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"signora" Definitions
  1. a married Italian woman usually of rank or gentility

395 Sentences With "signora"

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A seguito di tale azione legale, la signora Ventura non ha più ricevuto ordini di lavoro.
Così come la mano d'opera che lavora in agricoltura, incluso il marito della Signora Batool, Ali Mohammad.
La Signora Zezza, ex manager di diverse multinazionali, ha fondato il primo co-working con spazio baby d'Italia.
Una sera, ho sentito la storia di una signora pakistana, Lubna Batool, un medico, che adesso vive qui.
"A team gets one choice and only one choice to declare heads or tails," Signora wrote in his email.
I costi crescevano e la Signora Roncetti chiese di lavorare part-time, così da potersi occupare di più delle figlie.
Sempre in base agli atti depositati, la signora Ventura ha dichiarato che tale fatto ha portato al fallimento di Keope.
They're a neighborhood family Elena remembers well, and they were intimately linked to one of the most violent episodes of her childhood — the fight between Melina and Signora Sarratore that we saw back in episode one, which ended with Signora Sarratore pushing Melina down the stairs, and Elena fainting in shock at the sight.
La Signora Batool ha seguito suo marito, un signore afghano che ha un permesso di soggiorno a lungo termine a Castellina.
Degli egiziani dissero alla signora Deffendi che suo figlio "era morto come un egiziano", un attestato di stima nell'Egitto di al-Sisi.
It was as if Cecilia had heard distinctly, in a moment when no one was actually speaking, Signora Petricci's idle thought: Fussy little man .
Nel 211, la signora Ventura aveva stipulato un accordo in esclusiva con Euroshoes per diventare un subfornitore di tomaie per calzature destinate a Tod's.
In many cases, the N.F.L., through Dean Blandino, the vice president for officiating, or the spokesman Michael Signora, admitted later that referees had made mistakes.
Garrett's suspension requires him to meet with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell before he can be reinstated to play, NFL spokesman Michael Signora said on Twitter.
Ma la Signora Roncetti vive sul pianeta Italia, dove le donne lavoratrici hanno pochi aiuti dal governo o dai datori di lavoro pubblici e privati.
"Questa è la campagna dello specchio riflesso" dice la Signora Roncetti, che adesso si prende cura delle sue due figlie e lavora come libera professionista.
On a press call about extending NFL games in Mexico through 2021, NFL communications vice presidents Joe Lockhart and Mike Signora were asked about the tweet.
La Signora Roncetti ed altre donne come lei si sentono invisibili, anche se molti degli elettori indecisi sono donne, e i loro voti potrebbero essere cruciali.
"The referee used his judgment to determine that basic fairness dictated that the coin should flip for the toss to be valid," Signora told The Associated Press.
After she was married to actor Mel Ferrer, she went by Audrey Hepburn Ferrer; after her second marriage to Andrea Dotti, she was known as Signora Dotti.
Our Leona arrives in Venice to stay in a pensione run by the lusty widow Signora Fioria (a fabulous Karen Ziemba), and finds herself surrounded by couples.
Durante la settimana, la Signora Roncetti, una consulente clienti per una multinazionale del noleggio auto, portava la sua bambina più grande all'asilo e poi la piccola al nido.
La realizzazione di ogni abito richiedeva tra le 10 e le 50 ore e la signora Colamita ha raccontato di aver lavorato per 16-18 ore al giorno.
As Signora Crosera notes, "There's nothing for Venetians to buy," not when olive oil costs 15 euros for a half liter and the new shops are catering to tourists.
"All footballs were in compliance with NFL rules following the pregame inspection process and all proper procedures were followed," Michael Signora, NFL vice president of football communications, said in a statement.
"I politici sanno cosa serve, ma al massimo finanziano bonus per gli asili o per comprarei pannolini, abdicando al loro ruolo di trovare soluzioni di lungo termine," dice la Signora Zezza.
"The correct call in this case would have been to penalize the offense for a false start because all 11 players were not set, and whistle to stop the play," Signora told The Baltimore Sun.
Mentre molti stabilimenti locali adottavano politiche finalizzate al risparmio, tra cui l'occupazione dei dipendenti presso i loro domicili, la signora Ventura ha dichiarato di aver continuato a versare sia le retribuzioni che i contributi previdenziali.
Running through Tuesday at the June Havoc Theater, "Scythe" revolves around one Signora Psyche Zenobia, cleverly played with merry high spirits by the marvelous Lesli Margherita, who is best known for originating the role of Mrs.
Nel 290 gli ordini di Tod's per il tramite di Euroshoes sono stati completamente interrotti, un anno dopo che la signora Ventura aveva citato per la prima volta in giudizio Euroshoes per le fatture rimaste insolute.
La gioielleria e il negozio di elettronica hanno sempre la stessa gestione, una signora e il suo socio, che aggiustano qualsiasi cosa anche ora che le loro mani sono affaticate e i loro occhiali più spessi.
To understand what's sweeping through this production, which opened at the American Airlines Theater on Tuesday with a cast led by a valiant Marisa Tomei, listen to the words of Assunta, a wise old Sicilian signora.
Uno dei migliaia di medici italiani che andrà in pensione tra pochi anni, è lui che incoraggia la Signora Batool ad insistere con l'esame di stato, in parte perché si preoccupa di chi prenderà il suo posto.
Actually, that was Cecilia's first coherent thought, once she'd opened her eyes: that when they had spoken with the Signora last night on arrival she had not, after all, been the creature of their fond recollection, their possession.
In the hallways of the company's headquarters, in the Palazzo Spini Feroni, a magnificent Medieval palace on Via de' Tornabuoni in Florence, she was known as "Signora," always wearing elegant clothing and her trademark seven-centimeter high heels.
It was a modest hotel, so it didn't have air-conditioning, although it was clean; they had stayed there before, and at home in England they referred jocularly to Signora Petricci, the proprietress, as if she were an old friend.
In the first of these, "The Disappearance of Signora Giulia," the detective of record, Sciancalepre, doesn't expose one "perfect" crime so much as two equally plausible perfect crimes — and then watches the walking mutual alibis stroll off into the sunset.
Nei documenti procedurali la signora Ventura riferisce di aver ricevuto pagamenti con un notevole ritardo nonché di aver assistito a un'inspiegabile riduzione dei prezzi unitari passando da 251,22018 euro a 219,25 euro per tomaia negli anni compresi tra il 53 e il 25.
In such surroundings, Signora Agnelli (who, in fact, created a ''minimalist'' décor years before it was the fashion) would have as readily longed for something humdrum or seemingly inappropriate like wicker, something witty or even fake, to take the curse off such sanctimonious sterility.
I costi di produzione non erano più sostenibili e le promesse di un aumento del numero di ordini da parte di Tod's per il tramite di Euroshoes non si sono mai concretizzate, come riportato nella documentazione legale depositata per il procedimento intentato dalla signora Ventura.
Un rapporto di Campagna Abiti Puliti che comprendeva un'inchiesta del quotidiano locale Il Tacco D'Italia sul caso della signora Ventura ha, infatti, rivelato che altre aziende presenti nella regione affidavano la cucitura a mano delle tomaie a donne che lavoravano a casa e in modo irregolare.
"The rule book does not specify when the coin must be retossed, but the referee used his judgment to determine that basic fairness dictated that the coin should flip for the toss to be valid," the league spokesman, Michael Signora, said in an email to The Associated Press on Sunday.
Inizialmente, nel 2011, la signora Ventura ha intentato un'azione legale nei confronti della sola Euroshoes, asserendo che il consistente ritardo nei pagamenti, la contrazione delle tariffe per gli ordini e i crediti in sofferenza non corrisposti alla sua società rendevano impossibile la redditività della fabbrica e la corresponsione di adeguati stipendi ai dipendenti.
She remembered how yesterday, when Signora Petricci had laid out on the reception desk the necessary forms for signing, her lace-trimmed cuff had been impeccably laundered and pressed, brilliantly white against her dark skin; links in a gold chain had stirred and glinted with her wrist's authoritative movement, in a way that seemed to have some meaning for Cecilia, to send some message.
Maria Maddalena ;Sanremo :Annunciazione (Borgo) :Natività di Maria Vergine :Nostra Signora del Rosario (Baragallo) :Nostra Signora della Mercede (S.Martino) :Nostra Signora della Misericordia (Marina) :S. Antonio :S. Bartolomeo :S.
Newcomb 1980, pp. 106, 120. According to Grana, a contemporary correspondent, "Signora Machiavella [Lucrezia], Signora Isabella, and Signora Vittoria have abandoned the field, having lost the backing of Luzzaschi".
Antonino :S. Giovanni Battista (Bassanico) :S. Luca (Degna) :Santi Apostoli Pietro e Paolo (Marmoreo) :Santi Antonio Abate e Giuliano (Vellego) ;Castelbianco :Nostra Signora Assunta ;Castelvecchio di Rocca Barbena :Nostra Signora Assunta :Nostra Signora della Neve (Vecersio) ;Ceriale :Santi Giovanni Battista ed Eugenio :S. Giovanni Battista (Peagna) ;Cisano sul Neva :S.
Giovanni Battista ;Gavazzana :S. Martino ;Gremiasco :Natività di Maria Vergine :Santi Siro e Rocco (Castagnola) ;Grondona :Nostra Signora Assunta :Nostra Signora del Carmine (Chiapparolo) :S. Pietro (Lemmi) :S. Andrea (Sasso) :S.
Rocco :S. Antonio Abate (Vallecrosia Alta) ;Ventimiglia :Addolorata e S.Luigi :Cattedrale Nostra Signora Assunta :Cristo Re :Natività di Maria SS. :Nostra Signora di Lourdes e S.Lorenzo :S. Agostino :S. Giovanni Battista :S.
Martino Vescovo ;Soldano :S. Giovanni Battista ;Taggia :Santi Apostoli Giacomo e Filippo :Santi Francesco Saverio e Paola Romana Levà (Arma di Taggia) :Santi Giuseppe e Antonio (Arma di Taggia) ;Terzorio :Natività di S. Giovanni Battista ;Triora :Natività di Maria Santissima :Nostra Signora Assunta :Nostra Signora del Carmelo :Nostra Signora del Rosario :SS. Nome di Maria ;Vallebona :S. Lorenzo Martire ;Vallecrosia :Maria Ausiliatrice :S.
His body was buried inside the church of Nostra Signora della Consolazione.
Annunziata (Montegrazie) :S. Bernardo (Oliveto) :Nostra Signora Assunta (Piani di Imperia) :Nostra Signora della Neve (Poggi di Imperia) :S. Giorgio (Torrazza) ;Lucinasco :Santi Stefano e Antonino :S. Pantaleone (Borgoratto) ;Mendatica :Santi Nazario e Celso ;Montegrosso Pian Latte :S.
The trolleybus stars in La signora senza camelie an Italian movie from 1953.
Frasi covered for her many a time, more often than not ending up taking over Mingotti's role for the rest of the performances as Regina Mingotti "[would] not yet [have] recovered of her indisposition". Michael Burden quotes the following newspaper clip: Signora Mingotti having acquainted Sig Vanneschi Yesterday Afternoon that she continues very much indisposed, and is not able to sing To morrow night, by which Reason the Opera called Ezio cannot be performed; instead thereof Sig. Vanneschi begs Leave to perform the Opera of Andromaca, in which Signora Frasi will do the part of Signora Mingotti; and Signora Peralta is to do the part of Signora Frasi. During the 1760s, Frasi continued to play a prominent part in the musical life of London.
Perpetuo ;Tassarolo :S. Nicolao ;Valenza :Nostra Signora della Pietà :S. Antonio :S. Eusebio :S.
"Scene da un matrimonio con signora in rosso". la Repubblica. Retrieved 27 April 2017 .
First, he found shelter with the Zappi family. He fell in love with the family's daughter Amamia, but the mother, Signora Zappi, fell in love with him. Leonardo rejected her advances. Signora Zappi then tried to frame Leonardo, falsely accusing him of rape.
Signora Bovary is an album of Italian singer-songwriter Francesco Guccini. It was released in 1987 by EMI.
Pizzagalli, Daniela (2003). La signora della pittura: vita di Sofonisba Anguissola, gentildonna e artista nel Rinascimento, Milano, Rizzoli. ..
Rope dancing Signora Violante (1682–1741) was a rope-dancer, acrobat, commedia dell'arte actor and theatre company manager.
Amethyst and Sirius shared in the prize money by agreement. On 16 March, Amethyst encountered and captured Nostra Signora del Carmen, a Spanish privateer schooner. Nostra Signora was armed with six guns and had a crew of 65 men. She had left Rigo the previous evening and had not captured anything.
Antonio Da Padova :S. Nicolò :S. Pietro :Sacro Cuore :Nostra Signora della Guardia (Merella) ;Paderna :S. Giorgio ;Pontecurone :S.
Michele (Nirasca) ;Pontedassio :S. Margherita :S. Michele (Bestagno) :S. Matteo (Villa Guardia) :Nostra Signora Assunta (Villa Viani) ;Pornassio :S.
La signora delle camelie The Lady of the Camellias (Italian:La signora delle camelie) is a 1915 Italian historical drama film directed by Gustavo Serena and starring Francesca Bertini.Moliterno p.33 It is an adaptation of Alexandre Dumas, fils' novel The Lady of the Camellias. The film's art direction was by Alfredo Manzi.
The façade of Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore as seen from Piazza Navona. Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore ("Our Lady of the Sacred Heart", also known as San Giacomo degli Spagnoli and in Spanish, Santiago de los Españoles) is a Catholic church dedicated to the Virgin Mary located in Rome's Piazza Navona.
Giovanni Battista ;Onzo :S. Martino ;Ortovero :S. Silvestro :Santi Stefano e Matteo (Pogli) ;Pietra Ligure :N. Signora del Soccorso :S.
Colegio NS de Pompei (originally called "Scuola Nostra Signora di Pompei") is an Italian private & religious school in Caracas (Venezuela).
Sebastiano (Moglio di Alassio) :SS. Annunziata (Solva) ;Albenga :Nostra Signora di Pontelungo :S. Bernardino Da Siena :S. Michele :Sacro Cuore :SS.
Matilde (Marina di Andora) :SS. Trinità (Rollo) ;Arnasco :Nostra Signora Assunta ;Balestrino :S. Andrea ;Boissano :S. Maria Maddalena ;Borghetto Santo Spirito :S.
Nostra Signora de La Salette is a church in Rome, in the Gianicolense district, in the square Our Lady of La Salette.
La signora gioca bene a scopa?, internationally released as Poker in Bed, is a 1974 commedia sexy all'italiana directed by Giuliano Carnimeo.
On its top is located the shrine of Nostra Signora della Guardia, one of the most important Catholic place of pilgrimage in Liguria.
Lorenzo :S. Maria Maddalena ;Canevino :Nostra Signora Assunta ;Canneto Pavese :Santi Marcellino Pietro e Erasmo ;Casatisma :S. Guniforte ;Casei Gerola :S. Giacomo :S.
Maria Assunta (Castagnara) :Madonna del Soccorso (Scorzoletta) ;Pinarolo Po :S. Agostino ;Pizzale :S. Crispino :S. Giacomo ;Ponte Nizza :Nostra Signora della Guardia :S.
Mr Slope proposes to Mrs Bold and is slapped for his presumption; Bertie goes through the motions of a proposal to Eleanor and is refused with good grace and the Signora has a chat with Mr Arabin. Mr Slope's double-dealings are now revealed and he is dismissed by Mrs Proudie and the Signora. The Signora drops a delicate word in several ears and with the removal of their misunderstanding Mr Arabin and Eleanor become engaged. The old Dean of the Cathedral having died, Mr Slope campaigns to become Dean but Mr Harding is offered the preferment, with a beautiful house in the Close and fifteen acres of garden.
Antonio (Dova Inferiore) :S. Martino (Dova Superiore) :S. Marziano (Piuzzo) :Nostra Signora della Guardia (Rosano) ;Cantalupo Ligure :S. Caterina :Assunzione di Maria Vergine (Borgo Adorno) :S.
Elected from among the perpetual procurators, he died in Genoa on 29 February 1724 where he was buried inside the church of Nostra Signora della Consolazione.
Giovanni Battista (Cossila) :S. Grato - (Cossila) :S. Giuseppe - (Favaro) :S. Carlo (Pavignano) :Santi Giovanni e Defendente (Vaglio e Colma) :Nostra Signora di Oropa (Villaggio Lamarmora) ;Bioglio :S.
Biagio ;Pietrabruna :Santi Matteo e Gregorio ;Pieve di Teco :S. Giovanni Battista :S. Giacomo Maggiore (Acquetico) :S. Giorgio (Calderara) :Nostra Signora Assunta e S. Martino (Moano) :S.
Nostra Signora di Tergu. Nostra Signora di Tergu is a parish church in Tergu, province of Sassari, Sardinia, Italy. One of the most outstanding examples of Romanesque architecture in the island, the church and the remains of the annexed abbey are located in a countryside area outside the village. The construction of the church is attributed to the Giudice of Torres Marianus I, who reigned from 1065 to 1082.
Guido is tutored by Dr. Lorenzo (John Slater). Signora Bondini denies the boy all contact with his parents and everyone else except her. She also has neither sent his letters to his family, nor let him see the ones they've sent to him. He becomes phenomenally successful and makes the grand tour of Europe, while Signora Bondini is enraptured by the acclaim given her through her "discovery" of the boy.
Dalmazzo ;Prelà :S. Giovanni Battista (Molini di Prelà) :SS. Annunziata (Tavole) :Santi Gervasio e Protasio (Valloria) :S. Michele (Villatalla) ;Ranzo :Nostra Signora Assunta e S. Donato (Bacelega) :S.
28; Alcamo, ed. Sarograf, 1931 Between 1835 and 1841 the building was divided into different parts by the owner, signora Orofino Palmerini, and leased to four families simultaneously.
He died in mid-1925 in the Artigianelli College in Turin; his remains were exhumed and relocated in 1965 to the Santuario di Nostra Signora della Salute in Turin.
The remaining three-quarters of the novel is devoted to Zeluco's interactions with a particular circle of aristocrats in Italian high society. Once established in Naples, Zeluco becomes interested in Laura Seidlits, the beautiful daughter of the widow Madame de Seidlits. Determined to meet Laura, he attempts to ingratiate himself with the nobleman Signora Sporza, Madame de Seidlits’ first cousin. Though she pretends to oblige him, Signora Sporza distrusts Zeluco and senses his cruel character.
Antonio Abate ;Dolceacqua :S. Antonio Abate ;Isolabona :S. Maria Maddalena ;Mendatica :S. Giacomo Maggiore ;Molini di Triora :Natività di Maria Santissima :Natività di Maria Vergine :Nostra Signora della Misericordia :S.
Annunziata (Bastia) :Santi Fabiano e Sebastiano (Campochiesa) :Nostra Signora Assunta (Leca) :S. Margherita (Lusignano) :S. Giacomo Maggiore (Salea) :Santi Simone e Giuda (San Fedele) :S. Giorgio (San Giorgio) ;Andora :S.
She was sponsored by Signora Teresa Ballerino Cabella, the wife on an Ansaldo employee.Bagnasco & de Toro, pp. 117-119 After her launch, the fitting out period lasted until early 1940.
Among his main genre works are: The Seduction and The Return. Among his many portraits, many life size, are those of Signora Guerrazzi of Livorno; of contessa Lavinia Bocca; of Landini's sister; of the writer signora Elena Landini Ruffino; and finally a commissioned portrait of the Princess of Wales. Also notable is the portrait of the Countess di Pralormo, and the portrait of the boy of the contessa Laparelli Pitti. Landini also painted still-life paintings of flowers.
Francesco Jovine (9 October 1902 in Guardialfiera - 30 April 1950 in Rome) was an Italian writer and journalist. He is mostly known for the novels Signora Ava and Le terre del Sacramento.
Giovanni Battista :S. Michele Arcangelo ;Pompeiana :Nostra Signora Assunta ;Riva Ligure :S. Maurizio Martire ;Rocchetta Nervina :S. Stefano Protomartire ;San Biagio della Cima :Santi Fabiano e Sebastiano ;San Lorenzo al Mare :S.
In Argentina, he had a number of pupils among them signora E. A. de Paz, C. A. di Basualdo, la signorina Lavalle, Gomez; Hayward, Wodgate, and Cordeviola.Barozzi, Baldassini, and company; page 256.
Rocco (Cascinagrossa) :S. Giorgio (Castelceriolo) :Nostra Signora di Fatima (Litta Parodi) :S. Bartolomeo (Lobbi) :SS. Nome di Maria (Mandrogne) :Beata Vergine del Rosario (San Giuliano Nuovo) :Beata Vergine Assunta (San Giuliano Vecchio) :S.
Eraldo has never gone on vacation away from Ferrara and Dr Fadigati, smitten with him, invites him to go together to a nearby resort town. At the sea-side resort town in the Adriatic coast, the pairing of Fadigati and Eraldo arouses the malicious gossip of Signora Lavezzoli, an obnoxious but influential member of Ferrara's society. Eraldo quickly leaves the doctor alone to pursue girls. Davide, seeing Eraldo's exploitation of Fadigati and the vengeful attitude of Signora Lavezzoli, takes pity on the doctor.
The castle at Rapallo from the gulf. Bell tower and dome of the basilica of San Gervasio e Protasio. Sanctuary of Nostra Signora di Montallegro. The former English church in Rapallo, St George's Church.
Trinità (Trinità) ;Carpasio :S. Antonino ;Castel Vittorio :S. Stefano Protomartire ;Castellaro :S. Pietro in Vincoli ;Ceriana :Santi Pietro e Paolo ;Cipressa :Natività di Maria Vergine :Nostra Signora degli Angeli :Visitazione di Maria Santissima ;Costarainera :S.
Caterina Amigoni Castellini was an Italian pastellist living in Spain. Castellini was the daughter of Venetian painter Jacopo Amigoni; after his 1738 marriage to mezzo-soprano Maria Antonia Marchesini, he was appointed court painter in Madrid, moving there in 1747. In 1773 Richard Twiss, on a visit to the city, encountered the painter's two daughters, Signora Castellini and Signora Belluomini. Twiss claimed that both women were talented in both vocal and instrumental music, and said of Castellini that she "paints portraits in Crayons extremely well".
Nostra Signora del Santissimo Sacramento e dei Santi Martiri Canadesi (, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament and the Canadian Martyrs) is the Roman Catholic national church of Canada, located at 46, Via Giovanni Battista de Rossi, Rome.
Contains 28 works [pages 31-45]. British Library Shelf Nr 240.d.8. Originally in the collection of George III, King of England. # 'Del Tempio alla Divina Signora Giovanna d'Aragona' - Girolamo Ruscelli - Venetia per Plino Pietrasanta - 1555.
One show was a pirated version of The Beggar's Opera, the cast of which included Peg Woffington, whom Violante 'discovered' as a child, carrying water to her mother's wash-house, and subsequently coached. In 1735 Signora Violante settled in Edinburgh, where she rented the lower floor of the hall of the Incorporation of Mary's Chapel from 1738Edinburgh City Archives, Minutes of the Incorporation of Mary's Chapel, 15 July 1738 p. 329. and continued to perform as a rope-dancer, and ran a dance school. Signora Violante died in 1741.
Il Conte Berenza: lover and later husband of Victoria. He is wary of her character, but gives in to his love for her. He loses her love to his own brother, Henriquez. Signora di Modena: a distant relative of Laurina.
Quote: "A Roma, la valente artista lirica signora Armanda degli Abbati, col cav. Attilio Campodonico. La sposa si ritira dalle scene" In the 1920s, she taught singing in Rome and was a member of the Circulo russo (Russian Circle) there.
LiviaIn some sources, she is referred to as Lucia. had dedicated herself to celibate meditative prayer after her groom, Valerio de’principi Massimo, died the night before his wedding.Rome and Art, entry on monastery.Vita della Signora Livia Vipereschi, Vergine Nobile Romana.
It was followed by another chart-topping LP, Mai una signora (Never a Lady, 1974) which spawned the popular single "Come un Pierrot" ("Like a Pierrot") and the Festivalbar song "Quale signora" ("Which Lady"). Albums Incontro (The Meeting) and Tanto (So Much), released in 1975 and 1976, respectively, both placed within the top 10 in Italy and included successful singles of the same names. Tanto was a collaboration with Vangelis, who arranged songs and played keyboards on the album. In 1977, Patty scored a hit with the song "Tutto il mondo è casa mia" ("The Whole World Is My Home") which reached no.
While vacationing in Italy, Nick Morell (Robin Dowell), son of John Morell (Guy Rolfe), a famous English philosopher and amateur musician and his wife Catherine (Kathleen Ryan), becomes friendly with young Guido (Jeremy Spenser). Morell discovers the boy has an extraordinary instinct for orchestration and a phenomenal music memory. A neighboring couple, Signor and Signora Boudini (Henry Oscar and Kathleen Byron) become aware of the boy's talents, and the Signora appeals to Guido's parents to let her educate him musically. Torn by their love for their son and the duty they feel to let the world hear his talent, they consent.
Tergu () is a comune (municipality) in the Province of Sassari in the Italian region Sardinia, located about north of Cagliari and about northeast of Sassari in the Anglona historical regiona. It is home to the Romanesque church of Nostra Signora di Tergu.
Brembati gained widespread acclaim for her poetry. After her death in 1586, a book of poems titled Rime funerali di diversi illustri ingegni composte in volgare et latina favella in morte della molto illustre signora Isotta Brembati-Grumelli was published to commemorate her.
Eusebio (Varinella) :S. Bartolomeo (Vocemola) ;Avolasca :S. Nicola Da Bari :Santi Apostoli Pietro e Paolo (Palenzona) ;Basaluzzo :S. Andrea Apostolo ;Berzano di Tortona :Santi Maria Maddalena e Giacomo ;Borghetto di Borbera :S. Vittore (Borghetto Borbera) :Nostra Signora del Carmine (Castel de’ Ratti) :S.
Nicolò di Bari :S. Bernardo (Ranzi) ;Stellanello :Nostra Signora Assunta :S. Gregorio Magno :Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio :Santi Cosma e Damiano (San Damiano) :Santi Lorenzo e Bernardino Da Siena (San Lorenzo-Bossaneto) ;Testico :Santi Bernardo Pietro e Paolo (Ginestro) ;Toirano :S. Martino :S.
During that tour, The New York Times commented that "Signora Damerini's style is both refined and expressive.""Italian Opera at the Star" New York Times (October 22, 1884): 5. via She performed in the premiere of Alberto Franchetti's Asrael in 1888.
He has completed busts in terra cotta and stucco. Among these Indovina? (Guess?) in 1881 at Milan. In 1884 at the Exhibition of Fine Arts in Turin, he displayed a marble group portrait, commissioned by signora Rosa Masarelli; Odalisque, and a stucco Study of Expression.
The donation was received by Signora Simonetta Puccini, Giacomo Puccini's granddaughter. The subjects of the Puccinian heroines has been used by travel agency Kaleva Travel in Finland for its own year stamps. By 2012 nine stamps had been published and there were to come.
JSTOR The Redemptorist Generalate is adjacent. The church was in close proximity to the Canadian embassy, until the embassy re-located in 2007. Initially, the church was named Nostra Signora del Santissimo Sacramento (Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament). but was re-consecrated in 1962.
Lady of Paradise (Italian: La signora Paradiso) is a 1934 Italian comedy film directed by Enrico Guazzoni and starring Elsa De Giorgi, Mino Doro and Memo Benassi.Goble p.69 It was shot at the Tirrenia Studios. The film's sets were designed by the art director Alfredo Montori.
He became much in demand for portraits and traveled through the continent. In 1930 he depicted the journalist Emilia Cardona, in Signora in Pelliccia di Lontra. Widowed two years later at the age of 32, Emilia married Francesco. That year he opened a studio in Rome.
When she realises her love will never be returned, she frames Leonardo for rape. Amamia: daughter of Signor and Signora Zappi. She and Leonardo fall in love, before her mother fakes the rape that forces Leonardo to leave. Megalina Strozzi: ex-mistress of Berenza and mistress of Leonardo.
Everybody's Woman (Italian: La signora di tutti) is a 1934 Italian drama film directed by Max Ophüls and starring Isa Miranda, Memo Benassi and Tatyana Pavlova.Moliterno p.84 It is the only film Max Ophüls made in Italy. The film was a success and Isa Miranda became a star.
25), President of Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano (C.E.M.) (1988 – 1994), Apostolic Administrator of Ciudad Victoria (Mexico) (1994.11.03 – retired 1995.12), created Cardinal-Priest of Nostra Signora di Guadalupe a Monte Mario (1994.11.26 – death 2008.03.22) # Alfonso Humberto Robles Cota (1981.01.12 – retired 2008.02.21), died 2017 # Ricardo Watty Urquidi (2008.02.21 – death 2011.11.
The valet: Zeluco's valet, willing to assist Zeluco in his various plots. Notably, he seduces the Portuguese's wife's maid and pretends to be robber threatening Laura's carriage. He betrays Zeluco to Signora Sporza, however, after Zeluco ignores him after courting Nerina. George Buchanan: Mr. N—’s Scottish servant.
He made a successful debut in Il francese in Italia, (coached by the actor-tenor Filippo LaschiFilippo Laschi (1739-1789), see short biography in L. Macy, The Grove Book of Opera Singers, 2nd Edition (OUP 2008).), opposite the charming Signora Lortinella (called 'Ortabella'), and Andrea Morigi as primo buffo.
The Doorbell Rang was adapted for a series of Nero Wolfe films produced by the Italian television network RAI (Radiotelevisione Italiana). Directed by Giuliana Berlinguer from a teleplay by Edoardo Anton, Nero Wolfe: Il pesce più grosso first aired March 11, 1969. The series of black-and-white telemovies stars Tino Buazzelli (Nero Wolfe), Paolo Ferrari (Archie Goodwin), Pupo De Luca (Fritz Brenner), Renzo Palmer (Inspector Cramer), Roberto Pistone (Saul Panzer), Mario Righetti (Orrie Cather) and Gianfranco Varetto (Fred Durkin). Other members of the cast of Il pesce più grosso include Paola Borboni (Signora Bruner), Silvia Monelli (Signora Dacos), Enrico Luzi (Quayle), Lia Angeleri (Signorina Althaus), Bruno Smith (Jarvis), Simone Mattioli (Kirby) and Fernando Cajati (Wragg).
Vineyards near Volastra Volastra is a village in the Cinque Terre National Park, Italy. The population is less than 200 residents. The most notable building in Volastra is Nostra Signora della Salute ("Our Lady of Health"). The church is constructed in the Romanesque style, possibly dating to the twelfth century.
The rebellion also led to Jane's own execution. Florio never forgot his young student, and dedicated to her memory his History of the life and death of the illustrious Jane Grey.M. Michelangelo Florio, Historia de la vita e de la morte de l'Illustriss. Signora Giovanna Graia, Riccardo Pittore, Venetia 1607.
His Co-Patron was Signora Wanda Ferragamo until her death in 2018. Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge (then Kate Middleton) spent part of her gap year in 2000 here. Prince Charles returned again to Florence in March 2017, accompanied by the Duchess of Cornwall, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Institute.
The diocese has 75 parishes, all within the Piedmontese province of Alessandria. (retrieved:2008-03-11 12:43:17 +0000) In 2012, there was one priest for every 1,641 Catholics. ;Alessandria :Cuore Immacolato di Maria :Madonna del Buon Consiglio :Madonna del Suffragio :Nostra Signora del Carmine :S. Alessandro :S.
May 1 – 11, Mrs. Farren appeared. May 13 – 25, Miss Davenport shared a bill with dancers Signora Ciocca and Signor Neri in The Magic Flute (ballet). July 4 – 6, 1850, Madame Augusta's production of the ballet Nathalie, and Felix Carlo and family, pantomimists and gymnasts, formed a bill, closing the season.
La mia signora (internationally released as My Wife) is a 1964 Italian comedy film directed by Tinto Brass, Mauro Bolognini and Luigi Comencini. It consists of five episodes, all starring Alberto Sordi and Silvana Mangano. The episode Eritrea, directed by Comencini, was later remade by Sergio Corbucci as the film Rimini Rimini (1987).
Girl of the Golden West (Italian: Una signora dell'ovest) is a 1942 Italian western film directed by Carl Koch and starring Michel Simon, Isa Pola and Rossano Brazzi. It is based on a novel by Pierre Benoit.Bondanella p. 338 It was made at the Scalera Studios in Rome, and on location around Ciociaria.
He left the organization over political differences in 1974–75. After 1974 Mieli continued his activism by organizing the Collettivi Omosessuali Milanesi (Homosexual collectives of Milan). In 1976 the group’s gay theatrical group, Nostra Signora dei Fiori, staged his play La Traviata Norma. Ovvero: Vaffanculo... ebbene sì! (the title’s numerous puns defy translation).
Buseno first became an independent municipality in 1851 when it separated from the former municipality of Calanca. The parish church of SS. Pietro e Antonio was consecrated in 1483. In 1776 it was expanded and in 1990 restored. The modern church of Nostra Signora di Fatima in Giova was built in 1984-88.
A print of the design was included in the book by Antonio Gobio and Geffels entitled MM. RR. Madri di S. Orsola di Mantoua: d'ordine della serenissima signora arciduchessa Isabella Clara d' Austria, duchessa di Mantoua, Monferrato, &c.;, per la morte dell' imperatrice augustissima Claudia Felice lei nipote published in Mantua in 1676 by Francesco Osanna, printer to the Duke.Antonio Gobio and Geffels, Le essequie celebratesi nella chiesa delle MM. RR. Madri di S. Orsola di Mantoua: d'ordine della serenissima signora arciduchessa Isabella Clara d' Austria, duchessa di Mantoua, Monferrato, &c.;, per la morte dell' imperatrice augustissima Claudia Felice lei nipote, Mantua, Francesco Osanna, 1676 As a court painter and architect, Geffels was not prohibited from taking on private commissions.
On 2 May 2015, Vidal scored the only goal of a 1–0 win at Sampdoria, confirming La Vecchia Signora as Serie A champions for the fourth consecutive season. On 20 May, he appeared in Juventus' 2–1 win over Lazio in the 2015 Coppa Italia final, as Juventus captured a domestic double and their tenth Coppa Italia title. On 6 June 2015, Vidal started for Juventus in the 2015 Champions League final as La Vecchia Signora was defeated 3–1 by Barcelona at Berlin's Olympiastadion. On 15 July 2015, Vidal was named to the ten-man shortlist for the 2015 UEFA Best Player in Europe Award; on 12 August, it was announced that he placed eighth in the 2015 UEFA Best Player in Europe Award.
He leaves. Elisa now confesses to Vespina that she is passionate about Florindo (Spinalba in disguise) and that she feels nothing for either Ippolito or Leandro. Ippolito reaffirms his love for Elisa and tries to make Vespina an ally, but the maid refuses to do anything to help him. Aria (Vespina): "Siete voi della Signora".
On 30 May 1998, he was named Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. Pope John Paul made him Cardinal Deacon of Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore in the consistory of 21 February 2001. Like all major Vatican officials he lost his position on 2 April 2005 on the death of the pope.
74-76,91-93 Signora Carpaneto also is interred in the family tomb. The model for the Angelo Nocchiero sculpture was Antonio Dellapiane (1868-1942). After school, he worked as a shop-boy in a joiner's workshop in Sampierdarena, where Scanzi met him. Later, he started his own workshop, becoming a successful carpenter and wood carver.
"Non sono una signora" (i.e. "I am not a lady") is an Italian pop-rock song written by Ivano Fossati and performed by Loredana Bertè. Considered Bertè's signature song, it has influenced her provocative imagine and aggressive style in the following years of career. It has been described as a "career catch" song for Berté.
She was born Marie Smith in Natchez, Mississippi, around 1849. After she was born her family moved to Cincinnati, where a wealthy family funded voice lessons for her. She moved to San Francisco in the 1870s and studied with Signora G. Bianchi. She then studied in Chicago with Antonio Farini, who taught the Italian method.
Following this, at the age of 34, Bentham gave up his singing career. His wife and he apparently never reconciled and never divorced. She continued to perform as Madame Bentham-Fernandez, or Fernandez- Bentami, or under her maiden name, until at least 1913."Signora Guerrina Fabbri", The Pall Mall Gazette, 27 June 1913, p.
Following the First World War Romano dedicated himself wholeheartedly to a career in sculpture. Romano’s style underwent a transformative period as the themes of his work became increasingly influenced by the setting in which he found himself. Eva - Eve (1918) with her soft lines is still reminiscent of Rodin. However, La Signora Giglioli – Mrs.
Nicoletta Pasquale left a legacy of several sonnets and a sestina. Some of her poetic contributions were published in Il sesto libro delle rime di diversi eccellenti autori and in Il Tempio alla divina signora donna Giovanna d'Aragona, both anthologies collected and edited by Girolamo Ruscelli and published in Venice in 1553 and 1555, respectively.
Bogno is first mentioned in the 13th Century as Bonio. It grew into a permanent settlement from the seasonal herding camps around the alpine pastures. The pastures were originally used by the inhabitants of the settlements of Sonvico, Colla, Insone, Scareglia, Signora and Piandera. The church of S. Rocco is first mentioned in 1591.
The House by the Edge of the Lake () is a horror film directed by Enzo G. Castellari. The film was re-edited several years after, with the title Kyra, La signora del lago (Kyra, the Lady of the Lake). The director Castellari defined that film as an "awful horror film with a very low cost budget".
He published a short compendium detailing this theory. Grognet married Signora Orsetta della Grazie Paleologo in 1834. He lived mostly in the capital Valletta, but while supervising the construction of the rotunda he lived at a house in Mosta belonging to the notary Francesco Chetcuti. This townhouse is now called Villa Grognet, and its design is attributed to Grognet.
Cesar helps her to a specialist, and the diagnosis is not good. She has an incurable disease. For the rest of their time together, Cesar woos Adriana and eventually proposes to her on a gondola. Yet Signora De Mauro (Barbara Pilavin), Adriana's mother is not pleased with the relationship and argues bitterly with Cesar and stands in the way.
Tiburce Sébastiani was born in La Porta (Haute-Corse) on 21 March 1786. He was the son of Joseph-Marie Sébastiani, a wealthy tailor and craftsman, and of the signora Maria Pietra Francesca Alterice Franceschi. His older brother was the future Marshal of France and politician Horace Sébastiani. Tiburce would later marry Marie Laetitia Paravicini on 19 November 1817.
She never left the asylum. 1920 was the year of comedies such as Tutto per bene, Come prima meglio di prima, and La Signora Morli. In 1921, the Compagnia di Dario Niccomedi staged, at the Valle di Roma, the play, Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore, Six Characters in Search of an Author. It was a clamorous failure.
Signor Zappi: the husband of the household that first takes Leonardo into care. He kicks Leonardo out of his house when he his under the impression that Leonardo raped his wife. Signora Zappi: wife of signor Zappi, part of the first household that Leonardo runs away to. She falls in love with Leonardo, even though he loves her daughter.
Le foto proibite di una signora per bene was released in Italy on November 19, 1970. The film has also been released under the title Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion. An English-language DVD release under the title The Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion was published by Blue Underground on March 28, 2006.
He was named Bishop of Gaeta on February 17, 1535, and administrator of the see of Bovino on April 15, 1535. He died in Rome, at his palace in piazza di Pasquino, on July 28, 1535. He was initially buried in Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore. His remains were later transferred to Santa Maria in Monserrato degli Spagnoli.
The Lady of the Camellias (Italian:La signora delle camelie) is a 1915 Italian historical drama film directed by Baldassarre Negroni and starring Hesperia, Alberto Collo, and Ida Carloni Talli.Goble p.137 It is an adaptation of Alexandre Dumas, fils' novel The Lady of the Camellias. Another Italian version The Lady of the Camellias was released the same year.
Ranieri recorded four songs in 1964: Tanti auguri signora, Se mi aspetti stasera, Non chiudere la porta, and La Prima Volta. None of the records were successful, primarily because young Gianni's voice was changing. Two years later, he would re-emerge under his new stage name, Massimo Ranieri. In 1966, he made his TV debut singing "Bene Mio".
Fresco of Madonna and the Child by Pietro Cavallini. The shrine is known for housing relics belonging to Saint Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine, various minor relics from the Holy Sepulchre, both the canonically crowned images of Nostra Signora di Mano di Oro di Aracoeli (1636) on the high altar and the Santo Bambino of Aracoeli (1897).
In 1856, he painted Illuminato (now in city of Foggia). In 1864, he painted Preghiera for the National Exposition of Florence. In 1866, his painting of Il carattere delle donne italiane was awarded a first prize gold medal at an exposition in Utrecht. He painted portraits of Cardinal Vicario La Valetta, Count Michele Pironti, and Signora Correnti.
Her introduction to Broadway came in 1915 in Very Good Eddie. She traveled to London, England, during World War I and appeared at the Apollo Theatre. Raymond attained more success than previous Americans who performed on the British stage. In England she recreated her original role of Signora Monte in Twin Beds, for which she gained fame on Broadway.
Signora Giveret Synagogue was built by a Portuguese merchant in 16th century. It stands at the junction of 927 Street (known as Havra Sokak (‘Synagogue Street’)) with Anafartalar Avenue. The building was damaged in the major fire of 1841, and subsequently restored by the Yeruşalmi family according to the original design. The new construction also used Italian architecture style.
Signora Sporza: Madame de Seidlits’ first cousin. A perceptive society woman, she dearly loves Laura and her mother, but her unwillingness to become involved in the affairs of others keeps her from preventing Laura and Zeluco's marriage. Madame de Seidlits: Laura's mother and Colonel Seidlits’ wife. A devoted wife and mother, her one failing is her expensive tastes.
The Lady of the Camellias (Italian: La signora dalle camelie) is a 1947 Italian musical drama film directed by Nelly Corradi, Gino Mattera and Manfredi Polverosi.Dyer p.34 It is an adaptation of the 1853 opera La traviata by Giuseppe Verdi. In 1948 it was released in America by Columbia Pictures under the title The Lost One.
The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh (Italian: Lo strano vizio della Signora Wardh, originally released as Blade of the Ripper in the United States) is a 1971 giallo murder mystery film directed by Sergio Martino. It is his first entry in the giallo subgenre. The letter "h" was added to the name "Ward" when an Italian woman named Mrs.
Amfitheatrof's success as a composer in his own right was assured early on in his professional career by performances of his concert works, including Poema del mare (1925), Miracolo della rosa (1926) and Christmas Rhapsody for Organ and Orchestra (1928) and American Panorama (1933). Later, he composed his first film score for Max Ophüls' La Signora di tutti (1934).
She was often billed as the "Southern girl" or "girl from Dixie". Her play roles including the part of Signora Monti in the popular 1914 play Twin Beds. She also appeared in Lew Fields's The Never Homes (1911), and The Charity Girl (1912).Who's who in Music and Drama, pp. 78-79 (1914)(July 28, 1918).
She is a scary woman with a long yellow face and grey eyes; her appearance is repulsive. She is the cruel tyrannical ruler of Victoria when she is captive in her household. Catau: servant of Signora di Modena that tends to Victoria while she is held captive. She helps Victoria escape and switches clothes with her to help her disguise herself.
At the end of 1884 they escaped from besieged Khartoum with a friend, Augusto Michieli. They travelled a risky trip on camel back to Suakin, which was the largest port of Sudan. In March 1885 they left Suakin for Italy and arrived at the port of Genoa in April. They were met there by Augusto Michieli's wife Signora Maria Turina Michieli.
On a very clear day, mainly in winter, the skyline of the mountains of the French island of Corsica can also be seen. The shrine is the destination of pilgrims from Genoa and from and all over Italy. The cult has been spread throughout Italy and far beyond, so that many churches and shrines have been dedicated to Nostra Signora della Guardia.
In 1888, he also exhibited in Bologna paintings depicting antique sites demolished in Rome with urban renewal. In 1884, his portrait of Signora Deserti, despite four months of effort, was declined. He also lost a commission for painting the Stations of the Cross for the church of San Gioacchino in Turin. In 1884 he submitted two watercolors at the Turin Exposition.
He completed both a full size statue for his palace and a funereal monument for Count Alfredo Serristori for the cemetery of Figline. He sculpted the sculptural group Tito Vezio e Licena. he sculpted the monument of Signora Fraschetti, placing a crown of flowers on the tomb of her husband in San Miniato. He completed many portrait busts including one of Federigo Campanella.
Cox, Virginia. Lyric Poetry by Women of the Italian Renaissance. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013. Her most unusual publication, which was printed in 1598 by Giovanni Battista Bellagamba in Bologna, is Orazione della Signora Isabella Cervoni da Colle al santissimo, e beatissimo padre, e Signor Nostro, Papa Clemente Ottavo, Sopra l’impresa di Ferrarra, con una canzone della medesima, a[‘] Prencipi Cristiani.
A long-winded and opinionated relation of Laura and Madame de Seidlits, he persuades Madame de Seidlits to attempt to convert Colonel Seidlits to Catholicism. Father Pedro: Father confessor to Signora Sporza, Laura, and Madame de Seidlits. An insincere priest, he colludes with Zeluco to persuade Laura to marry him after accepting a bribe ostensibly used to improve the church.
Mr. N—: A young English nobleman, nephew to a baronet and friend to Signora Sporza, Mr. Steele, and Mr. Squander, as well as Captain Seidlits and Baron Carlostein. He also loves Laura but does not express his feelings in deference to Carlostein. Mr. Transfer: A rich businessman who retired to the English countryside. Uncle to Mr. Steele and brother to Mrs.
In 1561, her book I secreti della signora Isabella Cortese or The Secrets of Lady Isabella Cortese first appeared in print in Venice, introducing alchemy to a wider readership. These books belonged to the genre "books of secrets." This genre gained notoriety around the 17th century. The "secrets" of Isabella Cortese would more closely be referred to as experiments in society today.
Main church of the district is the Chiesa di Nostra Signora del Suffragio e Santa Zita, which with its height of its bell tower, is well known to be the fifth tallest structure in the city of Turin, after the Mole Antonelliana, the Intesa-Sanpaolo skyscraper, the Torre Littoria and the two pennons of the Juventus Stadium. The church is hosting the Istituto Suore Minime di Nostra Signora del Suffragio and it was promoted and designed by Francesco Faà di Bruno. The legend says, that he wanted to build the tallest bell tower of the town and put a clock on the top, to all the poor people to know the time for free. The small building near the church is what remains of Casa Tartaglino, a small residential building which was also extended and modified by Faa di Bruno.
Much the same may be said of Giacomo David, not because he was younger, but owing to his exceptionally long career and teaching activity. Acute (as usual) when writing about opera, Stendhal observed of his favourite singer of the new generation, Giuditta Pasta: > "(She) is too young to have heard Signora Todi on the stage; nor can she > have heard Pacchierotti, Marchesi or Crescentini; nor, as far as I can > discover, did she ever have occasion to hear them later, after their > retirement, in private performances or at concerts; yet every connoisseur > who ever heard these great representatives of the Golden Age voices the > general opinion that she appears to have inherited their style. The only > teacher from whom she has received singing-lessons is Signora Grassini, with > whom she once spent a season in Brescia",Stendhal, Life of Rossini, ch. > XXXV, p.
He studied at the Accademia di San Luca in Rome. Among his pupils were a young Giovanni Fattori and Giovanni Costa. Among his works are portraits of Capitan Lavarello and S. Pediani, Signora Baluganti; and his Figlio Eugenio. For the church of San Giuseppe, Livorno, he painted Jesus gives the keys to St Peter; Martyrdom of Sts Crispin and Crispiniano; and Jesus at Prayer in the Orchard.
Rua died at the age of 73 on 6 April 1910 at 9:30am after having been ill since the fall in 1909; his remains are housed in Turin in the Basilica di Nostra Signora Aiuto dei Cristiani. His tenure saw the Salesian Society grow from 773 to 4000 Salesians, from 57 to 345 communities, from 6 to 34 Provinces in 33 countries around the world.
Little is known of the painting's early history. There is no information as of yet on the patron of this artwork. Its location was unknown until documented in the collection of Signora Saveria de Simone in Naples in 1827. At some point in the painting's history, the left and top parts of the painting were cut off, leaving a curtailed version of the original painting.
The reception for Judith Slaying Holofernes varied. The Florentine biographer Filippo Baldinucci described Judith Slaying Holofernes as "inspiring no little amount of terror." At times the painting has popular, mainly due to the grotesque nature of the biblical scene, but also because of the artist's gender. Yet when the painting was sold by Signora Saveria de Simone in 1827, it was sold as a work of Caravaggio.
However, the song's parent album, Occulte persuasioni (Hidden Persuasions), passed fairly unnoticed. In 1985, she had a moderate chart success with the song "Menù" ("Menu") which she also performed at the Festivalbar. In 1987, she entered the Sanremo Festival contest again. Her song "Pigramente signora" ("Lazily a Lady") did not fare well and the singer was accused of plagiarizing Dan Fogelberg's track "To the Morning".
Suakin on the Red Sea was besieged but remained in Anglo-Egyptian hands. Augusto Michieli acquired a large hotel there and decided to sell his property in Italy and to move his family to Sudan permanently. Selling his house and lands took longer than expected. By the end of 1888, Signora Turina Michieli wanted to see her husband in Sudan even though land transactions were not finished.
Galli is best known for her depiction of the trees that occupied her environment. Over the course of her career, she became known as “La Signora degli alberi” ("The Lady of the Trees"). In 1982 she developed a cycle of prints that took her to every region of Italy depict their typical trees. The series comprises almost 70 etchings, realised over the span of 30 years.
He married Charlotte Mary Estcourt, daughter of the actor and playwright Richard Estcourt. :::George Richard Estcourt Luppino (1710–1787), son of George Charles, a dancer, an apprentice to John Rich, the founder of English Pantomime. He married Rosina Volante, daughter of the rope-dancer and theatre company manager Signora Violante. ::::Thomas Frederick Luppino (1749–1845), son of George Richard Estcourt, a dancer and scenic artist.
As the Orsini Signora, Felice had a role in orchestrating the marriages of her stepchildren and her children. In October 1519, Felice secured her stepdaughter Carlotta's marriage to Giantommaso Pico, lord of Mirandola. Because Felice was not Carlotta's mother, she required the approval of Napoleone, and other Orsini males. Felice then married her daughter Giulia to Pier Antonio di Sanseverino, the ruler of Bisignano.
In the same year she was the subject of Le glorie della signora Anna Renzi romana, a collection of encomiums edited by Strozzi, which gives a vivid impression of her characteristics as a performer and of her effect on audiences. In 1645 she sang in Ercole in Lidia (music lost) by Maiolino Bisaccioni and Giovanni Rovetta at the same theatre, probably the roles of Giunone and Fillide.
That summer, now known as Signora Lebrun, she toured Italy with Ludwig. At the opening of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan on 3 August 1778, Francesca Lebrun was the female lead in Antonio Salieri's opera Europa Riconosciuta. She created a sensation in 1779 in Paris at the Concert Spirituel through her ability to fit Italian words to instrumental parts of symphonies concertantes and sing them.
In the middle, within a niche, is the wooden statue of Nostra Signora del Regno, a "Madonna with Child" wearing royal symbols. The polyptych is dated 1515. The church's columns have 17th-century paintings with Apostles and other Saints, while also present is a lesser retablo from the same school, a carved wooden pulpit and an epigraph celebrating the consecration of the church on May 7, 1107.
He painted portraits of Signora Albanese (Gold medal in 1924, Monza), Wally Toscanini, Padre Giovanni Semeria, cleric Saule Radaelli, and Maresciallo Enrico Caviglia. He had been named professor emeritus for the Academies of Genoa and Parma. He became a professor of painting at the Brera Academy. His painting after 1920's drifted into patriotic celebrations of work and duty, favored by the Fascist authorities.
Signora Violante was Italian or French, and was active as a performer from 1720. She was married to an Italian, Senor Violante, a rope-slider. Neither her maiden or married name are known for certain, and she and her husband are also sometimes named as Larini in contemporary newspaper accounts. She is also known as Madam Violante and Mrs Violante in 18th century sources.
Madonna Oriente or Signora Oriente (Lady of the East), also known as La Signora del Gioco (The Lady of the Game), are names of an alleged religious figure, as described by two Italian women who were executed by the Inquisition in 1390 as witches. The story which they are reported to have told is an elaborate and fantastical tale of occult religious rituals practised at the houses of wealthy individuals in Milan, Italy, where a woman known as the Madonna Oriente, possibly regarded as a goddess by her followers, performed magical acts such as the resurrection of slaughtered animals. The two women, Sibilla Zanni and Pierina de' Bugatis, were brought before the Inquisition first in 1384, and with their story apparently dismissed as fantasy, were sentenced only to minor penance. When they were investigated again in 1390, however, they were charged with consorting with the Devil, condemned, and executed.
Since 1974, the PFWA has given an annual award named in memory of sportswriter Jack Horrigan, to honor a league or club official "for his or her qualities and professional style in helping the pro football writers do their job." The most recent five winners have been Thomas Dimitroff (2012), Mike Signora (NFL Vice President of Football Communications) (2013), Pete Carroll (2014), Bruce Arians (2015), and John Elway (2016).
On May 20, 1465, Cardinal Mella was transferred to the see of Sigüenza, a post he held until his death.Eubel, p. 235. Cardinal Juan de Mella died of the 'peste' (plague) in Rome on October 12, 1467. He was buried in San Giacomo degli Spagnoli, a church on the Piazza Navona that was replaced in the nineteenth century by Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore because of its ruined condition.
Nostra Signora di Guadalupe e San Filippo Martire in Via Aurelia (Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Philip Martyr in Via Aurelia) is the national church of Mexico in Rome. Opened in 1958, it was established as a titular church by Pope John Paul II in 1991, with Juan Jesús Posadas Ocampo as its first titular Cardinal Priest (1991-1993). It is owned and served by the Legion of Christ.
During the performance, the puppets Harlequin, Pulcinella and Signora Rosaura on stage recognize him in the audience and call out to him, angering the puppet master Mangiafuoco. Upset, he breaks up the excitement and decides to use Pinocchio as firewood to cook his lamb dinner. After Pinocchio pleads to be saved, Mangiafuoco gives in and decides to burn Harlequin. After Pinocchio pleads for Harlequin's salvation, Mangiafuoco gives up.
The Italian Comedy, by Pierre Louis Duchartre and Randolph T Weaver, 1928, page 78 He has published a tragic play l'Afrodite, nearly one hundred madrigals, a funeral oration for the fellow comic and possible mistress Vincenza Armani,Oratione D'Adriano Valerini Veronese, in morte della divina Signora Vincenza Armani, comica eccellentissima. Verona 1570. and the play Belleze di Verona. Belleze di Verona He was the father of Diana Ponti.
He made many designs for the Ricordi di Architettura. In the 1888 Bologna Exhibition, he was awarded a medal. Salvetti's principal works include the following canvases: Casa Calzaveglio in Brescia; Napoletana of Venice; Portrait (pastel); Profilo di donna; study of a child; portrait of a signora; Love Letter; Guida Alpina Tirolese; Study of Head in pastel; La Nonna (pastel); Pastel self-portrait; Alla finestra (pastel); and Near the Crib.
She was 13 years and 3 months old when her father forced her to become a nun in the Monastery Saint Margherita. The Monastery was located in Spalto di Porta de’ Grandi, also known as via Azzone Visconti. This monastery could only be accessed through a small street, which today is called Via della Signora. March 15, 1589, was the last time that don Martino de Levya saw his daughter.
Architects and designers made room for the new marvel, as the promotional language celebrating the device became a chorus of praise for domestic appliances as the secret of "progress" and "freedom" and "liberation." On the other hand, husbands still insisted on driving the family automobile; it was off-limits to the liberated female.Enrica Asquer, "La Signora Candy e la sua lavatrice: storia di un'intesa perfetta nell'Italia degli anni Sessanta." [Mrs.
Right You Are (if you think so) ( ), also translated as It Is So (If You Think So), is an Italian drama by Luigi Pirandello. The play is based on Pirandello's novel La signora Frola e il signor Ponza, suo genero. It premiered 18 June 1917 in Milan. The theme is conflicting versions of the truth told by the main characters, each of whom claims the other is insane.
Among his partners: Carla Fracci, Sylvie Guillelme, Laurent Hilaire, Enrico Maria Salerno, Simona Marchini,Croce e delizia... signora mia! Storie di vita vissuta... per pianoforte e voce recitante. Simona Marchini, Paolo Restani Mariano Rigillo, Gottfried Wagner. In partnership with Chiara Muti, in the last seasons, he created three original musical plays on the life of Mozart, on the relationships between Richard Wagner and Ludwig II, on Rachmaninov and Gogol.
A story of many Irish men and women from various backgrounds and how a teacher, Nora O'Donoghue (known as "Signora"), and an Italian evening class changes their lives over the course of a year. Each chapter deals with the life story of one or more students in the class. In a Dickensian way, they bump into each other and are affected by the decisions of those around them.
As a breeding stallion the best of his other offspring have been Signora Cabello (Prix Robert Papin) and My Catch (Prix de Cabourg). Teppal's dam Jummana showed modest racing ability, winning one minor race in France in 2002. She was descended in the female line from Kalila, who was a half-sister to both Val de Loir and Valoris. Teppal is a name for a spice related to sichuan pepper.
Signora Antonietta Pisanelli opened the theater in 1907 or 1909 as the Washington Square Theater, a vaudeville or Italian theater. It was built on the site of the first Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral, which was completed in 1888 but destroyed in the San Francisco earthquake and fire of 1906. The theater could seat 1,000 patrons for dramas and opera. In 1909, the theater hosted a benefit concert for Emilio Rivola.
At Milan, in 1872, exhibited Vase of Flowers with symbols of Florence and Portrait of the signora Marianna Grassi. In 1884 at Turin, he displayed St Louis praying in his Chapel, Portrait of a Man, Portrait of a Woman and a bronzed terracotta statuette, depicting: Amore preso nella rete.Dizionario degli Artisti Italiani Viventi: pittori, scultori, e Architetti, by Angelo de Gubernatis. Tipe dei Successori Le Monnier, 1889, page 375-376.
Signora Giveret Synagogue has a big yard surrounded by massive, high walls that block the view from the outside. There are add-on structures in the yard that are referred to as Bet Midaş. Şalom and Algaze Synagogues, on Havra street, are neighboring buildings. The synagogue is located in Kemeraltı, a historic bazaar of İzmir, forming a network of small shops, stores and narrow streets which surround the synagogue.
Lucrezia Bendidio (Signora or Contessa Machiavella) (April 8, 1547 - after 1584) was an Italian singer and noblewoman from Ferrara. She started as a lady-in-waiting for Leonora d'Este in 1561. Many poets wrote of her great skill as a singer, including Torquato Tasso and Giovanni Battista Pigna. She was in fact an early love of Tasso's in 1561, as well as of Cardinal Luigi d'Este and Pigna.
This manuscript was a collection of many different secrets, ranging from medicinal to cosmetic uses. In manuscript form, it made it through Italy and it introduced the public to scientific culture it a way that priorly wasn't accessible. Off the allure of the obscurity, mystery, and novelty of the "books of secrets" genre, Isabella Cortese's I secreti della signora Isabella Cortese flourished in popularity. Cortese's book swept the scientific world.
The bizarre story follows a female narrator, Signora Psyche Zenobia. While walking through "the goodly city of Edina" with her poodle and her black servant, Pompey, she is drawn to a large Gothic cathedral. At the steeple, Zenobia sees a small opening she wishes to look through. Standing on Pompey's shoulders, she pushes her head through the opening, realizing she is in the face of a giant clock.
"Signior Montcalm" had been sailing from Lisbon to the when Alexander had captured her. The convoy was so near Madeira that Cayley sent the prize there under escort by , with Albacore under orders to attempt to regain the convoy. Cayley decided to take Alexander with him. Six vessels ultimately shared the prize money for Alexander and the salvage money for the Portuguese vessel Nostra Signora del Monte del Carmo.
He painted for the church of San Biagio, Pollenza. In 1909, he emigrated to Argentina. In the town of Santa Fe, he was one of the founders of the Atheneum of Arts and Sciences. In that town, he painted ceiling a nave frescoes for the Basilica Nostra Signora del Carmine, and works for the church of Santo Domenico, and a canvas depicting the Virgin of the Miracles for the church of the Jesuits.
In addition to his work as a painter and sculptor, Lüpertz is also a Free Jazz musician, including the piano. Occasionally he gives concerts together with professional musicians. He also created and publishes the art and literary magazine Frau und Hund, since 2003, in which he publishes his own poetry and prose texts. Two editions of the magazine have appeared in other languages (Signora e cane, in Italian, and Femme et Chien, in French).
Olympus He is mentioned as a mentor of Evaristo Baschenis.Baschenis Still Lifes: A Stirring Silent Opera by Souren Melikian International Herald Tribune; Saturday, February 17, 2001. Among his works are a Nativity altarpiece for the sanctuary of Nostra Signora della Brughiera in Bulliana in the province of Biella. He also painted two altarpieces, a Crucifixion and a Circumcision (attributed) for the Sanctuary della Madonna del Pianto in Ono Degno, near Pertica Bassa.
He was married to Jula Sherb of Swiss origin.Corriere della Sera: "Marco Chiara, una vita tutta da raccontare" by Manzoni Franco 10 maggio 2011 They had one son Marco Chiara who was married and divorced from Judith Loeb Chiara of the Lehman family.New York Times: "JUDITH CHIARA Obituary" November 17, 2010 He died in Varese in 1986. The Disappearance of Signora Giulia was the first of his books to be translated into English.
Giacomo Albé, Portrait of Luigi d'Arco From 1850 to 1859, he painted in Havana, Cuba under the name of Joaquin. He was a resident in Milan. He painted a posthumous portrait of the Senator Arrivabene of Mantua; of signor Ottavio Rumi; and portraits of girls for signor Adolfo Naham and Count Carlo Borromeo. He painted the son of signora Sola Busca, exhibited in 1888 at Bologna, and sold to the Countess Fanny Magnaguti Revedin.
In the early 1850s, a project for a statue of Dante for a piazza in Ravenna was declined. Pazzi subsisted on small private projects for tomb monuments and house decorations. He completed for Dupre a commission for a nativity scene, destined for the Signora Bianchi of Siena, however, had difficulty getting paid.Pazzi, page 46-48 In the 1857–59, a move was made to complete the Dante statue, but now for Florence.
On August 28, 1962, Zerba was appointed Titular Archbishop of Colossae by Pope John XXIII. He received his episcopal consecration on the following September 21 from Pope John himself, with Archbishops Francesco Carpino and Pietro Parente serving as co-consecrators, in the Lateran Basilica. From 1962 to 1965, Zerba attended the Second Vatican Council. Pope Paul VI created him Cardinal Priest of Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore in the consistory of February 22, 1965.
Stanhope has been in Italy recovering from a sore throat for 12 years and has spent his time catching butterflies. With him to the Cathedral Close come his wife and their three adult children. The younger of Dr Stanhope's two daughters causes consternation in the Palace and threatens the plans of Mr Slope. Signora Madeline Vesey Neroni is a disabled serial flirt with a young daughter and a mysterious Italian husband, whom she has left.
Nostra Signora dei Turchi (internationally released as Our Lady of the Turks) is a 1968 Italian drama film. It is the feature film debut of Carmelo Bene and it is based on a stage play by the same Bene. It won the Special Jury Prize at the 1968 Venice Film Festival. The film was shown as part of a retrospective "Questi fantasmi: Cinema italiano ritrovato" at the 65th Venice International Film Festival.
Our Lady of Graces (Italian: Madonna delle Grazie or Nostra Signora delle Grazie) or Saint Mary of Graces (Italian: Santa Maria delle Grazie) is a devotion to the Virgin Mary in the Roman Catholic Church. Churches with this dedication often owe their foundation to thankfulness for graces received from the Virgin Mary, and are particularly numerous or a lot in Italy, India, Australia, United States, France and the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland.
Patti Cohenour (born October 17, 1952 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.) is an American actress and singer. She last performed as the standby for Elizabeth Arden the Broadway musical War Paint, a position she also held in the pre Broadway run. Previously she was seen in the Broadway production of The Light in the Piazza as Signora Naccarelli. She was also the alternate for Victoria Clark in the leading role of Margaret Johnson.
Lombardia Beni Culturali, entry. In 1464, the land was awarded to Giovanni Simonetti, an ally of the Visconti family. In 1760, the land and house were sold by the Simonetti to the Ferrario family, who in 1829 sold it to Giovanni Maria Formenti, and then in 1877, he sold it to Signora Elisa Vonwiller, widow of Scheibler. From there it passed on to Count Felice Scheibler, who was passionate about horseriding and hunting.
Gigliotti first became famous for her role as Dona Escolástica on the comedic television show, Escolinha do Professor Raimundo. She also took part in the 1984 American film Blame It on Rio, as Signora Botega. Gigliotti's last television appearance was on the Globo telenovela, Cama de Gato, as Áurea in early 2010. Lupe Gigliotti died at her home in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, on December 19, 2010, at the age of 84.
On 6 June 2015, Pereyra appeared as a substitute for Juventus in the 2015 UEFA Champions League Final as La Vecchia Signora was defeated 3–1 by FC Barcelona at Berlin's Olympiastadion. With 52 appearances, he made the most appearances for Juventus that season across all competitions, along with teammates Claudio Marchisio and Leonardo Bonucci. On 23 June 2015, Juventus bought out Pereyra's Udinese loan for €14 million, keeping him at Juventus until 2019.
Enzo Serafin (16 April 1912, Venice – 27 December 1995, Rome) was an Italian cinematographer, who cooperated with Michelangelo Antonioni (Cronaca di un amore (1950), La signora senza camelie (1953), I vinti (1953)), Roberto Rossellini (Viaggio in Italia (1954)), Ricardo Gascón, Ignacio F. Iquino, Luigi Zampa, Gianni Franciolini, Alfredo Guarini and others. He was a cinematographer of several parts of Les Sept péchés capitaux (1962) and Siamo donne (1953). In 1953 Enzo Serafin won Silver Ribbon for his works.
La signora era Giannalisa Gianzana Feltrinelli (madre anche di Giangiacomo), il padre il giornalista Luigi Barzini jr. His marriage to Feltrinelli also made him the stepfather of Italian publisher and left-wing political activist Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, of whom Barzini eventually disapproved, saying that he thought Giangiacomo preferred the company of men who "despised the masses as he did, who thought them something they could play with." Barzini also rejected as implausible conspiracy theories concerning Giangiacomo's death.
Later De Gregori formed a band with his friends Antonello Venditti, Mimmo Locasciulli and Giorgio Lo Cascio, who all had success as singer-songwriters in the following years. De Gregori made his debut as a professional singer in 1972 with Theorius Campus, in collaboration with Venditti. The LP included the early masterpiece "Signora Aquilone" ("Kite Lady"), but Venditti had more songs and, having a better voice, earned better consideration by the label. The duo subsequently broke up.
A cinema actor and producer, Max Daly, is much sought after by the ladies. Pretty Winifred, the daughter of gruff General Fitzgibbon, in order to be near him, runs away from home and dresses as a boy (Freddy) to obtain a part in one of Max's films. Max plays Napoleon during a French invasion. But Signora Maria Gesticulata (Gwendoline Brogden) has come from Italy to play a part in the same film, and Max falls in love with her.
The Lady of Belmonte, Signora Beatrice, is an affluent widow in the region, whose hand is much sought after. Giannetto visits her and also falls for her charms. The Prince of Aragon is the most distinguished of her many suitors, but she despises him as a vain popinjay. Beatrice is immediately favourable towards Giannetto's suit, but Aragon tell her that he is in fact an idle pauper, and disappointed she reluctantly consents to marry the Prince instead.
The other lyrics were written by Luca Carboni. The song "Vorrei" (I would) became part of the soundtrack of the Carlo Verdone film I due carabinieri (The two carabinieri ), along with "Ba... ba... ballando" (Da... da... dancing) and "La mattina" (The morning), both appearing on the Q-disc. In the song "Vedovo Armando e signora" (Widowed Armando and Mrs), Lucio Dalla features as a backing vocalist. This mini-album was the last with the original lineup.
He has also served as Chair of the Governing Body of Notre Dame College, Dhaka. Pope Francis raised him to the rank of cardinal at a consistory held on 19 November 2016. He was given the rank of Cardinal-Priest and assigned the titular church of Nostra Signora del Santissimo Sacramento e Santi Martiri Canadesi. He was the second member of his order to join the College of Cardinals, after John O'Hara, Archbishop of Philadelphia, in 1958.
This was followed in 1970 by the very successful Signore e signora (Mr. and Madame) with Lando Buzzanca. After a nine-year break, she starred in the show Che combinazione (What a Coincidence) alongside Don Lurio. From 1980 to 1983, Scala conceived and hosted the show Una rosa per la Vita (A Rose for Life) to raise funds to support cancer prevention and research at the Bussoladomani arena in Lido di Camaiore, together with Raimondo Vianello and Sandra Mondaini, .
Ancient coat of arms of Voltri Sanctuary of Nostra Signora di Acquasanta Voltri is a quartiere of the Italian city of Genoa, located west of the city centre. It was formerly an independent comune. In 2015, Voltri and the nearby hamlets included in Genoa's VII Municipio (Crevari, Acquasanta, Vesima, Fabbriche) had a total population of 12,402. Voltri is one of the 3 former municipalities (the other ones are Pra' and Pegli) being part of the Genoa's city VII Municipio.
It joins a medieval dimension with following 16th century and Baroque interventions (the ancient Via Aurea, now Via Garibaldi). Near Via Garibaldi, through the public elevator Castelletto Levante, one can reach one of the most scenic places in the city, Belvedere Castelletto. The centre of Genoa is connected to its upper part by ancient paths caught between tall palaces, called creuze. Walking along these small paths one can reach magnificent places like the Santuario di Nostra Signora di Loreto.
"Signora Bovary" is a poetic variation of Gustave Flaubert's 1857 novel Madame Bovary. "Culodritto" is dedicated to Guccini's daughter, Teresa, who was 9 at the time. "Van Loon" is about Guccini's father, who was a reader of the books of the 1930s science writer Hendrik Willem van Loon. The long suite "Keaton" was co-written by Claudio Lolli, who had found difficulties in releasing it: as Guccini liked it, he published in his new album after minor modification.
Giuseppe Amisani, Portrait of Lyda Borelli, 1910 ca. Many of Amisani's portraits are of women. Among them are: La Teletta, in the Galleria d'Arte Moderna of Milan; his Ritratto di Lyda Borelli, in the São Paulo Museum of Art, Brazil; and Signora in grigio, his portrait of the actress Maria Melato, now in the Musei Civici di Monza. Amisani exhibited at the twelfth Esposizione Internazionale d'Arte della Città di Venezia (later known as the Biennale di Venezia) in 1920.
In 2010, Cardinale received the Best Actress Award at the 47th Antalya "Golden Orange" International Film Festival for her performance as an elderly Italian woman who takes in a young Turkish exchange student in Signora Enrica. Outspoken on women's rights causes over the years, Cardinale has been a UNESCO goodwill ambassador for the Defense of Women's Rights since March 2000. In February 2011, the Los Angeles Times Magazine named Cardinale among the 50 most beautiful women in film history.
In 1969, she married Guglielmo Biraghi, film critic for the newspaper Il Messaggero, but they divorced a few years later. She was romantically involved with the married British Labour Party politician Geoffrey Robinson, who in the 1970s was a businessman in charge of the Italian offshoot of British Leyland, and reputed introduced to his colleagues as 'Signora Robinson'. The actress suffered from a grave form of osteoporosis for years, and was forced to use a wheelchair.
St. Lawrence Cathedral St. Lawrence Cathedral (Cattedrale di San Lorenzo) is the city's cathedral, built in a Gothic-Romanesque style. Other notable historical churches are the Commandery of the Saint John's Order called , San Matteo, San Donato, Santa Maria di Castello, Sant'Agostino (deconsecrated since the 19th century, sometimes is used for theatrical representations), Santo Stefano, Santi Vittore e Carlo, Basilica della Santissima Annunziata del Vastato, San Pietro in Banchi, Santa Maria delle Vigne, Nostra Signora della Consolazione, San Siro, , Santa Maria Assunta di Carignano and . San Bartolomeo degli Armeni houses the Image of Edessa and San Pancrazio after the World War II was entrusted to the ligurian delegation of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. These churches and basilicas are built in Romanesque (San Donato, Santa Maria di Castello, Commenda di San Giovanni di Pré), Gothic (San Matteo, Santo Stefano, Sant'Agostino), Baroque (San Siro) or Renaissance (Santa Maria Assunta di Carignano, San Pietro in Banchi) appearance, or a mix of different styles (Nostra Signora della Consolazione, Santissima Annunziata del Vastato; this last has a Baroque interior and a Neoclassicist façade).
As a practicing composer, she was admitted to Rome's Accademia de' Forti. In 1780 Maestro di Cappella Francesco Capalti of Narni Cathedral attacked Coccia’s examination composition and her receipt of the title. She was defended by Michele Mallio in his Elogio storico della signora Maria Rosa Coccia romana (Rome, 1780), containing letters of support from Metastasio, Carlo Broschi and Giovanni Battista Martini. Pasquale Antonio Basili in 1784 published an open letter in defense of Coccia and against criticism of Capalti.
The Strega Borgia Chronicles is a series of black comedy novels for older children by award-winning Scottish writer and illustrator Debi Gliori. Pure Dead Magic was Gliori's first novel. The chronicles follow the Strega Borgias, a quirky, bizarre, Italian family: Signor and Signora Strega-Borgia (Luciano and Baci) and their four children, Titus, Pandora, Damp and Nieve, who live with their mythical companions in their fictitious home StregaSchloss, in Argyll. It consists of two trilogies: Pure Dead and Deep.
Italians reacted skeptically at first to the arrival of a female ambassador in Rome, but Luce soon convinced those of moderate and conservative temper that she favored their civilization and religion. "Her admirers in Italy-and she had millions- fondly referred to her as la Signora, 'the lady'". The country's large Communist minority, however, regarded her as a foreign meddler in Italian affairs. She was no stranger to Pope Pius XII, who welcomed her as a friend and faithful acolyte.
Berenza quickly falls in love with Victoria, but after he overhears her curse her mother, Berenza becomes wary of her evil character. Laurina and Ardolph do not approve of Berenza, so Laurina forges a letter in Victoria's handwriting persuading Berenza to leave Venice. Ardolph and Laurina then send Victoria to live under the tyrannical rule of Laurina's cousin, Signora di Modena. With the help of her servant, Victoria escapes the Signora's household, disguises herself as a peasant, and returns to Venice.
He cannot speak Italian, and she cannot speak English, so Winifred acts as interpreter. In translating a love-letter from Max to the Signora, Winifred words it so as to offend the lady, who resigns her part at once. Winifred, still supposed to be a boy, then plays the Signora's part, and Max does not discover the fact that she is a girl until after the film has been shown at an Army League soiree.The Playgoer and Society Illustrated, vol.
Born in Cervia, Ravenna, a former lifeguard, Focaccia began his career in 1962, with the single Il pappagallo. He got his main success one year later with the song Stessa spiaggia stesso mare which won the Disco per l'estate competition and reached the third place at the Italian hit parade. After a less successful period, in 1970 his song Permette signora peaked number nine at the hit parade. Focaccia entered the Sanremo Music Festival competition three times between 1964 and 1974.
Signora Sestini' by Ozias Humphry, portrayed as Terpsichore, Muse of Dance and the dramatic chorus, half-length, in a lavender and white dress, playing a lyre Margravine of Anspach by Ozias Humphry Ozias Humphry (or Humphrey) (8 September 1742 – 9 March 1810) was a leading English painter of portrait miniatures, later oils and pastels, of the 18th century. He was elected to the Royal Academy in 1791, and in 1792 he was appointed Portrait Painter in Crayons to the King (i.e. pastels).
The Santuario di Nostra Signora di Fatima is a church in Rome, in the zone San Vittorino. Although located in the commune of Rome, from the ecclesiastical point of view it is part of the Diocese of Tivoli. It was built between 1970 and 1979 to the designs of the architect Lorenzo Monardo and inaugurated May 13, 1979 by Monsignor Guglielmo Giaquinta, Bishop of Tivoli. The ground plan is a circle and the vault is in the shape of an inverted funnel.
The Sacro Monte di Graglia is one of the numerous devotional places around the Italian Alps and it houses the Santuario di Nostra Signora di Loreto, one of the four major sanctuaries of the Biellese territory. Set in the Valle Elvo at 690 m on the sea level, the sanctuary is built near the Lauretana water industry. The complex is a stage of many devotional paths, among which CoEur - In the heart of European paths and Path of Saint Charles.
Monument to Dante, Florence Monument to Savonarola, Florence In the early 1850s, a project for a statue of Dante for a piazza in Ravenna was declined. Pazzi subsisted on small private projects for tomb monuments and house decorations. He completed for Dupre a commission for a nativity scene, destined for the Signora Bianchi of Siena, however, had difficulty getting paid.Pazzi, page 46-48 In the 1857–59, a move was made to complete the Dante statue, but now for Florence.
Adopting the stage name Don Miko, he debuted with "45 Gente... che ragazza!" and later "Non hai più niente per me", which became a summer hit. In 1965 he entered the Sanremo Music Festival with the song "E poi verrà l'Autunno", in couple with Timi Yuro, failing to access the final. In 70s he recorded some songs with the name Pier Bozzetti, achieving good critical reviews. In 1975 he came back to Sanremo Festival, credited as Miko, with the song "Signora Mia".
Two of the most well-known women alchemists of the sixteenth-century were Isabella Cortese and Anna Maria Zieglerin.Diana Maury Robin, Anne R. Larsen, and Carole Levin, ed., Encyclopedia of Women in the Renaissance: Italy, France, and England (Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2007), 5. Cortese was the only female alchemist to have a book printed in the sixteenth- century, I secreti della signora Isabella Cortese; however, Zieglerin pursued alchemic work in the court of Duke Julius of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel and wrote pamphlets.
Theorius Campus is an album by Italian singer-songwriters Antonello Venditti and Francesco De Gregori, released by It in 1972. It was the debut work for both artists, who only collaborated on this occasion and share vocal duties on two songs, "Dolce signora che bruci" and "In mezzo alla città", and alternate on lead vocal in all the others. De Gregori and Venditti are not mentioned on the cover, which shows a painting of Ophelia by English painter John Everett Millais.
Meeting the monk again, the conte is instead taken into a large portrait gallery, where he can hear the signora's voice. The monk then informs him that he can’t see the signora that night and instead he must return again. When he gets back to his home, Marcello is greeted by his panicked servants who note his injury and rush to fetch a surgeon. Maddelena's account covers a similar version of events demonstrating that she to noticed Marcello at the service.
Maria Cristina of Savoia (Cagliari, 14 November 1812 – Naples, 31 January 1836), Princess of the Kingdom of Sardinia, was the youngest daughter of Vittorio Emanuele I of Savoy and Maria Teresa of Habsburg-Este. Raised at the Court of Turin, she is recognized as 'Venerable' by the Catholic Church. In 1832, she married Ferdinando II of the Two Sicilies, becoming the Queen of that Reign. Their wedding was celebrated on 21 November 1832 in the Nostra Signora dell'Acquasanta Sanctuary in Genoa.
The Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy (Italian: Figlie di Nostra Signora della Misericordia) is a religious institute of pontifical right whose members profess public vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience and follow the evangelical way of life in common. Their mission includes pastoral ministry, education of youth, care of the sick and aged. This religious institute was founded in Savona, Italy, in 1837, by st. Maria Giuseppa Rossello, Franciscan tertiary, and her three companions (Pauline Barla, Angela, and Domenica Pessio).
In Italy, only people who hold a formal engineering qualification of at least a Bachelor's degree are permitted to describe themselves as an engineer. So much so that people holding such qualifications are entitled to use the pre-nominal title of "Ingegnere" (or "Ingegnera" if female - in both cases often abbreviated to "Ing.") in lieu of "Signore", "Signorina" or "Signora" (Mr, Miss and Mrs respectively) in the same manner as someone holding a doctorate would use the pre-nominal title "Doctor".
From November 1826 he taught in Chiavari teaching his studies theological subjects as well as Latin and Greek. He was the founder of the Missionaries of Saint Alphonsus in 1827 for men and that order lasted from that point to 1856 while the Oblates of Saint Alphonsus lasted from its founding in 1828 until 1848 when it had to be dissolved. He also founded the Figlie di Nostra Signora del Giardino on 12 January 1829. It was a teaching order for females that worked with the sick.
New York Times. Cardinal Scherer, 93, Brazil Conservative March 13, 1996 However, Scherer did support the succession of the left-wing João Goulart as President of Brazil following the resignation of Jânio Quadros, in accord with the constitutional rules. Pope Paul VI created him Cardinal Priest of Nostra Signora de La Salette in the consistory of April 28, 1969. Scherer was one of the cardinal electors who participated in the conclaves of August and October 1978, which selected Popes John Paul I and John Paul II respectively.
The quintet was composed by Oswald during the last decade of his Italian period. He has already composed the Piano Quartet No. 1, Op. 5 (1888), the Piano Trio in G minor, Op. 9 (1889) and two string quartets, thus proving to be a confident composer of chamber music. However, none of these compositions were printed during his lifetime. The quintet is dedicated to Signora Karl Hillebrand, that is, , widow of Karl Hillebrand, a friend of Hans von Bülow, Richard Wagner and Franz Liszt.
He attended the Second Vatican Council from 1962 to 1965, and served as President of the Syro-Malabar Episcopal Conference, of the Kerala Catholic Episcopal Conference, and of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (1972–1976). Pope Paul VI created him Cardinal Priest of Nostra Signora "Regina Pacis" in the consistory of 30 April 1969. In addition to his duties as Archbishop, Parecattil was also President of the Pontifical Commission for the Revision of the Code of Oriental Canon Law from 1972 to 1987.
Moullet also contributed a new overture to the volume. Later in the year, the French publisher, Capricci, released two Moullet-related works: Piges choisies (Selected Filings / Selected Submissions) (an anthology of Moullet's film writing over the last fifty years), and Notre alpin quotidien (Our Daily Alpine, a pun on Notre pain quotidien or Our Daily Bread) (a new book-length interview with Moullet). In 2010, Moullet contributed a new essay to the Masters of Cinema DVD release of Max Ophüls' La signora di tutti.
Soon after, Renato arrives to invite Leona to join him for coffee in Piazza San Marco that evening. When the McIlhennys show her their purchase of a set of glasses exactly like hers, Leona believes Renato misrepresented their value, but Signora Fioria assures her they are antiques. Later in the day, Renato's son Vito comes to tell Leona that Renato will be late for their meeting because one of his children is ill and needs to see a doctor. Realizing Renato is married, she cancels their rendezvous.
Venere in convento, Milano, Bompiani 1988 On August 26, 1591, the archbishop witnessed four newly arrived sisters consecrate themselves: Sister Virginia Maria, Sister Benedetta Felice, Sister Teodora da Seveso and Sister Ottavia Caterina Ricci. On September 26, 1591, Marianna became Sister Virginia Maria.Locatelli-Milesi, Achille, La Signora di Monza nella realtà, Milano, Treves 1924 Before the scandal which made her notorious, contemporary writer Ripamonti described her as "modest", "respectful", and "obedient". He also records that she befriended everyone easily, and enjoyed reading as much as possible.
Francesco puts down a copy of the magazine with Agneta on the cover, right on the table as described in the vision. Growing more nervous, Virginia starts smoking one of Gloria's yellow cigarettes, and places it in an ashtray also featured in the vision. At the hospital, the police talk to the badly injured Rospini, who can barely gasp out his explanation of the events. Back in 1972, the old woman, Signora Casati, had an illicit buyer for a valuable painting in a nearby gallery.
He was made a cardinal by Pope John Paul II in the consistory of 26 November 1994, and given the title of Cardinal-Priest of Nostra Signora di Guadalupe a Monte Mario. Although eligible to vote in the 2005 papal conclave that elected Pope Benedict XVI, Suárez Rivera was one of only two cardinal electors unable to attend due to medical reasons (the other being Jaime Sin of the Philippines). The cardinal died on Holy Saturday, 22 March 2008, in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.
The autograph indicated the dedicatee as: "per la stimatissima Signora Anna de Jerlischeck", but in the end, Haydn honored Maria Anna von Genzinger with the work. On July 11, Genzinger wrote to Haydn from Vienna that she liked the sonata "very much indeed", but she asked him to simplify for her that B-flat minor middle section in the Adagio where the left hand crosses over to the right. Haydn promised an altered version, but it has never come to light.Haydn: Piano Sonatas Nos.
The church which was designated as the new cathedral was built between 1613 and 1633 as a shrine for the image of the Virgin Mary which was given credit for stopping the pestilence of 1493. Administration of the church was put in the hands of the Discalced Carmelites, until all religious orders were suppressed under orders of the French occupation authorities in 1797. A reconstruction was begun in 1823, with a façade designed by an architect called Luigi Poletti.Raimondo Spiazzi (ed.) (1995), Nostra Signora dell'Orto in Chiavari.
Laura also instinctively dislikes Zeluco and refuses his proposal of marriage. Infuriated by Laura's disdain, Zeluco stages a false attempt of robbery, rape, and murder by having his valet attack Laura and Signora Sporza's carriage. Despite Zeluco's apparently heroic false rescue, Laura remains unmoved and unwavering in her decision not to marry Zeluco. Madame de Seidlits’ bank fails, however, and after learning of her mother's financial distress and being pressured by Father Pedro, Laura agrees to marry Zeluco to preserve her mother's happiness and wellbeing.
The Shrine of Nostra Signora della Guardia in Genoa, Italy has a similar story. In 1490 a peasant Benedetto Pareto reported that the Virgin Mary had asked him to build a chapel on a mountain. Pareto reported that he replied that he was only a poor man and would not be able to do that, but he was told by the Virgin Mary: "Do not be afraid!". After falling from a tree, Pareto changed his mind and built a small wooden room that was eventually enlarged to the present shrine.
As a tribute to Church, Cosway designed a temple ceiling depicting the Three Graces surrounding her friend's name. In June 1826, she wrote to the Italian engraver Giovanni Paolo Lasinio Junior, respecting the publication of her husband's drawings in Florence.The folio volume is entitled : Raccolta di Disegni Originali scelti dai Portafogli del celebre Riccardo Cosway, R.A., e primo pittore del Serenissimo Principe di Wallia, posseduti dalla di lui vedova, la Signora Maria Cosway, e intagliati da Paolo Lasinio, figlio (1826). Cosway died in 1838 at her school in Lodi.
The subsequent tour was the first in which Guccini performed with a backing band; previously, Guccini used to perform solo, or with just one or two guitarists. In 1984 the live album Fra la via Emilia e il West was released. It included live versions of many of his popular songs, recorded mainly at a concert held in Piazza Maggiore in Bologna, in which several guests performed alongside Guccini: Giorgio Gaber, Paolo Conte, I Nomadi, Roberto Vecchioni and Equipe 84. In 1987 the album Signora Bovary was released.
Several of the songs portray people from Guccini's life: "Van Loon" is his father, "Culodritto" is his daughter Teresa, and "Signora Bovary" is himself. Other songs include "Keaton", written with his friend Claudio Lolli, and "Scirocco", an award-winning song about an episode in the life of the poet Adriano Spatola, a friend of Guccini. In 1988 the singer-songwriter released a live album, ...quasi come Dumas..., which included some of his songs from the Sixties, in a rearranged version. The title is a homage to Twenty Years After, the novel by Alexandre Dumas.
In 1990 Guccini released Quello che non..., which continued in the style of Signora Bovary. Songs included in the album are "Quello che non" and "La canzone delle domande consuete", which received the Club Tenco best song of the year award. Three years later, he released Parnassius Guccinii referencing a subspecies of butterfly which was named in his honour. The song "Farewell", included in the album, is a homage to Bob Dylan's "Farewell, Angelina", featuring its instrumental introduction and citing a verse ("The triangle tingles, and the trumpet plays slow").
In the same year her binding for "L'Evangile de L'Enfance" was awarded a gold medal in the International Exhibition of Modern Decorative Art, held in Turin. The accompanying certificate was made out to "Signor Jessie Marion King" because there was no provision for a prize to be won by a "Signora". King became a committee member of the Glasgow Society of Artists (1903) and a member of the Glasgow Society of Lady Artists (1905). Her contribution to Art Nouveau peaked during her first exhibitions, Annan's Gallery in Glasgow (1907) and Bruton Street Galleries, London (1905).
Changing her mind after, she seeks out Benito to find whether the tales are true; he convinces her that it is but idle slander, and she promptly plights her troth to Giannetto. Meantime Rachela has eloped with Lorenzo, and together they seek refuge in Signora Beatrice's house. Her father and the rest of the Jews disown her; as a Christian she is regarded as dead. Some of Benito's ships have been lost at sea, and when the time comes for his friend's marriage, he cannot defray the costs.
Ercoli was born in Rome, Italy, on October 19, 1929. His first film credit was as an assistant director for the 1955 film La risaia, directed by Raffaello Matarazzo. Ercoli then acted as a film producer on several titles throughout the 1960s, before making his directorial début in 1970, helming the giallo film Le foto proibite di una signora per bene, which he also produced and edited. Ercoli went on to direct several more films throughout the early to mid-1970s, including Il figlio della sepolta viva and Troppo rischio per un uomo solo.
He was caught up in the Roman uprising of 1848–49 and aided in the defense of the brief Roman Republic. During these battles, he acquired afflictions that troubled him the remainder of his life. From 1853 to 1859, he went into exile to Florence; he returned to Rome and then Acireale in 1859. He is known for his portraits including those of professor Tedeschi, poet Salvatore Vigo, of the Baron of Santa Margherita, professor Cantore Seminara, senator Vigo Fuccio, professor Della Noce, and the signora Tropea-Rossi.
Duse was born in Vigevano, Lombardy, and began acting as a child. Both her father, Alessandro Vincenzo, and her grandfather, Luigi, were actors from Chioggia, near Venice, and she joined the troupe at age four. Due to poverty, she initially worked continually, traveling from city to city with whichever troupe her family was currently engaged. She came to fame in Italian versions of roles made famous by Sarah Bernhardt, such as La Dame aux camélias."Signora Duse at the Lyric Theatre", The West Australian, 14 August 1893, p.
12) # Raymond Larose, C.S.C. (March 20, 1952 – retired August 3, 1968), Titular Bishop of Thysdrus (1968.08.03 – death 1984.05.17) # Joachim J. Rozario, C.S.C. (August 3, 1968 – retired June 30, 1994), died 1996 # Patrick D’Rozario, C.S.C. (February 3, 1995 – November 25, 2010); previously Bishop of Rajshahi (Bangladesh) (1990.05.21 – 1995.02.03); later Coadjutor Archbishop of Dhaka (2010.11.25 – 2011.10.22), succeeding as Metropolitan Archbishop of Dhaka (2011.10.22 – ...), also President of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Bangladesh (2011.12 – ...), created Cardinal-Priest of Nostra Signora del SS. Sacramento e Santi Martiri Canadesi (2016.11.19 – ...) ## Auxiliary Bishop: Lawrence Subrata Howlader, C.S.C. (2009.05.
For Telemilano, the first television network Fininvest, was sent to the news of Buongiorno Italia, Wiva le donne, Record, Superflash e de Gli speciali. For RAI worked in: Giorni d'Europa, 7 Giorni al Parlamento (with Gianluca Di Schiena), È quasi goal, Il Processo del Lunedì, Tv7, TG3 Telesogni (with Claudio Ferretti). Among the interviews, broadcast by Tg1 of 1 PM to Rosa Bossi, Silvio Berlusconi's mother. l'unica esistente e di cui la signora Marani possiede i diritti d'autore in esclusiva L'intervista fu inserita, senza l'autorizzazione della giornalista, in Silvio forever.
Don Orione was buried in the Santuario di Nostra Signora della Guardia in Tortona, the church that he himself built in 1931, with the help of priests and acolytes. It was built in gratitude to the Madonna for ending the hostilities of World War I. It is the most important pilgrimage site in the world for Orione's followers. In 1908 Orione went to Messina, Sicily, and Reggio Calabria, Calabria, both of which had been devastated by earthquakes. He dedicated three years to help those in need, most especially the caring of orphans.
Loano has pre-Roman origins (prehistoric finds at the San Damiano hill and pre-Roman at the current old city are recent), during the Roman era the villas was builed in this territory; a Roman mosaic of the imperial age is visible on the main floor of Palazzo Doria. In the 8th century, thanks to a Carolingian donation, the territory called Lovenis (corresponding to the first Loanese toponym) was donated to the Benedictine monastery of San Pietro in Varatella (Toirano) who founded the church-sanctuary of Nostra Signora di Loreto near the port.
Lully premiered his first Grand Ballet Royal, Alcidiane, on February 14, 1658, with the entire court in attendance. The performance, composed of seventy-nine different tableaux, or scenes, lasted several hours. In the 1660s, Lully evolved the performances into a combination of ballet, singing, and theater. The performance of Molière's comedy-ballet Le Mariage forcé ("The Forced Marriage"), at the Louvre on 29 January 1664, included not only scenes by Molière and his actors, but several ballets, and also songs by the leading singers of the day, Mademoiselle Hilaire and Signora Anna.
Grampus shared with five other naval vessels in the prize money arising out of the capture on 1 April of the French privateer Alexander, and the salvage money from the recapture of her prize, the Portuguese vessel Nostra Signora del Monte del Carmo. Alexander was armed with ten guns and had a crew of 65 men under the command of M. Petre Edite. She was ten days out of Nantz and the capture took place at . Later, the Royal Navy purchased the privateer and took her into service as .
161 The following year she left her long- time producer Mario Lavezzi to record with a new producer, Ivano Fossati. With him she recorded what many consider to be her masterpiece album, Traslocando (1982), containing Bertè's signature song "Non sono una signora". The following years the albums Jazz (1983) and Savoir faire (1984) spawned two hits: "Il mare d'inverno", penned by Enrico Ruggeri, and "Ragazzo mio", a cover of a Luigi Tenco classic. Bertè released an innovative album in 1985 called Carioca, a tribute to Brazilian singer Djavan which included "Acqua" and other hits.
For example, Mrs Jane Smith, Mrs Miller (wife of John Smith), or Mrs Miller-Smith were considered incorrect by many etiquette writers, especially of the early 20th century.Post, Emily. Etiquette. 1922. In several languages, the title for married women such as Madame, Señora, Signora, or Frau, is the direct feminine equivalent of the title used for men; the title for unmarried women is a diminutive: Mademoiselle, Señorita, Signorina, or Fräulein. For this reason, usage had shifted toward using the married title as the default for all women in professional usage.
1898 Lyric poster Sedger had an early success with his production of Edmond Audran's La cigale, in an English adaptation by F. C. Burnand with additional music by Ivan Caryll; it ran for 423 performances from October 1890.Gaye, p. 1530 Apart from a short season by the celebrated Italian actress Eleonora Duse in her first appearance in Britain,"Signora Duse at the Lyric Theatre", The West Australian, 14 August 1893, p. 6 Sedger continued with musical works: The Mountebanks by W. S. Gilbert and Alfred Cellier (1892),Stedman, p.
In the latter part of the 19th century, it was the home of Jessie White Mario, the English woman who took an active part in the struggle for the Unification of Italy at the side of Mazzini and Garibaldi. Outside of the town stands the Sanctuary of Nostra Signora del Pilastrello (Our Lady of the Pilaster), at the site of a shrine built in the 16th century to house an icon of the Madonna. The abbey and church were reconstructed in the 19th century.History of the Sanctuary Jessie White's house in Lendinara.
As in the case of the rich widow, Zeluco treats Laura cruelly as soon as he achieves his goal and sates his appetites. Laura bears his ill treatment meekly, hides her misery, and presents a positive image of her married life. Signora Sporza, as well as Laura's newly arrived half-brother Captain Seidlits and his friend Baron Carlostein, suspects the true state of affairs. Laura and Baron Carlostein begin to fall in love with one another, but Laura cuts the relationship short because she is unwilling to violate her marriage vows.
Laura immediately faints and remains out of her senses for a number of weeks. When Laura partially regains her senses, she sees a painting of the Massacre of the Innocents, screams, and falls into a feverish frenzy. When Baron Carlostein, Captain Seidlits, and Signora Sporza examine the picture, they realize that one of the soldiers strangling a child bears a strong resemblance to Zelcuo. Laura recovers from her fever with her senses intact and writes to Zeluco asking for a separation and promising she will tell no one about the murder.
Miranda, who was a staunch advocate of social justice,TIME Magazine. Kudos June 19, 1964 attended the Second Vatican Council from 1962 to 1965 and served as President of the Latin American Episcopal Conference from 1958 to 1963. Pope Paul VI created the Mexican primate Cardinal Priest of Nostra Signora di Guadalupe a Monte Mario in the consistory of April 28, 1969. However, Miranda never had the opportunity of participating in a papal conclave, as he reached the age of 80 (the age limit for cardinal electors) on December 19, 1975.
On January 6, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI announced that Dolan would be created a cardinal at the consistory of the church held on February 18, 2012. Archbishop Dolan was formally elevated to the cardinalate by Pope Benedict XVI on February 18, 2012, receiving the traditional red biretta and gold ring during a ceremony in Saint Peter's Basilica. The day prior, he addressed the pope and the College of Cardinals on spreading the faith in a secularized world. He was created Cardinal-Priest of Nostra Signora di Guadalupe a Monte Mario.
Mugshot of Francesco Bidognetti, taken after his arrest in 1993. Francesco Bidognetti (born January 21, 1951 in Casal di Principe Clan dei Casalesi, alla signora Giuseppina Nappa, moglie del boss Francesco Schiavone, gia' detenuta, contestato anche il reato di associazione mafiosa,, January 13, 2009) is a powerful Italian Camorrista. He is the chief lieutenant of Francesco Schiavone, boss of the Casalesi clan from Casal di Principe in the province of Caserta, and head of the Bidognetti clan, one of the five clans which make up the Casalesi.
In 1773, her mother Empress Maria Theresa appointed count Franz Xaver Wolfgang of Orsini-Rosenberg her ambassador in Parma with the task to act as Maria Amalia's adviser. Maria Amalia, however, freed Parma also from Austrian influence as she had from French and Spanish, by telling Rosenberg that she did no longer wish to receive letters from Vienna- nor from Madrid. After this, the diplomatic ties with Austria and Spain were cut. As the ruler of Parma, Maria Amalia was referred to by the public as La Signora and La Mata.
French outposts extended into the mountains. Pittoni detached 250 volunteers to cover his right flank by moving through the Shrine of Nostra Signora della Guardia. While the flank guard moved out at 8:00 AM, Pittoni's main body did not march from Campomorone until 11:00 AM. The force moved down to the coast, turned west to cross the Polcevera stream, and entered the village of Sestri di Polente. On the other flank, Sebottendorf's column cleared a French outpost from Masone village about 2:00 PM and began crossing the Turchino Pass.
Death Walks at Midnight marks the third collaboration between director Luciano Ercoli and screenwriter Ernesto Gastaldi, who had previously worked together on 1971's La morte cammina con i tacchi alti and 1970's Le foto proibite di una signora per bene. Ercoli's wife Nieves Navarro, credited here as Susan Scott, featured in several of his other films, often in similar roles as "tough, independent" women. The director's preference for this type of character has been noted as being inspired by fumetti, a form of Italian photonovel often featuring such roles.
Eugenia Mathilda Enequist, (1833-1898) was a Swedish opera singer and singing instructor, also known as Signora Biondini. Born in Visby, Gotland, Sweden, the daughter of a vicar, Johan Enequist, she was educated in Stockholm, Leipzig, and then in Paris, where she was instructed by Masset and Levasseur before she was employed in the Comédie-Italienne under the stage name Biondini (The Blonde), but soon moved to London, where she was a concert singer and singing instructor. Until 1879, she toured in Europe, also in her native Stockholm. She died, aged about 65, in London.
Dragonvarld is a trilogy of fantasy novels by Margaret Weis.La signora dei draghi Fantasy Magazine Italian Within the series, this also refers to the setting; the word Dragonvarld is said to be the Dragon name for Earth ("Dragon World"). It resembles Earth of the Late Middle Ages or early Renaissance, complete with a church bent on witch and demon hunts. The trilogy describes a world in which humans believe that they are the rulers of the world, while the co-existing dragons know that they themselves are the true masters.
William died in 1889, leaving his entire estate to his wife, and Indiana's brother Sidney also gave her additional property upon his death in 1898. When Indiana died in 1900, she bequeathed Sweet Briar plantation to become a school for young women. By his death in 1858, Elijah Fletcher owned over 110 slaves. After the emancipation in 1865, several former slaves and descendants of slaves continued to work for pay and live at Sweet Briar, including Martha Penn Taylor, who worked for three generations of the Fletcher-Williams family, and Signora Hollins (who was Indiana Fletcher's childhood playmate).
Antonio Maria Gianelli (12 April 1789 – 7 June 1846) was an Italian Roman Catholic prelate who served as the Bishop of Bobbio from 1837 until his death. He was also the founder of the Figlie di Nostra Signora del Giardino and the Missionaries of Saint Alphonsus. Gianelli was dedicated to the educational needs of his people and catered to their spiritual and material needs as well; he was on hand to aid the ill and the poor and made evangelization a focus to his episcopal mission. He likewise preached missions and became known for his charisma and his eloquence.
The facade has elements that include the coat of arm of the D'Arco and Chieppio families, and also displays in the tympanum the Habsburg double-headed eagle of the then Austrian rulers of Lombardy. In 1872 the building was enlarged further by Francesco Antonio d'Arco, buying by the neighboring Marquis Dalla Valle's palace. The palace was bombed during World War Two. Finally by the 1978, the will of the last member of the family, Signora Giovanna dei conti d’Arco Chieppio Ardizzoni, marchesa Guidi di Bagno endowed it to foundation to create a museum and retain the interior decor.
Le foto proibite di una signora per bene, also known as Forbidden Photos of a Lady Above Suspicion, is a 1970 giallo film directed by Luciano Ercoli. Written by Ernesto Gastaldi and Mahnahén Velasco, the film stars Pier Paolo Capponi, Simon Andreu and Dagmar Lassander. The film, featuring a score written by Ennio Morricone, has received mixed to positive reviews from critics. When bored housewife Minou (Lassander) is convinced by a stranger that her husband is a killer, she finds herself being manipulated by the stranger, who seduces her and uses photographs of the affair to blackmail her.
Rena Vlahopoulou plays signora Antzolina, an old-time Corfiote aristocratic lady who has fallen on hard times and is working as a piano teacher while reminiscing of her old romance with her lost fiancé. She lives in her palatial mansion in Corfu which becomes the object of desire of Sotiris Karelis, an entrepreneur, who wants to convert it into a hotel. Karelis romances the old aristocrat thinking that at a suitable price she will eventually agree to sell her mansion to him. When she resists, he tells her a story that he is friends with her lost fiancé.
Along with this project, Juventus also introduced a new mascot to all its fans which is called J. J is a cartoon-designed zebra, black and white stripes with golden edge piping on its body, golden shining eyes, and three golden stars on the front of its neck. J made its debut at Juventus Stadium on 12 September 2015. During its history, the club has acquired a number of nicknames, la Vecchia Signora (the Old Lady) being the best example. The "old" part of the nickname is a pun on Juventus which means "youth" in Latin.
He comes to the pensione and explains he and his wife have not loved each other for years but divorce is not an option, not only because the country doesn't permit it, but because they have their children to consider as well. To Leona, his casual attitude about extramarital affairs is wrong, but she still finds herself attracted to him, and agrees to keep their date. Meanwhile, the Yaegers are facing problems of their own. Eddie, finding himself enamoured with Signora Fioria, announces he wants to put distance between himself and the woman by returning to the United States.
Sarah Barrell of The Independent describes Gallery suite 104 as the "brown" room, furnished with "biscuit brown furry throws, dotted with chocolate cushions, heavy brocade curtains". The Deluxe rooms, measuring 30 square feet, are typically furnished with rare Italian artwork, and the original commodes and mirrors from the 19th century. Duncan notes that several of these older rooms "mix Signora Melpignano’s singular style with antiques and pictures inherited from the Sloane Hotel" but states that the newer rooms are purely Italianate. The Superior Double rooms measure 27 square feet, each with a unique design and an abundance of world antiques.
Dario Argento based the movie on his experiences directing a failed production of Giuseppe Verdi's Macbeth, with Ian Charleson's character of Marco being based on Argento himself. The plot device of needles taped under the eye (an image featured prominently in the film's promotional campaign), came from a joke of Argento's. The director said it would annoy him when people would look away during the scary scenes in his films, and jokingly suggested taping pins under people's eyes so they couldn't look away from the film. The role of Signora Mara Cecova was written with Vanessa Redgrave in mind.
The Eleventh Doctor, believing Amy's attraction to him is due to the stress from travel, gatecrashes her fiancé Rory's stag party and invites the two of them on a romantic trip to Venice in 1580. The city's patron, Signora Rosanna Calvierri, claims that the Black Plague runs rampant outside of Venice. The Doctor says this is false and that it appears she is using the plague as an excuse to seal off the city. While investigating they encounter Guido, a boat-builder whose daughter Isabella has not contacted him since enrolling in Rosanna's school for girls.
On 1 June 1785,Goldovsky 1991, p. 31 Storace suffered a catastrophic failure of her voice during a performance of her brother's opera Gli sposi malcontenti ("The unhappily married couple"). Kelly describes the event in his memoirs: :A new opera, composed by Stephen Storace, was produced ... Signora Storace and myself had the two principal parts in it. In the middle of the first act, Storace all at once lost her voice, and could not utter a sound during the whole of the performance; this naturally threw a damp over the audience, as well as the performers.
Nicolina Giordani (1740 – after 1775), also known by the stage name La Signora Spiletta or La Spiletta, was an Italian opera singer. A member of the Giordanis family from Naples, she was the daughter of Antonia and Giuseppe Giordani, librettist and composer, and the sister of Francesco and Marina, both singers, and Tommaso, a composer and instrumentalist. She performed in opera productions with her family's company in Northern Italy, Germany, Holland and France, before settling in London, where she was active between 1753 and 1774. She became known by her stage name after a popular performance as the character from Gli Amanti Gelosi.
Santa Maria Assunta di Carignano Another well known Genoese church is the shrine of Saint Francis of Paola, notable for the outer courtyard overlooking the port and the memorial to all those who died at sea. This church is of artistic mention in that the tile depictions of the Via Crucis Stations along the brick path to the church. Near Genoa is found the Shrine of Nostra Signora della Guardia, (the sanctuary is said to have inspired the writer Umberto Eco in making his novel The Name of the Rose). Another interesting church in the neighborhoods of Genoa is San Siro di Struppa.
The term is also used in titles such as First Lady and Lady Mayoress, the wives of elected or appointed officials. In many European languages the equivalent term serves as a general form of address equivalent to the English Mrs (French Madame, Spanish Señora, Italian Signora, German Frau, Polish Pani, etc.). In those languages it is correct to address a woman whose name is unknown as Madame, Señora, etc., but in polite English usage "lady" has for centuries only normally been a "term of address" in the plural,Oxford English Dictionary which is also the case for "gentleman".
He later appeared in Mario Camerini's Due lettere anonime (for which he received a Silver Ribbon as best actor), Giuseppe De Santis's Tragic Hunt (1947), Michelangelo Antonioni's La signora senza camelie (1953), Vittorio De Sica's Two Women (1960), and Mario Bava's Black Sunday (1960), among many other films. In 1958, he won the Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists Award for best supporting actor for his performance in the film Parola di ladro (1957). In 1971, he starred with Giancarlo Giannini in E le stelle stanno a guardare, an adaptation of a novel named A. J. Cronin, The Stars Look Down.
Alessandro was reportedly miraculously given a sum of money to finance his own emigration to join Angelo. Sandrino died in the United States in 1917, and Angelo died in Italy when he returned there in 1964. Mariano said he heard her voice telling him to stay in his trench when the rest of his unit charged the Germans in World War I. He, the only survivor of that charge, lived until 1975 and had a large family. Maria's remains are kept in the crypt of the Passionist Basilica of Nostra Signora delle Grazie e Santa Maria Goretti in Nettuno, south of Rome.
Jelena "Jela" Spiridonović-Savić was born in Šabac, Kingdom of Serbia, 11 January 1890. She was the wife of a prominent Consul general of Yugoslavia in New York City, Vladislav Savić. She spent three years in Trieste before World War I studying at the parochial school of Nostra Signora della Provvidenza e di Sion (Notre Dame de Sion Parish School). Educated in the world's centers of culture, New York, Munich, Trieste, and Monaco, she had the opportunity to intersect the Orthodox theology as part of her traditional heritage with ideas of Western Christianity, especially in the area of mystical spirituality.
The bridge also appears during the opening sequence of the film Happy- Go-Lucky, where the main character rides across it on a bicycle. In the 1998 spy film The Avengers, the bridge is destroyed by a tornado caused by a weather-changing machine built by a mad scientist when he causes a hurricane over London. The bridge is also cited in several Italian songs referring to the death of Roberto Calvi: "Via Italia" by Gang and "Nostra signora dei depistati" by Modena City Ramblers. The bridge was featured in the film Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007).
Madan Theaters Limited eventually became India's largest film production-distribution-exhibition company and was also a noted importer of American films after World War I. The film was inspired by an Urdu language drama, Harishchandra (written by Narain Prasad Betab). It was advertised as a "Photographed Play" with male lead Hormusji Tantra as "the 'Irving' of the Indian stage" and female lead Savaria, as "the most beautiful and emotional [sic] star". The film also starred Italian artists Signor and Signora Manelli. Other members of the film were recruited from Baliwala Victoria Theatrical Company, a Parsi theater company based in Mumbai.
Among the Romanesque architecture of Sardinia numerous examples of churches of narrow Tuscan origin can highlighted, such as the Basilica di Saccargia in Codrongianos and the Cathedral of San Pietro di Sorres, Borutta (SS), the Church of Nostra Signora di Tergu or the Cathedral of Santa Giusta of the homonymous center (OR) and the church of San Nicola di Ottana (NU). Remarkable are also the defensive structures such as the numerous castles and towers of the city of Cagliari, including the Tower of San Pancrazio and the Tower of the Elephant, designed by the Sardinian architect Giovanni Capula.
In 2010, Cardinale received the Golden Orange Best Actress Award at the 47th Antalya "Golden Orange" International Film Festival for her performance as an elderly Italian woman who takes in a young Turkish exchange student in Signora Enrica. The Turkish-Italian co-production was shot in locations in Istanbul and Rimini. In 2012, Cardinale featured opposite Jeanne Moreau and Michael Lonsdale in the final feature film to be directed by Portuguese director Manoel de Oliveira, Gebo and the Shadow. Critically acclaimed, it has a rare 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and was shown at the 69th Venice International Film Festival.
Quello che non... was released in 1990 by EMI, three years after Guccini's last studio album, Signora Bovary, continuing on the same style. The main themes of the album are memory and nostalgia, along with a sense of disappointment and indecision. The title means "What I don't...", and an article on La Repubblica said that for Guccini, in chaotic times, it's easier to say what he doesn't want to be than to describe his wishes. The song "Æmilia" was written along with Lucio Dalla, and had already been released in the 1988 album Dalla/Morandi by Dalla and Gianni Morandi.
In 1796 Salomon arranged for Pinto to play a violin concerto at Signora Salvini's benefit concert. Following this, he made frequent appearances in London and other British centres, and possibly twice travelled to Paris. In 1800 he played at a concert of Salomon accompanied by John Field (to whom he later dedicated his piano sonata in C minor of 1803 - "Inscribed to his Friend John Field"). His Op. 1, three divertimenti for piano were advertised in 1801 (no copies have survived); his Op. 2, also for piano, comprising three sets of variations, was published in 1802.
He commenced those studies in November 1807 in Genoa where he began his studies in dogmatics and liturgical practice and earned his doctorate. He had been made a subdeacon in September 1811 and was granted the rather unusual privilege of being allowed to preach while still a subdeacon due to his exceptional eloquence being a well-noted fact. The Cardinal Archbishop of Genoa Giuseppe Maria Spina ordained him to the diaconate in mid-1812. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1812 (in Genoa at the church of Nostra Signora del Carmine) and had to receive special dispensation since he was not at the canonical age required for ordination.
Pasinetti made a range of small but fascinating contributions to filmmaking in Southern California in addition to his teaching, scholarship, and writing. For Joseph L. Mankiewicz's critically acclaimed Julius Caesar, Pasinetti served as a technical advisor. Julius Caesar (1953) won the Academy Award for Best Art Direction, and was nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role (Marlon Brando), Best Cinematography, Black-and-White, Best Music, Best Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture, and Best Picture. Also produced in 1953, but in Italy, was Michelangelo Antonioni's evocative film La Signora senza camelie Pasinetti wrote the screenplay with Antonioni, who was related to him by marriage.
Many Milanese families, among them the Visconti Venosta, were forced out of their homes, which were commandeered to accommodate Austrian troops. The family found shelter with a Signora Garnier who ran a girls' boarding school. A provisional regional government was established in Milan: Corrento, as one of the leading protesters, was a member of it. After the victory (from the "patriotic" perspective) at Goito and the capture of Peschiera, the tide appeared to turn in favour of the conservatives, however: the King of Naples fought back successfully against the liberal forces in the south of the Italian peninsular, and declared himself in support of continued Austrian dominance in the north.
Two goals in quick succession by Alessandro Del Piero and Zinedine Zidane gave them a lead they held on to until the 79th minute, when Edwin van der Sar took center stage. The Dutch goalkeeper fumbled a long-range effort from Roma's Japanese midfielder Hidetoshi Nakata, enabling the latter to score a fortunate goal. In added time, Vincenzo Montella equalized for the Roman club, thus denying Juventus a vital victory. La Vecchia Signora did win all five of its remaining games after that, but in the meantime, Roma did enough to make sure they didn't lose the top spot of the table, thus winning their first scudetto since 1983.
Le foto proibite di una signora per bene marks the first collaboration between director Luciano Ercoli and screenwriter Ernesto Gastaldi, who would later work together on 1971's La morte cammina con i tacchi alti and 1972's La morte accarezza a mezzanotte. The film has been cited as "defin[ing] Ercoli's style", featuring the recurring theme of "the nightmare of being threatened by one's own sexual partner". Composer Ennio Morricone's bossa nova-influenced score has been compared to the works of Brazilian bossa nova artist Antônio Carlos Jobim. Several of Morricone's compositions for the film feature Edda Dell'Orso on vocals; Morricone and Dell'Orso frequently worked together on his film scores.
Signora Zamperini in the character of Cecchina, from La buona figliuola, 1769 The marquis of Conchiglia has fallen in love with Cecchina, who is a maid. Shocked by the social impropriety of such a match, Cavaliere Armidoro, the fiancé of the marquis's sister, refuses to marry Lucinda. Distraught over losing the man she loves, Lucinda begs the marquis to stop seeing Cecchina. Meanwhile, Cecchina has several problems of her own, including Mengotto, a poor man who is infatuated with her and won't leave her alone, and Sandrina and Paoluccia, two jealous maids who try to cause as much trouble for Cecchina as they can.
The race's overall contenders showed themselves on this stage, with Leonardo Piepoli putting in a decisive attack from the summit of the Santuario Nostra Signora della Guardia to claim victory by 19 seconds over Di Luca. Pinotti finished more than four minutes back, and surrendered the pink jersey to Di Luca's teammate Andrea Noè, who was tenth on the stage. At age 38, Noè was the oldest rider in the Giro and the oldest ever to lead a Grand Tour. Di Luca took the green jersey after this stage, his second stint in the maglia verde to go along with his two in pink.
Basilica di Saccargia Christianity spread throughout most of the island in the early centuries, excluding much of the Barbagia region. At the end of the sixth century Pope Gregory I reached an agreement with Hospito, chief of the barbaricini, that guaranteed the conversion of his people from paganism to Christianity. Since Sardinia was in the political sphere of the Byzantine Empire, it developed an array of Greek and Eastern Christianity traits as a result of evangelisation by Basilian monks. Nostra Signora di Tergu Basilica of San Gavino The Sardinian Church was an autocephalous institution for five centuries, independent from both the Byzantine and the Roman Curia.
He was appointed a member of the Council of the European Episcopal Conference in 1977, and resigned from his post in the military ordinariate on 22 May 1978. Pope John Paul II created him Cardinal Priest of Nostra Signora di Guadalupe a Monte Mario in the consistory of 28 June 1988. Hengsbach lost the right to participate in any future papal conclave upon reaching the age of eighty on 10 September 1990 and, after a period of thirty- three years, resigned as Bishop of Essen on 21 February 1991. The Cardinal died from complications after a stomach operation at an Essen hospital, aged 80.
Majeroni came to the United States in 1906 and started acting on Broadway that year. Prior to coming to the United States he had lived and worked in Australia, where his parentsSignor Majeroni died 20 October 1891; Signora Majeroni, a niece of Adelaide Ristori, died 8 August 1903 had a successful dramatic companyAustralian Plays for the Colonial Stage: 1834-1899, by Richard Fotheringham, Angela Turner University of Queensland Press ISBN o 7022 3487 7., ISBN o 7022 3487 5(paperback) noted for one of the earliest stage adaptations of For the Term of His Natural Life. In 1914 he started appearing in silent films after years of stage work.
According to the 1745 issue by the correspondent Paul Rolli (who translated, for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, a 1731 study by the Veronese historian Giuseppe Bianchini: Parere Sopra la Cagione della Morte della Signora Contessa Cornelia Zangari Ne' Bandi Cesenate,) during her last dinner, the 66 years-old Countess was "dull and heavy". Some accounts report that the Countess was a brandy drinker, and that she used to sprinkle camphorated brandy on her body to relieve physical pain. The maid accompanied her to her room, and the two spent over three hours chatting and praying. The maid left her mistress already asleep.
Their leader, Signora Rosanna Calvierri used a perception filter to appear as a human woman, who started a school for girls; it was a guise for seeking victims to be transformed into mates for Francesco's brothers. They planned to flood Venice in an attempt to continue their civilization since their own planet Saturnyne was destroyed by cracks in the universe. When the Doctor foiled their plan, Rosanna committed suicide by allowing her brood to devour her. However, when the Doctor rewrote time in "The Big Bang" (2010) by preventing the cracks' existence, it is highly likely Saturnyne was not destroyed by the cracks and the Calvierri family did not end.
A boccaperta, as stated in the work itself, is an Italian screenplay written in 1970 by Carmelo Bene, even though most consider it a novel. In most of Bene's works is hard to recognize a sole genre: he himself defines his own art as "degenerate". It was published in 1976 in bundle with S.A.D.E. and Ritratto di signora del cavalier Masoch per intercessione della beata Maria Goretti. Written for Joseph of Cupertino, Bene's initial idea was to make a movie based on this screenplay, without success, as the production costs would have been prohibitive since theaters would have needed to equip a second screen in order to show Joseph's flights.
The work was first performed on 21 November 1796 in the in Leipzig, with soprano Josepha Duschek as the soloist. The singer, a friend of Mozart in Prague, advertised it as "an Italian scena written by Beethoven for Duschek", possibly to raise interest rather than a statement about a dedication. The only extant manuscript by a copyist has a dedication to "Signora Comtessa di Clari", Countess Josephine of Clary-Aldringen. Another notable performance occurred in 1808 as part of a benefit concert for the composer on 22 December which also featured the premieres of his fifth and sixth symphonies, an excerpt of his Mass in C major, among others.
Sanctuary of Savona The Sanctuary of Nostra Signora della Misericordia is a church and surrounding buildings located some six kilometers from the center of Savona, Liguria, northern Italy. It is built on the site commemorating the apparition of the Virgin Mary to the shepherd and officially blessed Antonio Botta (18 March 1536). She appeared to the shepherd during a time of war between Savona and Genoa, and had the message inviting both parties to exercise "Misericordia e non Giustizia" ("Mercy and not Justice"). The church is located about 6 kilometers from the center of the city. The present Renaissance church was designed by Pace Antonio Sormano in 1536-1540.
Guccini said the first attempt at writing it was in 1968, but he stopped at half a verse; he was encouraged in finishing the song by the good reception those few lines received at one of his concerts. "Addio" was a bitter song, attacking the "horizon full of dwarfs and dancers"; it was seen by some as akin to "L'avvelenata", one of his most famous songs. In "Don Chisciotte" Guccini was the voice of Don Quixote, in a duet with Juan Carlos Biondini as Sancho Panza. The song "E un giorno..." was dedicated to his daughter, the second one after "Culodritto" (from his 1987 album Signora Bovary).
While she is away, Fabrizio comes to the room, distraught; he cannot find the right words to express his feelings, and Clara urges him to use any other means; Clara accepts Fabrizio's proposal of marriage, and the two are embracing, half undressed, as Margaret walks in on them ("Say It Somehow"). Act 2 Margaret takes Clara to Rome to distract her and put an end to the affair. Back in Florence, the Naccarelli household is in complete chaos. As the family despairs, Signora Naccarelli translates in an aside; Fabrizio believes he has ruined everything with Clara, his father attempts to comfort him, and Giuseppe and Franca desire finer details ("Aiutami").
Parnassius Guccinii was released in 1993, three years after Guccini's last studio album, Quello che non.... The title is a reference to a butterfly subspecies discovered in 1992 by an Italian entomologist, which was named Parnassius mnemosyne guccinii after the singer-songwriter. The front cover also features an image of the butterfly. "Canzone per Silvia" was dedicated to activist Silvia Baraldini, while "Nostra signora dell'ipocrisia" (Our lady of hypocrisy) was a criticism of Silvio Berlusconi. The track "Farewell" was inspired by and a reference to "Farewell Angelina" by Bob Dylan, quoting one line ("the triangle tingles, and the trumpet plays slow") and featuring the same instrumental introduction.
It was produced as the altarpiece for the Spanish banker Juan Enriquez de Herrera's (1539-1610) family chapel in San Giacomo degli Spagnoli, then Spain's national church in Rome and later rebuilt from scratch to become Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore. Herrera also commissioned Carracci to decorate the whole chapel, producing designs for frescoes by his students Francesco Albani, Sisto Badalocchio, Giovanni Lanfranco and Domenichino. Work on the chapel started in 1602 as an ex voto for Herrera's son Diego, named after Didacus of Alcalá, both of whom appear in the altarpiece. The painting and many of the church's other furnishings were taken to Santa Maria in Monserrato when it replaced San Giacomo as the Spanish national church.
Ercoli was married to Spanish actress Nieves Navarro, who has appeared in several of his giallo films, starring in 1971's La morte cammina con i tacchi alti and 1972's La morte accarezza a mezzanotte. Navarro had also appeared in lesser roles in Le foto proibite di una signora per bene, and the Ercoli-produced spaghetti westerns Una pistola per Ringo and Il ritorno di Ringo. Ercoli, described as "one of the first directors to jump on the thriller bandwagon", retired from the film industry in the late 1970s after inheriting "a fortune". His last role was as the director of the 1975 poliziottesco film La polizia ha le mani legate.
In June 2011, Papa was implicated by the head prosecutor of Naples in an investigation on the so-called association P4.International Business Times , Berlusconi Deputy No Longer Immune From Corruption ScandalIl Corriere , Gli 007 nella rete dell'ex pm: «Istituzioni ricattate»Politica e Business: tutti gli affari di Lady Stefania Tucci, ex signora De Michelis, ex amica di Bisignani...Inchiesta P4, il ruolo di Alfonso PapaIl Corriere Papa e la Jaguar alla studentessa ripresa con una firma contraffatta The Plenary Summit of the House of Deputies authorized his arrest on July 20, 2011 by secret ballot with 319 votes in favor and 293 against.La Stampa , La Camera: sì all'arresto di PapaTGCOM , L'on. Papa si sta costituendo].
Our Lady of Castro Our Lady of Castro Our Lady of Castro - interior Within the comune of Oschiri is the church of Nostra Signora di Castro, which was once the cathedral episcopal see of a diocese, centred on the now disappeared town of Castro. It was suffragan of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Sassari. The bishopric dates back to Byzantine times (circa 1000 AD), but the earliest mention of a bishop of Castro is of 1116, when an unnamed bishop of the see assisted at the dedication of the Basilica di Saccargia. In 1164, its bishop Atto dedicated a church in the locality of Aneleto and granted it in the following year to Camaldolese monks.
In the following years, thanks to the grace received from Nostra Signora di Loreto, a new project was designed: the building of a majestic sanctuary consecrated to the Madonna Lauretana, with a shelter for pilgrims. Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy was interested in the project and sent the court military engineer Pietro Arduzzi to design the church, and also financed the building. The building began in 1654 and the central plan church was intent to incorporate, beneath the dome, a chapel picturing the so-called Nazareth's house relic kept in the Basilica della Santa Casa di Loreto. The construction was fast, but it stopped a few times due to wars, famines and epidemics.
He also believed that the goal of all Christians was holiness. He served as a papal legate on several occasions. On 15 August 1932 he was appointed as the legate to the celebration of Nostra Signora di Caravaggio; on 21 March 1934 to the millennial commemorations of the Einsiedeln convent in Switzerland; on 15 September 1937 to the inauguration of the new facade of the cathedral of Desio; and on 2 August 1951 to the National Eucharistic Conference in Assisi. He participated in the papal conclave in 1939 which elected Pope Pius XII on the eve of World War II and was even considered as a papabile candidate for those seeking a more pastoral pope.
Promenade of the upper ring road, so- called "Circonvallazione a Monte" that includes: Corso Firenze, Corso Paganini, Corso Magenta, Via Solferino, Corso Armellini. Walks can be made from the centre of Genoa following one of the many ancient paths between tall palaces and the "Creuze" to reach the higher areas of the city where there are magnificent places like Belvedere Castelletto, the "Righi's district", the "Santuario di Nostra Signora di Loreto", the "Santuario della Madonnetta", the "Santuario di San Francesco da Paola". Monte Fasce gives a complete view of the city. To reach the hinterland of the Province of Genoa one can use the Genoa – Casella Old Railway, of railway between the Genoese mountains.
The Red Box was adapted for the premier program in a series of Nero Wolfe films produced by the Italian television network RAI. Directed by Giuliana Berlinguer from a teleplay by Belisario L. Randone, "Veleno in sartoria" aired February 21, 1969. The series of black-and-white telemovies stars Tino Buazzelli (Nero Wolfe), Paolo Ferrari (Archie Goodwin), Pupo De Luca (Fritz Brenner), Renzo Palmer (Inspector Cramer), Roberto Pistone (Saul Panzer). Other members of the cast of "Veleno in sartoria" include Carla Gravina (Helen Frost), Marisa Bartoli (Thelma Mitchell), Cecilia Todeschini (Molly Lauck), Andrea Lala (Lew Frost), Aroldo Tieri (Boyden McNair), Barbara Landi (Signora Lamont), Raffaele Giangrande (Dudley Frost), Marina Berti (Callie Frost) and Massimo Serato (Claude Gebert).
First page of the "Maurice" manuscript, with "alla Signora Shelley" at the bottom left and "For Laurette from her friend Mrs Shelley" at the top right "Maurice, or the Fisher's Cot" is a children's story by the Romantic writer Mary Shelley. Written in 1820 for Laurette Tighe, a daughter of her friends Margaret King and George William Tighe, Mary Shelley tried to have it published by her father, William Godwin, but he refused. The text was lost until 1997, when a manuscript copy was discovered in Italy. "Maurice" tells the story of a boy searching for a home and his encounters with a traveller who turns out to be his long-lost father.
With the seizure of power by fascists in 1922, Società Editrice Sociale ceased publication and Rafanelli was compelled towards political silence. Nevertheless, she succeeding in publishing Incantamento (1921), Donne e femmine (1922) and L'oasi. Her last literary creation is of particular importance as it is a harsh denunciation of colonialism published under a false name during the fascist repression of the Libyan resistance movement of the Sufi brotherhoods of Senussiya. Forced by economic hardship to make ends meet as a fortune teller, Rafanelli lived between Milan and Genoa, finding serenity to write Nada, La signora mia nonna and Le memorie di una chiromante, works imbued with the influences of the oriental novels of her youth.
Our Lady of Castro Our Lady of Castro Our Lady of Castro - interior Within the comune of Oschiri is the church of Nostra Signora di Castro, which was once the cathedral episcopal see of a diocese, centred on the now disappeared town of Castro. It was suffragan of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Sassari. The bishopric dates back to Byzantine times (circa 1000 AD), but the earliest mention of a bishop of Castro is of 1116, when an unnamed bishop of the see assisted at the dedication of the Basilica di Saccargia. In 1164, its bishop Atto dedicated a church in the locality of Aneleto and granted it in the following year to Camaldolese monks.
His films of the 1970s include the period dramas Metello and Bubù, both starring Massimo Ranieri, The Murri Affair (Fatti di gente perbene) starring Giancarlo Giannini and Catherine Deneuve and The Inheritance (L'eredità Ferramonti) with Anthony Quinn and Dominique Sanda. In 1981, Bolognini filmed The Lady of the Camellias (La storia vera della signora delle camelie), inspired by the Alexandre Dumas, fils novel and play. Throughout the decade, he continued directing feature films, as well as the television miniseries The Charterhouse of Parma and A Time of Indifference. His final feature was the soft-core erotic drama Husband and Lovers (La villa del venerdì) starring Julian Sands and Joanna Pacula, released in 1991.
She played a maid in the 1976 film I prosseneti (The Panderers), written and directed by Brunello Rondi (an Italian screenwriter and film director best known for his frequent collaborations with Federico Fellini). Pierro played an assistant physiotherapist in Alfredo Rizzo's comedy Sorbole... che romagnola (1976) and made an appearance in the 1976 Italian/Spanish sex comedy Taxi Love, servizio per signora (a.k.a. Taxista de senoras), directed by Sergio Bergonzelli. Pierro appeared in Dario Argento's supernatural horror film Suspiria (1977) as an uncredited extra before her first prominent role, as the self-styled stigmatic nun Sister Veronica in Walerian Borowczyk's 1978 film Interno di un Convento (Behind Convent Walls), based upon Stendhal's Promenades dans Rome (1829).
Born Ines Isabella Sampietro in Milan, she worked as a typist whilst attending the Accademia dei Filodrammatici in Milan and training as a stage actress. She went on to play bit parts in Italian films in Rome. She changed her name to Isa Miranda and success came with Max Ophüls' film La Signora di tutti (Everybody's Woman) (1934) in which she played Gaby Doriot, a famous film star and adventuress with whom men cannot help falling in love. This performance brought in its wake several film offers and a Hollywood contract with Paramount Pictures. There, billed as the "Italian Marlene Dietrich", she played several femme fatale roles in films such as Hotel Imperial (1939) and Adventure in Diamonds (1940).
However, Antonioni's first full-length feature film Cronaca di un amore (1950) broke away from neorealism by depicting the middle classes. He continued to do so in a series of other films: I vinti ("The Vanquished", 1952), a trio of stories, each set in a different country (France, Italy and England), about juvenile delinquency; La signora senza camelie (The Lady Without Camellias, 1953) about a young film star and her fall from grace; and Le amiche (The Girlfriends, 1955) about middle-class women in Turin. Il grido (The Outcry, 1957) was a return to working class stories, depicting a factory worker and his daughter. Each of these stories is about social alienation.
Finally, in 1770 - after having been "confined for some Time by a bad State of Health" - she appeared again at the Little Theatre for a charity concert to her own benefit singing Judas Maccabaeus. But the organisation of the concert was plagued with difficulties which eventually lead her to give a "full-scale oratorio [...] at the unsociable hour of noon." Three years later she appeared in a few concerts, making a new "come-back" about which The Morning Post and Daily Advertiser wrote sarcastically: "Signora Frazi, who may be said, with respect to the musical world, to have been long since dead and buried, is expected to rise again in Lent[.]" Vickers adds that "the soprano's comeback comprised a few scattered concerts at inauspicious venues".
The "explicit connection between female sexuality and violence" in Le foto proibite di una signora per bene has been cited as a precursor to "sexually-themed" giallo films such as La ragazza dal pigiama giallo and Tenebrae. AllMovie's Robert Firsching has also described the "vibrant Ennio Morricone score and slick photography by Alejandro Ulloa" as highlights of the film. Writing for DVD Talk, Ian Jane rated the film three-and-a-half stars out of five, praising Morricone's score and complimenting the film's plot and suspense. Jane noted that while the film is "low on nudity and murderous mayhem, it does have some interesting suspense and enough underlying themes of kinky depravity to keep things interesting despite the slow pace at which it plays out".
Even in his absence, la Vecchia Signora continued to prevail, though in a less dominant fashion. On 2 March, Juventus thrashed Inter 3–0, a result that took the club to top spot in the league, a position it would never leave. After the match, the Bianconeri lost only two more of their remaining matches and won most of the remainder, including an important success over Roma, who had been something of a bogey side for the Turin club in previous years. The 27th league title of Juve's history was confirmed on 10 May following a 2–2 draw with Perugia — with two matches to play, second-placed Inter were no longer in a position to challenge for the Scudetto.
The Festival, which specializes in performing rare operas and the original versions of operas still in the standard repertoire, also provides coaching in vocal performance for young singers. Celletti taught voice both privately and in master classes, many of them at the Festival della Valle d'Itria. Amongst his former pupils are Denia Mazzola, Mariana Nicolesco, Angelo Manzotti, William Matteuzzi and Ramón Vargas. Another eminent pupil of his, Raina Kabaivanska, will not fail to show her warm appreciation for his talents as a master of bel canto.Donatella Danzi, Intervista a Raina Kabaivanska all’International Opera Studio di Gijón, «Opera World», 9 September 2015; Massimo Carpegna, Raina Kabaivanska: le vie del cuore di una signora dell’opera lirica, «Gazzetta di Modena», 15 June 2018.
Archaeological excavations have showed the human presence in the area of Castelsardo since pre-Nuragic and Nuragic times, as well as during the Roman domination in Sardinia. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the monastery of Nostra Signora di Tergu was founded nearby, but the current town originates from the castle built here, in 1102 (or 1270), by the Doria family of Genoa. The castle and the village which gradually formed round it where the seat of the Doria's fiefdom in the island called Castel Doria or Castelgenovese, until it was conquered by the Aragonese in the 15th century (1448), and named Castillo Aragonés (Castel Aragonese). Except for the Maddalena archipelago, it was the last city in the island to join the Kingdom of Sardinia.
Torelli has completed many funereal monuments, including one commissioned by Marchesa Toscanelli for her son Giovanni, who is buried at his villa alla Chiocciola near Florence; another for signora Giulia Mari and her daughter for the cemetery of Jacopo in Terenzano. He completed portraits of the son of Mr Doggett of Chicago; the son of Mr Waldo, of New York; of the Duke Pado of Mecklenburg Schwerin; of Mrs Fiyrer of London. He has sculpted a Triton for a fountain. Tasso as a youth; The Shameful; Psiche al laccio; Colomba messaggera; Pescatori; half figure of an old man titled Last Loves; Soap Bubbles (a half-figure); La sorpresa; The princess of Wales; Fior di Maria; Il soldatino; Shakspeare also called il fattorino del Beccaio; and Eve.
Currently, the mock-kingdom is a tourist attraction for the 50 or so native inhabitants of the island, where the current "king" and "crown princess" run its two restaurants and sell souvenirs to visitors of the Natural Park. A Giuseppe Bertoleoni claimed that during a hunting trip, Charles Albert, King of Sardinia, verbally appointed him "king of Tavolara" in 1836. According to Giuseppe Bertoleoni, Charles Albert also (verbally) sanctioned the use of the title "Prince" for the oldest male heir, and the titles "Lord of the Islands" (Signore delle Isole) and "Lady of the Sea" (Signora del Mare) for the younger children of the king. The present pretender to the throne is "King" Tonino, an Italian citizen who runs Da Tonino, a restaurant on the island.
1–22 Rochford and Lucy first lived at Easton in Suffolk, a property inherited from his uncle Henry Nassau, and they only moved to the family seat at St Osyth in Essex after the death of Rochford's mother in 1746. Rochford also bought a town house in London, at 48 Berkeley Square, which he owned until 1777. The Rochfords allowed each considerable freedom in their personal lives, even by the rather relaxed standards of the eighteenth century nobility, and Lucy Rochford was notorious for her numerous lovers, who included the Duke of Cumberland and the Prince of Hesse. Rochford had mistresses at Turin, one of whom, an opera- dancer named Signora Banti, followed him to London, but he never acknowledged her children as his own.
Works of female cosmetic and medicinal remedies were strategically written under the name of a woman, so the work itself would be underscored of its value and authenticity by the male population, while still being reputable in the eyes of women during that time. The “secrets” were recipes of different cosmetic and medicinal purposes. The format of Isabella Cortese's I secreti della signora Isabella Cortese was also easy to follow, with recipes showing step-by-step instructions to insure simplicity and conciseness that allowed women to read along. It is also to be made known that these step-by-step manuals were also being translated into many different languages so that women from all around the globe were able to read the "book of secrets".
In 1882, she created the role of Amelia di Egmont in the posthumous premiere of Donizetti's Il duca d'Alba at the Teatro Apollo. In his review of the premiere, the critic for La Gazzetta Musicale di Milano wrote: "Signora Bruschi-Chiatti with her beauty and a voice that was brilliant, fresh, robust and a true soprano ... sang with warmth and passion." On 10 January 1884, Bruschi-Chiatti appeared at La Scala as Élisabeth de Valois in the premiere of Verdi's revised version of Don Carlos with Francesco Tamagno in the title role. Contemporary accounts noted that she had very evident stage fright on the opening night (a problem she also had at the premiere of Il duca d'Alba) which negatively impacted her performance in the first three acts.
Obsequies of St. Stephen, by Badaracco, undated Giovanni Raffaele Badaracco (1648-1717) was an Italian painter of the Baroque period. He was born in Genoa, son and pupil of the painter Giuseppe Badaracco. After studying some time under his father he went to Rome, and entered the school of Carlo Maratta. He also painted in Naples and Venice, then returned to Genoa. Among his main paintings the two large pictures that depict St. Bruno in the church of San Bartolomeo at Certosa, in the Genoese district of Rivarolo, the paintings in the Oratory of Assunta, nearby the church of Coronata, in the district of Cornigliano, considered his masterpiece and those in the church of Nostra Signora del Carmine in Genoa, that depict “Carmelites Saints” and “Virgin Mother and St. John”.
On 8 July 1997, Pope John Paul II approved the Sodalitium of Christian Life as a lay Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Right, under the supervision of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life."Sodalitium of Christian Life", University of Dayton A few months later the Sodalit community Our Lady of the Evangelization (Nossa Signora della Evangelizazione) was established in Rome."The Sodalitium in Italy" from the website of the Sodalitium Near the end of the year the St. Paul Catholic University was founded in Arequipa.Website of the San Pablo University. The Sodalitium promoted the participation of the Christian Life Movement in the Encounter of Ecclesial Movements and New Communities, convened by Pope John Paul II during the feast of Pentecost in May 1998.
The Archbishop of Olinda e Recife José Cardoso Sobrinho presided over his funeral Mass was conducted in the Estádio do Arruda in Recife with twelve bishops and 138 priests present for the funeral; his coffin had to be helicoptered to the burial site since the people clogged the streets which made ground travel impossible. His remains were interred in the Nostra Signora delle Grazie chapel in Pina near Recife. Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns praised Giannotti after the friar's death and called him one of the greatest missionaries in Brazilian history; the cardinal said that he had delivered "firm teaching" that exhorted others to observe "good moral conduct". In 2004 came the inauguration of a memorial erected in his honor in Guarabira in Paraíba that had been in construction since 2000.
The castle of the Spinola is built from a complex of buildings hedged by walls, in which the parochial church is comprised. The castle is a quadrilateral hedged by a ditch, built around to the ancient tower of the Gazzolo. To the west of the castle, the Casa Lunga (long house), building of the 15th century, today are used like building of representation of the comune (municipality), whereas to east the foresteria (guest quarters) is situated, a time connected through a passage to the nail head of the parochial church. This church is dedicated to martyr S.Cristoforo, it is built of the 15th century, but redecorated and widened in the 1800, conserve three statues dedicated to Nostra Signora del Carmelo, to San Cristoforo and to Madonna del S. Rosario.
The Shrine of Nostra Signora della Guardia ("Our Lady of the Watch") is a Roman Catholic place of pilgrimage located on the top of Monte Figogna (804 m asl) in the Municipality of Ceranesi, about from the city of Genoa, in the northwest of Italy. It is the most important Marian shrine in Liguria. The name “Guardia” in Italian means “watch”, and the shrine is so called because in the Middle Ages Mount Figogna was a strategic observation station for monitoring the movement of armies along the Valpolcevera and of ships on the sea in the approaches to Genoa. From the pavement in front of the shrine, on a clear day, it is possible to look over all the Polcevera valley below, part of the city of Genoa, and the Ligurian Riviera.
Among the most relevant examples there are the cathedrals of Sant'Antioco di Bisarcio (Ozieri), San Pietro di Sorres in Borutta, San Nicola di Ottana, the palatine chapel of Santa Maria del Regno of Ardara, the Santa Giusta Cathedral, Nostra Signora di Tergu, the Basilica di Saccargia in Codrongianos and Santa Maria di Uta and, of the 13th century, the cathedrals of Santa Maria di Monserrato (Tratalias) and San Pantaleo (Dolianova). As for military architecture, numerous castles to defend the territory were built during this period. At the beginning of the 14th century date the fortifications and towers of Cagliari, designed by Giovanni Capula. After their arrival in 1324, the Aragonese concentrated the first realizations in Cagliari; the oldest Catalan Gothic church in Sardinia is the shrine of Our Lady of Bonaria.
Melli was a painter of great visions, chromatism, and composition – at times, intimate in his pictorial expressions, at others strongly figurative. Exhibited permanently at the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna of Rome, two works are especially important in his production: La casa rossa (The Red House) (1923), a figurative painting that seems a precursor of Edward Hopper's style and much of the American production; and the sculpture Signora dal Cappello Nero (Lady with Black Hat) (1913), this too an anticipation of a parallel tridimensional experimentation by Italian artist Umberto Boccioni.Cf. Giovanni Lista, Le Futurisme : création et avant-garde, Éditions L'Amateur, Paris, 2001. Another work of profound intensity was Melli's last, dramatic self-portrait, painted the same month of his death and currently kept at the Portrait Gallery of Palazzo Pitti, in Florence.
Here he received the nickname lisca di pesce ("fishbone") because of his thin figure, that he will use as his signature during his career. In 1939 Jacovitti started working for the Florentine satirical magazine Il Brivido and, a year later, he began an almost 30 years long collaboration with Il Vittorioso, a Catholic comic magazine targeted at teenagers and young adults that only published Italian artists. There he created several characters: Pippo, Pertica e Palla, Oreste il guastafeste, Chicchiricchì, Cip l'arcipoliziotto and his nemesis Zagar, Giacinto corsaro dipinto, Jack Mandolino, La signora Carlomagno, adaptations of classic like Ali Baba and Don Quixote, and parodies of famous comics like L'onorevole Tarzan and Il mago Mandrago. During this period, he also contributed cartoons to the satirical weekly Il Travaso delle idee.
Seeing her busy with her fan, I proposed the Fan as a subject. In > tracing its origin she followed Pignotti and in describing its use she acted > and analyzed to us all the coquetry of the thing. She allowed herself no > pause… So extensive is her reading, that she can challenge any theme. One > morning, after other classical subjects had been sung, a Venetian count gave > her the boundless field of Apollonius Rhodius, in which she displayed a > minute acquaintance with all the Argonautick [sic] fable.Joseph Forsyth, > Remarks on Antiquities, Arts, and Letters, During an Excursion in Italy, in > the Years 1802 and 1803. Boston, Wells and Lilly, 1818. Print. P. 59. This improvisatrice (Signora Fantastici) and her rival La Bandettini were street performers, who would frequently pass a hat around before, during, and after improvisations, into which appreciative listeners would make donations.
The Nun of Monza Lucia is entrusted to the nun Gertrude, a strange and unpredictable noblewoman whose story is told in these chapters. A child of the most important family of the area, her father decided to send her to the cloisters for no other reason than to simplify his affairs: he wished to keep his properties united for his first-born, heir to the family's title and riches. As she grew up, she sensed that she was being forced by her parents into a life which would comport but little with her personality. However, fear of scandal, as well as manoeuvres and menaces from her father, induced Gertrude to lie to her interviewers in order to enter the convent of Monza, where she was received as la Signora ("the lady", also known as The Nun of Monza).
Luigia later worked in a small theater in Bologna. Haydn remained in contact with her, sending her money from time to time, and when in 1800 Haydn's wife Maria Anna died, Polzelli persuaded him to write the following promise: :I, the undersigned, promise to Signora Loisa Polzelli (in case I should consider marrying again) to take no wife other than said Loisa Polzelli, and should I remain a widower, I promise said Polzelli to leave her, after my death, a pension for life of three hundred gulden (in figures 300 fl.) in Viennese currency. Valid before any judge, I herewith set my hand and seal, There are a few more letters sending money.Source for this paragraph, including quotation: Robbins Landon and Jones 1988, 307 While Haydn kept to his promise and never remarried, Polzelli ultimately married a singer named Luigi Franchi.
She is now considered legendary by most scholars.Karin Pendle, Women and Music: A History (Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2001), 35. Adolfo Borgognoni first proposed that Nina was a fictional construct of male poets in 1891 and was soon followed by Giulio Bertoni.A Borgognoni, "La condanna capitale di una bella signora", Studi di letteratura storica (Bologna, 1891); G. Bertoni, Il Duecento (Milan: 1910), 78. Specifically Borgognoni thought she was invented by the successors of printer Filippo Giunti: essa [Nina] nacque in Firenze, nella officina degli Eredi di Filippo Giunti, l'anno del Signore 1527 ("this one [Nina] was born in Florence, in the office of the heirs of Filippo Giunti, the year of the Lord 1527").Paolo Malpezzi Price, "Uncovering Women's Writings: Two Early Italian Women Poets" , Journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association, 9 (1988), 3.
Felice della Rovere (c. 1483 – September 27, 1536), also known as Madonna Felice, was the illegitimate daughter of Pope Julius II. One of the most powerful women of the Italian Renaissance, she was born in Rome around 1483 to Lucrezia Normanni and Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere, later Pope Julius II. Felice was well educated, became accepted into close courtly circles of aristocratic families, and formed friendships with scholars and poets through her education and genuine interest in humanism. Through the influence of her father, including an arranged marriage to Gian Giordano Orsini, she wielded extraordinary wealth and influence both within and beyond the Roman Curia. In particular, she negotiated a peace between Julius II and the Queen of France, and held the position of Orsini Signora for over a decade following the death of her husband in 1517.
Chiesa di Nostra Signora del Suffragio e Santa Zita The Torre Littoria San Donato district is between Corso Francia, Corso Lecce, Corso Potenza, Via Nole, the Parco Dora and Corso Principe Oddone. It was populated since the medieval era, but becomes bigger during the 19th century, prospering around the canal Canale di San Donato, which does not exist any more, currently replaced by the central street of the district, Via San Donato. Buildings in the district are relatively recent (around 1820), except for the oldest group of small houses in the Brusachœr neighbourhood (Palazzo Forneris building) along Via Pacinotti near the small Piazza Paravia. The conservation of the street and of this old building influences the straightness of Via San Donato, which makes a slight curve to result in parallel with Via Pacinotti before ending in central Piazza Statuto square.
249–53, 280–84. Strozzi described her art as follows in 1644: > The action that gives soul, spirit, and existence to things must be governed > by the movements of the body, by gestures, by the face and by the voice, now > raising it, now lowering it, becoming enraged and immediately becoming calm > again; at times speaking hurriedly, at others slowly, moving the body now in > one, now in another direction, drawing in the arms, and extending them, > laughing and crying, now with little, now with much agitation of the hands. > Our Signora Anna is endowed with such lifelike expression that her responses > and speeches seem not memorized but born at the very moment. In sum, she > transforms herself completely into the person she represents, and seems now > a Thalia full of comic gaiety, now a Melpomene rich in tragic majesty.
In 1766, the Milanese aristocrat Tolomeo Trivulzio, at his death, devolved his belongings to the foundation of a shelter for the "poor old", to be housed in his own palace in the Verziere district (Via della Signora).I 100 anni della Baggina The hospital began functioning in 1768, and later became part of a larger charity association which also included the two main traditional orphanages of Milan, that of the Martinitt (for orphan boys) and that of the Stelline (for orphan girls). In the early 20th century the Trivulzio was relocated on the road connecting Milan to Baggio, and was thereafter nicknamed "the Baggina". In 1992, the Trivulzio received much media attention as a consequence of the Tangentopoli political scandal, as its president Mario Chiesa was the first politician to be arrested in the Mani Pulite trial.
Too Many Cooks was adapted for one of a series of Nero Wolfe films produced by the Italian television network RAI (Radiotelevisione Italiana). Directed by Giuliana Berlinguer from a teleplay by Belisario L. Randone, Nero Wolfe: Salsicce 'Mezzanotte' first aired February 23, 1971. The series of black-and- white telemovies stars Tino Buazzelli (Nero Wolfe), Paolo Ferrari (Archie Goodwin), Pupo De Luca (Fritz Brenner), Renzo Palmer (Inspector Cramer), Roberto Pistone (Saul Panzer), Mario Righetti (Orrie Cather) and Gianfranco Varetto (Fred Durkin). Other members of the cast of Salsicce 'Mezzanotte' include Corrado Annicelli (Servan), Carlo Bagno (Berin), Gianni Galavotti (Liggett), Loris Gizzi (Blanc), Evelina Gori (La signora Mondor), Guido Lazzarini (Mondor), Tana Li (Lio Coyne), Walter Maestosi (Vukcic), Giuseppe Mancini (Laszio), Enrico Osterman (Coyne), Luciana Scalise (Constance Berin), Paolo Todisco (Procuratore Tolman) and Halina Zalewska (Dina Laszio).
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Montallegro The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Montallegro (Italian: Santuario di Nostra Signora di Montallegro) is a major Marian sanctuary in the Province of Genoa, located on a hill (approx 612 meters above sea level) inland in Rapallo.Liguria: The italian riviera It was built - along with the annex shelter for pilgrims - in 1558 Madonnas That Maim: Popular Catholicism in Italy Since the Fifteenth Century thanks to the funds of the inhabitants. The current marble facade was built in 1896 by the Milanese architect Luigi Rovelli and opened with a solemn ceremony on June 21 of that year. Our Lady of Montallegro is the patroness of the city of Rapallo from 1739, when she was elected as the patron saint of the community rapallese, his Captaincy and the parishes of Santa Margherita Ligure.
Among his other notable works, are the larger than life busts of Amilcare Ponchielli and Victor Hugo (stucco, 1886 Exhibition of Fine Arts in Milan). He won a gold medal with honorable diploma at the Didactic and Industrial Exposition of Monza, and the extraordinary award outside of the contest at the Exposition regionale of Pavia. In this time, he was nominated, by contest, professor of modeling at the scuola superiore d'arte applicata all'industria in Milan. At the Exposition of Turin, in 1880, he exhibited seven bas-reliefs in porcelain depicting: six portraits and Conjugal Love, and in the next year at the Exposition of Milan, he exhibited a beautiful work, entitled: Volontario di un anno, a medal depicting the Madonna and Child, and a bust titled: Ingenua, and other two busts in stucco: the first, a Portrait of the Artist, the other a portrait of a Signora.
Giuseppe Zamponi also Gioseffo Zamponi (or Zamboni, Samponi, c.1615 - February 1662) was an Italian composer best remembered for his opera Ulisse all'isola di Circe performed in Brussels in 1650, which was the first opera performed in the low countries, at the time part of the Spanish ruled Southern Netherlands.Histoire du spectacle en Europe (1580-1750): Pierre Béhar, Helen Watanabe-O'Kelly - 1999 "Southern Netherlands: the Habsburg provinces The first opera produced in the Netherlands was Ulisse all' isola di Circe by the Italian composer Giuseppe Zamponi, staged at the Brussels court of Archduke Leopold Wilhelm, governor of the ..." Zamponi was born in Rome, and was the organist at Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore, then known as San Giacomo degli Spagnoli, in Rome's Piazza Navona, from 1629-1638, substituting for Paolo Tarditi (c.1580-1661). From 1638-1647 he was in the service of cardinal Pietro Maria Borghese (1599-1642).
It concerns the La Croce family – Signor Palmiro, a sulfur mine engineer, his forceful wife Signora Ignazia, and their four daughters, Mommina, Totina, Dorina, and Nenè – who have moved from Naples to the more socially conservative Sicily. The family is popular with a local company of air force officers, who love the mother and flirt with the daughters; however, this behavior earns the family the disapproval of the rest of the town, as well as of Rico Verri, one of the other officers. One night, Signor Palmiro is brought home bleeding by a cabaret singer whom he loves, after having been stabbed defending her honor, and dies. This having coincided with a fight among the actors as to how much they should keep to the script, the Old Comic Actor's entrance is ruined, and the actors, angry at Hinkfuss's meddling, throw him out of the theatre.
The Sisters were invited to duplicate their work in Rome in 1706, but the first experience there was a major failure, one which marked her deeply and caused her to wait six long years before regaining the trust of the authorities. On December 8, 1713, with the help of an abbot who was a good friend of the Venerini family, Venerini was able to open one of her schools in the center of Rome at the foot of the Campidoglio.Vatican News Service "Rosa Venerini" On October 24, 1716, they received a visit from Pope Clement XI, accompanied by eight Cardinals, who wanted to observe their lessons. Amazed and pleased, at the end of the morning he addressed these words to the foundress: “Signora Rosa, you are doing that which we cannot do. We thank you very much because with these schools you will sanctify Rome”.
The sanctuary The Brughiera sanctuary (Italian santuario di Nostra Signora della Brughiera) is a sanctuary devoted to the Virgin Mary in the comune of Trivero in northern Italy. Together with the Brugarola sanctuary in Ailoche, the Mazzucco Sanctuary in Camandona and the Banchette Sanctuary in Bioglio it is one of the minor sanctuaries of the Biellese territory, all connected by the ways CoEur - In the heart of European paths and Path of Saint Charles. Set at 800 m height, the sanctuary was built where the tradition says that the Madonna appeared to a mute shepherd girl, giving her the ability to speak. The complex is made by two churches: the bigger one, centre of the sanctuary, anda a smaller and ancient one, built in the 16th century on the ruins of a church of the XIV, where Fra Dolcino and his fellows camped out.
Among his sculptural works, almost all from 1865–1870, are Sappho (Palazzo Castellani, Rome), Ruth, and the statuettes Amore che cerca chi deve ferire and Alexander tames Bucephalus. Among his paintings are a Portrait of Queen Margherita (1878) at the Palazzo di Montecitorio; Portraits of the Borghese family; Portrait of Signora Liverani (1866, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Rome); Portrait of Marchese Ferrajoli; Portrait of his wife (1873); Diana and Actaeon; Dance and Tragedy for the Theater of Santiago de Chile; and two canvases for a church in Santiago: Ascencion of the Virgin and Crown of Thorns. He also painted frescoes in San Lorenzo in Lucina; frescoes in Santa Maria in Trastevere: San Romano Martyr; and the fresco on the portico of the Cemetery of Campo Verano: Moses' Curse: Death of the First-born of Egypt. At the Centennial Exhibition in 1876 in Philadelphia, Bompiani exhibited a Roman girl placing garlands on the bust of his father and the Suonatore di Tibia (Flutist).
Historical society of Nettuno "La Stella del Mare" commissioned University of Salento Dept of Engineering Radio carbon dating analysis report (in pdf format) There is also evidence in the Nettuno archives that a statue arrived there from Ipswich in 1550.Description (in Italian) of the history of the Madonna della Gracia statue at Nettuno's Shrine Basilica "Santuario Nostra Signora delle Grazie e Santa Maria Goretti" accessed 7-9-2014 It was classified as being in the English iconic style in 1938 by Martin Gillett, an historian of 13th century iconography. Although the statue had been altered (a throne had been replaced and the posture of the Christ child had changed), details such as the folds in the material and Christ's position on the right rather than the left knee suggest that the statue came from England. At the time of the bombardment of Anzio during the Second World War, Nettuno's statue was temporarily moved to Rome for safe keeping.
After Sampdoria failed to agree a deal with Milan to sign him outright, after losing Castellazzi to Inter Milan on a free transfer, Storari was sold to Juventus F.C. from Milan for a fee of €4.5 million on 23 June 2010, becoming the second signing of head coach Luigi Delneri and sports director Giuseppe Marotta, with whom he already had worked at Sampdoria. He signed a three-year contract effective on 1 July, providing cover for Gianluigi Buffon who sustained a back injury at the 2010 FIFA World Cup, and competed for a starting spot with Alex Manninger; Milan signed Marco Amelia on loan from Genoa C.F.C. on the same day, to act as his replacement. After the recovery of Buffon, Storari became second-choice again. Despite the backup role he did not leave the Vecchia Signora in the summer of 2011 to play more often, and instead extended his contract until 30 June 2014 in November.
The themes associated with the (leaving the body in spirit, possibly in the form of an animal; fighting for the fertility of the land; banqueting with a queen or goddess; drinking from and soiling wine casks in cellars) are found repeatedly in other testimonies: from the of the Pyrenees, from the followers of Signora Oriente in 14th century Milan and the followers of Richella and "the wise Sibillia" in 15th century Northern Italy, and much further afield, from Livonian werewolves, Dalmatian kresniki, Serbian zduhaćs, Hungarian táltos, Romanian căluşari and Ossetian burkudzauta. Historian Carlo Ginzburg posits a relationship between the cult and the shamanism of the Baltic and Slavic cultures, a result of diffusion from a central Eurasian origin, possibly 6,000 years ago. This explains, in his opinion, the similarities between the Italian cult and a distant case in Livonia concerning a benevolent werewolf. In 1692 in Jürgensburg, Livonia, an area near the Baltic Sea, an old man named Theiss was tried for being a werewolf.
Their closest neighbour is a sprightly Italian widow, Signora Angiolina, who helps them navigate their way through the intricacies of social life in their neighbourhood, as well as the Dada family who own several acres of vineyards and cook stupendous meals whenever the Newbys visit them at the Casa Dada. There is a very colourful description of the vendemmia, the annual grape harvest, during which Eric is roped into lifting bigonci, large barrel-shaped vessels full of crushed grapes, that nearly break his shoulder. Although the work is hard, there are merenda, consisting of huge outside picnics at which copious quantities of food are eaten, last year's wine drunk and bawdy gossip exchanged between the contadini. Another interesting description is when the Newbys join their neighbours in the annual funghi harvest in a very bountiful year, managing to gather ten full baskets between the four of them (less successful is a harvesting of wild asparagus when Eric forgets his bifocals and cannot see anything).
He inscribed seven of the great red granite Roman columns of the caldarium with the names in his list of Seven Archangels: the three familiar ones, Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel, with the archangels specific to Eastern Orthodoxy:Sicily had been a Byzantine possession until the Muslim Arab conquest of 827-902. Selaphiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel and Uriel. His beseeching letter of 13 November 1546 to Signora Lucrezia della Rovere-Colonnaon-line text of the letter to intercede with Paul III on behalf of the project survives: it must have been one among many. In 1543 he combined a pilgrimage to the Santa Casa di Loreto with a trip to Venice to have the booklet of his liturgy printed, with prayers and images of the angels and while he was there commissioned a copy of the mosaic in the Basilica of San Marco depicting the Virgin among the Seven Angels,The painting hangs at the centre of the apse of Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri.
Other historians, including Carlo Ginzburg, Éva Pócs, Bengt Ankarloo and Gustav Henningsen hold that these testimonies can give insights into the belief systems of the accused. Ginzburg famously discovered records of a group of individuals in northern Italy, calling themselves benandanti, who believed that they went out of their bodies in spirit and fought amongst the clouds against evil spirits to secure prosperity for their villages, or congregated at large feasts presided over by a goddess, where she taught them magic and performed divinations. Ginzburg links these beliefs with similar testimonies recorded across Europe, from the armiers of the Pyrenees, from the followers of Signora Oriente in fourteenth century Milan and the followers of Richella and 'the wise Sibillia' in fifteenth century northern Italy, and much further afield, from Livonian werewolves, Dalmatian kresniki, Hungarian táltos, Romanian căluşari and Ossetian burkudzauta. In many testimonies these meetings were described as out-of-body, rather than physical, occurrences.
His son Giovanni became a lawyer and was promoted by King Alfonso to the office of "Avocato Fiscale del Regno". Giovanni's son Giacomo became several times "Capitano" and "Ciurato".Mugnos King Ladislas sent to Calabria Nicola Cimini as deputy treasurer for the whole of the duchyCutolo, 1969 Among the important families of Rome in 1500, the Cimini family is mentioned, living in the Colonna region.Gregorovius, page 778 Among the noble families of Vico Equense the family of Cimini is registered in 1671.Galeota 1671, page 125 A branch of this family achieved sovereign privileges 10 March 1586, in Taranto, and also recorded as "Patrizia" there. Tommasso Cimini was recorded coming to Lucera in 1605, where he married Barbara Tauro, of a distinguished Luceran family, and had their son Giuseppe. The family is mentioned in the "Capella gentilizia de Signora Cimino nella Chiesa de PP. Cappoccini di Lucera".Troyli 1752 page 116 On 27 October 1788, a branch of the Cimino family were created as Marquis of terra di Casolla Valenzano.
At page 455 of Discorso Storico nella Opulenta Città di Alcamo by Ignazio De Blasi (historian), edited copy, you can textually read: n°9- Nel recinto delle mura di questo convento ritrovasi l'oratorio della Compagnia dell'Immacolata Concezione di Maria, la quale nella di lui chiesa tiene anche; la sua cappella fabbricata a spese dei confrati a cagione dell'aggregazione fatta con questo Convento negli atti del notar Filippo Mercadante, nel 1 luglio, 8 ind. 1595, o 9 ind.1596; dietro di che la fondazione di questa Compagnia allora Confraternita colla sua Cappella si effettuò per pubblico atto in Notar Antonino Vaccaro li 9 Gennaio Xind. 1596. In detta Cappella vi è il quadro dell'Immacolata Signora con cornice di marmo rosso e nel tetto di essa Cappella vi sono 34 quadri dei Santi, e nel mezzo vi è altro quadro di Maria SS. Immacolata con sua cornice dorata, il quale tetto si coprì di detti quadri nell'anno 1613, a spese delli confrati della Concezione, avendo fatto fare ognuno il suo quadro per devozione con scrivergli anche il suo nome.
TIME Magazine. Miracle Business October 3, 1949 and prohibited Fr. Georges-Henri Lévesque from sitting on Parliament in 1955, fearing that a priest with such a position would bring embarrassment to the Church.TIME Magazine. The Church Said No February 7, 1955 Participating in the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), Roy was created Cardinal-Priest of Nostra Signora del Ss. Sacramento e Santi Martiri Canadesi by Pope Paul VI in the consistory of February 22, 1965. He was named the first President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity and of that for Justice and Peace on January 6, 1967, and then first President of Family on January 11, 1973. As President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity and of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, it was to Roy, that Pope Paul VI addressed his apostolic letter of 14 May 1971, Octogesima adveniens commemorating the eightieth anniversary of Rerum novarum and discussing the role of the laity and local churches in responding to situations of injustices.
Santa Cristina holy well of Paulilatino, tholos Gothic portal of the Cathedral of Alghero Facade of Nostra Signora di Tergu (SS) Interior of San Pietro di Sorres, Borutta (SS) Of the prehistoric architecture in Sardinia there are numerous testimonies such as the domus de janas (hypogeic tombs), the Giants' grave, the megalithic circles, the menhirs, the dolmens and the well temples; however, the element that more than any other characterizes the Sardinian prehistoric landscape are the nuraghe; the remains of thousands of these Bronze Age buildings of various types (simple and complex) are still visible today. There are also numerous traces left by the Phoenicians and Punics who introduced new urban forms on the coasts. The Romans gave a new administrative structure to the whole island through the restructuring of several cities, the creation of new centers and the construction of many infrastructures of which the ruins remain, such as the palace of Re Barbaro in Porto Torres or the Roman Amphitheatre of Cagliari. Even from the early Christian and Byzantine epoch there are several testimonies throughout the territory both on the coasts and inside, especially linked to buildings of worship.
Fabio Quagliarella, back at Torino after nine years In the 2014–15 season Torino returned to one of the major European competitions after two decades, with a new starting line in attack: the club sold its attacking duo of the previous year, Alessio Cerci and Ciro Immobile, replacing them with Fabio Quagliarella (who grew up playing for Torino and returned after nine years) and Amauri. In the winter transfer window, Maxi López was added. The rest of the squad would see, primarily, the additions of Cristian Molinaro and Bruno Peres. In Serie A, the team had a subdued start perhaps caused by the departure of the attack during the summer; in particular, the unfortunate loss in the derby on 30 November (1–2) at Juventus Stadium in injury time despite a numerical advantage and the goal of Peres, a coast to coast effort, running with the ball for 80 metres, which ended Torino's goal drought in the derby after 12 long years. After a turnaround in the league and 12 consecutive useful results obtained (thanks to the excellent performance of the central defender Kamil Glik), on 26 April 2015, Torino won the derby 2–1 against La Vecchia Signora for the first time in 20 years.
Other boarders at No 5 Bury Road include the stage acrobat Maimie and her Japanese husband Tick Ling; Win and Connie who are looking for affluent husbands and who fill the bathroom with drying stockings and underwear; Margaret, who dies after a botched abortion, and Myra Nelson, an aspiring ballet dancer who tries to keep the fact she is married secret from her employer, dance instructor the Signora. Initially keen to make changes to the newspaper by introducing innovative ideas such as a Woman's Column, Poppy soon discovers that the Downingham Post is deeply entrenched in the past and tradition, always including the same features and style of reporting the news because its readers don't like change and feel comfortable with the familiar format. Her attempts at court reporting were not wholly successful with the editor, the middle-aged bachelor Mr Pellet, who is convinced that he knows what the Post's readers want. After a murder scare at No 5 Bury Road and a night at the fair with Mr Pellet, Poppy eventually has to leave the paper after removing a small article from the press to protect her fellow lodger, Myra, because it reveals she is secretly married to an army deserter.

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