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21 Sentences With "show an association between"

How to use show an association between in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for "show an association between" and check conjugation/comparative form for "show an association between". Mastering all the usages of "show an association between" from sentence examples published by news publications.

The new findings show "an association between genetics and the pharmacokinetics of the medication," not between genetics and unintended pregnancy, Scott said.
Ultimately, this was an observational study and it can only show an association between diet soda and these conditions, not that it caused them.
Because it was observational, it was only able to show an association between fitness levels, white matter integrity and executive function — not a cause-and-effect relationship.
" Meanwhile, the Food and Drug Administration's official stance is "that the weight of scientific evidence does not show an association between exposure to radio frequency from cellphones and adverse health outcomes.
And even though it controlled for a variety of influencing factors, the study was only able to show an association between sauna frequency and blood pressure—not a cause-and-effect relationship.
They say available human evidence does show an association between glyphosate and non-Hodgkin lymphoma; while significant carcinogenic effects are seen in laboratory animals for rare kidney and other types of tumors.
The cross-sectional studies that show an association between exercise and better mental health cannot actually show causality, and being depressed or otherwise affected by mental health problems might stop a person from exercising.
The study, published Thursday in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, was a meta analysis and review of existing studies on the topic, and can only show an association between drinking and birth defects, not a causation.
While the new study does show an association between direct dispensing laws and lower rates of overdose deaths, it doesn't prove that the laws caused the reduction in deaths, said Dr. Michael Lynch, medical director of the Pittsburgh Poison Center at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in Pennsylvania.
There is accumulating evidence for PCC dysfunction underlying many childhood/adolescent-onset mental disorders. Further, anxiety disorder patients show an association between increased extinction–related PCC activity and greater symptom severity. PCC dysfunction may also play a role in anxiety disorders during adolescence.
Studies show an association between heavy precipitation and higher incidence of reported WNV. Likewise, wind is another environmental factor that serves as a dispersal mechanism for mosquitoes. Mosquitoes have extremely wide environmental tolerances and a nearly ubiquitous geographical distribution, being present on all major land masses except Antarctica and Iceland. Nevertheless, changes in climate and land use on ecological timescales can variously expand or fragment their distribution patterns, raising consequent concerns for human health.
Maternal obesity has also been found to be a risk factor for NTDs. Studies have shown that both maternal cigarette smoking and maternal exposure to secondhand smoke increased the risk for neural tube defects in offspring. A mechanism by which maternal exposure to cigarette smoke could increase NTD risk in offspring is suggested by several studies that show an association between cigarette smoking and elevations of homocysteine levels. Cigarette smoke during pregnancy, including secondhand exposure, can increase the risk of neural tube defects.
There are variable results in between the effects of oxytocin on paternal care between males of different species. Oxytocin levels are unchanged in California mice before and after becoming fathers, but the amount of paternal exposure to rats is associated with an increase in oxytocin and increased care. However, multiple studies on biparental species show an association between paternal care and oxytocin. Since the species in these studies are biparental, excluding rats, it is unclear as to why California mice do not have a change in oxytocin postpartum.
The onset of alcohol dementia can occur as early as age 30, although it is far more common that the dementia will reveal itself anywhere from age 50 to 70. The onset and the severity of this type of dementia is directly correlated to the amount of alcohol that a person consumes over their lifetime. Epidemiological studies show an association between long-term alcohol intoxication and dementia. Alcohol can damage the brain directly as a neurotoxin, or it can damage it indirectly by causing malnutrition, primarily a loss of thiamine (vitamin B1).
In other situations, harassment may lead to temporary or prolonged stress or depression depending on the recipient's psychological abilities to cope and the type of harassment and the social support or lack thereof for the recipient. Harnois and Bastos (2018) show an association between women's perceptions of workplace sexual harassment and self-reported physical health. Psychologists and social workers report that severe or chronic sexual harassment can have the same psychological effects as rape or sexual assault.Koss, Mary P. "Changed Lives: The Psychological Impact of Sexual Harassment." in Ivory Power: Sexual Harassment On Campus.
An ecological analysis that studied 956 Danish children diagnosed with autism likewise did not show an association between autism and thiomersal. A retrospective cohort study on 109,863 children in the United Kingdom found no association between TCVs and autism, but a possible increased risk for tics. Analysis in this study also showed a possible protective effect with respect to general developmental disorders, attention- deficit disorder, and otherwise unspecified developmental delay. Another UK study based on a prospective cohort of 13,617 children likewise found more associated benefits than risks from thiomersal exposure with respect to developmental disorders.
In 1951 the Leonards sold Hereford House to the McCormacks. It has been claimed the McCormack, a Mayor of Glebe occupied this house since the 1920s and used the premises as a transport depot in his capacity as a growers agent. The stables at the rear of the property are claimed to have accommodated draught horses which were used to transport produce from the railway at Darling Harbour to the city markets. While the property may have been used in this way there is no primary evidence to show an association between it and the McCormacks before the 1950s.
In contrast to traditional methods of drug discovery (known as forward pharmacology), which rely on trial-and-error testing of chemical substances on cultured cells or animals, and matching the apparent effects to treatments, rational drug design (also called reverse pharmacology) begins with a hypothesis that modulation of a specific biological target may have therapeutic value. In order for a biomolecule to be selected as a drug target, two essential pieces of information are required. The first is evidence that modulation of the target will be disease modifying. This knowledge may come from, for example, disease linkage studies that show an association between mutations in the biological target and certain disease states.
Loss of the amount of mtDNA present in the mitochondria can lead to a whole subset of diseases known as mitochondrial depletion syndromes (MDDs) which affect the liver, central and peripheral nervous systems, smooth muscle and hearing in humans. There have been mixed, and sometimes conflicting, results in studies that attempt to link mtDNA copy number to the risk of developing certain cancers. Studies have been conducted that show an association between both increased and decreased mtDNA levels and the increased risk of developing breast cancer. A positive association between increased mtDNA levels and an increased risk for developing kidney tumors has been observed but there does not appear to be a link between mtDNA levels and the development of stomach cancer.
Examples of treatments used by patients include dietary supplementation and regimens such as vitamin D, calcium, vitamin B12, and antioxidants. The rationale behind the use of Vitamin D supplementation is that studies show an association between vitamin D deficiency and increasing progression of MS, as well as the anti- inflammatory effects of vitamin D. However available evidence suggests vitamin D supplementation, irrespective of the form and dose used, provides no apparent benefit for people with MS for measures such as relapse recurrence of , disability worsening and MRI lesions while effects on health‐related quality of life and fatigue are unclear. For antioxidant therapy, studies have shown that reactive oxidative species lead to the formation of multiple sclerosis lesions in which antioxidants can help induce neuroprotective and immunomodulatory effects. Probably the most clear disease modifying factor (for worse) is smoking, and therefore to quit smoking should be considered.
Pelosi concluded "I honestly believe, having read it so carefully and tried to find alternative interpretations, that this is fraudulent work." The publications under discussion were criticized, among other things, for the reason that Eysenck's research work was partly financed by the tobacco industry and he therefore may have had an interest to show an association between personality and cancer (instead of an association of smoking and cancer). Statement of Eysenck in 1990: “Note that I have never stated that cigarette smoking is not causally related to cancer and coronary heart disease; to deny such a relationship would be irresponsible and counter to the evidence. I have merely stated that the available evidence is insufficient to prove a causal relationship, and this I believe to be true.” In his statement at the time, Eysenck failed to take into account the highly addictive effect of nicotine, which was only later clearly proven by neurophysiological studies.

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