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22 Sentences With "shown mercy"

How to use shown mercy in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "shown mercy" and check conjugation/comparative form for "shown mercy". Mastering all the usages of "shown mercy" from sentence examples published by news publications.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
If I had shown mercy to these people, the nation would have been lost.
Bach then reels off examples where Eichmann took pains to prevent any person from being spared or shown mercy.
For the UAE it's a matter of national pride that they caught a "spy" but have shown mercy to a friend.
Some of those deaths are framed as punchlines, such as one character who denies she should be shown mercy just because she's female.
He not only makes his victims abundantly aware of when they're being shown mercy, but he taunts them openly about their situation, promising to fix it — so long as they kneel.
Shouldn't he have shown mercy in this matter and let the Raps save face after a year where they really did everything they could to be the best they could possibly be?
In 2007 Chapman released his autobiography, You Can Run But You Can't Hide (co-written with Laura Morton). The book debuted at #1 on the New York Times bestseller list. His second book, Where Mercy Is Shown, Mercy Is Given was published in 2010, also co-authored with Morton.
According to sources it is said that on this night the Doors of Mercy and Forgiveness are opened wide, But According to sources, there is some special "Not Dos" for this night; For example, One who creates disunity among two Muslims & The person who unjustly takes away the right and property of another Muslim and has not yet rectified himself, these persons are not shown Mercy on this auspicious Night.
After seven months, when the city's inhabitants had been reduced to eating weeds and heather, the city surrendered (July 11, 1573). Most of the 1,600 surviving defenders were put to death and 400 leading citizens were executed. Those that were spared were shown mercy only because they agreed to pay a fine of 250,000 guilders, a sizable sum even by today's standards. This was considered the last and most costly victory of Alva's regime.
A husband and wife, John and Sarah Makin, were baby farmers and a one month old child died within 2 days after being given to them. They were charged with murdering the child and burying it in their backyard. During their trial evidence of twelve other babies found buried in the backyards of their previous residences was offered as evidence. On 9 March 1893 both were convicted, and recommended that Sarah Makin be shown mercy.
If the condemned repented, they were shown mercy by being garroted before their corpse was burned; if not, they were burned alive. Frequently, cases were judged in absentia, and when the accused died before the trial finished, the condemned were burned in effigy. The distribution of the punishments varied considerably over time. It is believed that sentences of death were enforced in the first stages within the long history of the Inquisition.
The name of Hosea's daughter, Lo-ruhamah, which translates as 'not pitied', is chosen as a sign of displeasure with the people of Israel for following false gods. (In Hosea 2:23 she is redeemed, shown mercy with the term Ruhamah.) The name of Hosea's son, Lo-ammi, which translates as 'not my people', is chosen as a sign of the Lord's displeasure with the people of Israel for following those false gods (see Hosea 1:8–9).
These men controlled and savaged the northern parts of the Faroe Islands for a long time. This is one of the most important separatist tales of the Faroe Islands. The more intelligent Sjúrður við Kellingará was forced to go the more militant way of rebellion by Høgni Nev and Hálvdan Ulvsson, who were more criminally-minded than Sjúrður við kellingará. All four men were later caught and sentenced to death, but Sjúrður við kellingará was shown mercy and granted amnesty.
He stated that "we recognize the State of Israel of 1948 but not that of 1967. It is the state of Israel that fails to recognize, respect, or defer to the internationally lawful Israeli state of 1948. Israel wants more; more water and more villages", adding that Israel already has ceased to exist. He finishes his op-ed by envisioning a future in which the Israelis are the refugees, but hoping that they will be shown mercy: > Peace and free passage for the evacuating, civilian population no longer > protected by a State.
Later, Shi-bi and Ike Mese were shown mercy, and the emperor restored their reputation and property.. This failure was the last expedition in Kublai Khan's reign. Majapahit, in contrast, became the most powerful state of its era in the region.. Kublai Khan planned another invasion of Java with 100,000 strong army, but this plan was cancelled after his death. Travellers passing the region, such as Ibn Battuta and Odoric of Pordenone, however noted that Java had been attacked by the Mongols several times, always ending in failure. Gunung Butak inscription from 1294 mentions Aria Adikara intercepting a further Mongol invasion and successfully defeating it before landing in Java.
The television series led to a 2007 autobiographical book, You Can Run But You Can't Hide, which chronicles Chapman's years before becoming a bounty hunter and some of his more infamous hunts, including the controversial hunt that took him and his team to Mexico to capture serial rapist Andrew Luster. It also delves into his criminal past as well as his family background, imprisonment in Texas, marriages and children. A second book, Where Mercy Is Shown, Mercy Is Given, was published in 2009. Its title reflects Chapman's overriding philosophy of second chances, which he writes about at length as he asks the public for a second chance of his own.
Sjúrður við kellingar was shown mercy and amnesty, but the story goes that he could not live with the crimes that he and the others had committed under their "little" rebellion and asked to be executed with the other Floksmenn. Because the harbour of Fugloy is not protected by breakwaters, it has stopped any form of economic growth since the early 20th century. The island's only income has been agriculture and some fishing, but also the famous catching of birds such as the puffin has been used on Fugloy to this day. The Faroese parliament has tried to work out plans for the future of the island, such as the island getting electricity in the 1960s.
The last great deployments of peninsular mercenaries in the Second Punic War were in the territorial defense of Carthage. Taking command of 4000 Celtiberians from the Ilergete revolt previously sent by Mago, Hasdrubal Gisco and Syphax clashed with the invading Romans led by Scipio in the Battle of the Great Plains. The encounter was bitter to both the Celtiberians and Scipio, as the former had shown mercy to them in Hispania despite their allegiance to Indibilis and Mandonius, so the mercenaries knew the Roman general would not spare them a second time. Consequently, when the mercenaries found themselves being characteristically the last Carthaginian force standing in the battle, most chose to fight to the end and died in their posts.
McCoy responds that, with the lengthy prosecution process and opportunities for the defendant to appeal the verdict, the probability of wrongful execution is unlikely. Kincaid asks McCoy if he is able to accept the probability of "unlikely"; his hesitation indicates that he has never considered the possibility. In later seasons, his view towards the death penalty has apparently changed: in season 18's "Executioner", he is deeply troubled hearing of a gruesomely botched execution in South Carolina, and in season 20's "Four Cops Shot", he resists efforts by a U.S. attorney to prosecute a suspect in the murder of a police officer under a federal death penalty statute. He has shown mercy on occasion, such as the 1997 episode "Burned" in which he prosecutes Terence Lawlor (Sam Huntington), a teenage boy with bipolar disorder, for murdering his sister.
Although there are many minor differences between the broadcast pilot and the cinema release, the most notable is the fact that, in the film version, Baltar is executed by the Cylons, whereas, in the television version, he is held for public execution before later being shown mercy by the Cylons, and going on to be a major character on the television series.The Different Versions of the Battlestar Galactica Pilot EpisodeBattlestar Galactica (1978) (TV) – Alternate versions The made for TV version included a scene of Starbuck & Athena in her quarters, which more significantly established their relationship early in the story. The Cylons in the theater release versions were living creatures in armor suits, not robots (rumor has it the censors allowed them to blow up more Cylon ships on TV if they were robots). There were more aliens in the casino on the planet Carillon in the theater version (the motivation to replace some of the aliens with humans might have been to make it less like the cantina scene in Star Wars).

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