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9 Sentences With "smoking session"

How to use smoking session in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "smoking session" and check conjugation/comparative form for "smoking session". Mastering all the usages of "smoking session" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The menu is full of food one would crave in the haze of a Tuesday afternoon smoking session.
An officer was doing a routine check and saw the fire from the smoking session inside of Crockett's car.
Coming off like a post-barbecue joint smoking session in space, the mood set is one of ashen imagination and hallucinogenic wandering.
One of the more impressive features on the Peak is the Intelligent Temperature Calibration, which will make handoffs between friends during a smoking session utterly seamless.
Also known as the head of the hookah, the bowl is a container, usually made out of clay, marble, or glass that holds the coal and tobacco during the smoking session. The bowl is loaded with tobacco then covered by a screen or perforated aluminum foil. Lit coals are then placed on top, which allows the tobacco to heat to the proper temperature. Vortex Bowls Hookah bowls can often be made out of various fruits.
Hookah smokers inhale nicotine, which is an addictive chemical. A typical hookah smoking session delivers 1.7 times the nicotine dose of one cigarette and the nicotine absorption rate in daily waterpipe users is equivalent to smoking 10 cigarettes per day. Many hookah smokers, especially frequent users, have urges to smoke and show other withdrawal symptoms after not smoking for some time, and it can be difficult to quit. These signs and symptoms of addiction and dependence are very similar to the signs of cigarette addiction.
Humectants are used in the manufacturing of some tobacco products, such as cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and self-rolled tobacco. They are used to control and maintain the moisture content of the cut tobacco filler and add flavor. Humectants are vital to the creation of cigarettes. In an examination of waterpipe smoking, researchers worked to identify substances such as formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acrolein in the smoke of a waterpipe, discovering that the value of formaldehyde detected in one smoking session was five times higher than that of a regular cigarette.
Chicken indicated in his journals that the chief of Tanasi-- known as the Tanasi Warrior or Head Warrior of Tanasi-- ruled over the Cherokee Overhill, Middle, and Valley towns in the region. Chicken recorded a speech in which the Tanasi Warrior pledged support for the English. The two later engaged in a pipe-smoking session in which the Tanasi Warrior told Chicken of recent Creek hostilities in the area.Samuel Cole Williams, Early Travels in the Tennessee Country, 1540–1800 (Johnson City, Tennessee: Watauga Press, 1928), pp. 97–101.
The group of activists centred on the Auckland 420 sessions were responsible for the genesis of Mary Jane the Cannabus, a rehabilitated old Bedford bus owned by NORML New Zealand that serves as a mobile cannabis law reform activism centre. As one of the core members of the Auckland group was moving back to Dunedin, a plan was hatched to take the Cannabus on a nationwide tour from Auckland to Dunedin once her rehabilitation was complete. The Cannabus tour took place from late March to early May 2008, visiting 42 towns and cities throughout New Zealand and having a high-profile public cannabis smoking session at 4:20pm in each town on each day of the tour. The bus was driven for the length of the tour by Dakta Green, Dakta Grower, and Dakta Fooz, who were joined for a few weeks, including two "smoke-in" protests at parliament, by NORML Communications Officer Danyl Strype.

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