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14 Sentences With "sitz baths"

How to use sitz baths in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "sitz baths" and check conjugation/comparative form for "sitz baths". Mastering all the usages of "sitz baths" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In the meantime, warm soaks in the tub or sitz baths can reduce swelling and itching.
Conservative treatment typically consists of foods rich in dietary fiber, intake of oral fluids to maintain hydration, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, sitz baths, and rest. Increased fiber intake has been shown to improve outcomes and may be achieved by dietary alterations or the consumption of fiber supplements. Evidence for benefits from sitz baths during any point in treatment, however, is lacking. If they are used, they should be limited to 15 minutes at a time.
One of the most common causes of rectal pain is an anal fissure. It involves a tear in the anal canal probably due to trauma from defecation and are usually treated effectively with sitz baths, stool softeners, and analgesics.
In Haiti, the postpartum period begins immediately after birth and lasts about 40 days. The mother remains in the home, focusing on rest and recuperation. She takes an active role in her own care, dressing warmly, taking daily sitz baths and drinking tea to rejuvenate.
Non-surgical treatments are recommended initially for acute and chronic anal fissures. These include topical nitroglycerin or calcium channel blockers (e.g. diltiazem), or injection of botulinum toxin into the anal sphincter. Other measures include warm sitz baths, topical anesthetics, high-fiber diet and stool softeners.
Sitz baths are considered very low risk. Because hot baths cause blood vessels to dilate, on rare occasions some people can feel dizzy or have palpitations (rapid or abnormal heartbeat). People prone to such occurrences are advised to have someone standing by to assist them.
A surgical drain is left to prevent buildup of fluid. After the operation, sitz baths are recommended to maintain hygiene during healing, and laxatives prescribed to avoid hard stool. Overlapping anterior sphincteroplasty improves FI symptoms in the short term in most (50-80%) patients with sphincter defects. Thereafter, continence deteriorates.
A sitz bath may be created simply by filling a bathtub with some water and sitting in it for a few minutes. Alternatively, a large basin can be used. There are also special devices that fit into toilet bowls. Sitz baths may either be warm or cool, or alternating between the two.
Hydrotherapy is a type of treatment based on an assortment of treatments dealing with water. Some of these treatments were needle showers, fan douches, jet douches, salt glows, general messages, local messages, sitz baths, foot baths, ultraviolet radiations, electric light cabinet baths, bubble baths, hot fomentations, colloidal baths, and surgical dressings."Ypsilanti State Hospital." Opacity.
Comfort is enhanced with changing linens, urination, the cleaning of the perineum and ice packs. Privacy also in implemented to promote comfort. Hemorrhoid pain can be managed with a variety of methods. Some recommendations for reducing the pain of hemorrhoids include: cleansing with warm water, hemorrhoid creams, increasing fluids, lying on the site and sitz baths.
Treatment is symptomatic, and usually of little value; in most cases, the ulcer heals spontaneously within four to six weeks, sometimes leaving scars. Topical analgesics and anesthetics, as well as topical application of disinfectants/astringents such as potassium permanganate (in sitz baths), is commonly used. In severe cases, a combination of systemic glucocorticoids and broad-spectrum antibiotics has been recommended.
The use of such additives helps to reduce infections. Women with candidiasis (a vaginal yeast infection) may benefit from a warm bath with salt and vinegar. Electronic bidets which irrigate the anal region with a flow of warm water have been compared with sitz baths, and found to produce very similar reduction in anal pressure, with no change in temperature, if used with low-pressure warm water. Some electronic bidets have a dedicated "sitz" function.
Substances such as salt, baking soda, or vinegar may be added to the water. Warm baths are recommended for reducing the itching, pain and discomfort associated with conditions such as hemorrhoids and genital problems. An ordinary bathtub can be filled with of hot water (about ), and sat in for 15–20 minutes or until the water cools down. Alternatively, a large basin can be used, and there are specially built devices that fit into toilet bowls.. Cool sitz baths are said to be helpful in easing constipation, inflammation and vaginal discharge, and, in cases of fecal or urinary incontinence, in toning the muscles.
Several variations of the procedure can be used, with different therapeutic effects depending on the temperature of the water, the length of time spent immersed and the method of immersion (such as dipping and 'hot and cold alternate'). Some people find that alternating three to five times between a hot bath for 3–4 minutes and an ice-cold bath for 30–60 seconds is soothing. A towel soaked in cold water can be used in place of a cold bath. For most purposes sitz baths with water are sufficient, though some people prefer to use saline water or water mixed with baking soda.

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