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245 Sentences With "social lives"

How to use social lives in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "social lives" and check conjugation/comparative form for "social lives". Mastering all the usages of "social lives" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The paper, published in the journal PNAS on Monday, asserts that the health effects of active online social lives largely mirror the benefits of busy offline social lives.
It steers the cultural conversation and dictates our social lives.
These are guys with jobs, hobbies, social lives, cachet, influence, power.
We struggle with self esteem and live our social lives online.
But those small-business owners also had families and social lives.
But that's how so much of our social lives come together.
One answer might lie in their social lives, or lack thereof.
Because of our disparate interests, we maintained largely separate social lives.
People were asked about their cities, jobs, health and social lives.
And many see it is a key element of their social lives.
Yay for the ability to have both independent and communal social lives.
They live complex social lives, cooperate, show altruism and grieve their dead.
Their social lives revolved around the tight-knit group of music students.
They had cute kids, mortgages, busy social lives, matching sets of dishes.
I'm not really here to influence their fashion or their social lives.
Some said their social lives and careers depended on such solo meetings.
The authors are psychologists who study the social lives of autistic people.
But aside from mealtime, there were no restrictions placed on their social lives.
Kelley Stoltz is a friend and more constant fixture in our social lives.
However, that doesn't mean the monkeys didn't care about their social lives anymore.
We don't get the same latitude when it comes to our social lives.
But recent studies have begun to plumb the depth of cats' social lives.
But recent studies have begun to plumb the depth of cats' social lives.
Beyonce and Jay-Z aren't letting parenthood -- or L.A. traffic -- cramp their social lives.
Between our work hustle and social lives, carrying 67 "essentials" somehow became the norm.
It's easy to say that work lives and social lives should be separate entities.
And it's important, too, not just for their social lives but for the future.
In the suit, she also says the agencies tried to run their social lives.
Our jobs, our vehicles, our social lives, and everything else are utterly immersed in technology.
And it says something about how politics has kind of infected everybody&aposs social lives.
The Pokémon Go craze is only growing (and touching every part of our social lives).
" — The Washington Post "We hire people who are freaks" and "They don't have social lives.
Twitter-based outrage hasn't had a lasting, adverse effect on their careers or social lives.
Now, he says, they've all become fluent in English and have social lives and girlfriends.
For teens, the biggest battle might not be their school work but their social lives.
Look at that: Pokémon Go has helped not only our social lives but also the economy.
Between homework, tests, problems at home and in their social lives, kids are under intense pressure.
The active social lives of the two youngest Mugabe brothers have not gone unnoticed back home.
The bunnies are protesting the clubs rules governing their social lives, and espousing more personal freedom.
It shows how our social lives provide troves of valuable data for training machine-learning algorithms.
Facebook users' social lives provide the company with vast, valuable datasets for training machine-learning systems.
But parents need to remember that their children's social lives don't take shape in a vacuum.
But they resist because a move would drive them away from their work and social lives.
For anyone curious about the social lives of flight crews after touchdown, here was a glimpse.
Try to give them privacy, expect friction in their social lives and allow space for sadness.
Sexual assault happens mostly in students' social lives, at fraternity houses, off-campus apartments and dorms.
Clustering speeds the flow of ideas, cuts the cost of dealing with clients and enriches social lives.
It lacks information about its users on the go: Their commutes, lifestyles, social lives and fitness levels.
Plenty of users would rather gab about their social lives than net neutrality or the tax plan.
But that success came with tradeoffs, including life-changing impacts on their health, social lives, and relationships.
Armed with these, students feel they no longer need to choose between their social lives and study.
They have good memories, love to play and explore, recognize each other, and have sophisticated social lives.
But does its tongue-in-cheek portrayal of young women and their social lives hold up today?
Educators experienced with remote learning warn that closures can affect children's academic progress, safety and social lives.
Our social lives operated under entirely different curfews and rules about befriending members of the opposite sex.
Both Mr. Leahy and Ms. Kerr had active social lives, but they were focused on their careers.
The pressures of heavily overloaded schedules, including academic demands, extracurricular activities, travel sports teams, jobs and social lives.
It is bizarre how they live their social lives as people who aren't married and don't have kids.
As we age, we often overlook the drop-off in our social lives or accept it as inevitable.
"It is outrageous that people are now shunning Alan Dershowitz in their social lives," one Twitter user wrote.
The Le Rozel footprints could help provide a more accurate picture of Neanderthals' group sizes and social lives.
You have social lives and you party and whatever happens…" "Why are you insinuating you know I do drugs?
Finding the balance may be difficult because teens are facing numerous changes—changing bodies, social lives, academic lives, etc.
The three women are juggling second jobs, social lives and family commitments while simultaneously dealing with BOXFOX's sudden success.
Zoom, the videoconferencing app that's dominating our coronavirus-created work, school, and social lives, is more popular than ever.
When our social lives are exclusively in one group, it's easy to lose perspective and fall into rigid habit patterns.
In short, researchers found that a busy social life on the web mirrors the effects of active social lives IRL.
We analyze the small, seemingly insignificant decisions we make every day with technology, and how they impact our social lives.
As otherwise normal high school students, however, they still have to get good grades and keep up their social lives.
Sunil K. Pal in India has studied them and written a number of papers on their social lives and behavior.
That footage features a very young Tarantino as a rambling disc jockey and some other characters navigating their social lives.
But despite their parallel ascents in business and society, Mr. Mossack and Mr. Fonseca apparently kept their social lives separate.
Millions of people organize their social lives and their news exposure along ideological lines to avoid people with opposing viewpoints.
But their friends and social lives were in New York, even though Mr. Rappoport had grown up in Fairfield, Conn.
Educators experienced with remote learning warn that closures are a serious threat to children's academic progress, safety and social lives.
But truthfully, I think that may just be the case with all our social lives as we get older and busier.
For many users, social media is the focal point of their social lives as well as their main source of news.
With the median staff age hovering somewhere in the twenties and with business and social lives conflated, workplace romance was common.
The camera in 2017 is our phone, our mobile computer, our social lives, and it rests on the tripod of our hand.
More than anything else, it makes it clear that Instagram has a profound effect on teens' social lives, both positively and negatively.
Millennials, we hear over and over again, are absolutely obsessed with social media, and live their entire social lives through their smartphones.
But in our democracy, our social lives, our senses of selves, and our souls, smartphones just might be the death of us.
Soon MySpace, and then when it too collapsed, Facebook, Twitter, and a million other companies, would demand our attention and social lives.
Most of us sacrifice sleep for our social lives, and have definitely spent plenty of days running on four hours of sleep.
Urban Natives, like me, have jobs, friends, and social lives in the city while maintaining connections to their tribal communities back home.
It happens in the workplace, in our social lives, on the sidelines of our kids' soccer games and even the school lunchroom.
If the image can make someone see something more discerningly, and with curiosity, instead of phobia — that translates into our social lives.
Today, restricting alcohol is a tricky cause for philanthropists to support because drinking is ingrained in the social lives of the rich.
And like Snapchat (and in particular the app's "Stories" feature), it was a place to document their social lives via posts and photos.
Most of the time, it feels like we're stuck choosing between what's best for our wallets and what's best for our social lives.
Performance anxiety can eat away at young people trying to establish their place in their work and social lives, but also in bed.
Without data, there is no advertising; without advertising, there are none of the free services which have come to dominate our social lives.
Some may have great social lives and love talking to their friends but just need some time to be alone to 'recharge' afterwards.
Digital citizenship skills as just as important as academic skills -- not only for drama-free social lives, but also for kids' potential careers.
Vitti also suggests playing to your hormonal strengths when it comes to your work and social lives to boost productivity and reduce stress.
Bullying has long been an issue on the app, particularly for young people whose social lives are heavily influenced by what happens on Instagram.
But a new study out of the University of California, Berkeley suggests that poor sleep can be a nightmare for our social lives too.
Look at the way people with retrograde amnesia, who cannot remember events before an injury, use their phones to carry on healthy social lives.
Or it could be that because we survive best as social creatures in groups, we need the big brains for our complicated social lives.
We were both romantic homebodies who were happy to give up our social lives for the chance to build our comfortable little snugglefest together.
The researchers, reporting their results Tuesday in the journal PeerJ, said the video provided a rare peek into the social lives of these animals.
Yet, women and men often use social networks like Facebook and Twitter as pathways around these rules, purposely using technology to intermediate their social lives.
When not at galas raising money for Important Causes, billionaires' social lives are spent in the company of other rich people ensconced in similar dynamics.
Karen Parker, a behavioral scientist at Stanford University, was keenly aware of the research into voles' social lives, having studied them in her early career.
For parents who grew up with dial-up connections and tape players, the high-speed, digital social lives of their teens can be a mystery.
Feeling like the belong with other kids won't just help their social lives, it will make it more likely that they achieve long-term success.
Work often takes precedence over worship, social lives are prioritized over spiritual disciplines and most people save their Sunday-best clothing for Monday through Friday.
Their social lives and societal awareness are essentially nonexistent; even the characters' jobs exist only as places where they might meet a potential marital interloper.
Over time, as virtual worlds become pervasive in our social lives they will become more natural places to chat with people about business as well.
Our careers, our social lives, and the global economy have been upended since people diagnosed with the virus began falling ill in China last December.
They worry that others will treat them with pity or condescension, that their friends will drop away and their social lives shrivel — all justifiable fears.
But social media is a constrained cyber-ecosystem of our social lives, with evolving rules and expectations that society is still trying to figure out.
The devices are part of Facebook's plan to become more intimately involved with users' everyday social lives, using artificial intelligence — following a path forged by Amazon.
As a result, our social lives could be seriously impeded as we turn to technology to help us feel connected in ways we can comfortably control.
Among the noted issues: stagnant wages, mounting student-loan debt, a reluctance to enter the stock market and a tendency to overspend on their social lives.
Personal care is a pillar in allowing many in the disabled community to have jobs, social lives, to live on their own — to be more independent.
" Burnham asked what role the Internet played in their social lives, and added, "Don't do a defensive boy answer that means 'I'm afraid of my emotions.
He spent his youth in the company of older people and his old age surrounded by young staff members who had social lives of their own.
" Taylor Swift Singer-songwriter Taylor Swift implored her fans to sacrifice their social lives, after "seeing lots of get togethers and hangs and parties still happening.
Instead of the stagnant picture of an oppressed society, stories are emerging offering a glimpse at the fashion, culture, music, and social lives of young Iranians.
And hey, if I'm really interrupting their flourishing social lives by being home all the time, the least I can do is put on a movie.
Here are excerpts from that article: Educators experienced with remote learning warn that closures are a serious threat to children's academic progress, safety and social lives.
Whenever you're trying to study the social lives of animals, there's the important caveat that we can't truly ever know what Ms. Tuffers thinks about us.
Sometimes, they tell me why — a single mother works long hours, the parents have saturated social lives, a sibling is in crisis — and sometimes they don't.
"Many of them were students so they either wanted time off to study or they wanted the shift to be planned around their social lives," claims Woodcock.
That is, after all, what A, in all the villain's iterations, is to the five Liars: A mean girl determined to wreak havoc on their social lives.
They have classes, internships, second jobs, social lives, and relationships to manage, and they probably have far less money to support themselves than they wish they did.
More, in fact: Almost everyone in the group said they have richer social lives and deeper bonds as a result of having bought homes in Sullivan County.
People are regaining their social lives in fits and starts, as security allows, and expressions of the culture Mr. Bukar once enjoyed spring up in unexpected ways.
They also have unique perspectives to contribute as the first generation to grow up surrounded by AI shaping their education, health, social lives, leisure, and career prospects.
While no one except  Facebook is privy to this automated ranking process, it nonetheless shapes the social lives and reading habits of more than 1 billion users.
Go deeper: The war on screen time Devices dominate teenagers' social lives Why some screen time can actually be good for kids America sours on social media giants
New research unveiled at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference suggests people who have either more complex careers or busy social lives may be more resistant to Alzheimer's disease.
The students who spoke to BuzzFeed News for this story each requested anonymity for fear that speaking out publicly would aggravate the abuse or damage their social lives.
For this generation, I get the sense that dating is kind of an outdated concept, and a surprising number of our kids didn't really have active social lives.
"We have to work hard to make our social lives reflect our values, because white people do not choose the company of people of color generally," he says.
Most of us sacrifice sleep in favor of work and social lives — and many of us have spent quite a few days running on four hours or less.
One of the major themes that crops up talking to all of them is that much of their social lives now come off the back of their jobs.
They are treated differently not just on the golf course or in the boardroom, but in daily episodes large and small, at work and in their social lives.
We are accustomed to same-day delivery and instantaneous streaming in our private and social lives, which raises our expectations for what we want from the public sector.
Improving the social lives of autistic people will require putting aside assumptions about how social interest is expressed and recognizing that it can be shown in unexpected ways.
In Booksmart, Molly has this revelation after learning that her peers also got into the same fancy, competitive colleges she did without having to sacrifice their social lives.
A public Google Earth Voyager platform would also likely need moderators, editors, and everything else that comes along with our social lives on the internet in the 21st century.
Beginning in his hometown of Minneapolis, Soth traveled the country attending community meetings, festivals, dances, and other gatherings to better understand the state of Americans' social lives off-line.
But shedding self-imposed embarrassment about our interests can be empowering and enrich our social lives, which is why it's time to ditch "guilty pleasure" from our collective vocabulary.
And he does so by wandering the globe in search of those that play — or have played — a special role in the intellectual and social lives of their communities.
Like a tacky filter on Instagram, it can color our perceptions too radically; it can play too large a role in the construction of our identities and social lives.
Astronomers were still searching for the Big Bang's cosmic fingerprint, genomes were decades away from being decoded, and Goodall herself hadn't yet revealed the complex social lives of chimpanzees.
The researchers would keep track of their social lives and intellectual prowess, ultimately hoping to uncover if the genetic quirks of a person's immune system can affect their mind, too.
With many of us juggling busy work and social lives, online grocery shopping is becoming an increasingly convenient way to stock up on food, drink and everything else in between.
This perceived backspin is believed to throw our schedules and social lives into utter peril, leading travel plans to go awry and driving us to commit grim social faux pas.
Whales and apes live complex social lives, learn from each other, cooperate with one another, share food, pass on local traditions, defend their young, and communicate with complex vocal signals.
Although The Society of the Spectacle is recognized as an incisive indictment of the consumerist experience, readers may well reject Debord's assertion that capitalism has inherently degraded our social lives.
The limit may put a dent in the habits of many pass subscribers — and, almost certainly, the population of highly devoted users who have structured their social lives around MoviePass.
In 2004-5, participants were asked how often they engaged with the arts, as well as a host of questions about their habits, background, education, financial situation and social lives.
There's a feeling that this change — coupled with the emergence of trendsetters who see their sobriety as an asset — could hugely change the role booze plays in our social lives.
Also, when you're in a heartbreak space, it can be challenging to remember that your friends have other commitments — partners, jobs, social lives — that they also need to tend to.
While this is great news for Netflix, it's potentially terrible for our social lives as we'll undoubtedly spend the remainder of 2018 kicking back in loungewear and trying to keep up.
Devices dominate teenagers' social lives Kim Hart has the key bullet point from this new study by Common Sense Media: In 2012, 68% said their go-to social site was Facebook.
This season, she has shared how her parents' divorce tore their family apart and stunted their social lives in 2016, when her father Chip's alleged mistress gave birth to a child.
Dr. Claire Hughes, the author of "Social Understanding and Social Lives," said that despite natural sibling rivalry among children, siblings are our natural allies who are often on our same wavelength.
As younger Jews have become less attached to religious conventions and institutions, Sixth and I has become more attentive to its participants' social lives, offering meditation and paid family leave classes.
Some New York millennials have turned to video speed dating as a way to maintain their social lives amid the stay-at-home order put in place due to the coronavirus.
Go deeper: Devices dominate teenagers' social lives Online bullying on the rise among girls ​Political views tops list of reasons people are harassed online How Jack Dorsey plans to change Twitter
Many of us have wondered when men are going to step up to decry this behavior and commit to dismantling whatever parts of their professional and social lives that keeps victimizing women.
Each is slightly different, but looked at collectively, they signal a possible reimagining of the role alcohol plays in our social lives, in our gathering spaces, and in our concepts of fun.
As we face increasing burnout from fractured work and social lives, the need to escape and the need to chemically control the daily grind have become two sides of the same coin.
More consumers are becoming aware of the impact of tech addiction to their social lives, so we're bound to see more pressure on tech companies to do something about the loneliness issue.
I have no idea what it would be like to stop drinking altogether, so I spoke to some people who have done just that, to see how it impacted their social lives.
The New York women had recently finished watching "Love Is Blind" on Netflix and wanted to use their talents as social connectors to help singles in their networks maintain their social lives.
If most of our social lives are now perpetuated on social media, if you see an article that's going to make a difference, that's going to open people's eyes, then definitely share it.
Online sociality may have addressed loneliness, but in its early form, it did as much to simultaneously heighten it, isolating those of us who sought out artificial social lives in two-dimensional typefaces.
That could appeal to teenaged or young adult users, who spend a lot of time interacting with content on mobile devices – a place that's also where much of their social lives today unfold.
More than half say they would make sacrifices when it comes to their spending on a car, travel, clothing and even their social lives, in order to afford the home they truly want.
We need this particular genre of wrestling story, even more than when all of this tearing at the fabric of our social lives began in earnest and we turned to Flair, Hogan, and Savage.
Student Winner: How People GatherUlf Aslak Jensen, a masters student at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), put together this fascinating visualization showing how people mingle, interact, and generally go about their social lives.
And Mii­tomo, a new mobile game from Nintendo, makes the gamification of our social lives explicit — in it, when your impish avatar socializes, you win piles and piles of digital coins for your trouble.
As we gradually expand our notions of what a relationship can look like, of how people may choose to structure their social lives, assumptions about the public face of love fall by the wayside.
The best gifts for college students can make a big impact on their quality of life, not least of all because they're probably juggling their classes and social lives on a shoe-string budget.
Macy, for her part, works hard to illuminate the brothers' story, including the context of the social lives, personalities and cultures of the other so-called freaks among whom Willie and George spent decades.
They were a part of our social lives with other kids, always a topic of conversation, not to mention a perfect pre-phone social distraction for surly preteens not wishing to engage with their surroundings.
However, I am not the biggest fan of socializing with my direct work colleagues — I prefer to keep my work and social lives separate, so I head off to take the tube after one drink.
I'm comfortable with the fact that those random people have vibrant social lives (and creeping gives me plenty of inspiration for my own), but am a little less so when things are closer to home.
It's a question I wonder often while considering the lives of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, whose social lives orbit such at such high, rarefied planes that we ground-dwelling mortals can hardly fathom them.
"The size and reach of these platforms demand that we ensure proper oversight, transparency and effective management of technologies that in large measure undergird our social lives, our economy, and our politics," the paper says.
As our social lives have moved onto social media sites like Facebook over the past decade, there's been a lot of hand-wringing over what all that screen time might be doing to our health.
But our social lives are never stagnant, and even bonds founded on that rare, deeply felt psychic connection between two people, such as the one that sustained me in early adulthood, are bound to fray.
He says the latter element is key to its strategy as the hope is to help time-strapped parents be more spontaneous about their social lives, rather than having to schedule a babysitter well in advance.
In fact, it's just as likely that the association goes the reverse direction: these findings could mean that healthier people have the energy and time for richer offline social lives that bleed into their online lives.
Even the girls' wide-eyed wonder in the face of a pair of incredibly dopey boys just underscores the larger point — they gave up their social lives, childhoods, and adolescence to dedicate their themselves to training.
Since its early days, when the platform was wired directly into the social scene of colleges across the country, Facebook has made itself feel like a utility, a mandatory extension of our real-world social lives.
The duo's friendship blossomed over the course of countless trips back west on the city's various forms of public transport, heading back from the indie clubs and underage pubs that made up their central London social lives.
Your astrologer will follow these steps for Jupiter and Saturn, too, since these planets influence our social lives, and then they'll get to the meat and potatoes of your astrological identity: your sun, moon, and rising signs.
She sees the exhibition as an invitation of sorts, one that asks viewers to engage with black girls on their terms, and explore the rich worlds of their social lives, private rituals, inner feelings, and creative practices.
From the effect it has upon our social lives, the frustrating inability to install a program that works fluidly with other programs, all the way to the overpowering and unnatural amount of detail in a digital photograph.
Pangs of guilt follow every new study reminding us of this magical panacea, if we would just turn off Netflix, forget our social lives, emails, and all the dishes in the sink, and just climb into bed.
"This change to a very sophisticated set of behaviors that involved greater mental abilities and more complex social lives may have been the leading edge that distinguished our lineage from other early humans," said Potts in a statement.
Its founder, Danah Boyd, in a book called "It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens", concedes that spending too much time online can be bad for adolescents, if only because it leaves less time for other activities.
Check out 'The Pinnacle,' which occupies the top 5 floors of the iconic, green-roofed skyscraperWealthy millennials want homes that are within walking distance of their social lives, and it's redefining how they're thinking about traditional luxury locations
While the veterans were largely satisfied with their work and social lives, most said they had chronic physical problems, and a third said they had chronic mental health problems, researchers report in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Nearly all of the main characters have jobs -- in retail, politics, hospitality, and other services -- yet manage to maintain active social lives and make time for hobbies and meeting each other for meals in the town's only café.
Research has consistently shown that the brain needs downtime in order to process information and create memories, but also to mitigate the stress and burnout that comes from being constantly connected to both our work and social lives.
When Twitter users find out that someone has been problematic — whether it's a terrible take they had on a marginalized group or allegations of sexual harassment — they'll softblock the person to gently remove them from their online social lives.
Not only is it a trusted travel companion, a workspace, a writing aid, and a canvas, it's also a study guide, a classroom assistant, and a lifeline to our social lives, to the news, and to Game of Thrones.
"The key to parenting children around pornography is not to start an arms race with them by trying to block their access," Danah Boyd, the author of "It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens," wrote in an email.
Like much of our work, spiritual, and social lives, it's clear that the social distancing required by this pandemic will leave people turning to preexisting digital platforms and tools, however insufficient or flawed, hoping to fill in the gaps.
It offers another glimpse into the social lives of the students who attended private schools outside of Washington during the 1980s -- a scene that has been central to questions about Kavanaugh and the accusations of sexual assault he faces.
For the unfamiliar, our flagship series Chef's Night Out documents the boozy, freewheeling social lives of both well-established and up-and-coming chefs around the world, exploring what and where they like to eat and drink during their free time.
Like with any kind of popular game that takes the world by storm, parents have become concerned that their children are getting addicted to Fortnite, claiming that it has adverse effects on their social lives, mental health, and physical health.
Developers like Epoch, catering to a wealthier demographic, will build more urban, transit-oriented homes for some of tomorrow's older adults, offering a closer connection to the cities they know, the social lives they crave, and the families they love.
But the social network of the moment -- the one that's currently getting more app downloads than either Snapchat or TikTok -- looks a little different: It's a videoconferencing service called Zoom (ZM), where many peoples' work and social lives now unfold.
It's mind-boggling that even in the middle of a global pandemic, people have expressed reluctance — some embarrassingly so — to curb certain aspects of their all-important social lives, even if it means potentially saving those most at risk, i.e.
Stress SolutionsLong hours at the office, high costs of health care, rising sea levels, balancing our social lives with our work schedules, literally anything on the news: With so many stressors everywhere we turn, it's only natural that we're, well, stressed.
The problem with this, and the fact that so much of our social lives revolve around alcohol, is that it makes it far too easy for our relationship with alcohol to become problematic — and for our developing issues to go under the radar.
Democrats should redouble their commitment to labor, abandon the obsessive focus on the preferences of American professionals, rein in the most predatory parts of the economy, and throw their weight behind simple, universal programs that would improve citizens' economic and social lives.
Plus, now that Ramadan falls during the summer months, many of us are balancing work, school, social lives, a crazy upside-down sleep schedule, and going without water during the hottest days of the year (the lack-of-water struggle is real).
Before the social internet had mapped so completely onto our social lives that attempting to separate the two or call life away from the internet "real" became a ridiculous endeavor, online was where we went to escape, to be unseen, to be nowhere.
Social lives and relationships In contrast with many parts of Northern Italy, it is unusual for older people in this region to be put into institutional care, according to Maria Chiara Fastame, a psychologist based at the University of Cagliari in southern Sardinia.
Though millennials aren't changing their drinking habits on a grand scale quite yet, a report in the Atlantic tells the story of more than 100 young people who are trying to drink less, for reasons related to health, money, or their social lives.
Many will include a haunting display of empty shoes to stand in for the 2628 to 28500 million Americans, 6900 million worldwide, debilitated by ME. We will stand up for those who are bedridden and homebound, missing from their schools, jobs, social lives and families.
But large swaths of the British public will have danced and sung along enthusiastically and unironically to: "Whatever You Want" and "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go" – threaded through the fabric of their social lives, from school discos to Christmas parties and weddings.
The project, supported by World Wildlife Fund's Australia office, has gathered a bounty of information so far, including when, where, and how whales eat krill; what their social lives are like; and how they're able to blow through sea ice so they can breathe.
As our social lives, typically the dominion of the novel, have partly mutated into a flow of adjacent but isolated images and captions, autofiction's careful human pace is a protest that no matter how it may seem, we still haven't quite merged with our computers.
"We must create a campus community that allows for alcohol to be a part of the social lives of some of our students, but not to define the social and communal lives of all of our students," Greg Boardman, vice provost for student affairs, wrote to students.
They're not ignored or bullied at school, but they're definitely not cool – rather, they're the girls who spent their weekends watching Ken Burns docs while reassuring themselves that they were choosing not to have richer social lives, damnit, because they cared about getting into good schools.
Casteel came to realize that there were relatively few images of black men that showed them as the kind of people she knew her brothers to be: fully human, that is to say—people who had social lives and were integral, valued members of families and communities.
This Netflix original rom-com features double-barreled love stories, in which two overworked assistants (played by Zoey Deutch and Glen Powell) set up their bosses (played by Lucy Liu and Taye Diggs) to save their own social lives — and then start to fall for each other.
Michael, 40, gave up his job as an investor at a local bank; Marisa decided that she could run her essential oils business anywhere, and their four children — Reece, 16, Maya, 13, Mason, 11, and Madelyn, 7 — agreed to put their social lives on hold for a year.
The film showed 40-year-old footage of baby orcas being stolen from their distraught families by SeaWorld paid captors, the mother orcas screeching and shaking because their children were taken from them to other parks, and the incredible lifespan and complex social lives of orcas in the wild.
Though Yusaf says he loves trans women and that he's ready to live his life openly, he sometimes makes statements that seem as if he might actually be interested in being with men but won't consider it due to the fact it could make his children's social lives more difficult.
Venus meets Mars on August 24, beginning a new cycle to your romantic and social lives—and as these planets meet in grounded earth sign Virgo, you're especially valuing relationships with people who know how to keep a secret and with whom you can comfortably share a quiet moment with.
As the company matures and we reach our fill of reconnecting with people we knew in college and high school, jobs and current social lives, Facebook has been on the hunt for more ways of leveraging its social network, and building even more connections across it (beyond actual friends) to boost engagement.
AI is getting smarter, and the world hasn't ended yet because we're still bad at AI. Chollet is specifically singling out Facebook — and not his employer, Google, Amazon, or Apple — because of its history of experiments, its "morally bankrupt leadership," and because he believes it is uniquely embedded in our social lives.
He added that the people most affected by tax rates are the "late-career working rich" and they are less likely to move because they are "embedded in place for a host of social and economic reasons," from the location of their companies and jobs to their social lives, charitable boards and customers.
Though of course a lost deposit or a rescheduled event is nowhere near as serious as defaulting on a mortgage or suddenly being unable to afford food, many people have been impacted, financially and otherwise, and it's another example of the ways government policy trickles into our social lives and the private sector.
The day after Booksmart debuted at the SXSW Film Festival in March, the team behind the acclaimed teen comedy appeared in a panel together to discuss the film, about two overachieving high school seniors, Molly (Beanie Feldstein) and Amy (Kaitlyn Dever), and their mad scramble to reclaim their social lives the night before graduation.
Or you can think about that as richness and depth-ness in our social lives, and I just think that that's an interesting question, is where you want the commonality across the world and the connection, and where you actually want that commonality to enable deeper richness, even if that means that people are doing different things.
And while this seismic shift might be occurring most dramatically in online dating, it'd be hard to isolate any part of our social lives that wasn't at least a little dependent on what's happening within someone's phone — from the hurtful specter of trolling comments to that conspicuously dropped text, courtesy of your best friend or latest Bumble conquest.
After spending 13 years tracking their interactions and life spans in Colorado, Daniel T. Blumstein, a biologist at the University of California, Los Angeles, and his colleagues found in a study published Wednesday in Proceedings of the Royal Society B that yellow-bellied marmots with more active social lives tended to die younger than those that avoided interactions.
But Plan's ease-of-use and minimalist user interface makes the service useful for anyone who just wants an alternative way to manage their calendar, whether that's a student managing their homework schedule, study groups and social lives; a family managing parents and kids' schedules; or any other office worker who finds their Google, Apple or Outlook calendar a bit of a hassle.
The social lives of crayfish, the partner preferences of fish, the shunning by birds of flock members that don't conform to the group — all this and more is being investigated by scientists precisely because these animals' neurobiology is relevant to humans and can contribute to our understanding of the origins of any number of societal challenges, from educational attainment to bullying.
We might see a marketplace for older workers who want the flexibility to work from home while caring for loved ones, financial planning products focused on those with complex family lives, online communities built around the social lives of people with longer histories, monthly delivery boxes of clothes or foods that cater to the tastes of the many groups of older Americans who buy differently than the young.
And often progress causes a lot of issues and it's a really hard thing to reason through, "Wow, we're trying to make progress and help all these people join the global economy," or help people join the communities and have the social lives that they would want and be accepted in different ways, but it comes with this dislocation in the near term and that's a massive dislocation.
But one of the revelations of "The Lavender Scare," drawn from David K. Johnson's 2006 book of the same title, is its portrait of gay life during the '30s and World War II. The movie never claims it was a cakewalk, but the oppression was less virulent than what it became; many lesbians and gay men arrived in Washington to work in the government and encountered no problem in leading active social lives.
Book recommendations: It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens by danah boyd You Look Like a Thing and I Love You by Janelle Shane This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone If you enjoyed this episode, you may also like: danah boyd on why fake news is so easy to believe You will love this conversation with Jaron Lanier, but I can't describe it

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