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28 Sentences With "shows contempt for"

How to use shows contempt for in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "shows contempt for" and check conjugation/comparative form for "shows contempt for". Mastering all the usages of "shows contempt for" from sentence examples published by news publications.

In its glibness it shows contempt for Gray as a journalist.
At home he shows contempt for the U.S. Constitution and democracy.
Like his Latin American populist cousins, Mr. Trump shows contempt for the news media.
"Lee Zeldin's record on women's health is abysmal, and he shows contempt for women's equality," Gershon said.
But rejecting Trump shows contempt for the people who voted for him, and the system that produced him.
Democrats say the White House's resistance shows contempt for Congress, long-accepted traditions of governance and an open flouting of the Constitution.
Scholars across the political spectrum say Mr. Trump shows contempt for the First Amendment, separation of powers and the rule of law.
Yes, they should use their majority in the House to scrutinise a president who shows contempt for the norms that have constrained past presidents.
Weaponizing the confirmation process not only shows contempt for the process, but it damages the function and integrity of all three branches of government.
The real shocker is that many Republicans enthusiastically endorsed a candidate who shows contempt for the Constitution and proposes to replace our democracy with a theocratic state.
A Democratic member of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) said in a dissenting opinion, published Thursday ahead of a contentious FCC vote, that repealing net neutrality regulations shows "contempt" for citizens who spoke up against it.
He shows contempt for the norms that, to varying degrees, constrained past presidents—whether by refusing to release his tax returns, mixing official and private business, or bullying officials working in, say, the justice department who should be independent.
Trump is adopting a strategy of all out resistance to sweeping Democratic efforts to use their House majority to investigate his conduct and his administration in a way that critics charge shows contempt for Congress and its constitutional role.
I think that that's a problem because it seems like there are laws that have been violated, but I also think it's a problem because it shows contempt for the public, many of whom filed on this because they wanted us to listen.
WASHINGTON — Donald J. Trump's blustery attacks on the press, complaints about the judicial system and bold claims of presidential power collectively sketch out a constitutional worldview that shows contempt for the First Amendment, the separation of powers and the rule of law, legal experts across the political spectrum say.
President Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpFacebook releases audit on conservative bias claims Harry Reid: 'Decriminalizing border crossings is not something that should be at the top of the list' Recessions happen when presidents overlook key problems MORE shows contempt for the rule of law and violates rules to protect himself and his family.
At a time when President Trump talks about the United States being "locked and loaded," betrays a fascination with nukes, shows contempt for the law, and equates American greatness with American military power above all (compare what's happening to budgets at the State Department and the Pentagon), a reminder is in order.
"The fact that he has already begun advising the EPA administrator shows contempt for the committee's role in his nomination process and more importantly a profound disrespect to the families who are terrified about what toxic chemicals are going to do to their children's health," Gillibrand said, calling for the EPA to cut ties with Dourson until the Senate could vote on him.
Electors should consider whether Trump's repeated false statements denying Russian attacks against our democracy — when intelligence agencies firmly believe Russia is also attacking democratic systems across Europe — raises a grave danger of his becoming a post-truth president in a fake news world where he shows contempt for highly knowledgeable and courageous intelligence officers and imagines his own fake intelligence that would endanger American security.
It is endowed with a prize of 30,000 euros. Candidates for the award are presented by the members of a jury, or by entities related to the pertinent artistic or cultural activities, through reasoned proposals addressed to the Minister of Culture or to the jurors themselves. In 2010 the artist Santiago Sierra rejected the award, claiming his independence from a state which shows "contempt for the mandate to work for the common good".
Despite being a faculty child herself, she lives outside the premises and shows contempt for the school and its arrogant professors. She works for the university to steer away frequent avalanches, and is incensed when Niemans implies she might withhold evidence to protect the school. She tells him that anyone with good equipment could've hoisted the body up the cliff, and brushes off his obvious attraction. Niemans breaks into the dead librarian's office and finds details on the faculty history.
Like most characters on the show, Tommy is unaware of Mr. Pickles' evil nature. At one point in season two, Mr. Pickles spends most of the episode away from Tommy; this results in Tommy getting involved in a series of accidents, causing him to scorn Mr. Pickles and not give him a pickle. However, in Season 3's opening, he returns to his friendly nature after finding his grandmother Agnes. Agnes, however, shows contempt for Tommy, calling him a stupid boy even while pretending to be amnesiac.
Isaac is sexist, shows contempt for Native American culture and cuts corners in dangerous ways. He constantly belittles Jake, who didn’t tell his father the truth about himself because he knew that Isaac would see anything less than chasing the family business as a betrayal. The lies Isaac told to get this drilling project going unleashed Okonote, a deadly shapeshifter: “So many lies from one man,” the creature says. Jacob reveals himself to his father, who says “ You're my son and I love you,” and hugs him.
He also plays the piano.Chapter 68, page 19 As of chapter 177, he has replaced Kaname Izuma as student council president. :At first, he shows contempt for Ishiyama's students and seeks a confrontation with Oga in the first opportunity. At the point, Oga's thoughts are of forcing baby Beel on him; knowing that fighting back means expulsion, he decides to take Alex' punches at first, while testing him with trivia questions in order to show baby Beel that he is not only strong but clever, with comic effect.
The Baroness tends to try to set both herself and Destro up as Cobra's leaders, and shows contempt for other members of Cobra, such as Cobra Commander, Tomax and Xamot and the Dreadnoks. She is not directly involved in the plot to create Serpentor in Season Two, but is later seen loyal to him. In the episode "Worlds Without End", the Joes encounter an alternate reality in which Cobra rules the United States and G.I. Joe has been all but wiped out. In that reality, the Baroness is a double agent, Steeler's lover, and the only surviving Joe.
To the horror of his staff and others, and acting at the expense of his own moral convictions, Anton treats the man. He does demand, however, that no weapons, and only two of his guards, be allowed inside the hospital. The warlord's leg seems to slowly heal and Anton barely tolerates his presence in the camp, but after the warlord shows contempt for one of his victims, Anton drags him away from the clinic, allowing him to be beaten to death by local people. In Denmark, Christian and Elias decide to make a bomb to destroy the mechanic's car, on a Sunday morning so that no passers-by might be hurt.
On 12 October 2018, Gallagher praised Higgins calling him an "inspiring politician", that the people of Ireland were tired of negative politics, and that Gallagher wanted to "succeed Michael D, not replace". On 10 October 2018, the Irish Times when reviewing the candidates campaign videos, described Gallagher's video as an "electrifying exercise in grand patriotic baloney", and that it was "Fashioned lovingly from the finest garbage". On 15 October 2018, the Irish Times reported Gallagher wrote to Higgins in the Aras regarding his inability to attend all televised debates calling Higgins "insulting to the people of Ireland and shows contempt for the integrity of our electoral process". The final major opinion poll before the election placed Gallagher second, but his polling had fallen to 11%, with Higgins at 69%.
Importantly, Maimonides, while enumerating the above, added the following caveat: "There is no difference between [the Biblical statement] 'his wife was Mehithabel' [Genesis 10,6] on the one hand [i. e., an "unimportant" verse], and 'Hear, O Israel' on the other [i. e., an "important" verse]... anyone who denies even such verses thereby denies God and shows contempt for his teachings more than any other skeptic, because he holds that the Torah can be divided into essential and non-essential parts..." The uniqueness of the 13 fundamental beliefs was that even a rejection out of ignorance placed one outside Judaism, whereas the rejection of the rest of Torah must be a conscious act to stamp one as an unbeliever. Others, such as Rabbi Joseph Albo and the Raavad, criticized Maimonides' list as containing items that, while true, in their opinion did not place those who rejected them out of ignorance in the category of heretic.

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