earlier search, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau said it was "almost inconceivable" and "societally unacceptable in the modern aviation era" for a commercial airliner to disappear and for the world not to know what happened.
One reason, I've realized, is that the founding values of the internet are now so societally ingrained that we have trouble seeing past them — even to reach a consensus on what behavior does or doesn't cross a line.
Buy Chasing the Scream here: Amazon | Barnes & Noble The podcast covers a wide range of topics related to this idea that depression is, to a large extent, societally created and what we can do to make our societies happier.
For many, the farm is a jewel in their family's crown, a rite of passage for younger members of the family, earning their first paychecks alongside migrant workers as well as being part of the societally valued "job creator" class.
And though we may be a ways off from Basler's dream of "intersectional, societally representative" sex information that's shared by people with firsthand experience (rather than, say, the voyeuristic gawkers behind a show like Real Sex), we're still making progress.
I still live in a world where having children is culturally mandated, societally encouraged, and constantly, chronically, gymnastically protected — even if that means endangering or punishing the mother, even if it harms the other humans and creatures she shares a world with.
This is a complicated answer because although, as a woman, I do want us to be societally equal, I feel like the movement has been largely taken over by far-left wing activists that make it nearly impossible for me to identify with.
"It is almost inconceivable and certainly societally unacceptable in the modern aviation era...for a large commercial aircraft to be missing and for the world not to know with certainty what became of the aircraft and those on board," the ATSB said.
For a potent introduction to one of the most challenging, societally astute, multitalented artists of our time, see this show of 18 gripping paintings on scavenged paper — most from the late 1980s or early '90s and exhibited here for the first time.
For a potent introduction to one of the most challenging, societally astute, multitalented artists of our time, see this show of 18 gripping paintings on scavenged paper — most started in the late 1980s or early '90s and exhibited here for the first time.
"It is almost inconceivable and certainly societally unacceptable in the modern aviation era ... for a large commercial aircraft to be missing and for the world not to know with certainty what became of the aircraft and those on board," the ATSB wrote, reports Jalopnik.
As someone who cares deeply about the accurate representation of women's bodies — and the effect media can have on the way women view themselves and are are viewed societally — it's not a huge shocker that the VS Fashion Show isn't in alignment with my values.
Perhaps more horrifically, Dana must struggle with a fuller understanding of the damage slavery inflicted on everyone it touched, free and slave, then and now — not just violence and family disruption, but an ugly mix of societally reinforced Stockholm syndrome, toxic codependency and dehumanization.
"When a woman is accused of child abuse or murder after the death of a child she is judged both societally and legally through stereotyped ideals of womanhood and motherhood," writes Andrea Lewis, of Northwestern University's Center on Wrongful Convictions, in the Albany Law Review.
None of which have netted in any change, and we continue towards the iceberg with increasing stakes both within the company, for the people who work there and, I would argue, societally for the people that have to bear the brunt of the ... The inventions you're making.
Making things technically possible doesn't always make them societally possible or even desirable, and just because we can do something doesn't mean we should (as we're increasingly realizing, watching the technologies we have developed transform into dark zombies instead of the wonderful utopian tools their designers imagined).
"It's complicated these days because we have employees that feel the need to speak out -- particularly black employees -- who are angered by what they see societally, with prejudice racism or rights that they feel were hard-fought.... We have to take that into account," he said.
In a city that is over 80 percent African American and a legacy of feeling societally forgotten, it soon became incredibly clear to me in each meeting I went to that no one cared that I was from New York City or about what my work entailed.
Unable to reconcile societally unacceptable feelings of what Sedgwick calls "homosociality" — strong but not necessarily sexual affinities men have for other men — with a culture that is overly preoccupied in shaming potential homosexuality, men end up using women as a kind of proxy for their feelings about one another.
If the majority of tech investment has flowed into areas that are tangential to social progress, the side-effect is that some of our most societally important infrastructure—the areas that would benefit most from the careful and ethical use of AI—are far from ready for change.
"As we think societally about these new opportunities to address those who have been left behind, it's critically important that we appreciate the continuing national strengths that serve the country so well," Smith wrote, noting that diversity has a place in strengthening the economy and encouraging job growth.
Museums & Galleries For a potent introduction to one of the most challenging, societally astute, multitalented artists of our time, see this show, which closes next Friday, of 18 gripping paintings on scavenged paper — most started in the late 1980s or early '90s and exhibited here for the first time.
With social media comes curation, and competition, societally approved notions of what beauty and happiness look like, and the implicit belief that, if you just tried again, tried a little harder, then you, too, would be just as successful as that second cousin you haven't seen in six years.
To learn more about what those desires were, Ashley Madison asked the survey respondents about their favorite kinks, or turn-ons that diverge from societally perceived "normal" ways of having sex, as well as their sexual fantasies, and created a list of the top five in each category.
The committee is also recommending a cross-sector AI Code to try to steer developments in a positive, societally beneficial direction — though not for this to be codified in law (the suggestion is it could "provide the basis for statutory regulation, if and when this is determined to be necessary").
Like Dry January, the fact that this resolution is a societally recognized "thing" helps, and the statistics from 2018 say that this is actually a pretty successful one, with 82 percent of people sticking it out throughout the whole month, and a very significant 62 percent intending to stay vegan afterward.
In the UK the upper house of parliament recently published its own report into the economic, ethical and social implications of artificial intelligence — which urged action to avoid biases being baked into algorithms and recommended a cross-sector AI Code to try to steer AI developments in a positive, societally beneficial direction.
Richard Burr and his wife sold as much as $1.7 million in stocks, roughly two weeks before the Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman delivered a private briefing on Capitol Hill in which he warned that the coronavirus -- and its potential reverberations societally -- were far larger than were presently being reported by the media.
When not-talked-about and societally shamed, one cannot overcome such emotional struggles.. Lucy Kelly, 21, New Zealand After a summer of being sexually abused and a year of bullying and being isolated by my peers, compounded by years of depression and anxiety, I became fixated on this goal of being the thinnest.
For you to suggest that capitalism is a dirty word and that these people, as a group, are ingrates who didn't earn their riches through strenuous effort and (in many cases) paradigm-shifting insights, and now don't pull their weight societally indicates that you either are grossly uninformed or are knowingly warping the facts for narrow political gain.
"It is almost inconceivable and certainly societally unacceptable in the modern aviation era with 10 million passengers boarding commercial aircraft every day, for a large commercial aircraft to be missing and for the world not to know with certainty what became of the aircraft and those on board," the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) said on Tuesday.
But something you learn after high school is that, without the momentousness of "firsts" (first time smoking weed, first time having sex, first time breaking up, first time getting caught in a deep and elaborate lie, first deeply felt disappointment, first confidence in your own taste) and societally ordained milestones (dances, college applications, graduation), growth occurs in much smaller, much more incremental and counterintuitive ways.
Surely there are many teens out there having relationships that incorporate sex in a healthy way, and without the woman feeling guilty for surrendering her societally-imposed virtue.. The most talented YA writers in the game may be more inclined to keep their books PG. Angie Thomas had to defend herself on Twitter for the "presumptive normalization of sexual activity" in her debut YA hit The Hate U Give (um, there is ZERO sex in this book).

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