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93 Sentences With "social justice warrior"

How to use social justice warrior in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "social justice warrior" and check conjugation/comparative form for "social justice warrior". Mastering all the usages of "social justice warrior" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Got a keen teenage social justice warrior in the family?
Eric is a social justice warrior, continues to support his family.
In today's parlance, Trollope saw Dickens as a Social Justice Warrior.
In my mind, here was a Social Justice Warrior, a standard bearer.
"Not interested in seeing another SJW [Social Justice Warrior] propaganda film," claimed another.
She's an interesting person who's like a social justice warrior who got red-pilled.
You can call Oliver a social justice warrior; we'll simply call him a must-watch.
I might have to become a social-justice warrior 'cause I'll be out of a job.
The more educated I become, the more I become a social-justice warrior about systemic racism.
It hurts more to be dismissed as a bigot than jeered as a social-justice warrior.
But social justice warrior bodies don't magically change overnight: we still need to follow proper nutrition practices.
Eric is a social justice warrior, continues to support his wife, two beautiful daughters and communities in need.
Bashing single moms and social justice - when you're eulogizing a wonderful single mom and social justice warrior - makes no sense.
Others described her as an "SJW," or "Social Justice Warrior," an alt-right insult for anyone who expresses progressive views.
They called me an SJW (social justice warrior), but I looked masculine enough that the Kotaku in Action Action never materialized.
Second, we've learned that when Democrats do raise a moral argument, it tends to be of the social justice warrior variety.
Several of his fans made sure to let me know I was being an over-sensitive snowflake and a social justice warrior.
If the subject is judged to be annoying, a feminist, or a "Social Justice Warrior," the "sauce" will be more delicious still.
Other commenters say he won too many trophies as a kid and call him a social justice warrior, or SJW for short.
For this he has faced institutional resistance: Donald Trump is not the only man who regards the Pope as a social justice warrior.
Some of these critics deployed the preferred language of right-wing trolls to decry her hypersensitivity: "Easy there social justice warrior," one wrote.
Like "virtue signaling" and "social justice warrior," woke now says more about the politics of the speaker than it does about the object.
Jemisin has been dismissed, by a minority of reactionary detractors, as a "social justice warrior," whose work advances an un-nuanced progressive politics.
Because you know that changing "cowboy" to "bovine administrator" is not going to improve your life as an activist or a social justice warrior.
They use the term "social justice warrior" (SJW) to describe people they believe are more concerned with quotas than they are about comic books.
They consider Schumer to be a "social justice warrior" (SWJ) comic, a comedian whose jokes are built around man-hating feminism and progressive identity politics.
You see on my part a social justice warrior tribalism of some sort or another, someone who is looking for evidence of racism and bigotry.
In conversations with Mr. Peterson, Mr. Rogan disdained the "the social justice warrior brigade," but also lamented President Trump's failure to distance himself from white supremacists.
Identity politics doesn't just refer to its derogatory connotation of social justice warrior snowflakes advocating for cancel culture and political correctness (though that's part of it).
He calls himself a social justice warrior (nice touch), fights for the needy, and generally tries to explain why he's not a bad person for being rich.
" The Conservative Choice said: "Another left-wing Social Justice Warrior white person who hates white people to the point of wanting them genocided, why am I not surprised.
Casting himself as a social-justice warrior, he calls himself El Presidente, a title inscribed outside his office and on the government contracts that helped make him rich.
Op-Ed Contributor As a conservative, I see both the social justice warrior alt-left and the white supremacist alt-right as two sides of the same coin.
"I do believe in ghosts," said Ms. Milstein, who, with her Instagram-ready look and tremendous means, exemplifies a new generation of philanthropist: the social justice warrior princess.
Like the welfare queens of yore, the stereotype of the woke social justice warrior, only concerned with canceling other people, is a politically useful (if wildly misleading) figure.
The most recent attack was on Captain Marvel, which received a wave of negative early ratings from people complaining about the "social-justice warrior politics" of star Brie Larson.
And that is a failed system…" Yiannopoulos passed Wadhwa's email to Bokhari, who promptly ghostwrote a story for Breitbart, "Social Justice Warrior Knives Out For Startup Guru Paul Graham.
Green Arrow's base function is to be a "social justice warrior" — a loaded term that Percy stole back from  Gamergate trolls and brought back to the page with pride.
Some people were definitely fucking around: One blog, run by a "social justice warrior plantkin" who obsessively demands that their followers check their species privilege, was clearly a hoax.
The novelist, Lionel Shriver ("We Need to Talk About Kevin"), said she worried that the social-justice-warrior stance popular among the young could end up damaging progressive politics.
"As a conservative, I see both the social justice warrior alt-left and the white supremacist alt-right as two sides of the same coin," Erick-Woods Erickson wrote.
In other cases, it meant a series of anti–social justice warrior or misogynist clips featuring conservative media figures like Ben Shapiro or the contrarian professor and author Jordan Peterson.
It is headed the same way as "social-justice warrior", a phrase meaning roughly the same thing as "woke", which travelled the same road from lionising self-description to gibe.
As The Witch Elm begins, Toby has a tendency to roll his eyes at his cousin Susanna's "social-justice-warrior shite," dismissing it all as so much hysterical conspiracy theorizing.
If calling out strangers on the internet makes you a "social justice warrior" or "feminazi", calling out your own friends and family on WhatsApp makes you a "killjoy" and a "buzzkill".
" Proposed by a Texas pastor, the resolution would ban Southern Baptist organizations and congregations from using the terms "'social justice' or 'social justice warrior' when referring to Christian ethics or activism.
" Surrogates have aped Mr. Trump's "blame both sides" rhetoric; overnight, antifa — and its assumed synonym, "alt-left" — have become right-wing shibboleths, right there with "social justice warrior" and "liberal snowflake.
S.J.W. is short for "social justice warrior" and is used by the right as an epithet for someone who advocates liberal causes like feminism, racial justice or gay and transgender rights.
Is she a phony, a psycho, or just so caught up in her political passions that she's become a sort of caricature of the young, naive social justice warrior of the '60s?
He was sort of a wealthy Boston Brahmin — his father was a co-owner of Filene's department store — except he was Jewish, and also what we would call a social justice warrior.
The movie focuses on the most publicized "politically correct social-justice warrior college-campus snowflakes out of control" stories of the past five years, all framed as harbingers of a free-speech apocalypse.
"We have seen instances where there are people who claim to be Nazis, but are in fact on the payroll of various SJW [social justice warrior] groups," and trying to damage Gab's reputation, he said.
Elizabeth Warren talks a lot about economic inequality but she also is obsessed with impeaching Donald Trump, decriminalizing border crossings, puts gender pronouns in her twitter bio, and is basically a social justice warrior incarnate.
A few days later, Luckey liked a tweet by Nicole Edelman — aka Nikki Moxxi, a woman Luckey allegedly has been dating for years who is known for tweets mocking SJWs, or social justice warrior protesters.
If the sins of the welfare queen were crafty laziness and promiscuity, the sins of the woke so-called social justice warrior are elitist condescension and a failure to connect with the needs of real people.
The national football-watching consciousness had invested so much energy in Colin Kaepernick as the Afro'd civil rights protestor, social justice warrior, and objet d'hate that we'd utterly forgotten about the football player he used to be.
Green discussed what she viewed as her nebulous status as a "social justice warrior" or SJW — a derogatory term the alt-right has applied to feminists and progressives, which has become common parlance in ideological internet debates.
The doc lays out an assemblage of the most publicized "politically correct social-justice warrior college-campus snowflakes out of control" stories of the past five years, which the film frames as harbingers of a free speech apocalypse.
Instead, some disdainful viewers are outraged that showrunner Damon Lindelof's Watchmen is too "political," too entrenched in "identity politics" — too "SJW" ("social justice warrior") — in ways that they think writer Alan Moore and artist Dave Gibbons's original comic wasn't.
All the modern day Internet 'supervillain' (or social justice warrior/SJW, if you prefer) has to do is pout out their call to action, which will disseminate onto sympathetic fellow forums, and watch as their adoring fans pile in.
"Maurice is much more a [social justice warrior] type than [Cantor is], but Maurice certainly knows that elections matter and takes very seriously the organization and organizing discipline needed to make a difference in them, and after," he said.
They saw her as a "social justice warrior" who advocated for progressive politics, feminism, and diversity in gaming; by crying corruption and trying to ruin her career, their intent was to stop what they perceived as a threat to game culture.
Short for "social justice warrior," what once was an insult reserved for those so itching for a morality fight that they'd be willing to attack those on their own side, is now just a catch all term for anyone opposing a conservative ideology.
No one gets much time or, as of yet, much of a personality, with the exception of Ariela Barer and Allegra Acosta as mismatched adoptive sisters, one a purple-haired "social-justice warrior" and the other a shy girl with mutant super strength.
Molly Hernandez (Allegra Acosta), the super-strong baby of the group, and Gert Yorkes (Ariela Barer), a social-justice warrior psychically connected to a dinosaur, don't fare as well, mostly because their plots are so tied to the show's clumsy attempts at cultural commentary.
Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, a far-right campaigner from Britain who goes by the name Tommy Robinson, allows people to donate through his website, so he can "cover stories about terrorist billboards, about migrant rapes, elections and women standing against [Social Justice Warrior] policies in Europe".
In discussion threads for Mafia III and Watch Dogs 2 on game forums, user reviews on Metacritic, or comment threads below the reviews on sites like Polgyon and Gamespot, it's common to read opinions that these games are just Black Lives Matter or "social justice warrior" propaganda.
The video that sparked YouTube's decision featured several such topics, including DeFranco's opinions about a so-called "Social Justice Warrior" (SJW) who was caught on a leaked video harassing a Lyft driver, the release of convicted rapist Brock Turner from prison, and Chris Brown's recent police stand-off.
Cass said that the conversation started off comfortably—as a fun, casual chat between two people—but the video was edited into something he felt made him look like a social-justice warrior: He spoke exceedingly earnestly about the disconnection between the heart and the soul and the internet.
Those purported stalwarts of robust free speech have inaugurated a new catalogue of insults: the "snowflake" who can't take the heat; the "libtard" who can't think beyond progressive dogma; the "social-justice warrior", once a term applied by left-leaning types to themselves, now appropriated as a smear.
I don't think you have to hate conservatives to be a good progressive or to hate business to be a good social justice warrior—any more than I think you have to grow up poor and stay poor to care about chronic poverty or to hate police to believe Black lives matter.
Kennedy's full-throated embrace of minority rights and anti-poverty measures, his determination to build a broad coalition, and the compassion that allowed him to evolve from conservative cop to social justice warrior are all depicted as the tissue that could have held together a country pulling itself apart, and could do so again.
The ex-San Francisco 85033ers quarterback-turned-social-justice-warrior Kaepernick has become a lightning rod for controversy after his quiet protest in which he took a knee during each pregame national anthem to bring attention to the issue of police brutality and the disproportionate and seemingly unchecked victimization of African-Americans at the hands of police.
Ridley had come to international attention thanks to the franchise, but her key role in both The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi brought accusations that the new films were propaganda from a "social justice warrior," and that Ridley's character Rey was a Mary Sue — an overly perfect character inserted into the story by creators to serve an unrealistic purpose.
It's worth noting, for instance, how Tim Cook's willingness to play the social justice warrior when the target is a few random Indiana restaurants that might not want to host hypothetical same-sex weddings does not extend to reconsidering Apple's relationship with the many countries around the world where human rights are rather more in jeopardy than they are in the American Midwest.
Mac outlined why she believes the React ecosystem has a tendency to attract an abrasive, bro-heavy culture, one that eventually forced her exit from the community: "I receive (and continue to receive) hundreds of messages from people who want me to stop talking about this 'social justice warrior shit' and to remove the human side of tech," she wrote.
The fact that most of these hateful messages are allegedly coming from American metalheads is even more depressing, but is indictative of just how many knuckleheads in this country are currently afraid that evil social justice warrior feminazis are comin' for their black metals, the same way Obama is definitely comin' for their guns and that Donald Trump is definitely a sane and well-reasoned choice for President.
It's in the months after the "social justice warrior" moniker stuck, I asked women in the gaming industry to comment on Dead Island Riptide's sexually exploitative pre-order bonus, interviewed the developers of Shank about why it removed a cutscene with a rape threat, repeatedly wrote about Internet harassment (one about Fez II, another time about Flappy Bird), and highlighted the work of marginalized game developers like Zoe Quinn, Porpentine, and others on Giant Bomb's big, influential platform.
But I had this feeling halfway through the film — towards the end of the film, I should say, actually — if you're a well to do or a well meaning white person, and you're trying to shed light on a criminal injustice and you have a platform like Kathryn Bigelow and you have the attention of that name, you have the Oscars behind you, I we just accept this as her kind of social justice warrior offering because no one else is taking that on?
According to Bernstein, instead of criticising "cultural tolerance gone too far", the phrase has "become a catch-all for any element of the dominant new media culture that the anti-social justice warrior internet doesn't like". He also suggests that even though the term can be sourced back to self-described liberal commentators like Nawaz, Maher and Dawkins, it is frequently used by the alt-right and other anti-social justice warrior groups on Internet forums and social media as part of their rhetorical warfare.
Dating back to 1824, the term social justice refers to justice on a societal level. From the early 1990s to the early 2000s, social-justice warrior was used as a neutral or complimentary phrase, as when a 1991 Montreal Gazette article describes union activist Michel Chartrand as a "Quebec nationalist and social-justice warrior". Katherine Martin, the head of U.S. dictionaries at Oxford University Press, said in 2015 that "[a]ll of the examples I've seen until quite recently are lionizing the person". , the Oxford English Dictionary had not done a full search for the earliest usage.
Here are the list of winners: Calgarypuck MVP- Troutman. Troutman has been one of the most civil and intelligent posters on CP. His recognition is long overdue. Social Justice Warrior Award- PepsiFree. A two time winner of the SJW award, Pepsi was so excited that he did "the Macarena," a 90s dance craze.
Percy also reestablished Green Arrow as a politically conscious figure, with the writer describing him as a "social justice warrior". After it was revealed that Emiko was still on Oliver's side, she eventually adopted the codename of Red Arrow.Green Arrow (vol. 6) #15 This volume finished in March 2019, with Issue 50 serving as an extra sized final issue.
According to the producer Sandya Mendis, in several instances in the teledrama, Podi Paththarakari is described as a bit arrogant and opinionated in order to establish her character as a social justice warrior. Because of her craving passion of becoming a journalist, she ends up learning Professional Journalism from Narmada together with Nilhan. Preethiwa and Nilhan are then depicted as soulmates who face many life challenges together.
" Contrary to Sokol's positive review, Kat Rosenfield from Entertainment Weekly gave the episode a C+, and criticized the episode's lack of subtlety. However, she still praised the Wiltons, commenting that they are "such a joy in their own right." Vulture's Brian Moylan gave the episode a 3 out of 5, indicating a mixed review. While he enjoyed that everything was coming together in this episode, he also heavily criticized the character of Ally, calling her "the snowflake social justice warrior that Breitbart is always shouting about.
Social justice warrior (SJW) is a pejorative term for an individual who promotes socially progressive views, including feminism, civil rights, and multiculturalism. The accusation that somebody is an SJW carries implications that they are pursuing personal validation rather than any deep-seated conviction, and engaging in disingenuous arguments. The phrase originated in the late 20th century as a neutral or positive term for people engaged in social justice activism. In 2011, when the term first appeared on Twitter, it changed from a primarily positive term to an overwhelmingly negative one.
Gamergate supporters used the term to criticise what they saw as unwanted external influences in video game media from progressive sources. Martin states that "the perceived orthodoxy [of progressive politics] has prompted a backlash among people who feel their speech is being policed". In Internet and video game culture the phrase is broadly associated with a wider culture war that also included the 2015 Sad Puppies campaign that affected the Hugo Awards. In August 2015, social justice warrior was one of several new words and phrases added to Oxford Dictionaries.
The game was the subject of review bombing on Metacritic, resulting in a user review score of 3.4/10 at its nadir. Reporters noticed the review bombing occurred shortly after the game launched, too early for users to feasibly have finished it; some suggested that the reviews were based on the incomplete plot leaks. Many of the negative reviews criticized the characterization and plot; some complained of "social justice warrior" politics, with vitriolic responses to LGBT characters. CNETs Daniel Van Boom wrote that the review bombers did not represent the majority of players.
Dreher has strongly criticized the novel's use of derogatory language to describe non-Westerners and called the book bad both aesthetically and morally. However, Dreher has also referred to the "valuable" and "prophetic" lessons that can be drawn from the work, including from Raspail's argument, which Dreher presents as potentially correct, that "the only way to defend Western civilization from these invaders [non-Western immigrants] is to be willing to shed their blood". He has also drawn parallels between the migrant crisis described in the book and contemporary immigration to Europe and the United States. Dreher replied to Sarah Jones by calling her a "Social Justice Warrior" and "propagandist".
The Catholic Church in the US represents perhaps "the most multi-ethnic organization of any kind, and so is a major laboratory for cross-cultural cooperation and cross- cultural communication completely within the nation's borders."Mark A. Noll. THE NEW SHAPE OF WORLD CHRISTIANITY (Downers Grove, IL.: IVP Academic, 2009), 74 It is as if it wishes to forge a broader ecclesial identity to give newcomers a more inclusive welcome, similar to the aspirations of 19th century church leaders like Archbishops John Ireland and James Gibbons who "wanted Catholic immigrants to become fully American, rather than 'strangers in a strange land.' "Arthur Meyers, "Social Justice Warrior," Commonweal, July 6, 2018.
The sixth track on the album, "Trigger Warning", satirizes the social justice warrior subculture frequently ridiculed on the Internet. While the song is primarily pop punk, the song's upbeat tone drastically changes as a metalcore and deathcore-influenced section makes up the second half of the song. On the seventh track "Exposure Bank", Alonge stated that it is an "ultra-sarcastic song about making money in music, [and it is] also an ode to 90s punk rock bands like MxPx and NOFX". The song is purposefully poorly produced to reflect the 90's era of pop punk in which many bands would produce their albums with low-quality equipment in venues that are not optimised for effective recording.
Karolina Dean is the daughter of Church of Gibborim founder Leslie Dean whose husband, Frank, is a former A-list actor who feels suppressed by the church. Sarcastic, social justice warrior Gert Yorkes and her adoptive sister Molly Hernandez are dropped off at school by vegan biologists Dale and Stacey Yorkes. At school, Alex decides to invite his former friends over to his house so they can bond again, but they all either ignore or flat out refuse due to their differing opinions and personalities. Karolina is teased by the other classmates who call her brainwashed due to her connection to the church, but manages to find solace in Nico who ignores Alex when he asks her directly to come hang out.
" In her article about Sarina Singh, published just before Kay participated in a July 2018 panel discussion on free speech organized by Singh, Kay described how Singh had left her job as social worker, where she had worked for twenty- two years in a shelter, and broke with feminism. Singh who had been a "social- justice warrior", an "ardent feminist" who worked in social work, a "field dominated by feminist premises", became a "free speech champion". Singh refused to "see the world through the lens of ideology, identity politics or political correctness".On her website , Singh described the reasons for leaving social work in April 2017 as "due to stress related to the insufferable neo-cultural Marxist postmodernist agenda that has taken over all aspects of the social work profession.

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